The Tanglin Club Magazine - Mar 2005

Page 1




i' I :i

A Great Evening[Of ' ^ Flamenco Music & DoAies On Friday 8 April

March 2005

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president'sm^sage accepted by the General Committee. Mr Toft left

the Club on the same day. It was mutually agreed that this was the best course in the interest of Mr

Toft and for the Club. It is quite a common practice for executive level employees to be given pay in lieu of notice in concluding arrangements for separation. Mr Toft made many contributions during his empioyment and we wish him very well in his future endeavours.

The process of seeking a new general manager is underway. In the interim period the Acting General Manager is Ms Michelle Chua, our Financial Controller and Admin Manager, covering Dear Members,

Administration and Membership. Mr Carsten Kjeldmann, Head of Food Services is covering

Members' generous donations to the tsunami

F&B and Operational Services,

fund have totalled $71,435. Members pledged $38,560 at the Club's New Year's Eve Party and

Our new Facilities Manager, Mr Lim Tau Chin is

the remaining pledges were received through the

joining us on 1 March 2005. He will head up

mail. These contributions have been reflected in

Maintenance, Security and Housekeeping. Mr

the members'statement of accounts in December

Lim has extensive relevant experience in the

2004 and January 2005. Payment has been

hospitality industry, and we extend a warm

made to the Singapore Red Cross Society and

welcome to him.

the money is being used to heip the reiief efforts associated with this terrible disaster. The

On the maintenance side, as many of you have

Singapore Red Cross has thanked us for our

noticed, work has begun on the swimming pool,

generosity. I also thank you all for your generous

its surrounds and the men's changing room. This


long overdue project will take around eight weeks to complete. Arrangements have been made for

I would like to welcome Mr Colin Gee our new

members to use the Hollandse Club and the

co-opted General Committee Member. Mr Gee

British Club pools during our downtime period.

jp'-^d the GC at the end of January 2005 and

We thank both clubs for accommodating our

ha^aken over the vacant position. Mr Gee has

needs during this period and trust our swimming

become the Convenor for Tenders and

members will avaii the use of these two pools.

Purchasing Sub-Committee and he has served on the TPSC prior to becoming Convenor. His

As this year is our 140th year birthday, a big

acceptance in this role ensures continuity in this

party is planned to celebrate this auspicious

very important Sub-Committee. Mr Gee brings

occasion. The date and details will be announced

with him a wealth of experience in the Banking


and Finance Industry. A graduate from Pembroke

College, Cambridge and Harvard Business

Meanwhile, let's enjoy our Club.

School, his skills and experience will be a valuable asset to the General Committee.

As mentioned last month, the Club's Strategic

Action Pian {SAP) is adopted by the GC and is a tool to guide management along an agreed road map for the next three to five years. The details of the main eiements of the SAP will

appear in the April edition of the Club magazine.

Alan Jones President

The General Manager tendered his resignation from the Club on 31 January 2005, which was



President's Message


New Members




Calendar Of Events




Reciprocal Club


Spanish Flamenco Evening... Jerry & The Neu

Room With A View: The Oxford And

Faces.., Members' Talent Show... Jazz

Cambridge Club Today

Evening With Marina Xavier



Activities For Children


Easter Egg Hunt Cum Children's Carnival... Incrediblez: The Kidnap Of Baby Jack



Tanglin Club rOUNDED 1865

5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814 Tel; 6737 6011 Fax: 6733 2391


Top 10 Popular Titles... New Books...


Announcements... Opening Hours For


Libraries... Internet Access in The Library

Alan Jones Vice-President



Edwin Khew

Honorary Treasurer

Glenn Bryce Committee Convenors


From The Kitchen

Glenn Bryce Entertainment I Jackpot Nancy Lum


Champagne Brunch... Family Easter Brunch...


Classic & Gourmet Pizzas Of The Month...

Glenn Bryce

Food & Beverage

Cheesecake Of The Month... Churchill Room

Edwin Khew

Closures... Italian Food & Wine Promotion...


High Tea Buffet In The Churchill Room...

Nanette Sandford

Magazine / Website

Sunday Lunch & Dinner Golf; The Inaugural Captain's Cup... Scuba:

From The Cellar


Premium Wines Of The Month... Cocktaiis Of The Month... Passion For Wine... Wine Section

- French Bordeaux Tasting With Alex Cox...

New Nitro Tap... Wine Section Calendar Of Events For 2005

The Day Diving Saved Our Lives... Squash: Tanglin Squash Doubles 2005 - The

Intemational Perspective... Lets And Strokes... Billiards: John Ewing Cup... Tennis; 2005 Quadrangular Tennis Tournament... Balut: Of Strength Training... Fitness Personality:

March Ladies Luncheon: Easter

David Hickman... Sports And Fitness


David Haslam

Children's Programmes Roland Tan Staff Robert Wiener


Parade... April

Graham Dare

Property & Maintenance Sports / Recreation &

Monthly Balut... Fitness: The 5 Golden Rules

Ladies Events

Dr Albert Wee

Membership & Rules

Tenders & Purchasing Colin Gee Executive Staff Committee


Edwin Khew






Polar Express... De-Lovely... Ladder 49... Alexander... Birth... After The Sunset

Acting General Manager & Financial Controller/Admin Manager


Michelle Chua


Head Of Food Services

Carsten Kjeldmann Human Resource Manager Cover photo by Roger & Miho Moore

Editor KC Yuen ( Graphic Designer Nazrin ( Advertising Representative Danielle Rossetti ( or 6726 2602)

Find out our ad rates and booking procedures via http:/

For all display advertising, please contact Danielle Rossetti at For mini-ads, available to members only, please contact Nazrin at

Jasmine Lai

Maintenance I Project Manager John Ong Membership Manager Mary Shotam Purchasing Manager Candice Tan

Sports & Recreation Manager Danny Loh

Executive Housekeeper

Peggy Urn

Opinions expressed In The Tanglin Club Magazine are solely those of (he writers and do not necessarily represent those of The Tanglin Club. The Magazine welcomes articles and other contributions from members. However, the Magazine / Website Sub-Committee reserves the right to edit all materials or decline publication. MITA (P) 143/05/2003. Published by The Tanglin Club. Printing by Stamford Press Pte Ltd.

newsbiles Acting General Manager

Wilson Ng. Wilson also contributed an article on

The search is on for a new general manager

the Hurlingham Club which was published in May

since the departure of Mr Brian Toft on 31


January. In the interim, the General Committee has appointed Financial Controller Michelle Chua

Coming Entertainment Events

as Acting General Manager.

With the recent appointment of an Events co

ordinator, we now have an exciting line-up of

three wonderful shows in the coming months.

Rooster Painting The rooster painting on the cover of last month's

First, there's a Jazz

Magazine has been graciously donated by the

Evening on Thursday 31 March, featuring a

well-known artist Mr Tan Khim Ser. It will be

displayed in the Foyer and members can now bid for it by sending their bids above $1,000 in a sealed envelope addressed to the Acting General Manager before 15 April 2005. The '■ -'nting will go to the top bidder and the money

'•■li be donated by the Club to a charity of the donor's choice. We thank Mr Tan, who conducts

art classes In the Club, for his generous donation.

car park which will be installed soon. In

conjunction with this change, new car labels are being issued now.

fascinating entertainer, Marina Xavier, one of

this region's most talented vocalists. This

This is a reminder that members are required to

furnish the Club with their lU (in-vehicle unit) serial number by 31 March, two weeks before

the new electronic system becomes active. The serial number can be found on the left side (see photo) of the lU next to the barcode.

pop/soul sensation created waves

massive al l


Southeast Asia with



English version of "Made in India". Her 1998

album gathered her a new legion of fans.

Russian Tour Last month we reported that a VIP tour to Russia

Her popularity in Singapore thrives on a wide

is being organised in mid-June and interested

scale, be it sensuous jazz or pop/soul. Combining

members may contact the general manager for

natural gifts of charm and rhythm, the sultry

more details. Since this is not a Club event, and

excitement of her voice stays with listeners long

we are being invited to join with other groups, it's best that interested persons contact the organisers

after the show has ended.

directly, namely Mrs Grazyna Paczesna or Mrs

Marina comes with her own four-piece band. It

Cheang at tel 6465 6478 or mobile 9837 5948.

comprises Mario Serio, an American pianist from New York City; Eddie Jansen, a superb bass

'Oxbridge' Club

player regularly featured at a local premier jazz

On pages 20-21 we feature another Interesting

club; Dr Hannes Hentze, a dmmmer who studied

tsunami Donations

in-depth story on one of our reciprocal clubs -

Subsequent to the announcement of donations

the Oxford & Cambridge Club in London - by Dr

drums with Billy Elgart in the 90s, and Shumei, a classical violinist who fused naturally into

to the tsunami relief fund and reported in the

February TCM, several more donations from members have been received. For the record,

the total amount sent by our Club to the Singapore Red Cross was $73,890 including $2,455 from our staff. Thank you all for showing that We Care.

contemporary jazz improvisation with ease. Come to the Churchill Room on 31 March and

enjoy a one-night performance of great jazz. Second, the Spanish Flamenco Evening on Friday

On 4 February a notice was sent to all members

8 April promises to be a great evening of flemenco dances and music. You may not have heard of the Singapore Flamenco Circle, but that's because it's a relatively new group. They are very talented,

advising about the new electronic parking system at the multi-storey car park and Sports Centre

and have recently performed to great acclaim at the Esplanade and the Old Parliament House

Electronic Parking


Main Reception 6737 6011 •

Human Resource Dept 67394 135 /166 •

Executive Office 6739 4102 •

Sports & Recreation Dept 67394 148 •

Accounts Dept 67394 134 / 136 •

Tennis & Squash Booking 6235 8482 / 6734 0707

F & B/Banquet Dept 67394 139/140 /176 •

Swimming Lessons 6737 0742 or 9276 5900

Membership Dept 87394 108 •

Head Of Food Services 6739 4140 •

Library 67394 127 • tclibrary@tanglin-c!

Executive Sous Chef 6739 4157 •^g


newsbHes is Funny Money, a

comedy by Ray Cooney,

BRISBANE a city on the go

at the Shangri-La in early May. Details will be In an ad in next month's TCM.

According to Cecilia, members will enjoy a discount of 5% on tickets.


We'd like to support her and hope she can bring

an appropriate show to the Churchill Room some


Our Advertisers which opened recently. More details on pages 5 and 6.

Finally, you will find a flyer or leaflet inserted with this issue of the TCM that is an invitation to dinner

Third, our very own Members' Talent Show is scheduled for Saturday 7 May. Members with various types of talent are coming forward nicely. There's a prominent member who even has a band of his own, some 3 or 4 musicians, so I'm

at a newly-completed condo In Tanjong Rhu. Advertisers are beginning to recognise that our

BOLD COASL millionaires' playground

Magazine Is an ideal vehicle to reach the up market. We appreciate the support of all our advertisers, and we hope you will support them too. Thank you all.

told, who will perform for you. And then, there's

also a group of enthusiastic ladles who will wow

KC Yuen

you with their belly dancing! It's going to be a

marvelcusly fun night. So better make your

bookings early, If you do not want to be left out!

Our'Dynamic Duo' For the benefit of new members who may not be familiar with some of our staff, there's a request to put names to faces. So here

they are. If you

Farewell We bid farewell to the following members converting to Permanent Absent Membership (PAM):

wish to perform

Mr Chew Teck Kim


Mr Reginald Chew



Mr Chia Yong Hee

Talent Show or

Mr & Mrs Thomas Frischmuth


Mr & Mrs D I T Hay




suggestions for

Mr & Mrs IshlzakI TetsujI


Dr & Mrs Eugene Sim

events, please

Miss Elizabeth Teh


Miss Sandra Wong


(left). If you're

Miss Elaine Wong

planning to

Mr & Mrs George Yates

Looking for a property in Australia's fastest

growing city? Or in S.E. Queensland? Let us help you. John Stratmann ( and Brian Hack ( together have 45 years' experience in Australian properties. Private one-on-one

discussions can be arranged at The Tanglin Club or at your office. Call 61 418739776.

have a party or wish to book a

function room, the person to see is Callista.

