Sustainbility Design

Environmental Design
I thought sustainbility was the world problem before, I am care about it but I have no idea about how to change the terrible situation. So I am glad to own this opportunity to learn more and deeper in the Sustainbility Design.
JIANG YU Suzhou,China
Industrail Design
I’m a freshman in learning design, but we all know sustainability is more and more important nowadays, so I’m eager to know how to make a sustainable design, also to build ourselves’ sustainable conscious and to learn the method of designing.

WANG QIAN Shanxi,China
Environmental Design
During my college experience,I have been learning how to design sth more beauty and practicality.But a good design not only just meet these but also should consider whether it can does not bring harm to environment .So,I chose these course to study how to do a eco-friendly design.
Context & Climate in Yuci, Shanxi
Location Diagram
Wang Qian’s hometown is in YuCi , ShanXi Province , China.
The picture shows the main downtown , the main attractions and the connections between the important points.

People Gathering Area
Traffic Hub

Traffic Line
Source: http://www.google.cn/maps/place
Wang Qian’s hometown is in YuCi , ShanXi Province , China, as shown with red dot in the map. YuCi is in the cold climate zone. The main climate belongs to temperate continental arid climate Sever

Source: http://server.chinabyte.com/230/12680230.shtml?utm_source=tuicool


Annual Facts
The annual average temperature is 10.4°C,the humidity is about 55% ,the precipitation is almost 387.9mm and the wind speed is around 2.3m/s. In summer, it is hot and wet, while in winter it is arid and cold, the spring and autumn is quite short. Since my hometown is in the belts of prevailing westerlies, so we enjoy the southeast wind in summer but suffer the northwest wind in winter.
Bellow are the annual climate summaries in Yuci:

1. Annual Temperature Range

2. Annual Humidity
3. Average Max and Min Percipitation

4.Average and Max Wind Speed
Source: http://data.cma.cn/site/index.html

Context & Climate in Yuci,Shanxi

Geographical Position
The picture shows the geographical position of Yuci, Shanxi.It is obvious that Yuci is surrounded by 4 parts of the moutains: Lvliang Moutains, Wutai Moutains, Xizhou Moutains, Taiyue Moutains. The moutains are barriers with different attitudes. Also, because of the moutains, the main orientation of wind is east in Yuci. At the same time, the percipitation influenced by the geography of moutains. There are more rainfall in moutain areas.
Source: http://www.360doc.com/content/14/1019/21/10429244_418234087.shtml

Hardiness Zone Map & Legend

If you live around cities such as Juneau, Alaska; Toronto, Ontario; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Kamloops, British Columbia; Spokane, Washington; Kansas City, Missouri; Columbus, Ohio; Denver, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; Detroit, Michigan; Warsaw, Poland; or Lanzhou, China; your plant hardiness zone is 6.

There is a north-to-south belt of the zone 6 in the high Andes of western Argentina and southern Bolivia in the southern hemisphere. The zone, however, is primarily restricted to the northern hemisphere because of its association with very cold and stormy interior continental type climates. We don’t find continental climates in the Southern Hemisphere due to the absence of a land mass large enough and far enough away from the oceans and its currents to generate this effect.
Source: www.plantmaps.com

Urban Agriculture & Plant Options
The small grains yield are rich in Shanxi, including buckwheat, oats, corn millet, mung bean, red bean, pea, broad bean, kidney bean, cowpea, lentils, black beans, known as the “small grains kingdom”. These plants not only have edible value, but also occupy an important position in health food. According to the different condition of the soil ,rainfall ,the quality of the heat and so on ,there are also different productive crops in each regions of Shanxi.

The mostly cotton is from southern Shanxi, walnut is from eastern Jinzhong, Lvliang area is productive of potatoes, buckwheat is in northern , corn is much more from central ,jujube lives well in the whole area of Shanxi…… Yuci is in Jinzhong,central area of the Shanxi.

