2010 Maroon

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The Maroon: Iootk ~ditio




ER '98





PrtJm 0~ Prom! W~ere else can tApperclassmen loo~ for ar1 E?Vent filled wltYI eqtAal merriment and anticipation~ Ladies. we all ~now !:JOlA t~ln~ of

Prom: dates, dresses and grolAps, long before !:JOlAr dates do. Gentlemen: t~e enlo!:Jment of as~ing a lad!:J to accompan!:J !:JOlA ls near tAnmatc~ed In !:JOlAr ~ig~ sc~ool career. Well. as lASlAal, t~e attendees ood a great time. Prom was T~emed 'CirqtAe De Centrale'; acrobats flttlngi!:J amtASed gtAest5 b!:J dancing abotAt t~e .ballroomw~lle ot~ers were more entertained m!:J t~e .bar offering assorted refres~ments lncltAding pina colada sltAS~ees and glow stlc~ accents. Prom was a stAccess. Post Prom, was an even bigger ~111 After spending t~e nig~t at t~e Refinery. sttAdents floc~ed to t~e IAnlverslty's ARC. ActMties and Recreation Center. w~ere roc~ climbing, video games. boating and an actlvlt\:j room wit~ an Inflatable obstacle cotArse, and boxing ring were all featlAred. Of cotArse, for gtAest5 w~en t~e!:J got ~!Angry. Smoot~ie King and pizza were readii!:J available as well as a ~tAge clrctAiar btAffet of frtAits, vegetable, and c~eese delicacies. T~e 2008-2009 Prom was magnificent, and It oni!:J made t~e benc~mar~ t~at mtAc~ ~lg~er for MlAre dances to come!

Flashback: Students from the class of 1983 at Prom!


To the right: Tierra Norwood, Lenora Terhone, Justin Jenkms, Ashyra Shelby, and Brianna Dorsay all look sharp.

Ptt4f Prttm

Above : An aerial view of the post-prom activ1ty room. Below: Colin McGill and Sophie Roney have fun dancing!

Below: Mary Lockman , and Kathryn Ikenberry rock on in the Rock-Band area of the ARC.


t the end of ever) year, there com ., a time for the senior., of entral High chool to .,ay their heartfelt good-b) es. tudent., one by one were recogni1ed and rece1ved their diploma'> while walking the stage. Thi'> memorable event takes place at the Krannert Center of Performing Art'>. It is a time for <,tudents to give their final words . Class president Robbie row wa. class emcee and fellow <,em r Emily Ho each gave the graduation speech. The seniors of 2009 were a class that certainly left a mark at entral High chool.

Honors Day was held on Ma)

12. 2009. Honors Day is a chance for cntral\ seniors to be rccogniLcd after all of their hard work. throughout their high school career. tudcnts. parent<.;, and teachers all gathered in ombc Gym to celebrate the "itudents' accompli"ihmcnt"i. Honor.., clubs arc recogni1cd and <.;cholarships arc handed to th se ..,tudcnt"i who had excelled trcmendou"ily m both academic.., and athletiC'-,. Honors Day has been celebrated for many year.., and hopefully many more to come.

-\hmc: Tripper artcr. ';amantha Emery. Will/eLh. 1cJ... HooJ...er. )amuel chanhacher. lp..,a Brod..,J...). Andrew Valent me. and KJ.) lJ. Boparai hangmg out at a fahric tore.To the left I lien 1oe. Emma cwman. and Jordan Ho..,ier cream a.., the) plummet dO\\ n a

Above: Adam cheson and Tyler Finkbeiner hanging out at the pool. Dominant: Madi Odell. atie Gre). and Fran ',: elch have fun at '>ummer camp. To the nght: nashback of 1970\ Rachel with her new friend -.he met at the heach.


1938 House

] In

193 the \\OOd shop clas-. and the body combmcd wtth construction cot11par1 budd a house. The house ts still -.tandi John trcct except it has a fc\\ mmor Tht-. house was the fir-.t house that students built and 11 was an ln'>ptratton students to help out in the community.

To the left¡ Jeremy Coleman. E\an la1imk.. Marc Martindale. lint Miller. E\an Lot1. and Rile) Brunson together to pia) basketball dunng the summer bO\ c: Jenn.1 Martm. Kclsc) Kat cr. pnl lnsktp. Rae Fitton jo) nde. the classtc teen -.ource of -.ummer fun! Mtddle Left: ara McGilL ara Fundator. Kathrine gomg through thetr older tbllngs stuff for fun

I~ riana

\\ illiam Oa\ is and Tequisha Be\erly pose for the camera.

Kate \l)ers, ~a\annah Smith, and arah \lcGill cnjo) their first back to . chool dance.

199 student dance'> the mght av.ay doing the Cha ha hdc



Thomas Hlinka, Justin Rondon, \licah Walker, and Gu 1aggio cool off with the refreshments pro"ided.

1'hesen¡ lor bo , Offth . Y s are elr last ready t Year in o start stylet

Jacob Richter- hca. Fred Bedford. Kenton \v ,tlk.cr, and Grace George arc CllJOymg the -.tart of the 2009 year! Valentino Jack~on

show-. off his dance., movc-. 1


Thc.,c .,tudcnts arc excited to be n.:united after along -.ummcr.

back to chool dance i alway, the mo t anticipated dance of the urn mer. The enior re-unite for their la t back to chool dance together while the fre, hmen ner ou ly prepare for their fir t high chool perience. Although the dancing rul s of "no grinding" were actuall nforced thi year, th enior . till left their mark! the enior girl deck ut in all bla k, the are ready to dance the night away. For , orne, the dance only la ted a few ong , but for tho e who ur iv d the newly enforced rules, were awarded with pizza and refre. hments. The night ended with many memorie. made and a the night wa d finitely one to remember! 13

Halpern. and Ta) lor 'trike a po'c!

Tanner Heinen and hri'> Rost come to '>a\e the day!

nia lark:. ngel John..,on. and Johynn-a Evan'> rock together!


Rory 1ilb and Rachel Lindemann ... how off a" Zac and Cody!

The teacher' 'how their hl\ c for 1r Sparl., 'u penda~!

The 'murh arc in town!

Tyler Middleton goc.., all out!

Kel'>ie Stanhope, Emma Healy, and Aly.,.,a Brodsky show off their green!

The Freshmen 13 keep their shirts cia'>'>}·


SjJtrtf Wttk F&Javt!Mf entral' ptrit Week. t filled with many excttmg e\enh. Howe\er, tht.., year event.., \'.ere a little dtfferent! The bonfire was sad! unable to be held becau. e of the weather, but the girls powderpuff game \'.as till on! The girls game v..as moved to ombe Gym on Thursda 0 tober th. The niors k.ept a v.. inning attitude and were able to defeat the junior cia .. There was al-,o a ne\'. e\ent added to the ">pirit week. hedule. The boy p wderpuff game wa-. held on the night f Wedne-.day ct ber 7th. Many students and parents gathered in ombes to ""'at h the game. The enior d minated the match and had a great victor ver the Juniors. The game was \er entertaining, brought many laughs, and hopefully will be continued in the coming years at entral.


Below: The enior-. take the powderpuff voile} ball championship. Middle Left: The teachers, cheerleaders, football player , and entral athletes c mpeted in tug-a-war during the pep rally.

r-==r===::;--;::::=:===-::;;;;~ ~~~~~~,~~! ~

Parade Even th ugh the bonfire was canceled, the Homecoming Parade wa able to make it thr ugh a very rainy afternoon. This year, the Juni r la . tepped it up with a unique howd wn The H edown float." The fl at included hay bales, a bull to ride on, and even peaker that bla ted out orne great musi . The student till kept up a high pirit for the parade de pite the weather. Abo e: The 1unior~ ~ho" off their winning homecoming float. Belo : Jake Hen~c., and Kri-.tin Hammel ride on the homecoming attendance truck..



Gamt Den1cl tc\ art breaking the tackle.

I. David Erick.son taking down hi'-> opponent. 2. enior am Mate <.,creaming for a ictor). 3. am Wampler punt'-> the ball. 4. Maroon football in action. 5. tti Kurthy and Mia Gilliam enjoyed the homecoming game. 18

ashla Vega arc announced homecoming king and queen.

hccrlcadcrs bring up the maroon spirit.

Name: Jennifer Kay Haile Birthday: December 2, 1991 Nicknames: Jenfofo Dream Date: Taylor Lautner Hidden Talents: I can break dance! Favorite Color: P1nk Most Prized Possession: Dance shoes One word to describe you is .. .energetic! Favorite Singer: Imogen Heap What superpower would you like to have? Be able to pul anyth1ng out .f my poe et that I want."

Full Name: Morgan Elaine Hiles Birthday: March 11 1992 What is your catch phrase?: Just sa'{lng Dream Date: Mr Ru1s Favorite Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's Most Prized Possession: Baby Blan'e What do people not know about you?: 1 rode my bike across Belgium One word to describe you is ... Talkative Favorite Singer: Taylor Swift If you could have dinner with three people it would be: Audrey Hepburn, Kim Kardash1an and Bla~ e Lively. I

Name: Anna Hengst Prior Birthday: October 28. 1991 Dream Date: V1ggo Mortensen Most Prized Possession: My cello If you could have dinner with three people it would be .. .Virginia Woolf. Myrna Loy and Michelle Obama One word to describe you .. .Random Favorite Animals: Koala Bears and Do1ph1ns Hidden Talents: Baking and Knitting Favorite Movie: Death at a Funeral

Name: Reawna Renay Williams Birthday: November 16, 1991 Nicknames: ReRe. Reo Dream Date: Drake Favorite Movie: Baby Boy What superpower would you like to have?: Fl'{lng Favorite Animal: Elephants If you could have dinner with 3 people it would be: Jesus Oprah, and Barack Obama One word to describe you is ...Loyal


Name: Nashla Carina Vega Birthday: January 7, 1993 Nicknames: Nacho, Shla Lola. Nola What is your favorite quote?: I Feet, what do need you for if I have w1ngs to fly? Frida Kahlo" Dream Date: Ryan Reynolds Favorite Movie: The Notebook Most Prized Possession?: My fam y What do people not know about you?: have a very squ1shy ch1n Best physical quality: My smile

Name: Adam E. Acheson Birthday: February 18 1992 What it your catch phrase?: Irs chill bro Hidden Talents: ' I wiggle my ears" Dream Date: Miley Cyrus What do people not know about you? : I'm related to "v'larilyn Monroe. Favorite band: Rise Against Best Physical Quality: My cleft Favorite Animal: Black Panther

Name JaNis Ashford Birthday· November 21 , 1991 Favorite Food: Pizza What superpower would you like to have? Superspeed Most prized possession?: My life Favorite Singer: Gucc1 Mane Nicknames J-Cash One word to describe you is Hillarious Dream Job Anchor for SportCenter

Full Name. Clinton James Miller Birthday: March 15, 1992 Hidden Talents: I can walk on my hands Favorite Food· Lasagna and Mac n Cheese Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans Most Prized Possession: My phone Favorite Song: "Let Me Love You" One work to describe you is .. Caring What is Your Catch phrase 'Nice shoes ...

Full Name Edwind McGhee Birthday August 4, 1992 Favorite Quote I can do all things llrough Christ who strengthens me.• Dream Date: Ms Scott Hidden Talents: 'I can sw1m! What do people not know about

Name: Tyler Andrew Tester Birthday: August 28, 1992 Dream Date: Jessica Alba Favorite Movie: The Boondock Sa•'lts What superpower would you like to have?: 'I would like to be the Human Torch· What do people not know about you? I can tumble One word to describe you is .. AMAZING ! Favorite Food: Oreosl

you? ' l~ng~e~R~~in~e~ow e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One word to describe you •~ is Selfless Favorite Singer Lil Wayne Best Physical Quality My amazing bod' 21

Chris Anderson, .\nnie \lcOonald, \manda \lanaster, Hannah C\\man, and I<Ji e Klaus smile for the camera.

Jenna tartin, Rachel Fitton, \1. ha BrO\\'n, and Ethan Roberts are enjo}ing the dance!


The">e girl<; are howing off their dance moH for the camera.


\JcGhee .,ho'~"' off hb "Jerkin" <,kill after being crO\~ned king.




hen Billy 1azc our Principal? \\US

\\all. 1 that I im Turn r, or Dr.tkc!

Ron MJ!b lmc~ to hear !>l;e loob lik.c 81 ir W ld rf rom~ Girl!


Tyler fester king

bo\e: helbj tout with her white Mu tang Belov.: Morgan Htles, Jenifer Haile. and lex1s Berns pose with their car.,

or his Pontiac



93 Toyota


cnior Rick .. 1ill .md hi Por che-1 9 '7

ow Dominant (left to right) arah 1cGill. Katherin Pen\\ell, Fmrml} Thomp on 1rd Left ria., Tappendorf and lint Mrller Bottom left: Katie . 1erten' and Tom Roadcap 1rd right: baiah Ia ... oerr} and I machiah IJ herr) Bottom right l\1eredith Youn" and Laura Hon Jt

Dominant: (left to right) t;arah t'.k(,ill. Katherine Penv.ell. Emmit) l homp'>on I op Left t;Il,ts Tappendorf and lint 1Iller Bottom I •ft: Katie Mc.:rtem. and

Kei'IC} tanhopc and Olt\ ta 1alone; d;ed their hair pink together.

Jun Yoo had a secret affair \\ ith Lonnie Fn:drick on.

T ler Mtddleton laughs at Kathenne Penwell's amatingly funny jokes.

Kit impson is the mother of Jernn Moffit. 30

K..ttherine Penwell and mmil Thompson acted like homeless people together.

Jerrin Moffit stabbed Ross Henry's pig in anatomy.

Emmily Thomp'lon beat Walecd Khan at arm wrc...,tlmg ... twtcc.

Ross Henry was in Les Miserables with Katherine Chisholm.

c Edwind McGhee sat next to William Kelly in Mr. Pellum's class.

Lonnie Fredrid.son claims that Tanner Heinen is the "baby dadd} ' ...

Tanner Heinen learns ho\ to speak Arabic from mr bdou .

!Cameron 1iller made romantic eye contact \\ith Ktt tmp on during a basketball game.

ega hm e intense relationship talks together.

Katherine Chisholm's brother loves Braeden Anderson.

Amr Abdou sees Tyler Middleton spitting in a water bottle 1n the hall.

Braeden Anderson thinks Tom Batoma's new haircut is fresh. 31

NAAPilJ/ B!aok Hi4Cffr!f AMtmb!ff


1. Girl crowd ar und Mr. Klaman, what a gentleman! 2. Jonathan Harri , Anthony Green, I i Griffin, Deidre Murphy, and Alex Pelmore mile for the camera. 3. Cortenay Pulliam at the information kio k. 4. At Central, we have rhythm, exhibit A! 5. Students and parent enjoying th meal, erved in Seely. 6. Student pre ent f r f the Alpha Phi Alpha frat. 7. M . John on give one of her timele peeche . 8. The girl tepper reenact KA troll. 33

Twin'> Karen and Katht") n Jerrell back.. in 199 35

Students at Work

Jarvis Young enJoys his job working at Savoy 16, he always has a smile on his face!

1983: Lee Lai ~coops up the ice cream at Bre ler while Lee-Fin Lai waits to ring it up. , arah Kre ca, Bailey \lc ' Jellan, Ha. him Zaghloul, and arah Maloney lifeguard at the poolside during the summer. 36

Working hard or hardly working? lien Little spend. his \~eekends working at Old a\y to earn some extra cash.

H gh school can be the mos challcngmg four eJrs of your ltfc. The first day <l" a fre..,hman ... earching for the fourth tloor. to th la"t day .t a enior \\alking the ... tage can be difficult getting through. What really help" u get through thc"e year" \\ 1th a" much fun .t pos 1ble arc our be ... t fnend" 1 Be"t friend are there to lean on through the difticult times and to "hare the exc1tmg moment \\ith. From taying up late try mg to cram 111 a much a po "ible for tomorrow\ math exam to getting ready for a night out on the town! o matter the ... ituation these friends sta_ through thick. and thin!

Carolina Gonzales and Chel.,ea <.onzalez cheer l•ad together!

Amaris Bailey a (.abrielle Cea.,er hang out during po'>t prom.

.\hs'>a Brod ky, Ke.lsic tanhope, Chelsea Lajara, and Emma Healy goof around in the car.

Tltc Wtz r:La t )Car\ children's pht) \\a'> the The \\ 11. The Wit i a pin off of The \\ 11ard of Ot. It i a the stOr) of a girl lo'>t tn .1 land tr) ing to get had, home he gel'> help from the friend ..,he ftnd'> along the \hl). Each friend -,he find-, 1 mi ..,tng omething.Togcther: Doroth). Lion. carecrow and the Tin 1an all head to merald cit) to cc the a magical W11ard. Theca thad fun dancing. -,ingmg and tn general. producing the ..,hov.! Thi-, )Car the d1rec.tor. LaDonna Wil on. tn\ 1tcd facult) to participate in the pia) pam'>h teacher. 1 chwart/ pla)ed a dane ron the )CliO\\ hnd; road. English Teacher. Mr..,. Hamilton shared the role of ddapearlc. the good \\Itch of the north. ho1r teacher. 1r Moore. pla)cd the\\ 11 and tr chultt. pla)cd the Tin ~tan

AhO\c: ~1r hull! ~mging hi~ mo\ ing '>Olo "What Would I Do tf I Could Feel" Pictured arc Cull)n

turph) a" the carecnm. Sara High a\ Dorothy. and Jan t'> Young


the Lion.

¡ppcr right: A' lsts Griffin (Dorothy) takes a moment to relish in her memor) of home s\\eet home. her friends try to comfort her fiddle nght

1,m: Wil on ( St:are<.:rO\\) learn' ho\\ to \\all..

Bottom nght: Jordan Lange (Lion) leh e\eryone kno\\ that he' a mean old lion!

~-• .1he \\. onderfu I comed) Ll'lul AIe

a T( nor i a tory that re\ ol \ e around the famou., tenor named Tito Merelli. Tito \\a'> suppo-,e to '>tng 10 Otello but drama tart to heat up in ... ide hi-, hotel room. 1erelli' \\. ife I tnd one of Merelll ., tan 10 the clo-.et and think-, that she I'> hi 10\er. To calm Merelll dO\\.n he i gi\en ome tranquil11er . but it is too high of a do e aunder . the com pan) ' general manager. is detenmned that the how must go on o he ask hi a.,.,i-,tent 1ax to take the place of. 1erelli. But \\hat good can come when Merelli wakes up and heads for the sho"" and .\!tax i., singing in'rtead >

Dominant: The cast of u¡nd Me a Tenor. bo\c: Jocab Oa\is strangling the dead bod). Middle nght. The cast shows concern about the "death" of Merelll Lower nght: Man. Wilson and Jacob Oa\IS yelling at Ell Llchtblau.


The Importance of Bein Earnest . fh--: ~ocial comedy called/he Importance of Bein~ Earne\1 is a talc that all start~ in a rural county not far from London. The main haractcr. John Worthing. i~ kno\\.n as "Eme'>t " to all of hi-. friends in to\\.n. "Erne-.t " faces many ob-.tacle-. throughout the -.tory . One obstacle i-. that romantic 10\er. G\\.endolen. has an ob-.e-.-.ion '.l.ith the name "Erne..,t ". hut she doc-. not know that it i.., not hi-. real name. Another oh-.tacle 1s that hi.., friend lgcrnon di-,cO\cr-. that John i... li\ ing a double life and that he i.., u... ing the name Eme-.t to get the girl. After lgemon rcalltc.., this. he decides to do the -.arne to \\.In the heart of the 10\ing ceil) With both "Emc~h" h<l\:ing their \\.Ondcrfulladies in lo\e v.:ith them. \\.hat could happen if the girl~ found out that they v.:ere both lying all along'!

Dominant: Jacob Da\1\ t1ying to ... hake M.1rc Wil on' hand. Top: ast of The Importance of Be in~ Eame\1. Bottom : Jacob Davt\ describing hi-.. love. Middle:Oa\t\ Born ll\tenmg to the reque\ts of Jacob Dav1s.

Fla..,hback: In 1992 entral -.tudcnt.., performed the \hO\'.. Ll'lld 1e A hnor .md took the . . tum to the state fe-.uval.


graduo e Chnshna Rod I ng I.e mUSICal Javer played y Cullyl"' MJJr}1y IS try ng to f1nd Jean Va11ean ""hroug the struggles af war and surv1val here are mal"'y other fnend y charoc ers o he p the pia a ong Mar us !Marc W1lsonl Epon~re ls1s GnH1rv: ond the Thenard ers played by Shaman Barkley & Jacob Oav1s. AI houg t•og1c les M1s IS a grea depiChon of ~he pursuit o l1ve


ppy Ue

hove : hannon Barkley sings as he av.. ait her death . Far left Cullyn Murphy hme-. in the spot Iight. To the left: The


U gg with hort in winter, mix matched.

Fa~hion lla~hback to the left: Central ~tudents show off their rollerbladcs.

Legging , , carve , high wai ted kirt , mocca in , U gg , orthface jacket , Skinny jean , Shade of eon, Rain boot , V -neck , weatpant , and Vera Bradley

agging pant , flooding pant , beater .

orthface, v-neck , Phiten , hoodie , ear flap hat , plaid, and flat billed hat .

Fashion flashback Above: Rocl,in' lhal plaid shi11! 47

Jennifer Haile

Chel ea Gontale1

-.""':.:-- ·-


Renee Durant

Antrice Baile)

Jonathan Harris

Ta) lor Cannich el

athan Chi..,holm

Tra-..huanna Brumfield



.... i l

. -_. ~




Blaine Sh.tckelf(xd





~ Jonathon En in

Je..,..,ica Treakle

Joe Daniel

· ·~:~ -~ . •· V· •l

mi~ ~

Tara Gray 64

Parb Brandt


' Harrison Freeland

Tyler Finkbeiner

-. .'. .

.j/~-. ·~






"I on) Giam mari a

l.onni hedrick on


Kat hi') n lkenbcrf)

Ja c k ~o n

Ha-.h•m Zaghl oul

Rebecca Curt•'

Chel ea Hart

manda Jen en

bi Griffin

Brooke Harri-.

ltzcl Gaona

Braden Anderson

Jan is



Kate Donnell)

John Billimack


Cra\ en

!\1organ Hllc"

William Kcll)

Chebea Kirb)

Jord)n Ko mer

Philip Lee

Pet r Kuppler

_·. ,. ·"' ,...


