The Tanglin Club Magazine - Mar 2004

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Mix business with pleasure at

The Expat Show Suntec City March 20-21, 2004



My dear fellow members, is something for everyone in the Master Plan(MR)for adoption. We have come out of the SARS-induced

doldrums and have trimmed our operational

deficit given the more buoyant last few months. The cash flow projection In the MR Brochure conservatively pre-supposes expenditure at present speed and income

frozen at this point in time. Even after provisions for historical expenses and keeping an emotive $10 million reserves at

that leadership must cater to and abject

building stages in the last two or more years

any one time, we have funds enough.

sectarianism and personal agenda recede

and kept the derivation process absolutely

In favour of.


Realistically, if we ever face a large operational deficit of over a million, we would

This is not a grandiose MR. It maintains our

The General Committee urges you to come

have resolved to remedy that in the year

philosophy of a Club for its members and

forth to vote for progress to keep abreast

•^,:eeding if not by the third year. We have

their guests. Maintenance costs are to be

of present-day needs, which are relevant,

positive cash flow annually and a long wait

kept low. As a "home away from home"

and future lifestyle demands not only for

list to join the Club. Given such a scenario,

Club, adding on wholesome facilities to

ourselves but also for the generations to

reserves beyond prudent safety needs do

UPGRADE will keep The Tanglin Club a frontrunner. A proper and enlarged


gymnasium, a spa, more parking lots, more

With best regards.

not benefit members and likely to be spent sub-optimally.

services to members, improving staff The need to UPDATE all our tired facilities,

facilities and welfare, more handicapped-

both of clubhouse and plot B, is best done

friendly facllities.etc. are some of the urgent

coordinately and achievable without fear of

needs of our Club.

the downsides of ad-hoc "fix-it" solutions

and without much disruption when we use

Many committees gone by have proposed

"visibly-Idle" plot B in tandem by proper

development. This MR is not just

phasing. Even those concerned only with

development but a near total solution to problems that will increasingly confront us

Dr Alex Ool

in the years ahead. Based on the submitted


dining facilities will see that area enhanced. Why must we be subject to combative, often

drawings, there is no development charge

acrimonious,"turf-making" moves that have

to pay.

to deprive other interest groups? Why must we always have roadblocks of one sort or

Let us truly leave our troublesome years

another that prevent us from moving on?

behind and not miss yet another opportunity. We have gone through rigorous consensus-

A club is a melting pot of diverse interests

nie Tanglin Club 1


President's Message 1 From The General Manager 3

Calendar Of Events


New Members


News Bites




SGM on 22 March... Sports Minister At Squash

Staff Party The Usual Big Hit... Club Member

Finals... A Jazz Bonanza... Saturday Night Live!... Long-Service Awards

Holds Art Exhibition...Tanglin Tree In Bloom




The Trailers...Murder Mystery Evening...


Ianglin Club FOUNDED 1865

Top 10 Titles... 5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814

New Books...

Tel: 6737 6011 Fax: 6733 2391

Jazz Dinner With Jeremy Monteiro...Groove

Masters at the Churchill Room

GENERAL COMMITTEE President DrAlexKHOoi Vice-President

Yap Boh Pin Honorary Treasurer Philip Seng Committee Convenors

Master Plan & Development DrAlexKHOoi

From The Kitchen



Clare F Moreton

Italian Cuisine Promotion... Notice on Finance

beef...Sunday Family Lunch...Snow Sculpture Spectacular

5th International Jumbo Doubles Squash

From The Cellar

Quadrangular Tournament...Junior Tennis


Tournament...Wet Weather Golf...Tennis

Corkage charges...Wine group in the Club

Nanette Sandford

Bridge... Swimming: Classes In March...




Membership & Rules Alan Jones

Property/Maintenance Yap Boh Pin Sports Glenn Bryce

March Ladies' Luncheon: Talk On The Life

Of Tagore.-Aptil Ladies'Tea: Appreciate and invest in Philippine contemporary art

Recent Events


Dr Kaizad Bomi Heerjee

Fitness Schedule... Hip Hop classes

Ladies Events

Edwin Khew


Camps... John Wilkins Trophy...Balut...

Premium Wines of the Month...

Philip Beng Food & Beverage



Dr Albert Wee

Fashion Show With A Difference...

Tenders & Purchasing

A Springtime Festival

Roland Tan


General Manager Brian Toft

Executive Housekeeper Peggy LIm F & B Operations Manager

The Butterfly... Mona Lisa Smile... Love Actually... Swimming Pool... Cold Mountain.


Pirates Of The Carribean

Sebastian Tan

Maintenance Manager Bill Cheong

Membership Manager Mary Shotam Purchasing Manager

Editor KC Yuen ( Magazine Co-ordinator Cheryl Lim ( Graphic Designer Nazrin (

Candice Tan

Sports & Recreation Manager Danny Loh

To advertise in the TOM, please contact Alex Zecha, Ria Media Singapore at 6473 7462 or or find out our ad rates and booking procedures via Opinions expressed iri the Tangiin Ciub Magazine are soieiy those of the writers and do not necessahly represent those of the Tangiin Ciub. The Magazine weicomes articies and other contributions from members. However, the Magazine I Website Sub-Committee reserves the right to edit ail materiais or deciine pubiioation. MiTA (P) 143/05/2003. Pubiished by The Tangiin Ciub. Colour separation and printing by Ad Graphic.

frotnlhegeneralmanager Dear Members,

with a ball rather than thousands of snow flakes!!

We are now entering the mad month of March and there certainly Is a lot going on.

Changing Rooms

Master Plan

Please be reminded to keep all your belongings in the lockers provided. Times have changed!

All drawings, perspectives and model have

now been on display for some time and will remain In the Main Lobby so that you all can familiarise yourselves with the Resolution and the plans.

operational makeover.

Remember that there are two Question &

There will be 12 shows a month and there


The cinema is in the process of having an

Answer Sessions In the Theatrette on

will be opportunities for members and guests

Tuesday 9 and 16 March at 6.00 pm.

to partake In beverages, confectionery and

. .3 SGM Is on Monday 22 March in the

small snacks In the Foyer and Cinema. Please support this action as management

^urchill Room.

feels that the members would like to have the same facilities as a normal cinema.

You will want to be there to cast your vote and have your say. Make a note in your diary - not to miss this day. Kitchen Renovations

and have a strict timetable that we will

ice-carver and Club artist. Well done! See

story on page 10. Beef/Chicken

We are acutely aware of all developments

in these areas regarding "mad cow" and We are well underway with the kitchen plans. We have completed the schematics

and captained by our very own Jaafar - our

avian flu.

Being in constant touch with the authorities is very comforting because we have all the

Unaccompanied Children Under 14 Years Old - Bye-law 6(H) This bye-law clearly states that children under 14 years of age MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER who is

responsible for the conduct and behaviour

up-to-date information available to take any necessary action.

of the child at all times.

mainly in the reduction of changes in the

Wine Group

that children under 14 cannot use the Junior

menu, but it will be service as normal at the

Many members have been enquiring as to whether we have a wine group that can

Library, attend art classes, swim, use the

ensure we adhere to.

There will be a minimum level of disruption

front of house.

Please be reminded that this also means

meet periodically with dinner wines and an The whole works will be completed long before the end of the year and the result ' be a modern, hygienic and energy-

^ing professional kitchen for our professional staff to work In. Better Efficiency, Better Quality and Better Service will be our aim for you all.

occasional speaker. I have no objection to this but need to have a central point of contact for this group to be given Infonriatlon. If interested, please contact Sebastian Tan, F&B Manager at 6739 4140 or by or through the

playroom, wait In the lobby, wait in the car park WITHOUT ADULT PARENTAL SUPERVISION.

Our Insurance policies must be adhered to on behalf of all members. Please do not be

placed In an embarrassing situation by the security staff. Thank you.

website Food Outlets

Every month I will keep you all posted on the latest developments in this area.

