Dinosaurs Alive Activity Passport

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The Lord Mayor of Dinosaurland seeks the assistance of all creatures through the ages

to ensure safe passage for the bearer of this Passport, and to provide assistance and protection, in the journey of discovery through the

A L 1 V e Exhibition.


G>inplete your stamp collection and

Jet a free

er for yuur passport


Meaning:Wing Without Teeth

The Pteranodon was one of the largest flying creatiires that ever lived. Most scientists helieve that a Pteranodon

was capable of sustained flight, some however, suggest that because of its tremendous size, it was only able to

glide on air currents or thermal updrafts, very much like today's albatross. It had a marine lifestyle and survived mainly by eating fish. The Pteranodon was neither dinosaur nor bird, although it rose from the same group of primitive reptiles that gave rise to the crocodilians, dinosaurs and birds.

Late Cretaceous


„ million vears

dnriOf/^TE.^ (am -O-nites) Derived From : comu Ammonis\ horn of Ammon. Ammon 'Egyptian god

often represented as a ram (l6th Century B.C.)

Ammonites belongs to a group of extinct animals that were amongst the most common type of sea creatures of its time. Scientist think

that a living ammonite must resemble the Nautilus, a living creature found today, with a similarly shaped shell and separate chambers. Most fossilised ammonite shells are

only about 3cm across. Some species however, did reach 2m in diameter.

They evolved rapidly, undergoing a

series ofchanges in shape and in the pattern of their shells. About 8,000 species are known. Their rapid

evolution helps geologists to tell how old a particurar layer ofrock is based on the types of ammonites found there.

W' Mewy.bic Era

f 245 J 65 to

million vean ago


Meaning: Leaping Lizard

Allosaurus was one ofthe most formidable

predators ofthe late Jurassic Period. The

largest Allosaurus were almost as big as

JF Late Jiuraasic

fl35; 3. million vears ago"^ÂŽ

the famous Tyrannosaurus, though they had more Ughdy built skulls and skeletons. The lower jaws ofAllosaurus were loosely hinged, which allowed these carnivorous creatures to open them wide to swallow large chucks offlesh. The three-fingered, powerful clawed forelimbs could hold a struggling prey as its jaws, filled with knife-like teeth, tore it apart.

flf/^'r05/WJRÂŤ5 (ah-PAT-uh-sawr-us) Meaning: Deceptive Lizard

Apatosaurus, sometimes called Brontosaurus, was a plant eater. It had four elephantine legs, a small head at the end of a long neck and a long slender tail. The head was long and horse-like, with a brain about the size of a human fist. Recent studies showed that

despite its size and massive weight, Apatosaurus could have stood on its hind

legs, perhaps to reach the treetops in search

of vegetation. They may have travelled as a ^ herd as protection against other fearsome creatures.

Late JuraMic

jl38 million years ago'tfl


UTMRfirTOR pt'OU-Tah-rap-tur) Meaning:Predator from Utah

million year^ agovfj

Utahraptor s importance lies in the fact that it comes from the earliest member of the sickle-footed

dinosaurs- the dromaeosaurs - which is closely related

to birds. It is one of the dromaeosaurian theropod carnivorous dinosaurs. These are the dinosaurs most

closely related to birds. The dromaesaurs also include

the slightly later and smaller Deinonychus, and the even smaller, Late Cretaceous Dromaeosaurus from

North America. They became smaller and more agile through time.

fflCHYCEfH/)K>5flURU5 (pak-ee-SEF-uh-lo-sawr-us) Meaning: Thick-headed Lizard

Pachycephalosaurus was the largest and one ofthe last group of a pecuhar plant-eating dinosaur that lived in Asia, Africa and North America during

the late Cretaceous period. The bones on top of the skull were quite thick and decorated with an array of knobs and studs. In most of the species, the skull bones were so thick that they formed a

large, round dome that made them look very'eggheaded'. The thickened skull was probably used

for head butting, very much like how sheep and goats use their horns today. These animals

probably led a sheep-like existence, hving in small groups and surviving on soft plants For foot

Late Cretaceou!)

million Years ago''ÂŽ

cth Tpjassic Clows Petrified Cretoceous Horns

3 M S




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HOaifgiC cr^Oy\


or A thick outer covering that some dinosaurs had for protection from predators. Many dinosaurs had sharp on their front and hind feet.

