The Tanglin Club Magazine - Feb 2004

Page 1



rates to

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Hosting The 5th International Doubles Squash Tournament 13 to 15 February^9

February 2004


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My dear fellow members, The General Committee has put aside Wednesday 3 March as possible date for

the Special General Meeting we have been waiting for. Notice and background documents will be mailed to members soon.

In the course of gathering feedback and running through many figures to compile background data for the Master Plan, much useful information has been gleaned.

Statistics clearly demonstrate that, generally, members who come to the Club for sports activities spend much more than others.

Naturally so, as it is likely they will come regularly and, that being the case, it is likely they will stay behind for refreshment and

Squash Tournament. This continues to grow

bridge that wiil serve to also improve safety

replenishment. Better still when the whole

in size and stature, with about 80 teams

and comfort(rain/sun)for members crossing

family comes along!

from a dozen countries expected. We warmly welcome all participants and we

the road.

Who wants to quibble with advice of almost

wish you all an enjoyable competition.

See you at the SGM and with best wishes,

all good doctors that a regular dose of

.^/cise is vital for health? Enhancing our

Another, hitherto unknown, useful

sports facilities is thus paramount if the

information was that our past property

future of the Club is to be relevant to present-

expenditure has been rather high, due

day lifestyle demands. Sorely lacking and

possibly to non-existent or sub-optimal

high priority among these would be an

scheduling of needs. The latter done and with many aged back-of-house facilities

adequate gymnasium, dedicated aerobics studio and contemporary spa.

eventually brought up to speed and efficiency, such expenses should become

Dr Alex Ooi

Hardware issues aside, equally crucial is

better rationalized and maintenance costs


the organization of more sport activities.

brought down.

This not only tends to our individual needs for regular exercise but also truly engenders

Upon many requests to ease shortage at

fellowship and a great club spirit. After an

peak periods and enable a greater latitude

absence of eight years, our tennis section

for their guests to park during regular times, members will be happy to note that there

resurrected the tennis quadrangular (American, Keppel and Jurong Ciubs and

will be more parking lots and cover for upper

us) to great enthusiasm. By the way, we

deck parking. Security will be enhanced by

must congratulate our players for coming

proper segregation of commercial and

out tops!

member vehicular traffic flow. There will be

We now look forward to yet again host our

locations via an overhead bridge spanning the road to our "visibly idle" prime land - a

a seamless communication between parking annual 5th International Jumbo Doubles

The Tanglin Club 1


President's Message 1 From The General Manager 3

Calendar Of Events


New Members


News Brfes




Annual Staff Dinner & Dance... More photos

Cover Story... Monkey painting... Pushing the Internet

of Star Search 2




Valentine's Day Dinner... Jazz Dinner with

Top 10 Titles...

Jeremy Monteiro...The Trailers are

New Books...




Tanglin Club FOUNDED 1865

5 Stevens Road, Singapore 257814 Tel: 6737 6011 Fax: 6733 2391

back...Murder Mystery Evening

GENERAL COMMITTEE President DrAlexKHOoi Vice-President

Yap Boh Pin Honorary Treasurer Philip Beng Committee Convenors

Master Plan & Development DrAlexKHOoi Entertainment Clare F Moreton

From The Kitchen



Yu Sheng Promotion...Sunday Family Lunch

5th international Jumbo Doubles Squash

From The Cellar

Tournament...Tennis coach profile... Annual


New Beer Prices

Food & Beverage Edwin Khew

Team Tennis... John Ewing Trophy...

Premium Wines of the Month...

Philip Beng


Interview with S&R Manager Danny Loh...


How To Play Baiut...

New Beer^

Nanette Sandford

Magazine/Website Dr Kaizad Bomi Heerjee Membership & Rules

Swimming: Classes In March... Fitness Schedule

Alan Jones

Ladies Events





February Ladies' Luncheon: Romancing

Yap Boh Pin Sports

History & Art... Talk on the life of Tagore

Glenn Bryce

Recent Events



Dr Albert Wee

Having a Merry Christmas... Welcoming the

Tenders & Purchasing

New Year 2004

Roland Tan


General Manager Brian Toft

Executive Housekeeper

Peggy Lim

F & B Operations Manager Sebastian Tan

Intolerable Cruelty... in The Cut... How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days... Bollywood Queen. The Butterfly

Maintenance Manager Bill Cheong

Membership Manager Mary Shotam Purchasing Manager

Editor KC Yuen (

Magazine Co-ordinator Cheryl Lim ( Graphic Designer Nazrin (

Candice Tan

Sports & Recreation Manager Danny Loh

To advertise in the TOM, please contact Alex Zecha, Ria Media Singapore at 6473 7462 or or find out our ad rates and booking procedures via Opinions expressed in (he Tanglin Ciub Magazine are solely those of the writers and do not necessarily represent those of Uie Tanglin Club. The Magazine welcomes articles and other contributions from members. However, the Magazine / Website Sub-Committee reserves the right to edit all materials or decline publication. MITA (P> 143/05/2003. Published by The Tanglin Club. Colour separation and printing by Ad Graphic.

fromlhegeneralmanager tastebuds, but also kept you in good shape. Hope you enjoyed it. My staff thank you all most sincerely for the

hongbao contributions. The staff party will be on Monday 16 February and the Club will be closed with effect from 3.00 pm onwards.

The chef nights are obviously a big hit with

the members and we are negotiating with other chefs to share with us their culinary skills. Watch this space!

Saturday Night Entertainment We now have a Saturday night band called

Hi there everyone,

The Trailers, a very versatile band that will provide many hours of enjoyment for you in the Churchill Room. From time to time, other bands will be engaged to perform, but

and evening of mystery? Then come and

join us on Friday 19 March and see what kind of sleuth you are!!

please check the dates on the website or

Hope you have all recovered from the

in the Club's bulletin boards as sometimes

Spring Cleaning

festivities of Christmas and two new years.

we may not be able to publicise their engagements in the Magazine which appears only monthly.

spring cleaning. We will be having brand

The Gym is full again with members exercising with gusto to be fit enough for the next set of festivities.

Valentine's Night

The squash walls are taking a hammering

Valentine's Night, 14 February, We have a

as not only the ball is tired - so are the

special evening for those members who want to be whisked away into a land of promises. So book early and we promise

players who have had a relaxing but fulfiiling

you an evening to remember.

But seriously, as we ail try to get ourselves into something the mirror enjoys, we had last month presented you all with a healthy f^-^nu that not only stimulated your

new kitchens for our professional team of chefs to work in. We will have new staff

Don't forget the romantic touch on

season of enjoyment.

We are this year moving into some deep

quarters - long overdue for our hard working staff, and we will be re-tiling the swimming pools and ensuring the surrounds are aesthetically correct and practicable. Finally, it was indeed a pleasure to welcome

our Prime Minister and Mrs Goh Chok Tong to The Tanglin Club for a private function

Who Dunnit?

in December.

I don't know but do you want to find out and

at the same time have an enjoyable dinner

Brian Toft

General Manager

The Tanglin Club 3


programme will

Cover Story

feature a fascinating

Most members would know by now that this

talk on the Indian

month's big event is the Intemational Jumbo Doubles Squash Tournament. Some 160 players, almost 80 teams from a dozen

l iterary



Tagore. The presenter

countries around the world. Some

tournament. After only five years of organising this annual event.

will be Ms

Ma r y Kogan, a member . of our Club

for some 30 years, and a great admirer of Tagore. More details on page 11.

