Issue 102 - The PASSION Issue

Page 61

OCTOBER 2022 | ISSUE 102 THE passion ISSUE WHAT ABOUT PASSION? How to find or rekindle your PASSION See page 8 WHAT MATTERS MOST on the Sunshine Coast KRISTINE AND TODD YOUNG Owners of Bella Venezia Restaurant meaning ‘Beautiful Venice’. What better place to celebrate ‘PASSION’? See page 11 Bi-Annual publication I'M FREE, TAKE ME HOME!

things that are just for me. I walk every morning for an hour (there never used to be time for that!). I am grateful to say, “I am still as PASSIONATE about the magazine, it just doesn’t run ‘my whole life’ anymore. It has become ‘one’ aspect of my life, instead of the ‘only’ aspect of my life.”


For us, here at Matters Magazine our major passion, at this stage of our lives, is life itself.

THE passion ISSUE | 3 • Hearing tests for school-aged children and adults • Hearing aid fitting, repairs and adjustment from all major brands for adults (including under the Hearing Services Program for eligible pensioners and veterans) • Supply and fitting of ear plugs for swimming, noise and music • Tinnitus management • Wax removal Our services include: Call 07 5378 2226 or email Shop 10, 1 Scholars Drive, Sippy We are a new independent audiology clinic located at Sippy Downs, providing personalised hearing care to the community. We are able to recommend, fit and adjust hearing devices from all leading brands and will do what is right for you. Welcome to Sunshine Coast AudiologyAnitaBurgessMaclachlanEmryn

| Editor's Note |

I honestly don’t regret a second, because that got me to this moment in time. A moment in time where I love what I do. Where I spend so much time with family and friends, doing

Magazine has been on the Sunshine Coast for 16 years - nearly two decades. We were passionate at the start, and we are still passionate now. However, over time I admit that our priorities have changed.

If you need to refocus your passion towards what matters, think about what is most important to you. Attending many funerals lately, I can assure you that for me, it’s people, it’s relationships and it’s health. Yes, business matters, for sure, but life matters more!


Vickie Magic

Inside this issue and every issue of Matters Magazine, you will find passionate people and businesses built on passion. We encourage our readers to embrace a passion for health and a passion for living a vibrant life.

That is why Matters Magazine is now a bi-annual publication. We made a conscious decision that we didn’t want our lives to just be about work, even though we love our work. To not just have passion for our work, but for our own selves and each other

Passion, like all emotions, ebbs and flows and changes with times in our lives. In the beginning when I was building the Magazine, my passion was at its absolute peak. My dedication meant I would go to the opening of an envelope for exposure. I would enter all the awards (we won lots too!). I worked sun-up to sun-down, often seven days a week. I was so PASSIONATE about making the Magazine a success. But I had zero work-life balance, zero family time, zero friend time and absolutely zero ‘me time’.

his is the issue where we talk all things PASSION.





Small Business of the Year: Business Matters Magazine

Qld Capital Solutions with Adrian Mula 49

Better Homes and Garden Real Estate with Danelle Wiseman 42

Editor’s Note 3


Lionhearted Foundation with Jeanette Allom-Hill 16



4 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 a Advertorial c Column ca Column Advertorial e Editorial f Feature Story m Matters

Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863

No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. All material in Matters Magazine is subject to copyright provisions. All editorial and advertising in Matters Magazine is accepted and published in good faith based on material provided by contributors and advertisers. All care is taken by the publisher, however responsibility is not accepted for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.


Accounting Matters with Sharee Webster 65

Head Designer: Zonya stu@hulastrategic.comwww.HulaStrategic.comDesigner:zonya@creativebirddesign.comwww.CreativeBirdDesign.comBirdStuPeace

WRITERS AND COLUMNISTS THIS ISSUE: Adrian Mula, Angela Farlam, Anita Burgess, Ben Price, Bret Davis, Bridget Jane, Brendan Butler, Cathy Irwin, Christian Davies, Danelle Wiseman, Denis Poynton, Dr Karpa, Dr Peter Patrikios, Dr Rafiq, Emily Williams, Emryn Maclachlan, Grace Staal, Greg Lamey, John Gowland, Jaya McIntyre, Jeanette Allom-Hill, Jean Sheehan, Kathy Bellman, Kate Poynton, Katie Lawrence, Kerri Steele, Kirsten Sweeney, Kirsty Englander, Lee-Anne Borham, Luke Hawley, Marilyn Brayshaw, Melissa Schembri, Michelle Britton, Paula Gowland, Pascal Stussi, Raphael McGowan, Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane, Rod Russell, Shari Hall, Sharee Webster, Tenille Lawrence, Tony Gray, Troy Deighton, Vanessa Nock, Vickie Magic, Victoria Berry, Yogita Ridgley

JOURNALIST/EDITOR/ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Vickie Magic, 07 5493 5747 or 0433 198

Green Earth Homes 14

Complete Finance with Tony Gray 56

Wholesale Solar with Bret Davis 67

Emily Williams Marketing 45

Sunshine Coast Art and Framing with Paula and John Gowland 22



Entag with Pascal Stussi 61

Pica Group with Greg Lamey 68 Socials 69

The Inkspot Commercial Printers Maroochydore 07 5443 5431.

Rejuvenative with Dr Ghafoor 71 Confessions of a Ghost-Writer with Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane

Savvy Business Sales with Rod Russell 51

See guide at the end of each article as per details below.


Tecoda with Christian Davis 52

ABN: 95 131 837 833 P. 07 5493 5747

Little Birdie Hair Co with Tenille Lawrence 58

57 3837

Contents 4 | 5 CENTURY 21 GRANT SMITH PROPERTY P.BUDERIM04102121 21 1/8 King Street, Buderim Q 4556 GRANT SMITH + DARREN MARTENS #1 SELLINGBUDERIMAGENTS Awarded Top 1% of agents for Century 21 internationally 100% Five Star Reviews on Guaranteed strongest exposure on Highest Conversion Rate of For Sale to SOLD of any Buderim agency! LOCAL MATTERS 18 Astute Financial, Your Face Matters, Angela Farlam 18 Karinya Montessori, Cruise Maroochy, Best Practise EyeCare 19 Millennium Education, Offit, Next Property 20 Focus Family Law, Englander Davis, Attune Health 21 EMBRACE LOCAL 26 Women Inspired, Marketing Broker 26 Bakslap, Serafina Wealth Management 27 Katie Lawrence and Co, Travelling with me, myself and I 28 Chook Media Group, Bridgewise Insurance 29 LOCAL FOCUS 30 HBA Encompass Accounting, Tax & Business Solutions 30 Uniqueness Designer Jeweller, Vine Networks 31 Bridget Jane Mind Body Wellbeing, Qoin 32 The Bookkeeper Hub 33 LOCAL SUCCESS 11 COVER STORY – Bella Venezia Italian Restaurant 11 The Wedding Planning Co 24 Ron Hill Automatics 43 Jarrad Rogers – Tafe QLD 46 Whistle a Cleaner 50 Living Valley Health Retreat 54 Megyn Carpenter Sustainability Success 57 Sunshine Coast Studio 64 Living with Passion with Shari Hall 74 Sunshine Coast Audiology 75 Locals in Business and Life 76 FEATURES 8 Re-Spark your Passion 8 LOCALS WITH A PASSION FOR FASHION – Czarina, Get Kitted, To Hold and To Have, Onyx Poppy Boutique, Miracle Shapers 34 Mark Stephens Hypnotist 72 PASSION FEATURE – The Inkspot Printers, See Restaurant, Savvy Business Sales 77 72 11

6 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 OPENING HOURS Tuesday to Saturday 10am till late & Sunday 10am till 5pm. See Restaurant, The Wharf 123 Parkyn Pde, Mooloolaba PH: 07 5444 5044 BOOK ONLINE WaterfrontAbsolute

Dining | 7

Shift the focus, energy and attention to what we want, and not what we Asdon’t.human beings we are wired, from birth, to focus on ‘what’s wrong’. Like a fight or flight reaction, we live with a protection mechanism that reacts instinctively. I personally believe and have proven to myself over and over that if I want peace, happiness and vibrancy – if I want PASSION, then I must make the choice in each moment. I must choose. I must train myself to change my focus so my thoughts, conscious attention and language are focused on working towards what I DO want. Towards watering those flowers.

ASSION. It is what drives us, motivates us and guides us. Passion causes human endeavours to soar to new heights of discovery and achievement. Passion launches careers, businesses, inventions, love stories and is found in some of the greatest moments of ourButlives.passion can also be something that we lose as we go about our lives. It can fade.

Passion for sport.


Passion for a project.

Passion for business.

It can happen so gradually in the rush of life; we don’t realise a faint grey wash has begun to creep over everything. That the bright colours of our energetic passions have faded. Or maybe we have been so caught up in the day to day we did not notice at first that we are lacking that primally charged passion in our lives that lights up our whole world in a thousand ways.

Whatever you water you get more of. We always have a choice to water the weeds, or the flowers. If we water the weeds (the things we DON’T want) we get more of those. However, if we water the flowers (the things we DO want) then we get more of that. At the end of the day, the goal is to train ourselves to water the flowers more than the weeds. We need to decide what kind of garden we actually want.

The truth is that we all drop the ball from time to time when it comes to our PASSION and often our motivation to find or even maintain it loses momentum and that’s okay. We need to let ourselves off the hook there. The main point is that we recognise that waning of passion affects us and how important passion can be to our happiness, our success and especially our fulfilment.



Passion for life.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. If we want a life where each day, every single day, we are filled with PASSION, PURPOSE and JOY then we must ensure that we take the steps to help ourselves achieve that.

PASSION for anything!Thesteps to regaining your passion are like a mathematics equation. In an X + Y = Z, if Z is passion, then we must make sure we are doing X and Y to get there.

Passion for your health.

For me it always comes back to one of the rules that I live my life by, and that is that: what you focus on grows.

Then we need to make a decision to do something about it.

Step up, step forward.

An idea without action is just words. We must ensure that the decision to bring passion back, moves into action, and that we then take that action.

| Passion Feature |

Passion for the people you love.Indeed,

8 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

But the good news is you can ignite or rekindle passion, all passions.

Like anything successful in life, starting with baby steps – small pieces, is the key to long-lasting and effective change. Each day by just taking another small step in the direction forward, to the direction of who you want to be, you are also taking a step in the direction of your PASSION.

I realised how much time we spend wanting something outside of ourselves to change. We, of course, intrinsically know it is not possible, but we still want it. And the truth is that we have no power to change anything out there. We only have the power to change our own thoughts.

How do we light the fires of passion in our lives?

Life is not a dress rehearsal. If we want a life where each day, every single day, we are filled with PASSION, PURPOSE and JOY then we must ensure that we take the steps to help ourselves achieve that.

Third question, "Is is helpful, to you or anyone else on the planet?"

We allow emotive and reactive decisions and thoughts to cloud over our inner peace. These thoughts give us self-doubt. Make us feel less than. That is when we lose our focus and our passion. We begin to doubt our worthiness. We doubt if we are Throughenough.

The truth is that the HOW is exactly what I have said above.

I spent quite some time in the beginning of our relationship looking for and finding the stuff about my husband that annoyed me, that I did not like, that I wished he would change. I would think, “If he changed that, that and that and then I would be happy.”

Usually you will find it is actually NOT. The deeper you delve the more you feel relief that it is not the truth you convinced yourself it was. You start to recognise and catch the thoughts.

“It is true?” “Is that thought I am having right now true? “Is it 100% without a shadow of a doubt the absolute truth?”

We must practice, practice, practice retraining our thoughts. We must reset our inner guidance system, our inner voice. Silence that inner critic and let the passionate voice that champions the things we love, ring loudly once more.

Change the thoughts.

I started to water the flowers.

Flowers grew. Beautiful, passionate flowers. | 9 Cartoplan is a personal, and‘hands-on’,professional,move-planningadviceservice. Need andservicesremovaladvice? Such as: • Quote • Removalists • Storage • Packing • Insurance Need services?additional •including:Rubbish removal • Cleaning services • Home stylist • Unpacking services toPlanningmove? Call Jamie Bennett Move Planner at cartoplan on 0431 528 400 for a FREE informative chat –or go to

Rome was not built in a day, but each day it was being built was progress. Some days were strides of progress and others were quieter times, but still advancement. Eventually Rome was built. One day you will have been building and creating and you’ll stop for a moment and realise everything has changed, that your PASSION has been re-ignited. Your passion for life, for business, for love, for others –for everything. It has returned and now life is fully restored colour again. f

It is something that takes time, patience and persistence. But it is also something that will help us create the life we deeply want. Getting there takes practice because practice not only makes perfect, practice makes permanent.

As human beings, our thoughts tangle themselves in our heads until we are often no longer sure what is real and what is overthinking. From a place of anxiousness, we overreact and make decisions that just don’t serve us. We decide what people are thinking of us. We decide what people are saying. We imagine how they are judging. We think we know.

Second question, "Is it logical, does it really make sense?"

We must ask ourselves three questions whenever we feel thoughts arise that affect us:

this doubt that invades our whole being, we lose our confidence, we lose our self-esteem, and we lose our passion.

I often get people say to me, “You have a magical relationship with your husband – what is your secret?”

But it really was just, blah, blah, blah.

When I realised this, I began to train myself to look for, focus on and therefore expand the good.

The only way forward again is to let that passion back in.

| Passion Feature |

10 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 WWW.T1COLO.COM.AU T1-LEVEL 3, 55 PLAZA PARADE 4558 host your servers, secure your backups DATA@TECODA.COM.AU protect your business locally



This passion and attention to detail has led to Bella Venezia's many successes, including their International, Multi Award Winning Wine List. These awards include - The prestigious 2 Glass Rating by Wine Spectator Magazine in New York; A 3 Glass Rating by Gourmet Traveller Australian Wine List of the Year Awards (Top 3 Finalist Best Wine List by the Glass Australia, and Best Overall Wine List, Queensland; Number One Restaurant in Australia 2021 on Trip

“You are talking about a business here in Mooloolaba that is on the centre stage for best wine list both nationally and internationally,” Todd“Thesays.Wine

“It takes a lot of practice and a lot of time to get to that. We’ve got a lot of good people and a lot of good systems in place. In our wine program we have wine Sommeliers on the floor, we have over 425 different labels on our list and over 50 by the glass.”

Todd’s passion is wine and as the Wine Director he works carefully with his Restaurant Manager and Head Sommelier Ben Watson to create the impressive awardwinning list the customers have come to love. Todd says expert staff like Ben are critical to a well-functioning business.

“I think there is an element of hunger and will to succeed that comes passion.”with

Advisor; 2022 World of Wine Best Regional Wine List - Italian Wines in Australasia; And most recently, the Restaurant and Catering Awards for Excellence 2022 South East Queensland Italian Formal Category.

Spectator is the biggest industry award on the planet… the glass ratings depend on the calibre of your wine list. We are a Two Glass rating and that is the maximum rating for our list size. We are very happy. | 11

Todd and Kristine Young share their passion for their Restaurant, Bella Venezia, where customers are offered the tastiest Italian food, award winning wine, gorgeous surroundings, and sensational service.

| Cover Story – Bella Venezia Restaurant |

artistry of the restaurant’s success is no accident –it is the vision of husband and wife team Todd and Kristine Young, and for them, it is most definitely a work of passion.“Ithink there is an element of hunger and will to succeed that comes with passion,” Todd says.“We talk about getting everything right. The food has to be right; the service has to be right. We have to get the lighting right, the temperature. Things that some may not even think about, we think of on an hourly basis.”

Cover image and this image by Empire Photography

ou don’t need a passport to travel through the portal to Italian dining excellence. Just get to 95 Mooloolaba Esplanade on the Sunshine Coast that is ‘Bella Venezia’ – ‘Beautiful Venice’. The timeless elegance of classic and classy venetian style decor transports its customers to Italy, then takes them through an unforgettable culinary experience.Theexquisite


“He will arrange wine tastings with suppliers and shortlist wines and then bring them to me and together we talk about whether the wines will make the list or not. We change the list every two weeks, so it is a full-time job in itself,” Todd says.

attention to detail does not stop there, Bella Venezia also has different glasses for different wines and six types of glasses just for different champagnes.

And it is the immersive experience of Bella Venezia that keeps the customers coming back.