Al The last period of geological time during the Age of binosaurs. The scientific study of the Earth, including rocks, minerals and landforms.

^ Hard, spike-like attachments to the skull; L p

Tricerotops hod three of these. Stegosaurus and Apatosaurus lived during this period of geological time, The era of geological time that




made up of the Triassic, Jurassic and


Cretaceous Periods.



The dinosaurs lived many • of years ago.


E W AYELMAS '^ Turned to rock by V



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natural forces.

Dinosaurs and many

other animals use

these to bite, tear and chew.

Animals footprints.

The geological

H A & T U


period in



which the





appeared. g

3iozosaw jnouijyr s>|9djj, ^fssojnf suoiipvv ASojoa^


(dyne-ON-ik-us) Meaning: Terrible Claw

Deinonychus was a terrifying carnivorous predator that stood no taller than an average man. The second digit of each hind (back) foot had a sharp, oversized claw which it used to rip open its victims while it clutched them in its strong front limbs. Its teeth were saw like and curved. An alert and agile animal, the Deinonychus was able to nm down other small dinosaurs and may have hunted in packs. â– *

ij| Earlv C'retaceoua


V million yean aeo.,!

^ 'j hi



(par-ah-saer-OL-uh-fiis) Meaning: Another Lizard-crest

million year* ago

Parasaurolophus was a duckbilled dinosaur with a striking, elongated head crest that measured up to 180cm long. The crest could have been used as a resonator that produced deep sounds for communication or perhaps to warn others of oncoming predators. It could have also been used to allow the animals in the same herd to recognise each other.

The Parasaurolophus had mitten-like forefeet and a high, narrow tail. These would normally indicate an aquatic lifestyle, but the fossilised stomach of a few mummified Parasaurolophus indicated that they ate mainly land plants.

'r0f?05fiUf?ÂŤ5 (tor-oh-SORE-us)

Meaning: Bull Reptile

Torosaunis was among the last ofthe dinosaurs. It siirvived on a diet made up mainly of plants. Because ofits long frill, it is famous for having the largest head of any known land animal. Like other horned dinosaur, Torosaurus, lived

in herds and used its homs and frill as signals to threaten rivals, impress potential mates and

occasionally to defend itself and the herd from predators.

Late Cretaceous

million years ajro

(tye-RAN-uh-sawr-us) Meaning ; Tyrant Lizard

The Tyrannosaurus was a massive animal that probably weighed as much as a fiilly-grown African elephant. It walked on only two legs and was a ferocious carnivore. Fossils of the

Tyrannosaurus rex have been found in Canada, Montana,Wyoming, South Dakota and even as far south as Texas. Other species have been discovered in China.

Late CTetaceoufl

t 70 million vean ago

CI.UI^5 ACROSS 2. A scientist who digs up and studies dinosaur bones. 5. A dinosaur with three horns on its head.

8. Before recorded history. 12. A special group of extinct reptiles. 13. Evidence of prehistoric life. 15. Really big. 18. Mammals, birds and reptiles breathe this to survive. 19. Lizards, turtles and dinosaurs all belong to this group. 20. Some dinosaur fossils were formed when this covered the hones.


1. Dinosaurs and fish have these on their skin. 3. "Dinosaur" means lizard.

4. A plant-eating animal. 6. Tyrannosaurus rex had a loud 7. The dying out of all the members of a species. 9. A meat-eating animal. 10. A skeleton is made up of many of these.

11. The way that baby birds and dinosaurs are horn. 14. Watery areas in which some dinosaurs were believed to have lived. 16. Dinosaurs and birds come out of these.

17. Dinosaurs did not live in the air or sea,

they lived on

â– fiti'e. 5CAn^ Legend :


Millions of years ago



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