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The 1st Presentation for CW2

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

Dependence and symbiosis

group 2 / team Ecology

Solids pollution

Community collection (employment problem solving)

Water pollution

Build floating island for birds


:Purifaction Threated Pollution for Mangrove:


Solids pollution (by Ocean currents)

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector1: Water Pollution

Problems & Case study

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector1: Water Pollution


Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 2: Aquaculture

The advantages of mangrove aquaculture

——Able to use wastewater while avoiding additional energy input to the breeding area

Weidong Xia 1825068 Group2 team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 3: The protective role of mangroves

Tree species selection

Xiao Yang / 1823699 / group 2 / team Ecology

Multidensity planting

UPD 306 - April 29 PART 1: Status quo described Mangrove distribution

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

Coral reef restoration: 1. Traditional coral reef restoration techniques: Selecting suitable coral reef species, planting and transplanting reefs 2. Modern Technology Restoration technology :3D printing coral reefs

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 4: Carbon sequestration

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector 4: Carbon sequestration

Application of carbon sequestration capacity of mangroves in Bali

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source: Zhou,K.(2008).Research on Environmental Law. Zhou,W. Zeng,Y. and Wu,B (2013).Analysis and Enlightenment of international forestry carbon sequestration trading market. .

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

The 2nd Presentation for CW2

Wenqin Meng 1824555

Design Origin

l In the Anthropocene, human-induced environmental change effects diverse lives across every species. l Our destinies are entwined through ecosystems with a myriad of interdependent networks. 一张图背景,一张图介绍不同尺度的能源, 切入rules 和潜在的区域选址,针对对比最后觉得哪个 选址是更合适的。 点位确定后,需求量的mapping, 提案

Design Origin

l Water purification to improve water quality l Biodiversity Design Strategies l Decontamination based on natural mangrove systems and topography l Decontamination based on an open pond - to improve pro-nature (natural habitat for birds etc.) l Multi-ecological nodes intervene together

Pollution division Solids pollution Inland Water pollution :Purifaction Threated Pollution for Mangrove:


Solids pollution (by Ocean currents)

Community collection (employment problem solving) Build floating island for birds

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Pollution

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Pollution

Problems & Case study

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Purifaction

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Nature-based Water Purfication approach


The 3rd Presentation for CW2

Wenqin Meng 1824555

Design Origin

l In the Anthropocene, human-induced environmental change effects diverse lives across every species. l Our destinies are entwined through ecosystems with a myriad of interdependent networks. Design Origin l Water purification to improve water quality l Biodiversity Design Strategies l Decontamination based on natural mangrove systems and topography l Decontamination based on an open pond - to improve pro-nature (natural habitat for birds etc.) l Multi-ecological nodes intervene together

Tech Aims The design is based on the principle of "zero" discharge of pollutants, and the recycling of water resources is realized from three aspects: ①pollution control of rainwater runoff, ②purification of external water sources ③utilization of sewage treatment. Projet Inlet water Index (mg/L)

















Water quality of discharge

l l

Significant improvement in the overall water system sensory indicators, with a significant increase in transparency to 50-80cm. Main chemical indicators of the wetland effluent are maintained at Class III level in the near future, reaching Class II level in some periods.


In the long term, it will be maintained at II~III level and meet the corresponding standards for drinking water sources.


The control rate of the main indicators of surface source pollution load in the project area is 60-80%.


Wastewater treatment water quality reaches Class I A standard.


Build a water ecosystem with reasonable species composition, sound function and stable self-purification ability.

Pollution division Solids pollution Inland Water pollution :Mangrove Purifaction (main sewage, and few industry & fishing pollution)

Threated Pollution for Mangrove:


Solids pollution (by Ocean currents)

Community collection (employment problem solving) Build floating island for birds

Pollution division

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Pollution

Problems & Case study

What wastewater brings about for Bali?


Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Purifaction

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Nature-based Water Purfication approach


Large Scale Site Mapping



Artificial plastic island

Final Treatment Index Count By analyzing the balance relationship of each water input and output term within the calculation range, the water balance method is used for calculation. The calculation formula is as follows.

