The Tanglin Club Magazine - Dec 2004

Page 1

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presiderifsmessaqe On the planning front, we are thinking through

the inter-phasing of the Master Plan work to minimise inconvenience to members and

disruption to Club activities. The Phase 1 work

is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of next year with the demolition of the lower four

tennis courts to make way for a six-storey Sports Complex. Construction work will continue for about 15 months. At the Main

Clubhouse, the major work during Phase 1

will be the conversion of the tower carpark Into a new delivery, storage and staff area. At the same time the Terrace Bar will be extended

Dear Members,

adjacent to the current Jackpot Room and the male and female toilets at this area will be

' the countdown begins on another year and many events and celebrations being planned both at home and in the Club, it is time for reflection. It has been an eventful

upgraded. Though not part of the Master Plan, other major physical changes at the Main Clubhouse

year, beginning with the endorsement of

will Include the long awaited resurfacing of the

members to proceed with our Master Plan at

swimming pool and upgrading of the male

the 22 March SGM. Part of Phase 1 was

changing room at the poolside. The work is

completed in October with the opening of the

scheduled to commence shortly after the

new Tavern and Churchill Room kitchens -

Chinese Lunar New Year and will be finished

which I am very pleased to report that we are seeing a marked increase in members and their guests dining in the Tavem and Churchill Room since the opening of the new kitchen.

within three months.

Regarding the status of the summons placed on the Club by Mr Petrie (Member no,P233), Mr Petrie has requested and obtained from

We have a new Fitness Convenor, Mrs Anne

Bryce. We welcome Anne and the new Fitness Sub-Committee who promises to bring new innovations to fitness activities. At the same

time, we thank Bronwyn Deamley for her many

We are tasking the General Manager to

the Court an extension of time to submit his

years of dedicated work as the outgoing Fitness

continue aggressively with our programmes of upgrading services and staff training both in operations which are seen by members and

affidavit in response to the affidavits filed on

Convenor. Thank you Bronwyn.

Working with the Club lawyers, we are doing

On behalf of the General Committee, Christine

i' 'he back-of-house administration. This year

everything so that the matter can be resolved

and I, we wish all members and their families

?W^ave seen a number of positive changes,

by the Court as soon as possible. Nevertheless as expressed in my message, the General Committee and the Development SubCommittee are working hard on the Master

a very enjoyable festive season and HAPPY

but still lots to be done as we take our Club forward to the next level.

Where are we with the Master Plan? The

electrical installation upgrade work at the Main Clubhouse has begun from 25 November 2004 for a period of eight weeks. There will be almost no disturbance to members during this

behalf of the Club and the General Committee.


Let's enjoy our Club.

Plan to meet the schedule.

December always proves to be a busy month as members begin to gear up for the festive season. The very popular Ladies Christmas

period, A MP feedback survey for sports

Lunch on Thursday 9 December is fully booked

sections was launched on Tuesday 2

and the ladies on the Entertainment Sub-

Alan Jones

November through the channels of the sports

Committee as always have a great experience


sub-committees. The returns will be used to

in store for the traditional lunch.

help formulate the functional interior design of the new Sports Complex. We have signed the agreement with the lead architect. We have also shortlisted five

companies to tender for the interior design proposal for our Master Plan after a prequaliflcatlon process in early November.

The F&B team are preparing for Christmas Eve D&D, Christmas Day Lunch, and New Year's Eve Ball. Book early, especially the last one, it's always a sellout. We have a new band, Joy & The Face Facts start playing from 10 December. The same band played at last month's highly entertaining President's Ball.

Itte Tanglin Club 1

contents President's Message




Membership News





Children's Christmas Party... New Entertainment From Joy & The Face Facts...

Tanglin Club KlUNDEO 1865

Churchill Room Closures... New Year's Eve

Ball... Festive Season Quiz Night... Paul Continues Playing At The Churchill And Foyer

Ladies Events

Lounge... Made In Heaven - Dutch Jazz &

Of Christmas

French Wine Evening... Christmas Eve Dinner

& Dance... Christmas Day Gourmet Lunch...


Ladies Christmas Luncheon... Touches

Recent Events

5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814 Tel: 6737 6011 Fax: 6733 2391


The President's Ball 2004

Champagne Brunch

Calendar Of Events


New Members


Miscellany Holiday Ideas

22 23

GENERAL COMMITTEE President Alan Jones VIce-President


Booming Brisbane

Activities For Children

Committee Convenors


Crime Scene Investigation Workshop... Brainiest Kids... Junior Eagles Golf

Programme... Holiday Junior Tennis Camps...

From The Kitchen


Authentic Curry Buffet In The Tavern... Cheese Cake Of The Month... Classic and Gourmet

Ballet Dance Classes


Edwin Khew

Honorary Treasurer Glenn Bryce


Pizzas... Thirsty Lizard Barbecue... New Year's Day Champagne Brunch... Homemade Sausages For Christmas Takeaways... Boxing



Day Family Lunch...

Tournament... Lets And Strokes... Billiards:

Scuba: The Last Expedition Of The Season -

Aur... Squash; 6th International Doubles

Development Glenn Bryce

Entertainment I Jackpot Nancy Lum Finance

Glenn Bryce Food & Beverage Edwin Khew

Library I PR Nanette Sandford

Magazine I Website Dr Albert Wee

Membership & Rules Graham Dare

Pot Game vs SCC... Billiards Section Trip To

Property & Maintenance

Malaysia... Tennis: Captain vs Convenor... Tangllin Club vs TMCC... Balut: Monthly Balut...

Sports I Recreation &

Tennis vs Balut... Swimming: Masters And

Learn To Swim Programme... Fitness: Family Fun Run.. Sports And Fitness Schedules



Anacondas... The Bourne Supremacy... 13

Going On 30... Dodgeball... The Motorcycle

David Haslam

Children's Programmes Roland Tan Staff Robert Wiener

Tenders & Purchasing Dr Kaizad Heerjee Executive Staff Committee Edwin Khew Internal Audits & Controls

Diaries... Les Choristes


General Manager

From The Cellar


Cocktails Of The Month... Premium Wines Of

The Month... New Housepour Wines From 10

January 2005... Christmas Eggnog... Wine Section's Margaret River Tasting

Brian Toft

Financial Controller/Admin Manager Michelle Chua

Head Of Food Services

Carsten Kjeldmann Human Resource Manager Jasmine Lai

Maintenance Manager Editor KC Yuen {

Bill Cheong

Membership Manager Magazine Co-ordinator Cheryl Lim ( Graphic Designer Nazrin (

Mary Shotam

Purchasing Manager Candice Tan

Advertising Representative Danielle Rossetti ( or 6726 2602)

Sports & Recreation Manager Danny Loh

Executive Housekeeper

Find out our ad rates and booking procedures via

Peggy LIm

Opinions expressed in The Tanglin Club Magazine are solely those ol the writers and do not necessarily represent those ol The Tanglin Club. The Magazine welcomes articles and other contributions from members. However,

the Magazine I Website Sub-Committee reserves the right to edit all materials or dociino publication MITA (P) 143/05/2003. Published by The Tanglin Cluh. Colour separation and printing by AdGraphic.

newsbHes Cover story

enroll the young ones in the new programmes

paintings now grace the beautiful calendar

As we go to press, the halis are decked with

designed for kids. For the sports-minded,

which is on sale at our Reception counter.

holly and the traditional giant Christmas tree

there's golf and tennis for beginners, and for

Proceeds go to the Children's Cancer

is trimmed with decorations. 'Tis indeed the

the more cerebral, there are workshops to

Foundation. They make lovely gifts, and the

season to be jolly! Once again, Christmas is

stimulate their interest in science in a fun way.

giver is remembered 365 days a year.


And ballet lessons too. Check them out on

page 24.

New Senior Staff

The children, especially, look forward to this time of the year. Presents, Santa, Christmas

We welcome Jasmine Lai. our new Human Art Calendars

Resource Manager who joined us on 1

carols, the whole works. This holiday season

To Benefit

November 2004. Ms Lai holds a Master's

kicks off with a great party for the kids, from


degree in Human Resource Managementfrom

age 3 upwards, on Tuesday 7 December at the Theatrette. Santa will be there, with the

Snow Queen and Frosty the Snowman. And see details on page 6.

Talking about children, do you know that in

Curtin University of Technology in Australia.


She also has a diploma in HR Management


^^ms and Dads, you can join in too. Please

Activities For Children

Many members







Singapore Human

display of the


2005 Calendar

Institute where she


is a professional

recently by the

member. Jasmine

the last two years, there must have been a

enthusiastic artists

has over 10 years

couple hundred children of new members

from our own Art Group. These

added to our "family" with the intake of

talented painters - all students of Mr Tan Khim


"children" of members who were in the queue.

