Inpiration r finished shortedend

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Genre And Theme After researching into my chosen artist I would say that my chosen genre/Theme would be listed under –alternative hip hop- or even – comedy hip hop- this would make sense as the artist themselves have a tendency to stand out when compared to other artist whether it be extreme mise on sin or the ability to introduce a comedic approach to their music as

Magazine Ad’s

Codes And Conventions •

The Title otherwise known as the –mastheads- are typically found at the top of the magazine cover, they are usually in bold font and are easily visible when looking at the page.

Headings and Subheadings are used to inform what it is that the reader is committing to, they inform people what the text is about and are often represented in slogans.

Cover lines are typically found on either the left ort right hand side of the page. The are often used to give the readers a short insight to what the magazine is about.

Taglines are usually placed above the masthead however they are not overpowering, they are informative to whether or not the magazine is a special edition or whether or not the story is of any particular interest.

Colour schemes are a key part to any magazine whether it be music or Tv. They often represent the style of the artist so that it is easy for the audience to identify them. As music is aimed at all, the colours should fit both genders meaning that it shouldn't be subject to stereotypes.

Buzz words, these words draw the reader's attention, they are often used on the front page of the magazine to gain audience's attention, this then mean they are enticed to buy the product however, they can be used within the magazine to keep hold of their interest.

Subsidiary images these images are essential back-ups, if the main attraction doesn’t really appeal to the viewer they may be interested somewhat in the smaller lesser known images which again will keep them reading and may even alter their opinion so the image prior to them.

General layout – this should again fit the style of artist whether it be a front page or a double page spread. It should show a clear representation to what they are like almost as if they are selling themselves to the audience. The page should give an insight to how the artist looks and appeals to the audiences and should clearly reference their style within the design.

Mood Board

Album CoversÂ

Codes And Conventions •

The front cover is going to draw the most attention meaning that it needs to appeal to the target audience. The front cover will most likely include an image –of either the artists themselves or artwork related to them- the name of the album/artist and at times a parent advisory sticker to warn parents that the music may or may not to be explicit for their children.

The cover itself should create a clear representation of the artists, people should be able to recognise the style of the artist just by picking up the cover. This might mean using imagery that symbolises how the artist thinks or feels about themselves/music. An example of this would be of the Gorrilaz whom uses their own artwork to show of the virtual band to the viewers. Tyler the Creator, also uses "weird and wacky imagery to represent the childish behaviour that is carried out within his music videos.

The back cover should also include the name of artists/band, list of content within the cd and the barcode which allows the product to be sold. The record company should also be referenced on the back cover as well as the distributors company logo. In some cases, references may be added to credit the visual designer that helped to create the cover itself e.g. photography slash illustrations.

The inside of the cover may include additional information such as a lyric book, posters or even a thank you card. There may be some other imagery however it shouldn’t over power the inside of the cover.

The spine of the cover is somewhat simplistic in style as it only includes a limited number of components. These may range from the record company name, the name of the band and the title of the album.

Mood Board

Mood Board - Part TwoÂ

Digi Packs •

A digi pack is a stylised case that may appeal to most collectors. It is a "registered trademark of AGI Media" in some cases they are used as a source of artificial scarcity as it entices consumers to pay more money for the same product. The packaging itself is often made of card and the Cd case itself of typically made of Plastic. • The front and back panels are what audiences are first going to see, this is where te cases become more stylised as they are usually contain "flashy" artwork that draws peoples attention. Much like the inside of a CD cover, the inside folds are also used t promote any additional information such as the contents of the album. • The inside of the digi pack can be manufactured in multiple different ways varying in different folds. You will often find the plastic holder that the Cd sits in. You may also find other artwork within the inner as posters are often used to help advertise the pack itself. • The benefits of the digi pack may be limited however in the consumers eyes they see themselves as showing loyalty to the artist by purchasing their product. The pack itself may provide some additional protection. The purpose of the aesthetics is to entice customers to purchase the product.

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