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As a manuscript

Marina Matashova


Specialty 05.23.22 – Urban and rural settlements planning

ABSTRACT Theses for a scientific degree PhD in architecture

Moscow - 2011

The work was carried out at the Urban Planning and Urban Design Department of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Scientific adviser:

doctor of architecture, professor Nefedov Valery Anatolyevich

Official opponents:

doctor of architecture, professor Karakova Tatiana Vladimirovna doctor of architecture, Skvortsov Alexander Viktorovich

Lead organization:

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern Federal University", Vladivostok

Defense of the thesis will be held on October 25, 2011 at 14 o'clock at the meeting of Dissertational Council D 212.124.02 at the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) at 107031 Moscow, ul. Rojdestvenka, 11.

The author's abstract was sent out on September 23, 2011.

The thesis can be found in the library of the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy).

Scientific secretary of the dissertational council, candidate of architecture

S.V. Klimenko

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE DISSERTATION Relevance of the study. One of the negative consequences of active urban expansion during industrialization period is the disruption of the ecological balance of large cities. Urgent problems of unbalanced development were particularly apparent in riverside areas, which were constantly subjected to intensive landscape transformation, often with irreversible changes. As a result, current status of riverside areas in most linear cities located on rivers is characterized by their inefficient use, along with a significant degree of disturbance of riverside landscapes. Khabarovsk is one of the cities where river-related natural resources have significantly decreased. For a long time, the prevailing method of city development was gradual filling of most favorable riverside areas with industrial, transport facilities and residential areas, without using any transformation strategy. It has led to a situation where the city which occupied naturally favorable areas along the Amur river faced the problem of connection between remote parts of the city and riverside areas. Decrease in green areas share in Khabarovsk from 18 sq.m per person in 1962 to 4.8 sq.m in 2005 is one of the characteristic indicators of deterioration of the environmental situation in the city. An important resource for implementation of ecological reconstruction of the urban environment is laid in the city plan: Khabarovsk has a linear structure due to its development along the bank of a large river. Urban riverside areas, where main functional zones have formed, in the case of optimal transformation, have sufficient potential to become a connecting element between the urban environment and a natural element - the river. However, the mechanism of "renaturalization" of riverside areas (restoration of lost components of nature), included in the master plans of 1985 and 1992 was not activated, as the measures required large investments without a possibility for recoupment. In this context the search for scientifically based ways of regenerating riverside areas in terms of realizing their ecological and landscape potential and choosing a strategy for urban planning development, which constitute the essence of the proposed eco-urban planning optimization, is becomes urgent. Theoretical basis for research is formed by scientific works dealing with the problem of transformation of riverside areas in various aspects of interaction between the city and natural landscapes: functional and planning organization of riverside areas1, their architectural and landscape organization2, ecological and urban planning aspects3, sanitary and environmental issues4.

1 2

T.F. Savarenskaya, T.A. Smolitskaya V.P.Burkin, S.V. Generalova, T.I. Zadvoryanskaya, N.V. Lazareva, E.M. Mikulina, V.A.

Nefedov 3

A.G. Bolshakov, A.P. Vergunov, V.V. Vladimirov, E.E. Krasilnikova, D.V, Litvinov, L.G. Tarasova 4 A.V. Sycheva, S.B. Chistyakova, N.V. Ivanova

Many issues related to studying landscape from the point of view of organizing recreational activities were considered in the works of Y.N. Lobanov, I.D. Rodichkin, V.P. Stauskas. Studies that affect socio-spatial aspects of urban development are explored in the works of K. Lynch, K. Day, L. B. Kogan, Z.N. Yargina. Among the studies focusing on the formation of functional, planning and compositional structure of the city, as well as the issues of management, planning and forecasting the development of urban areas, the works of E.A. Akhmedova, Y.V. Kositsky, A.V. Krasheninnikov, I.лю. Smolyar, V.T. Shimko, N.G. Yushkova and others were analyzed. A number of studies addressed the issues of landscape and urban planning aspects of the development of Khabarovsk5, the influence of natural and climatic factors on the formation of urban fabric6, efficient use of resources in urban planning7. Currently, there are studies in Khabarovsk focused on the problem of the formation of ecological framework8, partially used in the development of the master plan of the city. However, previously proposed ecological framework was based to a greater extent on preserving the existing structure of landscaped areas in the city, not focusing on a challenge of their fragmentation and a low degree of environmental sustainability. In this regard, despite a significant theoretical basis, it seems relevant to develop a comprehensive approach to the formation of an ecological framework in the structure of riverside areas seen as a system of preserved and restored natural components, with the involvement of regenerated landscape in a new functional structure corresponding to the new logical model of space organization. The goal of the research is the development of scientifically substantiated methods of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas based on a combination of a landscape-ecological approach and the analysis of applicability of socio-economic mechanisms for improving the quality of the environment. In order to identify the most effective ways to optimize the environment, the concept of environmental potential of city's riverside areas is distinguished as one of the main factors, forming "consumer qualities" of the territory and affecting its investment potential. The object of the study are the areas adjoining the river that share common coordinated mechanisms of functioning and use of natural resources. The subject of the study is eco-urban optimization of riverside areas as environmentally and functionally sound transformation focused on a sustainable development model.

