The Tanglin Club Magazine - May 2004

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Annual General Meeting on Monday 24 May iJ »rt'


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May 2004

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My dear fellow members, is my last message. The Club year has been very eventful, marked principally by much General Committee (GC) effort to return finance to health and obtain a Master

Plan (MR)to update and upgrade the Club. I appreciate the continual positive feedback many members gave on various issues,

including on the MR. The Increase In activity and friendlier ambience in the Club is evident.

However, unbecoming behaviour by the ill-

new small fine-dining room and larger

from Lady Margaret Thatcher who said "I

informed few or those against a MR led to a tabloid newspaper joining in with

centralised office, more facilities and

value for money was obtained in the

always cheer up Immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well,

Inaccurate reporting. To correct the


if they attack one personally, it means they

falsehoods, I list some facts - most of which

8 A large portion of the MR expense will

have not a single argument left", and an old

are gathered from the more Unan 150 pages

be on improvements to clubhouse, staff

adage "the path to calm and progress is not


welfare and efficiencies - money that

in hope for an absence of dissent but in


nalyses prepared for the MR.

will have to be spent anyway and likely

prayer for the presence of conscience."


Our current Reserve Fund availability is

to be spent sub-optimally and more

nearly $24 million.

disruptively If done other than within a

In my three years, I have enjoyed much


support and many people have helped me

2 Membership demand is strong - over


900 Singaporeans and, lately,

9 There are neither plans for a levy nor

expatriates are returning - Infusing the

rise In subscriptions or planned total

majority and of the Club. Thank you all very

Reserve Fund by between $2 to $4

membership (RTM). In fact, analysis

much. It has been my pride and pleasure

million annually.

showed a high probability that the MR

Phased construction means a MR

would impact the operational account

to be your Rresident and to make many good friends. My wife Lucy joins me in


sending best personal regards.

payment period spread over 4 to 6 years. 4 There is no development charge if we commence before February 2006.

identify and address the needs of the

10 Our membership strength is 5,700(2,995 principals) within a RTM of 6,900.

5 All competition designs were within the

$28 million cap for all phases and had

The fact is, after all views were heard, a

an initial phase of $11 million.

large majority of members at the Special

6 The winning design (kitchen works and

General Meeting voted for the MR to be

furnishings included) was at about the

developed and to the full extent. This must

cost of the derived MR of $23 million.


7 Updating needs and wish lists were via

DrAlex Ooi


the same consultative process as for

In handling the tough situations that came

their formulation. By doing away with a

from a handful of members, I drew comfort The Tangiln Club 1


President's Message 1 From The General Manager 3

From The Cellar


Premium Wines of the Month... Moss Wood Wine Dinner

News Bites


The coming Cyber Cafe... The Churchill Room... Chefs' Night... Head of Food Services... Cinema Policy... Members' Miniads

Cover Story


Ladies Events


May Ladies' Luncheon: A Weave In

i:vj THE

Time...Talk On Eurasian Culture & Cuisine...

July Ladies' Tea: Mind Your Step... Tagore: A Talk By Mary Kogan

Tanglin Club FOUNDLD 1865

Keeping Pace With Technology

5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814 Tel: 6737 6011 Fax; 6733 2391


\ P

ik 'KM

'New Members






Property Report




Calendar Of Events


Holiday Ideas


Climbing Mount Kinabalu

Yap Boh Pin

Honorary Treasurer Philip Beng Committee Convenors

Groove Masters at the Churchill Room...

Master Plan & Development

Resident Pianist Robert Bacsafra

DrAlexKHOoi Entertainment Clare F Moreton Finance

Philip Beng Food & Beverage Edwin Khew

Library/PR Nanette Sandford

From The Kitchen



Asparagus & Berries... Chefs' Night...Sunday Family Dinner... Mother's Day Lunch... Champagne Brunch

FA Cup Semi-finals... Easter Brunch

Magazine/Website Dr Kaizad Bomi Heerjee Membership & Rules Alan Jones


Art classes... Monkey painting bought by member... Reciprocal arrangement with The Raintree of Kuala Lumpur



Top 10 Titles... New Books


matches... Golf: Great Course, Beautiful

Weather & Terrific Company.. Fitness: Finding The Time... Swimming: Upcoming Event


Mystic River... Big Fish... The Last Samurai... Something's Gotta Give... Irreversible... Dirty Dancing 2 Editor KC Yuen { Magazine Co-ordinator Cheryl Lim ( Graphic Designer Nazrin (


Sports Glenn Bryce Staff Dr Albert Wee

Tenders & Purchasing


School holiday tennis camps... Annual Junior Tennis Championships... Tennis friendly


Yap Boh Pin

Roland Tan

CLUB MANAGEMENT General Manager Brian Toft

Financial Controller/Admin Manager Michelle Chua Head Of Food Services

Carsten Kjeidmann Maintenance Manager Bill Cheong Membership Manager Mary Shotam Purchasing Manager Candies Tan

Sports & Recreation Manager To advertise in the TOM, please contact Alex Zecha, Ria Media Singapore at 6473 7462 or or find out our ad rates and booking procedures via

Danny Loh Executive Housekeeper Peggy Lim

Opinions expressed in tiie Tangiin Ciub Magazine are soieiy those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of the Tangiin Club. The Magazine welcomes articles and other contributions from members. However, the Magazine / Website Sub-Committee resen/es the right to edit ail materials or decline publication. MITA(P) 143/05/2003. Published by The Tangiin Ciub. Colour separation and printing by Ad Graphic.

fromthegeneraEmanager is not disrupted. There will be further

notification of the logistical movement and discussion in next month's Magazine.

Swimming Pool Retiling The swimming pool work is now out to tender and following evaluations and

subsequent operational timing, the work should be finished by September at the latest.

At the same time, we will be refurbishing Dear Members,

the gents' changing room at the poolslde which is long overdue. Really longi

we are already into the merry month of May. I hope so anyway!

Rule On Maids Please be reminded that maids are not

The future of the Club is now decided and

the main work begins in putting together

allowed In the Club and I ask you personally not to flagrantly abuse this rule. It will be

the operational and administrative plans to

extremely embarrassing to have to approach

We can hold up to 250 members and guests

ensure that the subsequent works cause

you and ask your maid to leave. I am sure

- yes, we have allowed you all to bring

the minimal amount of disruption to you all.

you all understand.

guests and enjoy free cinema shows every weekend.

Kitchen Renovations

Live Music

These are now at an advanced stage and

We have the 'Groove Masters', a

Henley Royal Regatta

we have gone out to tender for the

fantastically talented group playing in the

Visiting UK?... Want something to do?...

equipment and the main works.

Churchill Room on Saturdays for the

Staying in the London area?... Then why

members. These nights that we formerly

not attend the Henley Royal Regatta from

Management is playing a large role In the

put aside for private functions are now

Wednesday 30 June to Sunday 4 July,

operation and will ensure that the kitchens

released for the members to entertain, enjoy and dance the night away. Dance, groove,

courtesy of the Phyllis Court Club who have kindly extended this offer. For further details,

boogie and rock and roll - whatever takes your fancy.


Why not hold your celebration in the Churchill Room and help us bring it back to

This month is the Annual General Meeting.

are what the Club wants and the

^^fessional staff can comfortably and logistically operate In. At the end of the day,

please see Mary Shotam at the Membership

we are the ones that will have to provide the first class service that you will and should expect.

life again. Subject to disciplined timing, the kitchen will have been completely renovated, replaced, repaired and renewed and back in full operation by the first week in October. The downtime of the kitchens will be around

the months of August and September and

Annual General Meeting Hopefully you have seen the notices around the Club inviting you to join the General

Resident Pianist

Committee, air your concerns, suggestions

We will be having a resident pianist who

and observations and have your say in the

will be tickling the ivories on various nights

running of your Club. See you there at 6.00

of the week. If you would like the sound of

pm Monday 24 May.

music during any of your functions - we can arrange it. Just let us know.

provision has already been made to ensure

that service will be as normal as possible.

Cinema Concerns

The concerns of the members regarding Finally with the new design of the major kitchen complex, we will lose our Tenders

& Purchasing and Housekeeping offices. To that end, we may have to second the Ardmore Room fora period of time to ensure the essential works of Tenders & Purchasing

the cinema are duly valid and consequently there will be no addition of food and drinks

for the time being. However in return the free cinema facility needs to be patronised

Brian Toft

and I ask you to come and enjoy some of

General Manager

the latest films around in our Theatrette.

The Tanglin Club 3


Please also note new cinema ratings are

The Coming 'Cyber Cafe'

from two young and talented Asian chefs,

Last month I wrote about plans to introduce

Masa and Much, from the popular new Thai

briefly given on the Cinema page, and we

more internet facilities for members' use in

restaurant, Rabiang. See story on page 9,

request that everyone abides by the rulings

the Club. Progress is being made, and at presstime, we are close to appointing a

but better still, check on the website or the

laid down by the Media Development

posters in the Club for the latest details.


supplier to provide these facilities and

The dinner date is Friday 21 May.

services. See story on page 5.