Wine Order Form Dinner Theatre Due to logistics, dinner theatre is a rarity In our Club these days. But we never give up. One of our active members, Cecilia Leong-Faulkner, is

Please be Informed the wine order form

which Is sent out with the Magazine every


month will be discontinued with immediate

Licensed Real

Brian Hack Consultant Commercial

Estate Agent


John Stratmann


the driving force behind the British Playhouse Theatre which regularly brings over excellent

theatre from the UK. Unfortunately they are held at leading hotels. The next one that's coming up

4 The Tanglin Club

City Property Partners Members can still order the wines but will

have to contact the F&B Office first.

your property partners in Brisbane

General Committee

Co-Opts Colin Gee

Michelle Chua Appointed Acting GM Members who use the Club regularly would have seen the notice posted on the bulletin board on 1 February 2005 that Ms Michelle Chua, our

Financial Controller and Admin Manager, has been appointed Acting General Manager with effect from that date, since the departure of Mr Brian Toft. This Is an interim arrangement while the Club seeks a new general manager.

The General Committee at its meeting on 26 January 2005 has co-opted Mr Colin Gee as a member of the GC and appointed him Convenor

of the Tenders & Purchasing Sub-Committee and Deputy Convenor of the Magazine & Website





He succeeds Or Kaizad Heerjee who has stepped down recently due to work responsibilities which

Spanish Flamenco E^iiihg^V;

require him to be away frequently from Singapore. Colin has been on the TPSC since June last

Friday 8 kgril



A British citizen, Colin Gee has been an active member of the Club since 1994, when he was

posted to Singapore from Frankfurt by Deutsche

They may not "look Spanish", but they are some

P^nk. He has held executive positions in banking

of the finest exponents of the flamenco style of dance and music currently In Singapore.

•^^ome 25 years, a good part of which was with Citibank In London, Amsterdam and Kuala

Lumpur, where his two sons were born.

Barely four years old, the Singapore Flamenco Circle is Singapore's best-kept dance secret. The

A graduate in natural and computer science from

Circle comprises a group of singers, dancers and

Cambridge University's Pembroke College, Colin and his wife Diane have three children who are

guitarists from both Singapore and the Japanese community, passionately pursuing the art of

ail studying In the UK.

flamenco. To date, they have attracted much attention for their performances at numerous private events.

Reminder On Usage Of Mobile Phones On Club Premises

The dancers are Kaoruko Shigemori, Tilly Ng and Kaz Wilson. Kaoruko was born In Sapporo, and started flamenco in Tokyo In 1999. She has studied

under flamenco



choreographer Antonio Vargas and Elvira Andres, • Mobile phones may not be used {Including receiving calls) In all air-condltloned areas of the Club, except the Changing Rooms by

the artistic director of the Ballet Naclonal de

the pooislde and the Sports Complex. • Ail mobile phones must be put on SILENT mode at ail times throughout the Club. • Members Inviting guests to the Club shall ensure that their guests do not contravene

Tilly started ballet at age 5, and has explored


other forms like jazz, modern ballet and tap. But she was captivated by flamenco dancing and now helps run a dance studio which Is the home

of the Singapore Flamenco Circle.

the HIsako Ato Flamenco Estudio In Kobe under

well-known dancers teachers Including Yamaqulto of Tokyo. She has studied with Spanish masters Joaquin Ruiz, Angel Torres and CIro of Madrid.

this Bye-law.

A native of Japan, Kaz Wilson studied mainly at

Continued on page 6 5


Jerry & The Neu Faces

Before moving to Singapore in 1999, she had performed extensively in Japan. She

is a co-founder of the Singapore Flamenco Circle.

The singer is Tokyo-born Satsuki Hattori who has appeared on TV and radio in Japan, and has toured Europe as well. Satsuki has

performed as soloist in a wide variety of works including classical, Broadway, opera,

jazz and bossanova at the Esplanade and the Old Parliament House. She has just

released a CD this year and is a much sought-after singer. The guitarists are Christopher Tan and Sani Mursalim.

Christopher played

There will be new faces in the Churchill Room from

March onwards.


and American Scott Tennant, a member of

guitar at the

the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet, to name a few. Sani has a Master of Music degree in

age of 16, and has


flamenco guitar since

guitar performance, and has played in many leading venues and on cruise ships.

1998. He has also

been guided by Vargas of

The programme includes items like Guitar Duo Pieces, Seviilanas, Tango de Malaga,

accompanying dancers

Rumba, Alegrias, Toma Due, Tientos and




on the flamenco guitar.


Sani Mursalim started playing the guitar at

To top it all off. Latino and Spanish music

a young age some 30 years ago. He has

will be played all night long for you to dance the night away.

studied with some of the great guitarists


Jerry & The Neu Faces might be new faces to us, but the band actually has been around the music

scene for some time now. Formed in the 1970s by Jerry Fernandez, who is the only original band member left, it has progressed from a hobby to a well-managed professional band. The Neu Faces will be playing a wide repertoire

including the Bee Gees, Rod Stewart, Beatles and even some ballroom dancing tunes for your enjoyment.

around the world, like Michael Strutt from

England & Canada, Pepe Romero from Spain & USA, Norbert Kraft from Canada

Flamenco photos taken by Roger & Miho Moore and Nicholas Lin.

Date : Friday 8 April • Time : 7.30 pm • Venue : Churchill Room

Prices : $58.00 (Member)& $70.00 (Guest).

So come and join us in the Churchill Room on Fridays and Saturdays from 9.00 pm onwards. Don't forget that there is delicious food and refreshing cocktails served in the Churchill Room every day of the week.

Prices inclusive of GST. Guests are welcome.

Booking opening dates: Tuesday 1 March (Members), Tuesday 8 March (Guests) Last day for canceilation: Friday 1 April

6 The Tanglin Club

The Entertainment Committee


9^â‚Źembe/rs GTtMient c$Aout Sotu/rdMMjy j at thj^ Chii/rciuil *tioom> Remember the 2 talent shows in November &

December 2003? By popular request, we're getting ready for morel! If you can sing, dance, act. play a musical instrument, or do anything entertaining,


^tVcunt y&MMS Please contact Valerie at 6739 4171 or email and let her know what you can do to make another fun night of great entertainment. We welcome your ideasi

Banquets & Functio 1

Jazz Evening With

Marina Xavier Wednesday 30 March In The Churchi ll Room A fascinating and exotic entertainer, Marina Xavier is arguably one of Southeast Asia's most talented vocalists. Marina was bom and blossomed in multiracial

Singapore. Combining natural gifts of charm and

rhythm, the sultry excitement of her voice stays with listeners long after the show has ended.

Success in and around Singapore was Just not enough. On arrival in Europe, it was the Paris Jazz and Pop Use your Club for business functions, seminars, dinners or a special occasion. Whatever the occasion, your Club offers excellence and value for money. Strategically located In the centre of Singapore's shopping district, it must no doubt be the most convenient location for you and your guests to turn to, even a limited number of car park lots are available for your selected function. The Club's three function rooms are truly great venues to host your Important business or social events a home away from home.

The Churchill Room can also be reserved for breakfast talks or morning seminars during the week - making it an incredible and unforgettable location for you and your business clients. Combining modern amenities and a decor that evokes the

grace and charm of the past, including offering the attention to detail, refined dining and service of the highest standard - the Club welcomes your every request.

scene that kept her busy.

Her popularity in Singapore thrives on a wide scale, t>e it sensuous Jazz or Pop-Soul. Catch her right now with her own international band, showcasing the exciting hits and forthcoming tracks, in a pulsating and memorable musical experience.

Marina has just launched an exciting new album in Asia. "I Thought About You" once again boasts a glittering line up offine musicians and will find its place in the exciting league of international Jazz.

Please contact our Banquet & Sales Manager, Callista Wong for any enquires you

Wednesday 30 March at 7.30 pm in the Churchill Room. Prices:$48.00(Member)& $62.00(Guest).

might have regarding the many opportunities your Club has to offer. Callista is

Prices inclusive of GST. Guests are welcome. Pub

located at the F&B office or can be contacted at 6739 4176 or

Grub Buffet will be served. Bookings now open. Last day for cancellatlon: Wednesday 23 March

email 7


Champagne Brunch Sunday 20 March

Classic And Gourmet Pizzas Of The Month If you haven't tried these unique thin-crusted Sicilian-style wood-fired gourmet pizzas from the Tavern yet ~ it's about time! Prepared from the open kitchen by Chef Benny

and his Tavern team. Why not sample these innovative and classic pizzas with family and friends during the month of March. Classic Pizza - $9.20 per pizza Mexican Chicken, Saut6ed Peppers, Onion,

Jalepeno and melted Mozzarella Cheese. Gourmet Pizza • $14.00 per pizza Braised Oxtail, Button Mushroom, Spanish Onion,

Napolitana Sauce and Mozzarella Cheese.

Enjoy our delicious food,free flow of French Champagne, whilst chilling out to the tunes of laid back soft Jazz music. What better

way to enjoy the Sunday Blues? Make sure you don't miss out on this opportunity for a truly relaxing Brunch! Children of all ages are also welcome.




Bring along the whole family and your friends, and join us to celebrate this Easter

with a great variety of sumptuous dishes from our Easter Buffet.

Besides the food, a fun entertainment

programme with great prizes has been arranged for the everyone to enjoy. So come along and meet the Easter bunny. Churchill Room from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm $47.25 (Adult with Champagne),

$31.50 (Adult without Champagne)&

Churchill Room from 11.00 am to 2.30

$15.75 (Child below 12 years).

pm. Buffet brunch will be served. Prices:

All prices Inclusive of GST.

$36.75 (Member), $15.75 (Child) &

Dress Code: Club Standard.

$48.00 (Guest). All prices inclusive of

Guests are welcome. Bookings now open. Last day for cancellation: Thursday 17 March.

cancellation: Monday 21 March.

Cheesecake Of The Month Pastry Chef Dave and his team have created what is considered to be an American cult item

GST. Bookings now open. Last day for

Churchill Room Closures During the month of March, the Churchill Room will be closed on Saturday 12, Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 for private functions.

- the cheesecake! If it happens to be your favourite

treat, you will love this month's creative and

For latest updates, please log on to

mouth-watering Raspberry Cheesecake. Available

in all F&B outlets $3.50 per piece or $25.50 per two-pound cake.

8 The Tanglin Club


High Tea Buffet ^

Italian Flod & Wine Promotion

^ In The Churchill Room

In Tie Churchill Room

Starting Saturday 26 March

Commencing Fwm Monday 14 To Saturday 26 March. Italians love to eat and prepare food with care and affection. Good quality and seasonal produce is regarded essential to bring out the best in

Ingredients and flavours from this marvellous cuisine.

Look out for the new High Tea aftemoons in The Churchill Room chefs will be

the Churchill Room. Our F&B Department always pride themselves with new ideas and

featuring two weeks of home-cooking as well as more refined Italian recipes -for your enjoyment, including superb

the policy of good value for money. Starting on Saturday 26 March and thereafter every

regional wines for that perfect combination.

Saturday, this should be the place to wind down after a busy week.

An appetiser or Antipasto table will be

So now there is no need to go to expensive

offered as a starter for both Lunch and

Dinner, whilst a selected Ala Carte

hotels when all the options are right here at your doorstep. What better way to enjoy the

menu will be available alongside for additional gourmet choices.

start of the weekend than at

your very own Club. Saturdays from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. Price: $18.90 per person.

Please visit Churchill Room

for more information.

Price inclusive of GST.

Swiss Butchery Meat & Sausage Specialist fttioil, W^oitsale & Home Oellvery


The Best Butchery in Town •The best home-made sausages •Grill specialities, ready marinated • Pan-ready meats • Good selection of Swiss cheeses and pasta • Australian beef, lamb, pork, milk-fed veal and free-range veal Assorted specialty salads•Sashimi of salmon•House smoked salmon •Assorted Japanese sushi•Authentic Thai dishes• North Indian

specialties • Tanglin local specials• Assorted international dishes•

Swiss Butchery 30/3} Greenwood Avenue


30/32 Greenwood Avenue • Singapore 289230 Tel:(65) 61,68 7588• Fa*; (65)6468 797!