PS. WZ - ecological environment water demand F - water surface area (km²) P - multi-year average precipitation (m³/km²) EZ - calculated area of water surface evaporation water demand ( m³/km² ) T - plant evapotranspiration water demand (m³) G - soil seepage water demand (m³) W0 - maintain a certain water surface area of water storage (m³)

Annual Evap Wate Water Rain Leak water Area orati r require purificat fall age (m2) on dept ment (m) (m) ion 3/a) (m) h(m) (m (m3/a) Watersh 9746 eld







Cha nge Coe ffici ent

High daily water demand Quantity (m3/d)



From the above calculation, it can be seen that the existing water volume in the project area, i.e. 1500m3/d, can fully meet the water exchange demand of the whole water system 18 times a year, which is about 20 days for whole watersheld exchange.

The 4th Presentation for CW2

Wenqin Meng 1824555

Design Origin

 In the Anthropocene, human-induced environmental change effects diverse lives across every species.  Our destinies are entwined through ecosystems with a myriad of interdependent networks. 一张图背景,一张图介绍不同尺度的能源, 切入rules 和潜在的区域选址,针对对比最后觉得哪个 选址是更合适的。 点位确定后,需求量的mapping, 提案 Design Origin  Water purification to improve water quality  Biodiversity Design Strategies  Decontamination based on natural mangrove systems and topography  Decontamination based on an open pond - to improve pro-nature (natural habitat for birds etc.)  Multi-ecological nodes intervene together

Tech Aims The design is based on the principle of "zero" discharge of pollutants, and the recycling of water resources is realized from three aspects: ①pollution control of rainwater runoff, ②purification of external water sources ③utilization of sewage treatment. Projet Inlet water Index (mg/L)

















Water quality of discharge

 

Significant improvement in the overall water system sensory indicators, with a significant increase in transparency to 50-80cm. Main chemical indicators of the wetland effluent are maintained at Class III level in the near future, reaching Class II level in some periods.

In the long term, it will be maintained at II~III level and meet the corresponding standards for drinking water sources.

The control rate of the main indicators of surface source pollution load in the project area is 60-80%.

Wastewater treatment water quality reaches Class I A standard.

Build a water ecosystem with reasonable species composition, sound function and stable self-purification ability.

Pollution division Solids pollution Inland

Community collection (employment problem solving)

Water pollution :Mangrove Purifaction (main sewage, and few industry & fishing pollution)

Threated Pollution for Mangrove:


Solids pollution (by Ocean currents)

Build floating island for birds

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Pollution

Problems & Case study

What wastewater brings about for Bali?


Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Purifaction

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Mapping



Artificial plastic island

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Nature-based Water Purfication approach


Final Treatment Index Count By analyzing the balance relationship of each water input and output term within the calculation range, the water balance method is used for calculation. The calculation formula is as follows.

PS. WZ - ecological environment water demand F - water surface area (km²) P - multi-year average precipitation (m³/km²) EZ - calculated area of water surface evaporation water demand ( m³/km² ) T - plant evapotranspiration water demand (m³) G - soil seepage water demand (m³) W0 - maintain a certain water surface area of water storage (m³)

Annual Wate Evap Water Leak water Rain Area r orati require age purificat fall (m2) dept on ment (m) ion (m) (m) (m3/a) h(m) 3 (m /a) Watersh 9746 eld







High Cha daily nge water Coe demand ffici Quantity ent (m3/d) 1.5


From the above calculation, it can be seen that the existing water volume in the project area, i.e. 1500m3/d, can fully meet the water exchange demand of the whole water system 18 times a year, which is about 20 days for whole watersheld exchange.

The 5th Presentation For CW2

Wenqin Meng 1824555

Design Origin

l In the Anthropocene, human-induced environmental change effects diverse lives across every species. l Our destinies are entwined through ecosystems with a myriad of interdependent networks. Design Origin l Water purification to improve water quality l Biodiversity Design Strategies l Decontamination based on natural mangrove systems and topography l Decontamination based on an open pond - to improve pro-nature (natural habitat for birds etc.) l Multi-ecological nodes intervene together

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Water Purifaction

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

Proposal l Working Progress

Problem orientation - Contamination source identification - Modular design - Potential point identification Module adaption to potential point - Three zoning for small, medium and large scales l Problems Orientation