“We develop strategies and systems, and everyone follows them religiously. We are open 364 days a year, only closing on Christmas Day so it is a ‘game on’ situation seven days, seven nights a week. It is a tough gig, hospitality. And we have the most experienced industry professionals working for us. They are the highest professionals in their fields. They are the most incredible and professional team.”

Bella Venezia originally was founded and opened its doors in 1983.

“I met him and thought, ‘I feel like I have known you my whole life’. It was like meeting myself. He is my perfect match. He is everything I could want in a person.”

“We are an incredible formula, so much stronger together,” says Kristine.

| Cover Story – Bella Venezia Restaurant |

“Kristine and I met at one of my older venues in 2014. I had a venue launch and I introduced myself, it just happened from there,” Todd says.“Kristine just has this energy – even in the darkest moments she always manages to find a positive side of things. And I think that is really important in any sort of relationship, having that good energy.”

“Our employee count fluctuates between 50 and 55 at any one time, depending on the season. Most of our employees have been with us for years - we have casuals who have been here over 14 years", Todd says.

“Build a team, build a culture, so that everyone is focused on creating that experience you want your business to be,” Todd says.

Todd and Kristine are quick to say they wouldn’t be where they are without their customers, staff and the Sunshine Coast community. They received a lot of support during Covid from the community and it really helped them get through it. Add to that their impressive employee retention and it speaks volumes for their business culture.

Bella Venezia is a passion Todd shares with wife Kristine, whose career in marketing brought exceptional talent and drive to the business, playing a crucial role in its development and success. They met at an event and by a chance of fate, Todd was living just 50m from Kristine’s parents.

12 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

“A close friend of mine, Frank Gentile, his mother and her husband started the business and I came up to manage the business for him in 2003. In 2005 I ended up purchasing the business from him.,” Todd says.In 20 years, Todd still has the same strong passion for the business that he always did.

“I always give advice to my thirteen-year-old son that everyone is going to have losses. You just have to be consistent and eventually, you’ll be successful.”

“We have expert people working the floor, talking about wine and educating the consumer on the best matched wine for their liking and palate, to really enhance their Bella Venezia experience. The wine list is so big it can be daunting for the average person and that’s why we have the right people here ready to guide them through it.,” he says.The

With so much choice, it is important to Todd that all customers have the opportunity to be guided in their wine choice, should they wish to be.

“We have been through some really tough times, and we have overcome them all. We have overcome them because we have that belief in the business and that vision that it was going to be successful,” Todd says.

They even still have their original delivery driver, Joseph, from when they first launched their delivery services in 2008. Bringing together the right staff is key.

“It was all the stars aligned,” Kristine says.

“We want people to walk away from here having had the best experience of their life. Something they will always remember and cherish,” Kristine says.

“We wanted to build something here on the Sunshine Coast which enables the community to come to and feel a European sense of elegance without having to go overseas. The hidden gem that has been here for just short of 40 years.”

Modern Italian Restaurant

Bella Venezia’s menu is like a great book you never want to put down. Their chefs put their hearts and souls into each and every dish and it’s evident from the very first taste. Paddock to plate and port to plate ingredients are complimented by only the freshest-locally-grown produce, and premium quality imported Italian ingredient, and the result is pure magic. f

Success leads to expansion, with Bella Venezia opening up a dedicated prep kitchen next door.

“This allows our team of chefs to be making all our handmade pastas, pastries, desserts, salamis and small goods. It also increases production and allows us to do more things,” Todd says. | 13

Award Winning

For over 39 years Bella Venezia has been a dining institution and is loved by locals and visitors. Bella Venezia Restaurant 95 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba | Book online

| Cover Story – Bella Venezia Restaurant |

Bella Venezia is developing concepts for highly anticipated cooking classes, something customers have been passionately wanting to try.

Download your free copy of ‘7 Things You Must Know BEFORE Designing A New Home & Discover The Secrets To Building Your Perfect Home...’ at ca

14 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

| Green Earth Homes |


That ‘seven-star-energy-efficiency- rating’ and minimum accessibility standards will be required in all new homes built from October 2023, with the Australian building ministers recently agreeing to update the National Construction Code.

GREEN EARTH HOMES are second to none when it comes to designing and building a new home on a challenging site. Sloping, acreage and narrow blocks require specialist skills and experience. Understanding how a home sits on each unique site is vital to the overall result of the build. If the design is not right for the site, then the home will never be enjoyable to live in, nor will it maximise the natural environment whether this be the view, the breezes or the sunlight.

From ensuring that your home is orientated correctly on your land, to incorporating passive solar design throughout your home, to

Earth Homes are a ‘seven-star-energy-efficiency-rating’ builder. They are ahead of the pack with this because they’ve been building this type of home all along. They saw the future and believed in green.

minimising waste on site and sourcing timber from sustainable forests, they are dedicated to ensuring that building operates sustainably on the Coast.Nathan and Grace Staal and the team at Green Earth Homes have made it their mantra to be the Sunshine Coast’s specialists in building sustainably through utilising sustainable building practices throughout your“Gettinghome. the right advice and getting the design right for the land takes skill and having an experienced team designing and managing this from the beginning will make a massive difference to the end result.”


Nathan Staal, the builder behind Green Earth Homes, is passionate about the Sunshine Coast – he is a born and bred local. As a builder he has recognised that the Sunshine Coast community demands homes that offer sustainability – of design, liveability, the Coast environment and of your budget.

Thinking about retiring?

Speak to the Business Sales Specialists who make it happen. There has never been a better time to sell! Call Rod Russell on 07 5444 3300 today.

Jeanette points to the breaking news about the prevalence and impacts of toxic workplace cultures, from BHP to Parliament House, as proof that it’s time to change the face of leadership in Australia.

“Lionhearted Foundation is focused on three pillars - to protect and support women to find their voices, to educate our next generation of female leaders and mentor them to be change-makers and to connect a nation-wide community of leaders willing and ready to shape thriving workplaces,” Jeanette says.

address bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct.

A series of leadership lunches, immersive retreats and networking opportunities are also hosted throughout the year, locally and in Melbourne and Sydney.

“It’s my one driving goal each day, to create a game-changing community of fearless women who have the skills, strategies and resilience to lead with compassion, competence and courage,” she says.

Learn more and join in at c

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JEANETTE ALLOM-HILL is the 2020 Telstra Business women’s award winner and the CEO of Lionhearted Foundation. She is the Chair of no more fake smiles and a board member for scbwn and Tourism Noosa. Jeanette has worked in the private sector for over 15 years holding senior roles in Optus, NBN, Microsoft and Boston Consulting Group. Jeanette has spent the last 12 years working across the depth and breadth of government from Prime Minster and Cabinet to the Sunshine Coast Council.

| Lionhearted Foundation |

Jeanette delivers leading-edge business consulting services, transformative workshops and private coaching for high performance.

One of the foundation’s most powerful programs is Generation Lionhearted, designed for 17- to 25-year-old women ready to hone their skills and leadership qualities to attain the job, career, or life goal they most desire, supported by experienced mentors.

Jeanette says when she looks back on her years of success in shaping teams and others’ paths, she only wishes she’d had the supportive community of fellow female leaders, focused on lifting each other up.

ionhearted Foundation leads the call for real cultural change in AustralianJeanetteworkplaces.Allom-Hill has led teams and workplaces as a change-maker across the world on five continents and has advised Mayors, Ministers and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Australia. Her most passionate work, however, is unfolding through the establishment of her consulting and coaching company, Lionhearted Foundation.

Lionhearted Foundation offers coaching workshops, sustainable strategies to increase diversity, gender equity and inclusion and personalised programs for senior women to stand in their power and | 17 WHERE OUR FOCUS IS ON YOU At Focus Family Law, we assist with all aspects of Family Law, including: Ph: (07) 5493 9888 4/9 Capital Place, Birtinya QLD 4575 •  Divorce •  Property Settlements •  Children’s Living Arrangements •  Consent Orders •  Domestic Violence matters •  International Hague Convention matters •  De Facto Relationships •  Representation in Court •  Mediations & Settlement Conferences •  Child Support •  Spousal Maintenance •  Recovery Orders Andrew and Michelle Britton

FINANCE with Marilyn Brayshaw

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Instead, it’s time to look at reviewing your home loan and preparing yourself well before the fixed rate period ends.

news is, you can find your voice. You can learn to speak publicly with confidence - even enjoy it. Through expert Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming), you can retrain your mind and body to find calmness and focus. You can master the art of delivering a speech or presentation and land them in a flawless, deliberate way that makes you shine with confidence and intelligence. All through the life changing effects of hypnosis and NLP.

Facials aren’t just amazing, relaxing and rejuvenating, they are also a way to help keep your skin looking its absolute best.


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For many Australians, their fixed rate period is due to expire in the next 12 months. With the large increase in interest rates over the last few months, and with more to come, many are now considering what to do when this period ends. So what are your options?


You could look at options like refixing your home loan, switching to variable, or splitting your home loan.

I’m Angela Farlam, and I am an experienced coach and hypnotist. I help hundreds of people to gain their freedom back and deal with public a free discovery session, AppointmentBooking


with Vickie Magic



What many people don’t realise is that if you do nothing, your loan will likely default to a Bank Standard Variable Rate (BSVR), which is often higher than what you could get if you shopped around, or even higher than if you re-signed with the same bank.

The most important thing is to shop around and find a competitive loan that suits you.

Good news! It doesn’t have to be that way at all. Fear of public speaking is a learned experience. Unfortunately, it can potentially hold you back from new clients, making new business connections and growing your business

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Facials start from as little at $75. Do your skin a favour – give it some loving

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She offers the good old-fashioned facial, including a double cleanse, steamer, ten-minute relaxing massage, optional microdermabrasion, optional skin needling, optional radio frequency, a customised mask and moisture.

18 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | Local Matters |


Leading a presentation at work, delivering the perfect pitch to a room filled with your industry peers or being asked to give a speech for winning an award? For many people this is an exciting moment in their career but at the same time, the stuff of nightmares.

A great way to do that is with the help of a mortgage broker who has access to a wide range of lenders and products to suit any situation. ca

All of these tools help you to look and feel your best. They help with fine lines (and the not so fine ones), pigmentation, sun damage, scarring, large pores and redness.

with Angela Farlam

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in Cooroy which is the heart of the Noosa Hinterland. We find this beautiful rainforest environment allows our children to develop and understand their natural environment, with use of possum boxes, bush tucker garden and bush kindy. We are constantly creating innovative practice, such as our immersion languages, a safety net to ensure early intervention needs are met, and a self-directing free ranging environment which provides opportunities for siblings and peers to connect and learn.

Exercise regularly starting from a young age. If you are passionate about your children's eye health, get them outdoors playing sports as soon as they are old enough. Children spending too much time inside leads to a vision problem called myopia and other health conditions that can cause blindness, such as diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension.


Eat healthy foods and stay away from unhealthy foods. The Mediterranean diet is an ideal diet for your eye health.

Kate and Denis Pontyon

with | 19 | Local Matters |




CRUISE MAROOCHY P. 0407 333 www.cruisemaroochy.com242




Commemorate that 18th, 21st, 40th, 50th, 60th, 90th birthdays, work or Christmas parties, on glistening waters under the ambience of beautiful scenery, vibrant wildlife and divine skies. The idyllic setting makes that wedding, engagement party, corporate event, surprise proposal, workplace party, graduation, beautiful wake or blissful afternoon with friends and family, just perfect.

How do we keep our eyes healthy? There are no secrets here. Dr Michael J Karpa says the most important thing is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and not ignoring visual symptoms.


with Kerri Steele

paradise on a sunset champagne dinner cruise or party the night away with fully serviced bar, band and catering. Be spoilt for choice with delicious cocktails and choice of quality food .

Since 2009, Karinya Montessori Children's House has been passionate about creating early childhood environments that will educate the future. As a small, independent family-run centre, we find by nurturing and respecting families, each child feels supported and ready to Welearn.arenestled

The picturesque waters of Maroochy River are Explorecalling.

You need to know that you are going to be cared for by a world class practice here on the Sunshine Coast. Best Practice Eyecare ensures that everyone that comes through their doors receives the best care possible.

At Best Practice Eyecare, we believe in regular check-ups for eye health because it’s true that many treatable eye problems can lead to permanent reduced vision or blindness if not treated immediately.

Mangroves to mountains, river mouth to rainforest, cruising the waters of Maroochy River isn’t just the perfect way to celebrate and capture moments in time, it is a unique way to experience the natural beauty of the Sunshine Coast, making your event unforgettable.

Be it casual, formal or themed, Denis and Kate, owners of Cruise Maroochy, will ensure your special moments become lifetime memories. ca

As an Approved Kindergarten, our children transition successfully to schools. We believe the Montessori method helps the children to build independence, resilience, confidence and academic rigour needed for school. Our teachers are the crème da la crème of early education. They are long term, consistent and passionate about nurturing early education. ca È ME DA LA È ME OF EDUCATIONEARLY


With a carefully curated team of tradespeople and creatives, Melissa works on transforming and selling her clients’ properties, often with very little monetary input, to obtain a maximum sale price, sometimes up to 20 per cent above the initial appraisal.

People often feel stuck, lost, blocked or defeated. Jean Sheehan just LOVES seeing how they can change within minutes to be free of burdens and old painful patterns. Using Medical Intuition, they are able to live their best life.


REAL ESTATE with Melissa Schembri



Available at the app and play stores

people who are happier and healthier perform better in all aspects of life.

My drive and passion is assisting people to tap in to their super power of intuition which means they know, ‘it always works out’. Jean now teaches others her accredited Millennium Modality at universities, to health professionals, on cruise ships and to businesses. ca

20 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | Local Matters |

with Jean Sheenan

The Offit app is designed to help us achieve happier and healthier lifestyles through the implementation of specific, time-efficient, and easy to perform exercises in our working

Melissa’s point of difference to other agents on the Sunshine Coast is her Personal Property Concierge service, which is free to all her clients as part of the selling process. Melissa co-ordinates a team of highly skilled professionals to clean or replace flooring, remove unnecessary clutter and furniture, organise landscaping, handyman jobs and stage the Textproperty.Melissa on 0403 327 792 to get your free property appraisal and home sold! ca

Offit is currently free for all users. ca

“Presenting your property for sale at it’s absolute best is a key component to a quick and profitable sale. Your home is one of your most valuable assets and it is important to ensure that is reflected in its presentation as potential buyers walk through the door,” says top selling real estate agent Melissa Schembri.




I am known as ‘The Walking Talking MRI’ which means I can see inside the body like an Xray, MRI, CT scan and blood test. Yes, I see the health problems, but I also see why someone has created disease, sabotage, pain in all areas of their life. I see my purpose is to help people see who they really are and how to live their best life.

If you get stiff and sore from sitting in front of a computer for hours on end, then check out the Offit app.

Offit sends you reminder notifications to take a minute and move. It provides exercise videos for different areas of the body using selections made by you.

By introducing a small amount of physical movement into our day, we can reset ourselves mentally. We know that we can only concentrate for a certain period of time before we get tired, distracted and less productive. Using a tool that reminds us to stop, move and give our brain a rest, can really improve our productivity over the course of the day.



I love seeing people go from ‘broken’ to ‘abundant’ in all areas of life.

HEALTH with Brendan Butler and Peter Patrikios


with Lee-Anne Borham

But here’s the thing…

A recent client testimonial states, “Having never had the need for legal representation up to this point in my life I felt utterly lost and out of my depth when, after the breakdown of my marriage of 12 years, I found myself in the position of having to navigate the intricacies of the family law system. I will be forever thankful that one of the very first people I spoke to in a series of desperate phone calls for help was Michelle Britton.”

FOCUS FAMILY LAW P. 07 5493 9888 Location 4/9 Capital Pl, Birtinya Q 4575



Our purpose is to help our clients achieve better health by providing the right conditions for the body’s innate wisdom to perform optimally. When dealing with infertility issues we combine several modalities to achieve a positive outcome.

• Neuroacoutic Sound Therapy is personalised to your individual healing frequency and it works to reduce stress by balancing the autonomic nervous system and enhancing sleep •quality.Photobiomodulation (PBM) or Red Light Therapy is used to increase blood flow and hence nutrient and oxygen delivery to the ovaries and uterus. PBM will also decrease oxidative stress and increase cellular energy in the ovum in preparation for conception and can reduce inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis. Furthermore, male infertility can be helped using red light therapy to improve sperm health with options for at home application



FAMILY LAW with Michelle Britton

The truth is that the breakdown of a relationship or marriage can be one of the most stressful and traumatic times in a person’s life. As a firm dealing specifically with family law, Focus Family Law understands your situation and can offer the expertise and sensitivity to help you with your matter. They aim to exceed your expectations where the FOCUS is on you.

