Vol. 5 • No. 5
Winter, 2013-14
NEW RULES FOR ATHLETIC TEAMS USE OF PARKS AND COMMON AREAS: The Finley Farms South Board has wrestled with issues of home-owner complaints and usage of our flood basins and community parks for more than six months. Many HOAs in Gilbert are struggling with similar issues of parking, insurance, risk, and overcrowding due to the Town of Gilbert not offering enough space for youth sports or charging fees that make usage prohibitive. Due to this pressure, FFS has worked hard to resolve issues in a balanced, fair way. See back for more >>
• December Holiday Lights Contest judging will be on Dec 14-15 Win a $100, $75 or $50 gift card! • Parking rules on back >
Have you seen our new “Great Place to Live” shirts? Win one! More inside >
• Our Annual Homeowners Meeting and Potluck will be: Thurs., Jan. 16 at 7:00pm at the Gilbert Historical Museum
JANUARY 16, 2014
Mark your calendars! This January at our Annual Homeowners Meeting, we’ll be electing two Board Members and also having a FFS community potluck. If your last name starts wtih: A-F, bring a salad G-L, bring a main dish M-Z bring a dessert
Visit finleyfarmssouth hoa.com Or discover coming events and community issues on Facebook: http://groups.to/finleyfarms/
Vandalism/theft of our monument lights at Val Vista/Mesquite have already cost us hundreds of dollars. Please report any suspicious activity and help us catch these criminals.
FFS HOLIDAY LIGHTS CONTEST BOARD Decorate for a chance to WIN! You could win $100, $75, or $50 and bragging rights ALL YEAR LONG! We’ll even install a special sign to recognize your winning work so all of Finley Farms will know!
Judging will run through Dec. 15th.
...SEE WINNERS ON FACEBOOK! APPLY • VOLUNTEER • ATTEND • VOTE TWO OPENINGS ON THE FINLEY FARMS SOUTH HOA BOARD: Our website has the forms and more information if you’d like to run for our HOA Board of Directors. There are two open positions. Terms are for three years. Other positions are open for various committees.
MOST BEAUTIFUL YARD OF THE QUARTER? - On holiday till 2014 There’s lots of nice yards out there. Nominate one by sending us a picture or suggesting an address via email to finleyfarmssouth@wearevision.com! Winners are awarded gift certificates from the Home Depot:
1st Place -$100.00, 2nd Place -$50.00, 3rd Place $50.00 THIS QUARTER ENTER THE CHRISTMAS CONTEST INSTEAD!
of DIRECTORS President Paul Gonzales Vice President Heath Westenskow Treasurer Jonathan Bailey Board Members Rebecca Field Rita Mayer Mark Sequeira Tanner Larsen Email: FinleyFarmsSouth@ WeAreVision.com Jen Amundson Community Mgr. (480) 759-4945 9633 South 48th St. Suite #150 Phoenix, AZ 85048 Emergency Pager After hours please call (480) 759-4945 When prompted, select Option 5 http://www.finley farmssouthhoa.com
We also have a resident-only group on Facebook! Join it at Finley Farms South, - Gilbert, AZ. DESIGN: MJASTUDIOS
FFS Board President Paul Gonzales and Board Member Mark Sequeira receiving the 2014 Community of Excellence Award for Finley Farms South HOA from the Town of Gilbert - Elegante DoubleTree Hotel, Nov. 8, 2014.
ELS Manager Rod Milburn accepts the 1st Place Award on behalf of Finley Farms South for most beautiful commercial landscaping, from the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association Wigwam Resort, Litchfield Park. Nov. 23, 2014.
FINLEY FARMS WINS AWARDS The FFS Board congratulates Jen Amundson of Vision Community Management, Rod Milburn and the staff at ELS Landscaping and all the residents of Finley Farms South for making Finley Farms such a great place to live! Cut out and post near the phone or on your refrigerator
FINLEY FARMS SOUTH HOA - WWW.FINLEYFARMSSOUTHHOA.COM • Annual Homeowners Meeting: Thursday, Jan. 16 at 7pm and Potluck, Gilbert Historical Museum, Gilbert & Elliot Rd. • The Holiday Lights Contest judging this December 14-15 is every Wednesday Please do not put out bins before the night prior. Bring bins in the next day before nightfall. Please put bins in the street against the curb. Do not block sidewalks.
is picked up on Friday mornings and should be put out THURSDAY EVENING OR EARLY FRI. For what can go into recycling, go to: www.ci.gilbert.az.us/pw/recycling.cfm
BULK TRASH is picked up the week of the third Monday of the month. NOT the third week of the month. People putting out bulk trash before the Saturday night prior will be fined.
BULK PICKUP: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Dec 16 Jan 20 Feb 17 Mar 17
IMPORTANT # Police: 480-503-6500 (non-emergency) Fire: 480-503-6300 Water Conservation: 480-503-6098 PublicWorks (trash/street lights): 480-503-6400 Poison: 1-800-222-1222 SRP: 602-236-3333 Vision Management: 480-759-4945 (24-hour above#: press 5)
PLEASE CHECK/ADJUST YOUR IRRIGATION TO SAVE WATER & PROTECT COMMON WALLS! It’s time to adjust your sprinklers and check for common wall dampness/damage. If stucco or paint on common walls gets damaged or miscolored due to overwatering, homeowners are liable. So please check now.
NEW RULES FOR ATHLETIC TEAMS (Cont.) FFS had required athletic teams using our common areas • Have at least one member of the team, or the coach be a Finley Farms resident. This rule will continue. Our common space is private property and maintained by all Finley Farms homeowners. No fees or dues are charged these residents or teams. New requirements • Field and common area usage will be at the discretion of the Finley Farms South Board • Preference will be given to youth • Allow two nights a week per field/common area/flood basin • Require proof of insurance/release of all liability • Require form be filled out and approved by HOA Board • Require team/coach to possess proof of permission at all times to practice • Require all parents to follow parking laws and signs or risk losing permission to use fields/common areas • Bad language/attitudes/disrespect will not be tolerated by parents, helpers or participants We have identified three common areas for use in the community, not counting the North Park on the north side of Mesquite which Finley Farms South homeowners pays 3/4 of the monthly bills to maintain (through their HOA dues). Approval/chice of fields will be on a first-come, first-served basis at the discretion of the FFS Board. Forms and questions should be emailed to FinleyFarmsSouth@wearevision.com and forms can be downloaded from www.finleyfarmssouthhoa.com
FFS PARKING LAWS Due to the width of some streets within Finley Farms South not being wide enough to safely allow Emergency and Fire Vehicles to access all of our homes, it is currently a parking violation for homeowners and residents to park on the streets within Finley Farms. Visitors are allowed to park overnight with prior permission from Vision Management. FFS has regular patrols that fine residents and homeowners who violate our parking policy. These fines can add up quickly and if residents have questions, you are strongly encouraged to contact Vision Management. Not too many years ago we had an overnight fire and luckily no one lost their life because first responders could get to the house. More about our Finley Farms South parking policy on www.FinleyFarmsSouthHOA.com
Have you seen the new tot lot lights? Thanks to the FFS Board, new lighting was approved at the tot lot park on Columbus (North of Warner Road). The images above were taken without a flash. The tot lot is lit nightly till 10:00pm when it closes. Have a suggestion? Send it to FinleyFarmsSouth@WeAreVision.com