The Tanglin Club Magazine - Nov 2003

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November 2003



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presidenfsmessage My dear fellow members, .I would like to think aloud about our

operational deficit and welcome your vibes. This chronic, ballooning problem was being

gradually contained over the last few years. But, the SARS impact saw a phenomenal jump and, though just about coming out of that, we are not quite fully back on track. There are neither signs nor hope for the return of days gone by in the near future.

The increasing numbers becoming Permanent Absent Members compound it,

as they then do not use the Club and pay only a small fraction of full subscriptions. Of course, we persistently demand of our

management self-regulation, accountability, efficiency and responsiveness to membership. These attributes are not only the cornerstone for giving value to members but also the pre-requisltes to contemplating measures to balance the books. As a club,

Imposing minimum spend. This option

however, we can only optimize (not simply reduce) overheads for we must give due consideration to service quality and retaining

comes with attendant administrative,

logistical and costing issues. Further, it

becomes a compulsion to use scenario.


Increasing membership strength as we Prudent accounting principles dictate that this deficit be covered by subscription and operational income, not by our continually and freely dipping into our joining fee collections. In my opinion, it is fine to dip

continue to have waitlists of over 1000

principal Singaporeans (and increasing)

and of non-Singaporeans, over 160. For example, the subscriptions from 250 couples

Into this in small amounts as a cushion to

will cut our deficit by $420 000,income from their children and improved overall

keep F&B and utilization prices low for we

patronage notwithstanding.

certainly do not want the converse of operational profits as that can only be at the expense of value to members.

Taking in more members will also enhance

Our options? We can sit tight and await the return of expatriates in proportions sufficient to cut the deficit significantly or, pare it down definitively by such measures as:

Increasing subscriptions. For example,$10 more per principal member will cut our deficit by around $360,000.

membership quality by admitting many wellsuited persons and serve as one measure to tend to, albeit partially, the waitlists. The statistics? Going by the industry guide of 10 members to 1 non-special purpose, air-conditioned seat, we are well within premier club status. Based on our 6900

planned total (PTM),the ratio Is around 9:1 and on actual membership, around 7:1. An increase of PTM to 7800 makes these

figures around 10:1 and 8:1 respectively. Yours in the interests of the TC,

Dr Alex Ool President

The Tanglin Club 1


President's Message 1 From The General Manager 3 News Bites

New Members



New magazine design...SGM likely in THE

January...Festive Season...Christmas Tree

Tanglin Club



New Club Rules


Cover Story


5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814 Tel: 6737 6011 Fax: 6733 2391

Calendar Of Events

The Club Party, another big success!!

Miscellany Holiday Ideas GENERAL COMMITTEE

Coddled At The Sentosa Resort.




New Books...Meet The Author Evening with DrCherian George...



DrAlexKHOoi VIce-Presldent

Yap Boh Pin Honorary Treasurer Philip Beng

Pot Games results...Golf... Tennis...Squash

Committee Convenors

team in KL...Balut victory over SCC...Bridge

Master Plan & Development

Schedule...Water kids get their certificates...

DrAlexK H Ool

Welcr,,_.^s Al! P

Clare F Moreton




star Search...Children's Christmas


Parties...Dinner Show "Missed Saigon"...New


Year's Eve Ball...


Philip Beng Food & Beverage Edwin Khew

Food & Beverage


Library/PR •pt(

Wines of the month,..Thanksgiving

MagazineA/Vebsite Or Kaizad Bom! Heerjee Membership & Rules

Dinner...Australian & New Zealand Food

Festival...Celebrity Chefs Night...

Ladies Events

Nanette Sandford

Alan Jones


Property/Maintenance Yap Boh Pin Sports Glenn Bryce

Chic Contemporary Chinese - fashion show...

Staff Dr Albert Wee

Tenders & Purchasing Roland Tan


General Manager -r>

Brian Toft

Financial Controller/Admin Manager



Maureen Pong Executive Housekeeper Peggy Lim F & B Operations Manager Sebastian Tan



Main Reception 6737 6011 • Executive Office 6737 2692 • Accounts Dept 67394 134 / 136 • F & B/Banquet Dept 67394 139/ 140 /176 • Tennis & Squash Booking 6235 6482 / 6734 0707 Sports & Recreation Dept 67394 148 • Human Resource Dept 67394 135 • Housekeeping Dept 67394 138 • Maintenance Dept 67394 174 • Membership Dept 67394 108 • Purchasing Dept 67394 175•

KG Yuen (

Bill Cheong

Magazine Co-ordlnator

Membership Manager

Cheryl LIm ( Graphic Designer Naztin (

Mary Shotam Purchasing Manager

To advertise in the TOM, please contact Alex Zecha, RIa Media Singapore at 6473 7462/ or find out our ad rates and booking procedures via hllp://

Candice Tan

Sports & Recreation Manager Danny Loh

Opinions expressed in the Tanglin Club Magazine are solely those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the Tanglin Club. The Magazine welcomes articles and other contributions from members. However, the Magazine / Website Sub-Commlltee reserves the right to edit all materials or decline publication, MITA (P) 143/05/2003. Published by The Tanglin Club. Colour separation and printing by Ad Graphic.

fromlhegeneralmanager December is fun-filled with over a dozen

functions during the month. Please support

The most popular suggestions will be published in the magazine in due course.

your Club over the festive season. We look

forward to seeing you.

New Lobby & Tea Lounge

Meanwhile why not pop in there and have a meal with first class service whilst you appraise the situation yourself. Have Fun!

These areas are now refurbished, rejuvenated and restored for members' use

again. The slight delay is regretted. As Robert Bruce once said,'The best laid plans of mice and men..."

But at last we are there. The only outstanding work left to do is the

configuration of the lighting systems so that

Dear members,

Brian Toft

they do not remind you of a conference

General Manager


A Welcome Donation

The Tanglin Club is once again very grateful 'Come To The Cabaret'

to a long-time member Mr B.A.R. Smith for

This month we have our very own talent

his kind donation of three more flintlock

show on Friday 7 November. Please support

pistols to be secured to the Tavern walls.

these members who will perform for you in

Mr Smith very kindly donated most of the


Room. The level of

brass artefacts in the Tavern and has

professionalism needs seeing to believe.

replaced those that have been removed. Your kind gesture, Sir, Is much appreciated.


The variety of talented artistes is never ending and they unashamedly will perform

for you. Please book soon to avoid disappointment.

Security Matters Outside the Club on the front terrace and

walkway we have a new security counter.

Sunday Family Lunch

The old members' personal lockers have

We're introducing a new way to get you and

now been removed in favour of daily deposit lockers which will be free of charge. The new lockers are currently on order. Your co-operation would be appreciated.

your family to come to the Club for Sunday lunch. Effective 9 November, there will be

a beautiful buffet lunch designed specially for the entire family every Sunday at the

Churchill Room, except for the usual

The Churchill Room

Champagne Brunch which will continue on the last Sunday of each month. This new international buffet, which starts at 11.30 am, is truly for the entire family, children of all ages included. The dress code will be considerably relaxed, although Sunday smart casual is recommended. So bring the entire family from grandma, grandpa to the grand-children and enjoy a family gettogether. There will be a children's buffet provided especially for the tiny tots. Please see details on page 12.

This magnificent room as you are all aware is the Club's white elephant. In the past it was the centre of activity, but now times

have changed. Revenue at present

is partly generated by Club and private

functions that provide the monies for all the enormous oveitieads associated with a room that size.

The Sounds Of Christmas

We have barely finished the festivities of Deepavali when we hear sounds of reindeer,

Management is always willing to

jingle bells and ho ho ho! just around the

listen to constructive

corner. Yes, Christmas is coming. I have

ideas and I would be

even seen Santa in Orchard Road!

grateful if you all could suggest a way

Tree Lighting

ahead to deal with

Christmas tree lighting is on Sunday 30

the lack of members

November. This is our annual tradition

particularly from Sunday to Thursday.

along with the AWA choir.

The Tanglin Club 3


New Design Concept This month's Tanglin Club Magazine carries a fresh new look. With additional pages, the TOM keeps up with contemporary design

magazine - in preparation for an SGM possibly in January.

reflecting, in a sense, the changing

The Festive Season We're into the Christmas festive and holiday

membership profile of the Club. In the past

season. Three events in November merit

Tanglin tradition of lighting up the Christmas tree in the Main Foyer. As always, it's an event for the whole family, so bring the kids along to meet Santa and enjoy the wonderful choir from





nine months or so, we have been able to

highlighting in these columns. First is the

bring in about 150 new young members,

Star Search evening, on Friday 7 November.

Art Exhibition Postponed

mostly around age 30, who have been on the waitlist since they turned 21. We hope

Conceived and planned for some time by

With all the busi-ness of the season, the art

Sam Gan, our music and entertainment

you like the new look as we progressively improve the magazine's design and content.

coordinator, it's a fun evening showcasing the musical and terpsichorean talents of

For any feedback on the magazine, please

our members. At the last count, there are

exhibition originally planned for this month has to be postponed to the first quarter of next year. New dates will be announced as soon as plans are finalised.

email to

five solo vocalists, one accordianist, one

Coming SGM Last month's magazine mentioned the possibility of a Special General Meeting coming up soon to discuss the adoption of the Master Plan. Well, November seems a

bit rushed. So the likely date will now be around the first half of January 2004, since December does not appear popular due to holiday travels by many members.

keyboardist and two dance teams - a ballroom couple and five or six ladies calling themselves The Tanglin Club Line Dancers. What fun!! And don't be surprised to find a familiar face as your MC extraordinaire. There will also be games and door prizes.