5 6 7 8

I.Y. Kulinich, V.A. Danilov, N.P. Kradin T.I, Podgornaya L.A. Golovanova A.A. Baburin, G.Y. Morozova, N.A. Narbut

Boundaries of the study include consideration of the processes within the areas directly interacting with the river in the functional, architectural-planning, and ecological aspects (a case study of Khabarovsk city, right-bank territories). Analysis of international experience was carried out including coastal areas of seas and oceans. This experience with reference to Khabarovsk is relevant due to current city development along one bank of the river and a considerable width of the water area (up to 2.5 km). Research objectives:  to identify the historical evolution of interaction of natural and anthropogenic components in urban development of riverside areas in Khabarovsk;  to analyze the existing state of Khabarovsk riverside areas of, to identify factors and prerequisites for implementing their eco-urban optimization;  substantiate delimitation and structure of riverside areas of Khabarovsk, taking into account the nature of urban development process and their landscape and ecological conditions;  to develop principles and methods of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas of a large city;  to suggest a comprehensive model of measures for eco-urban optimization of riverside areas of Khabarovsk;  to suggest scenarios for the optimal development of riverside areas of Khabarovsk in various districts of the city;  to develop models for the regeneration of riverside areas for specific conditions of Khabarovsk, revealing the range of techniques for forming the components of ecological framework;  to suggest directions for urban planning regulation of riverside areas. Research methodology, depending on the tasks to be solved, is based on applying graph-analytical, cartographic, statistical, sociological and comparative analysis, as well as historical analysis of Khabarovsk riverside areas formation; on the study of legal and regulatory framework, current national and international practices, modeling options for transforming riverside areas. Scientific novelty of research includes introduction of novel methods and techniques for implementing eco-urban optimization of riverside areas of a large city based on the study of existing factors and international experience; a scheme for location of optimization zones for the riverside areas, including contact, indepth and foreshore zones; modeling the structure of components of an ecological framework and techniques of their organization in riverside areas. Practical significance of the study involves justification of optimization zones delimitation of Khabarovsk riverside areas, a system of measures for ecourban optimization of riverside areas at a city level (a comprehensive model) and at the level of the city districts with their specific urban planning and natural conditions (scenarios for optimal development of Khabarovsk); structure and

strategy for the implementation of ecological framework in riverside areas of Khabarovsk with detailed structure and parameters of individual components of the framework (eco-corridors, eco-oasises); recommendations on its development and regulation. Recommendations given in this work can be used in the development of strategic planning documents, urban design, local territorial urban development standards, water protection zones, as well as in the development of projects for transformation of riverside areas in different scales. Provisions to be defended:  the results of the analysis of riverside areas with identified typology of territorial resources for the formation of the ecological framework;  main provisions of the concept of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas of large cities (principles, methods, comprehensive model);  the scheme, displaying optimization zones of Khabarovsk riverside areas, including contact, in-depth and foreshore zones;  the strategy for forming an ecological framework of Khabarovsk as a twostage process;  scenarios for implementing eco-urban optimization in riverside areas of different districts of Khabarovsk as options of strategy implementation;  typology of components of ecological framework for Khabarovsk riverside areas and methods of their organization;  directions for regulating urban development activity on the riverside areas as an instrument of urban policy with regard to these territories. Approbation of the study. The key provisions of the dissertation have been presented in 11 publications and 6 reports at scientific and technical conferences of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (2008, 2009) and at the annual scientific and practical conference of academic staff of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (2010), as well as at international conferences "Landscape Industry: Urban Design and Ecology" (2008, 2010 St. Petersburg), "New Ideas of the New Century" (2010, Khabarovsk). Key results of the study are implemented in design practice of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian State Research and Design Institute of Urban Studies" (customer - Khabarovsk Administration, 2009) in development of planning design for the Central District of Khabarovsk, with author's participation in development team. In particular, dissertation materials were used to substantiate the concept of development of riverside areas in the Central District9. Research structure. The content of the dissertation is set out in the Introduction and three chapters that consistently cover analytical, theoretical and applied sections of research. The paper contains 170 pages of text. The text has references to illustrations provided in the appendix (58 pages). 9