::WI • j

Ronald Lemon



uorie Luc,,e

John Lc



Courtne) McD \\ell


Kierra Rohin-.on

Ed\\ ind 1cGhee

lint Miller

nna Prior

Anthony. 'go

Melissa Roesch

r Dcmith

Riley 1c ulley

hcnequia l\hl) nor

Paul Rodgers


Jeeyan Ra-.tomAbadi

Lnlaina Smith

'I. ler Te-.ter

Becky Turnipseed



'a hla


Brandon Ward

.." ~:;\:¡~l ....

lex Wehher

Ja l)n Benekohal

Ian Wells



Reav.. na \\ tlliam'>

Maegan Winter-.

Jeremy Coleman

Monica Rond6n

Jani-, Young

arne the Central taff my tery babie ¡






____, 0 ~n



I, RAH, will to C~ows: c~eese fries, JtAst dance, ~eart2~earts; IAK: rolllerbaldlng, btAn~~.

don't called me weird, bac~pac~-bac~pac~; BJ: wee~-long, sleepovers, craz~ ma~e tAp, Frida~ nlg~ts at m~ ~otAse, zoolander; Mia: saranwrap and a roc~ named earl; Kimm~: exctAsed absenses; Nas~ra: ~~wand fonzi, "problems," t~ird place, ~ig~ sc~ool memories; rere: t~e car& t~e legac~; t~e soccer girls: biAs convos, competitions, popslcles, and ~app~ triAc~ drivers I JtJrd!Jn KtJtrntr wt/1 ro MBFFFR- Jktt!!J; kntvtJ: btk rtdtJ: MeXICan ftJtJt/. Jfrinj. !JU!J!Jitf. RijJ-JtitkJ: AttbrtcJ !ram!JtJ!tnt. TtJ AttbJ2!Jttnk- rk E!ltamn 'J ftttttJe. /tam

JandwtelttJ; mtJ!ztretta JtitkJ: TtJ KrdtJndtJn- ea!ltff KtJtrner. ttJttJ tntrtJ. dmnb bltJndtJ: TtJ RtJr!f- bab!J bttnnteJ& f}f'tjjJ' anafomiJ. TtJ Ian, Sam &Mia- 'Yin ntJ!!ftJttr btJ!ffrtend bab!J . _30H3! TtJ JtJ!m LtJJartJ- de!tettJttJ !tear! ro !tear! dtnnerJ wt!lt rk fam. 1, REM, will to KD-1606, Rockome, family dinners, the tracker, Oscar Meyer,

Putang, softball bench, tampons. To RL- twin day, Rockome, cigars and porn. To JK- baby bunnies, Grey's anatomy. To MH- Rob& Kyle. To JA- black authors, bunny ears, Putang, softball bench, the color green, Carnegie. I, Rachel Lindemann, will to aub2p-unk: will you poop green dresses, family dinners and my swag. Jo-Jo: all the puppies in the hood, almamater, quesadillas. Don: coco mero, creeping, my boobs. Roar: Hannah Montana, joseph and the Technicolor dream coat and the playgirls in the world. (Will you all biting donkeys) Tony: dragon shirts Joey: our 12 babies. I Kimb<~rlyn Ve~Jd will my so<Ter ~)iris a>oa>sides; my <·ousin ~\' my t1mt11.in~J rdt>s mul <·hildhood; my fd\'orile a>erson in tlu~ world <·<· t1ll of our hdi>I>Y nu~mories, my C\1s tlll my so<Ter ~Jotlls mul hugs; my ~Jirl J~'-'· t1ll my Jones bottles mul 0 '111 set~sons; mi dmtmte S<~xy M.S. my 'h.u· Efron poster; S.M. ~ B.l\1. our P,\~C\KE jokes; My hubby 8.\V. some of my funniest nu~mories; My twin S.K. tlw a>ow<~r to bet1st out on the S<w<·er field. I Kdon will to ROAR- 1606, putang, family dinners, tampons rockome, softball bench. To RACHIZ- blading, rockome, cocomero. To JOJO- crazy moms, queso, Rusty donnelly. To BAILZ- 309, 007, game, 61874. To JAMASTASIA- guac, patrolling, code names, softball bench. To AUBS2PUNK- cardinals, dads, UV blue. JEEJAN- h2h, ice cream. To VB girls- HB, BAP4ever, judging. To ALL MY LOVES- mama don. To class of 2010- keep it classy.

1Blgrnac, will to tfie ~Ids of 618 74 tfie .best cfilldfiood ever. To SM: m~ secoVJd .bed, oreos aVJd peaVJIAt .b!Atter & tfie .blalrwitcfi proJect w. MR. To KDON: 305, 007 game (NOT pre game), marna DON, aVJd tfie .best slAmmer ever. To Elotz: foiAr ~ears of marriage. To SHL.A: rn~ temper, ROJO aVJd ALWAYS .beiVJg tfiere for rne. Jee.ba.b!t cocornero & eVJtolArage+ to aVJ~oVJe wfio IAVJderstands... PANCAKE. Ever~one else: IW, SSM. CC, MC, ST, TT, AN, Tf, Kl, MR. TVllAVIderDIAVIR-Iove ~OIA all :)

I, Chelsea Hart, will to LF all of our crazy drive-bys, our amazing girls nights, all of our boy adventures and all the crazy things that was yelled at random drivers and pedestrians. To HI. I will our crazy moments, all the delicious food we baked together, all the things I manage to spill and break at your house and our deep talks. To KB all the hangman games (even though you cheated everytime ), our crazy dancing and singing at lunch, and our monopoly nights. To EM, all of the insane and hilarious things that happened in French class. To SH. all our amazing talks in P.E. To P.K. and P.R. I leave all of our basketball games and crazy walmart adventures.


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Vice President- Tripper Carter

President- Yucheng Lin c

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Vice-President- Sam Wampler

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Q) L..


Vice-President- Sam Walters

Jake Henss

Jordan Adams Blessing Adeoye Lashelle Allen Alexandria Alvarez Bethany Anderson

Brooke Anderson Kyle Ball Shannon Barkley Anastacio Basilio Brandon Benton Bryan Bitton

Jaime Blackwell Kristian Blake Ernyse Blanson Andrew Blomberg Sherodyn Bolden Brandon Boltinghouse

Kayla Boparai Robert Born Cecilia Boyd Alyssa Brodsky Myha Brown Riley Brown

Travis Brown Chaleah Burge Danyale Burks Allen Carter

Allen Tnpper Carter Kyle Carver Shavez Chapple Jane Choo Athena Clark Octxavier Clark


Wfto is ~oiAr twir~ celeb «


rold (John ChoJ om l-larold and Kum r Whit c !;tl »


Qa.va.ru~ Qnapa. from l-larry Pot:t:a.r. Qlyt:ha.rfn for Iffa 1»

Lauren Clemons Keyonte Cobb Donie Coleman William Collins Kaitlyn Cornell Luke Cottingham

Aaron Cravens Morgan Davis Leslie Del Carpio Emily Dessen Alison Dey

James Doyle Derrick Drake Walter Du Pree Kaci Dunnum Nicholas Edwards Bennet Eiermann


Emily Ellsworth Samantha Emery





~oiAr Kamey Evans Clare Feely

«when nobody J~ looking. I ca wrn JnvJ~Ibl

~iddeYJ »

taleYJt? T

huff Ariel File Rachel Fitton

Cameron Fitzgerald Sky1er Fitzgerrel

Connor Foli Porshia Freeman Erin Furtney Ethan Gelke Ashley Gill Nelli Golmeeva

Tanisha Gordon Brandon Goslin Renee Grumish Bianca Guerra Amber Guitare Matias Hahn

Dylan Hall Brishaun Hamilton Kyle Hammel Alexa Harmon Tysha Harris Laurel Hartman


Sara Hayden Emma Healy Tanner Heinen Delaine Hester Shelby Hicks Sarah High

Jordan Hill Adam Hittle Thomas Hlinka Yon Hoerner Nicholas Hooker Dominque HortonYoung

Jordan Hosier David Hou Emily Hughes Addison Hyndman Aprillnskip Kyra Jackson

Dezia JacksonMockabee Jessica Jakobsson Savannah Jenkins Haley Johnson Sharonda Johnson Kelsey Kaiser

Kyle Kaplan Esther Kemper Erin Kirk Brett Klein David Knapp Drew Knight

Daniel Krein Michael Kritzer Chelsea Lajara Rachel Laver Ha Sarah Le Clarence Lee

Devin Leemon Justina Lewis Brandon Lckly-Hanley Poncho Like Eli Liss Christopher Long


Kendrick Long Alejandro Macias Velandia August Maggio Alexander Manard Jaylan Markham Bryson Martin

Jenna Martin Naomi Mart1nez Carldon Mason Corey Matejowsky Jeremiah Medlyn Heather Miller

Xiaotian Ming Ty Mitchem Aisei Mitsuhashi-Acs Ellen Moe Helaman MontesLucas Marenya Montgomery

Stephanie Moore Stephanie Moore Matthew Morrow Hajredin Muharremi Cullyn Murphy Deidre Murphy

Sharon Nabyolola Chnst1na Newman Emma Newman Christian Ngeleza Huy Nguyen Chen Osborne

Woo Bin Park Tyler Patrick As1lah Patterson Alan Paul Alberto PereiraMariano Kentonio Pettigrew

Matthew Philipp Jonathan Picchietti Stacy Pierson Madison Pilotte Ellen Plutchak Juan Portillo



Whan E~thar fir~t got r lican~a w ra tho c or of ~p ing Q ld and L!:Jnn. E~t r thought gfiald nd Lynn four wa!:J ~top... .»


a 0\-




trrna I at rnto car wrth ~rlhava ·~rract


driving rnornant. • »

~ -L.axr 3 Thord;an~on



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~ -v

....... \J\

8 -~

Cortenay Pulliam Jacob Ramsey Timothy Reardanz Zachary Rice Kayla Richardson Andrea Rivera-Lopez

Aaron Roberts Ethan Roberts Jaclyn Jacki Rodriguez Shaked Ron Just1n Rondon Malcolm Ross

Pieria Ross Chnstopher Rost Jade Ryckman Samuel Schanbacher Javier Seufferheld MacySiade

Katelyn Smith Keisha Smith Keyonna Spivey Katherine Stack Kelsie Stanhope Rachel Stiles


Shelby Stout Jarad StubbinS Re1d Sullan

lan Taylor Rosetta Tayfor Tan1a Thompson

Alexis Thorstenson Dan1 Townsend Juana Trujlllo-Ru1z

Andrew Va entine Pattanda Veeranarapanich

Micah Walker Reginald Walker Charles Walworth


Raven Whi ney

Wflat iS most

Audrey Aeilts AnasAhmed Alina Altmyer Julian Anastas1a Darcey Anderson Dust1n Anderson

Cameron Bales Shoham Band

Cregan B1llhymer Alexis Bishop Stevonia Boatnght KeVIn Brackett Hosea Bradley Deanna Bramer

Dust1n Bronson Celine Broussard Enn Brown Clar Browning Amy Brunkow James Buck

Jared Bugbee Danaya Burnett Daneya Burnett Wm. Joseph Bu lor Isaac Bu s Jayda'Serena Carridine

Joseph Chapman Lingjian Chen Laura Clar lsmachlah Clasberry Me nz1e Co eman .~ hena Combs


Alex Corry Boo Dang Autumn Daniels Austin Daugherity Neil Dickerson Dalenna Diep

Tori Douglas Benjamin Duncker Alise Erickson Jessica Ern Samuel Esekenyoi Jakeenya Evans

Joseph Faullin Mario Figures Amber Fitzgerald Isis Fortner Isis Fortner Christopher Freeman

Frazier Gaines Quinn Galindo Brenda GarciaLozano Josele Garza DericeGill Korina Goines-Fisher

Andrew Golding Alexander Goodlad


oo ..

Tanner Goslin Ryneisha Green

Tyler Griesbaum Juan Guillen


neal ~IIÂť

Rachel Halfar Samuel Halpern Seth Hardwick Isaac Hawkins Jessica Heath Jessica Heath

Cheyenne Hednngton Ryann Hemphill Jamil Henderson Corey Hill Eric Hill Nathan Hoch

Nicole Hoch Melvin Hopkins Laura Horvat Andre Houston Seth Houston Donnisha Hughes

Vy Huynh John Ikenberry Agathe llunga Valentino Jackson Abigail Jacobs Taylor Jacobs

Robert Jayes Rodney Jenkins Ashlee Johnson Jonathan Johnson Christina Johnston Bernard Jones

Clayton Jones Kirstin Jones Trevonte Jones Jeremie Kalonji Carter Karaganis Jackson Karaganis

Kaitlyn Kelsey Waleed Khan Cortez King Elise Klaus Allison Knox Philip Knox


Caroline Koch Sarah Kresca Sarah Lamkin Enban Lara Dong Hyun Lee Junghyun Lee

Blake Lehmann Noah Lessaris Yucheng Lin Domico Linzy Emma Lloyd Brandon Long

Taylor Long Andrea Lubaga Alexa Lucas Alan Macedo Marisella Macias Sophia Magro

Olivia Maloney Amanda Monaster Breiona Morrissette Kellen May Brady McBride Mytes McCarty

Michael McCulley Shauna McCurry Ann1e McDonald Taqeya McGee Tkeyah Meads Kathenne Mertens

Jacob Meyer Tyler Middleton Andrew Miller Savannah MillerHasankolli Daniello Misa Andre Montgomery

Sean Moon Brenna Mooney Markyona Morris Jonathon Morrissey Bonnie Morton Carolyn Muller


Wflat is ~oiAr dream job?

Javier Murillo Michael Napper

Amanda Nash Raymond Newell

Hannah Newman Daniel Nguyen

Prince Nimy Sandra Nnoung Tyler Osika Michelle Pace Gabriella Pagliuca Parita Patel

Sahil Patel Ayrionna Peat William Peete Carol Petersen Yashica Pettigrew Cassandra Phelps

Taylor Pierce Khadijah Pierson Richard Pilla Caleb Plattner Zachary Raimer Elijah Ram1rez

Juan Ramos-Aivarado Edward Ray Darshai Riley Osvaldo Rivera Samuel Robinson Brio Robinson-Pearson


Anna Rodgers Damius Rogers Rami Rogers Sinfonia Rosales Alexander Roux Arwen Sabas

Vagif Salimov Pierre Saxon John Scott Olivia Sheehan Daryn Shelby Mari Shigeta

Grant Shirley Hale Sills Javarion Simpson Kayfa Smith Ranesha Smith Rian Smith

Ryan Smth Ramey Sola Joel Spaulding Ala1ne Stanner Shanton Staten Samuel Stewart

Jeremy Stone Jamir Stovall Kyle Stuckey Brandon Summers Shi Vee Szetho Lindsay Thomas

Robert Thomas Allison Thompson Emmily Thompson Megan Thompson Samone Thompson Chun-Mei Tien

Emily (Roxy) Todd Hannah Tschappat Andrew Unander Jourdan Vickers Nathan el Volk Abraham Voorhees


Tung Vu Gloria Wamah Samuel Wampler Chloe Ward Traniece Washington Winston Webb

Emma Wegman Sara Wells Kristen Wilcox Christian Wilkey Ja'vaughn Williams Marissa Williams

Cassandra Woodsun Bradley Wright Nicholas Wurl


Mr. Aldridge because he's HOT 1 .»


Danny Yang AndrewYoa

Mr. Tylkows because he Is T-rlfflc! »

Jordan Young Meredith Young



AI-Yazeed Yousef Jonathan Zarco

favorite teacfler ar~d w~~?

Shushan Zhang Winnie Zhang

Not Pictured B a {u B u ,\u un BelL lay ha Bo"dry O..•nun1 Bto<~. lkmon Buffer, I !Llbeth Butru. Dconr II 1\:am ) an Chan. 1\:am ) 1n ( T 13 Chancy, Clua Jung <llou. T 1 Chun Chou. arlcua ( obb, \\ lll1311l C.ole1113n, Tiff ny C'olhm. T ke~ya C'oopa, R1 hard { fl. T1mo1hy l>;m , RICh I xum. Ra•en r'Ondra, Jo.q>h I rceman. "&nee <•arrcll, S)dncy <•arrett. lam ha Gordon T)nn Gnrtin, Brysha"na II yes. Breeanmcr llunlcr, Rapn llunrer 1\:eny-a James, Rodney Jenlm.•. ll , nre J hn n. \lar<:tlli Johru n. Ka I JODC>, \1lnh ue, K1na umom, Pen 10 IJlc Laqu ha Und y, av1 r l1nd.cy, fkc h \lead , [)arecce \f,>nlg mcry, J m f,JOr< Brand n \!organ. 1 )TC \tullm_,, I revon 1 hoi , \rnbcr l'arn h. Karcem l'n Rus II Pnmmer, ( amela prunell, Zane R1ehardson, R nald Roorl, llanu Rl'lb1n~on. Bn:anne SJ)Ior. Kclh Smk, lux! " Sm1th. Pams Sm1th. \1.ms.u Spc:nu~r (" nth•a Thah.:h. L:mly \\alla~;:e, Keny-•tta \\ hani!IOn, ()c.,ntae \\ mtr , 1chola \\uri, Julio /..an.:o I



Jasper Lou Abon Blake Alexander Anthony Allen Shayna Allen lyeshia Anderson

Jennifer Anderson Brittany Ashmore NiaAsim Kheyonna Bailey Hailey Banks Chamonique Barber

Garrett Barnard Katie Bean Fred Belford Tristan Belleville Mitchell Bentsen Cayden Bergschneider

Sidney Blackwell Cashmere Blissit Sheriffe Blissit Hannah Blomberg Kiana Box Jessica Brighton

Heather Brooks Matthew Brooks Kallicia Browder Kurtis Brown Shaundrell Brown Faith Bruce

Mariah Buchanan Sarah Bullock Logan Burkiett Danasia Burnside Tiffany Burton Trevor Bush


Giovany Cabrera Kristen Campbell

Leticia Campos Matthew Carson


sshopperstÂť Bailey Cavanaugh Gabriel Chaney

Linxin Chen Kathryn Chisholm

Janice Choo Kseniya Chumachenko Joelle Clayton Asher Clopton Emma CocatreZilgien Trace Collins Megan Counter Brian Crisman Robert Dalluge Ashley Doni Angela Davis Aubrey Davis

, Maurice Davis Queniqua Dav1s Ka1tyn Demith Spencerna Devriese Spencerna Devriese Sanket Dholaria


Moura Dickson Eric Drake Mariah Drebes Kyle Duckworth Charles Due Shawn Duke

Wesley Eddy Malarie Elam MarqUISe Ellis Taylor Enghausen Nicholas England M1randa Etchison

Anika Evans Johynn-A Evans Aust1n Farthing Alyssa Fisher Jordan Fitzgerald Rashod Fly

Isaac Foli Camryn Foreman Zakkary Forsyth Trevor Fox Lucas Frye Sara Fundator

Jesus Garza Ky'a1ra Gatson Sadie Gibbons

Zipporah Goldenfeld Irene Goldsmith David Gomez Raffoul

Tiara Gordon Llkith Govindaiah Marcel Grady


Robert Green Catherine Grey Samantha Grice Gredeju Gnffin Britteny Griggs GeddyGrove

Madelyn Gunn Christopher Ha1le Kristin Hammel Collette Harmon Rylin Harris-Newman Hannah Harrison

Jacob Henss Enrique Hernandez Sawyer Hoffman Drew Holt Jesse Homann Connie Hong

Devon Hood Steven Huber Dot Huynh Rose Huynh Chance Hyatt Destiny Ivy

Angel Jackson Joe Jackson-Parks Shivani Ja1n Tyeonia Jake Aaron Johnson Bianca Johnson

Brandon Johnson Claire Johnson Danielle Johnson Emily Johnson Teaunna Jones Jane Kanter

Nicholas Ka sinas Max Keagle Elijah Kellum Elijah Kellum David Kempe Edmond Kim


Jisoo Kim Ronald Kimble Eden Kirk Samuel Knowlden Paul Kordik Tametra Lee

Piero Levano Cornejo Owen Lewis Laura Litchfield Kadijah Logan lsela Lopez-Luna Edouard Lubaga

Brenna Luesse Myckel Mackins Paul Marick Brandon Markham Ky!ie Martin Jonathan Martinez

Olegario MataOrozco Kay!a Matthews Ky!ian McClellan M1a McDonald Sarah McGill Lavanah McKinney

Darwin Melgar Chancellor Mendiola Khalidah Messiah Zachary Meyer Kat1e Mihalkina Anthony Miles

Cameron Miller Latisha Miller Porter Miller Tony Mitchem Jazzmin Mockabee Antonieo Montgomery

Kimberly Moore Malyssa Moore James Moores Alayna Motley Grace Mott-Hosier Chelsea Motton


Measha Murray Kathleen Myers Kendra Napper James Nardo Dhiolan Negre Landry Ngeleza

Huynh Nguyen Madison Odell Ayanna Orington Aisha Overcast Kevin Oviedo Chloe Pankau

Sara Pankau Shivali Patel Katherine Penwell Karen Perez Tiona Pett1grew Madison Philipp

Adnan Pierson Steven Plutchak Zachary Pound Shawnkee Powell Darius Pullard Carmen Rast

Adam Redd Soren Reitsma Annlka Richmond Jacob Richter-Shed Thomas Roadcap George Roark

Michael Roberts Diamond Robinson Sierra Robinson Neyere RobinsonBrooks Adrian Rochelle Myles Roosevelt

Jesse Rose Alexzandria Ross Demarco Ross Farzan Rostam-Abadi Scott Runyan Jacob Sailor


Danyae Schaffner Chloe Schreiber Lexi Schweighart Sydney Schweighart Kain Shirley Aaron Smith

Ashlee Smith Derrick Smith Edward Smith Julia Smith Lorenz Smith Savannah Smith

Shorvon Smith Tanaja Smith-Fortner Steven Sowder Mark Spohrer Emma Squier Marina Sroka

Muhammad Sugiharto Vinay Sunkara Jordan Swanigan lan Szetho Claire Tang Joseph Tate

Raven Tayborn Dashon Taylor Alexandria Thomas Ebonee' Thomas Guyshawn Thomas Aramis Thomas-Kent

Kendrell Thompson Jacob Tieder Summer Truax Eva Trujillo-Ruiz Ayika Tshimanga Timothy Turner

