Living Word Magazine May 2013

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I will send you my Father’s promise

Issue 21 May 2013

Living Word Magazine

Going Deeper into God’s Word

Acts 1:8

F r e e B i b l e St u d i e s f r o m W i l l i a m F . P . B u r t o n , L e w i s A r m s t r o n g , Daniel Kolenda, Derek Williams, Mathew Bartlett & many more!

Bible Studies Online International WHEN HE, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, IS COME, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH (JOHN 16:13) ©Photos above Marafilm CoverDanilo Ascione photo Back cover Peter Saharov

In this month’s issue: 2.

Does God have a Sense of Humour?


His Building Site – Our Ruins


Does God Have a Plan for My Life (4)?


God’s Promise to You


Prophet of the Broken Heart (4)


Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah


The Book of Esther (9 & 10)


Truth for Today – Revelation 13

Mathew Bartlett (UK)


In Depth Study – 1 Corinthians 3 (2)

Mathew Bartlett (UK)


The Sacred Book

Ken Legg (Australia)

Edwin & Lillian Harvey (USA) Daniel Kolenda (CfaN) Isaac Mwagi (Kenya) Mathew Bartlett (UK) Lewis Armstrong (USA) Derek Williams (UK)

William F. P. Burton (Congo)

©Photos above © Photoquest. Cover: © BbDunne Left © from top: Rorem, Pidiyath100, Dreamstime Agency, Sebastian Grecu, and Littlemacproductions. Back Cover: Maxfx

Living Word Magazine is published in the United Kingdom by Sharon Full Gospel Church, 7 Park View, Freeholdland Road, Pontnewynydd, Pontypool, NP4 8LP Editor: Mathew Bartlett 1


Does God have a Sense of Humour? The Bible says, "There is a time to laugh" (Ecc.3:4). But when is that time? Is it OK to laugh in church? Is humour off limits when it comes to preaching? Many are divided on this subject. For example, in a bygone generation, T. Harwood Pattison was opposed to it, arguing, “Religion is too severe a matter to be treated in a trivial or jesting spirit.” But others disagree. Charles Spurgeon, for example, said that when people laugh they open their mouths and when their mouths are open you can pop the truth in! He used humour from time to time in his preaching and was criticized for it. His enemies referred to him as a “pulpit buffoon”. Journalists were amongst those who opposed his use of humour when preaching. In April, 1855 the Essex Standard wrote this condemnation of him: “His style is that of the vulgar colloquial... All the most solemn mysteries of our holy religion are by him rudely, roughly and impiously handled. Common sense is outraged and decency disgusted. His rantings are interspersed with coarse anecdotes.” Yet, John Stott insisted that even Jesus used wittiness when teaching, saying, “It seems to be generally agreed that humour was one of the weapons in the armoury of the Master Teacher.”

Jesus And Humour That last quotation ought to put the matter to rest. After all, Jesus came to reveal the Father to us. Any impression that we might have about God which doesn’t line up with the perfect representation brought to us by Jesus is a false image and should be destroyed. Yet, for some reason Jesus is portrayed as always pious, sombre and sad. It is true that His teachings addressed

serious issues, and also that His mission led Him to a violent death upon the cross. But He could never be described as a kill-joy or partypooper. He was often at parties, and even performed His first miracle at one. (Incidentally, I suspect that there are some who wished that He had turned the wine into water!) When that old familiar question is asked, “If there were ten characters from history you could invite to your party, who would you pick?” how comes Jesus is nearly always on the list?

What Was The Purpose Of Jesus' Humour? But as important as it is to enquire if Jesus had a sense of humour when on earth, it’s just as vital to ask what the purpose of His humour was. In our culture we often use humour at the expense of others, i.e. to pay out on one another. But Jesus used humour to try to get us to laugh at ourselves. In His day the religious leaders were the self-righteous Pharisees. The word ‘Pharisee’ means a separatist. The Pharisees were not only separated unto the law, but separated from the general riff raff of society. They saw themselves as morally squeaky clean and wanted others to see them this way too. Jesus, no doubt, raised many laughs as He pointed out how the Pharisees carefully positioned themselves at the intersections of the busiest roads when they prayed, so that others would notice them. And how they sucked in their cheeks and whitened their faces when they fasted, so that they would be admired for their spirituality. And if they invited you around to their house for a meal they would draw your attention to the spice-rack, saying, “I have paid tithes on everything that’s on that rack!” 2

The more they lifted themselves up and paraded their self-righteousness before others the more they cut others down with their judgmental, critical spirit. Jesus used sayings which we are now so familiar with that we fail to see the humour in them. But in His time, when everyone was trying so hard to keep all the rules, these one-liners would have cracked His listeners up with laughter bringing much needed relief. He said they, “Strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!” And He told them to take the plank out of their own eye before they attempted to remove a piece of sawdust from another person’s eye. Anyone who took themselves too seriously was a candidate for Jesus’ wit. It was aimed directly at selfrighteousness.

There Is A Time To Laugh So there is a time to laugh. It’s when we catch ourselves with an exaggerated sense of our own importance. Just as it is wrong to joke about serious things, it is equally as wrong to take seriously that which is a joke! Self-righteousness is a joke. In this context, having a good laugh at ourselves is a form of repentance. Excerpt from Grace Roots by Ken Legg

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His Building Site – Our Ruins An extract from “Royal Insignia” by Edwin & Lillian Harvey

OUT NOW ON KINDLE! Price $4.22 (FREE to Amazon Prime Members!) Reproduced by kind permission of Harvey Publishers.

