Portfolio urban planning Marina Merlin

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MARINA L. MERLIN Architect and Urbanist

Urban Design Urban Guidelines for the Implementation of the Sorocaba Inter-modal Terminal

Graduation Final Work - Architecture and Urbanism “Diretrizes Urbanas para Implantação do Terminal Intermodal de Sorocaba” Urban Guidelines for the Implementation of the Sorocaba Inter-modal Terminal

March-December - 2014 You can find the this work on: https://issuu.com/marinalememerlin/stacks

UNICAMP - University of Campinas

FEC - Civil Engineering and Architecture and Urbanism


Prof. Dr. Sidney Piochi Bernardini



Domicílios Particulares Urbanos - 2010 Cidades da Região Metropolitana de Sorocaba Sede da RMS - Sorocaba

Tietê Salto

Cerquilho Cesário Lange

Porto Feliz


Araçariguama Itu

Tatuí Iperó


Capela do Alto Araçoiaba da Serra


Mairinque Alumínio

São Roque

Votorantim Sarapuí

Salto de Pirapora

Situação da RMS no Estado de São Paulo


São Miguel Arcanjo


São Paulo - Brasil


Pilar do Sul


Nome do Mapa: Cidades da Região Metropolitana de Sorocaba

Ano: 2014 Fonte: Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul Nº do Mapa: 01 Escala: 10Km

Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba

Itu at the city, this final graduation work With a careful and directed look SP aims to establish075urban guidelines for the implementation of an Intermodal Long Distance Terminal in Sorocaba, so that it consolidates in a direct strategic point of entry and exit of the city without disconnecting from the center. This intention seeks to enhance and interconnect the SP public and private public transportation resources of the city, without 280 losing the systems independency, acting in a complementary way to Araçariguama rocaba each other, in favor of urbanMairinque health. Sorocaba is a municipality of the State of São Paulo - Brazil, whose population, according to URBES (2014) (Sococaba Urban traffi transporAlumínio Sãoc and Roque tation agency), is more than 600,000 inhabitants. While the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba has an average demographic density of 183.83 Hab Votorantim / Km², the municipality has a density of 1352.31 Hab / Km², seven times

greater than the metropolitan average. In past few years, it has been trough a transitory process from an industrial city to a city that generates technology and services, showing an increase in the participation of services in the city’s employment scenario, which already surpasses industry.

Due to its economic importance in the region, Sorocaba represents the largest pole of attraction of inter-municipal travel in the region. The number of cities that have people who travels to Sorocaba is very large, there are more than 250 cities and about 600 trips between arrivals and departures daily (URBES, 2014). Such a scenario in the city’s current road system intensifies Sorocaba, like the other Brazilian metropolitan cities, presents a logic of and compromises urban mobility, as the current bus terminal is located in centripetal urban expansion, so that the center of the city, which, in the the old center of the city. past, already had a large residential occupation, now it has predominantly commerce and services in the same urban mesh of origin, suffering daily The Sorocaba city’s “Rodocenter” bus terminal is handicapped by overloadfrom the pendulum movement Mobility, since the tendency of the popula- ing the city’s main thoroughfares with both intra-urban and inter-city comtion is to spread to the periphery. In addition, today, Brazil has a high rate of muting. Therefore, this work aims to remove the fleet of road buses that motorization in cities and this leads to complicated traffic, accidents and pass through these routes, freeing them for urban public transport and other air pollution. This means a great loss to the population in terms of health, modes, including the automobile. Firstly, the intention of this final undergraduate work was to develop the arquality of life and use of public resources.

Porto Feliz

Rodovia C


astelo B


Densidade Populacional de Sorocaba por Regiões

SP - 097



Av. Itavuvú

- Boit



AT Éden sé . Jo


ia S dov o R



Rod .


AT Itavuvú AT Ipanema

e io d

C elso Ch a r u ri

Norte I p e ró

Aveni d a a uv


da d e

m an do P a nnzio n

AT Ipiranga

Araçoiaba da Serra

Term. Santo Antônio

Term. Rodoviário


poso Ta Rod. Ra


s rae


st (Ca

Mairinque Leste

Paulo São Av.

