Red & Gold, Volume 38, Number 1 - Winter 2020

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The Mater Dei High School Friends & Alumni Magazine volume 38, number 1


Table of Contents vol. 38, number 1 winter 2020 1 President’s Message 4 What is the Annual Fund? 6 Faith in Action 9 Supermileage 10 Class of 2020 Successes 11 Open House 2020 13 Herrmann Family Adapts to Quarantine Mass 14 Back to School - Covid Style 16 MDFAA Golf Scramble 17 MDFAA Distinguished Service Award 18 A Day in the Life- Teacher 21 Mater Dei Financial Statement 22 Catholic Charities 24 Habitat for Humanity - St. Theresa Place 26 A Day in the Life - Coach 27 Watching High School Sports - Covid Edition 28 Mater Dei Volunteers 31 Building Culture During Covid 32 Mater Dei Building Updates 34 Honor Roll of Donors 42 Alumni Gifts 52 Endowments 54 In Honor Of 55 Matching Gifts 56 In Memory Of 58 In Memoriam 59 Memorial Gifts 60 Special Event Sponsors

The Red & Gold is published two times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Instituational Advancement, to encourage understanding and support the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the schools many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extra-curricular programs. Red & Gold Editor & Page Designer: Kendra Neumann, MBA Director of Marketing & Communications. Contributors: Andy Morris Mallory (Goebel) Hertel ‘07 Tara (Elpers) Wayne ‘05 Jill Seiler Chad Breeden Kendra Neumann Crystal Roberson Joe Herrmann ‘91 Denise Seibert-Townsend Amy Weber ‘96 Dennis Niemeier ‘70 Sr. Jane Michele McClure ‘67 Photography: Straub Photography Angela St. Clair Hi-Lights Staff

Send alumni news and address changes to Tara Wayne, Kendra Neumann Database Manager: or visit our website Jill Seiler Courier & Press Father Ed Schnur 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 812.426.2258 •


Message Dearest Alumni and Friends, It was Friday the 13th in March when we announced that we would be closing the school for two weeks, one of those weeks being our scheduled spring break. When we started school in August 2019, we had no idea of what the spring semester would bring. We only had distant thoughts of the first baseball game, tennis matches, the musical, prom, and of course, graduation. What started off as an extended spring break then soon became a reality of what would be defined as the new normalcy, combined with increased tensions of uncertainty and the pressure of guiding our Mater Dei family through these challenging times. It was a time, which still is, unprecedented in our lifetimes. A lot can happen in 6 months. A lot can be thrown at you in the blink of an eye without any warning or any preconceived notion. However, Jesus teaches us in the Gospel of Matthew (21:21) to remain in faith and we too can move the largest of mountains – it just takes our faith and courage in our convictions to continue in the mission He has set for us. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “If you lose faith, you lose it all.” Faith is the core of everything that has brought Mater Dei from March through today in all of the changes and unknowns we have faced as a school and as a community, and it is what will guide us through the rest of this school year with all of the additional challenges we face to keep our students and faculty safe in a pandemic environment.

It has taken tremendous faith to be in the position we are today. Mater Dei has so many reasons to be proud in terms of how we as a community of faith responded to the challenges of COVID-19. During the initial lockdown period in March through May, we responded quickly by putting our students and staff first. Where other schools chose to take the 20 waiver days granted by the governor, Mater Dei along with all of our 26 Catholic Schools joined together to continue extended-learning for our students and to not lose sight of providing the best quality, Catholic education we could deliver. Although we had never done this before, the faculty and administration were committed to refining our processes weekly and the efforts were recognized and praised by our parents for pushing through the last quarter of the year. During this time we were proud to not lose any students or be in a position to have to furlough anyone on staff – a reality that many of our schools and parishes faced in the early stages of the pandemic. We conducted our first virtual graduation, which premiered on television and was soon after posted to all of our social media channels. We were blessed in July to hold a small ceremony for our seniors which included Mass and a chance to walk across the stage. 1

Over the course of the summer, the administration was committed to reopening the school safely – amongst all of the uncertainty of knowing if that date would actually hold for the fall semester. We formed a powerful subcommittee of school administrators, teachers, cafeteria and maintenance personnel, volunteers and council members to vet through countless pages of guidelines that dictated every element and every procedure of the school day. Many summer vacations this year did not happen – or even just taking a few days off. Many beautiful, summer days were spent indoors, planning the next stages of the school day with the unwavering commitment to get everyone back to school safely. Finally the day arrived when we opened on August 5th. It was a media frenzy full of LIVE television coverage and representation from myself, our principal Darin Knight and superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dr. Daryl Hagan. 2

Mater Dei proudly reopened as the first school in the Evansville Metropolitan area and with 18 additional students over last year’s enrollment, breaking over the 500 student count. Over the last 6 weeks, we have maintained safety in the school, we have provided LIVE video-conference based instruction to students who have had to quarantine because of themselves or someone in their household and we have adapted every part of our reopening plan to meet the changing needs of the school and our students. It hasn’t been easy – it is certainly different – but we have faith and we are up for the challenge. We are reminded daily that God is with us and guiding us in every facet of these challenges and with every solution He provides. Mater Dei is moving forward in a mighty and positive direction with our talented administrators, teachers and staff that



Karen Hinderliter Chair

James Pierre Vice Chair

Jason (Jake) Martin Jeff Gorman Jeff Bone Brett Bueltel Dr. Phyllis Bussing Jason Buchanan make up this community of faith – guided daily by our Blessed Mother. We are grateful for every single one of our generous donors who have given their time, talent and treasure to ensure that we can do this effectively. This year more than ever has planned giving been important in our success. We have seen an increase in tuition assistance requests, not only due to the pandemic but also to our increasing enrollment. We have invested in new equipment, sanitation products and various other items that comply with all of our new guidelines to maintain safety in our school. We have exciting building projects in the works – all of this along with the traditional demands of operating the school in a non-pandemic environment, so we are truly thankful for all of the support this year as that demand is higher. I am grateful for those who have come before us and have remembered Mater Dei in their will or estate or who have established endowments that are growing and supplying a financial pipeline for us every year.

Judy Blankenberger Secretary Rev. Ed Schnur Tim McGuire Andy Morris Kelly Pennington Nick Knight

Little did our friends and alumni who have established these gifts in the past know about the threats of a global virus when they were making their gift, but how much gratitude we all have now in their alms-giving and planning and for how they have helped us to move forward. It was in faith that they made these gifts, knowing that God had a plan for their generosity. Thank you for giving in trust and in faith – thank you for your generosity – and thank you for continuing to support our students and staff at Mater Dei and helping to build God’s Kingdom through the ministry of His Church and Catholic Education. YOU make a difference in the lives of this Mater Dei family today and you will continue to make a difference in the lives of those to come, years and generations from now, seeking Christ through Mater Dei. May the LORD bless you and keep you always, Andy Morris, MBA President


What is the

ANNUAL FUND? The Annual Fund is our biggest and longest-running fundraiser of the year. It kicks off on July 1st every year and runs through June 30th of the following year. Funds raised are used to support various projects determined to have the most need over the course of the year and include but are not limited to building and grounds maintenance, tuition assistance for our students and their families, faculty and staff professional development, class retreats and guest speakers. The projects can vary year to year but there are typically some recurring themes that need the constant support of our generous donors such as tuition assistance and maintenance for our facilities. All gifts regardless of size are very much appreciated. Mater Dei is blessed to have so many generous friends and alumni that truly keep us moving forward.

Annual Fund Chairs 2020 This year’s Annual Fund Chairs are our entire faculty and staff. Through all the challenges of the pandemic, each and every one of the faculty and staff members have stepped up and gone the extra mile. They are the true heart and soul of Mater Dei and we honor all of their sacrifices to make our school a safe educational environment for our students.

Annual Fund Projects 2020-2021 Academics & Activities $40,000 • Teacher and Staff Professional Development • Youth First Social Worker

Building & Grounds $160,000 • Instantaneous water heaters • Low maintenance landscaping enhancements • Additional storage building behind auxiliary gym

Tuition Assistance $100,000 • Need-based assistance to help students afford a Catholic education at Mater Dei.



WORKFORCE Mater Dei and Memorial High Schools hosted the annual Tomorrow's Workforce Luncheon on October 1st. 15 of our senior students were recognized during a virtual event attended by community businesses. They were: Julia Dassel, Emma Elfreich, Danielle Gries, Meredith Hagerty, Olivia Hamilton, Blaise Kelley, Sydney Maas-


berg, Kylie Mitchell, Mina Reising, Chris Reising, Leah Richey, Allie Rusk, Alison Schimmell, Jordan Seiler, and Mallory Weber.

Jennifer (Knapp) ‘93 & Ross Vaughn Jeremy ‘98 & Jennifer Herrmann Scott Herrmann ‘01 Kent ‘77 & Laura ‘80 Reddington

Meredith Hagerty was chosen as a recipient of the $1,000 scholarship.

Mater Dei High School has established the Ave Maria Society to recognize and thank those families who support Mater Dei High School by means of a planned gift or endowment establishment. Your planned gifts will help Mater Dei provide for the future. Becoming a member is simple. We can provide resources to help determine which planned giving option is best for you, including bequests, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), charitable gift annuities, endowments and life insurance. Once you have made a planned gift or established an endowment with Mater Dei as the beneficiary, you will become an official member of the Ave Maria Society. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss planned giving and endowment opportunities with you. For more information, contact Mallory Hertel call 812-421-5727 or email 5


in Action By Chad Breeden

COVID may have changed the way our students provide service, but it has not stopped their desire to put their Faith into Action in the community and around the halls of Mater Dei. Although the students of Mater Dei have not been able to go out and participate in service opportunities they have found new and helpful ways to make their efforts felt by those in need. With limited contact restrictions and organizations not accepting volunteers during this time, our students have found other ways to make an impact. Whether it’s collecting money for a can drive during the holidays, or simply doing their part around the school with all the extra cleaning and sanitizing duties.


The students of Mater Dei have proven that their desire to serve is much greater than any virus or obstacles you place in the path and it is a great pleasure to bear witness to their efforts each day.

Mater Dei-Ville


1 T. ES


APPOINTED OFFICIALS Comptroller Megan Muensterman Clerk Affiliates Ellsa Bonnell, Paige Denning Police Chief Hunter Gillenwater Fire Chief Cole Ross Prosecuting Attorneys Mary Eppler, Sydney Maasberg Defense Attorneys Madi Boehman, Ethan Mulherin Public Relations Commissioners Rachel Luigs, Hannah Smith, Esther Wannemuehler Parks and Recreation Commissioners Jackson Brantley, Max Dezember, Chris Reising Chaplain Mallory Weber Service Board Heads Sydney Kleiman, Joe Liba Historians Olivia Hamilton, Jordan Seiler


Class Presidents: Danielle Gries (12) Pete Doepker (11) Lindsey Boeke (10) Wyatt Stratman (9)


Councilpersons-at-large: Greg Mayer Collin Maurer Morgan Wilmes


ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor: Meredith Hagerty Clerk: Allie Rusk Judge: Blaise Kelley



Homeroom Representatives: Julia Dassel Mary Eppler Evan Herr Megan Muensterman Leah Richey Mallory Weber Lauren Ahola Lucy Fitzgibbon Julie Heldman Eli McDurmon Madeline Rentchler Calvin Stratman Miaka Conkling Belle Farmer Abby Kiesel Luke McDurmon Molly Schmitt Lauren Turner Kayla Capps Kylie Frey Ella Kane Claire Ross Alison Schiff Elijah Wannemuehler 7


Fall 2020 NHS Inductees Justin Abney Lauren Ahola Jessie Bacon Nicholas Boots Jackson Brantley Peter Doepker Ava Effinger Emma Elfreich Zachary Fisher Devon Folz Ben Glaser Conor Greaney Allie Griese Julie Heldman Kayla Hollingsworth Alexa Kassenbrock Alyssa Kempf Sophie Kleiman Isabelle Koch Jamie Luigs Emma Macke Chrissy Marx Greg Mayer Eli McDurmon Collin Maurer Aleilah Nisley Mina Reising Nathan Schneider Kasey Seibert Calvin Stratman Audrey Vibbert Addy Waller Anna Wampler Kennedy Wenger Morgan Wilmes


HONOR SOCIETY Membership in Mater Dei High School’s Chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty and shall be based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. In April of each year, all students who are eligible scholastically (i.e., candidates) shall be notified and asked to complete and submit the candidate application. Applications are due in early May. Notification letters will be mailed over the summer, with Induction in early August. All Teachers complete an evaluation second semester of each applicant’s leadership, service, and character as witnessed in and outside of the classroom. A committee of administrators, campus minister, athletic director, and two department chairs will make the final membershipp selections. The chapter adviser(s) will serve as a non-voting member. To be considered for membership, a student must demonstrate/ provide the following: • Minimum G.P.A of 3.7 • Two teacher signatures supporting your application to NHS • As a junior, a student must be enrolled in and complete at least one college credit and/or advanced placement course. As a senior, a student must be enrolled in and complete at least two college credit and/or advanced placement courses. • A 30 second or less video of yourself explaining why you want to become a member of the National Honor Society. The video may be serious or humorous, but you must be well groomed and presentable. • A resume (complete with names and contact information for sponsors, coaches, etc.) of your school and community involvement, demonstration of leadership, and any work experience over your high school career.


Finishes First Once Again By Jill Seiler

In a year that has seen one disappointment after another, 2020, if anything, has forced everyone to get a little more creative. Mater Dei’s Supermileage team had been working hard during the 2019-2020 year with the goal of reclaiming victory at the Shell Eco-marathon held in Sonoma, California in April. However, the pandemic forced the cancellation of just about everything last spring, including this live event. Shell instead offered a virtual competition of seven categories including the category of Technical Innovation. Never wavering, Mater Dei’s group of talented young students and dedicated coaches and volunteers decided to try their hand at competing for this off-track award. “I think this was the first time we have applied for an off-track award,” said Bob Neisen, adviser for Mater Dei’s team. “We are always so focused on getting the cars ready and performing well, that the off-track awards have never been our priority.”

For their efforts, Mater Dei won the technical innovation category, earning a first-place trophy and a $3000 check. “Every year we watch these brilliant young minds from all across the Americas rise to the challenge of innovating for a lower carbon future,” said Pamela Rose, Shell Eco-marathon Americas spokesperson. “These students are the future leaders of the world who will continue to push the boundaries of the energy transition and ultimately bridge the gap between imagination and what’s possible.” Of course, Mater Dei’s Supermileage Team isn’t satisfied with just another win in the books. The team is already diligently preparing for next spring when they can hopefully get back to the track for a live Eco-marathon event. If it’s canceled again though, you can bet they’ll attempt to advance technology in another off-track award.

Switching the team’s focus from a live event to virtual proved to be no easy task, especially competing against 65 other universities and high schools across North and South America. “It’s not as easy to motivate the students to do paperwork as it is to motivate them to build cars,” said Neisen. “We had to submit a 1,500 word paper describing our new innovation, how it improves the car, and the potential for real-world applications.” The new technology impressed Steve Marty, lead judge for the competition. “This team designed, constructed, and then refined an airless tire and wheel combination. They optimized four wheels for weight reduction, frictional grip, rolling resistance, and aerodynamics. These tire/wheel combinations have the potential for various real-world applications and energy savings. “


Class of 2020


Class of 2020 attended 19 different schools in 9 states Class of 2020 Mater Dei Scholarship Recipients Advancing Women in Science/STEM Scholarship Andrea Reisinger Father Deering Scholarship Emily Burgdorf James Niemeier Wrestling Scholarship Kane Egli and Macartney Parkinson Jason Coughlin Memorial Scholarship Macartney Parkinson Father Lautner English Award Kristen Schneider Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Scholarship Xavier Reine and Grace Wagner Rick Weber Memorial Scholarship Jill Happe Walter and Irene Ruston Scholarship Emelyn Stockton The Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Eve Bilderback Tom Tighe Scholarship –Bailey Brush Tomorrow’s Workforce Leadership Scholarship Lance Berendes Louie Wittmer Nursing and Medical Scholarship Allison Deeg 10

Valedictorians Kristen Schneider Xavier Reine

Athletic Accomplishments All-Sports Award John McGrew Hannah Fehrenbacher Adam Barnes Boys Swimming: Adam Barnes 200 Freestyle qualifier Wrestling: 113 Cole Ross 5th place 120 Alec Freeman 6th place 126 Ashton Hayhurst qualifier 132 Kane Egli 4th place 138 Blake Boarman 1st place 145 Brody Baumann qualifier 160 Eli Dickens 1st place 170 Gabe Sollars 7th place 182 Macartney Parkinson qualifier

Open House


Mater Dei's Open House was held on October 22nd. This event was a much smaller, structured event than in the past. No current Mater Dei students were allowed to volunteer and only selected rooms were open to tour. The building was resanitized after the event as well. Seventy-two students and their families attended Thursday evening and another ten RSVP'd but did not attend. Emma Foreman from Resurrection was

the grand prize winner of the Chromebook. Mrs. Wilderman administered the PSAT to all of the 8th graders in September and October. Test results will be used to assist in course selection. We will begin accepting admission applications in December. Registration meetings for incoming freshmen and their parents will be held on Wednesday, January 27th, and Thursday, February 4th. Admission applications should be submitted before the registration meetings. We ask you to spread the good news of what's going on at Mater Dei with your friends! If you know of a student who would like to check out Mater Dei, please have them contact or 812-426-2258. We’d love to give them a tour of the school and the opportunity to observe some classes. Thank you for your support!


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Herrmann Family Adapts to Quarantine Mass By Mallory (Goebel) Hertel ‘07

Jake ’05 and Kathy (Goebel) ’05 Herrmann have 5 children: Jeffrey (9), Noah (7), Gabriel (5), Lucas (2), and Veronica (9 mo.)