Certificate of implementation KAPM4-3185 dated 27.11.09

SUMMARY OF THE STUDY The first chapter "Problems of eco-urban optimization of Khabarovsk" presents key problems and conflicts in the development of riverside areas of Khabarovsk, and identifies factors and prerequisites for eco-urban optimization of riverside areas on the basis of analysis of international practices. By the term riverside areas it is proposed to consider urban areas adjoining the river that share common coordinated mechanisms for functioning and use of natural resources. A retrospective analysis of Khabarovsk riverside areas development pattern allowed to reveal seven stages in shifting urban planning priorities related to riverside areas' organization, which reflects the nature of interaction between natural and anthropogenic systems. The first stage - implementation of natural resources expansion strategy with focus on port, as well as public and commercial functions in the structure of riverside areas, based on a linear planning structure with subsequent development of in-depth links with the city (master plan of 1864). The loss of riverside areas' priority with the appearance of an alternative transport axis - the railway, and as a result - the transition from linear development to dispersed formation of industrial settlements. Subsequent stages of technogenic and commercial expansion of riverside areas, interspersed with the period of global social projects in the framework of gradual social service model and "paper design" of substantial recreational areas without implementation mechanisms, resulted in significant degradation of riverside areas' resources, a decrease in the river's influence on the city, appearance of marginal areas along with existing functional zones, which do not correspond to the contemporary context of the city. (Figure 1). As a result of continuous accumulation of contradictions in the structure of the riverside areas the following conflicts have developed: between land-use regime and ecological potential of the territory; between spatial organization and the form of the landscape; between the level of open spaces development and the needs of the population in recreational areas with access to the river; between riverside areas’ investment potential and the existing approaches to organization of urban environment; between the nature of the regulations for the use of riverside areas and the principles of environmental sustainability. Identification of localization and nature of conflicts unfolding allowed to identify the following types of problems: ecological, geological, aesthetic degradation of a significant part of natural territories, lack of a clear communication framework, poor functional distribution of territories, mismatch of interests of different user groups, inadequacy of functional organization of riverside areas to the contemporary context of the city. In the context of transition to the concept of sustainable development, awareness of social and environmental priorities should lead to the formation of a program that balances commercial and social interests, where the quality of urban

planning solutions for riverside areas is defined in the view of forming a comfortable and sustainable urban environment. Comprehensive analysis of the factors effecting eco-urban optimization of Khabarovsk arranged in groups, characterizing state of natural elements, lifestyle conditions of the population, functional and planning parameters of the environment to be transformed, allowed to outline the directions for optimization. In the analysis of factors of the first group, the ecological condition of riverside areas was evaluated with consideration of MAC10 parameters and types of prevailing pollutants for air, soil and water. Based on the scheme of existing landscape morphotypes the regimes of riverside areas were suggested. The analysis showed that Khabarovsk, stretched for 45 km along the river and having a dissected planning scheme, has an obvious need for buildup of a single structure of green areas through improvement and recultivation of sites with complex terrain (ravines, gullies, floodplains of small water streams) that have access to water area and unite them into foreshore zone. Taking in consideration the existing character of urban development of the riverside areas, one can note complete anthropogenic transformation of landscapes in the central part of the city (recreational and port functions), significant technogenic transformation in the Kirovsky and Industrialny districts (consolidated industrial zones) and predominance of undeveloped territories on the periphery - in the northern (gullies and steep bank slopes) and southern (flood plain) parts of the city. In this respect, a differentiated approach to identifying directions for ecourban optimization is required: conservation of ecosystems (peripheral areas), maximum transformation and renaturalization (Industrialny and Kirovsky districts), reconstruction with introduction of additional natural components (Central district). The sociological survey performed by the author in the course of the study revealed a number of peculiarities of landscape situations in various aspects: in socio-motivational block it showed the instability of recreational function of riverside areas in relation to weather conditions (rating of measures, accounting for the needs for the needs of different age groups in recreational activities on riverside areas, was identified); in socio-spatial block disproportions of recreational load on riverside areas in central and peripheral parts of the city were identified, and, as a consequence, the priority of solving problems of social adaptation of riverside areas was determined. Currently the city implements the strategy proposed by the Master Plan of 2006, under which it was planned to form a single landscape recreational system for riverside areas and incorporate them into contemporary context of the city. However, the implementation period revealed that the mechanisms for implementing these activities have not been elaborated. At the same time, as follows from the analysis of international practice, over the past 20 years, it was the riverside areas where most radical and significant


