Mobile Shopping Summit 2010

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Featuring Presentations and Case Studies From:

From the producers of October 25-27, 2010 • Bridgew aters, NYC m Attention Retailers: Miss out on a mobile strategy at your own peril ! You can’t have failed to have picked up on the mobile buzz. It’s everywher e you turn, in everything you read, iPhon that, mobile commerce etc etc. e this, App But who can help you separate the hype from the reality? From all the noise in the market place to the actual nuggets that will drive your business forward? of gold Who is using the mobile channel effec tively to get more customers, to impr experience and drive sales? Leaving that ove customer aside, how can you get help on actua lly kick-starting your mobile presence? steps 1, 2 and 3? What are This is exactly why I’ve spent the last three months researching and putting together the Mobile Shopping Sum identified and selected leading-edge mit. I’ve retailers who have gone through a mob ile revolution. They’ve emerged battl ready to share their experiences. The e scarred and good, the bad, and the downright profi table! Your three BIG questions will be answered at the Mobile Shopping Summit: “I know that the mobile channel can potentiall 1 y be as big as traditional eCommerce. But where do I start?” - Brandon McGee, the Mobile Strat egist for Dell’s Consumer Business , guides you through Understanding Mobile: Where Do you Start When Build the 101 of ing Your Mobile Roadmap? - Tim McCauley, Director of Mobile Commerce from Walgreens joins a panel with Baron Concors, CIO of Pizza discuss how to Overcome The Hurdles Hut to In Developing Your Mobile Commerc e Site. - In addition, I’ve put together roun dtables that will literally provide you with a mobile “how to” guide (see page 3). 2 “I’ve got a mobile site, but I don’t think it’s working too well. How can I optimize it?” - A “can’t miss” session: Andrew Kove n is President of eCommerce and Cust omer Experience at Steve Madden. an eCommerce guru and has been optim He is izing web experiences for 15 years. He will show you how to tie together mobile into your marketing, customer service and technology strategy. - 3 unmissable, “best practice” case studies from 1-800 Flowers, Gam eStop and Sears outlining the chall successes and potential pitfalls you must enges, be aware of when embarking on a mob ile strategy. 3 “Look at all these technologies and platforms springing up every where. I’m totally confused by platforms sites. Let alone optimization! Help pleas and apps and e!” - The Mobile Solutions Demo (see page s 4-5) gives you the opportunity to hear from leading mobile solution providers, a “quick fire” format, exactly how their in solutions can help you get more custo mers and more sales - The Retail Mobile Apps Demo (see page 5) puts the spotlight on mobile apps . Which ones are working well and how can you develop your own apps? Learn from these innovators how they are changing retail! - You must sit in on Ed Deutscher’s session too. He heads up technology for and will be sharing what functionality you need to include in your key mobile offerings. The Mobile Shopping Summit is the most comprehensive, informative, in-de pth mobile commerce event on the mark Compare it with any other program et. and you’ll clearly see the benefits. The most retail case studies; the leading techn providers; the best networking. Maki ology ng the decision to attend is easy if you are serious about mobile. See you in New York in October! Best regards,

Leanne Laudico-Arcinue Executive Director Mobile Shopping Summit


the Focus Day Don’t forget to attend ping Your on October 25th – “Develo p” which will set Strategic Mobile Roadma cussions on the stage for all our dis mobile during the summit! Organized by:

REGISTER Call: 1-888-482-6012 or 1-646-200-7530 Fax: 1-646-200-7535 Email: Web: NOW!

Who Should Attend Mobile Shopping Summit 2010: Mobile is an emerging channel for many companies and industries, and we’ve found that mobile initiatives are led by executives and teams coming from the eCommerce, Marketing, and Technology departments. Mobile-specific job titles are also emerging but just because you don’t have the word “mobile” in your job title doesn’t mean you’re not leading the mobile efforts of your organization. Mobile Shopping Summit welcomes all leaders and experts who are leading the way in advancing mobile commerce across the following industries: clothing and accessories, travel, entertainment, computers, electronics, music and books, toys and baby, fragrances and beauty, flowers and gifts, luxury brands, autos, and food.