Swimming Pool This area will be re-tl!ed and tidied up in the next few months and the pool will be back to the pristine condition one would expect


The Tavern and Wheelhouse still seem to

At the recent international snow sculpting championship held in Hokkaido, Japan, Singapore came a magnificent third In this creative competition.

be extremely popular and increased patronage has led to an Inevitable delay In the Tavern.

We are aware of the situation and we are

More pleasing was that the team was led

of a Club of this stature. It has taken time

but we are now moving forward and everything is on the go. Watch this space!

currently sourcing for high-callbre service staff to join our present team. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

Cabling The disruption at the front of house regarding trenches, road works inconvenience and

noise was due to the laying of our fibreoptic cables for our new Starhub centre. We will shortly have more channels and clear distinct pictures on the screens for us all to enjoy. It will be great watching

Wimbledon knowing that they are playing

Brian Toft

General Manager Jaafar in high spirits.

The Tanglin Club 3


SGM On 22 March This month's Special General Meeting on the Master Plan Is a most crucial event as

it will have far-reaching implications for our Club for many years to come. Members will be asked to adopt the MR as a guide for future development, it's not an easy decision as a proposed expenditure of some $23

million will be put before the membership.

throned the dynamic duo of the past four years. This 5th annual, organised by the Club's Squash Section, has reached a high standard, attracting 76 teams from 12 overseas countries. A tough act to follow next year! See story on page 24.

A Jazz Bonanza Come Friday 2 April, Singapore's King of Swing Jeremy Monteiro will bring his unique

Countless hours of discussions and

brand of music to the Churchill Room. The

committee deliberations have gone into this matter over the last few years. A special brochure is being printed and will reach

renowned pianist and vocalist wili give a one-night performance over dinner, an event not to be missed. For details, please see page 8.

members in the first week of March. Two Q&A sessions are scheduled for the

9th and 16th of this month to help members understand the plan and the issues before us. It's decision time! See you all at the SGM.

each; four of them could boast 35 years spent with the Club. The four are Membership Manager Mary Shotam, HR

Saturday Night Live! On a more regular basis, live band music will reverberate from the Churchill Room

on most Saturday nights. Starting this month, the Trailers will perform on the 6th, 20th and 27th. The Groove Masters will take

over on the 3rd and 17th of April, and again on the next four Saturdays in May.

Officer Emmy Chong, Senior Restaurant Captain Robert Teo and Jackpot Supen/isor

Osman Basah. Congratulations! Lucky Kumar, Head Receptionist, won a lucky

draw prize of $1,000 cash! See story on page 20. KC Yuen


The idea is to create a regular Saturday night live music fever, whenever possible, for the next three months. It's for those who

crave to dance, or simply to relax over a few drinks and listen to great music from our local bands. Remember, it's from 9.45

pm to 12.45 am. Saturday night live!!

Gents Are Welcome


Minister Attends Squash Bash The squash international tournament last month saw two new happenings. Firstly, we were honoured by the Minister for Sports & Community Development Or Yaacob Ibrahim who witnessed the finals and

participated at the prize-giving Farewell Lunch. Secondly, new champions de

The next two Ladies' Events are also open to gentleman members and guests. On Thursday 18 March, the Ladies Luncheon will feature an exciting talk, with slides, on the life of Rabindranath Tagore by Mary Kogan. The Ladies Tea on Thursday 15 April will feature Journalist and Art Collector Rico Hizon who will speak on Philippine contemporary art. Details on page 12.


Long-Service Awards Long service is a rarity these days. But at

Dr & Mrs Soh Seng Hwee Mr & Mrs Sanjay Sheth

the annual Staff Dinner & Dance last month,

Mr & Mrs David Turnbull

We bid farewell to the following members converting to Permanent Absent Membership (RAM): Mr & Mrs Seppo Hietanen Mr & Mrs Stuart Jones

Mr Thomas Kong Dr Philip Ling Mr& Mrs Ian Maclean

the Club recognised ten employees who chalked up no less than 20 years' service


Library 67394 127 • Magazine/Website 67394 1291172 *

Main Reception 6737 6011 • Executive Office 6737 2692•

Sports & Recreation Dept 67394 148 •

Accounts Dept 67394 134 /136 •

Tennis & Squash Booking 6235 848216734 0707

F & B/Banquet Dept 67394 139/1401176 •

Swimming Booking 6737 0742 or 9276 5900

Membership Dept 67394 108 •

Executive Sous Chef 67394 157 •

4 The Tangiln Club





nCKEBIIO mnsconn

i Site Plan and 16 other drawings of the project are now on display in the Main Lobby.

Term Membership The Tanglin Club recently introduced a new membership category called Term Membership. This has been specially developed to meet the needs of expatriates working In Singapore, and Singapore permanent residents who would enjoy a convenient getaway for themselves and/or their families.

To allow for flexibility. Term Memberships are for a period of one year at a time and can be renewed up to a maximum of three years. Besides the Club's excellent facilities which include three restaurants, six squash and eight tennis courts and two swimming pools. Members can also access to more than 100 reciprocal clubs worldwide. To apply, simply write in or call the General Manager, Mr Brian Toft, for

an application form. Or contact Ms Mary Shotam, Membership Manager at email: Visit our website for news, events and information about The Tanglin Club.

Hie Tanglin Club 5



Friday 19 March • Churchill Room The art world is all a flutter with

Mountjoy sisters, Davinia and

art lover, is far more impressed

news that Henri Le Grosse, renegade artist, enfant terrible and genius, has put brush to canvas again nearly ten years after declaring modern art to

Fenella, whose fierce sibling

with Fifi La Fan,former artist's

rivalry causes as much discussion in arty circles as do

of Henri.

the relative merits and value

of their respective collections.

Strangely this declaration only served




reputation among said devotees of modern art, notable among whom are the

interest In Fenella, than the

Davinia, taking full advantage

Plainly peeved by Henri's reappearance on the art scene is Giles Mountjoy, brother to

of husband Norman's fortune,

Davinia and Fenella and, as

has pipped Fenella in the bidding for the new Le Grosse masterpiece and invited the cognoscenti for a private viewing. Norman, himself no

an aspiring artist himself, something of an embarrass ment to both, his work having been compared unfavourably to doodllngs of a bored and

be futile and all Its devotees

self-deluding fools.

model and current companion

ungifted infant by no less an authority than Charles Clifford RA, who is also present, although showing more painting. As passions and jealousies

mount, the Insults begin to fly, along with desserts, paint and bullets, as the characters settle

old scores. As well as comedy, song and dance, the action also includes a particularly novel murder as one character is forced to eat his words - and chokes on them.

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Set dinner.

$68.00 (Member), $78.00 (Guest) All prices inclusive of GST. Dress code; Club Standard.

Last day for cancellation: Friday 12 March.

Champagne Brunch Sunday 28 March An enjoyable event with delicious food, free flow of fine champagne and background music. Make sure you don't miss this opportunity for a truly relaxing Sunday! Children of all ages are welcome. Churchill Room from

11.00 am to 2.30 pm

$47.25 (Adult with Champagne), $31.50 (Adult without Champagne), $15.75 (Child below 12 years). All prices Inclusive of GST. Dresscode: Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

6 The Tanglin Club

The Churchill Room will be closed at

7.30 pm on Saturday 13 March & Friday 26 March for private dinner functions. news.asp


was an icon known for both live performances and records.

Forty years after band leader & lead guitarist, Victor Woo formed the group, he's back on the trail again with a new team. Members,

Their original song, Do It Right stayed on the Singapore charts

Amrl Wari (drums), William Chan (rhythm), Franky Gan (bass)

for 13 weeks.

and vocalist Winston Koh are reviving the guitar-band music reminiscent of the Swinging Sixties.