5 main Pollution Sources: (1) industrial wastewater discharged without treatment--heavy metal/Acid contamination, BOD contamination ect.--Pond 1 2+ sea mulberry/autumn eggplant/gunsten tree/white bond sopil tree (2) domestic wastewater discharged without treatment---Ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite, organic pollutants, phosphorus and fouling organisms(HIGH COD)---Pond 2 3 4+sea mulberry/autumn eggplant/gunsten tree (3) agricultural wastewater resulting from the extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicide--Organic matter and pathogens--Pond1 3 4+sea mulberry/autumn eggplant/gunsten tree (4) industrial waste and domestic rubbish deposited at riversides---Soild treatment strategy

Tech Aims The design is based on the principle of "zero" discharge of pollutants, and the recycling of water resources is realized from three aspects: ①pollution control of rainwater runoff, ②purification of external water sources ③utilization of sewage treatment. Projet Inlet water Index (mg/L)

















Water quality of discharge

l l

Significant improvement in the overall water system sensory indicators, with a significant increase in transparency to 50-80cm. Main chemical indicators of the wetland effluent are maintained at Class III level in the near future, reaching Class II level in some periods.


In the long term, it will be maintained at II~III level and meet the corresponding standards for drinking water sources.


The control rate of the main indicators of surface source pollution load in the project area is 60-80%.


Wastewater treatment water quality reaches Class I A standard.


Build a water ecosystem with reasonable species composition, sound function and stable self-purification ability.

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Nature-based Water Purfication approach

Large scale Principles

Potential Ecology Transformation sites

Mild Pollution--Small scale treatment Midium Pollution--Midium scale Treatment Heacy Pollution--Large Scale Treatment

Final Treatment Index Count By analyzing the balance relationship of each water input and output term within the calculation range, the water balance method is used for calculation. The calculation formula is as follows.

PS. WZ - ecological environment water demand F - water surface area (km²) P - multi-year average precipitation (m³/km²) EZ - calculated area of water surface evaporation water demand ( m³/km² ) T - plant evapotranspiration water demand (m³) G - soil seepage water demand (m³) W0 - maintain a certain water surface area of water storage (m³)

Annual Evap Wate Water Rain Leak water Area orati r require purificat fall age (m2) on dept ment (m) (m) ion 3/a) (m) h(m) (m (m3/a) Watersh 9746 eld







Cha nge Coe ffici ent

High daily water demand Quantity (m3/d)



From the above calculation, it can be seen that the existing water volume in the project area, i.e. 1500m3/d, can fully meet the water exchange demand of the whole water system 18 times a year, which is about 20 days for whole watersheld exchange.

Midium Scale Site Mapping



Artificial plastic island

Water cycle & purfication

Slow Rate Mangrove purfication

Mangrove roots Purficat ion


The 6th Presentation for CW2

The First Presentation for CW2

group 2 / team Ecology

Wenqin Meng 1824555

Potential Ecology Transformation sites

Mild Pollution--Small scale treatment Midium Pollution--Midium scale Treatment Heacy Pollution--Large Scale Treatment

10 square metres of mangrove forest can purify 100 cubic metres of sewage

Sewage Industry Pollution

Domestic water

Farming& Fishing Pollution

Heavy Metal Produce pollution

Feeding Coral reefs


Mangrove Aquculture

How does mangrove wastewater

system benefit related Eco-system?

Final Treatment Index Count By analyzing the balance relationship of each water input and output term within the calculation range, the water balance method is used for calculation. The calculation formula is as follows.

PS. WZ - ecological environment water demand F - water surface area (km²) P - multi-year average precipitation (m³/km²) EZ - calculated area of water surface evaporation water demand ( m³/km² ) T - plant evapotranspiration water demand (m³) G - soil seepage water demand (m³) W0 - maintain a certain water surface area of water storage (m³)

Annual Evap Wate Water Rain Leak water Area orati r require purificat fall age (m2) on dept ment (m) (m) ion 3/a) (m) h(m) (m (m3/a) Watersh 9746 eld







Cha nge Coe ffici ent

High daily water demand Quantity (m3/d)



From the above calculation, it can be seen that the existing water volume in the project area, i.e. 1500m3/d, can fully meet the water exchange demand of the whole water system 18 times a year, which is about 20 days for whole watersheld exchange.