Ser - some months ago held a very successful

management in

Parents or grand-parents, you may want to

exhibition at the Club. Twelve of their best

several hospitality


in HR

The General Committee, Management & Staff ofThe Tanglin Club wish all Members and their families


The Tanglin Club 3

newsbHes industries including hotel, healthcare and

Mr Toft Back From Leave


General Manager Brian Toft, who was on

Is also our way of encouraging IT usage.

home leave in the UK for almost three weeks

May I also thank the many members who

Heading the MR Department, Jasmine sees

In November, is now back in the Club. Our

contribute reports regularly and others who

her main role will be to raise and enhance the

thanks to Financial Controller Michelle Chua

helped make this publication possible.

competency levels of all the staff and contribute

and Head of Food Services Carsten Kjeldmann

Wishing you a meaningful Christmas and a

to the success of the Club.

for taking charge

New Year of Hope, Peace and Joy.

while the GM was

"Singapore Idol" Finalist

KC Yuen


By now,the popular local TV show "Singapore Idol" is over, and the overall winner has just

Thanks To Our

been chosen. A little known fact worth sharing


is that the son of members, Alleen and Albert

As we come to the

Yeo, made It to the Final 10. An NSman,


Christopher Michael Lee was sixth in the finals.

year, I wish to

of another

Farewell We bid farewell to the following memberr^

record our thanks

converting to Permanent Absent Membership (PAM):



Mr & Mrs Peter Husum



advertisers who support this Magazine. It has

Mr & Mrs Mark Jones

about time we

been a good year. Revenue continues to

Mr & Mrs Koh Ho Peng Mr & Mrs Kuok Kun Yong



al l


revive our own

improve, which helps to make the TCM even

in-house Star

better in the months ahead. In appreciation of

Search series

Mr & Mrs C A Lewis

Ms Carolyn Lam & Mr Lionel Cheng

our advertisers' support, we are starting a

Mr & Mrs Ian Maclean

which was so

website listing (please see the Inside Back

Dr & Mrs Gerd Strecker

successful a

Cover of this issue) to facilitate our readers

year ago.

reaching advertisers easily on the Internet. It

Mr & Mrs Tan Yong Kuan Mr & Mrs Edward Walshe

Looking for properties in Brisbane,the Goid Coast or Sunshine CoastP Then look no further!

li I . i. r.i.

Come hear a talk/presentation on properties In one of Australia's fastest growing cities and exciting choice resorts In Queensland.

Come meet John Stratmann, Principal Licensed Real Estate Agent from Brisbane's City Property Partners. Come have a glass of fine Australian wine and share views about Australian properties at The Tangiin Club's Raffles Room on Thursday 9 December 2004 at 6.30 pm. Attendance by invitation only. Simply email John Stratmann at

Private one-on-one discussions can also be arranged at The Tangiin Club from 7 to 10 December. You'll be glad you did!

Please visit our website 4 The Tangiin Club

City Property Partners your property partner

membershipnews FAQs On The Limited Buy Back Scheme The Limited Buy Back Scheme, which came into effect from 20

Q: How many people must there be on the waiting list before the Club

September 2004, has elicited some questions from the membership.

is able to buy back a member's membership? A: The Club may buy back the membership to satisfy a waiting list

Here are answers to the most frequentiy-asked questions on this subject. - Editor

which has more than ten persons for the corresponding category of membership (Singaporean or Others).

Q: Who can appiy for the Limited Buy Back Scheme? A: Only Life and Ordinary members of the Club.

Q: What must a Singaporean PAM do if he wishes to participate in the

Q: How are applications for the Limited Buy Back Scheme registered?

A: He must reactivate his membership and pay his monthly subscriptions

Limited Buy Back Scheme?

A: All applications will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis.

in lieu for the preceding six months and continue to do so until such time as the Club is able to buy back his membership.

^^How much will I receive if I decide to sell my membership? ^S$5,000 or 25% of the prevailing entrance fee less any monies owing to the Club.

Q: How much is six months subscription? A: S$882 (inclusive of GST).

Q: How much admin fee will I incur?

Q: What is the current entrance fee for Ordinary Membership?

A: There is no admin fee involved. An active member who wishes to

A: S$20,000

sell his membership must have paid his monthly subscriptions in full for the preceding six months.

Q; How do I make payment for the six months subscriptions if I am a Singaporean PAM?

Q: What must I do if I wish to participate in the Scheme? A: Complete and return the prescribed application form to the Club.

A: Payment may be made by TT, cheque or credit card. Q: What will happen if I am in the queue to sell my membership and I

Q: Where can I obtain an application form for the Limited Buy Back Scheme?

decide to leave Singapore? A: Continue paying subscriptions as if you were an active member.

A: Fonns are available at the Reception Desk and from the Membership Department.

Q: When will I cease to be a member?

A: Upon the date of written notification from the Club of its intention to Will I be able to obtain an application form through the post?

buy back the membership.

an application form will be posted to you on request. Q: When will I receive payment for the sale of my membership?

Q: Are Permanent Absent Members(PAM)eligible for the Limited Buy Back Scheme?

A: Yes, but please note, only Singaporeans are presently eligible

A: Immediately after cessation of membership, payment will be made to the successful member less any outstanding amount owing to the Club.

although this may change over time.

Q: Why are only Singaporeans eligible? A: Owing to the long membership waiting list for this category of membemhip and the absence at the moment of any waiting list for the Others category.


Main Reception 6737 6011 •

Magazine/Website 67394 129 / 172•

Executive Office 6737 2692•

Sports & Recreation Dept 67394 148•

Accounts Dept 67394 134 / 136 •

Tennis & Squash Booking 6235 8482 / 6734 0707

F & B/Banquet Dept 67394 139/ 140 /176 •

Swimming Lessons 6737 0742 or 9276 5900

Membership Dept 67394 108 •

Head Of Food Services 6739 4140•

Library 67394 127•

Executive Sous Chef 6739 4157•

The Tanglln Club 5


Children's Christmas Party Tuesday 7 December At The Theatrette This year's special event for the kids will be slightly different. For one thing, parents are allowed to attend. And it's one big party for children from age 3 years and above.

The fun and games centre on a play presented by Act 3 Theatrics, who have been creating tiieatre since 1984. It's a stage drama titled "Will there be presents this Christmas?" with music, songs and audience participation.There will be Glazerella, the Ice Queen, and Frosty the Snowman. The children will have a rip-roaring time together, playing games wiOi 2 Christmas characters. And of course there's good ol' Santa Claus with his bag of goodies.

So parents, if your children have been extra good this y^ar, bring them along

to the Christmas Party, and give yourself a treat tool! I

New Entertainment From

Joy & The Face Facts Get ready to Face the Facts in the Churchill Room from Friday 10 December 2004. Please welcome this marvellous five-piece

dance band which plays anything from jazz, blues, swing, oldies and rock & roll. The Entertainment Committee has had auditions

in the past two months to select this

fabulous group which has also performed during the President's Ball to great acclaim from members.

So put on your "blue suede shoes" and dance the night away every Friday and Saturday from

6 The Tanglin Club



New YearfsyE^ Ball Friday 31 December Yet another year is coming to an end. Be sure hot t\miss thisj/@j7 last day of 2004 with a spectacular non-stop nrght 6f partying.

During the month of December, the Churchill Room will be closed on

Enjoy a few glasses of bubbly before feasting away onlhe New Year's Eye five-course menu prior to the midnight countdown. Hafs^novelties>Jive\

music and lots of fun will as usual be supplied. Reserva^^ necessary. \

Friday 3, Saturday 4, Sunday 12 and Saturday 1 January for private functions.

^ For latest updates, please log on to news.asp

Happy Prices: $138(Member)& $158(Guest). Late night entry after 11.30 pm - $50. Party starts at 7.30 pm. Dress code: Black Tie or Red Sea Rig. Last day for cancellation: Friday 24 December. New Year's Eve dinner inclusive of one bottle of wine for every two persons and late night supper. Dining available at The Tavern and the Foyer Lounge. Churchill Room is fully booked. Barbecue at the Wheelhouse Restaurant.

General Manager's

•^Cy/S} ~

Thursday 16 December• Churchill Room •7.30 pm

Paul Gostelow Continues

How many pairs of animals did Moses


take on the ark? Where is Santa Glaus


from? What are feathers on a

shuttlecock made from? Why is a

Playing At The Churchill And Tea Lounge

^ rose wine pink? What was

Tickling the ivones is vniat Paul does

Napoleon's real name? Do you know

best. Why not bring your friends to the Club this holiday season to enjoy the soothing sounds of his piano

playing. On most nights from 7.00 pm,except Sundays.

the answers? Start thinking and join


the fun.

Thursday 16 December in the Churchill Room at 7.30 pm.$30(Member & Guest). Price inclusive of GST. Make your bookings early to avoid disappointment. The Tanglln Club 7


Made In Heaven

Dutch Jazz & French Wine Evening

Introducing for one night only, Dutch recording jazz artist Harry Happel and French Wine Connoisseur Thomas Percillier. Happel will be playing modern and classic Jazz tunes as well as jazzed up Christmas favourites from his latest album. Just a gentle reminder, there are only a few days left before celebrating the festive spirits of Christmas and the fast approaching turn of the New Year.

Percillier on the other hand will be presenting a number of fine

wines from France including the outstanding Chateau Le Boscq and the Grand Cru Classe nominated Chateau Belgrave from HautMedoc accompanied with a five-course Menu D^gustation. Enjoy an evening of smooth piano Jazz, magnfficent Chateau wines and exciting gourmet cuisine. Saturday 11 December In the Churchill Room. Cocktails at 7.00 pm. Dinner at 7.30 pm (sharp).

$68.00(Member)& $78.00(Guest). Booking open now. Last day of cancellation: Thumday 9 December.

tl \ I I

\ II


Saturday 11 December

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Christmas Day Gourmet Lunch Saturday 25 December Christmas is coming to town... Enjoy traditional Christmas fare with


favourites like soup of

pumpkin, roast turkey, gammon ham and brandied Christmas

pudding. This is a venue for the whole family, friends and fellow members alike to

celebrate the joys of

An enjoyable event with delicious food, free

Christmas and

flow of fine champagne and soft music. Make

Its festive spirit.

sure you don't miss this opportunity for a truly relaxing Sunday! Children of all ages are

Churchill Room,The


Tavern. Foyer Lounge and Raffles Room at 12 noon.

