Division 28 - December Newsletter

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December Division 28 Newsletter

Happy Holidays Divisional Project Children’s Miracle Network DCON Reporting Contacts

Happy Holidays The holidays that go on during the winter months are a wonderful opportunity to complete service projects. You could make blankets for the poor, serve food near Christmas Eve at a homeless shelter, or buy gifts for Hanukah. There are millions of ideas for service projects during this time of year. I hope all of you spend your holiday with your loved ones and have a wonderful time. Just remember that the greatest gifts you can receive, do not cost any money. Love is the greatest gift you can give. The new year will be coming soon and I am so excited to report on all that will have gone on at the upcoming District Winter Board meeting. I will let all of you know what occurs. Love, Mason Woods - Lieutenant Governor of Division 28

The Divisional Project Refresher: Gender equality is the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Gender inequality exists in every single country on Earth. Both women and men are treated differently, are offered different benefits, and receive unequal opportunities. Yes, it is a political and economic situation; however, it stems from a social perception that the sexes should be treated unequally in social situations, in politics, and in the economy. Gender inequality affects every single one of us. It is not just women who are affected by gender inequality, but men too. For example, in many cases men are not allowed to feel sensitive because it seen as a weakness. This should not be. An example for women would be that women are objectified and dress in certain ways because they want to be seen by men in a desirable way. The same could be argued for the fashion of men. The resolution to this conflict would be that individuals should dress how they want to simply because they like to dress that way, not because someone else likes it. Feminism and gender equality are the same thing. Many people believe feminism/gender equality is the hate of men, but it is most certainly not. Gender equality (or feminism) is the love of all genders. It is simply states that people should be treated the same no matter what gender they adhere to.

Facts about gender inequality:

Ideas for projects:

- Have a guest speaker

- Of the 37 million people

come to your school and speak on feminism at an assembly and such. Find a congresswoman or some big voice for women to speak.

living below the poverty line in the US, 21 million are women

- Women in the US earned

only 77 cents for every $1 earned by a man in 2005

- Hold study groups to

- At the rate the wage gap is

inform and dissect statistics regarding problems about gender inequality.

closing, women in the US will not see equal earnings until 2050

- Women currently hold only

1 in every 10 top decisionmaking positions in California’s 400 largest publicly traded companies.

- The gender wage gap in

the United States is lower than in many other countries. But what is troubling is that the gap has barely narrowed since the mid-1990s.

- Women work 2/3 of the

world’s hours yet earn 1/10 of the world’s income.

- Every day, 39,000 girls are forced into early marriage. (27 girls a minute)

- 95% of countries have a male head of state.

- Many boys learn from their

parents and from other children that they are not supposed to express vulnerability or caring. They learn to suppress their emotional responses.

*All facts come from reputable sources, ranging from prestigious universities to the UN*


- Play around with gender images in the media! Dissect them and find a way to make an impact with pointing a sexist position they may take.

- Go out and support your women’s sport team as a club!

- Go out and support your boys in the arts and such!

- Work with a local rape crisis center to hold a white ribbon campaign. (I really like this one

- Hold peer counseling to help people identify the inequalities in their life.

- It does not matter which of these your club does. You can make up a different idea! These are just some basic ideas.

- Essentially, come up with an idea where genders can support each other. You want to send a message that explains that “It doesn’t matter what gender you are! GO OUT DO WHAT YOU LOVE!”

Children's Miracle Network is a organization that raises funds and awareness for Children's Hospitals. We can help by raising funds and participating in service projects. This flyer provides information about recommended projects all Key Clubbers can do.

This Month’s Top Three Projects

Holiday gift bags: Key Clubbers could make gift bags for children in the Hospitals according the upcoming Holiday theme. Blanket drive: Members can make tie blankets and donate them to the Hospitals. Spare-Change-for-Spare-Time: A certain hour is designated for all students to bring coins to class. Before class can begin, the teacher has to count and roll all the coins, the more money, the more time. For the project completion forms click the link: http:// tokeyclub.com/2014-2015-project-completion-forms-available/

Benefits of Attending DCON The convention registration fee covers admission to all general sessions, including the Opening Session, Leadership Luncheon, Awards Banquet and Farewell Breakfast. In addition, convention guests gain admission to all breakout forums, the opportunity to enter a variety of competitions (see Code of Contests and Awards), entry into the Governor’s Ball, and rights to vote in Regional Caucuses and the House of Delegates (see District Bylaws and Code for Elections and House of Delegates for eligibility). Each attendee will receive forum materials, convention program book, souvenir convention bag, official convention tshirt, and a Texas-Oklahoma District convention lapel pin. Key Club guests will enjoy three catered meals and dining service. Advisors are also invited to attend a special Advisor’s Round Table lunch on Saturday to share ideas and learn from their peers. Our convention registration fee is $150 per person for students and adults ($120 if registered by no later than March 13, 2015). This remains one of the lowest registration fees across Key Club International for a 4day convention. By keeping our rate lower, we hope that more T-O Key Clubbers and Kiwanians can join in our celebration. Note that this fee is separate from hotel registration fees.

Reporting Each club is required to send out a monthly report to the district secretary. The reports consist of how many meetings your club had, who attended, and all of the events your club held. The minutes from every meeting are also turned in with the report. The reports are to be postmarked by the fifth of the following month and sent to the district secretary. For instance, the report for August needs to be postmarked AT LEAST by September 5th.

You can find out more information about reporting at www.tokeyclub.com/resources/ secretary/

Clubs should know how to report by now. Every club needs to be reporting regardless if there were any meetings, any activities, or anything at all (although I hope this is never the case). The district does count points by reports; however, that should not be the only reason you send in reports. It should not be the main reason you send in reports at all. The district wants to have a record of every club and needs to account for every meeting and activity each club participates in. Rather than seeing the reports as something that is mainly used for points, see it as the medium by which the district uses to account for each club. So if you did nothing, the district wants to know. In other words, it is important.

CONTACTS Governor Kaitlin Wilson governor@tokeyclub.com

Secretary Samuel Kinnin secretary@tokeyclub.com

Treasurer Colin Gonzalez treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Editor Emily Zhao editor@tokeyclub.com

Convention Liaison Andrew Loh cl@tokeyclub.com


Lieutenant Governor Mason Woods masonwoods1997@gmail.com or ltg28@tokeyclub.com

Instagram - @masonwoods Twitter - @masonwoods1997 Facebook www.facebook.com/masonwoods97

Please friend me on Facebook so I can add you to Division 28’s Facebook group, thanks!

December Division 28 Newsletter

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