5 minute read
Astute Finance, Magic for the Face Klein Legal
with Marilyn Brayshaw
With the new financial year underway, now’s the time to make smart decisions about your finances.
An experienced Mortgage Broker can discuss your needs and give you a clear understanding of your options. Do your loans still match your short and longterm goals? Are there any options to reduce debt faster? Are your interest rates still competitive? Do you need to consider borrowing for any purpose in the next 12 months? Are there any potential upgrades needed for business equipment this financial year? Are any loans up for expiry, renewal, or is there an end of fixed rate period term that you need to prepare for? This past year, more than ever, our lives have changed, and the impact of COVID-19 on business and personal circumstances has, in many circumstances, been significant. Now’s a great chance to ensure you’ve got the right loans to match your unique circumstances, so get onto it before another financial year disappears. ca
Astute Financial Management Pty Ltd Ph 0414 789 665 Web astutefinancial.com.au/mooloolaba/
ABN 59 093 587 010 Australian Credit Licence Number 364 253

with Vickie Magic

With changing the magazine to bi-annual, I have a little time to go back to a passion that I absolutely love and that is beauty therapy, but more specifically – faces. Let’s face it (pun intended), your face tells a story about you. It’s the first thing people see when you meet them. We don’t always look after our skin as well as we could. Regular facials aren’t just amazing, relaxing and rejuvenating, they are also a way to help keep your skin young, moisturised, and give you the potential to look and feel better for longer. Magic for the Face beauty salon specialises in FACES. We offer the good old fashioned facial, including: double cleanse, steamer, ten-minute relaxing massage, optional microdermabrasion, customised mask, and an optional live meditation from Vickie while your mask is on. Vickie uses Queensland-based Simplicité Skin Care range, which are plant based products bursting with pure, potent and organic ingredients. The Simplicité range strengthens skin and gives it the nutrients it needs to easily resist and overcome common issues. Text 0433 198 868 to book. Appointment times: Thursdays 12 noon - 7.00pm Friday / Monday 9.30am - 4.30pm ca
Magic for the Face Ph 0433 198 868 Facebook @magicfortheface Location inside Angelic Hair at Shop 4/ 18-29 Parkana Cres, Buddina
with Madeline Klein

If you work within the building and construction industry, you will know about the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld). It is also known within the industry simply as the BIF Act. If you don’t, you should. The BIF Act was primarily created to help people working in the building and construction industry to be paid for the work they do. The BIF Act grants relevant parties rights to progress payments irrespective of whether there is a specific provision made for it within the relevant contract. It also establishes a procedure for making, responding and adjudicating a payment claim and a procedure for the recovery of amounts claimed. If you receive a payment claim, it is important that you understand the requirements for you to respond to the payment claim, especially if you are disputing payment. If you need legal advice about the BIF Act and how it applies to you, contact us today. Our building and construction lawyers are here to help! This is general information only and does not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice about this topic, call Klein Legal on (07) 5458 6855. ca
Klein Legal Ph 07 5458 6855 Email mklein@kleinlegal.com.au
Taking care of your vehicle’s transmission is important for its longevity, especially if your vehicle suits your lifestyle and you plan to keep it past the warranty period. Just like the engine, it requires specific service intervals. Regular engine maintenance gets a good look in due to the logbook / warranty conditions, but the Automatic Transmission is often overlooked. Here’s a few questions we are regularly asked …
When does the Automatic Transmission fluid need replacing / servicing? Commencing a regular transmission service schedule from 50,000km then every 40,000km is the best you can do to keep your car’s transmission running well and in return, extend the life span of the transmission. Does my logbook tell me when to service the Transmission? Sometimes, but you really must look for it! The first transmission service may be noted at over 100k, which is 50k short of keeping the fluid at its best. When is it a good idea to flush the Transmission? A flush is recommended when the oil has either had inadequate servicing or the fluid has become hot e.g. towing. A flush will remove any contaminated oil that remains trapped in the cooler pipes or the torque convertor. A standard transmission service replaces 50-70 percent of the transmission’s fluid. The remaining will be held within the torque convertor, valve body and clutch packs. Is my Transmission sealed for life? Most vehicle manufacturers tell us that the automatic transmission in most modern vehicles are ‘sealed / filled for life’ and never need servicing. This makes the vehicle appear to be cheaper to run and reduces maintenance costs, resulting in a more attractive vehicle to fleet buyers (being the manufacturer’s biggest customers). If you plan to keep your vehicle longer than the warranty period, then servicing the transmission makes sense.
Prevention is better than cure - regular transmission servicing costs less for long term ownership
We are experts at diagnosing and repairing automatic transmissions – whether it be from lack of regular servicing or overheating when TOWING.