Churchill Room from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm

Set Lunch at $44,00

$47.25(Adult with Champagne),$31.50 (Adult without Champagne)& $15.75 (Child below

(Member), $52.00(Guest) & $28.00 (Child). Booking open now. Last day of cancellatlon: Monday 20 December


12 years). All prices inclusive of GST. Dress Code: Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

Booking open now. Last day of cancellation: Monday 13 December.

Swiss Butchery Meat & Sausage Specialist Retail, Whotp^lf & Home


in Town • The best home-made sausages • Grill specialities, ready marinated • Pan-ready meats • Good selection of Swiss cheeses and pasta • Australian beef, lamb, pork, milk-fed veal and free-range veal Swiss Butchery

Cinnamon, cardamom and cloves we all know its Christmas.

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So come along bring family and dear friends In some merry-making the night before Christmas with an innovative Christmas feast of good food and wine. Relax to festive tunes from our resident pianist Paul Gostelow and thereafter dance the night away with Joy & The Face Facts.

Tel: (65)6468 7588 • Fax:(65]6468 7971 Opening hours Mor> • fri: 1000 -1900 h Sat: 1000 -1800 h

Sun & public holidays: closed

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. $85.00(Member)& $95.00(Guest). Guests are welcome. One bottle of wine for every two persons. Dress code: Club Standard. Prices inclusive of GST.

Booking open now. Last day of cancellation: Friday 17 December.


3 \ 0^ecv\ easy & free parking major credit cords accepted


c- -

The Tanglin Club 9

fromihekilchen Authentic Curry Buffet In The Tavern

Cheesecake Of The Month Pastry Chef Dave and his team have created what is considered an American

cult item - the cheesecake! if it happens to

be your favourite treat, you will love this creative mouth-watering Chocolate Cheesecake of the month.

Available in ail F&B outlets at $3.40 per piece or $25.50 per cake.

Great news for lovers of authentic curries.

After numerous requests we have yet again decided to add some spice to the Tavem with our very own combination of Thai, Malay and Indian authentic buffet.

C\qss'\c Aiftdi (70Uir*v\et PjzzQS Of TV\e Moift+in If you haven't tried these unique thin-crusted

Sicilian style wood-fired gourmet pizzas from the Tavern yet? It's time!

Sweat it out, if you can stand the heat and join us for some hot flavours at the Tavern. Every

Saturday from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm. $18.50 per person inclusive of one helping from our soup and salad buffet.

Prepared from the open kitchen by Chef Benny and his Tavern team. Why not sample these innovative pizzas with family and friends during the month of December.

ThJr^fy LJz3r<J Barbecue ForT^e


Enjoy a fun-fitied BBQ by the poolside with hotdogs, burgers, tortilla wraps and much more for the whole family. A wide selection of wok items, sandwiches and refreshing beverages including Thirsty Lizard wines and ice-cold Tiger beer are available.


every Saforiiay

Classic Hawaiian - Pineapple, ham and

cheese - $9.20 per pizza Gourmet - Chicken Char Slew, spring onion and tomato sauce - $14.00 per pizza

New Year's Day

Champagne Brunch Saturday 1 January 2005 The celebration doesn't stop with last night's countdown. Why not instead celebrate the

beginning of a brand new year with a mouth watering spread and recover from last night's fun with free flowing Champagne or Proseccos. The whole family is as always welcome.

antf Siio^ay ^orin; tiie (azy afternoon fioorf front J,00 |)ivt to ().00/)ivti Churchill Room from

11.00 am to 2.30 pm.

$47.25(Adult with champagne), $31.50 (Adult without champagne)& $15.75 (Child below 12 years old). Booking open now. Last day for cancellation: Monday 27 December

10 The Tanglin Club


Home-made Sausages For Christmas Takeaways The Tanglin Club's famous home-made sausages for Christmas takeaways can be ordered from the F& B office, Wheelhouse Restaurant or by using our Christmas Takeaway order form.

Boxing Day Family Lunch Sunday 26 December Bring the whole family and enjoy a festive buffet spread. All the signature dishes will as usual be available for your enjoyment as well as roast turkey, gammon ham and more Christmas fare from the wagon. Santa will hopefully make a surprise visit during his busy Christmas schedule. Churchill Room from 12 noon to 3.00 pm. $22.00(Adult members and guests)& $12.00(Child below 12 years old). Dress code: Club standard. Booking open now. Last day for cancellation: Sunday 19 December.

Veal Sausages - $14.80 per kg. Chicken Sausages - $14.80 per kg. English Pork Sausages - $12.80 per kg.

Spicy Pork & Paprika Sausages - $12.80 per kg. Prices inclusive of GST.

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fromriiecellar Premium Wines of the Month

Cocktails Of The Month Strike up a conversation with our talented Bar staff and enjoy one of their refreshing cocktails or non alcoholic beverages of the month.


2002(NEW ZEALAND) Golden In colour with a light green hue. The palate shows lush peach, apricot and citrus aromas

together with nutty, toasty oak. Abundant stone fruit and grapefruit marmalade flavours on the finish. Price;







Smirnoff vodka (Red),


Blue Curacao and

orange juice.

This wine Is straw yellow with a slight greenish


colour complexity. Aromas of rose garden, green


apple and lychee characters are noticeable. The palate Is silky, subtle with herbal and tangy fruit •driven flavours and a soft touch of acidity iramim:)) Rirsi.iNn


$7.10 $39.00

/Glass I Bottle

YELLOW BIRD Bacardi rum, Galliano,

Red Wines

banana syrup, orange

juice and pineapple juice,



(SPAIN) Deep cherry colour. The bouquet Is Intense and complex. Dense red fruit, spices and truffles form a perfect harmony with the buttery vanilla tones coming from 12 months ageing in oak. The structure of the wine Is firm with tannins present, although the wine is soft on the palate. Price:


I Glass


I Bottle



Orange juice, lime juice and ginger ale.

(AUSTRALIA) Vibrant rich aromas of strawberries and


blackberries, balanced nicely by French and


American oak. Medium bodied with fresh acidity on the finish and touch of spicy oak. Price:

All prices inclusive of GST.

$9.50 $52.50


/ Glass I Bottle

Available in all F&B outlets.

Do you hove a favourite codcfalt recipe you wish to shore with us?


If you do. the F&B Dept would be delighted to feature your special drink for our Cocktails of the Month.

Contact the F&B Dept at 6739 4139 or email your recipes to 12 The Tangiin Club

All prices inclusive of GST. Order your wines using the order form inserted in this magazine or visit

fromthecellar New Housepour Wines From 10 January 2005


The Wine Section Committee has been tasting wine, wine and more wines during the process of finding a suitable substitution for our existing housepours.

Due to expiring contracts and the difficulty in maintaining price levels, the Committee have selected four new wines to represent the Club's new housepour wines

commencing from Monday 10 January 2005.

je good news is that there will be no price

^ftcrease, which is in line with The Tanglin Club's philosophy of excellent value and quality for money.

The forthcoming new wines are Frontera Chardonnay, Drostdy-Hof Steen Chenin Blanc, Hardy's VR Shiraz and Pierre Jean Merlot.

Wine Section's

Maraoret River Tasting Tuesciay 19 October 2004 The Wine Section's third tasting event on Tuesday 19 October was a tasting of wine from Margaret River in Westem Australia, followed by an Australian Food dinner.

members and guests attended the tasting, which was conducted by Manfred Schwencke, a member of more than 40 years standing. Manfred took us through a well-chosen range from this relatively new wine-producing area; impressing us all with

the depth of his knowledge, lightly borne. As he pointed out, Margaret River contributes a small part of total Australian wine production, but a disproportionate part of Australia's most highly rated wines, offering closest comparisons amongst the Cabernet Sauvignons for example, to classed

Bordeaux. In an entertaining and educational discussion, we appraised three whites (Woody Nook Sauvignon '03, Pierro Semillon Sauvignon LTC '03 and Voyager Chardonnay '01) and four reds (Green Valley Cab. Sauv '00, Moss Wood Glenmore Cab. Sauv '00, Moss Wood

Ribbon Vale Cab. Merlot'01 and Evans & Tate Shiraz *01). An excellent Australian buffet dinner concluded another

highly successful Wine Section event.

The Section's next event will be a tasting of Champagne and Sauternes, plus dinner, on Wednesday 1 December.

The Tanglin Club 13

lades 'ents

Ladies Christmas

Thursday 9 December Deck the hall with boughs of holly.. ...Tis' the season to be jolly!! Ho! Ho! Ho! Come to The Tanglin Club's annual Ladies Christmas Luncteon where a traditional market will be

on display. See a wide variety of silver ornaments, wooden carvings, crib figi irines, nutcrackers, table decor, candles and many mo'e ideas for your Christmas wish list. These will be t ard to resist... as will be the delicious

gluehwein and the sumptuous festive foods. Jump start your Christmas festivities by singing carols and soaking i p the magical yuletide atmosphere!! Please book early to avoid disappointment!!

Date:Thursday 9 December

j Time: 12 noon

\'enue: Churchill Room

Prices:$29.50(Member)& $35.50(Guest). Prices inclu sive of GST. Guests are welcome.

Booking opening dates: Monc ay 1 November(Members) & Mcnday 8 November(Guests) La St day for cancellation : Thursday 2 December

A Calendar Gift From

Tanglin Club Artists This Christmas, why not pick a lovely 2005 Calendar as a gift for friends and acquaintances. This unique gift, featuring 12 paintings by our artists, was produced in conjunction with the very successful art exhibition held recently in the Club by nine talented members. The calendars are priced at $10 each, and all proceeds go to the Children's Cancer Foundation. They are obtainable from the Reception counter. Thank you for your support.