O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help (Hosea 13:9). Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost (John 6:12). HAROLD St. John was a profound Bible student who shared his riches with countless others. His daughter, Patricia, was a missionary for some years in North Africa. Out of the wealth of her experiences, she has written books for children which are on the market today. It is evident from her poem, that she had come to realize this secret of the Lord— that our failures and frustrations are the ruins which the Master Builder chooses for His site: “My Master has an elixir that turns all base and worthless substances to gold. From rubble stones He fashions palaces most beautiful and stately to behold. He garners with a craftsman’s skilful care all that we break, and weeping cast away. His eyes see uncut opals in the rock And shapely vessels in our trampled clay, the sum of life’s lost opportunities, The broken friendships, and the wasted years, these are His raw materials; His hands. Rest on the fragments, weld them with His tears.

“A patient Alchemist!—He bides His time, Broods while the South winds breathe, the North winds blow, And weary self, at enmity with self, Works out its own destruction, bitter slow. Then when our dreams have dwindled into smoke, Our gallant highways petered out in mire, Our airy castles crumbled into dust, Leaving us stripped of all save fierce desire, He comes, with feet deliberate and slow, who counts a contrite heart His sacrifice. “(No other bidders rise to stake their claims, He only on our ruins sets a price). And stooping very low engraves with care His Name, indelible, upon our dust; And from the ashes of our self-despair kindles a flame of hope and humble trust. He seeks no second site on which to build, But on the old foundation, stone by stone, Cementing sad experience with grace, Fashions a stronger temple of His own.” —Used by permission. We found this lovely story in an old Christian Herald: “A poor apprentice once made a cathedral window out of dis- carded pieces of glass, which his master had thrown away. But when completed, the window won the admiration of all. The master’s boasted work was rejected, and the 3

window made from the condemned material was given the place of honor in the Cathedral. The wisdom of the world made its painted window of the wise, the learned, and the righteous, but the unknown Jesus of Nazareth became the Architect of a new society. He rejected the noble and the wise and chose the very material that the wisdom of the world had condemned, and from the refuse of society He has taken up fallen sons of men and set them, as gems, to sparkle forever in the diadem of His glory.” — Mrs. G. John Milne had offered himself as a candidate to the Missionary Society. And they, sorely in need of someone to send to assist Robert Morrison, were loath to send him because of his many deficiencies. After highlighting his drawbacks, they offered him a post as servant rather than a missionary. John Milne replied: “If I am not judged fit to be a missionary, I will gladly go as a servant. I am willing to be a hewer of wood or a drawer of water, or to do any service that will advance the kingdom of my heavenly Master.” Years afterward, Dr. Milne was recognized by all men as one of the best and most competent workers in the land. God had taken up the fragments and built them into His missionary edifice in China.

Does God Really Have a Plan for My Life? A Bible Study by Daniel Kolenda (CfaN) Photo: © Sebastian Grecu

Part 4: The Goodwill of God It’s amazing to think that even after the Angel of the Lord had appeared to Gideon and told him plainly about God’s goodwill toward him, Gideon was slow to believe it. And Gideon said to him, O sir, if the Lord is with us, why is all this befallen us? And where are all His wondrous works of which our fathers told us, saying, Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt? But now the Lord has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian. The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this your might, and you shall save Israel from the hand of Midian. Have I not sent you? Gideon said to Him, Oh Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Behold, my clan is the poorest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house” (Judges 6:13—15). Just as Gideon did, many people struggle with feelings of inferiority. They may have been abused or

rejected and as a result have low self-esteem and little self-worth. They may say to themselves, “But I did not come from a wealthy family.” “I do not have a good education.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I was abused.” “I do not have any talents or abilities.” “I could never succeed.” When Gideon looked in the mirror, all he could see were disadvantages and shortcomings. He doubted that he was capable of greatness and was not convinced the Lord had picked the right man for the job. But the Lord knew exactly what Gideon needed to hear, and He spoke words that went right to the heart of Gideon’s inadequacy: “The Lord said to him, Surely I will be with you” (Judg. 6:16 AMP). These must be the most comforting words in the entire world. To know that God is with you and that He is for you—this is the ultimate assurance. These were the words Gideon needed to 4

hear, and these are also the words you need to hear deep within your spirit as you begin this journey of discovering God’s will for your life. Jesus knew you would need to hear them, and this is why He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5 NKJV) and again in Matthew 28:20, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (NKJV). Romans 8:31—32 says, “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (NKJV). God is for you and not against you! Do you need evidence? In this passage of Scripture Paul points to the cross as the ultimate proof of God’s goodwill toward us. If God was willing to give His own Son for us, how much more can we trust that He will gladly and generously give us anything and everything we need?

Do you feel like a failure? Does the past haunt you and define you? Do you have a difficult time believing God is on your side and has your best interests in mind? It’s time for you to get a revelation of the goodness of God. He is not looking for perfect people, and He is not intimidated by your past. He desires “to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified” (Isa. 61:3 NKJV). Paul wrote about this same truth in Romans 8:28 when he said, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (NKJV).

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (NKJV). Does God have a plan for your life? The answer is a resounding yes! But it’s even better than that. Not only does God have a plan, but He also has a good plan that is “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20 NKJV). And with that confidence, we can begin our journey, “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2 NKJV), knowing that “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it” (Phil. 1:6 NKJV).

Reproduced with kind permission Christ for all Nations.

When we understand this reality and it becomes part of the fabric of who we are, then we will begin to view every circumstance, both positive and negative, as a situation God can put to work for our good and the furtherance of His purposes. Salvation, atonement, forgiveness, justification, regeneration, redemption, reconciliation — these are all words used to describe what God desires to do in our lives.

An extract from Daniel’s new book- Live before you die. £9.99 BUY NOW.

Turning ashes into beauty is not an auxiliary benefit of the Christian experience; it is the heart of the Gospel, and it is God’s will for you!