Crepe suzette with ice-cream • Doner kebabs• And for the kids, their very own buffet.

Opening hours Mon • FrI: 1000 -1900 h


From 12 noon to 3.00 pm. Prices: $20.90 (Adult members & guests), $10.40 (Child below 12 years).

Sat; 1000 • 1800 h

Sun & public holidays: closed Prmwy Siftoepore


From 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm. Prices : $22.60 (Adult members & guests), $11.25 (Child below 12 years). No charge for children under 3 years. Prices inclusive of GST.

Tef«commun*u6em Acadetrn


easy & free parking major credit cards accepted 9

fromthecellar Premium Wines of the Month Red Wines












(NEW ZEALAND) Light straw in colour with a greenish rim, the nose shows peach and

Light straw yellow with a tinge of


Deep red in colour, this wine is

fonward, elegant and stylish. It is flavours. The finish is smooth with

endowed with deep, rich and plumy

hints of

green in colour. It has a nice

grapefruit. This refined Chardonnay is rich and creamy on the palate, with lifted fruit and a long, yet crisp

bouquet of gooseberry, passionfruit and other tropical fruits. Crisp and

red fruit flavours, combines mediumbodied soft tannins, cedar-scented

fruity with a touch of lingering

ripe cherry notes and a long, smooth


flavoursome finish.

richness on the palate.




aromas with

A wonderful inviting display of aromas like raspberry, strawberry jam and vanilla. Its simple, up-front

$8.90 $49.20

/Glass I Bottle


$9.50 $52.50

I Glass I Bottle


$7.70 $42.50

/Glass I Bottle

gentle tannins. A typical example James



$9.50 $52.50


I Glass I Bottle



Stone Cellars


BERINGER Caevlrnci Sauvicnon

200 I

■;-=s wi'S



Home Delivery Service

Minimum order of 1 carton (1 carton = 12 bottles) • Members who wish to order, please contact the F&B Office at 6739 4139/4140 for an order form • All wines are subject to availability • Please mail or fax your order to The Tanglin Club {Fax; 6736 1160) • A minimum of 48 hours advance notice is required for home delivery • Your membership account will be debited once delivery is completed • All prices inclusive of GST

our talented nr staff and enjoy one of their r»eshing cocktails

or non-alcohclc beverages of the month

Do yoJ have o

fovoujpe cocktail recipa^ou wish to

s|jlBro'with us?

Ifi^^do^^e F&B Dept would be denoted to feature your




Jameson Whisky, apple juice and lime juice.

Tequila gold, Cointreau^ apple juice, lemon squash and ginger ale.

Lychee syrup, mango juice, orange juice, lime squash and lychee fruit. Non-alcoholic.






The Tanglin Club

specialSrink for our Cocktails nf the Month.

ContacShe F&B Dept at 6739

4139 or\iiail your recipes to


ffcsffan Per Wine

Wine Section Presents

French Bordeaux Tostin

With Mr Alex Cox

Sauvignon Blanc

New Zealand set the wortd alight when it started producing quality Sauvignon Blanc back in the late 80s, and for those members who had the pleasure of attending the Alana Estate Wine Dinner in

frHursddy IQ March Iri Tliie Raffles Roo.|n Gin Wine Director Mr Alex Cox and the Wine Section,for,what

February, know exactly what this delightful grape is able to produce.

The identity and the benchmark of the New World Sauvignon Blanc no doubt came from Marlborough, which today still continues to be the frontier with Impressive white wines, although new areas are

promises to be an outstanding evening of classic Bordeaux sampling. Mr Cox, the Director of UK-based wine merchant Farthinghoe Fine Wines founded by his father Mr Simon Cox(MW) in 1975, will be


talking about the different characteristics of the various Bordeaux communes.

making their mark on the international wine scene. Originally the NZ style was very "green" but with the change in winemaking and experimental development, the Sauvignon Blanc has gone through

An excellent selection of wines will be offered - seven varietais

including Ch. Montose, Sl-Est6phe, Ch. Rauzan-S6gla, Margauxand

a spectrum of flavours over the past decade. The main reason for

Ch. La Tour Figeac, St-Emilion. As usual a light supper, including

this change is mainly due to the opening of the canopy, which allows more sun on the grapes and in return brings out the tropical notes like passion fruit, lime, pineapple or pink grapefruit when fully ripe.

country pates and excellent French cheeses will be served. Enjoy an evening of educational wine talk, superb French wines and Bordeaux country cuisine.

It isn't only in New Zealand that recognition is given to this racy, crisp, full-on fruit grape variety. Chile and South Africa are emerging as serious players on the world market. Chile has steadily undergone

Date: Thursday 10 March • Venue: Raffles Room • Time: 7.15 pm,

tasting at 7.30 pm sharp • Prices: $98.00 (Wine Section Member) & 3118.00(Guest)• Bookings open now

a quiet revolution characterised by innovative techniques in areas of improved vine material and the broader spectrum of knowledge.

Last day for cancellation: Monday 7 March.

Chile's increased confidence in its wines has proven successful,

on top delivering excellent value for money. The main area of harvesting Sauvignon Blanc is in the Casablanca Valley where the climate is cool and delivers elegance and quality, with names like Casa Lapostolle, Villard Estate and Errazuriz being the top producers.

The only major stumbling block and embarrassment during their quest for successes were the varietal mix-up between the Sauvignon Blanc that wasn't Sauvignon Blanc but


in fact a grape called Sauvignonasse. These Incidents ■

New Nitro Tap E New Nitro Tap improves wine I lovers' choice in the Club. Good I

are no longer front page news, as.ijnost new vineyards ' -

news for lovers of wine, the wine n

have planted pure Sauvignon Blanc, with ongoing gr^

dispenser is now fully operational :

and boasts a great variety of wines


from around the world, 20 in total.

South Africa has also proven everyone wrong by moving

With the help of the Wine Section

plantations from hot inland areas to cooler coastal places

Committee the first selection of

like Darling and Durbanville to the west, Elim and Elgin

wines is now available and can be

ordered in all F&B outlets for your enjoyment. Look out for new

along the East Coast.

South African Sauvignons tend to differ in style, with its approachable, ripe exotic fruit and green citrus approach. Normally drunk young, few carry the weight and structure to merit aging and vineyards like

exciting wines, which will be displayed on a regular basis.

Mulderbosch, Nitida and Steenberg produce terrific examples, where wines after five to six years still show complexity and freshness.


Whatever might be the preference of origin, the Sauvignon Blanc is here to

stay. Chardonnay move over (a bit) and let the intense, green-gooseberry flavours, tropical complexity and aromatic spectrum set your world alight.

Carsten Kjeldnjianp

Wine Section's Calendar Of Events For 2005 6 April - Burgundy And French County Cuisine June 24 - Wine Blending With Judi Cullam, Frankiand Estate July •Spanish Wines And Tapas

September - Italian Winemaking November - Margaret River Wine Tour December - New Year Wine Gala Dinner

Please look out for additional information on the listed events in

the forthcoming Club magazines.^g


March Ladies Luncheon

Easter Parade Thursday 17 March at the Churchill Room odL£^ dba^


,S5C<2Jt^/k^ -PoLn^K^^ l1aL«

An afternoon of elegance and sophistication,

capturing the tea parades of bygone times... Ladies, grab this opportunity to come dressed in your pretty clothes and bonnets and assemble in the Churchill Room to be a part of the Club's

own version of the Easter Parade. Enjoy

sumptuous festive fare, be entertained by our resident pianist. Paul Gostelow, and be mesmerised by a fashion show featuring exquisite

accessories by B BOUTIQUE and Lesii Berggren



. ..

r r.^ i




Date: Thursday 17 March • Time: 12 noon ♦ Venue: Churchill Room

Prices: $24.85(Member)& $28.60 (Guest). Prices inclusive of GST. Guests are welcome. Last day for cancellation: Thursday 10 March

12 The Tanglin Club



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ladiesevenls puts it "every patient is unique, and the challenge

April Ladies Luncheon

is to perform the minimum to achieve the optimum result, it has been most rewarding to see not just a physical change but a blossoming of some patients with renewed self-confidence".

Modern Beauty Without Surgery Thursday 21 April In The Churchill Room A 'tell-all' beauty enhancement workshop that shares the secret of

A keen outdoor sportsman, Dr Ben is acutely aware of the tendency to' throw caution to the

Dr Benjamin Yim, or Dr Ben as he is fondly known, began his aesthetic practice in 2000 performing the Obaji Blue peeis. He has since

wind' when it comes to the necessary precaution to take to protect your skin. He thus conducts

enhancing one's beauty

expanded his practice to offer patients aesthetic

talks and interactive workshops to educate men

without having to go

and women alike on end-to-end skin care and

face-lift to take off the

solutions such as photo-rejuvenation using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), IPL hair remover, body contouring with a combination of treatments such as endermologie, ultrasonoiipolysis and injection lipoiysis/iipodissoiution, facial contouring

years or removal of

which includes botox which also treats wrinkles

under the knife. Be It

contouring of the face, or body, a non-surgical

the aesthetic solutions offered by medical science

that can address some already damaging signs. it is no doubt that Or Ben loves his work; his

pigmentation or acne scars: aesthetic medicine

and the latest in aesthetic medicine, thermage,

detailed, yet casual approach puts every patient at ease. Many of his patients today look upa'^

has the answer that has no wound, no recovery

a non-surgical facelift. He also conducts monthly

him as their personal beauty counsellor'


training workshops for doctors on the injection of skin fillers.

Dr Benjamin Yim comes from a famiiy of doctors.

Date: Thursday 21 April • Time: 12 noon

While Dr Ben is an advocate of inner beauty, he

Venue : Churchill Room

is also a realist and believes that first impressions

Prices; $23.10(Member)& $27.30(Guest). Prices inclusive of GST. Guests are welcome.

Master of Science degree in Clinicai Dermatoiogy

count in this very material world. His simple philosophy is thus to enhance the beauty that is

from the University of London in 1999. He is a

already there through simple procedures. As the

member of the Dermatologicai Society of Singapore and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology(USA).

practical young man, he is grateful that he is able to practice his philosophy and bring about changes in the lives of his patients. As Dr Ben

With a MBBS from Monash University Meiboume, he went on to attain his Diploma in Dermatoiogy from the University of Waies in 1998 and a

Booking opening dates: Tuesday 1 March (Member), Tuesday 8 March (Guest) Last day for cancellation; Thursday 14 April

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newTiembers Introduction Evening 7 February 2005 We extend a warm welcome to the

following new Members: Dr Andre Cheah Eu Jin

Mr Cheung Yew Tak Ms Jaime Koh Ll-Ching Dr & Mrs Stephen LIm Thuan Klang Ms Vanessa Marie Llok & Mr Henry The Mr & Mrs Aaron Loh Hong Oon Ms Resham M Melwani

Ms Ng Li-Yen & Mr Perry LIm Ms Sandra Ng Ngah Len Mr & Mrs Carmelo Pistorio Mr Avinash Sarwal

Ms Soong l-Ping & Mr Simon David Griffin Mr Andrew Tan Keong Keen Mr & Mrs Tan Chor Leng

Ms Amy Tan Kheng Im Mr Leonard Tan Tse Liang Mr & Mrs Paul John Willows

Mr & Mrs Kenneth Yeoh Wei Ming Mr & Mrs John Brian Grosvenor(Term Members)

Mr & Mrs Jeremy Hayley Bell (Term Members) Mr & Mrs Patrick William Kinsella (Term Members)

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Associate Members:

Mrs Joan Aileen Hilbome (spouse of Mr Kenneth Hilborne) Ms Eleanor Lam Su-May(spouse of Dr Lee Cheng Kiang) Dr Chua Wei Han (spouse of Dr Lee Shu Yen) Mr Robert Gilby (spouse of Ms Jeanette Ling) Ms Kan Shuk Weng (spouse of Mr Tai Wei Shyong)


Ms Jaime Koh Li-Ching.