Maximum allowable concentration

changes have occurred11, creating opportunities for eco-urban optimization with emergence of socially demanded and economically efficient territories and improving the quality of riverside areas in terms of environmental conditions. The analysis of international practice confirms the need to search for methods of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas as a factor increasing their environmental, social and economic efficiency. Specifically, it is possible to identify the following measures: development of comprehensive urban planning strategy, modeling of the phased development process, use of refunctioning approaches with priority given to culture and service sectors, formation of landmark spaces, change in landscape quality of foreshore territories with increasing role of nature, and their inclusion to the ecological framework of the city . On the basis of given analysis, the following hypothesis was suggested: purposeful transformation of Khabarovsk riverside areas based on eco-urban principles creates prerequisites for a gradual restoration of balance of natural and artificial landscape components in the urban environment at a qualitatively new level, along with allowing their effective use and raising investment potential. The study defines the following types of urban development resources for this transformation: inefficiently used natural areas (specially protected natural areas, street greening, buffer zones, greening of restricted areas); unused natural areas (inundated banks, steep riverbank slopes, ravines, floodplains of small watercourses); functional zones that lost their relevance (industrial areas, warehouses, port areas, decrepit housing, special territories); disrupted areas (landfills, ash dumps, polluted floodplains of small streams, spontaneously developed areas). Thus it was concluded that the search for scientifically valid ways of regenerating these territories should be performed with a focus on balance between ecological and landscape potential and specific features of their perspective urban development. The second chapter, "Theoretical foundations of eco-urban optimization of Khabarovsk riverside areas", contains program principles and methods of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas, which can be used as the basis for this type of transformation. As a mechanism for applying these theoretical provisions in the context of a specific city, the scheme of optimization zones delimitation and a comprehensive model of eco-urban optimization are outlined, which layer by layer reveal the content of optimization activities within the frame of methods proposed for specific optimization zones. A review of international practice and theoretical studies of eco-urban optimization concluded that the solution is formed at the junction of ecological, social and economic aspects of urban development. In this regard, on the basis of generalization, the following principles are proposed:


Coastal areas: Bilbao, Genoa, Sydney, Barcelona, etc.

- the principle of ecologically positive urban environment it implies the priority of measures aimed at purposeful increase of natural components in the structure of riverside areas with the aim of increasing sustainability of the environment and extending this influence deep into the city through formation of a single ecological framework; - the principle of social orientation of transformations is expressed in the socio-spatial approach to design, qualitative characteristics of which are, on the one hand: degree of appropriation, diversity and comfort, on the other hand - the degree of public engagement in the transformation process; - the principle of identifiability of space implies the emergence in the structure of riverside areas of some kind of natural signs in order to ensure a new aesthetic quality of the environment - recognition, a sense of "genius loci"; - the principle of economic rationality is characterized by the development of an urban planning policy that ensures investors' interest not only in traditional spheres of investment, but also in ways to achieve a return on investments in optimization of the city environment. The analysis of the existing trends in the development of riverside areas allows us to conclude that the allocation of water protection zones and protective belts is a formal measure. In this situation, it becomes necessary to justify the layout of optimization zones, which determines the configuration and stable links of major zones and areas with differentiated approaches to transformation of riverside areas12. The parameters of riverside area and its optimization zones delimitation are determined by a number of factors, depending on the type and purpose of the zone (Figure 2). In the transverse direction, the following areas were identified: riverside areas of the southern, northern and central parts of the city (according to the criteria: topography type, degree of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes). In the longitudinal direction it is reasonable to distinguish the following zones: contact, in-depth and foreshore.  contact zone (according to functional-planning criteria) determines the boundary of the riverside areas in the depth of the city and is formed along the transit city highway, has linear-nodal nature, solving the task of providing rapid transport connection for the population from the depth of the city to the riverside areas;  in-depth zone includes the most functionally significant spaces between the contact and foreshore zones, mainly oriented towards mobilizing the resources of the riverside areas (zone width 40 - 1900 m);  foreshore zone (according to natural and landscape criteria) occupies the floodplain and part of the riverbank slope, is limited by the edge of the slope and a dike, and identified as a zone with maximum requirements for conservation of natural processes, taking into account the restrictions for potential transformations in the zones of highest risks of geological hazards (zone width 20 - 250 m).