Wemonth.use strategies that are working right now. Strategies that have netted our clients up to 733 per cent in growth.

After our client discovered our proven customer-getting sales system that does the work of 10 sales agents while you sleep, he converted over 67 customers per month. That’s an extra 200 per cent growth in revenue per

• Would you take a few (A LOT) more days

This rock-solid blueprint isn’t for everyone. It’s for doers. It’s for the motivated few. It’s for the people who will take action. And I know you are one of the few who will take action.

Coastal Synthetic Turf did just that. Imagine what you’d be doing with an extra 43 leads per month!

with Kirsty

•off?Would you take your partner out on the trip that you both have always deserved?

So give me a call to book in a complimentary 30 minute strategy session. ca

Don’t wonder what your legal rights and obligations are – contact Focus Family Law. They will provide you with FREE initial advice for fifteen minutes and then can offer you a one-hour consultation for a reduced rate. ca

ENGLANDER DAVIS P. 1300 640 508 E:

• Would you retire young, sell your business and travel the world? | 21

How would you like to get an additional 43 leads per month… for doing nothing?

Englander | Local Matters |


• Ozone Therapy when applied during a HOCATT sauna session can be used to eliminate any vaginal yeast, fungal, viral or bacterial infections that may lower fertility and can also improve uterine and ovarian health prior to conception. ca

Our expert consultants and framers at our workshop and Gallery Café in Minyama and storefront in Noosa have a wealth of experience and are always ready to lend a hand. Combined, there is over 100 years of framing experience in the team! We specialise in art preservation and custom framing, canvas stretching, printing, custom mirrors, framing of sporting memorabilia and ready-to-hang artwork for sale. “You

As art and framing specialists, our team at Sunshine Coast Arts and Framing are passionate about providing an extensive range of wall art options, ensuring good art is framed well and providing a place for our creative community to come together.

name it, we frame it!” is our mantra, and we relish the opportunity to work with our customers to provide the perfect frame that exceeds their expectations and complements their personal style.

We are privileged to work alongside such a vibrant community of local artists on the Coast and support their artistic passion by displaying their art in-store, providing them with high-quality framing services and offering mentoring sessions to those launching their creative project as a business.

We would love to see you in store and to share our passion of local art with you. Visit our Gallery and Cafe in Minyama or pop into our store at Noosaville to chat with our team.

Come in store and see our large range of wall art. Show this article to receive $30 off any wall art on display until 31 December, 2022.

Our Minyama Store is open six days a week, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm and Saturdays 8.30am to 4pm. Shop E, 3 Longwood Street Minyama QLD 4575 (Nicklin Way, Next door from Pillow Talk) Ph: 07 5444 0009. // Email:

PAULA AND JOHN GOWLAND are passionate about everything to do with the Art and Framing World. They head a team of experts with over 100 years’ combined knowledge in the area. Each member of the team brings their own unique skills that, when combined, leaves no stone unturned. | Sunshine Coast Art & Framing | YOU NAME IT, WE FRAME IT DO YOUR STAFF KNOW HOW TO HANDLE AGGRESSIVE CLIENTS? WHAT ABOUT HANDLING CONFLICT WITH STAFF THATCONVERSATIONSORMEMBERS?THOSEDIFFICULTNEEDTOBEHAD? Managing Aggressive and Difficult Subjects (MADS) is one course we offer. If you need help with any of the above, we also offer a range of industry specific, real-world training and development (both online and in-house) in a range of related areas. CONTACT THE PICA GROUP TODAY FOR A NO OBLIGATION CHAT ON HOW WE CAN HELP YOU 1300 649 967 OR GREG@PICA.EDU.AU WWW.PICA.EDU.AU


ood art isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about adding colour and passion into our living environment and incorporating this into our everyday life.

Our Noosaville store is open six days a week, Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm. 2/50 Gateway Drive Noosaville QLD 4566 Ph: 07 5474 1127 // Email: ca

22 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | 23

You know what you want, but you really don’t have the first idea how to make that a reality.

Let’s face it, your special day is supposed to be the best day of your life, right?

You want a first-class product, but you don’t necessarily want it to cost the earth.

How do you get the best price?

There are so many factors involved in making your wedding the best day of your life and the emotional roller coaster of dealing with so many suppliers.

You end up throwing your hands in the air, not even trusting your own choices.

Then there’s family and friends stressing you out, telling you what you should do, telling you what’s best, what you absolutely have to have, what you absolutely have to do, what you absolutely have to think.

The truth is, you want someone to help you, but you just think that will cost you too much.

You want a first-class wedding, but you don’t have 24 hours a day for six months to devote to making it happen.

How do you even know where to start to get everything you’ve ever dreamed of, but still stay within yourTherebudget?isnothing worse than feeling stressed out and overwhelmed about planning your wedding.

There’s the venue, the cake, the photographer, the dress, the bridesmaid’s outfits, the grooms outfit, the groomsmen outfits, the rings, the invitations, the flowers, the celebrant, the MC, the food, the band… the list on its own can be overwhelming and that’s just to start with!

Putting together the perfect wedding takes planning and know how.


Relax, put your feet up, put a smile on your face and meet Kathy.

With The Wedding Planning Co on your team, you can just sit back and relax and enjoy your moment in the spotlight while they take care of everything else.


Maybe you’re busy with life and just don’t have the time needed to ensure that your day is everything you want it to be.You can feel confused, disappointed and stressed out at the sheer size of your to-do list.

24 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | The Wedding Planning Co |

ow do you put together the perfect wedding?


| The Wedding Planning Co |

enough emotions involved with a wedding without adding tears of frustration or sadness because something went wrong that was out of your control. Put the control in the hands of the experts to ensure your day will be the fairytale you dreamed of.

& Love Photography’sMarinaNoosa.Photo:Life

They will guide you, educate you, help you to make your journey simple and fun. They help you to appreciate the price tag of someone who is outstanding at what they do and guide you as to when you may need to pay a higher price for some vendors as they are invaluable. In contrast, they will also let you know when you can get away with paying

There is so much to do to bring the day together for months in advance, and then to make it all run smoothly on the day. With The Wedding Planning Co on your team, you can just sit back and relax and enjoy your moment in the spotlight while they take care of everything else.

Kathy and her team at The Wedding Planning Co are so passionate about ensuring that your wedding is everything that you want for your special day, that they always go the extra mile.

If you need help to plan the perfect wedding, Kathy and her team are here for you. They can help with as little or as much as you need from start to finish, ensuring you have the best day for the best price and you will know that the money you are spending will be worth every penny. Your day will exceed your dreams. f | 25

Kathy was a Qantas international first-class air hostess for over thirty years and her attention to detail is second to none. She received the best training in the service industry to really understand people and to give them exceptional service for exceptional value. She loves nothing more than to exceed her client’s expectations.

In fact, their clients trust them to do everything needed to make their wedding journey and day absolutely perfect. Oh and 10 out of 10 times they actually SAVE you MONEY. Every price you get, Kathy and her team will be able to get a cheaper one, they know where to go, who to ask, they have relationships with all of them.


Photo: Lindy Ewen Wedding Photography

We have created a service for businesses that need to be found online to support their word of mouth, referral and networking efforts. For just $99 a month, get a website, social media profiles, search and business listings set up and maintained.

| Embrace Local |

THEY ARE women inspired

The book hit the streets in November 2022, if you are reading this before then, you can pre-order your copy. If it’s December or later and the book is already out, you can grab your copy at www.womeninspired. ca

26 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

We have worked with hundreds of businesses throughout Australia. The average marketing spend is less than $6,000 per year. This spending needs to go towards networking, printing, website, social media, search, signage, and much more. The returns matter.


You need a simple, effective, affordable digital marketing solution to get you started.


Scan the QR code to get started today! ca

very woman has a story of strength worth revealing. They move among us as business leaders, quiet achievers and intellectual giants. They are our neighbours, mothers, friends, aunts and daughters. They are motivated, innovative and relentless. They are the vision upon which our current and future feminine power is created.Moved by the actions, achievements and motivations of the women moving among us, Women Inspired seeks to showcase the culture, diversity and achievements of exceptional feminine leaders and trailblazers within our Sunshine Coast community.

ou have started your business and are ready to get to work. With years of experience, passion for what you do and a small base of clients, you have the building blocks to grow. But, as you know, over 90 per cent of new business comes from word of mouth.So, what happens when a potential customer gets the recommendation to work with you?

Compiled in a beautiful, high-quality hardcover book, Women Inspired: The Sunshine Coast, is a testament to the leaders, innovators and initiators who live in this stunning part of Queensland. Presented in both written and photographic portraiture, the stories of a select group of extraordinary Sunshine Coast women documented within, will motivate and inspire.


The first thing they will do is ‘Google’ you. So, are you easily found online? Do you have somewhere for them to go to check your story and credentials, then call or email you?

TheirCentres.dedicated message of melanoma awareness and sun safety is also being passionately shared with ambassadors such as race car drivers, triathletes, surfers, skin cancer advocates and fashion stylists.

At Serafina Wealth Management we are passionate about providing financial planning advice to assist with maximising your assets and income opportunities.

It wasn’t long before customers were praising the device not just for their backs, but many hard-to-reach places like backs of knees and feet, and the ease of sunscreen application it brought for people with any kind of movement issues.

We work intimately with you to identify your goals and personal needs and help you build a plan by finding the best solutions for you and your family’s financial wellbeing, both pre and post retirement.

It doesn’t matter if you are receiving income support or have surplus income available, we can help you find solutions and or the means to free up your current financial assets so that you can maximise your position and to move forward to meet your greater goals.

But the invention was just the start. The Bakslap itself helps prevent skin cancers but the team has also been raising money for research, building partnerships and running events with Volkswagen, Facebook Australia, Ochre Sunscreen, Ricky Richards and the National Skin Cancer

tart planning your future today. Getting the most out of your financial situation is important. However many of us that don’t take the opportunity to cultivate what we have, and therefore miss the benefits available.

If you have surplus funds to utilise, you may have goals to focus on wealth accumulation for early retirement. Let Serafina Wealth Management assist you to put together a well thought out investment plan which might include a personal insurance portfolio if required, to meet those are right now on your financial journey, Cathy and the team at Serafina Wealth Management can assist you to maximise your position and take hold of the opportunities available. ca

The devastating loss of his sister, Tess, to a melanoma skin cancer inspired Raphael’s passion to invent an easy way of make sure our back is getting the sunscreen protection it needs.



If you need it, we can even assist you to put in place a well-balanced budget, savings plan or even that retirement plan that you may have thought wasn’t possible.

unshine Coast surfer Raphael McGowan has your back, literally. He is the inventor of the genius Bakslap sunscreen and lotion applicator that is helping families all over Australia make sure they can slip, slop, slap even in the hard-to-reach places, like our back.

| 27 | Embrace Local |


Find out more at ca


Reach All Areas With This Award-Winning Local Invention @thebakslap @_bakslap At Serafina Wealth Management, we provide the following comprehensive financial advice services to you wherever you are located: • Cashflow & Debt Management • Superannuation • Investment • Retirement Planning • Personal Insurance Email us at for your free tips to unravel your financial stress. Delivering professional service in a friendly trusted environment. Serafina Wealth Management Pty Ltd (ABN No. 43 653 182 355, Corporate Authorised Representative No. 1293410) and Cathy Irwin (Authorised Representative No. 1243783) are Authorised Representatives of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd AFSL 229892

Katie Lawrence and Co know that eyebrows are an important part of your facial features because they frame your eyes and lift your face.The good news is, your brows can be transformed in just ONE treatment.KL+CO

ogita Ridgley is the author of Finding Me, Myself and I. This beautiful book will move you at the deepest level. It’s about a woman trapped between two cultures. She feels lost, unappreciated, unheard and unloved. She fears she is not good enough. That she will not fit in and that she will not be accepted.

she wants to do is be her true self. Her authentic self.

Email Yogita at ca


BEAUTIFULBROWS 0431 119 359 |


t’s impossible to explain just how much difference beautiful, even, structured brows can make to a face.

tailor brows to suit all different face shapes. Brow Tattoo can be kept soft and natural and align with your face to enhance your bestCosmeticfeatures.

28 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

| Embrace Local |

Finding Me, Myself and I –THE BOOK

Tattooing is recommended to best suit your situation and skinIfqualities.youhave been wanting to take the plunge and try ‘feathering tattoo’ but have some questions, book in a complimentary brow consult today. Our team will talk you through the process, all your care instructions and show you some of our work to make your decision easier.Book in with KL+CO today! 0431 119 359 ca

Finding Me, Myself and I describes the journey all women need to go on if they want to be the best version of themselves without fake masks and pretence.

This book will take you through a journey of self-discovery, selfacceptance and self-love. It will help you learn to be your true self by embracing all your strengths and weaknesses. It will show you how learning to have self-belief and self-worth empowers us.

So, she hides all her insecurities behind the walls she built to protect herself from the world. She pretends to be someone she is not. But pretending just makes her depressed and feel like she is quietly dying inside.All


Take the plunge and try our signature feathering tattoo. Book in a complimentary brow consult today with KL+CO today!

t Bridgewise, our mission is to turn the entire buying experience into one that is informative, seamless and cost effective. We are an enthusiastic team eager to exceed our customers’ expectations.

Chook Media Group is a boutique, Sunshine Coast based business that caters for all local and national clientele, providing clients with all services both digitally and mainstream including television, radio, social media, and Google advertising. ca

• Public and Products Liability Insurance.

• And many more.

worry. Leave the claim to us, so you can get on with what you do best – running your business. We offer the following insurances:•Business Pack Insurance.

Call 1300 010 307 or visit to request a free consultation. ca

LEAVE THE claim to us

• Fleet and Motor Insurance.

There may be a stigma surrounding insurance, where you often don’t know what you are paying for and how the policy is going to respond in a time of need, making it an undesirable purchase.Our professionalism, experience and expert advice when arranging your insurances, means you can be assured of a positive outcome when you do need to claim. At Bridgewise, we act for you, not the insurance company, so you don’t need to

• Professional Indemnity Insurance.

• Marine Transit Insurance.

Bridgewise Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative of Ausure Pty Ltd // ABN 94 096 971 854 // AFSL 238433.


ong-time local Troy Deighton heads up the full-service agency, Chook Media Group. This year Troy’s agency welcomed Peter Stevens (Yoda to many) as leading sales manager. With over 30 years of experience working closely with clients in both radio and television, Peter brings a wealth of knowledge to the company and a tonne of fun and laughter.

DO OR DO NOT. There is no TRY

Troy and his team love nothing more than building long-term relationships with their clients. Results are a focus for Chook Media Group and the company is strong on maintaining transparency through consistent communication.

We all know that in business, we can’t do everything ourselves. We often need assistance to get to where we’re going, whether it be in one area of your business or the entire marketing strategy and rollout. Yes, marketing and advertising is one of those areas where you can spend a lot of time and money without the assurance of a return. To save time and money in the long run, you need an expert! | 29 | Embrace Local |

• Strata Insurance.

• Management Liability Insurance.


• Contract Works Insurance.

A vision for the perfect structure to your business and lifestyle brought to life by us.


P: 07 5444 7094 E:

Founded in 2010 by the Directors of respected Sunshine Coast firms HBA Accounting Pty Ltd and Encompass Tax and Accounting Pty Ltd, HBA Encompass created a fresh and powerful firm from a solid and trusted base of the highest level in accounting and customer service.From the very beginning, our passion to help clients achieve

hy do you do what you do? What is it you want out of it?

30 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

Profit First principles

Testimonials like client Helen paint a picture of the difference accountants can make, “What would I do without the team at HBA? And I never thought I’d say that about accountants.”

Together we help you define your business, your financial goals and how you envision your lifestyle and future, and then we plan for that.



Knowing what you want

You and your needs are the heart of your business and that is key for us is because not all goals are number driven. Along with financial and business success, some of your goals could include stress reduction, work-life balance or lifestyle. You and your business are separate, but also symbiotic, and we are ready to assist with the whole picture.