New Senior Staff Finally, we warmly welcome a new senior staff in the person of Maureen Fong who has replaced Andrea Fung as financial

Details on the set dinner and show can be

controller. Ms

found on page 8 or at http://wvm.tanglinclub

Fong, who has the additional

responsibility of

Celebrity Chef's Night



Update on the Master Plan

Saturday 15 November is Celebrity Chefs

The feedback from members, sub

Night at the Churchill Room, featuring Justin


committees and GO and the input from the management as regards the winning design obtained from the Architects' Design Competition has been collated and passed on to the winning architect to modify his design in the search for the best possible

Quek of Les Amis fame. One of the finest


French cuisine chefs in town, Justin will be

Master Plan for our Club. We thank all those

performing a special presentation of his favourite dishes, limited to 80 seatings only. As he will be leaving Les Amis at the end of the year for new culinary pursuits abroad, this is a rare opportunity to catch him one

who have provided these invaluable

more time before he heads overseas. You


may want to make bookings fast via


Continental Singapore where she was financial controller for many years. She has spent most of her working life in the hospitality industry, the last 18 years with the Inter-Con hotel chain. Maureen can be

reached at K C Yuen

tceditor@tanglin-club. org. sg

The Master Plan Committee, with GC, are

working to refine this even further in an attempt to, amongst other targets, reduce

building costs and produce a simpler, larger benefit and lesser structural change configuration. Also of priority is to minimize


inconvenience to members in the course of

We bid farewell to the following members converting to Permanent Absent Membership (RAM):

implementation. This is an important part of the process as there was no opportunity to talk to the architects during the competition, their identities being unknown to us until the winning design

Mr Simon Bennett

Mr & Mrs David Hay Mr & Mrs Kevin Julian Mr Stanford Kua

Mr & Mrs A D Gerald Keat Mr & Mrs Nicholas Khoo Mr & Mrs Lim Hua Nam

was selected.

Mr & Mrs David Lee

Details of the


Justin Quek

4 The To glin Club

final proposal will likely be ready for presentation


Mr & Mrs Raymond Lim Mr & Mrs Lim Kiah Meng Mr & Mrs Graeme McGuire

to members

Christmas Tree Lighting



Then, on Sunday 30 November, we herald


in the Christmas festivities with the great



Mr & Mrs Ong Eng Kiow Mr N R Toovey


by any Ordinary or Life Member elected by the Members present and entitled to vote.

Rule 35(1) Notice

Notice of every General Meeting setting forth the business to be transacted thereat shall be posted on the Club Notice Board for

not less than fourteen (14)days or twenty-eight(28)days In respect of Rule 2(lii) prior to the Meeting and, if so posted, such General

Meeting shall be deemed to have been duly convened. Rule 35(11)

A copy of such Notice shall not less than fourteen (14) days or twenty-eight (28) days In respect of Rule 2(ili) prior to the Meeting be despatched to every Member at the last address furnished by


him pursuant to Rule 39 provided that in the case of a Special General Meeting held pursuant to Rule 34, where the documents

We are pleased to inform members that the Registrar of Societies

has approved the following rule amendments that were passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 26 May 2003. These rules are now in effect.

to be attached to the said Notice comprise more than 5 pages, the Committee may, instead of mailing the said documents to the

Members, make them available for Inspection by the Members at the Reception In the Main Foyer("Reception") of the Club and post the same on the Club's website (using If the Committee so decides

Rule 33(ii)(a) - Business

an appropriate password). In the event that the Committee decides

The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:-

available at Reception and on the website. It must inform the Members accordingly in the said Notice.

not to mall the said documents to the Members but to make them

a) To receive the Report of the Committee on the general affairs of the Club in respect of the previous year.

Rule 36 - Quorum

b) To receive a Financial Statement made up to the preceding 31st c) To appoint Auditors for the ensuing year.

If eighty (80) Members entitled to vote are present at the commencement of any General Meeting such meeting shall be

d) To elect a President, VIce-Presldent, Honorary Treasurer and

considered competent to transact all business before it. Thereafter

eight Members of the Committee for the ensuing year. e) To deal with any other business duly brought before the meeting

any five Members present may demand at any time during the


In accordance with this Rule.

Meeting that a count be taken to establish If there is still a quorum.

In the event of there being no quorum the Meeting shall be adjourned for thirty minutes. In the event that a quorum still cannot then be

Rule 33(lll)(b)

established, the Meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day, In the following week, or if such day be a public holiday, the next

For the avoidance of doubt, the Meeting may decide by vote to alter the order of business from that set out In the Agenda circulated with the Notice of meeting, provided always that Items (a) to (c) shall be taken first and In the order set out In Rule 33(lli)(a).

working day thereafter, and should the number then present be Insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to any of the existing Rules.

Rule 34 - Special General Meetings By Order of the General Committee.

The Committee may when considered necessary or advisable and shall on the written requisition of not less than eighty Life and/or

Ordinary Members call a Special General Meeting. Such requisition shall be delivered to the General Manager and shall specify the exclusive business to be transacted at such Meeting. The Special

General Meeting shall be held within sixty days from the date of receipt of such written requisition. If the Committee does not hold

the Special General Meeting within sixty days from the date of receipt of the written requisition the Members who requisitioned for the Special General Meeting may convene the Special General Meeting by giving written notice of the date and venue to the General Manager who shall then proceed Immediately to give Notice as provided for under Rule 35. In such Instances where the Members

who requisitioned for the Special General Meeting have proceeded to convene the meeting themselves by giving such notice to the

General Manager, the said Special General Meeting shall be chaired The Tanglin Club 5


The Annual Club Par

It was a party like no other. Some 650 members and their guests showed up on Saturday 27

was plenty of food ranging from Japanese sushi to Mexican tacos and the infinite variety of local hawker's fare. The F&B staff were

September and turned the clubhouse into one

kept busy all night replenishing the food stations, as were the bar

rollicking place of fun, with great food and free

boys and girls. The staff were just magnificent!

flow of wines, beer and other drinks, dancing and non-stop music.

Everyone seemed to have had a fabulous time till the wee hours of the morning. To all the staff who worked so hard to make the

The strolling minstrels - the Los Pintos -

party the huge success, a great big "thank you"from all the revellers.

were serenading everyone all over the Club. Down by the poolside, a band of

For more pictures of recent events, go to httpy/

expatriates calling themselves the


Singapore Stompers, provided great dance music.

In the Churchill Room, Sam Can's band with friends Horace Wee, Liza Corazon and

Danny Koh played their best dance numbers and kept the crowd busy throughout the night. Later, with disco music, there was

even an attempt at not quite "bar-top" dancing, but on a make shift stage. Some members simply couldn't resist joining in the jam sessions in the Tavern, or belt out their favourite songs with great gusto. And that's what made the party so unique and so special. As in last year's first ever Big Party, there 6 TheTanghn




Star Search I Come To The Cabaret



Friday 7 November At The Churchill Room Rex Sheliey

Seah Pong Pin

Li Hwee Bin

D. K. Frederick Francis

Terence Ng

Friday 21 November Ballroom dancing to the music of Sam Gan & His Band is getting to be an even more popular pastime.

The Kongs K.K. and irene Wong The Tanglin Club Line

Catherine Tan T.K. Chan

George Thia


To kick off the evening, a hearty buffet Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Set dinner and show by Club's own artistes. $39.00(Member), $45.00(Guest).

will be served.

Star Search il will be

Prices inclusive of GST. Dress code: Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

on Friday 12 December

Champagne Brunch Sunday 30 November An enjoyable event with delicious food, free flow of fine champagne and background music. Make sure you don't miss this opportunity for a truly relaxing Sunday! Children of all ages are welcome. Churchill Room from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm $46.80(Adult with Champagne), $30.70(Adult without Champagne) $15.60(Child below 12 years). Ail prices inclusive of GST Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

Last day for cancellation: Sunday 23 November.

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm

Buffet Dinner at $30.20(Member) $36.50(Guest), $15.60(Non-Diner). Prices inclusive of GST.

Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

Last day for cancellation : Friday 14 November.

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Sunday 30 November A traditional event enjoyed by both the young and the young at heart. The Christmas Tree Lighting marks the beginning of the festive celebrations. See the Lobby come alive with


performances by AWA (American Women's Association) Choir and of course Santa will be there with his bag of surprises and goodies. Refreshments in The Churchill Room afterwards.

For bookings of events log on to 8 The Tanglin Club


Children's Christmas Party Tuesday 2 December and Thursday 4 December Fairy Tale Theme Christmas Party(4 to 6 years old) Tuesday 2 December Join Snow White and her sweet Christmas Dwarf for a

magical afternoon of fun & laughter. Games,face painting, balloon sculpting, craft session & interesting magic show awaits all of you!

Pirate Theme Christmas Party(7 years and above) Thursday 4 December Get ready for the exciting Christmas adventures of Captain Hook & Peter Pan in a Pirate Christmas Party. Be transformed into a fearsome pirate or if you prefer, support Peter Pan in his crusade against the cunning Captain Hook. Or maybe a funny Superhero might just appear to save the day, dissolving the disputes between Captain Hook and Peter Pan... Or will he???

Come join us and you might just find out for yourself.

Younger Children's Christmas Party Tuesday 2 December Function Rooms from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm

$20.60 inclusive of GST. For ages 4-6 years old. Guests' children are welcome.

Older Children's Christmas Party Thursday 4 December Function Rooms from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm $20.60 inclusive of GST. For ages 7 years old & above. Guests' children are welcome.

Parents are not allowed.

Parents are not allowed.

Last day for cancellation: Sunday 25 November.

Last day for cancellation; Sunday 27 November.

Missed Saigon Wednesday 3 December The irrepressible Chestnuts comedy duo Sean Yeo and Jonathan Lim strike again,

this time at close quarters! Witness the madness up close as our nutters bring their roller-coaster comedy show to the West

End stage, tackling Broadway's biggies with their their standard streak of schizoid

seriousness. Hit shows like Miss Saigon and Oliver! are dragged through the mud as the duo present some of their classic

Chestnuts musical parodies, as well the ever-popular Chang & Eng spoof(featuring

rolls down Emerald Hill, local plays get a dousing and even the Esplanade gets splashed in the process! Mix that with some tenderly rendered Broadway standards like

Send In The Clowns, Broadway Baby and Tell Me On A Sunday and you're in for a comedy buffet that will seriously melt your spoons.

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Dinner at 8.00 pm. Showtime at 9.45 pm.

tunes from Chicago and Cabaret).

Set dinner and show at $60.00(Member) & $68.00(Guest). Prices inclusive of GST.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the programme, Tom and Penelope take a soaking, Emily

Last day for cancellation: Wednesday 26 November.

Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

The Tanglin Club 9


New Year's Eve Boll

Wednesday 31 December This is one celebration that you will not want to miss. Join In the countdown to welcome the new year and prepare yourself for a night of non-stop hard partying! Fill yourself up with good food and dance the night away and into the new year to the beats of a live band and mobile disco. Dining at Churchill Room, The Tavern and Foyer Lounge. Champagne cocktails, dancing and countdown at Lobby.

Party starts at 7.30 p'm.

Set dinners]. $130.00(Member)& $140.00(Guest).Includes hats, novelties, champagne cocktails from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm, 1 bottle of wine for every 2 persons, dinner and late supper. Prices inclusive of GST.

Dress Code; Black Tie or Red Sea Rig. Guests are welcome. Last day for cancellation: IVec/nesc/ay 24 December.

Late night entry after 11.30 pm : $45.00 per person.

New Year's Eve

To All Tanglin Club Magazine Advertisers

Celebration & BBQ At The Poolside

Advertise and Win! Spend $5,000 between March 2003 and

Wednesday 31 December

February 2004 in the Tanglin Club Magazine with RIa Media Singapore and qualify for the Lucky Draw to win 2 of 4 possible room nights complimentary stay at any Amanresorts

property in Ball. For more Information, please email:

Airfare is not included, and Terms & Conditions apply.

The entire family can dine and boogie the night away under the starry sky In your own style. There will be a mobile disco and DJ spinning the latest hits. So hurry and make your bookings today!

Poolside at 7.30 pm. $60.00(Member), $34.00(Child) & $66.00(Guest). Includes hats and novelties. Excludes champagnes and wines. Prices inclusive of GST. Dress code: Your own 'fancy'style. Guests are welcome. Last day for cancellation: Wednesday 24 December.

10 The Tcngiin Club

food&beverage Premium Wines of the Month White Wines

Red Wines










2001 (ITALY)



(AUSTRALIA) Pale gold with shades of green, its aroma blends butter hints of

vanilla and tropical fruits. A fresh fruity wine with good body and balance. Creamy and complex in mid palate with a nice and elegant finish. Price:

$6.401 Glass $37.00 / Bottle

Immediate aromas of tropical fresh fruit, pineapples & guavas

The wine is medium bodied with

with an acidic note plus a touch of apple. A round, medium to

fine subtle fruit, balanced acidity

well-bodied wine. Notes of

gentle oak and medium acidity

suited for cellaring. Serve with finer cuts of red meat and lightly

maintains its freshness.

sauced dishes.

Price: $6.801 Glass


$40.001 Bottle



and a firm tannin finish, well

$7.20 / Glass $42.00 I Bottle

Dense red fruit, spices and truffles form a perfect harmony with buttery vanilla tones coming from ageing in oak. Firm with tannins although soft on the palate. Price:

$7.801 Glass $46.00 / Bottle







All prices inclusive of GST. Order your party wines using the order form inserted in this magazine or visit

Closure Of Churchill Room The Churchill Room will be closed at 7.30 pm for private dinner functions on Saturday 1 November, Saturday 8 November, Saturday 29 November and Saturday 13

Thanksgiving Family Dinner Thursday 27 November

December. The Churchill Room will also be closed at 12 noon for

private lunch function on Tuesday 2 December and Friday 12 December.

Take Away Meals At The Wheelhouse Restaurant Did you know?

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Set dinner at $45.00(Member), $22.00(Child) & $50.00(Guest). Prices inclusive of GST.

Members can take away meals from the Wheelhouse ala carte

Dress code: Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

menu (selected items). Order and pick up at the Wheelhouse Restaurant. However, no phone-in orders will be accepted.

Make your bookings online at

Last day for cancellation: Thursday 20 November. /upcoming.asp

The Tanglin Club 11

food&beverage Bin End Wine Sales

Sunday Family Lunch Saturday 13 Decemb^^ Starting from 9 November A Here's something new for the entire family! A new buffet for everyone, including the tiny tots. Yes, in the Churchill Room every Sunday from 11.30 am (except for the Champagne Brunch on 30 November). The ambience will be casual. The dress code

will be relaxed, although Sunday smart is recommended. So bring the entire family along. There will be a special children's buffet too.

Churchill Room from 11.30 am to 2.30 pm. $19.90 {Member), $9.90(Child below 12

Some very good value wines and vintage champagnes will be on sale at almost cost prices.

years). No charge for children under 3 years.

All prices inclusive of GST.^.^

Some of the wines on sale: Chateau

Branalre Du Cru, Sassicaia Tenuta San

Cuido, Tignanello Marchese, Hermitage La Chapelle, Bonnes Mares Grand Cru and many other mid-range good value wines. Don't miss this opportunity! To be held at the Lobby on Saturday 13 December from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm.

Australian & New Zealand Food Festival 18 to 30 November

Christmas Eve Dinner & Dance

Christmas Day Lunch Thursday 25 December

Wednesday 24 December Come down to the Club on the night before Christmas and join in the merry-making

with family and friends. Enjoy traditional Come 18 November, The Churchill Room, The Tavern and Wheelhouse will be

featuring cuisine from Australia and New

Christmas dinner and

wines with

performances by the Victoria Chorale. Dancing till 1.00 am.

Zealand. Some of the items featured are:

Enjoy traditional Christmas fare with family, friends and fellow members. And be entertained by the Francis Llew Choir as they perform at the Lobby from 12 noon to 12.30 pm.

• Australian cold water seafood platter • Tasmanian hot smoked apricot salmon • Roasted quail with pearl onions

• King Island fillet of emu and fresh greens • N.Z. Black Angus beef with shitake mushrooms • Grilled rock lobster

& ginger orange sauce

• Macadamia

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. $85.00(Member)& $90.00(Guest).

brittle creme

Prices Inclusive of GST.


One bottle of wine for every two persons. Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

Last day for cancellation: Thursday 17 December.

12 The Tanglln Club

Churchill Room, The Tavern, Foyer Lounge and Raffles Room at 12 noon. Set lunch at $42.00(Member), $26.00

(Child) & $50.00(Guest). Prices inclusive of GST. Dress code: Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

Last day for cancellation: Thursday 18 December.

food&beverage Chef's Night Featuring Justin Quek Saturday 15 November Menu de Degustation Salade de fruits-de-mer marines, 'pomelo'et avocat, creme d'homards Marinated Seafood Salad with

Pomelo & Avocado Lobster Cream

Saumon poele, puree de chaux fleurs, huile de noisettes et baisimico Pan-Roasted Salmon, Cauliflower Pur6e, Hazelnut Balsamic Oil

Foie gras roti, topinambour, truffes blanches

Roasted Foie Gras, Jerusalem Artichoke, White Truffle


Cote de Boeuf griHee, champignons des bois, sauce madere

Charcoal-Grilled Cote de Boeuf, Wild Mushroom, Madeira Sauce

L'assiette du Chef

Geele de champagne aux fruit rouge Champagne Jelly with red fruits

About Justin Quek Justin began his training in Food Preparation

at the Singapore Hotel Association Training and Educational Centre(SHATEC)in 1985, under the sponsorship of the Mandarin Oriental, Singapore.

Hotel de Crillon, Jean Bardet, Roland Mazere and L'oasis in France, and the

Waterside Inn and La Gavroche in England. In 1992, Justin returned to Singapore to become a chef at the French Embassy during the tenures of H.E. Bernard de Monteferrand and H.E. Gerard Coste. Justin was later introduced to Desmond LIm as

well as Dr Chong Yap Seng and together in 1986, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel nominated Justin as "Best Trainee". He was

with long time friend Ignatius Chan,the four founded Les Amis.

Limited to 80 seatings. Churchill Room at 7.30 pm Dinner at 8.15 pm (Prompt)

$88.00(Member)& $98.00(Guest). Prices inclusive of GST.

Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

Last day for cancellation: Saturday 8 November.

Book online at http.V/www.tanglinclub.

given an opportunity at The Oriental

Bangkok for a one-year training programme. When he returned to Singapore in 1987, he worked at Cafe Palm before being transferred to the hotel's fine dining restaurant, Fourchettes.

Justin is a member of the prestigious

twice at The World Gourmet Summit in 2001

"Confrererie de la Chaine des Rotiseurs".

and 2003.

In 1995, he was awarded the "Best Achievement Award for Chosen Vocation"

Justin added another feather to his cap in

by the Rotary Club West. During the World

2002 when German airline Lufthansa invited him to be the first Asian chef to be introduced

Gourmet Summit in 2001, Justin showcased In 1989, Justin left the Mandarin Oriental

Hotel to join Deli France Bistro as head chef.

Two years later in 1991, Justin ventured to

Europe to gain further knowledge of the industry. He worked at some of the finest establishments, such as Clos Longchamps,

his culinary skills in a joint presentation with members of the (American) James Beard

on their Star Chefs programme whereby


Business Class international flights.

In 2000, both Justin and Ignatius were voted "Joint Food & Beverage Men of the Year" by Wine & Dine Magazine. To date, Justin

The culinary genius behind Singapore's

has won the "Best Chef of the Year Award"

December 2003.

his cuisine is featured on all First and

best-known French restaurant, Justin ends

his ten-year relationship with Les Amis in The Tanglin Club 13


Hot Sausage and Mustard? Recently I brought back a few sausages each of veal, spiced pork, chicken, and English breakfast for a personal tasting. My comments:

All were prepared by immersing in very hot water for about five minutes and kept warm with a lid. This is because the sausages

sold in the Club are already cooked and only need to be heated up. However they will also do well on a grill. All sausages were very tasty and juicy. Created using a German blend of spices, give your taste buds a treat and bring some home! Food, glorious food, Hot sausage and mustard. While we're in the mood, Cold jelly and custard. Pease pudding and saveloys. What next? Is the question, Rich gentlemen have it, boys. Indigestion! Terry Ng In the stage production,"Oliver", one of the most memorable songs is "Food, Glorious Food." It is revealing that in the first chorus, two

references are made to sausage, an indicator of how important this tube-shaped spiced meat is in our cuisine.

Sausages are a mixture of meat, spices, seasoning and fat. Yes, fat is a very important ingredient othenwise you may get a rockhard inedible tube of meat! Good sausages should have about 30% fat although this can soar up to around 60% for certain varieties (especially Chinese fresh liver sausages!).