The 7th Presentation

Wenqin Meng 1824555

Pollution Impact Strategy: 1. Take Low impact development facilities, mangroves&wetland plants and ponds as the core for low cost and high effiency ecological wastewater treatment system. 2. Optimal system combination from comparing purification effiency, construction carbon emission and future maintain cost. 3. Creat a public space for birds habitat and people going.

Site Selection: Salt water erosion

Site Selection

Over 90% wastewater emission to sea directly. 10 square metres of mangrove forest can purify 100 cubic metres of wastewater


Sewage Industry Pollution

Domestic water

Farming& Fishing Pollution

Heavy Metal Produce pollution

Feeding Coral reefs

Other purification plants select Wetland plants:

Mangrove: Main Sea mulberry, autumn eggplant and white bone loam

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector1: Nature-based Water Purfication approach


Mangrove island

Final Treatment Index Count By analyzing the balance relationship of each water input and output term within the calculation range, the water balance method is used for calculation. The calculation formula is as follows.

PS. WZ - ecological environment water demand F - water surface area (km²) P - multi-year average precipitation (m³/km²) EZ - calculated area of water surface evaporation water demand ( m³/km² ) T - plant evapotranspiration water demand (m³) G - soil seepage water demand (m³) W0 - maintain a certain water surface area of water storage (m³)

Annual Evap Wate Water Rain Leak water Area orati r require purificat fall age (m2) on dept ment (m) (m) ion 3/a) (m) h(m) (m (m3/a) Watersh 9746 eld







Cha nge Coe ffici ent

High daily water demand Quantity (m3/d)



From the above calculation, it can be seen that the existing water volume in the project area, i.e. 1500m3/d, can fully meet the water exchange demand of the whole water storage 8 times a year. And equal to build 9 big sewage purification stations. Ideally, increase 15% mangrove in future 20 years.

Nature-based Mangrove water purification Project CW2: Wenqin Meng (Ecology)

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Background& Site Selection

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Background& Site Selection

UPD 306 - 24th May

Background& Site Selection

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Background& Site Selection

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Background& Site Selection

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Background& Site Selection

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Proposal Mind Map

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Strategy 1: Mangrove + Wetland Plants Selection

Wetland plants:

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Strategy 1: Mangrove + Wetland Plants Selection

Wetland plants:

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Strategy 2: Typology & Area Proportion Selection

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Strategy 3: Connect Social Problems with purfication system (Plastic recycle & Economic ponds)

10 square metres of mangrove forest can purify 100 cubic metres of sewage

Sewage Domestic water Industry Pollution

Farming& Fishing Pollution

Heavy Metal Produce pollution

Feeding Coral reefs

UPD 306 - 24th May

Future Planning: For Bali 2045

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - 24th May

Future Planning: For Bali 2045

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

Practice in Bali: For Bali 2045

Future Vision:Small Scale-An Eco-friendly community purification park

Mangrove island

Future Vision: Large Scale-A connective wetland system


The site's location near the national park and the port gives it a regional advantage in developing new farming models

Trading opportunities for mangrove fisheries

Mangroves bring more fishery resources

Processing and packaging of fish products provides more jobs and reduces dependence on tourism for local development

Near to ports offers lower transport costs and higher trading opportunities



Ecological restoration of abandoned fish and shrimp ponds To Protection of mangrove wetlands

Weidong Xia 1825068

Mangrove ecological benefits

Weidong Xia 1825068

Mangrove contribution to fisheries production

Use of mangroves for ecological aquaculture farming, which reduces damage to mangroves and increases fisheries production

Producing one unit of fish has a lower carbon footprint than pork and beef.

The ecological benefits of using mangroves for aquaculture will reduce carbon emissions by 85%.

(water temperature control, nutrient input, power support)

Zhang et al. (2021) Serving carbon neutrality targets: a way for mariculture to practice 'ocean negative emissions' ’. Chinese Academy of Sciences [Online] 10 March. Available from:

Weidong Xia 1825068

Thunderspace (2020) Mangroves may reverse carbon emission trends. [Online] Available from:

Draft plan

Three different landscapes Waterscape

Wetland Shrub Landscape

Mangrove Landscape

Traditional aquaculture is damaging to mangrove ecosystems and has a large carbon emission.