Gabrielle Unander Kirsten Vanderwerf Adriana Vega Eduardo Villa Gretchen Walker Hannah Walker


Kenton Walker Samuel Walters Corinne Webber Aaron Weckhorst Alleya Weibel Frances Welch

Madison Weldon Kameron Wells Latisha West Markeysha West Michael West Jaelyn Westfield

John Whalen Wesley Whalen Jack White Seth Wh1te Malaysia Wicks Matthew Wildman

Isaiah Williams Venus Williams Eriana Williams-Davis Tawan Williamson Jazmine Willis Brandon Wilson

WOOf" do ~OIA do lVI ~OIA

Brennan Wilson Krystal Wilson


free time? Not Pictured

Furkan Yaman Chris Vim

Ramzey Yousef Diana Zarco


William Aldridge Christopher Belt Murial Bondurant Ashley Bordeaux Michael Cheng Jennifer Circello

Barbara Cook Jennifer Currey John Currey Kathleen Decker Mary Elizabeth Early

Diane Ecker Carmen Egolf Patricia Evans Warner Ferratier Scott Filkins Sarah Fischer

Ladonna Fletcher Katherine Flugge David Fones Dawn Fridrich Jamie Fuiten Jenn1fer GarbeTonner


Tiffany Gholson Johnson Yolanda Graham Patricia Gropp Iselin Gutierrez Teresa Hamilton Samantha HaNey

Connne Hatcher De Vona Haywood Darin Hen gman David Hohman Matthew Hopkins Mark Hughes

David Jacobs Lisa Jacobs Alexander Joe Argie Johnson David Johnson Verdell Jones

Charlotte Klapp Jane Kuppler Debra Lee Amanda Lesch Anne Lunsford Marie Lypka

Jamal Maatuka Holly Magill Meredith Main Nikelle Miller

Tom Mohr Anne Munroe Jonathan Ortiz Jacqueline Peden Darren Plattner Lindsay Polarek

Calvin Pollard Jr Daniel Reid Tricia Riesenbeck Brett Roberts Janet Rodgers Stephanie Royse

D1ane Salfelder Christopher Schultz Sarah Schwartz Alyssa Scott Bree Segal Philip Sexton

Vincent Shamhart Fa1th Sharp Michelle Shm kler Ilene Silverman Louis Sitch MIChael Sitch

Gary Slotn ck Kathryn Sly Laquanna Sparkman John Staab Matt Staley Jane Stillman


Luisa Stone Monica Stovall Jennifer Stroud Sarah Tandet Melissa Thompson Veronica Thompson

Heather Topel Timothy Turner Bryan Tylkowski Lori Walker Anthony Williams Joseph Williams

Not Pctured Cl'rtstule Brown Pat Bruns, Cry I Cart r M r1 n Cotraro, Scott Davis Jason D I Jamoe Fu~en Voctona Gonzo lea Judy Gordon Gma lsabeD1 Ira J ff rson Emt Kaffel Caleb Klarnan Char1oU Klapp Abby Krows Ryan Krows H nry langreder Sandra l ntz A ne Lenz Com laa leWis J rnf N1gg J rry Pea Georg Pellum Jeff PiCke Alex Rarrurez Dan Reid Lorena Rodngu z Bnan Ru s DeMIS Sparks. Brandon Thomas Karen Troupe Phdl ps. Kevtn Turner Tim Turn r Bruan Tyfkowskl Georg1a Vnn r Poul Susan Weber Kara Wilken, M1ke W1lhams. T1mothy Zom

Ladonna Wilson Jackie Witt John Woods

Rita Yagow Laura Zick-Bottorff


Mr. Plattner and his son Caleb Plattner


s an active member of Central's chool spirit for more than three decades, Mr. Sparks has contributed greatly to Central's pro ess throughout the years. Mr. Sparks began working for Central as an assistant coach for Mr. CabUtti, a math teacher, and is now currently bUJ,~ === ~ As ociate Principal. All of Mr. Sparks hard work and time at Central shows his dedication to the school and students and is very much appreciated. The halls will not be the arne without Mr. Sparks, suspenders and all, checking in on the classrooms. Mr. Sparks, you truly bring your own spark to Central and although you may be ufat sassy and ready for June", all of Central High School is going to miss you!


What is your favorite memory of Mr. Sparks? Who is going to give me s--- about Wednesdays? -A. Lunsford When he apologized for thinking he was giving me much work! What a boss!! -M. Shmlkler During the first new teacher meeting we had last year with him he kept on taking off his glasses in a very menacing fashion. l was quite Intimidated. After getting to know him, l have found he can just never decide whether he wants them on or off. .. -T. Mohr EVERY moment is my most memorable moment when It is with Mr. Sparks. -J. Kuppler l will never forget the time, when l was newly hired, l brought my daughter in to school to get my classroom set-up. She would have been about 9 years old. Mr. Sparks saw us In the hallway by Decker Theater and aid to Emmity, " Hi there tittle girl. Would you like some candy in my office?" The look of shock on her face was priceless ... it screamed "creeper"!! We now kn w that Mr. Sparks is just one bundle of fun!! -V. Thompson

One Man: Many Faces! All Maroon!!

BaJeoatt OPPONENT vs

Varsity abOVe Front row KoU n Marquardt, Tirrmle Johnson. lu e Knegel. Clinton M ler, Doug Kyrouac. Sean Cory, Drew Beard 2nd row Coach Staab, Evor Slozln k. Je~emy COleman. Adam Hawthorne. Aaron Beckemeyer, Tony G~ammono, Mark Poto Coach Rodeffer Bock row Coach Boctvnon Broden Anderson Evon Ellsworth. ate So • Hamson Freeland Bobbie Hart, Coach Murphy Ju1110r VarSity op nght Front row. Regg~e Wo er oU Marquardt Tyler Potlic Chris long Alex Simpson e Snell lyndell Clemons 2nd r(YH Coach Rode er Thomas a R ey Brunson Ty1er Tester. Justin Rondon Motlhew Morr(YH Boc row Jon Ervin Alan Paul IC HooKer Theo McFor1ond Tonner H en. Coach Murphy Freshmen bOttom right Front row· Alexander Raux. ell Dickerson. Clark Brownrng. Joel Spauldrng Sam Ho pam 2nd row Joe Freemon, Matthew Beckerrl9yer, Edward Roy, Co b Plattner, Grant Shirley, Coach Sltch Bock row Jam r S1011o • Tote long. M Chell Bo er Tonner

Goslin Jacob Meyer









Mahomet Fisher


Fron row k.J:Jr Luesse Rory Mt Is Jamie AnastoslO Maeve no IT' Mowry 2!'ld row Andrea Montgomery AJ no Clark. Cortsso Hoyne Clore Feely Ko ee Bu rl<ett Jourdan VIc ers e Cot man Boc row Jenno Mort n AIIISOO !'lOX. Coach Cel<onder Katie DomeiiY And eo M mlns Monico Ronci6P Coadl Borrow Jemfer Kempe Allse EriCkson

Sttftbatt 1/.S'



6 L



0 L




OPPONENT Hoopeston Area

Track & Fte!d OPPONENT





54 86W



52 93



96 53 L



or the f1rst time in three years, the Central varsity baseball team finished with a winning record! The team went 19-18, which ranks 1n the top ten in the school's h1story. Also this year, the Central boys achieved their 1OOOth victory since the program started back in 1925. We can attribute the great season to the leadership that all the sen1ors showed on and off the field. Sen1ors Timmy Johnson, Mark Pataky, Nate Sokolski, Aaron Beckemeyer, Drew Beard, Sean Cory, Evan Ellsworth, Bobby Hart, and Adam Hawthorne all contributed to this very successful season. But, for senior Timmy Johnson, his baseball career will contmue when he plays for Lmcoln Land Community College next spring. The team had many more high points in the season such as no-hitters pitched by Timmy Johnson against Kankakee and Clint Miller against Decatur Eisenhower. Also, Junior Hamson Freeland tnpled twice in one game aga1nst Bull1s Academy to tie a school record. The program will miss the sen1ors, but they have many talented JUniors ready to step up to the challenge and have a very successful season just like the previous years.

Clock w se from

above Players T ll'liTlY .loMson

Horr!SO"' Freeland and

Drew Beard to strategy w coach S cob Ev E.l swor worms ..p be'ore o big game llle regcl ge s ready o s eo second bose Broden Andersor concen ro es before re~ pt d- C nt M ler POSt ens JTlSelf to co ch he bo


Sentttr MVP Harrison Freeland


gh school baseba I OOfT' of 1909 could hove boon dossed as the best Cent•o hos hod Slrce 1 was creo ed Coached by Mr M er they f-ad o very successfu season But the r greatest occomplishnent was leov !19 be nd a legacy for the rex! gererat on to h



What s yOOJ s1gnature catch pfyase? Jaddys~¡

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Bounty fu1 er Q Who rs ycu favon e h1g schooll:x:Jsel:x:J I memory?


A Get+1ng to go to Flmda for Spnng

... ..... . ..



.. .. .. . .


. '.







Cer> ral bays IoofT' crowds fooorre p e to ceebrate he big


Above Mark Pataky slides 1n 1o beat he log at hird base



his year was another rebuilding season for the Central Softball team. Although they lacked a winning record, doesn't mean they didn't have a winning spirit. The girls stuck 1t out regardless and finished the season. They lost a few key seniors, but hopefully with the combined force of the returning and new players along with a new coach, the girls will definitely be a force to be reckoned w1th this year. Monica Rondon was awarded the News Gazette's All-Area Softball Player of the Year and set a school record of 8 home runs in one season . We all w1sh the team luck for the coming season and we are sure they w1ll do great!

Clodcwre h:>M above .lema Mortrn IS ready for OflyA'llng hot comes her way Ser or rea Mr$ ~ ns end sen~or Cor sso f-byne defrne teaMwork as l-ey gel a 9 rl out at rd bose Knz e Coleman h-ows her d s r e end sends cnotrer 9 I bock to l,e dugout Clore Feely SITlClCKs ano her ba I o 1-e outf eld Maeve AqutrO s r es out ano her ba er w I 1-er awesoMe p •& ng Is


SenttJr MVP

/-f a ,.j ,Y/ ttOI/1 jt/i,.Jtt/1 f II/,) he reo, v• .992 dan c J v& a •• n ng ec..., d but 1 ~y were dedcoted and talented at!"J etes. The eol"'l was 1"'10 n y 'TlOde up of yo...nger less expenenced players w ch cortr buted o the loses of 'he season "he g rls hod a w rr ng ~p r and that s what rna ters ROW 2- K K1tsor Coach Soly Krmnger H W1eover f-<

OW 1- E Gtnaersor S MJ ns D Struri

Monica Rondon 0

W'ro 1s tr.._ MO' t attra1 t1ve eacher



Deal can utor me ANY DAY be any car oon c'roracter w 1ch one would 11 be any w y? A Jerry frOO' Tom &Jerry because he 1s sneeky and

Olf you could

always wrns

0 W'rot s your favor1te h1g school softball memory? A When I t~ew tre ball stra1ght at Karlee Bur ets head wren

I was 5

f• away and t was In t~ heat of

tre 'Tloment

Left the g rls COI"'le loge her for a pe to from he coach. Above· Jal"'l e Anastas1a gets ready to catch the gro..nder


cc 2

009 was a good year for the Central Girls Soccer team, winning the majority of the first six games. With the seniors Amanda Greco and Sarah Moe, the team stayed strong throughout the season . The girls kept the injuries minor and to a minimum, a b1g change from last 2008's team. They went on to win the last three games of the regular season and defeated Centennial 2 to 1 in over t1me in the first game of Regionals. The season ended with a final record of 11-11-1, a big Improvement from their last season. Senior Amanda Greco made All Sect1onal, All Conference, and All Area f1rst team, Sen1or Sarah Moe made All Conference and All area second team, Jun1or Kim Vega made All Sect1onal and honorable ment1on, All Conference and All Area first team, Junior Mia Gilliam made All Sectional honorable mention and All area second team, and Jordyn Koerner made All Sect1onal honorable ment1on. We lost two great players last year, and we wish them both luck as they go on and further their careers in college. Hopefully the return1ng players and incoming freshmen will be able to keep up the good work.

ClockwiSe from above hdyn oerner f1gh•s for for the ba I Amanda Greco steals 1-e bo frorr t opposing eam. Goo 1e hdon Slade pu1ts \--e bo of er o 'l' rCJC:l.k,us save Sarah N\oe gets bo ou of Mcrcx::r.s terr ory f'.loshlo Vega rn.akes o grea block



StttttJr MVP Kim Vega Tre 1999 Vors1ty g r s soe-;e:. e:.a d d pretty we I w1th o season record of 8-9-2 Toot year the cop tons were Anyo Pov1o .lenry Cr pe and Toro Peters The eaM also ood o good f'UT1ber of g rls naMed AII-C.orference and A -Sect10n0 players.

favorite h1gh school scx:cer memory? he wm1rg goal aga1nsl Centennial at


Wlx:lt s your



Reg,onals. 0 W'ro 1s

A Stch!l Q VVJ-.ot

Ire 'Tlost attract ve teacher'?

cartoon character would you be?

A Coobe Mor6ter

Above "e g rls celebrate alter on over :ne w1n ago nst Centemd o ow1ng theM a advance to the 2nd game of Reg,onals. Left Mia G,ll,om ploys f-er heart out and gets the bo I fcOM the other learn


cnns T

he 2009 Boys Tennis season was very successful. The team was dominated by seniors. The team was very sk1lled , sending Joel Yambert and Keegan Bannon to state in the singles diVISIOn and Kendrith Rowland and Hogan Sills in doubles. The team placed 4th overall at the B1g 12 tournament with Yambert placing 3rd at #1 singles and Rowland placing 2nd at #3 s1ngles Central's starting singles were , in order from 1st to 6th , Joel Yambert, Robbie Crow, Kendnth Rowland , Keegan Bannon , Hogan Sills and Patrick Wampler. The start1ng line-up cons1sted of 4 seniors The captains of the team were Joel Yambert and Robbie Crow. Yambert and Rowland were both awarded MVP's of the team after their performances at the Big 12 invite . Pat Wampler was the most 1mproved player from the start of the season to its end. The team will miss seniors Joel Yambert, Robbie Crow, Hogan S1lls, Patnck Wampler, Taylor Dillon , Oren Baran , and Mason Schoolcraft and w1sh them the best of luck 1n the future . The 2010 tennis season will m1ss the sen1ors and 1s look1ng for players to step up and fill m the holes .

Clockwrse r.OI'l above ebb Gow s ready o ¡e..,.., o serve oyJOr 8i ion wo ng or s opporen to send bod< s way Po Wampler beos rg '1e coo-t hogcn St siOMS bo over roe SaM Wampler sc st..p ~or he ogof"61 his opporen T


,Cfru) .7 / ttrtlltjtli,.Jtm f n/,; re ivC e-ns


llJia, .....

as he g ves an 1nsp at10n0l speeo

Back 1hen


Sentttr MVP ~La

T'1e Plug he


the Maroons •o mulhple sect1ona h es and op f r



1n cOI"ference In

he was


'10wn as

SparKs era the team corrpeted at

placed I-ns cb-e for

state r10ny t mas and came close but rever We w I rever forg:;t r enl·o

Keegan Bannon

to r10t vote the

The Pug and a


Q. wtxJt s your favorite l·ug'1 school tem1s memory?


Go1ng to away tournaments w1t the team.

Q Wllat s your favorite food?

A Coconut


Q. Wllat 1s your favmte fTlUSic?

A Rock




Above Joel Yar'"lbert

ches o h looK ng to sea

s•re IS


ba ll:xxk over

he ret

h1s vidory





he 2009 boys track season had its ups and downs, but the season ended well. Junior standouts lan Wells and Denzel Stewart are return1ng for their sen1or seasons in 2010. Ian was a state champion and Denzel was a 5th place finisher at State. lan Wells was the MVP of the team for winn1ng the 400 meter run at state. We will m1ss seniors Ryan Grey, Jordan Fox, Chris Hill, Jordan Johnson, Russell Jones, Stephen Maxey, Patrick Mazzoco, Edward McGhee, Yannick N1my, Gordon Phillips, Josh Proemmel, Adam Thies, Josh Clark, Charly Kalombo, and Timothy Stewart. The team placed 6th at Conference and 6th at sectionals.The captains were lan Wells, Denzel Stewart, Ryan Grey, and Jordan Fox. The future looks bright for Central track. he 2009 Girls track season was at an uphill battle all season long. The team finished 1Oth at the conference meet with freshmen Audrey Aeilts and Samone Thompson having 5th and 6th place finishes. The captains were Samone Thompson, Cornelia Osborne, and AJ Cotton. The only sen1ors were AJ Cotton, Terri Harden and Jazminna Evans, and they will be missed in the 2010 season. The team was made up of mostly Freshmen and are hoping to hit their stnde within the next few years.

ore to 1'1Clke t\--e f rsl Atheno Combs dashes focused o push over I'Je op

JessJco Jokobsson rl.1lS herd to f sh

over Mered 13-+

fud Y 0U19

Hash m Zoghloul n.ns down I




s e•c to

l,e race

Senlttr MVP lan Wells 1913 • ock 1 eor<~ was coocred by Mr M re He sod "lot onry ore fos est foo bo payers ore a 50 T~

•w ce as ~rd as t >-ey rOI.I'lCOO lXbono by 28

rock s or1 11-ev must ther t•o ov rage o




pan's and 050 beo Jonv e by 8 pans.

Q Who

IS '1e mos a rod ve eacher? Man shes a babel Q Woos your ~ovor e cartoon d-oracter? A Tw•lmy TLJner re can do any! ng he wan s Q~t s your ~ovortle 19 school track fl'lemory?

A Ms

A Wtmtng sta e

.e • Denzel S ewar end Joseph Holr<~er 11.11 loge "er o he way o 1>-e f :ne for o v c ory Above Andrew Lr.onder

llf'l'S w

d. s mtgn 1o dear



F{j(Jrbatt OPPONENT vs CHS Normal West Urbana

23 28


0 50



27 46W


27 2' L








Community Mattoon

Fran !?ow Carol ne Koch Sandra noung 2nd row KrvstoJ ilson Daniello Miso Gobrlello Pog IUCO Brenna Mooney Shohom Bond 3rd row Coach Homen Diamond Rotxnson E Moe Sot'P Emory el1 Golmeevo Marl Sh~ge a Coach Day Bod< row Ko n Rowland Ale Berns Monico Rond6n Bo ey McClellan Marla VOZ(M;f( Bree ~therldge JOclyn Benekoha

vs CHS







4 L




B Decatur Eisenhower B Rantoul


B Normal West

162 191

G Centennial

190 204l

G Bloomington


Jer my COl man, Drew Kntghl, Komeron Wells, Brennan Wilson, Mot'hew B kmeyer Bock Row Will Zech. Troce COllins. Porter M ler, Gobe l'lamlrez ChriStopher Hole Joel Spould ng John kenberry Myles 1'1 Coach Foner Glr1s nght front rr:JW E n Brown. Alise EriCkson Clore Feely. Jennifer Ho te, l((]ttlryn enberry Katie Mertens 2nd rr:JW Chloe Po au Jane Choo. Jamie Anastasia Coach Bee er. Lonnl Fredockson. JaniCe Choo.

G Tuscola

Coach Guzman

BtJ!fl StJeeer

Vars:ty above front !r:JW JuliO Zorco. Evon Lotz, Juan P lo. Arturo Lupez. BoraH Kenclon DIC • ool Shaman 2nd rr:JW M&cot> Walker, Cameron ~i1Zgerold anton M ler. Coact> Gales , Smith Ryan, Jeeyon Rostom· Abad Hetoman Montes Bock rr:JW: VIctor Rodrtguez. ton Wells, AHI Kur'hy, Cory Motetowsky, Marc Martindale. Nathan ChiSholm











Normal Community



he 2009 football season started out with high hopes for returning to the playoffs. With three consecutive wins Including two shut outs, the maroons were well on their way. Although playing well they suffered losses from their next three of four opponents. The maroons knew that the next game against our town rival, would make or brake their playoff hopes. The game started out with Denzel runmng an 82 yard touchdown. The game was turned right around with the Chargers retaliating. Even though the team did not make it to the playoffs, they played with tons of heart and drive. The maroons were led by captains Denzel Stewart, Doug Kyrouac, Edwind McGhee, and John Lessaris. The team finished 5th in the Big 12 conference with a 4-5 overall record.

Ciockw from above T O"'y G1011Y110na and .Jom lessons celebrate after sc.orng a louchdowr1. Tyler F bener breaks fToug lf1e Cct-ey Ma e10w y cks '1e bol ..., for 01' ex•ra po: Akeemeon ParkS n.ns of er •lm!rg bod<. Adar'1 H le t ots ofl fed after !'TO rg


a perfect sock

SenltJr MVP Edwind McGhee Q What s your A oodlerd

favor1te f,jg school ootba I meMory 7

0 W'ro s ycxr Signa LXe co ch ph-a5e? A Ge ds money Q Wha do you do to ge pumped or a A Doncell


Lef -:}e Cen••al team 1nes 1.4J ana ge•s ready o srap "e ba Aoove Denzel S ewor cor• es he bal pas he 111e to score a





he 2009 boys soccer season was very special. With first year coach Mick Galeski, the team performed very well. Central won the Chatham Glenwood tournament to start off the season. The team had a stretch of 11 games in 15 days and struggled in some areas. Although they did not w1n the majority of those games Central fought hard and made those teams earn their wins. Nathan Chisholm and Clint Miller were the captains of the team. The MVP's were Nathan Chisholm and Micah Walker. This was the largest senior class Central soccer has seen in many years graduating 13 seniors! The senior class consisted of Nathan Chisholm, Clint Miller, Joe Daniels, Marc Martindale, Atti Kurthy, Victor Rodriguez, Evan Lotz, Jeeyan Rostam Abadi, Neal Shannon, lan Wells, Arturo Lopez, Sergio Lopez, and Jesus Perales. Coach Mick and assistant coach Steve wish these seniors the best of luck after high school. At the Urbana regional, the team finished runner up to Centennial. The team fought hard and lost in a shootout at the very end of the game. Even with the loss of many seniors There is not too much worry because the 2012 class is full of talent and expectations will be high for years to come.