14 The Tanglin Club

m: ti

ladies vents As always, the many admirers and followers of Edwin Pereira flocked to the Churchill Room


to hear this guru of elegant decoration talk about the latest ideas on "dressing up" the home for Christmas. Some 150 ladies filled

the Room and admired the table settings, floral arrangements and other seasonal decorations that Edwin is so well known for.

There was even a short questlon-and-answer session to enable those present to "pick his brains" for ideas! Getting into the mood for Christmas is such a lovely idea, and has always thrilled the members and guests who attend this traditional event. Thank you, Edwin, for sharing your skill and talent with us.

Touches Of Christmas Thursday 18 November 2004

The Tangtin Club 15


V (5: i 'l/j/


The Presid^t's Ball 2004 Saturday 6 November It was a night of glamour, glitter and movie

on behalf of Sir Winston Churchill.

stars for the annual Hollywood Oscars Ball on Saturday 6 November 2004.

The evening was deemed a huge success,

75 members dressed up in black tie and

to music from Joy & The Face Facts, DJ Izzy

with members dancing away till the early hours

beautiful gowns to the arrival of flashing

and even "Michael Jackson", making a surprise

paparazzi, sparkling champagne and gourmet


canapes. The red carpet was rolled out for a five-course gourmet wine and dine menu,

Thank you to all the staff and our members

music from the big band and the extravaganza

who made the evening the most prestigious

later taking place in the Churchill Room.

event outside of Hollywood.

Club President Alan Jones and his wife

presented In true Hollywood fashion, the Oscar Awards for the "Biggest Spender In A Leading Role","The Leading Role In A Sports Movie", The Lifetime Achievement Award","The Full

Commitment Special Award", "The Most

Political Legend In Their Own Time" and finally "The Finest Venue For Holding The Prestigious Oscars Ceremony Outside Of Hollywood".

The Oscars were won by Professor Malcolm Greaves, Mr Desmond Hill, Mrs Nan Sandford,

MC Cheorg showing off his Oscar.

Or Alex Ooi, Mr MC Cheong and Mr Brian Toft 16 The Tanglin Club


Desmond Hill

accepting the "Sports Movie award.

Prof. Malcolm Greaves winner of the

"Biggest Spender" award.

The "Hollywood Press

getting her scoop.

Nan Sandford receiving her Oscar from Mrs Christine Jones.

The Tanglin Club 17

calendar events




Ladies Chrisimas Lunch Thursday 9 December



12 noon In the Churchill Robm




7.15 pm (Chufchill Room) SQUASH Cosmo vs American Club



I 9





6.00 pm (Raffles Room)

(Theatretle) FISH HEAD CURRY(Wheelhouse) TENNIS Bring-A-Guest Nighl (Tennis Courts)

6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)




12 noon (Churchill Room)

Churchill Room is

fully booked for lunch.

14 • FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse)



6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


7.30 pm (Churchill Room) BILLIARDS Section Fund Night (Billiards Room) Churchill Room is fully booked for lunch.


21 • FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse)





6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


28 • FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse)




6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) BALUT Monthly Competition f 'Room; --


• % i'




Thirsty Lizard iTrs


Authentic Curry Buffet In The Tavern

Barbecue Grillinq every

Saturday & Sunday from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pin.

Every Saturday from 6.00 pm




6.00 pm (Raffles Room)

18 The Tanglin Club

FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) TENNIS Bring-A-Guest Night (Tennis Courts)


6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

SR( LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse)




10.00 am (Draycott Room} CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) SRI LANKAN CRA8S(Wheelhouse) MOVIE Anacondas - PG (Thealfette)

• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Anacondas - PG (Theatrette) • SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) • THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 300 pm lo 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio)

• AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET(The Tavern) Churchill Room will be closed for a private function.


Churchill Room will be closed for a private function.

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Anaoondas - PG (Theatrette) SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) CHILDREN'S WORKSHOP Crime Scene Investigation, 9.00 am THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio)



10.00 am (Draycott Room)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


MOVIE The Bourne Supremacy - PG (Theatrette)

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Bourne Supremacy - PG rrhe-'rette)

SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio) AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET (The Tavern)



.nnual Golf Bash at JCC



MADE IN HEAVEN Dutch Jazz & French Wine

7.00 pm (Churchill Room) BILLIARDS Christmas Marathon BBQ (Raffles Room)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Bourne Supremacy - PG (Theatrette) SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) Churctilll Room CHILDREN'S WORSKHOP Brainiest Kids, 2.00 pm wlllb* THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm des.d for a private (Wheelhouse Patio) function. FITNESS Family Fur Run (Botanic Gardens)



10.00 am (Draycott Room) ■ CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) ■ SRI LANKAN CRABS (Wheelhouse) MOVIE 13 Going On 30• PG (Theatrette)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE 13 Going On 30 - PG (Theatrette) THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio)


CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room)

SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) MOVIE 13 Going On 30• PG (Theatrette) THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm lo 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio)

SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) Churchill Room will be closed for a private function.

25 Christmas Day


• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 phi

10.00 am (Drayoott Room)



3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) MOVIE Dodgstsall - PG (Theatrette) CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER & DANCE

(Churchill Room,The Tavem & Foyer Lounge) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelho

• MOVIE Dodgebal!- PG (Theatrette) • AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET(The Tave • SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse)

7.30 pm (Churchill Room)




T (Draycott Room)

.<AN CRABS(Wheelhouse)


7.30 pm (Main Clubhouse) • NEW YEAR'S EVE BARBECUE

7.30 pm (Wheelhouse) Note; There will be no movie screening.


BOXING DAY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Dodgeball - PG (Theatrette) THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio) SRI LANKAN CRABS (Wheelhouse)

New Year's

Get your 2005

Eve Ball

Art Calendars

7.30 pm at the

before they all

Main Clubhouse

run out!



1 New Year's Day • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

« MOVIE The Motocycle Diaries • NC16 (Theatrette) • THIRSTT LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio) • SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse) • NEW YEAR'S DAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH

11.00 am (Churchill Room) • NEW YEAR'S DAY FAMILY LUNCH

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churchill Room) FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Motocycle Diaries - l>JC16 (Theatrette) THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio) SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse)

12 noon (The Tavern)


10.00 am (Draycott Room) CHILDREN'S ART CLASS

3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) SRI LANKAN CRABS (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Choristes • PG (Theatrette)

• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am & 12.45 pm • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE l-es Chonstes - PG (Theatrette) • THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio) • AUTHENTIC CURRY BUFFET(The Tavem) • SRI LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY DINNER 6.00 pm (Churohlll Room) FISH HEAD CURRY (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Les Choristes - PG (Theatrette) THIRSTY LIZARD BARBECUE 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse Patio) SRi LANKAN CRABS(Wheelhouse)

The Tonglin Club 19


Introduction Evening 1 November 2004 We extend a warm welcome to the

following new Members: Dr Ang Mel-Kim Ms Corazon Caling

Mr & Mrs Mike Chee Weng Yan Mr & Mrs Gan Tian Huat

Dr & Mrs Goh Soon Chye Mr & Mrs Jek Yeun Thong Ms Cheryl Kaw Mr & Mrs Khoo Ee Ping Ms Khoo LI Yen

Mr & Mrs Prakash N Kirpalani Mr & Mrs Jon Leadbetter Mr Lee Yu Chuan

Mr & Mrs Nicholas Robin Marrett

Ms Lindy Ong Teck Geok

Ms Soon Pek Quann & Mr Cheng Tze-Chung Mr & Mrs Daniel Tan Hsien Shih Ms Isabella Tham & Mr Ian Tham Mr Alexander Walter Thevathasan

Capt & Mrs Thurairatnam Thuraisingham Ms Carol Wong Foong Keng

Mr Kevin Wong Ee Cheong Mrs Inger Eva Engdahl-Wong & Mr John Wong Ms Yang Sook Yoon Dr Derrick Yeo Chen Kuan

Dr & Mrs John C A Barrett(Term Members)

Mr & Mrs Tony Faneco(Term Members) We extend a warm welcome to the following

new Honorary Members: HE & Mrs Sajjad Ashraf(Pakistan High Commissioner)

HE & Mrs Oleksandr Horin (Ukraine Ambassador)


HE Sajjad Ashraf and Mr Lee Yu Chuan,


Mr & Mrs Jek Yeun Thong.


Ms Lindy Ong with proposer Mr Peter Lim.


Dr & Mrs John C A Barrett.


Ms Yang Sook Yoon with parents


Ms Khoo Li Yen with parents Dr & Mrs James Khoo

Mr & Mrs Yang Choon Sang.

and GC member Dr Albert Wee.


Mr & Mrs Daniel Tan Hsien Shih.


Ms Corazon Caling with proposer Ms Perlita Tiro.


Mr & Mrs Jon Leadbetter.

10 Mr & Mrs Nicholas Robin Marrett

20 The Tanglin Club

miscellariy Art Group At The Tanglin Are you bored painting alone? Find it hard to get started? Like to socialize with other artists? Work informally without instruction?

Fort Tanjong Kafong Dig

and Saturday morning (come one

Here's something that old members who are history buffs may be interested. There's rare archaeological work going on at the old Katong Park at the Junction

or both days) and welcome all

of Fort Road and Meyer Road, Some

artists Irrespective of experience

recent diggings have exposed remnants

Then come join the new Art Group at The Tanglin, which will commence early next year. We intend to meet each Thursday

level. No formal programmes

of structures of what is believed to be

planned, just learn from the

a fort built by the British as early as 1879. The excavation is a project of the

experiences of one another as the

Mountbatten CCC which has asked if

Group progresses.

members can offer any nuggets of information about this historical site.