SGM Date


Finally, I wish I could be more definite, but

the artist, MrTan Khim Ser, who generously

the SGM date can only be confirmed after the next meeting of the General Committee on 28 January, a date too late for this issue of TCM. I can only say, please check the website or the bulletin board, if you want to

agreed to donate it.

know the latest.

sounded like a good idea, so approached

Members would have noticed the painting

KC Yuen

has been on display in the Club since the start of the Monkey Year on 22 January. Anyone desiring to purchase the painting may do so by putting in a bid in a sealed

envelope addressed to the General On the cover we feature seven enthusiastic

squash players of our Club, including Club champion Richard Hill, Sports Convenor Glenn Bryce and Squash Convenor Graham Dare (back row, first, second and fourth, from left to right). Others are (seated from left) Bill Gartshore, Munir Shah, Anthony Rawlinson, and Richard Coventry (standing, third from left). Months of hard work went into organising this tournament. Come see the players fight for squash doubles supremacy on 13 to 15 February at our Squash Centre.

Manager. All bids will be opened on Saturday 21 February and the highest bidder will be notified by the Club. Our grateful


Chinese brush painting at our Club for

We bid farewell to the following members converting to Permanent Absent Membership (RAM):

almost two decades.

Mr Arora Manik

Pushing The Internet

Mr & Mrs John H Blakemore

For several months now, the TCM has been

Mr & Mrs Barma Aarif

urging members to increase the use of the

Mr & Mrs Bruce Barnes

internet for Club news and booking of events. Indeed, one new member who had borrowed several books from the Library

Mr & Mrs Chen Lian Peng Mr & Mrs Christopher Fossick

wanted to renew them via the net. Of course,

Mrs Joyce Leiah Mrs Patsy Mattey Mr & Mrs Benjamin Ng DrTan Wan Cheng / Dr James Hogg

thanks go to Mr Tan who has been teaching

Mr & Mrs Beyer Udo

he could do it, and we are very pleased to

Last Month's Cover

list below the email addresses of various

Our January cover of a Chinese painting of a monkey so impressed a member that he

activities or departments in our Club.

suggested it be put up for sale, with the

Talk On Tagore

proceeds going to charity. I thought it

On 18 March, the Ladies' Luncheon

Mr & Mrs William Kames

Mr & Mrs Tan Kim Fook


Main Reception 6737 6011 • Executive Office 6737 2692•

Library 67394 127 •

Accounts Dept 67394 134 / 136 •

Sports & Recreation Dept 67394 148•

F & B/Banquet Dept 67394 139/140/176 • Membership Dept 67394 108 •

Tennis & Squash Booking 6235 8482 / 6734 0707

4 The Tanglin Club

Magazine/Website 67394 129 /172 •

Executive Sous Chef 67394 157 •

Gifts & Souvenirs Online Promotion If you are looking for a unique present to give your friends, business acquaintances or loved ones, consider one of The Tanglin Club souvenirs on sale at the Reception.

Items are entitled to 5% discount if you log on to, fill out the

Online Promotion Form and bring a copy of your email receipt to the Club's front desk. Act Now!*

* All prices stated include prevailing GST. Offer applicable to Members residing in Singapore only.

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Valentine's Day Dinner Saturday 14 February Once again, the year's most romantic occasion is upon us. Valentine's Day Is a time of love and friendship, giving and caring. Enjoy a romantic dinner in an enchanting ambience and dance the night away to the music by The Trailers.

Make this a night you will remember for the rest of your life. Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Special set menu. $88.00 per person.

(Includes a bottle of wine for 2 persons and flowers for every lady). Price inclusive of GST. Dress code; Club Standard.

Last day for cancellation: Saturday 7 February.


The most internationally acclaimed British production of HAMLET for years arrives in Singapore for a short run at THE RAFFLES JUBILEE HALL FROM 23 TO 25 FEBRUARY 2004 AT 7 PM.

Tickets: $25 (Students), $65 (Adults). Available at SISTIC outlets. Hotline: 6348 5555.

Website: This Hamlet is innovative and original without imposing and easy "interpretation" on one of the most complex and theatrical texts ever written. The style of the production is physical and dynamic, the imagery startling and original. Music is woven through the piece: the actors themselves play and sing a complex score by noted composer Thomas Johnson which is fully Integrated into the action, more in the manner of film than theatre. The text itself is unique, the structure of the controversial first quarto is used with dialogue from both that early acting text and the longer and later Folio.


Scenes combine poetry, choreography and music in a satisfying whole, so that the ghost draws on budo dance and possession rituals rather than clanking around in armour. The final bloodbath is a ritual played out to the menacing accompaniment of soprano and violin.

Directed by Paul Stebbings Musical score by Tom Johnson Produced by Grantly Marshall, the AMERICAN GROUP EUROPE and Art Promotion.

Humour is there too, Rosencrantz and Guildenstem are rediscovered

as commedia clowns and Yorick's skull springs to life. TNT have established themselves as one of the most successful

and original international touring theatres. This is a rare opportunity to see the ensemble in Singapore. 6 TheTanglin Club


Champagne Brunch Sunday 29 February

Jazz Dinner With

Jeremy Monteiro Friday 2 April We have a special musical treat in April. Renowned pianist and vocalist Jeremy Monteiro will perform for you. Jeremy

has won critical acclaim in many parts of the world. He has performed all over An enjoyable event with delicious food, free flow of fine champagne and

the world in addition to numerous

occasions at home in Singapore, where

background music. Make sure you don't

he has been dubbed "Singapore's King

miss this opportunity for a truly relaxing

Of Swing" by the local press.

Sunday! Children of all ages are welcome.

In 1988, Swing Magazine of Switzerland

$15.75 (Child below 12 years).

called him "one of the best exponents of Jazz Piano". That year, he performed with his all-star band, Monteiro, Young & Holt at the prestigious Montreux Jazz

All prices inclusive of GST.


Churchill Room from 11.00 am to 2.30 pm $47.25 (Adult with Champagne),

$31.50 (Adult without Champagne),

Club Standard. Guests are welcome.

In October of 2002, Jeremy received Singapore's highest honour in the Arts, the Cultural Medallion. He has been mentioned in more than

400 press articles in publications around the world, including Billboard Magazine and The Washington Post. He has a total of 21 albums to his credit.

As a composer, Jeremy has been awarded a Silver Medal at the 1991

Intemational Radio Festival of New York, as well as finalist awards at the 1990

With one of his own bands, Asiana, he has performed at Caesar's Palace, Las

Vegas, in iate 1992, he produced the Ernie Watts album "Stand Up", joining an illustrious alumnus of Ernie Watts's

producers, which include Quincy Jones,

Creed Taylor, Don Grusin and Gilberto





Advertising Awards for best original music score (radio, T.V. and Cinema). He has composed or produced over 700 pieces of music, including the National

Song,"One People, One Nation, One Singapore".


In March of 1990, at the same time as singer Natalie Cole, he was admitted as an active voting member of the

National Academy Of Recording Arts & Sciences (Los Angeles Chapter), and The Churchill Room will be closed at

has voted at the Grammy Awards from 1991 through 2002. He is also a

7.30 pm on Friday 13 and Saturday 21 February for private dinner functions and 11.30 am on Sunday 15 February for a lunch function.

clinics at home and abroad, more

notably at the Ellington School of The Arts in Washington DC.

member of the Intemational Association of Jazz Educators and has conducted

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm. Set dinner.

$88.00(Member) $98.00 (Guest) All prices inclusive of GST. Dress code; Club Standard

Opening date for booking; Tuesday 3 February (Members only) Tuesday 10 February (For members' guests) Last day for cancellation; Friday 26 March


The Tanglln Club 7


Let's Swing Again!! Forty years

Babyboomers who remember the vibrant


club scene and the local bands of that


era will recognise the name. The Trailers

guitarist, Victor Woo formed the group,

was an icon known for both live

after leader


he's back on the

trail again with

performances and records. Their original song. Do It Right stayed on the Singapore charts for 13 weeks.

a new team.