Plant Options
According to PBS’s The Victory Garden, the plants of left part grow well within hardiness zone 6:

Urban Agriculture
The main crops of right part grow in Shanxi:

1.http://www.decodedplants.com/zone-six-usda-planthardiness-world-view/951 2.http://sx.people.com.cn/n/2014/0416/c36197821009568.html


Sixth Hardiness Zone of China

An area of zone 6 runs from north of Beijing in a south-western belt to north of Lhasa, plus a mass in western China on the border with Kazakhstan.The zone also becomes more significant in Japan and Korea.
Hebei and Xingjiang is both in sixth districts, but the crops in there stil have many difference.Except hardiness zone ,topography is another main influencing factors.
Major Crops in Hebei: wheat, corn, gaoliang, peanut, sesame seed, coleflower, potatos, weetbeet.

Major Crops in Xinjiang: wheat, corn, rice, coreflower, flax, soyabean.

html 2.https://www.pinterest.com
Psychrometric Chart of Yuci,Shanxi

Psychrometric Chart of Taiyua
Yuci is in the north part of China, so we can tell that the end of September was the beginning of antumn, so the air should be even drier, because we all know most of China normally be controlled under clod high pressure, that means less rainfall and low humidity. From the chart, we can see that both the wet bulb temperture and humidity ratio are quite low, so it would feel quite comfortable to people.
Source: Psychrometic Chart
Psychrometric Chart of Yuci,Shanxi

Today’s Dry Bulb & Relative Humidity
Yuci,Shanxi Province,China Date:2016.9.21 Time:17:00 Temperature:21°C Relative Humidity:46% Humidity Ratio: 0.007(KG/KG Dry Air)
Saturation Temperature : 40(KG/KG Dry Air)
The data is shown with the red dot in the chart. we can see from the chart that there is only 8% of the whole year that people feel comfortable, and the other time sees a quite low humidity and low temperture conditions, so it matches the location of Yuci, which is in the cold climate zone very well. That reminds of us the task of warm keeping and thermal insulation in the sever winter will be very important.
Source: Psychrometic Chart
Water Map around College of Design anf
Map with Location
This map contains the information around the College of Design and Innovatin,just like the building and the street.

A ---The Studio of the D&I.
B,C ---The D&I

D---Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji
E---Parking Lot
We went along the orange line to observe the sources of water pollution ,water absorption and water run off surrounding the D&I. Main

Orientation for Winds & Passive Cooling

The Site of the Building
We selected the building in the residential area near the No.6 Middle School,and just on the Garden road.


Residential Area School
Site Location
Traffic Line
Orientation for Winds and Passive Cooling

Current Orientation in Yuci
Actually, most of the buildings in Yuci facing South,meanwhile the direction of the prevailing winds there is North by Northwest,just as the wind rose shown bellow.

So the current orientation of the very building fits the winds well while it is comfortable for living inside.
Stagnant Corners
Winter Summer
Good Ventilation
Orientation for Winds & Passive Cooling

Improved Orientation and Small Sketches of Openings and

We rotated the building to the west a little bit so that the wind could go through the interior space more fluently,that means a better ventilation is available. The small sketches showed the vertical section of our building, and when the wind blows to the verticle wall with windows and veranda on it, how the flow will acts.
Windows & Wind Veranda & Wind
Massing Strategies for Passing Heating

Sun Path & Solar Gains&Day Lighting

This buiding is in the cold aera of China, so solar gain in winter and ventilation in summer appears very important. The buliding has sunshade for the balconies as sun’s heat will not strikes directly into the room, meanwhile the big windows and vast walls make the most solar gains from facing the sun; on both two side-faces of the buildings, the solar gains are less.
Day Lighting Solar Gains

Massing Strategies for Passing Heating
Solar Gains & Natural Ventilation

For ventilation, those large windows on south and north faces fits the north by northwest prevailing wind quite well, minimized the energy loads, especially Air-con using in summer. last but not the least, as a building, the roof area per unit volume is effectively reduced, further reduced the sunshine striking during the summer.