CbckWlse fcom above C n M er rnd<es o move on~ opponen Jl.Ol Par• lo spnn•s for 11-e bo Mtm Wo er sl de ockles t"e opponen V,c or Rodnguez sends he oa t..p fed More M.or indo ld<s o peno ly

d 140





Stntttr MVP /fa,)¡ 71ttotll jt li:Jttll f 11 /,) v


goal In 19/9 '1e boys soccer earr t-ad only been oro.rd lor o ew years. The OOIT' ended '1e season w


6-5-2 •ecord

Nathan Chisholm 0'\M-osy a e A Be ng OlO ham ournaf'1efll c.homp1ons Q W'lCl k nd of mus1c dO you hs en to? A A lo but 1 e edna f-e MOSt Q W't-o IS f-e most a lrad1ve teacher? A o comment I don I want to be charged se






Cloo::w se from

eft The teal"1 ge s p!.tnped before big 1'\10 han 0 sholm shows of mod Joe l::>ooiels





mmt /


he 2009 girls swim team had a very successful season The team started out strong by beatmg Normal Commun1ty 1n the second meet of the season, winning by only three points. The Maroons also defeated nvals Centenn1al and Urbana 1n duel meets, defeat1ng their opponents by more than thirty points. The team continued to be successful, and by the end of the season, they were unstoppable. The girls won Sectionals this year, the second year 1n a row that the team clutched the t1tle. The team beat runner-up Danville by more almost thirty points, with five girls qualifying for the State Meet. Emma Newman and Hannah Newman both qualified individually, and two relays, the 200-yard medley relay and the 200-yard freestyle relay also qualified for State. The team will lose three seniors this year: Mary Lacine, Julia Bistriceanu, and Sentoria Cannon. Mary Lac1ne was a two-time state qualifier, and Julia B1stnceanu was part of the team for all four years of high school. This year was Sentona's f1rst year on the team, and she did a great JOb. The seniors will be greatly missed next year, but with all the returning talent, Coach Barker knows that the team will be successful for years to come.


Clockwese frOIT' above Ane Fe per:or'TlS a p e d ve a ti-e Chargers nv to 1000! 1-brr.dwmar pusf-es hrough t~ po n to l,n,~ he '()() backs roke tor10 Coman sw ms freestyle ate Mert~ perfects lhe bock u:k a Sechonals Emma I-lea y trJeS for her persona best 1n breas stroke 142

SenttJr MVP

.<J>a,.J ·71 t t filii jt li .Jtm f 11 /,j

Mary Lacine Q

wrat S yo.x favon e SWirnrTllng memory?

A Hov ng a crange pee f g t on '1e bus Q Who+ car•oon charac er would you wan to be? A TI-e l1 e Merroo d because he can go underwa er a day long Q Who s yOIJ dol? A Eliot McGII

Aoove "'he 2(X)9 1eor'l s.~ws of plaque after wmng Sec .ona s. Lei Mr;y;gon ::>aviS

ves n o

e a 'elll> ng to ge


wa er a

ahead o f-er


10001 Chompons s or• o




cnns T

he 2009 girls tennis team had a very successful season despite their win/loss record . Two of the best players were new to the team. Senior Kathleen Rowland and jun1or Ellen Moe halted their careers in volleyball to try out tennis this year.They both proved valuable to the team. Kathleen and Nelli Golmeeva were the MVP's of the team making it to state as s1ngles players this year. There were a few heartbreakmg matches this year. Against both Danville and Centenniel, The team lost in 3rd set tiebreakers for the match pomt. Losing earlier m the year to Centenn1el, doubles partners Maria Vozovoy and Bailey McClellan got their revenge. After their loss, the pair worked hard and came out on top in the regional tournament! Graduatmg seniors Bailey McClellan, Mana Vozovoy, Kathleen Rowland, Alexis Berns, Monica Rondon , and Jaclyn Benekohal will be m1ssed and hopefully will be successful with their future careers . Although many talented sen1ors are leaving, we are look1ng forward to next year!

CockwiSe from above E en a Row and r 'ISns •he ~ondon looks ready to send Golmeeva serves 1-e ba w as 500 bacKI-onds ~ bo over 144

Moe shows o I mean forehand bal w 0 per'ec+ tx:x:khard M.cnca !--e bo bock to her apparent perfect ~arm Scm- Emery lOOks fearSOMe he ne

StnttJr MVP

,Cfa ,.J · )/ttoltl /' /i,Jtm f fl/,)

Maria Vozovoy Q 'N'XJ

s yOIS

e "gh


A Beat ng Certemal 'n doubles Q Wro do you do to ge punpecl be ore a game? A Lster 1o mUSic Q Wro was yOIS favor e phrase abou tems? A When coach would 1ell Ba1ley and me to Put theM

L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l+e otf-er team[ 1r> o submss1on•

Above Bo y Sl"llSf-es he ba as her opponen siT eKS error

le A


Berns s e ches out

wt-ole bod o •eoc:t- he bol



his year the volleyball program hired a new coach, Krist1ne Anderson, former Univers1ty of Illinois volleyball player. Her great knowledge of the game and high expectations guided the way for the team's success. Not only did the team have a new coach, but they lost two s1gnificant starters. Despite the many new changes made to Central's Volleyball program, the girls came out w1th a successful season. The team came through w1th a winnmg record and competed w1th tough compet1t1on 1n every tournament they participated in. The Maroons Varsity took home the championship trophy for the Charlie Scanavino Volleyball Invitational in Decatur, adding five wins to the1r record. The team's early success made them confident entenng the postseason. It was the f1rst time in six years that Central's volleyball team has won a Regional Championship. The Maroons were matched up with Chatham Glenwood High School in the first round of Sect1onals. Although they did not advance to the Sectional Finals, they fought hard and competed w1th Glenwood. The team was led by three seniors, Manah Thomas, Maeve Aqu1no, and Katie Donnelly. The team was full of young talent and are prom1sed even more successful seasons to come. Esther Kemper was awarded a spot on the B1g 12 first team, along w1th Alex Pelmore and Mariah Thomas who were awarded Honorable Mention to All Big 12 selections.

StniiJr MVP Mariah Thomas Q Wro s yo.r lavon e g school volleybo I momen 7


go n respec

of er


A Wren I peed my pan s at a game Q Wro s yo.r s1gnature coo pfyose? A I don t rea y have a co c pfyase bu I me we rd "'iseS co oar chorac er

Q Wro

would you be



lots o

w yt

A Bugs Bumy because carrots are deliciOUS.

Lef A Pe!more uses "er s reng o o 00. "e bo over ~ ne w e her eo !TlOtes bock "er ..p Aoove The 1eor'l poses of er w1M1f19 he egonol Chompielnsho




he 2009 season will be looked back on as the start of the Central High School boys golf team getting back on track. They lost some valuable seniors over the last several seasons, so they had to play a lot of young and 1nexpenenced golfers. Playing the inexperienced golfers helped the freshmen get much better as the season went on. Lead by captains Riley Brunson and Mathew Beckemeyer, they managed to get 6th in Regionals with the hope of an even better season next year. he Girls golf team performed pretty well th1s year. Lead by captains Kathryn Ikenberry and Lenni Fredrickson, the girls were able to defeat Bloomington, Shiloh, Eisenhower, Mattoon, Tuscola, and Pontiac. The girls placed 4th in the Gibson City Invite and placed 6th in the Big 12 Tournament. Also, Jane Choo placed 7th in Regionals, qualifying her for sectionals. The girls should come back strong next year with a number of return1ng players and should be even better.

C!Od:wase J.om above Serer Ri y BnrlSOO dr ves one o


Sophomore Mo 11--ew Beckemeyer puh for oo b1rde 1=-.esfvroan Ch- s Ho s o f.o e n ore one Choo nes 4=1 for "1e h SeniOf J er He le concen ¡o es Of' bo


Sentttr MVP

,Cfa,Ji ,Yl t t otJI /' /;,.J,m f 11 l.j hs


a piChxe o


a Dv 1 ,


Kathryn Ikenberry


1940 Tf.ey beat J-bana 1f-en las •o 11-ter!l later n t season I~ re Big 2 cam I 1011 Ire Champagn gofers raried tt>rd and placed second " re d st· ct In tre d s. d <neet .es Rd'Ords re the Individual d strict rr os a state carrpe• tar lrOI'T'

Q W'ro s YOUI av e Go1 nr f A Jump1ng on the beds to Superman' a Reg1onals my sophomore year or sh:x:>hng my low of 41


be a cartoon character who would be and why? A I would be Pocaf'Oiltas because I love nature and f you could


go ng on adventures

Q W'ro do you do to get pumped for a match? A I run a few laps around t~ course and stare down my compet1hon.

Above Care Feely smacks one lor an eag .el• W I ieks up


grass ~s he


Ire ba o the reen


\!Cross T



he 2009 girls cross country team had a very successful season . For the first t1me 1n a couple of years , the team had a very strong team of both underclassmen and upperclassmen. At the Central Invitational the team placed second against Danv1lle, Peoria, and Eisenhower. They also won against Pontiac in a duel meet. At Reg1onals , the girls m1ssed makmg it to Sectionals by one point, but Jakeenya Evans, Julia Smith , Cornelia Osborne , and Kathryn Chisholm all made it to Sectionals as individuals. The team w1ll be losing seniors Rory Mills and Allceson Cash , but with all the fresh talent, the team Will be successful for years to come. 009 was a very good year for the boys cross-country team. The team got second place at Big 12, and won the Central Invitational. With strong underclassmen and new runners , such as freshman Kain Shirley, sophomore Alex Goodlad, and sen1or Kendrith Rowland , the team was able to place 5th at Reg1onals , quallfymg for Sectionals as a team for five years in a row. Seniors Kendnth Rowland , Chns Svendsen , Caleb Mbuvi , and John Billimack will all be leaving the team next year, but Coach Johnson has high hopes for next year's team with all the amazing returning runners .


Sentttr MVP

.c_;(l .). 71 ttfl//1 /' li.)l/11 f /( /.j

Rory Mills


y 1eor a.. uu , hod o 0· record r due fT1ee s were Bg 12 Chol""''piOnS and I""''JSSed quo y ng lor sto e as o earn by orr.y s pants. Sen.or S•eve Swartzendruber shown to tf.e I was t-e eon" s MVP He placed I r n '1e Bg 12 C..onf ence meet 3 d n •f.e Ds • 8•n o Sec ono and 37 n tf.e S o e I :10:s.

Q W'ro was yo.r favor 1e cross-coun ry fTlemory?

A Tr pp ng

n fran of


foo ba guys dunng prac ce

Q W'ro s you favor1 e food? A Wa errne on. Q


·~~~~~~ ~~'{~!f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Mr


s re most a •act1ve teacher?

ch and Mr

Mcl-r You guys are beautlfull

pock when rurer ll"ng he


BtJf!J' BaJkroatt OPPONENT

vs CHS

East Peoria


71 W


54 47 W


67 58 W


57 54 l

Decatur MacArthur



36 72

sow w

JuniOr Varsity bottom front rcrw Chris Freeman Jam r S ova Andr w M ler Jamll H nderson AI x Raux 2nd rON J., Johnson Clall\ Mul ns Myles Browning Cortez Klng Curtis Balcer Bac rcrw Tyr McCarty oah .essa • Freshrr1en above Jesse Rose Tm Turner Porter M er JOMle Gatsof' DeShon Taylor 2nd rON DomlniQue Phillips Myles Roosevelt Ka n Shtrlev. Anlhor1y All n Kendrell Thompson Coach N Bac row Brandon Markham MIChael Cart r Cl'lo Due Sher e Bllsslt Kam Wells

U)reJr&ttff OPPONENT

vs CHS

Gtt!J; BaJkrbatt OPPONENT v.c: CHS

Jul'liOI Vor !tv top ngh front row Jokeenyo Evans Aicryna Motley. Donyoo SchO" r AyriOnnO Peat. Somone 'hompson 2nd row Johynno Evans 5houno McCurry An o Evans Sora Kresco Kino lemons Boc r Stevoruo Bootrigt>t Shelby Stout Lour 1-tortmon Christina ewman Myho Blown Lauro Utct"lfield


36 52



42 50



58 36 L


38 44 w


29 49


53 55


Eisenhower Mattoon

F•eshmen t>o++om rtght front row Teznlyono Jones o Ev ns Donyae SchOffner AJayno Mol1eV nno Box 2nd rc:JN JaSmine JaCkson Kyesha Guy Ashley Srnrth Manno Sro o Boc rc:JN Ale1sho Webb Johvnno fvons AneelO King

Cktr!tadtnj COMPETmON CHS


he Central boys basketball team got right down to work at the beginning of the season with a 71-62 win against East Peoria. The team struggled with a 3-0 losing streak but ended it by smashing Decatur MacArthur 80-65. The team captains , Edwind McGhee and Isaiah Clasberry lead the team to the regional championship , but they fell short by losing to cross-town rival Centennial 36-47. Th1s ended their season with 13 wms and 15 loses. All the seniors on the team , Nathan Chisholm , Edwind McGhee, John Lessaris , Anthony Green , Trey Smith-Williams, Isaiah Clasberry, and Joe Daniels, all contributed to this memorable season. Also, Edwind McGhee and Joe Daniels made the first team all Big 12, which had a positive impact on the outcome of the season. All of the semors will be missed dearly and as always the maroons Will be ready for the next season.

Clocl:wse rOll' above JOy Smpson dlllKS

1-e bo


Sm -W


shoots he bo w e .dYl .essons blocKs. Claytor JOneS advances ti-e bo I oowr 1!-e COJ1 so or Clasber¡y dr oo es pas t opfXlSlng teorr s p oyer No han 0 sholm •r es o ge '1e bo passed opponen' 15-l

Stni!Jr MVP

.Cfa ,j/ ¡Yl ttfl//1 ;,/;,)It 111 f tt /,j he 20v7 2l..J8






vva> a

Isaiah Clasberry


one ""hey placed th1rd at State the r r1rst State appearance s nee 1969 Sen1ars Jona d Stewer Verde! JOneS and Ke1t B1ggers and II.I"'IOI"S Zander Culver and "a WampiE: a contr buted to an ama.z: !"19 season hat w be remembered far years to come

Q Whats your favorite basketball memory? A Gett1ng 3rd place at state my sophomore year

Q Wro IS your dream do e? A AliCia eys Q Wro IS your dol?

;~=-======-=~~~~~~~~~~~ A My


Above "'he eam does 1!-e r •ou ne h.x:ldle before f:.e game s ar 1s.

lef 1 Joe Dan1e s defeats s ooponent 1n w1mng the lllllP bo .




he 2009-201 0 girls basketball team improved greatly since last year. The team started the season with a big win against Paris , and won twenty other games throughout the season . During post season , the girls beat both Urbana and Centennial to become this year's Regional champions. This year, senior Kierra Robinson was named 1st team All Conference , 1st team All-Area, Honorable Mention All-State , and Player of the Week Honors by the NewsGazette. Senior Okeima Hampton was named Honorable Mention All Conference , All-Area Special Mention, and Player of the Week by the News-Gazette. Sophomores Jakeenya Evans and Cheyenne Hedrington and Freshman Laura Litchfield were named the News-Gazette AllArea Honorable Mention. The team will be losing four seniors next year: Andrea Montgomery, Okeima Hampton, and team captains Kierra Robinson and Mia Gilliam. Although these four were important aspects of the team , the returning players are extremely skilled and coach Staci Starkweather has high hopes for next year.

SenttJr MVP

.CfruJ -Yittotlljdi:)u;lflll,j 'le

2'vV6 9 s ooske t..


uilt: u

Kierra Robinson


n Cef"'tral hs ory Senor A e. ndef'1CJIT' mode Cl-orTlpa gr>-l.Xoona h story by breaK ng he g rls ·ecord of 2000 pan•s 1n her 9" school career knor EJ11ce G also read-ed 'ler owr persona goo of 1000 PO"ts throughOut her hg schoo career Sooors "ulene M iff and r shna Russel were alSO greo aspects to the team c;easorr,

Q Wh.at s yo.;r avor·te ba~ elba 'CXy? A Bea 1ng Centennd for f..e Regional Champ1onsh p. Q Wr-o 1s your dream doe? A Barack Obama