Jake washing the kid’s feet.

Adapting to anything with 5 children can be quite the challenge, but Kathy ‘05 and her husband, Jake ‘05, have managed to find a silver lining in practicing their faith at home with their crew. Creating teachable moments for her kids is something Kathy reflects on fondly: “When it all first happened, the kids were so into it. They loved being able to choose which mass to watch: For instance, one time we streamed a service from a big cathedral in New York. It was really neat to “travel” to different parishes through the virtual masses. It even helped us go during the week. It gave us a teaching opportunity for our children to “participate” in mass-each kid taking on a role during the service in our home like the priest and altar servers. We set up an altar in the living room, had glasses for communion, etc... and the kids learned more about the parts of the mass. It was a great learning experience for them and something I know they will never forget.” “Since there were no services in person for Holy Week, we did some things at home and it was the most memorable Holy Week I can recall just doing it at our house. Not having anywhere to go was nice and allowed more time to make it come alive for the kids.”


Back to School Style

COVID By Jim & Amy Schroeder

2020 began like any other year. But as we approached the ides of March, it was clear that this year would actually be like none other these generations had known. As the shut downs and cancellations gave way to dramatic alterations in everyday life, each morning brought a promise that the pandemic, and the changes that came with it, were taking the long course. As we all settled into our new, ever evolving “normal”, and summer beckoned a second wave of the pandemic, Amy and I began to wonder what the school landscape would look like in the fall. Would our six school school-aged kids, including our oldest two who were set to begin their freshman year at Mater Dei, find themselves seated at desks with peers or once again scattered on the main floor of our house completing virtual assignments? What would become of the fall sports’ scene, or other extra-curricular activities that had become part of the mainstay of a school year? Just how quickly would COVID-19 spread through the hallways and classrooms, and what would the response be at our schools, and across the community as a whole? Like the rest of our fellow parents, the days leading up to the school year were filled with questions and unease. Braced for all sorts of possibilities, though, we woke up on a bright, clear August morning with the first day of school a little over an hour and a half 14

away. Midst all of the uncertainty and anxiety, something beautiful happened. Our kids got up, dressed, ate breakfast, and excitedly readied themselves to walk through the front doors of a place they hadn’t seen for almost five whole months. In spite of all the reasons that this day might not have happened, I found myself driving Zach and Emma to their first day of school. As we made our way to Mater Dei, I suddenly realized that any concern that I had felt had given way to sheer happiness and gratitude. Although not privy to all the details, I realized that in some ways, through thousands of hours of effort, it had been no minor miracle that the three of us were sharing in this memorable moment in the midst of what was undoubtedly an unforgettable year. Suddenly, in the midst of reflecting on all of this, I realized that our kids were minutes away from being the fourth generation of Schroeders to attend Mater Dei. Their great grandmother, Janie (Scheller) Schroeder had graduated in 1950 as part of the inaugural class. Twenty-one years later, their grandfather would say his last goodbyes as a departing senior. Then I, in 1995 and Amy, in 1996 (with her parents graduating in 1960 and 1962) would celebrate a final Baccalaureate Mass as part of the tradition by which all graduates move onto the next phase of their

lives. As the oldest of the 4th generation, Zach and Emma would soon find themselves entering the hallowed hallways of Mater Dei, part of the class of 2024. As we walked together to the bottom of the teardrop, and I said goodbye to them and watched them walk inside, I couldn’t help but reflect on the conversations that Amy and I had leading up to this day. Like all parents seeing their oldest kids go to high school, there was a sense of sentimentality, nervousness, and excitement for what had been, and what would come. But given the context of 2020, I was particularly struck by the gifts that I and so many others had been given through our Catholic education, and all the people that had dedicated themselves to our education and our lives through challenging circumstances, including wars, recessions, political upheaval, and pestilence. For a few minutes, standing there watching the first day unfold, it struck me that for over 70

years, the Mater Dei community had stood for a multitude of core values, not the least of which was determination, gratefulness, and a resilient, “can do� spirit no matter what obstacles might lie in the way. The 2020-2021 academic year had officially begun. Although none of us had any idea of what to expect (despite what would later be a remarkably successful first quarter), standing there beneath the American flag billowing in the breeze, tombstones of generations passed on, and across from the timeless statue of our patroness of Mater Dei herself, I was reminded that even in the most challenging times, life does carry on. A new generation of students, this year with masks in tow, had begun to fill the MD hallways, waiting for the bells to ring. No matter what would come, as other parents across the country wondered when their kids would see the inside of school again, we were part of the lucky ones. School had begun.

The Schroeder Family



Golf Scramble It was a beautiful day for golf for this year’s annual Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Golf Scramble on October 2, 2020 at Helfrich Golf Course. Although the amount of teams had to be capped at 25 total due to COVID restrictions, it was a full course. The money raised will directly benefit the students and faculty of Mater Dei through the gifts from the Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association.

MDFAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Brett Bueltel ‘08 Vice President: Andy Niemeier ‘06 Treasurer: Kathryn (Wildeman) Hess ‘12 Secretary: Gina Goedde ‘93 Austin Knapp ‘12 Billy Wayne ‘04 Jamie (Reese) Schuble ‘64 Kevin Moore ‘91 Annalee (Hildenbrand) Tepool ‘84 Lauren (Niemeier) Grossman ‘07 Natalie (Emge) Sandefur ‘98 Wayne Emge ‘70



Distinguised Service Award The MDFAA Distinguished Service Award is presented to an alumni or friend who: 1. Demonstrates a belief in God 2. Has the integrity and courage to integrate Christian values into his or her life and work 3. Expresses a generosity of spirit through commitment and involvement in activities that affect the well-being of the Evansville community 4. Gives outstanding service to Mater Dei High School 5. Exhibits a true dedication to our young people. Please contact Mallory Hertel with your nominations and why you’d like to see them recognized by email or call 812-421-5727. Deadline for submissions is January 30th. The award recipient will be recognized at a home basketball game during the 2020-2021 season.

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A Day in the Life of a Covid Edition

Teacher By Crystal Roberson

It’s 6:35am and I’m pulling into the teacher parking lot. I say a quick prayer that my four kids at home remember to grab their water bottles and masks before their ride to school arrives; with the new required start time for teachers here at Mater Dei this year, I can’t take them to school. As I exit my car, I mask up and go straight to my classroom to prepare for the day. My morning routine includes the normal tasks such as updating today’s date on the board and displaying the day’s agenda with objectives and homework. Additionally, I readjust desks to try to meet the recommended 3-6 feet spacing. By 7 a.m. students file in, and as we greet each other behind masked faces, I can sense the smiles in their eyes. After prayer and the pledge of allegiance, I take attendance and fire up Zoom, while my students begin their bellwork. I greet absent students on a second screen I have set up to the right of my laptop, and the shuffle between classroom and virtual instruction begins. Class ends, and I scramble to spray and clean 25 desks as students pour out into the hallway. The dirty towel I use gets dumped into the dirty laundry basket, and I try to race to the bathroom before the bell rings.

Then, we start all over again: attendancezoom- instruction- balance- troubleshooting. My planning period begins with towel duty. Many teachers and staff members bond over the tasks of dumping dirty towels, replacing empty baskets with clean, loading washers and dryers, and refilling supply baskets. Somehow, in the middle of these volunteer jobs, we find ways to share our weekend stories, camping trips, and what we plan to make for dinner. No one complains. We do it because we want to be here, and we want the kids to be safe. Students wear their masks without complaint. They are patient with their teachers who balance the double-duty expectations of teaching both in-person and virtually.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR REOPENING COMMITTEE! Darin Knight - Principal Melba Wilderman - Assistant Principal Shea Reneer - Director of Guidance Karen Liley - Business Manager Karen Hinderliter - Chair of President’s Council Steve Luigs - Co-facility Manager Dennis Neiemeier - Co-facility Manager Tonya Schenk - Cafeteria Manager Kendra Neumann - Director of Marketing and Communications Dr. Donna Richardson - Teacher/ Chair of Mathematics

“Reopening the school was a huge undertaking and I couldn’t have asked for a better team.” - President, Andy Morris Students want to be here even if that means eating lunch in the classroom, keeping a mask on at all times, and limiting some of their most prized school experiences. At the end of the day, if there is no play rehearsal or English planning meetings, I pack up my bag and head out the door with papers to grade and lessons to plan. I climb into my car and rip off my mask, filling my lungs with fresh air. I sanitize my hands and focus on decompressing during my drive home so that I can soak up a few hours with my kids and husband before I return to my Mater Dei family in the morning.

Judith (Siemers) Schneider '79 Catherine Schneider '14 Mariah Schneider '16 Natalie Schneider '19 19

Mater Dei High School Statement

Financial By Karen Liley


Income Dollar Amount Percent Tuition & Fees $ 3,489,827 Diocesan/Parish Support 1,112,289 Development 486,546

69% 21% 10%

Total $ 5,088,662 100% Expenses Dollar Amount Percent Salaries & Benefits $ 3,953,405 Operations** 470,907 Student Support 437,638

81% 10% 9%

Total $ 4,861,950


Total Cost Per Student*



1st Student Tuition & Fees



“The national average tuition for Catholic high schools is $11,454 while the average Indiana private school tuiton is approximately $10,700 per year. Mater Dei’s tuition is significantly lower due to parish, alumni, Catholic charity and community financial support. Thank you for all you do to provide a Catholic Education for the many students in our community.” --Karen Liley, Mater Dei Business Manager * The actual cost of educating a student is $9,943 per year. Approximately 33% of student costs are provided by Diocese and Parish support and development efforts. **Does not include Capital Expenditures


Catholic By Denise Seibert- Townsend

Charities Catholic Charities Diocese of Evansville has served the community since 1937 and continues to help the poor and vulnerable throughout southwest Indiana create lives that work. The organization provides outpatient mental health counseling, job and life skills training, low-cost immigration services, and financial assistance programs. 2020 has been a year of changes for many and that was also the case for Catholic Charities as the organization experienced a couple significant changes. On June 1, 2020, Denise Seibert Townsend became the director of Catholic Charities after the former director retired earlier in the year. Townsend has more than 15 years of nonprofit experience in strategic leadership, development, and administration. She had most recently served as the Vice President of Development at The Arc of Evansville prior to her work at Catholic Charities. She is a 2004 graduate of Hanover College and holds a certificate in fundraising management from Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. 22

She is a member of St. Wendel Parish in St. Wendel, where she has served in the religious education program. The other significant change was that Catholic Charities moved to its new facility at 2111 Stringtown Road on Evansville’s north side. Bishop Joseph Siegel blessed the facility on September 15, 2020. For decades, Catholic Charities had operated in leased office and meeting space. The new building is on the property of the former St. Theresa Parish. The building, around 9,800-square-feet, has about 20 offices and three large meeting spaces, as well as an outdoor garden honoring St. Theresa.

It features a St. Theresa statue, which was previously in St. Theresa Church, as well as limestone from the church, a bench and flowers. The adjacent property is the site of Habitat for Humanity’s St. Theresa Place, a 14-home Habitat for Humanity subdivision. “As we look to the future, Charities will use this facility as a foundation to continue our vital services that help the vulnerable in our community to create lives that work,” Townsend said. “Through our services, we strive to help those served improve their mental health and financial stability and to reduce the impact of poverty.” Catholic Charities provides professional services to all regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, orientation or gender. Services include individual (including services for children and adolescents), family, and marital outpatient counseling. Counseling services are offered a sliding scale fee basis to residents, and appointments can be provided in-person or via teletherapy. Other services focus on helping those served improve their financial stability. Examples of these services include Handy Helpers Home Repair, which is a job training initiative and social enterprise; Neighbor to Neighbor, a faith-based, life skills education program; and financial assistance programs.

“I am inspired each day as we serve clients and provide hope and healing through our life-changing services. Together, we can continue to strengthen our community,” said Townsend.

More information on Catholic Charities can be found on its website at or by calling (812) 423-5456.


Habitat for Humanity:

St. Theresa Place By Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB ‘67

Habitat for Humanity of Evansville broke ground August 10, 2020 on St. Theresa Place, a 14-home, single-family subdivision which will be built on the city’s north side in the Diamond-Stringtown Neighborhood. The new subdivision will be located on the site of the former St. Theresa Catholic Parish, which for 70 years served generations of Catholics who worshipped at the church and educated their children at the parish school. “It will be great to see new families in the neighborhood, using the Stringtown Library, walking to an Otters game, having a cookout in Garvin Park and swimming at the Deaconess Aquatic Center,” said Mayor Lloyd Winnecke in remarks preceding the blessing of the property by Bishop Joseph Siegel of the Diocese of Evansville. After the church and school buildings were razed in early 2019, the west side of the property — bounded by Stringtown, Herndon, Wedeking and Evans — became home to the new headquarters of Catholic Charities, the social service ministry of the Catholic diocese. The new Catholic Charities building is now occupied and a formal blessing and dedication is scheduled for September 15. 24

When two anonymous donors stepped forward to fund the purchase of the property’s east side and the costs of additional infrastructure, Habitat was ready to build the new subdivision. “Habitat can have more of an impact when we build in concentration, with multiple new homes in close physical proximity,” said Beth Folz, Habitat’s executive director. “When the opportunity arose to build on property which is essentially holy ground, blessed by many decades of the faithful presence of a worshipping community, we were eager to pursue it. We had worked closely with Catholic Charities in the past, especially through their Neighbor to Neighbor and Handy Helpers programs, and look forward to even closer collaboration as we work together to help working families with skin in the game become self-sufficient.” In early 2020 a St. Theresa Place Advisory Council began to meet to hear more about the project and to give input as the idea of a subdivision on the site of former church property progressed. The Council, composed of 34 former St. Theresa parishioners and graduates, community leaders and neighborhood

champions, quickly embraced the idea of preserving the legacy of St. Theresa Parish by inviting the entire community to get involved with building St. Theresa Place and to “experience the timeless truth that what seems like death always brings forth new life,” as one Council member remarked. Under the leadership of Father Ted Tempel, retired priest of the diocese and pastor of St. Theresa from 1979 – 1993, the Council is also raising funds to help Habitat build. Over $1.12 million is needed for house construction, and Father Ted announced at the groundbreaking that over $650,000 is in hand or committed for the project. A gift to Habitat for Humanity from the estate of Catherine Walter Groben, a longtime Catholic donor, will also benefit the project.

recruiting new Core Crew members. Their experience and dedication and their positive interaction with future Habitat homeowners working on sweat equity is invaluable.” The 14 families who will live in St. Theresa Place are or will be approved for homeownership on the basis of need, ability to pay an affordable mortgage and willingness to partner (300 hours of sweat equity and successful completion of Habitat’s Money Management Seminar and 6 other required homeownership preparation classes). Homeowners pay a 25-year, no-interest mortgage back to Habitat which, in turn, funds all Habitat operations. Every dollar given to Habitat for Humanity goes directly to building homes and helping families grow wealth and become self-sufficient through homeownership.

Construction will begin within the next few months and with hopeful completion of the subdivision by fall of 2021. Like all non-profits in the Evansville area, COVID compliance has hampered Habitat’s efforts to have multiple groups of community volunteers on its construction sites. Habitat’s Core Crew (regular volunteers who work Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays) came back in mid-June with ample safety precautions and procedures in place. “Habitat’s reliance on volunteer labor cannot be overestimated,” said Patrick Landry, Habitat’s construction director. “The Core Crew saves us $15,000 per home and we are always actively 25

A Day in the Life of a Covid Edition

COACH By Amy Weber ‘96

All spring and summer leading up to soccer officially starting, I was worried. When things shut down in March due to COVID-19, athletics was one of the many things turned upside down. Normally I would meet with my team in the spring and have a call out meeting so we could see who would be coming out in the fall along with any new incoming Freshmen. That didn’t happen like it normally did; instead it was Zoom. I should have known then that things wouldn’t be like they always were. As the summer got closer, I began to get more nervous about not having a season. Conditioning normally started June 1st for us. There were many conversations between me and Mr. Herrmann just trying to see if any news was good news. We were finally told we could start in July. This was a total relief but still a very concerning time because what would it look like? As a coaching staff we began to establish what our protocol would look like for girls’ soccer. Each group would come in and we would check their temperatures before every session. They would go to the bleachers and place their bags and water on their designated spot, all 6 feet apart. 26

They would arrive in masks and stay in masks until we started. We were constantly sanitizing equipment. Each girl was assigned a penny for practice and in some cases 4 different colors. We collected all the dirty ones in a laundry bag each night and they were taken to be washed. I never have done so much laundry in a soccer season. I feel that our team had a good handle on things. I think our staff and team went above and beyond to be cautious. We were fortunate that one of our parents owns a store called Sweet Emotions. She made us our own sanitizer and each girl was given their own bottle. We could refill them at any time. We also as coaches carried larger ones to sanitize benches and such when we played away from Mater Dei. Each girl was given a bag that we clipped onto their backpack to house their sanitizer and mask. Honestly once we established a routine it became much easier. Things were certainly different. This was one of the most uncertain and difficult times to not only be a coach but also a player. Every day we would wait to see who we might be missing due to contracting the virus or coming in close contact with someone that was positive.

I truly think that we were prepared and did everything we could to make sure our season happened. It took a great deal of work from everyone. Coaching during a pandemic was never something I thought I would ever do. I am just glad that we had so much support to make it happen. I don’t think any of us thought we would get a season in but knowing that we took all the precautions we did proved to be beneficial. It wasn’t easy to do all of the things we had to do each day, but in the end, we were able to play and the girls were safe. Knowing that we were able to make it through and keep our team safe was the best feeling in the world. It may not have been ideal, but everyone managed to cope and do their part. I think it shows just how great our athletes are at Mater Dei.