2 3

Ms Soong i-Ping & Mr Simon David Griffin. Mr Andrew Tan Keong Keen with proposer Mr Augustus Tan.


Mr & Mrs Paul John Willows.


Ms Amy Tan Kheng Im.


Ms Resham M Melwani and GC member Mr Robert Wiener.


Mr Avinash Sarwal with seconder Mr Uttam Kripalani.

8 9

Ms Eleanor Lam Su-May and Ms Vanessa Marie Liok. Ms Jeanette Ling and Mr Robert Gilby.

10 Term members Mr & Mrs Jeremy Hayley Bell. 11 Term members Mr & Mrs John Brian Grosvenor.

12 Mr & Mrs Kenneth Yeoh Wei Ming.

16 The Tanglin Club



calendar events




TENNtS Bring-A-Guest Nighl


(Tennis Courts)

6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)





6.00 pm (Raffles Room) SQUASH Annual Championship • till 2 April (Squash Courts) TENNIS Annual Championship•

6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

WINE SECTION EVEKT' ^ ^ French Bordeaux Tasting Wlttl Alisx Cw 7.15 pm (Raffles Room)

Mixed Doubles, till 13 March

(Tennis Courts) BILLIARDS John Wilkins Handicap • till 26 March (Billiards Room)



Till 26 March (Churchill Room)

6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

BILLIARDS Section Fund Night (Billiards Room) ^HE LADIES LUNCHEON Easter Parade

12 noon (Churchill Room)



6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)





Wines Of The Month Tasting And Selection 6.30 pm (Raffles Room)


6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

BALUT Monthly competition (Cards Room)

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)

ikiw mon

Q. O



Spanish Flamenco Evening

Members' Talent Show

Friday 8 April 7.30 pm

Soturdoy 7 Moy

in The Churchill Room

In The Churchill Room


6.00 pm (Raffles Room)

18 The Tanglin Club

TENNIS Bring-A-Guest Night (Tennis Courts)


6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)



10.00 am (Draycotl Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Polar Express• G (Theatrette) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Polar Express - G (Theatrette) AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET (The Tavern) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)


SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) "'"12i SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse)

SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room)

MOVIE Polar Express - G (Theatrette)



HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)



10.00 am (Draycotl Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wneelhouse) MOVIE De-Lovely - PG (Ttieatrette) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm {Fov=' Lounge)


10.00 am (Draycotl Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Ladder 49 - PG (Theatrette) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) GOLF Match vs British Club (RIa Blntan)

• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE De-Lovely • PG (Theatrette) • AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET(The Tavern) • HIGH TEA 3-00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) Churchill Room will be closed (or a private function.

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE De-Lovely - PG (Theatrette) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) INCRED1BLEZ; The Kidnap Of Baby Jack 9.00 am to 1.00 pm (Draycotl Room)



• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Ladder 49 - PG (Theatrette)

• CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room) • SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) • SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) • MOVIE Ladder 49 - PG (Theatrette) • HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)

• AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET ghe Tavern) • HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) • PARSI FOOD BUFFET(Wheelhouse)

Churchill Rocm will be closed for a private function

Churchill Room wjII be closed lor a private function.



10.00 am (Draycotl Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Alexander- M18(Theatrette) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)

26 CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Alexander - Ml8(Theatrette) AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET ghe Tavern) HIGH TEA BUFFET 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm (Churchill Room)

27 Easter Sunday FAMILY EASTER BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) MOVIE Alexander - M18(Theatrette) HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) CHILDREN'S CARNIVAL 11.00 am (Theatrette)

{ILII te iS


10.00 am (Draycotl Room) • CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Birth - M18(Theatrette) • HIGH TEA 3,00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)


10.00 am (Draycotl Room) • CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE After The Sunset - PG gheatrette) • HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) • SPANISH FLAMENCO EVENING






• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6 00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Birth - M18 (Theatrette) • AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET (The Tavern)

• SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) • SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) • SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) • MOVIE Birth.M18(Theatrette) • HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge)


• HIGH TEA BUFFET 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm (Churchill Room)



• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9,00 am & 12.45 pm

• SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room)

• HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6 00 pm (Wheelhouse)

• SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH l2 noon (Wheelhouse)

• MOVIE After The Sunset - PG (Theatrette) • AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET (The Tavem)

• SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) • MOVIE After The Sunset• PG (Theatrette) • HIGH TEA 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm (Foyer Lounge) • TENNIS Children's Team Tennis (Tennis Courts)

Churchill Room will be closed for a private function.

Churchill Room will be dosed for a private function.

7.30 pm (Churchill Room) 19


The Greyhound coach painted in the olivegreen "blue" of Cambridge University sped down Pail Mall, Central London, in the depths of winter. Headlamps of passing vehicles and dusty street lamps struggled to lift the semidarkness that wrapped the "gentlemen's clubs" along one side of the Mall in a uniform gloom, while on the opposite side of the Mall, flashing

severity of surrounding buildings. That facade had stood virtually unchanged since Its purpose-built design in 1836 by Robert Smirke,

guestrooms) in a superb location. Situated in the heart of London's entertainment area,

the architect of the British Museum and other

still offers a rare opportunity to combine a

known as the "West End", the Oxbridge Club

public Institutions

whose influence may be seen in the equally imposing "colonial

bulbs In the distance from London's Chinatown


cast momentary patterns on the windows of the passing Greyhound coach.

Singapore's old Supreme Court. The


facade housed the

Abruptly, the artificial light show became overwhelmed by the natural orange-glow from multiple, oversized torch-fires. Those torchflames now revealed a palatial facade towards the very end of the Mall as the copycat homes of gentlemen's clubs gave way to the home of the future King of England. The Greyhound coach seemed drawn towards the centrepiece of that facade - its main entrance,framed by Doric columns and decorated by two distinctive standards. From a distance, the grandeur of the warmly-lit facade stood out from the grey

Oxford and Cambridge Club,



passengers who now

alighted from the Greyhound coach were Cambridge students.

I was a passenger on that coach In 1980, and it was my first acquaintance with the London club that is

widely known as the "Oxbridge Club". On that first visit, two particular impressions of the Club stuck in my mind. First, our group of students dined among Club members of diverse ages and backgrounds. Some members seemed barely older than students, and the youthfulness of membership seemed well reflected in the Club's long programme of discussion evenings and leisure activities. Unlike other "gentlemen's clubs", there were U.K. and non-U.K. members from many different professions: some were dining after

a day's work, a few were on holiday, but all


at Covent Garden


Remarkably, all this was achievable before lunch (in Chinatown?). Further, after recovering from the morning's excesses, the indulgent guest of the Oxbridge Club might choose to continue indulging himself by stepping outside his door and into

attraction of the Club seemed to be that it

any number of theatres on The Strand or Piccadilly, finally ending his all-in-one-day tour of London with a walk home to the Club through the open spaces of Green Park and the home

offered high-quality accommodation (forty-five

of Princess Di in the near distance.

enthused about the Club as a "second home"

in the heart of London. Indeed, the principal

20 The Tanglin Club

viewing of Raphael and Van Gogh (at the National Gallery) with shopping for "essential" items such as children's toys (at Hamley's), a stroll around The Queen's chambers (at Buckingham Palace), and "spotting" for live

- even the internet screens are Room with a ^ew.

wood-framed, and it feels ideally secluded for visitors to spend a little time to themselves: there is a self-contained kitchenette,

and yet another bar area with

London clubs to offer full service on weekends,

myself collapsing into a snugly-

and it stays open virtually throughout the year.

fitting armchair. The design of

The personal service "on call" accords with

the chair itself offered welcome relief from the traditional

recollections of my own Cambridge experience in which teenage students were spoilt rotten

gentlemen's "smoking chairs" in

with "porters" and "bedders"(chambermaids)

smelly leather that Asian visitors

to replicate home comforts. Tanglin Club visitors to the Oxbridge Club would only stand to benefit from being spoilt rotten in the best traditions of Oxbridge life.

physiques always find it problematic to know just which part of the

ir this article. A committee member dined

•^ith me and guided me around the premises. The subsequent diaiogue with the member as we dined and then walked about the Giub

allowed me to revisit my original impressions. Setting new and old impressions side by side, it seemed clear that while several aspects of the Oxbridge Club had not changed, many other things had changed, some dramatically. Above all, what remained constant was the

Club's Georgian facade that still distinguished the Club from its neighbours; and the Imposing design extended to the Club's interiors. Visitors entering the clubhouse emerge at the foot of a long flight of marble steps as wide as the driveway of a typical home in Singapore's Queen Aslrid Park. At the top of that staircase is the first floor F&B area which opens to the left and right. Ahead of the visitor are further flights of marble stairs leading to the top floor, ••'hich houses the Club's libraries and the

.^lorning Room", where musical and other performances take place. The Club has a

The "Oxbridge experience" may seem intransigent, but there are advantages. For instance, the Oxbridge Club is one of very few

broadband terminals. I found

with our generally more modest

A quarter of a century after my first visit to the Oxbridge Club, i made a second visit to prepare

hand for the visitor, including full service. All this distinguishes us from a hotel".

chair to sit in.

To be sure, there are certain parts of the Club that may appear less attractive to non-Oxbridge visitors. In a more sober social context of our

times, non-members may find some of the Club's architecture too daunting, indeed, dining in the vaulted space of the Coffee Room which is the Club's principal restaurant - may remind the Singapore visitor of an appearance before wigged lawyers in the old Supreme Court: diners are obliged to write their own orders - and their own names on orders (it

never occurs to a gentleman to write a false

Further, the traditional Oxbridge experience might be balanced against significant changes in the Club's "atmosphere". One noteworthy change for more informal Asian visitors is in the relaxation of Club rules in respect of dress and in the abolition of exclusive "members'

areas". Visitors may use any of the Club's facilities, and I was told that children are now

allowed in the Club at weekends, although visitors should ask the Club Secretary precisely when and where their children may go. These and other changes have promoted the Club's facilities to a wider membership:

name, even when drunk), and payment by credit attracts a surcharge, just as payment

by credit for a speeding fine might also attract a surcharge.

"The atmosphere is unique in that it is very open and relaxed. We have long had members from around the world, and our members -

men, women, graduate students - are all full Yet the unusual dining experience may be set against another aspect of the Oxbridge Club that has stood through time: the comfortable, warm guestrooms. As impressive now in my second tour of the Club as it had been in my

first visit were the many guestrooms with jawdropping views across the most important

members. Dress on weekends is now casual

throughout the Club, and on weekdays, it's casual before 11am".

It seemed appropriate that my second tour of the Club should end with a walk through the sports area of the Club which men and women

scholarly setting - as one might expect of a university club - and this is suggested by the Club's extensive library areas - not one but

landmarks in Central London - St James's

now enjoy equally. This area is housed below

Park, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben.

ground level, and contains two squash courts

These were rooms with a seamless view of

three libraries, including a "Silent Room".

London landmarks that gave the impression of a conjoined series of picture postcards, i was told that ail guestrooms had ensuite bathrooms, and that guestrooms had been regularly refurbished.

(obviously named Oxford and Cambridge), a billiards room with full-sized table, and changing

Books, many written by Club members, line shelves and wails in and around the libraries:

the Club owns over 20,000 volumes, and other

books may be borrowed from the London Library. Wandering along the top floor of the clubhouse, I found the wails of books particularly useful to mark a trail to the guestrooms and an

"extended area" offurther reception and private dining rooms. The main lift to the guestrooms stands where the rows of books may (thankfully) advance no further, and the extended area opens out a few paces past the lifts. The extended area in fact comprises


The combination of a contemporary, relaxed approach to social rules within the traditionally warm setting of an Oxbridge common room

The warmth of the accommodation combined well with the attentiveness of staff members

who served me in and around the premises.