Term. São Paulo AT Nogueira Padilha


AT Brigadeiro Tobias


Situação de Sorocaba na RMS



- 079 B R27 2



Ar Av.




SP - 079


t ra

Até 599 (hab/km²) De 600 a 999 (hab/km²) De 1000 a 3999 (hab/km²) De 4000 a 6999 (hab/km²) A partir de 7000 (hab/km²)

Nome do Mapa: Densidade Populacional de Sorocaba por Regiões

Ano: 2014 Fonte: PDTUM Nº do Mapa: 10

Sorocaba - Road Mesh and Bus Terminals

The objective of this work, therefore, is not to develop an architectural project for the Sorocaba Intermodal Terminal (TIS), but rather to provide the best condition for its implementation, through urban design, mainly because it is a terminal that should be anchored in the efficiency of the users’ mobility, allowing them easy and quick access to the central areas of the city, which have the largest concentration of commercial and service establishments, that is, the largest number of jobs. With this, the In consultation with Prof. Dr. Sidney Piochi Bernardini, supervisor of this From that point on, proposals for detours and road connections are defended urban project consists of integrating the new modalities that will reach work, we defined new objectives, which consider establishing guide- so that all modes available and foreseen in the mobility plan have access to the location. lines for the implementation of an Intermodal Long Distance Terminal for the new equipment with ease, efficiency, comfort and safety. Guidelines will Sorocaba. These objectives range from the justified choice of the land, be drawn up so that there is a good appropriation of the chosen area for the to the urban improvements necessary to enable the implementation of implementation of the intermodal terminal, so that the flow of vehicles from the equipment, with occupancy plan from the development of a needs the surroundings is not overloaded. This will be one of the main criteria for choosing the best spot for the terminal deployment. program. chitectural project of an Intermodal Terminal for Sorocaba, using premises of the Master Plan and Urban Mobility Plan of the city. However, in presenting such a proposal, teachers inquired with questions whose approaches went beyond the architectural project, extrapolating the lot and reaching the urban scale that, combined with environmental issues, changed the route of this work.

In order to provide greater speed and ease of access of the buses to the new intermodal terminal, it should be deployed in an area close to highways. The idea of creating this equipment in a peripheral region of the city, bringing the activities of the current bus terminal to it, improves the following problems identified in the city: the difficult accessibility of buses to the current bus station and the slow mobility within the city.

Escala: 2Km

Porto Feliz

Rodovia C


astelo B


Legenda - Vias e Meios de Transporte

SP - 097

Via Direta Área Industrial <> Cento





Av. Itavuvú

I p e ró

- Boit



AT Éden

S via o d Ro



Rod .


AT Itavuvú AT Ipanema

Jo en.

io mír

C elso Ch a r u ri

Norte Aveni d a a uv


da d e

SP - 079


t ra

m an do P a nnzio n

AT Ipiranga

Araçoiaba da Serra

Term. Santo Antônio


Ar Av.


Term. Rodoviário




Part of the Land Analysis

Hidrografia Áreas de Interesse

Raio de 2km das ultimas estações Previstas para o BRT Raio de 1km das principais rodovias da Cidade Raio de 5km da Região problemática do centro Propostas de Locais


AT Brigadeiro Tobias


Situação de Sorocaba na RMS



- 079 B R27 2




Paulo São . v A

Term. São Paulo AT Nogueira Padilha

ares poso Tav Rod. Ra

es ora

eli ast

BRT - Norte/Sul BRT - Leste/Oeste BRS - Norte/Sul BRS - Leste/Oeste Ferrovia Aeroporto Terminais e Equip. de Tranporte Estações BRT - Eixo Norte - Sul Estações BRT - Eixo Leste - Oeste Estações BRS - Eixo Norte - Sul Estações BRS - Eixo Leste - Oeste

-The presence of BRT in a nearby location or possibility to propose an extension to reach the TIS; First, some regions of interest were defined for deeper analysis. For this -Proximity to highways that cross the city; initial selection, we used some criteria for the choice of possible lands - Physical space that includes the TIS, about 11,000sqm only for the building, for the implementation of TIS: without considering access handles, parking and other modal stations.