Let’s keep our focus local. Supporting Sunshine Coast products and services really does make a difference. Next time you are looking to buy ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE, remember SUPPORTING LOCAL MATTERS.

business and lifestyle goals simultaneously means we are working with you to make your vision a reality.

Business success

We don’t just crunch numbers; we offer Premium Business Partner Services. Accounting Services as leaders in the field. Taxation services where we are always ready to go, assisting you with all your tax compliance needs and helping you cut through the jargon to understand your finances. Audit services – for Trust Accounts (Legal, Real Estate and Accountants), Incorporated Associations and Body Corps. Self managed super services – our specialised SMSF team are experienced in all aspects of management, set up and ongoing administrative tasks of Self Managed Super Funds.

At HBA Encompass Accounting, Tax and Business Solutions, you and what you need are the most important things to us. We are passionate about your business and how you visualise it. We love to drill down to who you are and what you really want out of your business!

Many clients have taken the time to rave about the HBA experience, “I have been doing my tax return with HBA for 19 years now – need I say more?” And “HBA found me options I didn’t even know existed. Their long-term planning is invaluable.” This is delivering an above and beyond service that makes HBA the accountants you never knew you couldn’t live without.

Your business is your passion, but you are also the integral cog in that machine, so you need to be taken care of as well. As business professionals ourselves, we understand that the health of you is as important as the health of your business. From the buying and improving performance aspects to selling and succession, we help you design and produce the most from your business to achieve your financial goals, and we dig deeper to match it to the life you want to lead.The extra depth to accounting that is at HBA is all about relationships and us understanding your business and needs.

Perfecting the team

The professionals that make up your team become part of your success story. We evaluate and help you build that team to ensure you have the right advice like financial advisors on your investments.


We want you to focus on knowing that your business is there to provide the lifestyle you want to live, provide a platform to do what you are passionate about and to give you the ability to invest in and plan for your future. It is vital that this is a prominent part of your planning and goals, and it is of great importance to us

This is such a key element to your business planning, goals, structure and success. Knowing this means we can get to work on the numbers and how the numbers can make this happen. We can critically analyse what needs to happen with those numbers and how they need to be managed to make that a reality.

local FOCUS

Get in touch to discover accounting that exceeds expectations ca

Establishing a business rhythm that manages your cashflow to achieve you goals and business vision. Cashflow is a crucial element in business and one that many businesses struggle with. Our extensive experience in this area gives your business the best possible solutions and systems.

• Keeping up with technology trends as our data requirements grow.

Purpose-built to integrate super-fast internet for everything from cloud and IoT services to supreme gaming experiences, new buildings, hospitals and the booming business growth of the Sunshine Coast, and on to the World with the new Sub-Sea International Fibre cable.

I help to cure your curiosity of your forever after creation!

... And I’m also pretty passionate about shoes

ine Networks is the fastest growing 100% Fibre Broadband Network on the Sunshine Coast.

Vine Networks always keeps the needs of the retail and wholesale customers top of mind.

P: 07 5405 2500 | 31

• Providing better connectivity with greater reliability and performance.

Vine can help improve your internet experience by:

• Providing faster internet than NBN & Fixed-Wireless.

• Adding value to your building and enhance marketing opportunities, becoming one of the fastest buildings in QLD.

I bring their story, energy and emotion into their very own golden sculpture to hold, admire andThisenjoy.ismy life’s work and my soul’s purpose!


pecialising in custom design and manufacturing of fine jewellery. I have been hand making jewellery for clients with a deeper connection for 26 passionate years.

• Reducing the internet costs for your letting pool with bulk internet services available.

I create quality pieces to commemorate special occasions, memories and milestones.

Vine Networks owner David Trad, has 20 Years of practical business experience, having owned and operated computer stores in the late 90's and early millennia, Internet Service Provider businesses in Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Dubai.

• Reducing costs when upgrading existing systems at end of life such as intercom, gate access, CCTV, free to air TV & more.

too! ca






Uniqueness Designer Jeweller Private Studio, Maroochydore. 0409 057

ca | Local Focus |

Vine Networks is the number one alternative to the NBN on the Sunshine Coast. Contact them for your residential or business needs to find out the best option for you.

Photos by Jodie Modric Photography

David and the team at Vine Networks are results driven and measure their success by the results achieved for their clients.

David is up to date in current and future technologies, constantly testing new products for vendors, and also reviewing new products prior to taking them to market. David says, “There is a never-ending challenge to constantly improving in the Information, Communication & Technology sectors, and Business Management”.

You might also notice, without any conscious changes to food habits or exercise, that you lose weight, look younger and radiate an overall increased attractiveness?

P: 0421 332 243 Facebook: @BridgetJaneMindBodyWellbeing Instagram: @bridgetjane__

Qoin already have access to the world’s largest centralised private B2B merchant ecosystem. This B2B ecosystem forms a ready nucleus open to the public and able to rapidly expand globally.

Most businesses have some spare capacity to accept new customers. Qoin helps by tokenising this spare capacity in the form of the Qoin digitalParticipatingcurrency.

So next time you find yourself wondering what you need to feel more energised, alive and inspired, I urge you to defer the search from pills, practitioners and programs.

Bridget Jane Dietitian – Counsellor – Eating Psychology Coach


• A g lobal, open, instant, and low-cost movement of money will create unprecedented opportunity and prosperity.


This, my friends, is the very real and magical effect of PASSION. Passion ignites a fire in our soul that reverberates to the body and mind in a powerful way. At a cellular level, passion kindles our metabolism and saturates our body and brain with protective chemicals andHavingprocesses.passion in our lives, and being and feeling passionate on a daily basis, is as important for our wellbeing than just about any another other purported health benefactor.Infact, I would argue it is much more potent.

32 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

The Opportunity

Bridget Jane

• Many more people or buyers should have easy access to acquire global currency and be rewarded when they spend it


Qoin believe in the future of local commerce and the benefits of convenience to the local community.

ave you ever noticed that when you are madly in love or extremely excited about something in life, you tend to have more energy, need less sleep, have a sunnier disposition and cope with everyday stresses better?

Instead, tap into something you are passionate about. What lights you up? When you dig deep and realise what it is that gets you energised, you can do it more often and reap the rewards for your health. ca

ecause the Qoin mission is to enable a global commercial digital currency that empowers millions of sellers to trade their goods and services with buyers around the world.

Take a look for yourself at what else is possible with Qoin. ca

• The ability for merchants and sellers to leverage their spare capacity will empower them to more effectively combat large multinational corporations.

Qoin will expand this digital ecosystem of commerce between local entrepreneurs and buyers and we believe:

merchants accept Qoin from customers as payment for their goods and services.


This digital currency, backed by participating merchant’s supply of goods and services, allows innovative ways for merchants to attract shoppers.

• Many more merchants and sellers should have easy access to payment services, rewards systems and marketing programs

| Local Focus |

• All participants in the commerce ecosystem between buyers and sellers must continuously uphold its integrity.

And for the business owners that do enjoy their own bookkeeping tasks we can assist with professional training, guidance and support to ensure it runs smoothly and advantageously.

From knowing your numbers, we then help you manage your delegation of funds in the most intelligent way possible. This helps you make quality decisions, no more flying by the seat of your pants! | 33

Know your numbers and use them wisely.

Cashflow, and the good management of it, make a business run smoother and more productively. It is one of the biggest areas a business benefits from expert bookkeeping assistance in. It needs to be well planned and to allow for ebbs and flows.

Bookkeeping is the glue that keeps your business solidly together, and we are here to help! ca 0419 179

| Local Focus |

Practical management that makes sure you are financially sound and not living in entrepreneurial poverty.


does a great bookkeeper start a business on a journey to financial success and freedom?

Specialising in the Cloud, we meticulously co-ordinate a cloudbased program specifically for you. This means we can seamlessly maintain every single piece of information and source of financial transaction. Experts in Xero, WorkflowMax, Dext and Deputy, at the Bookkeeper Hub we are proud to be making strides as a thought leader within the bookkeeping industry.

Bookkeeping is the glue that keeps your businesstogether...solidly


Being flexible in the allocation to save for a rainy day or pay off debt.

At the Bookkeeper Hub, we can make your bookkeeping feel effortless. That is our passion. You can relax in the trust of knowing your books are in safe, experienced hands. You have better things to do and we want to do the books for you!

As expert bookkeepers, we become part of your business. We make sure everything is perfect for your accountant and your records, and that transactions are working like clockwork.Weare


Many business owners are brilliant at what they do for their business, bursting with talent and skills, but they often lack the deep experience and knowledge of bookwork that is essential for it to run as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

177 E:

passionate about helping businesses have profit first in our bid to end the entrepreneurial poverty that happens with so many great businesses today.How

With the amount of work involved in well-maintained books it is no surprise that a talented bookkeeper with the right level of experience cuts down as much as 80% of the time a business owner spends on their finance admin. That frees up a lot of crucial time that can be used instead to grow your business or increase your profits.

Knowing your numbers is empowering and essential for stable profit and growth. It gives real time knowledge and powerful negotiating and development opportunities. Your numbers give you a clear picture and the information to know when you are using them wisely. As professional bookkeepers, numbers are our game and through us you will know yours with confidence.

Using regular allocations to smooth out the ebbs and flows of business cashflow.

t the heart of a successful business, is the books. And in those books is the tracking and reporting of financial transactions, maintaining records, BAS, reports, balance sheets, income statements and all day-to-day financial transactions. Bookkeeping is the process of tracking all of this.

We believe you don’t try and change what isn’t broken. Of all the many interacting cogs in the business machine, the ones you don’t need to improve on are the ones that work. If you have some good habits, keep those. We use our expertise to identify what these are within your business model, to evaluate how they help and their profitability. Good habits found within your business are fantastic for cementing what works well.

Using your habits.

Limited understanding of legislation and accounting systems can make bookwork for them a headache and time-consuming process of administrative tasks that can feel wearing and even daunting. For a business owner their bookwork can often not be an efficient use of their time and skill. It brings them no monetary return, whereas time spent working in their business is incredibly valuable and generates income.

Creating reserves and clearing down debt are intelligent processes in financial structure through your bookkeeping that will reduce stress and enable growth. Rigid structures don’t allow for movement with natural fluctuations, where a bookkeeper does.

Making sure you put money aside for you first –it limits what you can spend on expenses.

34 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 Ph. 07 5479 2812 SunshinePlaza(DavidJonesend) SunsetTropical Stepinto the vibrant world of Czarina Maroochydore,atourdreamyboutiqueinQueensland. At Czarina, our passion lies in creating unique handcrafted garments, vibrant & easy-to-wear to bring out the beauty in everybody. | 35 Take a look at some of these amazing fashion statements available right here on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. We certainly do have a PASSION FOR FASHION.


LOCALS with a passion for FASHION

36 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | Fashion | FashionUniqueLabels FOR GORGEOUS LADIES AT AFFORDABLE PRICES SHOP 10/45 BURNETT STREET, SHOP(FORMALBUDERIMWEARSTORE)P:547709022/11-19CHANCELLORPARKBLVD,SIPPYDOWNSP:53709222 ONYXPOPPYONLINE.COM.AU AFNF Apparel GET KITTED CLOTHING CO SHOP 30, 123 PARKYN PARADE, THE WHARF MOOLOOLABA 'Green Goddess' – offmaxishoulderdress (DAVIDSUNSHINECZARINAPLAZAJONESEND) TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM Huggy earrings with rubies and diamonds alternatively set TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM | 37 TO LOVE TO REMEMBER TO HOLD AND TO HAVE FOREVER 07 5477 0561 Multi Award ManufacturingWinningJewellers | Fashion | Yellow gold heart pendant TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM Ruby Yaya Leponica –maxi-dresswrap-style,innavy ONYX POPPYSIPPYBOUTIQUE,DOWNS Super high anti-roll down briefs and g strings. Available in nude and black, $69.00 MIRACLE MAROOCHYDORESHAPERS,,length.Availableinnudeblack,$69.00 MIRACLE MAROOCHYDORESHAPERS, ONYX POPPY BOUTIQUE, SIPPY DOWNS AFNF Apparel GET KITTED CLOTHING CO SHOP 30, 123 PARKYN PARADE, THE WHARF MOOLOOLABA Long length latex waist trainer hook and eyes. Available in creme and black, $129 MIRACLEMAROOCHYDORESHAPERS,

38 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | Fashion |

Diamond and strawberry Tourmaline dress ring TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM | 39 Anti-Roll Briefs, Super High Shaping Shorts, Waist Trainers and more. Bringing back the hourglass shape 0405751646 In store by appointment 42D Duporth Ave Maroochydore QLD 4558 ✔ Instant waist reduction ✔ Firm support ✔ Train the waist ✔ Back & posture support ✔ Postpartum recovery ✔ Smooth from bust and hips ✔ Sport, Formal, Bridal, Everyday ✔ High quality latex & steel bones ✔ Triple thread technology fabric | Fashion | 'Tigress' – short dress SUNSHINECZARINA PLAZA (DAVID JONES END) Lula Soul, Muriel – top ONYX SIPPYBOUTIQUE,POPPYDOWNS Marquise diamond halo engagement ring TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM Accessories ONYX POPPYSIPPYBOUTIQUE,DOWNS

40 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | Fashion | Three rows of diamonds set in white gold with a yellow gold band TO HOLD & TO HAVE, BUDERIM waist trainers. Available in creme and black, $79.00 MIRACLE SHAPERS, MAROOCHYDORE Morganite diamond and pink sapphire engagement ring with fitted tiara wedding band TO HOLD & TO HAVE, ONYX POPPY BOUTIQUE, BUDERIM 'Bohemia' – high low dress with sleeves SUNSHINECZARINA PLAZA (DAVID JONES END) | 41 GET KITTED -

Get Kitted Clothing Co incorporates statement pieces, classic items and casual menswear from the most sought-after, leading international designer labels, to form an exclusive, unique collection of menswear.

Shop 30, The Wharf Mooloolaba, 123 Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba, Exclusive DesignerMenwear

is important in your life?

do you need to achieve your business goals? What’s the biggest obstacle getting in your way? What do you need to say no to, to make this happen? What is your business exit plan? If you don’t know the answers or your accountant doesn’t ask you these questions, then it might be time to change accountants? LET US HELP YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS. Level 1, Capital One, 9 Capital Place, Birtinya QLD 4575 p: 07 5439 1600 • e:

The next question while researching is where, but more importantly needs to also be accompanied by ”Is this an Investment Grade Property?”

You can’t just run out and buy any property, because not all properties make good investments! There are fewer properties on the market than there have been for a long time, in fact the Caloundra market for example, is down by 49% compared to pre-covid days



It is a common school of thought and one that I subscribe to, that investors should invest in capital growth first. It’s easier to build a substantial asset base that way and then you can eventually buy your cash flow down the road. Of course, seek professional advice first, but I hope this gives you a place to start. ca

DANELLE WISEMAN has called the Sunshine Coast home for well over 25 years. Bringing her family up in this beautiful region, Danelle’s local knowledge is not only valuable but very insightful when looking for advice of where to purchase, which schools are good, where to shop or more importantly, when to sell and who your buyer will most likely be. Danelle’s experience has been varied, yet indelibly tied, one way or another, to the real estate industry since 1989. Danelle has demonstrated ability to communicate with and relate to people from all walks of life and of all ages, which is yet another attribute that allows Danelle to ‘shine’ at her chosen profession.

42 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

o your financial planner has suggested it’s time to buy your first or another investment property as part of your financial plan.

and while there are still many properties on offer, there is a shortage of quality ‘investment grade’ properties. Of course, any property can become an investment property but that doesn’t make it “investment grade”.Investment

grade is one that offers strong and stable rates of capital appreciation, a steady cash flow, liquidity, easy management, a hedge against inflation and good tax benefits.

| Better Homes and Garden Real Estate |

would make this a great year for you?


I have always recommended location to be put to the 10-finger test. Property commentator Michael Matusik suggests there should be 10 reasons why someone would want to live there. Almost anywhere on our beautiful Sunshine Coast will pass this test, although some areas more than others.




“There are a few transmission shops in the industry closing. This is because the owners are getting to retirement age and they are not bringing new, young people through to keep the business going,” Sandra says.