The quality of service I experienced might be considered "normal" in Singapore, but this was London, where "self-service" first became

known. My chaperon for the day described

encapsulates the particular experience of the Oxbridge Club today. It is an honest and familiar experience that both students in 1980 and Singapore visitors in 2005 might choose when they travel to London in preference to an otherwise impersonal world of "global" hospitality.

the essential nature of what he termed the

"Oxbridge experience":

Dr Wilson Ng

the interior of an adjoining townhouse, also

"This is a members' Club that attracts visitors

Dr Wilson Ng is a member of The Tanglin Club

leased from the Crown, that once served as

for quiet repose. The Club's warm and familiar environment replicates the experience of an Oxbridge common room. Much of the warmth is down to the fact that we have everything to

and lives in London. UK.

a "ladies-only" section before the advent of full membership for women. This area is warm and cosy, with soft fabrics and soothing colours 21

miscellany Need to get away from the stress of the city? Looking for a private retreat in the unspoilt beauty of Baii's

Hong Boo Tennis Tournament

Sunday 20 February


Maybe we have exactly what you need!

Mini-Ads For Members Do you have something to advertise? Why not do it with our mini-ads! The rates are

attractive. What's more, during the next three months, we'll give you a $50 cash voucher

for every $200 mini-ad, redeemable at any CYC Custom Shop.

This service is for members who may have

a car for sale, a house for rent, or just to offer specialised services like piano / guitar lessons or executive coaching.

Mini-ad sizes and rates per insertion are: TYPEA:6x4.5 cm


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- $200

TYPE C: 12x4.5 cm


All rates Inclusive of GST.

Deadline for booking and text for the ad is

the 18th of every month. For more details, please contact Nazrin at 6739 4172 or email

Wow what a fantastic turnout! With over 50

decked out in RED and the second was the

enthusiasts signing up we were well over subscribed, but leave it to good'ole Danny to

amongst us - Nan, Albert, Roland and Alan.

honour to have four members of the GC

come up with the playing arrangements so

Hey something must be going good for us

that everyone played two rounds. Two teams

tennis folks or is it because they wanted an

of roughly equal strength all Mixed Doubles

Hong Bao as well from this first ever Hong Bao event?? As a fitting rounding-off the day's

(some with men playing as ladies -we shall not tell who) played and of course the better team won! Two remarkable things to note

â– "ooh, so hairy!", "No, Mark's calves are thinner", "this is easy, Vikram right?!"... NC16. Raj you did a good job with the photos, because you did not have to watch out for ^e underaged this time going into the cinema, hah!

event. Raffles Room was pretty noisy that

about this event. The first being almost

evening, starting with the /or he;and then the absolute highlight of the games. Five

everyone followed instructions and came

blindfolded ladies got pretty wild guessing

22 The Tanglin Club

which legs belonged to which five men - their only means - touch! Some of their expressions

Norman Lee


^C&ildi'eii'^ Cariii\al Sailday 27 Marc^ Iii T&e Ciiiema The many talented children in the Club will be putting on a Carnival / Concert Performance to showcase their talent In their chosen field on Sunday 27 March 2005. The Carnival will be held at the Club's Cinema on the above date from 11am onwards. At the end of the Carnival, an Easter Egg Hunt will be organised in conjunction with the Easter Weekend. Programme:

Ballet Dance Performance • Hip Hop Dance Routine • Tae Kwon Do Martial Arts Demonstration Easter Egg Hunt - Prizes will be given to children with the biggest bounty

All members are welcome to turn up for this event. To register your attendance, please call the Sports & Recreation Department at 6739 4128. Registration fee of $5.00 per person Includes light refreshments. Closing date for registration: "Thursday 17 March at 12 noon.

Taa Kiuon Do for CWV)f«n '

Every Saturday 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm In The Mult! Purpose Hall

Tho KWnaP 0« Sunday 13 March * Draycott Room * 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

Learn this ancient martial art form of

Korean origin from qualified instructors here at the Club.

For more information please call the

Evil Syndrom has kidnapped Baby Jack! Unfortunately, the Incrediblez family is unable to use their powers to rescue Baby Jack because the enemy has invented a Power Loss Generator on his Island. The Incrediblez family can only use their IQ and wits to outsmart, outwit and outthink their enemy in order to rescue their baby.

Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4128 / 4148 or call the Instructor Patrick Tan

at 9386 8690. Fees: $52.50 / month

Will our superheroes be able to save the day again and stop Evil Syndrom? Come and learn more. Examples of activities include:

• Robo Serpent - Electromagnetism • Flying Leaves - Levitatlon Physics

Objectives: • Hands-on learning and experimentation

• Promote team-building

• Design-Your-Own Incrediblez Mask

• Fun and creative games

• Dancing Bottle - Learn About Forces Ancient Flying Machine: Air Pressure Brainy Codes - Who Is The Brainiest Kid

• Brain games

To Unravel The Codes?

Come and join in this rescue mission now! Use your wits to help save Baby Jack. Date: Sunday 13 March • Venue: Draycott Room • Time: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm Age Group: 7 to 12 years old • Fee: $60.00 per participant. Inclusive of GST.

To register, please call the Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4128/4148 or email to Registrations close on Monday 7 March.$g 23

library New Books

Any Place I Hang My Hat

Witch Hunt

Susan Isaacs

Jack Harvey

War Trash

One False Move


Ha Jin

Alex Kava

The Last Kingdom


Old Boys Charles McCarry Deep Black Andy McNab

Bernard Cornwall

Whit Johnston

The Shadows Of


Top 10 Popular Titles A six-month survey of the books acquired in September 2004 showed that the following titles were most frequently borrowed by members.

Christmas Past

Uzma Aslam Khan

Christine Feehan and

The Covenant

Susan Sizemore

Falling Awake Jayne Ann Krentz

Cheat And Charmer

Touching Earth

A Good Year

Plan Of Attack

The Madman's Tale

Naomi Ragen

Elizabeth Frank

Rani Manicka

Chasing The Dragon Domenic Stansberry

The Jane Austen

The Girl Who

Honored Guest

Book Club

Married A Lion

Joy Williams

Karen Joy Fowler The Sculptors

Alexander McCaii Smith

Suzanne Glass

Preethi Nair

Loot And Other Stories

Wilt In Nowhere

Nadine Gordimer

Tom Sharpe

Beyond Indigo

The Electric

To Live


Yu Hua

Sarah Hail

Firesong Joseph Hone

Pater Mayle Dale Brown John Katzenbach

Non Fiction

At Risk

In Search Of A

Stella Rimington

Beginning: My Life With Graham Greene

Non Fiction

Yvonne Cioetta

• The Purpose Driven Life

Ken Horn's Top 100

Richard Warren

• So Many Enemies, So Little Time:


Ken Horn

The Hidden Man

The History Of Torture

Charles Cumming Saucer The Conquest

Daniel P. Mannix

An American Woman in All

The Wrong Places Elinor Burkett


• Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step By Step

Stephen Coonts The Hijack

Riviera; The Rise And

Duncan Falconer

Rise Of The Cote D'azur

Michael Palin

Blood Storm

Jim Ring

Colin Forbes

He's Just Not

Dark Voyage

That Into You

Alan Furst

Greg Behrendt and

The Broker

Liz Tucclilo

Edward De Bono •

Buddhism For Dummies

Who Runs This Place?

Jonathan Landaw

The Anatomy Of Britain In The 21st Century Anthony Sampson

John Grisham

For Libraries Library 10.00 am - 7.00 pm 10.00 am - 5.00 pm 10.00 am - 3.00 pm

Closed on public holidays.

Junior Library Monday to Friday

3.00 pm - 6.00 pm


10.00 am -12.30 pm & 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm


David Moreii

Stir-Fry Recipes

Opening Hours Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday

Fiction • Nightscape

10.00 am - 3.00 pm

Closed on public holidays.

Internet Access in The Library Operation Hours Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday

10.00 am to 6.30 pm 10.00 am to 4.30 pm 10.00 am to 2.30 pm

Public Holidays


Rules & Regulations • Please register at the Library counter before using. • Children under the age of 16 are not allowed to use the internet access stations. • Each member Is entitled to surf the Internet on a half-hourly basis. • Members using the Internet at these stations Nw must abide by the Singapore Law on the acceptable use of the internet. Library


staff will check the sites visited regularly. • Users are not allowed to download files or softwares from the internet to these machines.

For enquiries, please call the Library at 6739 4127 or email at

24 The Tanglin Club

• Personal CD Roms may not be used on these machines. Floppy diskette drives

have been disabled to prevent virus infections.


The Inaugural Captain's Cup The inaugural Captain's Cup tournament was held on 28 January at Serapong course, Sentosa Golf Club. This was the first of the second annual golf tournament for golf section members; the other being the Annual Golf Championship held in August every year. With the Captain's Cup. there are now two major golf tournaments for the golf section which had an increase of about 40 new members in the last 12 months. The Captain's

Cup tournament will be held in January each year.

Forty golfers participated in the tournament. It was a stroke play competition at 80% handicap. The weather and green conditions were perfect for the

day. However, pin positions were far from easy and many golfers ended up with three putts or more on the greens. To make the game more interesting,

golfers were invited to challenge the


The prize presentation dinner was held at the Raffles Room. There was

Captain to return a nett

more fun and games with tables having to provide a caption against a

score better than him.

photograph of the Captain and having to decide how the terms "birdies"

Luckily for the Golf

and "bogeys" came about in a golf trivia organized by Chris Claridge.

Captain, only two out

of all those who took up

For the rest of the golf

the challenge came up with a lower

section members, they

nett score.

have one year to

For many high scores were the norm for

Captain's challenge.

prepare for the next the day. The eventual winner of the

Captain's Cup was a first time golf

Alban Kang

section participant and new member,

Golf Captain

Mark Tan who came in with a nett score

of 71. First runner-up was Frank "ii'ung with a nett score of 78 OCB and

second runner-up with a nett score of 78 was Robert Wiener.

Golf Events Calendar For March And April Friday 18 March • Vs The British Club at RIa Bintan

April(Actual date to be confirmed)• Overseas tour to Perth, Australia Wednesday 20 April - Vs ChangI Beach Club at RCC

To find out more about

the upcoming events or on how to join the Golf Section log on to sporis_andj'ec/golf.asp

Q^g 25


The Day Diving Saved Our Lives By Chu Hui Wen in collaboration with Jonathan Quek & Derek Quek it be?

gently over the only entrance, the wily fish would finesse a sneaky back exit. It was enough to make one give up hope of ever tasting fresh,

The diving started with a gentle,

hand-caught fish.

much more picture-postcard could

current-free checkout dive at the site known as "Garden Eel" on

Boxing Day was another bright, sunny day. We

Similan Island #5 on Christmas

were moored at Richelieu Rock, some 12 hours'

Eve. In contrast to our regular

boat ride away from Phuket, for a day's diving.

Malaysian dives, visibility was great - at least 20 metres. Unfortunately,

This was to be the highlight of our dive trip.

more difficult to ignore the many

Hopefully, the whale sharks that make an occasional appearance at Richelieu would reward us with their presence. I've never seen one but

divers in the water. Besides the

am told it is a sight to behold. Imagine a shark

three groups from our boat, there were also divers from a dozen other

the size of a bus, its shadow turning day ir' night as it passes overhead. They are the largft^'

liveaboard dive boats at the same

fish in the sea (the larger whales are mammals,

the great vision made it that much

site. The site held masses of glassy

not fish), but being plankton eaters, are completely

sweepers herded by large groupers and sand eels swaying gently in

harmless to humans (unless you are whacked on the side of the head by their huge tail fins as

When we started planning for a holiday during

the current snapping up little pianktonic creatures.

the Christmas break, it was "terrorism", not "tsunamis", that was on our minds... how to avoid

The next couple of dives in nearby sites were

Alas, the whale shark was elusive on this dive,

similar in terrain but, fortunately, marine life became more abundant, with tunas, jacks, groupers and queenfishes making

as on all my previous dives. However, the bouillabaisse of lively fish almost made up for its

the masses who might attract another Bali bomb,

which favourite island getaway might be the next target. It didn't take us too long to decide that a diving holiday, floating far out at sea on Christmas Day, would be the safest bet. Besides, being on

a boat, we'd escape the compulsory and pricy Christmas gala dinners at the resorts. Little did

regular appearances. The main feature of that night's dive were lobsters... tots of them. And they were dumb lobsters too. Too foolish

we think that it would turn out to be a move that

to evade divers' grasping hands,

probably saved our lives.

they could have been easily caught. Only the fact that we were in a marine park saved them from the fate of becoming lobster sashimi.