The variety is almost astounding, as a visit to any sausage shop

<rDF^ PcI'diifla C.



< The closest milaysia's

^^Bea^h Resort

in Europe will attest. They range from air-dried salamis to raw

grilling sausages. Chinese cuisine also features sausages especially

' "ImiwShBapore

during the Chinese New Year. Here the favourite stuffings are pork, liver and chicken.

The casings (outer covering - we only use natural casings)can be either natural ie from animal intestines or synthetic. I prefer the natural ones, which are used at the Club, as they give a resilience and a bite to the sausage.

The Tanglin Club recently purchased its own sausage machine and produces four types of sausages for both its restaurants as well as for members' home consumption.


Singapore Sales ^ Reservation Office. The Adelphi, 1 Coleman Street #02-04


Malaysia Resort/Reservation Office P.O. Box 29, Bandar Per\awar 81900

Koto Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia •

14 The Tanglin Club

TEL (07)822-2222 • FAX. (07)822-2223


Ladies' Tea Talk On HRT

17 September 2003 Wednesday turned out to be a rather miserable rainy day, so what better way to spend the afternoon than tea at The Tanglin Club! Raffles Room was full by 4 pm with everyone enjoying the sumptuous buffet among the favourites; mee siam, samosas and bread & butter pudding. We eagerly awaited our guest speaker Dr

• HRT and the heart.

Aiex Ooi, our Club President. HRT is of

• Breast cancer risks.

even greater interest now after the latest clinical trials were released. They have created quite a controversy.

• Alternitive treatments.

I was most impressed by Dr Ooi's extensive knowledge on the subject and the balanced

Chic Contemporary

Dr Alex Ooi's talk was highly informative and at times tinged with humour. Among the topics discussed were: • What Is menopause? • Major clinical trials.

view he projected.

Chinese Thursday 20 November

Many thanks to Dr Ool for sharing his time and expertise with us. Anne Retnam

Shanghai Tang is the first global Chinese lifestyle brand - Interweaving traditional Chinese culture with the dynamism of the 21st Century. The result is a vibrant fusion of "East Meets West".

Ladies' Christmas Lunch

Thursday 11 December Fun-packed entertainment featuring our General Manager. Mr Brian Toft as Master of Ceremony. Join in the frolick. Make your bookings now!! Time


Venue :The Churchill Room

Prices :$29.10(Member)& $34.95 (Guest). Prices Inclusive of GST.

Last day for cancellation; 4 December

In both fashion and home, Shanghai Tang's products are renowned for combining

traditional Chinese design and motifs with tongue-in-cheek humor and a contemporary sensibility. Shanghai Tang's design mission is to filter the best from the vast reservoir

of Chinese culture and history, then synthesize it with 21st century functionality and design to create unique and compelling products. Setting the benchmark for contemporary Chinese style, Shanghai Tang

always uses the highest quality materials and workmanship In Its products.

The Singapore flagship store of 5000 square feet, located at HPL House, Cuscaden

November Ladies' Tea

Festive Cooking Presentation Thursday 13 November

Road, carries the full range of women's, men's, children's and infants' clothing and accessories. The spacious premises also

showcase Shanghai Tang's new home collections of porcelain tableware and luxurious table and bed linens.


; 13 November 2003

Time :4.00 pm

Time : 12 noon

Venue :The Churchill Room

Venue: The Churchill Room

Prices :$13.00(Member)&

Prices: $22.90(Member),$27.50(Guest).

$15.50 (Guest). Prices inclusive of GST.

Last day for cancellation:6 November

Prices inclusive of GST.

Last day for cancellation : Thursday 13 November

Participants need to fill up the usual F&B booking slip & submit to Reception or fax to 6736 1195.

or, simply make your bookings online at The Tanglin Club 15


Introduction Night 13 October 2003

Mr & Mrs William A McCormack

Dr & Mrs Ng Chee Yung Mr & Mrs Melvyn Ng Hui Meng Dr Kenneth Oo Kian Kwan

Dr & Mrs Phua Kok Khoo

New Members

Mr Saw Cheng Lim Mr & Mrs Richard Schulte

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members:

Mr Marco Bardelli Mr & Mrs Bernard Bulens Mr & Mrs Frederick Alan Catterall

Mr & Mrs Ivan Seow Wei Tit

Mr & Mrs Ian A Skeggs(Term Members) Mr Raj Steven Sundarason Mr Mark Tan Chai Ming Mr & Mrs Kelvin Tan Chern Kwang

Ms Chan Lin-Mel & Mr Prawiro Widjaja

Mr & Mrs Tan Hui Boon

Mr & Mrs Burton Chen

Ms Jenevieve Tan Kheng Huang Mr & Mrs Adrian Tan Soon Chye

Dr & Mrs Cheng Tai Kin Mr Cheung Yew Kuan

Mr & Mrs Hans Weckherlin

Mr Julian Chew Soo Teck

Mr & Mrs Olav Eek Thorstensen

Dr & Mrs Chou Fee Seng Mr & Mrs Barry Eu Ms Fock Yin Ling & Mr Ng Lip Chih Mr & Mrs John Filmeridis (Term Members) Mr & Mrs Bernard Heng Jin Meng

We extend a warm welcome to the following Honorary Members: HE & Mrs Jorgen Orstrom Moller (Royal Danish Embassy)

Mr & Mrs lain Herbertson

Mr Nigel Edward How Chi-Keat Dr & Mrs Kevin Kwok Mun Choy Dr Lee Shu Jin & Dr David Ong Dr Lim Ching Wen Darryl Ms Loo Tze Lui

Ms Maneesha Malhotra (Term Member) Mr Ramon F Maronilla (Term Member)

We extend a warm welcome to the following Associate Member:

Mrs Helen McCall

(wife of Mr Anthony Peter McCall) You may wish to forward your enquiries on membership to


Dr Albert Wee, Mr & Mrs Bernard

Heng Jin Meng & Kwok Wai Mun. 2

Mr & Mrs Ivan Seow Wei Tit.

3 Dr & Mrs Chou Fee Seng. 4 Dr & Mrs Kevin Kwok Mun Choy. 5

HE & Mrs Jorgen Orstrom Moller.


Mr & Mrs William A McCormack.


Mr Raj Steven Sundarason & Dr Kaizad Bomi Heerjee.


Dr Alex Ooi & Mr Mark Tan Chai


16 The Tanglin Club


he Tanglin Club 17












E 0


> o

9.30 am (Draycott Room)

c 10





6.00 pm (Raffles Room}

9.30 am (Draycott Room)



Festive cooking presentation 4.00 pm (Churchill Room)

10 November to 29 November



Section Fund Night 7,00 pm (Billiards Room)

10 November to 22 November

(Squash Courts)







9.30 am (Draycott Room)


18 November to 30 November (Churchill Room, The Tavern & Wheelhouse)



Chic Contemporary Chinese Fashion Show 12 noon (Churchill Room) • GOLF- Golf Section vs American Club


25 Hari Raya Puasa




9.30 am (Draycott Room) • BALUT

Monthly competition (Card Room) • THANKSGIVING FAMILY DINNER

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

^ O «>

No cotltage charge for Monday dinner in Churchill Room.

^\^ r


0 M



• BRIDGE • Christmas Lunch


12 noon (Raffles Room)


8 PARTY 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm


\ (Raffles Room)







7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

9.30 am (Draycott Room) • OLDER CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS

PARTY 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm (Raffles Room)

The Churchill Room will be closed at

12 noon for a private dinner function. i

E 0 V




• SQUASH •Friendly vs JCC(Away)

6.00 pm (Raffles Room)


■o 18 The Tanglin Ciub



9.30 am (Draycott Room] • LADIES-CHRISTMAS LUNCH

IZrwon (Churchill Room)




• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)


• MOVIE Terminator 3 - PG (Thealrette)

12 noon (Churchill Room & Wheelhouse) MOVIE Terminator 3 - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

• HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) The Chur^ill Room will be closed at 7.30 pm for a private dinner function.


« CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room)

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

• MOVIE Son Of The Bride - NC 16 (Thealrette)

SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse)


• HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)



MOVIE Son Of The Bride - NC 16 (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) TENNIS - Friendly match vs Swiss Club (Tennis Courts)

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

The Churchill Room will be closed at 7.30 pm for a private dinner furtction.





CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

MOVIE Whale Rider • PG (Thealrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) BALUT- Members vs Staff match (Cards Room) CELEBRITY CHEF'S NIGHT 7.30 pm (Churchill Room)


with Or Cherian George 6.30 pm (Raffles Room)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Whale Rider - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

SQUASH •Friendly vs American Club of Hong Kong (Squash Courts)


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • BALLROOM DANCING



CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen - PG (Theatrette)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen - PG (Thealrette)

HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)




• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

• CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room)

• MOVIE Spy Kids 3D - Game Over - PG (Theatrette)


• HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

12 noon (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Spy Kids 3D - Game Over - PG (Theatrette) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

The Churchill Room will be closed at 7.30 pm for a private dinner functlon.


6.00 pm (Churchill Room & Lobby) • TENNIS • Friendly match vs SICC (Tennis Courts)


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)





• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

• • • •

• MOVIE Home Run - PG (Theatrette)

• HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • SQUASH •30-a-slde vs SCC(Squash Courts)


SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Home Run - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Vifheelhouse)


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • STAR SEARCH II




• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

14 ♦ SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room)

^• SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm(Wheelhouse)^^^^HH9^ ♦ MOVIE The Medallion • PG (Theatrette) • MOVIE The Medallion - PG (Theatrette)

• BIN END WINE SALES 11.00 am to 3.00 pm (Lobby)

• HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

The Churchill Room will be closed at 7.30 pm for a private dinner function. The Churchill Room will tie closed at

12 noon for a private dinner function.