Oils, Acrylic, Watercolour,

Please write in to the Magazine Editor.

Charcoal, Pastel, or any other

medium and in any style, we are happy to have you. So come join us and do your thing in an informal, friendly and very sociable atmosphere at The Tanglin Club. A fee of $5 per month Is anticipated.

To register your interest, please contact the Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4128, the Club's Receptionist at 6737 6011, Brian Baynes at email: or

7ort Zanjong Katong Raising History, Planting Roots

Dianne Varden at email:

Mini-Ads For Members Do you have something to advertise? Why

Staff Hong Boo For 2004

not do it using our mini-ads! The rates are attractive. What's more, during the next three

The Club's food and beverage prices do not Include any service charge.

months, we'll give you a $50 cash voucher for every $200 minl-ad, redeemable at any

Our staff, unlike those in restaurants or hotels, are not allowed to receive tips or gratuities.


CYC Custom Shop.

The Club over the years has always looked to the members to contribute towards a lump sum hong bao to be shared among the staff annually in the Lunar New Year.

We are Introducing this service for members who may have a car for sale, a house for rent,

or just may want to offer specialised sen/ices like giving piano or guitar lessons, or executive coaching.

This year, members would be charge $50 per person and $100 per couple. Members who wish to contribute more or do not wish to contribute should fill up the form inserted

in the magazine and fax it to the General Manager before 31 December 2004. Thank you.

Minl-ad sizes and rates per Insertion are;

Type A ; 6 X 4.5 cm




Type C : 12 X 4.5 cm


All rates include GST.

Jackpot Payouts Do you believe in luck? Or at least in lucky Jackpot machines that repeat their big payouts. On 29 October a certain machine

Deadline for booking and text for the ad is the

18th of every month. For more details, please contact our Magazine Co-ordinator Cheryl Lim at 6739 4129 or email

22 The Tanglin Club

paid out almost 15 grand. Less than two weeks later, the

same machine paid out another eight grand. By the way,four new exciting machines were installed recently in the Jackpot Room. Have a go at it!!

holiday Brisbane. Here the amazing sight was again the pace of development. It's quite Incredible that with all the land available and miles and

miles of sandy beaches. Surfers Paradise Is

reaching for the sky. The talk of the town Is an 80-storey apartment building that is nearing completion. Earlier that morning, we also visited Hope Island's resort development, a huge on-going

project which is about 65 per cent complete and largely occupied. Here many of the luxury homes have water access, and owners can

moor their boats right off their grounds. With golf and boating facilities, no wonder they call it Queensland's "millionaire's playground". On coming home, and catching up with my reading, a story In the Business Times of 4 November caught my eye. It was a report of

an inaugural survey done by Jones Lang LaSalle about the world's best-governed cities. Thirty-three major cities were studied and graded on their success, based on two counts:

Until recently, Brisbane was just another Australian city to me. I remembered It hosted the 1988 World Expo, but somehow, the other

the changing city skyline with major office buildings coming up.

cities Down Under managed to claim my time

With the on-going debate In Singapore on

and attention to Its exclusion. Last month I

whether we should have a casino, I couldn't

caught up with Queensland's capital city during a brief holiday. It was a discovery trip!

help but pop In to view the sole gaming activity conveniently located at one end of the Mall. The casino was converted from an old

The city of Brisbane Is a little over seven hours' flying time from Singapore, and in terms of population size, is about half of ours. In fact, the population of Queensland state (3.85

distinguished structure called the Treasury building. Business was fair and the only Impressive thing was the heritage building!

How well are they governed and the strength of their marketing capacity. Not city size, geographical spread or economic maturity. Singapore came up tops for city management, and New York for city marketing. But among the 10 most successful cities in the survey, Brisbane came up No. 7, behind Barcelona, Dubai, Shanghai, Budapest and the two top cities mentioned earlier. Even

ahead of sister cities Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

million) is still less than Singapore's four million. But like Singapore, Brisbane Is a most livable

No trip to Brisbane would be complete without a visit to the Gold Coast area and the fabled

city and very much on the move.

Surfers Paradise, about one hours' drive from

KC Yuen

^.irt from its charm and cleanliness, Brisbane seems like a city In a hurry to grow. The one thing that struck me In the Central Business

District(CBD) is the amount of construction activity, both commercial and residential. The

locals tell me that In the last 10 years, there has been a significant drift of the people moving from suburban homes to embrace a more

swinging lifestyle in apartment dwellings In the CBD.

Brisbanltes will tell you that their city Is Australia's fastest-growing city today. The city's Courier-Mall quoting a research manager

Luxury homes at Hope Island Resort on the Gold Coast.

said that "there would be 5,230 high-rise unit

dwellings complete and available for occupation In the CBD by the end of 2005. Almost 70 per cent would have been built since 2002."

After checking out the shopping attractions In their much touted Queen Street Mall, we took

an enjoyable boat ride on the CityCat ferry on the beautiful Brisbane River which meanders

through the heart of the city. On the river banks, one could see construction of hlghand low-rise apartment buildings, as well as

The Tongiin Club 23

acrivHies' children

investigations to solve mysteries.

GVilme sc^nB lrvve§ti9atr^


BaWei Dqv\cg C\asses

Date: Sunday 5 December•Time: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm • Fee: $70 per participant

For booking details, see below under Brainiest Kids.

This is a great opportunity for all budding crime scene investigators to learn how criminals are apprehended, by applying the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. You will be amazed by how you can apply science in actual criminal

ESTC^II Although these classes have just started, limited places are still available. The new

Outwit, outsmart and outdo your enemies in order to retrieve the house key to return home. It will be the one true amazing race of your lifetime!

classes take place every Wednesday from 3.40 pm to 4.15 pm (3 to 4 years

So what are you still waiting for? Start to unleash the hidden potential of your mind or be trapped forever in Everland...

old) and from 4.15 pm to 5.00 pm (4 to

5 years old) at the Club's Multi Purpose Hall. The fee is $52 per child for4 lessons.

Date: Sunday 12 December • Time: 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm • Fee: $70 per participant. Registration forms for both workshops are available from the Reception and from the Sports & Recreation Dept. Closing date for each workshop

To register, please call the Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4148 or you can pick up a registration form

Is one week before date of commencement. For further details, please

at the Reception.

call the Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4148. if


Junior Eagles Golf Programme (Over 10 lessons) Starting Saturday 11 December 2004

Holiday Junior Tennis Camps There will be Holiday Junior Tennis Camps during the local

This programme is for beginners from age 7 to 15 years. Lessons

Objectives of the Game, Major

will be conducted once a week

Small Swing, Digital Video Analysis and Rules & Etiquette.

on Saturday at 4.00 pm at the

Fundamentals, Introduction to the

Module 2(Beginners)

Covers Safety The fee Is $198 for 10 lessons. A

subsidised price of $150 will be applicable for children of registered members of the Tanglln Club Golf Section Fund.

6 December to Friday 10 December and from Monday 20 December to Friday 24 December. These camps have proven to be very popular in the past,

Fairway Club of Palm Resort

located In Jurong.

school holidays In December. Camps will run from Monday


so get in early to secure Major

Fundamentals, Flexibility Training Drills & Games, the Half Swing and Full Swing, Emphasis on

your place. Times for each day are from 8.30

am to 12 noon. Any

Balance, Woods & the Power

parents who require

Swing, Digital Video Analysis and

information, please call Ken

a Long Drive Competition. Smith

There are 2 modules of 10




lessons each of 1 hour duration.

To register, please contact the

Registration forms are available

Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739

from the Sports & Recreations

Module 1 (Debutant) Covers topics like Safety,


Dept and the Tennis Hut.

24 The Tanglin Club

Do you know where you stand with the UK Taxman?

Just answer these simple questions and find out. If you have just been transferred overseas by your employer, you must continue to pay Class 1 contributions for the first 52 weeks of your absence.

Should you declare your rental income from your UK residency?

Income generated abroad Is taxed?

have been away?

You have saved money while overseas, how much is the tax man owed?

If you have a will, are you sure it is upto date with the latest tax and inheritance tax changes?

Will you be taxed on funds held abroad?

the tax man cannot get any of your expat dollars stashed away?

Will you be taxed on any capital gains while you

After you've retired, can you sleep happily knowing

How well did you get on? Did you get most of the answers right? Imagine then that what you know now could change while you're here working away from home. And change quite dramatically.

So wheth^ you're thinking of going back soon or In a few years time It's important that you know where you are with your tax

He'll also be able to tell you about the Fry Group itself. About how the business was established in 1898 and how

we've been helping British expatriates In Singapore since 1967. And about how we're the only British company licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to run a financial planning business.

obligations. Call us today to arrange to see one Which is why you may want to talk to one of our advisers. He'll have a look at your financial situation and take you through the latest amendments to the tax laws.(He'll also give you solutions not just advice.) Aid ^oiid you have money that you want to Invest he'll be aWe to help you make the most of it. Whether it's bonds, cash, property, hedge knds or equities he'll suggest what's best for you.

of our advisers, he'll be more than

glad to talk to you. Our number is 6225 0825, or alternatively, you can visit to find our


about the



provide. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Fry Group

library Bourne Legacy

America The

Eric Van Lustbader

Vulnerable: How Our


Morality For Beautiful

Government Is Failing

Oracle Night


To Protect Us From

Paul Auster

Alexander McCall Smith


Long For This World

The Torment Of Others

Stephen Flynn

Michael Byers

Val McDermid

The Shackled

New Books

Top 10 Popular Titles A six-month survey of the books acquired In June 2004 showed that the following titles were most frequently borrowed by members.