0 W'r-ot cartoon character would you be and why? A Lisa Simpson because shes smart and plays the

~~~~~~~~~~===~:.::::::.:~~~~~~ saxophone

Aoove: The 'eol""' shows off her egono Chal""'piOOS troohy Lei M a G 1orr shoots he ba I wh le her leorr'lXlles wo for a pass ble rebcx.nd



he 2009-201 0 cheerleading team was very successful despite an unfortunate event at the Big 12 Competition where they placed 5th . In their first competition of the season , the squad placed 4th at the Wauconda competition. The team competed against tough Chicago squads throughout the course of the season. They took 9th place at one of the toughest competitions of the season at Lake Zurich High School. As the season progressed, they earned 2nd at the University of Illinois competition. The squad fell a few places short at the Sectionals competition and unfortunately did not place for the Cheerleading State competition. The team will be losing ten seniors: Morgan Hiles, Jennifer Harle, Jordan Slade, Jamie Anastasia, Chelsea Gonzalez, Carolina Gonzales, Blarne Katherine Simpson , John Shackelford, Lessaris, and Kyle Wilson. Although these seniors were an important part of the team , the squad should be successful again next year.

Ciod:.wase frorr above Chesea Gonzalez shows off toer heels re ch. Jorr. e Aros OSlO learr.s how to f y be ore her lOS game Cer ral cheer eaders practiCe compe or pyrarrud ' S rrpson c s 1n !I" s ll'lt Bremo l...esse cheers w e n a s ra 9" up


Sentttr MVP

/-Ia ,.) ·71ttom /' li,Jtttl f 11/,; w ng

....OU4·£Gv season ·~ Cen ral cteer eaders wer coached by Arry Jackson. That yea y COI""pe ed n .£A Cheerlead ng Reg one ond ·ece ved o b d to No~ ones T s was '"e f r t t rr1e hot t Centro

Jennifer Haile a ABrrg





Q What s your favor e c~rlead rg memory? A Cheerlead rg sta e and d'eeflf'g at the baSke ba 1 sta e games sophomore year 1s yo.r Signa LJ"e co ch Dh-ase7

Q What



Left ~ 5eniOI" d-eerleoders no f nol bosl>e be game Above: Centro d-eerleaders get he diS ng a lime ou

s and re for ~r



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mmL T

The Central boys swimming team had a very successful year. Although the team lost their first meet against Normal U-High , they came back strong and won their next two meets: a tri-meet with Normal West and Urbana and a duel meet against Centennial. The boys were also very successful in big invitationals. They scored fourth at the Bloomtngton Invite and fifth in the Waubansie Valley Pentathlon. The team placed fifth at the Centennial Invite, and they dominated Twin City by placing first. At the end of the season , the boys swam their hardest and placed second at both the Big 12 Conference Meet and Sectionals. The boys swim team will be losing five seniors next year: John Billtmack, Riley Brunson, Evan Lotz , and divers Tyler Tester and Sam Mate. Although these boys were very valuable to the team, there are many skilled returning swimmers and the team should continue to be successful for years to come.

.. '

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Oock w 1·01"'1 above Chance t-iya I COf"lp e es a frort t..d as one of x d ves. T er Tester does a p e d ve at Sec ona Joey j:a n sw MS b.. erf y n he y relay r .10r• t Barnard ekes a b-ea oe'are sut:li'Tug ng back o "e water Blake ehnam pushes fv-oog: pa o I •oce


,(_J(I .J. 71('{'{1/1/ jtli.Jtt/1 f fl /.; boys SW t-.od on e remel)' St.CCessfu season COCld'ed by Tom S ewert t boys lost o:r.y one oue mee and wCX' both he Bg 12 chorrponstl p and '"e Bloorr ng CX' J sine d1omponsh p desp •e foe' l"lo the earr d d no have a pool o proc ICe f=OI.T days o w ~ sw ~mers had to be excused f·or'l +~,e r 5t '10J P E cbss fo proc ce at Mc:K y YMCA he

StttltJr M VP Evan Lotz



Vv'hat IS yOJ favon e sw1m1T'1ng memory? Wa d>ng Sa Poe swm tf-e 100 me er but erfly Who IS your dream do e? Rachel McAdams.

Q What s you Signature catch ph-ase?

~i1j~~W~~~~~\:~=================================================~~~~~~~ A Doddys hamel

Above ~ y Bnrson tokes s

lost s rakes before hit !'19 he wa Tomer ~ dves •o 1-e a er as eorrrno e •elay f s pori on of he •oce ~ef•




he Wrestling Maroons had a very impressive year. As a team the wrestlers qualified for the state duel team tournament. There the team placed fourth. "It is very exciting, something I will never forget," said first year head coach Dan Warner when asked about state. Seniors Brandon Ward, Adam Acheson, Tyler Finkbeiner, and Deshoun White all qualified for the individual state tournament. Brandon Ward and Adam Acheson were the ones who came out on top at the tournament. Brandon placed 3rd and Adam placed 4th. The rumbling Maroons placed second at the A.A. Stagg invitational, first at Metamora, and second at the B1g 12 conference tournament. Although seniors Adam Acheson, Brandon Ward, Deshaun White, Stephan Boatright, Tyler Finkbeiner, and Ronald Lemons are departing from the squad, the team have many talented underclassmen and will again be a top notch team for years to come.

SenttJr MVP Deshoun White Q What IS your a c c ;g '1 vr A Ge ng faurt pace a teams a e

Q Wha do you oak. up to? A Jesus O'IISt rx>w

Q Who cartoon d1orac er would you be and w y'? A Greer Lantern because l,e IS l,e only black super J..ero t'"la I now of

Above Adam Acheson puts s opponen on i-e MO Lef J~S>tor A ex Maoord piCks up I1Js c.ompet .on oefore •ytng o p1n hem.


Ji,ums E

very year, the amazing students of Central High School become members of the bleacher bums and bleacher babes, the main cheering section at both football and basketball games. Although the bleacher bums lost their extremely enthusiastic leader, Josh Proemmel, this year's crowd maintained the same amount of enthusiasm and wildness as last year. The bums will be losing many important members next year, including Tim Frye, Sam Mate, lan Wells, Silas Tappendorf, and the rest of the senior class. The seniors will be passing the torch to the junior class for next year, expecting next year's crowd to be even more dedicated. Some juniors that are expected to take charge of the bums and babes next year include Chns Rost, Just1n Rondon, and Tanner Heinen.

~ Pepe es ge ready o beg n cbnce roo.. ne o ype Jp crowd The Pepet es dance d.r ng holf t rroe o f-e oo bol games. Senors saOOIT" or Cer> ro lT ng 1'-e game Sane Mo e end Ch-IS Ros slop eoc:To s be o •er 01 OMOZ ng ploy B ooc+-er b.rns and bobes hold Lp th..roder d!l'k SJgn for Edw nd MgG

ClockwiSe f•OM above


, fa:J . /


e a rowdy brch Senter Scott Oongron prodiX'ed a Bleoc.her Buns f m n w iCJ, f med foe crowd dLr ng seve al games and cophsed of 1-e exa 1 ng end clever chcrl•s n



Tim Frye


and od1v es Th s ' M wer on •o be fea!ised at Sovey 6 mov heo s for o Cf.ompa gn c v ons to

ana adm·e

StnltJr MVP


Q rs yoor favor e bleocrer b..rn rnerno-y7 A Be ng kicked ou of he Ma 1oor away gaMe Q What do you do to get pumped up for games? A Blast W1zzy up n my r de

Q What t yoor s1gno ure cot~ plYase7 A Are you dd ng mel?

Above sophomore .ltSllor and 101" bleacher buns and bobes for he camera be ore 1f.e gCJ"le s or s. Lef foe crowd does tf.e .JSUO oush of er a bod co or Reg ona ago nst cen erYliO



Adam, Where has the time gone? It seems just like yesterday we were chasing you around and trying to keep up with you! We are so proud of your academic and athletic accomplishment over the years. It has been a joy watching you grow up into the fine young man you are today, You have a wonderful future ahead of you. As you go off to college, continue to grow and work hard as you have done in the past and also enjoy! We will always be here for you!! Congratulations!! Love, Mom, Dad, & Alex


onathon, It seems like yesterday hat we were enrolling you or kindergarten and soon ou will be oft you college. It has been so wonderful nd a JOY watching you row with your many talents. Continue to ork hard and good things will come for you. !ways follow your dreams because we are right behind .----:-------------.you! Love, Dad, Mom, Ben, Stefanie, Natal lie, & Bella

Mta Gtlltatn Congratulations, Mia!

Mia, As you move on to the next chapter in your life, we wish you success and happiness. Keep your same work ethic which has made us so proud of you, and you will be rewarded with continued success. Congratulation! We love you. XOXO Grandma and Grandpa 190

lam so proud of all your accomplishments and of the wonderful young woman you have become. I am excited for what your future holds. Stay focused on your goals, work hard, continue to be true to yourself and remember to have fun and enJOY yourself alon the way. Hakuna Matata! I love you. Mom

Bailey Jean, Where did the years go? Your sense of wonder, active time, and determination from an early age have sewed you well. You have struggled occasionally with adversity, but you hav shown me that you can set goals and better yet, you achieve them. I am so very proud of you. You also have a very kind heart displayed in your volunteer efforts to help others. I know that you will excel at whatever you choose to do. I love you with all my heart. Mom

Nathan, we are so proud of you and all you have learned and accomplished these past 4 years Keep your eyes on the goal! Run the race set before you, knowing God is with you all the way! Love, Mom & Dad, David, Deborah, Joel, Susan, & Owen, Michelle, Bubba & Kathryn.

Balle!f MeCtet!an Word cannot express how proud we are of you! Keep up the good work! We love you! Bron, Zach. & Cashel

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've lma ined - Henry David Thoreau Kathryn, This advice has served you well for l 8 years. Let it guide you always. We are proud of who you have become and all that you've accomplished. Congratulations. Love, Mom, Dad & John


AlffJJa FretltrttM


Congratulations, "Lil Crooked '; You've grown into a trustworthy, responsible young woman with a great sense of humor, who has always made us proud! Always remember that life's a dance you learn as you go Dream big, laugh freely and love deeply Love always, Dad,Mom,Kevin & Ryan

Alyssa, Congrats on your graduation! We can't wait to see what the future holds for you . There is nothing you can't do and there's nothing that we wouldn't do for you . We've not JUSt your big brothers- we're your friends and ~==;;:;;;;;;;:;;::::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~ we are so proud of you, S1s, Kevin & Ryan

JtJJtta Treak!!e Jess, As you graduate, please know how very proud your family will always be of you. You will soon be leav1ng the security of home. We hope we've raised you to be strong. All our love, Da d Norma

Congratulation Lovie! As a little girl I called you "Lovie" and now you've grown into a lovely young woman. Enjoy the life and challenges ahead of you and follow your dreams to that warm, sunny place. Mom, Bud, Lindsay, and Rachel 92

Marc Maranda!t Marc, Joe Bear, At your pre-school graduation you earned th award of a 'glue stick" because you were the on who kept the class together to make it complete. Your family still believes that you have this unique quality to be there for your friends and family. May your next four years of college bring you the success and happiness you deserve.

From lawn mowers, to trains, to fire trucks, to soccer balls, and anything sports related (especially U of I), you have brought such JOY to our family! We are so very proud of the young man you have become, and are looking forward to your future. We admire your easy going "go with the flow' attitude, the compassion you hold in you heart, your strength to overcome adversity, and cherish your smile! Always remember to follow the dream of your heart, while stay1ng grounded in your faith , and waling in his truth! Our love will follow you wherever you go--- now try out your wings! Love you! Mom,Dad 1\Ac>r~r.,....,

Love, Mom, Dad, Steve & Barkley

You can do anything You set you mind to. We can't wait to see where your determination leads you.

MorganSince the days you started dressing yourself, you've demonstrated your own special style as an individual. We are so very proud of the person you've become and we know success lies ,....,h,....,....,.,-.j. for you. All our love and best wishes will be with you forever. We love you, Mom & Dad

Love always, Mimi,AL,UB, lrit,Eii,Greg, George and Gracie

Jennifer Hat!c Jennifer, we are so proud of you and your accomplishments. These four years at CHS have sailed by and what a joy to see how you have grown. Reflect on your great friends & memories as you move towards the future. We love you, Dad, Mom & Christopher

Alex Michael Webber. We are all so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad & Katie

Ga6rtttk CeaJer

C!tet.Jta GtJnza!tz

Our little Princess is now arock star! Congratulations! Love, Mom, Dad, Jordan


Chelsea. I am very proud of all you have accomplished I know you can do anything you set out to do. Your future is bright! Remember 'never say can't' . Keep your heart and mind open to new beginnings and reach for the stars! I love you. Mom

Andrea Mtrcltett

Dear Andrea aka 11A.J. It doesn't seem like you're old enough to be graduating; you were supposed to stay a little girl. It seems like we blinked and you went from a baby to a young lady. We are so proud of you for making it this far. We know that with your spirit and determination you can do just about whatever you want in life. We love you. Dad, Mom, Sabre, Corey, Mar uita, & Samiia

Mtafjtln WtnttrJ Meagan, From the day you were born you have had something to say. Keep it up and continue to be the person you are. You may be small on the outside but you are big on the inside. You have always been a singer and fought the battles you needed to fight. You are a wonderful and beautiful woman. The future hold ,any dreams and experiences, take them all and enjoy. We are so proud of all you have accomplished. Never be afraid to show people your talents. We love you always. love, Mom and Jason

Evan Ltttz Dear Liam, Yours has not been the smooth journey. However, armed with intelligence, humor and faith, you have made your own path. We delight in who you are and ~~all the places you will go -Will you succeed? With brains in your head and feet in your shoes you can steer yourself any direction you choose. And we'll always be there cheering you on. Love, Mom, Dad, Amanda and Kenna 1

n"To those whom much is given, much is expected." Luke, 12:48 You have been blessed with so much talent in so areas- you have made us so proud Now is the to go out and exceed your expectations. II be cheering you on. Love, Mom. Dad, Morgan & Toby

LtJnni FrttlrteRJ(Jn Lanni, Where have the years gone? Seems like only yesterday you were starting kindergarten-so tiny you had to crawl up the steps on the bus. Now you are a beautiful young lady

LtJnnt FrtdrteRJ(Jn Our baby girl, When did you turn into such a beautiful, gracious young woman? It all happened so quickly ... II we did was blink. We are and always have been, so very proud of you. Now life begins in earnest. As he saying goes, "Every s1xty seconds you spend ngry, upset or mad, is a full minute of life's happiness you'll never get back. Dance your own ay. K1ss a loti Relax and have fun in nature." What he heck ... lick a few windows. Hang in there unsh1ne, you're special! Love Always Mom , Dad , Drew, and Sara

ready to graduate. We are very proud of all your achievements. There is no doubt you will excel in whatever you choose to do. We Love You! Grandma & Grandpa Paul

Barretr Kendatt Barrett,

My life has been ennched by your remarkable wisdom. As an adventurer at age of l you taught me that your flying-leap down rs in your walker-not once but twice-meant you could on scary challenges and emerge victorious. When would sit for hours conducting plays, songs, and ge circuses with your Lego people, you taught me nee lives inside creativity. When you celebrated the hance to wow a group of adults at a farewell dinner in bul with your sheik costume and sheik attitude, you me that dreams and reality sometimes look the me. And, in these past few years, as a young man ...,.__,.._,hallenged by life's gifts and life's hardships, you have ght me that the genuine heart and sincere soul the only foundations necessary for happiness success. I am forever changed havi •vnr~"'"' you. I know you as my but the world will know you one of its greatest assets.

Love, Mom.

Clint Miller ---------, Clinton, From St.John to Central and from the athletic field to the classroom, you shine. May your future be as bright as you are!

--Dad, Mom, Cam, Ali & Mia

Katie, We are so proud of you! You have been a leader from preschool to high school. You have accomplished so much and worked hard to meet all of your dreams and goals. You have a great future in college. the journey begin. Have fun! We love you. Love, Mom&Dad

Philip, Your dad's work took us to the states three years ago, even though that was not what you expected. We recognize this transition may have caused you to feel embarrassed at times and struggle with many new things. Nevertheless, you have dealt with transition with patience and true effort, and you have made enormous progress. We really appreciate it. We are so proud of you and you are a joy to us. Always believe in yourself and know you can do great things. May your future be blessed. We love you dearly. Congratulations! Mom, Dad & Kiwook

Ja.Jitanna EvanJ My Daughter Michelle has made me very proud. I am very proud that Michelle is graduating from high school as a perfect student! Keep up the good work. Love always, Mom Jashanna. A.K.A Lola. God sent you to us and you have been a blessing to watch grow. Love, Mom, & Dad

M{}nita R{}na{}n Micky, Always ready to face a challenge, you've been able to ignore obstacles and come out on top. I admire your smile and confidence, they are infectious. May they continue throughout your life. Love you little mouse! Go Leathernecks!!

Jamie, It seems like just yesterday you were headed off to pre-school.dance recitals and your first dance at Edison and now here we are, at the end of your senior year. ou have grown into such a bright young lady and have worked so hard to achieve success. both academically and athletically.you have always stood up for others and what you believe in and have been such a remarkable role model for you brother and sister. We are all so proud of your accomplishments and know that the future holds much promise for you as you head off to college and many exciting opportunities. where you will continue to be a leader and make a difference where ever you go. Much love.

Love, Mommy, Lorenzo and Justin. BTW.... If anyone is missing a sweatshirt, it is probably at our house.

Edwtnd MeGitte

R{}r!l Mtt!J,

ngratulations Son! Your favorite scripture: 1can do all things through Christ who engthens me Phil 4: 19 Keep the faith because the best is yet to come! Love, Mom & Dad

Rory, Its finally time to see our last kid leave Central for bigger and better things. Its been a remarkable 4 years; you've done yourself proud Your hard work and brains have put you in a position to succeed 1n college, and plus that stubborn streak will help you negotiate college life and stay true to yourself. We love you, and look forward to you coming home from IU and messing up your room once again.


Love, Mom & Dad

AJitlef! YfJttnf} Through our time together you have become a mother, daughter and a friend. You have taken the good with the bad. Remember to smile when you are sad . Always , always cherish what you have Love, Mom