Members, Amri

After 14 years together, the original Trailers


disbanded in 1972 to concentrate on


careers and family. However, for Victor, a diehard fan of British instrumental guitar

William Chan

(rhythm), Franky Can

band. The Shadows, the fire was never


(bass) and vocal ist Winston Koh

are reviving the guitar-band music reminiscent

of the Swinging

Dates :Saturday 7 & 14 February (Valentine's Day Dinner), 6. 20 & 27 March.

Time :9.45 pm to 12.45 am Venue :The Churchill Room



Friday 19 March • Churchill Room cogniscienti for a private viewing. Norman, himself no art lover, is far more impressed

mount the insults begin to fly, along with desserts, paint and

renegade artist, enfant terrible and genius, has put brush to canvas again nearly ten years after declaring modern art to

notable among whom are the Mountjoy sisters, Davinia and Fenella, whose fierce sibling rivalry causes as much discussion in arty circles as do

with Fifi La Fan,former artist's

the relatives merits and value

of Henri.

old scores. As well as comedy, song and dance the action also includes a particularly novel

be futile and ail its devotees

of their respective collections.

The art world is all a flutter with

news that Henri Le Grosse,

self-deluding fools. Davinia, taking full advantage Strangely this declaration only

of husband Norman's fortune,


has pipped Fenella in the bidding for the new Le Grosse masterpiece and invited the




reputation among said devotees of modern art.

model and current companion

Plainly peeved by Henri's reappearence on the art scene is Giles Mountjoy, brother to

murder as one character is forced to eat his words - and chokes on them.

Davinia and Fenella and, as

Churchill Room at 7.30 pm.

an aspiring artist himself, something of an embarrass ment to both, his work having been compared unfavourably to doodiings of a bored and ungifted infant by no less an authority than Charles Clifford RA, who is also present, although showing more

Set dinner.

interest in Fenella, than the

painting. As passions and jealousies 8 The Tanglin Club

bullets, as the characters settle

$68.00 (Member), $78.00 (Guest) All prices inclusive of GST. Dress code: Club Standard.

Opening date for booking: Tuesday 3 February (Members only) Tuesday 10 February (For members' guests) Last day for cancellation; Friday 12 March


Yu Sheng Promotion

Sunday Family Lunch

Till Thursday 5 February

Here's something for the entire family! A special buffet for everyone, including the tiny tots. Yes, in the Churchill Room every Sunday from 11.30 am (except

for the Champagne Brunch on every last Sunday of the month).

Usher in the prosperous Year of the Monkey with a toss of Yu Sheng together with fellow

The ambience will be casual. The dress

code will be relaxed, although Sunday smart is recommended. So bring the entire family along. There will be a separate children's buffet too.

members,family and friends. Loved by many, Yu Sheng (salmon) or raw

fish salad will be available till Thursday 5 February at all F&B outlets. Churchill Room from 11.30 am

to 2.30 pm. $19.90(Member)

Time :12 noon to 2.30 pm (Lunch) 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm (Dinner)

There will be no Sunday Family Lunch on Sunday 15 February due to the 5th International Jumbo

$9.90 (Child below 12 years).

Prices :$28.50 (Large), $23.50(Small)

Doubles Squash Tournament lunch

No charge for children under 3 years. Ail prices inclusive of GST.

Prices inclusive of GST.

at the Churchill Room.

Takeaways are also available.


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February Ladies' Luncheon omancing History & Art Thursday 19 February

March Ladies' Luncheon

Talk On The


Life Of Tagore Thursday 18 March Rabindranath Tagore was born In 1861 in Calcutta, India and died there in 1941. He

This is a talk on jewelry with a difference by Ms Lai Choi Kuen, or Choi for short. She is a designer of one-of-a-kind

These delicate works of art were once

jewelry creations by rejuvenating age-

headdresses, hairpins and belts.

used for making necklaces, pendants, pins and earrings or for decorating

old adornments from the Han (206BC

to 220AD) to the Qing (1644-1911)

^ dynasties of China.


:Thursday 19 February


: 12 noon

Venue :The Churchill Room

in ancient China, objects of adornments played a significant role in depicting an

(Guest). Prices Inclusive of GST.

individual's wealth. But most importantly

Guests are welcome.

they helped to portray one's status and place In society.

Booking opening dates: Saturday 3 January (Members only)

Prices : $22.90(Member) & $27.50

Saturday 10 January (For members' In this talk, Choi will show you a wide selection of intricately worked materials like jade, jadeite, agate, coral, tourmaline, sapphire, spinel and others.

guests) Last day for cancellation:

was an exceptional human being. Tagore was a poet, an educator, a mystic, a

visionary, a writer, an actor, a painter, songwriter, a musician, playwright and even a singer! And he excelled in ail of these. He also wrote India's National Anthem. He was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.

Mary Kogan's taik with slides wili unfold a

rare personality. Among other achievements, Tagore travelled 17 times around the world, including visiting Singapore.

Thursday 12 February.

January Ladies' Luncheon A Springtime Festival 8 January 2004


The presenter Ms Kogan has lectured In women's organisations. Rotary Clubs, National Museum, Hwa Chong Junior Coliege and many other organisations. A member of The Tanglin Club for three

decades, Ms Kogan came to Singapore 31 years ago.


:Thursday 18 March


:12 noon

Venue :The Churchill Room

Prices : $22.90(Member)&

$27.50 (Guest). Prices inclusive of GST. Guests are welcome.

Booking opening dates: Tuesday 3 February

(Members only) Tuesday 10 February (For members' guests) Last day for cancellation: Thursday 11 March.

, Participants need to fill up the usual F&B booking slip & submit to Reception or fax to 6736 1195,

or make your bookings online at http:/ Hie Tanglin Club 11


1 Last year's Christmas Ladies' Luncheon certainly proved to be very different. For a change from the AWA choir, members from the Club put together a

delightfully varied show based on the Christmas theme. Songs performed by a number of members drew on both local flavour and on Santa and his

cohorts. The atmosphere in the Churchill Room was

certainly festive and Christmas cheer was in the air. Each table was given a quiz to complete and winners were announced towards the end of

lunch. A wonderful surprise for the ladies came

in the form of Remy, dressed beautifully in shimmering black gown. She wowed the audience with song and dance number "I Am What I Am".

The amusing fashion show targeted those who were saving money over Christmas, and outfits consisted of items that could

be found in the home. Sam. the Club's

evergreen entertainer, looked particularly fetching in his "little number". There was a fabulous spread for lunch and the ladies enjoyed both the food and the afternoon's entertainment.

Mallika Kripalani

12 The Tanglin Club



m m





The New Year's Eve Ball, as always, was

Ngxv Year

a glittering affair, with all function rooms filled to capacity. The band Groove Masters provided wonderful dance music while the Gurkha Pipers helped keep the tradition of ushering in the new year in their very special way. After 12 eventful months punctuated with global problems like SARS and the war in Iraq, everyone was in great party sp'

to end the old year and welcome the Ye^ 2004.


Log on to http://www.tanglinclub to view more pictures of selected recent events.

tin C ub 15

calendar events






New Beer Prices $3.90 per Glass • $15.00 per Jug Available at all F&B outlets.Prices Inclusive of GST

2 Public Holiday ADULT ART CLASS

in lieu of

9.30 am (Draycolt Room)

Hori Raya Hajl FITNESS-No classes

The Churchill Room will be closed



6.00 pm (Raffles Room)

9.30 am (Draycolt Room)



Joe O'Connor 3 Ball Billiards Competition (Billiards Room)

Billiards Section Fund Night 7.00 pm (Billiards Room)



3.00 pm onwards due to Ihe

9.30 am (Draycott Room) LADIES' LUNCHEON - Romancing History & Art 12 noon (Churchill Room) ..

Annual Staff Dinner & Dance


9.30 am (Draycolt Room) BALUT

Monthly compelition 7.30 pm (Card Room)

No corkage charge for Monday dinner in Churchill Room.





To be confirmed.