Members'Mini-ads Head Of Food Services

Finally, there's a new service for members

The Churchill Room

Talking of chefs, our new Head of Food

who wish to advertise in this Magazine using

We are having good response to the Sunday

Services Carsten Kjeldmann will be in the

mini-ads. The rates are low, and to make it

family lunch and dinner offerings in the CR.

Club by the time you get this Magazine.

easy for implementation, we will simply bill the cost to members' monthly statements.

It's good to see entire families on Sundays

Among other things. Chef Carsten is a

enjoying themselves in the CR in a much

qualified sommelier, so wine aficionados

Booking and text deadline is the 18th of

relaxed atmosphere.

will have much to talk about when he's on

each month. Please see the inside back


cover for details.

For those who prefer some light music over dinner in a more traditional setting and

KC Yuen

ambience, the OR now has a new resident

pianist - Robert Bacsafra - who will play for

you nightly from 8.00 pm to 11.00 pm,except Mondays. And on Saturday nights this month, we have the Groove Masters

providing great dance music as well. So come along, you'll find the Churchill is beginning to get lively again!

Farewell We bid farewell to the following members converting to Permanent Absent Membership (PAM):

Cinema Policy Members will note there is a change in our

Mr & Mrs Thomas Cummin

cinema attendance policy. For a trial period

Or & Mrs Heng Wah Joo Mr & Mrs Vernon Heritage

of three months (i.e. April to June 2004), guests may now attend both Sunday shows, at 2.30 pm and 8.00 pm, in addition to

Ms Elaine Lek / Mr Koh Say Kiong Mr & Mrs Anthony Scott

Mr & Mrs John C Springford


Saturday nights. Each membership account

Mr & Mrs David Teo

Also worth highlighting in the culinary context

is allowed two guests. A Notice to this effect

Ms Lilian Teo / Mr Tan Sek Toh

is an unusual presentation of Japanese-

was posted on the noticeboard early last

Mr & Mrs Stanley The

Franco fusion food with a touch of Thai -


Mr & Mrs Paul West


Library 67394 127 •

Main Reception 6737 6011 •

Magazine/Website 67394 129 / 172 •

Executive Office 6737 2692•

Sports & Recreation Dept 67394 148•

Accounts Dept 67394 134 /136 •

Tennis & Squash Booking 6235 8482 / 6734 0707

F & B/Banquet Dept 67394 139/ 140/ 176 •,sg

Swimming Booking 6737 0742 or 9276 5900

Membership Dept 67394 108 •

Executive Sous Chef 67394 157 •

4 The Tonglin Club


Keeping Pace With Technology LAN games for groups, online games and TV programmes like soccer matches etc will be offered. The selected vendor has committed to

provide the best network gaming experience to Tanglin Club members. This will be achieved by: • providing spacious personal space for each gamer, • upgrading our systems on a 12 to 18 month basis to keep our systems on par with the state of technology, • updating our list of games to be current

with the hottest games in town, creating a community atmosphere where

gaming experience is integrated with friendship development and • providing a bright and clean environment to portray a healthy Internet cum Network Gaming Centre image. Members can look out for news on the

commencement of this exciting project in the magazine's next issue. Simulated photo

The Tanglin Club is keeping pace with technology. At the start of the year, the Magazine/Website Sub-Committee felt the 'b required more Internet access for its lumbers. After much evaluation and

of-charge. It will enable members to make bookings to use the Club's facilities and events with ease.

Adult Library & Reading Room

essential IT products and support for the

There will be two new terminals, one in the Adult Library and one in the Reading Room, to allow members to surf the Internet,

Club. The amenities listed below, as

retrieve important emails or arrange

proposed by, will not only provide leisure and entertainment to Club

business matters while relaxing in the Club.

consideration, the sub-committee has

identified a company to assist and provide

members and their families but also enhance


our image as a club that moves with the

Located at the cinema lobby, the proposed Cybercafe will provide 10 to 14 PCs for surfing and gaming at affordable rates.


Suna Kanga


In recent years, IT products like laptops and PDAs have become a part of our lives. Due to their increased portability, most owners carry them wherever they go. Hence, more guestroom users now want connectivity at their convenience. This need is being met with the implementation of Internet access in all guestrooms. Lobby Counter A new PC. programmed to the Club's website, will be placed in the lobby to allow members to surf the Club's website free-

The Tanglin Club 5

propertyreport Last year, the Club completed two important upgrading projects relating to the Main Lobby and the Tea Lounge. Here's the final accounts report from the Property Sub-Committee on these two projects.

Main Lobby And Tec Lounge Ceiling Works Contract BNF Engineering (S) Pte Ltd, the main contractor engaged, commenced works on 18

July and completed on 29 August 2003. The total project cost was $490,619.39, which was within the budget of $500,000.00 that the Membership approved at the AGM in May 2002, Contract Works


(Replacement of the fibreglass board ductwork serving Lobby and Tea Lounge areas with galvanised steel insulated ductwork.

Replacement of sprinkler pipes and fitting of concealed type sprinkler heads. Application of insulation material to underside of roof. Replacement of electrical wirings, fittings and services

for lighting with controls. Installation of new, separate & independent air-conditioning system for Tea Lounge. Re conditioning and upgrade of AHU-9 and its controls, serving Main Lobby air-conditioning system, to enable it to cope with

larger occupancy loads as may be required for special functions.) Miscellaneous

Professional Fees

$ 8,671.16 $ 47,760.63

(Architect, M&E Engineer, Quantity Surveyor) Total Project Cost


Interior Decorations Contract ISG Asia (Singapore) Pte Ltd, the main contractor engaged, commenced works on 13 September and completed on 5 October 2003. The total project cost was $207,532.25, which was within the budget of $244,894.61 approved by the General Committee. Contract Works


(Re-decoration of interiors of Main Lobby & Tea Lounge areas. Provision of improved back bar & counter facilities. New and enlarged trophy display cabinets, new and enlarged reception counter with improved facilities for staff, security equipment and services.) Loose Furniture Miscellaneous Professional Fees

$ 49,352.60 $ 2,763.60 $ 39,554.65

(Architect, M&E Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, Interior Designer) Total Project Cost

6 The Tanglin Club




A Reminder On The AGM Monday 24 May 2004 at 6.00 pm While the Notice of Meeting as printed in the Annual Report 2003/04 was posted to members on 23 April, we would like to remind members of the following deadlines: 1

Nominations for election to the General Committee close at 6.00 pm on Monday 3 May.

2 Amendments to proposed Rule changes close at 6.00 pm on Monday 17 May. 3 Matters for discussion under Any Other Business close at 6.00 pm on Monday 17 May. •

Registration at the AGM will start at 5.00 pm.

• Members are required to present their valid membership cards to register.

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The Tonglin Club 7


Saturday Night Live Entertainment Presents

Every Saturday Night In May The Groove Masters,formerly known as Thomas & The Tank Engines, got its name from playing at The Tanglin Club's New Year's Eve Ball. The group usually performs at expatriate gigs in Singapore. To them, live performances have a different adrenaline rush and provide greater satisfaction to see people on the dance floor enjoying themselves and reciprocating in the usual way.

role for a local rendition of singing highlights in Phantom of the Opera.

fulltime musician and sessionist.

WENDY CHUA, the local version of

JERRY CHUA is the main man for

Karen Carpenter, has a voice that can wrap up an evening of warmth and

keeping the beat and participates in vocal

your ideas and suggestions via email at He is always happy to accommodate enrichment ideas to make dance music, fire with passion

harmony. He has been producer and

and soul.

romance that can melt cold hearts. She

music arranger for many local albums

is the 'life and soul of the party". One interesting challenge in her singing career was when she landed the lead singer

distributed by EMI worldwide, comes to mind SSO and Tang String Quartet.

DAVID NG, well known in the local circle

as Sting! has been bassist/guitarist and singer for the last 17 years. Having toured with international pop and R&B singer Angela Brown in 1989 was the high point of his music career. Currently David is a

HENRY PEREIRA is a multi-talented

musician. Besides the piano and keyboard synth, he handles the saxophone with authority and also plays the flute and guitar. THOMAS LEONG is the unofficial

manager who ensures the band entertains at its best, so feel free to share


: 9.45 pm to 12.45 am


: The Churchill Room

Dress Code : Club Standard

Introducing Robert Bacsofro Come and dine at the Churchill Room and

Parade Hotel, Le Meridlen Changi and one

listen to the soft strains from Robert

time famous restaurants and clubs like the

Bacsafra's piano.

Rosee d'Or, Coq d'Or and the Golden Dragon Club.

Whether you are dining or just having a drink at the bar, you will be enthralled by

his keyboard wizardry and cool jazz numbers. Reminisce with songs and tunes from the movies, the roaring twenties and the nineties.

Robert, known as Singapore's Eddy Duchin


or Carmen Carvallero after the movie "The

Eddy Duchin Story", is a Singapore-born Filipino and hails from a family of musicians. He has performed in leading hotels such

as Shangri-La Hotel, Holiday Inn, Orchard 8 The Tanglin Club

So why not drop in at the Churchill Room and hear Robert play classics, classical jazz, Latin and pops. Our new resident pianist will play for you nightly from 8.00 pm to 11.00 pm, except Mondays.