Based on the studies of T.I. Zadvoryanskaya, D.V. Litvinov, N.E. Oselko.

The tasks and activities within each zone are determined by applying the proposed methods of eco-urban optimization: ecological restructuring method, cumulative recoupment method, social adaptation method. The research methodology implies structuring of riverside areas in terms of environmental, social and economic aspects, along with identifying relevant typology of areas; applying a problem-oriented analysis of international practice, along with identifying the directions for the transformation of specific parts of riverside areas, providing as a result, stratified formation of a comprehensive model of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas, revealing a coherent system of activities of this process. Đœethod of ecological restructuring - building a system of prioritized natural components of the landscape, based on the restoration of the lost fragments of natural environment and functionally justified substitution of anthropogenic and technogenic components with the aim of forming an ecological framework. The method is based on the principle of ecologically positive urban environment and involves creation of "eco-oases" as nodal elements of ecological framework, integrated into a system of recreational spaces by ecological corridors that form communications in the foreshore zone and transverse links into the depth of the city. As structural elements of ecological framework it is recommended to use ecocorridors (communication elements), eco-oases (nodal elements) and buffer spaces. Method of social adaptation - creating a system of spaces responding to the structure of current public needs and the diversity of motivations of different age groups, at any time of the year. To ensure all-season use, the options for riverside areas organization which meet flexible public needs can be: service facilities of year-round use, with seasonally adjusted function and mobile service program. An important factor in humanizing the riverside areas environment is breaking the existing tendency to create hypertrophied space by forming alternative local zones that meet the needs of different public groups, structuring the space according to function, type of traffic and type of use (public, semi-public or individual use). The regulation of planning layout of such zones in the structure of riverside areas should promote the formation of consolidated landscaped areas - the elements of ecological framework. Cumulative recoupment method is gradual development of natural infrastructure in the area, following a model that ensures recoupment at each individual stage of project implementation. The method is based on creating a program for stage-by-stage development of the territories, and at the first stage implies filling carefully selected territories with natural components, forming a system of public spaces, which, in response, will increase quality and investment potential of the area. At the second stage — setting up a structure of land plots to attract investors for lease or sale of developed territory, provided that the quality of the environment is maintained. Based on the study of current practices, the following step-by-step strategies are proposed in order to form the components of ecological framework as naturalanthropogenic complexes:

- inclusion of commercial functions into the structure of a component of ecological framework; -integration between ecological framework components and attractive investment functional zones; -construction of an ecological framework in the structure of complex reprofiled areas. The range of the listed methods and principles reveals the ideology of ecourban optimization of riverside areas of a large city. In accordance with the methods, a comprehensive model of activities for eco-urban optimization of Khabarovsk riverside areas was developed, which outlines the directions for implementing the proposed transformations according to the algorithm, given in the methods with regard to differentiated system of optimization zones, setting out principal tasks in each of them (Figure 3): In the contact zone - formation of transport and public nodes for redistribution of recreational load, implementation of transport communication with riverside areas for residents of remote districts and creating conditions for development of ecological corridors connecting riverside areas and the city. Implementation of activities to reduce the negative impact of transport highways through formation of buffer spaces. In the in-depth zone - arrangement of runnel and floodplain areas as well as transport territories with the formation of eco-corridors directed towards the river and inclusion of socially-demanded recreation and service facilities. Stratification of transport and pedestrian flows horizontally and vertically. Development of natural areas on the basis of flexible integration into adjacent functional areas, as well as inclusion of commercial service facilities. In the foreshore zone - the formation of a longitudinal non-transport communication system based on stable engagement of territories in recreational use, corresponding to the diversity of motivations of all age and social groups at different times of the year. The application of differentiated approaches depending on natural and anthropogenic conditions: maximum preservation of natural processes on peripheral riverside areas; functionally justified restructuring with the predominant inclusion of natural components on the basis of maintenance along with resource-conservation - in Central and Southern parts of the city. Therefore, the elaborated comprehensive model defines the strategy for the Khabarovsk riverside areas development as an integrated targeted increase of natural components with the formation of an ecological framework filled with demanded functions and communications aimed at consistent attracting various social and age groups and increasing its cost-effectiveness. The term ecological framework in this work refers to economically and socially determined system of green spaces, which has the ability of self-sustaining and is formed on the basis of restoring of existing and creating of new elements through functionally justified transformation, with maximum introduction of natural components. A typology of ecological framework components is suggested, under which they should be considered in terms of their effective functioning and transformation: by their function in the ecological framework, by the nature of