Wang Qian’s Initial Calculator
From the results ,i can findout that i need 1 planets each year .how can i make it lesser? so,I set a Footprint target to reduce my footprint by 10% .

1. Initial Calculator on Oct.9
2. The Result throng Possiibilities of Reducing Footprint
Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/

Wangqian’s Documented Calculator
IFirstly,I start to change my eating habit.I eat more vegetable and less meat and eggs than before.In this way ,i can not only have a healthier lifestyle but also reduce my footprint. secondly, i begin to restrain my desire to buy cloth and something not necessary. .And finally i reach my goal.and it stil not enough,it should be a long-tern plan for me in the future.

1. Documented Calculator on Oct.13
2. My Diet List Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/

Jiang Yu’s Initial Calculator
On 9th, October, I finished my first testing on the Ecological Footprint, and I think that my condition is fairly good, since the answer is one earth and we just have one earth, but I neglected the definition of sustainable, which should keep thinking the next generation, that means my good feeling is shortsighted. And then, it seems to me that there are two reasons: one is I am eating too much meat, another one is I am backing home too much. So the improving path becomes clear.
I set the target as 10% reduction.
1. Initial Calculator on Oct.9
2. The Result throng Possiibilities of Reducing Footprint

Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/

Jiang Yu’s Documented Calculator
We can see the data comes from one earth to the 0.9 earth. And that meets the reducing 10% target quite well. That means eating less meat and reduce the travel really means something to the Ecological Footprint. For the passed week, I noted my each meal .

1. Docymented Calculator on Oct.13
2. Everyday Food List Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/
Chen SiNan’s Initial Calculator
On Oct.9 , I run through all the questions in the footprintwork website.Then It’s amazing to find
by 20% . And try to do something. Exceed ing my expectation, the consumptions of the meat(-0.1 hectares), the cloth and the footwear(-0.2 hectares), the house decorating(-0.1 hectares), the car riding(-0.1 hectares), are influenced my footprint obviously.
So, maybe I can through change my eating habit firstly to reduce my footprint, just like replacing the meat with the chicken and fish. And begin to restrain my desire to buy cloth and something not necessary.
At the same time, learning more about how to protect our earth is immediate, as using tools like the Ecological Footprint to manage our ecological assets.
1. Initial Calculator on Oct.9
2. The Result throng Possiibilities of Reducing Footprint

Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/

Five days later, I run through the test again.I can’t believe that I reduce my carbon footprint so much. I think the bigest change is that I am almost not out by any vehicles.I took the bike and walked to my destinations. Secondly, I reduced my consumption of the clothing and the meat. At the same time,It’s oddness to find that I ate noodles everyday.
Actually, it have warned me that I would use up the earth inadvertently. Also, it’s not difficulte to reduce the consumption through changing lifestyle.But I am still not sure the sustainable carbon footprint now.

Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/ page/calculators/

Wang Qian’s Slaves
In my oppion , the food and the maquillage make me need more slaves. Maybe, it’s time for me to reduce my garderobe, and to have a heathy eating lifestyle.
Source: http://slaveryfootprint.org/

According to my test in “Slaveryfootptint”, it’s impossible that I need 25 slaves to work for me. In my oppion , the clothing and the maquillage are the ringleaders . Maybe, it’s much more easier for me to consum less clothing, but how can I reduce my maquilage?DIY or just to sleep eariler is the effective measure.
Source: http://slaveryfootprint.org/

Jiang Yu’s Slaves
With the slavery issue, I was really astonished, not only because there 37 slaves, but my number is even higher than the average one. I go thought the test to find out why. I think maybe we have to prepare some kind of jewelry for marriage, and the mining and fabricating of the gold and silver cost a lot. And in big city in China today, people maybe not get married at my age, it tend to be later and later,even to 35.
Source: http://slaveryfootprint.org/

Documentation of Clothing: Fashion Revolution
Wang Qian’s Clothing Map
ITurth be told ,i have always believed that my clothes is all made in china .To my surprise,today i found out that 30% of my clothes is made in another country.For example,portugal、vietnam、turkey and morocco. because of the lower labour force,factories have gradually transfer to the other Asia countries.

