January Newsletter - Division 28

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January Division 28 Newsletter


New Year’s Goals New LTG Assistant Winter Board Dues Divisional Project Governor’s Project DCON Contacts

New Year’s Goals Hey Guys! I am so excited for our new year and to see what it brings. I have some ideas for our division to become even stronger. We’re on an upward swing so let’s keep going! Have any ideas for our division? Let me know and I will surely consider them. We are going to do very well this year. I know it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the Newsletter! Here are the list of goals for the rest of the year:
 - 100% Reporting - Higher Scores on Reports - 10 More Service Projects Per Club - A Divisional Banquet/Picnic/Event - At Least 2 Clubs In The Top 25 Clubs Love,

Mason Woods - LTG of Division 28

2015 It’s out with the old and in with the new. A new year means a fresh start for everyone. Here are three challenges to make an impact in the world for 2015. 1. Give 12 compliments. This one might be a stretch if you’re an introvert. But, hey, why not make this a year for personal growth? Have you ever had someone randomly compliment you on something? Your new shoes, your haircut, your smile? All you have to do is pay it forward. Every month—or every week, or every day—this year, just compliment someone. Sometimes the simplest positive comment can brighten people’s days when they need it the most. 2. Practice 52 random acts of kindness. Have you ever had someone pick up the tab for you at a restaurant or hold the door for you when your hands were full? Go out of your way this year to complete one random act of kindness every week. If it’s snowing outside, help someone scrape off his or her windshield. If it’s nice outside, hand out balloons to kids in the park. Here are more ideas to help you get started. 3. Give 100 hours of service. Most high school students do a lot more than just go to school seven hours a day, five days a week. Between homework, athletics, part-time jobs and other extracurricular activities, it’s hard to find free time to do more than relax and watch Netflix. Before you start binge-watching “Parks and Recreation” again from the beginning, challenge yourself to do something different. Take the next year to give 100 hours of service. (If you know that your schedule simply won't allow for 100 hours, pick a goal that’s realistic for yourself.) Find a project that you’re passionate about, and you’ll stop thinking about “having” to do a project and start thinking about “wanting” to do it. Whether your passion is about animals, children or community beautification, there are plenty of projects out there that you’ll enjoy volunteering for. Measure your success Keep yourself accountable by writing down your experiences in a journal or adding them to your planner. At the end of the year, you can look back at everything you’ve done and know you did your part to make 2015 your best year yet. What’s in it for you? Doing good for others has benefits for you too. It’s simple. When you do good, you feel good.

LTG Assistant Welcome our assistant!

Bobby Scherer I'm currently a sophomore at Baytown Christian Academy that

Fun Facts!

joined Key Club as a way to

- I have 3 dogs and

help people all over the world get the resources they need to survive and live the best lives they can. I'm excited to move up into the assistant position as well as maintain my officer status so that I can help clubs run smoothly and allow them to do their jobs and focus on the less fortunate. I am hoping to continue moving up the ladder year after year and possibly getting involved with Kiwanis after the end of my high school career to continue offering a helping hand to this amazing organization that does so much


2 cats

- I visit my family in New York often

- I love to bake various delicious desserts

- My favorite artist is Lana Del Rey

Winter Board The Texas-Oklahoma District Board had a winter board meeting lasting from January 2-4. As a lieutenant governor, I was required to attend. We had an amazing time and we planned so much for DCON. This year we have been extremely productive and I honestly believe we have some of the

After reviewing all of the work going

greatest members on our board this

into DCON, it should be very exciting

year. We received reports from the

this year. The committee that I am a

District Governor, Secretary, and

part of is the “Welcoming Activities

Treasurer that covered our specific

Committee.” We delivered our report

divisions. Division 28 still needs to

and we are months ahead of schedule,

pay many of its dues and start

so good going for us! There were

reporting more! We have got to pull

some amendments that were passed

ourselves together! Other divisions are

and there were some that did not

making us look extremely bad guys,

receive enough votes to pass. The

so let’s pull ourselves together!

amendments that were passed will be voted on at DCON for final approval and implementation. SECRETARIES, a new reporting system will be coming out next year. We passed a new scoring method for the reports. Make sure to pay attention in the following months on details for it!