interaction with environment, depending on the zones of boundary spaces; by degree of naturalness; depending on the motivation of individual stay. The third chapter: "Directions and mechanisms for the implementation of eco-urban optimization of Khabarovsk riverside areas" presents recommendations on the application of the proposed theoretical basis at three levels: at city level - the strategy of forming ecological framework; at district level - scenarios for optimal development of riverside areas (Figure 4); at the level of framework components - techniques for the formation of eco-oases and ecocorridors (Figure 5).  It is relevant for Khabarovsk to form an ecological framework tailored for elements of urban landscapes unsuitable for construction: the development of an in-depth system of water and green connections, the formation of effective green spaces on the territories of water contour with a complex flood regime, and construction of an ecological framework within postindustrial landscape structure. Consideration of socio-economic aspects implies the formation of an ecological framework as a system of recreational zones for various purposes. Thus, the program for the development of riverside areas in the context of the entire city implies redistribution of recreational activity vector towards the river, which will ensure economic returns and social demand for these spaces. The specific feature of Khabarovsk - heterogeneity of urban area in terms of topography and degree of urban development - determines the following strategy for ecological framework formation: - at the first stage it is proposed to allocate sites that have potential for development of ecological framework based on the principle of a dispersed model, as homogeneously distributed nodes of ecological sustainability within walking distance from large residential areas of the city adjoining the river 13; forming of eco-oases should take into account an excessive anthropogenic impact with a reserve, which will later be redistributed among restored territories.  at the second stage there is a transition from a homogeneously dispersed model to a single system of an ecological framework by means of optimization of communication elements of the framework — eco-corridors. Achievement of a positive environmental effect is expected starting from a ten-year period, which is related to the following factors: the need to neutralize the harmful impact of the disrupted territories; the plant mass of trees reaches its effective value. The options for implementing the strategy are determined by the choice of scenarios with single strategy and a variety of techniques. Diversity of scenarios is identified depending on priority problems, as well as natural and anthropogenic potential of the territories of a particular district. The following scenarios for the optimal development of riverside areas are proposed (Figure 4):

Among potential territories are: forest-park «Voronezhsky», buffer zone, bridge area territories, «Daldizel» plant area and the area of river port, ash dumps, riverside areas in Krasnaya river zone. 13

- in conditions of increased recreational loads (riverside areas of the central part of the city) with the transformation of inefficient functional zones on the riverside areas; - with predominance of active forms of terrain (riverside areas of the Northern part of the city) with organization of an ecological framework based on preserved natural territories; - in the conditions of regeneration of anthropogenic and technogenic landscape (riverside areas of the Southern part of the city) with neutralization of negative impact and optimization of recreational use of inundated riverside areas. The proposed scenarios constitute the basis for the formation of components and entire structure of the ecological framework and illustrate the application of methods of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas under specific conditions of Khabarovsk. As an option for implementing the scenario for the development of riverside areas of the Central part of the city, as the most characteristic in terms of natural conditions, the author developed an experimental model of eco-urban optimization. The proposed model demonstrates graphically the effectiveness of the application of methods of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas (Figure 6) as to achieving ecological qualities of the urban environment. In accordance with the considered strategy and the typology proposed in Chapter 2, the study developed theoretical models for the most characteristic situations of Khabarovsk, illustrating techniques of forming the ecological framework components. Based on the synthesis of the relevant studies on ecology, as well as theoretical models of functional and planning organization developed in this study, indicative parameters and characteristics for the components of ecological framework are proposed in accordance with the priority of environmentstabilizing or environment-forming14 functions. Eco-oases (most sustainable components of the ecological framework) are the territories where ecological balance is achieved through reconstruction, including demolition of decrepit housing, preservation of structures with filling open spaces with natural components, communication system and flat structures used all year round (optimal percentage of natural landscape components constitutes over 60%). For environment-forming eco-oases, the following indicators were adopted: area - minimal 20 ha, optimal 50 ha; compact plan layout; presence of natural ecosystems15. The following techniques of forming eco-oases are proposed: creation of natural framework in the structure of a postindustrial space (Industrialny, Krasnoflotsky districts), formation of natural and recreational framework in the structure of territories with a complex flood regime (peripheral territories in the southern part of the city), formation of natural and recreational 14

