Champaign Central High School Maroon Volume 98 61 0 W. University Avenue Champaign, IL. 61820 217.359.3911 www Enrollement: 1,189
Your four years in high school help shape you into the person you will become. While these years are full of excitement, we often tend to want to fast forward our way to graduation. Instead, we should STOP, PAUSE and REWIND so that we can look back on these years before pressing PLAY on our lives after we leave Central.
A New York Minute The 2006-2007 prom, themed "A New York Minute" was a prom to remember. Students donned their best clothes and metropolitan outfits to dance the night away in the settings of Little Italy, China Town, and various sites of the Big Apple. After shedding their finest attire, students retreated to the University of Illiniois' C.R.C.E for post-prom celebrations aplenty. From Guitar Hero to sumo Wrestling, the post prom actititias lasted \s the night \\t'at·s a"a·'· students dance a1ul mingl(' in the Cos1noppolitan scene thai is\('\\ 'o•·k. into the early hours of the morning.
Er·ic \\ ilson and his date take a r·<·st fr·om da rwi ng.
Samir· Pat<·l and \nn Patak.' pose tog·<·t lwr· as t lw :!00()-:!007 1'1'0111 1\.ing and ( hu·<·n . for· an undouhtahh 1'0.\Ctl pictur·<·.
Pr·om-g-o1'''" an· ac'I'Oillpanic·d
h.' l\\o hug-1· -.c·n'l'll" to gc·t I hi'
part\ ooi II u··- - - - - - - - - - '
i\1 ichael Peter's and s,ea :\lonsess t n to knock each other· ofT the stages" ith Ciani Lances.
Br·andon ~mit h.\ ickl',\ D".wr·. lto-.a 1\.hondr·i and her date. 1\.ellen Ur·o\\ n. 1.' ler· Uurton. 1\.ara belarHI and her date: ... nap a picture infl'(llll of the cit~ ..,I...~ line.
Sumo "res IIi ng "as Oil(' of I he man.' ('\.('iting a<'li,ities offt•red at th(' post pmm.
7 ....
Graduation day marks a time of both pride and sadness. It marks achievement for the seniors and envy of the underclassmen. The seniors say their good-byes as their final year comes to a close. One thing, however, is rtain r ad uat-i on wiJ:l b a day to emeffibe'r 1
India lulla(h deli e her graduate peech at the graduation cen-mom a a n-pn- entati\e of th 2006-2007 senior cia .
Shantt· h.'· ic-k Phillips. ami 1\.i('r·r·a ( Ja i hor·ru· r·('la'\ aft('r· tlw gr·ad ual ion <'l'l'l'lllOil i('s.
Jo h Stanner. Ta\ lor ( lark, <\ndn-" ( o and Jarn-t Crump pose triumphantl) a graduate of Central High sehool.
SteiTanie 'oussef and \ada 'oussc-f proudl.' \\alk <1\\a\ fr·om 1\.nmrwr·t \\it h diplomas in hand.
serves as a chance for the seniors to leave their legacy on Central. Faculty members recognize students for their achievements in various subjects. To honor the athletic and academic greatness of the sen1ors, scholarships are awarded to help them prepare for their futures.
Tlwst• studt•nls l't'('t•iwd ""<I rtls f(,.. tlwi ,. :u·:ulem i.. t',('t•llt·•wt• lhmughoul theit· high s('hool
Et·i(' \\ ilson atul Cam Strang post• fm· a pit'lm·e aftt•t• t•t•t•t•i\ ing tlwi•· s('lwl:u·ships f(,r al h It• I i.. t•wt•llt·n ...-.
('cll't't' I'S,
Summer Central students are known to be li.vely, but you don't see a person's true personali.ty unti.l summer; when students are no longer students. Free of the wei.ght of school, we are at our wi.ldest. For many, summer i.s the most of the year. But one questi.on sti.ll stands: What do students REALLY do over the summer?
\lariah Thomas, llannah .Jacobs .Ia.' len Lmell and ~ali(' Donnell.' me(•! up at a 'olle.' hall toLrr·nam(•nt at Par·kland owr· the
\hi \lc\lur·r·a.\, Bece:r Fundator·, Ha<"hel Fundator·, and Lauren \\eishaurn snap a shot before lwading out to dinner· at SeH·n Saints.
Laura lilas, \nd) Manast~r, and s~r~na Broadsk) pos~ aft~r a night of fun.
hri~lirw lh'tmn. Uai~lw \\al"lll· Uanic·ll \wrs. ( alwrlc·:u· \\a!'.hingon. ancl ( ollc·lc· \, · • •• n tlw m..l.. O\l'r I he· summt•r.
l)t•mwll. Shannon Clair·horne•.lt•nna Simon. Rent•t• Changnon. )r·iscilla I hH'h and Halt·.' 'Htppt•ndorf hang out at Chris Lt·hmann 's J)()OI lftw t• St•nim· girl~ jump inlo llw pool al hc• l"'flltlar summc•r· spol lniclan \l'n>~ lo ·uolun.
Steplwn l\iu,
.lu n i o r·s \ n n i <'
Chris L<'hrmtn,
Br·u no pose on a hill in \1 i chi ga n " hi Ie on \acation l h i.., .., ll Ill Ill(' •••
.Josh \I idd I<'I on, "ur·t and "' le "i hl<'r· o.,m ilc l'or t h <' c <lllH'r·a.
and Jos~ph Hood sp~nt part of th~ir summ~r in frica.
lae\c <Junio and Kathl~en Ro land atch th~ un ~t tog~th~r on th~ h~ach.
Back to School Dance Students gathered in Central's courtyard to start out the 2007-2008 school year. Seniors danced the night away during their last back to school dance and freshman were excited to go to their nrst high school dance. When the sun went down students started getting their groove on. The drama club provided some much needed refreshments with red and blue snow cones. Central students left the dance excited to start a new year.
T hese seniot· git·ls a\\ ail I he IH·g·inning of theit· hack to school da nee.
Centa'al students dance and clap along to the ""Cha Cha Slide~~ at the 2()()j hack to school <lance.
Best Frienas Best friends are the people who you can always count on to be there to laugh or cry with you. They do everything together, from going on vacations in the summer to football games in the fall, to getting something to eat, to just hanging out! You can always count on your best friends to stay by your side through thick and thin. From dynamic duos to large Ce ral ith
~~ ... a
.... r~..,
Marc Martindale, athan Chisom, Clinton iller, raden nderson, Jee~ an Rostam-Abadi, and E an Lotz ng out during the summer.
Sa1nantha Sher·r). Selin K.apan. and Sara \\right lo\e hanging out together· after· school. Bri II an.' \ rul(•r·son. Sar·ah lligh. ina Dung. Lesli(• 1>(•1 Carpio. Sofi Birk('·' · Sarah ( .hoo. \nna \\right g('t r·(•ad.' to go out on tlw hmn.
I Iackie.' and 1\ussel \\etzel haH· enjo.'ed r·unning together· throughout the school.
1\oset ta Ta.' lor·. and Br<·e llamilton loH' going out I o ea I I oget her·.
)a, id Hou and his ht•st frit•nd \\t•nt to Si Flags and had a 1;::;:::::::;~~~~~~~:::;:::::;' [ llast togt"ther this summer.
Diamond Stut·k<'\ and II oil) Pa.' ton enjo) hei ng around eaeh other hefor·e, during. and aftet· ..,<'hool.
hang out hef()J'(' ..,<'hool.
Lau1·en Fis<·us, \1.\ssa Zamholdi, and \nna Eisele lo, e \H·ar·i ng matehing oulfils.
\nd •·ea \I is kim ins, Shelh.' Sr•·ang. and Sophie 1\ont•\ look fie I'< ·e t oge t he •··
StuaentsJ Rides Th~ ~onncclions
a r'id~ and its dri,~r are n1ore than the . eat the dri\Ct' . it on and th . Leeri11g, \Vheel the) command; the rid i often a part of the dri\er. From a dream car, to a motorc,cle or e\en .., the l\riTD, each et of wheel i special becau e the wheel tude . rom
IJen nell l~ ierrna n and ( :or·e,. IIi Ison proud 1, Lake the \ll' l) e\ _e _r,._ ,._d_a.'.J-· - --.. . _----•
Senior· .lnsrn i ru· 1\o:uls ha ppi 1.' snaps a shot \\ith her· enr·.
\lexis Johnson d r·i, es a r·ed
aHo n
a blu
1norning "hich ear
Sophomore \lonica 1\ondon pos(•s " it h lw a· IH'" a·ed Mustang on lwa· sixte('nth hia·t hd:n.
St•nior Shannon Claihornt• loH·s to •h·he around in ht r llontla
Ricardo ega i p oud to port a
Honda Ci
.IC. 1
• Spirit week is when the students have the most fun during the school year. Students get to dress up in crazy outfits, and show their school spirit. Spirit week is a great opportunity to get ready for Central's Homecoming game and dance. Central started off spirit week with Rock and Roll Day, followed by Twin Day. On Wednesday, students dressed up for "Guys in Ties and Girls in Pearls" Day. Students showed off their class colors on Thursday, and then wore Maroon nd White Friday to ki off Rally, the Pa
Caroli1w Sholt>m. ~lr. :\link. and Kc·ll.' 1\.~ rouae ahandon thc·ir Chroni<·le duties to slum off tht>ir 1\o<'k and 1\oll
Best fri(•nds Cartt•r Billingsle~ and Chris Lehmann stand like a totem pole of "Tllinness" for Twin Da~.
The frcshm<-n in \Irs. Hamilton's English elass shO\\ orr th<·ir r<-d hirts on Class Color Da).
\lami(' llohh.,, \ nd rea \I i.,ki man.,, Sh('lh,\ Strang, and Sophi(' 1\orw,\ dre~.,('d up a., nerd-, and hall('ri nas for T\\in Da,\.
Jt•ssit·a E\ans and Stt•phanit• ~ ohnson look lit•r('t' on Rt)('k ~ nd Roll l>a~.
Tlwst• Sophomor·es sptwl thei1· .\t'll(n\
Sophomon•s 1\.atit• l>omwll~ and Ror:' \lilts put on blad'-. dn·sst•s and JWarls for .. Cu~s in Tit·s. Cirls in l,t•arls.. l>a~.
on Class Color·
Sat·a lllink.a is dt>('k.ed out in het· \I a t·oon and\\ hite on llonw('oming
Canw Da,,.
>•"· ~athleen
1\m,Jand. \le"is Be•·ns. Jamie \naslasia. and .Jennifet· llaile said Bom Chicka \\ah \\ah on 'I\, in Da.'
The Homecoming Bonfire is a chance to get pumped up for the Homecoming Game. This year's festivities included the infamous junior versus sen1or powderpuff game. Both teams played hard but tied in the end. Following the game the attending students came together to dance the "Cupid Shuffl " and th t_pe--oon re as I The onnre un rge~ta
Both junior·s and senior·s ar·e re~uh to go at the st<tr·t of the pia.' in the p<mdeqnrff game.
The junior· d«•fense <'heers as their· offense s<·ores a touchdo" n.
\lan.' C<•ntral students arr·iwd to \\<tteh the
P<mdeqnrfT Came.
Chris L('hmann giH·s tht• s('nior· huddlt• \Hmls of \\isdom dur·ing 1h(' halftime lw('a k.
This year's Homecoming Pep Assembly was filled with a lot of entertainment. The marching band played, the Cheerleaders and the Step Team performed routines, and Coach Jacobs gave words of encouragement to the football players. The football captains got revenge on their coaches by throwing pies in their faces. Following the Pep Assembly was the Homecoming parade. This ar, the soph mor wal ed away 'th fir ace for the t c~ass / float. , Chuckie Baglama pie~ Coach Jacob~ in tlw fa('(· a I I he llonwcoming Pep \ssemhl,\.
Tlw "ophomOI'('S
a•·<- <"'\.('ired lo •·id(• llw \\inning lloal. 'J hi" wa~· tlw I sophomol'('s lH·oke llw S<' 11 i01..._' I hI'('(' .wa•· "inning st•·<·ak.
The Step T<•am perfor·m~ a routine to get the cr·mHI pumped up.
Tlwse ciW('I'I(•<uh·•·s
n•ri\(• the \\tll('hino· n ('I'O\\d ... onw
s('hool spi•·it fo1· the upcoming llonwcoming- g·am<' .
The focus of Homecoming week i.s the game. It bri.ngs Spi.ri.t Week to a close and all the students come together to cheer on the Central football team. Thi.s year, Central took on the Mattoon Greenwave, the fifth ranked team i.n the state. The team fought hard, but were unable to come out on top. Despi.te the loss, the players and t i.r fans ved on to t pha e o e mecom1ng Wee ¡ the da
ad to hro a pa .
The aroon are in the huddle di cu ing and preparing for the upcoming pia~.
Central larching Band pla)ed \\ell, n ith th 90 degree heat!
Full \anw: \llison \lonroc Chouinard Birthda~: Januar.' I, WHO \lost Pritcd Possession: \1.' SlOOO Flute I Jidden Talent: I can tum m.' e~clids inside out. Fmorite ' a_,ing: '"\\oot! I look good!" \lost Embarrassing \lonwnt: Going hack" ards the "r·ong "a.\ do" n a one "m trect in Ill,\ car on campus Fm orite port: Col f Full \amc: \lichaela Janette Connell Birthda.": Fehruar'.' 23, WHO Fmorite \\a.' to Cet \round: \1.' Honda Element Fm ori te Quote: "Don't LI) to fh .' esterda,'t. "hen tomornm is a rH'\\ da_,.·· Ilobh.\: Taking Picturc Dn•am Date: ChanningTatum Fmoritc Food: \le\jcan Fa, ori te \Jo, ie: ' 'H'Ctc ' t Thing
Full anw: \shleigh Shanee Peacock Birthda.': \ugust 18, 1B89 Fa,oritc \lm ie: Finding \emo Fa.. orite \\a\ To G<'L \round: Canei ha Fr:atier Fmoritc Quote: ··]f_H>tr lmc omcthing let it go and if it comes hack it' )OUrs" Dream Date: l slwr \e, er L a' e I lome\\ ithout: \lusic Fa,oritcT\ ' ho\\:That· ~ o Ra\en FaH>rit a.' ing: "kno Dat''
Full \amc: \mber Char·is e Fra1icr Birthda.': \larch 22, HJ90 Fa, orite \lm i<•: Sin Cit' Good Luck Charm: \1.'. Rings Fa, orite Food: Cheese Fa, orite Quot<·: ·'Trouble i-, ra-,, to get into and hard to get out o( Fa' orite Part \bout I lornecoming: Being nominated f(>r' honH'Coming court
E E N Full \anH': OuarH'sha Renee "·' Birthdm: \larch 18. IH!)() F~norit<' Food: Fried Chicken\\ ing-, Fmoritc Ouol<' .. llating doe-,n't make .'ou cute·· llohh.': l•:ating Fa,<wit<' Brand of' Clothing: Bah.' Phat Fa\C>riteT\ SIH)\\: Spongehoh Square Pants \\ould mo-.1 lik<• to meet: Lil \\a.\JH' \('\('1' Lemc I lome\\ ithout: \h Purse
artH': \ndrc·\\ Fn·d<·rid-: ma 11 Bi rt IH le~.': \pri I :2 'i. I!)!)() Fmorite \\a.' to C<•t \mund: 1\a;or ~<·oot<·r Don't l<nw·t the IH'IrtH't! Fmorit<' Sa_,ing: '')ou can't ''in '<'rtl all ... unl<·-,;, .\Ou'r<' \in Diesel." Fmorit<· Food: D. I~ Dough <:rat.\ 1\ituak "Belin·<• ()til hour I \ll ST I)(' hugged. o <''<'<'ption-,. \nd ('\('1',\ Frida.' the 1'1th I \\('ar a s\\('ater \<'st."
Full \arn<': Satcrcon ()'Bannon Hirthda.': F<·hruar.' 21. I!J!JO \lost Prited Pos'><''>sion: \h \\allet Cood Lu<"k Charm: \n Old S:> Bill Crat.' Hituab: 1 do I 0 pu...,h-up;, I><' f'o rc I go 1o s I<'<') l. I) ream Date: Lau r<'n London .. ... ~...-::..:.-- \lost Lik<· to \lc<'l: Oprah Fmorite Ouole: "\lak<' tlw moll<'.'· don't let it mak<• \OIL" I J idd<' n 'Hlle nl: I can d r<m.
N G Full \ <lrtH': \I arcus De\\ a.' tl<' Bnm n BirtiHia.': Jul.' ·~o. Imm \lo-,t Pritcd Po-,sc-,-,ion: Certificate for ha,inga li ..) CP\! Fmorit<' \\a.' to Cct \round: The H.egal '>tllingon22\ Fm oril<' Se~.' ing: "\\hat goes around conH's hack ar·ourHI." \\ ould Like to \I eel: \shanti llidd<•n Talent: Cooking
Full \arne: D<'mario D<·sll<t\\ n II a.\(';, Bi rtiHia.': October 8. UJ8!J \lost Prited Po-,;,<•...,sion: \h. Famih. II idden 'ntlent: I "rite poetr·.'· Fmorite Food: Grilled CIH'<'sc Fm ori te 0 uot e: "I al \\a.''> thought I ''as 11.' Iikc 1 had a pigeon on m.' hack!" I) ream Date: () uarH'sha I\\ llohh.': \.- Bo' '~()0 Fmorite \\a) To Cet \round: The Truck Full \am<': Donald Duck.' ' te\\art Birthda.': \ugu-,t n. 1D89 Cood Luck 'harm: 1 put m.' uncle's pictun• in m.' shoe hcfor<' I pia:. Fmorite ,'a.' ing: '''tou Dead" \lost Emharra...,;,ing \lonH'nl: I hit m.' !wad on a hask< thall rim. Dream Date: Candice Parker F<norite Food: Fri<•d Chicken \\ith llot • auce Fm or·itc Part \bout llonH'Coming: \cling a fool at the dance
The dance is what many Central students look forward to during Homecoming. People are buzzing about the dance for a good month before it even happens. Homecoming is one of the most memorable times of the school year. This year's theme was Island in the Sun. Seely Hall was decked out with sea creatures, palm trees, and a tiki hut supplying refreshments. The entrance to the gym was like walking through an aquarium. The gym felt like an island on the equator with the 90 degree heat and cool breezes fiowing from the gym's giant fans. Students danced the night away, Q.d had an amazing ( .A. , ( 11 t 1 St U( 1( 11 l S, COill( l<>g~( loll1(l> I.. l<> <l"tl(~(l> Homec-Qming 2007 proved c: I .be a night tQ remem er and the Cha (:ha Slide. topPed off a g eQt week. ~~~~~~~~~~~------.-------------~----)0
1onica Rondon and Hannah Jacobs grab som~ be\erages and chat it up "ith \1r. link.
Ben Peden and Brittan Pen ell take a break from the hot gym.
organ Hile, tie Donnell. , and Ro ills take a quick picture befon· the~ go into the dance.
Rt•nt•e Grumish, T re' or Do rst• tt and Sara II a) dt•n post• in front of tht• palm trt•t• mural.
~h ha Bro\\ 11, "-' r·a .Ja .. k ... on. En"., •. Bian ... on. and c;)III"IIH'.' Pu lliam. •·njo."·d f'al'h ollwr:., l'ompan.\.
rrhese gi r·ls '",,a( ked i I ou C' at I he II o rnecorn in o· l)a nee.
Donald Ste art and Ben Donaldson got the part going on the dance floor.
\lt•gan \\t·nh\orth and \dam Rak(•r to ('ool tlwmseh(•s off in tlw hot b':' m.
studt nts ("njo) dancing to tht" Cupid Shufflt".
Into The Woods
Central's drama brought fairy tales to life with the children's show, Into The Woods. This show combined six different fairy tales into one fantastic musical. The show follows the journeys of many characters who wants to get their wishes. At the end of the first act everyone's wish has come true, but not for long. In the second act the consequences of their wishes come into the light and each character faces difficulties and loss. T~ show enqed with e~ery person learning a lesson '(l{'ld acceptinQ the1 losses and misto.kes.
Steffan it• Bc•z•·u ki IHliTatt'S the
t" istC'cl talC's hC'fo•·c· joining t hC' stOI'\.
rll(.. ('har·a<·ter·s lhe happil,, e\el' aft<-.r·, 01' at least nt il the
Ch1·istina 1\adi is scol<lt-d In ' l~tnt Colding af'tea· heingcaught "ith lwa· pa·i nee.
\li<'e ( :r·onenher·g tr·ies to st r·angle Bodd, llar·l afler· lw ale hot h her· and Lillie 1\ed 1\iding llood.
.I en n II ood r·e m i 11 ds \ I a I'C \\ ilso11 that a n i rn a Is a r·e 11 o t fr·i eru Is.
Chicag_~o--~~ Central drama students brought "Chicago" to Champaign for last year's spring musical. The show starred Maddie Knight as Roxie Hart, Mollie Vigardt and Tara Golding as Velma Kelly, and Corbin Dixon as Billy Flynn. "Chicago" follows Roxie and Velma throughout their struggles for the spotlight and their murder trials. Each girl commits the scandal of the year and their careers as dancers thrive. "Chicago" is a show filled with murder, lies, Jazz, and adultery.
Di,on contr·ols \laddie 1\.nighl dur·ing her pr·ess r·elease after· 1he murder· of her~ loH·r·, Fr·ed Case I.'.
\ ig·a,.dt i-. lift(·d up h.' 1\oh J>u •·"-('(' and Hohi 11 ),('('.
Bill.' Fl.\1111, Co,.hin Di\.on
Sll I'I'Oll IHh•d
fa 11 da IH'('l''-·
Sar·a Salmon, \nnie h..r·cuner, Isis Cr·iffin, and Tar·a Colding· ~i ng d u r·i ng the opening n u m her. ~laul'inc
Sh·•·rett dan('cs
during Cell Hlock 'l~tngo. '-------
I Never Saw Another Butterfl Central's 2006 fall play took place during World War II in Terezin, a work camp near the Czech Republic. The play follows the story of one girl, Raja, and her struggle to stay alive, and remain positive. Raja survives and the play focuses on her memories. The show featured Maddie Knight and Maurine Sterett as Raja, Marc Wilson d Micah Cott. po
Haja \ lwol her· gt•ls·r·it•d r·igh 1 lu·for·e the.' ar·e taken to Tt•rezin.
Pr·isorwr·s art• led through tlwgatt·s ofTt•r•t•zin ct\\a\ fr·om their· lift• of frt•t•dom.
Tlw eh iJd ren of Tere:~in talk about their . . ex peru· n <'es 111 I he camp.
32 .....
Haja \ fa mil.' eats their· last dinrwr· together in their· home.
You Can"'t Take It With You Central's spring comedy was centered around the crazy Sycamore family and the unhappy Kirbys. Tony Kirby and Alice Sycamore fall in love and attempt to bring their two families together, while chaos ensues. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby disapprove of Tony and Alice getting married until a series of events lead Mr. Kirb into the mad of t change
Caitlin Salmon paints a portrait of Jordan l.angc• nhilc· Man·\\ ilson pr<H'tic·es his music·
\rult·e" llieks helps · teffa n ie Hc·Jr"u ki ith her· hallc·t. s \l:u·e \\ ilson acTompanic•s them on t lw '-' lophorw.
The S.H·amor·e fa m i 1.' i n tc· r·mga tc·" 1\oh Durkee hc·for·e his cl ale '' iI h their· daughter·.
1\ohin Lee· talks about his fir·c•\\orks pr·oducing blue smoke \\ith Jor·dan
A lot of connections exist between students here at Central High School. Your brother's, best friend's, cousin's ride to school could be sitting next to you in your physics class! This year we start off with senior Khai Nguyen. We talked to 28 other people who eventually led us back to Khai. To get the ball rolling, Khai told us he met Huy Nguyen in PE. Let's see where Huy leads us next ...
Huy knows Chri.s Lehmann from hi.s Intro to Bus class.
usually to lunch Courtney
Chris dominated Patrick Wampler in a game of one -on -one basketball.
Patrick had hours of long conversation with Riley Brunson on Golf Trips.
Riley met Mike Lacine while on the swim team together.
Mike thinks Emma Newman is a fox.
Courtney daydreams about Carter Billingsly.
Carter took Zach Rice under his w1ng.
Zach got i.n a "very serious" fight Neil
Neil got in a fist fight with Taylor Downey.
Taylor heard Jordan Johnson sing.
Jordan picks on Thomas Hlinka.
Thomas played flashlight tag with Martin Musuruana.
Marti.n beat Nathan Chi.sholm whi.le Halo 3.
Kaleb almost hit Quantrel Hedrick's car.
Quantrel beat Deangelo Williams in basketball.
Deangelo was tri.pped by Gordon football season.
Kenny saw Amanda Gordon and Greco the Kenny Williams hallwayi.n and were chased by thought she was a dog. fine.
Amanda saw Mi.a fall whi.le P. E. volleyball.
Mi.a saw Feely run i.nto a wall basketball practice.
Olivia's Claire plays softball with cousi.n is Olivia Birkey. Bethany Anderson.
Jennifer saw Ryan Gray pick his nose.
Ryan has auto-shop with Davi.d Weisbaum.
David sees Khai in the hallway everyday.
Nathan hit Kaleb Walker with a sucker.
Bethany goes to the same church as Jenni.fer Hai.le.
Halloween is filled with various parties, costumes, candy, trick-or-treating and generally, lots of fun. Maybe it is the idea that you can pretend to be someone you are not, or is it the sometimes excess amounts of sugar ... The result of Halloween is students getting back in touch / with their child.
The Student Faculty Game allows a select few of the Uni.t 4 faculty to showcase thei.r ski.lls agai.nst the Bi.g 12 student basketball teams i.n a di.splay of fierce competi.on and As as the game i.s, sadly the game does not answer the ever present questi.on; who i.s better, students or teachers?
Se·niot· \la111·a :mel ft·c•shman Emma IIC'ah h:wk in IIH' elm. .
SC'niot· ,\laeleliC' :mel ft·e·shman l>t·c·\\ KniH"hL
SC'niot· \hh\ :IUeJ sophomot·c• Cale·h \lhm i. St•nim· Slc'H' :111el sophomot•t• .John Lt•ss:u·is "lu·u llu·\ \\('I'(' \ Oll ll"t'l'.
Senie»>' . \llison :mel fl'e·shman ·\lc·\. \l:mat·el C'hill in llwit· shacl£'s.
Sc•n iot· \ nl hom aiHI ft·c·shman . .Jc•tTin \lonill
SC'nim· \nn ancl junim· nic·k.' llansc·n.
SC'niot· Clu·isl inc• ancl ft·c•shm:tn Ble·ssing \e lc·o\C'.
Central students always need money for gas, clothes, and food. When they are not in school, doing homework, sleeping, or hanging out with friends, most likely they are at their jobs. Students work all around Champaign at restaurants, stores, pools, and assisted living ~unities.
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students got involved. Students and their parents gathered together for National African American Parent Involvment Day (NAAPID) and the Black History Program. Other students celebrated El Aniversario de la Declaraci6n de los Derechos Humanos by decorating Central's sidewalks with inspirational quotes. Being an election year, Central also held its own mock vote to give students a chance to be heard. ~
Baseball has always been America's favorite past-time. In Champaign, a town conveniently located between cities with two of the best known teams in the nation, this is apparent. These teams are the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs. One team is known for their World Series Championships and the other is called by some, the "lovable losers". Both teams have a large following at Central. Fans of both teams get excited whenever i~'s time for the two to play ball!
\ h·s .. Spa •·ks poses "i I h h~•· Cu h \ goose.
Cetltralloves the Cubs! 53% of Cet1tral studet1ts are Cub fans con11)ared to the 47% that are Cardinal fans. 45
What we watch . ..
65 ~
s N
B I 0
R How
did you â&#x20AC;˘ p1mp your ride? 72
Streamers (30%)
Stickers (40%)
Which show was better?
Full House (18%) Boy Meets World (50%)
Keillyn Gay
Saved By the Bell (32.7%)
Holly Patton
Which was better for a party?
Skate land (53%)
Sharice Ruth
rine Sterrett Diamond Sturkey Dino Thompson
Training Wheels (30%)
What was better?