Babyboomers who remember the vibrant club scene and the local bands of that era will recognise the name. The Trailers

After 14 years together, the original Trailers disbanded in 1972 to concentrate on careers and family. However, for Victor, a diehard fan of British instrumental guitar band. The Shadows, the fire was never extinguished.

Dates:Saturday 6, 20 & 27 March • Showtime:9.45 pm to 12.45 am • Venue:The Churchill Room

Reminder On Mobile Phones

OM • ATMA • MANTRA Bharoti M.Ramchand

20 & 21 March • Draycott Room • 10 am to 10 pm

• Mobile phones may not be used (including

receiving calls) in all air-conditioned areas of the Club, except the Changing Rooms by the poolslde and the Sports Complex.

• All mobile phones must be put on SILENT mode at all times throughout the Club.

• Members inviting guests to the Club shall ensure that their guests do not contravene this Bye-law.

Online Booking For convenience, make your bookings for the Club events online!

Contemporary Indian artist, Bharoti M. Ramachand presents an art exhibition on the "Om, Atma, Mantra" collection.

Log on to events/upcoming.asp

At the Draycott Room,The Tanglin Club on 20 and 21 March, 10.00 am to 10.00 pm.

ART can directly capture the heartbeats of human beings anywhere in the world. The Tanglin Club 7


Jazz Dinner With

Jeremy Monteiro

Friday 2 April We have a special musical treat in April. Renowned pianist and vocalist Jeremy Monteiro will perform for you. Jeremy has won critical acclaim in many parts of the world. He has performed all over the

has performed at Caesar's Palace, Las

Vegas. In late 1992, he produced the Ernie Watts album "Stand Up", joining an illustrious alumnus of Ernie Watts's

world in addition to numerous occasions

producers, which include Quincy Jones, Creed Taylor, Don Grusin and Gilberto

at home in Singapore, where he has been


dubbed "Singapore's King Of Swing" by the local press. In 1988, Swing Magazine of Switzerland called him "one of the best exponents of

Jazz Piano". That year, he performed with his all-star band, Monteiro, Young & Holt at the prestigious Montreux Jazz

In March of 1990, at the same time as singer Natalie Cole, he was admitted as an active voting member of the National

Academy Of Recording Arts & Sciences (Los Angeles Chapter), and has voted at the Grammy Awards from 1991 through 2002. He is also a member of the

composed or produced over 700 pieces

of music, including the national song, "One People, One Nation, One Singapore".


International Association of Jazz Educators and has conducted clinics at

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm.

In October of 2002, Jeremy received

Set dinner.

Singapore's highest honour in the Arts,

home and abroad, more notably at the Ellington School of The Arts in

the Cultural Medallion.

Washington DC.

He has been mentioned in more than

As a composer, Jeremy has been

Dress code; Club Standard

400 press articles in publications around

awarded a Silver Medal at the 1991

Last day for cancellation: Friday 26 March

$88.00(Member) $98.00 (Guest) All prices inclusive of GST.

the world, including Billboard Magazine

International Radio Festival of New York,

and The Washington Post. He has a total

as well as finalist awards at the 1990 and

of 21 albums to his credit.

1991 London International Advertising

With one of his own bands, Asiana, he

(Radio, T.V. and Cinema). He has

Awards for best original music score

Two girls with four guys, do make for some tight grooves!

Backed by four guys who provide the tight rhythm section. Jade McLean and Wendy Chua are the essential cogs of this dance band, recreating the dynamic vocal harmonies of the classic 60s and the latest hits of today.

If you like to dance, groove, boogie and rock 'n' roil ail night, come join us as we perform the popular dance hits of the decade for a fun-fiiled night, just for you.


: Saturday 3 and 17 April.

Saturday 1, 8,15, 22 May. Showtime : 9.45 pm to 12.45 am Venue

8 The Tanglin Club

: The Churchill Room


NOTICE Due to the ban on U^.beef,

we ore now serving Australian grain-fed beef

Italian Cuisine Promotion Monday T 5 To Sunday 28 March

for our Prime Ribs on the

Wagon. Until Further Notice.

Wheelhouse Local

Daily Lunch Specials Monday • Indian Special • Pilau Rice with Chicken Masala & Vegetable Jalfrezy served with Papadom • Mango Lassi Tuesday • Wanton Noodle (Dry or Soup)served with Char Slew & Pork Dumpling * Cheng Tng Wednesday - Thai Special Fried Rice with Black Olives, Honey Chicken & Thai Kailan • Warm Banana & Sago in Coconut Milk Thursday • Wee Siam • Bobo Terigu Friday Laksa • Cream ofPeanut Soup Saturday

The Tavern

Lunch & Dinner

Churchill Room Lunch • Set lunch menu Dinner • Ala carte menu Wheelhouse

Limited menu

Roast Chicken Rice * Pulut Hitam with Coconut Milk

• Assorted specialties salads • Sashimi of salmon • House smoked salmon

• Assorted Japanese sushi • Doner kebabs - Tandoori, Char Siew or Turkish • Authentic Thai dishes

• North Indian specialties • Tanglin local specials • Assorted international dishes

• Crepe with banana, strawberries or crepe suzette with ice-cream

• For the kids, their very own buffet. Churchill Room from 11.30 am to 2.30 pm. $19.90(Member)

$9.90 (Child below 12 years). No charge for children under 3 years. All prices inclusive of GST.

The Tanglin Club 9


Snow Sculpture Spectacular Club's Food Artist Turns World-Class The Tanglin Club's food artist, Jaafar H.M. Ghazali and two team mates,

Jaafar (right) with his two team mates.

recently represented Singapore in the 2004 Sapporo Snow Status Contest competing against 23 teams from Europe, Asia, America and host Japan. Mostly made up of artists, chefs and professionals, each team worked, wielding chisels, saws and picks to

transform a 3.5m by 3m block of compacted snow into a shimmering sculpture.

With his masterpiece titled The Cycle of Singapore Story', Jaafar gleaned his inspirations from nature. It shows a pupa morphing Into a beautiful butterfly. His sculpture depicts Singapore's growth from a swampy backwater Into a modern city. Jaafar's motive of

It was an open contest where selected

designs had to befit the country represented and Singapore Tourism Board approved his


Jaafar teamed

up with a local sculptor from




and a freelancer.

Jaafar's gr^ interest in art

started In his

school days, from props,food displays to food and Ice carving. Jaafar started

showcasing a "one and only" butterfly Illustrates Singapore's growth, which is considered extraordinary.

competing actively when he first participated In the Food & Hotel Asia In 1982. In 1999, Sentosa held its first

sand sculpting competition called Receiving 3rd placing in the 2004 Sapporo Snow Status Contest held In Hokkaido, Japan, is no easy feat, having to deal with temperatures of minus 2 degrees Celsius to minus 8 degrees Celsius In the day and down to minus 16 degrees celslus in the evening. Contestants were given four days to complete,from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm. Jaafar had felt the pressure to win for The Tanglin Club and remarked he would definitely try harder to make it to the top in future.

10 The Tanglin Club

'Sand-satlon' and Jaafar was one of

the local artists that teamed up with a Japanese sculptor to carve the Ming Emperor and The Great Wall of China. It won first placing. A word he would like to share with

readers - 'It is up to you If you have the keenness and Interest to progress. Have this attitude In you and you can sure make It.' Well done, Jaafar! Cheryl LIm


Premium Wines of the Month White Wines GOUNDREY UNWOODED CHARDONNAY 2003


Did you know that you can bring your own bottle of wine to the Club for consumption at any of the Club's F&B outlets? Just pay a corkage

Fresh tropical fruits with citrus,

charge of only $22.00 per bottle.

limes and vanilla. Hints of melon

and banana giving a lifted boutique of great intensity. Price:

What's more, there will be NO CORKAGE CHARGE if you have dinner in the Churchill Room on Monday night.