Our party of five friends flew into Phuket on 21 st December. We had a couple of days on the island

they glide majestically past you).


before boarding the PP Harmony, a liveaboard Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai and Richelieu Rock

Christmas day was passed in a green haze. At Koh Bon and Koh

for four days of diving. In the meantime, we

Tachai, visibility was worse than

sought, and found, our delights in frolicking on

bodies. Exploring off the beaten track, we found

what we'd experienced the day before. What made up for it was the appearance of several leopard sharks (also known as zebra sharks). These are small-bodied, long-tailed sharks that feed mainly on molluscs, crabs,

excellent local cuisine largely consisting of

shrimps and small fishes. The "leopard" part of

dive boat which would take us to the Similan

the beach and in the cool emerald-green waters

of the Andaman Sea, and indulging in relaxing massages to soothe away the physical and mental aches and pains of our corporate-world-stressed

deliciously fresh seafood. In the evenings, a

their name stems from their colouration rather

makeshift hideout bar, built on stilts on a hillside

than temperament. They remind me of a frisky puppy, curious enough to come up close to play, then turning tail (and such a gorgeous tail it is too, waving like a soft ribbon in the current) the

overlooking Kata Noi Beach, was the ideal place to watch the sun set, while sipping cold drinks

and dangling our feet over the tree canopy. Phuket in full swing was crowded with tourists from colder climates seeking a not-so-white Christmas. Patong was a hive of humanity - sun-

buming bodies lay on rows of beach chairs, jetskis skimming the water at full blast competed to manoeuvre against speedboats dropping their para-sailing customers casually back on the beach. From our hotel in Karon Beach, it was a

mere 20 steps to our much quieter, beautiful white sand beach. There sat two neat rows of beach chairs, with colourfiji beach brollies perched

enticingly between every pair to block out the

bright blazing sun that lit up the blue sky. How

26 The Tanglin Club

minute you engage with them. We've learnt that if you leave them alone at that point (rather than follow them), they almost invariably soon turn

absence. Table-sized coral trout (the most lip-

smackingly delicious of the grouper family) hugged the reef at every turn, almost tempting us to draw out the goodie bag again... what a pity Richelieu Rock is yet another marine park. Or perhaps not; the reef looked rich with life as a result of the

"no-take" policy in place. Yet more glassy

sweepers, anchovies and even a green seahorse were much in evidence throughout the dive. As I hung out near a section of reef doing a safety stop, territorial wrasses and hunting mackerels

around to resume interaction. Almost like an

harassed the little sweepers and anchovies,

aquatic version of peek-a-boo; I've always enjoyed

alternately chasing them away from protected patches of reef and feeding on them to enable

my encounters with them.

nature's food chain to continue on its never-

That night's dive drew no lobsters, only a few morays, a crab, many shrimps and bioluminescent planktons. Plus a number of

groupers, which we tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade into a goodie bag. Every time we thought we'd backed one into a no-way out pile of dead coral and rock, with the goodie bag placed

ending cycle. We returned to the boat for breakfast and a surface inten/al before the next dive. The boat was tethered to another dive boat, which was in

turn moored to one of the permanent mooring

buoys at the location. We ate our breakfast, as

a stop to our diving, at least, we thought, for that

south of Patong Beach. As far as we could tell,

day. Tentative talk of a night dive came to naught. Neither was there any diving to be had the next

only the beach-frontage, glass-windowed shops seemed to be damaged. On a parallel road just one row in, the shops and hotels were operating normally, with ample electricity and water. Some holiday golfers had even gone back to their putting

day. A conference with the seven other boats at Richelieu Rock led to a flotilla taking shelter in a

deep bay near one of the Similan islands that first night. In any case, there was a prohibition on boats returning to Phuket that night as the authorities were afraid aftershocks might cause more tsunamis.

on the green. Some goods bore signs of water damage, and carpets were waterlogged. Other

than that, and other than very sandy streets and more debris than usual, I would not have

suspected anything... the streets of Karon were We reached civilisation of sorts at the Similan

almost as lively as usual.

islands, where some of us managed to get signals

on our mobile phones at around 6.00 pm. Our phones were inundated with messages of

usual, on the dining area at the stern of the boat, itching waves breaking over the exposed tip

Sj^Rlcheiieu. it happened gradually. The surface currents around the rock became more violent,

creating a lot of white water. Over a span of 15 minutes the water level rose perhaps three to

four meters, completely submerging Richelieu Rock. A shout from our captain alerted us to a

concern from friends and loved ones along with

in such stark contrast with our experience of calm

the expected "CALL HOME NOW"from all of our parents. I managed to send SMS replies to

seas and visibly minor damage (for both property

just too jammed to be able to speak. Virtually all the divers converged on the sundeck, mobile phones in hand, and spent most of that evening and night trying to get a signal strong enough to call home. Finally, all five of us managed to do so, thus allaying our families' fears. When the news of the tsunami broke, on radio

Grabbing a large knife, one of the crew members

and television, in the afternoon, our families

hacked at the mooring line, freeing the boat to

reacted by trying to gain information about us


and our safety. They called our mobile phones,

the strange-looking surface currents and the sea which was turning a turbid aquamarine, wondering if it was still safe to dive as scheduled at 11.00

and physical injury) when we were back on land.

reassure them of our safety, but the lines were

more pressing situation. Our boat was drifting dangerously close to the now submerged rock.

We stood at the bow of the boat contemplating

Listening to news of the disaster by radio and telly, whether on the first night or subsequently, was quite surreal because the news stories were

the dive shop, the Singapore embassy in Thailand... anyone who might be able to find us or help. They also kept in touch with each other, sharing regular updates. Although significantly relieved when they first received our messages,

am (less than an hour later). A few minutes later,

nonetheless, it wasn't until we each spoke to our

divers from other boats who were underwater

families and reassured them that we were, truly,

started popping up. They'd obviously been caught in a strange phenomenon. We did not get a

all alright, that the edge of anxiety and panic left their voices and they calmed down.

We didn't go to Patong Beach, where the damage was reportedly much worse. However, we had to take a long detour (to avoid Patong Beach) to get to the airport the next morning, so I could well imagine things there were not looking good. My amazing and resourceful mother somehow

^"qgest they must have experienced incredibly

While we were replying to messages (which

•^^ng currents, turbulent water that tossed divers

flooded our phones after a while) and trying to

managed, in the chaos of decamping tourists, to change our flights so that we could return a day earlier. Phuket airport was surprisingly organised,

about, panicked fishlife and sudden bad visibility.

ring home, a fellow diver from Bangkok tuned in to Thai Radio and interpreted news reports... "50

counters. There were boxes of clothes and

people die at Phuket"..."An elderly man gets a

snacks, and cartons of bottled water, freely

heart attack from the shock of seeing the tsunami"... This gave us a gist of the scale of the event and subdued us. We privately contemplated

available for anyone in need. Besides a few travellers who were in wheelchairs or wielding crutches, most were merely holiday-makers anxious to leave this paradise-turned-nightmare.

chance to speak to them, but later news reports

Which accounts for the divers and their DSMBs

(delayed surface marker buoys) surfacing within minutes of the wave passing us. At first, we thought it might be a local phenomenon. The captain and dive master had never seen something like this in their many years, and didn't know its cause. They advised

us against diving there. We thought of heading

the misfortunes of those caught on land and our

despite some long queues at the check-in

own lucky escape. I can only say I feel incredibly lucky and protected. Being on a liveaboard out at sea undoubtedly

for an alternative dive site when the boat radio

Returning to Phuket on 27 December took many hours, and the TV reception as we neared

started squawking with excited voices and reports

provided some video footage of the waves that

earlier, we'd have been at the beach or in the

of similar strange currents elsewhere. It took a

had hit Phuket. The death toll rapidly rose to the hundreds. The captain skilfully slowed the boat to avoid the debris in the water. We even slopped

sea. Or perhaps lazing by the hotel pool... the first hotel which we'd stayed in was literally on

to look into a half-empty fridge. Thank goodness

suffered some physical injury, there would at least have been some psychological impact. As it was, we escaped completely unscathed. I'd like to think that diving (or at least, being on a

while for news to sink in and then to figure out that some seismic activity must have occurred to result in the strange current affecting such a wide area as the Surin and Similan islands, some

of which were five hours away from us. At that time, we didn't know of the massive earthquake, which resulted in the powerful tsunami, whose reach stretched across the Indian Ocean to the coast of Africa.

we were spared the sight of anything worse.

To our surprise, we didn't see much damage at Chalong Bay, which is South-East facing. The pier was sturdy enough for the navy to use it to

saved us. If the tsunami had struck three days

the beach. Even if we weren't washed away, or

dive boat) saved our lives.

launch their rescue crafts. Although there were

Hui Wen learnt to dive in 1993 and is an

a couple of beached boats and more leaves and

enthusiastic supporter of The Tanglin Club Scuba

When a request to help another boat search for its lost divers/passengers came over the radio,

twigs on the beach than usual, many other boats

Section's expeditions and social activities. She

were bobbing up and down in their normal

is also a BSAC Club Instructor and Secretary of

we turned for the Surin islands to render aid.

anchorage spots. Even more amazing was Karon Beach, which faces due west, and is immediately

lawyer specialising in Intellectual Property.

Although the request was later retracted, it put

the Section. When not in the water, she is a 27







Tanglin Squash Doubles 2005 - The International Perspective From John Link - a member of the Royal Automobile Club in Victoria, Australia

over 100,000 squash strokes in the three days.

opportunity to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones. Saturday night allows no time to socialise. It was after midnight when I was invited out by the convenor Jeffrey Lim and to be able to listen to Desmond Hiil bringing us up-to-date on squash In Singapore and share the evening with the delightful Malaysian husband and wife duo, Mary Lee and Chris

That is a lot of squash.

Low, and a chance to hear about Steve's

This event is anticipated by my team as the

best on their annual calendar. It brings together old friends and gives an opportunity to see

lots of squash. I came in from Australia in time to see the first game on Friday morning, the last game on Saturday night at about midnight and all the finals on Sunday. I estimate seeing


The organisation is excellent, including personal phone calls by the sports department and committee members as well as excellent

accommodation subsidised by the Club.

The welcoming dinner at "Caf§ Le Deck" overlooking the tennis court is the first

28 The Tanglin Club

My team members started off as 14 and 16 year olds and three tournaments later are 16 and 19 having learnt a lot - particularly from Ross Mackenzie pushing the "No unforced emors" rule in the "point a rally" system.

In the finals, the above held true in the first

game with the RACV team making about six unforced errors and one winning shot from each team to lose the first 11-15 against the

Hong Kong Football Club. Before the start of the second game, Tom and Steve were very disappointed in the way they

had played and were determined to do better and whilst making two forced errors, there was only one unforced error as RACV cruised to even the games at 15-7.

The final game started badly for RACV with HKFC - running away to a 6-3 lead, which lead me thinking that in the whole weekend I


had not seen anyone come from behind and win. So there was a bit of the "Good night nurse" feeling.

RACV, which ran out. The winner at 15-7 with

six winning rallies in a row to finish 15-11.

with Steve and Tom being the youngest players to win the doubles. Hopefully they will be back one more time at least to defend their title.

