Props and costume p

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Props And Costumes Paradox By Matthew Wood And Ethan Butler

Ethan – Costume One As Ethan will be acting out the role as an ordinary citizen with a 9 till 5 job, we figured that it would most oppriaiate to dress him in the correct attire. Clothing •

A Long sleeved shirt, as this is most commonly worn within office job.

Blue smart/casual trousers –we picked the color blue as it’s a colder pigment which we believed would display the depressed emotion lingering within the atmosphere.

Brown/Black work shoes to represent the formality of the job

Additional Accessories •

We have purchased some braces which we feel would help elaborate the "nerdiness" of our character as we want the audience to be able to distinguish the difference between both characters.

Ethan will also be wearing glasses as well as carrying a brief case to represent the importance of his job e.g. manager status.


Aidan – Costume Two We wanted to make Aidans character as outgoing as we possible could, to the point where his character might even appear to be homeless due to his absent mind. We had refenced the song Thrift Shop as we felt that using the oversized fur coats would be perfect for this character role.

Clothing •

The fur coat is in fact a women's coat however due the nature of this character we felt as his ego would ignore this fact and continue wearing the coat "for the sack of it"

He will also be wearing a white T however, we chose the color white as we didn’t want it to overpower the coat so by choosing somewhat of a boring top we feel that audiences will look ass this and think nothing of it.

We also felt it would be fitting if the character wore shorts as it completely diminishes the idea of Ethan's clothing by breaking the dress code of the work place.

For footwear we decided to not bother with shoes and instead have Aidan only wearing socks. What seven better is that we have decided to rip the socks making them look worn and rugged. We feel that this will later make for a humorous scene for when the characters interact with one another outside.

•We intend to use mirrored sun glasses so that would can get shots using reflection to experiment with the idea of what is real and what isn't. •The idea of combing both turn socks and ‘flip flops’ appeals to us however we are not sure whether to would work as it means we might have to focus some shots on the characters feat in order to make the idea work. This doesn’t sound to appealing so we might experiment with and without them in order to see whether it would be necessary.

Props •

For this video a variety of different props will be used. For instance we intend to use a scene where Ethan is interacting with some envelops and Aidan then carries on with the task however replacing the forms within the envelops with autographs of himself.

We also aim to use a brief case and when opened we can see Ethan's lunch neatly organised as he sits by a park bench, so for this we would need to of course purchase the lunch itself.

We also need access to some spare keyboards and monitors so we can re-enact a work scene for this, we also will need to use a photocopier.

Also, images of Aidan himself are needed so that they replace the work photocopied by Ethan.

Files will be needed as we intend to shoot a shot where Ethan is rummaging through a filing cabinet.

Office chairs will be required so that Aidan can swing around on them in the background whilst Ethan is carrying out his daily task.

We also intend to use the Christmas decorations around the school as we feel it will make for some interesting shots.

Locations For this production we will be shooting in and around the school grounds. We chose this area as we felt it resembles an office work place. We will be using multiple different classrooms as each have their own unique qualities. We also intend to shoot within corridors and with permission, the technicians department. We also intend to use the staff room for the photocopier scene however we can resort to using the old canteen. We also intend to film some scenes as the characters with between rooms, so this might be a scene where both individuals walk on the paths at the back of the school as it would be the most isolated area meaning there will be no interruption form other year groups. For the ‘Break’ Scene we aim to shoot at a local park perhaps within chalkstone so that we can travel within our ‘frees’. This will allow for us to prepare and film within one sitting before lesson begins. There are also objects for aidan to interact with and opportunities to bring in the general public. There is also the chance to film at Ethan's house as we can introduce a scene where Ethan is leaving for work and again his alter ego is there waiting for his arrival. There was also a group discussion where we planned to film a scene at the bus station where we can play with the idea of reflections and again, what is real and isn't. However, i don't feel as though this would fit in with the other settings and if so I would say that the footage needs to be short and almost in a montage scene to show the journey to and from work.

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