The strategy of forming the ecological framework of the urban territory (case study of Khabarovsk) [Text] / Narbut N.A., Antonova L.A., Matushkina L.A., Vladivostok-Khabarovsk: FEB RAS, 2002. – 129 p. 15 Parameters identified using research data of A.V. Gorodkov, N.V. Ivanova

framework in the structure of preserved natural territories (peripheral territories of the northern part of the city). Eco-corridors are urban areas located in existing communication spaces, as well as linear elements of natural framework, where it is proposed to allocate proper pedestrian infrastructure, cycling routes with developed system of green spaces of linear character. The study justifies the following parameters for minimum width of environment-forming eco-corridors: 190 m for longitudinal non-transport corridors in the foreshore zone; 120 m for non-transport and 150 m for transport eco-corridors in the structure of watercourses and runnels16. The minimum dimensions for environment-stabilizing eco-corridors are 20-80 m for reconstruction of transport spaces. The following effective techniques for creation of eco-corridors are suggested: integration of eco-corridors into the structure of public (central district) and semi-public (peripheral zones) space; conservation of natural biotopes (inundated areas and steep riverbank slopes); vertical stratification of the structure of pedestrian communication spaces (in zones of intersection with transport communications). Buffer spaces are part of the structure of framework components and play a crucial role in the formation of ecological framework, offsetting anthropogenic and technogenic pressure on the landscape. The organization of buffer spaces of ecological framework is carried out depending on the source of environmental tension, including the use of methods for introducing compensating nature, redistribution of anthropogenic burdens and rehabilitation of bridge areas. The study suggests a scheme of riverside areas sites, to be included in the ecological framework of Khabarovsk at the first and second stages of the strategy, with an accompanied list of all sites included in the framework with its parameters and recommended optimization techniques. In order to stimulate targeted activities to implement the proposed scenarios, it is suggested to formulate an urban planning policy aimed at optimizing the use of riverside areas applying the following coherent and consistent mechanisms: normative, legal, organizational, economic and information. Integration of policy mechanisms in specific spatial conditions can be ensured by the following directions of urban planning regulation, proposed under the model of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas: development of landscape zoning (Moscow case study) for riverside areas, fixing the boundaries and parameters of ecological framework components; formulation of local urban planning recommendations for cases of complex re-functionalization of riverside areas (according to the method of A.V. Krasheninnikov); assigning the status of zones of strict regulation for the most valuable territories of eco-oases, and development of appropriate regulations. Targeted transformation of riverside areas based on the proposed principles and methods of eco-urban optimization, creates prerequisites for a gradual restoration of the balance of natural and artificial components of urban landscape on a new qualitative level and subsequent extension of this process on city scale. 16

Parameters identified from summarizing the studies of A.V. Gorodkov, Spackman S.C.,ď€ H.J. Van Der Windt, R. T. T. Forman.