Big Wheel (47%)
Tricycle (23%)
I, JLS, will to AMJ car rides, family video, and imdb Top 100. SDC, Dane Cook jokes and chocolate chip cookies, to RMC rummy cube and ding dong ditching, MLH lunch dates and to KLA my best friend's wedding, and walmart. I, Valerie, will to Lacey: Driving around, campus, loudness, pool parties, Flordia, golf carts, subs, lean like a cholo, Technologic, dad's truck. To Ashley: sleepovers! To Amy Always being there. To Katrina Driving in your creepy awsome truck, demo derbies, endless laughter with Lacey. Can't wait till summer 08! YAY! I, B. Smith, will to ... Vicky Lazy Dazys, tons oflove, and too many good memories to recall. J-Midd, A Freakin j Outrage, and bloody shins, we were the badest D-line in the state. to the wrestling team conference championships. To everyone else an Amazing four years of high school. I, Dish, will to csho, all my siblings love and provena hospital.To sleezy, a scale. To Slick Wille, my wind farm. To Tom, My superior Knowledge. To Kzed, Penguins and llamas.To CBill, My love triangle jealousy. To Snacob, a lifetime supply of sugar, to Skes, some prairie grass. I, Mama, leave all my good memories Z, DH, KG, AP, CB, JR, JE, SC, NI, DS, RS,MB+QH. I hope we Kp n tch n the ftre! 2 Mrs. Early and Mrs. Strathmann thk u so mch 4 evrthg + kpng me fcusd. Love Brittney Hayes I, Kt B , Will to KMB endless amount of butter and ski masks. To cars, dance parties, our locker, and TGS. To Emtten the word awkward, times at the cabin, and cake. To Lilmiss mp more or less. To Kite, molo, and TGold costa Rica '07! To Sk, my car keys. To EHO and Kath googlie eyes and band times. Root! I love you guys! I, Morgan, will to AH every single happiness, chocolate milk, insertion, Boop, pickles and circles, Durka: plants. POB, guvna, KB: lots of peanut butter, Tara: Mr. Dare's Car: cars: scattegories, CSI, and Route 66; EL: stay true to yourself. PG: my flute section. Thanks to everyone who made my 4 years special. good luck. I, Steve, will to joey sticky hands, to Dougie Fresh my unnerving accuracy, to KKKibs random college visits. To Kyle, The cup. To Aquino my sand volleyball mastery, Padre Jefferson all the mirrored sunglasses he can handle, Watson all the checks. Jetplane the glories #1, Shannon all the love. I, Kzed, will to the girls in the club house, To STUBS bows and baseball pants, to ALF Mrs. Schroeder and waa, To AJW Grey's and NFs, to KEK breakdancing and apples to apples, To Csho human easter basket and elbow dance, to OJ messy buns and CSI, BCL the Huangster. I, Kelly -love you all! DK-FH&S year CS accents (plus grunts) KZ-our bands Aw-our bad problems OJ-team Vin dieasel KTO-Kyrovacaratatattat AF-footsie BP- Fontana Nicky-my heart G-pa Rolemoles TD-Backrubs Newman-phonehome CL-DQ CB-Brandy ED-Bob Evans RW- Wednesdays! EH-Dontery SR-Alexlovers SS-pinky toe AG-watermassages BA-Drivin SC-marOOns JY-Yambie love RC- game pies EM-take a pic? Hermoine- her cro von Chronicle-ISHPA I,datboitom, will to slick willy, Lloyd. The duke, hex naw. Sleezy, my clothes and bum repellant, Skes, soap, Rat, Vitamin water. Qhthakid, new years and my abs. Csho, the bay area. Kaitlyn, random hallway encounters. Kelly, coles moles, leg cramps, and flawless skin. And finally my beloved KTO, I will to you my heart. I, Big Chris, give CBill, PH, JS, Big Daddy, LP,Bus 4 Seasons Bliss. Big Daddy the will power to quit. DS, VJ Those dirty basketball skills you need to get by KB,JE, IC my work ethic. SC Rocky Rocky Top. NK my Labrum. KK my top priority. AJ, JS, BP, RC, SC long nights in the hot tub. TD, SL, KY.K, KU.K greatness. I, Quanesha Ivy, leave Central to my sister, Quintaria Gray I love you. Keep your head up! I thank god as my # 1 direction! My mother, I love you dearly for being there for me. Shout out to my Big sis S. Ivy. Special thanks to my groups and fans Lia highly motivated me to keep going! '" I, Ale:xsis, will to Jetplane DPTIMUS PRIME, stolen hugs and all my love. To MCR and ZBL I will family lunch days. To J-dizzle I will sleepovers galore and IMDB top 100. Thanks for being there. RMC-Jam sesions. To EMB I love you always. SC- Ay DE DE! JKR- The the family legacy. Keep it going! I, Em, will to cars, bballjfootball games,movienights, cookie-dough,KT your amazing inside jokes, revenge, custard, dog food, country music, mvema, Stupid boys,vball memories, AC FRench, the doppler effect, minovball, ice cream wed, conos in the hall, hugs, KTO awkward moments, French games, SC Arby's runs, roomies in Flor¡ dia, I love you all, you're the best. I, Maura Healy, Will to SM, Purple pagent, SC, oohdang, RD, gerbils and handshakes, JL, Ben And Jerry's. MS, ' camoflauge. MV, Atlanta, roadtrips and awkward situations. JS, random lunchdates. ML, random moments. EH, all of my love and of course, my straightener. I, PGH will to ECB-smoothie king dates, Buru's, route, my tummy, boys, long talks, cankles, eyeliner and tweezers and secrets. AMAC-Mahomet boys, DD, tips, EH-rainy days, talks about FBS, CB- my nines, KTA all nighters, Cm, Illegal driving, kyk-WI, SRRAJ-spoons, my loaner, EM-cruising, Table chaser, MS-call ins and sticks. I, AJW, Will to the girls Steak and Shake, the club house, babyblankets and Keegan. To OJ-Aroma and Taylor Swift, To KZ Grey's and rollerblades, to CSHO swingdancing and brownie-fudge-sundaes, To AF- Mike Sinnon and my delicate soul, to stubs- 4168/6040 and Jamar, to KEK-didi and granny pants.
I, AL, will my car to mummy, I will my memories and fun times to all my friends. I will to my family, the vaca-
tions we've taken. I will to my kittens, my devotion and caring. I will to the class of 2008, high school memories. Will to Brinkly, my heart. I, Laura, Will to Ethan my bandanas, to Kevin my weirdness, to Renee the marching band, and to Ben every-
thing I ever learned in high school. I, Seqouya, will to my family, my sisters myckel, maya, and I laka to my close friends Monique, Tierra, Shazia and my god baby Tamyia. I, Marcus Barown, A.K.A wuwu will succeed in life, will live life to the fullest no regrets and no fears, and will earn a college degree! I will thank my mary and my sisters for helping me thru this hard world. I, SATEREON OBANNON ... AKA ... SA ... AKA MR.217... .I WILL TO MY LIL BRO B-WARD MY STYLE 3 MY REPUTATION!!! AND MOST IMPORTANT MY SWAGG. AND I ALSO WILL TO MY CLASS OF 08 GUYS AND GIRLS DA CRUNKEST CLASS CCH HAZ HAD. TO OPEN LUNCH, TO DRESSING FRESH, TO MY BEBER CLF=) .... AND TO ALL DA LAWS ....... 08' IT DONT GET NO BETTER. I, Matt Apy, will to the underclassmen the unfair consequences of the actions of my class. Have a nice rest of high school, chumps! I, Allison Manard, shout to: mom-thanks for all the smiles ... miss you. BPM- thanks for never giving up on the family, you're the best. Bugs- keep working hard; we're all proud of you and love you! GF- I don't know what i would have done without you, stay strong. I, CARS, will to DJ math whiz: prest radio stations and ebola, katee: wedelicious, dog food , physics and skateland, Emma: movie nights, cookie dough andjakejr. Tars: Mr Dare's Lunch money, long talks, and a pterodactyl kels, kite, and allie: no drama, modeling and cafe K . Mollie: sequined dresses and CSI, Morgan: choir soulmates, Nita = peeing trees, 7th hour: an endless supply of of cake and scatting lessons. To all my friends: all my love and laughter. I, Brittany Ohrnstein, will to: My family, especially my mom- the strongest person I know . Bunny Rabbit- my heart and best "fend" . GF- the best friend I could ask for and the reason for so many memories. Sarah- the reason I laugh so much. "We did it!" The haters- thanks. I, Selin Kapan, will to ... Samantha my upstairs and my parents food; to Sara my tea and clothes; To A-MAC our boy adventures; To Emily any midnight fun; To everone I've beenjstill am friends with my love and best wishes. To Mr. Davis and Mrs. Weber and Mr. Heningman, and Mrs. Polarek a sign saying best teachers! And my love to all other teachers I've had my thanks. I, TPIMP, To fatty, Hobin, and Smalls my homies since freshman year, I Will to my soul. To my first love, I will my heart, To Kadams, cars, ktBol and morg my newer homeslices, I will to my spirit. To Schultz, Krowberg, Platty Plat, Decker, Paetz, and Slotty my wonderful teachers, I will my brains. To all the thespos, I will my love .. To all the choir kids, I will my cake. To all of my Friends, I will my laughter, smiles and giggles, Oh eight, it's pretty great! I, Corbin Dixon, Will to Tatsu- 1800 North, Alice- my knowledge of coffee and my car, Katie- the soccer field, Maddie sununer of'07, Rob- Music, Mollie- Lunch junior year, Steffanie- Cindy Dixon, Libby- Teeth, if you know what i mean, Tara-ghetto of urbana, Priscilla- number 18, 7th hour. Funny memories, friends and family - everything else. I, Sammi, I will all tequila bottles to Ami, squares to Kim, cute clothes to Spike, make-up to Sammy Jo, coffee products to Selin, Fairy wings to Ian, Verde to Joey, Pimp cups to Lance, and the love in all my heart to Marco. I, B, will2 my baby Dino T. 4ever and always i'lllove you! 2 my sis's, spens, Shannon C and Mika and my brothas, Walt, Treven, "J", we made it ya'll, 2 my lil sis sherodyn and my niece shelley, my knowledge of ignorant boys stay up! 08' ONE! I, Sara Schuler, will to KM, TT, SS, EH, AH, LH, and SJ, to cheer camp 05', soph. year basketball games, fairy wings and pegisus, mcdonalds everyday with 5 people too many, to crazy all nighters and parties, homecoming 06' with SS, GH and NE soph year, sneaky missions and clean-ups, to summer 07', and to everyone that made my highschool experience what it was! I, Ashley, will to Allie - physics and ice cream, the expecting mother's parking spot and sparkling grape juice; Valerie- tours of campus and loud music; Kaley- soda chugging and late night Mcdonalds trip; Lacey- saying ouch before things hurt. I love you all! I, Bllisia Howard, will to Blaine Shackleford ALL of my centennial boys. Keep them in shape. 2nd I will to PH, EM, SS, CE, LH, MT, AJ, my fun crazy weekends and nights at the friday football games. Pump, pump, tisk, tisk I will most expensive and cutest pumps to my girl BO. I will my fun x in S+ J to HH. To E.E.E since '98 I will KH 18th birthday!!! Last the excitement and memory to the class of '08!! BE CRAZY!!!
77 .....
I, Durka, will the following: To SM, love, life, socks, everything. TS, Mawlin, sign language. MH, gerbils, handshakes. NfV, Book, pigeons. CD, my musical knowledge, sandwich, ML, guvna, best wishes for boyfriend. JM,
drum, ROIT. To all- good luck with all of your future goals. It's been a great 4 years. I, Cole Elliot, -BE EASY I, Lacey, Will to Valerie-Joyrides, Flordia, learning like a chalo, Plies?, SKI DANCE!, and uncontrollable laugh-
ter! Maggie- Fig Newtons, knucking over carts, Bachlorette party!! Cameron- our many talks, Ahhh choo ... Jehova bless you! Katrina- Demos, Tubbles, Peeing in the country. To everyone else it's been a trip ! I, Kim Mohrbacher, will to Ann muffins and Merry Ann's, Amy crazy nights without the ambulances, Regs my heart dipped in Hawaiian punch couscous, Spike a lifetime supply of license plate lights, Sam a pair of goggles, and Justine a wonder bra! Love you all and let the good times roll!<3. I, Arnie Elizabeth, declare this my will. To MED times of struggle and flight that made us. Lynz for the PVC never ending markers and paint 4 you made me tougher. Dolly parked cars. Joshy all the traditions. Levi all the tat practice ever. To mom and dad the the knowledge you didn't screw up too bad. I, KBear, will to WAS little girls whistling with hands in places. also spiderman impersonators and huge hulks. I will to J-Dubs all the rides and pick ups to and from zitoms. and the promise to take your kids if you're like your mom. VAS+ JDUBS = TRUE FRIENDS. I, Mollie V., will To: MLH- swedish fish, GC nonsense, flirtations, love. RD-dag, choir, book. CD-jarling's. MK-PE, middle-school, (dirty thoughts). IG-my truck, rides to school, laughter. AC- you've the been consistent one. 143! To the rest- we know we had fun. It's the memories that count and if we have those, life is good. I, Shaniqua Sibl ey, will To ... most of all God, and my family. To my child, Tenisha, Marquis and my girls OL,KJ,QI,DB,CB, ..I love ya'll with all my heart! C/0 '08! I wish you all the best ofluck!!! I, Steaksauce, will To em, four of the best years in a lifetime. To AGM, Coogan and uggo jokes and the famous sweakes! To A3, Affie, Stiffy, blueberry and MPMS jokes, keep on singin' A3. To AJM and LM, Lunches and crazy drive thru people. To SB, Future HI'S. To Central, memories for a lifetime. I , Megan J , will To, SLD- The Survivor's Guide to Bowling <3<3<3.JAD-PBR, leopard bras, SPRANGING, and punk rock! MS- matching shirts. ZJ- better stops and lots of hugs. I , OJ, Will To KERO, kero-Jero trips, wenches, and say what now? To Csho, gifted program andjewlery for french fries, to KZED midnight workout, To KEK, Sonic and monday night dinners, To AJW aroma and sobes, To BEEK, poofaloofs and zfron, and to JBS, you know what. I , Holly P. , Will To: AJ, the guy next door AND his brother; Terri, the BEST check card on Earth (Busey!O; Olivia, my N64 cheat codes. Finally, To all my senior friends, have superbad college life (.08 M.F.) I, Diamond D. Sturkey, Will To God ... I'm so greatful you've brought me through. Will to my mom thanks for always pushing me the hardest to be my best, I love you. Will to all my friends who I'm leaving behind, I leave you all the one lesson I learned in high school! Will to all my friends who are graduates, let's show them how 08' does it! Last but not least, will to my boyfriend Edward- remember all our good times! ... Many more to come. I love you all with all my heart. Continue to be as great as God made you to be. I , TB.VN, Will To my mom, thank you for all you've done, the love and support. Will to my friends, graduates let's show the underclasssmen how we get down. I leave all my love to BH, MC, CB, RT, AP, IP, SB, ER, KG, SN, DP, AC, AC. I leave the school to my sister Brishaun, Hold it down while I'm gone. Love always Treven Sims. I SHB Leave! Sherodyn wI happiness! ! class of '08, Get ready to get the heck outta this small town. Band geeks i'll miss you ALL! E, Kea, Shelbs Kelz, Treven, Jasmine, Al steaksauce, and maura, don't ever forget about me, though i'm sure that's EXTREMELY hard! I, JSB. BKA POOKIE, leave my hard wk and dtrmntn 2:zc, IP, I "s"c, QP, JH, AP, DL. 2 my bff SB, ER, TS, BH, CB, AM stay fcusd and kp ya hds up. Ms. Simmons and Mr. Shultz thks 4 evrythg. I dnt thnk I old have mde it wjout u. 2 my CNTRL STP TM Now is ur tme 2 shne! sty fcusd and cnte 2 wk hrd. 08 uno what it is! love always Jasmine Rhodes. I , Big Daddy , Will To Cb all my debt, to em all the liquid perfection he can driar, To CE all my Fitteds, To ARG a raincoat, to Big C will power to quit, CBill 4 seasons, to Big Nictz a new labrum, To AJ all the smigs, To SB the munchies, To Karl Jucobs(Js) the grill, To TD the freedom, Z, LP, SR, SNAKE, TC a great four years, class of Oeight. I, Vic, Will To Bri Bri true love, movie days, naptimes, and thank god for lukewarm hot chocolate, H.H you make my world bubble, never change , Kbear old memeries, good times, and real friendship, to everyone else, you know who you are, good times and senior times and senior year. I, the Drum Major, will to C, Bugee my spot. To L. Fredrickson the squirrel Dance. To C Burton a superbad senior year. To A. McMurray, A. Knop, and A. Mbuvi a great lunch rides. to M. Lotz a wonderful life. Finally, to all my peeps that I forgot to mention, have a great time in high school.
I, Shazla, will to my Mom, Dad, Big sister Kim, Big brother LeConte, my nephew Avari, I Love you all. To my best friend Tiera and my girl Sequoya Good Luck out there. Love ya. I, Sharice Ruth, Will To first off my loving HATERS! my fans mean a lot. To BJ for always beins my homie since EMS. Big love to all my love peeps at CHS who kept me cool. To my BFF's Free and Neils love ya'll for days Real Talk. 08's Where it's at! Kisses Central. I, Shannon Lee, Will To Megan J all my love, late night talks, crazy memories, childhood friendship and strength for putting up wj me!! I will to Joe P campus , nintendo, singing in the car and friendships until the end. To MJC boy talks, long walks, tears and joys and most of all happiness and to DWW I will all of my heart, laughs and crazy nights, lost vikings and Kisses. To JLH times we've had a great senior yr, To AL- For always being there and your great parties. I, Danlelle Ayers, will succeed in life and finish college to earn my B.A. and my J.D. to become a lawyer. I will give all the haters props, because wjo them, I'll be lost. Shoutouts to mom and dad, thanks for your support and guidance. To my sisters and brothers, love yall. And shoutouts to my goon squad JB, JS, and PS, and last but not least my friends KB, MB, DW, KJ, TJ, and my boy trey. "08" stand up. we did it! I, shan c, Will To RC-My phone, front junk, EMS, and anything else you want. JS Dane Cook, our nerds the answer to "why are are we here?" Tom Welling, flowers and bell kicks, Mtt-0 DAng, awkward hallway callisons, FUN NIGHT! falling up curbs. BP- BTW, "explict", JERK! AJ/ RaejRae- Hash Browns, Hoodoo. OB-lambs, punch, and bowling balls EH- Arby's, *cough* , Flordia roomates. KK- bball pictures breaks. KA- MLK day, Marble cake, THE LIST, drive ins, chicken, Dawgz, Hoods, and Turkey. I, Renee, will to all my girls, fun times during 2008. BP- fish food and fudgeisles. JS, long nights in your hot tub and monopoly tournies. AJ, jam sessions! ! Bezruki, neighbors for life and amazing creek adventures. Big Chris- Jenna's hot tub and not teasing me! Chuckster, "calm that down." KA- many RAVES to come. Shannon Bannon Nannon Cannon- best friends forever, long phone calls, ice cream meetings, and an amazing future. To the Class of '08- we rule! ! I, JA, will to SR AML forever. To Jane all my golf talent. Have fun with Becker. To KB and KK thanks for all the fun times, it's been awesome. And to AH good luck with finding a BF. I, Sunny, will to SM and RM discussions and songs in CC and left turns, to soccer girls Dante and Dantina and hotel pranks, to CB and KI lunch in snowbound cars, to miss luck at wherever you go to his, and to the seniors relief that you can once again be underclassmen. I , ALF, will to KTO - free chin grabs, OJ- "where you been!" KEK- sell, you know who, Kzed- all my windsor impersonations, TAY- Turkey Sam Dam, Csho- the title of a Chicagoian, AJW- Tosh and Posh. To my Boys, never change. stay classy, class of 2008. I, B -Rad, will to- my babe, Molly, Orlando Bloom, Even though i don't really feel like sharing him with you. - Renee, the ability to resist coffee and shia labeouf. -Abbey, A Brand New Shiney Penny. - Lindsey, Brendan Urie. -Mr. Stitch, TP. -Dustin H, A Tie -Dye shirt and a Toyata Prius. I , SOJO, will to KLA- everything becoming sisters and codes; to JPL- past, Future unconditional love, lots of memories and many more to come; to cheerleaders determination; to SJS- gorrillas, wings, basements and late nights; to ARJ- childhood, strength and lessons learned; to pookie- cheetahs and ramen; to AF - BFFAEAEAE. I, Pedestrian, will to the following: to the D-line a fountain of Pimp juice, God Status, and many Hurta Kahs ; To Abbaybay; A hill to roll down and A bird call dictionary; To Mo:working cupholders and hat throwing skills.; To Hollis: judo skills; To Rollback; mad stick flippingskills, and jazz band; To Diggums; My TNuRNB and cough drops. I , AJ McFlurry, owes it all to; AM, LM,ML Couldn't have done it with out ya'll. Rebels for life! Fun and datercan't have the yummies. Pablo and the pumkin sweater. Blam! ... Thanks for all the laughs! Pipes- I will an endless jar of pickles and my sweet, sweet lovin'! one day I'll get my marching band. I, Keillyn Gay, will all of my love to AM and CB, my cat pee pants to AM and BO, good memories to RP, ED,BH, SJ,KB,CH,NY,RS,CB,DT,ER,JR,TS,SB,and last, but not least GH. you all will never be forgotten! I, Ellie, WILL to my lil' MISS sis ... my calculator you always ask for it. I don't need it!!! Also a good senior year! To J.T.H. my best friend ever ... my ear for life, i'm your personal listener!!! AND to E.B.H ... Since '98 ... the delivery of my kids!!! What Kids? LOVE ya girl!! !To my boys (the wrestlers) ... the cookies I never made YOU new stat girls, successful years, hardwork, and fun. NO EXCUSES!!! To S.R. thanks for help with stats and healthy advice! To M.W., Thanks for two great years of helping with stats! To A.Z., my girl.. .I will the "hair flip" and "skills" to you for your year in my spot!! love ya!!! Blue skies to ALL ... rock on 08.
s E
Below: Shannon Claiborne, Anderson, Tom Chen, un1ta Karan, Kaitie Burk, Travis Hoyne, aniel Robinson.
Seniors with a 5.0 GP
I 0
l Ricardo Garcia and Kayla Mendez po for a picture; tCarter Billingsley, Hisham Albrei h, and Dan Schneider are having fun in Anatomy; S. Ahmed Abdou and Andy Brun on take a break from their homework to take a picture; 4. Je ica Evans mile for the camera; I. These enior girls are having a fun time; C. Chri Lehman and Alexsis John on take a picture during their mi sion trip in La Pe ca, Mexico; l. The e senior are happy to be in Intro to Bu ine · I . Jacqueline Alexander and N'Tchana Batoma take a picture in their German V class; ' · Abi McMurray and Allison Manard are busy in the library; • · Katie O'Byrne, Sean Baird, and Andrea Frederick are dre ed up for spirit week.
Albu 83 ~
85 ....
s President
Robbie Crow
Lauren Fiscus
-Secretary Vikki Blanco
Treasurer Taylor Dillon
/H omecoming Attendents / 12oo91 pame Carter jAlys a Zamboldt
Weston Adams Abdulkadri Adamu Kwanesha Aker lkeaAIIen Whitley Allen Blake Allen-Davis Shiniqua Arnette
Adam Baker Chris Devyn Baker Oren Baran Tnstan Barber Tyler Barber Andrew Beard Sara Benekohal
Zachary Berg Shanara Bigham Taylor Blackwell Victoria Blanco Taylor Bolton Jaron Bradley Ulysses Bradley
Serena Brodsky Lucas Brunkow Anna Bruno Sarah Buck Karlee Buerkett Colin Burton Sean Burton-Smith
''1he Sound of Music'' is one of Zander Culvers~ favorite ja~s. It ~otivates hi~ in the ~ornings.
"Were All in this 1ogether" is Brittany Neils' reason to watch High School Musical repeatedly. Isaiah Cain Sharnece Campbell Oscar Cardona Hannah Carmichael Marcus Carter Scot Chapman Tanya Tianyi Chen
Ann Chung Albert Clark Cory Clark Joshua Clark Teresa Clark Michael Clewley Hayley Cole
Sean Cory Abrecia Cotton Sierra Crabb Michael Crisman Robert Crow Alexander Culver Deondre Davenport
lvee Davis Marcus Davis Cherise Denton Julian Dessen Kristan Dickerson Taylor Dillon Brianna Dorsey
''Heaven Can Wait'' is Anthony Williams Michael Jackson song of choice.
'3ust Fine'' by Mary J. Jlige is Sierra Cralls favorite sottg to get her pul\1ped up.
Molly Eaton Daniel Edwards Donisha Edwards Katjia Eisele Kurt Eiz1nger Jennifer Elam Evan Ellsworth
Amy Erickson Jazm1nna Evans Shelby Faull1n Brett Finke Lauren Fiscus Jackson Fletcher Ka1tlyn Foley
Thomas Foltz Sydney Forrest Jordan Fox Rayman Franks Caneisha Frazier Damelle Friedl Rachel Garrick
Kevin Garton Erin Gelke Aryn Gilenson G Michael Gonda Lance Goodpaster Amanda Greco Andrew Greene
Ryan Grey Johnathan Grice Shearee Griggs Alma Guerrero Palmer Gunderson Dung Ha Will Hagle
Ryan Hall Richard Hansen Terri Hardin Tashaee Harper Robert Hart Adam Hawthorne Meredith Hecker
Michael Henneman Chnstian Herrera-Aivarez lesha Hicks Christopher Hill Stephanie Hill Sara Hlinka Emily Ho
Joseph Hood Shane II Horton-Young Julie Howard Carissa Hoyne Allison Huber Ngan Huynh Alexandra Idleman
Colette Jackson Seth Jackson Hannah Jacobs Devika Jain Justin Jenkins Abby Johnson James Johnson
Jordan Johnson Joshua Johnson Timmie Johnson Raymone Jones Russell Jones Charly Kalombo Christy Kim
z z z ••• Jennifer Jung Hyun Kim Soo Kim Deanna King Mycharrae Kirkwood Abbey Knop Pimrak Kraithong Peter Kurthy
Jordan Lange Brandon Larsen Courtney Lehmann Zachary Leturgey Denise Lewis Paul Lewis Mary Lockman
Timothy Long Alexandra Lowary Jeremy Lox-Folsom Andrew Manaster Sheriah Mason Stephen Maxey Patrick Mazzocco
Andrew McDermott Natasha McDonald Chelsea McEntire Elker McFarland Edward McGhee Colin McGill Laura M1las
]R_ E
c Hi
Battery! Martez Miller Andrea Miskimins Sarah Moe Aaron Montgomery Alexander Moore Jamario Moore Kimberly Mowry
Anna Muller Martin Musuruana Brittany Neil Carter Newnam Tierra Norwood Shakelah Odom Jennifer Overmyer
Mark Pataky Ina Patterson Omar Peralta Lindsey Pern Ca1tlin Peters Samuel Peters Gordon Phillips
Molly Pingleton Samantha Pitard Joshua Proemmel Channing Profit Quinton Pryor Mitali Purkayastha Christina Radi
I â&#x20AC;˘
When the juniors start to lose JUice, it's a good idea to recharge their batteries.
Evan Rocheford Ethan Rockett Jose Sonny Rodriguez Sophie Roney Penelope Rosenstock-Murav Danielle Russell Karrizma Russell
Sara Salmon Mason Schoolcraft Tyler Schweighart Samuel Sheehan Hogan Sills Alexander Slifer Keshawn Smith
Roger Smith Nathaniel Sokolski Alexander Sougiannis Jevonna Spinks Cooper Springfield Sean Stanley Tatum Stewart
Shelby Strang Jesse Strode Jenny Tang Joshua Taylor-Johnson Jace Tennant Adam Thies Adiare Thomas
Michelle Thorson Margot Valentine Jennifer Vanness Kaleb Walker Robert Walker Benjamin Wallace Molly Wampler
Patnck Wampler Megan Wentworth Matthew Weuve Catherine Wilkie Gary Williams Nathan Williams Timothy Williams
Jessica Wilson Kelsey Wilson Marc Wilson Torsten Wilson Olivia Winston Patricta Wnnkle Colette Wylie Joel Yambert Angelica Young Nancy Youse! Hongwon Paul Yun Alyssa Zamboldi
ot Pictured: Malyda . Bailey, Yakera T. Barbee, Cha e Evan Barber, Alpha Bockarie, Ju tin Montgomery Brook , Toni haS. Brown, James L. Carter, Mikel J. Caston, Erica L. Chancellor, Diego R. Cgri tmon, Tiera K. Cooper, Ashley ichole Davi , athaniel S. Dick on, Jared Ranier Dor ey, Hannah M. El worth, Fortino Espana, Jamel E. Freeman, Darric Maurice Green JR, Tyra L Harri arey A. Hil on JR, Mamie E. Hob , Keith M. Hudpath Robert Jordan Hunter, Jamie L. Jarbo , aundra Deni e John on, Trevoy M. John on, Michael G. Lacine, Ju tine icolle Lande , Maci j K. Latawiec, Harley David on Lewi , Jo eph H. Living ton, Tyyron M. Lyon , Martrel Jamel Mann, Lawanda Ann Miller, Markisha A. Motton, Tannick Nimy Kalemba, Hmberto Olea, Giau Dinh Phan, Astardeiyuna S. Pier on, Moriah Raquel Pippen , Dorothy Porter, Edward Ralleigh, Dustin Joseph Riddle, Macario M. Ruiz, Brian Kieth Ru ell, Mariah N. Smith, Timothy E. Stewart, Robert Lee Walker III, Calverlear S. Wa hington, harlie Webb, Anthony M. William , Deangelo M. William , Late ha S. Williams, Luke M. Wil on, Robert . Wi eman and Brittany N. Wright.
What kind of t
tllpaste do vou use
s E R
s President
Rachel Lindemann
Bailey McClellen
Secretary Carly Paine
Treasurer Kathryn Ikenberry
!Homecoming Attendents I20tOI !Denzel Stewart !Sheneqma Maynor
Adam Acheson Gwannecia Allen German Alvarado Jamie Anastasia Braden Anderson Christopher Anderson Morgan Anderson
Chase Andree Maeve Aquino Charre Armstrong Jarvis Ashford Heather Ashworth Antrice Bailey Sybil Bailey
Keegan Bannon Mahatom Batoma Alice Beberman Glendell Behn Francisco Belmontes Jaclyn Benekohal Alexis Berns
Nancy Bertocci Ryan Bielak John Billimack Julia Bistriceanu Otis Boatright Stephan Boatright Dalicia Bradford
Emily Bramfeld Paris Brandt Levi Brown Trashaunna Brumfield Riley Brunson Clyde Bryant Cassandra Bugbee
est Just Got etterlll
I2010 Michael Burk Roy Burnett Lamar Burney Kahijah Burtley Courtney Burton Alyssa Burton-Smith Jessica Bush
Em1ly Campbell Yesenia Cano Taylor Carmichael Tarrah Carter Ahceson Cash Michelle Caston Gabrielle Ceaser
Jian Yun Chen Jianfei Chen Nathan Chisholm Courtney Clark Dequaun Clark Melissa Clark Isaiah Clasberry
Jeremy Coleman Jamal Cook Michelle Cooks Abbey Cotton Kelsey Cravens Matthew Crump Martin Cudney
Rebecca Curtis Kenneth Cutler Jessica Dani Jacob Davis Spenser Demith Daniel Diep Kathryn Donnelly
Trever Dorsett Wendy Driver Renee Durant David Erickson Jonathon Ervin Alison Erwin Bree Etheridge
Jashanna Evans Tyler Fab1an Tyler Finkbeiner Kenon Finley Alyssa Frederick Lenni Fredrickson Harrison Freeland
Dylan Freeman Timothy Frye ltzel Gaona Anthony G1ammaria Rickea Gill Dameko Gilliam Mia Gilliam
Chelsea Gonzalez Taylor Good Arnie Gray Quintaria Gray Stephanie Gray Teaira Greear Isis Griffin
Jennifer Haile Oliver Haken Cecile Halima William Hallett Okeima Hampton Angela Harris Brooke Harris
Get set ... A PHONE: to call and text all of your friends .