Mangrove aquaculture has improved economic and ecological benefits compared to traditional models

The contribution of mangrove aquaculture

Annual fish consumption per person in Bali: 2.5Kg Annual fishery consumption in Bali:7,560,000Kg Planned annual fish production from mangrove aquaculture:9,158,100Kg Planned annual Seaweed production from mangrove aquaculture:4,300,000Kg

Tree species selection

Site Selection - Port Trade Location Consideration

More aquaculture areas in areas with more trading ports will provide more resources for trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Mangrove distribution Consideration

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Roads and populationc Consideration

A larger population also means more fish consumption, while good transport also deserves careful consideration.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Major fishery markets Consideration

The main target for the delivery of mangrove aquaculture products to the aquaculture market and therefore the choice of location for mangrove aquaculture also needs to take into consideration the distribution of the aquaculture market.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology


Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Food consumption of fisheries production

Each aquaculture area will produce enough fishery production to meet the needs of the people around it.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Trade exports of fishery production

In areas close to the port, the production from the aquaculture areas will be also available for export trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Trade exports of fishery production Some species of seaweed have a huge bioenergy potential and therefore could also provide energy for Bali.

*Among seaweeds, Ulva lactuca L is better positioned to become a new source of energy capable of mass production

There are two main types of seaweed grown, for food&trade purposes and for energy purposes. Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Energy infrastructure and transportation

In conjunction with Bali's energy infrastructure and transportation, more energy seaweed species will be grown in the aquaculture areas around the infrastructure.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site of Energy seaweed species

Energy seaweed species

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

The contribution of mangroves to fisheries

Species selection

Two methods of seaweed growing

Seaweed floating raft racks

Small-leaved seaweed

Seaweed breeding racks

Seaweed with large leaves

Mangrove aquaculture model

Mangrove aquaculture model

Problems of Traditional aquaculture

Traditional aquaculture is damaging to mangrove ecosystems and has a large carbon emission.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:Minhong Qiu. (2014) 红树林水产养殖与生态恢复对其环境的影响研究 A study on the impact of mangrove aquaculture and ecological restoration on its environment, Hainan Normal Univesity (own translation from the Chinese text)

Mangrove aquaculture has improved economic and ecological benefits compared to traditional models

Mangrove aquaculture not only brings a 50% increase in production, but also reduces carbon emissions by about 85%

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:John Hambrey (1998) ‘Mangrove Conservation and Coastal Management in Southeast Asia: What Impact on Fishery Resources’. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 37(8), pp.431-440

The contribution of mangrove aquaculture

Annual fish consumption per person in Bali: 2.5Kg Annual fishery consumption in Bali:7,560,000Kg Planned annual fish production from mangrove aquaculture:9,158,100Kg Planned annual Seaweed production from mangrove aquaculture:4,300,000Kg It is planned that the output from mangrove aquaculture will be enough to meet the demand of the Balinese population for fish and meat, with the opportunity for additional foreign trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source: 2019-2020 PRODUKSI PERIKANAN TANGKAP: Capture Fisheries Production Accessed at:

Site Selection - Port Trade Location Consideration

More aquaculture areas in areas with more trading ports will provide more resources for trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Mangrove distribution Consideration

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Roads and populationc Consideration

A larger population also means more fish consumption, while good transport also deserves careful consideration.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Major fishery markets Consideration

The main target for the delivery of mangrove aquaculture products to the aquaculture market and therefore the choice of location for mangrove aquaculture also needs to take into consideration the distribution of the aquaculture market.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology


Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Food consumption of fisheries production

Each aquaculture area will produce enough fishery production to meet the needs of the people around it.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Trade exports of fishery production

In areas close to the port, the production from the aquaculture areas will be also available for export trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Trade exports of fishery production Some species of seaweed have a huge bioenergy potential and therefore could also provide energy for Bali.

