3 minute read
Solar Matters with Wholesale Solar
IS SOLAR WORTH getting in Spring?
Winter has come and gone; June 21 was the shortest day of the year. While it’s worth getting a solar system in winter, if you missed that, spring is the next best thing.
If you’re considering getting Solar, check if your roof suffers from any shading with the sun lower in the sky. If your roof is free of shade now, it will be free of shade all year, which is great news. What is the solar performance for winter/spring compared to summer?
In winter, the average solar system performance is reduced by an average of 20%. On the Sunshine Coast during winter and spring, we get day after day of clear blue sky days, which is great for solar performance, even though these days are shorter in length than the long summer days. Last summer, we had a wet one, with many cloudy, rainy days and the solar performance was not that great. Now is the easiest time to get a solar system installed as the solar industry is not as busy. Don’t forget, you can still take advantage of the government financial incentive for solar.
So yes, consider solar during spring if you have spare space on your sunny roof. If you already have solar, how can you improve your solar performance? Here are three ways: • If your existing solar panels are in the shade, can they be moved to a roof area out of the shade?
• Can you eliminate the shade by removing unwanted trees or other obstructions?
• Do you have roof space for more solar panels? A 10kw solar system will provide 52% more energy than a 6kw one, and you can still get government financial assistance when adding more solar. • Be more efficient with when you use power. Use as much electricity during sunlight hours for things like your pool filter, spa heater, washing, drying, baking and air conditioning. At night, be conscious of turning off lights and other appliances that are not being used.
Also remember the sun is free, so take advantage of its endless source of power. m
Bret has been passionate about solar as long as he can remember. With over 30 years in management roles, Bret now follows his passion to get solar installed into as many homes and business premises as he can, at the most affordable price possible by cutting out the middle man.
Don't delay Right now the government is paying 50% of the upfront cost! And there is ZERO upfront cost! Meaning you can pay for it through your power savings! It’s NEVER BEEN EASIER!


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