C BOOK: to lleep tracll of all e~ents going on.
SoJJhontol¡es ln¡ing a t1"bole net1" 111eaning t.o a(.."f.ion of as t.hel' l"entain const.ant.ll'"-go. COffEE: evuyone needs something to walle you up in the morning.
Jonathan Harris Shelvia Harris Chelsea Hart Hollis Hart Javed Hassan Ross Henry Abigail Hepler
Jesstca Hildreth Morgan Hiles Joshua Hill Neil Holding Joseph Holmer Camtsha Hood Lashaunna Howard
Kathryn Ikenberry Bryton Jenkins Amanda Jensen Saundra Johnson Shaniece Johnson Tara Johnson Taryn Johnson
Jessica Kelly William Kelly Jennifer Kempe Barrett Kendall-Dick Brian Kenney Sa-lm Kim Joseph Kincheloe
Patrick Kincheloe Seontez King Chelsea Kirby Peter Kuppler Douglas Kyrouac Mary Lacine Quentin Larry
WALLET: to lleep money in to buy your lunch.
Philip Lee Samuel Lee Ronald Lemons John Lessans Eli Lichtblau Rachel Lindemann Allen Little
Joseph Livingston Arturo Lopez Luna Sergio Alberto Lopez Luna Alexander Lore Evan Lotz Jaylen Lovett Charlotte Lox-Folsom
Astria Lubaga Aubrie Luesse Khanh Ly Sarah Maloney Kollin Marquardt Marc Martmdale Shanale Mason
Armando Mata Samuel Mate Shenequ1a Maynor Caleb Mbuvi Bailey McClellan Riley McCulley Justin McDonald
Courtney McDowell Theodore McFarland Edwind McGhee Stewart McNabb Vanessa Mendenhall Clinton Miller Rory Mills
1 scream ... You scream ... sophomores scream for ICE CREAM!! (/}
~ -.! ..... ~
~ Vanilla @ Cookie Dough ~ Leman ~ Strawberrv
~ .!.... Cl}
n Custard Cup ~ Caldstane
@ Baskin Robbins ~
Dairv Queen
~ Cazv's 103
Andrea Mitchell Andrea Montgomery Willie Moore Christa Moskal Marc Myers Anthony Ngo Stephanie Odom
Geovani Olea Carly Paine Joe Partee Austin Payne Alexa Peek Christopher Pelmore Jesus Perales
Btnh Phung Rashad Posey Abigail Price Anna Prior Edward Ralletgh Gabnel Ramirez Jack Redden
Daniel Rehberg Kierra Robinson Paul Rodgers Victor Rodriguez Melissa Roesch Monica Rondon Taylor Rank
Jeeyan Rostam-Abadi Kathleen Rowland Kendrith Rowland MacArio Ruiz Victoria Sabas Blaine Shackelford Neal Shannon
Moneesha Sibley Shayenne Silva Katherine S1mpson Jordan Slade Evan Slaz1nik Carl Sm1th Lalaina Smith
Willie Sm1th Trey Smith-Williams Michael Snell BenJamin Spohrer Sasipa Srisumran Tamsha Staple Jamarius Starks
Chad Stenberg Denzel Stewart lina Stewart Margaret Su Christopher Svendsen Gehad Taha Silas Tappendorf
Konrad Taube Lenora Terhune Tyler Tester Emily Thomas Mariah Thomas Alexander Tomaras Andrew Torok
Jess1ca Treakle Luis Enrique Trujillo Kimberlin Tyler ian Vanagaitis K1mberlyn Vega Nashla Vega Maria Vozovoy
Brandon Ward Brian Washington Cedrionte Washington David Weisbaum lan Wells Andrew Whalen Deshoun White
Greggory Wildman Antwan Williams Tanika Williams Tyrique Williams Zakiah Williams Kyle Wilson Trevin Wilson
Curtis Window Schylar Winfrey Maegan Winters Gina Wojnar Benjamin Wright Latagea Wyatt Traevon Wynn
Biyanca Yarbrough Jarvis Young Hash1m Zaghloul lsmelda Zarco Maritza Zarco Jingheng Zhuang
Not Pictured: Whitley s. Allen, Luis A. Arguello-Flores, Jasmine P. Ash, Dwayne Tyler Bishop, Clara F. Bolton, Shavon Broughton, Dean Kendall Bullamore, Dean M. Burton-Smith, T)e)¡Jelanl K. Butler, Ty Daryl D. Butler-coleman, Johnnie L. campbell, oscar A. Cardona, Aerlyana J. carter, Marissa Kayla Elizabeth Caston, Shakla Drashay Lawnye Edwards, Mariah Exum, Terrance Finley, Devonte E. Fond Ia, Katherine Elizabeth Francois, Anabel Cevara, Keslle N. Harris, Cantrell Johnson, James Quintan Johnson, Tedreontae Lamar Johnson, Tara Arna Johnson-McKnuckles, Patrick B. Kozlarz, Delores A. Lee, Jacob R. Lerch, Denise c. Lewis, Stephen R. maxey, Cerald Lorenzo Miller, Kanlsha Renea Miller, Michael xavler-Lamon Moore, Jaren J. Peeples, Andre c. Porter, Rose Marie Porter, Jenyra N. Reeves, carl J. Rice, Ashara M. Shelby, Jennifer 1. Simpson, Donze II Tolston, Kara s. wallace, Alex M. Webber, Sharrell D. Wilkins, Danlelle s. Williams, Reawna R. Williams, Rochella vern Ice Wlnfrey-Hope, Meredith s. Winston, Joseph Thomas Wrobel, and Colette Denise Wylie.
What do you do if you can't sleep??
ALm~mllmiMI 106
F I E R Vice-President
Aaron Craven
Sarah High
Secretary Ether Kemper
Treasurer Clarence Lee
!H omecoming Attendants
[ferrel1 Brown fAlexi Thorstenson
AmrAbdou Jordan Adams Blessing Adeoye Lashelle Allen Sahar Alnahhas Bethany Anderson Brooke Anderson
Laporsha Bailey Cameron Bales Kyle Ball Shannon Barkley Anastacio Basilio Brandon Benton Sof1a B1rkey
Bryan B11ton Ja1me Blackwell Kristian Blake Ernyse Blanson Andrew Blomberg Sherodyn Bolden Brandon Bolllnghouse
Kayla Bopara1 Davis Born Cecilia Boyd Alyssa Brodsky Myha Brown Riley Brown Shanice Brown
Teon Brown Terrell Brown Travis Brown Chaleah Burge Keith Byndum Allen Carter Allen Tripper Carter
Nicholas Carter Shavez Chapple Jane Choo Athena Clark Octxavier Clark Lauren Clemons Lyndell Clemons
This year to motivate Central's freshmen to succeed, faculty and staff offered incentives such as a "No F's" Assembly first semester and also a "No F" party second semester. Throughout the halls, students could see posters with sayings like "Flush F's down the toilet!" and "Crank up F's!" as daily reminders to all students, not just freshmen, to attend class and get their homework done. At the "No F's" Assembly freshmen from a 105 English class re-wrote popular song lyrics to apply to the "No F's" incentive.
Brittney Cogdill Samantha Cogdill Cole Collins Kaitlyn Cornell Luke Cottingham Richard Craft Aaron Cravens
Matthew Cnsman Morgan Davis Leslie Del Carpio Emily Dessen Alison Dey James Doyle Derrick Drake
Nid1a Duenas N1na Dung Kaci Dunnum Walter (Matt) Dupree Benjam1n Durkee Nicholas Edwards Bennet Eiermann
Emily Ellsworth Samantha Emery Karney Evans Ricky Exum Clare Feely Mario Figures Ariel File
Rachel Fitton Cameron Fitzgerald Skyler Fitzgerrel Connor Foli Raven Fondia Kayla Fox Dylan Freeman
Enn Furtney Ethan Gelke Ashley Gill Neeli Golmeeva Adalberto Gomez Brandon Goslin Sonceria Grayson
Cod1e Gribble Renee Grumish Bianca Guerra Amber Guitare Dylan Hall Brishaun Hamilton Darius Hamilton
Kyle Hammel Shelby Hanson Darya Hardy Laurel Hartman Sara Hayden John Hayes Emma Healy
Joseph Hecker Tanner Heinen Dela1ne Hester Shelby Hicks Sarah H1gh Jordan Hill Adam Hittle
Thomas Hlinka Rodrick Holloway Nicholas Hooker Dominque Horton-Young Jordan Hos1er David Hou
IC THOSE F"S Sing to the tune of soulja Boy's ..crank That (Soulja Boy) .. Chorus sing twice . ..
Get good grades up in this school. ... Wacth me study, I'm so cool. If you don' t you a fool. Cause Central is our school. .. Yooh.. Watch me get good grades. Watch me get some A's (Repeat twice) Getting good grade is what I do. I won't be up in summer school. If you follow you will too. Cause getting A's is what is cool. (Repeat)
··-------------------------------------------------------------------~ 113
Add1son Hyndman Apnllnskip Mohammad Jaber Charddonnay Jackson Kyra Jackson Jessica Jakobsson Nakyra James
Savannah Jenkins Haley Johnson Kanisha Johnson Terrion Jones Kelsey Ka1ser Tino Kelly Esther Kemper
Se Jin Kim Erin Kirk Brett Kle1n Dav1d Knapp Zachary Koziarz Daniel Krein Chelsea LaJara
Dante Larue Rachel Laver Shakeyda Lawrence Ha Sarah Le Clarence Lee Seonghyun Lee Devm Leemon
Just1na Lewis Lawrence Lewis Brandon Lickly-Hanley Poncho Like Eli Liss Christopher Long Raissa Lumingu
Alejandro Macias Velandia August Maggio Alexander Manard Raina Martens Bryson Martin Jenna Marttn Corey Matejowsky
Brady McBride Alan McFarland Jeremiah Medlyn Hector Melchor Aisha Messiah Heather Miller Ty Mitchem
Aise1 Mitsuhash1-Acs Ellen Moe Jerrin Moffitt Helaman Montes-Lucas Marenya Montgomery Samuel Moon Mikeanesha Moore
Stephame Moore Tyson Moore Brandon Morgan Timothy Morrissey Matthew Morrow Hajredin Muharremi Deidre Murphy
Sharon Nabyolola Braxton Neil Emma Newman Huy Nguyen Tony Nguyen Donald Oliver-Thomas Chen-Cornelia Osborne
GET A" Sing to the tune of Playaz Circle and Lll' wayne's ¡¡DuHie Bag Boy" If l'on do nothing umo pass I'm doing all my homework and listenin' up In class, so 1 can get A's on my report card. so 1 can get some A's on my report card. 1 ain't never failed a class and I really ain't about to pick this year to start falling. so 1 can get some A's on my report card, 1 got to get some A's on my report card. The B's are hot but the A's are ice cold. Walk Into this building homle, let's get this learning on. I'm on lt. can't quit. I'm In my work zone. Book bag down by my desk, let's get some learlng on. I . . . Get. .. A's 115
M1cah Oyler Samuel Pack Andrew Paris Sharonica Partee Rav1 Patel Tyler Patrick Asilah Patterson
Alan Paul Tamara Penticoff Matthew Philipp Vivi Phung Jonathan Picchietti Skylar Pierson Stacy Pierson
Madison Pilotte Ellen Plutchak Darius Posey Joseph Posey Cortenay Pulliam Dawud Quarles Jacob Ramsey
Timothy Reardanz Zachary Rice Courtney Richardson Tristan Rivera Andrea Rivera-Lopez Aaron Roberts Ethan Roberts
Jacinda Rogers Justin Rondon Sissela Rosenstock-Murav Malcolm Ross Mark Ross Pieria Ross Christopher Rost
Jade Ryckman Curtis Savage Samuel Schanbacher Elisha Simmons Latonya S1mon-Morris Alexander Simpson Macy Slade
Rian Smith Kathenne Stack Alexis Standifer Kelsie Stanhope Nathan Stanley Sandie Starns Gervaise Stewart
Rachel Stiles Shelby Stout Jarad Stubb1ns Reid Sullan Gabriela Tamass1a Guilherme Tamassia Benjamin Taylor
lan Taylor Rosetta Taylor Kevin De Jesus Tenorio Alandis Thomas Darrell Thomas Alexis Thorstenson Brandaune Tillman
Juana Trujillo Lake1sha Turner Rebecca Turnipseed Antonio Utley Andrew Valentine Micah Walker Lashandria Washington
Paul Watson Matthew Weaver Winston Webb William Weckhorst Jessica Weiland Raven Whitney Garionte Williams Kaleb Williams
Precious Williams Anna Wright Desiree Young William Zech
ot Pictur d: Je ica :. Ander , Antoine Xza ier Ander on, Jennifer Jhoana Arreola, Amaris D. Bailey, Dillion L. Barbee, Otis P. Boatright, Tyler M. Boma, airra A. Brown, Deonte E. Brown, Jaylen J. Bryant, Ladarius Marcell Bryant, Danyale Ali ha Burk , Deonte campbell, habria L. arter, Tarrah . Carter, Kyle dward Carver, Jian Yun Chen, Jianfei Chen, Dequaun A. Clark, Jamal Cook, Jamario ook, Latresha S. Cook, Kei ean ooper, Lakei ha Crowley, Kexis J. Cunningham Geraine K. Davi , La henna L. Da i , Michael W. Dial, Wendy Driver, Keyonna Dunn, Dontrail Edward Emery, Makyla Renee Epp Abrea L. Forman, William Odin Frank , Kylan au tin Freeman, Por hia Freeman, Dameko Gilliam, Je ica Green, Kenyatta L. Greer, ir Robert D. Hampton-Thoma , Angela G. Harri , Ty ha Lavon Harri , Amal A. Hill, Jo hua R.T. Hill, Abigail F. Hopkin , Laine R. Hopkin , Ryee haS. Howard, Breeannier uzanne Hunter, Jamila R. Hunter, Ricco J. Hunter, D zia . Jach on-Mockabee, Tre haun M. Jake, yke haT. John on, Kyle W. Kaplan, Demario R. Larkin, Teyha Renae L e, Pericio el on like, Jaylan Markham, Tre aM. Mayfield, Jazmin D. McDaniel, La ante Jertrell McWilliam , Anthony L. Mead , al in Ru hun Miller, ullyn Dwyer Murphy, Alexandra M. Pelmore, Omar ilver Peralta-Gutierrez, Talberneka Deonca Peter , Daytreon Damone Lee Pettis, David D. Picken , Juan Portillo, Joseph rvin Po ey III, Rashad B. Po ey, dakota Patrick Reynolds, Jaclyn Jacki K. Rodriguez, Cortez M. Ross, Alfred Lamar Selmon Jr., Marecia Unique Shelby, Katelyn Marie Smith, Keyonna Exzavion Spivey, Harley Marie Stewaret, Brandon W. Te man, Kimberlin S. yler, Rakin Jamal Vineyard, Reginald R. Walker, Charles Walworth, Antwun Wilkin , Allen Maurice Wiliam JR., Ben Kyan William , Gerrett Chamoz Williams, Ka hif Ameer Williams, Zora William , Curti L. Window, Alex Tion Winfrey, Astin Winfrey, Rachelle D. Winfrey, and Biyance . Yarbrough
··That 1 can't do this!''
< •••••• ·Luke Cottingham
··people chewing with their mouth open.'' - Emma Newman "When people sing along to songs, out of tune!!" - Justin Rondon ~--------------~~------------------~19
Mr. Avalos Mrs. Black Mrs . Butler Mr Changnon Mrs. Collins Ms Cook Ms Dalton
Mr. Dare Mr. Davis Mrs . Decker Mrs. Early Mr Ferratier Mrs. Fletcher Mrs. Garbe-Tanner
Mrs. Hackman Mr. Hess Mr. Hopkins Mr. Huang Ms. lsabelli Mr. Jacobs Mr. Johnson
Ms. Kaffel Mr. Krows Mrs . Kuppler Mrs. K. Lemons Ms. Lunsford Ms. Lypka Ms. Ma1n
Mrs . McKinley Mrs. Munroe Mrs. Osier-Davis Mrs. Peden Ms. Phillips Mr. Plattner Mr. Pollard
Dejeuner du matin
II a tourne II a mis les cendres II a bu le cafe au lait Dans le cendrier Et il a repose Ia tasse Sans me parler Sans me parler Sans me regarder
II a mis le cafe Dans Ia tasse II a mis le lait Dans Ia tasse de cafe II a allume Une cigarette II a mis le sucre Dans le cafe au lait II a fait des ronds Avec: Ia petite cuiller Avec: Ia fumee
II s'est leve • 11 a mts _ Son chapeau sur sa tete II a mis son manteau de pluie Parce qu'il pleuvait
Et il est parti Sous Ia pluie Sans une parole Sans me regarder E
.. , . . t mot J at pns Ma tete dans ma main E ., . e t 1 at P 1eur Jacques Prevert (190G-1977)
Que es poesia? Dic:es mientras c:lavas en mi pupila tu pupila azul. Que es poesia? Y tu me lo preguntas, Poesia, eres tu ••. Los suspiros son aire y van al aire Las lagrimas son agua y van al mar Dime, mujer, c:uando el amor se olvida Sabes tu adonde va? -Gustavo Adolfo Bec:quer
-Best wishes to you all. I'll remember you "con carino". Sra. Sparks•
Ms . Rainer Mr. Roberts -Stanley Mr. Scott Ms. Sharp Mrs. Shmikler Ms. Simmons Mr. S1tch
Mr. Sitchm Mr. Slotnick Mrs. Snyder Mr Sparks Mrs. Sparks Mr Staab Mrs. Stillman
Sra Thompson Mrs. vanEs Mr. Watson Ms. Wilken Teachers who were camera shy : Ms. Bruns, Mr. Bushell, Ms. Carter, Ms. Circello, Ms. C1traro, Mr. Currey, Mr. Dav1s, Mr. Deal , Mr. Drake, Ms. Ecker, Mr. Fones, Ms. Hamilton , Ms. Harris, Ms Harvey, Mr. Henigman, Mr. Hohman, Ms. Howard, Ms. Jacobs, Mr. Jefferson , Mr. Johnson, Ms. P. Johnson , Ms T. Johnson, Ms Lentz, Ms. Love, Ms. Miller, Mr. M1nk, Ms. Munroe, Ms. Nigg , Ms Oberg , Mr. Payne, Mr. Pellum , Ms. Polarek, Mr. Ramirez, Mr. Reid , Mr. Ruis, Ms. Rodgers, Ms. Salfelder, Mr. Schultz, Ms. Sharp, Ms. Simmons, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Slagor, Ms. Sly, Ms. Smith , Ms. Stovall, Ms. Strathmann , Ms. Topel , Ms. TroupPhillips, Mr. Turner, Ms. Weber Ms. Wilson, Mr. Wisner, Ms. Woods, Ms. Yagow, Ms. Yepez, Mr. Young , Ms. Z1ck-Bottorff, Mr. Zorn.
Mr. Freyman has been an educator for many years, and the principal at Central for the past three. He has affected the lives of many and will be missed. Enjoy retirement. And we will always remember to ''stay classy''. 123
!;i3!IDlMA'7~<!l?'im3rn i:I!O@iâ&#x20AC;˘ir~
For the past thirty-nine years, Central students knew what to expect going into Spring Break. The weather might be warming up, the Spring sports teams would begin practicing and competing, and Peoria would not be found anywhere on students travel itineraries. All of that changed in 2008. As Spring Break began, snow could still be found on the ground, and Central's basketball team could still be found on the court. If you asked anyone on Central's team from the very first practice of the season they would tell you that they were going to State. They might have been the only Bnittl~li people that thought that. Making a historic run past Big ~~~~12 powerhouse Decatur Eisenhower, the# 1 ranked team in Illinois, Central proceeded to make believers of everyone around. The environment that was created during Central's run will be memorable for all those who were lucky enough to be a part of it, as anyone driving between Champaign and Peoria on the day of State would see five State-bound buses plus dozens of cars labeled with supportive comments for the Maroons. After getting 3rd place at State, Central returned home to a crowd of cheering fans, as the excitement of the time will now live on only in the memories of those who ft;,i71n'l r;TI/ were around to be a part of Central's amazing run.
Sport 127
0\rel'all (11-18-1)
lh¡bana 5
Drunrille 8
C!onfel'ence {r,-'l)
C!Oilllll. 1
Although they did not match the high standards set in recent years, the 2007 Central baseball team still had plenty of accomplishments. Jumping out to start the season with a 10-3 record, Central looked well on their way. Unfortunately, a season-ending injury sustained by senior Rob Smith hurt the team l!l•§J·~~ImmE~mlffil;![]!)j;(!Iilj~Jim greatly. Nevertheless, Central was able to move on and still had some memorable moments. These include both a nohitter vs. Armstrong-Potomac thrown by junior Ben Freeman and a perfect game vs. Pontiac thrown by a combination of junior Nick Kresca and senior James Katsinas. Central was also able to win the Charlie Due Tournament for the fifth time in six years. Several former players from Central's 1968 state-qualifying team were honored at the start of the tournament. Central finished the season tied for sixth in the Big 12 with rival Centennial, who Central swept at the end of the season. The 2008 Central baseball team will miss 11 graduating players, three of which will go on to play in college, including Rob Smith, Eric Wilson, and MVP Cam Strang.
Z()() i\11
11'1 () l'T
Ben Freeman
C!ent1·al 1:-1
J>ec. l\llnci\rthtn· :-1
li\Test 1()
C!entl·al 8
C!ent1·al 9
C!entennial 5
----------------Varsity Front Row: Eric Wilson. Stephen
Davis. Ross Woods. Cameron Stran~. Dou~
~~~d~~~~~.:)~~f:l!:~~:J Kyrouac. Andrew Cox. Brett Anderson. Row 2: MiRe Snell. Aubry
~~~~<u.J;.:~-• James Katsinas. Ian Anderson. Alex Moore.
0: li\That. }Josit.ion do yon }Jl8l'., Jj: l~itc/Je1· nzJcl Oz-.c;t IJa.c;e.
0: llo''" long ha,re 1'011 been }Jlaying baseball·/ Jj: .S'izJce I ,,,,aJJcecl tJIIt tJf tJJe fllf(JIJJIJ. J.e.. a,,.
n.est.tu·aunt.: .1""/at ttJJ~
~lodel: TaJr/tJI'
Alec Gillespie. Rob Smith. Row 3: Coach J.e.. a,,. ~IJ.. U t.ean1: l'azJlcee.c; Rodeffer. Tatsu Shi~eta. NicR Grider. NicR Kresca. Ben Freeman. DereR Leemon. Kevin J.e.. a,r. T .V. ShOl1U: Lagr111n Murphy. MarR PataRy. Coach Staab. Row 4: JJeac/J Chris Lehmann. CoachWeatherford.
l,et. l,eelre:
Oue1·all (9-8-Z)
c;ent.ennial 1
c;ent.l"al :i
(;ent.l·al 0
th·bana 1
i'\llalunnet. 1
JV Front Row: Kathryn Ilrenberry. Je sica Bush.
i(':)Ji~;;;rJ!ii~~i!i Sarah Maloney. Cassie Bu~bee.
, -~., ~..+ ..,.,....~.. -_,'
ViRRi Blanco. Kim Kyunq-hee. Alma Guerrero. Row 2: Coach Meissen. Teresa Tufte. Kari Schantz. Maria Salova. Nayelli Lopez. Ismelda Zarco, Amanda Jensen. Ma~~ie Su.
Central girls soccer kicked it up a notch in 2007, scoring more goals than in past seasons. The team finished with a final record of 9-8-2 and a conference record of 4-5. They were lead by 8 seniors including Ann Pataky, Kelsey Tappendorf, Janelle Yambert, Liz Ceperly, Liz Clegg, Brianna Bugbee, Andrea Carmicheal, and Maureen Henry. All of the seniors except Ann Pataky had been a part of the Central soccer program since their underclassmen years. It was Ann's first year with the team and she did an excellent job playing goalie! The soccer team had a lot of athletic ability, with 5 girls winning at least one community award, four of them seniors. Kelsey Tappendorf won All-Sectional along with Andrea Carmicheal. Both Kelsey Tappendorf and Liz Ceperley received All-Conference, and Liz Ceperley also won an All Sectional Honorable Mention. Amanda Greco, Kelsey Tappendorf, Liz Ceperley, and Liz Clegg were All-Area, and Liz Clegg won the "News-Gazette Player of the Year" award. Despite the loss of key seniors, Central girls soccer will surely impress in 2008.
Z()()NII~T ()~I
Alexsis Johnson
----------------C!entl·al tJ
llloc)Jllingt.on :i
i'Jiat.t.oon ()
C!ent.l'al 6
}~ isenbcn,uel'
----------------Varsity Front Row: Sunita Karan.
Alexsis Johnson. Sarah Moe. Libby BeeR. Amanda Greco. Kimberlyn Ve~a. Nayelli Lopez Row 2: Liz Ceperely. Liz Cle~~. Brianna Bu~bee. ViRRi Blanco. Ann PataRy. Coach WiiRen. Row 3: Coach Meissen. Sophie Roney. Janelle Yambert. Andrea Carmichael. Mia Gilliam. Kelsey Tappendorf. Coach Whiteley.
U : li\Tbat. }Josit.ion do 1'011
IJiay·/ iJ: r:e1Jte1· .i VIitlfieltlel'
llo11U long ha1re you been IJiaying socce1··1 (l:
.J.J: 1fJ J'ea:t'.CJ. U: li\Tbat is 1'0111' biggest
soccel' accollllJiislunent. at C!ent.1·ar1 i:l: TllfiJJJJiJJU i:IJJ-r:tJJJfeJ'eJJce .~tJJ~lJtJJJJtJJ'e J'ea:t". U: li\Tbo is ycnu· I'ole ntodel"/ i:l: .~tJJ~lJie lltJJJeJ'·
(hrel'all (1-Zil) C!onfe1·ence
St.•loe 10
i\llalunnet Z5
C!ent.l·al 0
C!ent1·al "I
Ul'llana 1Z
Karlee BuerRett, Mor~an Hiles. Carly Paine. Kelsey Cravens. AJ Cotton. .Row 2: Mor~an Anderson. Katie Foley, Rory Mills. Jennifer Kempe. Jennifer Overmeyer, Carissa Hoyne. Coach BroadricR.
The 2007 Central Softball lte<aiD had a challenging year, a final record of 1-24. though the season didn't go quite as planned, the team gained many skills that will help in future seasons. During the season the team went back to the basics and improved their technique while strengthening their team relationships. t::f'll]§[:ffi:•!IYYllm:Ifil~~~[il~~lmi~L.J The 2007 season was mostly a learning season, with different coaches teaching different techniques. The softball team only lost one senior at the end of 2007; Ashley Miskimins, who was an outfielder and second baseman. Although there was only one senior, Central looks forward to having many returning juniors next year. Senior Olivia Birkey and Freshman Monica Rondon were honored by being chosen to be on the All-Conference team. This was especially exciting for Monica, who was only a freshman on the Varsity team. Two coaches awards were awarded to Ashley and Andrea Miskimins. The team MVP award was given to Monica Rondon after the team voted. The team is now poised to make a comeback for 2008.
Z()()i\111~1 ()~l
----------------J>ec. Jo~isenbot1UC!l' 1~1
C!ent.1·al Z
C!ent.l"al 18
J>ec. iVInci\l"t.htn· 16
C!ent.enninl 5 C!ent.1·nl
----------------Varsity Front Row: Jacl<>ie Al-
exander. Katie Bollin~er. Mor~an Lotz. TareRa Munroe. Olivia BirRey. Monica Rondon . Ashley Misl<>imins. Row 2: Kim Mowry. Kelly Kyrouac. Karlee BuerRett. Andrea FredericR. Coach Warren. Andrea Misl<>imins. Aubrie Luesse. Carrie Nelson. Carissa Hoyne.
U: li\Tbat. J)Osit.ion do yon 1)181'., iJ: r:ntcllt!l' 811CI.c;/ltJI1:.'ittJ]J. U: llot1\f long lunm yon been
J)laying soft.ball'/ Jj: iUJtJIIt 11 Jrem·a. U: li\Tbnt.'s 1'0n1' biggest. softball acccnllJ)lislunent:/ Jj: iV/alciiiU iUJ-Jjz·ea aiJcl iUJCtJIIfei·ezJce Ja.c;t J'eaz·.
li\Tbat. a1·e'ee ''"o1·ds t.bat. desc1·ibe yon·/ (l:
Jj: JjtJJJeti~ f1111, a11CI cle]Jt!IICIalJJe. 135
Dual ltecol'd {r,-5)
C!ent.l·al 'l
J>mnrille 8
iVIat.t.oon Z
JUg 1Z J:••inish
C!ent.1·al 9
The 2007 Central boys tennis team had an exciting season. They finished a respectable 4th place in the Big 12, but even that wasn't indicative of the high level of talent that Central possessed. Foreign exhange student senior Rodrigo Miller and senior Tommy Deschler lead the team, and started out the season as the teams # 1 and #2 singles players respectively. They proved their skill early, placing highly in, if not winning all of their matches. It was then an obvious decision for the two to combine forces, and what resulted was a highly dynamic, nearly unstoppable doubles team. They proved this when they won the Big 12 Doubles Championship. The duo then won the Sectional Doubles Championship, leading Central to place 3rd in their Sectional. After placing 9th in doubles at State, both players received All Big 12, and Rodrigo was voted NewsGazette Player of the Year. With much of their depth maintained and plenty of returning talent and including Joel Yambert and Kendrith Rowland, Central looks on track to build on their success- l:l~i=r!Rilfl!bi:I:I=J~i:il'-•m·W3~ ~~6Di~·3~;1_~sw;;~ es for many years to come.