Typical job titles relevant to Mobile – CMO, CTO, CIO and SVP, VP, Director of: • • eCommerce Mobile Strategy Product Marketing • • • Marketing Mobile Marketing Technology • • • Web Marketing Customer Experience Marketing and • • Online Marketing Consumer Products Communications • • • Digital Marketing Consumer Business Interactive Media • • • Digital Media Strategic Marketing Digital Media • • • Digital Business Interactive and Emerging Advertising • • Mobile Commerce Technologies Mobile Payments •

DAY ONE: Focus Day Developing Your Strategic Mobile Roadmap Monday, October 25, 2010

On top of the research conducted on mobile commerce from the eTail conference in the past two years, the Mobile Shopping Summit team probed deeper into the challenges of the industry and what’s holding you back in moving mobile commerce forward. In the last six months, we’ve had interesting and eye-opening conversations with key e-Commerce, Marketing, and Technology executives about mobile and found 3 important nuggets: 1) Executives recognize mobile is the next big channel and can potentially be bigger than PC-based e-commerce, 2) Executives believe having a mobile presence – whether it’s an app or site or both - is not a question of IF but HOW. But many struggle with where to start, what tools are available, and what resources they need, 3) Executives will take extra caution on acting on something they don’t know much about yet. And what they don’t know is not just about the ROI of the mobile channel, but more so what the smart phone technologies are going to be like in the near future or how consumers are going to adopt new trends and shift behaviors again. This special focus day gives you answers. Answers to each of the above questions. Straight from the mouths of those who had the same concerns when they started their mobile strategies. But they took the risk early to pilot test their ideas. Learn invaluable best practices in starting your mobile commerce and give your customers the opportunity to engage with your brand and enjoy the novelty and convenience of mobile shopping!


Registration And Networking Breakfast


Chairperson’s Opening Remarks


Understanding The 101 On Mobile: Where Do You Start When Building Your Mobile Roadmap?

Hear from a mobile commerce champion and leader to help you understand and set up the key elements and tools you need to pursue your mobile commerce initiatives. • Sharing the Pizza Hut journey – from conceptual planning to execution of our mobile strategy. • Overcoming the hurdles and winning your management and organization’s support in expanding into the mobile channel • Why mobile shopping is not just for clothing, travel, or entertainment – demonstrating opportunities to compete and win in the mobile channel • Real-life lessons learned and best practices on how you can also become the next best mobile shopping application

Brandon McGee Mobile Strategy, Consumer Business Dell Brandon McGee is a well-known, well-respected industry expert on mobile having been a trailblazer on mobile banking. He joins Dell as a mobile strategist and brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in developing mobile strategies. In this opening session, Brandon will help outline the important steps in starting your mobile roadmap and help dispel myths in launching your mobile channel: • App versus WAP: what’s the real purpose of your mobile strategy? • Understanding the core of your customers • Understanding the available and emerging mobile technologies • Understanding how you can measure results • Understanding how you can tie mobile back to other channels and improve a unified shopping experience 11:10

Best Practices In Getting Your Mobile Brand To Market Baron Concors Chief Information Officer Pizza Hut Baron Concors, CIO of Pizza Hut joins the Mobile Shopping Summit to share the success of their iPhone application and how you can take advantage of the opportunities in the mobile channel. Last year, Forbes named the Pizza Hut iPhone application the #1 branded mobile application of the year. Baron brings extensive experience in technology, operations, and marketing with an emphasis in retail, hospitality and consumer goods. In 2009, he was named by Computerworld Magazine as one of the Premier 100 IT Leaders in the world.



PANEL Session: Overcoming The Hurdles In Developing Your Mobile Commerce Site Tim McCauley Director of Mobile Commerce Walgreens Jason Taylor Vice President of Global Product Strategy UsableNet Baron Concors Chief Information Officer Pizza Hut Tom Wills Senior Analyst Javelin Strategy and Research You’ve expressed your struggles in putting together a strategic mobile roadmap. And yes, it’s not as simple as we all thought it would be. As with the emergence of the internet more than ten years ago, here we are trying to understand and optimize a new channel. Join successful leaders representing different industries to learn effective and practical tips on how you can start your mobile roadmaps: • Outlining the hoops and challenges you had to go through when you started your mobile initiatives • Sharing important lessons learned and best practices to address the hurdles

