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Check endED's facebook page for upcoming speaker dates and times.

(See blackboard to view some inspirational upcoming speakers)
There is just no END to how much endED is doing and providing for the Sunshine Coast Community.
Just opened - the endED Espresso Bar (The
Hedge, 5 Bermagui Crescent, Buddina) represents stage 3 of a 6 year plan envisaged by Mark and Gay
Forbes (co-founders of endED). This is a not-forprofit entity that provides funds back to the charity and just as importantly work experience for those who have been supported by endED through their
ED journey. The staff are mostly volunteers and the enterprise as a whole provides connection, community and compassion. Your support of the endED Espresso Bar will eventually allow endED to employ a 4th lived experience endED support team member. The espresso bar has quickly become a community connector with a vibrant atmosphere. OFFERING The Book Lovers Club first Wednesday of each month - 10am-12pm. OFFERING INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKERS each week. Past speakers: Matt Golinski, Dr Dinesh
Palipana, Anne McDonald Uniforms for Kids, and
Leon Stensholm
endED was founded in early 2015 and was initially established as a parents/carers connector/support group conducting fortnightly meetings at the Forbes residence.
endED completed construction of Australia’s first live-in residential eating disorder facility at
Mooloolah Valley August 2020. In December 2020 endED established the endED
House of HOPE at Woombye which currently hosts support groups three times per week and will become a transitional house for those leaving the
Mooloolah residential facility.