C!entennial 6
C!entl·al 6
Z()()i\11 Il'T ()l'l Hisham AI Hreish
Sin·ingfield 6 (l: llo'''' long hatre 1'011 been J)l81'ing tennis·! Jj: .S'iiJCe /.c;ar'" iYia1ia
Front Row: Kendrith Rowland .
.S1Jal'aJJtJrra IJIJ TJf!
Taylor Dillon. Hashim Za~hloul. Riclzy Hansen . Joe Hood. Ho~an Sills. Robbie Crow. Row 2: Hisham Al Hreish. Phillip Lee. Tom Chen. Kee~an Bannon. Ken~-Ho Lee. Lindsey Hallet. Row 3: Coach Davis. Coach Lu12eman. Joel Yambert. Tommy Deschler. Rodri~o Miller.
(l: li\Tltet·e do 1'011 see 1'0lll'self in the f11t.l11'e·! Jj: Jj.c; a l'iCJJ t/tJL'f:tJI'. (l: li\That's ycnu· fatrol'ite food·!
Jj: iUJJrfJJiiJg tJJat llerri1J /la-
J1lllJJ.c;' IJJIJIJJ IJJalces!
li\That's yotu· fatrot·ite C!ent.t·al tennis ntotnent:! (l:
Jj: C:tJiiJY ttl tlJe .CJOIJJi-JbJal.CJ
at tlJe .s'J11iiJgBelcl TtJIII'.
C!entl·al 9:i
C!entl·al 95
(:i-Z) C!onfel'ence
i\llont.icello G:i
U1·bana iJ9
C!ent.ennial105 Ul'IJmla fiiJ C!entl·al 5:i
Boys Front Row: Pmncb Mazzocco Taylor Downey Colin M~.--<ltll. Evan Lotz ev~lle McKinnie Scot Chap. man tcb Phtllrp Row 2: Chris Svedn on Barett Kendall Dtcb Gabe Ramm~z. Ja d Ha n Deonte Cam· bell. John Btlhmac.R. Josh Clarb. Kurt Ktbler Row 3: Josh Stanner. Alex Sou11ianm . Rus II Wetzel. Steven Kesler. St v Le ns. Adam Thtes. Kyle Kibler Row 4: Ian Wells. Se basuan Rtvcra. Lube Petry Jace Ten nant. Reqllt Pace Stefan Ritz. Peter Hacblcy Row 5: John Milas. eil Holdm~. Ry n Gr y Taylor Clarb Jordan fox Row 6: Riley McCullE Ru I Jon Matt F tell rt. Simeon Pavlov K nh Bt~~ rs. Coach Rohn Coach H Row 7: C ch Johnson
The 2007 boys track team had a successful season with a record of 3-2. They placed 5th at the Big 12 meet and 4th at SectionaJ.s. Although nobody made it to the state track meet, the future looks very promising. The team lost six seniors; Taylor Clark, Matthew Feickart, Drew Sharick, Simeon Pavlov, Josh Stanner, and Neville McKinnie, who was the team captain along with Stanley Adkisson. Unfortunately Josh Stanner and Drew Sharick missed much of their senior seasons when they both broke their legs. All the seniors will be greatly missed, but the returning classes show amazing capabilities that should be useful for 2008. The 2007 girls track team had a decent season, with numerous highlights including six girls making it to the State track meet. The track team had seven seniors; Catherine Calcagno, Heather Fears, Jennifer Fitton, Amy Foltz, Peggy Jones, Sybil Koster, and Tareka Munroe. Seven News-Gazette honors were given to Jordan Slade, Ikea Allen, Tareka Munroe, Peggy Jones, Shelby Strang, Diamond Sturkey, and Ermanda Roberts. Although the team lost seven seniors, there are still high hopes for 2008.
Z()()i\111~1 ()~l
CillU..S i\llont.icello 60
C!entl·al 59
160.5 C!entl·al :Jo
CillU..S C!entennial T/.5 U1·bana 58.5 C!ent1·al .tJ 6
----------------Girls Front Row: Kirsten Jones. Amy Foltz. Jennifer Fitton. Sylbi Koster. Heather Fears. Shelby StransJ. Row 2: Jordan Slade. Lauren Fiscus. Kara Wallace. Spencer Bolden. Ermanda Roberts. Tara Gray. Pe~~Y Jones. Row 3: Cathrine Calca~no . Coach Johnson. Coach Shultz. Coach Rohn . Elli Radi. Jazmine CheeR.
11\fhat. e"ent.s do }'Oll do ·1
.ll: 1fJfJ 2fJ(J 4fJfJ 4Y1fJfJ 4Y2fJfJ a.llcl ltJilY jlllllJ.I.
llot1" long hatre l'Oll been •·unning t.•·acb::·/ i.J: 1(} J"i!ai'S. 0:11\That. is ycnu· 111ost. 111e1no~ •·able t.l·aclt lllOinent:!
i.J: Ilea tillY a gi11 i11 tJ1e Ja.c;t .CJtl·etcll tJf tJ1e ~Y2fJfJ at .c;ec,"titJIIalc;.
11\fhat. is l'Olll' fa"ol'it.e food·/ (l:
i.J: Catlis/1 ,,,JfJI lltJt .CJa11ce.
O"cn·all <rt-5)
l'IOI'Illal C!onun. 26
C!ent1·al 28
U1·bana 6
Jllomnington 20
C!onfei'ence (f~J)
The 2007 Central football team had high expectations going into the season. Coach Jacobs had gone on record saying that this group of guys was one of his favorites to coach in his career, and that they were indeed a strong team. The only thing left to do was prove themselves to everyone else. Central got their first opportunity to do so the very first game of the season when they faced top-seeded Normal Community. Central put up a fight but fell26-10. They recovered and went on to win four of their next five games, including a win against Bloomington that had people believing in the program. They lost some momentum afterwards, losing two in a row to tough Mattoon and Danville teams, and their last game of the season turned into a battle with Centennial to get into the playoffs. What followed was a great game in which Central pulled out a victory that wasn't decided until the final seconds. This resulted in Central appearing in their first play-offs since 2005. They were matched against Metamora, a team who knocked out Central and eventually won State.
llmnrille 27
c;entl'al 21
llec. i\llac.t\l'thtn· 6
c;ent.I·al 20
Gente1ulial 18
Z()()i\111~1 ()~T
U: t1\That. }Josit.ion do 1'011 IJla1r/ .I.J: Liz1ebaclrez-. U: li\That. do yo11 lilte •nost. abo11t. foot.balr/ .I.J: Jiitti11g llaz·cl a11cl l.1tJJr
Varsity Front Row: Reggie Pace. Andrew Newman . Doug Kyrouac. Kyle Kibler. Zander Culver. Kurt Kibler. Taylor Downey. Scot Chapman. Steve Lessaris Row 2: Edward McGhee. Brandon Smith. Coach ix. Coach Rouse. Coach Watson . ttJIIC/Iillg. Coach Jacobs. Coach Jefferson . Coach Luna. U: li\That. is 1'0111': Coach McCombs. Ryan Grey. James Carter. Row 3: Michael Crisman. Adam Acheson. Josh ~o·a,r. ~o·ood: Ji'z'iecl Clliclrell. J;;i;,z'. Middleton. Curtis Savage. Sunqa MRwezelamba. Biggest. C!l'11sh: TaJrltJI' Albert CiarlO!. Jordan Johnson. Brandon Ward . Tyler /JtJr,lrlleJr. 1!111..'"'-·~~IJ'-&'!ftl finllbeiner. Antonie Howard. Row 4 : Chucllie Baglama. Chad Stenberg. Evan Rocheford. Jaron ~o·a,r. T.V. Sho\1 \f: lltJtJIICitJclr.'J. ~~--------------- Bradley. Alex Souqiannas. Jace Tennant. Henry U.ole i\llodel: Cllllclrie /JaRay Adam Baller. Drew Beard. Edwind McGhee. Row 5: Deangelo Williams. Anthony Moffitt. Seth glazlla. Jacllson. athan Williams. Kenneth Williams. Tony Giammaria. Joey Holmer. Zac Leturgey. Henry Trujillo. Stan Adllisson . John Lessaris.
Otrel'all Gil'ls {r,-7)
C!entl·al 207
~IOl'lllal C!Oilllll.
C!entennial 181
i\llattoon 210
C!entl·al 182
C!entl'al 202
Girls Front Row: Katie Bollin~er.
Kathryn lllenberry. Jacbie
Fredricbson. Jennifer Haile. Jamie Anastasia. Row 2: Ka-Rhim Kim. Carissa Hoyne. Sarah Moe. Allie Chouinard.
2007 was certainly a good year for the Central boys golf team. Strong depth and team chemistry helped the team do well in the many tournaments that they participated in throughout the year. First year coachArtMayeda was a key part of that success, as he built the chemistry and skill that allowed ~ - - - - Central to finish the season as Big 12 Champions. Golfers Michael Peters and Andy Brunson captained the team, and in addition to Travis Hoyne, made All-Conference. Central finished out the season by placing 5th at Sectionals. The girls team had a rough year, as nothing seemed to come easy from beginning to end. Despite opening the season with a last place finish in the Bloomington Better Ball Invite, Central had plenty of good . • . . .......1 moments throughout the year . . that they will use to build upon for . _._...... the future. At a meet in Normal against three other teams, the team shot a 182, which was a career low in Larry Becker's six years as Coach. Central finished 7th in their Regional and advanced Carissa Hoyne to Sectionals.
., ·
~~~l:mill~ffil (!§J'ii!JIT3 ~ ffil Cffil~ !rnWIDEl
,;s .. . ... •
"··-~ I ,
Z()()~II~T ()~I
Ben Peden
1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Otrel·all JJO}'S 1'1/i\. c;unfel'ence (:i--0)
1st l,lace .John i\llacelt lntritational
1st l,lace JUg 1Z C;unfel'ence
----------------Boys Front Row: Will
Zech. Trent Lyons. Michael Clewley. Riley Brunson. Taylor Carmichael. Row 2: Kaleb In~ersoll . Michael Peters. Brett Fin1!e. Andy Brunson. Coach Mayeda. Row 3: Travis Hoyne. Ben Peden. Nate So1!ols1!i. PatricR Wampler.
U: li\Tbat. position do you
Illay'/ i.J: LtJIJgball IIittez·!
(}: li\That.'s 1'0\11' lllOSt. 11lell101'8ble C!ent.l'al Golf ntoinent:/ i.J: 0111' ctJnclz bentizzg liJJ 1VIiclzael Petez·.y, U: li\Tho's ycn11· l'ole Jnodel'/ i.J: .TtJe .Yzzzitlz U: li\That. is 1'0\11' biggest. golf
8CCC)lllllliSlllllC!Ilt.•/ i.J: /Jeatizzg .TtJe .YzzzifJz. U: li\That. a1·e t.hl'ee ' '"ol'ds t.hat.
desc1·ibe llenl,eden'/ i.J: Jt...lllliiJ', PlllliJiez~ PlllJJJie.Yt 145
O"e1·all (12-'1-2)
c;entl·al 2
Gentl·al 1
c;entl·al 2
~~ Ol'lllal (;0111111. ()
th·bana 2
JV Front Row: Will Haqle. Humberto Olea, Adalberto Gomez. Taylor Ronk. Neal Shannon. lat::llle:""lll: .,..- Hellaman Montes. Francisco Mendez. Chris Alvaraz. Alpha Bocilane Row 2: Barrett Kendall. Cameron Fitzqerald. Hector Melchor. Evan Lotz. Cameron Bales. Juan Portillo. Micah Wa!l~cr Jesus Perales. Victor Rodriquez . .lll'f'.....,~..-:!1· Coach Wilder. Row 3: Reid Sullen. Abdul Kader Adamu Gomez Marc Marundale. Corey Matejowsili. Russesll Jones. Jan Wells. David Knapp
central boys soccer had its ups and downs in 2007. First-year coach Josh Alford had the team working hard, starting out the year with three pre-season weeks of grueling two-a-days. All of that practice combined with an impressive new high-pressure play style to allow Central to come out of the gate strong. This was revealed throughout the season as Central gained numerous lopsided victories and only close losses. Both scoring in the first 30 seconds of a 2-2 tie against Urbana and playing State Qualifying Centennial to a 1-1 standstill showed Central's spirit and ability to play with anybody. When Central came out ready to play, they could not be beaten. By underestimating a few opponents led Central to stumble in the middle of the season with losses. Regardless, Central's strong style of play led them to their first Regional Championship in three years. Unfortunately, Central could not overcome adversity in their first Sectional game and lost 1-0 to Normal U-High on a miscalled PK. That sad end to a season will surely have Central coming out ready for revenge in 2008, and with seven returning starters, Central soccer will continue to improve.
Z()()i\11 ll'T ()l'T sean Baird
ll\fest. ~~
C!ent.1·al :-c
Jllc,c,lllill{ft.c,aa 1
C!ent.a·al "I
C!ent.1·al 0
i\llat.t.OOII 0
----------------Varsity Front Row: Joel Yambert. Scot Chapman. Sean Baird. Jeeyan Rostam-Abadi. Nate Chisholm. Clinton Miller. Row 2: Coach Alford. Ricardo Ve!i~a . Martin Musuruana. Marl> Patal>y. Peter Kurthy. Fortino Espana. Oscar Cardona. Row 3: Hisham AI Hreish. Kaleb Wall>er. Matt Bra'il'il· Jal>e Slesinsl>i. Kevin Kaplan . Andrew Newman. Coach Wilder.
0: li\Tbat.'s ycnn· ntost. nunno1·able 1110111ent. of C!ent.I·al Soccel··/ I.J: .YeeizJg n .(Jqllil'l'elhltJrl" 1111 i11 tJlll' Jieltl(J'J11Jrllrez· lizJe.(J.
0: li\Tbat. do yon lilte 111ost. about. C!ent.I·al Soccel··/ I.J: 0111' 1JnJ1J1J'-gtJ-lllclcJ' nttit11tle.
(): li\Tbat. is ycnn·: J:e.. a,,. J:e.. ood·/ I.JIJJrfJJizJg TlJni. Biggest. C!I'nsb·1 i¥/z·.(J. OlMJzy. JUggest. IJet.l,ee,,e·/ CrtJ.(J.(J/JJ nzJCilJac/z·ef.(J.
J>ual U.eco1'd (6-1, r,..O) Uig 12 1o路inisb 1st
C!entl路al 109 ~lOl'lllal C!Ollllll.
JUomnington 59
C!entennial 85
The 2007 girls swim-team had an exciting season. They developed as athletes both on land and in the water, and their hard work paid off as the season progressed. They came out as the local "team to beat" and did not disappoint, losing only one dual meet during the season, itself only by one point. Central placed well in every invite they attended, and in the Twin City Meet, Central finished first in all but two events, which set them up to become both Twin City and Big 12 Conference Champions. The real excitement came during the post-season, where Central sent their entire Sectional team to State, and in doing so won thell' first Sectional in school history. Central also had three divers who were able to contribute points to Centrals' scores in every invite except one during the season. At Sectionals, Amanda Whitmer and Kaitlyn Zedrick placed 3rd and 4th, respectively, to qualify for State with the rest of the Sectional team. In the end, it was a great year for Central Swimming and Diving, and with many talented members returning, Central will continue to be the team to beat.
l'Tol'lnal U-lligh 9:-1
C!ha1·ge1' llnrite
C!entl·al 9Z
1st l,lace
Znd l,lace
Z()()i\111~1 ()~l Haley Tappendorf
(}: lt\Tbat Jo:,rents do you Sl1ubn'! jj: 5(} fz·ee.'itJrle, 1fJfJ n·ee.'itJ'le, 2fJ(J fz·ee.'itJr/e z·e/IIJ', 2(}(} lllt!Cilt!J' z•e/IIJ', 4(J(J n·ee.'itJ'lt! z•elllJ'·
Front Row : Mor~an Davis. Emma
0: llo''" long halre l'Oll been
Sll\rilllllling'/ Newman. Mor~an Anderson. Mary Lacine. Bree Etherid~e . Maria Vozavoy. jj: jj/J(Jllt 12 J't!lli'.'J. Row 2: Jennifer Van Ness. Mary 0: lt\That is ycnu· biggest Lockman. Tatum Stewert. Mamie Hobbs. Sl1\rinuning accc»llliJlislunent'! Courtney Lehmann. Sarah Hlinka. jj: aettizlg lllJ' he.'Jt tilllt! at Aubrie Luesse. Marilyn Wilder. Row .'Jet..'f:ifJilnl'i lllJ' .'JeiJifJZ' J'em-. 3: Kaitlyn Zedrick. Amanda Whitmer. 0: lt\Tbat.'s ycnu· biggest Jlet Rachel Fundator. Haley Tappendorf. Jleelre'! Libby Beck. Becca Fundator. Arnie Betts. Ma~~ie O 'Connor. Row 4: Allison ij: filrJJell pelJJJle ,,,aJJc .'JlfJr'"· Manard. Coach Barl<er. 0: lt\Tbat.'s youl' falrcn·it.e t.,,,, sbcn,u'! jj: a1·e1'~" iulatfJlllJ'·
E Nl
(hrel'all (:i-6)
C!ent.l·al 6
C!ente1ulial 8
Jlanuille :i
C!ent.l·al 1
C!onfe1·ence (?.-6)
t1\Test :i
2007 was a "rebuilding season for Central Girls Tennis," stated coach Gary Day. The team struggled with a loss of eight seniors from the previous year and found itself with many new players, some of which were new to tennis themselves. Even though the team had many new players, they still had excellent chemistry, which helped them build their tennis skills. Brittany Penwell, Valerie Kinney, Kelly Kyrouac, Nelli Golmeeva, Samantha Emery, and Caitlin Peters were the team's top six players, respectively. They all shared the Most Valuable Player Award. The team managed to send five girls to Sectionals, a great accomplisment considering the team's low experience. Brittany Penwell and Valerie Kenny competed in the doubles matches at Sectionals along with Kelly Kyrouac and Caitlin Peters. Samantha Emery competed in singles. At the end of the season, Central placed 7th out of 10 at the Big 12 Tournament. The 2007 season helped the team gain more experience and chemistry, which should help THE BALL AS SH.~~!NG~ ..- --them out in future years.
Z()()i\111~1 ()~T BRITTANY PENWELL
----------------C!ent1·al "1
U1·bana 8
iVIattoon 8
iVIaci\l'thnl' Z
----------------Varsity Front Row: Sara BeneRohal.
Annie Bruno. Tanya Chen. Samantha Emery. Brittany Penwell. Maria Vosovoy. Row 2: Jessica Dani. Gina Wojnar. LeTonya Simon-Morris. Alexis Berns. Sophie Roney. Kelly Kyrouac. Valerie Kinney. Row 3: Coach Day. Emily Ho. Caitlin Peters. Nelli Golmeeva. Alyssa BroadsRy. Me~an Wentworth. ViRRi Blanco. Jaclyn BeneRohal.
U: llo'''' long tennis·/ i.J: .1 J'ea~·.«~. U: ll\fhat is 1'0111' biggest tennis acc,nliJiislunent·/ IJin~ring
i.J: /Jei~zg z·a~Jicecl J1!tJ.1 tJJl tJze tea111 tJJi.«~ J'eaz·.
U: .i\nl' achrice to tennis nndel·classnlen·/ i.J: i.Jlr,rraJT.«< bzi11g J'iJIIZ' lcllirre.«~!
U: ll\fho's yonl' biggest Cl'nsh·/ i.J: .lll.«Jtizz TizzJIJeJ1nlce.
U: t1\n1at is ycnn· biggest IJet 1Jee1re·1 i.J: filflzezz petJple .«~ten/JllJ' illegal pnz1cizzg .«<J1tJt.
0\t'C!l'all (ZZ-1Z) C!onfel'ence
C!entennial Z
C!entl·al Z
l'TOl'lllal t1\Test Z
C!entl·al 0
i\11 a t.t.oo n 0
C!entl·al 0
urtney Pulliam. Kyra Jack on. Coach Stran~ Row 3: Laurel r-r~men. Rachel fmon. Coach Pappa . ~~rbley Richardson. Kayla Boparm.
2007 was a great year for central Volleyball. The team ended their season with a record of 22-12 and were led by captains Shelby Strang and Kelsey Bannon, as well as seniors Ellen Deal, Kellen Brown, Kelsey Bannon, Christine Adoye, and Emma Henss. The team played in four tournaments and placed first in two of them, the two first place finishes being in the Decatur Eisenhower Tournament and The Bradley Bourbonnais Tournament. The team played Mahomet in the first game of the regional tournament. After beating the Bulldogs, they played against Centennial in the regional championship game. The team was unable to defeat the Chargers, but they gave them a good fight and kept the match close. At the end of the season, Shelby Strang was chocsen to be on the The News-Gazette's AllArea First team. Ellen Deal and Andrea Miskimins received an All-Area Special Mention, and Christine Adeoye was awarded an All-Area Honorable Mention. Overall, the girls did an amazing job in 2007, finishing better than in the previous year.
C!ent.1·al Z U1·bana 1
C!ent.l·al 0
Z()()i\11 ll'T ()l'l ELLEN DEAL
C!ent.l·al Z i\llal1mnet 0
0: li\Tbat. lJOsit.ion do yo IJln~r/ Jj: Left .~it/e. 0: li\Tbat. do 1'011 lilte 111ost.
about. trolle1rball"/ Varsity Front Row: Kelsey Jj: .~pnlltle.Y lllltl llittillg. Bannon. Collette Jacl<son. Row 2: (l: llatre 8111' adtrice fen· Christine Adoeye. Maeve Aquino. trolleyball nndeJ·classntan·/ #- -,.~-
Emma Henss. Coach Good. Andrea Misl<imins. Shelby Stran~ . Row 3: Coach Pappas. Kathleen Rowland. Ellen Deal. Kellen Brown. Mariah Thomas. Hannah Jacobs. Coach StramJ.
Jj: TtJ qruJte llellJ~ llJ'Z'tJllac... 11 Tl1e tliffel'ellce betr,,eell t1y a11tl tlilliiiJJ ic; j11.c;t a little 1 lllllpll ~ , (l:
li\Tbat.'s 1'0111' fatrol'it.e food"/
Jj: lletcllliJJ. (l:
li\Tbo is ycnu· d1·eat11 dat.e"/
Jj: JjiJtll·er,, ifler,,IIIBII. 153
(h,C!l'all (l'Ti\)
JI()YS c;entl·al 15
c;entl·al 25
(;onfel'C!IlCC! (:i-«))
IJont.iac U.S.
llrun,ille u.s. :·m
T y
JI()YS c;entl·al 28 Jo:isenboti\,C!l' 52 :illlattoon 5'/
Boys Front Row: John Picchetti. eil HoldinQ. Peter HacRiey. Ro~er Smith. LuRe Petry. Paul Rod~ers . Row 2: Jordan Fox. Gus MaqQio. Andrew Valentine. Steven Kesler. LuRe Cottin~ham. PatricR Mazzocco. Adam Thies. Row 3: Josh Clarl~. Kyle Hammel. Coach Johnson. Russell Wetzel. Chris Svendsen.
The 2007 boys cross-country team had a successful season. Along with winning the Twin City meet for the second year in a row the team placed fourth at Regionals, which allowed them to qualify for Sectionals. Of that group, Russell Wetzel was the closest to qualifying for state, missing by only one place. Patrick Mazzocco and Russell Wetzel were named both All Conference wmners and top News-Gazette runners. The team was led by four seniors; Russell Wetzel, Peter Hackley, Luke Petry, and Steven Kesler. Only two members of the varsity team were seniors, and the team still has a lot of talent, so there are high hopes for the boys cross-country team in 2008. The 2007 girls cross-country team had a pretty successful season, with Rory Mills and Sunita Karan making it to Sectionals. The team was lead by four seniors including Sunita Karan, Steffanie Bezruki, Ermanda Roberts and Rosemary Nash. Although the team was quite small with only seven girls competing, they placed seventh at regionals, which was a great improvement from 2006. Despite tilliillJ (ijli!J!T!'{J!mi)@l!§fiVJ!'ffiiD!H~Ui!ill the loss of four key seniors, Central lfuJ;m id ! ~ II:J lA!>mrTJ!mi)M? illm girls cross country seems to be on ~lti?mi313N!HID 'iilrn ~ the rise! GIIU..S C!hal'lest.on lntrit.e ~Jt.l1
GIIU.. S C!ent.1·al llantrille II.S.
GIIU.. S Jo:isenbo''''el' C!entl·al iVIat.t.OOil
Z()()i\11 ll'T ()l'l Patrick Mazzocco
<l: llo'''' long hat'e yon been l'lllllling Cl'Oss-conntl1'.! Jj: 6 J'en.l".CJ.
li\That do l'Oll lilte lllOSt about Cl'Oss-conntl1'./ (l:
Varsity Front .Row: Sarah Maloney. Aliceson Cash. Kara Waiiace. .Row 2: Rosemary Nash. Rory Mills. Katie Will:2ie . .Row 3: Devil:2a Jain. Coach Shultz.
Jj: Tl1e J.Jai11•
<l: li\That is 1'0111' fat,ol·ite food"! Jj: Pn.c;tn!
<l: l1\01at is l'Olll' biggest }Jet }Jeet,e"! Jj: l~etJple ,,,rifJltJllt .c;elf-.1•c,.a..
<l: li\That is ycnn· dt·eaJn date"/ Jj: 011e ,,,l1e.1·e tl1e gi1'1 paJr.c;.
Ol'C!l'all (Zf...S) C!onfel·ence (11-Z)
c;ent.l·al101 c;ent.l·al 80
C!ent.ennial 51
Phillip Mathew Morrow. Row 3: Tama s1a Cullyn Murphy. Brett Calme1ron fnz~rald. Zach Rice. Kyl
U1·bana 5Z
The 2007-08 basketball season was a historical one in which central was once again put in the national spotlight. It began with Central traveling to a variety of tournaments to face teams from many different states. Many of these teams had highly touted college recruits, and the experience gained from playing them should help Central greatly in the long run. However, Central's goals for these games were not simply to compete; Central came out for each game to win. Containing a few highly touted recruits of their own, Central gained victories against multiple teams that had been coming offState Championship seasons. From the very beginning, Central themselves had that goal of a State Championship for themselves. Senior standouts Donald Stewart, Verdell Jones and Keith Biggers combined to score many of the teams points throughout the year. Their leadership combined with a supporting cast that always stepped up to bring Central it's first State appearance since 1969. Central ended their season just short of their goal, with a third place finish at State.
Z()()i\111~1 ()~l
Donald stewart
----------------C!ent.l·al 9:1
C!ent.l·al 88
:Niattoon 51
JUoc)lnington 'l9
Gent1·al 61
C!onuu. 51
----------------Varsity Front Row: Zander Culver.
Isaiah Clasberry. Aaron Mont12omery. Ryan Grey. Row 2: Jal2e SlesinsRi. Carter Billin12sley. Coach Nix. Coach Davis. PatricR Wampler. Donald Stewart. Row 3: Chris Lehmann. Verdeii Jones. Edward McGhee. Jerry Exum. Keith Bi1212ers.
U: li\That do l'Onlilte 1nost about basltet.ball·/ i!: TIJe h ·eecltiZJJ. U: li\That ill1JJa(..1'. has basltetball had on yotu· life., i!: It~c; girrezJ ZJJe a clz·eazJJ azul .CJtiZJJetlJizJg t/Jat I lt1rre ttl cltl.
0: Descl'ibe the Jlel·fe(.."t date. i!: Tllfe'cl get a hite ttl eat, gt1 fllratclJ a ZJJtlrrie, azul tlJeZJ .c;pezul a ltiZJU tizJJe gettizJg ncqr~aizJtecL
0: l1\The1·e do yon see l'Olll'self in the fnttu·e·/ .1!: IltlpefrdlJ' z1zalcizzg ZJJtiZJeJ' fllr/Jile heizJg az'tlllZUI haslcethalL
O"e1·all <f,-ZZ)
C!entl·al .tJ8
C!onfe1·ence (1-12)
i'VIont.icello :i7
th·bana .tJ5 Centennial 51
freshmen front Row: Jessica JaRobsson. Laurel ~i~~S Hartman. Row 2: Rachel 1: Fitton. Keyonna Dunn. Coach Battle. Shelby Stout, Ernyse Blanson. :Uow 3: Ellen Moe. Courtney Richardson. Myha Brown. Jordan Hill.
