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University Spotlight: Griffith University
Griffith University Source: Sally Wood
Griffith University has six campuses in South East Queensland that facilitate teaching and research across all disciplines. With an international outlook, a deep connection with the Asian region and a strong focus on links with industry, Griffith prides itself on its socially conscious and environmentally aware attitude.
Providing education for over 40 years, the university was named after Sir Samuel Walker Griffith, two-time premier of Queensland, the principal author of the Australian Constitution and the first Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.
Today, Griffith ranks in the top 2% of universities globally, with a range of subjects ranked in the world’s top 200 and with world standard or above rated research in more than 50 disciplines.
Griffith’s Contribution to Materials Science and the Engineering Centre for Clean Environment and Energy
Griffith University’s Centre for Clean Environment and Energy is dedicated to addressing the issue of environmental sustainability. Chemical, microbiological and nano-technological approaches are central to delivering multidisciplinary research and innovation.
The work of the Centre runs from creating green energy sources to understanding how pollutants affect soils and aquatic environments. The Centre has specialised laboratories for: • Materials synthesis and preparation • Energy storage research • Clean fuel production and energy conversion • Environmental sensing • 3D printing • Advanced materials characterisation
Laboratories are fitted out with state-ofthe-art equipment, including:
• Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope: Used to analyse micro- and nano-structures. It has resolution capabilities of 1.2 nm at 30kV and 3.0 nm at 1kV. It is equipped with a Quorum Technology cry preparation system which allows for liquid and hydrated specimens
Professor Robert Sang and Professor Igor Litvinyuk in the Australian Attosecond Science Facility.
to be examined in a frozen state. X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscope (EDS) microanalysis is also possible thanks to a JEOL eV resolution silicon drift detector (SDD).
• X-Ray Powder Diffractometer (XRD): The XRD can perform a range of applications, including phase identification, structure determination and refinement, microstructure analysis, residual stress, Grazing Incidence Diffraction and Small Angle X-ray Scattering.
• nScrypt 3Dn 3D Printer: A key piece of technology for the Centre’s work and used for solar cell metallisation, material manipulation and electronic packaging.
Centre for Quantum Dynamics
The Ultrafast (Attosecond) Science research group, hosted by Griffth’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, is dedicated to investigating highly non-linear interaction between ultra-fast and ultra-short light pulses, and matter. Using the most sophisticated laser system, the Australian Attosecond Science Facility (AASF) can investigate how electrons move inside atoms and molecules.
The Facility’s four key areas of research are: • Attosecond light pulse generation • Electron dynamics with exotic atoms • Controlling electron motion in molecules • Precision measurement of Attosecond dynamics This research helps to better understand chemical bonding, which is essential in developing the next generation of materials. The AASF laser can strip electrons from atoms and then smash them together to create intense bursts of ultraviolet light.
One experiment involves investigating the ionisation of atoms in excited states. Previously, atoms were only tested in ground and low energy states. By testing ‘over the barrier’ ionisation, the binding potential of the atoms is less than the distortion induced by the ionising light field.
It is also possible to see how the ionisation process is influenced by electron spin and atomic target structure. The AASF is the only laboratory in the world that can test at this level.
The team can test control schemes for the motion of electrons in molecules, and influence how photochemicals transform within molecules. Being able to control atomic behaviour is key to attosecond science, and the AASF is using the data they collect to assist other researchers in materials science projects.
Australian Attosecond Science Wins Research Council Grant
The AASF was recently awarded funding by the Australian Research Council. The grant will be used for a new ultrafast laser system.
“The upgraded laser system will produce more than 10 times the pulses of light than the current system, and will lead to a greater understanding of the dynamics of atoms and molecules,” said Professor Robert Sang (Dean (Academic), Griffith Sciences).
“This will enable us to undertake a whole range of new atomic physics experiments that weren’t previously feasible with the existing Australian Attosecond Science Facility. The knowledge of these processes underpins many technologies that rely on quantum physics, from simple LED lights to transistors in computers.”
“Ultrafast and attosecond science is a fast-developing field actively pursued by all scientifically advanced nations,” said Professor Igor Litvinyuk (Director, Australian Attosecond Science Facility).
“The detailed understanding of these processes will guide further fundamental scientific and technological research that will underpin the development of new materials, nanostructures and medicines, enabling Australia to remain internationally competitive in this growing field, rather than to rely on others for those new materials and technologies.”
Centre for Cell Factories and Biopolymers
The Centre for Cell Factories and Biopolymers is dedicated to the research and development of functional materials that will address global environmental and health issues. The ultimate aim is to unlock the potential of biological systems and allow for the synthesis and assembly of biologically active materials. This will be achieved by employing techniques from biotechnology, synthetic biology and bioengineering.
The research looks into how microorganisms behave to create biological nano and micro-structures. This knowledge can inform the design and development of bio-based materials.
The Centre has already pioneered the development of smart materials that could be used to develop new drugs and assist in cleaning-up environments that have been polluted.
Professor Bernd Rehm, and post-graduate student Kampachiro Ogura are working on creating bioengineered particles, inspired by nature.
“We started from basic science by trying to understand how those materials are made naturally, and if you understand the mechanisms, you can then go back into nature and do bioengineering, and rewire the bacteria to recombine things a little bit differently, towards possible applications,” Professor Rehm said.
“This development of a new materials platform technology combines naturally occurring biopolymers in a very new way, to create functionality that has not been achieved before.”
“It’s the first proof of concept; it’s a platform technology that can now be easily
The Engineering, Technology and Aviation building at Griffith University.

Understanding how natural materials are created has helped a Griffith University research team create a smart material platform to aid in the creation of new drugs, and even help in the clean-up of polluted environments.

adapted to a variety of environmental, industrial and medical applications,” Professor Rehm said.
The end product, bioengineered polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), is capable of reducing pollutants, while the natural degradation process ensures it does not create further pollutant problems.
The New Engineering Lab At Nathan Campus
Griffith University’s Nathan Campus in Brisbane has a new Engineering, Technology and Aviation Building. It is a 6,000m 2 building, featuring six levels of multi-functional spaces and state-of-the-art technology.
The high bay lab, as it is also known, includes an indoor drone fly-zone and a gantry upon which a lightweight aircraft or vehicle can be suspended, so that students can practice remote inspections and engage in unique learning experiences.
The landmark building was constructed over three years. Associate Professor Cheryl Desha led the project. Desha completed an Environmental Engineering degree at Griffith and returned to oversee the project with Griffith Sciences colleague Stephen Boyd. “This is an energy efficient, low carbon building that includes specialised laboratories, workshops, informal learning spaces, engagement spaces, a simulation studio and a rooftop garden that students can access,” said Associate Professor Desha, now the Engagement Director (Industry) for the School of Engineering and Built Environment. “The whole building is also considered a ‘Living Laboratory’ where more than 30 sensors relay information about its’ energy use, water requirements and structural performance, in real-time to students, ready for use within their studies.” “While civil engineering has been offered at Griffith for 25 years, most learning was facilitated at our Gold Coast campus, so bringing civil into the fold at Nathan with electrical, electronic, software and environmental engineering is an exciting step forward,” said Vice Chancellor Professor Carolyn Evans.
“This building provides a genuine environment for authentic, experiential learning, with job-ready training opportunities and ongoing industry engagement and collaboration.”