The Tag of T-shirt1 MADE IN VETINAM
The Tag of T-shirt 2 MADE IN TURKRY
The Tag of T-shirt-3 MADE IN PORTUGAL

Documentation of Clothing: Fashion Revolution

Chen Sinan’s Clothing Map

The tag of “MADE IN CHINA“ seems familiar to us , most of our clothing or other objects were made in China.However, the situation has been changed. I fond the factories have transfer to the other Asia countries gradually because of the lower labour force.Just like my three garments I bought in Shanghait:
The Tag of Shoes-1 MADE IN INDIA
The Tag of T-shirt MADE IN VIETNAM
The Tag of Shoes-2 MADE IN INDONESIA
Documentation of Clothing: Fashion Revolution
Jiang Yu’s Clothing Map

When I was checking my clothes with the label, it’s amazing to find out that they are made from the foreign, because in our old opinion, all our clothes, shoes, toys and so on are made in China. So the fact reflects to me that the world market and structure together with the labor force is have been undergoing a profound changing. The picture bellow shows the condition:
The Tag of T-shirt1 MADE IN BANGLADESH
The Tag of T-shirt 2 MADE IN VRTINAM

Whole System Map of Electric Cooker
We chose the electric cooker, and drew a map of the whole system that it fits into. We thought about the system a lot firstly. Like the use of the electric cooker, the material and so on.
When we prioritized objectives by assessing life-cycle impacts, we found that the electricity, the water, and the transporting were all the major enery use. Maybe the use of the electricity is priority.
Use Process Related Content Recyle

Brainstorm Solutions

The method we discussed up can be divided into 3 levels: personal, technical, systematical.

Cooking method normally belongs to personal issue, except the “collective eating” maybe has something to do with the system. So we consider that the easiest way on personal level is to soak the rice before cooking and on technical level to cut the electricity automatically and on systematical level to use the wasted heat from industry, seems worthy further discussing. Especially the “use the wasted heat from industry”, we all know huge amount of heat was just released into the atmosphere, if we can build some heating cells which similar as the way we do in canteen, lot of heat can be used, just it needs a overall planning, the same condition can be seen in the central heating system.

Life Cycle Assessment Worksheet of Electric Cooker

The most important impact occurs during the using period, it’s apparently that the mining material and manufacturing process are both one off issue, but the using will lasts for a decade. We would set a 10% reduction as the goal, the action is mentioned in the LCA-Worksheet; meanwhile we can see the millipoint during the disposal period is also high, that is mainly because the AL used in the cooker, so if we can effectively recycle the AL, the condition will be much better, around 90% of the millipoint in disposal column can be reduced.
Lifecycle Stage
1). Inventory of Baseline Impacts of Electric Cooker
2). LCA Chart for Electric Cooker

Design with Life’s Principals
Introduction of Hippophae
Hippophae has lived in earth for more than two hundred million years ; It can survive in the harsh environment ,for example the desert and alpine mountain .

Growth habit:
Hippophae (Latin name: Hippophae rhamnoides Linn.) is a deciduous shrub . It is extremely resistant to drought,extremely poortolerance, extremely resistant to hot and cold, for the most of the plant.
Geographical distribution: Hippophae grow in 800-3600 meters above sea level area.regions of the mountain ridge, valley, dry riverbed or hillside, pebbly or sandy soil or loess. Hippophae is very common in Loess Plateau of China .
Main value:
Edible and medicinal value: Hippophae fruit contains rich nutrients and biological active substances,can be widely used in many areas of food, medicine, light industry, aerospace, agriculture and animal husbandry and fishery economy.
Ecological value: It is the highest value of plant in ecological and environmental protection of western china area; Hippophae can not only prevents windstorms and fastens sand in the land ,but also can rapidly restoration ecological chain.

