Hvornår flytter I tilbage? Det startede egentlig som en spøg til en jule frokost. Katrine og Rune blev spurgt: ”Hvornår flytter I tilbage?” Det var ikke noget, de havde planlagt de skulle, men da tanken først var op stået, kunne de ikke slippe den igen. Rune og Katrine er begge vokset op på Ærø. Katrine kom til øen som 4-årig - flyttede dog til Thurø som 16-årig - og de blev et par, da Rune var på gymna siet i Nyborg og Katrine stadig boede på Ærø. Siden
When will you move back?
flyttede de sammen til Svendborg, mens Rune blev uddannet Falck-redder og derefter videre til
It started as a joke at a Christmas party.
Odense, hvor Katrine blev socialrådgiver. Hun fik
Katrine and Rune were asked: “When are you
job i Nyborg Kommune og parret købte et stort hus
moving back?” They had not even thought about
med stor have i Ullerslev. Der fik de to drenge og
it, but as soon as the idea was out in the open,
tilværelsen var egentlig som den skulle være, da
they could not let go of it.
spørgsmålet kom. Om at flytte tilbage. Rune and Katrine both grew up on Ærø. Katrine ”Vi begyndte at snakke om, hvad der egentlig holdt
moved to the island at 4 years old and moved to
os tilbage”, fortæller Katrine, mens hun sidder på
Thurø when she was 16. They started to see each
parrets smukke terrasse med udsigt til vandet og
other when Rune went to college in Nyborg and
med parrets næsten nyfødte søn i armene. ”Vi satte
Katrine still lived on Ærø. They moved in together
vores hus til salg i februar, jeg sagde op i maj og så
in Svendborg while Rune studied to be a rescuer.
flyttede vi til Ærø i en campingvogn, indtil vi kunne
Shortly after they moved to Odense where Katrine
købe huset her.”
studied to be a social worker. She got a job in the municipality of Nyborg, Rune worked for the Fire and Rescue Service, Falck, and the couple bought a big house with a huge garden in Ullerslev. Katrine gave birth to two boys and life was in fact exactly as it was supposed to be – when the question came. About moving back. ”We started to wonder what held us back”, Katrine tells us, while seated in a couch on the porch with their newborn son in her arms. “We put our house on the market in February, I quit my job in May, and we moved to Ærø in a caravan until we could buy and move into this house.”