The Lucky Ones

The Society

Continent: Power,

Rachel Cusk

Michael Palmer

Corruption And African

• 3rd Degree James Patterson

Bet Me



Nuruddin Farah

Robert Guest

Cooking Up A Storm

Cracking More Cases:

Joseph Finder • The Dreaming Stones

Emma Holly

The Forensic Science

The Making Of Henry

Of Solving Crimes

Howard Jacobson

Henry C. Lee

The Tree Bride

The Paradox Of Choice:

Bharati Mukherjee

Why More Is Less

Jennifer Crusie Paranoia

Sarah Harrison •

The Kills

Linda Fairstein

The Apologist

Barry Schwartz

Jay Rayner

Anthor World: The Life

Non Fiction • The Bubble Of American Supremacy

Of William Windle 1818 -1899

George Soros •

The Trouble With Islam

20:21 Vision

Irshad Manji

Professor Ian Peter


Bill Emmott

Remembrance Day Henry Porter Thirteen Steps Down Ruth Rendell

Harry's Game Gerald Seymour Are You Afraid Of The Dark?

Anonymous Divine Evil Nora Roberts

Non Fiction

Night Crossing

Losing America:

Robert Ryan

Confronting A Reckless

The Finishing School

And Arrogant

Muriel Spark

Presidency Robert C. Byrd

Crime & Thriller

Silk Road: Monks,

A Murder Of Justice

Warriors & Merchants

Robert Andrews

On The Silk Road

White Hot

Luce Boulnois

Sandra Brown

They Made America

Scandal Takes A

Harold Evans


The 9/11 Commission

Lindsey Davis


Robert Ludlum's: The

Authorized Edition

26 The Tanglin Club


For the library opening hours and other facilities, please log on to For enquiries, please contact the library at 6739 4127 or email tclibrary@tanglin'


scuba much like a shark, but is not a shark. There

was also a big triggerfish ferociously attacking a jellyfish which was about 18 inches in diameter.

Eight lobsters ail in a row were waiting for our divers when they visited Lobster Hole in the afternoon. A stiff current made this a definite

hands-off experience, I'm VERY happy for that! Then, it was off for more relaxed diving on sheltered Pulau Lang. The highlight was swimming through a 'tunnel' in the coral reef wail; the tunnel walls were festooned with colourful soft coral.

The manias did not make an appearance even on Sunday's pre-breakfast dive at Raynor's Rock. This had been the time and place of the most recent sightings. The current in fact, picked up so much that during parts of the dive, it felt like we were being churned in a washing machine! No wonder that several of Days of thundery showers in Singapore did

to report sunny skies and safe conditions for

us chose to sit out the next and last dive, to

not augur weil for our weekend expedition to


read a book, or enjoy the delightful

Puiau Aur. The Malaysian dive season normally comes to a close by end October

The seasick pills that were popped on the

and this wet weather seemed to indicate an

evening of Friday 29 October proved to be

early monsoon. But news of manta ray

unnecessary. Though not the calmest of

sightings got us excited enough to plan one last expedition. The final 'ok' for the trip only

crossings, we all managed to keep our

came on the morning of the expedition itself,

and get in a few hours of sleep. The full moon

when our boat charterer called from the islands

delicious Kota Tinggi dinner in our stomachs that lit up the seascape however, promised strong currents for the next day's diving. On our first dive at the Pinnacles, we were

rewarded with a parade of twelve big trevaiiies and a huge eagle ray. And then the currents picked up and we had an uncomfortable second dive at Captain's Point where there

was considerable wave surge. Still, i saw my first cobia; this is a large fish that looks very

companionship of5 year old Mathew Lau who had come out with dad David.

No mantas, but still a weekend of fairly good diving with quite a lot to see and as usual, the good company of 758 buddies. Shin Kwek

The Tanglin Club 27

squash 6th International Doubles

Squash Tournament - President's Cup Over the weekend of Friday 21 to Sunday 23 January 2005, we are holding our 6th

be holding a qualifying tournament for the Singapore entrants the preceding weekend.

International Doubles tournament for the

President's Cup. Over the years, this event has attracted players from all over the world and this time is no exception.

We are expecting teams from amongst others Australia, NZ, UK, Canada, USA, Thailand,

HK, Malaysia and Indonesia, not to mention a strong contingent from Singapore. As there will be over 90 pairs entering and we can only

The standard will be extremely high and there

will be some very exciting matches. Make a note in your diaries to come down to the Squash Centre over the weekend of Friday 21 to Sunday 23 January 2005 and in particular, try and keep the Sunday morning free for the finals,

cater for 32 in the main tournament, we will

Peter Rogers

Lefs And Strokes

to set up a Wall Of Fame in recognition of the



I was reminded some days back of the close linkage between the Club and the SSRA.

Squash Courts Maintenance

Indeed members of the Club's squash fraternity


provided stewardship during SSRA's formative and halcyon days ... names of past presidents that come to mind are Eric Cooper, Richard Evans, Teoh Hoon Cheow and Eddy Jacob.

refurbishments of all six singles courts. Depending on when the tenders are awarded, it is likely that work will commence about midDecember for a period of approximately three

Hoon Cheow is the only remaining squasher and still plays a mean game. Norman Wee


Peter Hill and Lim Seok Hui. Perhaps It's time contributions of our luminaries. Food for

us are novices in playing the game, yet, the incidents pile up. We'll have a look after the first quarter ... for the sake of safety in the doubles court. Introduction of the sin bin may be necessary.




for the

weeks. Some noise and dust are to be

Christmas Theme Saturday 18 December. Keep this date in mindlll We can expect prizes for the best

Santa playing outfit...roast turkey etc with our beer, party packs for the young at heart... and if Wright happens to be around ... Jeffrey L

was VP to three presidents over a period of

Squash Conve)^

25 years but now find greater pleasure in

Hit Register

running Club events. In addition, various members have been world-ranked, namely

the register have more than doubled. None of

Annual Doubles Championship For The Kimpton Cup October 2004 saw the Sixth Annual Kimpton

Cup Tournament, a doubles tournament going from strength to strength as evidenced by the

It is troubling....since last month, entries to

number of teams entered (18) and the high

final by Chris and Rolf, seeded three.

quality of play.

The early rounds saw few surprises even though Bob Cattle and Ish almost pushed Ross and Alex (seeded 4)over the edge. Most games went as expected with some long rallies

The highly anticipated final between the evergreen Desmond supported by number one son, Richard, against Play -from -theBack Chris and Quicksilver Rolf found the number three seeds somewhat out of form as

and close scores indicating

the Hill combination tightly controlled the game

how the overall standard

and took the trophy with a 3-0 win.

of doubles play has improved. The seeded teams were looking unperturbed until Sylvester

In the enthusiastically played Plate event, Norman Wee and Jonathan Pang fell in the final to a very in-form combination of Munir

and Lee Wah obliterated

Shah and Graham Dare.

Zoher and Peter Rogers

(number 2 seeds) to pull off the first upset of the

28 The Tonglin Club

A popular, well organised and timely

tournament, only to be

tournament for which we must again thank a far sighted Rodger Kimpton, enthusiastically

closely beaten in the semi

supported by Peck Tee.


Pot Gome vs SCC Saturday 9 October 2004

Billiards Section

Trip To Malaysia

There was a lot of excitement in

his opponent, Ananda

October - starting with the Pot game against SCC on Saturday 9 October.

unfortunately lost the match. The jinx continued, as George Huang with



only blue to win, potted the blue but

Looking ahead, we would like to encourage our younger players to consider joining the next trip and create

circumstances, 4:3 to SCC. Leong on the black was "jaw-snookered" by

went in off and to lose the match.

likewise, fond memories.




Six regular snooker players headed north over the causeway to play friendly matches with the Royal Ipoh Club and Royal Selangor Club KL, Despite losing both matches against younger opponents, P.C.Chua won his singles game 2-1 and the partnership of K.K.Chan/Sachan won a doubles match 2-1.

Better luck next time, TC champs! A great weekend was had by ail, and on their behalf I would like to express our thanks to both host Clubs for

the excellent hospitality.

Snooker Box Ladder

Sachan Kumar

Snooker Box Ladder final was played on Saturday 23 October and Rodney Oehlers won the match against Dr

Annual Championship Concorde Trophy is in progress.

Ng. The third place went to Eric

Congratulations to all the winners!

Stevenson. *


Chu Tee Seng had the highest break and Sethuraman took the prize for maximum number of wins in the

Section Fund Night matches.

Upcoming Events Annual Christmas Marathon

Saturday 11 December Monthly Section Fund Matches

Prizes galore! Including $200 worth of vouchers for winning maximum number of games and dinner at the Raffles Room Next Round Of Snooker Box Ladder

December 2004 till February 2005 Friendly Match vs SCC Details to be confirmed. Watch out for more details on noticeboards.

The Tanglin Club 29

tennis Captain vs Convenor Sunday 17 October 28 players showed up to do battle on the tennis courts that Sunday afternoon. Captain MC Cheong and his team

put up a valiant and brave fight, but alas succumbed to Convenor Harvey Teo's team. It was a very close competition but good fun of three rounds, each

round consisting of first to 9 games doubles sets. Round one

But everyone were winners! At dinner in the Churchill Room,the runners

drew at 26 games each. Round two,

up (polite term) team each got a $10 dining voucher and the winni

Convenor beat Captain 26 - 21. Round

team got $20 vouchers! Bottles of wine went to lucky draw winners

three drew at 25-25. Judging from the

the highlight saw Robert Yeo walking away with a flashy Nokia camera

team lineup of ladies and men, it was

phone which was donated with kind courtesy from Starhub.

a narrow case of experience over

beauty that won the day!