It’s a trailblazing business that has successfully forged ahead in a tough industry. They ensure they focus on longevity, strategically combining experience with teaching the next generation to ensure they keep that cycle of skills

“The young guns in the business have a team of colleagues to look up to. Riley and Bobbie keenly work on their own cars at any chance they get. This is the reason they joined the industry… to apply their skills for personal use.

on Hill is a bit of a legend on the Sunshine Coast. He created something special when he formed Ron Hill Automatics back in 1975. Moving from a simple shed at the Gap to the well-loved business at 44 Kayleigh Drive, Maroochydore in 1980. He built a business solidly based on expertise, a fantastic team and dedication to the automatic transmission industry with a whole lot of customer service thrown in.

“We have never had a female technician before, and she is super cool, so passionate and so technically minded,” Sandra says.

Call us // 07 5443 4444 Visit us // www.ronhillautomatics OUR

Right now, the team is excited about the young up and coming experts like Summer and the skillset she brings to the team.



Rongoing.passed the banner to Bill and Sandra Olah in 2005. They are passionate about cars and driving. Bill is a 4WD enthusiast with regular treks under his belt. Bill’s passion for off road combined with his extensive knowledge and skills delivers next level automatic transmission customer service.

With Bill bringing 38 years of experience, workshop manager and senior technician Tom 14 years, Tim 13 years and senior technician Tony 30 years, there is currently 95 years of automatic transmission industry expertise at Ron Hill Automatics. It is an impressive foundation to the business that’s well known locally and interstate as leaders in the industry.

With a current shortage of transmission specialists across the trade, the solution is to train and share knowledge. With a careful recruitment selection in place, the right systems / procedures, bundled up with great attitudes they have confidence in their work and how they carry themselves.

“The wealth of combined knowledge in the industry is just so impressive and it has all started on the foundation of the legendary Ron Hill and his passion for customer service that is carried on to this day.” a YOUTH


“They are not selling on. They are just closing the doors and retiring. We are the flipside of that. We want longevity of the business and to give careers to young people in the automotive industry. They are going to be well trained and they will eventually have a wealth of knowledge to also pass on.”

“The wealth of combined knowledge in the industry is just so impressive and it has all started on the foundation of the legendary Ron Hill and his passion for customer service that is carried on to this day.”

Bill has shared his expertise with son Tim, who grew up standing on a milk crate, watching and learning from an early age. He has now bought into the business, continuing the family tradition alongside his service advisor sister, Rach, who has a flair for sales and customer service. | 43 | Ron Hill Automatics |

Sandra says they are especially excited to see and feel a real passion from their youngest members to learn the automotive industry.


Grammar School Way, Forest Glen

A Locavore is a person who chooses to consume food that is grown, raised or produced locally, here on the Sunshine Coast. In this podcast series Roz aims to take you behind the scenes with some of our favourite local growers, producers and suppliers. We’re sharing real stories from the inspirational families who create your favourite local products! SCANLISTEN!TO LOCAVORES PODCAST’S 1 FOREST GLEN VILLAGE CENTRE

If you have any questions about the digital marketing space or would like a free audit on your website, please get in touch at a | 45 Family man and former Falcons half-back and captain, Todd Murphy is offering a FREE CONSULTATION to ensure that he identifies the most efficient solution for your electrical or air conditioning requirements. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR RELIABLE AND ELECTRICIANPROFESSIONALOR AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES? • Servicing the whole of the Sunshine Coast • Renovations and new homes • Air Conditioning - Design, and installation. • All of your electrical needs Check out our reviews here W wiredelectricalandair.comM0423758971 E EMILY WILLIAMS is a digital marketing specialist with ten years’ experience working to grow brands across several industries including FMCG, health care, service and hospitality. Currently working freelance, Emily’s goal is to educate and grow local businesses here on the Sunshine Coast. | Emily Williams Marketing |

So, what’s the solution to promoting a business sustainably? Like with your fitness, a back-to-basics approach that offers gradual but solid growth is always best. My first port of call with new clients is always an audit of their website as that is the only piece of online property that is



truly yours. Facebook could always delete your page and TikTok might overtake Instagram in popularity, so focus on sending traffic to your site and don’t build on rented land.

Much like the fitness industry, there is always a new trend to try or quick fix that promises fast results. The peddlers of these ‘solutions’ tend to have their own bank accounts rather than the education and long-term brand health of their clients in mind.

have spoken to hundreds of small business owners on the Coast and there seems to be a shared hatred of self-promotion. Not because of a shared cultural modesty, but because the marketing industry is so unregulated and fast-paced it leaves busy business owners overwhelmed and often taken advantage of.

Once your website is on-brand and turning visitors into leads/sales you can turn your attention to the other big building blocks, social media, SEO, email marketing and paid advertising. If you want to outsource your marketing efforts, then choose your agency or freelancer with care. A good rule of thumb is that you should leave a meeting feeling that you know more than you did before about marketing.

Jarrad said his business will offer a full range of services in the cyber security, with a strong focus on prevention that involves identifying the biggest threats to clients and providing them with the education and tools to protect themselves. However, he is also committed to supporting victims in recovering and taking back control.

“I’ve always loved gaming and that ignited my interest in computers. It’s an interest that has never really stopped growing," Jarrad said.

Jarrad completed a Certificate III in Information Technology (ICT30120) and a Certificate IV in Cyber Security (22334VIC) in just two years at TAFE Queensland’s Mooloolaba campus, after making the decision to leave his job of seven years as a civil engineering draftsman in order to pursue a career he is more passionate about.

“I developed a passion for assisting victims, but I really wanted to provide a greater level of assistance and a personal touch, and I feel like that starts at home. I really want to do what I can to help the local community first and foremost,” Jarrad said.

“I was so surprised that I was lucky enough to win, it almost winded me. I never really thought my journey was that different to anyone else, so to be recognised and rewarded for my work is amazing,” Jarrad said.

Sunshine Coast local Jarrad Rogers has been recognised for his commitment to achieving excellence in training, with the 34-year-old TAFE Queensland cyber security graduate taking out the title of Vocational Student of the Year at the North Coast regional final of the Queensland Training Awards.

Jarrad was one of 11 winners to receive an accolade, and which saw him advance to the state finals of the Queensland Training Awards.

“While I’d always enjoyed my work, I just found myself wanting a change in direction, and when I started working in identity protection and helping victims of cybercrime, I had this feeling of, ‘This is what I’m meant to be Upondoing’.”graduating at the end of 2021, Jarrad gained employment with IDCARE, working with the charitable organisation to support Australians who had become victims of scams and cybercrimes by assisting them

smarter in their approach, so I’m making it my job to keep on top of the latest tactics and warn others.

Jarrad said he is grateful for the recognition and that it is an honour just to have been made a finalist.

“TAFE Queensland is committed to providing its students with the knowledge and practical skills they need to succeed, so to see Lewis and Gary selected from such an inspiring group of their peers as finalists, and to witness Jarrad being acknowledged on this scale for his passion, dedication and calibre, we can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride.”

“My motivation stems from people close to me falling prey to these kinds of scams. If I can help people like my mum and dad, than that’s all the motivation I need.”

“Victims can often feel embarrassed and don’t know who to talk to or where to start, so it’s my job to put them on the right path to fight back and ensure they don’t fall victim again,” Jarrad said.


To find out more about how TAFE Queensland can help you define your greatness, visit or call 1300 308 233.

“Many people think identifying scams is easy, but they don’t realise just how convincing they can be. Cyber criminals are getting increasingly

with recovery and mitigation of risk. He has since started his own business, Ident IT, through which he aims to use his expertise in the cyber security space to support local individuals and small businesses with assessing their vulnerabilities, mitigating the risks, and supporting the recovery of those impacted by cyber-crime.


General Manager (East Coast region) Ana Rodger said the training provider was extremely proud of Mr Rogers’ achievement, and the recognition that Mr Khan and Mr Chapman had received through the “Thereawards.isnothing more rewarding than seeing our students and staff excel in doing what they love most,” Mrs Rodger said.

Also nominated from TAFE Queensland in the Queensland Training Awards North Coast regional final was Mooloolaba Mental Health Peer Work student Lewis Khan, who was a finalist in the Equity VET Student of the Year category, and Nambour graphic design teacher Gary Chapman, who was recognised as a finalist in the Vocational Teacher or Trainer of the Year

RTO 0275 | CRICOS 03020E

Cyber criminals are getting increasingly smarter in their approach, so I’m making it my job to keep on top of the latest tactics and warn others.

Sunshine Coast’s Most Affordable & Reliable Fibre to the Premises Internet PLANSBUSINESS NODATACAPSONANYPLANSPLANSRESIDENTIAL We are the #1 alternative to the NBN on the Sunshine Coast


• Know your numbers.

“We believe in the value of professional advice before doing anything. For business owners to make difficult decisions easier, having a key team around them in Accounting, Finance and planning can make all the difference to future success,” Adrian says.

“Whether it is how to get that piece of equipment into a business owner’s hands fast so they can start generating income, or to how to evolve from paying rent to purchasing their own commercial premises, smart financial advice and solutions can transform a business.”

mall and medium business owners are very often successful because of the passion they have for their business. However, what they don’t always have is high level support, guidance and expert advice of a professional in business finance. That one-on-one access to someone who is equally passionate about business and finance, who has the answers they need; a trusted adviser working with them and their accountant or financial planner on a tailored plan for all their finance needs. From cashflow and business growth to finance for vehicles or a building, an expert with an open approach that will help them solve the financial needs of SME.


Adrian Mula and the team at Qld Capital Solutions are proud of their Five Star Google rating, they believe that means they know how to assist SME businesses navigate simple and difficult financial transactions.

QCS’s top tips for business finance are:

• Don’t go it alone.

ADRIAN MULA has qualifications in mortgage broking management, risk management, business finance, consulting and client management. Adrian has many years of experience working in the finance sector and is a proud member of the FBAA. With beginnings in the banking environment and having worked in small business consulting and home mortgage lending, Adrian found his passion in SME finance and helping local families invest in property and build financial success. Get in touch today for your info pack 0407 333 242 Follow us on Facebook: Maroochy River Cruise Follow us on Instagram: cruisemaroochy CUSTOM CRUISES FOR GROUPS FROM 15 TO 70 WEDDINGS • ENGAGEMENTS • HENS/BUCKS • MEMORIALS • 18TH TO 80’S • PARTIES GET TOGETHERS • WORK PARTIES • CHRISTMAS PARTIES • TEAM BONDING • DINNERS • THEMED CRUISES ECO CRUISES • LIVE BAND CRUISES • BREAKFAST, LUNCH TIME AND SUNSET CRUISES | Qld Capital Solutions | | 49

Being part of the Coast’s business scene means they have working relationships with an extensive number of accountants and financial planners. Their long list of testimonials showcases their ability to understand, and transparently assist businesses in their financial matters.Members of the Finance Brokers Association of Australia with their own credit licence reveals a sophistication of next level financial possibilities and solutions for businesses.“AtQCS

it is about being right there for our client’s needs, not just here for one transaction but for an ongoing service and commitment to your ongoing financial journey and success,” Adrian says.

• Always seek expert advice and make sure you have that tax planning meeting every year. ca

...know numbers,yourdon’tgoitaloneandalwaysseekexpertadvice.

QCS has been part of the Sunshine Coast community for 15 years, assisting with asset and equipment finance, commercial property, SMSF lending, cash flow finance and working with sophisticated property investors.

| Whistle A Cleaner |

Cleaning and home maintenance services we can provide may include:

As a registered provider with the NDIS, participants can be assured of a professional approach with tailored agreements to meet the individual needs of each NDIS participant in the comfort of their own home.

• Pressure cleaning of roofs, gutters and driveways.

• Organisation/preparation of meals and snacks.

Whistle a Cleaner QLD has commercially cleaned offices in between Rockhampton and Caloundra for over 22 years providing commercial office cleaning and home help services to aged care and NDIS participants.

Is it time for you to Whistle a Cleaner?

• Bed changing/making.

• Dusting and wiping all home surfaces.

• Cleaning ovens and fridges.


The fully trained and police-screened team members of Whistle A Cleaner QLD are also able to assist participants with many day to day duties in the home, such as:

• Laundry, including washing, drying, folding and ironing.

s it time for you to Whistle a Cleaner?

In-fact… whatever your needs are to keep you independent within your home, please give us a call on 0439 069 553 to discuss. We’d love to help you! a

50 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

Phone. 0439 069 553 E.

• Vacuum and mop floor surfaces.

• Scrubbing/cleaning of bathrooms/ showers/toilet areas.

• Cleaning of windows and screens (inside and out).

• De-cluttering and organising cupboards and storage spaces.

• Washing, drying and putting away dishes.


To reduce risk, it is recommended you engage a specialist business broker who has the experience and knowhow to deal with these delicate situations. ca


Perhaps the biggest attraction though is the additional revenue which is gained without increasing fixed expenses. The scales of efficiencies prove this can dramatically increase profits and market share.


One strategy is to sell to a competitor or a similar business who can take advantage of your income without inheriting all your expenses. Often this is a ‘win win’ for all concerned and will likely yield a better result for the seller.

This strategy does come with risk though, as settlement is never guaranteed and it could expose your customer base, staff details, suppliers, intellectual property and weaknesses in your business.

n essential consideration for business owners should be their exit strategy. For most owners this is the time to make serious money and be rewarded for their efforts in business.

ROD RUSSELL has over 28 years’ experience selling businesses on the Sunshine Coast and beyond. His award-winning team at Savvy Business are leaders in buying or selling businesses.

| Savvy Business Sales |

In the past, business owners have been reluctant to sell to the opposition, mainly due to the competitive rivalry they have developed and the fear of letting their rivals see financials and sensitive information.Thingshave now changed. We often see competitors as being the obvious choice to purchase an industry-related business. This scenario makes good sense. They take out a competitor, expand their current customer base, increase buying power and products/services on offer, but most importantly, they get industry-trained staff, which is so difficult post Covid.

We recently sold a business returning annual profits circa $500,000. The competitor who purchased it was able to relocate it to his own premise and save on many of the duplicated expenses. This will increase his profit levels to around $725,000. Considering the added profit, the buyer could justify paying a premium price that other buyers could not perceive as value. | 51 Visit our friendly, innovative, state-of-the-art ophthalmic practice. (07) 5492 2822 64 Landsborough Parade Golden Beach Qld PREMIUM CATARACT MACULARDIABETESGLAUCOMALASERPLASTICSURGERYSURGERYDEGENERATION

touch SHOULD I REFINANCE MY HOME LOAN? Scan this code to download ‘MY MORTGAGE MENTOR’ Top tips to save money on your mortgage. Credit Representative 385610 is authorised under Australian Credit Licence 389328. Your full financial situation would need to be reviewed prior to acceptance of any offer or product.


CHRISTIAN DAVIES is the founder and CEO of Tecoda; a trusted IT advisor, end-to-end managed service provider and developers. Our award-winning software development and network engineering teams are committed to honesty, reliability, security and delivery.

epending on how well you know Christian, you may or may not be aware of his passion for aviation. From the piece of plane wing and row of seats in our reception, to the mig-clock, ‘remove before flight’ tag and multiple aviation companies that we Technologyservice.

52 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 Are you concerned about your home loan repayment increasing?

and it’s supporting hardware and software is present in every business type, and the last two years have really pushed the business community to lean into technology. We have seen many businesses rapidly evolve and what we have noticed is that our breadth of services is ALL being used by customers within aviation, and it’s likely that we pushed it that way!

| Tecoda |

Staying on top of the needs of our customers and their intense regulation keeps us on our toes, and the occasional visits to hangars and training centres always creates smiles. We’re 24/7 alongside our aviation customers and it’s the passion for the industry that keeps us going.New technology and its ability to integrate more seamlessly is changing how we, as a global business community, operate. It’s exciting to be involved in such a fast paced, high-octane environment and if you’re ever wondering how to make a plane wing table, come on in and ask! ca

custom development, data-storage and recovery, multiple managed services customers, and a growing collection of paraphernalia thanks to dedicated efforts of our CTO and team.