$8.50 I Glass $50.001 Bottle

So come with that bottle of vintage you have been saving and enjoy it with the wide variety of dishes available. BANFILE RIME




Le Rimk

An aromatic, fruity white wine with a crisp finish replete with refreshing acidity.

Not applicable for private banquet functions. For more information, please call the F&B Dept at 6739 4139 or 6739 4140, or email at

Price: $7.80 I Glass

$46.00 I Bottle

Calling All Wine

Red Wines




(AUSTRALIA) raspberry and plum fruit flavours with a nutty vanillin oak characters and a silky tannin

Wine Group At The Club MOUNT

Sign up now and be part


of our Tanglin Wine Group.


|i Interested members,



$8.501 Glass


please submit your name

$50.001 Bottle mi

and contact number




Look out for more details in the next issuel!


Dark ruby red with bouquet of fine red cherries and black

plums and hints of toasty french

New Beer Prices


Price: $8.20 I Glass

$48.00 I Bottle

All prices inclusive of GST. Order your party wines using the order form inserted in this magazine or visit hUp:// wine_order_form.asp

Available at all F&B outlets. Prices inclusive of GST.

The Tanglin Club 11


March Ladies' Luncheon

Talk On The

Life Of Togore Thursday 18 March

Rabindranath Tagore was born in 1861 in Calcutta. India and died there in 1941. He

was an exceptional human being. Tagore was a poet, an educator, a mystic, a visionary, a writer, an actor, a painter, a songwriter, a musician, a playwright and even a singer! And he excelled in all of these. He also wrote India's National Anthem. He was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.

Mary Kogan's talk with slides will unfold a rare

personality. Among other achievements, Tagore travelled 17 times around the world. Including visiting Singapore. The presenter Ms Kogan has lectured in women's organisations, Rotary Clubs, National Museum, Hwa Chong Junior College and many other organisations.

Mark Justiniani, Marcel Antonio, Ronald Ventura



:Thursday 18 March

In this talk, Mr Hizon will showcase a

: 12 noon

wide selection of works from the

Booking opening dates: Wednesday 3 March (Members only) Wednesday 10 March (For members' guests) Last day for cancellation: Thursday 8 April.

Venue :The Churchill Room

Filipino masters who have graced the

Prices :$22.90(Member)& $27.50 (Guest).

world's two leading auction houses,

Prices inclusive of GST. Guests are welcome.

Sotheby's and Christie's including

Last day for cancellation: Thursday 11 March.

Bencab, Anita Magsaysay-Ho, Ang Kiukok and Arturo Luz. And the rising

Prices :$13.00(Member) &

S15.50 (Guest). Prices inclusive of GST.

Gentlemen members and

guests are welcome.

Participants need to fill up the usual F&B booking slip & submit to Reception or fax to 6736 1195, or make your bookings online at 12 The Tanglin Club


Date :Thursday 15 April Time :4.00 pm Venue : Raffles Room

years ago.


stars of the new generation including

Learn what Philippine art is all about, its history and tradition, and its various themes of expression from impressionist, expressionist, surrealist, to social realism. And find out, why it could be a perfect investment choice.

A member of The Tanglin Club for three decades, Ms Kogan came to Singapore 31


Relish the beauty of Philippine Contemporary Art in this talk by BBC news journalist Rico Hizon, who has one of the biggest Philippine art collections in Singapore.


Fashion Show With A Difference

SANT/. re


"A Festive Frolic Revue". A very apt title for the 2003 Ladies' Christmas Lunch. Festive,

some unusual but entertaining Christmas songs and ditties. The choir looked fantastic

it certainly was from the beautiful Christmas

in their red and white fur trimmed outfits

decorations in the Churchill Room to the

run up in a matter of hours by Jenny. A big

red, green and white dining tables. A

"Thank You" to the entire cast.

veritable Christmas feast awaited us in the

foyer; our chefs did us proud yet again.

Sam Can worked above and beyond his duties playing for the choir practices and of

Having satiated ourselves with excellent Christmas fayre, the best was yet to come.

course on the day itself. Peggy Lim provided

A group of Tanglin Ladies, most ably led by Kathy Birkbeck, treated us to a fashion show with a difference.

Log on to http://wvm.tanglinclub to view more pictures of selected recent events.

The most innovative, fantastic designs took to the catwalk. Designs made from bin bags, evening dresses from plastic carrier bags and gold paper doilies but the piece de resistance was a mosquito net wedding dress, perfect for tropical climes! Many of the audience actually inquired if the clothes

everything before the performers even knew what they needed! Not to forget the lighting, sound and maintenance staff who gave of their expertise to a group of amateurs resulting in a most professional and polished performance. Thank you one and all for making my Christmas lunch so special last year. It will be a hard act to follow!

Wendy Burgess

were for sale!

Editor's Note: This email from England

klhe fashion show was followed by even

came a tad too late for last month's TCM.

l^ore ladies hitting just the right note with "(Bl^'riKo

The Tangiin Club 13


A Springtime Festival Edwin Pereira ushered in the Year of the Monkey by treating the ladies to a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining demonstration of his creative ideas with flowers, plants and febrics, put together

in either displays for the home and garden or outstanding table decorations. Edwin's style and simplicity showed his talent for understated elegance, his tricks using silk satin and tea lights were truly breathtaking. Even heart-stopping when, Ivy, one of Edwin's assistants accidentally set fire to her blouse whilst lighting the candles. The food was delicious and highlighted by all of the ladies present being able to experience tossing Yusheng for good luck. A big thanks to F&B, and to Edwin and his staff.

Kathy Birkbeck


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calendar events







DRAWINGS(Main Lobby)

9.30 am (Draycott Room)

Till further notice.






6.00 pm (Raffles Room)

6.00 pm (Theatrette)

9.30 am (Draycott Room)


John Wllkins Trophy Handicap Snooker Competition Till 27 March

(Billiards Room)








Till 28 March (Churchill Room, Tavern, Wheelhouse)

6.00 pm (Theatrette)

BOB Game (Card Room)

9.30 am (Draycott Room)


Spnng Handicap Tournament Till 27 March (Squash Courts)



Talk On The Life Of Tagore 12 noon (Churchllf Room)

Qb.^ 23


Billiards Section Fund Dinner

7.0O pm (Raffles Room)




6.00 pm (Churchill Room)

9.30 am (Draycott Room) BALUT

Monthly competition 7.30 pm (Card Room)



a. ^ ^


No corkage charge for Monday dinner In Churchill Room.



Q. 0


9.30 am (Draycott Room)

$3.90 per Glass

$15.00 per Jug Available at all F&B outlets Prices inclusive of GST.


9.30 am (Draycott Room)

16 The Tanglin Club



CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Butterfly (Le Papillon) - PG (Theatrette) LIVE MUSIC BY THE TRAILERS (Churchill Room) SQUASH - Annual Squash Section Dinner (Raffles Room) TENNIS - Away match vs NUSS


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)



• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Mona Lisa Smile•PG (Theatrette)


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11,30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Bulterfly (Le Papillon) - PG (Theatrette)

14 SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11,30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Mona Lisa Smile - PG (Theatrette)

The Churchill Room will be closed for a private dinner function.


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MURDER MYSTERY EVENING

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)




3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) GOLF-

Friendly match vs British Club at Ria BIntan

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) ART EXHIBITION 10.00 am to 10.00 pm (Draycott Room) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Love Actually - PG (Theatrette) LIVE MUSIC BY THE TRAILERS (Churchill Room)

27 CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Swimming Pool • RA (Theatrette) LIVE MUSIC BY THE TRAILERS (Churchill Room)

ART EXHIBITION 10.00 am to 10.00 pm (Draycott Room) SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY GURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Love Actually - PG (Theatrette)

28 CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) TENNIS - Friendly match vs Hollandse Club MOVIE Swimming Pool - RA (Tfieatretle)

The Churchill Room will be closed for a

private dinner function.