Watching Mater Dei During Covid

Athletics There was no doubt this year would be challenging when it came to athletics. There were times we weren’t even sure if any of our sports would have a season. Thankfully everything worked out and even though we didn’t have many fans in the stands, these kids showed just how resilient they are. We were pretty fortunate with football in that all but 1 of our regular season games were streamed by either WFIE or WEHT.

By Joe Herrmann

We also have a new camera system in the gym that allowed us to stream all of our home volleyball games and we will carry that on into the winter and stream wrestling, girls’ basketball and boys’ basketball on our YouTube channel. All swim meets at Lloyd Pool will also be streamed. We understand its not the same as being there live, but it at least gives our fans that aren’t able to attend the event a chance to watch and stay updated. 27

Mater Dei

Volunteers By Dennis Niemeier ‘70

Mater Dei has long been blessed with a group of volunteers consisting of alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends that help keep the school and grounds in tiptop shape. Their efforts have helped the school save untold hundreds of thousands of dollars in labor costs through the years, expenses that otherwise would have had to be passed on to parents in the form of higher tuition costs or funds raised elsewhere.

Carpentry: Kenny Miller ‘75 and Jerry Kirchoff ‘70 seem to have been a team forever at Mater Dei. Kenny, a retired carpenter of Local 224 in Evansville, has an unseen autograph all over the building. From bookcases, to storage rooms, drywall to doors, frames and windows; Kenny has donated untold hours to our school. In the last five years alone he and Jerry have worked in the cafeteria kitchen, artroom, auditorium, girl's locker room, boy's locker room, various classrooms, the new conference room, and teacher’s lounge. Jerry, a retired teacher from the EVSC, was involved in home-building and remodeling on the side for years. He could easily pass as a carpenter who has done it all for 50 years. Let us not forget Al Weinzapfel ‘55, again, who faithfully builds the wooden base when MD brings home another state championship trophy!

Mowers: We have quite the army of mowers including Al Weinzapfel ‘55, Tom Wilson, Larry Schuble, Dan & Kathy Schenk ‘70, Mike Folz, George Folz, and Tom Niemeier ‘55 who has since “retired” from the regular crew of rotating mowers. Maurice Berendes ‘60 has a history of being a “doer of all things” and has also “retired.” Snow Removal: Since the sale of Industrial Contractors, Steve Muensterman and son, Jeremy, have offered their time and trucks to remove snow from the parking lots when necessary for years. Not a fun job at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning when temperatures are freezing!

Contractors and Vendors: Midwest Roofing/Sheet Metal, Muensterman Plumbing, Ohio Valley Insulation, Deig Bros. Construction, IC Skanska, Altstadt Hoffman Plumbing, TMI Contractors of Mt. Vernon, Capital Electric, Blankenberger Brothers., Lehman Roofing, Goedde Drywall, Schaffstein's Truck Clean, and others have donated their services and materials repeatedly through the years.

Miscellaneous grounds and facilities work: For several years, there has been a small storm drainage project that needed to be done in between the school building and the big flat grass area west of Harmony Way. It hasn't been a high priority, but the earthen berm that bounds the west side of the area was slowly eroding away. Thanks to the efforts of Bob Neisen, long-time adult coordinator of Mater Dei's Supermileage program, that job has been completed. Bob took the lead to obtain a donated concrete structure, purchased the necessary 60 lineal feet of 12' pipe, scheduled the mini-excavator to do the work, and ordered and received a load of crushed stone that was needed among other tasks. By installing the pipe underground, the erosion has been eliminated. Helping Bob, a retired equipment operator from ICI Skanska (in rear of photo), was his dad, 90-year-old Charlie. Brad McVeigh, another ICI comrade, is not pictured. 29

Nathan Egler ‘15 is studying medicine at Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine at the University of Pikeville.

Abby Burnett ‘16 was recently accepted into Lincoln Memorial University Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Ella Freeman ‘15 is set to graduate in 2024 from Marian University with a DO and will specialize in reconstructive plastic surgery.


Medical School News From Mater Dei Alumni

Culture In a September Forbes article titled, “Building A Strong Company Culture In The Time Of COVID-19” (September 23, 2020) a Forbes Council Member defines culture as “the glue that holds organizations together during the good times and bad.” The article also states that culture has always been important, but especially critical in the time of COVID-19. In the manner that we ended the 2019 school year and began the 2020 school year, so much more has been demanded of all of our teachers and staff. Our dedicated staff members have given much more of their time and talent this year as part of their tireless commitment to all of our students and to one another of this Mater Dei family. This is also the reason we have joined together as a staff this year to be the co-chairs of the annual fund. We have been blessed this year to be back in school and to have the ability to give back to our hard working staff members of this Mater Dei family. Through the financial support of the Mater Dei Friends and Alumni (MDFAA), we have been able to offer a variety of ways to say thank you, including donut and coffee deliveries to the classroom, a Friday food truck stop and prize winning opportunities. Through the President’s Council we have been able to offer take and bake meals for our staff and their families as well as prizes for our upcoming staff Christmas party. Through private donations we have been able to offer a BBQ take home meal for our staff’s families as well as ice cream from GD Ritzy’s. Mater Dei also budgeted for staff appreciation this past year and we have been able to cater in meals from the Faux Festival booths in October.

Building During Covid

By Andy Morris

We also have a weekly lottery drawing to win $20 cash. Whenever a staff member catches someone doing something extra or helps another person out, they can put that person’s name in a bucket to win the weekly lottery. That person is also recognized each week for their efforts. It is important to give back to our staff members for everything that they are doing to make this school year successful and to show our appreciation. It is also important to give back time to our staff members. The take home meals allow our staff members to take dinner home to their families and have one less thing to worry about in the evening with a ready to eat meal. In the two occasions we have done this in the fall semester, we have fed over 60 staff members and over 200 people total each time. COVID-19 has made us change everything we do and reshape every part of our normal processes. Just as the article referenced, building culture is always important and we have been working diligently to do this, even before the onset of COVID-19. What COVID-19 has shown us is how significant these efforts are in building our community and teamwork more than ever. These are efforts we will continue to keep a focus on as we move through the years to come. Thank you to those who supported us through these times and even before. Your sacrifice is truly our benefit and we graciously thank you. “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” (Luke 6:38)

Mater Dei

Building By Andy Morris


We have had a lot of exciting changes to the building this year. Some of these changes were in motion at the beginning of the spring semester, some of these changes are a result of our COVID-19 reopening response. We would like to give a special thank you to Jarrod Luigs ‘02 for donating the furniture from the 5/3rd building downtown and to Jerry Kirchoff ‘70 and Kenny Miller ‘75 for volunteering their time and talent in much of the construction you see in these pictures.

Two of our classrooms, rooms 214 and 215, were both smaller classrooms in comparison to our other rooms and shared a common wall. We moved the wall back, making classroom 215 larger and repurposed 214 as the bookstore, which is closer to the media center. We were able to move the bookshelves constructed by Kenny Miller to the new bookstore.


The teacher lounge was in need of a remodel. With moving the copiers out of the break room, we were able to create a dining space for our staff, separate from a workroom.

From IT Office to New Teacher Workroom The IT office relocated downstairs in freshman hallway to a smaller space. This gave us the opportunity to move the copiers out of the break room and into the space, creating a dedicated workroom for our teachers.

The former bookkeeper’s office was being used for storage and also acted as the bookstore. We removed a wall that separated the room, put up drywall (thank you again to Jerry and Kenny,) new flooring and painted the room in red and gold. The furniture was donated by Jarrod Luigs. We have named our new conference room the Red and Gold room.


LED Lights In January we took advantage of a rebate through Vectren to retrofit all of our light fixtures to LED. The annual estimated savings per the Vectren analysis is approximately $22,000. We have seen a savings in our energy costs and will continue to track over the next year.

iWave air filtration Through the support of donations from Koch Air and Schiff Air Conditioning & Heating, we installed air purifiers throughout the entire building. This system uses ionization technology to remove bacteria, allergens and viruses from the air, including studies where it has proven to remove the coronavirus. This system helps us today in our COVID response. In the long-term, it will help keep our students and staff healthy throughout the school year. WEB CAMERAS We have been very successful in operating the school day in a pandemic environment while keeping all of our students and staff members safe. This however doesn’t mean that we have not had students go into quarantine because of being a close contact or having the virus. To help students not fall behind, we bought HD Webcams for every teacher so that students could use ZOOM to connect with the classroom while they are at home on quarantine.

Since inception of the Bring Your Own Device policy in 2018 and every student having a laptop or Chromebook, we were able to decommission some of our old computer labs. We repurposed room 213 as a classroom.



Honor Roll

Of Donors Immaculate Assembly $10,000+ Gary '76 & Kim Alles Anonymous Patrick & Beth Blankenberger Thomas '65 & Debbie Borries Alan '62 & Sharon Braun W. Randolph Ellspermann '64 Michael '69 & Davene Forche Larry '65 & Carol '65 Goedde Pierre Funeral Home, Inc. Ira Gerard ‘72 & Terry ‘72 Boots Mater Dei Friends and Alumni David '70 & Darlene '70 Robinson Michael '92 & Lisa Weber West Side Nut Club

Barbara ‘50 & Wayne Kent Edward '59 & Judy '60 † Knapp Barbara Price '62 Catherine Siemers Underhill Hartlein Family Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

Queen’s Court $1,000-$2,499 Teri ‘84 & David Albin Ronald ‘64 & Margaret ‘66 Angermeier David Baehl ‘58 Joan ‘71 & Randall Bauer David ‘67 & Jane ‘68 Baumgart The Monsignor Lautner League Steven ‘65 & Judy Blankenberger $5,000-$9,999 Kenneth & Susie Bonnell Matthew '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber Virgil ‘64 & Joan Brenner Cecil A & Mabel Lene Hamman Cherie ‘75 & Jerry Burgdorf Foundation, Inc. Donna Cassin ‘66 Andrew '65 & Darlene '64 Goebel Mary Ellen Coates John '59 & Donna '61 Hamilton Jack ‘60 & Phyllis ‘72 Corn George Hollander '78 Rev. Jay Davidson Gilbert & Marcia Jochem James & Rosalie Dunkel Robert '56 & Cynthia Koch John ‘60 & Marie Emrich Mary Kay '58 & James Muehlbauer Rev. James Endress Robert & Betty Sue Scheller † Robert ‘71 & Mary Kay ‘71 Rev. Edward Schnur Fehrenbacher Robert ‘71 & Nancy ‘71 Fischer The Father Dewig Fellowship V. Ray ‘60 & Kathy ‘65 Funke $2,500-$4,999 Jerry ‘60 & Pamela ‘60 Gries Jay '93 & Sarah '93 Adams David ‘61 & Mary Herrmann Terence '80 & Jean '81 Alvey Brian ‘92 & Heather ‘92 Hertel Anonymous Wade ‘80 & Karen Hickam Patrick '75 & Rita Debes David ‘73 & Mindy Jochem Butch '66 & Linda Feulner Berta Kares ‘64 Eric Gries '88 Robert and Marcia Kassenbrock Andrew '95 & Anna Hart Harold ‘54 & Shirley Kempf Jeremy '98 & Jennifer Herrmann Clarence ‘60 & Joanne Kirby Scott Herrmann '01 Edward ‘85 & Jacqueline ‘85 Knapp Karen '75 & Keith Hinderliter Lawrence ‘59 & DiAnne ‘60 Kremer Michael & Amie Hulfachor Anna Kunkel ‘03 Michael & Amie Hulfachor M. Andrew ‘00 & Kathryn ‘01 Lannert


Jason ‘94 & Kerry Martin Paul ‘67 & Nancy ‘67 Mayer Kenneth ‘75 & Janice Miller Stephen ‘65 & Rita ‘66 Moore Ann ‘97 & Glen Muehlbauer Kari ‘02 & Tyler Parsons Michael & Mary Reese Donald ‘65 & Martha Render Logan ‘02 & Molly Riggs Alexandra ‘91 & Andrew Rodman Frank & Laura Schaefer Leroy Schenk ‘60 Albert ‘01 & Lindsay ‘01 Schmitt Martha Schmitt ‘55 James ‘88 & Ingrid ‘95 Stratman Jennifer ‘93 & Ross Vaughn Gregory Walter James ‘61 & Sandra ‘63 Weinzapfel Jerome Weinzapfel Melba ‘85 & Wayne Wilderman Eileen Will ‘51 Royal Gold Society $500-$999 Anonymous Anonymous William Basden ‘83 Maurice ‘60 & Cherie ‘60 Berendes Jon & Kathy Black Larry ‘60 † & Ginger Boots Timothy ‘80 & Theo Boots BP Matching Fund Programs Rev. Raymond Brenner Shirley (Martin) Daley ‘57 Kurt & Amy Daunhauer John ‘82 & Jeanne Dewig Daniel ‘77 & Jean Dick Trina ‘88 & Fred Doepker Jerad ‘09 & Morgan Eickhoff David Ellison ‘65 Brian ‘90 & Mandy Elpers Rita ‘55 & Dick Eykamp Patrick ‘03 & Brittany Fehrenbacher Peter ‘97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher Tony ‘94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher

Zachary ‘00 & Jennifer ‘00 Fehrenbacher Matthew ‘91 & Kristen ‘91 Folz David ‘60 & Nancy Gerteisen Thomas ‘71 & Karen ‘71 Goebel Jeffrey & Amy Gorman Michael ‘78 & Melissa Gossman Raymond ‘63 & Janette ‘65 Gries Judy ‘60 & Robert Griffin Karen ‘83 & Greg Hamilton Lisa ‘76 & Joseph Henderson Wayne & Jewell Henning Mark ‘81 & Michelle ‘81 Herrmann Timothy ‘89 & Jennifer Hollander Holly ‘03 & Nick Jahn Daniel Kaiser Vickie ‘70 & John Kane Knights of Columbus #565 Michael ‘59 & Carolyn ‘60 Kormelink Jason ‘01 & Jenna Kuester Dustin ‘98 & Alisha ‘97 Lannert JoAnn Layman ‘60 Rodney & Karen Liley Robert Ludwig ‘73 Brian ‘99 & Anna ‘99 Luigs Steven & Vernie Luigs Tim Mahoney Jeffrey ‘95 & Natalie McDurmon Robert Mead ‘84 Virginia ‘57 & Daniel Miller Kevin ‘91 & Erin ‘94 Moore Dennis ‘70 & MaDonna ‘74 Niemeier Thomas ‘55 & Joan ‘55 Niemeier Bernard ‘56 & Mary Jane Nunning Rev. David Nunning Vicki McCracken ‘74 & Bill Pan John Rebstock ‘55 Kent ‘77 & Laura ‘80 Reddington Michael & Michele Reffett Kenneth ‘65 & Rita ‘65 Rexing Barbara ‘64 & Roy Ritzert Donald & Patricia Rupprecht Stephen Sanford ‘59 David Schapker ‘74 Brian ‘77 & Karen ‘79 Schenk James ‘96 & Casi ‘97 Schiff David ‘68 & Mary Schmitt Ronald ‘55 & Judy Schnepper Janice ‘64 & Larry Schuble Gary ‘65 & Doris Schutte Richard ‘57 & Emilie ‘59 Seib William Stevenson John ‘66 & Judith Stratman Brian & Maria Elena Thompson Robert ‘56 & Carol ‘60 Wagner

Brian & Diane Wannemuehler Eugene ‘72 & Eveline Wannemuehler Matthew ‘75 & Pam ‘75 Wannemuehler Marlene Weaver ‘50 Al ‘55 & Darlene ‘55 Weinzapfel Mark ‘80 & Jane ‘81 Weinzapfel Joe ‘87 & Rhonda Weis Paul ‘88 & Natalie ‘88 Weis James ‘76 & Karen Will Carolyn ‘60 & Carlton Williams David ‘64 & Gail Williamson Jeff & Laurie Wilmes Gary ‘78 & Janet ‘78 Wink Ron & Mary Ellen Wire