As newcomers, the Indonesians, did

It got worse with Tom and Steve lagging 5 points behind at 7-12 and definitely not looking

outstandingly well and will be a force to be

The RACV Club would welcome more

reckoned within the near future. Alec

good. But Steve kept volleying Gien's strokes both cross-court and up and down the wail -

Mackenzie looks like the up and coming Tangiin Club member and he looked like a

interaction with the Singapore clubs and also the Naval and Military club in Melbourne after it is rebuilt by July 2005.

allowing no rest and increasing the pace whilst

squash player.

making NO mistakes. However at this point,

the tide turned and HKF Club's training routine became suspect and later analysis proved


wearing tight. SIA stewardess' clothes at night with high heels which put too much strain on Phil's calves and he ran out of legs. Glen

and HKFC achieve their full potential. Although Delia Lee was most interesting to see play with her unique style and the respect her partner Raizal was shown by keeping the ball away from him. No one wanted to get into

uncharacteristically made one error at the back

a singles dual with Singapore's no.1!

that their training clothes proved a problem

John Link

in 2006, 1 hope Zainai and Jit Uei will be back

of the court (his first in three years as I remember his defensive shots) and Phil could

To sum up, a most wonderful, friendly, well-

just not get to the hard cross-court shots from

organised competition with a cliffhanger finish


A'^g 29

squash&billiords Reflections

Lets And Strokes

If you have managed to read through the honorable Mr Link's essay - well done!! This

petite reflection will be somewhat shorter in length.

World Squash Day Jot Saturday 19 March into your little black book and make it a point to turn up for squash that Saturday afternoon because we are celebrating World Squash Day!! Planning is underway for some novelty

Matches kicked off Friday morning, the seeds

events on the singles and doubles court and, of course, there'll be beer vouchers to be won.,.

cruised - for the rest, there was intense jostling for spaces in the plate.

Friday evening buffet up on the deck was excellent

with some particularly tasty rendang - why the Club does not offer rendang more frequently at the F&B outlets, I do not know...

Protective Head Gear We've always provided face masks for free,., sadly, this will need to be withdrawn as the costs of replacing these masks have reached rather high levels. The current batch of free masks will continue to be available but will not be replaced when damaged. At the relevant time, the Sub-Committee will

deliberate on whether to utilise some of the funds at its disposal to do a one time subsidy for purchase

of masks by members. Masks will still be available at the reception counter but will be subject to a nominal charge.

We were all again extremely honored to see squash of the highest quality being played and that was only Coventry and LimI!

Early Notice 1 Men's Singles Open... do battle with the BIG GUNS,,, happening late March!! 2 Squash Section Dinner & AGM$. To be held the weekend prior to the Club's AGM. Notice of this

There were some tremendous games on Saturday afternoon/evening which had all us no-hopers gaping In awe at the skill, speed and accuracy

event will be circulated In mid April,

3 Chengmal Cup,., Yupl! Definitely on this year, between Friday 29 April and Sunday 1 May... will keep you posted.

of those playing.

The main event final itself between Hong Kong and Australia was squash of the highest order -


Meinhardt not Meinhdart, We stand corrected for misspelling the name of one of our staunch supporters of the tournament.

one just wonders if Phil and Glen had retired at a sensible time the night before (as no doubt the

Jeffrey Urn

young bonza blokes had under honorable John Link's tutelage) might experience have won out the day. It was very close - well done to the Aussies.

Sunday lunch was a fabulous affair as always


and many thanks to The Tanglin Club F&B Depl

for their organisation of the event. This year the

John Ewing Cup

decision was taken to use a master-of-

ceremonies, however the person who volunteered was not everyone's first choice (has a rep for,

The Singapore Cricket Club

shail we say, adult entertainment as opposed to

on Saturday 22 January 2005. Our section fielded a strong team

what was needed) and there was much negotiation and haggling and discussion before

hosted this year's annual friendly

of seven players but we were

the event - finally mark z was approved and what

unable to overcome the skills of

an outstanding job he did (I understand that he reverted to form in the Wet Bar after the event!!).

our hosts losing 3-4 to SCC. As always, the excellent hospitality


extended by SCC was enjoyed

And what about poor old Faizal - twice his name

by all, a good afternoon of

was called as winner of the Pirelli calendar in the

lucky draw - it seemed destined. But it was not


to be - Faizal was on a hot date elsewhere that

turned out to be a cold date, I just think of all those moments he could have had viewing the

lovely art whilst stroking one of his big stogie's!! Faux Pax of the tournament: Shades of EPL

refereeing,,. was it a hand ball? Was it a double bounce? Or treble bounce as some even

suggest,.. Ahhh all this makes for good drinks and yarn in the garden. Richard Coventry

30 The Tanglin Club

Do you want to join in the Billiards Section activities or just want to know the Bliilards Room opening hours, please log on to sports_and_rec/billiards.asp


Tennis Upcoming Events Bring-A-Guest Night Tuesday 1 March

6.30 pm to 9.30 pm

Put this in your diary. First Tuesday of the month. What could be better than after a

hard day at work. Come along again for a night of food, drinks and easy tennis. Free for Tennis Section members, $5 for non-

section members or guests. Walk-in. Club Championships 2005 If you have not signed up yet and wish to have a shot at fame and stardom, do so soon.

2005 Quadrangular Tennis Tournament Our tennis gals and guys braved a mercilessly hot Sunday 30 January on the American Club courts to compete against players from Keppel Club. American Club and Jurong Country Club. We fielded a glorious team of 32 players, to play a round robin tournament of three Mens Doubles, three Ladies

Mixed Doubles

Monday 7 to Sunday 13 March Men's And Ladles Doubles

Monday 14 to Sunday 20 March Men's And Ladles Singles

Monday 21 to Sunday 27 March

Doubles and three Mixed Doubles, Well done, Harvey Teo and Chua Li Suan. You did us proud

emerging Mixed Doubles champions. Overall we were runners-up. American Club won and Keppel

Sign up at the Tennis Hut.

came in third. Children's Team Tennis Norman Lee

Sunday 10 April All kiddies out there who are under 16,

mark your calendars for some fun tennis, finger food and soft drinks. Parents you are invited to come and cheer your little ones

on. $10 per child. Sign up at the Tennis Hut.


Tennis In Perth

Thursday 28 April to Monday 2 May We are planning a trip to Perth around the above dates. Enjoy the autumn weather of WA and get to do some shopping, wine and dining.

March School Holidays Tennis Camp There will be a tennis camp held for the March school holidays, running from Monday 14 to Friday 18 March. These camps have proved very popular so please submit your registration forms early to guarantee a

The camp will run from Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 12 noon

at the Tennis Courts. For more information, please call Ken Smith at 9004 2294.

To find out more about the upcoming events or on how to Join the Tennis Section,

log on to sportsjandj'ec/tennis.asp

v/ 31

balut&bridge Monthly Balut

Bridge The year of the rooster got off to a glorious start for the Bridge Section! At the Hong Bao Bridge Game held at the Raffles Room on Wednesday 2 February 2005, we had an unprecedented number

of players. There was a turnout of 74 bridge players, making up 18 1/2 tables - a record for any event held by the Bridge Section. This did take the bridge directors by surprise, however, Claire Quinn

with her dedicated team, were able to organise this massive game well and kept the game going at the right pace and place. Concurrently with the bridge game, there was a Bingo tournament for a little bit of levity. Players were told to cross out a kept contract from the Bingo Sheet. When an entire line, either vertical or horizontal, was crossed out, the player qualified for a prize. One serious player was overheard saying "I will never get a chance of crossing out the 1C bid on my Bingo Sheet!".

There was a generous distribution of Hong Baos at the end of the evening and when the names of the first recipients of the Hong Baos were announced, they gingerly inched forward, with worried

expressions on their faces, uncertain whether the Hong Bao was a bouquet or brickbat!! A good time was had by all. The afternoon games on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are running to full capacity, adding to the ambience and excitement of

the game. Do let the directors know if you would like to play and are in need of a partner.

The Wednesday evening games too have picked up considerably. So keep a date with The Tanglin Club bridge on Wednesday evenings.

Some food for thought:


We started off 2005 with 17 faithful players showing. The incentive of many participants is actually to knock Ashoke Arya, our 2004 champion, off his perch. That may prove difficult but of course not impossible. Jacqueline Wong won the evening's proceeding with a 611 (including the highest column score of 140), whilst Ashoke Arya was second, scoring 594.

"It is not the difficult hands that make the winning player. There aren't enough of them. It is the ability to avoid messing up the easy ones." - S.J. Simon, British bridge writer. Hope all of you had a great Chinese New Year and do look out for more interesting bridge events in the course of the year. Shyamala Kanagasundram

They won each a new TC Balut Cup. Chris Jones and Pla Sudawan shared

third spot with each 586 and won nothing but experience. For the rest of the pack, just better luck next time. However, there is a long

way to go! Andrew Trevatt had the first Balut of the year and deservingly took home a bottle of wine kindly donated by Jacqueline Wong.

Bridge Schedule Monday 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm - Duplicate Bridge • Rohini Arya Tuesday 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm - Novice • Ann Herbertson Wednesday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm - Intermediate • Aisha Elliot 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm - Duplicate Bridge • Anjna Beri

The Card Room can easily accommodate up to 36 players, so we have no excuses for not increasing our player base. Casual games of Balut are

7.30 pm to 10.30 pm - Duplicate Bridge • Claire Quinn

getting Increasingly popular at the 'Wet Bar', so Balut Section Members

Friday 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm - Duplicate Bridge • Shema Danani

should try to induce these new members/players to partake in our activities! Members interested in the activities of the Balut Section can always obtain additional information from the Sports and Recreation Dept or email or telephone the Balut Convenor at Tel; 6225 6577.

Want to play Bridge? Interested in learning to play Bridge? Do you know what's happening in the Card Room? For further details or enquiries on Bridge events

and game visit Kristian Bonnichsen Balut Convenor

32 The Tanglin Club

or contact Claire Quinn at 67753654.

fitness Fitness Article #3: The 5 Golden Rules Of Strength Training Rule One: Apply Perfect Form Strict adherence to perfect form is absolutely crucial with any strength or weight lifting program. Be sure you get instruction from a reliable source

The more intensely you train, the fewer sets are required to get the same results but limit total sets to two or three per exercise. If working at the proper intensity levels, your entire workout

calorie burn and greater overall muscular

(book, tape or trainer) and follow it to the letter.

should be no more than 10 or 15 sets This can

about isolating small muscles. Do an extra set

be accomplished in one session or split into two

of exercises like the bench presses for the upper to differentiate between exercises that isolate

a haphazard or jerky manner. Stay in control of

(see rule four for more details on frequency of exercise). Keep your objectives in mind, the addition of any amount of lean muscle mass will

the movement as you go through it smoothly and

burn more fat 24 hours a day.

deliberately, utilizing proper breathing techniques. Be aware of speed and tempo. The part of the lift where you move the resistance against gravity

small muscles, and those that work many muscles simultaneously, is to observe how many joints come into play as you go through the full range

Rule Four: Adequate Rest and Recovery

of motion called for. Multi-muscle movements

Intense exercise combined with an inadequate

is defined as the positive phase, and when lowered with gravity the term negative phase is

amount of rest equals a failed program. Whether you create intensity by doing extra sets or working

3d. Keep the negative phase (a slow count of

past muscle fatigue on every movement, intensity

will work across at least two joints (usually the elbow and shoulder, or the hip and knee). Stick with these "big" exercises that not only work many muscles, and challenge the body in a more functional capacity, but bring a host of balancing and stabilizing muscles into play as well.

Always move slowly through your full range of motion with every exercise, and don't allow speed and/or momentum to help you complete a lift in

trtr) twice as long as the positive (a slow count

mandates plenty of recovery time. Let's take a

of two). You can opt to move even more slowly (up to twice as long on both phases), as a way to intensify the set without adding resistance.

look at how to make sure we recover properly

Rule Two: Proper Intensity Applying the right amount of intensity to every set will speed progress, including muscle

If you want to lose weight when you lift, forget

body and squats for the lower body. An easy way

from set to set, as well as workout to workout.