9.30 am (Draycott Room)








6.00 pm (Raffles Room)

9.30 am (Draycott Room)


John Wilkins Handicap Snooker Competition (Billiards Room)

16 The Tangiin Club




1 Hari Raya Haji • • • •

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE S.W.A.T - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) The Churchill Room will be closed for dinner.


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Intolerable Cruelty - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) LIVE MUSIC BY THE TRAILERS (Churchill Room)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Intolerable Cruelty - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)



Sth International Jumbo Doubles

Sth International Jumbo Doubles

Pre-Qualifier Round (Squash Courts)

Pre-Qualifier Round (Squash Courts)

14 Valentine's Day


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse) SQUASH• Sth International Jumbo Doubles


• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) IB: • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) • VALENTINE'S DAY DINNER 7.30 pm (Churchill Room) ■ MOVIE In The Cut - RA (Theatrette)

15 SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE In The Cut - R{A)(Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) No Sunday Family Lunch

Till 15 February(Squash Courts)

The Churchill Room will be closed at 11.30 am for the

5lh InternalionalJumbo Doubles Squash Tournament \unch function.

The Churchill Room will be closed for a

private dinner function.



3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) MOVIE How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

22 SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) MOVIE How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

The Churchill Room will be closed for a

private dinner function.




■ CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) • MOVIE Bollywood Queen - PG (Theatrette) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

29 CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH 11.00 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE Bollywood Queen - PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

The Churchill Room will be closed for a private function.


3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Butterfly (Le Papillon)- PG (Theat/ettf LIVE MUSIC BY THE TRAILERS (Churchill Rooi


SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) MOVIE The Butterfly(Le Papillon)- PG (Theatrette) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)


Annual Squash Section Dinner



3.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

• CHILDREN'S ART CLASS 9.00 am (Wheelhouse) • HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.C0 pm (Wheelhouse)

SUNDAY FAMILY LUNCH 11.30 am (Churchill Room) SUNDAY CURRY BUFFET LUNCH 12 noon (Wheelhouse) HAWKER FARE BUFFET 6.00 pm (Wheelhouse)

The Churchill Room will be closed for a private dinner function.

The Tonglin Club 17



Introduction Night 12 Jonuory 2004 We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members:

Mr & Mrs Chan Keng Loke Mr & Mrs Chang Lian Cheong Mr & Mrs Johnny Chen

Dr Choo Shiow-Ling & Mr Paul Sun Mr & Mrs Chong Wai Siak Captain & Mrs Bruce Ewen

Mrs Valentina Gupta & Mr Sudhir Gupta Ms Wai Lin Haythornthwaite &

Mr Chuang Shyne-Song Mr & Mrs R Jayachandran

Prof & Mrs Brian Lee Chang Leng Dr Lee Cheng Kiang

Dr Delia Suantio Lee & Mr Lee Seng Gee Mr & Mrs Lee Cheng Peck

Mr Justin Lee Ching Lin Ms Angela Leong Yin-Ying Ms Ling Su Min

Ms Low Boon Cheng & Mr Ong Chee Beng Ms Low Boon Yean & Mr Tan Beng Swee Mdm Ng Siok Lay & Mr Khoo Ban Hock Mr Gopal J Pillay Mr & Mrs Derek John Potter

Mr Karl See Han Peng Mr John Richard Smediey Mr & Mrs Ronald Wong

We extend a warm welcome to the following Associate Member:

Su-Lyn Tan-Meyer (wife of Mr Gunther Robert Meyer).

The Tanglin Club has a

cosmopolitan membership of almost 70 different

nationalities. Expatriates working in Singapore can now join the Club either

as Term or Ordinary Members. For more

information, please contact


Membership Manager at or fax to 6735 5367.

18 The Tanglin Club




Mr & Mrs Gunther Robert Meyer.



Mr & Mrs Johnny Chen.

2 Prof & Mrs Brian Lee Chang Leng.

7 Captain & Mrs Bruce Ewen.

3 Dr Delia Suantio Lee & Mr Lee Seng


Gee with Dr & Mrs Alex Ool.


Mr & Mrs Chan Keng Loke.


Mr Justin Lee Ching Lin with Proposer Mr Freddie Lee. Mrs Vaientina Gupta with Proposer Mr AtuI Merchant.


Ms Low Boon Yean &

Mr Tan Beng Swee.

The Tanglin Club 19

miscellariy Obituary

Obituary Alexander Nicolaas (Skip) Welters We are grateful to Mr Geoff Vanicek who

Informed us that "Skip" Wolters passed

He Is survived by his wife, Ineke WoltersKern, daughters Trina and Debbie and

away peacefully on 31 December 2003

their husbands Nick and Antony, and

in Delft, Holland, after a long illness. He

grandchildren, and his sister Elske and

was 80 years old.

brother Wiebe and sister-in-law Gay. Our sincere condolences go to the family.

Star Search 2

12 December 2003 Abraham Chiu Nang Yang It Is with deep sadness that we record the passing of Abraham Chiu

on 10 January 2004. Mr Chiu, age 79, was a long-time member of The Tanglin Club and for many years was associated with the Dale

Carnegie programme in Singapore. Our sincere condolences go to his wife, Tan Sye Ing, and three children, Daniel, Dorothy and Patricia, and eight grandchildren.

Club Closure

On Mondlay 16 February T Once a year the staff get to let their

hair down and enjoy themselves collectively as employees of The

Tanglin Club at the Annual Staff Dinner and Dance. The whole Club will be closed from

3.00 pm on Monday 16 February due

to this event.

20 The Tanglin Club


We just didn't have enough space to feature all the performers of Star Search 2 in last

month's Magazine. So here are more pictures of

the stars of SS 2 on Friday 12 December 2003.

library Tathea

The Altman Code

Adult Library

Anne Perry Monstrous Regiment Terry Pratchett

The Last Days Joel C. Rosenberg


The Lensmen Series

New Books

Top 10 Popular Titles A six-month survey of the books

acquired in August 2003 showed that the following titles were most

frequently borrowed by members.

Robert Ludlum

The Clerkenwell Tales

Book 1: Triplanetary

Non Fiction

Peter Ackroyd

Edward E. Smith

The South Beach Diet

Eleven Minutes

The Lensmen Series

Arthur Agatston M. D.

Paulo Coelho

Food For Fitness


A Perfect Day

Book 2: First Lensman Edward E. Smith

• Wild Orchid

Richard Paul Evans

The Lensmen Series

Cook Now Eat Later

Shadow Game

Book 5: Second Stage

Christine Feehan


Mary Berry Cooking With Herbs

Jude Deveraux

• Light In Shadow Jayne Ann Krentz • All He Ever Wanted Anita Shreve • The Second Time Around

Mary Higgins Clark

Three Junes

Edward E. Smith

Michel Biehn

Julia Glass

The Lensmen Series

Tales Of The Otori

Book 6:

Who Moved My Soap? Andy Borowitz

Book 2 Lian Hearn

Children Of The Lens

Fixed Ideas:

Edward E. Smith

America Since 9.11

Diane Johnson

Crime & Thriller

The Zanzibar Chest

Shepherds Abiding

Bangkok 8

Aidan Hartley

Jan Karon

John Burdett

The Fifth Book Of Peace

Love Me

Popped Carol Higgins Clark

Maxine Hong Kingston The Hypochondriac's

Joan Didion

L' Affaire

• Path Of The Assassin Brad Thor

Non Fiction • Food Mania

Garrison Keillor

Nigel Garwood

Anita Bean

The Kite Runner

Heat Shock


Malaysians And Singaporeans

Hosseini Khaled

Robert Greer

Ravi Veloo & Cheng Puay Koon

The Namesake

The Anniversary Amy Gutman

Wendy Marston Bringing Down The House: The Inside Story

• The Difference Between

• Right-Brained Children In A Left-Brained World

Jeffrey Freed • Rich Dad's Retire Young, Retire Rich: How To Get Rich Quickly And Stay Rich Forever Robert T. KiyosakI with Sharon L. Lechter • Of Paradise And Power:

America And Europe In The ' New World Order

Robert Kagan

Jhumpa Lahiri Wicked Beauty

Mortal Allies

Of Six MIT Students

Susan Lewis

Brian Haiq

Ben Mezrich

The Razor's Edge W.Somerset Maugham

Secret Sanction

Fatal Error

Brian Haiq

Mark Morris

Don't Look Now

Offer Of Proof

Paradise Of Cities

Linda Lael Miller

Robert Heilbrun

John Julius Norwich



A Mighty Heart

Toni Morrison

Stephen Hunter


Tropical Butterflies John Murray Judge Savage

Women Of Discovery Milbry Polk Donald Thomas


Perfect Murder

Jonathan Raban

Perfect Town

Blood Canticle

Lawrence Schiller

Anne Rice

The Mentoring Handbook

Key Trilogy Book 1: Key Of Light

Being A Woman; Your

Mortals fadlities/reading_room.asp

An Underworld At War

Tim Parks

Nora Roberts


Mariane Pearl with Sarah

A Few Short Notes On

Erica Steele



Question Answered Dr. Gordon Tan Wee Teck

Norman Rush

The Last Secrets Of The

O'Hara's Choice

Silk Road

Leon Uris

Countess Alexandra

The Palace Of Heavenly



Last Car To Elysian Fields

The Flow And The Power

Adam Williams

James Lee Burke Blood Double

Of Chi Dynamics Anthony Wee

Science Fiction

Neil McMahon

War Paint: Madame

Legends of Dune 2: The

To The Bone

Helena Rubinstein &

Machine Crusade

Neil McMahon

Ms Elizabeth Arden

Brian Herbert

No Graves As Yet

Lindy Woodhead

The Tawny Man Book 1:

Anne Perry

Fool's Errand

Imitation In Death

Robin Hobb

J. D. Robb

The Tanglin Club 21


The Tanglin Club will be holding its 5th International Jumbo Doubles Squash

squash, it was not until 1935 that three

Tournament this month. The preliminary

doubles courts were built: first at St John's

In Great Britain, the birthplace of singles

rounds will be played over the 7 and 8

Wood Squash Club and Ladies' Carlton

February weekend whilst the main

Club in London and then subsequently the

competition will take place over the period of 13 to 15 February.

Edinburgh Sports Club in Scotland.

History Of Jumbo Squash Doubles

doubles courts In England. Both St John's

Alas, the Second World War destroyed tRe and Ladies' Carlton were blitzed and


In the late 1940s and is still being used. Today, over a hundred members, according to their club manager, regularly use the

It was in the USA in 1907 that Englishman Freddie Tompkins created Jumbo Doubles

at the Philadelphia Racquet Club, where he was court tennis and racquets

Edinburgh court.

professional. The club had moved to new premises and built five singles squash

In Asia, the first Jumbo Doubles court was

built at The Royal Bangkok Sports Club in

courts, a court tennis court and two racquets

1976 and the annual competition played

courts on the Clubhouse's fourth floor.

there, The Chlangmai Cup,to which we and many other clubs in Singapore and Malaysia

Across from one of the racquets courts and next to the stairs leading down to the locker room was an unused space. It was much

sent teams over the years provided the Impetus for The Tanglin Club to decide to

too large for another singles squash court and too small for a third racquets court. Tompkins paced out an enclosure 45 feet long and 25 feet wide, laid down some red

build such a court in Singapore In 1999. Asia's second court was built at The Raintree


maple walls, shoved four men inside, gave

Club, Kuala Lumpur in 1998. Currently The Royal Bangkok Sports Club is rebuilding their Jumbo Doubles court as part of a major refurbishment programme at the club and

them a dark blue ball and told them to hit

All photos on pages 22 and 23 are

it as hard as they could.

flashbacks on the 2003 tournament.

22 The Tanglin Club

destroyed. In Edinburgh, the court fell into disrepair during the war but play resumed

in late 2003 a Jumbo Doubles court was

built in Surabaya, Indonesia.



Growing Popularity Of Jumbo Doubles There is no doubt there is a growing interest 'umbo doubles. In just its third year (2002),

we Tanglin Club's International Jumbo

again we are hard pressed to enter all the

To this end, all members are cordially invited

local sides who want to participate. The other noticeable fact is that there are many

to come and watch the matches and indeed

current and past national players from several countries participating in the

those members of the Squash Section are also invited to the Welcome Dinner and the

Prize-Giving Lunch.

tournament and thus I am sure the standard

of squash will be even higher and thus we

Graham Dare

Squash Convenor

are in for a veritable feast of squash.

Doubles Tournament has become one of

the largest squash events in Asia. In 2002, the number of entries increased by 50% to 75 teams(150 players), 26 of which came

Tournament Schedule

from 8 other countries. In 2003, there were

a total of 96 teams (192 players) from a total of 23 different clubs across Asia,

Saturday 7 February

Saturday 14 February

Australia and UK participated in the event.

9.00 am - Pre-qualifying tournament

8.30 am - 2nd round of main event until

That year in order to accommodate ail the Singapore entries, 35 local teams had to play in a pre-qualifier a week earlier for nine places in the main draw.

12,30 pm.

Sunday 8 February

1.00 pm • 3rd round of main event & 1st

9.00 am - Pre-qualifying tournament

& 2nd round of the plate event until 5.00

Friday 13 February

5.30 pm • Quarter-finals & semi-finals of


2004 Tournament We have seen a further increase in not only

12 noon - 1st round of main event

the main event.

commences. We could start earlier

Sunday 15 February

the number of overseas entrants but also

depending upon the number of teams

the number of countries they represent, which further demonstrates the increasing popularity of Jumbo Doubles game in the world. On the local scene, despite the fact that The Tanglin Club has the only Jumbo Doubles court in Singapore, at the moment, it still remains a very popular game and

entering the tournament.

8.30 am - Semi-finals & finals of the plate

8.30 pm • Welcome Buffet Dinner at the

event & final of the main event until 12.30

Sports Verandah Bar, The Tanglin Club


Squash Centre.

1.00 pm - Farewell lunch & prize-giving in The Tanglin Club, Raffles Room.

The Tanglin Club 23

spoits&recrearion 30-A-Side Squash vs SCC The annual 30-a-side squash match vs the SCC was held on

Saturday 13 December This is always a most enjoyable afternoon

of squash, played against the "old enemy", followed by an equally enjoyable function in the evening and this year was no exception. Normally this event is held in the autumn, however due to the packed squash calendars of both clubs it had to be rescheduled

for December. Notwithstanding this, a total of 23 matches were

played, both singles and doubles

Tennis Director's Court February is fast upon us and we are now all through the hectic

festive season. The Junior Tennis Program continues to grow and I'm very pleased with the initial response. Our Saturday morning class from 8.30 am to 9.30 am is now full. Any parents looking to enrol their children in weekday afternoon classes can do so by picking up a registration form from the Sports Office or Tennis Hut, or alternatively phoning me on 9004 2294 or via email at l<

with The Tanglin Club just

Ken Smith

scrapping through on the deciding match 12 games to 11. It could not have been closer and I am sure the SCC convenor

is now kicking himself for being persuaded by Ross Mackenzie, perhaps under the influence of his 10th 100-Plus, for Ross to

take on his old sparring partner

from the SCC for the deciding match. Nevertheless, The Tanglin Club retained the 30-a-

side trophy for another year.