James ‘65 & Arlene Hausmann Kyle ‘07 & Mallory ‘07 Hertel John & Jane Hodge Joshua Hodge ‘99 David ‘81 & Doreen Hoefling Randall ‘74 & Cynthia Hupfer Patricia Jackson ‘51 Randall ‘70 & Sylvia Jochim Paul ‘69 & Donna Jourdan Keith & Christina Kelley Michael ‘79 & Jennifer Kempf John Kern ‘55 Matthew Kiefer ‘02 Jeremy ‘97 & Libby ‘97 Kiesel Allan ‘64 † & Mary Helen Knapp Charles ‘58 & Ann Knapp Loyal Red Circle Elvira Knapp $250-$499 Lisa ‘72 & Bruce Kohl Carolyn ‘65 & Gary Adler Eric Kohut ‘85 Jack ‘71 & Marcia Alles Blake ‘02 & Jennifer ‘00 Kollker David ‘03 & Megan ‘03 Altstadt Patricia Krack ‘62 Pamela ‘78 & Jeff Ambrose Rose Kuhn ‘55 Paul ‘73 & Barbara ‘73 Angermeier Daniel ‘77 & Katie Lappe Lucas Angermeier ‘99 Edward ‘82 & Lorri ‘83 Lappe Anonymous JoAnn Laugel ‘66 Nicholas ‘01 & Kelsey ‘08 Austin Sharon Layman Ted ‘75 & Diane Barron Todd ‘88 & Kelly Lehman Andrea ‘96 & Daniel Baumann Rev. Stephen Lintzenich Maurice ‘64 & Sharon ‘64 Baumgart Jarrod ‘02 & Katie Luigs Larry ‘90 & Farrah ‘94 Beard Rebecca ‘66 & Edward Maier James Beyer ‘66 Jeffrey ‘82 & Donna ‘82 Martin Lawrence Blankenberger ‘74 Michael ‘68 & Rita Martin D. Vincent ‘83 & Kathy ‘83 Boots Suzanna ‘70 & Melvin Martin Mary Jane ‘58 & Ernie Bradley Donald ‘59 & Karen Mayer Jeffrey ‘77 & Terry Buckman Jacob ‘94 & Kari ‘94 Mayer Diane ‘72 & Thomas Buskavitz Shirley McDowell ‘60 Stephen ‘61 & Jo Marie ‘61 Charlson Edward & Judy Messal Geoffrey ‘85 & Sabine Coates Mark ‘87 & Kelly ‘92 Messal Shawn ‘86 & Kristin Corcoran Francis Miller, Jr. ‘63 Aaron ‘94 & Jennifer Couture Jane Miller Terry Crane ‘56 Bradley ‘08 & Kathryn ‘08 Niemeier Lenna DeMarco Daniel ‘80 & Laura ‘80 Niemeier R. Jill DeMarco Jeffry ‘78 & Cheryl Niemeier Doris Dewig ‘52 Todd ‘91 & Babs Niemeier Timothy & Andrea Dickel William ‘51 & Dorothy ‘51 Niemeier Robert Doerr ‘61 Kelly ‘86 & Kevin Pennington Stephen ‘73 & Brenda Dunkel Sheri Barron ‘71 & David Poetker Evansville Westside Kiwanis Jon ‘83 & Barbara ‘83 Raben Rebecca ‘74 & Donald Fuchs Edwin Rehrman ‘57 Chris ‘85 & Jeanene ‘85 Goebel Robert ‘59 & Linda ‘59 Rheinlander Cory ‘05 & Andrea Goebel Joyce ‘59 & Patrick Rhoades Kathy ‘65 & David Halbig William Rust † Michael ‘97 & Andrea Halbig Alan ‘85 & Angie Schaffstein Daniel ‘83 & Teresa Haller Theodore & Tonya Schenk Jeff ‘84 & Leanne Happe Ryan ‘98 & Hallie ‘04 Scheu


Rev. Eugene Schmitt John ‘78 & Theresa Schneider James ‘95 & Amy ‘96 Schroeder Vincent ‘80 & Julia ‘82 Schu Sara ‘96 & Jeffrey Sexton Beau ‘93 & Sharon Shumate Christopher ‘66 & Janet ‘67 Siemers Sr. Ann Marie Butler, D.C. Phillip ‘91 & Kiersten ‘94 Stolz Alice ‘61 & Jack Strassweg Doris ‘68 & Homer Taylor Peter ‘64 & Mary Tennyson Cynthia ‘77 & Clay Thames Stefanie Woolverton & John Villa Marshall ‘59 & Carolyn ‘59 Waller Robert Waterman ‘72 Jay & Sue Wathen Robert ‘57 & JoAnn ‘63 Weber Dan Weinzapfel ‘75 Jake Weinzapfel ‘06 Nick Weinzapfel ‘00 Judith Wolf Whitney ‘58 John & Michelle Wible Jamie Wicks ‘87 Charles ‘65 & Sang Wildeman Mary Wilder ‘79 Jody ‘86 & Wes Wilmes

William Baumgartner ‘55 Earl ‘62 & Claudette ‘63 Becher Dan Becker Susan ‘78 & Mark Best Kiley ‘90 & Melissa ‘93 Van Bibber Melanie ‘91 & Jerry Blanton Jacob ‘00 & Carrie ‘00 Boehman Brandon ‘98 & Lindsey Boots Erin ‘78 & Richard Born James Borries ‘67 Russell ‘67 & Mary ‘68 Borst David & Sharon Brantley Stephen ‘62 & Margaret Braun Chad & Allyson Breeden Daniel & Mary Ann Breidenbach Kathy ‘70 & John Brendel Amy ‘84 & John Brennan Ronald Brown ‘58 Ronald ‘52 & Pat Browning Paul ‘71 & Alice Brugger Cindy Brush Brett ‘08 & Sara ‘08 Bueltel Anna ‘57 & Jerry Burdette Damon & Elissa Carl Gloria Carter ‘51 Angela & Brent St. Clair Justin ‘56 & Shirley ‘59 Clements Cheryl Cobb ‘80 Century Club Carolyn Combs ‘54 $100-$249 Thomas Cook ‘66 Steven ‘65 & Jo Lynn ‘68 Adams Richard & Emma Jean Couture Jodi ‘75 & Mark Adcock Betty ‘70 & David Cummings Adam ‘00 & Abby Adler Mary ‘58 & Harold Decamps Gilbert ‘55 & Rose Adler Susan Delay ‘86 Kenneth ‘60 & Jan ‘64 Adler Melanie ‘95 & Brian Denning Jeffrey ‘01 & Melissa Anslinger Linda Denstorff ‘73 Jerome & Patricia Anslinger Bridget ‘89 & Randy Dickerson Steven ‘83 & Keri ‘86 Anslinger Judith Dickman ‘65 Donna ‘69 & Larry Anspach Rev. Donald Dilger Jane ‘71 & Tom Antes Suzanne Crouch ‘70 & Larry Downs Julie Arafeh ‘76 Marilyn ‘73 & Gary Dressel Diane ‘69 & Steve Babcock Donna Drone Stephen Backes Terry Drone Ronald ‘65 & Karen Bacon Norma ‘54 & Bob Duncan Martha ‘63 & Robert Baehl John & Ann East Paul ‘58 & Sylvia ‘63 Baehl Charles & Anita Eickhoff June Baker Steven ‘73 & Shawn Eickhoff Jeri ‘60 & Richard Barchet Robert ‘58 & Sally ‘59 Elfreich Methodius & Pauline Bartek Stanton ‘65 & Shirley Elfreich William ‘60 & Kathleen ‘61 Barthel Sara Ellert ‘77 Margaret Basden ‘51 Helen Ellspermann ‘61 Joseph ‘56 & Mary Lee ‘56 Bassemier Kenneth & Barbara Elpers Janet Bauer-Correa ‘75 Cornelius Elpers ‘62 Eugene ‘627 Mary ‘63 Baumgart Francis Elpers ‘60 Curtis ‘73 & Sherry Baumgart Rita Elpers ‘57 Mariann Baumgartner ‘58 James & Kristie Elsner


Suzanne ‘60 & Roger Emge Wayne ‘70 & Diane ‘71 Emge Ronald ‘63 & Myrtle Englert Kevin ‘95 & Lisa ‘96 Farmer James ‘70 & Carol Fechtmeister David Fechtmeister ‘62 David ‘63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher Mark ‘70 & Deborah Fehrenbacher Larry ‘66 & Ann Feldhaus Joseph ‘70 & Donna ‘70 Fischer Richard ‘80 & Sara ‘81 Fischer Beth Fischer ‘13 J.D. ‘84 & Stephanie Fleck Nina ‘84 & Kraig Flittner Eric ‘92 & Jennifer ‘93 Folz George ‘61 & Angela Folz Linda ‘70 & Michael Folz Thomas ‘56 & Delores ‘56 Folz Francis Folz ‘54 Lisa ‘91 & John Forzley Jerry Foster Patrick ‘65 & Jeanne Freeman Robert ‘56 & Martha Froehle Allison ‘02 & Adam Frounfelter Steven ‘66 & Mary Helen Gerteisen Kim & Rose Gerth Martha Gilles Beverly Gish ‘71 John ‘87 & Amy Goebel Kurtis ‘08 & Jessica Goebel Michael ‘70 & Melanie Goebel Raymond ‘04 & Rachel ‘05 Goebel Charles Goebel ‘68 Michael ‘80 & Soozie Goedde Scott ‘87 & Mary Goedde Gina Goedde ‘93 Miranda ‘88 & Jody Graham John ‘79 & Andrea ‘89 Greaney Joseph & Julia Greubel Mike ‘67 & Sue Greulich Barbara Griepenstroh ‘75 Donald ‘63 & Margaret Gries Kevin ‘93 & Rachel Gries Dean & Tonya Haas Eileen Haase ‘60 Daryl & Jill Hagan Matthew Halbig ‘04 Donald ‘56 & Paula Haller Larry ‘59 & Carol ‘60 Haller Jason ‘90 & Rebekah Hamilton John ‘69 & Donna Hamilton Thomas ‘56 † & Jennifer Hamilton Robert Hamilton ‘57 Joan Hansen ‘57 Richard & Constance Harpenau Ann ‘85 & Chris Harper

Robert Harrison ‘70 Kenneth ‘57 & Joan ‘61 Hartlein Marjorie Hartmann ‘63 Herman ‘53 & Judy Hartweck Keith ‘77 & Barbara ‘79 Hartz Patricia Hartz ‘59 Patricia ‘60 & Martin Hasenour Rev. Luke Hassler William Hausmann ‘66 Daniel & Susanne Hayden Jeffrey ‘76 & Donna Hayden Randy ‘73 & Rebecca ‘74 Helfrich Donna Helfrich Stucke ‘76 Tricia ‘86 & Jeff Henning Chris & Amy Herr Jane ‘67 & Raymond Herr Gary ‘64 & Dianne Herrmann Joe ‘91 & Kalyn Herrmann Keith Herrmann ‘01 Frank & Sandy Hertel Cody ‘12 & Kathryn ‘12 Hess Dale ‘58 & Marty Hillenbrand David ‘99 & Amanda Hisch Robert ‘66 & Amy ‘72 Hisch Carl ‘68 & Buffy Horstman Daniel ‘62 & Rosemarie ‘66 Horstman Lawrence & Saundra Humm Scott & Diana Hurt Walter ‘58 & Dolores Jankowski Richard Jarboe ‘61 Megan ‘07 & Michael Jarman Ricky & Carmen Jay Ronald ‘66 & Alice Jenkins Harold Jenkins ‘60 Jeffrey Jewell Fernando ‘64 & Beatriz Jimenez David & Ann Johns Rebecca ‘75 & Richard Johnson Ann ‘66 & John Johnston Lori ‘97 & Eric Jones Nelson ‘61 & Donna Jorgensen Velva Kaffenberger Wilma ‘55 & Todd Kain Catherine Kapp ‘80 John & Leslye Kassenbrock Neil ‘98 & Jessica ‘00 Kassenbrock Paul Kelsey ‘68 Patrick ‘82 & Shari ‘80 Kempf Steve ‘76 & Susan ‘81 Kercher Howard & Jane Ann Kiefer John Kiefer ‘00 Gerry Kiesel Joseph ‘03 & Mallory Kiesler Ken Kikkawa Jack ‘58 & Carole ‘60 Kinsler

Jerome ‘70 & Mary Jo ‘70 Kirchoff Hannah ‘07 & Mark Kirkman William & Karin Kirsch James Kissel ‘00 Kent & Shelly Kleiman Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg ‘89 & Jeremy Klueg Mary ‘58 & William Knapp Thomas ‘67 & Linda ‘67 Knapp Brian Knapp ‘97 Darin ‘85 & Marti ‘90 Knight Nicholas ‘97 & Jennifer ‘97 Knight Mark Knowles ‘81 Paul ‘65 & Joyce ‘67 Koch Robert ‘56 † & Carolyn Sue Koch Joseph ‘81 & Susan Kohut Philip Kohut ‘68 Michael ‘74 & Rendie Koressel Timothy ‘74 & Michelle ‘76 Krack Cecilia ‘71 & Randall Kuester Rick ‘88 & Jennifer ‘90 Lamble Gary & Diana Langton Gary ‘74 & Letha ‘74 Lannert David ‘03 & Kristen Lappe Larry & Becky Larson Carol ‘68 & Michael Laymon Mary Kae Lehman ‘62 Roger Lehr ‘53 & Charles ‘51 & Barbara ‘61 Lindenschmidt Matthew Loehrlein ‘06 Susan ‘87 & Joseph Loftus Stephen ‘60 & Judy Logel John ‘55 & Rachel Lorber Rita Lurker ‘53 Susan ‘72 & Joel Lutz Natalie ‘94 & Keith Maasberg Margie Madigan ‘55 Thomas & Myra Mariani Charles ‘67 & Rebecca ‘67 Martin Cheryl Martin ‘65 Jeffrey & Debbie Marx Mater Dei Class of 1959 Nancy ‘61 & Stephen Mattingly Donald Mayse ‘52 Joan ‘76 & Michael McCord Brett ‘91 & Jennifer ‘91 McDurmon Joyce McDurmon ‘65 MD Class of 1962 Natalia Meneese John ‘58 & Barbara Meredith Gene Mesker ‘76 Ronald Mesker ‘64 Joyce ‘68 & Ronald Messersmith Sam & Tiffany Meyer Craig ‘93 & Angela Miller

Richard Miller ‘70 Janet Shaw Mills Kevin ‘79 & Lee Anne Mischler Wynn & Joe Mitchell John ‘72 & Joyce ‘74 Moers Barbara ‘67 & Thomas Moore Donald ‘68 & Janie ‘68 Moore Harold ‘57 & Janice ‘59 Morris Andrew Morris Robert ‘87 & Pam Muensterman Sharon ‘69 & Stephen Muensterman Ruth ‘78 & Bernie Muller Jeremy ‘02 & Katy Musgrave Carol ‘74 & Robert Neisen Brent ‘88 & Tricia Neitzke Cindy Nemer ‘71 Andrew ‘06 & Elyse ‘06 Niemeier Andrew ‘97 & Audrey ‘99 Niemeier Charles ‘53 & Joan Niemeier Norbert ‘65 & Madonna ‘65 Niemeier Richard ‘83 & Tracy Niemeier Stephen ‘65 & Stephanie Niemeier Benjamin Niemeier ‘12 Connie ‘71 & Jerry Nord Shannon Norris Thomas & Linda Norton Andrew ‘04 & Emily ‘05 Nurrenbern Roger ‘96 & Katie Nurrenbern Karen Sue ‘70 & William O’Bryan Sue ‘59 & Don Ochsner Margie Orman ‘52 Mary Patricia Orth ‘53 David & Linda Patterson Richard Paul ‘54 Carolyn Pearce ‘59 Jordan ‘07 & Jenna ‘07 Phelps Leslie Phillips Gary ‘61 & Susan ‘62 Pierre James ‘89 & Lori ‘89 Pierre Randy & Margaret Ploch Marilyn Poag ‘58 Martha Pokorney ‘54 Betty ‘64 & George Postletheweight Gerald ‘59 & Linda Powell LeRoy Prange ‘58 Deacon Richard ‘50 & Joan ‘50 Preske Madonna ‘55 & Lawrence Preske Marvin ‘53 & Ann Preske Thomas Preske ‘55 C. Phillip ‘68 & Sandy ‘69 Raben Cheryl ‘63 & Joseph Raleigh Angela Reckelhoff ‘99 William ‘54 & Yvonne Reine David ‘66 & Kathy Reising Keith ‘85 & Lisa ‘88 Reising


Paul ‘80 & Cecilia Reising Daniel ‘66 & Ruth Reisinger R. Joseph ‘61 & Barbara Rettig LaChere ‘85 & David Rexing Bernard Rietman ‘67 Lee Rodenberg ‘89 Rose Rogge Linda ‘80 & Robert Russell Megan Russo ‘95 Greg ‘98 & Kristi ‘97 Schaefer Aaron ‘92 & Kelle Schapker Herman ‘54 & Carolyn Schapker Steven ‘76 & Janet ‘77 Schapker Donna & Arthur Scheller Jim & Martha Scheller Richard ‘59 & Mary Scheller Robert ‘77 & Mary ‘82 Scheller Edward Schemel ‘60 Betty ‘64 & James Schenk Kathy ‘70 & Daniel Schenk Kenneth ‘75 & Beth Schenk Lucia ‘70 & Richard Schenk Mathew ‘97 & Ashley Schenk Rhonda ‘75 & Urban Schenk Timothy ‘77 & Karen ‘77 Schenk Phyllis Schenk ‘59 Lawrence ‘80 & Shannon Schentrup Mark ‘76 & Mary Ann ‘76 Schentrup Patricia Scheu ‘64 Evelyn Schickel ‘55 Jacob ‘02 & Katie Schiff Mark ‘76 & Julia Schiff Danny ‘64 & Janice Schmitt Sandra ‘71 & David Schmitt Albert C. Schmitt ‘70 Alvin Schmitt ‘60 Carl Schmitt ‘79 Linda Schmitt Peggy ‘55 & Theodore† Schneider Linda Scholly James ‘71 & Kris Schroeder Richard & Jane Schulz Dave ‘71 & Tina ‘71 Schutte Bobbie ‘72 & Daryl Schutz Khristian & Kathy Seger Curtis ‘55 & Judith ‘56 Seib Mark ‘85 & Sarah ‘85 Seng Josh & Gayle Sherretz Angela ‘78 & Richard Short Randy & Jeannine Shumate Kayley ‘06 & Truett Simmons Karla Solis ‘75 Eugene ‘62 & Janet ‘64 Spahn Francis & Hilda Spahn Tracy Sparks ‘76