Divisional Project

All clubs should have payed their dues.

Don’t forget about the divisional

This is the last message I will give

project! There so many easy projects

regarding dues.

that can be completed regarding gender equality. Every club is required to participate in the divisional project so please make sure that your club completes it soon. Once you have completed your project, please send proof to me that you completed it (i.e. signed documentation of completion, pictures, a report, etc). If you need to get my address to send it to me, or if you just want to meet up, you can reach me via email, shoot me text, or pick up the phone and call me. I’m always here and willing to help.

If any of you have ideas for another divisional project, let me know! I would love to have another one!

Governor’s Project Please participate in the Governors Project this year (Children’s Miracle Network)! Don’t forget – the Governor’s Project Completion form is due on March 6th, 2014. You can find that form HERE. Here are 3 new project ideas for you to review and consider: Karaoke Night - Host a karaoke night in your community. For this you need of microphone, karaoke machine and a fun, energetic host is also a must! Be sure to broadcast this event to your community and everyone in your school. You can charge admission and key clubbers can also sell snacks and drinks for an additional fee. Be sure to broadcast to where the money raised is going. This project should take about a month or two to plan. Mr. and Miss Key Club - Have a pageant for both boys and girls where they are competing for the title of Mr. and Miss Key Club! Have these key clubbers show off their best pick up lines, show their talents and many other things that they can do to try to win peoples’ votes! To get money for CMN, you can charge for general admission and sell snacks and drinks (you could even charge for a voting ballet). Make sure you have a good number of guys and girls enter to compete. That way people have a show to watch! It will take about a month or two to plan. This project can cost very little to being pretty pricey. It just depends how much you spend on decorations! Joke-a-thon - Get a few funny people from either your club or school to put on a comedy show. Charge general admission and also sell drinks and snacks. If the jokes are really bad, you can sell rotten tomatoes or popcorn to toss on stage for a set amount of money (maybe 2 dollars). Make sure you get this all approved and broadcast the event. You don’t want to spend all this time planning the event and only have 2 people show up due to lack of knowledge of the event. This project should take a month or two to plan. Be sure to find a good amount of people to make jokes and keep the show moving.

DCON District Convention (DCON), held April 9-12, 2015, is a fun, exciting weekend full of exhilarating activities, leadership development workshops, and other events that allow attendees to meet people from across our mighty district. Besides the countless Facebook friend requests you’ll receive after DCON, you’ll leave with a great feeling – a feeling that only a true servant leader can grasp: that you and your Key Club have made a real impact on both your local and global communities. Lasting four days and three nights in the Sheraton hotel in Dallas, Texas, DCON is a great place to learn about Key Club, as an organization, and yourself, as a leader. We offer leadership forums on officer training, communicating professionally, breaking the ice at meetings, hands-on projects, and many more fun topics! DCON 2015 will take you on a Service Adventure, where you will embark on a weekend of mesmerizing and meaningful excursions. Comprised of countless activities guided by a specially trained corps of rangers, the Welcoming Activity serves as the imperative introduction to our Jurassic-themed event. This sensational and exhilarating “training” will prepare you for the epic events of the following three days. Our adventure will expose you to astounding speakers and new Key Club friends, exceptional officer training granting a renewed sense of service, thrilling competitions and award presentations, and untold expeditions to immerse you in our theme. From seeking for premonitions of creatures veiled among the shadows to crafting novel prehistoric structures, journey with us on this twisting and turning road of Service Adventure.

Start Fundraising!