The function in the evening was

Bubba Tennis Bubba Tennis is a new initiative that we will be starting in mid February. These classes target the young toddlers of the

family, 2 and 3 year olds. These classes will promote catching, throwing, hand/eye co-ordination, forehands and backhands and a lot of fun. The classes will be held in the air-conditioned

multi-purpose hall in the Squash Centre and will run for 30 minutes. Expression of interest forms can be obtained from

the Sports & Recreation Dept.

held in the Raffles Room but the

turnout was not as large as in

previous years due perhaps to the close proximity to Christmas

but those who did attend had a very enjoyable evening and again, as with most of our squash functions, the food was excellent. Our thanks to F&B.

Contact the tennis professionals/Director of Tennis at tennis.asp and find out more about the tennis sessions that are going on.

Graham Dare

Squash Convenor

Tennis Coach Profile: Remin Lin

Squash Forthcoming Events

This month's coaches profile focuses on one of the newer members of The Tanglin Club coaching team, Remin Lin. Remin has been involved in tennis programs at the Australian

Here are some dates you may wish to pencil into your diaries.

School, United World College, Serangoon Garden Country Club, as

7 to 8 February

13 to 15 February

Preliminary rounds of the International

well as conducting his own private

Jumbo Doubles Tournament

individual and group lessons. He is a

The Tanglin Club 5th International Jumbo Doubles Tournament

6 March

Annual Squash Section Dinner

15 to 27 March

Spring Handicap Tournament

certified I.T.F. (International Tennis Federation) Level 1 professional. A young coach. Remin combines energy, enthusiasm and creativity in each session to maximize each student's

potential, as well as enjoyment. Remin is available for lessons and can be contacted via the Tennis Hut at 6235 3905 or

directly at 9457 8576.

Looking for individual squash coaching? Log on to 24 The Tanglin Club



sports&recreorion Tennis Friendly vs

Singapore Island Country Club Under threatening skies we welcomed our old friends from the Singapore Island Country Club (SICC)for our annual friendly match. This match is a homecoming of sorts, because many Tanglin Club

(TC) members are also members of the SICC. This year, SICC ,/!."•

sent a strong team with many junior players who have made their mark on a National level. Despite this huge disadvantage, TC played hard and in the end managed to eke out a narrow victory by being

stronger in the 'B' and "C categories. It was fortunate too that the weather held out and the day turned out to be a lovely day for tennis.

Many thanks to Lillian for arranging the scrumptious food and to the Sports and Recreation department for organizing this event. Dr Harvey Teo Tennis Convenor

Tennis Friendly vs Changi Beach Club The Changi Beach Club extended their first invitation friendly match to us on the Saturday 13 December 2003. As predicted by the meteorological forecast, showers, which lasted from the morning to late afternoon, threatened the delay of the match. But the weather cleared up enough to be able to start the match at 4.00 pm.

Tennis Friendly vs National University Of Singapore Society This was the first friendly match that The Tanglin Club (TC) hosted in the New Year on Saturday 3 January. The National

About 20 Tanglin Club players turned up in full force at the Club with much enthusiasm.

The players had a great time battling it out on the courts as well as enjoying a generous buffet spread. Our effort was not wasted as we managed

to emerge victorious with a narrow win of 63 to 61. Lillian Lum

University of Singapore Society traditionally have a strong team comprising mainly of players who have represented the NUS in local competitions. The team that they sent to play against TC was no exception. Many of their players displayed fine touches and

it was obvious that they were seasoned and experienced players. In the end, it was no

matches by comfortable margins. Still it was an enjoyable afternoon of good tennis with many of us renewing old ties with friends

that we had not seen for many years, Dr Harvey Teo Tennis Convenor

contest with the NUSS winning most of the The Tanglin Club 25


Annual Team Tennis Tournament 2003 sponsored by 'ifrsfciri

Lawn Bowls After nearly a month without a green, both greens are back in use, Kallang from Tuesday 6 January and the

see from Saturday 17 January. Hopefully the drainage at Kallang will have improved - certainly the new carpet is very much better.

New rules apply - eating and smoking are not permitted inside the fence and bowlers must wear

footwear complying with WBB Rule .


Reciprocal TC members are

welcome once again to join SCC

members on Tuesday and Thursday

Annual Team Tennis 2003 The heavens opened for our Annual Team Tennis event and the rains persisted

throughout the evening. The games were eventually abandoned without a single ball being played. Nevertheless, all players had a good time during the dinner which followed. There were team games and a lucky draw event as well as a fancy dress competition. Many thanks to our sponsors : StarHub, Ferroson Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Allswell

evenings, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons to play on grass. TC bowls can be borrowed at the SCO.

Matches &

Competitions The SCC is organizing a combined TC/Brilish Club/SCC match on

Saturday 28 February. The format has not yet been decided but you can be sure of an entertaining afternoon. Check with the Sports

Trading Pte Ltd, Royal Selangor, Straits Trading, Eu Van Sang International, United

Office for more details.

Italian, St Gregory Spa and ICI for making

The Club is planning a TC vs SCCÂť

this event possible.

game on Sunday 7 March, so mark Dr Harvey Teo Tennis Convenor

your calendars. This will be a Triples game and the first of four during the year.

For those members with greater ambitions, it is proposed to field a joint SCC/TC team at the Tattersalls

Trophy in Canberra from Friday 26 March to Thursday 1 April. Here you will meet some of the best Australian

bowlers, so an experience not to be missed. Please check with the Sports & Recreation Dept for details. Chris Petrie

For more details, contact the

Sports & Recreation Dept at 6739





26 The Tanglin Club

sports&recreation Thanks to SCC fielding a very sporting team, The Tanglin Club managed to win the John Ewing Trophy for the first time in six

years. Congratulations to our team on making the most of SCC's gesture. The Tanglin Club

scc 2

Neville TIndale

1 -

Mark Simpson K K Chong C H Leong



1 -







Joe Raine



Peter Wong






Fred Kloppers

Section Fund Night

Billiards: Christmas Marathon

The section fund night was equally well

The Christmas marathon and party

arranging these evenings, you have set

were exceptionally welt attended. Members enjoyed a good afternoon

the standard Doc. Considering the turnout, well done to Mark Simpson for

of snooker with a total of 39 matches

played. Chu Tee Seng was most

scoring highest break again and Chu Tee Seng who once again conquered

victorious with 7 consecutive wins,

all. Should be less to be argued about

Eric Stevenson somehow managed

at the next Handicap review meeting.

attended, thanks to a new menu the

evening was enhanced with superb makan. Our thanks to Dr. Ng for

to play and complete 9 games in an afternoon whilst Mark Simpson

potted a high break of 26. â– ^At the dinner afterwards, we had the

pleasure of hosting a number of guests and though they were forced to endure a Rob Wiener speech, I

February Section Fund Night Due to league commitments Section Fund Night in February will be on Thursday 12 February.

am sure most will agree that it was an enjoyable evening albeit not totally successful. Due to the

March Section Fund Night

persistent efforts of our grand orator,

The Section Fund Night in March will be

we challenged Squash Section to a

different than usual in that there will be a

boat race and were subsequently annihilated. May I suggest we

formal dinner in the Raffles Room, dress

challenge Bridge Section to a needlework competition next year. Fred Kloppers

smart casual. The snooker competition will start at 6.30 pm, then we will adjourn for dinner at 8.00 pm. The purpose of the evening being firstly to thank members for their support over the past year and secondly to obtain feedback on how to make the most

of 2004. To ensure a successful evening

we require members to please register before Monday 15 March.

Overseas Trip For Billiards There is a Hong Kong/Bangkok trip planned for March. Interested parties, please inform Danny in the Sports & Recreation Dept.