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God’s Promise to You – by Isaac Mwagi (Kenya) God has promised his children great and wonderful promises. Have you ever been caught in a worrying situation? Do ever feel abandoned? Do you ever feel as if you are not achieving your goals? Do ever feel threatened? Yes I hope as human being there are times that you get yourselves in many unanswered questions. Regardless of all these questions God is God and He is more than able to do whatever he intends even within a very short time. Read the below verses

Isaiah 41 vs 8-11 But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. 9 Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. 10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 11 Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

Prophet of the Broken Heart: The Cry of Hosea

© Littlemacproductions

Extract from our new book: not yet released! Chapter 4 Ensnaring the Nation 5:1-2 Hear this, you priests! Pay attention, you Israelites! Listen closely, O king! For judgment is about to overtake you! For you were like a trap to Mizpah, like a net spread out to catch Tabor. Those who revolt are knee-deep in slaughter, but I will discipline them all. God continues the legal case he began in chapter 4. The priests, the royal family and the whole nation were all to be held guilty. Those in national and moral authority had led the way in corrupting the nation, and would now answer for this before God. Mizpah, Tabor and Shittim were centres of worship for the idolatrous cult of Baalim. Once, God had been worshipped in these places; but the worship of the true God had been replaced by the worship of idols which were supposed to represent God. In a brief time, the significance of these

idols had changed so that they had come to represent the gods of nature. The rulers had given their complete consent and support to this degradation of true religion and had given the cult of Baal their full patronage. It was the popular religion of the day; the ‘in thing’ or the trendy thing to do. The example of the leaders had been followed by others, and in this way the leaders were responsible for the spiritual decline of the nation. Not only did they fail to uphold truth, morality and the commandments of God, they had also set a trap to catch the unwary, that is, to entice them into Baal worship. Hosea uses three illustrations to reveal how the people had been taken captive by this idolatrous religion. The snare or trap was used to catch birds one at a time. Thus individuals had been ensnared in Baal worship. Moreover, those who led the way in this backsliding had spread a net by which they had entangled the feet of the whole nation in idolatry. The third illustration is in verse two, which the American Standard Version translates as ‘and the revolters are gone deep in making slaughter.’ The idea is in fact of a deep pit which had been purposely dug to catch the hunted game. The leaders of the religious cult were guilty of forcibly converting people into their false religion. In all three illustrations, the idea conveyed is of the rulers being responsible for leading the people into the spiritual bondage of idolatry, just as a hunter is responsible for trapping an animal; and because of this God vows to punish them for their sin. 5:3-5 I know Ephraim all too well; the evil of Israel is not hidden from me. For you have engaged in prostitution, O Ephraim; Israel has defiled itself. Their wicked deeds do not allow them to return to their God; because a spirit of 6

idolatry controls their heart, and they do not acknowledge the LORD. The arrogance of Israel testifies against it; Israel and Ephraim will be overthrown because of their iniquity. Even Judah will be brought down with them. God’s judgment is always right and fair. He has no need to investigate or to provide the court with evidence to prove his charge; everything is known to him. God knows all that is done in secret as well as what is done in public. He knows everything that is in the hearts and minds of people. His knowledge is absolute, and it provides exhibit a, b and c in heaven’s court of law - evidence enough for a conviction. God knew that basically the people of Israel were unfaithful to him. They had rejected him, and did not want him as their God. That is why they had gone away from him to serve idols, a sin which corrupted the whole nation morally and spiritually.

Spiritual Bondage Indeed, they had become bound by their deeds. Their sin had become to them like an iron chain from which they could not break free. Many people have, from painful experience, realised this same reality: that sin and iniquity will not release those who practice it (Eccl. 8:8). Man is degraded and brought into captivity by sin, which is a hard task master; the only wages it pays is death (Rom. 6:23). The bondage suffered is a spiritual one; people cannot be released from it by natural means. It was a spirit of idolatry which had them fastened in chains. Behind the worship of Baal, its allurements and religious practices was the evil spirit of Satan, blinding and binding men, keeping them “fast bound in sin and nature’s night.” In fact it is only Jesus Christ that can set

people free from the bondage of sin and Satan (John 8:34-36; Rom. 6:1718). His precious blood makes us free. “All praise to him who always loves us and who set us free from our sins by pouring out his lifeblood for us.” (Rev. 1:5 - Living Bible) As Christians we must beware of anything that might bring us into spiritual bondage. Jesus Christ has set us free from sin, so let us not allow ourselves to become entangled in it again (2 Peter 2:20; Gal. 5:1). If we are bound by evil habits, or even by inappropriate relationships with ungodly people, then we must remember that the matter is a spiritual one. Our deliverance will involve both confession and repentance – for only Christ can set us free. One of the effects of being in bondage to sin is ignorance. The Lord alleges that ‘they do not acknowledge [or know] the LORD’ (see Eph. 4:18). Their hearts have become hardened by sin, and consequently they have become blind to spiritual reality. It was because of the pride of the nation, their stubbornness and hardness of heart that they refused to repent when God’s prophets had commanded them to. This rejection of God’s word and his messengers would in and of itself have resulted in their condemnation. This warning is relevant today for all those who will not listen to someone who is greater than any prophet: God’s Son Jesus Christ (John 3:18; Heb. 12:25). Their rejection of God and his mercy would be their ruin. Someone has said that no one goes to hell because of their sin, but because they refuse to receive the remedy for their sin which is through faith in Jesus Christ.

Too Late! 5:6-7 Although they bring their flocks and herds to seek the favor of the LORD, They will not find him — he has withdrawn himself from them! They have committed treason against the LORD, because they bore illegitimate children. Soon the new moon festival will devour them and their fields. We have mentioned that originally the centres of idolatry were meant to be centres of worship to God. Now God declares that when the people come to seek him there and offer sacrifice, he will not hear them. They have hardened their hearts and rejected his word. It is too late. No one can come to God on their own terms. We can only come to God on his terms and in his time. God does not have to show mercy to any one of us. Salvation is the sovereign act of a merciful God; all may receive it yet none deserve it. Israel had been given the opportunity to repent, but this opportunity had been rejected. Now it was too late. Unbelievers should be aware of the scripture which warns that one day the day of grace will end, all opportunity to be saved will have gone and there will be no hope for the unrepentant (2 Cor. 6:2). The Lord had removed his presence, blessing and protection from Israel. She had been unfaithful to him (the word translated ‘treason’ or ‘treachery’ actually refers to spiritual adultery, which is unfaithfulness to God) ,as was evidenced by the fact that they had brought up pagan children. The people had departed so far from the Lord that their children, the children of God’s special covenant people, knew nothing of Jehovah and were neither more nor less than pagan.