Call: 1-888-482-6012 or 1-646-200-7530 Fax: 1-646-200-7535 Email: Web:

Understanding your customers’ need for mobility and delivering the right mobile content and platform to engage them Demonstrate how you are able to simplify and streamline the mobile shopping experience Practical tips for companies that are just starting to build their mobile commerce strategies


Networking Lunch For All Attendees

1:35 – Taking It To The Streets

most basic questions about mobile commerce and how you can improve the mobile shopping experience for your customers. Meet experts in mobile commerce who will teach you everything you need to know about building a mobile roadmap. Each round table topic will be led by a table moderator who will rotate every 30 minutes. This gives you the chance to hear and learn from each of the industry leaders and spend quality time on each topic. Table #1: Driving m-Commerce Sales Through Mobile Advertising Brendan Kraham Team Manager of Mobile Google AdMob

Sharon Knitter Senior Director, Consumer Products, Chairman of the Mobile Committee, IAB

Table #2: One App Forward, Two Steps Back Randi Barshack Vice President of Marketing Mashery

Sharon Knitter is the Director of Product Management for and has led the site’s mobile initiative, working to bring the best of to shoppers on the go. Join Sharon as she talks about their company’s vision and objectives for their mobile strategy. She will share significant results and usage, as well as changes they’ve made along the way. Sharon will also outline their future plans to continue to improve and drive their mobile commerce strategies. She is currently the co-chair of the IAB mobile committee and can help answer many of your questions about developing and analyzing new opportunities in the mobile channel. 2:15

Coffee And Refreshment Break


Rotating Round Table Workshops Delegates are looking to learn about best practices, practical solutions, “how to” guides, even a “Mobile Bible” to help develop and implement a strategic mobile commerce strategy. Here’s your chance to ask even the

Table #3: Interactive Integrated Engagement: The New Age of Local Store Marketing Pierre Barbeau Chief Executive Officer Moblico Table #4: Digital Marketing Solutions For Mobile Executive Speaker from InfoGroup Interactive If you are interested in moderating a round table, please contact Scott Rossen, Sponsorship Manager at 646-200-7526 or email 5:30

End Of Focus Day One

DAY TWO: Main Conference Navigating Your RoadMap: Optimizing The Mobile Shopping Experience Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“Mobile is ramping up faster than desktop Internet did and will be bigger than most think – 5 Trends Converging (3G + Social Networking + Video + VoIP + Impressive Mobile Devices). Regarding pace of change, we believe more users will likely connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within 5 years.” Source: Morgan Stanley Report, April 2010

By attending the two days you will meet leading-edge retailers currently building and deploying a mobile store. These industry leaders will share their stories with you about how they executed their mobile roadmaps, and will share fascinating results – successful or not! Because mobile is becoming THE channel-of-choice of your consumers and there’s a lot of buzz around cool mobile shopping apps, there is a natural tendency to rush into getting a mobile presence out there to beat the competition. Yes, it’s about acting swiftly and letting your customers know you are innovative and up-to-date with the latest mobile technologies. But more importantly, you also have to do it right. You have to deliver what your customers really want. Understand how you can truly optimize the mobile channel so your customers can shop with ease, with confidence, and often! How better than to learn from the early adopters and mobile experts at these engaging sessions?


Networking Breakfast And Conference Registration


Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Join Andrew Koven, an E-Commerce guru for over 15 years, who has created innovative ways to get people started buying things on the web. He’s the force behind the double digit growth for the online business and profitability of Steve Madden Ltd. Andrew has built the marketing, technology, mobile, service and fulfillment foundations that solve the 5 prong go-to-market strategy a multi-channel retailing manufacturer faces and leverages all the hottest new technologies, including m-commerce, social media and viral techniques that engage audiences of all ages anywhere and everywhere.

Bernardine Wu Chief Executive Officer Fit For Commerce 9:00

E-Commerce, Social Synergies And Mobile-Minded Must-Haves To Drive Your Entire Business Andrew Koven President of eCommerce and Customer Experience Steve Madden The multi-faceted, E-Commerce strategy at Steve Madden leverages mobile, social media, viral, personalization and predictive remarketing to heighten awareness and spark lively conversations about the brand. Andrew will detail new “socially minded” site enhancements and analytical results that illustrate how grabbing share of mind — and mouth — translates to greater market share across all channels.