Monday 10 May to Sunday 30 May Have the asparagus by themselves, accompanied with the many choices of delicious sauces as a starter or try them with our specially created dishes served with meat or seafood. Finish your meal with a whole variety of scrumptious berry pies and cakes. The Churchill Room will be closed on

Monday 10 May for a Sub-Committee Cocktail,

Wednesday 19 May for a private function and Monday 24 May for the AGM.

http://www.tanglinclub. vents/news.asp Churchill Room - Dinner• The Tavern • Lunch & Dinner

Chefs' Night• Friday 21 May • Churchill Room Two chefs from the same restaurant, but

Some of Chef Masa's special creations are salmon cake of minced salmon pate fried with spinach as a centre, lotus root tempura, a Japanese fusion dish of carefully sliced lotus root with prawn fillings and deep fried in tempura batter, and a special dessert called coconut bruelle topped with sweet caramel.

with very different backgrounds, will present their creations at this unique presentation in the Churchill Room this month. The restaurant is the newlyopened modern Thai eatery, Rabiang, and the chefs are:

Chef Masa, a young and very talented Japanese originally from Nagoya. Trained in the style of the Dubrulle French culinary school, Masa spent two years overseas including some time at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver in 1998, specialising in the Pacific West Coast seafood cuisine. He then returned to his

At presstime, we are unable to confirm

native Japan to sharpen his culinary skills at the restaurant Izumi and developed a new concept in Franco-Japanese fusion

food. Age 28, Chef Masa currently Is Executive Chef at Rabiang restaurant.

the exact menu for our Chefs' Night on 21 May. Do check The Tanglln Club's website and posters on our noticeboards. Churchill Room at 7.30 pm .

$65.00(Member), $75.00 (Guest). Prices inclusive of GST.

Coming with him is colleague Chef

Anuchara Poonchai, age 35 and a native

Thai now working in Singapore. Chef Nuch, as her friends call her, specialises in traditional Thai dishes like pat Thai and an assortment of fiery curries, and

Dress Code: Club Standard

Booking opening dates: Friday 7 May (Members)

Friday 14 May(Guests)

appetisers like prawn cakes, spring rolls and spicy pomelo and shredded chicken salad.

The Tonglin Club 9


Sunday Family Dinner Due to the overwhelming popularity of our Sunday Family Lunch, we have introduced our new Sunday Family Dinner In the Churchill Room.

This exciting offer is now available to your entire family to enjoy. Children of alt ages are welcome. Churchill Room from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm.

Buffet dinner: $21.50 (Member), $10.70 (Child below 12 years). No charge for children under 3 years. All prices inclusive of GST. Dress Code; Club Standard


Sunday 9 May Churchill Room The time has come again to pamper that special lady in your life, your mother. Treat her to a special buffet lunch in the Churchill

Room. A perfect opportunity for the family to gather in celebration and pay tribute to mothers.

Sunday Family Lunch Churchill Room from 12 noon.

Assorted specialties salads • Sashimi

$32.55 (Adult), $16.30 (Child under 12).

of salmon • House smoked salmon •

Guests are welcome. Prices inclusive of GST.

Assorted Japanese sushi * Authentic Thai dishes * North Indian specialties

Dress Code; Club Standard

• Tanglin local specials • Assorted international dishes • Crepe suzette with ice-cream ♦ Doner kebabs • And


'(flic/t Sunday 30 May An enjoyable event with delicious food, free flow of fine champagne and background music. Make sure

you don't miss this opportunity for a truly relaxing Sunday! Children of all ages are welcome. Churchill Room from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm $47.25(Adult with Champagne), $31.50(Adult without Champagne), $15.75 (Child below 12 years). All prices inclusive of GST. Dress Code: Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

10 The Tanglin Club

for the kids, their very own buffet. Churchill Room from

11.30 am to 2.30 pm. $19.90(Member),

$9.90 (Child below 12 years). No charge for children under 3 years. All prices inclusive of GST.

For queries, please call the F&8 Dept at 67394 139 1176

For bookings, please fax the reservation slip to 67361160 or book through our website at


Premium Wines of the Month

Moss Wood Wine Dinner

Wednesday 12 May

White Wines

Churchill Room


(CHILE) Appealing aroma of fresh apricots and mangoes. Crisp white fruits with a fresh, clean




Price: $7.40 I Glass $42.00 I Bottle


(FRANCE) Very tight style, but full bodied and concentrated. High acidity with lemon, wet earth, salt and

green apple flavours.


Price: $8.20 I Glass $48.00 / Bottle Ai>MJJATK)M iÂť 'OutciHi. CovriiOiu

Keith & Clare Mugford, owners & winemakers of Moss Wood & Ribonvale Estates, Margaret River, will be giving a wine talk at this dinner. Taste some of the

Red Wines

best wines available from Moss Wood. E GUIGAL DU RHONE


Wines For Dinner rtinAsct


n^nse, full deep garnet colour. ^rv highly perfumed, mackberries, raspberries, extremeiy elegant finish. Price: $8.20 I Glass $48.00 I Bottle

Moss Wood Cabernet Sauvlgnon 1991, 1996, 2000 & 2001 Moss Wood PInot Noir 1991, 1996, & 2001 Moss Wood Semillon 2003

Moss Wood Chardonnay 2003


Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Set dinner: $98.00 per person. Price inclusive of GST. Limited to 60 members only. Dress Code: Club Standard

Last day for cancellation: Wednesday 5 May. MOUNT RILEY PINOT NOIR 2001

(NEW ZEALAND) Ripe berries and attractive oak aging with slight smokiness. Aromas carry through to the palate with intense mouth-filling strawberry and berry fruit flavours and a firm tannin finish.

Price: $8.20 I Glass $48.00 I Bottle


All prices inclusive of GST. Order your party wines using the order form inserted in this magazine or visit wine_order_form.asp

The Tanglin Club 11


May Ladies' Luncheon Weave I|^ Time - Pashminas From Nepal ursday 20 May to the local Nepalese community, in

Gerald Heng, a Singaporean, works very closely with women groups in Nepal, following his tenure there with an Asian Development Bank project. He was sent under the auspices of the Singapore

particular children in need. This is his purpose.

Gerald hopes that people will be more conscious of what they are buying, and that his pieces will appeal to you. By buying with more awareness, you will

International Foundation as a volunteer business advisor and was attached to a Canadian NGO.

own not only a genuine, beautiful and practical pashmina of international standard, but also support traditional Nepalese weavers, in order that they can uplift themselves and their community.

Funded mostly by the Japanese and Norwegian governments,the Micro-Credit

Project for Women provides small loans to poor Nepalese women to start small enterprises so as to alleviate the poverty

He uses the best pashmina fleece and

of their families.

dyes that are eco-friendly, colour-fast and


:Thursday 20 May



:12 noon

Now on his own, he is continuing the work but is specifically involved with

Venue : Churchill Room

developing skills and designs for pashminas for these groups and their

the world at large, directly and in limited

Prices :$22.90(Member)& $27.50 (Guest).

quantity. He differs from the others in that

Prices inclusive of GST. Gentleman

families. AA PASHMINA creates only

he creates and makes them, and adds

high quality and unique pashminas, using

value to the chain by giving work to the

traditional handlooms and techniques.

people and channelling proceeds back

members and guests are welcome. Last day for cancellation: Thursday 13 May.

He also markets his fine pashminas to

Models will be moving amongst the audience to show the pashminas. June Ladies' Luncheon

Talk On Eurasian Culture & Cuisine

Thursday 17 June Learn and experience the unique culture and cuisine of Eurasians in this fascinating and informative talk by Edwin Pereira. Although he is better known to our readers as a floral specialist, he is also an accomplished cook and authority on

So don't miss this rare opportunity to hear and learn from Edwin!


:Thursday 17 June


: 12 noon

Venue : Churchill Room

Eurasian cuisine.

Prices :$22.90(Member)& $27.50 (Guest).

Edwin started cooking in his school days,

Prices inclusive of GST, Gentleman

helping his mother in the kitchen and learning the fine art of Eurasian cooking. A traditional meal, he says, would comprise

'curry feng' - a curry of mixed innards and

pork belly, galina kristang - a chicken marinated in a sauce with green peas and onions, a pot of roast ham with spices and

cloves, an Eurasian style 'chap chye' and so on.

12 The Tonglin Club

members and guests are welcome. Booking opening dates: Monday 3 May(Members) Monday 10 May (Guests) Last day for cancellation: Thursday 10 June.

ladies vents

July Ladies' Tea

Team, he was the

in conjunction with numerous Orthopaedic surgeons & medical clinics such as The Singapore Nurses Association, Osteopathic

Medical Director for

Treatment Centre and The Back and Neck

the Pan American

Physiotherapy Centre.

and the Canadian

National Weightlifting

Mind Your Step Thursday 15 July A Talk On Foot Problems

Masters Weightlifting Championships.