3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) JAZZ DINNER WITH


CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Cold Mountain- RA (Theatrelle) • LIVE MUSIC BY THE GROOVE MASTERS (Churchill Room)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Cold Mountain- RA (Theatrette)

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

9Good Friday Public Holida/

11 CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse)

MOVIE Pirates Of The Carribean - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

• FITNESS • No classes.

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Pirates Of The Carribean - PG (Theatrette)

The Tanglin Club 17


^ IP

Introduction Night 9 February 2004 We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members:

Mr & Mrs Jethanand BhojwanI Mr & Mrs Fred Combe Mr & Mrs David Conner

Mr & Mrs Lew Syn Pau Or & Mrs Lim Ruay Koon Mr & Mrs Eugene Lim Mr & Mrs P G Mathew

Mr Gary Sialendra Ngo Mr & Mrs Oh Eng Tze Ms Lynne Ong & Mr Egbert Collin Yap Chin Poh Ms Belinda Quek Or & Mrs Daniel Su Hsien Wen Ms Dora Tuana Tan Prof Tan Ser Kiat

Dr & Mrs Tong Ming Chuan Ms Caroline Yeo Poh Noi

Ms NIcolina Charlotte EIrick (Term Member) Mr & Mrs Takamaru Ishida (Term Members) Mr & Mrs Robert Leigh Mann (Term Members)

We extend a warm welcome to the following Ambassador as Honorary Members: HE & Mrs Francisco Rabena Barrachina

(Spain), We extend a warm welcome to the following Associate Members:

Ms Jonetta Germaine Leong Yuan Yuan (wife of Mr Stefan Ho)

Mrs Tat Leong Sweeting (wife of Mr Chris Sweeting).

The Tanglin Club has a cosmopolitan membership of almost 70 different nationalities. Expatriates working in Singapore can now join the Club either as Term or Ordinary Members. For more information, please contact the Membership Manager at tcmember^ or fax to 6735 5367.

18 The Tanglin Ciub


Mr & Mrs Lew Syn Pau.


2 Dr & Mrs Tong Ming Chuan

Ms Lynne Ong & Mr Egbert Collin Yap Chin Poh with Proposer Mr Ron Foo.

with Mr & Mrs David Conner. 6

3 4

Mr& Mrs Oh Eng Tze. Mr Alan Jones & Ms Belinda Quek.

HE & Mrs Francisco Rabena Barrachina.

7 Mr J. Grimberg & Ms Dora Tuana Tan.

The Tanglin Club 19


Once a year our 240-strong staff whooped it up on their special night. The annual

Staff Dinner & Dance this year had a Hawaiian Night theme and was held on Monday 16 February at the Carfton Hotel's Empress Ballroom. GC members were their special guests.

Tanglin O Mil l> 1

Among the highlights were some terrific

dance numbers and songs presented by the staff themselves, notably Remy,Assa, Beow Lim, Chris and Eddie. Our group of young Filipino trainees added a touch of Hawaliana with an excellent hula dance.

The evening's programme also recognised long-service staff who were

presented with cash awards and 10gm gold wafers.

35 years' service Mary Shotam Membership Manager Emmy Chong HR Officer Osman Basah Jackpot Supervisor Robert Teo Senior Captain

30 years* service Belinda Chiam Senior Waitress

25 years' service Lee Oh Neo Executive

Housekeeping Assistant Assa Randhawa Senior Clerk

Henry Goh Senior Clerk

Goh Sai Heng Leading Cook

20 years' service Wong Tong Ghee Squash Attendant/Walter Also recognised were four staff - Mike Koh, Henry Goh, Mary Teng and Chong Sew Lan - who had not taken any sick leave in the past six years. They too received cash awards and a holiday at the Batam View Beach Resort.

Dana doing his thing.

20 The Tanglin Club



^LUB iHf,;

Bharati M. Ramchand is a sensitive young artist who

paints in mixed media but approaches her craft in a unique way. Her paintings are based on Hindu mythology, and what she calls "an amalgamation of spirituality, colour therapy, mantras, symbols, Sanskrit scriptures, gods and goddesses." Her inspirations and motivations come from life itself, she says, having turned spiritual in 1995, and spending long hours in temples doing extensive research on spiritual philosophies iike the Vedas, the sacred writings of the ancient Hindus.

Bharati has held private exhibitions here at Club Street, as well as in London, and has been commissioned to

paint for hotels in Bali and Basel, Switzerland. A second generation member of The Tanglin Club, Bharati will be holding an exhibition of her works in the

Draycott Room on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 March, from 10.00 am to 10.00 pm.

^-1 rrf,,, SJ -Sftij. ^ •'cwfcv •• 'iff •

The Tanglin Club 21

miscellany Tanglin Tree In Bloom There's a Saraca tree, which is also

commemorate the 125th anniversary

known as the Tanglin tree, keeping

of our Club.

a silent sentinel near the main

entrance to The Tanglin Club. The tree is now in gorgeous bloom with golden flowers. We thank an observant member for bringing this

A beautiful water-colour painting of the Saraca flower graces the upper level of the Grand Staircase. The

painting was donated by the artist, Waina Cheng, in 1991.

to our attention.

Incidentally, this tree was donated by a member Hugh Longhurst, and was planted in 1990 by the then president, George Sandosham, to

lyftriud tf-Ai

Old Library Books There are some 800 old books which have not been

used in the past five years. They have not been bar-coded and are now placed in the three upper shelves in the Library. Members wishing to borrow them may request to see the list from the Library staff.

Happiness is ... Hitting a long straight drive. Hitting your approach shot close.

Hitting your putt into the hole.

Happiness is the

HLMI'LI(iOLF SYSTEM ^'iiiii-<ii)ir S\viiiÂŤ is ill SjilV 11 mills

To discover true golfing happiness visit For the golfing adventure of your lifetime and the opportunity for "fast track" personal golf training, click on the Simpli 333 Loyalty Club flashing button on the Welcome Page. 22 The Tanglin Club

library New Books Adult Library Fiction

Science Fiction

Muddied Oafs: The Last

Cube Route

Days Of Rugger

Piers Anthony

Richard Beard Fodor's Pocket Guides:

Solaris Stanislaw Lem

Beijing Karen Cure

Dragon's Kin Anne McCaffrey Come Armageddon Anne Perry

I Ching:The Book Of Change Cheng Yi

Just Between Us

The Lensmen Bk 3: Galactic Patrol Edward E. Smith

3 Barrack Street: The Weld Club 1871 -2001 Paul De Serville

Kelly Cathy

The Lensmen Bk 4: Gray

Lies and The Lying Liars

The Damascened Blade


Who Tell Them

Barbara Cleverly Lost Light Michael Connelly

Edward E. Smith

Al Franken

Mango Season Malladi Amuiya Millennium People J G Ballard

You Look Nice Today Stanley Bing


Crime & Thriller

Josephine Cox Holly

Kill The Competition Stephanie Bond Lost Light Michael Connelly Goodnight Sweet Prince

Jude Deveraux

David Dickson

The Calligrapher

Never Surrender

^J^rnard Cornwell Love Me Or Leave Me

Edward Docx

Michael Dobbs

Tricks Of The Light

Acts Of Vengeance

Alison Fell

Voyage To The End Of

Robert Gandt The Sinner

The Room

Tess Gerritsen

Tibor Fischer

Thomas Gage James Fleming

The Bishop Goes To The University Andrew M. Greeley

Genesis Jim Grace

Private Sector

Everything Will Be All Right Tessa Hadley Dream Jungle Jessica Hagedorn

^ >mises Lost

*W'drey Howard The Distance From

Normandy Jonathan Hull At Home In MItford Jan Karon

The Secret Life Of Bees Sue Monk Kidd

Together In Eclipse Bay Jayne Ann Krentz The Way To Paradise Mario Vargas Llosa The Way The Crow Flies Ann-Marie Macdonald

Brian Haig Nobody True James Herbert Sense Of Evil

Kay Hooper Cry No More Linda Howard

Pale Horse Coming Stephen Hunter Every Step You Take Judith Kelman

Every Secret Thing Lippman Laura The Tristan Betrayal Robert Ludlum The Defender Bill Mesce Jr

The Jury Must Die Carol O'Connell The Devil's Banker

Astonishing Splashes Of

Christopher Reich Dangerous Sea

Colour Clare Morrall

The Hanged Man's Song

Upon Dark Waters

John Sandford

Robert Radcliffe Heat Of Passion Harold Robbins

Mutiny Julian Stockwin

The American Boy Andrew Taylor Fanny Edmund White

David Roberts

The If Game Catherine Storr

Non Fiction

were most frequently borrowed by members.