1). Loess Plateau Erea of Shanxi
2). Hippophae
3). Brief of Hippophae
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippophae http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_13d8c3df00102v73g.html http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_52e003fd01009h9m.html

Design Principals
The Principals of hippophae roots.

Prevent Windstorms and Fasten Sand(A):
The roots of hippophae grow through lateral and longitudinal , and then there regenerate adventitious bud from the lateral roots and grow to be the plantlet. This process is called ratoon, a kind of asexual reproduction. The hippophae develops through this way and to consolidated sand and soil.
Improving Soil---Nitrogen Fixation(B):
Frankiaceae is a microorganism which is obligate mutualistic associationin with the non legume root nodules.It can infect the cortex of the root, and develop to be the vesicle. The vesicle own the strong ability of the nitrogen fixation.
Improving Soil--Conversion of Organic Componds(C):
The root also can translate the ineffective inorganic and the organic in the soil to the effective organic componds. At the same time, it can raise soil porosity, and improve soil water storage capacity.
The water storage of the itself is also capable.
The advanced phloem parenchyma and the larger intercellular space make it have high water holding capacity. According to the picture left, it may adjust the phloem parenchyma to adapt to different environment .
A.The Asexual Reproduction of Hippophae through Roots
B. The Nitrogen Fixation of the Hippophae Root Nodale C. The Water Storage of the Hippophae Root Source: http://www.jtben.com/document/1286192 http://epub.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx
Design with Life’s Principals
Life’s Principals
Hippophae have lived on earth for more than two hundred million years.only to continue to develop and adapt to the new environment can be able to survive.
Hippophae in different regions ,have the different type of the plant traits and growth habits. Hippophae is constantly changing to adapt to the changing environment.

Root nodule formation of Hippophae can convert soil mineral, organic matter, and insoluble inorganic compounds into an easily absorbed form, which can effectively improve the soil fertility. Hippophae convert the difficult use resources into the be able use resources , greatly enhance the utilization of resources.
Root nodules of Hippophae can be used to fix nitrogen molecules in the air, to provide the nitrogen needed for plant growth, and to avoid the use of artificial fertilizers.
1.WorldAutoSteel, the automotive group of the World Steel Association, is comprised of 21 major global steel producers from around the world.

A special part call “life cycle thinking”, which interpreted the life cycle thinking on automobile industry.
The Steel Recycling Institute (SRI) was established in late 1988 as the Steel Can Recycling Institute, a not-for-profit trade association with the mission of promoting and sustaining steel can recycling.

2.http://www.recycle-steel.org/ 3.http://www.plasticseurope.org/ 4.http://www.ghgprotocol.org/ 5.http://www.fda.gov/ 6.http://cnpolitics.org/ 7.http://www.beec.gov.cn/ 8.http://www.taiwanbike.org/
A special part call “sustainability”,which shows CO2 Reduction,Energy Reduction,LCI Data Request Form and Life Cycle Information.
3.PlasticsEurope is one of the leading European trade associations with centres in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan and Paris. A special part call “Plastics & sustainability”.

4.The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) is the most widely used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions.the GHG Protocol is working with businesses, governments, and environmental groups around the world to build a new generation of credible and effective programs for tackling climate change.

5.http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/OfficeofMedicalProductsandTobacco/ CDRH/CDRHTransparency/ucm199906.htm
The url provides a “Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) Database”. 6.http://cnpolitics.org/topic/?topic_id=59&authorid=24

It provides lots kinds of articles about low carbon system.
7.http://oa.cecaweb.org.cn/ceca_portal/master_portal/ It offer the method to be energy saving to the publics.

8.Taiwan bike association---Low carbon transportation method.

9.This is an important organization for companies and individuals who are dedicated to supporting LCA as an effective tool for measuring and communicating environmental issues related to the products and services they produce.

10.http://oa.cecaweb.org.cn/ceca_portal/master_portal/ China energy conservation association It provides conservation official training and project in Chinese.