Nome do Mapa: Mapa de Áreas de Interesse

Sorocaba Ano: 2014 Fonte: Google + PDTUM Nº do Mapa: 15 Escala: 2Km

After extensive research and analysis of criteria for land selection, one of the 4 locations highlighted in the red areas in the image above was chosen. The lands were analyzed under the following criteria:



Loteamento consolidado Vias Asfaltadas Vias de Terra Terreno


Loteamento consolidado Vias Asfaltadas Vias de Terra Terreno

Recursos Naturais

Recursos Naturais

APP Áreas Verdes Hidrografia

APP Áreas Verdes Hidrografia

Curvas de Nível 1 em 1 metro


Loteamento consolidado Vias Asfaltadas Vias de Terra Terreno Ferrovia Ferrovia - Plano CPTM

Loteamento consolidado Vias Asfaltadas Vias de Terra Terreno

Recursos Naturais

Recursos Naturais

APP Áreas Verdes Hidrografia Limite da Bacia Hidrográfica

Curvas de Nível 1 em 1 metro

APP Áreas Verdes Hidrografia Limite da Bacia Hidrográfica

Curvas de Nível 1 em 1 metro

Curvas de Nível 1 em 1 metro

Foto Aérea - Google Earth

Foto Aérea - Google Earth

Foto Aérea - Google Earth



Foto Aérea - Google Earth Foto Aérea - Google Earth

Zoneamento CCR - Corredor de Circulação Rápida Z11 - Zona Industrial 1 ZR2 - Zona Residencial 2

CCR - Corredor de Circulação Rápida ZR3 - Zona Residencial 3

Zoneamento CCR - Corredor de Circulação Rápida

CCR - Corredor de Circulação Rápida CCS2 - Corredor de Comércio e Serviços 2 ZR - Zona Rural

ZCH - Zona de Chácaras Urbanas ZR1 - Zona Residencial 1

ZCH - Zona de Chácaras Urbanas ZR1 - Zona Residencial 1

Macrozoneamento Ambiental

Macrozoneamento Ambiental Macrozonas com Moderadas Restrições à Ocupação Tipo A Macrozonas com Pequenas Restrições à Ocupação Tipo A (Urbanização consolidada)

Macrozoneamento Ambiental

Macrozoneamento Ambiental

Macrozonas com Pequenas Restrições à Ocupação Tipo A (Urbanização consolidada)

Várzeas ou Planícies Aluviais (Grandes Restrições) Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais

Sistema de Parques

Sistema de Parques

Várzeas ou Planícies Aluviais (Grandes Restrições) Áreas de Proteção de Mananciais Tipo 1 (Captação de água existente)

Macrozonas com Moderadas Restrições à Ocupação Tipo A (Urbanização consolidada) Tipo B

Tipo 1 (Captação de água existente)

Macrozonas com Moderadas Restrições à Ocupação Tipo A (Urbanização consolidada) Tipo B

Sistema de Parques Vegetação Estado Inicia Mata Ciliar Cerrado Campo Cerrado

Situação da Localidade na Cidade de Sorocaba

Curvas de Nível 5 em 5 metros

Situação da Localidade na Cidade de Sorocaba


Curvas de Nível 5 em 5 metros

Nome do Mapa: Levantamento Localidade 01 Ano: 2014 Fonte: Google Maps + Prefeitura de Sorocaba Nº do Mapa: 18 Escala: Sem Escala

Locality 1

Vegetação Estado Inicia Vegetação Estado Inicial Mata Ciliar Vegetação Pioneira

Situação da Localidade na Cidade de Sorocaba


Situação da Localidade na Cidade de Sorocaba


Curvas de Nível 5 em 5 metros

Nome do Mapa: Levantamento Localidade 02 Ano: 2014 Fonte: Google Maps + Prefeitura de Sorocaba Nº do Mapa: 20 Escala: Sem Escala