Fiction • Dying To Please Linda Howard • The Beachcomber

Josephine Cox • The Perfect Lover

The Practical

• The Jester

Encyclopedia Of Feng Shui Gill Hale

Stephanie Laurens James Patterson

• Oryx And Crake Margaret Atwood

Art School: How To Paint & Draw

Hazel Harrison A Round - Heeled Woman Jane Juska

Only A Sandpiper Li Lienfung Black Earth: A Journey Through Russia After The Fall Andrew Meier

Dude, Where's My Country Michael Moore

Hemingway In Africa: The Last Safari

Christopher Ondaatje The 9 Steps To Financial Freedom

Non Fiction • Why Men Can Only Do One Thing At A Time Allan & Barbara Pease

• 20:21 Vision Twentieth-Century Lessons For The Twenty-First Century Bill Emmott

• How To Cook Everthing The Basics Mark Bittman

• Living History: Memoirs Hillary Rodham Clinton • The Spooky Art: Some Thoughts On Writing Norman Mailer

Suze Orman

The Wars Against Saddam

John Simpson Phoenix: The Story Of The Home Team Felix Soh

Shoes: A Lexicon of Style Valerie Steele

Army Of Roses: Inside The World Of Palestinian Women Barbara Victor The Flow And The Power

Of Chi Dynamics Anthony Wee The Frozen Water

Gavin Weightman The Journals Of A White Sea Wolf

Mariusz Wilk The Courtesan's

Revenge: The Life Of Harriette Wilson

David Attenborough

Frances Wilson

Mukulika Banerjee

A six-month survey of the books acquired in September 2003 showed that the following titles

Bill's Open Kitchen Bill Granger

Life On Air The Sari

Top 10 Popular Titles

For enquiries, contact the Library at 6739 4127/

Hie Tonglin Club 23



m s

76 Teams * 12 Countries 5th International Jumbo Doubles Squash Tournament The eventual champions for the 5th International Jumbo Doubles

Squash Tournament were first time winners Vivian Rhamanan & Mubashir Gul (United Condominium Squash Club) who edged out

last year's winners, defending champions Zainal Abidin & Lim Jit Uei (Singapore Cricket Club). UCSC won 2 games to 0.

The guest-of-honour was Dr Yaacob Ibrahim (Minister for Community Development & Sports) who was at the finals and handed out the trophies during the Farewell Lunch on 15 February 2004.

A big thank you to all the sponsors for making this a successful event:

The battle for the trophy for the last four years had been between Zainai Abidin & Lim Jit Uei (Singapore Cricket Club) and Phil Head

& Glen Hitch (Hong Kong Football Club). 24 The Tanglin Club

Ml • Prosec Services • Pacific Century Group Global VIP Management• HSBC • Silk Air • Acma Meindhardt • APB - Tiger Beer


ss% ervlce by Ml. Fr

.home and mobile





The Tonglin Club 25




Rain, rain, rain. The December weather got the better of us. The Annual Golf Bash which was held on 10 December 2003 was a

wash out. 15 teams of eager golfers teed off at Jurong Country Club playing a two-ball Scramble format with four clubs. Pars and birdies were the scores of the day until the rain came after five holes. After a one hour delay, the course was closed. So that was the end of the game. Players then adjourned to The Tanglin Club for dinner and some

putting competition. It was a pleasant way to end what was a very wet day. And we thought that the rain would go away by January. Instead it was the wettest January in 30 years! 14 teams of optimistic golfers teed off at Seletar Country Club on 28 January for an in-house competition, the format being a two-ball Scramble (by popular demand) with full sets of clubs. Again after 4 holes, the rain came. But this time the golfers were determined to finish the match. Despite the wind and the rain, some teams still managed to score birdies and pars, with the winning team playing scratch golf. The winners were; Winners

1st Runners up 2nd Runners up

Nigel Parmley & Thomas Cummins LIm Khoon Hin & Jane Parmley Lai Chong Meng & K C Leong

But for the rest, despite having a full set of clubs, the scores were far from ideal.

Alban Kang

26 The Tanglin Club

Tennis Director's Court Our junior coaching classes are going along very well with Saturday being our busiest day. We are looking for kids to join our classes on Thursday afternoons from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm, and from 5.00 pm to 6.00 pm. The 4.00 pm class caters for the 4, 5 and 6 year-olds, while the 5.00 pm class will encourage the kids aged from 9 to 12. So. any parents keen to get their children into tennis, grab a registration form, or call me, Ken Smith, at 9004 2294, or email





Tennis Quadrangular Tournament 10 January 2004 saw the revival of the Tennis Quadrangular

time with The Tanglin Club emerging as winners. We

Tournament which was last held

managed to recapture the

in 1995. For this year's event, the four participating teams were The Tanglin Club, American

Challenge Trophy which was

held by the American Club for many years.

Club, Keppel Club and Jurong After the games, there was a

Country Club.

wonderful dinner served in the

The Tanglin Club were the hosts

Raffles Room. Everyone had

for this year's event. For each

great fun playing in the

tie of the round robin format,

tournament and it is hoped that this will be the start of regular annual event once again.

there were 3 men's doubles, 3 ladies doubles and 2 mixed

doubles pairs. Despite play being interrupted briefly due to

Dr Harvey Teo

rain, all matches finished on

Tennis Convenor

Overall Champion The Tanglin Club Runner Up American Men's Doubles Winners





IH> lavt;!,!!! Cll)B

Jack Haynie & Matt Prestwich

(American Club) Runners Up Mark Lim &

Dr. Lum Yew Meng (The Tanglin Club)



Ladies Doubles Winners Chua Li Suan & Cecilia Hu

(The Tanglin Club) Runners Up Sandra Wong & Cathy Leow

(The Tanglin Club) Mixed Doubles Winners

Nicholas Chong & Evelyn Lim (The Tanglin Club) Runners Up Slew Fong & Ikuhiro Ochi

(Jurong Country Club)

Events Tennis Annual

Championship 2004 Men & Ladies Singles 26 April to 2 May Mixed Doubles

3 May to 9 May Men & Ladies Doubles

10 May to 16 May Please look out for details.

Junior Holiday Tennis Camps We will be holding a Junior Tennis Camp at the Club from

Monday 15 to Friday 19 March. These camps have proved very popular in the past and we are looking forward to seeing many

regular and new faces for the March camp. The camp runs daily from 8.30 am to 12 midday. Registration forms and information can be obtained from the Sports & Recreation Dept, Tennis Hut, or by calling Ken Smith on 9004 2294 or email kensmith@tennisallegiance group,com




professionals/Director of Tennis at ports_and_rec/tennls.asp and find out more about the tennis sessions

that are going on.

The Tanglin Club 27

sports&recrearion Billiards: Section Fund Night Tennis Coach Profile:

Whilst it has been well attended recently, we would like to see more membere/guests

Vorovit Wongsonguon

to make the most of the evening. The makan is certainly worth coming for. Eric

This month's coach profile is on Voravit Wongsanguan (a.k.a. Tui). Tui is a fully certified

the formal dinner on Thursday 18 March, please submit your names by Monday

Stevenson stole the night with a highest break of 17 and 5 wins. A reminder about 15 March.

and accredited Development Coach with T.C.A.