Rachel, We are so proud of you! Your hard work has given you much success. You are an amazing dancer, a good student, a great friend, and a wonderful daughter.We will miss you so much when you go to Arizona, but we know it will be great adventure. You will live life to the fullest and accomplish great th1ngs. We love you, Mom & Dad

Tim Frf!f en >

be the light of my life


:: ~

Congratulations , Tim ! We love you and are very proud of you . Mom & Dad

We love you, Tim Grammer & Jim

have b i 9 9 e r f ish t 0

•1 ""'~' ... n

• .Uj l \ d

Mth Snt!t Mike, We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished. You have grown from a little kid into a handsome young man. May you continue to grow and mature. Enjoy the next phase of your life. We will always be here for you.

Anfrltt Batltfj Congratulations! My little bundle of joy has grown up to be wonderful little woman. If you know this girl help me extend the hand of gratitude, encouragement, safety & love. I'm proud of you & all your best efforts ... Antrice Bailey

Love, Mom, Dad, and Charlie

1-------------t 1-------------t


Aliceson Nichole Freeman Cash-Brown: You are my greatest ]oy.The last 18 years truly have been the best of my life and I'm proud and thankful that you are my daughter. You came in to this world on a special mission and you continue to fulfill and shine with that light that was bestowed on you. My dreams for you are many, my wish for you is one; that you always find happiness within yourself and be the best person you can be. May your life's journey be long and the path smooth with joyous stops along the way. Always remember that !'m here for you, watching and guiding if you need help but knowing that you'll always find your way. You will experience joys,pains,loves,losses and many other emotions and feelings along the way. Remember that each one is a lesson learned and will only make you stronger. Thank you for being such a wondrous daughter and for making motherhood a special joy for me. Your devoted Mother, Charlotte


History of Max Marotftk Ever wonder what a maroon is and how it came to be our mascot? The maroon , a Russian bear known to be a fierce fighter, has a long history as mascot at Central High School beg inning in 1953 with the creation of Max Maroon by Susan Black. With the help of her mother and fellow classmates , Susan created a bear costume consistmg of a paper mache head and a body suit. Susan soon became a popular feature at home games where she wou ld come dressed as Max to get the crowd excited Th is sparked the creation of the Peparoons, a club devoted to spread1ng school spirit, and in 1955, Max Maroon became the official mascot of the then Champaign High School. Max cheered and danced w1th the Peparoons until 1971 , when he became part of the varsity cheerlead1ng squad . Max remained part of the squad until 1987, when no one tried out for the part. Although Max is no longer represented at every home football and basketball game, a student will occasionally don the costume and make an appearance. The current Max, a large carved black bear purchased by alumni and the PTSA, resides permanently in Seely Hall , welcoming v1s1tors and insp1nng school spirit in students.

196-1 Patty \\ i Iborn

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1975 C.nd) Clcr

1976 Can Duon

1978 Sh:iuna



1980 ' I .t'ca

1981 u'ae \\ehring

1983 Ah.:c \loore

1984 agel Bnght

19 6 B>.rb ra Coo



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Go Champaign Central Maroons!

Congratulations cia

of 2010!

From David Ho- Champaign Central's Most School Spirited Student, 1993 206


Jon jon.ka

auffman rth com

Congratulations Retrospection Staff on producing Centralls best yearbook ever! Walsworth is proud to be your yearbook publisher.

Hey Guys, 1 think this was the mo t difficult year 1 had working with yearbook. Not because you all were a difficult group full of drama or anything, but because 1 had to leave you all mid year. 1 got a chance to get to know you all pretty well and learned quite a bit from you. 1 hope 1 actually taught you something too. What may look like a class of chaos to others, yearbook was really a course led by a group of intelligent, artistic, and classy seniors. 1 really enjoyed working with you all on this very speciallOOth edition yearbook. Hashim, Katie, Rory, Bailey, Monica, Maeve, Kathleen and MikeSnelt l wish you all the best! Take care, stay in touch and Keep it Classy! Always, Mrs. Hamilton

Thank Y u lA'> a new, inexperienced ad\ i-,er joining the yearb ok staff in 20 I0, I ha\e appreciated the skill, creati ity and devotion of the lOOth edition }Carbook taff. Good luck to the '>enior'> in all of your future endeavor , and I look forward t working with the new -,taff in the 20 I 0/20 II school year. Best Wi-,hes, Mr'>. alfelder

Mrs. Hamilton

Mrs. alfelder


2010 Miss Moori 1910 209

Editing a Year book etting out a yearhoo i no picnic. If) ou print jokt: . p ¡oplc a) you ar iII); If you don't. the a) )OU an.: scriou . If ou cop) things from other annuals. You arc too laz. to write them ) our ~lf: If) ou tick clo. c to the job all da . You ought to he out hunting up m t rial. If )OU go out and try to hu tie. You ought to he on th~..: JOh in th~..: office. If) ou don't print all contributions, You don't appreciate true g nius: nd if )OU print them. The nnual i. filled '' ith junk. If) ou make a charH!C in th ~other fcllO\\' make-up. You arc too critical; If you don't. ou arc a lccp. 1 0\\, like as not, -.omc fcllo will sa) We S\\ iped this from some other )carhookWdl. criticizing. critical critr - "c did! \Vritten by Yearb

k. Staff in 1936

What are your plan for retirement? - redecorating and modeling at the h usc - maintenance at the family farm TI


What i your de ignated po ition here at Central High School? Main Office ecretar) and Book k.eeper

What do you like best about Central High ch 1? The reas n I stayed is bccau..,e it is a go d environment. taff and student are just all around good. It i.., abo a go d place to be during the day.

What i your favorite memory? My favorite memory was seeing m) son graduate and being able to call hi name to cro . .., the . tagc and watching k.ids in general graduate.

Mr. Peden 210

Thank you for doing the book keeping for yearbook.

Get your professional portraits taken at lllini Studio!

217-351-5151 319 S. Prospect Ave Champaign II

Seniors Family Children Weddings

GO ce 211

A bbctt, James- I 06 bdou, mr - 31, 91, 136, I S bon, Ja..,per Lou - I 06, 1 9 che-,on. dam - I 0, 21, 27, 50, 64, 73, 125, 136, 152, 162, 163, 170, 171, 172, 176, 1 3, I 6, 1 8, 189, 190 Adam, Jordan- 92 deo}c, Ble'>. ing- 92 Aeilt., udre} - 39, 91, 99, 125, 134, 136 hmed, na'>- 99, 137, I Aldridge, William- 114, 170, 1 6 lexander, Blake - 106, 136, 1 0, 1 2 lien, . nthon - I 06, 136, I 52 Allen, La. helle - 92, 176 llen, hay na - I 06 Altmyer, lina- 39, 99, 125, 136, 146, 169 Alvarad , German - 62 Alvarez, Alexandria - 92, 17 Ana\ta'>ia, Jamie- SO, 65, 125, 137, 153, IS , I 2, 19 Ana..,ta\ia,Julian-99, 136,152.162 Andcr'>On, Bethany - 92, 16 , 170 nder on, Braden - 31, SO, 65, 6 , 77, 124, 126, 170, 176, I 2 Ander'>on, Brooke - 92 nder.,on, hri - 22, SO, 65, 170, 177 Ander'> n, Darcey- 99, 1 9 . nder\on, Dustin - 99 Anderson, Iye..,hia- I 06 Ander on, Jennifer- I 06, 170, 185 Andree, Cha. e - 27, SO, 64, 136, 1 2, I 6 Aquino, Maeve- 37, 50, 64, 125, 12 '136, 146, 169, 172, 176, 182 Arguello-Flores, Lui..,- SO, 180 Arm..,trong, ham~ - SO, 64 Arreola, Jennifer- 124 Arteaga-Gu..,man, Jo..,e - 99 A hford, Jar is- 21, 50. 65, 136, 171 A..,hmore, Brittany - I 06, I 0, 182 A im, ia- 106. 137


8 Bailey, m,u¡i-, 39 Bailey, ntrice- 50, 64, 200 Bailey, Kheyonna- I 06 Baker, urtt-,- 125, 152 Baker, Mitchell 99, 124, 136 Baker, Tina - 50 Bales, ameron - 99 BalL Kyle- 92, 136 Band, h ham - I 5, 99, I 05, 124, 136 Bank'>, Hailey- 106 Bannon, Keegan- SO, 63, 77, 125, 132, 133, 170, 172, 176, I 5 Barber, hamonique - I 06 Barkley, hannon- 4L 44, 92, 175, 176, 17 , I 7 Barnard, Garrett - 106, 152, 160, 1 2 Ba..,ilio, na..,tacio- 92, 137, 172, I 2, I 4 Ba..,..,ant, Ian - 99, I I Batoma, Mahatom - 31, SO, 176 Bean, Katie - 106 Beberman, lice- SO, 170, 176, I Beckeme}er, Matthew - 99, 124. 137, 14 Belford. Fred - 13, 106 BelL Au..,tin - 136 Belleville, Tristan - I 06 Belmonte. , rancisco - SO Belt. hristopher- 114 BenekohaL Jaclyn- 39, SO, 64, 67, 136, 144, 180 Benton, Brandon - 92 Bent-.en, Mitchell - I 06 Berg chneidcr, ayden - I 06, 136 Bern..,, Alexi.., - 26, S I, 64, 70, 136, 144, 145, I 4, 1 , 193 Bertocci, Candy- 153 Bertocci, ancy - 62 Bever!}, Tequisha- 12, I 0 Bielak, R} an - S 1, 125, 170, 174, 176,177, 183 Billhymer, Cregan- 99 Billimack, John - S L 65, 137, I 50, 152, 160 Bishop, lexi..,- 34, 99, I 03 Bistriceanu, Julia- SL 137, 142, 168, 170, 172, 185, 1 6 Bitton, Bryan - 92, 16 , 173, 180

BlackwelL Jaime- 91, 136, 172 BlackwelL tdney- I 06 Blake, Knstian - 92 Blan-,on, Ern "ie 92, I 6 Bltsstt. a hmere 35, I 06 Blt..,stt, henfTc 35, 106, 152 Blomberg, Andre\\ 92 Blomberg, Hannah- I 06, 17 L 174 Boatright, Ott.., - 51 Boatright. tephan - S I, 136, 152. 161, 170, I 6, 189 Boatright. tevonia- 99, 153 Bolden, herodyn- 91, 125, 176 Boltinghouse, Brandon - 92, I 0 Bondurant. Murial- 114 Boparai, Ka} Ia - 91, 93, 136, 172, 176, I 6 Bordeaux, A..,hley - I 14 Born, Davis- 176, 177, 181, 185, 186, I 7 Born, Robert- 92 Bo'v'vdry, cottte- 61 Box, Kiana - I 06, I 53 Boyd, eci1ia- 92, 125, 172, 176 Brackett, Ke\ in - 99 Bradford, Daltcia - 62 Bradley, Ho..,ea- 99, 136, 152 Bramer, Deanna - 99, 17 Brandt, Pari'> - 38, S I, 64, 6 , 175, 178, 179, I 0 Brighton. Jes<;ica - I 06. 175, 17 , 179, 187 Brodsk}, Jy..,..,a- I 0, I 5, 39, 91, 124, 170, 172, 176, 177, I 0, I 5, 186 Bronson, Du..,tin - 99 Brooks, Heather- I 06, 175, 17 Brook..,, Matthew- 106 Broughton, havon - S I Brou..,sard, Celine- I 5, 99, 177, 179, I 9 Browder, Katlicia- I 06 Brown, rin- 99, 137, 173 Brown, Jeremiah - 62 Brown, Kurti..,- I 06 Brown, Levi - 62 Brown, Myha - 22, 92, 125, 136, 153 Br wn, Riley - 92 Brown, Shanice - 92, 178 Brown, haundrell - I 06 Brown, Terrell - 92. 136 Brown. Tra\ t<., - 92, 180 Browntng, lark- 99. 124, 152 Bruce, aith - I 06, 180 Brumfield, Trashaunna- 51, 64 Brunkow, Amy- 99


Riley - II. 51. 124. 137. 14 . 152. 160. 161 Br)ant. l)de-51.67,69 Buchanan. Mariah - I 06 Bud.. J arne~ 99 Bugbee, a'isandra- 51. 73. 124. 170 Bugbee. Jared- 99. 152. 170, 181. 187 Bullock.. arah - I 06. 153. 172. I 2. 183, I 6. 189 Bunch, Austm 62 Burge. haleah - 92 Burk.. Michael - 51 Burk.tett, Logan - 106 Burks. Dan) ale - 92 Burnett. Danaya- 34. 99, 125. 18 . 189 Burnett. Dane)a- 34. 99 Burnside. Danasia- I 06 Burtley. Kahijah -51, 64. 136 106 Burton. Tiffan Burton- mtth, ly-,~a- 62 Bu-,by. Jeffery- 62. 152 Bu-,h, Trevor- I 06. 170 Butler. Janeya - 22 Butler. Tjej-Jclani - 51 Buttlar. Wm. Jo..,cph- 99 Butt~. Isaac- 99

c abrera. Gio any- 107. 137 amp, lli-,on - 62 ampbell, mil) -51, 64, 186 ampbeiL Kri~ten- 107. 170. l L I 5 Campo~. Leticia - I 07 ampunno, Ir..,en - 137 ann on. en tori a - 52. 137. 142 ano. Yesenia- 62. l 4 CarmichaeL Taylor- 52. 64. 77, 125, 172, 176, 177, I arridine. Jayda' crena- 99 ar..,on. Matthew - l 07 arter, Allen - 6. 92 arter, Maurice - 62 arter, Tripper- 10. 14. 90. 92. 97. 125. 170, 172. 176. 179. l 6. I aner. Kyle- 92. I I a~h. lice~ n- 52. 65. 125. 137. 150, 200 a~ton. Maris~a - 52

aston. Michelle- 52. 65. 197 atching'>. Kourtney - 62 a anaugh. Bailey- 23. I07 easer. Gabrielle - 39. 52. 66. 194 han. Kam) in - 173 haney. Gabriel - I 07 hang. Han¡ison - 125 hapman. Joseph - 99. 125. 136 happlc, havet - 92. 136 hen. Jian Yun- 62. 173 hen. Jianfei - 62 hen. Lingjian - 99. 173 hen. Linxin- 107. 171. 17 heng. Michael - I 14 hi-,holm, Kathryn- 30. 31. I07. 137. 150 hisholm, athan- 52. 64. 69. 125. 137. 140. 141. 152. 154. 176. 182 Choo. Jane- 92. 137. 148. 170. 172, 176. I I. 182 hoo. Janice- 107. 137 Chumachcnk.o. Kseniya- I07. 182 trcello. Jennifer- 114 lark. thena - 92. 125 lark., ourtnc) - 52. l 7 lark.. Laura- 30. 31. 99. 177, 179. I 9 lark.. Meli-,~a- 52 lark, ctxavier - 92. 136. 152 lasberry. I. aiah - 28. 29. 52. 152. 154. 155 lasberry. bmachiah- 23. 29. 99 layton. Joelle- 107. 136. 179 lemons. Lauren - 93 Clemon~. Lyndell - 124, 136 lopton. Asher - l 07. I 2 obb. arletta - I71. I 9 bb. Keyonte - 93. I 9 ocatre-Ziigien. Emma- 107. 17 l 5 oleman, Daniel- 93. 125. 137. 152 oleman. Jeremy- II. 3 . 52. 67. 72. 124. 137 oleman. Mckinzie- 99. 125, 12 ollins. Trace- 107. 137, 152 ollim, William- 93 ombs. thena- 99. 125. I34 o k. Barbara- 114. 171. l 9. 203 ooper. Keis an - 136 ornell. Kaitlyn - 93. 170. 175. 17 . I 7 orr , Alex- 100. 125. 152 ottingham. Luke- 93. I 7 ounter. Megan - I07 ra ens, aron- 93, 177. 1 3 ra ens, Kelse) - 14, 52. 65. 17 4. 175. 177. 1 9

risman. Brian- 107. 136 risman. Matthe - 93. 136. 177. 183, I 5, I 8 Cross. Valerie - 114 Crump. Matthew - 62 urrey. Jennifer- I 14 urrcy, John- 114, 116 urt1 s. Rebecca - 14, 52. 65 Cutler, Kenneth - 52, I 7

D Dalluge. Robert- I07 Dang. Bao - I 00 Dani. shley - I 07. I 0 Dani. Je~~ica - 52 Daniels, utumn - l 00. I 0 Daniel'>. Joseph - 52. 64. 140. I 41. 152. 154. 155 Daughcnty, ustin - 100 Davis. ngela- 107. 175. 178 Davis. ubre) - I 07 Davi. . raig - 62 Davi . Ja ob- 42. 43. 44. 53. 6 176. I 2. 1 7 Davis, Maurice - 107, 17 Davi . Morgan- 93. 137. 143 Davi . Mr.- 62. 125 Davi'>. Queniqua - l 07 Decker. Kathleen - 114 Del Carpio. Leslie - 93. 124, 170. 172. l 2. l 4 Demith,Kailyn- 15.107.136 Demith, penser- 53. 62. 66, 174 De .. en. mi1y - 93. 175. 178, I 7 De riese. pencer- 137. 152 Devriese. pencerna - 107 Dey, li on - 93. 16 , 170. 172. 176. I 6 Dholaria. anket- 107. 176. J 3 Dickerson, eil - I00. 124 Dick. on. Maura - I0 Diep. Dalenna - 100 Diep. Daniel - 53 Djadi. am - 137 Donnell). Kathr n - 53. 65. 71. 125. 136. 146,16. 169. 176.1 2, 197. 224 Dor-,ett, Trevor- 53. 13 Dougla~. Tori - J 00 D le. Jame - 93 Drake, DetTick - 93. 136 Drake. ric - J 0 2L

On.:: be . Mariah - I 0 . 137 Du Pree, Walter- 9.3 Dud.\>vorth, K le- 10 Due, harle.., - I 07. I 0 . 1.36. 152 Duena. . Idia - 176. I 2 Duk.e. hawn - I 0 Dunck.er. Benjamin - l 00. 152 Dunnum, Kaci - 9.3. 169. 170. 179 Durant Renee - .3 , 5.3. 64. 17.3. 175. I 0. I 7

E arl}. Mar Iizabeth- 114 Eck.er, Diane- 114 dd . Wesley- 10 d\\ards. ichola - 9.3 Egolf. armen - I 14 Eiermann, Bennet - 9.3 lam. Malarie - I 0 . 1.36 Elli-,, Marqui-,e- l 0 Ellsworth, mil - 94. 170. 176. I I Emer . amantha - I 0. 94, 1.36. 144, 170. 172. 176. l 0. I 2. I 6. I Enghausen. Ta lor - I 0 England, ichola. - l 0 . 136 Erick. on. lise- 100. 125. 137. 176 Eri k.s n, Ill} - 3 , 53 Eri k.son, Da\ id - I . 53. 136. 176, I 2 Ern. Jessica- 100, 125, 137, 170 f\ in. Jonathon- 53. 64. 124, 170. 174, 176. 177, 190 Erwin, li on - 53. 176 Esek.enyoi, amue1 - I 00 tchi on, Miranda - I 0 , 170 Etheridge, Bree- 53, 136 Evans, nika- I 0 . 153 vans, Jakeenya- 100. 125, 137, 150. 153. 156 Evans, Jashanna- 53, 65, 125, 197 Evans, Johynn-A- 14, 10 , 136, 153, I 0 Evan , Karney - 94, 17 an , Patricia - I 14

F Fabian, T] ler - 62 Farthing, ustin - I 0 214

Faullin. Jo'-teph- 100. 152, 160. 175 eel}. lare 94. 125. 12 . 1.37. 149, 15.3, 156. 172. 176, IR2. 18.3 crraticr. Warner- 114 igure..,, Mana - I 00 File. Ariel - 94. 142. 15.3 Filk.in..,, cott - I 14 ink.beiner, } ler- 5.3, 64, 72, 136, 152. 162 i cher. arah - 114, 224 i..,her, Jy..,sa 23. I 0 ttton. Rachel - 11. 22. 94 itzgerald, mber- I 00. 124. I 2 itzgerald, ameron - 94. 1.37 Fitzgerald. Jordan - 10 itzgerrel. k. ler- 94, 175. 176. 177.17,179.17 Fletcher. Ladonna- 114 Fluggc. Katherine- 114. 172. I 8 Fl]. Rashod- 10 Foli, Connor- .35. 94. 172 Foli. Isaac - .35. I 0 one-,, David- 114. 176 Foreman. amr} n - 10 F r..,yth. Zak.Lu-y - I 0 Fortner. hi.., I 00 ournier. ..,hie - 62 Fox. Tre\or- 10 . 137 Frederick. Aly..,sa- 14, 37, 5.3. 65. 172. 192 Fredrick. on. Lanni- 30. 31. 37. 53. 65. 6 . 137. 14 . 170. 172. 176. 177. 1 2. 1 6. 196 reeland. Harri..,on - 5.3. 64, 6 . 124. 126. 127 reeman. hn..,topher- I 00. 152. 189 Freeman. Dy Jan - 62 Freeman, Joseph - 124. 136. I 9 reeman. Por..,hia - 94 ridrich. Dawn - 114 Frye. Luca-, - I 0 , 1.36 rye. Tim th -54. 125. 164, 165, 170, 177, 199 Fuiten,Jamie-114, 137,152,1 5 Fundator. ara- 10 . 137 Furtne}. rin - 94, 136, 146, 172, 176. 182

G Gaine~.;, Frazier- 23, I 00 Galindo, Quinn - I 00

aona, Itzel - 62. 65 Jenmfer- 114. 118, 182 arcia-Lo1ano. Brenda I 00 Garrett, Ke\\ dnec 153 Garza. Jesu.., - I 08 Garza, J ele - I 00 Gatson, Jamie- 152, 189 Gat...on. K) 'a ira - I 0 clk.e, than - 94. 176 hoi on John..,on, Tiffan - 115. II . 171 G~ammaria, nthon} -54. 65. 124, 1.36. 138. I 0 Gibbons. adie- I 0 . 15.3 GilL shle} - 94 Ill. Derice- I 00 Gilliam. Mia- 14. I . 54. 64, 72. 124, 1.30. 1.31' 15.3, 156, 157. 172, 176. 190 Goine~.;-Fi~.;her. Konna- I 00 Goldenfeld. Zipporah- 10 . 137. I 2 Golding. ndrew - I 00 old'-tmith, Irene- I 0 . 1.37. I 5 olmeeva. eiii - 94. 136. 144. 16 omcz. dalbcrto - 1.37. I 2 Gomez Raffoul. Da\ id- I 0 . I 4 Gonzale~.;, arolina - 39, 54, 64, 15 Gonzalez. helsea- 14, 39. 54. 64. 7.3, 153, 15 . 172. 194 Goodlad, Alexander- 100. 125. 1.37. 150. 151. 16 . I 5 ordon. Tamsha 94 ordon. Tiara - I 08 Go-,Jm, Brandon - 94. I 25 Goslin. Tanner- 100. 124. 137. 170 Govindaiah.Lik.ith-10 ,177 Grad}, Marcel - I 0 Graham, Yalanda - I 15 ra . mie- 62 Gra). nthony - 62 ra . Qumtaria - 54 Gray. tephanie- 3 , 62, 64 Gra}, Tara - 64, 73 Greear, Teaira- 54 Green, Anthony - 33, 152. 154, 17 Green, Robert - I 09 Green, Ryneisha I 00 rcy, atheri nc - I 0, I 09 rice. ady - 54 Grice. amantha- I 09 Grie~.;baum, Tyler - 100, 179 Griffin. Gredeju - 109 Griffin, Isis- 15, 33, 41. 44, 45, 54, 65,6 ,171,174,175. 178.1 7 riggs. Britten - I 09 Garb~-Tanner,

Gropp. Patricia - I 15. 182. 184 Gro c. Geddy- I 09. 1 0 Grumish, Renee - 94. 153 Guerra. Bianca - 94. 176, 182 Guillen, Juan- 100 Guitare. Amber- 94 Gunn, Madelyn - 109. 17 Gutierrez, Iselin - 115

H Hahn. Matiac., - 94. 152 Haile, hric.,tophcr- 109. 137. 14 . 152. I 4. 188 Haile, Jennifer- 20. 26. 54. 64. 137, 14 . 153. 15 . 159. 172. I 4, I 194 Hal far. Rachel - 10 I, 170 Hahma. ecile- 54 HalL D} Jan - 94 Hallett. William- 54 Halpern. amuel - 14. 10 I. 124, 125. 136. 180 Hamilton. Bric.,haun- 94, 171 Hamilton, Terec.,a- 40. 115. 169. 224 Hammel,Kristin-17,91.109, 136. 137 HammeL K le- 94. 125, 137 Hampt n, keima - 54. 64. 153. 156 Hardwick, eth- 10 I, 137 Harmon, Alexa - 94, 171, 173 Harmon. Collette - I 09 Harmon. John - 62 Harris, Angela - 54 Harric.,, Bro ke- 54. 62. 65 Hamc.,, Jonathan - 33, 54, 64. 1 0 Harric.,, helvia- 55, 64 Harri c.,, Tysha - 94 Harric.,- ewman, Rylin- 109. 136 Harric.,on, Hannah- 109. 177. 1 5.

1 Hart, helsea - 55. 65. 170. 176. I 5 Hart. Hollis - 55. 170, 176. I Hartman, Laurel - 94, 153 Harvey, Bria- 1 9 Harvey. Samantha- 115. 179 Hac.,c.,an, Javed- 55. 170, 176 Hac.,c.,an. Reuben - 62 Hatcher, rinne - I 15 Hawkinc.,, haac- 101 Hayden. ara- 95. 177. J 3 Ha wood. De ona- 115

Heal}. mma- 15. 39. 95. 124. 137. 142, 152. 170. 172. 176. 1 2. 186 Heath, Jec.,c.,tca- 101, J 53 Hedrington, Cheyenne - I 01. 153. 156 Heinen, Tanner- 14, 31, 64, 95, 124, J 52. J 61. 164. J 76. 1 2. J 5 Hemphtll, Ryann- 10 I Henderc.,on.Jamil-101.152 Henigman. Dann - 115 Henf}. Roc., - 30, 55. 64. 6 Henc.,s, Jacob- 17. 91. 109. 136 Hepler. Abigail - 62 Hernan de/, nriq ue - I 09. 136 Hec.,ter. Delaine - 95 Hicks, helby- 95. 170. 171, 173. 179 High. arah - 40, 95, 175. 17 Hiles, Morgan - 20. 26. 55. 65. 69. 153. 158. 172. 193 HilL Corey- 101 Hill. Eric - 10 I Hill. Jordan - 95. 17 Hittle, Adam - 95. 125. 136, 13 . 172, 176. 1 3. 185 H1inka, Thomas- 13. 27. 90. 95, 124, 169. 172 Hobbs. Mamie - 45 H ch, athan- 101 Hoch, icole - 101 Hoerner. Yan- 95. 1 0 H ffman, aw}er- 109 Hohman. David- 115 Holding. eil - 55. 70. 16 Holloway. Rodrick- 152 Holmer. Jo. eph- 55. 65. 72. 125. 135. 193 Holt. Drew- 109 Homann. Jec., e - 109 Hong. Connie- 90. 109. 177. 179. I 2 Hood, amic.,ha - 55 Hood. De on - I 09. 136 Hooker. i holas - 10. 95. 124. 16 . 172, 176. 183, 1 5 Hopkinc.,, Matthew- 115. 152 Hopkin .. Mehin- 101. 103 Horton-Young. Domingue - 95. 176 Honat. Laura- 2 . 29. 101. 124. 137, 152. 169. 172, I 5 Hosier. Jordan - I 0. 95 Hou. Da\id- 95. 136. 177. I 3. I I 9 Hou"iton. ndre - 10 I H us ton, eth - I 0 I, I 0 Howard. La. haunna - 55 Huber. te\en- 109. I 5