The Tanglin Club 19

misceHany Reciprocal Club News Staff Ang Pow The Oriental Club in London (Stratford House at Stratford Place) has recently decided to reduce the supplementary charge for reciprocal members and their new bedroom rates, effective 1 January 2004, are as follows;

Staff Retirement

The Club's food and beverage prices do not include any service charges. The staff, unlike those in hotels and public restaurants are not permitted to receive tips or gratuities In any form. The Club, over the years, has looked to its members to contribute towards a lump sum

Single with

£65 per night

Ang Pow to be shared among the staff annually in the Lunar New Year. This is in

£80 per night

recognition of their services and to express

bath/shower, toilet Double with

appreciation for the efforts they have made

bath/shower, toilet

throughout the year. Double-single

£75 per night


As in the past, Members' December

Twin with bath, toilet

£90 per night

Large twin with

£110 per night

bath, toilet

Reciprocal members are required to pay a supplementary charge of £15 per night for a single room and £25 for a double/twin

accounts will be debited with an amount

equivalent to one month's subscription.

Ariffin Bin Kuiop Osman, one of our long service staff has had to retire from the Club as he will be setting up his own business in Indonesia.

Members who wish to contribute more or

do not wish to contribute, please write to

He has been at the Club as an

the General Manager by 24 December 2003.

Assistant Swimming Pool Supervisor for 42 years. He will be missed by all

On behalf of ail the staff, thank you for your generosity.

members. We wish him well for the future.

(reduced from £25 and £35 respectively).

The Enigma Variations For 23 years I have worked with Dyslexic people and

learning and take a broad view of an education which

educated them in beautiful surroundings. At first at

should last a lifetime.

Oxford in England where I was subsequently awarded Associate Membership of the British Dyslexia Association.

I came to Singapore in 1995 and my original foundation of 7 scholars has grown in 8 years into The Enigma Variations, Camden Medical Centre,a modem school of

Every boy and girl will be considered when the parents meet the Principal (the Interview). An offer to place the child on the Special Needs Register will be made on the basis of the Interview and Assessment Test. Offers are

Today Enigma Variations offers expert assessment and

conditional on taking the Assessment Test which reveals the learning profile. In turn this determines the individual programme which will be highly structured to

specialist tuition to anyone with Dyslexia,or specific

meet the exact needs.

200 plus Students and 30 highly trained teaching staff.

learning difficulties. We use a multi-sensory teaching approach,the use of all sensory channels,so that areas of weakness are supported and improved by areas of strength. Tuition is offered in Literacy (English) and Numeracy(Mathematics).

My Students are lucky to enjoy fine teachers and it is a

The ultimate aim of a good education is to place it at the service of other people. At Enigma we hope that



those who leave us will benefit the communities in

which they live.

Over the years that is what I have sought most to achieve. The Enigma Variations Pte Ltd

privilege for our teachers to have fine pupils. One-to-

#11 -06. Camden Medical Centre

one tuition ensures the student learns the new skills to

One Orchard Boulevard

best triumph over their learning difficulty rapidly and effectively. Securing a better future for people with

Singapore 248649 Telephone: 6235 5600

Dyslexia is a consequence.


Facsimile: 6235 9092

lanette E. Skcath

Success in examinations is another. But we think it

Principal and Director of Studies

more important to encourage boys and girls to love


Email: Website: \


'O k




The Fry Group

100 years ofservice




y j-rr ,

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Do you know what your UK tax obligations are:


Founded in 1898, the Fry Group specialise in providing common sense tax and financial advice for British expatriates. We are independent and licensed in the UK and Singapore so whether you have just arrived in Singapore,just about to depart for the UK or have lived here for a number of years, we have all the help you need. Members may be interested to learn that our specialist UK Tax adviser Dean Power will be visiting Singapore on November 26 to December 5 inclusive and we have some events planned: o Following extensive changes in legislation in 1998, we will hold an in-house workshop at Battery Road on Thursday November 27 at 6.30 pm to explore in detail the implications and effects of capital gains tax(COT)on UK expatriates. This will be particularly relevant for anyone considering a return to the UK within the foreseeable future. If there are any other topics that you would like to address in a group discussion, let us have your thoughts below.

o On Wednesday December 3 at 7.30 pm, we will be holding a talk at the British Club to provide: • An overview of your UK tax obligations as a British expatriate. This will include some simple tips to reduce one's exposure to UK tax! • A guide to conducting your own financial planning health check. If you don't want to talk to a financial adviser, this simple DIY guide will help identify how healthy your finances are. o Free consultations with Dean will also be available at the Battery Road office from November 26 to Friday December 5 inclusive.

Please return the reply slip either to the Fry Group or to Shakila Samuel at the British Club.

The Tanglin Club



r]Please reserve seats for the talk on Wednesday December 3. □ Please reserve an appointment to meet Dean on at am/pm. I I Please reserve seats at the CGT workshop on Thursday November 27. I I 1 would be interested in a workshop on I I 1 will unfortunately be unavailable during Dean's visit but please forward me more information on the Fry Group's services at my contact details above.

6 Battery Road, m3-03, Singapore 049909. Tel: 6225 0825. Fax: 6225 4679. Email: Website:

holidayideas Coddled At The Sentosa Resort


It's almost de rigueur whenever a public holiday comes along that falls on a Thursday or, heaven forbid, Wednesday! for us to sneak in an extra day or two to make it an extra-long break. Not surprising really. Given that we do, In fact, live very fast-paced lives, these little breathers help us keep in step with the demands of the corporate world.

an attractively landscaped garden setting containing pools with high mineral content volcanic mud, a labyrinth designed to encourage a mood of meditation, and a number of discreetly located 'treatment pavilions' where masseuses pamper workweary muscles. The




most attractive restaurant.

The Sentosa Resort & Spa Is owned by a Hong Kong company, HKR International Limited which also owns The Sukhothai In

Bangkok and developed Discovery Bay In Hong Kong. Every quarter, the owners make a visit to the Singapore property and to ensure that they get top quality Cantonese cuisine, they plopped Chef Oliver Siu Shun Fai to man

The question then comes up - where to go?

signature f&b outlet. Open only In the evenings ("too hot during the day, lah")

In this first article on

it overlooks the mid

short breaks that can

be managed without

night blue swimming pool on one side and

A self-professed IT maniac, one of his past-

too much effort. I've

the ocean on the

times Is to work on a website where food

picked on an old


lovers can access recipes, exchange experiences and Ideas - all on Chinese food!



the Chinese kitchen at the Terrace, which

Is the all-day dining area.

Sentosa Resort and

Japanese designer,

Spa or the Beaufort,

Yasuhlro KolchI,

as many of you still

played ingeniously with water, glass,

At the Sentosa Resort, he concentrates on

carved stone and

Chinese menu at the Terrace can be

light within a dining

described as almost 'stingy' In content.

know It.

It still occupies a premium spot in Sentosa, right next to the wonderfully landscaped Sentosa Golf Club and this

allows It to remain a refreshing distance from the hoi polloi that tend to congregate

area that is wide

open to the fresh breezes. Tables are

creatively situated on different levels and

around low partitions and columns to enhance privacy.

on the southern and eastern ends of the Island.

The glassed-in kitchen takes pride of place where one can watch the chefs and cooks

Its new addition - the Spa Botanica, boasts

busily preparing the gustatory delights that

6000 square metres of spa located within

will later appear on your plate. Certainly a

22 The Tanglin Club

banquets and the big dinners and the

holidayideas However, Mr Siu has a masterful touch

piquant sauce with sweet and sour

which you would be remiss to miss.

undertones which allowed the fresh fish to dominate.

One clue to his skills is that he prefers to

bring 'ordinary' dishes to their sublimal

Filet Steak Chinese-style featured beef

heights instead of concentrating on the 'abalone-dried scallop-shark's fin' route.

cubes cooked medium-rare with a thin

His Sweet Corn with Crab Meat Soup was


coating of a Worcestershire-based sauce accompanied by lightly sauteed sweet sliced

faultless. Filled with fresh chunks of crab

meat, it was accentuated by a light chicken broth. The Sliced Red Garoupa was served with freshly-cracked black pepper in a

Vegetables have to be precision-cooked to preserve their flavour especially when they are delicate in texture. Chef Siu's spinach was seared with coarse-cut garlic and full of flavour. He finished off with a superb egg

custard highlighted with fresh butter and, methinks, a touch of ginger juice. Not on the menu but do ask if he can do you a favour!

Contact him or contact Ms Yong-Han Wee Lin, the PR Consultant at fe/." 637'/ 1414 or If you want to stay for the weekend, ask for the Spa Retreat packages! The Sentosa Resort & Spa has 214 rooms all with high speed internet access. It also has luxury two-room villas for those with a penchant for additional privacy.

If not busy attending to the many functions booked at the hotel, he can be persuaded to work out a special menu which can be sen/ed in a private dining room.

Cars are now allowed freely into Sentosa.

Staying guests pay only $2 per car; otherwise it is $2 per person per entry. Terry Ng



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On Wednesday,3 December 2003 -10:00am to 7:00pm

& Thursday,4 December 2003 -10:00am to 5:00pm For enquiries contact: 6235 3608 Copyrighl 2002 Fairs end Bozoors. All rights reserved.

TREE ADMISSION All visitors entitled to

-dbuious Lucky Draw Prizes! The Tongiin Club 23


Top 10 Popular Titles A six-month survey of the books acquired in May 2003 showed that the following titles were most frequently borrowed by members.


Non Fiction

• The King Of Torts

• Perlplus Soups And

John Grisham


• Emperor The Gates Of


Jane Price

• Perlplus Fabulous Salads


Conn Iggulden • Blessings Anna Quindlen

• Dangerous Nora Roberts

• Final Justice W.E.B.Griffin

Rachel Carter

i\'k h aETRAUL

fIC.HTEtKTf. >;runN fNi>t

• African Diary Bill Bryson


1 ^


• New Asian Style Jane Doughty Marsden

Grisham H

• White Mughais: Love And Betrayal In Eighteenth-


Century India


William Dalrymple

SATGAAAT-GRE-TOEFL INCREASE YOUR SCORE! To avoid the risk of being rejected by their choice University, thousands of students and MBA applicants come to High Q (Singapore) every year for help in getting a high score.


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levels above

indoor foodcourt)



Meet The Author Evening with Dr Cherian George Friday 14 November Dr Cherian George is the author of Singapore: The Air-conditioned Nation, a book of political essays published in 2000.

Singapore in June and now researches media

He was a journalist with The Straits Times for

10 years until 1999, when he left Singapore to

Dr Cherian George is also the publisher and editor of a new monthly newspaper for children,

do his PhD in Communication at Stanford

What's Up.

and politics at the Asia Research institute,

National University of Singapore.