By Brian J. Tracey


was also the

Medical Education

Brian James Tracey. B.S.K., B.Sc.A.T., Podiatric Sports Medicine of Monarch Medica in Singapore, is a Sports Physiotherapist and Kinesiologist originally from Canada, specialising in foot problems. He is the Director of Sportiv Tech Lab Pte Ltd. A winner of the E-Global Emerging Enterprise Award for 2003, he was

Wfeponsible for the design of military, school and Institutional footwear.

Brian has experience with Elite Amateur and Professional Sports Teams on a national and international level. Having served the Canadian National Cycling Team

Director at l izuna Kogen, Japan, in preparation for the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, and was also the official Podiatric Specialist at the 2001/2002 Singapore International Marathon and 2002 SAFRA Biathlon.

Brian has given medical seminars and consultations to government bodies and clubs such as The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF)-SAFTI and Medical Advisory Board - 'Health Today', The Grand Hyatt - Club Oasis (Visiting Consultant), The Tanglin Club, California Fitness, Fort Canning Country Club and Amrita Spa. He also works

Date Time

: Thursday 15 July : 3.00 pm

Venue : Raffles Room

Prices : $13.00(Member)& $15.50(Guest) Prices inclusive of GST. Gentleman

members and guests are welcome. Booking opening dates; Thursday 3 June (Members) Thursday 10 June (Guests) Last day for cancellation: Thursday 8 July Participants need to fill up the usual F&B booking slip & submit to Reception or fax to 6736 1195, or make your bookings online at upcoming.asp

Tagore A Talk By Mary Kogan Thursday 18 March 2004 The ladies at lunch had

heard of

Rabindranath Tagore. Some had a day off from school when he died, but did not know the extent of his influence and

knowledge of the world. With her talk and slides, Mary Kogan revealed the man. This Indian mystic was so much more than a list of achievements.

He was a romantic, as his literature,

letters, poems and songs show. He loved his family and was against child marriage. His wife was 10 years old when they married. She died aged 30 after having had five children. He was an anglophile and was knighted by the Queen. He was criticised for this. But as

he says, if he had the blessing of many lifetimes, he would always have been born in India.

I urge you to read this book and learn more. 'Rabindranath Tagore: An Anthology.' is in the library. Patricia Jones

The Tanglin Club 13

new members

Introduction Night 12 April 2004 We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members;

Mr & Mrs Vikram Aggarwal Mr Julian Mark Andriesz

Ms Chan Lye Wan & Mr Toh Ee Han Ms Eng Shi Lin & Mr Martin Davis Ms Claudia Goh Whye Wei Or Han Hong Juan Mr Ho Chung Kain Mr David Khoo Kay Khiam


Ms Koe Sze Wei

Mr Christopher Koh Theng Jer Mr Arjunan Kulasegaram Ms Cheryl Lee Koong Yinn Dr Carolyn Lam Su Ping Mr Yusuf Nakhoda

Ms Ng Szu Hui Mr & Mrs Francis Ng Teck Hung Ms Siow Li Sen & Mr John Gee

Mr & Mrs Francis Sng Yung-Wei Ms Faye Tan Szu Huel Ms Joanne Tan Mae Shen

Ms Lyn Tan Kheng Yloh Mr & Mrs Kenneth Tay Chun Hui Mr & Mrs Lance Tay Choon Peng Mr & Mrs Anaiyanpatti S Thiyagarajan Mr Sheldon Daniel Trollope Mr & Mrs Moray Armstrong (Term Members) Mr & Mrs Roy Frederick Devlin (Term

Members) Mr & Mrs Alex Matter(Term Members) We extend a warm welcome to the following Honorary Members: HE & Mrs Alok Prasad

(High Commissioner of India) We extend a warm welcome to the following Associate Members:

Dr Carolyn Lam Su Ping with proposer, Mr Lam Toong Jin.

Mrs Sharon Koh May Wan

(wife of Terence Koh) Mrs Tiffany Lloyd (wife of Christopher Lloyd)

Mr & Mrs Christopher Quek.

Ms Eng Shi Lin &

Mrs Michelle Quek

Mr Martin Davis.

(wife of Christopher Quek)

Mr & Mrs Francis Sng Yung-Wei.

Mr Ng Weng Keong

Mr & Mrs Kenneth Tay Chun Hui.

(husband of Belinda Quek)

HE & Mrs Alok Prasad.

Mrs Micky Spear (wife of Philip N Spear)

Mr Sheldon Daniel Trollope,

Mr Arjunan Kulasegaram &

The Tanglin Club has a cosmopolitan membership of almost 70 different nationalities. Expatriates working in

Singapore can now join the Club either

Mr David Khoo Kay Khiam. 8 9

Mr & Mrs Christopher Lloyd. Mr & Mrs Anaiyanpatti S Thiyagarajan.


Proposer Mr Goh Yong Swee,

as Term or Ordinary Members. For more information, please contact the Membership Manager at


Mr & Mrs Alex Matter.

tcmember@tanglin' or fax


Proposer Mr Tan Jee Hal with

to 6735 5367.

14 The Tanglin Club

Ms Karen Goh &

Ms Claudia Goh Whye Wei.

Ms Joanne Tan Mae Shen.



The Tangtin Club 15

calendar events






Asparagus &

Make your


Berries Promotion

bookings online!


Monday 10 May to Sunday 30 May

Log on to





Annual Tennis Championships -

6.00 pm (Wheeihouse)

Annual Championships 2004 Till Sunday 20 June

Mixed Doubles

(Tennis Courts) Tiii Sunday 9 May





6.00 pm (Raffles Room) TENNIS Annual Tennis Championships Ladies/Mens Doubles (Tennis Courts) Till Sunday 16 May

6.00 pm (Wheeihouse) BALUT


Interclub Balut

7.00 pm (Raffles Room)


Friendly match vs SAFRA (Sembawang Country Club)



7,00 pm (Churchill Room)

(Churchill Room & The Tavern)

Till Sunday 30 May • THANK YOU COCKTAIL 8.00 pm (Churchill Room)






6.00 pm (Wheeihouse)

12 noon (Churchill Room)

Tiii Saturday 5 June


for a private function.





6.00 pm (Churchill Room)

6.00 pm (Wheeihouse)

Monthly competition 7.30 pm (Card Room)


for a private function.

No corltage charge for Monday dinner in Churchill Room.

0) c 3





31 May


2 Vesak Day


• SQUASH ^ Novice/MastersA/eterans Toumament^r

Public Holiday


Tiii SaturtJay 19 June



6.00 pm (Wheeihouse) • FITNESS.No classes.


for a private function.





6.00 pm (Wheeihouse)

16 The Tonglin Club





1 Labour Day Public Holiday • CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Mystic River- NCI6 (Theatrette)

• MOVIE Mystic River- NC16 (Theatrette)

« LIVE MU^IC BY THE GROOVE MASTERS (Churchill Room) • FITNESS - No classes.


10.00 am (DraycoH Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Big Fish - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) LIVE MUSIC BY THE GROOVE MASTERS (Churchill Room)

MOTHER'S DAY LUNCH 12 noon (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) puse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Big Fish - PG (Theatrette)


10.00 am (Draycott Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Last Samurai - PG (Theatrette) LIVE MUSIC BY THE GROOVE MASTERS (Churchill Room)


SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE The Last Samurai - PG (Theatrette)


10.00 am (Draycott Room)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


MOVIE Something's Gotta Give - PG (Ttieatrette)

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

LIVE MUSIC BY THE GROOVE MASTERS (Churchill Room) SWIMMING •23rd Annual Championships 1.30 pm (Poolside)



7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Something's Gotta Give - PG (Theatrette)


Friendly match vs British Cluli CHURCHILL ROOM CLOSED

for a private function.




lO-C"' m (Draycott Room) • CH.



CHILDREN'S ART C(-ASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Irreversible - R21 (Theatrette)


30 CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Irreversible - R21 (Theatrette)

• GOLF Friendly match vs Squash Section (NSRCC)



CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

10.00 am (Draycott Room)

MOVIE Dirty Dancing 2 - PG (Theatiette)


HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.G0 pm (Wheelhouse)

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Dirty Dancing 2• PG (Theatrette) TENNIS

Friendly match vs British Club 4.00 pm (Tennis Courts)


10.00 am (Draycott Room) • CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • BILLIARDS


Friendly match vs Squash Section (Billiards Room)

12 > CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Prince & Me - PG (Theatrette) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • TENNIS

Junior Championships(Tennis Courts)

13 SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room)

SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Prince & Me - PG Theatrette) TENNIS

Junior Championships (Tennis Courts)

The Tonglin Club 17


Climbing Mount I Kinabalul

,JD It.




Low's Peak, 4100m.