Rhema Spencer ‘58 Harold ‘52 & Delores Steckler Edward ‘63 & Rita Steinkamp Paul Stewart ‘67 Suzanne ‘62 & Rudy Stieler Amanda Stock David Stocker ‘82 Eric ‘04 & Laura ‘06 Stoltz Ruth Ann ‘66 & Michael Stonecipher Sharon ‘72 & Michael Strader Nathaniel ‘02 & Carrie Stratman Terry ‘71 & Angela Stumpf Stephen ‘58 & Mary ‘60 Sullivan Rev. Theodore Tempel Allen & LaVerne Tenbarge Joseph ‘78 & Chris Tenbarge Patricia ‘72 & Kenneth Tenbarge Randy & Janice Tenbarge Ronald ‘58 & Sarah Tepool Rachel ‘10 & Terry Thacker Mary Jane Thomas ‘58 Thyme in the Kitchen Gerald Tieken ‘66 Judith ‘59 & Terry Timberlake Gail ‘58 & Daniel Titzer Robert & Patricia Titzer George Titzer ‘53 James ‘92 & Cynthia Townsend Daniel Townsend ‘93 Jake ‘00 & Robyn ‘94 Tucker Anthea ‘96 & Shane Turner Eric ‘91 & Stacey ‘94 Turner Shirley ‘59 & Raymond Ubelhor Matthew Ubelhor ‘86 Scott & Michelle Vanover Daniel & Beth Vaughn Benjamin ‘01 & Katie Verkamp Kathryn ‘70 & Thomas Verkamp Virgin Family Timothy ‘93 & Julianna ‘94 Voelker Carl & Jean Vogel Gerald & Myra Walker Michael ‘83 & Jeana Walker Jessica ‘01 & Chris Wallace Gil ‘56 & Rita Wannemuehler Kathleen Wannemuehler ‘85 John Wargel ‘61 Richard Wargel ‘65 Roger ‘77 & Natalie ‘78 Wathen Robert Wathen ‘66 William ‘04 & Tara ‘05 Wayne Michael ‘68 & Barbara Weber Stanley ‘67 & Mary Jane ‘71 Weber Theresa ‘79 & David Weber Katherine Weber

Mark ‘84 & Shari ‘84 Weinzapfel Robert ‘56 & Mary Ann ‘57 Weinzapfel Roberta ‘74 & Mike Weinzapfel Betty Weinzapfel ‘58 Leo Weinzapfel ‘52 Nathan Weinzapfel ‘03 Stan Weinzapfel ‘82 Jacob ‘00 & Kelley Weis Vernette Weis Joel ‘01 & Carly Werner Darrel ‘65 & Michelle Whiting Steven ‘73 & Rebecca Whitman David ‘80 & Sue Wildeman Michele ‘74 & Jeffrey Wildeman Nathan ‘01 & Jessica Wildeman Melvin and Jacki Wildeman Rev. Lowell Will Martha Wilson ‘58 Frank & Loretta Winiger Barbara ‘65 & David Winstead Carol Witmeier ‘57 † Kathleen ‘66 & Robert Wittgen Sam & Connie Woehler Gerald ‘72 & Susan ‘73 Wolf Jeffery ‘77 & Donna Wolf Rosalie Woodall Matthew & Kristin Woolverton Nathan Wright ‘13 Craig ‘94 & Christina ‘97 Wunderlich Gary ‘65 & Dianne ‘65 Wunderlich Elijah Younger Philip ‘94 & Abby Zenthoefer Larry Ziegler ‘63 Judith Zivanovic ‘56 Anniversary Partners $69-$99 Cathy Ames Richard ‘57 & Imogene ‘60 Baehl Kevin & Sherri Barnett Patti ‘76 & Terry Beaty Robert ‘53 & Colleen ‘57 Behme John & Diane Bender Lacy ‘02 & Jeff Bender Joseph ‘85 & Theresa ‘86 Berendes Mary Berendes ‘54 Lesley ‘87 & Jeffrey Bertrand Tyler ‘06 & Alexa ‘06 Bittner Brenda ‘75 & Timothy Born Frank ‘69 & Joan Buerger Ann ‘07 & Tyler Carlisle Terry ‘67 & Sharon ‘67 Carlton David & Michelle Copeland Gary & Marty Craig

Kenneth ‘86 & Rebecca ‘89 Deeg Joseph ‘63 & Diana ‘64 Dippel Rebecca ‘74 & Phillip Dosher Patricia Egbert ‘55 Sharon ‘59 & Thomas Ellis Richard ‘70 & Diane Elpers Alan Feldhaus ‘64 Norma Fischer ‘62 Julie ‘84 & Michael Forcum Leonard Gansman ‘52 Allison ‘05 & Keith Garrard Rita Goebel ‘67 Annette ‘53 & Marvin Goedde Katie ‘04 & Jason Gretler Steven ‘91 & Kim Greulich Steve & Laura Gries Kathleen ‘67 & Richard Griese Reid ‘08 & Lauren ‘07 Grossman Kati ‘94 & Eric Hagerty Kenneth & Sara Hart Nathan Hassler ‘06 Joseph ‘56 & Sandra ‘63 Hatfield Yvonne ‘60 & Ray Hausmann Jacob ‘05 & Katherine ‘05 Herrmann Michael ‘65 & Phyllis Higdon Martin ‘60 & Susan Hutchison Debbie Jochim ‘76 Danny ‘67 & Linda ‘68 Kares Antoinette Keeneth Rebecca ‘98 & Klifton Keplinger Mary Jo ‘70 & Jerome ‘70 Kirchoff Richard & Debbie Knight Charles ‘69 & Deborah Koressel Joseph ‘79 & Martha Koressel Ruby Koressel ‘53 Martha ‘60 & Fred Kuester Karen ‘73 & Larry Lukeman Jessica ‘02 & Andrew Martin Jim & Sharon Mattingly Duane ‘92 & Emily Maurer Bernard ‘83 & Jennifer Mayer MD Class of 1956 Stanley ‘85 & Lisa Memmer Bertha Michelini ‘53 Russell ‘74 & Kathy Miller Karen ‘69 & Mike Mischel James ‘60 & Barbara Mosby Jill ‘96 & Mike Moser Lauralee ‘74 & David Paulson Michael and Kristin Peerman Bradley ‘93 & Meredith Raben Kristi Raben Sandra ‘72 & Thomas Raley Aaron Reckelhoff ‘02 Martha Reising ‘09

Stephen ‘62 & Judy ‘62 Reisinger Robin ‘06 & Tyler Rosbrugh Adam Ruggles ‘08 Chad ‘90 & Stephanie Sandwell Charlene Scales ‘53 Jerome Schapker ‘58 Clarence ‘64 & Nancy ‘67 Scheller Elaine Schmits ‘56 Ann Schneider ‘56 Megan Schneider ‘10 Sherry Schneider Brad ‘84 & Tara Schnur Sara Schultz Jennifer ‘94 & Roger Sieben Weston Tenbarge ‘10 Lynne Embry ‘65 & Mike Thompson Dennis Wannemuehler ‘85 Eugene ‘62 & Eva Weber Jalane Weber ‘70 Robert Weber ‘53 Brett and Angela Weinzapfel Kurt ‘79 & Rebecca ‘81 Weinazpfel James Werner ‘57 Abby & Zach Whicker Megan Wildeman ‘15 Dennis ‘68 & Pamela Wilderman J. Brian ‘93 & Karen Wilkey Kenneth ‘68 & Patsy Will Philip ‘85 & Deborah Will Cynthia ‘66 & Max Williams Stephen & Sharon Willis Adam Wilmes ‘11 Janet ‘66 & Paul Witmeier Michael Wolf ‘67 Patrons $11-$68 Ronald ‘61 & Matilda Adams Sherri ‘76 & Ralph Adler Charlene Adler Martha Aldenderfer Clay ‘82 & Denise ‘84 Allison Leo ‘62 & Marian ‘63 Alvey Penny Appler ‘06 Mary Jo ‘61 & Larry Bacon Carolyn ‘63 & Terry Bailey Jane ‘80 & James Balbach Doris Barnes Ryan Bassemier ‘10 Beverly Behme ‘59 Katelyn ‘09 & Nick Behrman Betty ‘63 & David Belcher Adam Berendes ‘13 Jack Berendes ‘18 Laura Berendes ‘14

Richard ‘64 & Mary Ann Bippus Richard ‘64 & Mary Ann Bippus Megan Blankenberger ‘09 Martha ‘75 & Mike Bohleber Charles ‘61 & Carol Bone Cheryl Bowes Bix Branson Nicholas ‘84 & Jennifer ‘84 Braun David ‘63 & Bonnie Brenner Jerome ‘65 & Jonna ‘67 Brenner Ronald ‘71 & Debbie ‘71 Brenner John & Susan Browning John ‘70 & Leslie Buckman James ‘69 & Jean Butler Faith ‘10 & BJ Byland Kelsey ‘03 & Chris Calderone Jeana Campbell ‘74 Margaret ‘09 & Max Carnahan Norma ‘57 & Robert Carp Earl & Mary Elaine Carter Melissa ‘97 & Erik Chandler Eric ‘62 & Myrrl Choate Kimberly ‘92 & Jim Collins Ann Condran Matthew & Lesa Conkling Jeremy ‘05 & Shelley Coomes Joseph Culley ‘61 Clara David ‘54 Kathy ‘75 & Steve DeHaven Brenda & Dan Donofrio Rita Droste Rita Eades ‘52 Jacob ‘08 & Jessie ‘08 Edwards Margaret Effinger ‘59 Madelyn Eickhoff ‘53 Michael ‘67 & Helen Ellert Alicia ‘99 & Eric Elpers Chelsea Emmert ‘11 Dave & Kathy Esche Judy Eskew ‘56 Melvin Fehrenbacher Lisa ‘75 & Phillip Fleming Michele ‘79 & Donald Fleming Natalie Fleming ‘06 Donna ‘83 & Michael Folz Gene ‘61 & Libby Folz Henry ‘63 & Sherry Folz Walter ‘50 & Betty Folz Ashton Forzley ‘15 Steven ‘72 & Marcia ‘72 Frey Virginia ‘74 & Jeff Gaul Betty Geiser ‘61 Brian ‘92 & Aimee Gerth Roberta ‘63 & Dennis Gibbs Julie Gilles ‘75


Tony ‘68 & Zetta Goebel Nolan Goebel ‘14 Julie ‘90 & Ben Goodin Alvin & Rita Gries Eugene ‘61 & Susan Gries Fred ‘67 & Judy ‘67 Gries Ralph & Kim Gries Randy & Jennifer Gries Carolyn Griffin ‘60 Kyle Haas ‘14 Dean ‘84 & Laura Happe Mitch ‘00 & Amanda Happe Patricia ‘74 & Robert Harding Cara Harris ‘10 Paul ‘60 & Bonnie ‘60 Hartmann Betty Hartz ‘52 Jennie Head ‘61 Janice ‘68 & James Herr Sr. Donna Marie Herr, OSB Linda Herrmann Randy ‘80 & Kim Hertel Carmen Hertel ‘19 Jasmine Hertel ‘23 Peter & Connie Hillenbrand Patricia ‘55 & Paul Hirsch Rosalie ‘60 & Larry Hirsch Donna Holm ‘77 Mary Jo ‘60 & William Huff Denise ‘81 & Darin Hunt Donald ‘64 & Carolyn ‘64 Hutchison Darin ‘90 & Rebecca ‘90 Jackson Melanie ‘89 & Gary Jarrell Brian ‘83 & Patricia Johns Karen Johnson ‘77 Chester ‘59 & Patricia ‘59 Jost James & Brenda Jost Lloyd & Joan Jost Darlene Keenan Eugene Kempf ‘60 Louise ‘66 & Robert Kiesler William Killebrew ‘58 Janice Killian ‘59 Carol Kissinger Jerome ‘68 & Judith ‘68 Knapp Alfred Knapp David ‘66 & Linda ‘66 Koressel Margaret Jean Kruse Thomas & Bettye Kuhn Carolyn Kuhn ‘57 William & Julia Kunkler Carol Lantaff ‘57 Benjamin ‘06 & Kathryn Lasher Daniel & Mary Ruth Lasher Nancy Lassiter ‘70 Mary ‘62 & Robert Lawrence Kathryn ‘76 & Philip Lemond


James Lemond Kathleen Newton-Lewis ‘66 & Barry Lewis Theresa Lintzenich ‘72 Mary Jane ‘57 & Robert Little Bernette ‘60 & Johnie Locklar John & Jane Luigs Ron ‘72 & Sara ‘73 Luigs Larry ‘56 & Mary ‘56 Lutz Joyce Macke ‘69 James Madden Kathleen ‘54 & Donald Marrs Tony ‘84 & Wendy ‘86 Marx Carl ‘57 & Rosalie ‘59 Massey Dolores ‘61 & Daniel Masterson Erika Maurer Joseph May ‘52 Grace McCann ‘17 Logan McCann ‘15 Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB ‘67 Jim & Mary McDonald Donna McDonald ‘73 John & Mary Grace McMullen Nancy Medford Tom ‘60 & Joyce Memmer Kenneth ‘71 & Jeanne ‘79 Mesker Linda Mesker ‘66 Donald Metzler ‘54 Joseph ‘82 & Rebecca Mischler Donald ‘71 & Kathy Montgomery Michael Moore ‘62 Jane Mossberger ‘71 Carolyn Mueller ‘56 Mary Jo ‘72 & Don Musgrave Christopher Naas ‘86 Karen ‘84 & Hung Nguyen Stan ‘71 & Tracy Niemeier Cathy ‘80 & Bryan Norman Patricia Miller Novack ‘59 David ‘66 & Carol Nurrenbern Blaine ‘73 & Jan ‘73 Oliver Patricia ‘61 & Jim O’Risky Debby Paul ‘76 Julia ‘58 & Joseph Payne Mary ‘03 & Jason Peckenpaugh Helen ‘60 & Walt Perkins Kathleen ‘59 & Lawrence Powell Sheri ‘83 & Todd Powers Beatrice Purcell ‘61 John & Sylvia Reckelhoff Marilyn Reibel ‘56 Janet ‘68 & Steve Reidford Mary Reising ‘51 Wilbur Rembold ‘51 Charles ‘69 & Bonnie Rexing Timothy Richardt ‘77

Kenneth ‘68 & Joyce Rietman Patrick ‘64 & Kay Riley Sharon ‘70 & Alan Ripplemeier Ruth ‘61 & David Ritzert Paul ‘78 & Kelly Rivard Stephen ‘77 & Gwendolyn Rode Donna Rode ‘67 Norma Sue Rode Robert ‘55 & Mary Rollett Bob ‘58 & Mary Lue ‘58 Russler Jessica Sahm Leann ‘82 & Chad Sander Mary Sayle ‘62 Larry & Margaret Schank Julie Schapker ‘86 Marcellus Schapker Scott Schapker ‘06 Mark ‘74 & Sharon ‘75 Schenk Jacob ‘10 & Sara ‘10 Scheu Robert ‘72 & Cathy Schiff Leonard ‘73 & Susan ‘73 Schmitt Lisa ‘80 & Wilfred Schmitt Delores Schmitt ‘69 Katie ‘08 & Alex Schnautz Patrick Schneider Sherilyn ‘80 & Donnie Scott Sydney Seger ‘15 Gerald ‘59 & Patricia ‘68 Seib Jennifer ‘03 & Curt Seib Donald and Louise Seib Donald ‘63 & Kathleen ‘63 Seibert Marian Seibert Jeffrey ‘80 & Suzanne Seng Steven ‘70 & Rosie ‘70 Sitzman Linda ‘65 & Larry Slauenwhite June ‘59 & Paul Smith Kenneth Springer ‘68 St. Philip Church Men’s Club Dustin ‘06 & Mackenzie Stolz Richard Stolz ‘53 Mary ‘59 & Jim Straub Judy Swallows Dava ‘85 & Robert Tenbarge Daniel Tenbarge ‘80 Stephanie Thiel ‘70 Greg & Janet Thomas Judie Thompson ‘60 Sharon Thompson ‘65 James ‘66 & Margaret Tomes Dan ‘60 & Katie ‘60 Townsend Lindsey Wagner ‘03 Doris Wahl ‘59 Holly ‘94 & Jeffrey Wahr Georgia Wallar ‘56 James ‘53 & Bonita Wannemuehler

Larry ‘57 & Linda ‘59 Wannemuehler Wilfred ‘55 & Anna Wannemueller Jerry ‘68 & Annie Wargel Lynn Wathen ‘80 Matthew ‘00 & Crystal Weber Molly Weber Rose Ann Weidner ‘60 Brian ‘82 & Krista ‘82 Weinzapfel Greg ‘80 & Julie ‘86 Weinzapfel Greg ‘85 & Karen ‘85 Weinzapfel Leroy ‘62 & Diane Weinzapfel Michael Weinzapfel ‘75 Monica Weinzapfel ‘70 Donald ‘61 & Alice ‘63 Weis Jerry ‘58 & Roberta Welch Jeanine ‘77 & Russell Wildeman Kevin ‘84 & Angie Wildeman Louis ‘72 & Margaret Wildeman Eric Wildeman ‘12 Eugene Wilderman ‘59 Trechia Wilkins ‘60 Howard & Cathy Williams Ashley ‘04 & Kirk Willis Janet ‘60 & Tom Wilson Brian ‘68 & Dawn Woehler Jeffrey ‘97 & Sarah ‘97 Woehler Kathleen ‘69 & Kenneth Wolf Gary Wolf ‘67 Joseph Wolf ‘62 Barbara Wolsiefer ‘52 Dorothy Woolems Tina ‘74 & Joseph Wright Megan Wright ‘04 Barbara Zenthoefer ‘59 Rev. Ronald S. Zgunda


Wildcat Class $1-$10 Avery Bender Cora Bender Roberto Corrales Jason Fischer Samuel Hinkle Mary Pountain ‘59 Sharon ‘64 & Larry Stroud


Michael Knapp ‘92, son of Ed and Judy Knapp, was omitted in the original memorial story on Judy Knapp. Annalee (Hildenbrand) Tepool ‘84 MDFAA Board Member should have been recognized with other board members. Tom and Joanie Niemier made $500 donation to the annual fund in December of 2018. 41