(Tennis Coaches Australia). He underwent one year of training in both technical and practical

National Snooker League

coaching skills with his advanced T.C.A. mentor

coach, Ken Smith, prior to spending three months in Australia completing his accreditation.

Competing in Division 3 our team has enjoyed relative success in the league to date, having played 7 matches of which they won 3. Interested players should contact Peter Wong.

Tui graduated with Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education from Hiilsdale College in Michigan, U.S.A. Carrying on from his academic

studies, Tui finds it an extremely rewarding experience to work with junior players of all ages, and additionally with adults as well.

John Wilkins Trophy


The John Wilkins Trophy competition starts on Monday 8 March. This is a handicapped event so be sure to enter. Frerf Kloppers

Tui himself has played tennis since high school, representing St. Mary's International School, in Tokyo, Japan. After high school, he continued

the month in the Card Room. We meet


to stay active in tennis, participating in collegiate tennis at Hiilsdale College where he worked as

We kicked off the 2004 season on

an Assistant Team Manager while working on

Thursday 29 January with 14 regulars. Ashoke Arya 693, Sapinah Hughes

his degree.

at the Wet Bar from 7.00 pm onwards and commence play at 7.45 pm,leaving members sufficient time after six games

to dine leisurely prior to the closing of the kitchen.

656, Val Bird 637 and Pla Sudawan

In addition to his T.C.A. qualifications, Tui has

615 all got off to a very good start this

completed the Level 1 & 2 National Coaching

season, as the scores most certainly

Accreditation Programme (NCAP) Theory Course from the Singapore Sports Council as


well as the NCAP Technical Course in Lawn Tennis. He is also listed on the

National Registry of Coaches

(NROC). Tui is available for private and group lessons and can

be contacted at

96961997 or by phoning

Kristian Bonnichsen Balut Convenor

The rest of the players did not break the 600 mark, so the members who

did not participate in this inaugural 2004 game, will basically compete on an equal footing with most of The Tanglin Club Balut fraternity when playing the next game. Sapinah Hughes had the highest single column score of 147.

the Tennis Hut at 6235 3905.

We are now printing new and easier digestible score sheets readily available together with additional Balut boxes at the Wet Bar, so hardly any excuses for

"THE _




having an informal game


of Balut when

visiting the Club


next time. Otherwise


regular Balut evening is the last Thursday of Are you aware of the Card Room's activites? Log on now to

http://wv/v/ balut.asp and find out more.

28"The Tanglin Clu


Wednesday evenings improve in numbers.


Please make an effort to attend this game

Hello once again,

as the more people who come, the better the competition. All are welcome and it is a friendly group who attend and husband

We hope you have all recovered from the

and wife can avail themselves of the

holiday season and are ready to start playing at the Club.

opportunity to play together.

Bridge Tip When a hand is over, It is just that, over.

If you get a bad result on a hand, forget about It. Negative thought will carry over to the next hand and you will end up with two bad results. This can snowball

Our next BGB game will be held on We held our Ang Pow game on the

Wednesday 17 March and a registration

evening of Wednesday 28 January. It was

sheet will be posted on the notice board

well attended, as usual, and most left with

an Ang Pow. It is always designed as a

in the Card Room. This involves playing in a worldwide simultaneous pairs

night of fun and merriment and this year

competition and you can check how you

was no exception. There were many new

fared against ALL on the internet. Hand

, faces and this was very pleasing. Ang

records are also available, which means

Pows were given for all sorts of strange

you and partner can discuss your bidding

and wonderful reasons which usually resulted in laughter and fun for all. Please check the new Calendar, displayed in the Card Room,for this year's dates and put

and perhaps iron out some of the kinks

into a bad game.

Upcoming Events BGB Game

Wednesday 17 March

A ;

we all seem to encounter.

May ALL your finesses work.

it In your diary NOW. A good time is guaranteed.

Regards Heather Flanders

Our weekday games are being very well attended but we would like to see

Bridge Schedule Date


Monday Wednesday Friday

1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge

Bridge activities are held In the Card Room. For further details or enquiries on Bridge events and games visit http:/

Directors Heather Flanders

sports_and_rec/bridge.asp or contact the

Anjana Beri Rohini Arya


Sports & Recreation Coordinator at 6739 4128

'. m

Students performing their Survival Test

The last couple of weeks have been dampened by continuous rain hence most

progression. As the saying goes "come rain come shine", swimming lessons will go onl

of our children have been down with a cold

or flu; we wish you all a speedy recovery.

Congratulations to our students listed below for having been promoted to their respective level(s) in the month of February.

A warm welcome to our new students who

joined us in the month of January.

Kieran Arul, Penny Deveson, David Ooi,

Sean Le Mesurler, Annabel Cooper, Elliot

Leow Tian Ann, Michelle Knott, Ethan Wong, Aden Nixon, Thomas Doggart, Theodore

Each lesson missed for whatever reason

Cocks, Ryan Arul, Sam Doggart, Imogen Kloppers, Jessica Tan. Madeline Cooper &

Starke, Oscar Hardaker, Hugh Crombie, Lauren Khoo & Hannah Ng.

will have a great impact on the child's

Nicole Le Mesurier.

Thank you to all parents who have made the special effort In bringing their children down for their respective swimming lessons.

The Tonglin Club 29

sports&recrearion PsstI Want To Know A Secret?

Swimming Classes In March Why not spend your March school break learning to swim? Or for those who can swim, why

Coach Nicholas's real name Is Zeus

not learn to improve on your strokes?

Goh Seville. Born on 30 July 1977, In March, we will be conducting classes for children who are afraid of water and cannot

he Is of Philippine and Singapore

swim. As you know swimming is a life time skill, so why wait! Sign your children up today!

origin and holds certificates from

Singapore Swimming Teachers Association and AustSwIm Infants


Swimming Programme. With 2 years of coaching experience, he coaches

infants right up to students in competitive levels.

Nicholas worked for 6 years In t*- Singapore Navy. His love forchildpw' and water has turned him into a

competent swimming coach. Coach Nicholas with students Thomas Lim and Rosemund Tan.

March Programme 1

March Programme 2



: 15 to 18 March

: 15 to 18 March

Course : Learn To Swim

Course : Stroke Improvement

Duration : 4 Days Day : Monday to Thursday

Duration : 4 Days Day : Monday to Thursday Time : 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm


: 10.00 am to 11.00 am


; $126 (Inclusive GST)


: $126 (Inclusive GST)


: From 4 years old


: Able to swim minimum 2 strokes

Needing swimming lessons at the Club? Please call Zarena at 9276 5900 or 6737 0742.

Alternatively, visit

Calling All

STARTING April 2004

The Ultimate Australian Adventure

Ladies Ladies! Form up your own little group if you are too shy to swim with strangers. We need a minimum of four before we can start a new

class for you and your friends.