The 2007-08 Central girls asketball teamhadarebuilding season after the loss of key seniors from the previous year. The team's final record was 522, and they placed lOth in the Big 12. The team was led by two seniors; Spencer Bolden and Kelly Kyrouac. Throughout the season, Central played many ~~fi'Iillilli1®1ill3: · teams with good records and ~am~~~ battled every time. Even though their final record may not have reflected it, most of their games were very close all the way to the end. Unfortunately, Central couldn't find a way to win all of the close ones. Although this was a tough season for Central, they were still able to beat Centennial 73-51, which was an exciting win. The season ended with a heartbreaking Regional loss to Rantoul, and with that, Central will begin to look ahead. Despite their record, the future looks bright. Central will graduate only two seniors, and there will be many returning underclassmen that had the skills to make and play on the varsity team even as young players. Despite their many losses, Central played well enough to have something to build on for the future. 1
~-tr!li~· ml3~
Z()()NII~T ()~I
Kelly Kyrouac
Ulomningt.on 52
l'lol'Jllal l l\fest 56
C!ent.l·al .tJ1
C!ent1·al .t~J
C!ent.l·al .tJ9
----------------Varsity Front Row: Danie!Ie Russel. Shanale Mason. Jenny Elam. Sheriah Mason. Yal<iera Barbee. Kimberlyn \i'e~a. Shaniqua Arnette. Row 2: Clare Feely. Nal<yra James. Coach Lindemann. Coach Stillman. Kierra Robinson. Ol<eima Hampton. Row 3: Co!Iette Jacl<son. Courtney Burton. Shelby Stran~ . Ke!Iy Kyrouac. Andrea Mont~omery.
Cl: li\That. JlOsit.ion do 1'011 1lla1r·/ jj: c;,az·cl Cl: 11011" long ha"e 1'011 been Illa1ring basltet.balrl ij: .~izzce tJze 2zzcl gz·acle. Cl: li\That. al'e t.hl'ee 11\TOI'ds t.hat. desc1·ibe you·/ ij: Tal~ claz1c, azzel lzazzclc;tJIIJe. Cl: li\Tho is yonl' biggest. CI'11Sh•/ ij: .Te.c;t;e iYietcalfe. 161
liig 12 lltlritat.icntal ~Jtl1 IJiace
Hardy. Jessica Hildreth. Chelsea Gonzalez. Row 2: Coach Jones. Sara Hayden. Chaleah BunJe. Tierra Norwood. Ariel File. Robby Shannon.
The Central Cheerleading squad "brought it" for the 200708 season. They were led by eight seniors; Caroline Sholem, Katie O'Byrne, Katie Adams, Ellisia Howard, Taylor Battle and Olivia Jay, with captains .Amanda Whitmer and Kaitlyn Zedrick. The squad had a lot of adjusting to do during the 'im3~·""'*"'u.:.I"'.J..:I,A,I~ season, as it was the third year in a row that the squad had a new coach. Also, for the first year in recent memory, the squad has expanded. In previous years, the cheerleading squad had around fourteen to sixteen cheerleaders. In 2008, however, the squad numbered around twenty! The squad adjusted well to everything that was thrown at them throughout the season. They attended a UCA Cheer Camp at Illinois State University over the summer and placed second. Throughout the season they placed well in all of their competitions. They placed fourth in both the Big 12 Tournament and at Sectionals, which qualified them for State. At State, they placed 12th out of 25 teams, which was an improvement over the previous year. Central will be ~ cheering for years to come.
Sectic)llals ~Jtl1 IJiace
Z()()NII~T ()~T
caroline Sholem
U: llo'''' long ha,,e 1'011 been
chee1·ing·/ Varsity Front Row: Kaitlyn ZedricR.
._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Katie Adams. Caroline Sholem. Taylor Battle. Katie O 'Byrne. Olivia Jay. Amanda Whitmer. Row 2: Mor~an Hiles. Jamie Anastasia. Macy Slade. Katherine Simpson. Abby Johnson. Sydney Forrest. Moiiy Wampler. Row 3: Coach Jones. Isis Griffin. Blaine Shackelford. Micheiie Thorson. Anna Eisele. Jennifer Haile. Jodan Slade. Coach Murphy.
i.J: .Yi11ce ~):·e.c;IJIJJBIJ Jreaz·. U: i\nl' ad1rice t.o tntdel·-
classnten cheel"leadel"s·/ i.J: 17JtJIJ 't ft11yet ttJ lciJtJclc tJIJ JtlrtJtJCI. " U: li\Tho's yo111" biggest.
CI"11Sh•/ i.J: i.JzJclz·er'" J1lertlr1JJBIJ. U: l•·a,roi·it.e SJlOI1'.s t.eant·/ i.J: Jleaz·.c;. U: l:i"a\roi·ite TV sho''''' i.J: A"'JttJIII'age.
J>ual U.ecol'cl (f,-1)
llig 12 J:i"inisb
U-lligb 120
c;eutl·al 65
c;eutl·al 278
c;eutl'al 100
th·bana 2:-16 ~TOI'lllal li\Test 2:-15
Ulomnington 85
The 2007-08 Central boys swim team had a season that onlY got better as it went along. Although they had their share of losses, the year was a great improvement from the 2007 season. The team's dual record was 5-1, and at the end of the season they were able to win the Twin-City Meet. The team was ('i!"i'J1{1WJ umi:IDY!~ !iYJJt!ml'ii:IiEl!ffi:l•um lead by five seniors including Andy Brunson, Joe Hadler, Rob Miles, Ben Peden, and Daniel Robinson. Although the seniors were a great contribution to the team, juniors Scot Chapman, Colin McGill and Mike Lacine were just a few of the other amazing swimmers who led the team to their many victories. Throughout the season, the team worked on their strokes, times, and other important skills that eventually led them to their Twin-City win. By the end of the season, the team had enough skill and determination to place second at the Big 12 meet. Central then had the exciting accomplishment of winning their Sectional and qualifying five of their members for State. Mike Lacine was the highlight at State, placing 9th in the 100 meter 0!mi'~ ~~ ffi)~~~ breaststroke.
Z()()i\11 I~T ()~T Rob MJies
C!entl·al 1ZO
C!ent.ennial 85
l>antrille 56
n1'1'ml z~1~1
J~ibel't.}'trille z~lt
Front Row: MiRe Lacine. Scot Chapman. Joel Yambert. Colin McGill. Riley Brunson. Alejandro Macias. Row 2: Coach Youn~ . John BillimacR. Tim Reardanz. Jacob Ramsey. Evan Lotz. Thomas HlinRa. Joe Hadler. Coach HopRins Row 3: Andy Brunson. Rob Miles. Ben Peden. Daniel Robinson. Max Foltz.
li\That e"ents do 1'011 Stl\riln'!
il: 5fJ h·ee.c;tJ'le azJtl1fJ(J n·ee.c;tJ,.le.
llot1\f long batre 1rcn1 been S\1\finlllling'/
ij: .~i11ce I r1rra.c; 6 J'em·.c; tJlcl (l:
li\Tbat is 1'0111' pet IJeetre'!
ij: TtJtJ zzzallJ' cple.c;titJJJ.c;.
li\Tbat aa·e·ee tlmn·ds that descl'ibe 1'cn1'!
ij: lleliLYecl, ctJIJBclezzt, azJtl clzirrezz. (l:
li\Tbat. is 1'0111' fatrcn·it.e food'!
J>ual lleco1'd (ZO-Z) Hig 1Z J.o•inish
C!ent.l'al :i9
C!ent.l'al :i5
Hlocnningt.on Z9
C!ent.1·al :i5
central wrestling had what was unquestionably one of its greatest teams in school history for the 2007-2008 season. Finishing out the year losing only two dual meets, Central gained the respect of other schools with its dominating performances in all weight classes throughout the season. Finishing out each of their infamously tough practices with the chant "Big 12 Champs", Central had higher expectations than in previous years. The team looked well on their way to accomplishing their goals when they defeated Big 12 title contender Normal Community early on in the season. When the Big 12 Meet carne, however, Central placed second to Bloomington, corning just short of their goal. This only fueled their fire, and after placing second in their Regional, Central sent eleven wrestlers to Sectionals. Of that group, Josh Middleton, Brandon Smith, and A:ryn Gilenson made it to State. This was a great accomplishment for each, although Coach Scott felt that there were even more wrestlers on this history-making team that deserved a shot.
Z()()i\11 I~T ()~l Brandon Smith
n.ochelle 15
1\llacmub Z'l
Gent.I·al ~18
St. . .loseiJh-Ogden :iO
----------------Front Row: Andrew Whalen. Andrew Toroll. Cory Clark. Jerrin Moffitt. Julian Dessen. Mille Snell . Kaleb In~ersoll. Tyler Finllbeiner. Row 2: Alonzo Miller. Aryn Gilenson. Antonio Utley. Lyndell Clemons. Octxavier Clarll. Kofi Bazzei-Smith. Alex Menard. Jaron Brown. Row 3: Coach Ramirez. Coach Fisher. Coach Anastasia. Coach Scott. Coach Harris. Coach Wells. Ellie Eaton . Row 4: Brandon Smith . Adam Acheson. Josh Middleton . Sam Mate. Austin Payne. Gordon Phillips. Stan Adllisson. Row 5: Matthew Chrisman. Tristan Rivera. Deshoun White. Ian Vana~aitis. Evan Ellsworth.
li\Tbat. is ntost. lllC!IllOl'able about. C!ent.l'al ''" l'est.ling·/ (l:
jj: llei1Jg tJIJ
t/Je ,,,iiJIJiiJgest tea11J i11 .c;c/JtJtJI /JiCJttJIJ" t/Jic;
0: li\Tbat. do 1'011 lilte 111ost about. C!ent.l·al ,,,n·est.ling·/ jj:
T/Je blllL"-CtJ/Iai· attit11tle.
0: lien'" bas ,,,n·est.ling illlllat.-ted }'cnu·life·/ jj: I
tltJIJ 't lc1JtJf11r ,,,JJeJ·e I fllftJIIItl be ,,,ritlltJllt it. It /Jn.c; IJJncle JJJe n ttJIIgiJ, /Jal·cJ-r,,tJI1ciiJg, at/Jlete.
ManY times, a sports team is onlY as good as their fans. By those standards, Central should excel in all areas of all sports. central has always had some of the classiest, most dedicated fans of any area school. Central is one of the only area schools to have organized "Bleacher Bums" that attend basketball games. These guys and gals make Combes Gym the place to be every Friday night during basketball season. Many students who aren't official members of the Bleacher Bums also come out to support Central in all sports. This dedication and never-say-die attitude constantly gives Central an edge as they can claim some ofthe best home field advantages of any school around. Sometimes, however, even Centrals bleacher bums and babes need some help cheering. Therefore, appearing at many games to pump up the crowd are the pepettes. Even though their team has gone through some dramatic changes in size over the last few years, they never fail to leave the gym or football field louder than before they entered. In conclusion, Central fans are the best fans!
1~1 ()~I
Taylor Downey
U: ll\fbat. llosi
do 1'011 lllal'.'
1!: I 8111 tJ1e tJflicinllJle8cllel' lJII.IIIleaclez·. (l: ll\fbat. do yon lilte Jnost. about. being }la11'. of bleacbeJ' lnuns·l
1!: T8llciz1' tz·8till 81lli.YJJittizlg tJII tJ]J]JtJIIt!llt.Y.
U: llo''" bas being on bleacbe•· bnn1s ilnpa(."f.ed ycnu· lite·/ 1!: It l1a.Y girre11111e 811 tJllfJet ttJ e.'\.1JI'e.Y.Y 1111r m1gez·.
U: ll\fbat. al'e·ee ''"o1·ds t.bat. descl'ibe Tal'lo•· Jlotl\'llel'.' 1!: PlJr 169
ow : n any enwe , auren e1s aum, Sara m 1,1fash1m Zagfirou owL: Mrs. Hamnton, Shannon Cfa1borne ,~enee Changnon , Rachel Fundator, Molly Wampler, Ka-Rhim Kim, Bailey McClellan, Katie Donnelly, Kevin Kaplan , Lauren Fiscus Row 3: Carrie Nelson, Tricia Wrinkle. Sara Benekohal , Rory Mills.
Row 1: Ann Cflung , Tanya Cflen , Patrick Mazzocco, Tayfor Downey, ------, Caroline Sholem, Alexsis Johnson Row 2: Julia Bistriceanu , Aryn Gilenson , Andrew Newman, Adam Baker, Sophie Roney Row 3:Joe Hood, Kurt Eizi11ger._ Chris Lehmann._ Mike Lacine. _j
ow 1: BeccaTundator,-amtany Penwe , ara m a, enee angnon, nn Chung, Alexsis Johnson, Caroline Sholem Row 2: Rachel Fundator, ara Benekohal , Shannon Claiborne, Carrie Nelson, Patrick Mazzocco, aylor Downey Row 3: Lauren Fiscus, Joe Hood, Tanya Chen, Kevin 1 Kaplan , Andrew Newman, Adam Baker.
Row 1: Ann Chung, Chelsea McEntire, Ka-Rhim Kim, Kelsey Bannon, Allie Chouinard, Sunita Karan, Carrie Nelson, Esther Kemper. Row 2: Emily Thomas, Tanya Chen, Jenn Kim, Penelope Rosenstock-Murav, Kassandra Gower, Maddie Knight, Julie Howard. Row 3: Anna Prior, Kathryn Ikenberry, Victoria Blanco, Sara Salmon, Julia Bistriceanu, NaShaunna Howard, Gehad Taha , Erin Baran. Row 4: Aaron Cravens, Adam Thies, Ahmed Abdou , Mike Gonda, Martin Musuruana.
Row 1: Allie Chouinard, Tanya Chen, Martin Musuruana. Row 2: Ka-Rhim Kim, Kelsey Bannon, Penelope Rosenstock-Murav, Sara Salmon, Maddie Knight, Sunita Karan, Erin Baran. Row 3: Adam Thies, Ahmed Abdou, Mike Gonda, Carrie Nelson. 174
German Lob
Row 1: Kelsey wilson, Frau Harris, Jeremiah Medlyn, Sam Peters, N'tchana Batoma. Row 2: Eli Liss, Ben Durkee, Skyler Fitzgerrel, Jade Ryckman, Emily Ho, Michael Crisman, Madison Pilote, Angela Kim. Row 3: Andy Manaster, Taylor Carmichael, Max Foltz, Rayman Franks, Brandon Larsen , Nate Dickson, Erin Kirk. Row 4: Roger Smith, Jackie Alexander, Marcus Davis, Jenn Simpson, Rachel laver.
Row 1: Emily Ho, Jackie Alexander, Max Foltz, Kelsey Wilson, Andy Manaster, Frau Harris. Row 2: Brandon Lanser, N'tchana Batoma, Sam Peters, Michael Crisman, Roger Smith.
panish Clu
Row 1 Chris Long, Kit Simpson, Evan Lotz, Porsh1a Freeman, Andrea Frederick. Amanda Whitmer Kabe Adams, Manssa Burien, Samantha Finnkeiner Row 2 Alsha Messiah. Joel Yambert, Tom Chen, Alex1s Johnson. Kelly Kyrouac, Carolme Sholem, Esther Kemper, Anme Bruno, Katie Bollinger, Kat1e Burl< Row 3 Kan11ah Burtlen, Alex1s Berns. Kat1e Donnelly, Rory M1lls, Emily Campbell, Rachel Gamck, Alma Guerrero, Hayley Cole, Knstan Dickerson, Chelsea Gonzalez, Will Zech. Row 4. Allen Lillie, AJhe Huber, Ehsa Avalos, Kels1e Stanhope, Jane Choo, Rachel Lindemann, Morgan H1les, Jam1e Anastasia, Kathleen Rowland, Cassie Bugbee, Clarence Lee Row 5 Bryan B1tton, M1ke Snell, Ben Wallace, Will Hagle, Jacob Slesmski, Jamel Freeman, Raymone Jones, Jenmfer Haile, Sara Hayden, Renee Grum1sh, Carty Pame, Taylor D1llon
Row 1¡ Grace Walworth, Canssa Hoyne, Annie Bruno, Johnson, Hayley Cole, Kristan Dickerson Katie Adams. Tara Gold1ng. Rachel Garrick, Sra Sparks. Row 2: Mirissa burten, Katie Bollinger, Katie Burk. Allie Huber, Tom Chen, Megan Wentworth, Ashley Beckett, Jessica Evans, Hogan Sills, Serena Brodsky, Sara Benekohal Row 3 Joel Yambert, Will Hagle, Maunne Sterrett, Olivia Birkey, Steffame Bezruki, Lauren Fiscus. Mary Lockman. Row 4 Caroline Sholem, Kelly Kyrouac, Sophie Roney, Andrea Miskimins, Jenn VanNess Rosemary Nash, Rob Durkee, Nate Sokolski
Row 1: Chelsea McEntire, Jane Choo, Ann Chung , Tanya Chen. Row 2: Jenn Kim , Ka-Rhim Kim , Tricia Wrinkle. Row 3: Sooyeon Kim, Devika Jain, David Hou, Christy Kim.
Row 1: Daisy Zhuang, Jenn Kim, Christy Kim, Cornelia Osborne. Row 2: Soo Kim, Mohammad Jaber, Sam Moon, Taylor Battle.
Row 1: Cassie Bugbee, Chelsea Gonzalez, Holly Hart, Rachel Garrick. Row 2: Mr.Simpson, Daisy Zhuang , Angela Kim, Jaylen Lovett, Julia Bistriceanu, Ms.Kaffel, Mr. Deal. Row 3: Mohammad Jaber, Nate Sokolski, Taylor Carmichael , Samuel Lee, David Hou , Samuel Moon, Yo Ha, Will Zech.
Scho astic Bo
Row 1: Peter Hackley, Jenny Tang, Rachel Garrick, Matt Apy. Row 2: Jacob Slesinski, Luke Petry, Tom Chen, Will Hagle, Adam Thies, Mike Gonda.
Scie ce Olvmoiad
Row 1: Tamara Penticoff, Mohammad Jaber, Erin Baran, Ann Chung, Maggie Su. Row 2: Jordan Lange, Rosemary Nash, Raina Martens, Sara Hayden, Renee Grumish, Jenny Tang, Alexa Peek. Row 3: Mike Gonda, Javed Hassan, David Hou, Sam Moon, Samuel Lee, Clare Feely, Cecilia Boyd.
Row 1: Allie Idleman, Mary Lockman. Row 2: Jennifer Haile, Annie Bruno, Kristan Dickerson, Carly Paine, Jordan Slade. Row 3: Katie Donnelly, Jamie Anastasia, Alexis Berns. Row 4: Rachel Lindemann , Kyle Wilson .
St dent Council
Row 1 Anme Bruno. Katie Wilkie, Tncia Wnnkle, Ka-Rhim Kim, Jackie Alexander, Pnscilla Huch, Natasha McDonald Knstan Dickerson. Row 2 Chelsea McEntire, Andrea Frederick, Amanda Whitmer, Alexs1s Johnson, Sydney Forrest Jam1e Anastasia, Chelsea Hart. Row 3: Joseph Hecker, Christine Adeoye, Victona Blanco, Sarah Maloney, Jenn Kim, Serena Brodsky, Chnsty Kim, Katie Foley, Allie Idleman, Jenny Elam. Row 4. Kelsey Cravens, Shannon Claiborne, Renee Changnon, Jenmfer Haile, Alexis Berns, Kat1e Donnelly, Megan Wentworth, Emily Ho. Row 5: Devika Ja10, Hannah Jacobs, Bailey McClellan, Rachel Lindemann, Damelle Russell, Jenmfer Overmyer, Renee Grum1sh.
Studen s tor a
Row 1: Jackie Alexander, Julie Howard. Row 2: Renee Grumish, Kierra Robinson , Hannah Jacobs, Serena Brodsky, N'tchana Batoma. Row 3: Anna Prior, Maggie Su, Kelsey Cravens, Allie Huber.
Row 1: Ms.Topel, Morgan Hiles, Alexs1s Johnson, Andrea Fredenck, Amanda Whitmer, Kelly Kyrouac, Anme Bruno, Emily Campbell, Kit Simpson, Sydney Forrest. Row 2: Shelby Fa ullin, Joseph Hecker, Alyssa Brodsky, Esther Kemper, Chelsea Gonzalez, Allie Idleman, Jenny Elam, Sarah Maloney, Victoria Blanco, Hayley Cole. Row 3: Kelsey Cravens, Ka1t1e Burk, Emily Ho, Allie Huber, Serena Brodsky, Kat1e Donnelly, Rory Mills, Renee Grumish, Jenny Tang. Row 4: Tom Chen, Megan Wentworth, Joel Yam bert, Rachel Lindemann, Bailey McClellan, Alexis Berns. Jamie Anastasia, Jennifer Haile, Caroline Sholem, Olivia Jay.
Row 1: Isis Griffon. Row 2: Paris Brandt, Caroline Sholem. Row 2: Maggie Su, Kelsey Cravens, Terri Hardin. Row 3: Sheriah Mason, Shanale Mason, Yakera Barbee, Danielle Russell , Abrecia Cotton, Deshoun White.
Row 1: Shannon Claiborne, Sra. Sparks, Jessica Evans. Row 2: Jennifer Haile, Mary Lockman, Olivia Birkey, Erin Gelke.
Row 1: Abigail Price, Chelsea Gonzalez, ls1s Griffon, Allie Idleman, Hayley Johnson, Meagan Winters. Row 2: Kayla Fox, Anna Prior, Sarah Helpem, Priscilla Huch, Mary Lockman, Damelle Russell, Asilah Patterson . Row 3: Dorothy Porter, Grace Walworth, Rosetta Taylor, Caroline Sholem, Alexis Johnson, Chris Lehman, Joel Yambert, Jordan Johnson
Creative riling Clu
Row 1: Jenn Hood. Row 2: Alison Dey. Row 3: Marilyn Wendler. Row 4: Jeremy Wurl.
Row 1: LaValle Thomas, Sarah Buck, Emily Dessen, Meredith Hecker, Athena Clark, Jaclyn Benekohal, Gina Wojnar Row 2: Michael Anderson, Kathleen Rowland, Alex Pelmore, Abtgail Mbuvi, Lauren McQueen, Shelby Faull in, Andrew Whalen, Connor Foli, James Doyle, Jade Ryckman, Kaci Dunnum. Row 3: Pat Kinchelue, Joey, Vaushawn Brown, Jamel Freeman, Chris Svendsen, Zach Rtce, Emtly Thomas, Ben Taylor, Joseph Hecker. Row 4: Luke Wilson, Josh Taylor-Johnson, Tyler Sch, Brandon Smith, Edward McGhee, Kengho Lin, Alfred Williams, Jonathan Harris, Quinton Pryor, Robert Durkee.
svmohonic Band
Row 1 Will Weckhorst Tanner Hetnen. Jeeyan Rostam-Abadt, Emtly Bramfeld, Russell Wetzel. Row 2: AOOy Manaster, Tim Frye, LeVI Brown, Jordan Fox, Lance Goodpaster, Kendnth Rouland, Juhan Dessen. Anna Muller Pans Brandt. Jeremy Wurt. Row 3. Samuel Lee. Ethan Rockett. Emily Ellsworth, Deidre Murphy Chelsea la)ara. Alyssa Brodsky. DaVIS Born, Renee Duran~ Samuel Moon. Rpw 4 Emma Healy. Spenser Bolden, Holly Payton, Laura Milas, Gabl Tamassta . Kattlyn Cornell. Laura Wilcox, Amanda Sa,lor, Brandon Goshn. Keegan Bannon. Phthp Lee Row 5 Thomas Foltz, Dan Schneider, Lauren McQueen, Javed Hassan, Eli LIChtblau. Luke Cotbngham, Russell Jones. Jackte Alexander. Trent Lyons. Matthew Phd1pp. Clarence Lee, Jacob Ramsey
Row 1 Andrew Johnston, Adam Hawthorn, AJ~e Chou1nard, Jane Choo, Courtney Lehmann, Tatum Stewart. Jenny Tang , Evan Lotz, Kim Mowry, Kelsey Wilson, Aaron Cravens Chelsea Hart, Lonni Frednckson. Michael Anderson. Row 2: Canssa Hoyne , Em1ly Ho, Kelsey Bannon. Ka-Rh1m K1m, Molly P1ngleton, Abbey Knop, Penelope Rosenstock-Murav, Cassandra Bugbee. Jenmfer Kempe, Magg1e Su. Caleb MbuVl, Ryan B1ela , Bnan Kenny, Bobby Hart. Row 3: Kabe Bollinger, Kathryn Ikenberry. Mike Gonda, Palmer Gunderson, Jordan Lange, Evan Slaz1nik, Braden Anderson , Brett Anderson, Andrea M1sk1m1ns, Jonathan Ervm. Row 4 Jenn Hood, Andrew Hughes, Jam1e Mauck, Ben Donaldson, Maura Healy, Nate Sokolski, Kevin Garton, Trav1s Hoyne, Daniel Rob1nson , Alex Soug1ann1s, Ben Peden. Taylor Dillon
Row 1: Daniel Robinson, John Ervin, Mr. Currey, Javed Hassan, Ben Peden Row 2: Cass1e Bugbee, Chelsea Hart, Allie Chouinard, Jordan Lange, Michael Anderson, Allee Be berman Row 3: Sam Peters, Evan Slaznik, Andrea Miskimins, Adam Hawthorne, Brett Anderson. Row 4: Nate Sokol ski, Travis Hoyne, Andrew Johnston, Chris Anderson , Taylor Dillon, Ben Donaldson.
Row 1 Margo ValantJno, Kelsey Wilsoo, l.Jiul8n Me<>.-.. S.. Salmon RDw 2 colo CaBort Jmny Doyle Kyle~ . Emily E.lswor1h En11y 0esaen. Joey l<rcheloe, Jlcol> Ramsy Kad DuMum. Emoly Thornos Katlvyn lkanborly Main Healy Jade Ryckman. Jeremiall Modlyn. ~- Oeodl8 Murphy Sar3l Hog 81anca Guorra Row 3 Tam Harden, Elon l'lu1chal<. Ab<aaa Co11on. Choloea lajn. Kin Mowly. Allee Bebeman. Sarah BOO< N>bey Knop E1tlan Roc•et. t.4az Fol1z Jenn Hood Tanner Horen. Connor Foli. f>lyssa Brodsky ~ Fa<Aiin, Kaol!y!1 Cornel. Chelsea Hart. Kelsey Cravens l.Jivalle Thornos RDw 4 Andl8w McOennoa. Amanda Saolor. Holy Paytoo. Wol Weckhorsl. Maggoo SU C.S.. Bugbee Gaboola Tamossoa Mo<gan Lett. Dan Schneoder. Kavon Garton. Mochael Gonda. Robert Dur'o<oe. Pholop Lao. Andrew Hugflel. Adam Ha'Nihome. ~ Mb\M Emma Healy. Holy Hart. L.orw Fredencl<soo, Ben Taylor. Pair< Koncheloe tan Wolcox Row 5 Jeremy Wul\ Renee Durant 5efona Brodsky. Chns Andenon . l.Jiura Molas. Jonlan Lange. Aaron Ctavens. AAdy Manas Bobby Hart Ben Donaldson, Palmer Gundefson. Chns Rost. Joeepll Hecker. Jamoo Mauck Moloe Pongleton. Da""' Born. Jennofer Kempe, Javed Hassan
r Guard
Row 1 Margo Volontrlo Kalsey Wioon, L.ann Me<>.-. S.. Silmon Row 2 Nocoio C..OO, Jmny Doyle Kyle Kopiw1. Emoly Els..,U,. Emoly Doosen Jo1rj l<rcheloe Jlcol> RMnly KICI Dunnum. Emoly Thornos Kotbr;n 1kanbony. Moura Healy Jade RytJ<mln, .Jereniah Modtyn ~ · Oeodre Murphy Son H91, 8lanca Guerra Row 3 Tom Harden, Elon P\Ad1ak Col1on Choloea L1jara Kin Mow!y ~ Bobem1n, Sorlh BOO< N>bey Knop E1hln Ro<i.el t.4az FOIIz Jonn Hood T'"""" Hen!n. Comer Fol M'fiU Btodsky ~ FaAn.l<aollyn Cornel, Hwt Kalsey Ctavens l.JIValo Thornos Row 4 Andrew Holyf'aymn, W - " ' - S U C.S..Bugboo.GaboolaT..- Morganl..ciZ. Don~ KBYinGanon,Gonda RoiJort Durl<eo Phlop Lee Andrew~ Adorn Hawthomo ~ Mbo• Enma Healy Holy Hart Lorn F~ Ben Taylor. Palncl<l<rcheloe tan w;a,. Row 5 Jeremy w..1.- Durant. s..- Btodsky o..~ tan M>~oo JonSon Lingo ~<mons A n d y - Bobby Hwt Ben ~ P-G<.ndoroon. 0.. Root Jooec>11 Hoc>.ar Jamie MaJek -~Da-M Born. .lefnfer ~ , _ -
Row 1: Jeremy Wurl , Caleb Mbuvi, Lauren McQueen, Aaron Cravens, Kevin Garton. Row 2: Bobby Hart, Brandon Goslin, Michael Gonda, Morgan Lotz, Lonni Fredrickson, Alice Beberman. Row 3: Keegan Bannon, Braden Anderson , Tim Frye, Jordan Lange, Levi Brown, Andrew Manaster, Jamie Mauck, Max Foltz.
Jazz La
Row 1: Chris Rost, Eli Lichtblau , Andrew Whalen, Laura Wilcox, Tanner Heinen, Russell Jones. Row 2: Emma Healy, Palmer Gunderson, LaValle Thomas, Jacob Ramsey, Davis Born. Row 3: Robert Durkee, Abbey Knop, Jordan Fox, Will Weckenhorst.
Row 1 Chelsea McEnt1re, La Shelle Allen, Sherodyn Bolden, Samantha Emery, Adam Hittle. Row 2: Mociej Lotaw1ec, Asilah Patterson, Abrecia Cotton, Rosemary Nash . Row 3: Nate Dickson, Kim Dang, Gabby Ceaser, Allie Erw1n, Alice Bebenman, Amanda Jensen, Mr. Turner. Row 4: Devika Jain, Anthony Williams, Marilyn Wendler, Magg1e Su, Anna Prior, Adwmd Mcghee. Sam Peters, Gabriel Ram1rez.