When you’re passionate about a particular interest, it tends to find its way into every corner of your world, and we can attest to that! We have an aviation software product, an (almost finished!) complex

Tony and the team at Complete Finance offer personalised, professional and efficient service. With 25 years in the industry, Tony’s track record for finding his clients a great deal is exemplary. in today 0417 074 485




For more information go LIONHEARTEDwww.lionheartedfoundation.comtoLIFESERIES |

Lionhearted Foundation is protecting, connecting, educating and changing the face of leadership for a more diverse future. Lionhearted Foundation seeks to increase gender equality, extend leadership and economic participation opportunities for women, and build a safer, more respectful culture in workplaces throughout Australia. We discover your strengths and the power in who are. We explore your reason for being and the can make. come together of cohort of strong for give the to and | 53



skills to be a leader who is confident in yourself, connected to others, committed


you really


to connect, collaborate and create through facilitated discussion into topics



positive impact you

emotionally courageous. GENERATION LIONHEARTED CONFERENCES | We will take you on a journey to find your soul work, to be inspired and learn from others life lessons and to gain practical skills in your career. LIONHEARTED LIFT RETREATS | We immerse you in a life changing experience that leads you to your light, refreshes your soul and connects you to a sisterhood that will support you to live a meaningful life.

interest for executive women and we build a

KIRSTENNaturopathSWEENEY is the Senior Naturopath at Living Valley Health Retreat – operating in the Noosa Hinterland, improving lives for 32 years. Living Valley Health Retreat // Can you guess what Magnesium does for us in our bodies? If you guessed everything, you are right… well, almost everything…

| Living Valley |

• Alcohol, coffee, sugar, soft drinks and various medications trigger an excretion of magnesium through the urine.

• Dark green leafy vegies like spinach, kale, broccoli and collard greens.

• Heart - Magnesium helps with cardiovascular health, helping to lower blood pressure levels and improve vascular and endothelial function.

It regulates muscle contractions while acting as a natural calcium blocker, helping muscles to relax. Magnesium is central to a healthy heart rhythm, as it transports other electrolytes such as calcium and potassium intoMagnesiumcells. keeps calcium in solution, thus playing a major role in the prevention of arteriosclerosis. Magnesium supplementation can reduce depression in just two weeks. Adequate dietary magnesium alleviates constipation.Nowthescience.

• Common medications (e.g. some antibiotics, antacids, and hypertensive drugs) diminish absorption of Magnesium.

• Cooking and processing depletes magnesium.

• Dig estive disturbances impede absorption, e.g. Coeliac disease, Crohns, Dysbiosis.

• Dark chocolate.

For most people, an increase dietary intake of magnesium will not be enough. A supplement will be required. Magnesium supplements come in differing forms and are absorbed differently. I recommend seeking the advice of a naturopath before buying supplements.LivingValley carries a range of magnesium powders and tablets. Here are some of the proven benefits:

weight, reduce sugar cravings and support energy levels.

MAGNESIUM –The King of Minerals!

• Excessive sweating.

• Stress - Magnesium dampens the effects of stress hormones to promote calming sleep. It relaxes muscles and reduces cramping.

BY Kirsten Sweeney -

• Glyphosate, the most common pesticide used in the world today, has been found

• Almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts and quinoa.

• Chronic Fatigue - A study on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome found that those treated with supplemental magnesium reported improved energy levels, a better emotional status, and a reduction in pain. a

Emerging evidence confirms that nearly two-thirds of the population in the Western World is not consuming the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Here are some of the reasons:

Why are you most likely deficient in this mineral?

• Smoking - Magnesium administration for four weeks in heavy smokers resulted in significant decrease in the number of cigarettes smoked.

• Yoghurt.

to chelate minerals, depleting the body of magnesium and other important nutrients. What are the tell-tale signs that you may be deficient in Magnesium?

• A Vitamin D deficiency, which is common in Western cultures, reduces gastrointestinal absorption of Magnesium.

• Most soils these days are seriously depleted.

• High stress levels in today’s world deplete our magnesium.

• Sleep - Supplementation with 500mg of Magnesium has been associated with improvement in insomnia, sleep efficiency and melatonin production.

agnesium helps with our moods, promotes great sleep, improves our energy and even helps keep our hormones in balance.

• Pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds.

Consumption of magnesium-rich foods such as:

• Processed foods contain very little magnesium.

• Blood sugar - Magnesium improves blood sugar control, which can positively impact

• Asthma – Magnesium has been shown to improve symptoms of asthma.


Low energy and fatigue, muscle weakness and cramps, muscle aches, hormonal problems such as PMT, high blood pressure, headaches and migraines, sleep issues such as insomnia, mood issues such as anxiety and stress, heart flutters or palpitations, nausea, anxiety, dizziness and poor memory and confusion. What are the best ways to increase our Magnesium levels?

• Brain - Magnesium protects the brain from memory loss. It improves mood, concentration and learning and lowers anxiety, helping to keep you calm during stressful times.


• Vitamin D and Osteoporosis – Magnesium is needed for conversion of Vitamin D into its active form, supporting calcium absorption and metabolism.


• Avocados.

• Migraine headaches - Magnesium is strongly recommended by a Cochrane Review as a treatment for migraine headaches

• Depression - A systematic review found that magnesium supplementation helps prevent depression and serves as a natural antidepressant.

• Hormones - Magnesium helps with menopausal, perimenopausal symptoms, premenstrual tension and hormonal imbalances.

• Energy - Magnesium fuels your energy when you become stressed. The body uses magnesium to boost energy production, supporting good health.

• Hyperactivity - Magnesium supplementation has been shown to significantly improve the indices of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity. | 55


f you have a home loan or are thinking about getting one, you won’t be alone in wondering, “What’s going to happen with interest rates and how will it affect me?”

they are unsure what they can do next,” Tony says.

If you’re looking for intelligent financial advice that really does cut to the chase, doesn’t cost you anything and focuses on what can be done to help you build wealth, then you can’t go past Complete Finance.

“Get good advice. We are in an upward cycle of interest rates at the moment, we haven’t seen these rates since pre-GFC. So, this is the first time a lot of people may have experienced these higher rates, especially if they entered into the market in the last ten years. The all-time low was never going to stay forever. The fact is that four to six per cent is the normal range.”

“There’s no need to panic – we offer expert advice; we will review their personal circumstances to ensure that we find the best deal. We begin by approaching your current bank to see if we can get you a better rate with them, before branching out to other lenders. We know when there are better deals out there that will save you money and can help find the smartest next move for you.”


Tony Gray, owner and founder of Sunshine Coast’s Complete Finance is a leading expert in finance. He has been in the Industry for 25 years and is here to help give you peace of mind by assisting you to find the best possible solution for your home loan.When it comes to the current interest rates, “Don’t panic,” Tony says.

Go to to download their ‘My Mortgage Mentor’ top tips to save on your mortgage. ca

Minyama Gallery & Cafe: 3 Longwood St (next to Pillowtalk on Nicklin Way). Phone: 5444 0009

now a lot of people are concerned about interest rate increases, concerned they may not be able to meet their payments and

We’re proud to support local Sunshine Coast artists and to fill homes with beautiful wall art. Locals supporting locals!

TONY GRAY grew up on the Sunshine Coast and has always thought that we live in the best part of the world. He has been associated with a number of sports on the coast including Rugby League, Little Athletics, Triathlons and Football (the round one). You will often find him supporting his children playing sport or catching up with friends at one of the many fantastic venues around the coast!

Noosa Gallery: 2/50 Gateway Dr, Noosaville. Phone: 5474 1127 us on socials!



Tony’s impressive track record with assisting his clients to find the very best financial solution out there is exemplary. He loves to help his clients understand and improve their financial situation.“Right

Tony and the team at Complete Finance can also assist with buying a car, boat, caravan, commercial assets, asset acquisition, cashflow management and SME finance. Their impressive knowledge and connections in the industry are strengthened by their dedication to be on the pulse of finance developments in Australia.“Financial advice is always the peace of mind you are looking for,” Tony says.

| Complete Finance Solutions |


To begin your sustainable business journey, download a template of the Sustainable Goals Plan which you can access for free at | 57

The Sustainable Goals Academy is an online six-week course which not only goes through sustainability with your business but also covers: achieving sustainability goals, behavioural changes, marketing aspects and a continuous improvement model.


In her book she discusses the way in which businesses can get past the overwhelm of sustainable change and how to break it down into manageable chunks.

R each for your goals that you set for yourself or your business.

Megyn’s vision is to significantly contribute to global sustainability, spread knowledge and ideas about sustainable solutions, to influence change and make a lasting positive impact.

H arvest the rewards and share your success with your customers and staff to inspire them to act as well.

A ssess what your purchasing habits are and what you can do to change.


“Up until recently, sustainability has been optional within businesses but soon there won't be a choice so it's important to start implementing change now before changes are forced onto businesses.”

Megyn is paving the way for sustainable work places with her 5 steps towards sustainability, the EARTH System™: E mbrace sustainability and boost your knowledge of what that means.

Megyn Carpenter is a thought leader on the green economy in Australia and is on a mission to help businesses grow their profits through sustainable practices. Megyn's passion for business sustainability came from her experience as a business owner of Rejuvenate Marketing and the struggle she endured in trying to implement sustainable practices in her business.

Megyn explains “It comes down to the sustainable goals plan which helps you identify your five critical goals whether it’s sustainable projects or practices. It’s important to set boundaries around your sustainability. As a business you will not be able to take on every sustainable change and it isn't practical. It is my belief that you can't do everything, but everyone can do something towards being more sustainable. Everyone needs to do their part for climate change.”

The ground-breaking 5-step EARTH System™ is a practical guide for implementing sustainability in business as it reduces the overwhelm and keeps business on track.

T ransform and start to buy more local, sustainable products and reduce your resource use to reach your goals.

“I was blissfully unaware of the impact humans had on the environment until 2016 when I learnt about the Great Ocean garbage patch. This changed the way I viewed sustainability in business and slowly Rejuvenate Marketing switched to Sustainability Success as I wanted to encourage other businesses to start their sustainable practices.” says Megyn.

a | Megyn Carpenter |

ustainability is a virtue that is becoming more and more valued within business practices. As customers are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of businesses on the environment, the demand for sustainable products and services is increasing exponentially. While businesses are actively seeking change, the list of sustainable adjustments within a business can be expensive and often overwhelming. This is why Megyn Carpenter has developed sustainability into a plan of action to encourage change for the better within businesses in her book ‘Sustainability Success in Business: A practical guide to managing climate risk in your organisation’ as well as her digital course.

Megyn Carpenter is recognised as a Climate Reality Leader by former USA Vice President, Al Gore, and has been President of Cleantech Industries Sunshine Coast Inc. since 2018 - a business community organisation incorporated in 2010. She is a qualified trainer, tertiary lecturer and previously a trainer in information technology, websites and marketing. In 2022, Megyn was named as Deputy Lead, Environment & Sustainability Committee, Sunshine Coast 2032 for the Brisbane Olympics.

Winning AHIA Australia’s Best Eco Salon award in 2020 and again in 2021 highlights the brilliance of the Little Birdie Hair Co model, and just how much people want gorgeous hair, safely.

| Little Birdie Hair Co |

Tenille’s passion for hair care is her driving force. It is what is behind the creation of salons that are low toxic, sustainably run and creating stunning hairstyles. What started as a home salon quickly grew to be the first highly successful Little Birdie Hair Co Salon in Brisbane.



The demand for her low tox hair care boomed and Tenille found herself opening stores in Wynnum, Stafford, Gympie and Mooloolaba all with hair care ranges free from parabens, sulphates and a hair colour range that is free from PPD, ammonia and resorcinol.

Living in a world where chemicals and toxins can be found around us all the time, Little Birdie Hair Co salons are special retreats of tranquillity, beauty, good health and of course, stunning hair.

The passion for hairdressing to become eco-friendly and sustainable is a goal of Tenille’s. She is now also a respected industry voice promoting a better environment for both customer and stylist, and with her extensive background as a global educator in hair, she is an inspired leader in eco-conscious hairdressing.

ustainable, low-tox and gorgeous. Tenille Lawrence has taken creating beautiful hair to a whole new level through her awardwinning eco salons and organic hair care brand, Sparrow.


Little Birdie Hair Co is where the best hair of your life is created in a space that is good for you too! ca

Welcome home . Building your beautiful home HONESTY QUALITY EXPERIENCE Go to to download your free copy of ‘7 Things You Must Know BEFORE Designing a New Home’ and ‘Discover the Secrets to Building Your Perfect Home.’ Phone Grace on 07 5476 6468

A successful career of magazine shoots, fashion weeks, catwalks and runways all over the world led to the multi-award-winning stylist creating her own successful chain of salons with a difference. Tenille realised as much as she loved the industry, the high chemical use was making her sick, and as a mum of four herself, she knew chemical exposure didn’t need to be the price paid for beautiful hair.

Printed on Fuji Xerox Iridesse press using pink dry ink

At Better

1. Secure end-point devices.

Has your investment property had a health check? P:Caloundra(07)5355 1000 5/79 Bulcock Street Caloundra P:Beerwah(07)5355 1000 56 Simpson Street Beerwah

2. Backup your data.

3. Establish full protection of your e-mail inbox.

PASCAL STUSSI has been a part of the telco and technology industry for over 20 years. When he is not liaising with their customers regarding innovative technology solutions, he enjoys being involved with the Alex Surf Club as a surf lifesaving volunteer. His biggest reward is to witness the transformation of his clients’ business after their solution has been implemented.


The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) reported that businesses lost $33 billion over the 2020-2021 financial year, an eyewatering number that you do not want to be a part of. You can never be overprepared - here are the top three tips for protecting your business.

Data vulnerability is something that cyber criminals bank on and it can bring your business to its knees. Store important business files and data off-site or in the cloud. In an incident where hackers do breach your devices, you will not have to start from scratch, minimising the downtime of your business operations. Always have a monitored backup system in order, regularly backup and check your backup, and ensure that your business has a disaster recovery plan.


and | 61

| Entag |

For an obligation free check-up, contact our award-winning team today.

Real Estate, we pride ourselves on

When you think of protecting your devices, you automatically assume your desktop or laptop. What about your smartphones, printers, POS systems or tablet devices? All endpoint devices pose as entrances into your company’s network. The more devices that connect to your network, the more the risk increases. It is vital to monitor all endpoint devices for any suspicious activity to contain threat before it becomes a catastrophe and disrupts your business. Homes Gardens our unique approach to We routinely ensure that your property is achieving the optimal rent, while remaining in the best possible condition so that you can always rest assured your investment is healthy and providing you the highest return possible. Homes and Gardens Real Estate Coast and Hinterland

property management.

t is no question that cybercriminals are becoming more complex, desperate and more determined than ever to breach your data and your information.

You may think your business e-mails are protected from cyber threats, but are they protected by consumer-grade or business-grade security? Consumer-grade protection is designed to be user-friendly, protect data for a small number of individuals, like a family, and is intended for the home network. It is built to be reactive, meaning it reacts to threats. A business-grade firewall is a more complex design and built with businesses in mind, it is a proactive safeguard and aggressively fights against largescale attacks and high-level threats. a


Right now the government is paying 50% of the upfront cost! And there is ZERO upfront cost! Meaning you can pay for it through your power savings! NEVER BEEN EASIER! THE RISE FORREVIEWSFIVE-STARSPEAKTHEMSELVES

Peter Stadler



62 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 Don’tdelay

Dealing with Wholesale solar installer was an absolute pleasure. Many thanks to Greg and his team for the professional job done. The price for solar, battery and extra electrical work was well within our budget. I would not hesitate to recommend this company to any prospective customers for solar and battery.

Very happy with the overall process, sales to installation. The installers were very helpfull and willing to oblige when extra work was required and left the rooms/job site as they found them. Very impressed. Thanks

Marilyn Mason


AC | 63 P. 1300 459 FREE SOLAR CHECK-UP AND INSPECTION TODAY. 0410 422 922


Extremely happy with the service we received from Bret and his team!! From start to finish they have been super easy to work with, friendly and helpful. We were completely clueless about everything to do with solar, and Bret was very helpful

Chelsea Aitcheson

Prompt, professional service from start to finish. I highly recommend Bret and the team. With so many options in solar it can get confusing; however it’s all made easy going with Wholesale Solar.

Wholesale Solar are amazing! Coming from the UK with zero experience of solar, Bret was so patient explaining to me how it all works and how to make the most of our system. He certainly knows his stuff. Panels look great and it’s saving us so much money. The company treats you as an individual, not a number.

This fabulous studio has now moved to the heart of Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, catering for business, fashion, families, animals – whatever you need. Aptly named “Sunshine Coast Studio”, it’s both fun and affordable. Sabine says, “We can shoot for you, project manage the shoot or help you set up to shoot yourself. We can also give you training tips for the perfect shoot, can supply models, make-up artist, props, clothing, high heels, and even furniture.”


ur Issue 102 cover girl, Sabine Gruchet, is an international model, TV presenter, and all round go getter. She has been blessed with a 31year career (so far) in the business and she’s still going strong.