Such a terrible indictment could also be made of our own country today. When we see that children have little or no knowledge of the scripture, of God, or the moral and spiritual absolutes of his Kingdom, then we must realize that this is damning evidence against a generation of our countrymen who have departed from the living God. The last part of v7 is difficult. The new moon was associated with religious festivals. The verse could mean that judgment would overtake them before the next new moon, i.e. within a month or so, but this is unlikely. It is more probable that the prophet intends to show how pagan religion itself, symbolised by its observance of the phase of the moon, would bring about the destruction of Israel. No different sentence can be pronounced on our own nation. It is as guilty as Israel, if not more so, of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God. Judgment is inevitable for every unrepentant sinner. The only thing that causes God to withhold his punishment is his love and patience; giving his church opportunity to preach the way of salvation through Jesus Christ in the hope that some may come to repentance and escape the wrath to come.

Sound The Alarm! 5:8 Blow the ram's horn in Gibeah! Sound the trumpet in Ramah! Sound the alarm in Beth Aven! Tremble in fear, O Benjamin! The sounding of the trumpet at these key cities would send warning to the whole nation of impending military invasion. This language is employed to warn the people that a terrible invasion was indeed coming; and it was the hand of God that brought it.

5:9-11 Ephraim will be ruined in the day of judgment! What I am declaring to the tribes of Israel will certainly take place! The princes of Judah are like those who move boundary markers. I will pour out my rage on them like a torrential flood! Ephraim will be oppressed, crushed under judgment, because he was determined to pursue worthless idols. Such would be the power of God’s rebuke that the nation would be ravaged by war. No attempt to secure support from foreign allies would avail; God’s mind would not be changed. When God says something will happen then it will surely come to pass. God has all knowledge, so when he speaks, he does not need to change his plans. Nothing ever “occurs” to God. He has all power. No one can stop God from accomplishing his purpose. Because he is eternal whilst we are in time, every point of the world’s history has already happened from his point of view, so that God may report the future as accurately as we might report the recent past. Instead of being warned by the punishment of Israel, the leaders of Judah remained unconcerned about following her into sin; being concerned only with taking advantage of Israel’s plight and securing parts of the land for themselves. Therefore God says he would pour out his judgment on them like a torrent of water. The fact was that the disaster which befell Israel came because of her stubbornly refusing to listen to God and persisting wilfully to worship idols despite many warnings. The corresponding indictment against Judah was that this example made of Israel was not sufficient to deter Judah from following the same downward path. The idolatry of Judah ultimately

resulted in her destruction by the Babylonians.

Destruction of a Nation - but a Remnant will Return

5:12-15 I will be like a moth to Ephraim, like wood rot to the house of Judah. When Ephraim saw his sickness and Judah saw his wound, then Ephraim turned to Assyria, and begged its great king for help. But he will not be able to heal you! He cannot cure your wound! I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a young lion to the house of Judah. I myself will tear them to pieces, then I will carry them off, and no one will be able to rescue them! Then I will return again to my lair until they have suffered their punishment. Then they will seek me; in their distress they will earnestly seek me. As a moth consumes a garment, or wet or dry rot destroys timber until it is completely eaten away, so the prophet indicates that God would be responsible for the destruction of the nation. When the time came for Israel and Judah to realise that judgment 8

was imminent, even then they would not turn from the sin which caused their destruction. Instead of turning to God for mercy they both made pacts and agreements with the warlike kings of Assyria, which they hoped would save them from the threatened assault. They relied on the arm of flesh and did not trust in God. But the arm of flesh failed them. We too should beware of relying on our own strength, ability or cleverness rather than God. The King of Assyria could not remove the root cause of the nation’s distress. Only turning to God in sincere repentance could have done that. So now they would be made to see the folly of their ways. In spite of all their human strength, God would accost them like a roaring hungry lion to bring wounding and suffering to the nation, causing those who remained to be taken as captives to a foreign land. Then, says God, he would return to his own place (his lair). This might be taken as a reference to the temple, except that the temple itself was destroyed at that time. It is more likely to be a figure of speech meaning that God would again patiently wait for the people to confess their sin and repent, seeking his face earnestly. Indeed, this is exactly what the prophet predicts they would do earnestly and sincerely amid the affliction of dispersion of Israel and the exile of Judah which followed the destruction of Samaria and that of Jerusalem respectively. Although only a remnant would survive, God’s action in correcting the people would be seen to have its desired effect. In the hearts of the exiles there would be repentance and turning to God. For an example of this, consider the prayer of the exiled Nehemiah (Neh. 1:5-9) or that of Daniel (Dan. 9:3-19).

Messianic Prophesies in Isaiah By Lewis Armstrong (USA) Image Š Rorem Isaiah 7:14 Who did Isaiah say would bear a child?

Isaiah 9:5-7 Describe the reign and kingdom of the one who was to one day take King David’s throne.

Isaiah 11:1-5 Summarize what is meant by this description of the coming Messiah.
































In what way does this relate to the life of Jesus?


Isaiah 11:10 What do you think Isaiah means when he described Jesusas a root?

Isaiah 40:3-5 In what way was this scripture fulfilled at the time of Christ’s coming?

Isaiah 53:3-12 Explain the mission of Christ as it is depicted in these verses.


















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Isaiah 28:16 Describe how this prophecy relates to the coming of Jesus.

Isaiah 42:1-4 From these verses, list some of the characteristics of the Messiah.























Isaiah 35:5-6 How does Isaiah depict the ministry of the Messiah?

Isaiah 49:7 How does Isaiah depict the nations responding to Christ?

