Set Free Gospel Tract

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Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.’7 Christ sets us free from the fear of death. Only Christ can bring you this freedom. He is waiting for you today to turn to him and receive by faith his free gift of eternal life that you might be FREE INDEED! Scripture references: 1Gal. 5:1; 2John 8:34-36; 3Eph. 2:2; 4Col. 1:13; 5Matt. 6:2526; 6Matt. 11:28; 7John 11:25 For further information please contact:

Text © Mathew Bartlett 2008. Cover Image © Redbaron. Design by Blitz Media. Faithbuilders: A Division of Apostolos Publishing Ltd, 3rd Floor 207 Regent St LONDON W1B 3HH Further copies of this tract from

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‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!’1 FREEDOM FROM SIN Jesus said ‘I tell you the truth, whoever sins is a slave of sin... but if the Son shall set you free - you shall be free indeed.’2 Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross to set us free from sin, taking the punishment we deserved so that we can be forgiven and start a new life. Christ sets us free from the power of sin. FREEDOM FROM THE POWERS OF DARKNESS Satanism, witchcraft, drugs, alcohol addiction and immoral behaviour are on the increase - all signs that people are enslaved by the power of darkness.

FREEDOM FROM THE CARES OF LIFE Many people are burdened with the cares of life. Where is the money coming from to pay the next bill? Will my pension be secure? Who will look after me when I am old? Jesus said ‘Do not worry about your life. Your heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air -are you not of more value than they?’5 He invites us to cast all our anxiety on Him. ‘Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’6 Christ sets us free from the cares of life. FREEDOM FROM THE FEAR OF DEATH

The Bible says ‘the prince of the power of the air (Satan) is the spirit who is at work in those who are disobedient (to Christ’s gospel).’3

Of all the things men fear, they fear death most. And no wonder. For without Christ there is no answer to the fear of death. What happens when we die? Do we just turn to dust and cease to exist, or does our soul live on?

But God ‘has delivered us (who believe) from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.’4

Christ taught that the soul does live on either in heaven or hell. He died and rose again so that all who believe in Him might be certain of eternal life. Though our bodies

Christ sets us free from the powers of darkness.

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may die, we will rise again to live forever with Christ in a place of peace and joy.

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