Treble Choir
Row 2: Kierra Robinson, Courtney Clark, Tara Johnson, Sharon Nabyolola. Row 3: Jordan Hill, Jaime Blackwell, Mr. Dare, Kamey Evans, Haley Johnson.
Row 1: Mr. Dare, Rayman Franks, Blake Allen-Davis S. , Jarvis Young , Matt Dupree, Andrew Valentine.
Advanced Treble Choir
ey , Jessica Treakle, Mollie Vigardt, Sarah ncena Grayson, Jessica Dani, Shleby Hicks, Maegan Winters, Shannon Barkley.
ng am, art, Corbin Dixon, Rob Durkee, Tatsu Shigeta, Marc Wilson.
Adeoye, Mamie Hobbs. Row 3: ls1s Gnffin, Katie Foley, Corbin Dixon, Bnttney Hayes. Row 4: M1chelle Thorson, Jenn Hood, Cullyn Murphy, Bryton Jenkins, Lindsey Perri, Maunne Sterrett.
Row 1: Meagan Winters, Mrs. Decker, Kim Mohrbacher. Row 2: Alex Peek, Kassandra Gower, Bryton Jenkins, Shelby Hicks, Anna Muller, Amy Hanson.
Row 1: Lashandra Wasington, Asilah Patterson, Rosetta Taylor. Row 2: Ermanda Roberts, Jasmine Rhodes, Bree Hamilton. Row 3: Jessica Kelly, Shandra Bighan. Row 4: Alfred Williams, Treven Sims.
African-American Club
Row 1: Isis Griffon, Tiffany Johnson, Barbara Cook, Brittany Hayes. Row 2: Treven Sims, Cherise Denton, Viginia Williams, Megan Jacobs, Christina Harris, Markisha Matton. Row 3: Skyler Pierson, Bryshawn, Hamilton, Jessica Green.
Row 1: Leslie Del Carpio, Jennifer Arreola, Maria Zarco, Alma Guerrero, Elisa Avalos, lsmelda Zarco. Row 2: Marcano Ruiz, Gabriel Ramirez, Anastacio Basilio.
ra a Club
e ans
Row 1 Chnsbna Rad1, Shannon Barkley, Allie Idleman, Katie Adams. Kelsey Ka1ser, Syler F1tzgerrel Row 2 Justin Rond6n. S1ssela Rosenstock-Murav, Penelope Rosenstock-Murav Bobby Hart, Jordan Hos1er, Renee Grum1sh. Samantha Pitard. Row 3: Ellen Plutchak, Gabi Tamass1a. Liam Kelly, Ross Henry, Jacob Dav1s Marc Wilson. Jordan Lange, Anna Muller Row 4. Knstan Blake, Chnsta Mostral, Alex Peek. ls1s Gnffon, Jack Hayes, Samantha Emery, Sara Salmon. Row 5. Shelby Hicks. Rob Durkee, Jenn Hood, Tara Gold1ng, Moille Vigardt, Madd1e Kmght, Steffan1e Bezruki, Tnc1a Wnnkle.
Row 1: Tara Golding, Mollie Vigardt, nie Bezruki, Katie Adams, Isis Griffon. Row 2: Marc Wilson, Tricia Wrinkle, Maurine Sterret, Rob Durkee, Maddie Knight, Christina Radi. Row 3: Jordan Lange, Sara Salmon, Penelope Rosenstock-Murav. Row 4: Anna Muller, Jenn Hood, Samantha Pitard.
Row 1 Shannon Barkley, Sissela Rosenstock-Murav, Uam Kelly, Kelly Kaiser Row 2: Jade Ryckman, Ross Henry, Jacob Dav1s, Bobby Hart, Jordan Hosier, Renee Grum1sh. Row 3: Chnsta Mostral, Alex Peek, Isis Gnffon, Marc Wilson , Jordan Lange.
lnte_act cu
Row 1: Pimrak Kraithong, Chelsea McEntire, Jennifer Elam, Athena Clark, Nasha Hardy, Renee Grumish, Kelsey Kaiser. Row 2: Gehad Taha, Daisy Zhuang, Angela Kim, Dinh Phung, Vi Vi Phung. Row 3: Laura Zick-Bottorff, Ghada Yousef, Selin Kapan. Row 4: ian Sanders-Schneider, Ahmed Abdou, Huy Nguyen.
Speech Tea
Row 1: Alex Peek, Rachel Garrick, Sissela Rosentock-Murav. Row 2: Isis Griffon, Sara Salmon, Emily McCoy. Row 3: Kristian Blake, Phil Weber.
p or
Row 1: Maddie Knight. Row 2: Carne Nelson Row 3: Moll1e Vigardt. Row 4 Tara Goldmg. Row 5: Morgan Lotz. Row 6: Christine Adeoye. Row 7: Ka1tie Burk. Row 8: Jenn Hood.
Rachel &Becca Fundator I was afantastic student until ten, and then my mind began to ander." Grace Paley Rachel &BeccaWander in the right direction. Love, Mom, Dad, and Sara
Andrew, We are so proud of you. From a little boy at St. John's to ayoun~ man at Central, you have aIways shown everyone our true character. God has richly blessed A N our lives with you as our sonl E and brother. N Love, Mom, Dad, D Emma, and Hannah 1
Kassandra Gower
Kassi, We are so proud of you. You've worked hard he past four years and have done well. We know you can do anything you set out to do! Your future is bright! Remember you can always come home for good pizza! Love, Mom, Dad, Preston, Na Na, and Grammie 19
arah Todd Nothing is mpossible if you ust believe. ove, Gma &Gpa Mom, Wookie
Valerie Kenn
Dear Tmy Baby Sister, Congratulations on your graduation from h1gh school. I am very proud of all you have accomplished and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. You're the best l1ttle SISter anyone could ever have and I love you very much! Love from your big sister, Natalie
/alene NicoleWe're so very proud of you! You have enriched your ife with such avariety of activities and interests long the way. We can't wait to see where you'll go ¡rom here. Good luck in all you do! ove, Mom and Dad, Fluffy and Betsy
Ermanda Roberts Ermanda "Pooh bear'; It's hard for me to believe my baby girl is asenior and ill be graduating soon. God blessed me richly to have uch awonderful daughter. I am so very proud of you, nd Nan awould be too. As you prepare to embark on he next chapter of your life, go forth with wisdom nd understanding; keeping God always as the head fyour life. I love you dearly. You are the music of my heart; the melody of my soul! Love you hard, Mommy
Kaleb Ingersoll 1¡
w1th you has been an adventure and we 1ave enJoyed the nde. We are very proud of our accomplishments and the young man ha you have become. It is apleasure being part of your life. We know the sky is the im1t on any goal you set. We can't wait to iee what the future brings you. jood Luck! ..eve, om and Dad
Steffanie Bezruki SissyTruly the light of our lives- from the day you were born you have brought so much laughter and joy. Never has aparent been as proud as I am of my little princess. May God continue to bless ou enter this new exciting journey oward adulthood. Always, Mom and Michael
Congratulations, Ermanda! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Keep your eyes on the prize and whatever you do in life, keep God first. Love ya! Daddy, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Harold, Amber and Andre, Uncle David and Aunt Pam, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Tony, Damien and Jason, Kendall, Uncle Rob and Uncle Eddie (Toby, Leo, Hopper, Elmo, Rainbow, and Tiger)
Kelsey Bannon Kelsey, You have always had asense of style and a lot of class. But you are also incredibly alented, beautiful, intelligent, and caring. The people who end up being part of your life in he future will be the luckiest people in the world! I know we are! Have fun always! Je t'aime-llove you. Mom, Matt, Keeganand Luc
Priscilla Huch
Shannon Claiborne hannon, We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. You have worked ohard and achieved so much. Your determination and good spirit ill take you far. You have brought so much joy to our lives. Congratulationsfollow your dreams. Love,
?rise ,a, We are so proud of you for how far you've come. Keep reaching for your dreams becaJse w now you'll accomplish them! Love, Mom, Connie, Jeff, Phyllis, and Dennis
d, Mom, Ashley,& K.J.
Russell Wetzel Russel., We are so proud of you! There's nothmg quite as amazmg as watching your cross country race nabeautiful day, or seemg you "pour 1t on" the last 100 meters of an 800m track race You have nriched our lives so much.We admire your hard work and dedication in high school, and we ook forward to your future success in college. Adelante, Ramon. ove you lots, Mom and Justin, your older brothers William, Frank, and Ryan.
Lauren Weisbaum Lauren, you have certainlyalways had aknack and skill o"accessorize". We have always been amazed and proud of your willingness o"add on" things inyour life, be aself-starter, and some how alwaysfind our way. We know your future isfull of new people, places, and challenges; and youwill succeed. Feel your joy, keep those who love you close. Be loyal and honest with friends and yourself. he rest is gravy... don't lose that bonnet. Your family loves you very much, Mom, Dad, David, Carla, Bella, and Weezer
Renee Chang non Dear Renee, Where has 18 years gone?! You have grown up to be abeautiful young woman.We are proud of what you have become. There is no limit to what you can achieve! Know that we re always here to support you! Love alwaysl! Mom, Dad, N1ck and Scott
Allie Chouinard Way out on the ocean, far bey11nd th1 even ;eas, Was atiny .1ttle boat, faith was keep1ng her afloat, And atmy little sk1pper mher worn and tattered coat You see the law of the ocean says, "You shall never fa Just use your heart as arudder, fa1th as acompass and a blanket for sa1l. Love, Mom, Jad &Kodiak
E L Ellen, L We are so proud of you! E Love, your family N
amie Mauck
Ashley Beckett
Jngratulations, Jamie! We are so proud of you that you have earned your iploma. Now follow your dreams. Go for the whole thing. Good luck in allege and band. We will be cheering for you. Love, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Kay and Uncle Daryl, Aunt Mary and Uncle Nick, Aunt Carol and Uncle Jeff
Ashley, Just want to send Congrats on your senior year. We know that your college years are going to be great also! Go Maroons and Redbirds! We will miss you when you're gone next year. We love you, Bo, Mom, and Austin
Kelsey Bannon esey. e new the very first day you were born that you were aspecial child. From the very 1nning you were the sweetest and happ1est little girl. Watching you grow from a autifullittle girl to awonderful you woman has been agift that every parent wishes to ave. You are agreat daughter and awonderful person. We know you will have agreat ~ ure and we will be there for you. ad, Amy, Keegan, Sophie, Rory, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Joe, Aunt Jill, Erin, Doug, and
Daniel Robinson Dan1el, It has been aJOY to watch you grow up, and your accomplishments in cademics, music and swimming are impressive! You have what it takes to sueeed: leadership, talent, ambition, hard work, and kindness. We are very proud f you and look forward to your future with eagerness. We will always be there or you, and may your life be filled with happmess and fulfillment. Love, Mom, Dad, Aaron, and Sol
Kevin Kaplan
Luke Petry
Congratulations Kevin! We enjoyed watching #19 on the soccer field. We are proud of you and elook forward to the years ahead! -----------.Your future is filled with unlimited potentia I. Go lllini/Go Mizzou Love, Mother, Father, Kristi, and Kyle
ke What awonderful young man you have become. You have ac mplished much are we are proud of you, but there is so muc ore to come. Your intelligence, sense of humor, integrity, and ndness will serve you well in efuture. Work hard and Iways do your best and you ¡11 go far. You have been a Iessing and ajoy to us and love you very much. and Dad
Carrie Nelson
Emma Henss
oyou who grace the world with our song, your courage, and abig heart. Honor rolling, all fioating, left field, center stage, right on the note! Many thanks for sharing your Central with us. Mom and Dad
ngratulations Emma! are so proud of ur accomplishments and can't wait to see what your future will bring. You are the best! love you, Mom, Dad, Maggie and Jake
Katie, It's hard to believe you are graduating from high school and going to college. You have become a beautiful young lady and we are very proud of your accomplishments. Always believe in yourself and know that you can do great things. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Emily
ackie Alexander
Peter Hackley
ackie, ou have been ajoy to watch grow up into abeautiful young lady. eare so proud of you and all of your accomplishments in high chool- in academics, ports, band, and extra urricular activities. You re amazing. We look orward to your college ears and beyond. elove you. Mom Dad and Blake
r, gratulations! You have matured into awonderful ung man with terrific character. You have brought us nd so many others tremendous joy. New opportunities nd challenges lay ahead, so do your best and remember to have fun. May God bless you and guide you throughout your life. Love, Mom and Dad
Morgan Lotz ear Morganrom St. John through Central e've sure seen you grow and, Choir, Clubs, Softball ello Dolly!, Chicago ou've been to the Peach Bowl, New York, osta Rica t's easy to see you're one busy "chica': 1th help from great staff ou've excelled-that's afact. ow you're going to college omake your impact. he great friends you made here ou'll keep in your heart. ut we want you to know, his is only the start.
Ahmed Abdou Dear Ahmed, Congratulations on your graduation. Wishing you all the happiness and success that should come to someone as special as you. Love, Dad, Mom, Sharif and Amr
ife's yours for the taking our potential unbound. ust remember your roots, nChrist's love always be grounded. ove always- your number 1fans om, Dad, Evan and Toby
Travis Hoyne ravis, We have certainly enjoyed your first 18 years. You have achieved tremendous academic success while enjoying the fine arts and sports. We are extremely proud of all of your accomplishments. Your desire and willingness to excel should help you achieve greatness. Good luck in all of your future endeavors and know that you will always have our support. Love, Mom and Dad
Kurt &Kyle Kibler Kurt and Kyle1am proud of you both. I ish you many blessings as ou get ready for college. I love you! Mom
Kaitie Burk Kaitie, are so proud of you .. .from your wonderful cademic achievements to your sweet spirit and beautiful voice. You will always be ablessing in our lives. Dad, Mom (tearfully) and Michael
Robby Shannon abby, You are #1 with us. You have always been"on the go'; .. .ready to explore new thmg nd to share your heart with others. We are proud of you! ur love always, Mom and Dad
ndrew Johnston have enriched our lives with ur music. We are proud of the nyou have become. life's journey be exciting nd may all your musical
Katie Hart
Elisa M. Avalos
Geeeez lddo, yo10 made 111 We can'! believe 1!'1 your SENIOR year already• II sall flown by so falSI the h~ends games. the par11es and dances what aBLA) Twe have had w11hyou and all of your great firends· Yes, we pu! your baby piC 1n 11 sthe day you learned 10 wal almost on water (m the pool) I but as always was hold ng your hand Please remember, he always w1ll. Today, you have become abeau11ful, hard work1ng and confident young lady We are so very proud of youl ThiS only he beg mng of your successes and achievements mhfe Suy wong. always eep 1ry1ng and ach evmg. and you wm tly l•fe\ cha lenges w11h easel are very speCial now and always I W11h hugs and k1sses always and forever,
Felicidades! You did it! See it was not so bad. Buena suerte en Ia universidad herman ita. uhermano, Jorge Avalos
Love. Mom and Dad
Co Ie Elliott ole,
Step Team Seniors
ongratulations on your accomplishments! It has been rewarding to see you persevere and eep apositive outloo for all you do. We have enjoyed being there for you as you take on new hallenges and continue to learn the valuable lessons life offers. You are aterrificson, brother, ousin and friend' We value being able to support and lead you along life'sway. We love eeing you making the best of thisprecious life we have been given and w1.l contmue to be here for you in the next phases and always! II our love, Mom, Dad, Chris, and
JasmineJreven and Ermanda,
CENTRAL STEP .. Ienjoyed working with you II thisyear. I wish you all he best in your endeavors. Enjoy your college years. Find a"team" and keep stepping ....
Brandon Smith Brandon, eare so proud of your ideals, faith, and ccomplishments. Stay true to your values. You arearemarkable young man.
Mrs. Hamilton
eLove you. Mom, Dad, Morgan, and Collin
Christopher Lehmann Chnstopher, Congratulationslll Who would have thought when you were little, you would grow to be 6'5~ wear size 16 shoes and have anickname, Big Chnsl It has been an amazing four years. We are so very proud of all your accomplishments --- on the court and field and in the classroom. You have abright future ahead of you. May you be inspired by this famous Michael Jordan quote, "Just play... have fun ...and enjoy the game: .. of l1fel Love, Mom, Dad, Courtney, Blake, &Clayton
Ben Donaldson
Conway Bloomer
en, are so diligent &determined, stubborn & sweet (probably from all the C-Dub, ndy that you eat!) These traits will take you far in life. You have always From hoop in' in the drive, othe home boys on the side gamin' rched to 'your own beat' and you never quit when it's something you the 360 to the beats of West. lly want. You make us proud- always! We all know you've become the best. ep on drumming! EARE SO PROUD OF YOU! Let It Be. Love you more, Mom, Ben and Allie
aila Bishop
Nick Kresca Nick ... It has been ajoy (most of the time) to watch you grow from a shy little boy to an independent young man. Your laid back personality and sense of humor have kept our lives from being dull! Now, as you move forward in the game of life, never give up on your dreams, and remember that we love you. No good-byes--just good luck! Mom, Dad, and the family
Ben Peden
ila Bear, uwere ready to leave high school as soon as you got there. Well, the time i here! You did it! We are so proud of you. It has been wonderful watching ublossom into the beautiful yound woman that you are today. You have omen I potential I And there is no doubt that you will be successful in all endeavors. Those around you will be blessed be knowing you. Your heart is big and it grows more everyday. Continue to let God be your light and know at you are for His purpose. Congratulations Baby Girl!! Love, _Mom and Dad
ake Slesinski
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."-- Ghandi
Never lose that smile! Good luck at the University of Illinois!
ake, You have made achange nthe world wth your intelligence, alent and wit. Best of luck as yu continue on with your life. Continue to change the world for the better.
Love you forever, Mom &Dad
Mom, Dad, and Matt
YEARBOOK SENIORS Kevin, Brittany, Renee, Shannon, Lauren W, The Twins (Rachel and Rebecca), Ka-Rhim, and Carrie.
This was agreat year. I enjoyed working with agreat group, especially you seniors. Thank you all for the hard work in yearbook. Mrs. Hamilton
Andrea Fredrick r James, hat a wonderful young man you have becom. God has blessed you with so many gits and talents. You have many xciting and wonderful things ahead of you to look forward to lways trrust in the Lord and He will guide your steps. You are precious gift from God, and you have brought much joy and happiness to our lives. We are very proud of you. Congratulaions!
Congrtularions- We're very proud f you! You have abright future, o put those Chanel's on and make it work! Carry on ...
e love you,
Lots of Love, Mom, Laura, Mario, and Bogie
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Aodou Ahmed 52, 72, 81, 174, 195. 203 AcleSOn Adam '30 Acheson Adam '42 143. 167 Moms Katie 69 p.ooms Kotre 7 36, 39, 52, 71 72, 163, 76. 194 Meoye. Blessrng 38 Meoye Chnstrne 38, 52, 153. 191 196 Ac<SSOn Stanley 52, 139, 143 167 Alexander jocbe 135 exonder, Joe re 52 72, 81 144 175,
84 203 Nord Coach 147 /IJ ord josh 147 •esh Hishom 17 52 72 81 137 147
A en lkeo 139 en La Shelle 188 /IJ en Whrtley S 106 en-Dovrs, Blo e 189 Aoohhos, Ala 52 Avoroz, Chris 146 Anostosro. Coach 167 Anostosro. jomre 13, 19 40, 41, 144, 163. 76 179 Anderson, Antome 1' 8 Arderson, Bethany 35 Anderson. Broden 14, 130, 185, 187 Anderson, Brett 52 72, 80, 131, 185 Anderson, Bnllony 14 Anderson, Chns 185 A derson. Chns 186 Anderson. 1on 131 Anderson, Mrchoel 52. 72, 184, 185 Anderson, Morgan 134. 149 Andre, Chose 130, 142 Annrn, Elisabeth 52 Apy Moll 52 72 77, 178 Aquno Maeve 153 Argue Ia-Fiores, lu•s A 106 Arnefle Shonrquo 161 Arreola. jennrfer 15 Arreola jennifer 118, 193 Ash josmme P 106 Ashford, Jorvrs 107, 130 Avalos. Eltso 72 Avoos Eltso 52, 176, 193, 205 Avoos Mr. 37. 122,205 Ayers Donrelle 72 Ayers Donielle 52, 79 3oglomo, Charles 52, 143 Bo ey. Amons D 118 3o ey. Molydo C 94 Ba •d. Sean 72 Bo rd Sean 52, 81, 147 Baker, Adam 27 143, 173 Bales, Cameron 146 Bel Kyle 142 Bannon, Keegan 38, 137, 184, 187 Bannon, Kelsey 38. 52, 63, 72, 153, 174, 85 '99, 201 Baron Erin 52, 174. 179 llorbee, Drllron l. 118 Barbee, Yokero 94, 161, 182 Barber, Chose 94 Barker, Coach 149 Barkley, Shannon 190. 194, 195 Borown, Marcus 77 Bast o Anoslocro 193 otomo. Mohotom 38 Botomo. N'tchono 38, 52, 72, 81, 175 Bailie, Coach 160 Battle, Taylor 52, 69 163, 177 Bazzeii-Smith, Kofi 52, 72, 167 Beard. Drew 130
Beard, Drew 143 Bebermon, Auce 185, 186. 187, 188 Beck, Libby 36. 53, 72, 133, 149 Becker, Coach 144, 145 Beckett, Ashley 13, 53. 72 176. 201 Behn, Grehn 158 Benekohol. Joe lyn 184 Bene ohol, joclyn 151 Benekohol, Sora 151, 172, 173, 176 Benford. Chontoy 53, 72 Berg-Jacobson, Brendan 29 Berg-Jacobson, Brendan 53 Berns, Alexis 12, 19 107, 151, 176. 179 Bells, Amre 72 Bells, Arnie 53. 149 Bezrukr. Steffonre 28, 33, 39, 53, 72, 176, 194, 199 Bielak, Ryan 185 Biggers, Keith 138. 159 Bighon, Shondro 192 Billimock, john 138 Brllingsley, Corter 34, 36, 40, 41, 53, 81, 159 Brrkey, Olivro 35, 53, 135, 176, 182 Birkey, Sofie 14 Brshop, Coila 53, 72, 206 Brshop, Dwayne 106 Bislriceonu,julio 12, 173, 174, 178 Brilon, Bryon 176 Block, Mrs. 122 Blackwell, Jamie 152, 189 Bloke, Knslon 196 Bloke. Knslon 194 Blanco, Vikki 132, 133, 151, 174 Blonson, Ernyce 27 40. 41 160 Brrssrl, Wyatt 53 Bloomer Conway 53 Bloomer. Conway 71 206 Bootnght, Otis P 118 Boatright, Stephen 14 2 Bockorie, Alpha 94, 146 Bolden, Sherodyn 188 Bolden, Spenser 37 53, 71, 72, 139, 161, 184 186 Bollmger, Kotre 7. 19, 39, 53. 72, 135. 144, 176, 185, 202 Bolton, Claro F 106 Bomo, Tyler M 118 Boporor, James 53 Boporor, Kayle 152 Born, Davis 184, 186. 187 Boyd Cedro 179 Boyter. Hrllory 53 Bradley. Brandon 53 Bradley Joron 143 Bragg. Moll 53 Bragg. Matt 147 Bromfeld, Emrly 184 189 Brandt, Paris 182 184 Broodnck, Coach 134 Brodsky, Alyssa 151, 184 186 Brodsky. Sereno 176, 186 Brooks, justrn 94 Broughton, Shovon 106 Brown, Ceorrro A 118 Brown. Deonle E 118 Brown, Joron 167 Brown, Kellen 7. 36, 53. 72, 153 Brown, Knstrne 53, 72 Brown, levi 184, 187 Brown, Marcus 23, 25, 53 Brown, Maurice 54 Brown, Myho 27 Brown, Myho 160 Brown, Terrel 142 Brown, Tonisho S 94 Brown, Travis 188 Brown, Voushown 54 184 Brumfield, Britney 54. 72 Bruno, Annre 151
Bruno, Annie 176, 179 Brunson, Andy 54, 81, 145 Brunson, Riley 34, 130, 145 Bryant, Joylen J 118 Bryant, lodorius 118 Buck, Sarah 176, 184, 186 Buerkett, Korlee 134 135 Bugbee, Bnonno 133 Bugbee, Cossre 132, 176. 178. 185. 186 Bullomore. Dean 106 Burge, Choleoh 162 Burk, Kortre 54, 63, 72, 80, 176, 196, 204 Burk, Mrchoel 100 Bur s, Donyole 118 Burnell, Roy 100, 142 Burney. lamar '00 Burien, Kika 39, 54. 176 Burtley, Kohr1oh 100, 176 Burton. Courtney 100 Burton, Courtney 161 Burton, Tyler 7. 54 Burton-Smrth, Alyssa 100 Burton-Smrth, Dean M 106 Bush, Brock 54 Bush, len 54 Bush.Jessico 100, 132 Butler, Mrs. 122 Butler, T1e!-Jelonr K. 106 Butler-Coleman, Ty 106 Butts, Isaiah 130, 142 Corn, Andrew 6 Corn, lsoroh 88