OZBACK EXPLORER AUSTRALIA 1 6-Day Sydney-Darwin-Sydne Brochures•Info* Booki

Headline Marketing Tel: 6842-4413 email: head 30 The Tanglin Club

sports&recrearion Sports Schedule

Fitness Schedule Monday






8.30 am HATHA & RAJA

8.30 am


8.30 am

5.00 pm

YOGA (Advance) Margaret


8.30 am FITBALL CarIn 9.30 am KEEP FIT Janet Pooi

Tennis Courts


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.00 pm

5.00 pm




10.00 am PIl^TES Clarise

6.30 pm

6.30 pm



Daniel Chan


Tennis Courts

Tennis Courts

5.15 pm

6.15 pm





Squash Courts

7.30 pm




8.30 am AQUACISE

8.30 am


10.00 am TAIJIQUAN



Wong L C

Marcus Tarrg

11.30 am TAIJIQUAN

9.30 am


«^OGA ^/argaret

9.30 am KEEP FIT

Wong L 0 4.00 pm





5.00 pm

8.30 am

8.30 am to 11.30 am




5.00 pm

Tennis Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Tennis Courts

6.00 pm SQUASH



Squash Courts


5.00 pm LINE DANCE



3.00 pm

5.15 pm

Squash Courts


4.00 pm


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

Squash Courts

Jerry 6.30 pm


Jerry 8.15 pm PILATES Clarise


Squash Courts


4.00 pm

All classes are held at the Multi-Purpose Hall

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

except Aquacise.

our metabolism speeds up keeping our body fat down. With poor muscular strength our

skeleton will sag and our bones weaken too. After menopause our calcium can diminish in our bones, leading to osteoporosis. We CAN do something about this.

There are three key elements to acquiring strength and staying lean: Muscular Strength, Aerobic Exercise and Healthy Eating Habits. Of the three, strength training is the most complex and the most

misunderstood. Any one or two of the key

exciting class is for you. You'll learn the

elements won't work alone. The time

cool moves of Britney, Beyonce, Justin

required can be as little as an hour a day sometimes less, sometimes more. The

and many more, easily with lots of fun!

essential requirement is dedication and self

Classes will be held weekly on Saturdays and will commence on Saturday 13 March.


Hi, I'm Lorna, a Strength & Conditioning Specialist(NSCA)from the UK. I have been in Singapore for 6 years and am very much at home here. My work as a persona! trainer brings me into contact with people of varying levels of fitness, knowledge and ailments. Most of my clients are women who are exercising for the first time or have just started exercising after periods of inactivity.

Want to move and dance like your favourite MTV stars? This fun and

My training aims to show you how to make changes without feeling burdened by impossible ideals. To exercise for your own well-being physical, mental and emotional. An exercise programme should and will be a pleasure, a time out from the outside pressures of life and a chance for you to reshape both your body and mind.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all within

Time: 1.45 pm to 2.30 pm

Fees : $50 per month (Member) $60 per month (Guest) Age :9 to 12 years old Time: 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm

Fees : $60 per month (Member) $72 per month (Guest) Age : 13to 16 years old

the Club and will be available and excited

For many women the pursuit of strength and fitness is difficult and even frightening. We ail want a body that will see us through decades of activity and still look good at eighty and beyond. In having strong muscles

to help those of you willing to start on the path to a healthier, happier and stronger you!

Please register your interest witii Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4128/4148 or through emai l at Lorna can be contacted at 9639 5074.

The Tanglln Club 31


6 & 7 March

27 &28 March

The Butterfly(Le Papillon)PG Foreign drama (90 mins)

Swimming Pool - R(A) Foreign drama (100 mins) Starring: Charlotte Rampling, Ludivine Sagnier.

Starring: Michel Serrault, Claire Bouanlch.

Director: Phillippe Muyl.

Director: Francois Ozon.

Julien is a butterfly collector. One day, he sets off in search of Isabelle, a butterfly as

Sarah Morton, seeking Inspiration for her new novel, accepts John Bosload's offer to stay at his home In the South of France.

beautiful as it is rare. He is looking forward to a memorable time In the Alps.

When John's indolent and Insouciant

daughter Julie unexpectedly arrives, interactions set off an increasingly unsettling

But Julien hasn't counted on Elsa, an eight year old girl neglected by her mother. He doesn't know it yet, but Elsa has decided to go along with him. The Butterflyj

(Le Papillon)!

series of events.

20 & 21 March

Love Actually - PG Romantic comedy (135 mins)

Starring: Hugh Grant, Laura Linney. Director: Richard Curtis.

Love Is causing chaos. Love arrives In many forms, shapes and sizes. Stories of love leading up to a big climax on Christmas Eve, proving that love is the driving force in all of the characters' lives. 13 & 14 March

Mona Lisa Smile • PG

10 & 11 April

Historical drama (120 mins) Starring: Julia Roberts,

Pirates Of The Carribean - PG

Kirsten Dunst.

Starring: Johnny Depp, Orlando

Director: Mike Newell.


Action adventure (130 mins)

In a time when women's roles were rigidly defined, Katherine Watson began teaching at an all-girls college where success was measured by 'how well' the students marry. Striving for an enlightened future, Watson Inspired her students to look beyond the Image of what is and consider the

possibilities of what could be. Mona Lisa Smile

Director: Gore Verbinski.

Captain Jack Sparrow's life capsizes after Captain Barbossa steals his ships

and attacks Port Royal, kidnapping Elizabeth Swann. When rescuing her and recapturing his ship, he discovered a curse dooming Barbossa and his crew

3&4 April Cold Mountain - R(A) Historical adaptation (155 mins) Starring: Jude Law, Nicole

to live forever as the undead.

Pirates Of e Carribean


Director: Anthony Minghella. Inman is seriously wounded In battle

before heading home to his beloved Ada. In Inman's long journey home, he meets people who want to both aid and hinder his mission.

For enquiries, please call the Reception at 6737 6011

Showtimes Saturday - 9.00 pm • Sunday - 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm

Or keep track of the showtlmes and booking procedure via Tickets can be obtained at the Reception.


Moviegoers are to be seated 10 minutes before showtime.

for movie trailers.

32 The Tanglin Club

Club Hours The Churchill Room

Sunday to Friday

Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Last order 2.00 pm No lunch on Saturday Dinner. 7.00 pm to 11.45 pm Last order 10.30 pm Closes 12 midnight Last order on Saturday 11.00 pm

Saturday 11.00 am to 2.45 am Sunday 11.00 am to 11.45 pm

Gymnasium Dinner only 7.00 pm to 11.15 pm Daily 6.00 am to 10.00 pm

Last order

Closes 1.00 am Churchill Room Bar

Terrace Bar

Jackpot Room

Monday to Friday 10.30 am to 11.30 pm

Saturday 10.30 am to 12 midnight Sunday 10.30 am to 12 midnight

Sunday to Thursday Daily 12 noon to 3.00 pm Weekdays 7.00 pm to 11.45 pm 12 noon to 11.45 pm Friday 12 noon to 12.45 am Saturday 7.00 pm to 1.45 am Saturday 12 noon to 1.45 am Foyer Lounge Adult Library Daily 10.30 am to 11.00 pm Weekdays 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Saturday 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Wheelhouse Restaurant Sunday 12 noon to 5.00 pm Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm Last order 10.00 pm Junior Library Weekdays 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm The Tavern Saturday 10.00 am to 12.30 pm Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm & 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Last order 2.30 pm Sunday 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Dinner 6.00 pm to 11.45 pm Sat Dinner 6.00 pm to 1.00 am Closed on public holidays. Last order

Sandwiches last order

Sunday to Thursday 11.30 pm Friday 12.30 am Saturday 1.30 am The Tavern Bar

Monday to Thursday 12 noon to 11.45 pm Friday 12 noon to 1.45 am

Daily 8.00 am to 11.30 pm

The Terrace

Sunday to Friday 11.15pm Saturday 12 midnight Sunday Lunch 12 noon to 2.30 pm

Sunday to Friday 11.15 pm Saturday 12 midnight

Card Room

Reading Room Daily 9.00 am to 11.00 pm Last order 10.00 pm

Swimming Pool Daily 7.00 am to 10.30 pm *Squash Courts Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm *Tennis Courts 7.00 am to 11.30 am

2.00 pm to 10.30 pm Theatrette

Saturday 9.00 pm Sunday 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm Hair Salon

Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Sunday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

Billiards Room

For appointments call 6734 2523. Closed on Mondays & some public holidays.

Daily 12 noon to 11.30 pm Friday, Saturday & on eve of Public Holidays

*For reservations call 6235 8482 or 6734 0707.

12 noon to 1.00 am

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