University in the United States. He returned to Raffles Room at 6.30 pm. Cocktails followed by talk. $15.45(Member) & $18.70(Guest). Prices inclusive of cocktail food and a glass of wine or 2 glasses of juice per person. Prices inclusive of GST. Dress code: Club Standard. Guests are welcome. Last day for cancellation Friday 7 November. Make your bookings online at

A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson Inventing Japan -1853-1964

New Books

Crime & Thriller

Adult Library

Lazybones Mark Biliingham The Teeth of The Tiger Tom Clancy

500 Low-Garb Recipes Dana Carpender

White Death

The Chinese in America:

Clive Cussler

Aphrodite Russell Andrews

Fiction Brick Lane Monica All

Crossing The Lines Meivyn Bragg The Rules Of Engagement

Ian Buruma

Austin Clarke

John Grisham

A Narrative History iris Chang Captain Cook: A Legacy Under Fire Vanessa Coliingridge Your Self - Confident Baby Magda Geiber

Shifting Calder Wind Janet Daiiey The Trespass Barbara Ewing Uptown Girl

Street Dreams

Sea Biscuit:

Faye Kelierman

An American Legend

The House Sitter

Laura Hillenbrand

Peter Lovesey

Parting The Desert: The


Creation of The Suez Canal

Olivia Goldsmith

Dan Mahoney Laundry Man

Zachary Karabeil Holy Cow : An Indian

To The Nines

Anita Brookner

Janet Evanovich

Trading Up

The Killing Hour

Candace Bushneil

Lisa Gardner

The Polished Hoe


The Sabre's Edge Allan Mailinson

Jake Needham



Sarah Macdonaid

Kamila Shamsie

Presumption of Death Perri O'shaughnessy

The End of India

The Devil Wears Prade

Bare Bones

Khushwant Singh

Lauren Weisberger

Kathy Reichs

Science Fiction

Non Fiction The Iron Triangle: Inside The Secret World of the Carlyle Dan Briody

The Minotaur Wars Volume

One: Night Of Blood Richard Knaak

Niw nu MfÂťscnt(itiiis luTHOt of umir nnucna

You may also wish to check out http://\ on the wide selection of magazines and newspapers available in Tanglin Club's Reading Room.


's Trophy

Golf: Annual Pot Gomes -

Singapore trriCTceT^nro


s All Participant POT GAM dents' Xroph> ptember 2003

nm M

For the second consecutive month The Tanglin Club golfers visited

The best gross scores returned by Tanglin Club players in the

the island of Sentosa, but this time to the Tanjong Course to take

match were as follows:

on the Singapore Cricket Club in the annual "President's Trophy" challenge match. This is part of the annual "Pot Games" event

between Tanglin Club and Singapore Cricket Club, which

Art Miller

Gross score of 76 (handicap 6)

encompasses all sports that are played by both clubs.

Alan Jones

Gross score of 79 (handicap 8)

In the past two years the event has been interrupted by rain, thunder

John Kammerman

Gross score of 81 (handicap 8)

and lightning and as a consequence the result had been declared a draw, with the Tanglin Club retaining the trophy that we won for the first time in 2000. So this year we were all keeping our fingers

(and anything else convenient!) crossed for "third time lucky" to keep the inclement weather away from Sentosa. Fortunately our wishes were granted and the weather was kind to us and we were able to complete the match. Tradition has it that each club fields 20 players in the match but the event was so popular this year that Tanglin Club fielded a further 40 players in a social game to lend moral support to those representing the Club. It must have had the desired effect because we recorded a victory

by the margin of 8 matches to 2, and the President's Trophy will reside In our trophy cabinet for another year! Well done to all those

who represented the Club, not only for the result but also for the

spirit of friendly competition in which the match was played, which was very much in keeping with the unique close relationship that

the Tanglin Club and Singapore Cricket Club have enjoyed for many years.

26 The Tanglin Club


Congratulations to Art, who will take part in the US$100,000 Asian Senior Masters Pro Am Qualifier at Jurong Country Club on 4 November 2003, courtesy of Excel Golf Pte Ltd who kindly offered one place to the player returning the best gross score from each club.


Centenarian Challenge Mixed Doubles

In the social game there were no winners of the novelty competitions because the game was so social that nobody remembered to bring the flags for nearest the pin and longest drive back to the clubhouse! A very successful day that was enjoyed by all those who took part in the event, many of whom also enjoyed the hospitality of the

Singapore Cricket Club the following evening at the Pot Games Cocktail Party / Trophy Presentation. We look forward to renewing the competition next year! David Haslam Golf Convenor

This event was organised for the first time and successfully completed on Saturday 4 October 2003. The idea is to pair two persons whose combined age must hit 100, a not too difficult task considering that over the years the Club's tennis population has been getting increasingly younger! It attracted a lot of interest with the guys having to be diplomatic when they sought partners. Many games were keenly contested with some unexpected results. The first pair to reach 6 win and move to the next round, eliminating their opponents who had to be content to play club tennis. The


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finals pitted Roland Tan & Sachiko Taylor against Lam Yew Ming & Laura Varnius with the latter pair winning at 6-2. Despite the score the game was tight.

Afterwards the players adjourned to the Wheelhouse open area for

buffet dinner. The general feeling among the players was that it was a very good idea and should be repeated. Find out the privileges of being a golf section fund member at

Robert Yeo

The Tanglln Club 27


Tennis Friendly vs Changi Beach Club

Tennis Friendly vs Jurong Country Club

On 24 August 2003, Tanglin Club hosted Changi Beach Club In

This friendly match was held at the Jurong Country Club (JCC)on 6 September 2003. Although it threatened to rain on a few occasions,

one of our many friendly matches. On this bright sunny Sunday afternoon, our compatriots from the East proved to be more than worthy opposition. After four rounds of intense doubles competition

the weather held out and the games were played on a cloudy but

involving a good mix of youngsters and veterans, Changi Beach

Club emerged worthy winners. Our kind hosts served up a sumptuous

Club narrowly edged out the host club.

buffet which was enjoyed by everyone.

still hot day. All games were keenly contested but at the end,Tanglin

Dr Harvey Teo Tennis Convenor

A ^

Pot Games vs

Singapore Cricket Club The annual Pot Games against the Singapore Cricket Club(SCC)

It was a fun-filled afternoon for all present and our guests proved to be good company both on and off the courts. Refreshments were served after the match and the players certainly look forward to playing each other again in the near future.

was held on 13 September 2003. Although the Tanglin Club players tried their best, this was a game that the SCC did not want to lose. They fielded their strongest team in years with the final score of 92 to the SCC saying it all. Well done to the pairs of Mark Fernandez and Sima Blossom as well as Cathy Leow and Sandra Wong for winning their mixed and women's doubles matches respectively. Better luck next year! Dr Harvey Teo Tennis Convenor

Nicholas Yeo

Tennis Friendly vs Tanah Merah Country Club Tanglin Club was invited to celebrate National Day at Tanah

Merah Country Club on 31 August 2003. A 20 strong team of both Men's and Ladies was sent to participate In this event.

This rather belated National Day celebration proved to be a lavish affair. Led by Mrs Lillian Lum, the matches were hard fought and the players enjoyed themselves thoroughly. At the end of the day, everyone was treated to a wonderful buffet dinner at the poolside. All participating members also received a lovely goodie bag courtesy of Slazenger and Reebok, the sponsors for this event. Nicholas Yeo

28 The Tanglin Club

1.1 Nciiiiint,,


Tennis Upcoming Events Friendly Match vs SICC Sunday 30 November Christmas Team Tennis Tournament

Saturday 20 December The annual team tennis championships are here again. This year, it will be held on Saturday 20 December 2003. Once

again, it will be a round robin event featuring 4 teams of players divided equally according to strength. Who will be the champions this year? Join us and find out!

Quadrangular Tennis Tournament 10 & 11 January 2004 This event will be held on the weekend of 10 & 11 January 2004. This invitational tournament will involve The Tanglin Club, who will be hosting the event, Jurong Country Club,

Keppei Club and The American Club. This round robin event is a revival of a tournament which was an important event on the tennis calendar in the early nineties. There will be 3 men's doubles (combined age >70 years), 3 ladies doubles

(combined age >65 years)and 2 mixed doubles (combined age >70 years). Prizes will be awarded to the winning team and best pairs. Keep your dates free for this

260cm X 330cm





Contact the tennis professionais/Director of Tennis at and find


V_ni\l L* I O

Tanglin Shopping Centre Tel: 6737 5626

out more about the tennis sessions that are going on.


open rmm lOam -7pm(Mon-Sat)& 1 lam-4pm(Sun)

Level 1 Units 12 to 13


form Bob Cattle while Steve Wright and Lord Anthony were stealthily going for the

Annual Autumn Tournament


Nineteen players entered the Autumn Handicap and the first rounds produced the usual mixture of strategy from going for the Plate to outright upset such as Peter von Selkey blowing away both Jeffrey Lim and Say Kin Heng.

In the bottom half of the draw Ross

Mackenzie had difficulty in disposing of Henry Mullen, only to be beaten by a highly motivated Milton Wee who also vanquished Sylvester Yong. Meanwhile Bill Gartshore and David Robertson were willing to be too lenient on Phua Swee Leng, who went through to the Plate final. In the finals, Steve Wright fell to Phua Swee Leng to win the Plate and in the Main Event, Milton Wee beat a valiant Bob


Bob Gattie

Autumn Handicap

In the top half of the draw Merina and Alex Mackenzie were fortunate not to be drawn against each other but both succumbed to an in

Squash Tournament winner Miiton Wee.


The Tanglin Club 29


The Tanglin Club Players At The World Masters

who met Phua Swee Leng in the plate finals of the Men's 60 - 64 category with Norman eventually winning 3- 2 In a close encounter and the Convenor who made it to the quarter

finals of the special plate of the Men's 50 54 age group before being beaten by the eventual winner.