It was freezing in the crevice. The wind was

howling and ice was forming on the surface of the rocks. The mist had rolled in and a

drizzle had started. My only consolation was that the teeth of the young man next to me were chattering even louder than mine. It was certainly not the place for a man past his half century. How did it get started? We (the regular morning swimmers and gym work-outers of The Tanglin Club) had this sudden inspiration of climbing Mount Kinabaiu. It was a macho decision. We had forgotten

When we arrived, it began to rain and then it poured and then it turned torrential. The torrential rain became a tropical storm through the night. Next morning it stopped.

food even more so. However, the warm

room was a great relief as was the hot water, what there was of it. Then we found to our

Ranger's Office where we had to register and be given a dogtag so that should we get lost or worse, at least they know who it

horror that we were to wake up at 2.00 am to start the last leg of the journey to the summit. So off to bed. Early morning in Laban Rata is not something you want to know exists. It was dark and cold and drizzly.

was who was sacrificed to the sacred

We dressed: thermais, t-shirts, warm shirts,

mountain. Little consolation especially when we had been regaled with stories of how a

Surely you don't need ail that, you woi\^^

team of trained British soldiers was lost and

ask. Let me assure you. You do and more.

The sun came out and we set off to the

pullovers, waterproof gloves, balaclava^

how a couple of climbers have disappeared and were never found.

that we came under the local classification

of 'iau helo'("old heroes' in Singiish).

We set off each with a backpack. Henry's was the biggest as he had brought

We started with six; then dwindled to three

chocolates, drinks, biscuits and food to last

(mainly because they had paid for the trip

a month. He cleverly developed a backache and we passed our load to a porter and

in advance). So there we were, Retnam,

Henry and I, with a combined age of over 174. We had postponed it twice, once

paid him to suffer on our behalf. We set off cheerfully, each with a walking stick (3

because of BARS and the other for a reason

ringgits, recycled). The sun was up. 6.5 km

we had forgotten. James a drop-out, had

to Laban Rata, 3000m above sea level.

started to take bets against our ever going,

Piece of cake, we thought. After all, we

and I understood that the odds were against our leaving. That's it, we thought. We will

trained along the boulder trail in Bukit Timah Hill.

go and climb Mount Kinabaiu and show these guys.

It began to drizzle, then it poured. Then came the torrents. Next came the cold. The

Two of our wives came along. We separated at Kota Kinabaiu Airport. The wives to the

6.5 km felt like 20 and the gradient became

comfort of Sutera Resort, we onwards to

the Wildlife bungalow at 1000m above sea

Rata, we were cold, tired and miserable, but hurrah, we made it. It was already 6.00


pm. The accommodation was basic and the

18 The Tanglm Club

steeper. By the time we reached Laban


holidoyideas The climb Is In three stages, we were told. The first is the easy one consisting mainly of steps. Then it becomes more difficult and ropes would be used. Then it becomes

Top of Mt Kinabaiu.

blindness. Could it be my contacts? When things get worse, of course it can get even worse. The rain came down in torrents

again. We fell behind but finally made it

worse. We were not told how we were to

back to Laban Rata at about 10.00 am.

get up the last stage to the summit. I presumed we were supposed to crawl on our hands and knees. Any time you have problems, you can return, we were told.

was whether there was any serious damage to my eyes. The helicopter medi-vac was

I still could not see and what worried me

Can we still get the certificate to show the

not available because of the weather. We

guys back home? Well, those that reach the summit get a coloured one and the rest get a black and while one.

finally decided that I should be ferried down by stretcher. Six wonderful surefooted porters got me down within two and a half

Well, onwards to the easy bit. Then we realized that easy is relative. There must ^ hundreds of steps, steep ones, mind

ophthalmologist. Marvellous news. It was corneal edema from hypoxia (lack of oxygen). My vision began to clear and by the evening, it returned to normal.

hours. Another two hours and I was with an

^u.It was dark and the only light was your torch. Breathing became heavier as the air

and you begin to wonder if your nose is still

became thinner and the cold colder. Ah, the


familiar rain again. It began to drizzle. The only good thing about the darkness was the fact that I did not realize that to my right in certain sections were deep ravines and a mis-step would mean goodbye. We found that out only on our way down when the sun was up.

After an hour of slogging, we reached the 'more difficult' part. The ropes were there

We were ready to call it a day but the thought of going down was as intimidating as going up. Anyway, we could just make out the torch lights at the summit. Our guide, William, that wonderful young man (who had strolled up with two backpacks as if he was taking his morning walk)told us to give it a go. We clambered up during the gaps

all right, but in some sections, some Everest

when the wind dipped a bit. Retnam was ahead of us and we simply could not bear

conqueror felt that it was namby pampy to put up the ropes, so you manage the best

to let one of three succeed, so Henry and I gave it our all.

breakfast when we started out), cold and

feeling stupid for paying to suffer. With a clear moon, the mountain scenery was beautiful.

and the wind is not so forceful. Make sure

we are on the summit, all three of us posing

for the inevitable photo with the wind still

climbers suffer to the extent that they cannot

howling around. We were the last but one team to arrive (we beat a younger group, hurrah).

and white certificate is better than a death

Another half an hour and we made It. Here

.^i^ept for being tired, hungry (too early for

Was it worth it? Certainly, once you have completed the climb and you are back in a comfortable hotel. Should people over 50 do it. Yes, but prepare for it. Train by climbing stairs for two months. Your quadriceps and hamstrings must be in top class condition to ensure that you enjoy the climb. Try not to go when the season starts but go in April or May, when I am told there is less rain you have enough of warm clothes for the last part of the climb. If you really feel bad from Acute Mountain Sickness, do not force yourself on. About 20 to 30 percent of

you can.

Midway, the rain stopped and the moon came out. We cheered up. It wasn't so bad,

I rejoined Retnam and Henry at the hotel and celebrated over dinner.

reach the summit. Remember that a black certificate.

I looked around. Was that it? I am afraid it

Give it a try. You will not regret it. Except...

was. A small platform four feet by three

such encouragement always reminds me

We should have known that it was too good

carrying two sign posts with the name Low's

of the story of the Russian swimming in the

to last. First the mist, then the drizzle and

peak, 4060.3m on it. With the mist and rain

Volga in the depth of winter. When asked

then the wind started. By now we were almost at the third stage. The temperature had dropped to zero degrees and ice was

and wind, there was not the beautiful sunrise

how it was, he would of course cry out,

we were given to expect. However, as I

'Come on In, the water is fine'.

forming on the rock. The wind began to rise. That is an euphemism. The wind did not

steeply down and the route we had taken up, there was a sense of satisfaction. We made it, guys.

only rise. It howled and buffeted us and cut

looked around and saw the gradient falling

through whatever clothing we had on to

Even if you would give the climb a miss, spend a vacation in Sutera Resort. It is a beautiful resort and the seafood is out of

this world. You can get to the Wildlife Park

protect us. It was so strong that we could not even stand up. Everyone dived into the nearest crevice he could find, hoping to find

It was time to descend. It was killing on our

and stay there. It is within two hours drive

knees but we made good time. Then horror of horrors, I found that I could not see. My

from Kota Kinabaiu town. You can also visit

some shelter. Here I learn another

vision was obscured. We were almost two

geographical and meteorological fact. High

thirds of the way down but the route was

Utan sanctuary. The wives would enjoy the

up among multiple peaks, the wind does

still steep. I could Just make out faint figures

shopping and the town itself. The owner of

not blow In one direction and there Is no

and then I had to hold on to the guide to

way to get any shelter. It eddies around the

continue. I ran through my mind the

the whole resort is of course(what else can one expect), a member of The Tanglin Club.

peaks and wherever you are, you can only

problems of mountain sickness. Yes, I had

sit and suffer as your fingers and toes freeze

read of blurring of vision but not complete

a hot spring nearby or go over to the east to see the Proboscis monkey and Orang

Yeo Khee Quan

The Tanglin Club 19


FA Cup Semi-finals

The beer drinking contest was won by Arsenal, mean

Saturday 3 April 2004

Gartshore. Then Ross the

It was Zaini's idea. Why not gather all the

Mac took the penalty kick and scored, so I was

soccer fans, rig up a large TV or projector

told. Everybody went

screen in the Raffles Room, feed them

home happy. Their

with pub grub washed down with gallons

team won!

of ale or beer, and you'll have a howling and yelling crowd to watch an exciting

When are we going to have

game via live TV transmission. Why not?

another live telecast, Zaini?

And so it was. They came,some 30 to 40 strong, husbands, wives, some with kids



Better make it soon. the


in tow, like the Beckham-wannabe on the

right. In between the shouting and yelling which was audible all the way to the Main Lobby, they cheered their football Idols and downed another pint or two, and had matches of their own!

Easter Brunch Sunday 11 April 2004 It was another tradition observed. Easter

time at The Tanglin Club is a family affair, celebrated with a Sunday brunch in the Churchill Room.The children were reminded

of the Easter bunnies, had hot cross buns and wonderful chocolates. And there were

plenty of games and entertainment to amuse the whole family.

\ ft

20 The Tanglin Club


Olympics descend on us.




The International Expo of exclusive gifts .