Isaiah 61:1 List four things the coming Christ would do.
























The Book of Esther

Chapters Nine & Ten: A brief Bible study by Derek Williams. Photo: © Dreamstime Agency

A Great Victory 9:1 In the twelfth month (that is, the month of Adar), on its thirteenth day, the edict of the king and his law were to be executed. It was on this day that the enemies of the Jews had supposed that they would gain power over them. But contrary to expectations, the Jews gained power over their enemies. On the 7 March (NLB) the two decrees of the king were put into effect. This was the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped that they would overcome them but the opposite happened, the Jews gained the upper hand. 9:2 The Jews assembled themselves in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to strike out against those who were seeking their harm. No one was able to stand before them, for dread of them fell on all the peoples. Throughout every city where the Jews lived they gathered together to defend themselves against anyone to sought to do them harm. God enabled them to stand firm before their enemies for a fear had come upon all the people. 9:3-4 All the officials of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and those

who performed the king's business were assisting the Jews, for the dread of Mordecai had fallen on them. Mordecai was of high rank in the king's palace, and word about him was spreading throughout all the provinces. His influence continued to become greater and greater. All the king’s officials, governors and nobles assisted the Jews for a fear of Mordecai’s power and authority from the king had come upon them. His high position in the king’s palace was spreading throughout the provinces. 9:5 The Jews struck all their enemies with the sword, bringing death and destruction, and they did as they pleased with their enemies. On the day appointed the Jews went ahead and struck down their enemies with the sword and defeated them and did as they pleased with them. 9:6-10 In Susa the citadel the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men. In addition, they also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridath Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha, the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews. But they did not confiscate their property. In Shushan they killed five hundred men and also the ten sons of Haman 11

the person responsible for all this slaughter. They did not however plunder any of their property. 9:11-12 On that same day the number of those killed in Susa the citadel was brought to the king's attention. Then the king said to Queen Esther, "In Susa the citadel the Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men and the ten sons of Haman! What then have they done in the rest of the king's provinces? What is your request? It shall be given to you. What other petition do you have? It shall be done." On the same day the number of those killed in Shushan was reported to the king. He called Esther to him and told her the number that had been killed by the Jews in the city also the death of Haman’s sons. If that many had been killed in Shushan how many had been slaughtered throughout the rest of the king’s domains. He tells Esther that if there is anything else that she wanted it would be given to her. 9:13-15 Esther replied, "If the king is so inclined, let the Jews who are in Susa be permitted to act tomorrow also according to today's law, and let them hang the ten sons of Haman on the gallows." So the king issued orders for this to be done. A law was passed in Susa, and the ten sons of Haman were hanged. The Jews who were in Susa then assembled on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar, and they killed three hundred men in Susa. But they did not confiscate their property. Esther was obviously aware that there were many others in the city of Shushan who were waiting the opportunity to kill the Jews. So she asks the king to permit the Jews to do the same tomorrow in Shushan and that the bodies of the sons of Haman might be hanged on the gallows. The king issued the orders and a law was passed in Shushan for the Jews to

gather together again on the 8 March (NLB). They killed three hundred men but did not plunder their property. Haman’s ten sons were hanged upon the gallows. 9:16 The rest of the Jews who were throughout the provinces of the king assembled in order to stand up for themselves and to have rest from their enemies. They killed seventy-five thousand of their adversaries, but they did not confiscate their property. In the meantime the Jews throughout the provinces of the king gathered together to make a stand together to defend their lives. They killed seventyfive thousand and so had rest from their enemies, but they did not plunder their property. 9:17 All of this happened on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar. They then rested on the fourteenth day and made it a day for banqueting and happiness. This was carried out in the provinces on 7 March and they rested on the 8th and made it a day of celebration with feasting and great joy.

A Celebration Holiday for all-time 9:18 But the Jews who were in Susa assembled on the thirteenth and fourteenth days, and rested on the fifteenth, making it a day for banqueting and happiness. The Jews is Shushan had gathered together on two consecutive days viz 7th and 8th March to defend themselves against their enemies. After their victory they rested on the 9th March and made it a holiday of celebration, a day of feasting and joy. 9:19 This is why the Jews who are in the rural country — those who live in rural cities — set aside the fourteenth day of the month of Adar as a holiday

for happiness, banqueting, holiday, and sending gifts to one another. However the Jews living throughout the provinces of king Ahasuerus in the villages, towns and cities set aside the 8th March as a holiday of celebration by feasting and sending each other gifts. This was because they only gathered together to withstand their enemies on one day viz 7th March. 9:20-22 Mordecai wrote these matters down and sent letters to all the Jews who were throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and far, to have them observe the fourteenth and the fifteenth day of the month of Adar each year as the time when the Jews gave themselves rest from their enemies — the month when their trouble was turned to happiness and their mourning to a holiday. These were to be days of banqueting, happiness, sending gifts to one another, and providing for the poor. Mordecai took pen to paper and wrote a report of the events that happened in Shushan and the dominions of king Ahasuerus on the two days of conflict and then sent copies of it throughout the king’s realm. He also commanded them to observe the 8th and 9th of March as a holiday of celebration every year as a time when they had victory over their enemies - to remember the day that their mourning was turned into gladness (Psalm 30:11). They were to make them days of feasting and rejoicing, sending gifts of food to each other the poor. There is only two other places in the Bible where it said that people celebrated by sending gifts to one another. The first was in the days of Nehemiah when Ezra the priest read the book of the Law of Moses before all the people gathered in the square just inside the Water Gate (Nehemiah 8:1). After they had listen to the 12

words of the law Nehemiah told the people to go and celebrate and share gifts of food for those who had nothing prepared. Neh 8:10 (NLB) And Nehemiah continued, "Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don't be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!" The other is in book of Revelation when the beast had killed the two prophets and the people celebrated by given sending gifts to each other (Revelation 11:10). 9:23 So the Jews committed themselves to continue what they had begun to do and to what Mordecai had written to them. The Jews agreed to keep these days annually as a time to remember and to celebrate the great victory that God had given them over their enemies (Psalm 98:1). The apostle Paul at the end of 1 Corinthians 15: 57 proclaims the victory that every believer ultimately has “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”

Recap of What was Celebrated 9:24 For Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had devised plans against the Jews to destroy them. He had cast pur (that is, the lot) in order to afflict and destroy them. Haman the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, and the enemy of the Jews devised a plan to annihilate them throughout the domains of king Ahasuerus because Mordecai had would not bow down before him. He had fixed the day for this to be carried out by casting lots (pur).