The Impact Of Mobile Devices On Consumer's Behavior And Retailing Abhi Dhar Chief Technology Officer, e-Commerce Walgreens Abhi Dhar heads IT in Walgreens’ e-commerce division as chief technology officer, responsible for end-to-end delivery, development and innovation of the online and mobile platform. An effective motivator with direct leadership experience in all areas within technology, software product


development, services, enterprise program/change management and related functions Abhi shares his experience and expertise in defining the impact of new technologies in mobile shopping and retailing. • Ordering from mobile devices or online channels - fulfillment in stores or at home • Changing consumer, increased use of mobile devices to: • compare prices • research • place orders to pick-up/shipped to home • communicate status 10:20

Morning Refreshment Break And Network Opportunity In The Mobile Marketplace


PANEL Session: Unifying The Shopping Experience – Integrating Mobile Across All Sales Channels


In this unique interactive session, leading mobile solution providers get the opportunity to demonstrate their innovative mobile commerce solutions through a “quick-fire” presentation in front of the entire audience. A 10minute Q&A Panel follows after all the demos are completed. Presenting Companies: Randi Barshack Vice President of Marketing Mashery David Sikora Founder and CEO Digby Interested in demonstrating your mobile commerce solutions? Space is limited. Contact Scott Rossen at 646-200-7526 or email

John Tighe Director of e-Commerce Genesco Retail


Steve Deller CEO Virid

Afternoon Refreshment Break And Networking Opportunity In The Mobile Marketplace


Mobile Spotlight On Rue La La: Mobility And The Velvet Rope

Rob Gelick Senior Vice President and General Manager CBS Mobile

Stephanie Brocoum Vice President of Member Marketing Rue La La

Executive Speaker InfoGroup Interactive •


Driving your mobile strategy to stimulate and increase customer engagement Providing mobile enabling services such as location based service, price comparisons, click to call, etc. to bring your brand closer to your customers How do you tie back mobile commerce into your multi-channel strategies and initiatives Delivering a seamless shopping experience from the mobile store to the online store and brick-and-mortar store Developing a measurement strategy to track channel performance

Stephanie is Vice President of Marketing for, an invitationonly, private sale website featuring limited time sales of coveted brands. Stephanie’s primary responsibility at Rue La La is member marketing and in this role, she focuses on the Rue La La member lifecycle, including acquiring new members, engaging current members, and rewarding the site’s most loyal customers through marketing programs. Join Stephanie in this exciting presentation about mobility and engagement 24/7. 4:40

Are You Fit for Mobile? Benchmarking Your Mobile Commerce Program And Ensuring That You Are

This one hour sessions puts the spotlight on cutting-edge mobile apps that help your customers shop on their mobile devices. Enjoy ten minute demonstrations from these innovative companies that are changing the future of mobile shopping.

Mobile may be the future for all of us, but are you really fit for mobile? In this session, attendees will review a mobile benchmark of the most active mobile commerce practitioners and be able to assess your mobile evolution. Then, with the help of existing best practices and expert advice, you will be able to develop an informed and stepped approach to mobile success that matches your business and operational needs. 12:15

Networking Lunch For All Attendees


Sealing The Deal Through Mobile With Amazon Payments: Be True To Your Brand As You Streamline The Checkout Experience Baris Cetinok GM Digital & Director of Marketing Amazon Payments The principle tenets of a good experience for e-commerce website – discoverability, usability and security also hold true for m-commerce. But the bar for a good customer experience is even higher on the mobile phone due to the size & form factor, plus the fact that mobile interactions occur on the go and often under time constraints. We will explore how the brand-conscious seller can provide a mobile shopping experience that is seamless and smart from end to end.

Beyond Brands – Mobile Shopping Enablers: Retail Mobile App Demos According to recent reports, Apple claims that cumulative app revenue has reached $1.4bn in June 2010. This is based on 5 billion downloads, both free and paid. Several reports have also showed that there are 225,000 apps in total (and counting). How many of these apps are related to shopping? According to another report, there are at least 83,000 mobileenabled commerce sites, ranging from mobile shopping assistants to banks and mobile real estate sites.

