3 minute read
Brilliance for Business, Yandina Art and Framing, Focus Law
with Melissa Austin
If you knew what you know now about yourself as a business owner and about your business, would you do it differently? We’ve usually made mistakes, learnt a lot along the way and with the benefit of hindsight, would probably do things a bit differently from the start.
But it’s a process and we are better business owners for experiencing it. If you were starting your business from scratch today, selfishly, ask yourself these questions:
1. How many days/hours are you working, if at all?
2. Where are you working from – dream office, on the road, overseas, remotely?
3. What work brings you joy?
4. What cash are you drawing?
5. What are you doing in your spare time?
6. What wealth are you creating - time, financial, community contribution?
It’s never too late to create a business by design. But it does take guts and perseverance and that is where your accountant or business coach can help you achieve results. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. ca
Brilliance for Business Ph 07 5437 7624 Email melissa@brillianceforbusiness.com.au

YANDINA ART & FRAMING with Bill Gissane

Change – a concept with which we’re all very familiar. Change has more recently become synonymous with dislocation and its cousin, deterioration. A general diminution in what we all expected were ‘ground rules’ for living. In these times, the need for resourcefulness, resilience and hope has never been more in demand. These are qualities brilliantly on show in our wonderful business community in Yandina and surrounds. Flourishing markets on Saturdays, new light industrial structures continually being developed, housing estates growing and a general air of heightened activity. If masks weren’t on show, one would be forgiven for thinking “Virus? What virus?” Crowds flock to The Ginger Factory and Nutworks, young families are enjoying the brilliant weather and the fabulous outdoors whilst the food, fashion and arts hub of Stevens and Farrell Streets is abuzz. Yandina Art & Framing is in the centre of this hive of activity, with great exhibitions and an expanded stock of art supplies suitable for the beginner through to the accomplished artist. We’d love to see you! ca
Yandina Art and Framing Ph 07 5446 8000 Web www.yandinaartframing.com Location 7 Stevens St, Yandina
with Michelle Britton

Have you separated from your ex-partner and agreed to an arrangement either regarding your children and/or your financials? Great job, you have achieved something extraordinary that many separating parties find very difficult. However, an agreement between yourself and your ex-partner will not be binding unless you take action to enforce it. Because you have reached agreement, it is imperative that you act before something changes. To make this agreement binding, it will also need to comply with the principles at law. We can help with this without the need to go to court. To formalise and finalise your agreement, seek assistance from a family lawyer. For property matters, you may also obtain a benefit of not paying any stamp duty if you are changing the title of the property (subject to individual circumstances). For more information about making your agreement enforceable, call our office today to speak to a well experienced family lawyer. ca
Focus Family Law Ph 07 5493 9888 Web www.focusfamilylaw.com.au Location 4/9 Capital Place, Birtinya Q 4575