9:25 But when the matter came to the king's attention, the king gave written orders that Haman's evil intentions that he had devised against the Jews should fall on his own head. He and his sons were hanged on the gallows. After a time of fasting and prayer by all the Jews in Shushan Esther brought the matter to the king’s attention. The king gave orders causing Haman’s plot to rebound against him and he and his sons were hanged. 9:26 For this reason these days are known as Purim, after the name of pur For this reason the two days of celebration are known as Purim, after the word pur (to cast a lot). 9:27-28 Therefore, because of the account found in this letter and what they had faced in this regard and what had happened to them, the Jews established as binding on themselves, their descendants, and all who joined their company that they should observe these two days without fail, just as written and at the appropriate time on an annual basis. These days were to be remembered and celebrated in every generation and in every family, every province, and every city. The Jews were not to fail to observe these days of Purim; the remembrance of them was not to cease among their descendants. The Jews therefore decreed and bound themselves and their decedents and whoever wanted to join them to keep these two days every year without fail exactly as Mordecai had instructed them. These days of Purim were to be remembered and be a celebration holiday throughout all generations by every family and in every province and city. The remembrance of them must

never cease but be kept by all their descendants.

answered their prayers, delivering them from the hands of their enemies.

A Letter of Authority

By Esther’s command the observances of Purim were established and written down in the records.

9:29 So Queen Esther, the daughter of Abihail, and Mordecai the Jew wrote with full authority to confirm this second letter about Purim. A second letter was sent by Queen Esther and Mordecai that gave full authority to keep the days of Purim. 9:30-32 Letters were sent to all the Jews in the hundred and twenty-seven provinces of the empire of Ahasuerus — words of true peace — to establish these days of Purim in their proper times, just as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had established, and just as they had established both for themselves and their descendants, matters pertaining to fasting and lamentation. Esther's command established these matters of Purim, and the matter was officially recorded. These letters were sent to all the Jews in the hundred and twenty - seven provinces of king Ahasuerus’ domains; they contained an exhortation to live in peace with one another and their neighbours and to remain faithful to God. Jesus Christ said to the church at Smyrna when he foretold that they would suffer and the devil was about to throw them into prison “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10). They were to keep these days of Purim at the appointed time decreed by Esther and Mordecai and follow the instructions given for fasting and lamentation to remember what they had done when Esther asked them to pray before she approached the king. Through this God had heard and


The Conclusion 10:1 King Ahasuerus then imposed forced labor on the land and on the coastlands of the sea. This verse would seem to imply that king Ahasuerus imposed this tax to compensate for some loss because of what happened regarding the Jews. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary says “it might be that the occasion of levying this new impost arose out of the commotion's raised by Haman's conspiracy.” 10:2 Now all the actions carried out under his authority and his great achievements, along with an exact statement concerning the greatness of Mordecai, whom the king promoted, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia? All the great achievements of king Ahasuerus are written in the record books of the kings of the Media and Persia. These records also tell of the promotion of Mordecai. 10:3 Mordecai the Jew was second only to King Ahasuerus. He was the highest-ranking Jew, and he was admired by his numerous relatives. He worked enthusiastically for the good of his people and was an advocate for the welfare of all his descendants. Mordecai became next in power to the king, his prime minister if you like, and he was greatly respected by the Jews. He continually worked for their good and spoke to the king on their behalf. He was their mediator before the king. There is a greater and more effectual

mediator between God and man that is the Lord Jesus Christ. “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5; see also Heb. 8:6; Heb. 9:15).

Revelation 13: The Rise of Anti-Christ When it comes to events at the time of the end of the world, a number of well-known television evangelists and teachers confidently affirm details which would be proven unbiblical if only we could begin to understand this thirteenth chapter of Revelation. In this chapter we see what could be described as a coup d’état of evil, for we are permitted to observe the bringing into being of Satan’s brief and final world dominion. The Beast from the Sea 13:1 “Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.”

Truth for Today A brief extract from another of our forthcoming books. By Mathew Bartlett

Photo: © Pidiyath100

We have already seen Satan depicted as having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. Now Satan raises up a man to represent him on earth. For since Satan is an angel, he cannot rule among men by himself. He needs a viceroy, a man referred to as the beast or anti-Christ, to whom he gives all his authority that he might rule his earthly kingdom on his behalf. If Satan gives all his authority to him, in return it is reasonable to suppose, that this man has utterly surrendered his soul to the devil. No wonder John describes him as “the embodiment of all blasphemy” (Derek Williams). If Satan has seven crowns on his heads, the Beast has ten crowns on his horns, for these ten horns represent a confederation of ten kingdoms and the ten crowns are ten regents who rule these kingdoms by appointment of and under the control of the beast. 13:2 “Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the 14

mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” It is not unusual for such visions to refer to world rulers and their empires. Daniel received similar visions about Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian empire, followed by the Persian, the Grecian then Roman empires (Daniel 7). Each vision conveyed certain characteristics of the empire and its rulers. The beast, as in Daniel’s vision, rises from the sea, which is taken by commentators to be a reference to the Gentile nations, as it was in Daniel’s visions. I wonder if this is why faithful Jews recognize him as an impostor; the true Christ is a Jew. Moses said “The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like me from among your brothers” Derek Williams says “the creature dominantly resembled a panther, that is with the grace, slyness and swiftness of that animal. His feet are like a bear’s, powerful and deadly, for unlike a cat, bears are unable to retract their claws and so are always ready to attack. The lion’s mouth depicts the cruelty of the creature and the way it tears its prey apart with its teeth.” 13:3-4 “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Throughout the vision, the beast is taken as being synonymous with his empire - since he is the empire - its sole and absolute dictator. The wounded head is anti-Christ himself who is apparently killed and raised