MAIN CONCLUSIONS AND RESULTS OF THE STUDY 1. A retrospective analysis of the development of Khabarovsk riverside areas allowed the author to identify seven stages and elaborate their graph-analytical models, reflecting the nature of changes in urban planning priorities and the role of riverside areas in Khabarovsk evolution. 2. A complex analysis of the current state of riverside areas of Khabarovsk by three groups of factors allowed to identify the main problems and conflicts as well as areas of their localization. As a result, a typology of urban planning resources for the implementation of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas was proposed. 3. A scheme for the location of riverside areas optimization zones, justifying the parameters of the boundaries of Khabarovsk riverside areas and taking into account territorial diversity, was developed on the basis of the following factors: the nature of urban development, natural conditions, investment potential, population density. 4. As a general theoretical basis for the transformation, the principles and methods of eco-urban optimization of large cities are proposed on the ground of international practice and requirements for the quality of the environment. As a basis for the transformation strategy, it is suggested to have a targeted increase in natural components with the formation of ecological framework, stable involvement of various social and age groups, and increased economic efficiency of use. 5. The study suggests a comprehensive model of activities for eco-urban optimization of Khabarovsk riverside areas, including a scheme of activities for environmental restructuring, social adaptation and cumulative recoupment in riverside areas at the city level. As a result, differentiated tasks of eco-urban optimization in transformation zones of riverside areas have been formulated, and a typology of ecological framework elements in riverside areas of Khabarovsk has been developed. 6. The presented scenarios for transforming riverside areas in the context of Southern, Central and Northern parts of Khabarovsk, form the basis for the components of ecological framework forming and illustrate the applicability of methods of riverside areas eco-urban optimization for specific conditions of Khabarovsk. The proposed graph-analytical model of eco-urban optimization of riverside area in the central part of the city allows to illustrate potential direction and pattern of changes resulting from this process. 7. Regeneration models for relevant sites of Khabarovsk riverside areas elaborated in the research accurately demonstrate the application of techniques allowing to form ecological framework components within the proposed scenarios of eco-urban optimization of riverside areas. 8. The study suggests directions for the urban planning regulation of riverside areas development with reference to the specific conditions of Khabarovsk city, as a result of integrating regulatory, organizational, economic and information mechanisms of urban development policy. 9. The proposed approaches can be used as a theoretical basis for transformation of cities with characteristic linear configuration, where riverside areas play a significant role and their disrupted condition effects the quality of life.

LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR ON THE THEME OF DISSERTATION a). Publications in the scientific journals included by the recommended by the highest attestation commission of the Russian Federation: 1. Matashova, M. Strategy of Ecological Framework Formation in the Structure of Riverside Areas of a Large City (case study of Khabarovsk city)/ Industrial and civil engineering, Moscow, 2011, - №5, - P.27-28, ISSN 0869-7019. 2. Matashova, M. Methods of Forming Green-Ecological Framework on the Riverside Areas of a Big City (case study of Khabarovsk city) // Bulletin of Civil Engineers. —2010. — No 3 (24). — P. 13–16, ISSN: 1999-5571. 3. Matashova, M. Ecological Approach to Landscape-Urban Transformation of Riverside Areas of the Khabarovsk City // Industrial and civil engineering, 2010, - №4, - P.43-44, ISSN 0869-7019. b) Publications in the other journals: 4. Matashova, M., Nefedov V., Optimization of the Riverside Areas of Large Cities: from the Program to the Experimental Simulation//New ideas of a new century: The 11th International Scientific Conference Proceedings,Khabarovsk, 2011. - P. 221-225, ISBN 978-5-7389-0953-5. 5. Matashova, M. Natural-ecological framework formation on the riverside areas of Khabarovsk city // Proceedings of the 67th scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and doctoral students of the University. Part 2 / St. Petersburg. State university of architecture and civil engineering - St. Petersburg, 2010. – P 183-185, ISBN 978-5-9227-0219-5. 6. Matashova, M. Contemporary Landscape Design in the Regeneration of Riverside Areas of Khabarovsk // Modern Landscape Design: New Approaches and Perspectives. International Conference proceedings: SPb, Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press, 2010. — P. 104—105. 7. Matashova M Principles of Khabarovsk City Riverside Areas Transformation Following The International Experience // New ideas of a new century: The 10th International Scientific Conference Proceedings,- Khabarovsk, 2010. –Part I, P. 111-115., ISBN 978-5-7389-0836-1.. 8. Matashova, M. Principles of Riverside Areas Transformation in Contemporary Social and Economic Conditions // Actual problems of modern construction:

the 62st International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists Proceedings, 2009. – P 246-250. ISBN 978-5-9227-0206-5. 9. Matashova M. Ways of the riverside areas transformation in order to achieve ecological balance // Proceedings of the 66th scientific conference of professors, teachers, researchers, engineers and doctoral students of the University. Part 4 / St. Petersburg. State university of architecture and civil engineering - St. Petersburg, 2009– P 207-211, ISBN 978-5-9227-0162-4. 10. Matashova, M. Ecological approach to the green infrastructure formation for the city of Khabarovsk // Urban Design and Ecology: International Perspectives: International Conference proceedings: SPb, Publishing House of the Polytechnic. University Press 2008.- P.56-57. 11. Matashova, Khabarovsk International Proceedings/ Engineering. 0109-9.

M., Approach to changing environmental conditions in city// Actual problems of modern construction: the 61st Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil - Part 2. - St. Petersburg, 2008. P. 169-173. ISBN 978-5-9227-

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