*Among seaweeds, Ulva lactuca L is better positioned to become a new source of energy capable of mass production

There are two main types of seaweed grown, for food&trade purposes and for energy purposes. Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Energy infrastructure and transportation

In conjunction with Bali's energy infrastructure and transportation, more energy seaweed species will be grown in the aquaculture areas around the infrastructure.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site of Energy seaweed species

Energy seaweed species

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Tree species selection

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

The contribution of mangroves to fisheries

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:John Hambrey (1998) ‘Mangrove Conservation and Coastal Management in Southeast Asia: What Impact on Fishery Resources’. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 37(8), pp.431-440

Species selection :Selecting species that are native to and dominant in Bali

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:Production an Nilai Produksi Budidaya perikanan Air Tawar Menurut Jenis Produksi dan Jenis Peraian, 2020 The Production and Production Value of Fresh Water Fishery by Type Production and Type of Water, 2020

Two methods of seaweed growing Seaweed floating raft racks Small-leaved seaweed

Seaweed breeding racks Seaweed with large leaves

Fixing brackets

Breeding layer

Fan Leaf Installations not only farm seaweed, but also promote carbon sequestration by seaweed

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

As the water flows through the fan leaves, the rotation of the fan leaves carries the water from the underside to the upper layers and nutrients are transported with it

Mangrove aquaculture model

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Calculations Supply and demand guarantee Annual fishery consumption in Bali:7,560,000Kg Planned annual fish production from mangrove aquaculture:9,158,100Kg Planned annual Seaweed production from mangrove aquaculture:4,300,000Kg

Carbon emissions and energy supply Electricity consumption and carbon emissions of traditional farming methods

Mangrove aquaculture not only brings a 50% increase in production, but also reduces carbon emissions by about 85% 17,583,552kg less CO2 emissions per year from mangrove farming than from conventional farming. Sea burial culture can fix 4,730,000kg of CO2 per year.

Future view: Seaweed Forest

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Future view: Seaweed Forest

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Future view: Seaweed Forest

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Problems of Traditional aquaculture

Traditional aquaculture is damaging to mangrove ecosystems and has a large carbon emission.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:Minhong Qiu. (2014) 红树林水产养殖与生态恢复对其环境的影响研究 A study on the impact of mangrove aquaculture and ecological restoration on its environment, Hainan Normal Univesity (own translation from the Chinese text)

Mangrove aquaculture has improved economic and ecological benefits compared to traditional models

Mangrove aquaculture not only brings a 50% increase in production, but also reduces carbon emissions by about 85%

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:John Hambrey (1998) ‘Mangrove Conservation and Coastal Management in Southeast Asia: What Impact on Fishery Resources’. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 37(8), pp.431-440

The contribution of mangrove aquaculture

Annual fish consumption per person in Bali: 2.5Kg Annual fishery consumption in Bali:7,560,000Kg Planned annual fish production from mangrove aquaculture:9,158,100Kg Planned annual Seaweed production from mangrove aquaculture:4,300,000Kg It is planned that the output from mangrove aquaculture will be enough to meet the demand of the Balinese population for fish and meat, with the opportunity for additional foreign trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source: 2019-2020 PRODUKSI PERIKANAN TANGKAP: Capture Fisheries Production Accessed at:

Site Selection - Port Trade Location Consideration

More aquaculture areas in areas with more trading ports will provide more resources for trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Mangrove distribution Consideration

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Roads and populationc Consideration

A larger population also means more fish consumption, while good transport also deserves careful consideration.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site Selection - Major fishery markets Consideration

The main target for the delivery of mangrove aquaculture products to the aquaculture market and therefore the choice of location for mangrove aquaculture also needs to take into consideration the distribution of the aquaculture market.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology


Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Food consumption of fisheries production

Each aquaculture area will produce enough fishery production to meet the needs of the people around it.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Trade exports of fishery production

In areas close to the port, the production from the aquaculture areas will be also available for export trade.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Trade exports of fishery production Some species of seaweed have a huge bioenergy potential and therefore could also provide energy for Bali.

*Among seaweeds, Ulva lactuca L is better positioned to become a new source of energy capable of mass production

There are two main types of seaweed grown, for food&trade purposes and for energy purposes. Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Energy infrastructure and transportation

In conjunction with Bali's energy infrastructure and transportation, more energy seaweed species will be grown in the aquaculture areas around the infrastructure.