St. Studio was born in the heart of Sydney Balmain. The studio is not your typical white space – it is fun and creative with loads of props. Now, after hundreds of shoots in the studio we are proud to be the most affordable photography studio in Sydney with that wow factor. We say that because when

Being a long-time model, Sabine is able to help bring out the best in people in front of the camera, especially people who have never been in front of the camera before. She assists in creating confidence in the customer and she always ensures that “fun is number one”.

Book an initial consultation to find out which servies will work best for you.

| Sunshine Coast Studio |

QLD 4558

64 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 A cosmetic medicine practice dedicated to helping you Rejuvenative can help you with • Acne • Pigmentation • Visible veins • Sun damaged skin • Oily & dry skin • Melasma • treatmentAnti-aging • Hair reduction • infusionsVitamin • Skin care regimes 1300 288 606 // look and feel your best. questions?have

anyone walks into the studio for the first time they almost always say “WOW, what a great space.”


Clients are eclectic and have so far included famous Hollywood directors, start-up businesses, established multinationals like Aldi, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, RSPCA, Priceline, Nestle and children, families and people with a dream. e



P. 0405 751 646 E. Location: 42D Duporth Ave

“I would often book a photography studio when shooting for regular clothing clients or when I ran my London In Front of The Camera model training. It was then when I saw the need to create an affordable studio with the wow factor,” she




Passion is the key that will ensure your business continues to grow and develop.

3. Stress - Struggling to keep it all together - running a business can be stressful at times.

For your business to implement a sustainable structure (and allow you as the owner the freedom to breathe and keep the business passion going), you should do the following critical steps:

SHAREE WEBSTER is one of the directors of Holmans and is located at the Maroorchydore office. Sharee is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce. At Holmans, Sharee specialises in business structures, taxation advice, superannuation and in particular, Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs). She has extensive experience in providing strategic tax advice.

One of the main critical issues you may encounter as a business owner, and is often the downfall of a business, is having no means of communicating the knowledge that you possess about the business. This can lead to a bottleneck in your business. Without that critical knowledge in their possession, team members may not be able to operate at their full potential.

In summary, consider these points for your business to continue to grow and succeed. This will ensure that your passion for your business will allow you to focus on long-term success and sustainability. ca Disclaimer: This article contains general information only. Regrettably, no responsibility can be accepted for errors, omissions, or possible misleading statements or for any action taken as a result of any material in this guide. It is not designed to be a substitute for professional advice, as such a brief guide cannot hope to cover all circumstances and conditions applying to the law as it relates to these items.

2. Knowledge - A team that is heavily reliant on you as a business owner as no knowledge of the business has been transfered to them to do their role.

| Accounting Matters | | 65 PLATINUM PARTNER Call 07 5451 6888 or visit

YourHolmans.local accountant.

2. Identify resource gaps within your business

1. Map out core processes with your team

Review these key areas to see where the gaps are in your business now and in the short to medium term - staffing, training needs and/ or technology. This will allow you to see what will add value to your growing business.

it’s local small business tax accounting, business advisory, bookkeeping or you just need Xero, Holmans are taking care of business!

Signs that something isn’t right in your business structure1.NoControl - You and your team are feeling like you have no control over what is happening in the business, resulting in overwhelming feelings and mistakes.

3. Accountabilities and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

As Peter Drucker once famously said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Assessing the performance and expectations of how your team is performing will assist you in keeping your business sustainable. It’s important that your team share the same passion for your business as you to assist with keeping the business on track.


Once your business has got over the initial start-up stage, and it has a repeat client base and new business coming through regularly, you are on the way to having a self-sustainable business. This is the point where it becomes extremely important to ensure that the structure of your business is designed for maximum potential as it expands.

Ensure that your team has the complete knowledge set that they need to get through a task – put the process in place. Mapping out the core processes that are required throughout specific tasks (from idea/ issue through to resolution) and sharing it with your team will allow them to undertake the task themselves and grow their confidence in their responsibilities.

66 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 oin A digital currency designed for Availablepaymentseverydaytodownloadon –

So if you are considering getting solar I would highly recommend this Allancompany.”Mayfield.

here has never been a better time to go solar.


BRET DAVIS has been passionate about solar as long as he can remember. With over 30 years in management roles, Bret now follows his passion to get solar installed into as many homes and business premises as he can, at the most affordable price possible by cutting out the middle man.

Take a look at page 49 for more information about QCS - Your Finance solutions for: ASSET AND EQUIPMENT FINANCE | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SMSF | CASH FLOW | RESIDENTIAL FINANCE visit us online at

| Wholesale Solar |

Start saving on your power bills right now, contact Wholesale Solar for a FREE solar check-up and inspection. ca

professional and so easy to deal with. He explained several ways that I could save on electricity usage (run the pool, dishwasher, washing machine during daylight hours) and he recommended putting a hot water timer in the switchbox so the hot water also ran during the daylight hours. He backed up everything he mentioned with supportive information, which made the decision an easy one for me.

We can tell you we are amazing till the cows come home, but before you decide to invest in solar, do your research. Think about what type of system you want to install, how much you want to spend and what government subsidies you might be eligible for?

As mentioned, the whole experience has been first class and even the installation (Switch Power and Air) went without a hitch and Mike could not have been more helpful and set everything up exactly how I wanted things done and also gave me some great tips.

I had concerns about not being at home during the day and could not see any value in having solar as most of the electricity usage was at night and I couldn't see the sense in getting solar unless I had battery backup. I then had the pleasure of dealing with John Coxon, who was very

Electricity prices are rising, why not consider solar and batteries to potentially eliminate your power bill?


T | 67

Don’t forget to read the reviews – for example ★★★★★ three months ago “I would gladly recommend Wholesale Solar Installers if you were looking at getting solar.

The ability to use effective verbal communication to de-escalate hostile, violent or aggressive situations is vital to ensure safety, minimise risk and keep employees safe. For an employer, it also addresses needs under relevant WHS/OHS requirements.

Based on principles from academia, law enforcement, psychology and police negotiation, communication training related to conflict resolution, de-escalation and mediation are easily learnt and practiced. Our innovative training is developed to meet the needs of your organisation, taking into account the different customers and challenges your staff face.


DO STAFF DEAL WITH internal conflict, aggressive or difficult customers?

68 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102


Understanding anger, the reasons behind it and the cycle that underpins it is also essential to keep employees safe from harm. In an environment where unpredictability is common, recognising threats and having plans to deal with them can often be the difference between life and death. But it’s not necessarily about that; it’s about protecting psychological health and improving resilience.

Recognising the signs of anger and aggression and taking proactive steps to deal with it – including diffusion strategies – are important facets of our programs. Knowing what to say, and when, can mean the difference between a disaster and successful outcome.

Effective de-escalation and crisis communication boils down to three simple concepts: Acknowledgement and validation Options, and Choices

ost customer or client-facing organisations face aggression, anger and even violence from customers and clients. During Covid-19, this risk has significantly increased. Whilst all employers have work health and safety obligations to address, and minimise physical risks, the psychological health of staff is equally important, and now law.

LAMEY is the founder and CEO of PICA, the Professional Investigators College of Australasia, the country’s leading RTO specialising in the training and development of investigators across all government and corporate sectors. With a suite of VET accredited courses and micro-credentials, PICA offers specialised training in investigation and compliance, effective communication related areas. With a special interest in effective communication, Gregory is also an accredited Mediator, former negotiator and author. 11 Kauri St, Cooroy, 4563 | Ph 07 54 72 05 05 | Has supported hundreds of families in the community since 2009. Is a small independent family run early childhood centre in the beautiful Noosa EmbracesHinterland.the‘Montessori’ early educational philosophy, with worldwide recognition. AFFORDABLE, offering Child Care Subsidy, Kindergarten Subsidy and reduced fees in school holidays. HAS LIMITED POSITIONS FOR 2023. Taking enrolments for 2024. If your child is 3, entol today. | The Pica Group |


Whether it’s dealing with internal staff conflict, mediating between parties, dealing with aggressive customers or handling difficult conversations, effective communication can make a real difference. ca


Matters Magazine celebrates the launch of Issue 101, the 'Wellness Issue' at Kawana Surf Club. Fantastic food, a great venue and delightful company. Win, win, win! SCENE @ | Socials | SABINE(MiracleGRUCHETShapers)

VANESSA NOCK (Uniqueness Designer Jeweller)

SABINE GRUCHET (Miracle Shapers), RUTH HOLLAND (Expanda Sign Australia)

ZONYA BIRD (Creative Bird Design), STU PEACE (Hula Strategic) | 69 Hire SeeTrustKathyKathypage25 to read more about how Kathy can help you Check ‘TheDownloadwww.theweddingplanningco.auoutyourFREEguideWeddingRoadmap–Where to start’

Image by Life and Love Photography

Image by Lindy Yewen Wedding Photography

The ‘Roadmap’ To Your Dream Wedding

DAVID TRAD (Vine Networks), SHARON KING (Chook Media Group)


BRAD MANUAL (Not Sponsored), NAOMI PETTENUZZO (Ocean Art Naomi)



CHRIS GRAHAM, PIPPA COLMAN (Pippa Colman & Associates), MARK & MICHELE O’FLANAGAN (Onyx Poppy Boutique)

70 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 Exclusive Custom-made Fine Jewellery | Manufacturing Jeweller / Designer On-siteArgyle Pink & Coloured Diamond Specialists | Quality Repairs & Remodelling DIAMONDS OF DISTINCTION Idar-Oberstein ∙ 1933 Hastings St, Noosa & on Buderim ADRIAN G. SCHULZ 3rd Generation Qualified Designer & Manufacturing Jeweller JAA Accredited Master Jeweller Noosa 2/18 Hastings St, 07 5324 0138 Buderim 19/29 Main St, 07 5445 5709 diamsofd diamondsofdistinction


Anti-wrinkle injections are a very effective way to freshen up your face. They are most effective in areas like frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead lines, gummy smile, bunny lines, chin crease, chin dimples, neckbands, jawline slimming and for mouth corner lifts.


DR RAFIQ completed his M.B.B.S. in 2002 and has over 10 years’ experience as a General Practitioner in Australia. He lives and works on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and has a special interest in cosmetic medicine. Dr Rafiq’s approach is to treat the client as a whole to address their long-term goals and ideal results with the aim to minimise treatments and products needed to meet the client’s optimal goals. | 71 INFO O ENGLANDERDAVIS.COM1300 640 508ENGLANDERDAVIS.COM

great benefits from anti-wrinkle injections include reducing migraines, cluster headaches and softening of chewing muscles to avert teeth-grinding.

| Rejeuvenative |

I don’t have a lot of spare time.


I want to see immediate results.

Of course you do, the effects of the treatment will start to take effect

Don’t worry, the aim of anti-wrinkle treatment is to appear refreshed. When delivered by an experienced cosmetic doctor, the results seem natural, with appropriate facial expressions still intact.

ive yourself a fresh look.

I don’t want to be frozen or duck-like.

within two to three days. The maximum effect is generally seen after two weeks.

That’s okay, there is minimal to no downtime. It’s often known as a “lunch-time procedure”. Most patients can get back to work or normal activities immediately after the treatment. However, we definitely recommend that you avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, and massaging of the injected area for the first 24 hours. ca

They provide temporary relaxation and softening of the muscles of facial expressions, giving you a smoother, more youthful appearance to your

P. 1300 288 606 // www.

According to Stephens, and to the very many who have purchased Mind Free, it is certainly possible to release emotional baggage and be happier by using the new mindfulness self-hypnosis techniques explained in the book.

SMALL OR BIG, what powerful changes would you like to make? really

Author Mark Stephens was a sickly child, with daily lifethreatening asthma attacks. Then, at age eight, he participated in meditation and yoga courses that changed the course of his illness. His new regime proved to be life-changing again years later.

“Meditation and self-hypnosis when used together become a

powerful tool for overcoming some of life’s biggest challenges, and it’s easier than you might think,” says Stephens.


But is it really possible to ditch your negative thoughts, stress less, break bad habits, sleep well, and ease anxiety by simply reading a book?

vereating. Chronic Pain. Food Addiction. Bad Habits. SelfSabotage. Phobias. Stress.

In his new ground-breaking book, Mind Free, and his famous MindFree app, Stephens shares his unique combination of mindfulness, meditation and hypnotherapy – mindful self-hypnosis – a method developed over decades that greatly helps to improve quality of life.

72 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

Mind Free includes empowering selfhypnosis scripts and meditations, key lessons, and inspiring case studies of real people who have used these techniques to achieve amazing results. This lifechanging guide will help you become the hypnotist and use the power of your mind to transform your life from the inside out.


Following is a sample of his effortless steps to mindful self-hypnosis that demonstrate the power and simplicity of the technique:

In 1990 Mark was given just six months to live when he was diagnosed with second-stage lymphoma, a diagnosis that broke the sturdy ground from under his feet. He knew he needed help. Mark combined the best western medical treatments with the very best eastern healing methods to change his prognosis and survive. It was a transformation that not only healed him and gave him his life back, it ignited a passion that set him on a path to helping others.

3. When you notice your mind wandering, bring your attention back to your breathing and your affirmation.

1. Wherever you are, with your eyes open or closed, watch, feel or listen to your breath falling naturally in and out of your body in its own rhythm.

2. Add an affirmation. As you slowly breathe in, repeat the first half of the affirmation, and as you exhale, repeat the second half of the affirmation. Consider including affirmations such as: I feel at peace. I am at peace. Or simply, think peace as you inhale and release as you exhale.

Mind Free provides powerful tools to calm the mind and to overcome whatever is blocking you from reaching your full potential. This life-changing guide will teach you to use the power of your mind to swap entrenched dangerous habits, and to embrace a healthy and vibrant new outlook, to literally transform your life.

The Mind Free method teaches you how to heal your mind and emotions in order to put yourself in control of negative thoughts, break bad habits, sleep eight hours a night, and overcome years of stress and anxiety. You will learn to smash procrastination, live pain-free, overcome weight issues, and fix your phobias – using the power of your mind.

Ben Fordham, who Mark helped shed 15 kg, said, “Mark Stephens has lived an extraordinary life and he’s helped thousands of people break bad habits and turn their lives around. He is one of the most fascinating people I know and his story is out of this world.”

Want to go caffeine free? Quit smoking? Cut out the chocolate? Drop the wine drinking? Maybe you want to stop emotional snacking, or you would like to be that person who wants to exercise. So many have found success with the practical changes to reduce portion sizes,

“The combination of mindfulness and hypnotherapy enables anyone to enter a deeper state of relaxation than typical hypnotherapy practices. Mindful hypnosis enables practitioners to focus on an obstacle they want to overcome or a specific goal they would like to achieve,” Stephens says.

| Mark Stephens | You

Words By BEK MUGRIDGE | 73

“I’ve done my absolute best to duplicate what I do in seminars, retreats and private therapy,” says Stephens.


calm anxiety, break bad habits, and to live better with a phobia. Others have been emotionally thankful for relief after a life living with chronic pain.

Matters Magazine editor Vickie Magic attended one of his seminars and says, “Mark is absolutely the real deal, he knows his stuff, and he gets results, I was delighted with what I saw and what I learnt at Mark’s seminar.”

Mark conducts transformation seminars around the country, and mind/body sessions at his Little Forest Health Retreat in New South Wales. As thousands from all over the country can confirm, these events are lifechanging.

The knowledge Mark Stephens spent decades acquiring, he now shares in his latest book Mind Free, the breakthrough, mindful, selfhypnosis method now available via his website or where all good books are sold. a

74 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102 | Shari Hall |

It always seemed the circumstances and urgencies of life got in the way of my truly living. Striving to survive the demands of my medical career, my dysfunctional marriage, being a parent, and aspirations towards wealth had me overwhelmed, stressed, progressively more unhealthy, and slowly dying inside, when I was actually dying to live!

When I arrived at her bedside, my sister, uncle, and stepfather were already there. She was hooked up to multiple monitors and drips, and the oxygen blowing into the mask bathed her face with a cool mist. She was happy we were all there but was clearly fatigued by the effort it took to simply breathe, let alone speak.