Bernardine Wu Chief Executive Officer FitForCommerce


Mobile Solutions Demo Part 1

Presenting Companies: • • Fast Mall, presented by Samuel Feuer, CEO and President • Shop Savvy, presented by Alexander Muse, Founder Space is limited! If you are interested in showcasing your mobile-enabled shopping apps, please contact Leanne Arcinue, 646-200-7466 or email 5:45

Networking Cocktail Reception For All Attendees After a day filled with constructive discussion, case studies, and interactive demos, relax and unwind at the Networking Cocktail Party! Enjoy a drink or two while enjoying the view of the Hudson River and the world-famous Brooklyn Bridge. It’s New York City, the shopping capital of the world and the best place to take in an amazing view of Manhattan while making new friends and building new contacts.

Call: 1-888-482-6012 or 1-646-200-7530 Fax: 1-646-200-7535 Email: Web:

DAY THREE: Main Conference Navigating Your RoadMap: Optimizing The Mobile Shopping Experience Wednesday, October 27, 2010 8:00

Networking Breakfast And Conference Registration


Chairperson’s Opening Remarks


Optimizing The Mobile Experience For Your Customer With Differentiated Experiences Across Devices


Rob Gelick Senior Vice President and General Manager CBS Mobile Brandon McGee Mobile Strategy, Consumer Business Dell

Ed Deutscher Director of Technology and Advanced Services, HSN

As with any new strategy, you want to know what the real tangible return is going to be like. Join top leaders in mobile commerce to share with you the undeniable benefits of investing your time, your money, and your resources on the mobile channel: • Defining the channel performance metrics of your mobile store • Gaining customer insights through mobile analytics • Demonstrating the benefits of mobile “couponing”, loyalty cards • Maximizing the opportunities in mobile search and mobile advertising • How do you see mobile commerce and mobile payments improving in the near-term to truly enable mobile shopping?

In a time when customer engagement through technology is a focus across industries, Ed Deutscher will discuss how to understand who you are targeting with your mobile offerings, determine key functionality to include in your mobile offering and whether your mobile offering should be extended to mobile apps or other devices. As Director of Technology for and HSN’s Advanced Services, Ed Deutscher is responsible for guiding the direction and development of technology supporting HSN’s dynamic e-commerce site and implementing the company’s robust mobile strategy. As a leader in transactional innovation, HSN is the only retailer to stream live HD video across three screens – television, online and mobile – allowing customers to access the HSN shopping experience whenever and wherever they choose. Ed played a pivotal role in the recent launch of the multi-channel retailer’s HSN Shop App, which is now available across numerous devices including the Apple iPhone and iTouch; Android-enabled phones and select Nokia handsets and continues to work broaden its reach. 9:40



Morning Refreshment Break And Network Opportunity In The Mobile Marketplace


Mobile Solutions Demo Part 2 In this unique interactive session, leading mobile solution providers get the opportunity to demonstrate their innovative mobile commerce solutions through a quick-fire presentation with their retail partner to share their path to success. A 10-minute Q&A Panel follows after all the demos are completed. Jason Taylor Vice President of Global Product Strategy UsableNet Interested in demonstrating your mobile commerce solutions? Space is limited. Contact Scott Rossen at 646-200-7526 or email


Best-In-Class Case Study: Mobile Spotlight On Sears Jim Hilt Divisional Vice President and General Manager, Online Services and Chief Home Manager for Manage My Home Sears Holdings Corporation

Jay Scannell Chief Operating Officer SkyMall


Networking Lunch For All Attendees Best Practices In Mobile Commerce – Mobile Leaders In The Spotlight

A Cohesive Mobile: Going Beyond Having A Mobile Site

Jay Scannell is responsible for all SkyMall's business units (in-flight catalog, e-commerce, mail-to-home and loyalty rewards) and he has managed the design and development of SkyMall's proprietary enterprise platform for e-commerce, eCRM, collaborative supply chain network, virtual warehousing, in-flight entertainment systems, m-commerce, SaaS and point of sale terminals. He joins the Mobile Shopping Summit to share best practices in integrating your multichannel strategies to your mobile initiatives, including discussions on: • How all apps and sites act together • Similar checkouts • Similar search functions • Allowing mobile sites to be found via search engine > directing to proper results • Tracking promotions cross apps/sites