The Tanglin Club 27


Sports & Recreation Manager: Danny Loh Danny has always been immensely Immersed In sports. During his college

Ultimately, he hopes to help The Tanglin Club sports section reach internationally

days, his Involvement in Students Council

recognized standards.

had further given him the opportunity to organize sports events which he greatly PC enjoys and appreciates. Danny grew up

Danny is a serious worker and believes In good conduct and discipline for himself

loving sports and since sports was what he knew best, he went on to pursue his

teamwork, he finds it most rewarding when

and his team. Being a firm believer of good

passion and indulge in jobs which he relish.

his department gets recognition from sub committees and members on a job v

In 1992, Danny started off as an assistant


in the sports and recreation department in Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa Resort Hotel

To Danny, members are his customers

and after a short span of three years, he

and it is his duty to look after their needs.

was promoted to Sports & Recreation

He said "Good relationships with our

Manager. Danny later moved on to Hollandse Club in 1998 where he helped to professionalize the entire operation of the sports department for three years before assuming his current position at

at The Tanglin Club offers him and he

The Tanglin Club.

looks forward to pursuing his life

members do not happen overnight... we need to work hard on It."

Danny relishes the challenges that his job


At The Tanglin Club, Danny oversees a team of 15 staff and Is responsible for the

msi ©ra Dfo""

Cheryl Urn

efficient day-to-day operations of the Sports & Recreation Dept. In addition, he assists

Editor's Note: This is part of a series

the 10 S&R sections and their sub

introducing our key personnel to our new

committees In the smooth running of the Club's sports events and activities.


first throws or put back in the box before




the next throw any or all. The object being



to secure the best possible combination

How To Ploy It

of the dice for scoring the most points. The dice game of balut is regularly played at the Club. Members can choose between


• •

"wet bar" or the monthly sessions organised

9 •

combined with Inter-Club competitions between other Singapore membership clubs. Many Tanglin Club members are actually interested in participating but do not really know the rules, which incidentally












Each player should start out attempting

an informal Social Game for drinks at the

by the balut section in the Card Room

CO •->











the higher scores i.e. balut(5 of a kind), low & high straight(a run) or full house(2

of one number. 3 of another). If the player 16




fails in this, he/she can then enter the score either under fours, fives or sixes,









depending on the extent of the failure but the player should have at least two of these numbers amongst the dice.









are rather simple and straight forward.

Any score over, say 22, is not a bad 'choice' Balut Is a game played with five dice by two or more players. Each player in turn shakes the dice, numbered 1 to 6, using a leather box and throws them onto a pad or flat surface. Each player shall have up to three throws in each round and may put out any number of dice after either of the

28 The Tanglin Club





Sub -



but beginners are advised to keep 'choice' open for as long as possible. It does help in the long run!



Any failure to achieve balut or a straight when every other section is completed results in 'scrubbing' one or the other-


Alsha Elliott will be starting a Bridge session for

Bridge The holiday season usually finds Singapore in an "aces and spaces" type situation, like a

dreaded no-trump hand, as so many people take offfor vacations. The Card Room, however,

seems to have been packed to capacity and

soon it may be necessary to set up additional tables in the bar area outside! The reason?

Bridge enthusiasts visiting children or friends in Singapore over Christmas and New Year know that they are assured of a warm welcome and a stimulating but friendly game at The Tangiin Club. Credit for this must surely go to our core

group of Bridge stalwarts, who have always ''encouraged newcomers, no matter what their level of expertise.

novices on Tuesday afternoons from 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm. If you don't have a partner, you will be paired. It promises to be a very friendly group, giving an opportunity to those who are new to

the game to uninhlbitedly sharpen their skills and experiment with strategies. If you'd like to join, please contact Aisha on 6468 2372 for more details. As with the regular Monday,

Wednesday and Friday games, all are very welcome.

Mark your calendars for the next Worldwide Bridge event - this will be a Charity Game held on Wednesday 17 March at 1.00 pm in the Raffles Room. It's sure to be an enjoyable afternoon with some unusual and challenging

hands - good Bridge and for a good cause.

Having been a recipient of their patience and

support, I firmly believe that, more than anything else, it is this nucleus of genteel but unsung

heroes(or rather heroines) that keeps the spirit of the game going strong. A big thank you to all of you from the growing band of humble

Enjoy what's left of our winter and pack in as much Bridge as you can! As Heather Flanders is away, this month's column has been contributed by Bharoti Pande.

beginners! Bridge activities are held in the Card Room.

Bridge Schedule

For further details or enquiries on Bridge events



Monday Wednesday Friday

1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm 1.00 pm to 4.30 pm

Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge

Directors Heather Flanders

Anjana Beri RohinI Arya

and games visit sports_and_rec/bridge.asp or contact the Sports & Recreation Coordinator at 6739 4128 /4148.

some prefer to scrub straight, others balut. That is really a personal preference. Balut always scores 30, regardless of which dice, straights are the sum of the dice 15 or 20 In consecutive numbers.

The aim is to score as many points as

possible by the end of the game - the maximum under these rules being 183. Members Interested in participating in our balut activities can always contact the Sports & Recreation Dept or the Balut Convenor Kristian Bonnichsen at

6225 6577 or

•^gunCoi? Are you aware of the Card Room's activites?

Log on now to sports_and_rec/ balut.asp and find out more.

The Tangiin Club 29

sports&recrecfrion Swimming

Snake & Ladder

In the month of January and February we have children that will be celebrating or have already celebrated their birthdays. The swimming team would like to wish a Happy


Birthday to:

Aim: Introduction to water, buoyancy, mobility, enjoyment, venture, water

breaststroke and squat dives. Survival side

Sophie Longstaff, Ian Kwee, Dominic Pong

exploration, identify stress, correct

kick and backstroke, sculling, treading water

application and use of personal floatation

with eggbeater kick.

devices, parent education process. Teaching points: Exploring the water,


Kuan Ting, Siobhan Hartnoli, Jamie Chen. Daphne Chen, Ong Choong Hsiong and Deanna Heng.



Aim: Learning correct breaststroke

technique. Main objectives include technique in all areas of swimming.


Teaching points: Breaststroke action arms and legs action, swim 200m


Aim: Learning correct freestyle technique. Main objectives include technique and distance in all areas of swimming.

kicking on front, entering and exiting the

NASSA Survival Awards in October last year, we conducted NASSA

Survival Awards Test. Congratulation to all the students below for doing so well! Bronze Awards go to:

Mathew Booker, Amelia Thai, Lydia Kinne, Daniel Lee, Benjamin Reid, Naomi Siihavy, Marie-Judith Booker and Sophie Longstaff. Gold Awards go to:

Joel Si, Elise Biume, Sarah Si, Pippa Reid and Fiona Siihavy. Look out for our next Survival Awards

training and test dates that will be coming your way in June 2004.


Teaching points: Freestyle breathing,


freestyle arms and legs action, swim 2C

Aim: Water awareness and confidence,

freestyle, bilateral breathing and diving

buoyancy, mobility, introduction to propulsion, water discovery, water games, introduction to water safety principles.

Swim 4 laps survival backstroke. 84•SHARKS - PERFORM BACKSTROKE

Teaching points: Arms gliding, opening

Aim: Learning correct freestyle technique.

eyes underwater, kicking on front and back,

Main objectives include technique, distance

jump from the side of the pool.

and stamina in all areas of swimming.


arms and legs action, swim 200m



Aim: Water awareness & confidence, buoyancy, mobility, introduction to


Teaching points: Back glide, backstroke

propulsion, water discovery, water games, introduction to water safety principles.


Teaching points: Arms movement, under water exploration, introducing breaststroke

Aim: Learning correct butterfly technique. Main objectives include technique, distance, stamina and speed in all areas of swimming.

arms and kicks.

Teaching points: Dolphin kicks, butterflies


and timed, able to swim for 4 strokes.

arms and legs action, swim 100m butterfly AND PROPULSION

Aim: Forward movement and propulsion with breathing, floatation and basic

Survival Swimming^

swimming techniques.


Teaching points: Fully submerged face, front and back glides, pencil arms, forward propulsion - froggie kicks and arms, flutter kick and survival back kick.

The Water Safety & Swimming Survival syllabus is incorporated in the overall programme. However, testing and revision training will be conducted as NASSA programme.