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On Thursday,3 June 2004 - 10:00am to 7:00pm & Friday,4 June 2004 - 10:00am to 5:00pm

FREE ADMISSION All visitors entitled to

For enquiries contact: 6235 3608

Fabulous Lucky Draw Prizes! Complimentary coffee provided by

Copyright 2004 Fairs and Bazaars. All rights reserved.

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf to all visitors!


Art Classes For Adults & Children

ADULT CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING Conducted by Mr Tan Khim Ser. Every Friday,from 10.00 am to 12 noon at the Draycott Room.

Fee - $94.50 per month. CHILDREN'S ART

Conducted by Mr Yap Sin Guan. Friday at 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm or Saturday at 9.00 am to 10.30 am at the Wheelhouse Restaurant.

Fee - $52.50 per month. Fees include 5% GST• Registration forms are avaiiable at the Front Desk. Joiior.Miikt v.>ija

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22 The Tanglin Club

TEL (07)822-2222 • FA)(. (07)822-2223

miscellariy Reciprocal Arrangement With

alley, games room and children's library.

Monkey Painting Bought By

The Raintree Of

Mrs Sharon Wee

Kuala Lumpur

Earlier this year, we featured a Chinese brush painting by the renowned art

The Tanglin Club has entered into a new

children, cabanas and rotisserie where

reciprocal arrangement with The Raintree

barbecues are served complete the picture.

teacher Mr Tan Khim Ser, on the cover

of Kuala Lumpur with effect from 1 May

of the January 2004 issue. The painting was put up for auction, and we are happy to report that the winning bid was submitted by Mrs Sharon Wee.Payment for the painting, which was kindly nated by the artist, was given to the


The Raintree of Kuala Lumpur

The Raintree of Kuala Lumpur, with its impressive architecture and well-appointed fittings is nestled in the prestigious Ampang

Off Jalan Ampang Hilir, 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hitir residential area at the close of Jalan

Tel ; 03-42579066

Wickham. About 60 kilometres from the

Fax: 03-42578880

^^ildren's Spastic Home.

For sporting pursuits, there are indoor and outdoor courts for tennis, badminton and

squash courts, a gymnasium, saunas and laundry service - an added convenience. A competition-size pool for avid swimmers, a wading pool and sandpit for younger

Lot 1002, Jalan Wickham,

We thank both Mrs Wee and Mr Tan for

airport and only 10 minutes drive from the city centre. The Raintree is sprawled over

making the donation to charity possible.

6.2 acres in an idyllic, wooded setting. For leisure and pleasure, amenities offered

include restaurants, bar lounges, a discotheque, banqueting facilities, bowling

storage Problems? We have the solution. From $88 per month i^Stprage Rooms

From 16 sq ft to 1806 sq ft • You apply your own padlock Monthly or Yearly Rental • Climate Control Available 24-hr Video Surveillance • Packing Materials Available

Finger print scan access • FREE In-house parking

[self storage I STORAGE With A Difference Visit us at

KALLANG FACILITY -160 Kallang Way, Singapore 349246 CHANG! FACILITY - 25A Chang) South St 1, Singapore 486049 Tel : 6337 2000 Fax : 6743 4900

library Top 10 Popular Titles A six-month survey of the books acquired in November 2003 showed that the following titles

were most frequently borrowed

New Books Adult Library

• Shifting Calder Wind Janet Dailey • Uptown Girl

The Key Trilogy Book 2: Key Of Knowledge Nora Roberts

Getting Lucky

The Hornet's Nest

Olivia Goldsmith

Chew Boon Lay: A Family Traces Its History Ong Chwee im, Chew Kheng Chuan & Evelyn Chew

The Key Trilogy Book 3: Key Of Valor

A Whisper Of Eternity Amanda Ashley Dark Champion Jo Beverley


Non Fiction

Luanne Rice

Fiction Susan Andersen

by members.

Dance With Me

Nora Roberts

The Amateur Marriage Anne Tyler The Last Crossing Guy Vanderhaeghe

Jimmy Carter

• White Death

Science Fiction

Clive Cussler

• Laundry Man Jake Needham

Helen Foster In The Name Of Science:

A History Of Secret Programs, Medical

A Wheel Of Time Book 11:

Research & Human

New Spring


Robert Jordan

• Lazybones Mark Billingham

No More Buddha

Only Football Chris England Easy Gl Diet

Andrew Goliszek Power vs Force: The

Crime & Thriller

Hidden Determinants Of

Best Kept Secrets

Human Behavior

Sandra Brown

David R. Hawkins

London: The Wicked City

Bad Men

John Connolly No Mercy Collin Forbes

•A Thousand Years of

Vice In The Capital Fergus Linnane

Secret Smile Nicci French

Retribution: The Past, The

Non Fiction • 500 Low - Carb Recipes Dana Carpender • A Short History Of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson • The Iron Triangle: Inside The Secret World Of The Carlyle Dan Briody • Holy Cow:An Indian Adventure Sarah Macdonald

Present, The Terror

Dancing In A Distant Place

Isia Dewar

Jiiliane Hoffman

The Footprints Of God Greg lies

The Actresses

Barbara Ewing THi

Drums Of Autumn

Diana Gabaldon




Diana Gabaldon

• Sea Biscuit:

Daisy's Back In Town

An American Legend


Rachel Gibson

Laura Hillenbrand The Greek Villa


Keith McNaliy

The Queen's Fool

The World Travels

Phitippa Gregory The Keeper's Son

Jan Morris The Most Advanced

The Heartbreaker


Again The Magic Lisa Kleypas Truth Or Dare

Jayne Ann Krentz Breaking The Tongue Vyvyane Loh

24 The Tanglin Club



Homer Hickham

Susan Howatch

For enquiries, contact the Library at 6739 4127/

The Balthazar Cookbook

Judith Gouid

The Third Child

Marge Piercy

24 Hours

Greg lies The Zero Game Brad Meltzer

Killing Plato Jake Needham

Eidwin F Mullan

The Epidemic Robert Shaw, M.D

Go Fishing Techniques John Wilson

The Meaning Of Everything Simon Winchester


School Holiday Tennis| Camps Monday 31 May to Friday 4 June & Monday 7 June to Thursday 10 June There will be 2 tennis camps

of tournament play will be

held prior to the start of the

covered, while for the more


seasoned players, there will be extra match play and training involved. These camps are open for players of all ages and abilities and registration forms will be available early May.



Championships which will be

a good opportunity for those kids entered in the tournament

to practice their skills prior to the competition. For those kids entering for the first time, all

scoring and playing aspects More information can be obtained by calling Ken Smith on 90042294 or email at


Annual Junior Tennis



Classes The junior programme continues to grow rapidly and we are now looking to commence classes on Tuesday aftemoons. Any parents who would like their children to be involved in tennis, please contact Ken Smith


90042294 or

emai l

Saturday 12& Sunday 13 June



The Annual Junior Tennis Championships will be held on Saturday 12 June and Sunday 13 June. The championships will be held over one weekend so the kids can expect to play a lot of matches.

All events will be singles as we will be holding a Junior Doubles Tournament later in the year.


Age categories will be under 12,14,16 and 18. Entry forms will be available early May so keep an eye out for them and we look forward to seeing all the upcoming junior tennis stars out on the court in June.

More information can be obtained by calling Ken Smith on 90042294 or email at The Tangiin Club 25

spoits&recrearion Tennis Friendly The Tangiin Club vs NUSS

On Saturday 13 March, The Tangiin Club played an inter-club friendly against NUSS at their home ground, Kent Ridge

Tennis Friendly The Tangiin Club vs The Dutch Club

Guiidhouse. This was the last match we

would be playing against NUSS at the Kent Ridge Guiidhouse before the tennis courts were overhauled.

The skies looked threatening just before we started and there was a passing shower. After rolling up our sleeves to dry the courts and with some prayer and good faith to keep the clouds at bay, the show began. The match featured a wide range of players in both men's and ladies from young guns to wily veterans. Hence, there was a wide

Nobody could quite remember when we last played The Dutch Club in a friendly match. So it was with great anticipation when we played them on 28 March 2004. The skies looked threatening throughout the entire match but the rains never came and the resultant weather was cool and slightly breezy - just right for a nice afternoon of tennis. The Dutch Club had

more than a few decent players and gave us a good match, beating us narrowly in the end. But never mind, we look forward to visiting their home ground and beating them there! Dr Harvey Tea

Tennis Friendly The Tangiin Club vs Tanah Merah Golf & Country Club

variety of shot-making and tactics on display. At the end of the day, The Tangiin Club narrowly edged the hosts 66 games to 61. We enjoyed the camaraderie and interaction

among people from different walks of life, but with the same passion for tennis. Last but not least, we appreciate the hospitality of the NUSS Tennis Club and the delicious food they served. We look


forward to a rematch at their new venue,

when it's ready. Mark Tan Keng Yew

professionals/Director of Tennis at

Friendly match versus Tanah Merah Golf and Country Club 21 March 2004. Although the rain and thunder made play impossible, all players had a good time chatting with theirfriends from the Tanah Merah Golf & Country Club (TMGCC). We were hosted to a nice dinner by TMGCC and look forward to inviting them back to The Tangiin Club to

sports_and_rec/ tennis.asp and

return the favour.




find out more about the tennis

sessions that are going on.