Alumni Gifts Class of ‘50 Chair: Marlene (Singer) Weaver Participation: 5.3% Walter Folz Barbara (Goebel) Kent Joan (Martin) Preske Richard Preske Marlene (Singer) Weaver Class of ‘51 Chair: Eileen (Berendes) Will Participation: 9% Margaret (Nunning) Basden Gloria (Heneisen) Carter Patricia (Steckler) Jackson Charles Lindenschmidt Dorothy (Hertel) Niemeier William Niemeier Mary (Miles) Reising Wilbur Rembold Eileen (Berendes) Will Class of ‘52 Chair: Doris (Mayer) Dewig Participation: 11.6% Ronald Browning Doris (Mayer) Dewig Rita (Jarvis) Eades Leonard Gansman Betty (Kempf) Hartz Joseph May Donald Mayse Margie (Rollett) Orman Harold Steckler Leo Weinzapfel Barbara (Deever) Wolsiefer Class of ‘53 Chair: Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Participation: 11% Robert Behme Madelyn (Nunning) Eickhoff Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Herman Hartweck Ruby (Seib) Koressel Roger Lehr Rita (Wink) Lurker

Bertha (Bauer) Michelini Charles Niemeier Mary Patricia (Brenner) Orth Marvin Preske Charlene Scales Richard Stolz George Titzer James Wannemuehler Robert Weber Class of ‘54 Chair: Norma (Simpson) Duncan Participation: 7.6% Mary (Busch) Berendes Carolyn (Winiger) Combs Clara (Nurrenbern) David Norma (Simpson) Duncan Francis Folz Harold Kempf Kathleen (Miller) Marrs Donald Metzler Richard Paul Martha (Becker) Pokorney William Reine Herman Schapker Class of ‘55 Chair: Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Participation: 12.7% Gilbert Adler William Baumgartner Patricia (Wolf) Egbert Rita (Patry) Eykamp Patricia (Dillman) Paul Hirsch Wilma (Rexing) Kain John Kern Rose Kuhn John Lorber Margie (Hamilton) Madigan Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Thomas Niemeier Madonna (Muensterman) Preske Thomas Preske John Rebstock Robert Rollett Evelyn (Koester) Schickel

Martha (Weinzapfel) Schmitt Peggy (Reynolds) Schneider Ronald Schnepper Curtis Seib Wilfred Wannemueller Al Weinzapfel Darlene (Berendes) Weinzapfel Class of ‘56 Chair: Ann (Rollett) Schneider Participation: 12.4% Joseph Bassemier Mary Lee (Blume) Bassemier Justin Clements Terry Crane Judy (Knapp) Eskew Delores (Krack) Folz Thomas Folz RobertFroehle Donald Haller Thomas Hamilton † Joseph Hatfield Robert Koch Robert J. Koch † Larry Lutz Mary (Toelle) Lutz Carolyn (Schmitt) Mueller Bernard Nunning Marilyn (Bumb) Reibel Elaine (Weber) Schmits Ann (Rollett) Schneider Judith (Blackman) Seib Donald Steckler Robert Wagner Georgia Wallar ‘56 Gil Wannemuehler Robert Weinzapfel Judith (Goergen) Zivanovic Class of ‘57 Participation: 13% Richard Baehl Colleen (Adams) Behme Anna (Muensterman) Burdette Norma (Folz) Carp Shirley (Martin) Daley

Rita (Rettig) Elpers Robert Hamilton Joan (Fuchs) Hansen Kenneth Hartlein Carolyn Kuhn Carol (Goebel) Lantaff Mary Jane (Weinzapfel) Little Carl Massey Virginia (Baumgart) Miller Harold Morris Edwin Rehrman Richard eib Larry Wannemuehler Robert Weber Mary Ann (Folz)Weinzapfel James Werner Carol Witmeier † Class of ‘58 Chair: Paul Baehl Participation: 13.7% David Baehl Paul Baehl Mariann Baumgartner Mary Jane (Gries) Bradley Ronald Brown Mary (Smith) Decamps Robert Elfreich Dale Hillenbrand Walter Jankowski William Killebrew Jack Kinsler Charles Knapp Mary (Wannemuehler) Knapp John Meredith Mary Kay (Koch) Muehlbauer Julia (Blaser) Payne Marilyn (Elpers) Poag LeRoy Prange Bob Russler Mary Lou (Neale) Russler Jerome Schapker Rhema (Karran) Spencer Stephen Sullivan Ronald Tepool Mary Jane (Morris) Thomas Gail (Brack) Titzer Betty (Flamion) Weinzapfel Jerry Welch Judith Wolf Whitney Martha (Moers) Wilson Class of ‘59 Chair: Edward Knapp Lawrence Kremer Daniel Norman Stephen Sanford

Participation: 15.8% Beverly (Raley) Behme Shirley (Adler) Clements Margaret (Tunhumberg) Effinger Sally (Moser) Elfreich Sharon (Hoffman) Ellis Larry Haller John Hamilton Patricia (Kokie) Hartz Chester Jost Patricia (Fitzsimmons) Jost Janice (Ziegler) Killian Edward Knapp Michael Kormelink Lawrence Kremer Rosalie (Gries) Massey Donald Mayer Janice (Richardt) Morris Patricia (Miller) Novack Sue (Hosick) Ochsner Carolyn (Hayden) Pearce Mary (Spalding) Pountain Gerald Powell Kathleen (Clements) Powell Linda (Behme) Rheinlander Robert Rheinlander Joyce (Goebel) Rhoades Stephen Sanford Richard Scheller Phyllis (Brown) Schenk Emilie (Hollingsworth) Seib Gerald Seib June (Weinzapfel) Smith Mary (Niemeier) Straub Judith (Kennedy) Timberlake Shirley (Diehl) Ubelhor Doris (Hollander) Wahl Carolyn (Greminger) Waller Marshall Waller Linda (Schmitt) Wannemuehler Eugene Wilderman Barbara (Braun) Zenthoefer Class of ‘60 Chair: Judy (Seibert) Knapp † Participation: 19.5% Kenneth Adler Imogene (Elpers) Baehl Jeri (French) Barchet William Barthel Cherie Berendes Maurice Berendes Larry Boots † Jack Corn Francis Elpers

Suzanne (Eberhard) Emge John Emrich V. Ray Funke David Gerteisen Jerry Gries Pamela (Heathcotte) Gries Judy (Eisterhold) Griffin Carolyn (Emge) Griffin Eileen (Will) Haase Carol (Nurrenbern) Haller Bonnie (Fehrenbacher) Hartmann Paul Hartmann Patricia (Muensterman) Hasenour Yvonne (Goebel) Hausmann Rosalie (Steckler) Hirsch Mary Jo (Abernathy) Huff Martin Hutchison Harold Jenkins Eugene Kempf Carole (Zeggling) Kinsler Clarence Kirby Judy (Seibert) Knapp † Carolyn (Clements) Kormelink DiAnne (Stevens) Kremer Martha (Conen) Kuester JoAnn (Bruce) Layman Bernette (Wildeman) Locklar Stephen Logel Shirley (Kuester) McDowell Tom Memmer James Mosby Helen (Feulner) Perkins Edward Schemel Leroy Schenk Alvin Schmitt Betty (Wink) Steckler Mary (Thompson) Sullivan Judie (Cardwell) Thompson Dan Townsend Katie (Miller) Townsend Carol (Jost) Wagner Rose Ann (Arnold) Weidner Trechia (Mohr) Wilkins Carolyn (Koch) Williams Janet (Ziliak) Wilson Class of ‘61 Chair: Gary Pierre Participation: 14.1% Ronald Adams Mary Jo (Folz) Bacon Kathleen (Dunn) Barthel Charles Bone Jo Marie (Wolf) Charlson Stephen Charlson Joseph Culley


Robert Doerr Helen (Mann) Ellspermann George Folz Gene Folz Betty (Weyer) Geiser Eugene Gries Donna (Miller) Hamilton Joan (Elfreich) Hartlein Jennie (Buckman) Head David Herrmann Richard Jarboe Nelson Jorgensen Barbara (Tieken) Lindenschmidt Dolores (Rexing) Masterson Nancy (Vowels) Mattingly Patricia (Miller) O’Risky Gary Pierre Beatrice (Slaughter) Purcell R. Joseph Rettig Ruth (Gries) Ritzert Alice (Knapp) Strassweg John Wargel James Weinzapfel Donald Weis Class of ‘62 Chair: Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman Participation: 14.8% Leo Alvey Eugene Baumgart Earl Becher Alan Braun Stephen Braun Eric Choate Cornelius Elpers David Fechtmeister Norma (Goebel) Fischer Daniel Horstman Patricia (Morris) Krack Mary (Reine) Lawrence Mary Kae (Kunz) Lehman Michael Moore Susan (Koressel) Pierre Barbara (Kolb) Price Judy (Boehman) Reisinger Stephen Reisinger Mary (Baumgart) Sayle Eugene Spahn Suzanne (Sursa) Stieler Eugene Weber Leroy Weinzapfel Joseph Wolf Class of ‘63 Chair: Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Participation: 15.9% Marian (Folz) Alvey

Martha (Wannemuehler) Baehl Sylvia (Berendes) Baehl Claudette (Allison) Becher Betty (Royalty) Belcher David Brenner Joseph Dippel Ronald Englert David Fehrenbacher Henry Folz Roberta (Frey) Gibbs Raymond Gries Donald Gries Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Sandra (Schutte) Hatfield Francis Miller, Jr. Cheryl (Adams) Raleigh Donald Seibert Kathleen (Townsend) Seibert Edward Steinkamp JoAnn (Mayer) Weber Sandra (Runau) Weinzapfel Alice (Martin) Weis Larry Ziegler Class of ‘64 Chair: Ronald Angermeier Janice (Goebel) Schuble Participation: 14.2% Jan (Miller) Adler Ronald Angermeier Maurice Baumgart Sharon ( Fehrenbacher) Baumgart Richard Bippus Virgil Brenner Diana (Stephens) Dippel W. Randolph Ellspermann Alan Feldhaus Darlene (Folz) Goebel Gary Herrmann Carolyn (Gries) Hutchison Donald Hutchison Fernando Jimenez Berta (Parravicini) Kares Allan Knapp † Ronald Mesker Betty (Becher) Postletheweight Patrick Riley Barbara (Kempf) Ritzert Clarence Scheller Betty (Happel) Schenk Patricia (Goedde) Scheu Danny Schmitt Janice (Goebel) Schuble Janet (Wolf) Spahn Sharon (Hillenbrand) Stroud Peter Tennyson David Williamson

Class of ‘65 Chair: Carol (Oliver) Goedde Participation: 16.5% Steven Adams Carolyn (Herrmann) Adler Ronald Bacon Steven Blankenberger Thomas Borries Jerome Brenner Judith (Hamilton) Dickman Stanton Elfreich David Ellison Lynne (Oliver) Embry Patrick Freeman Kathy (Will) Funke Andrew Goebel Carol (Oliver) Goedde Larry Goedde Janette (Duncan) Gries Kathy (Lintzenich) Halbig James Hausmann Michael Higdon Paul Koch Cheryl Martin Joyce (Berendes) McDurmon Stephen Moore Madonna (Raben) Niemeier Norbert Niemeier Stephen Niemeier Donald Render Kenneth Rexing Rita (Schenk) Rexing Gary Schutte Linda (Underhill) Slauenwhite Sharon (Schutte) Thompson Richard Wargel Darrel Whiting Charles Wildeman Barbara (Wolf) Winstead Dianne (Hoefling) Wunderlich Gary Wunderlich Class of ‘66 Chair: Rebecca (Boots) Maier Participation: 14.6% Margaret (Bradley) Angermeier James Beyer Donna (Angermeier) Cassin Thomas Cook Larry Feldhaus Butch Feulner Steven Gerteisen William Hausmann Robert Hisch Rosemarie (Schneider) Horstman Ronald Jenkins Ann (Logel) Johnston 45

Louise (Spindler) Kiesler David Koressel Linda (Paul) Koressel JoAnn Laugel Kathleen Newton-Lewis Rebecca (Boots) Maier Linda Mesker Rita (Morneweg) Moore Davidl Nurrenbern David Reising Daniel Reisinger Christopher Siemers Ruth Ann (Craig) Stonecipher John Stratman Gerald Tieken James Tomes Robert Wathen Cynthia (Cartwright) Williams Janet (Rush) Witmeier Kathleen (Emge)Wittgen Class of ‘67 Chair: Barbara (Tevault) Moore Kathleen (Tighe) Griese Participation: 13.1% David Baumgart James Borries Russell Borst Jonna (Hagan) Brenner Sharon (Lutz) Carlton Terry Carlton Michael Ellert Rita Goebel Mike Greulich Fred Gries Judy (Fehrenbacher) Gries Kathleen (Tighe) Griese Jane (Schmitt) Herr Danny Kares Linda (Weiss) Knapp Thomas Knapp Joyce (Mesker) Koch Charles Martin Rebecca (Deig) Martin Paul Mayer Nancy (Morrow) Mayer Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB Barbara (Tevault) Moore Bernard Rietman Donna (Simon) Rode Nancy (Happe) Scheller Janet (Mallory) Siemers Paul Stewart Stanley Weber Michael Wolf Gary Wolf

Class of ‘68 Chair: Judy (Englert) Knapp Participation: 14.6% Jo Lynn (Franks) Adams Jane (Schenk) Baumgart Mary Jo (Hoefling) Borst Tony Goebel Charles Goebel Janice (Tieken) Herr Carl Horstman Linda (Simon) Kares Paul Kelsey Jerome Knapp Judith (Englert) Knapp Philip Kohut Carol (Fischer) Laymon Michael Martin Joyce (Schenk) Messersmith Donald Moore Janie (Beyer) Moore C. Phillip Raben Janet (Muensterman) Reidford Kenneth Rietman David Schmitt Patricia (Neumann) Seib Kenneth Springer Doris (Paul) Taylor Jerry Wargel Michael Weber Dennis Wilderman Kenneth Will Brian Woehler Class of ‘69 Chair: Paul “PJ” Jourdan Participation: 7.8% Donna (Hoffman) Anspach Diane (Schu) Babcock Frank Buerger James Butler Michael Forche John Hamilton Paul Jourdan Charles Koressel Joyce Macke Karen (WIlderman) Mischel Sharon (Schenk) Muensterman Sandy (Baechle) Raben Charles Rexing Delores Schmitt Kathleen (Schenk) Wolf Class of ‘70 Chair: Wayne Emge Jerome Kirchoff Participation: 16.9%

ANONYMOUS Kathy (Koressel) Brendel John Buckman Betty (Mesker)Cummings Suzanne Crouch Richard Elpers Wayne Emge James Fechtmeister Mark Fehrenbacher Donna (Herrell) Fischer Joseph Fischer Linda (Mull) Folz Michael Goebel Robert Harrison Randall Jochim Vickie (McCallister) Kane Jerome Kirchoff Mary Jo (Herrmann) Kirchoff Nancy (Guetling) Lassiter Suzanna (Sanderson) Martin Richard Miller Dennis Niemeier Karen (Long) O’Bryan Sharon (Mesker) Ripplemeier Darlene (Nix) Robinson David Robinson Lucia (Fechtmeister) Schenk Kathy Schenk Albert C. Schmitt Rosie (Wolf) Sitzman Steven Sitzman Stephanie Thiel Kathryn (Helfrich) Verkamp Jalane (Relleke) Weber Monica Weinzapfel Class of ‘71 Chair: Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Participation: 14.1% Jack Alles Jane (Weinzapfel) Antes Sheri Barron Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer Debbie (Holland) Brenner Ronald Brenner Paul Brugger Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Mary Kay (Jarboe) Fehrenbacher Robert Fehrenbacher Nancy (Spahn) Fischer Robert Fischer Beverly (Martin) Gish Karen (Metz) Goebel Thomas Goebel Cecilia (Weis) Kuester

Kenneth Mesker Donald Montgomery Jane (Schapker) Mossberger Cindy Nemer Stan Niemeier Connie (Antry) Nord Sandra (Lutz) Schmitt James Schroeder Dave Schutte Tina (Alcorn) Schutte Terry Stumpf Mary Jane (Schele) Weber Class of ‘72 Chair: Susan (Wildeman) Lutz Participation: 15.3% Ira Gerard Boots Terry (Seib) Boots Diane (Dunkel) Buskavitz Phyllis (Kruse) Corn Marcia (Jost) Frey Steven Frey Amy (Conkling) Hisch Lisa (Vescovi) Kohl Theresa (Kohut) Lintzenich Ron Luigs Susan (Wildeman) Lutz John Moers Mary Jo (Weinzapfel) Musgrave Sandra (Schenk) Raley Robert Schiff Bobbie (Grotius) Schutz Sharon (Schapker) Strader Patricia (Kempf) Tenbarge Eugene Wannemuehler Robert Waterman Louis Wildeman Gerald Wolf Class of ‘73 Chair: James Dewig Participation: 8.3% Barbara (Simpkins) Angermeier Paul Angermeier Curtis Baumgart Linda (Macke) Denstorff Marilyn (Mesker) Dressel Stephen Dunkel Steven Eickhoff Randy Helfrich David Jochem Robert Ludwig Sara (Scheller) Luigs Karen Lukeman Donna (Gries) McDonald Jan (Reising) Oliver Blaine Oliver