Swimming: Classes In March

March Programme 1

March Programme 2



: 15 to 18 March

In March, we will be conducting classes for

Course : Learn To Swim

children who are afraid of water and cannot

Duration : 4 Days Day ; Monday to Thursday

swim. As you know swimming is a life time

: 15 to 18 March

Course : Stroke Improvement Duration ; 4 Days

Day Time

: Monday to Thursday : 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm

skill, so why wait! Sign your children up


: 10.00 am to 11.00 am



: $126 (Inclusive GST)


: $126 (Inclusive GST)


: From 4 years old


: Able to swim minimum 2 strokes

Ladies! Form up your own little group if you are too shy to swim with strangers. We need

Needing swimming lessons at the Club? Please call Zarena at 9276 5900

a minimum of four before we can start a

or 6737 0742. Alternatively, visit

new class for you and your friends.

30 The Tanglin Club


sports&recreation Sports Schedule

Fitness Schedule Monday






8.30 am HATHA & RAJA

8.30 am AQUACISE

8.30 am


Tennis Courts

8.30 am LADIES TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.00 pm

YOGA (Advance)

8.30 am FITBALL Carin


8.30 am FLEXIBLE

9.30 am

10.00 am PILATES Clarise


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

5.00 pm

5.00 pm




KEEP FIT Janet Pool

Tennis Courts

Tennis Courts

Marcus Tang

6.30 pm

5.15 pm

6.15 pm



BODY WORX Daniel Chan



Brigid 7.30 pm

Squash Courts


Squash Courts





8.30 am AQUACISE

8.30 am

10.00 am



Wong L C 11.30 am TAIJIQUAN

Geoffrey 9.30 am

Marcus Tang


9.30 am





Wong L 0 2.00 pm

5.00 pm



Geoffrey 4.00 pm

Jerry 6.30 pm SOCIAL LATIN DANCE Jerry 8.1 S pm




5.00 pm

8.30 am

8.30 am to 11.30 am

CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts



6.00 pm

5.00 pm

Tennis Courts



3.00 pm

Tennis Courts



Squash Courts 4.00 pm



Squash Courts

Tennis Courts

Squash Courts



Sunday 4.00 pm

All classes are held at the Multi-Purpose Hall


CLUB TENNIS Tennis Courts

except Aquaclse. No Fitness classes on Monday 2 February due to

the Hari Raya Haji public holiday.

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7 & 8 February Intolerable Cruelty - PG


Romantic comedy (100 mins)


28 & 29 February Bollywood Queen - PG

♦.Hp'w ToLose

Romantic comedy (90 mins)

Starring: George Clooney, Catherine

Starring: Preeya Kalidas, James McEvoy.

Zeta Jones.

Director: Joel Coen.

Director: Jeremy Wooding.

Sated on success, Miles Massey seeks new

woman pursuing financial independence

Geena fell in love with blue-eyed Jay. But love is never easy when you're a girl bound by strict Indian traditions. Throwing caution to the wind, Geena and Jay embark on an

through serial matrimony. What follows Is

adventure of romantic liaisons.

challenges when he meets the muchdivorced Marylin Rexroth, a hard-headed

the mother of all battles of the sexes as the

two square off, personally and professionally.

21 & 22 February How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - PG Romantic Comedy (110 mins)

Bollywood Quee

Starring: Kate Hudson, Matthew McConaughey Director: Donald Petrie Jr.

Andle Anderson has to find a guy, make him fall in love with her, then dump him all in 10 days. Little does she know that her

target, Benjamin Barry, has made a highstakes bet with his boss that he can make

any girl fall In love with him in 10 days. So while she's trying to lose him, he's doing whatever It takes to keep her!

14 & 15 February In The Cut - RA

6 &7 March

Thriller (120 mins)


Starring: Meg Ryan, Mark Ruffalo. Director: Jane Campion. Following the brutal murder of a young woman In her neighbourhood, a self-


Starring: Michel Serrault,


Claire Bouanich.

Director: Philippe Muyl.

determined NYU professor dares to test the

Jullen Is a butterfly collector. One day, he sets off In search Isabella, a butterfly as beautiful as

limits of her own safety by propelling herself Into an Impossibly risky sexual liaison with

a detective. As the affair Increasingly pushes the limits of sexuality, she grows wary about

The Butter^y(Le Papillon)PG Foreign drama (90 mins)


it is rare. He Is looking forward to a memorable time In the Alps.

the motives of every male with whom she

has contact - including the detective.

But Jullen hasn't counted on Elsa,




^MICHEL SERR)Wj«H"'rOiAlEf lob/tNtCM

an eight year old girl neglected by her mother. He doesn't know it yet, but Elsa has decided to go along with him.

to pepVon 031 un mot d'amour pM on dodS UN FILM Dl: ri llLIPPE Mtm-

In The Cut

For enquiries, please call the Reception at 6737 8011

Or keep track of the showtimes and booking procedure via Tickets can be obtained at the Reception. Moviegoers are to be seated 10 minutes before showtime. 32 The Tanglin Club

Showtimes Saturday - 9.00 pm • Sunday - 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm Visit for movie trailers.

Club Hours The Churchill Room

Sunday to Friday Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm Last order 2.00 pm No lunch on Saturday Dinner. 7.00 pm to 11.45 pm Last order ^0.30 pm Closes 12 midnight Last order on Saturday 11.00 pm

Saturday 11.00 am to 2.45 am Sunday 11.00 am to 11.45 pm

Gymnasium Dinner only 7.00 pm to 11.15 pm Da/7y6.00 am to 10.00 pm

Last order

Closes 1.00 am Churchill Room Bar

Terrace Bar

Jackpot Room

Monday to Friday 10.30 am to 11.30 pm

Saturday 10.30 am to 12 midnight Sunday 10.30 am to 12 midnight

Sunday to Thursday Daily 12 noon to 3.00 pm Weekdays 7.00 pm to 11.45 pm 12 noon to 11.45 pm Friday 12 noon to 12.45 am Saturday 7.00 pm to 1.45 am Saturday 12 noon to 1.45 am Foyer Lounge Adult Library Daily 10.30 am to 11.00 pm Weekdays 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Saturday ^0.00 am to 5.00 pm Wheelhouse Restaurant Sunday 12 noon to 5.00 pm Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm Last order 10.00 pm Junior Library Weekdays 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm The Tavern Saturday 10.00 am to 12.30 pm Lunch 12 noon to 3.00 pm & 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Last order 2.30 pm Sunday 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm Dinner 6.00 pm to 11.45 pm Sat Dinner 6.00 pm to 1.00 am Closed on public holidays. Last order

Sandwiches last order

Sunday to Thursday 11.30 pm Friday ^2.30 am Saturday 1.30 am

Daily 8.00 am to 11.30 pm

The Terrace

Sunday to Friday 11.15 pm Saturday ^2 midnight Sunday Lunch 12 noon to 2.30 pm

Sunday to Friday 11.15pm Saturday 12 midnight

Card Room

Reading Room Daily 9.00 am to 11.00 pm Last order ^0.00 pm Billiards Room

The Tavern Bar

Daily 12 noon to 11.30 pm Friday, Saturday & on eve of Public Holidays

Monday to Thursday

12 noon to 1.00 am

Swimming Pool Da/7y7.00 am to 10.30 pm *Squash Courts Daily 7.30 am to 10.30 pm *Tennis Courts 7.00 am to 11.30 am

2.00 pm to 10.30 pm Theatrette

Saturday 9.00 pm Sunday 2.30 pm & 8.00 pm Hair Salon

Tuesday to Saturday 10.00 am to 7.00 pm Sunday 10.00 am to 6.00 pm For appointments call 6734 2523. Closed on Mondays & some public holidays. *For reservations call 6235 8482 or 6734 0707.

12 noon to 11.45 pm Friday 12 noon to 1.45 am

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