Hughes. Donni ha - I 01 Hughcc.,, Emily- 95 Hughcc.,, Mark - 115, 136 Hu} nh. Dat - 109 Huynh, Roc.,e - 109 Huynh, V}- 101, 179 Hyatt. hance- 109. 152. 160 Hyndman, Addic.,on- 95

I Ikenberry, John - I 0 l. 125. 137 Ikenberr}. Kathryn- 7, 55. 65. 70, 77. 137. 14 . 149. 16 '170. 172. 176. 1 l. 1 5. I 6. 191 Ilunga. gathe- I 0 I, 124 Inc.,kip. pril - II. 95 Ivy, Dec.,tiny- I 09

J Jack on. Angel- 14. 109, I 0 Jackson. Charlec.,- 136 Jack on. Cherelle - 55 Jacbon, Jasmine- 65. 10 . 153 Jack on. Kyra- 95 Jackson. Valentino-13.101.17 Jacbon-Mockabee. Dezia- 95 Jack on-Parke.,, Joe- 109 Jacobe.,, bigail- 101. 136 Jac be.,, Da id- 36. 115. 136 Jacobs. Lie., a - 115 Jacob<.;, Taylor- 101 Jain, hivani - I 09. 172. 179. I 2.

I 6 Jake. Tyeonia- I 09 Jakobc.,c., n. Jec., ica- 95. L5. 134 Jamec.,, akyra- 153 Jayes. Robert- 10 l. I 0 Jenkinc.,, Br}ton- 55. 171. 173 Jenkins, Rodn - I 0 I Jenkin . a\ annah - 95 Jensen. manda - 55, 65, 124. 176. 1 0. 1 1 Joe. le ander- 115 J hn on. ar n - I 09, 17 Johnc.,on. rgie- 115. 125. 137. 150 Johnson. c.,h1ee- 101. 1 9 Johnson. Bianca- 109 Johns n. Brandon - I 09 215

John on. laire- 109. II . 171. I 9 John-, n. Danicllc- I 09. 175. 17 J hn. on. .l\ id - I 15 John-,on. mily- I09, I 5 John on. rik.a - 55. 16 . 1 9 J hn. on. Haley - 95. 11 . 125. 176 John-,on, Jame-.- 62 John. on. Jonilthan - 23. I0 I. 152 John-,on. Quentin - 136 John on. haniece - 62 John. on. har nda - 95 John-.on, Taryn - 55. I 0 John on. Ta\ i-,h - 62 J hn">on-Mck.nu k.le-.. Tara- 56, I 9 J hnston, hristina- I0 I Jone .. Bernard - 10 I Jone. Clayt n- 101. 119. 152. 15-+ Jone. , Kir">tin - I0 I Jones, Teaunna - I09 J ne-,, TreHmte - 10 I Jne-,, erdcll-115,119

K Kai er, Kel ey- II. -+1. 95. 137. 169, 171. 17 . 179, I 4. 1 7 Kalonji. Jeremie- 101. 137 Kanter, Jane- 109, I 5, I Kaplan. K le - 95 Karagan is, arter- I0 I. I 0 Karagani">. Jachon- I0 I, I 9 Kat ina. . icho1as - I09, I 2 Keagle. Max - I09 Kellum, Elijah- I09 Kellum, e ">ily- 62 Kell , i !... - 62 Kelly, William- 31. 56, 66, I 7, 195 Kel ey. Benjamin- 62 Kelsey, Kaitlyn- 101 Kempe, David- 109 Kempe, Jennifer- 56, 125, 170, 176 Kemp r, sther- 95, 97, 136, 1-+6. 172, 176, 1 5 Kendall-Dick, Barrett- 56, 137, 196 Kenney. Brian- 56 Khan, Waleed- 30. 31. I 0 I. 125, 136, 152 Kim. Edm nd - I09 Kim, Ji">OO- 110. 171. 177, I 0 Kimble, Ronald - 1 I 0, 182 Kincheloe, Joseph- 56. I 0 Kincheloe, Patrick - 24, 56, 1 0 216

Kmg. AncCJil- 153. l 9 Kmg. ortc1 10 I, 136, 152 K1rby. hel-.ca 56. 66 Kirby, iara - 56. 175 Kirk.. den - I I0. I 0, I 5 Kirk.. Erin - 95, 176 Klapp. hilrlottc - I 15 KIJU'>. h e- 22. 90. I0 I. 137, 152. 170. 172 Klein, Brett - 95, I 7 Knapp. Dilv Id - 95 Knight. Drev. - 95, 125, 137 Knov. lden. amuel- II 0, 175, 17 I 0. I 1

Knox. lli-,on - I0 I, 125 Kno . Philip- JOI. 1 0 K h. Caroline- I02, 136, 172 K erner, Jord n- 7, 56, 66, 71. 124, 130 Koninck.x. Jonathan euffcrheld- 62 Kordik.. Paul - I I0 Ko1iarz. Patrick. - 62 Krein, Daniel - 95 Kresca, arah - 36, I02, 124, 153, I 2. 1 9 KriegeL Luke - 56, 72, 12-+. 126, 136 Kntzer, Michael - 22, 95 Kupp1er, Jane- 115, II , 121 Kuppler, Peter- 56. 66, 11 Kurthy. ttila- 1 . 56. 137. 140 Kyrouac, Dougla -56, 77, 124, 136. 13 '16. 170.171. 172. 173, 174, 1 2, I 3, I 6. 1 , I 9

L Lacine, Mar - 62, 137, 1-+2. 143. 152 Lajara, Chelsea- 39, 95, 124, 170, 171. 172, 179, I 2, I 4, I 6 Lamkin, arah - I02. 11 Lange, Jordan- 41,44 Lara, Eriban - I02, 171 Larkin, DeMario - 152 Laver, Rachel - 95 e, Ha arah - 95. 172, 178 L e, Clarence - 93, 95, 125. 16 170, 172, 176, 1 2, 1 6 Lee, Debra - 1 15 Lee, Dong Hy un - 102 Lee, Junghyun- 102, 170, 173

cc. Philip 56. 66. 170, 176. 177. I 3. 197 cc. amuel- 56. 66. 77, 125, 170, 172, 174. 176, 177, I 0, 182, I 3, I

Lee. Tametra - I I0 Leemon. De 111 95 Lehmann. Blake - I02, 125, 152, 160 Lemons, Ronald- 57. 66, 136. 152, 162 Lesch. manda - I 15 Les-,ari'>, John- 57. 66. 71. 136. 13 , 152, 154, 15 Lc-,-,ari-,, oah - I02, 136. 152 Le\ ano ornejo. Piero - 110, 18-+ Le\\is, nthon - 136 Lewis, Justina- 95, 153 Lewi-,, Owen- 110 Lichtblau. Eli- 42. 57, 1 0 Lick.ly-Hanley. Brandon- 34, 95 Lik.e. Poncho - 95 Lin, Yucheng- 90. I02. 136, 152 Lindemann, Rachel- 14, 57, 66, 72, 1 0, 199 Lin?)'. Domico- I02 Li">'>. Eli - 95 Litchfield, Laura - I 10. 153, 156. I 71 Little, Allen- 37, 62, 136, 171. 176. I 9 Lloyd. mma - I02 Logan. Kadijah- I I0. 17 Long, Brandon - I02 Long, Christopher- 34, 95, 124 Long. Kendrick. - 96 Long, Taylor- 34. 102, 124, 137, 169 Lopez-Luna, rturo- 62. 137. 140. I 4 Lopez-Luna, he Ia - 110 Lopez-Luna, ergio- 62, 137. 140. 1 4

L re, Alexander - 57 Lotz. van - I I, 57. 66, 73. I 25. 137, 140, 152, 160, 161. 170. 172, 176,177,12.1 .195 Lo ett. Jaylen- 57 Lo -Folsom. Charlotte - 62 Lubaga, Andrea- 102 Lubaga. tria- 39, 57, 66. 170 Lubaga. douard- II 0, 137 Lu as, le a - I 02 Lucas, Denzell - 62. 136 Lue-, e, Aubrie- 57, 66, 125, 153 Lues e. Brenna - 110. I 53, 15 Lun. ford, Anne - 15, I 15, I 16, 121

L) pk.a, Marie - 115

M Maatuka, Jamal- 115. 171 Macedo, Jan - 102, 137 Macia~. Marisella - I 02 Macias elandia, Alejandro - 96 Mack.ms, Myckel - II 0 Maggio, ugust - 13, 96 Magill, Holl) - 115 Magro, ophia- 102. 175, 17 , 187 Main, Meredith - I 15, 135 Maloney. Iivia- 15, 30, 31, 35, 102, 124, 172, 186 Maloney, arah- 14, 35, 57, 66, 124, 170, 172, 176, I 6 Manard, Alexander - 96, 152, 163 Manaster, Amanda- 22, 102, 175, 17 Marick., Paul - 1 I 0 Mark.ham, Brandon - 110, 136, 152 Markham, Jaylan- 96 Marquardt, Kollin- 3 , 57, 124 Marric.,sette, Breiona- 102 Martin, Bryson- 94, 96, 125, 136 Martin, Jenna- II, 22. 96, 125, 12 Martin, Kylie - 23, II 0 Martin, Tavon - 1 9 Martindale, Marc- 11. 57, 66, 137, 140, 193 Martinet, Jonathan- 110 Martinez, aomi- 96, 179, 1 4 Ma~ n, Carldon - 96 Mac.,on, han ale - 57, 66, 73 Mata. Armando - 62, 1 4 Mata- r zco, Olegario - 110, 1 4 Mate, amuel - 1 , 57, 67, 125, 152, 160. 164 Matejowc.,ky, Corey- 96, 136, 137, 13 Matth ws, Kayla - 23, 110 May. Kellen- 102 Mayn r, henequia - 62. 66 Mbu i, aleb - 57, 62, 66, 125, 150, 170, 171.174, 176, 177, 1 3, 1 8, 1 9 McBride, Brady - I02 Me art , Myles - I02, 152 Me lcllan, ll) - 153, 171, 174. 186, 1

Me lcllan, Bailey - 36, 57, 66, 70, 136, 144, 168, 169, 170, 171, I 6, 191 1ellan, Kylian - 110 ulley, Michael- 34, I 02 ulle), Riley - 34, 5 , 66 urry, hauna- I 02, 153 McDonald, nnie - 14. 22, I 02. 170,175,17,17,1 McDonald, Juc.,tin- 62 McDonald, Mia- 15. 10 , 110, 136 M Dov,:ell, ourtney - 5 , 66, 171. I 7 Me arland, Theodore - 5 , 124 McGee. Taqeya - 102 McGhee, dwind- 19, 21, 23, 3 L 5 '66. 71. 136, 13 '139. 152, 154, 164, 176, 185, 19 McGill. arah- 11. 12, 15, 27, 2 , 29, 110, 137 McKinney, Lavanah- 110 Me abb, tewart - 62 Meads. Tke) ah - 102 Medlyn, Jer miah - 9 , 125 Melgar, Darwin- 110 Mendiola, hancellor - 110, 136 Mertens, Katherine- 2 , 29, 102, 124, 137, 142, 169, 172 Me'>siah, Khalidah - 110 Me er, Jacob- 102, 124, 137 Meyer, Zachary- 110 Meyers, Kate - 185, I 7 Middleton, T) ler - 30, 31, 102, 152 Miha1kina, Katie - 110, 180 Miles, Anthony - 110 Miller, ndrew - I 02, 152 Miller, Cameron - 31, 90, 11 0, 137 Miller, Clinton- 11. 2 L 29, 58, 66, 69, 124, 126. 137, 140, 1 '196 Miller, Heather- 96 Miller, Kanisha- 5 Miller, Latisha - 110 Miller, ikelle- 115 Miller, Porter- 110, 137, 152 Miller, Tara- 115 Miller-Hasankolli, a annah- 102 Mill , Rick. - 27 Mills, Ror - 14. 25, 5 , 66, 69, 77, 125,150,151.16 '169, 171.176, 1 2, 19 '224 Mindrum, Kate - 115 Ming, Xiaotian - 96, 125, 173, 177 Misa, Daniella - 102, 136 Mitchell, ndrea - 3 , 5 , 66, 195 Mitchem, T ny - 110 Mitchem, T - 96 Mitsuha. hi- c., i. ei - 96, 176

Mo kabee, Jazzmin- 110 M e, Hen- I 0, 96, 124, 136, 144, 16 ' 176 Moffit. Jerrin - 30 Mohr, Tom- 40, 116, 121, 151, 17 , I I Montes-Lucas, Helaman - 96, 9 , 125, 137 Montgomer), ndre - 102, 136 Montgomery, Andrea- 58, 125, 153, 156, 189 Montgomery, ntonieo- 110, 136 Montgomery, Marenya- 96 Moon, ean - 102, 125 Mo ney, Brenna- 102, 136, 1 8 Mo re, Kimberly- 110 Moore, Maly . a- 110. 176 M re, Michael - 5 M re, tephanie - 96 Mo re., Jame - 110, 136 Morris, Markyona - 102, 1 Morri .. ey, Jonathon- 102, 152 Morrow, Matthew - 96, 124 Morton, Bonnie - 102 Motle), Alayna - 110, 153 Mott-Ho. ier, Grace- 110, 179. 1 0 Motton, Chel ea - 110, 153 Muharremi. Hajredin - 96, 137 Muller, Carolyn - 102. 173. 17 , 179 Mullin, T)ree- 152 Munroe, Anne - 116 Murillo,Ja ier-103, 137,1 4 Murphy, Cullyn- 40. 44, 45, 96, 175. 1 1. 1 7 Murph), Deidre - 33, 96, 125, 172, 1 2 Murray, Mea ha- 111 My r., Kathleen- 12. 15, 34, 90. 11 1. 136, 17 Myer., Marc- 34, 5 , 136

N abyolola, har n - 3 , 96, 170 app r, Kendra - 111 apper. Michael - 103 ard , Jam s - I I I a. h, manda- 103, 137. 17 egre, Dhiolan - 11 I well, Ra)mond- 103 ewman, Chri tina- 96, 153


C\\man. mma- 10. 96. 137, 142, 16 ' 1 9 cwman, Hannah- 22, 103, 137, 142. 16 geleza. hri tian - 96 geleza. Landry - I II, I 52. 1 0, I 5 go. Anthony- 37. 5 . 66 gu en. Daniel - I 0.3 guyen, Hu - 96, 172 gu en, Huynh - 111 gu en, tephanie - I 79 ie. Lindi - 173 im), Prince- 103. 125 ix. Le onte - 69 i on, li- 1 7 . izzi, arah - 69 n ung, andra - I 5, I 03, 136, 175, 17 '179 oa, haun- 137, 152. 1 9

0 Od lL Madi. on- 10. 15. 11 L 137 dom, tephanie - 5 , 66 hrn'itein, Jordan - 137 Olea. GeO\,ani- 62 rington. yanna - I II, 153 Ortiz, Jonathan- 116 0'>bome, Chen- 96, 125, 134, 137, 150, 172, 176 ik.a, T ler - 103. 136. 1 2 erca. t, i ha - I I I 0 iedo, Ke in - 111, I 4

p Pace, Michelle - 103, 170, I 1, I 9 Pagliuca, Gabriella - 103. 136, 16 Palmer, Telley - 136 Pankau, Bailey - 5 Pankau, Chloe - Ill, 137 Pankau, ara - I 11 Park, oshin - 62 Park, WooBin-96, 125,177, I 3 Park.,Akeemeon-125, 136,13 Park , Ari. ton - 136 Patel, Parita - I 03, 177 Patel, Sahil - I 00, I 03, 125, 152, 161, 170, 172, I 2, 1 6 21

PateL hi\ali - II L 179 Patrick. T} lcr 96. 124 Patter"on, si lah - 96, I 71, I 0 PauL !an - 96. 124 Peat, Aynonna - 103, 153. 171 Peden, Jacqueline- 116, 224 Peek, lexa- 5 , 62. 74, I .3. 1 7. I 9 Peete, William - 103, 136. 152. 17 Pelmore, lexandra- 33. 119. 136, 146, 147. 16 '169 Pelm re, Chri topher - 5 , 136 Pen\\elL Katherine - II, 2 , 29, 30, 111,137 Perales, Je us- 62. 140 Pereira-Mariano, lberto - 96 Pere1, Karen - 1 11 Peter"en. Carol - I 03, 175. 1 3 Pettigrew, Kentonio- 96 Pettigrew, Tiona - 111 Pettigrew, Yashica - I 03 Pham, Gian- 173 Phelps. Ca. sandra- 103, 176 Philipp, Madi n- Ill, 136 Philipp, Matthew- 96, 125, 176, 179 Phillip., Anth ny- 62 Phillips, Dominique- 136, I 52 Phung, Vivi- 170, 177, 1 3 Picchietti, Jonathan- 96. 137, 150, 17 L 176 Pierce, Ta) lor- 14, I 03, 124, 172, 1 0, 1 9 Pier on, Adrian - 111 Pier on, Khadijah - I 03 Pierson, ta - 91, 96 Pilla, Richard - 103 Pilotte, Madis n - 96, 173 Plattner, Caleb - 103, 119, 124, I 52 Plattner, Darren - 116, 119 Plutchak, Ellen - 96, 175, 17 , 180 Plutchak, teven - 111, 170, 175, 1 I Polarek, Lind. ay - I 16 Pollard Jr, a! in - 116 Porter, Ro e - 62 Portillo, Juan- 96, 137, 140 Po ey, Ra had- 62 Pound, Zachar) - 111 Powell, hawnkee - 111 Price, bigail -59, 66, 177 Prior, nna- 20, 30, 59, 66. 77, 176, 177, 181, I Pullard, Darius - 111, 171 Pulliam, Cortenay- 33, 9 L 97, 137

R Radi, hnstina- 44, 45 Raimer, Zachar I 03 Ramirci, ltjah 103. 119. I 0 RamireJ, Gabriel 59, 119, 125, 137, 152, 176 Ramo. -Alvarado, Juan- I 03. I 4 Ramsey, Jacob- 94, 97, 125, 152, 170. 1 5 Ra t. armen - I l I Ra), d\vard- I 03. 124, 136 Reardanz. Timothy- 97, 137, 152. 176, I 2 Redd, Adam- Ill, 136, I 0 Redden, Jack- 59, 136 Rehberg, Daniel - 59 Reid, Daniel - I 16, 172 Reitsma, oren - I II Rice, arl - 59 Rice, Zachary- 27, 97, 125, 172. I 2 Richardson, Courtne - 25, 124, 136. 146, 169, 172 Richardson, Kayla- 97, 170 Richmond, Annik.a- 11 I. 136 Rtchter- hed, Ja ob- 13, II L 136 Riesenbeck, Tricia - 116 Riley. Darshai - 103, 179 Rivera, Jerod- 136 Rivera, 0 valdo- I 03, 137, I 4 Rivera. Tnstan - 136 Rivera-Lopez, ndrea- 97, I 4 Roadcap, Thomas- 2 , 29, Ill. 170 Roark. George - I I l, 179 Roberts, aron - 97 Roberts, Brett - 116 Roberts, than - 22, 97 R berts, Michael - I II Robin. on, Diamond - I I I, 136, 171 Robinson, Kierra- 59. 66, 69, 153, 156, 157. 171. I 7, 1 9 Robin on, amuel - 103 Robinson, ierra - Ill, 175, 178, 1 R binson-Br ks, e)ere- Ill Robinson-Pear on, Bria - I 03 Rochelle, drian - I 11 Rodgers, Anna - I 04, 124, 180 Rodgers, Janet - I 16 Rodge~.Paul-59,66

R driguet, Jaclyn Jacki - 97

Rodriguet, Victor - 62, I 37. I 40. 184. I 9 Roesch, Melt..,..,a - 59. 66 Roger..,, Damiu.., - I 04 Roger..,, Rami - I 04. 125. I 9 Ron. haked - 97 Rondon. J u. tin - 13. 94. 97. I 24. 117, 164, I 82 Rondon. Monica 59, 62, 67, 74, 125. 12 '129. 136, 144, 169, 19 Roo..,cvclt, M) )e..,- I I L 1 I 3, 137, 152 Ro..,a)e..,, Sinfonia- I 04, 153 Ro..,e, Bridget 180 Ro..,c.Jc..,..,e-23.111.137, 152 Ro..,cn..,tock-Murav, i..,..,e)a- 17 , 182, 187 Ro..,..,, AleX!andria - 111 Ross, Demarco - I I I Ro..,..,, Malcolm- 97 Ro..,..,, Ptcria - 97 Rost, hristopher- 14, 97, 164. I 72, I 2 Ro'>tam-Abadi, Fartan- I I I, I 37. 180, 182 Ro..,tam- bodi, Jecyan - 59. 66. 137, 140 Roux.Alexandcr- 104,124,152 Rowland, Kathleen- 59, 70, 136, 144, 169. 170. 172. 176, 1 6 Ro land, Kendrith- 59, 132, 133. 137, 150 Ro) ... c. tephanie - I I 6 Rui">, Brian - 20 Run an, cott - 1 I L I 36, I 2 Ryckman. Jade- 97. 175, I 7 , 1 0

s aba'>. Arwcn - 104, 171 aba., ictoria- 59, 171, I 2 ailor, Jacob- 111, I 80 alfcldcr, Diane- I 16, 169, 173. 224 alimov, Vagif- 104 axon, Pierre - I 04, 136 aylcs, Hassan - I 36 chanbacher, amucl- I 0. 66, 97, 16 '172 choffncr, Dan ae- 112, 153 chrci ber, hloe - 30, 112, 178, 179 chultz, Christopher- 40, 116 ch artz, arah-40, 116

chweighart, Lcxi - 15, 112, J 36 chweighart, ydney - I J 2. 136 cott, Aly..,..,a- 15, 21, J 16 cott, John - I 04, 185 cgaLBree-116 cufferhcld, Javier- 35, 97, 176 exton, Philip- I I 6, 136 hackelford, Blanc- 59, 64, 71, 153, 158 hamhart. Vincent - 116 hannon, ea1-59, 125,137,140 harp, Faith - I 16, I 3 hcchan, Iivia- 104 hclby.Dar)n-104 htgcta, Mari - I 04, I 05, 124, 136, 170, I 72, I 6, I hirley, Grant- 104, 124, 136 hirle), Kain - I 12, 137, 150, 152 hmikler, Michelle - I 16, 121 ible), Monec..,ha - 62, 66, 136 ills,Hallc-39, 104.125,136 ilva, haycnnc- 60. 66. I 4 ilverman,llene-116.171 impson, Ale - 124, I 72 imp on, Javarion- 104, I 52, I 54, I 9 imp".on, Jennifer- 60, I 74, 177 imp on, Katherine- 30, 3 L 60, 67. 72, 153, 15 '172, 1 6 ink, Kellie- 175. 179, I 9 itch. Loui'> - I 16 itch. Michael - 70, 116. I 24, 151 lade, Jordan- 14,60,67, 72.I24, I 30, 153. I 5 , 1 6. I , I 9 lade, Mac) - I4, 90, 97, 153, I 2, I 6 lazinik, an- 1 L 27, 60, 67, 124, 170. 176 I tnick, ar) - I 16 I). Kathryn- 116 mith, aron - I12 mith, A">hlee- I I2, 153 mith. Derrick- I I 2 mith, dward- 112 mith,Julia-1 12,137,150, I 5 mith, Katc1yn- 97, 1 0 mith, Ka) Ia- I 04 mith, Kei<.,ha- 97 mith. Lalaina - 62, 67 mith, Larenz - 112 mith. Paulette - 62 mith, Rane..,ha - I 04, I mith, Rian - 104 mith,Ryan-104, 125,137.1 3 mith, avannah-12. 112,136 horv n- 112 usan- 1 7

mith- ortner, Tanaja- 112 mith- William . Trey - 60. 73. 152, 154 nell, Michael- 60, 67, 74, 124, 169.1 8,200 ola. Ramey - I 04, I 24, 136 orcn..,cn, Myle - 62 owdcr, tevcn - 112 parkman, Laquanna- 116 parks, Denni - 14. 60, 120, 133 park.., Ia..,.., of '73, Dennis- 60 paulding, Joel- 104, I24, 137, 180 pivey, Keyonna- 97 pohrcr, Benjamin - 62 p hrcr, Mark- 112, 1 0 quicr, mma- 23, 112, 175, 17 , 1 5 ri'>umran, asipa- 60. 67. 171 roka, Marina- 112, I 53, I taab,John-57, 116,124,126 tack, Katherine- 97, 170, 171. I 73 taley, Matt- 116 tanh pe, Kel ie- 15, 30, 97, 124, 170, 172, 176, I 6 tanner, laine - l 04, I24, 136, 169, 172 taplc, Tani ha- 67 tat n. hanton- 104 tenberg, Chad- 62, I36 tewart, Denzel - 1 , 60, 73, 125. 134. 135, 136, 13 . 139 tewart, amuel - I 04, 125, 152, 172 tile">. Rachel- 97, 173 tillman, Jane - 116 tone. Jeremy - 104 tone, Lui, a - 1 17 tout. helby - 26, 9 , 153 tovaiL Jamir- 104. 124, 136. 152 to all. Monica- 117 troud, Jennifer- 1 I 7. 171 tubbin">, Jarad- 9 tucke , Kyle - 104 u, Margaret- 60, 67. 77. I74, 177. 1 ugihart . Muhammad - 112, 176, 177 ullan. Reid - 9 ummcr , Brandon - 104, 125. 152 unkara, ina - 1I2 vend".cn, hrist phcr- 60, 125, 150 wanigan. Jordan- 112 zetho, Ian- 112, 137. 1 2 zetho. hi Yee - I 04, 170. 173


T Tandet. arah - 15. 117 Tang. laire- 112. 176, 177. I .3 Tapp ndorf. ila. - 2 . 29. 60. 71. 164 Tate. Jo. eph - 112 Taube. Konrad - 62 Tayborn. Ra\ en - 112. 153. 176 Ta lor. Da~hon- 112, 136, 152 Ta I r. Ian- 9 Ta lor, Ro~etta - 9 . I 2 Te..,ter. T ler- 15. 21. 26 . .3 . 60. 67. 70. 124. 152, 160, I 6 Thoma~. Iandi"- I 9 Thoma~. lexandria - I 12. 136. I 2 Thomas. Eb nee' - I 12 Thoma.. mily- I 0 Thomas. Gu . hawn- 112 Thomas. Lindsa - I 04. 17 . 179. I 0. I 7 Thoma~. Mariah - 60. 62. 69. 1.36. 146. 147. 172. I 2 Thomas. R bert - 104. 136 Thomas-Kent, Aramis- 1 12 Thomp on. lli. on - I 04 Thomp on. mmil - 2 . 29. 30.,172.17 ,I 2. 1 6 Thompson, Kendrell - I 12. 136. 152 Thompson. Megan - 104 Thompson, Melissa - 117 Thomp, on, amone - 90, I 04, 125. 134. 136. 153. 171 Thomp on, Tania - 9 Th mpson, eronica- 117, 119. 121 Th rsten on. lexis - 9 . I 2 Tieder. Jac b- 112. I 0 Tien, Chun-Mei - 104, 173 Tin. Thanh - 62 Todd, Emily (Roxy)- I 04 Tomara., Alexander- 62. 74 TopeL Heather - 117 Townsend, Dani - 9 Tran, Thanh - 173 Treakle, Je~~ica - 3 , 39, 60, 192 Truax, Summer- 23, 112 Trujillo-Ruiz. E a- 112, 124 Trujillo-Ruiz. Juana- 9 . 1 4 Tschappat, Hannah - 104. 175, 178 Tshimanga. Ayika - 112. 178 220

Turner. Timothy - 25. I 12. 1.36. 152 Turnipccd. Rcbt:cca - 61 Turmp~ct:d, Bcd.y - 67 T lkow..,ki. Br an - I 17

u mbu, Landr 62 nander. lex1 - 9 nander. Andrt:w - 104, 125. 135, I 2 nander. Gabrielle - I 12

v a1entine, Andrew - 10. 9 . 125. 137. I I. I 2 andemerf. Kir..,ten- 112, 153 eeranarapanich, Pattarida- 9 . 170. 173 ega. driana- I 07. 112 ega. K1mberlyn- 14. 6 I. 67. 124. 130. 131 ega. a~hla- 19. 20. 3 I. 6 I. 67, 71, 124. 130. 152. 172, I 2 Vickers. Jourdan - 24. I 04, 125 Villa. duardo- 112, 137 Yolk. athaniel- I 04. 136. 152. 162. 170 Voorhees, Abraham - I 04 Yozovo .Maria-61, 136.144.145 Yu. Tung- 105

w Walker,Gretchen-112,137 Walker, Hannah- 112. 136 Walker. Kenton- 13, 113. 152 Walker. Lori- 117. 171 Wa1ker.Micah-13,9 ,137.140. I 2 Walker,Reginald-3 .9. 124,136 Wallace. Kara - 62, 6 Walter . amuel - 90, 9 I. 113. 136 Walworth, Charles- 9 Wamah. Gloria- 105

Wampler. amucl - 18. 90. 91, I 05. 125. 132. 136 Ward. Brandon - 6 I. 67. 1.36. 152. 162. I 9 Ward. hlo - 15. I 05. 175. 17 . 179 Wa~hington, La~hndria- 98. 178 wa~hington. Traniece- I 05. 125. I We:ncr. Matthev.¡ 9 Webb. Win~ton- 105 Webber. le - 6 I. 67. 194 Webber. orinnc- 113. 180. I 5 W eckhorst. aron - I 13 Wcckhor L William- 22, 98. 170. 176. I I, I 2. I 7 Wegman. mma- I 05. 124. 1.36 WeibeL llcya- I 13. 15.3. 176. 179, 182 Weisbaum. David- 61. 71 Welch. France - I 0. 11.3 Weldon. Madi '.On - I 13. 136 Weiland. Je~~ica- 9 Well. Ian- 16 . .34, 61, 62. 67. 69. 125. 134. 1.35. 1.37. 140. 164 Well~. Kameron- 113, 1.37. 152 Well . ara- 15. 14. 105. 124. 169 We~t. Lat1~ha- I 13 We. t, Markey'.ha- I J 3 West. Michael- 113. 136 We~t. Tania- I 9 We~tfield. Jaelyn - 113, 136 Whalen. ndrew - 6 J. 152 Whalen, John - I 13. 136. 152, 163. J 2 Whalen. We~ley- 113. 176 White, Deshoun - 62, 136, 152. 162. 163. 174 White, Jack- 113, I 0 White, eth - I 13 Whitney. Raven- 98 Wicks, Mala} sia - 113 Wilcox. Kristen - I 05 Wildman, Greggory - 62 Wildman, Matthew - 113 Wilkey. Chri tian- 105 Williams, nthony - 117 Williams, Danielle- 61 William'>. haiah- 113, I 0 Williams. Ja'vaughn- I 05 Williams. Joseph- 117 William'>. Marissa- 56. J 05. 175. I 0 William . Precious - 98 Williams, Reawna Rena} - 67 Williams, Tyriqu - 62 Williams, Venus- 113

