2 minute read
Kate Langford Career Consulting
LOOKING FOR a career change?
Since covid ‘hit’, the world of work changed across the globe. For many, this break in the day-to-day hustle has enabled them to reflect on what they want, or definitely don’t want, in a career or business aspiration. For others, this situation has been less of a choice to change and more of a forced hand with uncertain shifts and a large number of redundancies issued.
We’ve been living through a time of great disruption and confusion, and while some yearn for pre-COVID normal, Kate Langford, an expert career consultant and business coach, encourages everyone to really consider what they want their future to hold. “Various lockdowns and drastic changes in people’s lives has meant that many individuals and businesses have recognised that they need to do things differently,” explained Kate. “What I really want job seekers and career changers to know is positive change can be on their horizon. It really is possible to have a job you love, and it can be achieved in a competitive job market,” shared Kate. “It breaks my heart to think of so many people feeling trapped in jobs they don’t like and never leaving, or the people desperately searching for any job to pay the bills but not fulfil their soul,” she added. That’s exactly why Kate created Kate Langford Career Consulting; to help those people find and land the job they love, not just the one they can do. “It starts with a free 20-minute call with our incredible career consultants, and then we can help with resumes, career coaching, applications, interviews and career confidence,” shared Kate. ca www.katelangford.com.au
Kate Langford Career Consulting (KLCC) is recognised as one of the top career coaching companies in Australia. The team transforms the lives of people through their honest and authentic approach and in doing so has won awards in both Roar and Ausmumprenur. As a team of 14 (and growing!), KLCC works Australia-wide and throughout NZ from their head office based on the Sunshine Coast.

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