from death by Satanic power in a mocking parody of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this way Satan catapults his chosen puppet into the public light - he may not necessarily have been a world leader before this time. But because of his seeming invincibility, the whole world will follow him with wonder and amazement, giving homage to him. They also worship the Devil, for they know that he has given this authority to anti-Christ. It should therefore be clearly understood that the last religion to dominate the world before Christ’s coming not be Catholicism or Islam or any pastiche of these- but Satanism in its most direct form. 13:5 “And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.” The beast is given, as Derek Williams says “the eloquence to propound (in a surprisingly impressive, stunning or overwhelming way) astounding and blasphemous things” and was allowed to exercise his authority for three and a half years. 13:6 “Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.” The beast continually blasphemes God, His dwelling place (heaven) and all who dwell there. Paul instructed the converts at Thessalonica about this man when he said the man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 2Thess. 2:3-4. We see from this that the anti-Christ does not rule from Rome or Brussels,

but from Jerusalem - his headquarters being either a fully or partly restored Jewish temple. 13:7 “It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.” I have been asked whether the European Union corresponds with the kingdom of the anti-Christ. The answer is an obvious no. For although the existence of the EU and the moral and spiritual decline across the continent shows that Satan is preparing the people of Europe to receive the beast, notice that his empire stretches over the whole earth, not a single continent. Power is given him to rule all nations of the world. This is why in my introduction I called it a coup d’état - a complete takeover of the whole world. Notice that in Rev 17:12-13 "The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.” This makes it very clear that the world rulers of the end time have never been world leaders before. They are not elected, but imposed upon the people as they are appointed personally by antichrist on the basis of their complete submission to the will of Satan. The Devil’s regent is granted to make war against the faithful Jewish remnant and to overcome them. This presents a difficulty, a point of great disagreement among commentators. For we have seen in chapter 12 Israel being protected by God in the wilderness. Could it be that the Jews who had read the New Testament, heeded Christ’s words about what to do immediately that they saw this man 15

proclaim himself God in the temple, are the ones protected by God in this way, for Christ said let those who live in Judea flee to the mountains. Will the Jews that are left behind in Jerusalem seal their faith with their blood? Clearly, many faithful Jews will die. The reason I do not believe these “saints” to be Christians is that we will already have been removed from the earth with the Holy Spirit, for according to Paul’s words, the antiChrist cannot be revealed until the Holy Spirit is removed from the world, and hence the church: “And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way” (2Thess. 2:6-7). 13:8 “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Every inhabitant of the earth will pay homage to him “bow down, in voluntary, inward veneration of soul, to him as their god” (Tatford). Except those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. 13:9-10 “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” Here is a warning for all who will hear that vengeance belongs only to God (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19). Whoever takes people into captivity will themselves be taken. Whoever kills with the sword will be killed with the sword. As God’s sealed people are persecuted by the beast they are called to exercise faith and endurance, and are not to take up arms against

him, for any such attempt would be futile.

of the truth, that they might be saved. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)

The Beast from the Land

13:14 “And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.”

13:11 “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.” John saw another beast coming out of the earth. If rising from the sea was a reference to the beast being from the Gentile nations, we may regard the beast rising from the earth to be from Israel. His appearance is very different to the first, but they have one aim. This false prophet pretends to be as gentle as a lamb, being very plausible and smooth tongued. He does not appear to be as vicious as the first beast - but he is - for the words that he speaks are, just as those spoken by the first beast, uttered under the authority of the Devil. 13:12-13 “And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” The false prophet acts under the authority of the anti-Christ, convincing all the inhabitants of the world to worship the anti-Christ (who had apparently died and had risen again) by reason of the Satanic miracles he is able to perform even to making fire come from the sky to the earth in the sight of all the people. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love

In addition to the veneration of the beast, he deceives the people of the world to make a statue in the likeness of the anti-Christ and worship this as well - probably for no other reason than it is a further breaking of God’s commandments. 13:15 “He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” So great was the power given to the false prophet by Satan that he is able to impart life to the image so that it could speak. “This will not be effected by trickery, robotics, or televised media, but by an appalling manifestation of Satanic power, imparting demonic life to the statue of the beast” (Derek Williams). Those who refused to bow down and worship the statue he will cause to be put to death. 13:16-17 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” The false prophet compels everyone, irrespective of their station in life, to receive a mark engraved on either their right hands or in their foreheads. Let us be very clear about this. This 16

mark will not be introduced surreptitiously. People will know exactly what it is and what it means. Hence it cannot be a form of ID or silicon chip technology to replace the VISA card, as some televangelists claim. Rather it is a mark of allegiance to Satan, a sign that they are devotees of the antichrist. All who refuse this mark will be killed or left to starve. 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: his number is 666.” Throughout church history there have been endless speculations about what this number of the beast signifies. Personally, I have no idea at all. But please note that it is not six, six, six; but six hundred and sixty and six, and was written in full in the earlier manuscripts. John says that it requires the wisdom of God to interpret its meaning. The number is the number of a certain man whose number is six hundred and sixty and six. Receiving of this mark signifies complete and knowing rejection of and rebellion against Christ. Those who receive it will be Satan’s servants and Christ’s sworn enemies, even gathering, as we see in later chapters, to make war with him. Of the mark itself, Tatford says, “whatever the interpretation of the symbol, identification of the individual referred to will doubtless be impossible until the particular period in which he lives”. Conclusion Here is wisdom for you. Don’t you think with all that is surely about to happen, you would be wise to put your trust in Christ now, and live a holy life as you wait for his coming? Don’t leave it till it’s too late.