PANEL Session: Gaining Successful Returns From Your Mobile Channel

Jim Hilt is the Divisional Vice President and General Manager of Online Services for Sears Holdings Corporation and the Chief Home Manager for Manage My Home. Sears was recently recognized again for Best-in-Class Mobile Excellence for leveraging the mobile channel to improve the customer experience. Their optimized site across multiple platforms and applications allows their customers to shop anywhere, at anytime. Sears offers a variety of mobile shopping options such as Sears2go, Kmart2go, Sears Personal Shopper, Manage My Life and mygofer2go giving customers plenty of opportunities to engage with their brand. Join Jim Hilt as he shares the winning formula in providing value and convenience to your customers through the mobile channel. 2:20

Best-In-Class Case Study: Mobile Spotlight On 1-800 Flowers Kevin Ranford Vice President, Online Marketing, Mobile & Social Media 1-800 Flowers 1-800 Flowers has been getting rave customer reviews and multiple awards for their mobile application. The company leads the industry in implementing innovative strategies to improve and optimize the mobile shopping experience. Winner of the RIS 2010 Mobile App of the Year Award in the “Best Shopping” category, 1-800 Flowers shows how retailers can seize opportunities to respond to customers’ needs and their ever-changing behavior by embracing and leveraging mobile technology. Join Kevin Ranford in this inspiring presentation on how you can also build a best-in-class mobile application to expand and customize your storefront and enable a seamless mobile shopping experience for your customers.



Best-In-Class Case Study: Mobile Spotlight On GameStop

aggregation and retail strategy, employing a multi-channel approach that embraces GameStop’s more than 6200 stores across the globe as well as the company’s web site, Shawn brings with him 20 years of senior management experience building and leading online businesses including travel, mobile and live entertainment. Hear best practices in developing and deploying new mobile commerce strategies and uncover ways to overcome challenges and obstacles in optimizing mobile.

Shawn Freeman Senior Vice President and General Manager GameStop Shawn Freeman leads the mobile commerce initiatives at GameStop, the world’s largest video game and entertainment software retailer. He leads the development and management of their digital 3:40

End of Mobile Shopping Summit

Solutions Zone - Interactive Mobile Marketplace The Mobile Shopping Summit Solutions Zone provides you with the opportunity to evaluate mobile commerce solutions. The Mobile Marketplace features companies that provide technology and services to help you manage your mobile commerce strategies and initiatives. Delegates can talk with mobile solutions experts to breakdown their toughest challenges and find practical solutions to help move their mobile strategies forward. There is a vast array of solution providers available out there but the key is finding the right one for you. Today, more than ever before, it is critical for you to make smart investment decisions that will produce immediate results. Do you have a product, solution, or service that helps optimize the mobile shopping experience? Interested in joining a panel sessions with key industry leaders, or presenting at the mobile solution demo, or simply showcasing your solutions in the Interactive Mobile Marketplace, call Scott Rossen at 646-200-7526 or email for sponsorship opportunities at the Mobile Shopping Summit.

Registration Information Conference Pricing Qualified Retailers Pricing

Two Day Main Conference PLUS Pre Conference Focus Day (October 25-27) Two Day Conference (October 26-27)

Venue & Accommodations Information

Register & Pay Register & Pay Register & Pay By July 25th To By Aug. 25th To By Sept 25th To Get $300 Off Get $200 Off Get $100 Off

Full Price

Situated in the heart of the historic South Street Seaport and minutes from the Financial District, Bridgewaters boasts some of Manhattan’s finest views. Directions:





BY SUBWAY: Take the 2, 3, 4, 5, J, Z or M trains to Fulton Street; A and C trains to Broadway/Nassau. Walk east on Fulton to Cobblestone area of Seaport. Make a left on Front Street.





BY BUS: Take the M15 (South Ferry Sign) down 2nd Avenue to Fulton Street

Please note a qualified retailer is not: Any service provider to retail organizations - Including software vendors, internet developers, technology vendors, solution providers, third party logistics providers, consultants or companies with primary revenues resulting from commissions, subscriptions and/or advertising. Worldwide Business Research reserves the right to enforce the rate for non-retailers. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. •

For Team Discounts contact Bill Penney at 1-866-691-7771 or email Team discounts must be booked and paid for at the same time. Team discounts do not apply to sponsoring or exhibiting companies or non retailers.