Williams-Davis, riana - 12, 11.3 Williamson, Tawan - 113 Wtlh-,, Janmne - I 13 Wilson, Brandon - 113 Wil on. Brennan - 113, 118. 137 Wtbon. Kl) stal - 113, 136 Wilson, Kyle - 61. 70. 158, 180. 183 Wilson, Ladonna- 40, 116, 117, 118. 175 Wilson, Milrc - 42. 43. 44. 45 Windo'-V, urtis - 62 Winfrey, Chate'- 98 Winfre}. Sch Jar - 62 Winters. Maegan - 61. 6 7, 195 Wttt, Jacktc 117 WoJnar, Gtna - 61 Wood-,, John 71. 117,224 Wood sun, a-,-,ondra- I 05 Wnght, Anna- 9 , 170, 176 Wright. Benjamin- 62 Wright. Bradley- I05, 136 WurL ichola-, - I05. 170, 181 Wynn. Tracvon - 62

Zarco, hmelda - 62 7 a reo. Jonathan - I05, 184 Zarco,Julio 137.140 Zarco. Marilla - 62 Zcch. Wtlliam - I0. 90, 98. 125. 137, 168, 172, 176 Zhang, hristopher- 61, 125, 172, 173, 183 Zhang, hushan - I 05, 173 /:hang. Wtnnie - I05 Zhu, Zhtqing- 98, 173 Zick-Bottorff. Laura- 117, 170

y Yago'-V. Rita- 117 Yaman, urk:an- 113, 137 Yang, Danny- I 05, I 25. 137. 173, 176 Yim, hri..,- 113. 183 Yoo, ndrcw- 30. 105. 125. 137, Young,Ashlc) -199 Young. Jarvi-,- 36. 40, 61. 67, 136, 171. 181 Young, Jordan - I 05. I 37 Young. Meredith - 2 . 29. I05, 125, 134, 136, 172 You-,cf. AI-Ya1e d- 105, 125, 137, I 2 You-,ef. Ram1ey - I 13, 1 2

z Zaghloul, Ha-,him - 14, 36, 61, 65, 70, 125, 134. 16 '169, 174. 176. 224 Zang, ndrew - 62 Zarco, Diana- I 13. I 9 221


Walsworth .


An army psych1atnst at Fort Hood, Texas, allegedly opened fne on base, killing 13 people and wounding 30 before bemg wounded . Investigators were trying to determ1ne whether Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Amencan, had terronst t1es.

There were s1gns the nation was climb1ng out of the recess1on, but JOb hunters could not tell. U.S. unemployment reached 10.2%, the highest since 1983. The unemployment rate for teens reached a record of 27.6%. YANKEES BACK ON TOP ,..

The New Yr rk Yankees defeated the Philadelphia Phillies in six games to w1n the 2009 World Series, and cla1m their record 27th championship. Outfielder Hideki Matsui hit .615 in the series and became the first Japanese player to win World Series MVP.



Already the fastest man in the world , Jamaican sprinter Usatn Bolt won the 100 and 200 meters at the 2009 World Track Champ1onsh1ps In Bert n, shattering the world records he already held . Bolt's t1me of 9.58 seconds in the 100 was more than a tenth of a second faster than the previous record he set m the 2008 Olymptcs. SPREADING GLEE Y

Glee, Fox's new comedy about the show choir group at an Oh1o h1gh school, b came a critical success and was nominated for numerous awards. The show's musical format gained a loyal audtence , led to frequent song downloads from the show's mustcal numbers and even to new glee clubs at some high schools.


While the government asked the public to take the H1 N1 mfluenza seriously, vacctne shortages occurred because BALLOON BOY HOAX A 1t could not be made fast enough. Then people had to The parents who clatmed thetr 6-year-old son was carried away by a flying dec 1de whether to get th "regular" and the H1 N1 vacc1nes saucer-shaped balloon served some jail time. The plot by Richard and Mayuml - available 1n shot and nasal mist forms. Heene was revealed by the1r son, Falcon, during an interview when he sa1d the family "d•d thts for the show." The Heenes, who had appeared on Wife Swap, TWEETING THE NEWS A apparently were hoping the tnctdent would lead to another reality TV show. Many news stories were begtnning to appear on social websites like Twttter. Some events closed to tradittonal media outlets, such as Iran's governm nt-controlled elect1on, were Airport secunty was looked at aga•n after a Nigerian man tried to blow up reported to the world via Tw1tter users. hts Northwest Atrlines flight just before landing in Detroit on Christmas Day. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, was badly burned when he lit a small explosive dev•ce whtle s1tt1ng 1n h1s seat. He was held by passengers and crew unt1l the plane landed. SAFE LANDING A

Photo cre<Jils Newscom


About 68,000 U.S. troops were stat1oned 1n Afghanistan to fight the Tali ban as President Barack Obama planned to send an additional 30,000 troops. He also stated a oal of bringing troops home beg1nning July 2011 . ENDING ON A HIGH NOTE Y

The story of plane crash survivors who end up on a mystenous island, Lost, finally came to an end during 1ts sixth and last season. The cult classic, which at its peak became one of the most-watched shows on TV, once aga1n became one of the "events" of the TV season by wrapping up all its mysteries.

A powerful earthquake, measuring Z.O on the Richter scale, hit JUSt outside Port-auPnnce, the cap1tal c1ty of island nation Haiti. More than 217,000 people were killed, nearly 400,000 lost their homes and were left scrambling for a1d and several of the country's • historic landmarks were destroyed.


Most people w re now carrymg wireless phones And the gadgets could do more th1ngs, as products hke Apple 's iPhone allowed users to place calls, take p1ctures, access email and the internet, keep schedules and much more. HARRY POTTER STILL STRONG 'f

The Harry Potter senes contmued stronger than ever through the movies. The f1lm based on the s1xth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Pnnce, made nearly $1 b on worldw1de . Plans were made to split the story of the seventh and final book into two mOVIeS. AWKWARD MOMENT 'f When country -aylor SWift won Best Female 1deo at the MTV Video Music Awards, rapper Kanye West grabbed the m1crophone and protested that Beyonce should have won the award. West's upstag1ng of Swift was met with boos. When Beyonce won Video of the Year later 1n the show, she called Swift back on stage for the two ladles to share a moment.


Show1ng how far h1p-hop has come, the late rapper Tupac S was Included as one of the 12 songs on the Vatican's official when it was released, al gside Mozart.

ur's song, "Changes," Space Mus1c playl1st

Roger Federer won the 15th Grand Slam singles title of h1s career, when h .• ¡1eated Andy Rodd1ck in a five-set cl ic at Wimbledon. It was the most Grand Slar1 titles of any men's tenn1s player in h1story. Federer then added to his record in the ew year when he won the Austra ia Open for the fourth time.

Photo credits: Newscom


Apple once agatn created buzz wtth its latest product roll-out. thts time releasing its verston of a tablet computer wtth the 1Pad. Essentially functioning the same as an 1Pod Touch, e iPad primarily allowed users to access the mternet, watch video and listen to audto . SNOWED IN 'f

Two masstve blizzards hit several major ctties tn the eastern U.S in early February, closmg schools and shutttng down bustnesses for days. Balttmore, Washtngton D.C. and Philadelphia were all htt hard and set records for seasonal snowfall.

Violence betw~ nval drug cartels tn Mextco continued to cause problems throughout the country and along the border with the United States. The Mexican government deployed thousands of soldiers tn many ct ies to crack down, while the U S. even began talk of offenng the help of the National Guard.


Parents and doctors continued coming to grips with the apparent nse of autism cases among children. Vanous studies continued to search for causes, whtle medical professtonals kept scrambling for cures and treatments. All the while, mostly questtons rematned.



Olympic sw1mm1ng legend Mtchael Phelps returned to the pool at the 2009 World Championships m Rome and won five more gold medals . After f1mshing second tn the 200-meter freestyle, his f1rst race loss 1n four years. Phelps responded by bemg part of setting four individual and relay world records . A WHOLE NEW, 3-D WORLD 'f

Futunst1c, sci-fl thnller Avatar eas1ly became the biggest box off1ce hit of the year, and one of the b1ggest hits of all-time, mostly due to what aud iences cons1dered breathtaking visuals. Using new, advanced 3-D technology, the movie was 1n production for several years and cost more than $250 million to make.

American Idol cont1nued to be a 1V hrt. even wrth a new judge. Paula Abdul I the show after etght years and was replaced by Ellen DeGeneres. Simon Cowell announced he was also leav1ng the show at the end of season nine. NEW LINE OF DEFENSE ""

The U.S. rev1s1ted plans to deploy a m1ssile defense sh1eld to protect Europe, specifically due to rising concerns about Iran's nuclear capabilities. Romania was selected as the location of the interceptor missiles. Photo cred1ts: Newscom



The golf world could never slow down Tiger Woods, but the planet's most famous athlete saw his career come to a halt after he was 1nvolved 1n a car acc1dent o s1de h1s home the day after Thanksg1v1ng. When m ia look1ng 1nto the story discovered that Woods had n unfaithful to his wife for years, the golfer took an defimte leave from the sport to reg up and refocu h1s hfe. MASSIVE TOYOTA RECALL 'f

Various problems ¡ voMng floor mats, accelerators and brakes led Toyota to recall more than e1ght m1llion cars worldwide. Congress held heanngs to determ1ne the seventy of the Toyota 1ssues. and the recall took an economic toll on the company.


Sc1ent1sts determined that fossils found 1n Eth1opia were an est1mated 4.4 milhon years old and from the skeleton of a 4-foot female human-like spec1es. N1cknamed "Ardi" by the team, the 1scovery was considered the oldest possible evidence of a human ancestor CIVIL


The U. Justice Department decided to try f1v suspected 9/11 terrorists m CIVI ian court 10 New York City, a move opposed by many who still saw the defendants as ene y combatants not deserving of a non-military trial.


Whtle many m the scientific community continued to warn of the increastng harmful effects of global warming, skepttcs conttnued to debate the cause and/or severity of the problem T e Umted Nattons held a week-long conference tn Copenhagen specthcally to deal wtth climate change issues. PROBLEMS IN PAKISTAN Y

While t•1 U.S. military contmued to be preoccupted m Afghamstan, the situation wasn 't much better in netghbonng Pakistan. The Tahban began to see a resurgence of strength and populanty tn the country, as they continued a guerrilla war agatnst the Paktstani government.

Pop star Lady Gaga won multiple honors at the MTV Music Video Awat'ds, tncluding Best New Arttst. Known for her wtld outftts and elaborate dance numbers, Lady Gaga continued to score multtple top 10 htts with her second album, "The F e Monster." TRY A PET PIG """

Tiny "tea< .up" pigs were the latest pet craze. They typically never grow to more than 60-65 pounds. vanous celebrities began keeping the httle pigs at home, even at a price of more than $1 ,000 ch.

Photo cred•ts: Newscom



The Hurt Locker, an Independent f. m about a bomb d1sposal un1t of sold1ers servmg 1n the Iraq War, earned mne Oscar nominat1ons, including Best Picture. The nom1nat1ons put the small-budget war drama up aga1nst b1g-budget 3-0 spectacle Avatar, wh1ch also scored n1ne nom1nat1ons . HEALTH CARE DEBATE Y

Amencans loudly voiced their op1n1011S about health care reform. Dunng Congress' August recess, people shouted down their congressmen at town hall meet1ngs. Cost was a hot button. with reform b1lls 1n Congress ranging from $848 billion to $1 .052 trillion.


Soc1al networking webs1te Facebook kept grow1ng, reaching 350 m1llion subscribers - more than the population of the Umted States. A movie was eve made about the life of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who created the webs1te 10 h1s Harvard dorm room.


Kobe Bryant led the Los Angeles Lakers to the 2009 NBA Finals for e 30th t1me, the most of any franch ise 1n history, and the Lakers defeated Orlando for the1r 15th champ1onsh1p. Then , in the new season , L.A. became the first NBA team to w1n 3,000 games w1th a regular season win aga1nst Dallas. OVERNIGHT SENSATION 'f

Scottish woman Susan Boyle became an international celebnty when she appeared on the TV show Britam 's Got Talent and sang a powerful vers1on of the song "I Dreamed a Dream" that shocked the JUdges and the audience. The You Tube v1deo of the moment was watched by millions.

Brett Favre decided on one more comeback, this time with the team who was h1s hated rival for years - the Minnesota Vikings. The 40-year old Favre surpnsed cnt1cs by turn1ng 1n one of the best seasons of h1s career, leading Minnesota all the way to the NFC Championship Game. PRESTIGIOUS AWARD 1>.

President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The The world of Hollywood lost a couple of Norweg1an Nobel Comm1ttee sa1d 1t honored Obama because of h1s legends to battles w1th cancer. Patrick Swayze, work to build ties between nations and people. The announcement remembered by many as a 1980s heartthrob was a surprise , even to White House officials. and act1on star, d1ed of pancreatic cancer. Farrah Fawcett, one of the ong1nal Charlie's Angels from the 1970s, died after a long battle w1th cancer. HOLLYWOOD ICONS PASS ON 1>.

• • Photo cred1ts Newscom



The New Orleans Saints Indianapolis Colts, 31-17, to m Super Bowl XLIV. It was the first champ1 ship 1n team h1story. Quarterback Drew Brees was named MVP after he t1ed the record for most pas completions in the game w1th 32. The w1n came JUS four years after much of New Orleans was under wa er from Humcane Katrina. PATRIARCH PASSES Y

Massachusetts Sen. Ted K nedy, 77, died from a cancerous bra1n tumor. Th youngest brother of Prestdent John Kennedy and Sen. Robert Kennedy made a name for himself a the "Uon of the Senate," help1ng to pass laws uch as the CIVIl Rights Act, Americans wrth Disabilities Ac and the Family and Medical

Two Northwest r11nes p1lots lost the1r licenses after flying past their stop at the Minneapolis airport. At first, it was feared th plane was hijacked, as rur traffic control could not make rad1o contact. But Captain Timothy Cheney d First Officer Richard Cole lost track of time and where they use they were us1ng laptops and talk1ng about work schedules.



el Jackson, cons1dered one 1nfluent1al and famous enterta1ners, coli Sed 1n h1s home and later died from an overdose o prescription medicine. Jackson's death led to much reflection and debate about h1s eccentnc life. COUNTING HEADS


Counting of the U.S. population began 1n March 2010 when census forms were ma1led. From April through July, census takers followed up on unreturned forms and searched for uncounted people. There was a push to ensure that AfncanAmericans were counted correctly. The census determines congressional districts and where to spend federal funds.


NBC took a gamble by moving The Tomght Show host Jay Leno to a show 1n pnmetime, and replacmg h1m w1th Conan O'Bnen. Both new shows failed in the ratings, forcing the network to mo e Leno back to late night, give O'Bnen the boot and angenng the fans of both comedians. A MOVE FOR DANICA .&.

Successful lndyCar driver Danica Pa nck made a highly pubhc1zed jump to NASCAR, running a part-time schedule on the Nationwide Series in order to ga1n stock car experience. ROLL

TIDE ! ~

Alabama won college football's BCS nat1onal champ1onsh1p game, 37-21, over Texas. The Cnmson T1de were led by 1 6 yards rush1ng from He1sman Trophy winning running back Mark Ingram. The game turned early when Texas quarterback Colt McCoy was k ocked out of the game w1th a pmched nerve in his throwing shoulder.

Photo cred1ts. Newscom


Connecticut became the f1rst women's c l~e basketball team to fimsh a season und feated and go an ent1re year winning every game by at least 10 pomts. The winmng streak continued mto 201 0, reaching 66 games by late February. ONLINE SHOPPING TAKES OVER ,...

In yet another s1g reta.l was online, holiday sales on Cyber Monday after Thanksg1v1ng were up 14%, even generat1ng more than the trad1t1onal Black Friday shopp1ng day. At its peak, the online shoppers on Cyber Monday reached 4 million per minute. BACK TO THE MOON 'f

NASA sent a robotic spacecraft to the moon, its f1rst m1ss1on back to the lunar surfac m more than 10 years. The m1ss1on was designed as the kickoff of a long-term project to explore whether the U S. should colon1ze there. The f1rst step - discovenng water, which the spacecraft d1d 1n 1ts f1rst month.


USC football coach Carroll , who won 97 games, two national t1tles and seven Pac-1 0 championships during his decade at the school, JUmped to the NFL to become the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks.


The mov1e Up was a huge hit w1th audiences and critics. The emotional, ad enture tale of a grumpy old man and a boy who fly to South America in a floating house earned several awards, includ1ng a Best Picture Oscar nom1nat1


were held 1n Vancouver Sadly, the Games were rocked by a trag1c start when Nodar

~~§~~=:J Kumaritashvili, a luge competitor from ~""'~~.;; Georgia, was killed dunng a train1ng i. crash. On a more upbeat note, speed skater Apolo Anton Ohno became the most decorated Amencan male winter Olympian when he won his sixth medal.


Skier Lmdsey Vonn won the gold medal for the U.S. 1n the women's downhill, even while racing on a painful bruised sh1n inJury. Vonn was the first Amencan woman to ever win the Olympic downhill event. UPSET ON THE ICE


American figure skater Evan Lysacek pulled off one of the surprises of the Games by knocking off defend1ng Olympic champion, Russian Evgeni Plushenko, 1n the men's singles competition. Lysacek e the first U.S. male to win Olympic gold in figure skat1ng nee 1988. LIGHTER THAN AIR



Snowboarder Shaun White soared over the com · ion and defended h1s Olympic crown 1n the halfp1pe. White's score of 48.4 for h1s last run in the finals was a new Olympic record.

Photo cre<Ms: Newscom

M ny th aters sold ou two months 1n advan wh New Moon , the second mov1e 1n the Twilight es, made 1t to the big screen . The roman c tal of Bella Swan and her vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen was a huge hit w1th the teen audtence FIERCE SUCCESS FOR BEYONCE 'f

Beyonce Knowles won SIX awards or her album I Am ... Sasha Fierce . song "Sing! ladles (Put a R1ng On It)" becarne a number one hit, and the music video was one of the more memorable, parodied images oft year

As one of his first prom1nent acts, Presiden Barack Obama lifted President George W. Bush's ban on the use of federal funds for medical stem cell research. laws on the books still prevent sc1ent1sts from creat1ng new embryonic stem cells for research, but the renewed funding allowed them to once aga1n study hundreds of stem cell lines already 1n ex1stence. TROUBLING CONFESSION A

Eight years after h1s r 路ut.:ment, former home run king Marl< McGw1re became the latest baseball superstar to admit to steroid use dunng his play~ng days. Long suspected, McGWire finally admitted to us1ng the banned substances 1n the 1990s after he accepted a job as the hitt1ng coach of the St. Louis Cardinals. A RECORD JUMP ,...

' - motocross gold medalist and race car driver TraVls 路ana provided the nation with some unq entertainment when he set a new world record foot ramp-to-ramp Jump with hiS car at the X P

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2 1 1/'v 路 worth Publ1sh1ng Co pany. All nghts reserved . Photo cred1ts: Newscom

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