Tanglin Club vs Tanoh Meroh CC 24 October 2004

Upcoming Events

Tanglin Club hosted Tanah Merah Country Club to a friendly match on

Brlng-A-Guest-Night • Tuesday 7 December

Sunday 24 October. For the first time in four years, we got to welcome

6.30 pm to 9.30 pm

our eastern border friends, led by Colonel Toh, to play tennis in the

Don't forget to come down. First Tuesday of the month. Plenty of food, plenty of drinks. The evening we had on

heart of the city.

Tuesday 2 November saw 31 people turning up - everyone enjoyed themselves. An interesting observation is that there As usual towards the year end, overcast skies threatened to wreak havoc on our schedule, but the rain gods spared us this time. We

managed to finish four tie-ups of entertaining tennis, ending at 8.00 pm

are always some new faces and dark horse guests who can hit really good! Free for Tennis Section members, $5 for Non-Section members or guests. Walk-in.

at night. Playing on showcase Court 8 in the first tie-up. Tanglin Club's Bernard and Dominic treated the crowd to some pulsating tennis action.

Team Tennis•Saturday 19 December

Bernard's twist serve, starting from an extreme sideways stance, was

4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

reminiscent of McEnroe. At first, our opponents were confounded,

This will be a round robin doubles competition of four teams

stretched way out of court to reach for the return. However, they later

followed by a fun evening of dinner, games and lucky draw. Mark your calendar and sign up at the Tennis Hut

countered resourcefully, standing way inside to take the bail early. After a fierce struggle, the match was tied four all before the horn blew.

Once again, the age gap was evident, but this proved no deterrent to


Tennis Section's Adidas Team Shirts (Mens model) The Tennis Section's very own team shirts are available

the quality of the tennis or the ensuing camaraderie. At the end of the day, our Tanglin Club veterans held off the younger pretenders for an

for sale to Tennis Section Fund members at a subsidised

overall decisive victory.

price of S$10.35 each. Each Section Fund member will be entitled to purchase ONE piece only at the subsidised price.

Last but not least, credit goes to our caterers for preparing a wonderful

Additional pieces may be purchased at cost price of S$40.35. The new shirts are available for purchase from the Sports & Recreation Dept during office hours.

spread of local and western dishes. There were only bit crumbs left for the cleaners to dispose off after about 40 hungry tennis players made

Note: Ladles you are not being missed out - your turn in

short work of the buffet.

March 2005. Mark Tan

30 The Tanglin Club

lawnbowls&golf The see will be closing their green for

Lawn Bowls

maintenance for about a month from mid-

Bowls Singapore, the national body for Lawn Bowls, will be hosting the first Singapore International Lawn Bowls Championship

December. Presently all the Club bowls are at sec,so ensure you have some with you if

Tanglin Club, have been

The National Singles Championship will be played at Kallang in January and February 2005 on Saturdays. The format will be two

asked to provide a team of

sets of nine ends, decided

three to participate against

on shots, and if there is a

about eight international

tie in sets, a tie-breaker of

of Bowls Singapore, which includes The


you go to Kallang.

between Friday 18 and Sunday 20 March 2005 at Kallang Green. All the affiliated members

Golf Upcoming

teams. The format will be

three ends decided on

mixed three bowl triples and the mix of the teams may be

ends. Participants will play



two games and mark one game each Saturday, the

3 versa. Members wishing


games being played or

"T?" participate, should be


two ladies and one man or

Friday 10 December Annual Golf Bash

at Jurong Country Club

Tuesday 28 January Captain's Cup at Sentosa Golf Club

marked between the same

days of the championship

three players. Apart from the first game, games can Start at mutually agreed

and should contact the

• y'' times by the players.

prepared to play up to four

matches a day over the three

Sports & Recreation Dept or

■ ■1

Rodger Kimpton.

Chris Petrie

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balut&bridge Monthly Balut

actually as far as can be remembered and

The October game was well attended. A

verified, the highest column score achieved

contributing factor could be that we now until

by a Tangiin Club member playing in or

further are giving away as prizes the very

representing the Club. For the benefit of Balut

attractive dice (Balut) cups, we recently

reseachers Chris' scores were 4 -16,5 - 20,

received from a new supplier in Indonesia.

6 - 30, Straight 20, Full House 23, Choice 27,

The first winner of this Tangiin Club Balut Cup

Balut 30 = Total 166. Well done!

was Jacquline Wong with a 646, just edging 3rd place 'Ever Steady' Ian Jenkins with 621.

We wish all our Balut players,fellow members and the staff of the Tangiin Club a Merry

The Balut Cup for the highest single column

Christmas and Happy New Year. Perhaps

out Kristian Bonnichsen scoring 645 and in

went to relative newcomer Andrew Trevatt

more members will join our fun and very social

with a column score of 147. The winner of the

functions in the Year 2005.

'Peter Bird Trophy', our 2004 Balut Championship will undoubtedly be Ashoke

Section. The tennis players

Arya. We still need to play one more game,

certainly seem to be getting

but the pursuing pack, Sethu, Pla Sudawan,

the hang of the game. Balut

Nina Menon and your Convenor would need

won but with a margin of 42

more than a miracle to catch up with Ashoke.

Kristian Bonnichs^'^ Balut Conveil^

points only. O.K. Chang scored a very creditable total

Tennis vs Balut in conjunction with the October game we

played our annual match against the Tennis

of 670, but Chris Lim really stole the show. She managed a single column score of 166. This is

Bridge Schedule



This is the last bridge article for the year and I am sure all of you have had an exciting time with the various bridge events and the regular bridge games.

1.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Duplicate Bridge • Rohini Arya Tuesday

Some interesting statistics from the BGB game held at The Tangiin Club on Wednesday

1.00 pm to 4.30 pm

13 October 2004. There were 2018 participants from 55 clubs worldwide. We are very proud that our very own Rohini Arya and Rupa Natarajan secured a very high ranking and came

Novice • Ann Herbertson



30th worldwide. Our congratulations to them for doing us proud. Shyamaia Kamnagasundram

9.30 am to 12.30 pm

and Claire Quinn surprised themselves by emerging as the winners at The Tangiin Club.

Intermediate • Aisha Elliot

The annual Christmas lunch, which is not only the most talked about event of the Bridge

Duplicate Bridge • Anjna Berl

1.00 pm to 4.30 pm Section, but also carries with it the annual prize distribution based on the performance of

7.30 pm to 10.30 pm

ail the bridge players throughout the year, will be held on 3 December 2004. So do come

Duplicate Bridge • Claire Quinn

along for an afternoon of fun and games, kicking off with a superb lunch of traditional Christmas fare, followed by bridge.


1.00 pm to 4.30 pm Duplicate Bridge • Sherna DananI

The Wednesday evening game has now per1<ed up to five full tables and with your participation and support, let's strive to have an even fuller Cards Room!

Wont to play Bridge? There will be no bridge game on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

Interested In learning to play Bridge? Do you know what's happening in the

Christmas is a time of universal joy and celebration, and the magic of Christmas is already

Card Room? For further details or

in the air with frenzied shopping, relentless baking and endless card writing. I wish all of you

enquiries on Bridge events and game

merry Christmas, a happy holiday season with friends and family and a wonderful 2005!

visit sports_and_rec/bridge.asp or contact

Shyamaia Kanagassundram 32 The Tangiin Club

Claire Quinn at 67753654.


Maj+ers Pro^rarv^O^e


To Swriv>^

Calling ail master swimmers!!! Masters swimming programme is for adults who wish to swim and keep fit. The programme will be targeted on improving stroke techniques as well as cardiovascular

Masters "Learn To Swim" programme is designed specially to build great swimming techniques and foundations. This

programme will be targeted on basic strokes, improving stroke techniques, water


confidence and survival skills.

Frequency of training will be four times a week with 60 minutes of training each

Frequency of training will be once a week with 60 minutes of training each session.


Days : Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays Times : 7.00 pm to 8.00pm (weekdays), 8.00am to 9.00am (Saturdays) Fee :$65.00 per month


Every Friday 7.00 pm to 8.00pm


$60.00 per month


Private lessons can be arranged. Registration forms are available at the

Sports & Recreation Dept. Please call Total Swimming at 6774 4203 for more information.

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New Fitness Sub-Committee It's Friday 15 October at an organised sports meet when the idea of running for the position of fitness convenor was presented to me. With

the void left by the dedicated, long-serving Mrs Bronwyn Deamley and her team, the Club was looking for volunteers to come forward and serve as Fitness Sub-Committee members.

"No way, Jose" and "I'm too busy" was my initial reaction. However, the seed had been planted and germination begun. Within two weeks we had pulled together a new team of four sporty individuals and

FAMILY FUN RUN No registration fees to take part!

All Tanglin Club members are welcome! Refreshment will be provided after the run followed by a prize-giving ceremony and buffet lunch at 12.30 pm back at the Club.

The run will be organised in

conducted our first official sub-committee meeting. I would like to

3 categories:

introduce below our new fitness section team and their designated

Run • Walk • Children

(Each category will cover distances of 6km,4km and 2km respectively)


'41 iWU

Date: Sunday 12 December. Buses from The Tanglin Club will leave for the

Singapore Botanic Gardens at 9.00 am. Run flag off: 9.30 am

To register, please contact the Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739 4128 / 4148. Registration is on a first-come-firstserved basis and is limited to 40

members only.