All discounts are taken off the full conference price. No two discounts or offers can be combined.

Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may be subject to cancellation

For cancellation and substitution information please visit

Connecticut residents must add 6% sales tax to their registration fee. All Others Pricing

Two Day Conference (October 25th and 26th)


Bridgewaters 11 Fulton Street Atop the Fulton Market Building at the South Street Seaport New York, NY 10038 212-609-7400

PARKING: We Recommend the CENTRAL PARKING SYSTEMS outdoor parking lot on the corner of Beekman and Pearl Streets. Entrance to parking lot is on Pearl Street. After parking, walk east on Beekman Street one block and turn right on Front Street. Fulton Market Building is on the left. TO ACCESS BRIDGEWATERS AND THE MUSEUM CLUB: Access through private entrance at corner of Beekman and Front Streets For a list of recommended hotels in the area, please go to and click on accommodations

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Full Price $2,599

Call: 888-482-6012 Email: Web: EFT or WIRE TRANSFER PAYMENT DETAILS: HSBC Bank USA 452 Fifth Ave New York, NY 10018 Routing #: 021001088; SWIFT: MRMDUS33; Worldwide Business Research USA LLC: Account # 619782161 Please reference code: 19025.001 when registering

Call: 1-888-482-6012 or 1-646-200-7530 Fax: 1-646-200-7535 Email: Web:

About Our Sponsors Amazon Payments provides consumers, sellers, and developers with the simple way to pay and get paid online and on mobile. For retailers, Amazon Payments offers Checkout by Amazon, a complete e-commerce checkout and payment service, now also available for your m-commerce website or application. Tens of millions of Amazon customers can make purchases on your ecommerce website and mobile website or application using the shipping addresses and payment information stored in their accounts. Accelerate the success of your mobile strategy with Checkout by Amazon Mobile. Offer your customers a seamless, mobileoptimized payment experience with unique features such as, 1-Click ®and Amazon PayPhrase enabling them to complete purchases quickly and easily on mobile devices. Retailers currently offering Checkout by Amazon on their e-commerce websites include, and also offers Checkout by Amazon Mobile on it’s m-commerce website. Learn more about adding Checkout by Amazon to your e-commerce or m-commerce website. Digby is the premier mobile commerce solution provider powering the mobile channel for top retailers. The award winning Digby Mobile Commerce Suite is a fully managed, SaaS solution giving retailers the ability to engage and sell to customers on the go. The combination of on-device, rich applications and mobile web storefronts creates a best of breed offering that provides retailers everything they need for a complete mobile channel strategy. Digby mobile storefronts include easy search, browse and purchase capabilities, account management, integration with on device personal information, secure wallet and location based service functionality. Led by software industry veterans, the privately held company is headquartered in Austin, Texas. For additional information, please visit 60% of eCommerce investments end in divorce due to poor planning or choice in solution. Working to bring that percentage down on a case-by-case basis, FitForCommerce has established itself as the leading boutique eCommerce consultancy by helping hundreds of online and multichannel retailers and manufacturers make informed eCommerce investment decisions. Using years of experience, state-of-the-art tools, strategic diligence and tactical planning, FitForCommerce helps retailers define business and technical requirements and find their "best fit" technology solutions including eCommerce platforms, back-end systems and critical points solutions including mobile., managed by FitForCommerce, is the eCommerce industry’s most comprehensive knowledge base and educational resource. For additional information, please visit and or email AdMob is one of the world's largest mobile advertising networks, serving billions of mobile banner and text ads a month across a wide range of leading mobile websites and applications. AdMob helps advertisers connect with a relevant audience of consumers on mobile devices and gives publishers the ability to effectively monetize their mobile traffic. Google acquired AdMob in May 2010. Infogroup Interactive is a new digital solutions and services company for marketers. The power behind the Infogroup Interactive brand includes Infogroup sister divisions, Yesmail and Walter Karl, in addition to a key digital partnership with a leading interactive firm. Infogroup Interactive is the newest division of Infogroup that brings marketers a comprehensive, cross channel, digital marketing solution to build and execute powerful marketing campaigns that include email marketing, mobile and SMS marketing, social media, direct marketing media and web-based applications. Mashery's API management and strategies help companies connect with customers in a changing digital world by expanding their presence across devices and the Web. Mashery leads the industry with a holistic approach for API initiatives-from setting business strategy to the managing of infrastructure to facilitating relationships with our 50,000-strong developer network. Our knowledge, experience and proven strategies enable companies to focus on their core business while building new revenue channels and realizing faster time-to-market for innovative applications. Mashery was founded in 2006 and has built an impressive list of clients that include Best Buy, Netflix, the New York Times,, Hoover's, Billboard magazine and more. Moblico provides a custom mobile solution that enables its clients to effectively acquire, retain, transact and support customers with mobile technologies. Extending far beyond typical, standard SMS offerings, the company empowers brands to engage in long-term, continual interaction with target audiences, fostering deeper and more personalized relationships that inspire brand loyalty and boost revenues. With real-time analytics reporting and strategic activities, Moblico's mobile solutions network allows businesses to better understand and leverage knowledge found within their clients' customer base. Additionally, Moblico designs its services around the needs of the organizations it serves, giving companies a competitive edge that makes them market leaders and ensures they stay ahead of their industry rivals. Virid helps retailers grow by developing strong strategic partnerships with our clients to build and power distinctive online and mobile brand experiences. Virid helps identify market opportunities and provides a multi-channel solution that marries smart, nimble technology with cogent creative to design, develop and manage online and mCommerce sites. Our solutions solve complex business issues and in return increase revenue, build customer loyalty and are easy to deploy. Since 1999, Virid’s expert team has been delivering real business results for national and niche brands alike and is driven by one goal – the success of our clients. Usablenet works with leading brands to translate their existing websites content and functionality to mobile web and app interfaces. The solution requires no IT resources on the client side, works on all mobile, tablet, kiosk, and assistive platforms worldwide and can be implemented in six to eight weeks. The platform extends marketing, commerce and client service efforts to their customers’ mobile phones. Usablenet customers include top companies, such as Dell, Marriott, Jet Blue, Walgreens, Amtrak, Estée Lauder, and Pfizer. Founded in 2000, Usablenet is a private company headquartered in New York City with offices in Italy. For more information, visit