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Site of Energy seaweed species

Energy seaweed species

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Tree species selection

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

The contribution of mangroves to fisheries

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:John Hambrey (1998) ‘Mangrove Conservation and Coastal Management in Southeast Asia: What Impact on Fishery Resources’. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 37(8), pp.431-440

Species selection :Selecting species that are native to and dominant in Bali

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source:Production an Nilai Produksi Budidaya perikanan Air Tawar Menurut Jenis Produksi dan Jenis Peraian, 2020 The Production and Production Value of Fresh Water Fishery by Type Production and Type of Water, 2020

Two methods of seaweed growing Seaweed floating raft racks Small-leaved seaweed

Seaweed breeding racks Seaweed with large leaves

Fixing brackets

Breeding layer

Fan Leaf Installations not only farm seaweed, but also promote carbon sequestration by seaweed

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

As the water flows through the fan leaves, the rotation of the fan leaves carries the water from the underside to the upper layers and nutrients are transported with it

Mangrove aquaculture model

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Calculations Supply and demand guarantee Annual fishery consumption in Bali:7,560,000Kg Planned annual fish production from mangrove aquaculture:9,158,100Kg Planned annual Seaweed production from mangrove aquaculture:4,300,000Kg

Carbon emissions and energy supply Electricity consumption and carbon emissions of traditional farming methods

Mangrove aquaculture not only brings a 50% increase in production, but also reduces carbon emissions by about 85% 17,583,552kg less CO2 emissions per year from mangrove farming than from conventional farming. Sea burial culture can fix 4,730,000kg of CO2 per year.

Future view: Seaweed Forest

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Future view: Seaweed Forest

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

Future view: Seaweed Forest

Weidong Xia / 185068 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 CW2 Workbook

Group Ecology Xiao. Yang 1823699

Workbook Contents 1. finnal output .............................................................


2. The first powerpoint presentation............................


3. The second powerpoint presentation......................


4. The third powerpoint presentation...........................


5. The fourth powerpoint presentation........................


6. The fifth powerpoint presentation........................


7. Video script................................................................


The final output

Approximate extent of forest distribution in Bali

Section and forest problems AwMjc0OTM0OBoIcWZxcmZhNTY%3D

Topography and elevation distribution of Bali AwMjc0OTM0OBoIcWZxcmZhNTY%3D

Suitable tree species at different elevations in Bali

Distribution of different soil species in Bali

Suitable tree species for different soil species

Distribution of solar radiation in Bali

Species suitable for different solar radiation regions

A combination of three conditions, suitable tree species from various regions of Bali

Suitable densities for areas of different tree species

Soil pH value in forest of Bali

https://d.wanf cn/periodical/ ChlQZXJpb2 RpY2FsQ0hJ TmV3UzIwMjI wNDE1Eg1kZ GhnMjAyMD A2MDQxGgh 0M3E3N2oze Q%3D%3D

https://d.wanf cn/periodical/ ChlQZXJpb2 RpY2FsQ0hJ TmV3UzIwMjI wNDE1Eg1se Wt4MjAyMDA zMDEzGggzd GRkMTVtcg% 3D%3D

Zooming Wt4MjAyMDAzMDEzGggzdGRkMTVtcg%3D%3D

The carbon sequestration capacity of the region's restored forests Wt4MjAyMDAzMDEzGggzdGRkMTVtcg%3D%3D

Future vision: The boundary between city and forest is broken, and a large area of forest covers the city, forming an organic unity of forest and cityrea of forest covers the city

Previous PowerPoint

The first powerpoint presentation

group 2 / team Ecology

Dependence and symbiosis

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 3: The protective role of mangroves

Tree species selection

Xiao Yang / 1823699 / group 2 / team Ecology

Multidensity planting

UPD 306 - April 29 PART 1: Status quo described Mangrove distribution

group 2 / team Ecology

Coral reef restoration: 1. Traditional coral reef restoration techniques: Selecting suitable coral reef species, planting and transplanting reefs 2. Modern Technology Restoration technology :3D printing coral reefs

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 4: Carbon sequestration

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector 4: Carbon sequestration

Application of carbon sequestration capacity of mangroves in Bali

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source: Zhou,K.(2008).Research on Environmental Law. Zhou,W. Zeng,Y. and Wu,B (2013).Analysis and Enlightenment of international forestry carbon sequestration trading market. .

