Do Good People go to Heaven? Gospel Tract

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My Decision From this date:- ............................... I have received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I believe Jesus died and rose again to save me from all my sin and now I belong to Him, saved by His grace. Signed ..................................................... For further information please contact:

Text: Š Mathew Bartlett 2012. Cover Image Š Redbaron. Design by Blitz Media. Faithbuilders: A Division of Apostolos Publishing Ltd, 3rd Floor 207 Regent St LONDON W1B 3HH Further copies of this tract from

Do Good People go to Heaven.indd 1

21/11/2016 10:35:34

It’s a simple question -- but isn’t the answer obvious? Surely all

We receive this new life when we invite the Lord Jesus to become our Saviour and to live in our hearts -- Jesus called this experience being ‘born again’.

go to heaven -- right?

Every person can be born again. It’s as easy as ABC:

No. They don’t. Not according to the teachings of Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus made clear that only God is good. As for the rest of humanity, God says ‘There is no one who does good... there is no one righteous.’ In fact the Bible tells us that all people have sinned and come short of the glory of God.


Clearly then, we cannot go to heaven because we are good -- since we are not good enough! God’s standard is perfection and only one person in history was sinless and perfect -- Jesus Christ. Since we are all sinners, what we need in order to be able to enter heaven is forgiveness. Jesus has made it possible for every person in the world to be forgiven. He died on a cross bearing our sin and its punishment so that we might each receive God’s forgiveness.

Admit to God that you have sinned and need his forgiveness. You can never hope to be good enough to enter heaven by your own merit.


Believe that Jesus died and rose again to give you eternal life. Realise that you can enter heaven by his merit.


Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. The Bible says ‘If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead then you shall be saved (Rom 10:9), and ‘whoever confesses me before men, I will confess him before the angels of God’ (Luke 12:8). TRUST JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR TODAY AND YOU WILL BE ON YOUR WAY TO

Today, God promises that all who believe in his only Son Jesus Christ will be forgiven and receive a new life - eternal life. This is the life of Jesus within us, which makes it possible for us to live in heaven one day.

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21/11/2016 10:35:34

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