Leonard Schmitt Susan (Seibert) Schmitt Steven Whitman Susan (Drake) Wolf Class of ‘74 Chair: Daniel Gutzweiler Participation: 13.8% Lawrence Blankenberger Jeana (Gilles) Campbell Rebecca (Kirchoff) Dosher Rebecca (Anslinger) Fuchs Virginia (Koressel) Gaul Patricia (Schutte) Harding Rebecca (Schapker) Helfrich Randall Hupfer Michael Koressel Timothy Krack Gary Lannert Letha (Rapp) Lannert Vicki McCracken Russell Miller Joyce (London) Moers Carol (Spahn) Neisen MaDonna (Goedde) Niemeier Lauralee (Jost) Paulson David Schapker Mark Schenk Roberta (Helfrich) Weinzapfel Michele (Kohut) Wildeman Tina (Boots) Wright Class of ‘75 Chair: Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Participation: 12.5% Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Ted Barron Janet (Bauer) Correa Martha (Horstman) Bohleber Brenda (Goedde) Born Cherie (Nemer) Burgdorf Patrick Debes Kathy (Baumgart) DeHaven Lisa (Eickhoff) Fleming Julie Gilles Barbara (Griggs) Griepenstroh Karen (Marrs) Hinderliter Rebecca (Hilakos) Johnson Kenneth Miller Rhonda (Wildeman) Schenk Kenneth Schenk Sharon (Bell) Schenk Karla (Kercher) Solis Matthew Wannemuehler Pam (Guetling) Wannemuehler Dan Weinzapfel Michael Weinzapfel

Class of ‘76 Chair: Steven Schapker James Will Jr. Participation: 12.1% Sherri (Fehrenbacher) Adler Gary Alles Julie (Reibel) Arafeh Patti (Scheller) Beaty Jeffrey Hayden Donna (Helfrich) Stucke Lisa (Stevenson) Henderson Debbie (Muensterman) Jochim Steve Kercher Michelle (May) Krack Kathryn (Buedel) Lemond Joan (Dippel) McCord Gene Mesker Debby Paul Steven Schapker Mark Schentrup Mary Ann (Lambert) Schentrup Mark Schiff Tracy (Lappe) Sparks James Will Class of ‘77 Chair: Robert Scheller Sara Ellert Participation: 11.8% Jeffrey Buckman Daniel Dick Sara Ellert Keith Hartz Donna (Kercher) Holm Karen (Laib) Johnson Daniel Lappe Kent Reddington Timothy Richardt Stephen Rode Janet (Seib) Schapker Robert Scheller Brian Schenk Karen (Weiss) Schenk Timothy Schenk Cynthia (Stratman) Thames Roger Wathen Jeanine (Gossman) Wildeman Jeffery Wolf Class of ‘78 Chair: Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Participation: 8.2% Pamela (Richter) Ambrose Susan (Werner) Best Erin (Drake) Born Michael Gossman


George Hollander Ruth (Muensterman) Muller Jeffry Niemeier Paul Rivard John Schneider Angela (McDermott) Short Joseph Tenbarge Natalie (Steinkamp) Wathen Gary Wink Janet (Clements) Wink Class of ‘79 Chair: Patricia (Rollett) Will Participation: 7.6% Anonymous Michele (Weinzapfel) Fleming John Greaney Barbara (Spaetti) Hartz Michael Kempf Joseph Koressel Jeanne (Dewig) Mesker Kevin Mischler Karen (Keffenberger) Schenk Carl Schmitt Theresa (Goebel) Weber Kurt Weinzapfel Mary (Weinzapfel) Wilder Class of ‘80 Chair: Michael Goedde Daniel Niemeier Participation: 15% Terence Alvey Jane (Seibert) Balbach Timothy Boots Cheryl (Lagenour) Cobb Richard Fischer Michael Goedde Randy Hertel Wade Hickam Catherine (Hertel) Kapp Shari (Allison) Kempf Daniel Niemeier Laura (Tenbarge) Niemeier Cathy (Wedding) Norman Laura (Eickhoff) Reddington Paul Reising Linda (Baehl) Russell Lawrence Schentrup Lisa (Bittner) Schmitt Vincent Schu Sherilyn (Knapp) Scott Jeffrey Seng Daniel Tenbarge Lynn Wathen Greg Weinzapfel Mark Weinzapfel David Wildeman

Class of ‘81 Chairs: Mark Herrmann Michelle (Folz) Herrmann Participation: 6.3% Jean (Bradley) Alvey Sara (Castleman) Fischer Mark Herrmann Michelle (Folz) Herrmann David Hoefling Denise (Wenzel) Hunt Susan (Duncan) Kercher Mark Knowles Joseph Kohut Jane (Siemers) Weinzapfel Rebecca (Bender) Weinzapfel Class of ‘82 Chair: Deedee Eickhoff Amy (Klenk) Tenbarge Participation: 7.1% Clay Allison John Dewig Patrick Kempf Edward Lappe Donna (Koressel) Martin Jeffrey Martin Joseph Mischler Leann (Will) Sander Mary (Ellert) Scheller Julia (Little) Schu David Stocker Brian Weinzapfel Krista (Grossman) Weinzapfel Stan Weinzapfel Class of ‘83 Chair: Darin Vincent Boots Kathy (Goedde) Boots Participation: 8.3% Steven Anslinger William Basden D. Vincent Boots Kathy (Goedde) Boots Donna (Wannemuehler) Folz Daniel Haller Karen (Rheinlander) Hamilton Brian Johns Lorri (Riordan) Lappe Bernard Mayer Richard Niemeier Sheri (Dezember) Powers Barbara (Deeg) Raben Jon Raben Michael Walker Class of ‘84 Chair: Jeff Happe Participation: 10.6%

Teri (Hollander) Albin Denise (Purcell) Allison ANONYMOUS Jennifer (Embry) Braun Nicholas Braun Amy (Stocker) Brennan J.D. Fleck Nina (Ploch) Flittner Julie (Haller) Forcum Jeff Happe Dean Happe Tony Marx Robert Mead Karen (Gossman) Nguyen Brad Schnur Mark Weinzapfel Shari (Drury) Weinzapfel Kevin Wildeman Class of ‘85 Chairs: Chris Goebel Jeanene (Happe) Goebel Participation: 12.4% Joseph Berendes Chris Goebel Jeanene (Happe) Goebel Ann (Rode) Harper Edward Knapp Jackie (Smith) Knapp Darin Knight Eric Kohut Stanley Memmer Keith Reising LaChere (Anslinger) Rexing Alan Schaffstein Mark Seng Sarah (Macke) Sing Dava (Lappe) Tenbarge Kathleen Wannemuehler Dennis Wannemuehler Greg Weinzapfel Karen (Riordan) Weinzapfel Melba (Schapker) Wilderman Philip Will Class of ‘86 Chair: Kelly (Elpers) Pennington Participation: 8.8% Keri (Pender) Anslinger Theresa (Lamble) Berendes Shawn Corcoran Kenneth Deeg Tricia (Hollander) Henning Wendy (Guetling) Marx Christopher Naas Kelly (Elpers) Pennington Julie (Johns) Schapker Matthew Ubelhor

Julie (Jerger) Weinzapfel Jody (Fulton) Wilmes Class of ‘87 Chair: Kevin Hausman Participation: 5.9% Lesley (Will) Bertrand John Goebel Scott Goedde Susan (Jarboe) Loftus Mark Messal Robert Muensterman Joe Weis Jamie Wicks Class of ‘88 Chair: Natalie (Tindle) Reidford Participation: 5.1% Trina (Julow) Doepker Miranda (Knapp) Graham Eric Gries Rick Lamble Todd Lehman Brent Neitzke Lisa (Barnes) Reising James Stratman Natalie (Mayer) Weis Paul Weis Class of ‘89 Chair: Craig Goedde Participation: 5.8% Rebecca (Jerger) Deeg Bridget (Boots) Dickerson Andrea (Brenner) Greaney Timothy Hollander Melanie (Seib) Jarrell Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg James Pierre Lori (Messal) Pierre Lee Rodenberg Class of ‘90 Participation: 7.3% Larry Beard Brian Elpers Julie (Hertel) Goodin Jason Hamilton Darin Jackson Rebecca (Seib) Jackson Marti (Luigs) Knight Jennifer (Barnett) Lamble Chad Sandwell Kiley Van Bibber Class of ‘91 Participation: 8.7% Melanie (Schemel) Blanton Kristen (Carter) Folz Matthew Folz

Lisa (Wargel) Forzley Steven Greulich Joe Herrmann Brett McDurmon Jennifer McDurmon Kevin Moore Todd Niemeier Alexandra Rodman Phillip Stolz Eric Turner Class of ‘92 Chair: Valorie (Hirsch( Dassel Participation: 8.3% Kimberly (Baehl) Collins Eric Folz Brian Gerth Brian Hertel Heather (Maier) Hertel Duane Maurer Kelly (Moore) Messal Aaron Schapker James Townsend Michael Weber Class of ‘93 Chair: Gina Goedde Participation: 10% Jay Adams Sarah (Hutchison) Adams Jennifer (Freeman) Folz Gina Goedde Kevin Gries Craig Miller Bradley Raben Beau Shumate Daniel Townsend ‘93 Melissa (Spahn) Van Bibber Jennifer (Knapp) Vaughn Timothy Voelker J. Brian Wilkey Class of ‘94 Chair: Jason “Jake” Martin Participation: 11.7% Farrah (Maddox) Beard Aaron Couture Tony Fehrenbacher Kati (Olinger) Hagerty Natalie (Folz) Maasberg Jason Martin Jacob Mayer Kari (Rainey) Mayer Erin (Carter) Moore Jennifer (Spahn) Sieben Kiersten (Wathen) Stolz Robyn (Shirk) Tucker Stacey (Stonecipher) Turner Julianna (Moore) Voelker

Holly (Moore) Wahr Craig Wunderlich Philip Zenthoefer Class of ‘95 Chair: Ingrid (Maier) Stratman Participation: 5.6% Melanie (Buchanan) Denning Kevin Farmer Andrew Hart Jeffrey McDurmon Megan (Conner) Russo James Schroeder Ingrid (Maier) Stratman Class of ‘96 Chair: Andrea (Boots) Baumann Participation: 6.8% Andrea (Boots)l Baumann Matthew Bohleber Lisa (Baumgart) Farmer Jill (Spahn) Moser Roger Nurrenbern James Schiff Amy (Lehman) Schroeder Sara (Knapp) Sexton Anthea (Knapp) Turner Class of ‘97 Chair: Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Participation: 10.3% Amanda (Bailey) Bohleber Melissa (Fehrenbacher) Chandler Peter Fehrenbacher Michael Halbig Lori (Bittner) Jones Jeremy Kiesel Libby (Olinger) Kiesel Brian Knapp Jennifer (Schili) Knight Nicholas Knight Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Ann ‘(Weber) Muehlbauer Andrew Niemeier Kristi (Niemeier) Schaefer Mathew Schenk Casi (Jost) Schiff Jeffrey Woehler Sarah (Kempf) Woehler Christina (Regel) Wunderlich Class of ‘98 Chair: Natalie (Emge) Sandefur Jamie (Reese) Schiff Participation: 5.6% Brandon Boots Jeremy Herrmann 49 Neil Kassenbrock

Rebecca (Reising) Keplinger Jarrod Luigs Dustin Lannert Jessica (Scheu) Martin Greg Schaefer Jeremy Musgrave Ryan Scheu Kari (Lottes) Parsons Aaron Reckelhoff Class of ‘99 Logan Riggs Chair: Joshua Hodge Jacob Schiff Participation: 4.7% Nathaniel Stratman Lucas Angermeier Class of ‘03 Alicia (Wilderman) Elpers Chair: Patrick Fehrenbacher David Hisch Joshua Hodge Participation: 7.9% Brian Luigs David Altstadt Anna (Ruggles) Luigs Megan (Parkinson) Altstadt Audrey (Hinderliter) Niemeier Kelsey (Veeck) Calderone Angela Reckelhoff Patrick Fehrenbacher Holly (Sparks) Jahn Class of ‘00 Joseph Kiesler Chair: Matthew Weber Anna (Koester) Kunkel Participation: 8.2% David Lappe Adam Adler Mary (Nelson) Peckenpaugh Carrie (Goebel) Boehman Jennifer (Lasher) Seib Jacob Boehman Lindsey Wagner Jennifer (Reffett) Fehrenbacher Nathan Weinzapfel Zachary Fehrenbacher Class of ‘04 Mitch Happe Chair: Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu Jessica (Adler) Kassenbrock John Kiefer Eric Reffett James Kissel Participation: 7.0% Jennifer (Steinkamp) Kollker Raymond Goebel M. Andrew Lannert Katie (Roberts) Gretler Jake Tucker Matthew Halbig Matthew Weber Andrew Nurrenbern Nick Weinzapfel Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu Jacob Weis Eric Stoltz William Wayne Class of ‘01 Ashley (Adler) Willis Chair: Rachel (Wright) Meeks Megan Wright Participation: 7.4% Class of ‘05 Jeffrey Anslinger Chair: Jenna (Denstorff) Kunkler Nicholas Austin Scott Herrmann Participation: 5.4% Keith Herrmann Jeremy Coomes Jason Kuester Allison (Mesker) Garrard Kathryn (Wannemuehler) Lannert Cory Goebel Albert Schmitt Rachel (Luigs) Goebel Lindsay (Jost) Schmitt Jacob Herrmann Benjamin Verkamp Katherine (Goebel) Herrmann Jessica (King) Wallace Emily (Shetler) Nurrenbern Joel Werner Tara (Elpers) Wayne Nathan Wildeman Class of ‘06 Class of ‘02 Chair: Natalie Fleming Chair: Jennifer (Mesker) Dyhrkopp Laura (Mesker) Stolz Participation: 8.3% Participation: 7.7% Lacy (Haller)Bender Penny Appler Allison (Moll) Frounfelter Alexa (Jost) Bittner Matthew Kiefer Tyler Bittner Blake Kollker Natalie Fleming

Nathan Hassler Benjamin Lasher Matthew Loehrlein Elyse (Kraft) Niemeier Andrew Niemeier Robin (Fehrenbacher) Rosbrugh Scott Schapker Kayley (Will)Simmons Laura (Mesker) Stoltz Dustin Stolz Jake Weinzapfel Class of ‘07 Chair: Hannah (Boots) Kirkman Participation: 4.6% Ann (Weber) Carlisle Lauren (Niemeier) Grossman Mallory (Goebel) Hertel Kyle Hertel Megan (Ziliak) Jarman Hannah (Boots) Kirkman Jenna (Adler) Phelps Jordan Phelps Class of ‘08 Chair: Emily (Tenbarge) Schnapf Participation: 5.5% Kelsey (Harpenau) Austin Brett Bueltel Sara (Weinzapfel) Bueltel Jacob Edwards Jessie (Buskavitz) Edwards Kurtis Goebel Reid Grossman Bradley Niemeier Kathryn (Reddington) Niemeier Adam Ruggles Katie (Dockery) Schnautz Class of ‘09 Chair: Krista (Carter) Kercher Johnny Kercher Participation: 3.7% Katelyn (Niemeier) Behrman Megan Blankenberger Margaret (Hurm) Carnahan Jerad Eickhoff Martha Reising Class of ‘10 Chair: Jessica (Kempf) Snyder Participation: 5.4% Ryan Bassemier Faith (Slaton)Byland Cara Harris Jacob Scheu Sara (Blankenberger) Scheu Megan Schneider Weston Tenbarge

Rachel (Rexing) Thacker Class of ‘11 Chair: Kristen Cox Participation: 1.6% Chelsea Emmert Adam Wilmes Class of ‘12 Chair: Katie (Wildeman) Hess Participation: 2.2% Cody Hess Kathryn (Wildeman) Hess Benjamin Niemeier Eric Wildeman Class of ‘13 Chair: Cooper Mayer Participation: 2.4% Adam Berendes Beth Fischer Nathan Wright Class of ‘14 Chair: Kayle (Schoettlin) Choate Participation: 2.5% Laura Berendes Nolan Goebel Kyle Haas

Class of ‘15 Chair: Isaac Memmer Participation: 3.7% Ashton Forzley Logan McCann Sydney Seger Megan Wildeman Class of ‘17 Chair: Elizabeth Seng Participation: .8% Grace McCann Class of ‘18 Chair: Abbey Chapman Participation: .7% Jack Berendes ‘18 Class of ‘19 Participation: .7% Carmen Hertel


Matt Zeller - Class of ‘09 • Tim Zeller - Class of ‘83

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Endowments Edward A. Arnold Education Endowment

Butch and Linda Feulne Mater Dei Fund

Reverend Raymond Kuper Fund for Excellence

Pat and Beth Blankenberger Family Endowment

Fifth Third Education Endowment

Monsignor William Lautner Endowment

Ira Gerard and Theresa Boots Educational Endowment

Bishops Catholic High School Endowment MDHS

Little Flower Society Endowment

Ira Joseph and Dorothy Jane Boots Family Endowment

Andrew and Darlene Goebel Financial Aid for Mater Dei High School

Jack and Ann MacGregor Endowment

Borries Family Endowment

Joe and Patricia Gossman Endowment

Jerry and Charlotte Macgregor Family Endowment

Reverend Raymond Brenner Endowment

Michelle Diane Greenwell Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association Endowment

Jerry and Cherie Burgdorf Endowment

Robert and Judy Griffin Charitable Endowment

Mater Dei Health and Science Institute Endowment

CEF Endowment for Tuition Assistance

Hamilton/Miller Mater Dei High School Endowment

Mater Dei Operating Endowment

Shirley and Justin Clements Music Endowment

Jeff and Leanne Happe Endowment

Mater Dei High School Science and Technology Endowment

Bart J. Crecco Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Theresa and William Helfrich Endowment

Mater Dei Teachers Education Endowment

Mary Jane Muensterman Dale Endowment

Ron and Kathy Hollander Family Education Endowment

Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment

Rev. William Deering Music Scholarship Endowment

Harold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment Bob King Endowment

Robert M. Miller Endowment

Jim and Doris Dewig Endowment Randall J Dick Science Endowment George and Bette Duncan Education Endowment Mike and Clarita Ellert Endowment


Seibert-Knapp Family Endowment Patricia Koch Family Education Endowment Dianne and Larry Kremer Educational Endowment

Dan and Laura Niemeier Endowment James A. Niemeier Wrestling Fund Endowment Tom and Joan Niemeier Family Endowment Sr. Victoria Pohl Education Endowment

Richard P. and Betty J. Preske Family Endowment Rex Mundi Continuing Catholic Education Endowment Dave and Darlene Robinson Robert and Rosemary Rooney Family Endowment

Kyle Weis Memorial Endowment for Education Dolores and Leonard Will, Sr. Endowment John and Marian Witting Scholarship Endowment Fund

Donald and Patricia Rupprecht Mater Dei High School Endowment

Louie Wittmer Nursing and Medical Education Endowment For Mater Dei

Bob and Mary Lue Russler Mater Dei High School Scholarship

Jeff and Debbie Marx Endowment

Bob and Mary Lue Russler Tuition Assistance Endowment Walter and Irene Ruston Nursing and Education for Mater Dei Walter and Irene Ruston T uition Assistance Education Endowment Allen E. Schmitt ‘62 Endowment Jack and Kate Siemers Family Education Endowment Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Endowment

Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Endowment Joseph T. and Mary Jane Theby Scholarship Thomas Tighe Tennis Scholarship Endowment Robert J. and Judy Decker Wargel STEM Endowment Al and Darlene Weinzapfel James A. and Sandra S. Weinzapfel in memory of Matthew J. and Olivia C. Weinzapfel Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment


Honor Of In Honor of Andrew Goebel: South Central Incorporated Seibert- Knapp Endowment: Ed & Jackie Knapp Kate Siemers - Happy 93rd Birthday: Chris and Janet Siemers Father Ed and his dedicated service to Mater Dei and Catholic Education: Rev. Ronald Zgunda In Honor of the Class of 2020: Kenneth and Rebecca Deeg - Allison Deeg ‘20 Michael and Jeana Walker - Dalton Walker ‘20 Martha Reising - her little brother Judy Swallows - Madeline Swallows ‘20 Brad and Tara Schnur - Ethan Schnur ‘20 Celebrating Bailey Schnur ‘14 and Ethan Schnur ‘20: Brad and Tara Schnur In Honor of Ellsa and Este Bonnell: Ken and Susie Bonnell





Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP

Koch Foundation, Inc.