Our In Depth Study. 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 By Mathew Bartlett Photo © Godfer Scripture taken from the NET Bible®.

Chapter 3 (Part 2): God’s Holy Temple 3:16 Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? Since the word you here is plural, this must be a reference to the church as a whole. The Corinthians should have already recognized the church to be God's temple, the place in which He dwells by His Spirit. God indwells the whole church corporately as well as indwelling each believer individually (as in 1 Corinthians 6:19, where your body evidently refers to the individual, since body is singular). The whole church has been made holy and sacred to God by the sacrifice of Christ. 3:17 If someone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, which is what you are. In light of this, the split in the church at Corinth was seen to be a very serious issue. The church is God's temple and anyone who harms the essential unity of God’s temple is guilty of a serious sin. Morris explains how the judgment of an offender against the church is not arbitrary, for whilst the word used for destroy means ‘to harm or corrupt’; it does not necessarily indicate eternal torment. Nevertheless the punishment will fit the crime. Below is the same verse

from the Amplified Bible, with my own comments in italics: If anyone does hurt to God's temple or corrupts it [with false doctrines] or destroys it [breaks down its essential structure and unity], God will do hurt to him and bring him to the corruption of death and destroy him. For the temple of God is holy (sacred to Him) and that [temple] you [the believing church and its individual believers] are (1 Cor. 3:17). Jesus warned that those who caused others to leave the church and fall away from the faith would be dealt with severely (Matt. 18:6). In God’s church individuals are always viewed as part of the whole. It is because the temple of God is holy - set apart as His own, the apple of His eye (Zech. 2:8) that no one may oppose or do harm to it with impunity. 3:18 Guard against self-deception, each of you. If someone among you thinks he is wise in this age, let him become foolish so that he can become wise. At times we may all hold views of ourselves that are, to say the least, a little better than reality. It is easy to form a wrong opinion of ourselves. It was in this sense that the Corinthians had deceived themselves into thinking that they were intellectually and spiritually 17

superior to others. The severe opening of this epistle is Paul’s attempt to pride demolish their conceit. In three short chapters he has already informed that they are neither clever, nor spiritual, and that the whole wisdom of humanity is foolish in God's eyes. If those who thought themselves to be wise or important would only realize just how insignificant and ignorant they were in the presence of God, then they would gain true wisdom, which comes from an understanding of God's nature (Prov. 11:2). 3:19 For the wisdom of this age is foolishness with God. As it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness." Paul backs up his argument by quoting Job 5:13. The worldly wise, the philosophers and debaters which the Corinthian believers held in such high regard were unable to understand the mind of God, and yet that truth which is hidden in God may be discovered by the simplest believer through faith in Christ. 3:20 And again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile." All man's thoughts and designs concern the present; and he is not able to affect anything eternal by means of them. In this sense his

thoughts are vain and powerless, concerned only with things which will not endure. 3:21-23 So then, no more boasting about mere mortals! For everything belongs to you, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future. Everything belongs to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. Paul's aim throughout the chapter has been to turn the believers’ attention from human greatness and success to the glory of the God. The Corinthians were too ready to boast of their own wisdom when in fact Christ is the wisdom of God. Everything belongs to Christ and those who are Christ's share all things with Him. He Himself is our inheritance or portion (Num. 18:20). He is ours and we are His. God has provided all things for the church and in particular has given the spiritual ministries of pastors, teachers and evangelists for its benefit. Christ has called, equipped and given all these to His church as a whole, with every individual member being part of the whole.

TEACHINGS FROM THE WORD OF GOD by William F. P. Burton (Congo) We know that it is God’s Word and not man’s (1 Thess. 2:13). He who wishes to know God’s Word must first be born again (1 Cor. 2:12-14). One must desire God’s Word with the whole heart (1 Pet. 2:1-2). Abandon carelessness in reading it (Rom. 12:11; 2 Pet. 1:4-6). Read it with Prayer (John 14:23-26; 16:13), that the Holy Spirit may make it plain to us (Ps. 119:18). Let us obey what we read there (John 7:17:17:17; Ps. 119:128). THE SACRED BOOK It was the Holy Spirit who spoke through human lips (Acts 1:16; Luke 10:16; 2 Sam. 23:1-2). These are God’s words (Rev. 1:19; 14:13:Heb. 4:12; 1 Pet. 1:23; Ex. 34:27; 2 Sam. 23:2; Prov. 30:6). God spoke through the Prophets (Heb. 1:1). The Prophets did not even understand what they were speaking. (1 Pet. 1:11). God caused these to be written. (2 Tim. 3:15-17). It did not come by man’s volition, but holy men were moved by the Spirit. (2 Pet. 1:20-21). Herein is eternal life. (John 5:39). The noble are those who read God’s scriptures. (Acts 17:11). To give us comfort and hope. (Rom. 15:4).

Paul puts no limit on our possessions in Christ, for all things are His, whether things present or things to come. But in return, Christ owns all that we have and are; since He has redeemed the church and we belong to Him and to God.

Let us sow the seed of God’s Word. It is truth. (Mark 4:14; 2 Tim. 4:1-2).

Nevertheless just as Christ is ours and we are His, so Christ, the only begotten Son, is God's alone (1 Cor. 15:28).


The Pentecostal Bible Commentary: 1 Corinthians by Mathew Bartlett (paperback £6.99)

All these writings will be fulfilled. (Luke 21:32-33). Heaven and earth will pass away but these words are eternal. (Matt. 5:18). The New Testament shows the authority and godly source of the Old Testament. (Rom. 4:23-24:15:4:1 Cor. 10:6. 11. 2 Tim. 3:15-16).

In 1915 William F.P. Burton, with colleague James Salter, founded the Pentecostal Mission in the Belgian Congo. Printed copies of his booklet are still available from the mission. We commend ‘Central African Missions’ as being worthy of your fervent prayers and gifts in Jesus name.

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