Every workout should start off with a five minute warm up. This could be a walk,jog, step in place, or any such activity. Immediately after the warm

Adapted from: How to Lift Weights to Lose Weight Michael Stefano

up move right into your first set done to fatigue in your correct rep range. NOTE FROM THE CONVENOR

development and fat loss. Regardless of how much resistance you're working against, or how many sets and repetitions you do (see rule number three), ALWAYS work to some level of muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is defined as the point in the set when you experience some local


So how long do you rest before doing set number two? Long rest between sets is compatible with lifting heavy weight at low repetitions. A three-

I hope you've read the article and taken note of the 5 basic points. Adherence to the above will help you get the most from your weight-training

minute rest will allow you to recover completely

sessions and avoid any potential injuries that could sideline you before you get a chance to see any real results. On another note, our fitness

and be ready for a heavy weight on the next set.

discomfort or slight pain in the targeted muscle

Shorter rest between sets will lead to more tone,

group. You needn't take the "no pain no gain" philosophy to the extreme, but you do need to

endurance, and fat-burning effect. A recovery time of one minute or less will keep your heart

feel a substantial burn to get real results. Lactic

rate elevated, necessitate the use of a somewhat

challenge towards the end of the year. This competitive event, opened to all Club members,

acid is the byproduct of anaerobic exercise, and it's what causes that burning sensation in your scles when you near the end of a set. Don't

lower resistance level (possibly still more than you used on the first set), and burn a tot more fat. On a weekly basis, more intensely trained

strength-related workouts performed one after another. The event will be opened up into 5

^sCrifice perfect form or attempt to lift or go

muscles need more rest. If, for whatever reason


beyond a resistance level you can safely handle just to get that lactic acid burn. Quite to the

(illness, age, fitness level), you need to keep intensity at a minimum, repeating two or three

Individual(16• 29 yrs of age)

contrary, adherence to perfect form will bring

full body workouts each week with at least 48 hours between each workout is the way to go.

upon muscle fatigue and associated burn much

committee is planning an aerobics fitness

will incorporate a series of 3-5 calisthenics and

Individual(30 - 49 yrs) individual(50 - 59 yrs) individual(60 yrs and above) Open division (relay team of 3, no age limit)

faster, and with a reduced risk of injury or mishap. As mentioned in rule one, slowing speed and tempo is another way to increase intensity when

On the other end of the spectrum, if you're ready, willing, and able to crank up intensity, be sure to

you don't have the option of creating additional

exercise on the same muscle group (from 48 to up to 96 hours). By splitting your full body routine in half, you can create two separate workouts

prowess / cardiovascular competitive streak in

that train the whole body in two sessions. This

this proposed event, please register yourinterest

resistance. This works well with exercises that

utilize body weight only. Rule Three: Control Weight, Sets, Reps Anyone embari<ing upon a new strength training program wants to know,"How much weight should I lift?" and "How many sets and repetitions should I do?" Your selections here will largely control the overall effect of each workout. Select a

resistance level (or weight) that allows you to hit

fatigue in a pre-established rep range that coincides with the results you want. But remember the cardinal rule; don't "waste" a set because

rest an adequate amount of time before repeating

would result in your 4"half workouts each week.

To allow us to get an idea of how many of you would be inclined to show off their muscular

at the Sports & Recreation Dept. Tel: 6739 4128

/4148/4150. Prizes wilt be awarded to the top Rule Five: Utilize Multi-Muscle Movements

3In each category and the overall champion will

Stick to exercises that act upon more than one muscle group. For example, many of us are

take home the prized Tanglin Club's Sports Champion trophy. Read this spot for an update

interested in maintaining lean and well-toned arms. After all, this is the part of your body(man or woman) that gets exposed all summer long, and there's the temptation to do endless bleep curls or tricep presses. But the biceps and triceps

on the event next month.

you initially picked too little resistance, work to some level of muscle fatigue regardless of the

are relatively small muscles that don't need a lot

number or reps completed, and adjust resistance on subsequent sets.

the chest, shoulders and arms are all trained at

Anne Bryce Fitness Convenor

of work. As a matter of fact, when bench pressing, the same time. This translates into a much higher 33

fitness Fitness Personality: David Hickman This is the first of a new series of Tangiin Ciub Fitness Personaiity where we wili bring you the success stories of members who have achieved their

heaith and fitness goais.

We are kick-starting the series with an articie contributed by Mr David Hickman, who has in recent months become a "gym bunny" and iost a whopping 20% of his previous weight!

Sports Schedule Monday



8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.00 pm

5.00 pm

5.00 pm

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.15 pm

6.15 pm




Squash Courts


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Squash Courts

Hopefuiiy, the series wiii be a source of inspiration to set in motion that old niggling resolution of Get Fit, Get Healthy! Jenny Haslam




5.00 pm

8.30 am

6.30 am to 11.30 am




Tennis Courts

Tennis Courts


6.00 pm

5.00 pm

Tennis Courts



3.00 pm


Tennis Courts


5.15 pm NIGHT

Squash Courts 4.00 pm CLUB TENNIS

Squash Courts

Tennis Courts

Squash Courts


Overweight, poor posture, high blood pressure and high cholesterol?



if any of these conditions apply to you, an

4.00 pm

exercise programme combined with a change

Tennis Courts


In meal plan may well be the simple solution. I have succeeded in substantial improvements

Fitness Schedule

in all of these areas by committing to these two actions. In order to achieve my goals I




8.30 am - 9.30 am HATHA & RAJA

8.30 am -9.30 am AQUACISE

8.30 am - 9.30 am FITBALL

YOGA (Advance)

Lester Lee


• To go to a group introductory session in the gym because I was unfamiliar with the equipment and a typicai exercise routine for beginners

• To commit myself to a regular time each

Margaret Tan

Carin Penberthy 9.30 am -10.30 am KEEP FIT Janet Pool

4.15 pm - 5.00 pm BALLET (For Children)


Jennifer Pau

6.30 pm • 7.30 pm BODY WORX Daniel Chan

day 5 or 6 days a week to go to the gym • To take the advice of an experienced Personal Trainer, and set a realistic target

of exercise objectives




8.30 am - 9.30 am AQUACISE

8.30 am - 9.30 am

10.45 am -11.30 am


HIP HOP (For Chltdrenr^

Geoffrey Sweeney


Jerrlne Teng

regular basis with the Personal

8.30 am -9.30 am HATHA & RAJA YOGA

Trainer, and to amend exercise

Margaret Tan 5.00 pm - 6.00 pm

• Evaluate the progress on a

programmes if necessary • To work hard in the gym

• Follow a meal plan - and

11.30 am • 12.30 pm TAUIQUAN


Wong L C 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm TAE KWON DO


(For Children)

Jerry Tan 6.30 pm-7.30 pm

Patrick Tan


without overdoing it, and stay


Marcus Tang 9.30 am •10.30 am KEEP FIT Janet Pool



Jerry Tan 8.15 pm - 9.15 pm PILATES Clarise Lim

There will be no fitness classes on

Friday 25 March due to the Good Friday holiday.

treat myself to a big meal only occasionally! • To keep a positive attitude,

Professional Personal Trainers

and recognise that good results will take time and can be a

For professional personal coaching and gym instructions, A

gradual process of measurable

please call the following personal trainers to reglster^-^'

Andrew Nicholls(9028 5206)



$73.50 - per hour per person (Group of 2)

352.50 - per hour per person (Group of 3)

$714.00 - for 8 sessions(To be completed within 3 mon^

as a diet, but a lifestyle change!

Lester Lee (9753 6403)

• To not forgo my "drinking habits" as a Wine Section member! David Hickman

34 The Tangiin Club


Charges; $94.50 - per hour

• To not get on the scales every day • To not regard my meal plan

Charges; $78.75 - per hour Gymnasium Operating Hours: Daily ■ 6.00 am to 10.00 pm


Advertisers Website & Email Directory Reach the Tonglin Club Magazine's advertisers easily on the Internet. Advertiser



Allied Pickfords

International movers

Blue Mountains Rhapsody

Accommodation near Sydney. Australia

City Developments Ltd

The Sail @ Marina Bay Apartments

City Property Partners

Properties In Brisbane & S.E. Queensland

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Custom-made shirts

Far East Organisation

Serviced apartments

German European School

Education services

Navigatour Pte Ltd

Tour operators

Royal JImbaran Bay

Holiday resort In Bali

Saffron Property

London property management services

Select Asset Management

Expatriate mortgage services

Senlosa Golf Club

Golfing facilities


Telecommunication services

The Fry Group

Tax and financial planning services

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Banking and financial services

Thinking of advertising? Think Tanglin Club Magazine! The Tanglin Club Magazine offers a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach an exclusive and affluent consumer group.

Members of The Tanglin Club and their spouses total 6,OCX)Singaporeans and expatriates from 70 countries, many of whom hold senior positions in government, commerce, industry and the professions. More than 3.600 copies go out every month to 3,500 local households

and overseas members who request them, plus 100 reciprocal clubs around the world.

Rates start from S$400 for a quarter page to S$1400 for a full page colour advertisement.

For our ful l ad rates and booking procedures, please log on to To advertise In the Tanglin Club Magazine, please

contact Danielle Rossetti of Ria Media at 6726 2602 or email at^g 35


18, 19 & 20 March Ladder 49 - PG

Action drama (105 mins) Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, John Travolta.

Director: Jay Russel. Firefighter Jack Morrison, whose life starts flashing before his eyes when he becomes trapped in a blazing high rise. He remembers

4, 5 & 6 March

fighting his first fire, bonding with fellow firefighters, falling in love with a beautiful local

25, 26 & 27 March

girl, getting married, and having children. He

Alexander• MIS

also looks back on forming a close relationship with the fire chief and learning to face the danger and heroics of life on the job.

Epic drama (175 mins) Starring: Colin Farell, Angelina Jolie. Director: Oliver Stone.

Alexander packed some unimaginable conquests into his limited years by ruling over

Polar Express - G Animation (100 mins) Starring: Tom Hanks, Eddie Deezen.

stricken by overwhelming personal insecurii^

a huge chunk of the globe. A man who

Director: Robert Zemekis.

that come in contrast to his bold achievements.

An animated feature based on the popular children's book. The tale of a young boy lying

Complex relationships plague him and it becomes clear that he is his own worst enemy.

awake on Christmas Eve only to have Santa

This film paints a picture of an embittered and

Glaus sweep by and take him on a trip with

solitary figure who was able to rule everyone

other children to the North Pole.

apart from himself.

1,2&3 April Birth - MIS

Drama (105 mins) Starring: Nicole Kidman, Lauren Bacall. Director: Jonathan Glazer.

Anna, a delicate young widow who is on the verge of a new life when a solemn little boy appears, claiming to be the reincarnation of her dead husband.

11, 12 & 13 March

S, 9 & 10 April

De-Lovely - MIS Musical drama (125 mins) Starring: Kevin Kline, Ashley Judd.

After The Sunset• PG

Director: Irwin Winkler.

Action Comedy(ICQ mins) Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek.

A musical portrait of American composer Cole

Director: Brett Ratner.

Porter, filled with his unforgettable songs,

A pair of master thieves escaping to a tropical paradise to enjoy the spoils of their

Porter looks back on his life as if it was one

of his spectacular stage shows, with the people and events of his life becoming the actors and action onstage. Porter's elegant, excessive past comes to light - including his deeply complicated relationship with his wife and muse, Linda Lee Porter,

labour. But when an FBI agent, who has

pursued them for seven years, becomes convinced that they are actually plotting to pull off a million-dollar theft from a nearby "diamond cruise," a riveting game of cat and mouse begins.

• For enquiries, please call the Reception at


6737 6011. Or keep track of the showtimes and booking procedure via

Friday - 9.00 pm •Saturday - 9.00 pm •Sunday - 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm Visit for movie trailers. • Tickets can be obtained at the Reception.

• Moviegoers are to be seated 10 minutes before showtime.

36 The Tanglin Club

Film Ratings 6- General viewing•PG - Parental guidance required • N16- No children below 16 MIS - For viewers aged 18 and above* - For adults aged 21 and above.

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