26 The Tangiin Ciub

Dr Harvey Tea

temis&golf Great Course, Beautiful Weather

& Terrific Company!

was suggested that Danny didn't look far enough down the fairway!) and the nearest tee shots to the pin on the spectacular 9th hole were by David Ketley and Leong Teck Kut for the British Club and

Tanglin Club respectively. Everybody gathered on the

golfer's terrace after the game to enjoy a very good Thai lunch buffet, after which the two convenors said a few words

and presented the trophy and

prizes. The jovial spirit and

That about sums up the fourth annual match against the British Club, which took place at its traditional venue of the Ocean Course

bonhomie continued during the return ferry ride to Singapore until we all parted at Tanah Merah ferry terminal in the early evening.

at Ria Bintan.

In previous years this has been over-subscribed but this year, perhaps because of the new Indonesian immigration visa regulations

for non-Asean nationals, or perhaps because of it being the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens weekend, or some other mysterious reason we were under-subscribed and 16 golfers gathered very early on

Each club hosts the match alternately and this time it was our turn. Our thanks are extended to Nigel Leach and his British Club team for being such good sports - we look forward to returning the compliment next time - although of course this will not extend to allowing the hosts to win the trophy!

a Friday morning at Tanah Merah ferry terminal to venture 'overseas'

David Haslam

to go head to head with 16 of our friends from The British Club. However the golfing gods were against us, and two Tanglin Club players and one British Club player fell ill on the morning of the match so we were left with 14 of us to take on 15 of them! This

presented a dilemma in a four ball better ball matchplay format, and after some head scratching by the two convenors during the fc^-ry it was agreed that teams of two would play for one point

Happiness is ... Hitting a long straight drive,

and those playing singles would play

Hitting your approach shot close,

for a point, giving a total of 7 points

Hitting your putt into the hole.

available in the

Happiness is the




'outnumbered', we

fought tenaciously and won a very

SIMPLl(iOLI SYSTEM Vdtir (idlf Swiii^; j-i in Safe lliiiiils

close contest by 4 points to 3 points and so retained the

To discover true golfing happiness visit

trophy for another


In the 'novelty' competitions, Michael Warren hit The British Club's

The British Club's Sports

longest drive, but no

Convenor, Nigel Leach(

one could find The

presenting the challenge trophy to our Golf Convenor David Haslam.



longest drive flag (it

For the golfing adventure of your lifetime and the opportunity for "fast track" personal golf training, click on the Simpli 333 Loyalty Club flashing button on the Welcome Page. The Tanglin Club 27


Lawn Bowls Members continue to take advantage of the reciprocal arrangement with SCC which allows us to use their lawn bowling facilities at the Padang. On Saturday 20 March 2004, SCC held a Lawn Bowls Fiesta followed by their annual dinner. 25 Tanglin Club members attended the dinner at which, apart from the superb copious quantities of drinks consumed, it was followed by dancing to a live band until the early hours.

Our thanks to SCC Lawn Bowls Section for

making us feel so welcomed and for organising a great evening.


There is great rapport between The Tanglin sports_and_rec/ iawnbowls.asp

Club's and SCC's Lawn Bowls Sections

and Tanglin Club members are encouraged to participate via the Sports & Recreation Dept.

for more information on Lawn Bowls activities.

The Annual Open Singles Championship will commence in .June and any member wishing to depose Zoher Motiwalla of the crown is most welcome to register. Steve Wright

Bridge Hello once again, I am happy to report that the attendance for ALL our daytime games has again improved. At times we have been concerned that we may exceed the number of tables available but so far that has not

happened. In response to queries as to what would happen should this occur the Committee has devised a set of rules and

these are on display in the Card Room. We

Room. We look fonward to your attendance to help this local charity. Our Summer Luncheon will held on Monday 7 June in the Raffles Room. There will be a set lunch

provided free for all players who have attended at least 10 sessions during the previous 6 months. A registration and meal preference form will be posted on the noticeboard in the Card Room before this

event. Please ensure registration which will help with the catering. I leave you with my usual blessing.

Bridge Tip Your best friend at the Bridge table is your partner. Treat both them and yourself with kindness. To find out what happens if you don't follow thir advice please read the saga involvings the Bennett's, page 30 of'The Official Encyclopedia Of Bridge' which is

avaiiabie in the Card Room.

request the help of all playing Tanglin Club members to help us obviate possible

May ALL your finesses work

unpleasantness, if it becomes necessary to implement these rules, by arriving as early as possible for each game.

Heather Flanders

Wednesday evening attendance is still causing concern but it appears this is due

Bridge Schedule

to parking problems more than anything



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday

1,00 pm to 4.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm

else. Please come and enjoy this friendly

session. Help swell the numbers. Husbands and wives can enjoy this evening together,

if they are prepared to partner each other, or we can arrange for other partners if they would prefer.

Charity Gome & Summer Luncheon Our next event will be the Charity Game on

Friday 7 May which will be held in the Raffles 28 The Tanglin Club


Duplicate Bridge

Rohini Arya


Aisha Eliiot

Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge

Anjana Beri Claire Quinn Sherna Danani

Want To Play Bridge? Interested in learning to play Bridge? Do you know what's happening in the Card Room? For further details or enquiries on Bridge events and games visit or contact the Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4128/4148.


Billiards Balut

National Snooker League

Our latest gathering was well attended with 20 players

fifth placing, only 3 points separated them from third.

Congratulations to Peter Wong and his team who finished a credible

participating. Our winner was Jacqueline Wong, whom Kristian gave a 'crash course' in the rules, only a short 10

Section Fund Night

minutes before we sat down. Who says Balut is a game of

Once again the Section Funds Nights have been well attended. In February, Or Ng Boon Keng, a Thursday night regular, deservedly


won the highest break, whilst Choo Heng Kek won the most games.

Jacqueline scored a formidable 683, just pipping Yvonne Cutts who scored 678. Sapinah Hughes had the highest

single score of the night of 147, again just shading Yvonne

In March we deviated from the norm and enjoyed an excellent dinner in the Raffles Room during which members were invited to

into second place. Nevermind Yvonne, as it says in the good

give feedback on what they expected from the committee. Though

book,'the humble shall be exalted'.

some suggestion/questions prompted lively debate, on the whole the feedback received was positive and constructive.

After two games, Ashoke Arya led the pack but Its early 'days yet and still all to play for.

Peter Wong won the highest break with a score of 22 and shared the most wins with Sethuraman and Chong Zhi Cheng. Congrats Chris Jones

to Sethuraman who won the play off to claim the prize.

Monthly Balut David Hughes & Ravinder Kaur with Convenor.

lilltJ The attendance at our Balut evenings is slowly but surely increasing. The March game saw a total of 19 players. At the February game, new faces tike Jacqueline Wong (683)and Sethu (654)shone, but the March game brought back the more traditional names like

Billiards Tournaments The ladder was completed In February, Joe Raine defeated Peter Wong 25-26:77-64:68-46, Dr Ng Boon Heng claimed third prize.

Ravinder Kaur (704, impressive!)followed by Ashoke Arya (630) and Val Bird (611). David Hughes scored the highest single column

The Joe O'Conner Trophy, a 3-ball billiards competition played

of 147 equalling the 147 by wife Sapinah Hughes in the January

mostly by the much older members, was won by Chu Tee Seng

game, so peace in the family and the target to beat so far.

who defeated K.K.Chong 300-246. Fred Kloppers

Kristian Bonnichsen

inter Club Balut 2004

Upcoming events

The second game of the 2004 season will be hosted by the Singapore Town Club, but played at The Tanglin Club on Wednesday 12 May

21 May

2004 at the Raffles Room. We aim to field at least 3 teams on this

yet another homeground game and hopefully homeground

10 to 15 May

Tour to Manila & Hong Kong Bisquit Cup friendly against The British Club

17 May to 5 June Senior Handicap Competition


Want to join in for a relaxing game of billiards? Kristian Bonnichsen

Visit The Tanglin Club 29


Finding The Time


If you hear yourself saying "I just don't have time to exercise", read on!


Getting fit, as we all know, requires commit ment and finding time for a fitness programme can be a challenge, especially for those of you with hectic work schedules. Once started and enjoying the post-exercise rewards of thinner thighs, flatter abdomens and 'feel good' endorphins, it is easy the difficult part is getting started.

If you hear yourself saying "I just don't have the time to do any exercise" but want to get fit and healthy, then it becomes all about

more focused and be more productive for the rest of the day. It takes approximately four weeks for exercise to become a habit. Try not to take a break until you have passed the four week mark.