Squash Championships

play some good squash but also met old friends you have not seen since the last

In Finland

You also have the opportunity to see

These Championships are always very

enjoyable as you not only see and hopefully

World Masters and indeed make new ones.

something of a different country and culture. Norman Wee, Phua Swee Leng and the Convenor participated in the World Masters Squash Championships in Helsinki, Finland, which was held over the period 4 - 9 August. Also present at the Championships were

It was unfortunate that Munir Shah and Robert Yeo were unable to make it this

year, as they are staunch participants in these events and were missed by some of their previous opponents and victims.

Peter Hill, former national player and brother of Tanglin Club squash player Desmond

We look forward to the next World Masters

Hill and Jahangir Khan, the great man

in 2005, which I believe is going to be held in South Africa, and to perhaps sending a

himself, the President of the World Squash Federation who was happy to talk to anyone around the courts.

1 am pleased to report that the Singapore contingent did themselves proud. Peter won the Men's 40 - 44 age group beating a South African in the final and playing better squash now than I have seen him play in several years - must be married life. Norman Wee

larger group of squash players from the Tanglin Club. Graham Dare

Squash Convenor

16 Travel To

Kuala Lumpur The 4th Raintree international Jumbo

Squash Doubles Competition was held in Kuala Lumpur on the 26 - 28 September, hosted as usual by The Raintree Club.


The Tanglin Club fielded its strongest contingent to date in this growing popular event with 8 pairs from the squash section participating - Lee Wah & Milton Wee, Desmond Hill & Norman Wee, Anthony Rawlinson & Colin Gee. Geoffrey Lim & Richard Coventry, Munir Shah & Sylvester

Yong, Bob Gattie & Alan Jones. Ross & Marina Mackenzie and Peter Birch & Phua

Swee Leng. The best showing from our team was from Desmond Hill & Lee Wah who managed to reach the quarter final of the plate event whilst all were party to a thrilling final where we saw a world class performance from the

Malaysian pair Yap Kor For & Michael Soo. 30 The Tanglin Club

The Tanglin Club will be hosting the next International Jumbo Squash Doubles

Squash Centre in February 2004. We look fon,vard to your support so see you there!

Tournament, which will be held at the

Anthony Rawlinson




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9ft'A ft '/*•: ii ■ ^'ft








tT"]^ <

ft''fi • iV Kv ft <^~ft^' ft

207cm X 317cm



LOWEST PRICE $$2125 >w %LM V >o

L* 1 O


Annual Pot Gomes vs

Singapore Cricket Club The Pot games was played on Saturday 13 September at the see. Five good men and true, Desmond Hill, Alan Jones, Phua Swee Leng, Richard eoventry and the eonvenor played for the eiub. Although the team lost 2-3 they managed a very creditable performance with Alan Jones and the eonvenor winning close fought games.

In the evening the See put on an excellent spread and

Lfivcl 1 Units 12 to 13

Tangtin Shopping Centre Tel:6737 5626 Opfnlrom IOam-7pm<Mon-SaO& llam-4(Mn<Sun)

Squash Upcoming Events Here are some dates you may wish to pencil into your diaries:

Annual Tanglin Club Squash Championships 10 November to 22 November

Friendly vs American Club of Hong Kong Saturday 15 November Squash Tour to Sri Lanka and Madras Saturday 29 November to Saturday6 December

reception for all the Pot players, sports convenors and Ge members. The See won the Pot overall but we look fonward

to hosting them at The Tanglin eiub next year. A note for your diary, we also have the annual 30-a-side against the See scheduled for Saturday 6 December that is always a most enjoyable afternoon's squash followed by a buffet dinner, which this year will be held in the Raffles Room rather than by the poolside due to the unpredictable

30-a-side vs Singapore Cricket Club Saturday 6 December


weather. Graham Dare

Squash Convenor

Need to know more of the court rules or looking for individual coaching? Log on to _and_rec/squash.asp The Tanglin Club 31



however, mainly thanks to

Mike Mitchell (900), Chris

Are you aware of the Card

Pot Games

Jones (861) and Chris Petrie (814)and a certain amount of

Room's activities?

libation, the lead changed sg/sports_and_rec/balut.asp

16 TC players and 16 SCC met on Saturday 13 September for our annual encounter this year at the SCC. The game was played over 8 rounds with the usual

Log on now to

hands after round 7 and the

and find out.

Tanglin Club again won by a meager 134 points.

spirits of friendship existing between the Kristian Bonnichsen

two Clubs. Initially it looked as SCC was

Balut Convenor

going to run away with the trophy,

The Balut Pot with us for

another yearll|


Tennis vs Balut 8 players from the Tennis Section joined our September game, so


apart from the usual monthly competition, we also had our Inaugural friendly with the Tennis Section. To make up the numbers, Balut

Diploma of Professional Counselling

lent Tennis a few 'STAR' players and that contributed to the downfall

Recognised by leading Australian and other leading

of Tennis accumulating 5703 points only against Balut's 5839 points. Tennis's Lum Yew Meng (639), Lilian Lum (6114) and M,C. Chong

International Counselling Associations ► Learn skills to assist others with issues such as career guidance, managing stress, abuse, grief and loss, relationships

(601) all played as seasoned Balut players, whilst the Balut Convenor

(475), playing for Tennis had a most unfortunate evening.

Graduate in 18 months

► Home study, self-paced ► Delivered in Singapore FLEXIBLE PAYMENT OPTIONS

Certificate of Life Coaching

Our former VP Colin Taylor once wisely said, "There are times in one's life when the dice just don't roll one's way, however skilled one may be".

► An immensely rewarding career ► Mentor and motivate people in achieving their aspirations ► Graduate in 6 months

Home study, self-paced ► Delivered in Singapore (Professional counselling services

6734 1918

also available.) l\i'COf;ins<\i bv


In .i-.s4X"i.ition ivilh



or email: Brought to yuii by

dc I'roli' visit

Monthly Balut Newcomer K.K, Chong won with 657, followed by Peter Bird 627 and Julia Jones 613. Nina Menon had the highest single column score of 147. With only 2 rounds remaining the end of the season 'Peter Bird Trophy' is still up for grabs. With good games during October and November, 4 to 5 players still have the chance of getting their name onto the Cup. The last game of the year to be played on Thursday 27 November, will be followed by our traditional Annual Dinner for Section Members and their guests. Kristian Bonnichsen

91 Tanglin Road, 002-07 Tanglin Place, Singapore 247918

32 The Tanglin Club

Balut Convenor




Chong Zhi Cheng defeated C.H. Leong 4937, 71-45 to win the Ian Braslin Trophy thereby emulating his father who won in

Hello again,

doubts, and the attendance was of a fair size with 5 full tables. The event was well

managed by Claire Quinn, Rohini Arya and Anjana Beri. Everyone had a good time and the boards were very interesting.


It is great to report that ail our players are back in town and our numbers are back up to 7 - 81/2 tables on weekdays. We are

Snooker participated in the Pot Games

trying very hard to increase the table

narrowiy avoiding a whitewash 1-6.

numbers for Wednesday evening. This is where our maie players can really shine, as most of them work during the day. So come on ladies, drag him out to the Club for some fun and friendly competition. It is very reiaxed and our new Convenor has

We fared marginaiiy better against The British Club to win the Martei Cup 11-7. The ball-cleaning machine has finally airived

The Championship was keenly contested with Toni Leong and Reiko Teo making an excellent running and securing first place just ahead of Nancy Yung and Murii Vasanmal, with Diedre Oehlers and Nan Sandford a close third.

All in all it was a great event and with the

continued (dare I say increased)support of

- it is pure pleasure playing with clean balls.

all bridge playing Ciub Members, could

Fred Kloppers

Check the Bridge Calendar on the notice

become our GREATEST event for 2004.

board in the Card Room (in early December) and note the date for next year. You will not want to miss the chance to have your name on the trophy. May ALL your finesses work. Heather Flanders

Christmas Lunch Please note this will take place in the Raffles Room at 12.00 noon on

Monday 1 December. Hope to see you there. Join the Bridge group now!

instituted a "floating" player who will be available to play with anyone who turns up

Did Yau Knaw?

without a partner. Let's all do our best to support our new Convenor in this endeavor.

• 43.6 % of all slam contracts fall.

On Saturday 4 October, we held our Annual

• 97.8 % of all bridge statistics, including these, are made up.

• 62.7 % of all bridge players are women.

Tanglin Club Members Pairs Championship.

We got off to a great start, after some Initial

Bridge activities are held in the Card

Bridge Schedule Date


Monday Tuesday

1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 10.00 am to 12.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 10.00 am to 12.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm 10.00 am to 12.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm





Duplicate Bridge Supervised Bridge

Heather Flanders Nan Sandford


Novice Bridge

Supervised Bridge Duplicate Bridge

For further details or enquiries on Bridge events and games visit

or contact the Sports & Recreation Nan Sandford

Coordinator at 6739 4128 / 4148.

Anjana Beri

Social & Duplicate Bridge

Nita & Murii

Bridge Lessons

Nan Sandford

Dupiicate Bridge

Rohini Arya

The Tanglin Club 33



Swim Meet At The Polo Club

Fiona Silhavy bagged in 2 gold medals, her personal best for freestyle 35.65s and 47.93s for the breaststroke.

Sarah Si clinched a total of 1 gold & 2 silver medals.

• • •

Amelia Thia bagged in 1 gold & 1 silver. Benjamin Reid took the 2 bronze medals. Naomi Silhavy took home 1 bronze, 1 silver and 1 consolation prize.

Elise Blume earned

Both Pippa Reld and Alexandra Yung managed to take home

The weather did not help at all, as it was raining right from the beginning of the swim meet through the end...Thanks to the children who turned up! Everyone had a lot of fun watching the six-a-side soccer match in the rain! All in all, we did very well! Results

• Tan Jun Han won a whopping 4 gold medals for The Tanglin

Club. His timings were 25.55s (freestyle), 45.16s (breaststroke), 40.03s (backstroke) and 36.87s (butterfly). Mathew Booker bagged in 2 gold medals his time of 27.72s (freestyle) and 26.85 (breaststroke). •

Marie-Judith Booker took 2 Gold Medals, her freestyle time was 21.04s & her backstroke time was 24.77s.

herself 2 silver & 1


1 bronze & 1 consolation prize.

Congratulations to all the winners and to all those who participated in the meet...a job well done!!