Calcagno, Ca-therine 139 Cambell, Deonte 138 Campbell, Emrly 100, 176 Campbell, Johnre 106, 142, 158 Campbell, Shornece 88 Campbell, Tiero 54 Cono, Yesenro 100 Caple, Cameron 54 Cordone, Oscar 88, 106. 147 Carmichael, Hannah 88 Cormrchoel, Taylor 100, 145, 175, 178 Cormicheol, Andrea 9, 133 Carpio, leslie Del 14, 112, 193 Corson, Nichole 54, 186 Corter, Aenyono J 106 Corter, James 143 Corter, James 94 Corter, Marcus 88, 130 Corter Rashed 54 Corter. Shobrio l. 118 Corter, Torroh 100, 118 Carver, Kyle 118. 14 2 Cosely, Fred 30 Cosh, Aliceson 100 Coston. Monsso 106 Coston. Mrchelle 100 Coston, Mikel J 94 Ceaser, Felicia 54 Ceaser, Gobnelle 100, 188 Ceperley, liz 133 Cgrislmon, Diego R. 94 Chancellor, Erica l. 94 Chongnon, Mr. 122 Chongnon, Renee 39, 54, 71, 72, 172, 173,200 Chapman. Scot 88, 138, 143, 147 Cheek, jozmine 139 Chen, jion Yun 100, 118 Chen, Jronfer 100, 118 Chen, Tanya 12 Chen, Tanya 88, 151, 173, 174, 177 Chen, Tom 67, 72, 80, 137, 176, 178 Chisholm, Nathan 13 Chisholm, Nathan 14, 35, 100, 147, 158 Choo,Jone 144. 176, 177. 185 Chao, Sarah 14 Chournord. Allie 19, 24, 54, 72, 144 174,
185,200 Chrismon, Matthew 167 Chung, Ann 88. 173. 174, 177, 179 Claiborne. Krerro 8 Claiborne. Shannon 17, 36, 54, 71, 72. 80, 172. '73, 182, 200 Clark, Albert 88, 143 Clark, Athena 184 '95 Clark, Cory 88. 167 Clark, Courtney 100, 189 Clark, Dequoun 100, 118 Clark, joshua 8 8. 13 8 Clark, Melissa 100 Clark, Octxovrer 142 167 Clark, Taylor 8, 138, 139 Clark, Teresa 88 Closberry, lsoroh 37 100. 130, 142, 158, 159 Clegg. bz 133 Clemons. lyndell 142 Clemons. lyndell 167 Clewley Mrchoet 17, 88, 130, '45 Coburn. Jomre 54 Cogdrll, Bnttney 112 Cogdill, Samantha 112 Cole, Hayley 88, 176 Coleman. jeremy 100, 130 Collrns. Cole 112 Collrns, Cole 112 Collrns, Mrs 122 Connell, Mrchoelo 24 Connell, Mrchoelo 54, 72 Cook, Jamal 100, 118 Cook, Jomorio 118 Cook. lotresho S 118 Cook, Ms 122, 193 Cooks, Michelle 100 Cooper, Kerseon 118 Cooper, Trero K. 94 Cornell, Kortlyn 112 184 186 Cory. Sean 88, 130 Collrngham,lue 112,119158.184190 Collrnghom, Mrcoh 54 Colton, Abbey 100 Cotton, Abrecro 88. 182. 186, 188, 191 Cotton, AJ 134 Cox. Andrew 8, 131 Crabb, Sierra 88 Croft, Rrchord 112, 142, 158 Crorg, William 54 Cravens. Aaron 112, 174 185, 186, 187 Cravens. Kelsey 39, 100, 134, 182, 186 Crismon, Matthew 142 Crismon, Mollhew 112 Crismon, Michael 88, 143, 175 Cronenberg. Alice 29, 54 191 Crow. Robbie 88, 137 Crowley, lokersho 118 Crump. Jorett 8 Crump. Mollhew 100 Cudney, Mortrn 100 Culver, Zander 88, 143, 159 Cunnrnghom, Kexis J 118 Currey, Mr. 185 Curtrs. Rebecca 13, 100 Cutler, Kenneth 100 Dolton, Ms 122 Dong. Kim 54, 188 DAng, Mtt-0 79 Donr, jessrco 100, 151, 190 Donrels, jacob 54 Dare. Mr. 9, 122, 189, 191 Davenport, Deondre 88 Davis, Ashley 94 Davis. Coach 137 159 Dovrs. Geroine K 118 Do vis, lvee 8 8 Dovrs, jacob 100, 194 195 Davis, loshenno l. 118
Dovs, Marcus 88 '75 Do $ Morgan 112 149 DaVIS, Mr 122 Dov•S Stephen 131 Dov•son, Shannon 54, 72 Day. Coach 151 Deal, Ellen 15 Deal Ellen 55 72 153 Deal, Mr 178 DeCorp•o. lesLe 15 Dec er, Mrs 122 192 DemaSSie Sarah 55 Demtlh Spenser 100 Denton, Chense 88. 193 Deschler, Tommy 137 Dessen, Emrty 112 184, 186 Dessen Ju aon 88 167, 184 Dey, Ahson 112 183 Daol. Machoel W 118 Dac er$On olao 55 Dac erson, n$lon 88, 176. 179 Dac $On, ole 94 175, 188 D•ep, Don tel 100 Daggums. To 79 Dalen, Taylor 43 88, 137, 176. 185 D xon, Cindy 77 Dtxon, Corbtn 29 30, 31 39, 55, 66, 72, 77. 190, 191 Do y, Hel a 203 Donodson, Ben 27. 55,72 185, 186 188 206 Donnelly. olte 16. 19, 26, 40, 41,44 100, 152, 172 176, 179 Dorsetl, Trevor 26, 101, 142 Dorsey, Bnonno 88 Dorsey, Jared Ron er 94 Doughty, Jessica 55 Downey, Taylor 34, 36. 55, 138. 143. 173 Doyle James 112 184 186 Dro e, Derrc 112 Drennon, Shone 55 Du, Deteuner 123 Duenas, id•o 112 Dung. N•no 14 112 Dunn. Keyonno 118, 160 Dunnum, oca 112, 184, 186 D~pree Mo 188 189 Durant, Renee 101 IB4 186 Duree, Ben1omrn 112, 175 Dur ee Rob 31, 33, 55, 176 184 186. 187 190 194 Dwyer, Vac y 7. 55, 72 Early. Mrs
76, 122
Eo on. Eff•e 55, 72. 167 ~ Eaton, Molly 89 Eckste•n. Dovrd 45 Edwards. Donrel 89 Edward$, Donu$ 55 72 Edwards. Donrsho 89 Edward$, •cholos 112 Edward$, Shok•o 106 Eernon, BenneM 16 E er"1onn, Benne 112 Ersele, Anno 15, 17, 163 E sele, Kotl'o 89 E zrnger, uri 89 173 Elom, jenn fer '95 Elom, Jenn er 89 Elom, Jenny 16 Eltzobeth. Am•e 78 E on. Co e 55 66 72. 78, 205 Elsworth Emay 112, 184 186 Ellsworth, Evon 89 167 Elsworth, Hannah M. 94 Emery Dontro•l 118 Emery H~ron 55 Emery. Samantha 112, 151, 188, 194 Em es,locey 13, 55, 72 Epps, Mo ylo Renee 118
Erickson, Amy 89 189 Erickson, Dov•d 101, 142 Erv.n,jonothon 101, 130, 185 Erwm Al.son 101, 188 Espono. Forhno 94, 147 Estes. Coach 15 8 Ethendge, Bree 101 149 Evans Joshonno 101 Evans. Jozm•nno 89 Evans. jess•co 19, 55, 72, 81, 176, 182 Evans, Karney 112, 189 Eveland oro 7. 55, 72 Exum, jerry 55. 159 Exum, Monoh 106 Exum. acky 112 Fob•on. Tyler 101 Foufftn, Shelby 89, 184, 186 Fear$, Heather 139 Feely, Clo~re 35, 112, 161, 179 Feder, MoM 138, 139 Ferrolter, Mr. 122 Ftgures. Mono 112 Fale. Anel 112, 162 Fin be.ner, Samantha 72 Finkbe.ner, Samantha 55, 176 F1n be.ner, Tyler 27. 101, 130, 143, 167 Fin e. Brett 89, 145 Finley. Ken on 101 Finley. Terrance 106 Fiscus, lauren 15, 17. 89, 139, 172, 173. 176 Fisher, Coach 167 Finan, Jennifer 139 F•Mon, Rachel 112, 152, 160 Fitzgerald. Cameron 112, 146, 158 Fitzgerrel. Skyler 112, 175. 189, 194 Fletcher, Joe son 89 Fletcher, Mrs 122 Flynn, B•lly 30. 31 Foley. Jenne 8 Foley, ot•e 39, 89, 134. 191 Fa!., Connor 112, 184 186 Foltz, Amy 139 Foltz, Max 175, 186, 187 Foltz, Thomas 89, 184 Fond•o. Devonte E. 106 Fond•o. Raven 112 Forman, Abreo L 118 Forrest, Alex 9 Forrest, Sydney 89, 163 Fox Jordon 89, 138, 184 187 Fox,Koylo 112,183 Fraizer, Cone•sho 27 Froncoas, 106 Fran s, Rayman 89, 175, 189 Franks, William 118 Frozaer, Amber 24, 55 Froz•er, Cone!Sho 20, 24, 89 Fredenck, Alyssa 101 Fredenck, Andrea 15, 55, 81, 135, 176, 207 Frednc son. Andrea 72 Frednc son, lonna 101, 144 185, 186, 187 Freeland. Hamson 101, 130, 142 Freemon, Ben 40, 41, 55, 71, 131 Freemon, Dylan 101, 112 Freemon, Jomel 176, 184 Freemon, Jomel E 94 Freemon, Porshio 118, 176 Fresh, Doug•e 76 Freyman, Mr 217 Fr•edl, Don•elle 89 Frye T•mothy 101, 184, 187 Fundotor, Rachel 55, 149, 172, 173 Fundotor, Rebecca 6, 38, 55, 73, 149, 173, 198 Furtney, Erin 113, 152
Gaona, ltzel 101 Garbe-Tonner, Mrs 122 Garcia, R•cordo 55, 73. 81 Gornc , Rachel 89 176, 178. 196 Gorton, Kev.n 89, 185. 186, 187 Goy. Ke•llyn 56, 73, 79 Gel e. Er•n 89, 182 Gelke, Ethan 113 Gevoro, Anabel 106 G•ommono. Anthony 101 G•ommono. Tony 130, 142 143 Ga enson, Aryn 89, 167 173 G•ff. Ashley 113 Gall, R•c eo 101 G•ffesp•e. Alec 40. 41, 45, 56,73, 131 Galliom, Domeko 101, 118 Gaff•om, M1o 12. 35, 101, 133 Galmore, Corey 56 Goldmg. Taro 7. 19 28. 29, 30, 31, 36, 56. 66,73, 176,194 196 Golmeevo, Nelli 113, 151 Gomez, Abdul Koder-Adomu 146 Gomez, Adolberto 113, 146 Gonda, M•choel 89 174 178, 179, 185, 186. 187 Gonzorez, Chelsea 40. 41 101, 162, 176. 178, 183 Good. Coach 152, 153 Good. Taylor 101, 152 Goodpaster, lance 89, 184 Gosltn, Brandon 113, 184 187 Gower, KO$$Ondro 56, 174 192, 198 Grantham, Melorene 56 Gray. Am•e 101 Gray, Gu•ntono 20, 76. 101 Gray, Ryan 35 Gray, Stephonae 101 Gray, Taro 139 Grayson, Sonceno 113, 190 Greco, Amanda 35, 89, 133 Greear, Teo~ro 101 Green, Dorrie 94 Green, Jes$•Co 118. 193 Greenberg. Aubry 131 Greene, Andrew 89 Greer, Kenyotto l 118 Grey, Ryan 89, 138, 143. 159 Gnbble, Codie 113 Gnce, Johnothon 89 Grider, N•c 131 Gnfftn, ls•s 31, 101, 163. 182, 183, 191, 193, 194, 195. 196 Gngg$, Sheoree 89 Grum•sh, Renee 26, 113, 176. 179, 194, 195 Guerra, B•onco 113, 186 Guerrero, Alma 89, 132. 176. 193 Guilore, Amber 113 Gunderson, Palmer 89, 185, 186, 187 Gut•errez, Rosa 56 Ho, Dung 89 Ho, Yo 178 Hockley, Peter 14 56, 138, 178, 203 Hoc man, Mrs 122 Hogle, Will 40 Hogle. Wrff 41, 89, 146, 176. 178 Ho•le, Jenn,fer 13, 19 35, 101, 144 163. 176, 179, 182
~ Ho en,OI,ver 101 Halama. Cecile 101 Hoff, Dylan 113, 142 Hall, Ryan 90, 142 Hallet, landsey 137 Hollett, Will•om 101 Halpern, Sarah 56, 73 Homahon, Bree 14 192 Homalton, Bnshoun 113 Homalton, Darius 113, 158 Hamilton, Mr$. 172. 205, 207
Hommel. Kyle 113. 158 Hampton, Oke•mo 101, 161 Hampton-Thomas. S~r Robert D '18 Hansen, Amy 38, 56, 73 Hansen, Ricky 38. 90, 137 Hanson, Amy 192 Hanson. Shelby 113 Harden, Tern 90, 182 186 Hardy. Doryo 113 Hardy. Desha 162 Hardy. Nosho 195 Harper, Toshoee 90 Horns Angelo 10', 118 Horns, Brooke 101 Horns. Christina 193 Horns. Coach 167 Horns Frau 175 Horns, Jonathon 102, 184 Harris, Keslie N 106 Horns. Shelv•o 102 Horns, Suave 56 Harris, Tysho lavon 118 Hart, Bobby 6, 28, 29, 39, 90, 130, 185, 186. 187, 190, 194, 195 Hart, Chelsea 102, 185, 186 Hart, Holly 39 102, 178, 186 Hart, Ko•tlyn 56, 73, 205 Hart, Roxae 30 Hortman, laurel 113. 152, 160 Hasson, Javed 102, 138. 179, 184 185 186 Hawthorne, Adam 90, 185, 186 Hoyden, Sora 26, 113, 162, 176 179 Hayes BriMney 56, 191, 193 Hayes, Demone 25, 56, 73 Hayes, Jock 194 Hayes, John 113 Healy, Emma 38, 113, 184, 186, 187 Healy. Mauro 30, 38, 56, 73. 76. 185. 186 Hecker, Joseph 111, 113, 184, 186 Hecker, Mered•th 90, 184 Hedrac , Guontrel 35, 56 He1nen, Tonner 113, 184, 186, 187 Helpern, Sarah 183 Hen•ngmon, Mr 77 Henneman, M•choel 90 Henry, Maureen 30. 133 Henry, Ross 102, 194, 195 Henss. Emma 39, 56, 73. 153, 202 Hepler. Abigo•l 102 Hermsdorl, Kendall 8. 9 Herrero. Marco 56 Herrero-Alverez, Chnstion 90 Hess. Coach 37, 122, 138, 158 Hester, Delo•ne 113 Hicks. Andrew 33 Hicks. ]e$ho 90 HiCks. Shelby 36. 113, 190, 192, 194 High. Sarah 14, 113, 186. 190 Hildreth, Jes$iCo 102, 162 Hile$, Morgan 26. 102, 134 163, 176 H,ll, Amol A 118 Hill, Chrt$lopher 90, 130. 142 Hill, Jordon 113, 160, 189 Hill. Jo$huo 102 Hill. Stephon•e 90 Hilson Corey 94 Hilson, Corey 16 Hiner, Brilney 8 H.n!e,Adom 113,130.142,188 Hl,n o. Sora 19, 39, 90, 149, 172. '73 Him o. Thomas 35, 38, 113, 142 Ho. Emily 12, 90, 134, 151, 175, 185 Hobb$, Momae 18,94 149, 191 Holding. Neil 34, 102, 138 Holl•s. Coach 142 Holloway. RodriCk 113 Holmer,Joey 102, 130, 142, 143, 158 Hood, Com•sho 102
jenmfer 29, 30, 56, 73. 183, 185,
'86. 191, 194, 196 Hood. Joe 90, 137. 173 o1oo er, Nicholas 113, 142 Hopk1ns, Abigail F 118 Hop 1ns. lame R 118 Hopk,ns, Mr 122 Horne, 8enjomm 56 Horton-Young, Dominque 113 ~orion-Young, Shonell 90 1os,er,]ordon 113, 194, 195 ~ou.Dav1d 15,113,177178,179 ~oword. Antonie 143 >ioword, Ellisio 56. 73, 77. 163 1oward, julie 90, 174 ..Joword, loshounno 102 Howard. NoShounno 174 >Joword, Ryeesho S 118 Hoyne, Consso 16, 90, 94, 134. 135, 144, '45, 176. 185 Hoyne, Travis 56, 73, 80, 145, 185, 204 Hoyt, joshua 56 Huang, Mr 122 Huber, Allie 90, 176 Huch, Priscilla 15, 56, 66, 73, 183, 200 Hudspeth, Kellh M 94 Hughes, Andrew 19, 56, 73, 185, 186 Hughes. Emily 113 Hunter, Breeonmer Suzanne 118 Hunter. ]a milo R 118 Hunter, Ricco J. 118 Hunter. Robert 94 Huynh, Ngon 90 Hyndman, Addison 114 lover, Rachel 175 Idleman, Allie 17. 90, 179, 183, 194 kenberry, Kathryn 13 2 enberry, Kathryn 102, 144, 174, 185, 186 Ingersoll, Koleb 199 ~ Ingersoll, Koleb 57. 73, 145, 167 lnsbp, April 13, 114 lrvm, John 130 lsobelli, Ms. 122 Ivy Ouonesho 20, 23, 24, 25, 57. 73, 76 Ivy, Shante 8 jober, Mohammad 114, 177. 178, 179 jochson-Mockobee, Dez1o S. 118 jackson, Britony 57. 73 jackson, Chorddonnoy 114 jackson, Collene 90, 153, 161 Jackson, Kyro 27. 40, 41, 114, 152 jackson, Seth 14 3 jackson, Seth 90 Jacobs, Coach 21, 122, 143 jacobs, Hannah 12, 26, 90, 152, 153 jacobs, Megan 57. 73, 193
jacobson, jessica 13 ]o1n, Deviko 90, 177. 188 joke, Treshoun M 118 Jokobsson, jessica 114, 160 James, Nokyro 114. 161 Jarboe, jom1e L. 94 Joy Olivia 15, 23, 57; 73, 163 Jefferson, Coach 143 Jenkins, Bryton 102, 191, 192 jenkins, justin 90 Jenkins, Savannah 114 Jensen, Amanda 102, 132, 188 Johnson, Abby 90, 163 Johnson, Alexsis 16, 36, 40, 41, 57. 67. 71, 73, 80, 81, 133, 173, 176, 183 Johnson, Brilney 40, 41 Johnson, Coach 138, 139 Johnson, Cantrell 106 Johnson, Darling 57 Johnson, Hayley 114, 183, 189 Johnson, James 90 Johnson, James 106
johnson, Jordon 35, 40, 41, 90. 130, 143, 183 Johnson, Joshua 90 Johnson, Konisho 114 Johnson, Lamont 57 Johnson, Mr 122 johnson, Nykesho T 118 johnson, Saundra 94, 102 Johnson, Shan ieee 102 Johnson, Stephon1e 19, 36, 57. 73 Johnson, Toro 102, 189 johnson, Toryn 102 johnson, Tedreontoe 106 johnson, Tiffany 193 Johnson. Timm1e 90 Johnson, Trevoy M. 94 johnson-McKnuckles. Taro Arno 106 johnston, Andrew 57. 185, 204 jones, Coach 162, 163 Jones, Kirsten 139 Jones, Peggy 139 jones, Roymone 90, 176 Jones, Russell 90, 138, 146, 184, 187 Jones, Terrion 114 Jones, Verdell 57. 159 Jordon, Koylo 20, 57 Koffel, Ms. 123 Kaiser, Kelsey 114, 152, 194, 195 Kolembo, Tonnd 94 Kolombo, Chorly 90 Kopon, Selin 14, 57. 73, 77. 195 Kaplan, Kevin 45, 57. 73, 137. 147. 172, 173, 202 Kaplan, Kyle 186 Koran, Sun1to 57. 73, 80, 133, 174 Kotsinos, james 131
Kelly,]essico 102, 192 Kelly, Liom 194, 195 Kelly, Tina 114 Kelly, Velma 30 Kelly, William 102 Kempe,]ennifer 102, 134, 185, 186 Kemper, Esther 114, 152, 174, 176 Kendall-Dick, Barren 102, 138, 146 Kenney, Bnon 102, 185 Kenny, Valerie 13, 57; 73, 151, 199 Kesler, Steven 36, 57. 138 Khondn, Rosa 7 Kibler, Kurt 23, 57, 138, 143 Kibler, Kyle 57. 138, 143. 204 Kim, Angelo 175, 178, 195 Kim, Christy 90, 177 Kim, Jennifer 91, 174, 177 Kim, Ko-Rhim 17. 57. 73, 144, 172, 174, 177. 185 Kim, Kyung-hee 132 Kim, So-lm 102 Kim, Se ]in 114 Kim, Sooyeon 91, 177 Kincheloe, joseph 102, 186 Kincheloe, Potnck 102, 184, 186 Kindt, James 57. 207 King, Deanna 91 King, Seontez 102 Kinsel, Rachel 57 Kirby, Chelsea 102 Kirby, Tony 33 Kirk, Erin 114, 175 Kirkwood, Mychorroe 91 Kle1n, Brett 114, 158 Klimek, Oliver 57 Knopp, David 114, 146 Knight, Drew 38 Knight, Maddie 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 57. 73, 174, 191, 194, 196 Knop, Abbey 91, 185, 186, 187 Koster, Sylbi 139 Koster, Sylb1 139 Koziorz, Patrick B 106
Koz1orz, Zachary 114 Kpor, Webster 57 Krollhong, Pimrok 91, 195 Kromer, Annie 31 Kroybill, Brandon 58, 73 Krein, Daniel 114 Kresco, Nick 58. 73, 131, 206 Krows, Mr. 123 Kuppler, Mrs. 123 Kuppler, Peter 102 Kurthy, Peter 147 Kurthy. Peter 91 Kyrouoc, Doug 22, 102. 131, 143 Kyrouoc. Kelly 15, 18. 36, 40,41 58, 73, 80, 135. 151 153. 161 176 Locine. Mary 102, 149 ~ Locine, Mike 34, 94, 173 Lacosse, Coach 130 La Dew, jessica 8 LaJorO, Chelsea 114, 184, 186 Lomonske, Kaley 58 Lon, Tina 9 Landess, Justine 94 Longe, Jordon 29, 33, 91, 179, 185, 186, 187. 194. 195 Lanser, Brandon 175 Larkin, Demario 118, 130. 142, 158 Lorry, Quentin 102 larsen, Brandon 91, 175 Larue, Dante 114 Lotow1ec, Maciel 94 Lover, Rachel 114 Lawrence, Shokeydo 114 Le, Ho Sarah 114 Lee, Clarence 114, 176, 184 Lee, Delores 106 Lee, Derek 45 lee, Keng-Ho 137 Lee, Oleshio 37 Lee, Phillip 103, 137. 184, 186 Lee, Robin 30, 31, 33 Lee, Samuel 103, 178, 179, 184 Lee, Seonghyun 114 lee, Teyho 118 Leemon, Derek 131 Leemon, Devin 114 Lehmann, Chris 18, 20, 34, 36, 39, 44, 58, 73, 76, 79, 81, 131, 159, 173, 183, 205 Lehmann, Courtney 34, 91, 149, 185 Lemons e, Kaley 73 Lemons, Ronald 103 Lerch, jacob R 106 Lessoris, John 103, 130, 142 143, 158 Lessoris, Steve 38, 58, 138, 143 Leturgey, Zoe 143 Leturgey, Zoe 91 Lewis, Denise 91, 106 Lewis, Harley 94 Lewis, Justina 114 Lewis, Lawrence 114 Lewis, Paul 91 Lichtblou, Eli 103 184, 187 Lickly-Honley, Brandon 114 Like, Aundriono 58 Like, Poncho 114, 158 Like, Presio 158 Lin, Kengho 184 Lindemann, Coach 161 Lindemann, Rachel 36. 40, 41, 103, 176. 179 Liss, Eli 114, 175 Little, Allen 103, 142, 176 livmgston, joseph 94, 103 Lockman, Mary 91, 149, 176, 179, 182, 183 london, lauren 25 Long, Christopher 114, 176 Long, Timothy 91 lopez, Noyelli 132
Lopez, Noyelli 58, 133 lore, Alexander 103 Lotow,ec, Mooe1 188 lotz, Evon 14, 44, 103, 138. 146. 176, 185 lotz, Morgan 7. 19 39 58, 73, 135, 186. 187. 196, 203 Lovett. Joylen 12, 103, 152, 178 lowery. Alexandra 91 Lox-Folsom, Charlotte 103 lox-Folsom, jeremy 91 lubogo, Astrio 103 luesse. Aubne 44. 103. '35, 149 lu emon, Coach 137 Lummgu. Ro1sso 114 Luna. Arturo 103 Luna. Coach 142, 143 luna. Sergio 103 Lunsford, Ms 123 Ly. Khonh 103 Lyons. Trent 145, 184 Lyons, Tyyron M 94 Lypko, Ms. 123 Macek, John 145 Maggio, August 115 Mo1n, Ms. 123 Mo1or. Drum 78 Moloney Sarah 15, 103 132 Manard. Alex 38. 115, 142. 167 Manard. All1son 38, 58, 73, 77. 81, 149 Monaster, Andrew 91, 175, 184 187 Mann. Mortrel 94 Mar hom, Joylon 118 Mormol, Carlos 45 Marquardt, Kollm 103, 130 Marshall. Ash1o 58 Martens, Raina 115, 179 Marlin, Bryson 115, 142 Mort1n, Emily 58 Martin, Jenne 115, 152 Morl1ndole, More 14, 103, 146 Mason, Shonole 103, 161, 182 Mason, Sherioh 91 161 182 Mota, Armando 103 Mote. Sam 103, 167 Mote1owsky, Corey 115, 146 Motejowsky. Jordon 58 Mouck,jom'e 58, 73, 185, 186, 187.201 Maxey, Stephen 91 Mayeda, Coach 145 Mayfield, Trese 118 Maynor, Shenequ1a 103 Mazzocco, Patrick 17. 91, 94, 138, 173 Mbuv1, Abby 38, 58, 184. 186 Mbuvi, Caleb 38, 103. 130. 185, 187 McBnde, Brody 115 McClellan, Bodey 12, 15, 103, 172 McCombs, Coach 142, 143 McCoy, Emily 58, 196 McCulley, Riley 103, 138 McDaniel, Jozmin 118 McDermott, Andrew 91, 186 McDonald. justin 103 McDonald. Notosho 91 McDonald, Sora 30 McDowell, Courtney 103 McEntire. Ashley 15 McEntire. Ashley 39, 58, 73 McEnt1re, Chelsea 91, 174, 177. 188, 195 McFall, Ryan 58 McFarland. Alan 115 McFarland, Elker 91 McFarland, Theodore 103 McGee. Seqouya 58 McGhee, Edward 91, 143, 158, 159, 184 McGhee, Edwind 103, 142, 143, 188 McGill, Colin 91 138 Mcintyre, Andrea 58, 73 McKinley Mrs. 123 McMahon, Brooke 8
221 ....
McMurray Abgo,l 58 81. 138 139 McNabb Stewart 103 McOueen Lou·e~ 58 73 '84 186 187 McWo ooms Lovonte '18 Meadows, Tyler 58 Meads Anthony 118 Medlyn jeremooh 115 175 186 Me,ssen Coach 132 Me,ssen Coach 133 Melchor Hector 115 146 Mendenhall Vanessa 103 Mendez Froncosco 146 Mendez, Koylo 81 Mercer Teresa 73 Messooh A1sho 176 Messooh, Aosho 115 Metcalfe, jesse 161 Meyer Clayton 58 Meyers Mar 130 Moddleton, josh 44 59 73 143, 167 Moles, john 138 Moles, Lauro 91 184 186 Moles, Mochoel 59, 1 30. 142 Moles ob 39 59, 73 Moiler, Alonzo 167 Moiler, Colvon 118 Moiler, Moller Moiler, Moler Moiler, Moiler, Moiler,
Clonton 1 3 14 103, 130. 147 Gerold 106, 158 Heather 115 onisho 106 Lowondo 94 Mortez 92 odngo 137
Perro Londsey 92 191 1 Peters Cootlon 13 92 51 Peters Mochoe 7. 59 74 145 Peters Samuel 92 175 '85 188 Peters, Tolberne o 118 Petry, Lu e 36 59 138 178 202
Myers More 142 Myers. More 104 Myers, M e 130 obyololo Sharon 115 189 Nosh, Rosemary 59 73 179 '88 Neol Broxton 115 eol Brottony 92 elson, Corne 19 Nelson, Corne 7. 28, 59 63 73, 135, '72,
173, 174, 191, 196. 202 118 ewmon, Andrew 23, 25, 36. 59 73, 143, 147. 153, 163, 173 Newman, Emma 34 115 119 149 Nelson, Pencoo
Newnam, Corter 92 Ngo, Ant ony 104 Nguyen, Huy 34, 115, 158. 195 Nguyen, hoo 34 59 guyen. Tony 115 1x Coach 143. 158 159 IX Shozoo 59, 73 orwood. T1erro 92, 162
O'Bonnon Sotereon 20, 25, 59 73 77 O'Byrne. Kolle 15, 36, 59 73, 81, 163 O'Connor, Mogg e 149 Oberg, Mrs. 147 Odom, Sho eloh 92 Odom, Stephanie 104
16, 19 26, 36, 40, 41,44 103, 172, 176 Mon ,Mr 18 Mon, Mr. 26 Mo~ omons, Andrea 15, 18,92 135 153 176, 185 Mos omons, Ashley 135 Motchell, Andrea 104 M1tchem Ty 115
Ohrnsleon Brollony 59, 73 77 Oleo. Geovono 104 Oleo, Humberlo 94, 146 Olover-Thomos, Donald 115 Osborne, Cornel,o 115, 177 Osler-Devos, Mrs 123 Overmyer, jennifer 92, 134 Oyler, Micah 116
Motsuhosh•Acs, Aose' 1' 5 Mkwezelombo, Sungo 59 143 Moe. Ellen 13 Moe Ellen 115, 152, 160 Moe, ye 8 Moe Sarah 92, 133 144 Moffott, Anthony 38, 39 59 143 Moffo . jernn 38, 115 142, 1 67 Mohrbocher, Kom 59 73, 78, 192 Monsess, Sveo 7. 8 Montes-Lucas, Helomon 115, 146 Montgomery, Aaron 92 159 Montgomery, Andrea 104 161 Montgomery Morenyo 115 Moon, Raven 158
Pace, Regg1e 22. 59, 138, 143 Poe , Samuel 116 Paone, Corly 104 134, 152, 176 179 Poley Groce 198 Palmer, olfiCe 59
Molls, ory 1 34
Moon Somuel 115. 177. 178 179, 184 Moore, Alexander 92, 131 Moore jomono 92 Moore, Michael 106 Moore, Mokeonesho 115 Moore, Mr 191 Moore, Stephonoe 115 Moore, Tyson 115, 142 Moore Wolloe 104. 191 Morgan, Brandon 1' 5 Mornssey Tomothy 115 Morrow, Matthew 11 5 158 Mostrol, Chr·sto 104, 194, 1 95 Mo on, Mar osha 59 94 193 Mowry, Kimberly 92, 135, 185, 186 Muhorremo, Ho red1n 115 Mullady, lnd1o 8, 9 Mu ler, Anno 92, 184 192, 194 Munroe, Mrs 123 Munroe, Tore o 135. 139 Murphy Coach 163 Murphy, Cullyn 118, 158, 190, 191 Murphy, Deodre 115, 184, 186
Murphy. Kevon 131 Musuruono Morton 35 Musur~ono Morton 92 147 174
Poppos, Coach 152, 153 Paris, Andrew 116 Par er, Cond,ce 25 Portee, joe 104 Portee, Shoronico 1 16, 1 89 Porter, Joe 188 Polo y. Ann 6, 133 Polo y, Mar 92, 131 147 Patel, RoVJ 116 Patel, Somor 6 Potrock, Tyler 116 Pollerson. Asoloh 116, 183, 188. 192 Pollerson, Ina 92 Pollan, Holly 73 Paul, Alan 116 Pavlov, S1meon 138, 139 Payne, Austin 104 167 Payton, Holly 15, 59, 184 186 Peacock, Ashleigh 20, 24 27. 59, 73 Peden, Ben1omon 26,59 74 145, 185, 206 Peden, Mrs 123 Pee . Alexa
36, 104, 179, 192, 194 195
196 Peeples. joren 106, 14 2 Pelmore, Alex 43, 118, 152, 184 Pelmore, Christopher 104 142 Pendzde , joe 39, 59 Penlocoff, Tomaro 116, 179 Penwell, Brollony 26, 40. 41, 59, 74, 151,
172. 173 Perc es, jesus 104. 146 Peralta, Omor 92, 118 Perez, Nico 29, 30
Pettos, Doytreon 118 Phon, Goou Donf. 94 Phot, Gran 188
Robonson. Do~oel 60 /4 80 '8 Robonson, oerro 104 16' '89 Rocf. ford Evon 93 143 Roc ell, f:thon 93 184 186 Rodeffer, Coach 131 Rodgers, Po~l 104 Rodnguez Joclyn 118 Rodnguez jose 93 Rodnguez Voc 0or 104
Pholopp. Matthew 116 184 P ollop, Moe ey 158 Phollops Gordon 35 Phollops, Gordon 92, 142 167 Phollops, Ms 123
Roesch Mel sso 104 152 Rogers JOC ndo 116 Rogers, Raul I JO Rohn, Coach 138, 1 39 Rondon, juslln 40 41 11 6, 119 194
Pholops, Noc 7 8, 138 Phung. B1nh 104 Phung, Dinh 195 Phung, V1vo 116, 195
Rondon. Monoco 17 26 40 41 104 3 Roney, Sophoe 15 17 18 93 13J 15
Pocchoello, Jonathon 116 Pocchoello. Nocole 59 PICkens, Dovod 37 118, 158 Poerson, Aslordeoyuno 94 Poerson Skyler 116. '93 Poerson, Stacy 116 Polotte, Madison 116, 175 Pongleton, Molly 92, 185, 186 Poppens, Monof. 94 Potord, Samantha 92, 191, 194 1 Plattner, Mr. 23 Plutcho Ellen 116, '86, 194 Poetzel, Coach '42 Polore . Mrs 77 Pollard Mr. 123
Rosensloc -Murov Penelope
173, 176 Ronk, Toytor
194 Rosenstock-Murov, Sosselo Ross Ross, Ross, Ross
116, 158
Ruoz Marcano 193 Russel, Don,etle 161 Russell, Brion 94 Russell, Dontelle 93, 182 183 Russell, Korrozmo 93 Ruth, Shonce 60, 74 79 Ryckmon,Jode 117. 175, 184. 186 '95 1
Sobos Voctono 04 Soolor, Amanda 60 74 '84, 186 Salmon, Cootlon 33
1 ~'(\ ~
Rhodes, josmone 16, 60, 71, 74. 78 192 Roce Carl 106, 130, 142 Rice. Sam 36, 60 Roce, Zoch 34, 116, 158, 184 Rochordson, Courtney 116, 152, 160 Roddie, Duston 94 Rotz, Stefan 60, 74. 138 Rovero. Andrea 15 Rovero. Sebosllon 138 overo. Troston 116, 130 142 167 overo-Lopez, Andrea 1' 6 Roberts, Aaron 116 Roberts, Ermondo 37 60, 71, 74 139 192, 116
Roberts-Stanley, Mr.