Locality 2

Vegetação Estado Inicia Vegetação Estado Inicial Mata Ciliar Vegetação Pioneira

Sistema de Parques

Vegetação Estado Inicia Vegetação Estado Inicial Mata Ciliar Vegetação Pioneira


Curvas de Nível 5 em 5 metros

Nome do Mapa: Levantamento Localidade 03 Ano: 2014 Fonte: Google Maps + Prefeitura de Sorocaba Nº do Mapa: 22 Escala: Sem Escala

Locality 3

- Cost benefit - Accessibility - Urban Development level - Environmental Externalities - Architectural Potential And the assigned scores showed as a conclusion that the locality 4 is the most adequate for the implantation:

Implantation sketch in the locality 4

Nome do Mapa: Levantamento Localidade 04 Ano: 2014 Fonte: Google Maps + Prefeitura de Sorocaba Nº do Mapa: 24 Escala: Sem Escala

Locality 4

Corte F

Escala 1:500


Recorte da Implantação Referênte ao Corte F Escala 1:500

Legenda - Usos do Edifício do Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Embarque Circulação Vertical do Terminal Desembarque Área de Espera Restrita Embarque e Desembarque Área de Manutenção Ponto de Ônibus Urbano Entrada Principal do Terminal Ponto de Taxi Ciclovia e Passeio de Pedestres Via BRT Estação BRT - TIS Praça Acesso TIS - BRT (Passarela) Acesso TIS - BRT (Entrada) Área Construída do TIS Mirante para o Parque


11 8

12 8




12 13



7 2 3


6 15





Usos do Terminal - Área de Embarque e Desembarque

Usos do Terminal - Bloco Superior

Sem Escala

Mass Plan of the Terminal

Vista Aérea Geral do Plano de Massas do Edifício do TIS

Sem Escala

Praça TIS

Praça TIS

Área de Embarque e Saída dos Ônibus Rodoviário

Estação de BRT e Ciclovia

Acesso dos passag

Área de Embarque e Saída dos Ônibus Rodoviário e Automóveis

Ponto de Ônib

Urban Design Analysis of the Urban Plan of the Neighborhood Parque Prado in Campinas

Final Work - For the Discipline City and Urban Law Students: Guilherme Stroeder, JĂşlio Mafra and Marina Merlin

March - July - 2016 You can ďŹ nd the this work on: goo.gl/iVeb0B

UNICAMP - University of Campinas

FEC - Civil Engineering and Architecture and Urbanism


Prof. Dr. Sidney Piochi Bernadini e Prof. Dra. Gisela Cunha Viana Leonelli

The objective of the monograph is to present the process of Implantation and occupation of the planned neighborhood Parque Prado in Campinas, showing the process of the Urban Development Plan for the area and the Terms of Commitment Agreements signed Between the investors and the City Hall of Campinas and Analyzing the consequences to the area. The Parque Prado urban project is a planned neighborhood, implanted in an old area or farmland surrounded by older and consolidated neighborhoods with residential characteristics. The process of occupation of the area began in the mid-1980s, carried out through an Urban Planning Guidelines signed between the owners and the Municipality being a process of land subdivision according to the dictates of Federal Law 6,766 of 1979. What was done was an occupation plan totally afďŹ liated with the principles of the market that sought the greatest possible conversion from rural to urban land and its Majority of high-density and low-density vertical constructions especially the middle and upper classes of society. In this analysis we could verify that Parque Prado was a completely different planned urban project, since, unlike other developments, it was not implemented through the urban parceling, previously registered and with its Urban Planning Guidelines approved by the Municipality of Campinas and governed by law 6.766 / 1979, but by means of an urban plan managed by the owner / entrepreneur and the municipality and with superďŹ cial urban studies beyond EIARIMA, which only makes feasible the location and environmental viability of the enterprise and does not deal with land parceling issues.

Neighborhood occupation

Through this urban study, the entrepreneur was able to transform an area in which his surroundings had neighborhoods with low-density and low-dwelling residential characteristics, in a set of closed condominiums, isolating the city from all Well being preached by the entrepreneur in his commercial campaign, besides taking advantage of the great moment of the civil construction in the country and the great real estate speculation. Neighborhood occupation - Evolution 2002-2016 (Google Earth)

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