Closing date for registration is Monday

ill 10 1 iolii: li'iii- Juiiiiy, Ktii-lciiu

.'•inmi 'iiiyoii, li'ii- Uciiii Loll

6 December 2004.

lisiiiio Jonot- isiiiidyiiiniL

With the injection of this group of enthusiastic new blood keen to make a difference, we look forward to raising the awareness profile of the Club's fitness section by creating innovative solutions to revamp efficiency and increase membership within the section. We are looking for a couple more members to complement and complete our team. If have an avid interest in fitness and/or are inclined towards making your Club a better place to work out, please contact Danny Loh, the Sports & Recreation Manager at 6739 4128.

Expatriate Mortgages .gvest Rates Cr (ZT -s/

Anne Bryce Fitness Convenor





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34 The Tanglin Club

fitness Aquacise

other muscles, it improves stamina and co

A total conditioning class in the water.

ordination, firmer, flatter stomach and better breath control.

Body Worx A 60-minute low-impact toning class that

Social Latin Dance

utilizes body weight and light resistance to achieve a firmer thighs, leaner arms, slimmer

origin which incorporates jazz and rock

waist and sexier butt.


Flexible Strength Despite its all-encompassing aspects, flexible


Contemporary dance music of Afro-Cuban

Sporting Clays

A martial artform of Korean origin.

strength tones without adding bulk to your



This martial art is excellent for the cardioFitball

These bails are an excellent piece of equipment for anyone who wants to improve posture & overall muscle conditioning.


pulmonary system and are equally beneficial for both body and mind. At the same time, it promotes mental relaxation similar to yoga exerises.

(RaggecfStone Jifrica

^Kl(ha & Raja Yoga A Indian exercise form for stress relief and

improvement of flexibility. Hip Hop This fun and exciting class is for you. You will learn the cool moves of Britney, Beyonce, Justin and many more, easily with lots of fun!

Please contact any of the listed instructors/trainers to arrange for your

(premier Plains(^ame,

Keep Fit

enrolment in the lessons and classes.

A traditional combination physical fitness class.

Or you may call the Sports & Recreation

(Dangerous <^ame

Dept at 6739 4128 / 4148 for more

dl Wing shooting Safaris

Line Dance


A low-impact, healthy activity, suitable for all age groups and it's fun. Pilates A method of exercise in which exercisers are

kept in constant motion and use the centre of the body for strength and resistance to tone

There will not be any classes during the Christmas period from Friday 24 December to Monday 3 January 2005. Classes will resume from Tuesday 4 January 2005 onwards.

Sports Schedule

(Boofl^nowfor 2004 cZ200S! (pfease caCCguy @(65)9795 5167. ^maiC:

Fitness Schedule








5.00 pm

8.30 am HATHA & RAJA

8.30 am AQUACISE Lester

8.30 am

Tennis Courts

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

S.OO pm

5.00 pm

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.15 pm

6.15 pm




Squash Courts

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

YOGA (Advance)


FITBALL Carin 9.30 am KEEP FIT Janet

4.15 pm BALLET (For Children) Jennifer

6.30 pm BODY WOFIX

Squash Courts








5.00 pm

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

8.30 am

8.30 am FLEXIBLE STRENGTH Marcus 9.30 am

10.45 am

6.00 pm

5.00 pm

8.30 am to 11.30 am JUNIOR TENNIS COACHING Tennis Courts


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Squash Courts

5.15 pm


Tennis Courts


Squash Courts

3.00 pm Squash Courts 4.00 pm CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


Geoffrey 8.30 am


HIP HOP (For Children) Jerrine

11.30 am TAIJIQUAN



Wong L C

Margaret 5.00 pm


4.00 pm TAE KWON DO


(For Children)

Jerry 6.30 pm




Jerry 8.15 pm PILATES

4.00 pm CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts


All classes are held at the Multr-Purpose Hall except for Aquacise. They are of one-hour duration except for Tae Kwon Do. Please call the Sports & Recreation Dept for the latest schedule updates.

The Tanglin Club 35


3, 4 & 5 December

24, 25 & 26 December

Anacondas - PG

Dodgeball - PG Comedy (100 mins) Starring; Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn.

Adventure (100 mins) Starring: Morris Chestnut, Nicholas Gonzales.

Director: Rawson Thurbor.

Director: Verna Harrah.

Peter LaFleur's gym catches the eye of White Goodman, the egomanlacal owner of Globo Gym, who intends to take over. A foreclosing bank has stationed Kate, an attorney, inside Peter's gym to finalize the takeover but Peter's boyish charms win her over and Kate joins his team of social rejects to beat the odds at

In an expedition to the Borneo jungle to track down a black orchid, scientists find anacondas

who are already aware of the black orchid's

gifts. These giant snakes have derived super strength, speed and size from the flowers and the scientists soon find themselves running

17, 18 & 19 December

for their lives.

13 Going On 30 - PG Comedy (100 mins) Starring: Jennifer Garner,

a showdown dodgeball competition against White's gym.

Mark Ruthalo.

Director: Gary Winick. Follows a 13-year-old girl who, during her birthday party, engages in the party game Seven Minutes In The Closet. The game turns





out to be a humiliating experience for her, and she refuses to come out of the closet. When

she eventually does emerge, she finds herself Anacondas

five days shy of her 30th birthday.

10, 11 & 12 December

The Bourne Supremacy•PG Action adventure (110 mins) Starring: Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. Director: Paul Greengrass.

7, 8 & 9 January Les Choristes - PG

Romance & drama (95 mins) Starring: Gerard Jugnot, Francois

Expert assassin Bourne continues to be plagued by nightmares of his former life. The stakes are even higher for the agent as he coolly manoeuvres through waters of intemational espionage - replete with CIA plots,


Director: Chrlstophe Barratier. Choristes is set in 1948 and centers on a The


agents and ever-shifting covert alliances - all while hoping to find the truth and answers to his own past.

teacher's mission to change his pupik

lives by acquainting them with the magic and power of music after he is stunned by


1 & 2 January

his new school's harsh realities.

The Motorcycle Diaries - NCI6 Drama (125 mins) Starring: Gael Garcia Bernal, Rodrigo de la Serna. Director: Walter Salles.

In 1952, a young medical student and a

biochemist from Argentina set off on a road trip across South America to find a purpose in life. Please note there will be no movie

sc|'eening on Friday 31 December.

For enquiries, please call the Reception at 6737 6011


Or keep track of the showtimes and booking procedure via

Friday - 9.00 pm •Saturday - 9.00 pm • Sunday - 8.00 pm Visit for movie trailers. Tickets can be obtained at the Reception.

Moviegoers are to be seated 10 minutes before showtime.

36 The Tanglin Club

Film Ratings G- General viewing •PG - Parental guidance required • N16- No children below 16 MIS - For viewers aged 18 and above•R21 - For adults aged 21 and above.

Club H


The Churchill Room

The Tavern

Junior Library

Squash Courts *

Monday to Friday Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Last order 2.00 pm Saturday Lunch Closed Dinner 7.00 pm to 11.30 pm Last order 10.30 pm Sunday Family Lunch &

Daily Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Last order 2.30 pm Dinner 6.00 pm to 11.30 pm Last order 11.00 pm Saturday 6.00 pm to 1.00 am Last order 11.30 pm

Weekdays 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Saturday 10.00 am to 12.30 pm & 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Sunday 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Closed on public holidays.

Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm

Reading Room


Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Dinner 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm Last order 9.30 pm

The Tovern Bar

Monday to Friday From 12 noon

Billiards Room

Saturday & Sunday

Daily 12 noon to 11.30 pm Friday, Saturday & eve of public holidays

Churchill Room Bar

From 11.00 am

Weekdays 12 noon to 11.30 pm Saturday 7.00 pm to 1.30 am Sunday 6.00 pm to 10.30 pm

The Terrace

Foyer Lounge Daily 11.00 am to 11.00 pm

i^^heelhouse Restaurant

Daily 9.00 am to 11.00 pm Last order 10.00 pm

Dinner - Sunday to Friday 7.00 pm to 11.30 pm Last order 11.00 pm Saturday last order 11.30 pm Sunday Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Last order2.30 pm

12 noon to 1.00 am

2.00 pm to 10.30 pm

Cyber Cafe @ Theatrette Lobby IVee^days 12 noon to 10.00 pm Saturday and Sunday 10.30 am to 10.30 pm Theatrette

Cards Room

Daily 8.00 am to 11.30 pm

Gymnasium Daily 6.00 am to 10.00 pm

Breakfast 7.30 am to 11.00 am

Terrace / Wet Bar

Jackpot Room

Lunch 11.00 am to 3.00 pm Last order 3.00 pm

Daily From 12 noon

Last order for Indian food


2.30 pm

Monday to Friday 10.30 am to 11.30 pm Saturday and Sunday 10.30 am to 12 midnight

Weekdays 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Saturday 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Swimming Pool Sunday 12 noon to 5.00 pm Daily 7.00 am to 10.30 pm Closed on public holidays.

3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Dinner 6.00 pm to 10.30 pm Last order 10.00 pm

7.00 am to 11.30 am

Saturday 9.00 pm Sunday 2.30 pm and 8.00 pm


Patio Limited Menu

Tennis Courts *

Hair Salon

Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Sunday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm For appointments, please call 6734 2523. Closed on Mondays & some public holidays. *For reservations call 6235 8482 or 6734 0707.

Last order for Indian food

9.30 pm

Advertisers Website & Email Directory Reach the Tanglin Club Magazine's advertisers easily on the Internet Advertiser



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Monty Nawaz Director

Saffron Property PTE

you to discuss any of ^our London property needs. Please call Monty on HP 9376 0858 or I

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