16 186 187
Rausch Jessre 8 Rouse Coach 143 owlond. Kathleen i9 104 153 176 '84 Rowland. Kendflth '04 137 Ruoz Mocano 94 104
Romorez. Gabriel 104 138, 188. 193 Ramsey. jacob 116, 184, 186, 87 Roy, Henry 60. 143 Reordonz, Tomothy 116 Redden, JOCk 104 14 2 Reeves, Jenyro 106 ehberg, Donoel 104 Reynolds, Pot,;c 118
Roslom- Abodo jeeyon 14 '04 147 84 Roulond. Kendflth 184
ad>, ChPshno 28, 43, 92 191 .94 Rod>, Elly 8. 139 Rooner, Ms 1 23 Rolleogh, Edward 94 '04 Romorez, Coach 167
Roberts, Ethan
Cortez JIB Molcoom 116 Mook '16 Pieno ' 16
Rost Chnstopher
Portollo,Juon 118. 146 Posey, Donus 116 Posey, joseph 116. 11 8 Posey, Rashed B 104, 118 Preverl, jacques 123 Pnce, Abogo,l 104, 183 Proem mel, Joshua 92 Profit, Chonnong 92 Pryor, Qu,nton 92, 184
Ouorles Dowud
116. 194 195
Pope. Tom' o 74 Porter, Andre 106 Porter, Dorothy 94, 183 Porter, Rose 106
Pulloom, Courtney 27 1 6, Purkoyostho M,toli 92
104, 146
Salmon, Sora 6, 31 93 174 1 86 194 Solovo, Mono 60 132 Sonders-Schneoder lon 60 195 Sovoge,Curts 1'7143 Sch Tyler 1 84 Schonboc er Sam el Schantz, Kon 132
Schneoder Don 60 81 184 186 Schootcroh Mason 93 Schweoghort Tyler 93 Scopel, Alana 8
Scali Coach 167 Scott, Mr 123 Selmon, AI red 118 Shoe ellord Bbne 163 Shackelford Blo,ne 104 Shannon, Neal '04 146 Shannon, Robert 60, 162 204 Shorock, Drew 139 Sharp, Ms 123 Sheehan, Samuel 93 Shelby, Ashore M 106 Shelby Morecoo 118 Sherry. Samantha 14, 60 Shogeto Totsu 39 60 74 131 190 '9 Shmo fer, Mrs 123
'5 18,60 74 163 176 182, 183 Shuler Sora 60 Shultz, Mr 78, '39 Sobley, josmone 60 Sobley Mon sho 105 s,bley, Shonoquo 20, 60 74 78 Solis, Hogan 93 137. '76 Solvo, Sheyenne 105 Sholem, Corolone
ons E she '17 rr"lons Ms 78 123 on~Str.:~de jcshuo 60 Jenne l6 6C 11 14 .,on-Morr s lotonyo 111 151 pson Alexander 111 pson jenn r t 106 152 175 pson Kother ne 105 '63 Sm son K t 76 s Treve~ 60 11 14 18 192 193
'3 105 139, 163 '79 117 '63 130 105, 185 36, 60 74 147 159, 176,
167 184 205
93, '38, 143. 185
Stan~ope Ke SJe
117 '76 1'7
Stan ey Nathan Stan ey Sean 93 Stanr•er jest> 8 13 8 139 Stope Tonrsho '05 Sor Jamar us 105 Stor!ls Sandre 117 Status God 79 Stenberg. Chad 105 '30 142 143 Sterrett Ben 6 Sterrett Moc.r ne 31 32 60 74 176 191 94 ~teworet, Harley Mane 118 Stewart Denzel 23, 105 158 Stewart Donald 25 27 159 185
131 153 139 153 161
186 '88 ')u Peter 9 Su en Rerd '17 146 Su,..mers Doe-Jzon 158 Svendser, Ch•ostopher 105 Svyrnbers y .curer 8 9 <;wft Taylor 76 Sycamore AI ce 33
38 184
Toho Ge od 105 174 195 Tornosso Gobnelo 117 52 184 186 194 loMoss o Gu her me 117 '30 142 15tl Tong jenny 93, '78 179 185 Toppendorf, Holey 6', 149 Toppendorf Kelsey 8 '33 Toppendorf Srlos 27 105, '30 142 Taube, Konrad 105 Taylor, Ben,amrn 117 184 '86 Taylor, Jon 1'7 Taylor, Rosetta 14 '17 183, 192 Taylor-johnson Joshua 93, 84 Tennant ,ace 138 Tennant, Joce 93 143 Tenono Kevrr De jesus 117 Terhune lenora 105 TesMon, Brandon W '18 Tester Tyler 27 105, 130, l5b Th s Adam 93 138 174 118 Thomas Adore 93 188 Thomas, Alondrs 1]7 Thomas Dorrell 117 Thomas f,.,r 105, 74 184 186 Thomas lavelle 61 184, 186. 187 Thomas Monoh 105 153 T ompson Drno 61 74 Thornton, Cooy 61 Thorson Mrchelle 93 163, '9 T~orsterson Alexrs 117 Ttllmon, Brondoune '17 Trllmon, Paul 61 •odd Sarah 61 198 Tolston :::>onze I 106 Tomoros Alexander 105 Taro Andrew 105 '67 T•eo jess co 105 190 T•ent W llrom 58 h Ia Henry 143 T u o ,uoro 15 117 Tr\1 o lu1s 105 Tc.fte, Teresa 132 Turrer Coo& 142 Turner La esho 1'7 Turner Mr 188 Turnrpseed Rebecca 7 Tyler KrMberl n 105
[UJ Brendel' 79 L,tley Anton1o '17 167 Volent ne, Andrew 117 189 Volenlrne Margot 6 31,93 lb6 Vonogorlrs, Jon 167 Vonogorlrs, Jon 105 Vonnoroth Zoe 6 Von ess, jenn 93 '49, 176 Vega Kimberlyn 15, '05. 133 161 Vega Noshlo 105 Vega Rrcordo 17 61 147 Velondro. Ale1ondro 115 Vrgordt, Mole 29 30, 31 6 74 1~ 191 194. 196 Vosovoy. Mario 151 Vozovoy. Mono 105 149 Vu T~othy 6
Walker Koleb 35 Wol er, Koleb 93 147 Wol er Mcoh 1'7 146 Walker Re g•e '18 '30, 142 Walker obert 93 94 Wallace Ben 93 176 Wallace oro 06 139 Wallace otherrl'e 8 9 Wolters Marlene 61 Wo war h Char es 118 Walworth Groce 61 176 183 Wompl r Molly 93, '63 172 Womper Potnc 34 94 145 159 Word Brandon 106, 143 Wardlow 6 Warren Coach 135 Washrngton Bnon 106 Washrngton, Calverleor 94 Washrngton, Cedrronte 106 Was•ngton loshondro 117 192 Watson, Coach 143 Watson Do•sho 61 Watson Paul 1' 8 Weaver Matthew '18 Webb. Chor're 94 Webb. Wrston 118 Webber A ex '06 Weber Mrs 77 Weber Ph I 196 Wee enl>orsl W I 184 86 187 Wee horst W1llrom 1' 8 Wersboum Dovrd 35 106 142 Wersboum lauren 6. 38 61 74 172 200 Weiland jessrco 118 Wells, Coach 167 Werls, Ia~ 106 138 146 Wendler, Marlyn 61, 67. '83, 188 Wentworth Megan 27.94 151, 176 We•zel, Russell 14 40,41 61, 74, 138. 184. 200 Weuve, Matthew 94 Whalen Andrew 106 167 184 187 W~rte, Desroun 106 142 167. 182 Whteley Coach 133 Whrtmer Amanda 7 15 36 61 74 149, 163, '76 Whrtney Revel' 118 Wrtcox Loera 6', 74 184 186, '87 Wirder Coach 146 147 Wrlder Marlyn 149 Woldmon Greggory 106 Wrl en Coach 133 W1lkre Cothenne 94 Wolkrns. Antwun 118 W rns Sherrell D 106 Wol oms AI red 184 192 W•ll oms Anthony 94 188 W•lloms Antwon 1 06 Woll oms Ben 118 Wollroms, Donrelle 106 Wollroms Deangelo 35, 94 143 Wrlroms, Dere 61 Wrllroms, Goroonte 118 Wrllroms, Gory 94 Wollroms Gerrett 118 Wr lroms oleb 118 Wr~lroms Koshrf 118 Williams ennelh 35, 61, 143 Wrllooms, looesho 94 Wrllroms ethan 94 143 Wollioms Prectous 118 Wolroms, Reowno 106 Wollioms Tonrko 106 Wollioms Timothy 94 Wllroms T•ey 142 Wolroms Tyr que 106, 158 Wollroms V•gonro 193 Wollroms Zo roh '06 Wollroms Zoro 118 Wolson, Enc 13
Wolsor Eroc 6 9 Wrlson jesSica 94 Wrlson elsey 94 175 185, '86 W•lson Kyle I 06 '79 W•lson .u e 94 184 Wlson More 29 33 94 '90 191 194 195 Wolson Torslen 94 Wolson Tre111n 106 Wrndow Curts '06 118 '3" 142 Wrnfrey Alex 118
Wrnfrey, Astrn 118 Wrnfrey ache 'e D ' 18 Wrnfrey Schylor 106 Wrnfrey-Hope Rochella ll!6 Wrng er Ashley 61, 190 Winston. Meredr 106 Winston. Olrvro 94 Winters, Moego~ 106, 183. 190 192 W•semon Robert 94 Weiner, Grno 106, 151, 184 Woods Coach 158 Woods, oss 131 Wrog t Anno 14 118 Wnght Ben1om n 106 Wnght Bnttony 94 Wnght Sora 14 Wrrn le, Tr era 94 172 177 194 Wrobe joseph 106 Wur Jeremy 67 Wurr,Jeremy 183, 184 186, 187 Wyatt lotogeo I 06 Wyf e Colette 94 106 Wynn, Troevon 106 YoMbert jane e 8, 9 133 Yombert,joel 94, 1 37 147 176, '83 Yarbrough, Bryonco 106, '18 Yeo Ph l.p 74 Young Angelrco 94 Young, Desrree 118 Young jorvrs 106 142 189 Yousef Ghodo 195 Yousef. oncy 94 Youssef Node 8 Youssef Steffan e 8 Yun Hongwon Paul 94 Zoghloul Hash m 106 137 172 Zombold Alyssa 15 17 94 Zorco, lsmeldo 106. 132 193 Zarco Mono 193 Zorco, Mor•tza 106 Zech, Wrllrom 118 145 176, 178 Zedrrc ortlyr 15 36 74 49 63 Zedr c orty1n 71 Zhuong, Darsy 177. 178 195 Zhuong j ngheng I 06 Z1ck-Bo orff laura 195
This year we set out high goals for The Maroon. We put together pages full of snapshots of Central students' lives: from dances to ball games, we were with you through it all. After collecting pictures from all of this year's events, we worked with our staff of eighteen to put this book together. To our staff: Thanks for working hard and putting your best effort into all your pages. We MADE it! To Mrs. Hamilton: You are the WOman. Thank you so much for giving your extra hours to help us out. We really appreciate it and you. Shout outs to Mink for helping with all of our design questions; to Mrs. Peden for keeping track of the money in the bank, and to Ms. Cook for helping us to identify all the students in our pictures. Last but not least thank you, the students, for letting us capture these good times. Remember to always take the time to pause & look back ... and in the wise words of Mr. Freyman: "Stay classy Central:'
Shannon Claiborne
Renee Changnon
Brittany Penwell
2 224
More than 90 million votes were cast when the world was asked to name the "New Seven Wonders of the World â&#x20AC;˘ The man-made sites selected mclude the Coliseum in Rome, Mexrco's Chrchen Itza, Petra in Jordan, Peru's Machu Picchu, the TaJ Mahal m India, Chrrst the Redeemer Statue in Brazil, and The Great Wall of Chma.
A team of 30 physicians worked 24 hours to remove extra limbs from a twoyear old born with eight limbs.
The bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list after 30 years.
The first Baby Boomers became eligible to apply for Social Security benefits, beginning a stress on the system.
Steve Jobs introduces the MacBook Air, the world's thmnest notebook computer at January's Macworld.
Researchers m South Korea cloned a cat and modified Its genes so that it glows red in ultraviolet light.
October wildfires, which forced evacuation of nearly 1 million people, burned more than 600 square miles and destroyed as many as 1,500 homes over 19 days in Southern California. Santa Ana wmds and extreme drought worsened the impact of the fires; nine people were killed and 85 others - including at least 61 firefighters - were InJured.
The space shuttle Endeavor landed safely m August despite exterior damage that had worried NASA.
John McCam emerged from "Super Tuesday" as a strong favorite among Republicans. Mike Huckabee remained his only challenger for the party nominatiOn after Mitt Romney suspended h1s campaign.
Even after "Super Tuesday" and the Potomac Primaries, the race be we n Hillary Clmton and Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nommat10n was too close to call.
Cristina Fernandez is Argentina's first elected female president.
Tesla Motors, a Silicon Valley start-up, pre-sold all 600 of 1ts 98,000 all-electnc Roadsters set for productiOn m 2008.
British Prime Mmister Tony Blair res1gned after 13 years in office.
Scientists in Moscow unveiled the remains of a frozen mammoth found m the Siberian tundra m May. A reindeer herder found the frozen carcass, which has been dated back 10,000 years to the end of the last Ice Age.
Researchers uncovered two new species - a giant rat and a tiny possum - m a remote jungle in Indonesia in June.
Former Pakistani Prime Mmister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated.
The disputed December re-election of president Mwai K1baki caused unrest and violence in Kenya.
Unusual cold plagued Iraq. Baghdad's first snow in memory magnified the impact of pers1stent electrical outages.
Great Britain banned smoking in enclosed public spaces in July. Individuals caught v1olatmg the law will be fined 400.
Nintendo's profit doubled this year, thanks to sales of 20 million Wii devices.
Meteorologists blame this winter's tornados across the South on La Nina (the cooling of Pacific waters). Internet service in Asia, the Middle East and northern Africa was interrupted when an undersea Mediterranean cable failed in January. Many businesses were brought to a standstill, but most Middle East governments had backup satellite systems that minimized the impact. After an eight-year legal battle, a major power company agreed to spend 4.6 billion to reduce chemical emissions blamed for spreading acid rain across the Northeast. Velib', a program that bas nearly 20,000 bicycles posted at 750 stations around Paris is Socialist Mayor Bertrand Delanoe's latest effort to make his city more green and bike-friendly. The program allows Parisians and tourists to use the bikes for a minimal fee. Astronaut Daniel Tani experienced something no other American bas ever faced when his 90-year-old mother was killed in a Chicago train accident in December while be was in orbit aboard the international space station. The Homeland Security Department announced plans for its REAL ID Act, which is designed to make it harder for con artists, illegal immigrants and terrorists to get government-issued IDs. The plan will increase requirements of people applying for drivers licenses. New words inducted into the English language in 2007 by Merriam-Webster included "ginormous" (a contraction of sorts of gigantic and enormous), "Bollywood," "sudoku" and "speed dating". In all, nearly 100 words were added to the company's collegiate dictionary.
The entire span of an interstate bridge broke into sections and collapsed into the Mississippi River during the evening rush hour in Mmneapolis. The August 2 catastrophe killed 13, injured more than 60 and called to light deficiencies m many of America's bridges needing repair.
Afterjust40yearsinexistence, more than 1.5 million ATM machines simplify life.
Concern about lead-based paints caused world-wide recalls of millions of toys produced m Chma.
Ice storms crippled the Midwest when freezing rain coated electncal wues causing far-reachmg power outag s
The national debt expanded roughly 1.4 billion a day, nearly S1 million a minute. Economists said that an economic slowdown may be looming and that higher taxes or cuts in government programs are possible. Oil prices hit a new high of S100 a barrel when the markets welcomed 2008. The previous record, S99.29, was set in November, 2007 as the year ended with the decade's largest annual price increase. A falling dollar, violence in Nigeria and bad weather in Mexico were among the causes of the drop in U.S. crude supplies. Medical researchers decoded the DNA of the cat and anticipate new information in the search for treatments to both feline and human diseases. In Spain, a new S179 million telescope became operational in July. The Great Canary Telescope took seven years to build and construction involved more than 1,000 employees from nearly 100 companies worldwide. At the Consumer Electronic Show, inventors demonstrated a driverless car and a S2,500 11-inch light-emitting diode television which offers contrast more than 30 times sharper than a current screen. A Bend, Oregon man flew 193 miles toward Idaho in a lawn chair lifted by 105 helium balloons. During his nine-hour trip, 47-year-old Kent Couch used a GPS and a BB gun and he took his video camera along to prove he'd flown. The trip was Couch's second; in September, he was aloft six hours.
Both the House and the Senate approved a $146 billion economic stimulus package which called for one-time tax rebates aimed at reJuvenating the economy. The rebates were expected to begin arriving in early summer. The plan also included temporary tax breaks for businesses and measures to help struggling homeowners.
c1ung an mcreasingly polarized Middle East, more than 45 nations attended November peace talks in Annapolis.
In his final year as Russia's president Vladmir Putin was named Person of The Year by "Time" magazme.
Fidel Castro, Cuba's leader since 1959, announced m February that he would "not aspire to nor accept" another term as President. Days later his brother Raul was elected the new President of Cuba.
Former VP AI Gore and the UN's Panel on Climate Change shared the Nobel Peace Pnze.
Chrysler announced cuts of 15 of its workforce in November, following February layoffs.
The long winter drought and July heat wave across central and southeast Europe took temperatures as high as 115 F, caused fires and contributed to the deaths of more than 500 m Hungary alone. At the same time, 1t was floodmg in Britam.
A standoff in Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire campaign offices ended without incident.
Jordanian and Israeli farmers used barn owls to control the crop-eating rat population.
Aweek of heavy November rams caused nvers to overflow and left 70% of the Mex1can state of Tabasco underwater.
Mohammed Zahir Shah, the last kmg of Afghanistan, d1ed m July after reigning for 40 years.
The August collapse of Utah's Crandall Canyon coal mine killed six mmers and three rescue workers.
After selling more than 525,000 iPhones in the first weekend of their rel se, Apple moved mto third position in the global smartphone market by year's end. More than 4 million iPhones were distributed m the first six months.
U.S military troop casualties numbered at least 3,941 since the beginning of the Iraq war m March 2003.
Scientists have discovered 11 new species of plants and animals in central Vietnam.
The UN convened in an emergency sessiOn on human nghts abuses after protests and violence m Myanmar.
A wireless memory card won "Last Gadget Standing" honors at the electronics show.
India-based Tata Motors rolled out its no-frills Nano this year, nut the car will not be available m American markets.
Polaroid announced it will stop making film for its instant cameras.
The worst wildfires ever m Greece killed more than 64 people, destroyed hundreds of homes in southern villages and burned more of the country's rapidly dwindling forestland than in any smgle year on record.
pearl; a 1-m-2-million find.
LadyBird Johnson, the widow of former President Lyndon Baines Johnson, died at 94.
Issues of discrimination and differential treatment were central to Jena 6 protests in Louisiana.
The world's largest solar farm was planned for Fresno, California, where the 640-acre farm would power local cities.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California, crafted legislation that will increase fuel economy, bOOsting mileage standards 40 percent to 35 mpg.
When Palestinian militants breached the Gaza-Egypt border wall, thousands of refugees poured into Egypt for supplies.
Lambourghini unveiled its Reventon sports car at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September. They will produce only 20 of these cars to be sold for 1.4 milhon each.
February blizzards m China paralyzed roads, railways and airports in a region used to mild winters. Officials fear economic losses may reach 3 billion.
Chmate changes appear to be destabilizing vast ice sheets in western Antarctica, which wornes researchers who had previously believed the area was protected from global warming. They say the melt is more dramatic than previously imagmed.
Missmg adventurer Steve Fossett was declared dead m February.
Sir Edmund Hillary, the first to successfully scale Mount Everest, passed away at 88.
Top-selling Country Artist Carrie Underwood announced plans for a pair of 2008 tours. 2007 was the year of the threequel. Five of the six top-grossing films were continuations of previous storylines. "Spider-Man 3", "Shrek the Third", "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" and "The Bourne Ultimatum" brought millions of viewers to theaters across the country. Harry Potter films extended past the threequel; "The Order of the Phoenix" was the series' fifth installment. The announcement of the Golden Globes, usually the first Hollywood awards extravaganza of the season, was reduced to an hour-long press conference at the Beverly Hilton on Jan. 13 because of the writers strike. The red carpets were rolled out just six weeks later for the Academy Awards after the strike ended.
"No Country for Old Men" swept Hollywood awards, concluding with the Oscar for Best Picture.
Johnny Depp was Hollywood's top money maker, said Qutgley Publishing's 2007 annual poll
Sony's "Spider-Man 3" was America's top grossmg film of the year Starring Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst and Topher Grace, the film was released May 4, 2007. Although It received mixed reviews from cntics, Spider-Man 3 broke most of the opening weekend records, both in US and foreign markets.
The DVD market experienced its first-ever decline when saleslrentals dropped 2%to 23.7 billion, yet it generated more sales than music, video games or the theatrical box office. Kelly Clarkson, the season one winner from "American Idol", cancelled her 36-date summer arena tour saying, "Touring is just too much right now." Her third album, "My December," was released in June and certified platinum by year's end. Actor Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly sued Baxter Healthcare Corp. after their newborn twins were given an overdose of the blood thinner Heparin because the vials containing different doses of the drug were packaged too similarly. The Quaid twins recovered, but investigators learned that a number of infants had died following similar situations. The world bid farewell to entertainer-tumedgameshow producer Merv Griffin, larger-thanlife tenor Luciano Pavarotti, French mime Marcel Marceau, daredevil and stuntman Evel Knievel and controversial rock pioneer Ike Turner. Live Earth created a global musical audience on July 7, 2007; the 24 hours of music across seven continents was delivered with a call to combat the climate crisis.
America Ferrera's Best Actress in a Comedy was one of 11 "Ugly Betty" Emmy nominations.
"High School Musical 2" premiered as the most-watched basic cable telecast in history. The movie, which attracted 17.24 million viewers, featured Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens and friends. "H1gh School Musical 3", a full-length feature film and "High School Musical 4" are bemg planned.
The Police reunion tour, wh1ch sold more than 1.8 million tickets, earned more than any other concert tour.
Radiohead released their seventh album, "In Rainbows," online (set your own price) and followed with a box set.
any other since 2005.
After 50 years on daytime TV, Bob Barker retired as the host of "The Price 1s R1ght" m June, 2007 at 83.
Mlley Cyrus' tour included songs from her album and her "Hannah Montana" TV show.
Offlcials sa1d that the death of actor Heath Ledger, found in his NYC apartment in January, was accidental.
Princes Harry and William held a concert in honor of their mother. The July fundraiser was held on the 46th anniversary of Princess Diana's birth.
Marvel Comics buried Captam America in July after 66 years of heroics.
Fergie's "Big Girls Don t Cry" was her third 1and the year's most downloaded track
POPULar TV SHOWS 30 Rock Dancing With The Stars CSI Grey's Anatomy Lost Heroes Friday Night Lights House The Office
HiT mOVi6S Hanspray Bee Movie Alvin and the Chipmunks The Stmpsons Movte Rush Hour 3 National Treasure: Book of Secrets
"The Sopranos", an HBO senes which broke rules, told complex stories and both changed and enforced stereotypes, ended after six seasons.
I Am Legend Enchanted
TOP albUmS Nickelback. All the Right Reasons Josh Groban: Noel Gwen Stefani: The Sweet Escape Norah Jones: Not Too Late Lmkm Park: Minutes To Midmght Rascal Flatts: Me and My Gang
The Spice Girls, the original "Girl Power" band of the 1990s, reumted for an 11-show world tour of their first concerts since they broke up in 2001.
The seventh and final volume in the Harry Potter senes set all-time records m book sales m July, tallying more than 8.3 million books sold m the first 24 hours.
Taylor Swift: Taylor Swift MercyMe: All That Is Within Me
Breakout Shia LaBeouf starred m "Disturbia" and "Transformers."
Endorsement deals landed Beyonce at #5 on the list of "Cash Queens of Music "
After nearly four months on strike, the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers reached a settlement on Feb. 12. Production halted m November when more than 12,000 writers joined the effort, but the industry was prepared to gear back up quickly.
After a global box office of more than 700 million, "Transformers" sold more than 8.3 million DVDs m the first six days after its release.
Dlsney'Pixar's "Ratatouille" won the Golden Globe for Best Ammated Feature Film and earned five Academy Award nominations.
"The Assassination of Jesse James", starring Brad Pitt, exemplified the Western genre's return to popularity on the big screen.
Late night shows returned m January with hosts Conan O'Brien and David Letterman sporting full strike beards.
Fourth place American Idol Chris Daughtry had the top-sellmg album.
R&B star Akon was Billboard's top pop artist; "KonviCted" spent 30 weeks in the top 30.
NBC remade and launched several'80s pnme time hits: "BIOnic Woman", "American Gladiators" and "Knight Rider".
In May, 2007, Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced plans to leave his father's legacy, DEI, and race for Hendnck Motorsports in 2008.
April 2007's Fmal Four brought a second consecutive NCAA title to the Florida Gators when they beat Ohio State, 84-75.
With a 9-3 win over North Carolina, Oregon State became the first team in years to win back-to-back College World Senes.
The day after Tiger Woods finished second in the U.S. Open, his wife Elm gave birth to then first child, a daughter named Sam.
The NY Giants won Super Bowl XLII 17-14, thwarting the New England Patriots' hopes of becoming the first team smce 1972 to complete an NFL season undefeated. New York QB Eli Manning and his brother Peyton (Indianapolis Colts) became the first brother OBs to lead their teams to back-to-back Super Bowl victories.
The Boston Red Sox celebrated after sweeping the Colorado Rockies with a 4-3 win in Game 4 of the World senes. Sox Pitcher Jon Lester became the third pitcher m MLB history to wm the deciding game of a World senes in his first career postseason start.
Candace Parker's 17 pomts against Rutgers made her the Fmal Four MVP and earned the Lady Vols a natiOnal title.
Californian Shaun White captured the Men's Snowboard Slopestyle honors in the 2007 ESPN Winter X Games m Aspen.
Jimmie Johnson won NASCAR's 2007 Nextel Cup, his second in as many years - after winrung 10 individual races from coast to coast.
Flonda OB Tim Tebow lS the fust underclassman to win the Heisman Trophy.
The team from Warner Robins, GA won the Little League World Senes over Japan.
Wimbledon title beating France's Marion Bartoli, 6-4, 6-1.
In one of the greatest upsets in college
When the San Antomo Spurs swept Cleveland man 83-82 finale , they
football , Appalachian State surprised
became the fourth NBA team to win four t1tles. The Spurs joined the
Michigan 43-32 in Ann Arbor.
Boston Celtics, the LA Lakers and the Chicago Bulls at that level.
Controversy surrounding Atlanta Falcon quarterback Michael Vick's dogfighting operation in Surry County, VA continued past his July guilty plea and December sentencing to 23 months in prison. New York Yankee Roger Clemens, a seven-time Cy Young Award winner with 354 career wins, disputed the claims of his former trainer who reported he injected Clemens with steroids. Olympian Marion Jones was sentenced to six months in prison for lying about her use of steroids and involvement in a check-fraud scam. Ex-NBA referee Tim Donaghy pleaded guilty to conspiracy
The Anaheim Ducks crushed the Ottawa Senators 6-2 earning the state
to commit wire fraud and
of California 1ts first Stanley Cup.
transmitting betting info across state lines. Bobby Knight, the winningest coach in college basketball with 902 victories, resigned abruptly from his head coaching responsibilities at Texas Tech in February. Knight will be
The LSU T1gers became the first team
succeeded by his son, Pat.
to win a second BCS title with a 38-24 championship win over Ohio State.
A number of sports greats passed away this year; these included SF 49's coach Bill Walsh, MLB pitcher Rod Beck and figure skater Christopher Bowman. In addition, Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor was shot and killed in a home invasion.
Top-ranked Lorena Ochoa became
Roger Federer won his fifth consecutive Wimbledon crown in July,
the fastest LPGA player ever to earn $10 million.
but not without drama. After his fifth set with Spain's Rafael Nadal, Federer clmched hts twelfth Grand Slam title since 2003.