The convention registration fee covers admission to all general sessions, including the Opening Session, Leadership Luncheon, Awards Banquet and Farewell Breakfast. In addition, convention guests gain admission to all breakout forums, the opportunity to enter a variety of competitions (see Code of Contests and Awards), entry into the Governor’s Ball, and rights to vote in Regional Caucuses and the House of Delegates (see District Bylaws and Code for Elections and House of Delegates for eligibility). Each attendee will receive forum materials, convention program book, souvenir convention bag, official convention t-shirt, and a TexasOklahoma District convention lapel pin. Key Club guests will enjoy three catered meals and dining service. Advisors are also invited to attend a special Advisor’s Round Table lunch on Saturday to share ideas and learn from their peers. Our convention registration fee is $150 per person for students and adults ($120 if registered by no later than March 13, 2015). This remains one of the lowest registration fees across Key Club International for a 4-day convention. By keeping our rate lower, we hope that more T-O Key Clubbers and Kiwanians can join in our celebration. Note that this fee is separate from hotel registration fees.

Each year, the Texas-Oklahoma District awards over 75 trophies, plaques and other honors at our annual convention. Both clubs and individuals have many opportunities to compete and gain pride for their schools. See the Code of Contests and Awards to learn what competitions are available, understand the applicable rules, and learn how to enter. The most coveted of these awards is the Top 25 ranking of our clubs, including the naming of the T-O Champion Club and awarding of the Traveling Cup. Clubs are ranked based on the points earned through monthly reports. In addition to the competitions listed in the Code of Contests and Awards, there are two other opportunities for clubs to compete in this year: 1


Our Annual Video Game Contest: This year, we are once again bringing back an all-time favorite, Mario Kart for Nintendo Wii. Who’s ready for a little race? It’s time to show off those skills in our Mario Kart tournament! If you love to compete in racing games, this is the contest for you. Enter the contest when checking in at convention. Our Annual Convention Theme Contest: Have you seen any Jurassic fossils around your club lately? We hope so! Get together with your club and design/ build the coolest and most creative dinosaur head fossil anyone’s ever seen. You’ll be judged based on the quality and creativity of your entry, plus you get bonus points for inventing a new species name for your dinosaur and including a short write-up of its history (just for fun). The best fossils will be included as part of our convention stage! More information and rules will be included in the Contest and Awards folder in the DCON Resources Package (coming in January).

Has your club planned and executed a project you think was impressive and worthy of attention? Why not show it off? All you have to do is fill out an application and make a tri-fold display board with a theme and bring it to District Convention. All displays will be on show during the Welcoming Activity and Service Fair. Trophies are awarded for the best displays! For more information on how to get involved, check out the Service Fair folder in the DCON Resources Package (coming in January). Help make an important decision at District Convention by choosing three of next year’s District Staff members: Governor, Secretary and Treasurer. Give your voice to make sure the candidates are qualified to be the next leaders of Texas-Oklahoma. In addition, our delegates vote to endorse candidates for international office, as well as debate important amendments to our district’s bylaws. For more information on the voting and candidacy process, look to your Convention Bulletin or in the Running for Office folder included in the DCON Resources Package (coming in this month). Register and pay your fees early to get the early registration rate of $120 per person and ensure good seating at convention. Remember…the earlier your money is received, the better your badge seating letter! The better your seating letter, the earlier you get in to our general sessions to chose your seats! Registration will open in this month.

CONTACTS Governor Kaitlin Wilson governor@tokeyclub.com

Secretary Samuel Kinnin secretary@tokeyclub.com

Treasurer Colin Gonzalez treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Editor Emily Zhao editor@tokeyclub.com

Convention Liaison Andrew Loh cl@tokeyclub.com


Lieutenant Governor Mason Woods masonwoods1997@gmail.com or ltg28@tokeyclub.com

Instagram - @masonwoods Twitter - @masonwoods1997 Facebook www.facebook.com/masonwoods97

Please friend me on Facebook so I can add you to Division 28’s Facebook group, thanks!

January Division 28 Newsletter

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