To live with passion is to choose to do what excites you the most in life. You may stumble along the way, and there may be challenges that slow your progress (e.g. time, finances, families commitments, etc). As the great poet Rumi says, “Although the road is never ending take a step and keep walking, do not look fearfully into the distance… On this path let the heart be your guide for the body is hesitant and full of fear.”



I realised there were certain thoughts and behaviours that were holding me back and keeping me stagnant, and others that would help me thrive.

Significance to others


From the day we are born, we are being instructed on the how to do life ‘right’. Parents, teachers, employers, coaches, the media, the government and ultimately ourselves, all have opinions and expectations on which behaviours and thoughts will set us on the path to perfection. But the beauty of life is that none of us will ever be perfect. Our job is not to try and control every aspect of our existence, it is simply about doing our best in any given moment and enjoying the experiences we have along the journey. It's not about perfection; it’s about progress.

What does it mean to live with PASSION?

Shari’s book Perfect Love is available at Harry Hartog Booksellers in Sunshine Plaza a

Being all-consumed by goals, successes, accolades, positions, titles, attainment of wealth and praise creates an unnecessary and stifling burden of expectations on life. Anxiety and overwhelm are often the results. Now, if I’m doing something I don’t want to do, I notice that the struggle is coming from the story I’m telling myself, not from life itself. I bring my mind back to the present, embrace the moment and things do become easier.

After an hour, she encouraged us to enjoy a dinner out together. Despite our hesitation, she affectionately insisted. Two hours later, a nurse rang to inform us that Mum was rapidly declining, and we should return to the hospital. She was gone by the time we arrived… She was 64.

I used to believe the more I achieve, the happier I will be; as I’ve gained wisdom, I’ve noticed that the less I force, the happier I am!

Desire for perfection

One day someone posted on my social media page, “Shari, the point of life is not to see how much s#@t you can fit into your day!” You can always tell a loser by how they try to make you feel when you attempt to live your life to its fullest. They try to bring you down, make you doubt yourself, or make you feel less than you know you are. Whether it is another human being or major media outlets, absorbing too much of the negative noise can program oneself into believing the world is a screwed-up place. And it’s not. Instead, change your circle of influence and create an environment around you that supports, encourages, and inspires you to grow. Ignore the fixed beliefs of the mainstream, eliminate excuses, take ownership of your choices, and allow your mind to believe!

No one can predict when you will arrive at your last day. I know for certain my mum did not. But if you follow your fire, that passion in your heart that burns and cannot be ignored, you will (hopefully) lead a life fulfilled, every moment every day.

On numerous occasions before that night, I’d contemplated my own happiness. This time was different. Despite the tumultuous relationship we had, one thing I knew for certain was that my mum wished for me a life filled with joy, and the last time she’d seen me, she wasn’t convinced it was.

Influenced by environment

received a call from the doctor in the intensive care unit 15,000 kilometres away. He said, “If you’d like to see your mother before she dies, you should come now.”

My husband wasn’t home, but I didn’t hesitate. I booked the next flight out, packed a bag, shoved the kids in the car and dropped them off at my dear friend’s home. She understood the urgency and with a reassuring hug, sent me on my way.

Many of us live our lives overly concerned about the impression we make on others, or what others may think about what we say and do. Yet I’ve learned the truth is most people actually don’t care. They have their own busy lives to live, their own struggles to endure. Worrying about the opinions of the masses is a constant impediment to living authentically. Comparing oneself to others will never lead to congruency with my personal truth because no one is like me. I am unique and I was not placed here to walk the path of someone else. Let people say what they want; live the life you know in your heart you were meant to live.

Yearning for results live

The birds don’t sound as shrill, we’ve forgotten that the indicators in our car make a noise or what it’s like to hear the dry leaves crunching under our feet. Perhaps our children or our grandchildren seem to mumble.

| Sunshine Coast Audiology | YOURMATTERS!HEARING You Matter Ladies Empowerment Retreat Email Vickie Magic at or text 0433 198 868 for further information. Is it time for you to take a little TIMEOUT for YOU? TIME TO: RELAX | REVITALISE | REJUVENTATE RE-EVALUATE | REINVENT | RESET | REMEMBER worthYou’re it. Join Vickie Magic and a group of like-minded fun-loving ladies at our YOU MATTER LADIES EMPOWERMENT RETREAT on the 4th–6th of November. Three accommodation levels to choose from to ensure the pricing is right for your budget. Pricing starts from just $705 per person. Our interactionsbecauseimportanthealthhearingissocialaregoodforourbrainsandourmentalhealth.

The recent need for mask-wearing has high-lighted how important visual cues are for understanding and listening. When that is no longer available, we end up relying on our auditory system. | 75

Any degree of hearing loss can create difficulties. For some of us, the difficulties are only apparent in certain situations, such as when there is background noise or with particular accents or speakers. Sometimes we don’t know what we are missing because we can’t hear it!

earing health is something we often take for granted.

Hearing loss often creeps up on someone when it is due to a lifetime of accumulated hearing damage. It can happen so slowly that we might not really be aware of it until others point it out, or we realise that we’ve misheard or not heard something really important.

Is it time to prioritise your hearing health?


It’s only when we start to have hearing difficulties that we really comprehend how important it is to us. For most of us, communication involves both the auditory and visual senses.

Contact Sunshine Coast Audiology, your local, independent, experienced and caring hearing health professionals.

We can test the hearing of adults and children aged four and over, recommend, fit and adjust hearing aids from ALL major manufacturers, offer tinnitus management advice and provide ear plugs for swimming, sleeping and noise. a 07 5378

Our hearing health is important because social interactions are good for our brains and our mental health. Untreated hearing loss is correlated with an increased risk of dementia. It’s very difficult to maintain social connections when we can’t hear well. It can be frustrating for ourselves and for our companions.Avoiding noisy situations or someone we find difficult to understand can lead to us becoming socially isolated.

Commemorate that 18th, 21st, 40th, 50th, 60th, 90th birthday, work or Christmas party on glistening waters with the ambience of beautiful scenery, vibrant wildlife and divine skies. The idyllic setting makes that wedding, engagement party, corporate event, surprise proposal, workplace party, graduation, beautiful wake or blissful afternoon with friends and family, just perfect. Be it casual, formal or themed, Denis and Kate, owners of Cruise Maroochy, will ensure your special moments become lifetime memories. e

Adrian has many years of experience working in the finance sector and is a proud member of the FBAA. With beginnings in the banking environment and having worked in small business consulting and home mortgage lending, Adrian found his passion in SME finance and helping local families invest in property and build financial success. e


We’ll guide you from the trap of ‘self-employment’ to the freedom of true “business ownership”, so you can fall back in love with your business. Combining Accounting expertise with Business Coaching qualifications, Trinity Advisory can help you understand the story behind your numbers and arm you with the tools to confidently take action to scale your business, grow your profits, and achieve the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. e


Meet Kathy - a former Qantas international first-class air hostess for nearly thirty years. Kathy’s attention to detail is second to none. She can be your celebrant or can help you plan your perfect wedding. Kathy and The Wedding Planning Co team are here for you, they can help with as little or as much as you need from start to finish, ensuring you have the best day for the best price and you will know that the money you are spending will be worth every cent.


For generations you have loved and trusted the Better Homes and Gardens® brand for everything to do with the home. Now you can trust them for your real estate needs too. From buying your dream home, to selling your investment property or securing the perfect tenant, the friendly team at Better Homes and Gardens® Real Estate can help you every step of the way. e



76 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102



LOCALS in business and LIFE


| Locals in Business and Life |


Adrian Mula has qualifications in mortgage broking management, risk management, business finance, consulting and client management.

Tony Gray, owner and founder of Sunshine Coast’s Complete Finance is a leading expert in finance. He has been in the industry for 25 years and is here to help give you peace of mind by assisting you to find the best possible solution for your home loan.

Are you ready to find your voice and stand in your power as a female leader and manager? Jeanette Allom-Hill has extensive experience in change management with global companies, government, and notfor-profit organisations. She founded Lionhearted Foundation to champion and empower women to change the face of leadership across Australia. Lionhearted’s focus is building safer, respectful workplace cultures from within. e

Tony’s impressive track record with assisting his clients to find the very best financial solution out there is exemplary. He loves to help his clients understand and improve their financial situation. e

Little Birdie Hair Co is a hair salon located at 25 Poinsettia Ave, Mooloolaba. Built on a foundation that promotes environmental sustainability, our focus is to offer empowerment, prosperity, and sustainability to deliver the perfect client experience. Our intention is to create a welcoming experience where every client is looked after and cared for. Beautiful hairstyles are always the end result, but what sets us apart is the overall experience from start to finish. e

See Restaurants offers Modern Australian cuisine using the freshest seafood straight from the trawlers.


ee Restaurant is the only restaurant in Mooloolaba that offers overwater dining. Their all-weather intimate space seats up to 70 people, where the focus is on the menu. They are fully licensed with a fantastic cellar selection and sensational seasonal cocktails.

When we asked director Sheena Canning how she maintains PASSION for what she does, she says, “I just get such a kick out of exceeding our clients expectations and seeing their faces light up when they see their vision become reality, that’s what keeps me going, keeps me passionate.” f

Apart from the unique waterfront view, See Restaurant is a place where family and friends get together for an amazing dining experience to celebrate everything and anything, including the passion for life itself. | 77 | Passion Feature |



years of owning this Mooloolaba gem, Antonio Puelma and the team have gained many repeat customers because they treat them like friends and “Maintainingfamily.passion is easy when you are catering for special clients the amazing views help a lot,” Antonio says. f

“It is an absolute pleasure working with sellers and seeing them achieve their dreams,” owner Rod Russell says.


Over the years The Inkspot Printers are proud to say they have produced print for thousands of clients locally, interstate and internationally. They pride themselves on producing quality print on time and on budget.

he Inkspot Printers have been established for more than 40 years on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. They employ around 20 local staff and some of their team members, experts in each of their fields, have been with them for more than 25 years. They are a locally owned and operated business with both owners working within the business.

By building ongoing long-term relationships with their customers, they are better able to understand their needs and tailor services accordingly. One size simply never fits all, they carefully customise their printing around your requirements, turning your vision into something real.



At See, you enjoy a casual atmosphere with the quality and service of fine dining, they specialise in seafood, but also happily cater for meat lovers and vegetarians alike. The menu is mostly gluten free, including theirAfterfryers.eight

“Many buyers are relocating to the Coast with their families at the moment and it is fantastic to be part of their transition – to see them have success in business, become part of the local community and raise their family. As business brokers, every day is different, and the challenges are endless…that is why after almost thirty years, I am still as passionate as ever.” f

avvy Business Sales is one of only 24 businesses who has been inducted into the Sunshine Coast Business Awards Hall of Fame. With experience gained from over 1,000 business sales on the Sunshine Coast, the team at Savvy has the knowledge and proven systems to ensure the process of selling a business is made smooth and delivers exceptional results.They are a boutique brokerage who are quite selective on which businesses they take on, which allows them more time to spend on those they commit to and to achieve exceptional results.

| Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane |

Because of the secret code that binds all ghostwriters. It is our job to work behind the scenes to bring the project to life without giving any hints to the outside world. In the world of a ghostwriter, the ownership of the completed work is transferred to the person who commissions theOccasionallywork.

Connection lies at the core of every book that has shaped who you are over the years. The key is to create a book that connects as strongly with your core message, values, and beliefs as it does with your readers’. When you do this, they will feel like they know you and this leads to trust. Connection to yourself, your story and your audience is key.


How did you not know this before?

far from being something that only those in celebrity circles can access, ghostwriting for books is becoming more commonplace for those who have a wealth of knowledge, but no time to get it down on paper. Or for those who have an incredible personal story that will change lives of the people who read it, but they have uncertainty around how to structure or create flow within the book.

If you do decide to take the leap and write your own book, there are three core components - all of which are covered in my book The Mindful Author - that are vital to set you on the path for success in your writing journey.

they might get a mention as a ‘research assistant’ or ‘contributor’ or perhaps given a little nod in the acknowledgement pages of a book, but for the most part, the job of a ghostwriter is to be as invisible as a ghost - really, there’s no play on words working here at all.But

1. Authenticity.

With the vast amounts of copy being produced by top business leaders around the world, you can bet a large percentage of those posts are written by ghostwriters, who take a fee for their work, but have none of the credit, no matter how amazing it is.

If you know ghostwriting is your jam, visit www. and book in a call so we can connect and talk about your book vision.To get your hands on The Mindful Author and kickstart your journey to becoming an author, head a

2. Connection.

hostwriting is all around you, even if you don’t realise it. That chart-topping hit you just heard on commercial radio – most likely written by a ghostwriter.

Becoming an author is about so much more than simply slapping words between two covers – those who can align their personal story with their business goals have the potential to unlock new opportunities. The potential to leverage your book to become an industry commentator, a renowned leader, a sought-after consultant, and even a speaker on a global scale is limitless – you can take it as far as you want to.

78 | MATTERS MAGAZINE | Issue 102

I know you have thought on more than one occasion that you have an engaging story within you. That you want to share your life or the things you have learned with the world to make it a better place. But so far, your dream has remained just that – a fantasy.

3. Transformation.

The best part of hiring a ghostwriter is that it frees you up to do what you do best! Instead of ending up in a Mexican stand-off with your computer because you aren’t sure what to include or even where to begin, you can focus on building or diversifying your business, networking to strengthen your connections or planning how you will leverage your book once it is published.

What about the autobiography of your favourite sports star who has just retired? It might be their words, but I’ll bet you my bottom dollar they didn’t slug away on the computer in between training sessions to get that bad boy published. They hired a ghostwriter.


I have been a storyteller since 2007 when I embarked on a career in print journalism and have been ghostwriting books for the past five years. When you find a talented ghostwriter, they nail the tone of the voice of the author, included turns of phrase used in their everyday speech and created an engaging book that readers can’t put down.

In this era when everyone’s BS radars are finely tuned, readers can smell insincerity a mile away. Be brave enough to step up and share this authentic story. Never feel like you have to be a Brene Brown or Brendan Burchard clone in order to be taken seriously – there are people out there who need to hear your story in your words!

Without action, that is all it will be.

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Articles inside

PASSION FEATURE – The Inkspot Printers, See Restaurant, Savvy Business Sales

page 77

Confessions of a Ghost-Writer with Roxanne McCarty-O’Kane

pages 78-80

Locals in Business and Life

page 76

Sunshine Coast Audiology

page 75

Mark Stephens Hypnotist

pages 72-73

Living with Passion with Shari Hall

page 74

Rejuvenative with Dr Ghafoor

page 71

Pica Group with Greg Lamey

page 68

Accounting Matters with Sharee Webster

pages 65-66

Wholesale Solar with Bret Davis

page 67

Sunshine Coast Studio

page 64

Entag with Pascal Stussi

pages 61-63

Little Birdie Hair Co with Tenille Lawrence

pages 58-60

Megyn Carpenter Sustainability Success

page 57

Complete Finance with Tony Gray

page 56

Living Valley Health Retreat

pages 54-55

Savvy Business Sales with Rod Russell

page 51

Tecoda with Christian Davis

pages 52-53

Whistle a Cleaner

page 50

Qld Capital Solutions with Adrian Mula

page 49

Ron Hill Automatics

pages 43-44

Jarrad Rogers – Tafe QLD

pages 46-48

Emily Williams Marketing

page 45

Better Homes and Garden Real Estate with Danelle Wiseman

page 42

The Bookkeeper Hub

page 33

Uniqueness Designer Jeweller, Vine Networks

page 31

Bridget Jane Mind Body Wellbeing, Qoin

page 32

Katie Lawrence and Co, Travelling with me, myself and I

page 28

HBA Encompass Accounting, Tax & Business Solutions

page 30

Chook Media Group, Bridgewise Insurance

page 29

Bakslap, Serafina Wealth Management

page 27

Women Inspired, Marketing Broker

page 26

Sunshine Coast Art and Framing with Paula and John Gowland

pages 22-23

Green Earth Homes

pages 14-15

Lionhearted Foundation with Jeanette Allom-Hill

pages 16-17

Millennium Education, Offit, Next Property

page 20

Astute Financial, Your Face Matters, Angela Farlam

page 18

The Wedding Planning Co

pages 24-25

COVER STORY – Bella Venezia Italian Restaurant

pages 11-13

Editor’s Note

page 3
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