Old National Bank

Berry Global Corporation

OneMain Financial

BP Matching Fund Programs

Project Associates, Inc.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

Total Quality Logistics, LLC

Duke Energy Foundation

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc.

Eli Lilly and Company Foundation

UnitedHealth Group

GE Foundation


Memory Of Carl F. & Rosemary Voegel ‘51: Carl and Jean Voegel William L. Kueber ‘66: Kathleen Newton-Lewis William F. Rust: Rita Eades Walter and Betty Folz Sue and Mel Martin In Memory of Eric Choate’62: Mater Dei Class of 1962 In Memory of Judy Knapp ‘60: Charlene Adler Gilbert and Rose Adler Kenneth and Janet Adler Ralph and Sherri Adler Sharon Adler AliveOne Burrows & Helizon Inc Gary and Kim Alles Ron and Margaret Angermeier Daniel and Lila Arvin Larry and Mary Jo Bacon Mickey and Mary Ball Chelsea Barrett Maurice and Cherie Berendes Mike and Martha Bohleber Charles and Carol Bone Ira and Terry Boots Tom and Debbie Borries Cheryl Bowes Ernie and Mary Jane Bradley Earl and Mary Elaine Carter Erik and Melissa Chandler Justin and Shirley Clements Matthew and Lesa Conkling Jack and Phyllis Corn Todd Craig Joe and Cathy Crowder Jack and Karen Cushing Sheila Dale Mike and Cynthia Dattilo


Rita Droste Jim and Rosalie Dunkel Charles and Joan Effinger Sharon and Thomas Ellis Susie and Roger Emge Dave and Kathy Esche Bob and Mary Kay Fehrenbacher Mark and Deborah Fehrenbacher Butch and Linda Feulner Don and Michele Fleming Matt and Kristen Folz Patrick and Jeanne Freeman Greg Geiss Andrew and Darlene Goebel Mike and Melanie Goebel Tony and Zetta Goebel Larry and Carol Goedde Jody and Miranda (Knapp) Graham Joe and Julia Greubel Alvin and Rita Gries Fred and Judy Gries Gene and Sue Gries Jerry and Pam Gries Ralph and Kim Gries Randy and Jennifer Gries Ray and Janette Gries Carolyn Emge Griffin Larry and Carol Haller John and Donna Hamilton Jeff and Leanne Happe Harding, Schymanski & Co., P.S.C. Pat Hartz Ray and Yvonne Hausmann Glenda Hayes Jennie Head James and Janice Herr Joe and Kalyn Herrmann Keith Herrmann Kyle and Mallory Hertel Peter and Connie Hillenbrand Keith and Karen Hinderliter Larry and Rosalie Hirsch Bob and Amy Hisch Josh Hodge

Bill, Kelli, Ken, Corey, Patrick, Kris and the Holland America Group Team William and Mary Jo Huff Connie Elbrink Hulse Don and Carolyn Hutchison Darin and Becky Jackson Thomas and Rebecca Jankowski Brian and Patti Johns David and Ann Johns Chester and Patricia Jost Darlene Keenan Eugene Kempf Ken Kikkawa Jack and Carole Kinsler Carol Kissinger Al Knapp Charlie and Ann Knapp Ed and Jackie Knapp Tom and Linda Knapp Mike and Carolyn Kormelink Larry and DiAnne Kremer Nancy Lassiter JoAnn Layman Mary Lehman Brian and Kay Lewis Jon and Bernette Locklar Ron and Sara Luigs Ed and Becky Maier Myra and Thomas Mariani Carl and Rosalie Massey Dan and Dolores Masterson Mater Dei Class of ‘59 Shirley McDowell Brett and Jennifer McDurmon Joyce McDurmon Nancy Medford Natalia Meneese Marc and Dana Milke and Family Madonna Mitchell Kevin and Erin Moore Steve and Rita Moore Jim and Barb Mosby Hung and Karen Nguyen Stephen and Stephanie Niemeier

Todd and Babs Niemeier Tom and Joanie Niemeier Bryan and Cathy Norman Danielle Norman Lou Ann Norman Thomas and Linda Norton Patricia Novack Jim and Pat O’Risky John Payne Gary and Susan Pierre Jim and Lori Pierre Randy and Margaret Ploch Brenda Poag C. Herb and Myrna Porter Larry and Kathy Powell Phill and Sandy Raben Steve and Janet Reidford Chuck and Bonnie Rexing Brenda Rexing Florence Rexing David and Ruth Ritzert Andrew and Alex Rodman Jessica Sahm The Sanford Family Julie Schapker Dick and Mary Scheller Dick and Lucy Schenk Mark and Sharon Schenk Adam and Jamie Schiff Bob and Cathy Schiff Jake and Katie Schiff Mark and Judy Schiff Albert Schmitt David and Mary Schmitt David and Mary Schmitt Linda Scholly Larry and Janice Schuble Richard and Jane Schulz Jeffrey and Sherri Scott Red and Patty Seib Speedy and Louise Seib Don and Kathleen Seibert Marian Seibert Jeff and Suzanne Seng Marc Seng Family Chris and Janet Siemers Kate Siemers Robin and David Snider and Family Francis and Hilda Spahn John and Tina Spears St. Phillip Church Men’s Club Allen and Martha Steckler Ed and Rita Steinkamp Jack and Alice Strassweg

Jim, Ingrid, Calvin, Wyatt, Nash, and Olivia Stratman Jim and Mary Straub Brian and Maria Elena Thompson Judie Thompson Dan and Katie Townsend Shane and Anthea Turner Brenda Turpin Raymond and Shirley Ubelhor Lindsey Wagner Jerry and Annie Wargel Rose Ann Weidner Brian and Krista Weinzapfel Greg and Julie Weinzapfel Greg and Karen Weinzapfel Mark and Jane Weinzapfel Paul and Natalie Weis Jeff and Michele Wildeman Rusty and Jeanine Wildeman Eileen Will Jim and Karen Will Carlton and Carolyn Williams Tom and Janet Wilson Sam and Connie Woehler Dorothy Woolems Barb Zenthoefer Bob and Rose Zigenfus In Memory of Bob Miller: Kenneth and Janet Adler In Memory of Charlotte MacGregor: Linda and Butch Fuelner Richard and Debra Knight Bob and Mary Scheller In Memory of Jeffrey Schneider: Thomas and Jane Antes Matthew and Kristen Folz Mike and Melanie Goebel James and Arlene Hausmann Benny and Katie Hoehn Velva Kaffenberger Margaret Jean Kruse Robert and Pam Muensterman Todd and Babs Niemeier Bob and Mary Lue Russler Robert and Mary Scheller Larry and Janice Schuble Christopher and Janet Siemers Gerald and Gwen Tenbarge Robert and Patricia Titzer Greg and Julie Weinzapfel Sam and Connie Woehler

In Memory of Charlotte MacGregor: Linda and Butch Fuelner Richard and Debra Knight Bob and Mary Scheller In Memory of Jeffrey Schneider: Thomas and Jane Antes Matthew and Kristen Folz Mike and Melanie Goebel James and Arlene Hausmann Benny and Katie Hoehn Velva Kaffenberger Margaret Jean Kruse Robert and Pam Muensterman Todd and Babs Niemeier Bob and Mary Lue Russler Robert and Mary Scheller Larry and Janice Schuble Christopher and Janet Siemers Gerald and Gwen Tenbarge Robert and Patricia Titzer Greg and Julie Weinzapfel Sam and Connie Woehler In Memory of Frank Will: Ronald and Margaret Angermeier Terry and Angela Stumpf Jim and Karen Will In Memory of Patricia Grannon: Eileen Will In Memory of James Kueber: Mater Dei Class of 1956 In Memory of Father Phil Kreilein, Father Ken Herr, and Father Gordon Mann: Father Ed Schnur In Memory of Margaret Joleen Bequette: Fernando R. and Beatriz Jimenez In Memory of Ronald Rheinlander: Mater Dei Class of 1962 In Memory of Malcolm Winiger: Mater Dei Class of 1962 In Memory of Harold B. Orman: Cindy and Robert Key In Memory of Larry Behme: Steve and Stephanie Niemeier



Memoriam Alumni Lucia Margaret (Will) Carlson ‘64 of Evansville, IN May 31, 2020 Mary (Plump) Goedde ‘64 of Evansville, IN May 17, 2020 Levin Haag ‘02 of Evansville, IN March 13, 2020 Anne Marie Marx ‘57 of Vincennes, IN June 20, 2020 Mark Rexing ‘75 of Evansville, IN June 29, 2020 Ronald Rheinlander ‘62 of Evansville, IN May 16, 2020 Mary Rumage ‘55 of Evansville, IN June 12, 2020 Mary (Weber) Seib ‘62 of Evansville, IN May 19, 2020 William Stocker ‘55 of Evansville, IN June 22, 2020 Judith Stout ‘65 of Henderson, KY June 30, 2020 Connie (Elpers) Tenbarge ‘52 of Haubstadt, IN June 14, 2020 Brenda Wheatley ‘59 of Ocean Springs, MS May 22, 2020 Spouse of Alumni Harold B. Orman of Evansville, IN April 15, 2020 Past Parent Bettye Koressel of Evansville, IN June 11, 2020 Bruce Wheeler of Evansville, IN June 19, 2020




William Rust Of Evansville, January 22, 2020. Bill is survived by his wife of 62 years, Rose (Goebel) Rust ‘52; his children, Michael Rust, Kevin Rust, Gregory Rust and Sarah Sheehan; and his grandchildren. William was a member of St. Philip Catholic Church. William’s family kindly included Mater Dei as a recipient of memorial gifts. Judy Knapp Of Evansville, February 15, 2020. She is survived by her husband and best friend, Edward Knapp ‘59, whom she met at Mater Dei. She is also survived by her children Eddie Knapp ‘85, Miranda Graham ‘88, Alex Rodman ‘91, Michael Knapp ‘92, Anthea Turner ‘96, David Knapp ‘02, their spouses and 20 grandchildren. Judy was a member of St. Philip parish. Her tombstone is simply engraved with “For God, Country, Family and Mater Dei.” Always wearing her signature red and gold, she dedicated her life to making sure everyone at Mater Dei had the most amazing experience by encouraging them to get involved and by being their biggest fan at every event. In lieu of flowers, her family asked that donations be made to Mater Dei High Schools’ Knapp - Seibert fund, to continue her Mater Dei spirit. Charlotte MacGregor Of Evansville, March 15, 2020. Surviving Charlotte are her two children: Jeanne Larson ‘84 and Mark MacGregor ‘82, their spouses, and her grandchildren. Charlotte was a member of Corpus Christi

Catholic Church and loved attending Mater Dei sporting events. In memory of her passing, Charlotte’s family kindly included Mater Dei High School as a receipt of memorial gifts. Jeffery Schneider Of Evansville, April 6, 2020. Jeff is survived by his wife, Judith (Siemers) Schneider ‘79 and their five children: Catherine Schneider ‘14, Mariah Schneider ‘16, Natalie Schneider ‘19, Zackery Schneider, and Isaac Schneider. Jeff, with his wife, Judith, founded Schneider Heating and Air. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church. At Jeff’s passing his family asked that memorial gifts be made to Mater Dei High School.

Special Event

Sponsors TOMORROW’S WORKFORCE: 2019 Director Level: Koch Foundation, Inc. Partner Level: Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union Old National Bank Principal Level: Fifth Third Bank St. Vincent Evansville Foundation Capital Electric, Inc. ProRehab, PC Hermann Family Foundation University of Evansville Evansville Regional Business Committee, Inc. Harding, Shymanski & Co., P.S.C. Investor Level: Deaconess Hospital Trivalence Technologies LLC Skanska Robert Michael Kent Sr. Warehouse Services, Inc. David H. Nunning Shoe Carnival, Inc. South Central Inc. Sign Crafters, Inc. Andrew E. Goebel Andrew J. Cosgrove Madonna Niemeier Azzip Pizza Dean Alan Bosler Associate Level: Bussing - Koch Foundation, Inc. Hahn Kiefer Real Estate Gregory John Riedford German American Bank Clippinger Financial Group, LLC (NFP) Dunn Hospitality Group William Gallagher Vieth Jr. Donald Wayne Rupprecht Orthopaedic Associates, Inc. Ziemer Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders Berry Global Corporation Lochmueller Group, Inc. Hatfield Law Office, LLC James H. Keller Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal Freeman, Will & Niemeier, Inc. Banterra Bank The Hollander Group at Baird


Thyme in the Kitchen Schultheis Insurance Agency, Inc. Anchor Industries Christopher Wolking Lensing Building Specialties Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. Pierre Funeral Home, Inc. G. Michael Schopmeyer Member Level: Wayne F. Henning Mark Anthony Daily Shetler Moving & Storage, Inc. Manion Stigger, LLP Dennis Patrick Lamey Midwest Mechanical Services, Inc. Ohio Valley Heartcare Aramark Corporation Brian Goebel Robert F. Barron Mark S. Samila Dennis Patrick Lamey Henderson Chevrolet, Buick, GMC Patrick A. Rayburn J W Associates School Equipment Specialists, Inc. Amrosia USA. Inc. First Bank O. Jane Perkins Suzanne Crouch Patricia Tharp Niehaus Lumber Co - Daylight Jeffrey Gorman Dennis Patrick Lamey Stephen Thomas University of Southern Indiana Catholic Diocese of Evansville James L. Will Jr. William F. Wooten Matrix Integration, LLC Lang Company Michael W. Reffett Douglas Hatler Weichert Schulz Realtors Pioneer Plastics Massey Law Offices, LLC Diehl Consulting Group Hasgoe Cleaning Systems, Inc. Southwestern Healthcare, Inc. Ryan M. Schulz Jennifer Vaughn Timothy J. Hubert

Jennifer Vaughn BIG BINGO 2020 Pierre Funeral Home, Inc. Ziemer Funeral Home, Inc. FACTS Management Co. J W Associates School Equipment Specialists, Inc. Saint Wendel Catholic Church Zeller Electric Timothy McGuire Ashton Computers Tradition Class 2020 Platinum Sponsor: Schiff Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Team Sponsor: Chapman Law, LLC Benedict Joseph Scheu MaddenCo, Inc. Fourth Street Solutions Empire Contractors, Inc. Hermann Family Foundation D-Patrick, Inc. Alliant Mechanical Services, Inc. Bradley Allen Williams Lensing Building Specialties Lochmueller Group, Inc. Gribbins Insulation Progressive Health Rehabilitation Hasgoe Cleaning Systems, Inc. EnviroPlas, Inc. Daniel Bishop Eric David Miller Old National Bank German American Bank Matthew T. Miller Encom Polymers, Inc. Koch Foundation, Inc. Timothy Michael Quinton Robert F. Mehringer Koch Air, LLC Tee Box Sponsors: Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. Chapman Law, LLC Ashley Home Store Brian J. Pope Capital Electric, Inc. Southwest Grafix & Apparel, Inc. Jacob Schiff Paragon Sight Sound Security, Inc. Shepherd Insurance & Financial Services Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal

Todd Niemeier O.D. Class of ‘91

Professional Eyecare Associates

Morgan Hussmann O.D.

2311 West Franklin Street Evansville, IN 47712 812-425-5131 Rachel Rexing-Thacker, O.D. Class of ‘10

Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Avancement 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 Return Sservice Requested


Merry Christmas Happy New Year


“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14Luke 14

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