WBR 535 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10017

October 25-27, 2010 • Bridgewaters, NYC Your priority booking code is:

When registering please provide the code above.

Mobile Commerce Made Simple. Featuring Best-In-Class Presentations From:

Sharon Knitter Senior Director, Consumer Products Chairman of the Mobile Committee, IAB Andrew Koven President of eCommerce and Customer Experience Steve Madden

Attention Mailroom: If undeliverable to addressee, this time sensitive information should be forwarded to the Brandon McGee Mobile Strategy, Consumer Business Dell Rob Gelick Senior Vice President and General Manager CBS Mobile

Vice President of eCommerce/Marketing *Turn the page to see the exciting full agenda!

Abhi Dhar Chief Information Officer Walgreens



From the producers of

October 25-27, 2010 Bridgewaters, NYC

Mobile Commerce Made Simple. Developing Your Mobile Strategy To Improve The Mobile Shopping Experience

Connecting with your customers 24/7 is not a choice. It’s a must. Retailers that don’t will fail.

Want to know how you can monetize the mobile channel? Hear success stories about how the mobile store drives acquisition, loyalty, and sales revenue

Already deployed a mobile app or mobile site? Learn how you can optimize your mobile channel to encourage mobile shopping

Don’t have a mobile strategy yet? Hear everything you need to know about setting up your mobile store. Hear the 101 on Mobile

Don’t waste this opportunity to learn how you can develop and drive your mobile strategies to engage your customers anytime, anywhere. Join the Mobile Shopping Summit and be among the retail leaders paving the way for mobile commerce to take off:

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Need to talk about your challenges in driving your mobile channel? Sit down with your peers and industry experts in a more intimate and casual setting to share best practices and tactical solutions through: • Cutting edge case studies and panels led by industry expert speakers • Interactive round tables to share successes and challenges • Mobile app/site Spotlight demos Mobile Marketplace Mobile Solution demos of the latest technologies •

Key Industry Speakers Include:

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