Look for fitness opportunities in your daily

This martial art is excellent for the cardio-

routine. Walk to work, take the stairs instead

pulmonary system & are equally beneficial for both body and mind. At same time, it promotes mental relaxation similar to yoga execises.

of the lift, take a walk in your lunch hour. Even a walk through an air-conditioned shopping centre is better than nothing!

priorities. Easier said than done? Too busy? Try a time-chart for a couple of days. Every 15 minutes, write down what you do. It sounds pointless, but somewhere there will be a 15 or even 30 minute time slot and 15

or 30 minutes is better than nothing. Treat exercise sessions as you would business

meetings. Note them in your diary otherwise the week will slip by and all your good

intentions of finding time to exercise will have come to nothing. Be realistic and practical about how much

If you really can't find the time to get to the

Every Saturday at

gym or join an exercise class (and when

10.00 am and 11.30 am

you are short of time - the traveling, changing and showering all add up), exercising at home can be an alternative although this

in the Multi-Purpose Hall.

requires not only commitment but a certain degree of self-discipline. A 10-minute workout each day can make a difference. A good way to get started is to sign up with

Kindly contact the Instructor, Wong Liang Chang at 95310253 for more details or call Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 412814148 or through email at

a Personal Trainer who can show you specific exercises and exercise techniques to help you.

exercise you can fit into your schedule and

Looking for a good workout and fitness guidance? Log on now to

you will have a far greater chance of sticking

When exercise and health become a priority,

with it. Statistics show that people who exercise in the mornings are the most committed and the ones most likely to stick

you will start to bend things to fit in with your fitness programme, not the other way

around. But the most important thing is to get started

sports_and_rec/ fitness.asp and find out more on the types of

with their programme. At this time of day

classes available.

there are fewer distractions and starting the

day with exercise has the added benefit of putting you in a better mood. You will feel 30 The Tanglin Club

Bronwyn Dearnley

filness&swimming Sports Schedule

Fitness Schedule Monday






8.30 am HATHA & RAJA

8.30 am AQUACISE


8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.00 pm

YOGA (Advance) Margaret

8.30 am FITBALL Carin 9.30 am

5.00 pm

5.00 pm

10.00 am PILATES Clarise

KEEP FIT Janet Pool

6.30 pm

6.30 pm

BODY WORX Daniel Chan


Brigid 7.30 pm

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.15 pm

6.15 pm



Squash Courts

Squash Courts





8.30 am



Marcus Tang

9.30 am HATHA & RAJA OGA

9.30 am KEEP FIT Janet

wMargaret 5.00 pm

Saturday 10.00 am & 11.30 am TAIJIOUAN

Wong L C 4.00 pm TAEKWONDO Patrick




5.00 pm CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

6.00 pm

5.00 pm

8.30 am to 11.30 am JUNIOR TENNIS COACHING Tennis Courts


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Squash Courts

5.15 pm

Squash Courts


3.00 pm


4.00 pm




Squash Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Jerry 8.15 pm



4.00 pm CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

All classes are held at the Multi-Puipose Hall except Aquacise.

There will be no Fitness classes on Saturday 1 May (Labour Day)& Wednesday 2 June (Vesak Day). Dance Fitness This class uses a variety of house music and combines typical dance club moves, Latin and jazz with low to mid impact choreography.

Fitball These balls are an excellent piece of

Keep Fit

equipment for anyone who wants to improve


A traditional combination physical fitness

posture and overall muscle conditioning.

Flexible Strength Line Dance

Despite its ail-encompassing aspects,


A low impact, healthy activity, suitable for

Flexible Strength tones without adding bulk

A method of exercise in which exercisers

all age groups and it is fun.

to your frame.

Social Latin Dance Contemporary dance music of Afro-Cuban


resistance to tone other muscles. It improves stamina and co-ordination, firms the

origin which incorporates jazz and rock

stomach and better breath control.


puimonary system and is equally beneficial for both body and mind. At the same time,

Hatho & Raja Yoga

Body Worx


An Indian exercise form for stress relief and

improvement of flexibility.

A 60-minute low impact toning class that utilizes bodyweight and light resistance to achieve firmer thighs, leaner arms, slimmer



waist and a sexier butt.

e^^kept in constant motion and use the centre of the body for strength and

This martial art is excellent for the cardio-

it promotes mental relaxation similar to yoga

A martial art form of Korean origin.

A total conditioning class in the water.

Swimming Upcoming Event

Needing swimming lessons at the Club?

23rd Annual Swimming Championship 2004

Please call Zarena at 9276 5900 or 6737 0742.

Saturday 22 May 2004.

Alternatively, visit Registration forms are now available at the

Poolside and from the Sports & Recreation Department.

ht^:// sports__and_rec



Closing deadline : Monday 17 May 2004. The Tanglin Club 31


Mystic Biver

15 & 16 May The Last Samurai - PG

Action (155 mins) Starring: Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe. Director: Edward Zwick.

Captain Nathan Algren, an American hired by the Japanese government to eradicate the ancient Samurai warrior class. He found

himself affected by his encounters with the Samurai, placing him in a struggle between two eras and two worlds, with only his own sense of honor to guide him.

22 & 23 May Something's Gotta Give - PG Comedy (125 mins) 1 & 2 May Mystic River • NC 16 Suspense thriller (140 mins) Starring: Sean Penn,

Starring; Jack Nicholson,

Tim Robbins.

weekend with his latest infatuation, Marin.

Director: Clint Eastwood.

Marln's mother Erica Barry, reluctantly agrees to help nurse him back to health. Harry gets drawn to Erica and despite her initial protestations. Erica finds herself rediscovering love.


Diane Keaton.

Director: Nancy Myers. Harry Sanborn was to have a romantic

Mystic River tells the story of three men whose dark, Interwoven history forces them to come to terms with a brutal murder on The Last Samurai

the mean streets of Boston.

8&9 May Big Fish - PG Adaptation adventure (125 mins) Starring: Ewan McGregor, Billy

5 & 6 June

Dirty Dancing 2• PG Romance (110 mins) Starring: Romolo Garai, Diego Luna. Director: Guy Ferland.

Crudup. Director: Tim Burton.

Desperate to know his dying father, Edward

pieced together stories he gathered over

the years, he winds up re-creating his

Katey Vendetto finds herself drawn to the proud, purposeful Xavier, a pool boy

father's elusive life in a series of legends and myths inspired by the few facts he

who also happens to be brilliant dancer.""


29 & 30 May

Meeting secretly in a Havana nightclub, Katey and Xavier practice their steps, their bodies aligning sensually, mirroring the growing passion between them.

Irreversible - R21

Foreign drama (95 mins) Starring: Vincent Cassel, Monica Belluci.

Director: Caspar Noe. After a fight with her coked-up boyfriend Marcus. Alex leaves a party for home

but was raped in a desolate tunnel. Her angry boyfriend and her buddy decide to hunt down the rapist themselves.

For enquiries, please call the Reception at 6737 6011 Or keep track of the showtimes and booking procedure via


Saturday - 9.00 pm • Sunday - 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm

Visit for movie trailers. New Film Ratings

Tickets can be obtained at the Reception.

G- General viewing •PG - Parental guidance required • N16- No children below 16

Moviegoers are to be seated 10 minutes before showrtime.

M18 - For viewers aged 18 and above • R21•For adults aged 21 and above.

32 The Tonglln Club



Tuition Availabie English • Maths • Science Flexible timing • Islandwide

ADULT CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING Conducted by Mr Tan Khim Ser. Every Friday, from 10.00 am to 12 noon at the Draycott Room. Fee - $94.50 per month.

Call 6545 1234 to view, or

Call 64321 7654 for more details. Or visit


CHILDREN'S ART Conducted by Mr Yap Sin Guan. Friday at 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm or Saturday at 9.00 am to 10.30 am

Property for lease Good location Near amenities

at the Wheelhouse Restaurant.

Fee - $52.50 per month.

5 mins to MRT

Fully renovated

Tttfttttfll fmt»T

Move-in condition

Call 6369 8741 to view, or

Fees include 5% GST• Registration forms


are available at the Front Desk or call 6123 4567 for more information.

The above are sample mini-ads now available for members only. We are introducing this new service for members who may have a car for sale, a house for rent, or just may want to offer specialised services like giving piano or guitar lessons, or executive coaching.

Mini-ad sizes and rates per insertion are: Type A: 6 X 4.5 cm - $100 Type B: 6 X 9 cm - $200 Type C: 12 x4.5 cm - $200

All rates include GST. Deadline for booking and text for the ad is the 18th of every month. For more details, please contact our Magazine Co-ordinator Cheryl Lim at 6739 4129 or email

Thinking of advertising? Think Tanglin Club Magozinel The Tanglin Club Magazine offers a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach an exclusive and affluent consumer group.

Members of The Tanglin Club and their spouses total 6,000 Singaporeans and expatriates from 70 countries, many of whom hold senior positions in govemment, commerce. Industry and the professions.

More than 3,600 copies of the Magazine go out every month to 3,500 local households and overseas members who request them, plus 100 reciprocal clubs around the world.

Rates start from S$400 for a quarter page to S$1400 for a full page colour advertisement.

For our full ad rates and booking procedures, please log on to To advertise in the Tanglin Club Magazine, please contact Alex Zecha, Ria Media Singapore at 6743 7462 or

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