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

The second powerpoint presentation

group 2 / team Ecology

The destruction of three systems leads to soil erosion

Three system failures caused the tsunami to extend its reach

Three system disruptions lead to carbon problems 1. Destruction of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves increases CO2 concentrations in Bali's atmosphere 2. The destruction of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves affects Bali's local climate, causing temperatures to rise

The third powerpoint presentation

Section position

Three systems face challenges

The destruction of three systems leads to soil erosion

Three system failures caused the tsunami to extend its reach

Three system disruptions lead to carbon problems 1. Destruction of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves increases CO2 concentrations in Bali's atmosphere 2. The destruction of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves affects Bali's local climate, causing temperatures to rise

Different types of coastal mangrove assemblages

Silty shores 31±2.42 t·hm-2a-1

Sandy shores 24.58±3.2 t·hm-2a-1

Bedrock shores 19.25±2.12 t·hm-2a-1

Carbon sequestration ratio

The fourth powerpoint presentation allen coral atlas. org

Mangrove, seagrass, coral reef distribution

Section position

Three systems face challenges

Three system disruptions lead to carbon problems 1. Destruction of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves increases CO2 concentrations in Bali's atmosphere 2. The destruction of coral reefs, seagrasses and mangroves affects Bali's local climate, causing temperatures to rise

Different types of coastal mangrove assemblages

Silty shores 31±2.42 t·hm-2a-1

Sandy shores 24.58±3.2 t·hm-2a-1

Bedrock shores 19.25±2.12 t·hm-2a-1 wMjIwNDE1EhB6bmx4eXhiMjAxOTEyMDE0GghyZmdibW16YQ%3D%3D

The fifth powerpoint presentation

Topography and elevation distribution of Bali

Suitable tree species at different elevations in Bali

Distribution of different soil species in Bali

Suitable tree species for different soil species

Distribution of solar radiation in Bali

Species suitable for different solar radiation regions

A combination of three conditions, suitable tree species from various regions of Bali

Suitable densities for areas of different tree species

Soil pH value in forest of Bali


group 2 / team Ecology/ Chenghao Zheng/1509115/

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

Dependence and symbiosis

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 PART 1: Status quo described Mangrove distribution

group 2 / team Ecology

Solids pollution

Community collection (employment problem solving)

Water pollution

Build floating island for birds


:Purifaction Threated Pollution for Mangrove:


Solids pollution (by Ocean currents)

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector1: Water Pollution

Problems & Case study

Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector1: Water Pollution


Wenqin Meng / 1824555 / group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 2: Aquaculture

The advantages of mangrove aquaculture

——Able to use wastewater while avoiding additional energy input to the breeding area

Weidong Xia 1825068 Group2 team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 3: The protective role of mangroves

Tree species selection

Xiao Yang / 1823699 / group 2 / team Ecology

Multidensity planting

group 2 / team Ecology

Coral reef restoration: 1. Traditional coral reef restoration techniques: Selecting suitable coral reef species, planting and transplanting reefs 2. Modern Technology Restoration technology :3D printing coral reefs

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29 Sector 4: Carbon sequestration

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team Ecology

UPD 306 - April 29

Sector 4: Carbon sequestration

Application of carbon sequestration capacity of mangroves in Bali

Case study: 1. Gazi Bay, Kenya-----Carbon Trading 2. Zanzibar, Tanzania-----Mangrove digital map

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team Ecology

Source: Zhou,K.(2008).Research on Environmental Law. Zhou,W. Zeng,Y. and Wu,B (2013).Analysis and Enlightenment of international forestry carbon sequestration trading market. .

group 2 / team Ecology

group 2 / team Ecology

空白演示 单击输入您的封面副标题

Fishi ng

Pollut ion



Touri sm



Acropor a tenuis

Acropora tenuis and “Coral tree”

Under certain maintenance and management, tourists and

Restoration of ecological diversity (from coral, seagrass, benthos)

At present, there are no living coral reefs in this area and the environment suitable for coral reefs. There are also some fishing villages nearby, so they are mainly dominated by vulnerable coral species and the breeding of economic fish.

3D printing technology 3D printed coral can provide a living place for fish 3D printed "coral reef plate" allows broken coral to grow

Artificially create an environment suitable for the growth of coral reefs


Tridactyla herring


sea turtle



CW2:Chenghao Zheng(ecology)

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team 1

Bali coral reef restoration project CW2:Chenghao Zheng(ecology)

Chenghao Zheng / 1509115 / group 2 / team 1

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

UPD 306 - 24th May

Connected to the mangrove park on the road

UPD 306 - 24th May

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