Tan Mae Shaen whisked away 2 gold medals with her times of

21.30s (freestyle) and 24.06s (breaststroke) respectively.

For your personal record, please check with your coach or Zarena.

Swimming KISS Programme Participants Receive Their Certificates


Doggart with Dad


Swimming lessons for your kids at The Tanglin Club? Visit Kieran sports__and_rec/swimming.asp

Bob The Builder^ Nicholas Tan Lauren Khoo

and find out more on the Kids

Endurance Programme and KISS (Keep Infants Swimming Simple) programme.

34 The Tanglin


New Fitness Instructor

Toning (cardio sculpt, ABT,stretch and tone etc), Pilates matwork, Indoor Cycling and

Gym Orientation

Stretch classes.

We are delighted to He was a Fitness Centre Supervisor at NUSS Guild House assisting in managing the Fitness Centre and training new instructors.

Daniel has various qualifications and certifications and constantly attends workshops and fitness conventions to upgrade himself.

announce that Bill

Nikolopoulos, who is already known to some of you, has kindly agreed to run a couple of eagerly awaited gym orientation sessions

in November, the dates and times of which are as follows:

• Thursday, 13 November at


9.30 am to 11.30 am

• Tuesday, 18 November at 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

May we remind members that guests are allowed to attend certain fitness

classes held at the Multi-Purpose

We are delighted to welcome Daniel Chan into our pool of talented instructors. Daniel has taken over the Firm It Up class from

By registration only at S&R Office at 6739 4128 / 6739 4148. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Each session is limited to 8 participants only.

Hall with the exception of Pilates, Yoga and Tai-chi.

Audrey D'Cotta. Please note that this class has reverted to Wednesday at 6.30 pm.

No Classes Want to know the fitness schedule with our

Daniel has been working in the Fitness industry for the past 4 years as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor. He teaches a variety of classes such as Muscle

professional coaches? Log on to

There will be no classes on Tuesday 25 November due to the Hari Raya sports_and_rec/rttness.asp

Puasa holiday.

Sports Schedule

Fitness Schedule Monday






8.30 am

8.30 am

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.00 pm



8.30 am FITBALL

YOGA (Advance) Margaret



8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am FLEXIBLE

9.30 am KEEP FIT Janet Pool

5.00 pm

5.00 pm

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

10.00 am PILATES Clatise


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

Marcus Tang 6.30 pm

5.15 pm

6.15 pm

6.30 pm

7.30 pm




David Chan





Squash Courts


7.30 pm

Squash Courts








8.30 am


10.00 am

5.00 pm


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am to 11.30 am JUNIOR TENNIS COACHING

6.00 pm

5.00 pm


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Geoffrey 9.30 am


Margaret 5.00 pm LINE DANCE

9.30 am KEEP FIT Janet

Wong L C

Tennis Courts 11.30 am TAIJIQUAN

Wong L C

Squash Courts


Squash Courts

2.00 pm

5.15 pm



4.00 pm



Squash Courts

Tennis Courts


Jerry 4.00 pm 6.30 pm







4.00 pm

8.15 pm PILATES


All classes are held at the Multi-Purpose Hall

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

except Aquacise.

The Tanglin Club 35


1 & 2 November

29 & 30 November

Terminator 3 - PG

Spy Kids 3D - Game Over - PG

Sci-fi action (110 mins) Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger,

3D action adventure (90 mins) Starring: Alexa Vega, Daryl Sahara. Director: Robert Rodriguez.

Kristina Loken, Claire Daines.

Under-age agents Juni and Carmen Cortez set out on their most mind-blowing mission

Director: Johnathan Mostow.

A decade has passed since John Connor helped Judgement Day and save mankind

yet: journeying inside the virtual reality world

from mass destruction. Now, 25, Connor has no records of his existence. There is

no way he can be traced by Skynet. Until, out of the shadows of the future steps the T-X, Skynefs most sophisticated cyborg killing machine yet. Sent back through time to complete the job left unfinished by her predecessor, the T-1000, the determined T-X is a machine that is as relentless, as is

her human guise beautiful. Now Connor's only hope for survival is to annex with the Terminator, T-101, his mysterious former assassin. Together they must triumph over the technologically superior T-X and forestall

the looming threat of Judgement Day or

and she is a girl. Growing up in a close-knit village which retains their warrior values, Pai faces rejection from her village-chief grandfather who is brokenhearted that there is no grandson to carry on the line. Blessed with spiritual and leadership qualities of her ancestors, Pai struggles to prove herself to her grandfather.

Director: Jack Neo.

Action adventure (110 mins) Starring: Sean Connery, Peta Wilson. Director: Stephen Norrington.

Alterio, Norma Aleandro.

Director: Juan Jose Campanella. At age 42, Rafael Belvedere is having a crisis. He lives a frantic and unfuifiiling life. Overwhelmed by his numerous responsibilities and just isn't having any fun. Unable to escape from his father's shadow, he resents his mother, ignores his

daughter and can't commit to his girlfriend. Just when he is at his lowest point, a series of unexpected events led him to re-evaluate his life. He must learn to forgive the past, reconstruct the present and create new memories that the whole family can share.

Home Run - PG

The League Of Extraordinary

8 & 9 November

Starring: Ricardo Darin, Hector

6 & 7 December

22 & 23 November Gentiemen - PG

Foreign comedy (125 mins)

to save the world.

Local drama (110 mins) Starring: Ho Wenlong, Huang Po Ju.

face the apocalypse.

Son Of The Bride -NCI6

of a 3D video game designed to outsmart them, as the awe-inspiring graphics and creatures of gaming come to life. The Spy Kids must battle through tougher and tougher levels of the game, facing challenges that include racing against road warriors and surfing on boiling lava, in order

Allan Quatermain leads a legion of superheroes who are staunch individualists with checkered pasts and singular gifts but now must learn to trust each other and work

as a team for the very hope of civilization. With little preparation and time, they will be transported via Captain Nemo's submarine.

Home Run follows 10 year-old Ah Kun and his young sister, Seow Fang who come from a poverty-stricken family in 1965 Singapore. One day. Ah Kun accidentally loses his sister's school shoes while njnning an errand. Too poor to purchase a new pair, Seow Fang is forced to share his brother's worn-out oversized ones.The film tracks the

pair's passage in overcoming the problems involved in sharing the same pair of shoes and Ah Kun's unrelenting quest to acquire a new pair for his sister.

The Nautilus to Venice where a masked

madman known as the Fantom plans to

sabotage a conference of world leaders by setting off a chain of explosions to sink the entire city.

13 & 14 December

The Medailion - PG

Action comedy (90 mins) Starring: Jackie Chan, Claire Forianl. Director: Gordon Chan.

An action comedy following the exploits of an indomitable Hong Kong cop named Eddie, who, after a near-fatal accident

involving a mysterious medallion, is suddenly transformed into a 'Highbinder', an immortal

15 & 16 November

Whale Rider - PG

warrior with superhuman powers. Eddie

Foreign romance drama (105 mins) Starring: Kelsha Castle-Hughes,

enlists the help of fellow agent Nicole to

Rawiri Paratene.

face down the evil Highbinders who desperately want it back.

determine the secret of the medallion and

Director: Niki Caro.

The legend is that Paikea rode on the back of a whale and led his people to New Zealand. Since then tradition has decreed

The League Of

that the first-born male descendant will

Extraordinary Gentlemen

become chief of the tribe. Then Pai is born

For enquiries, please call the Reception at 6737 6011 Or keep track of the showtimes and booking procedure via Tickets can be obtained at the Reception.

Moviegoers are to be seated 10 minutes before shovrtime.

36 The Tanglln Club


Saturday - 9.00 pm • Sunday - 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm Visit for movie trailers.

Club Hours The Churchill Room

Sunday to Friday Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Last order 2.00 pm No lunch on Saturday Dinner. 7.00 pm to 11.45 pm Last order 10.30 pm Closes 12 midnight Last order on Saturday 11.00 pm

Saturday 11.00 am to 2.45 am Sunday 11.00 am to 11.45 pm

Card Room

Daily 8.00 am to 11.30 pm

Gymnasium Dinner only 7.00 pm to 11.15 pm Daily 6.00 am to 10.00 pm

The Terrace Last order

Closes 1.00 am

Sunday to Friday 11.15pm Saturday 12 midnight Sunday Lunch 12 noon to 2.30 pm

Churchill Room Bar

Terrace Bar

Jackpot Room Monday to Friday 10.30 am to 11.30 pm Saturday 10.30 am to 12 midnight

Sunday 10.30 am to 12 midnight Daily 12 noon to 3.00 pm Sunday to Thursday Weekdays 7.00 pm to 11.45 pm 12 noon to 11.45 pm Saturday 7.00 pm to 1.45 am Friday 12 noon to 12.45 am Saturday 12 noon to 1.45 am Foyer Lounge Adult Library Daily 10.30 am to 11.00 pm Weekdays 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Saturday 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Wheelhouse Restaurant Sunday 12 noon to 5.00 pm Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm Last order 10.00 pm Junior Library Weekdays 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm The Tavern Saturday 10.00 am to 12.30 pm Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm & 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Last order 2.30 pm Sunday 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Dinner 6.00 pm to 11.45 pm Sat Dinner 6.00 pm to 1.00 am Closed on public holidays.

Sandwiches last order

Sunday to Thursday 11.30 pm Friday 12.30 am Saturday 1.30 am The Tavern Bar

Monday to Thursday 12 noon to 11.45 pm

*Squash Courts Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm *Tennis Courts 7.00 am to 11.30 am

2.00 pm to 10.30 pm Theatrette

Saturday 9.00 pm Sunday 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm Hair Salon

Billiards Room

Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Sunday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm For appointments call 6734 2523. Closed on Mondays & some public holidays.

Daily 12 noon to 11.30 pm Friday, Saturday & on eve of Public Holidays

*For reservations call 6235 8482 or 6734 0707.

Last order

Sunday to Friday 11.15 pm Saturday 12 midnight

Swimming Pool Daily 7.00 am to 10.30 pm

Reading Room Daily 9.00 am to 11.00 pm Last order 10.00 pm

12 noon to 1.00 am

Friday 12 noon to 1.45 am

Log on to

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