Question three

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Question Three What experience I have gained from audience feedback

Tumblr And Peer Feedback Throughout the duration of this year I have been using a site known as Tumblr to share exclusive behind the scenes research/imagery with my followers. My aim was to try a stay as connected as possible in order to receive the best possible outcome that pleased everyone. I have also used my surrounding classmates and peers for feedback as often as possible, usually asking for a second opinion. This has helped my group and I to shape our product into something that we feel our target audience will appreciate. Quite often, we would share footage amongst the class and receive feedback, we would also share our work with people outside our workspace to get further feedback. This was always a major help and we found that by working closely with our followers it made the production of our media text to be more enjoyable thus resulting in a product that were certain people would enjoy.

Comments Great Video, with great humor, would defiantly recommend. I really like the stylized aesthetic, you can really see the connection between both the video and their influence. Really well shot, the handheld was superb. Really funny/creative Excellent use of costume and great acting. Really Funny! I really appreciate the use of editing, would defiantly recommend. The juxtaposition between the characters was clear, really well done.

Audience research During my investigation I created two questionnaires first, being the idea of Digi packs and audience preference , second being the concept of music videos and what genres are preferred amongst people. Throughout this presentation, I will be discussing the feedback that I received from my peers and how we built our project around it.Â

Survey One – Part one Here, I asked how audiences felt about Hip Hop and whether is more interesting once it has been influenced by comedic sketches. I found that that vast majority of people answered positively to this question stating that it would be more engaging to see humor within our video. So being that we aimed to create a product that is more mature in tone, we had decided to create a separate character that was dedicated to humor yet represented the desire to break away from the stereotypical nine to five job. I then proceeded to ask the followers what age bracket they fit into, in order to get an understanding to whether or not we have to cater to a diverse audience. I found that over 70 percent of our audience where aged 16 to 21. This was beneficial as it meant we could produce a more mature product. It also meant that we had an understanding of our audience as we ourselves fit into the same age bracket so there was a sense of personal identity. Thirdly, I asked "would you say that music videos nowadays are based heavily around stereotypes of both men and women" I found that most agreed with this statement and that my followers found that music videos are influenced by stereotypes. However, to quote 'chandler’ I think that serotypes are a good thing and that they help the audience to understand the text within a short period of time. And being a music video, we where only limited to around three to four minuets so we needed people to be able to identify our characters without confusion so as a group we decided to base are characters on both a stereotypical nerd and a 'jock'.

Survey One – Part two Next, I queried whether or not people are more interested in the lyrical side of things or if they pay more attention to the video itself. Here, I found that only a few people where interested by the lyrics however, most felt that both were necessary. This however, didn’t have much influence on our product as we planned from the start that we were going to focus on the stylization of the production. Also, I asked what artists people where interested in, we found the results to be somewhat diverse in choice however we decided to pick and choose elements from each of the artist that we felt the audience would enjoy most. In order to start the project fully we needed a song choice, so I felt that audience feedback might help narrow down the options due to the large number artist in the music industry nowadays. I asked whether or not people would prefer a more sincere topic of if they were to be more interested in a song "based around everything and anything" Of course this was the most popular answer however, with the few votes that felt that a more sincere option would be acceptable I narrowed down the choice to an artist who focuses on comedic side of serious topics, Tyler the creator. For question seven, I gave the audience the ability too write what factors they felt where essential for a Hip Hop music video. We later referred back to this results as we used them as influence for the production of our own text.

Survey One – Part Three As the survey came to an end I wanted to know peoples opinions on the Hip Hop genre and when they felt that it was most in its prime. This was by far the most diverse answer however, being the most dominate of the survey, we felt that it would be best to pick a song from the mid 2000's as our group also believed that this was when hip Hop music was at its most notorious. For question nine, most people preferred that music videos make use of bright eccentric colors. They felt it would make the video visually striking. However, as a collective over 50 percent of the people who answered this question felt that it wasn't necessary and that it wasn’t needed. This left us with a choice to make and after consulting with our teachers/peers for further feedback we felt that it would be best to go for a more monochromatic style to help enhance the dramatic undertone of the song.

Finally I asked whether people felt that the media had impacted our society (primarily music) most felt that modern civilization was in fact inflicted by our media. Due to the nature of our film, we deiced to take caution when sharing any footage or sneak peaks, we deiced to only post what we presume to be family friendly and made sure that our digital pack clearly stated that parent advisory would be needed so that we didn’t have an impact on any younger members of our audience.

Survey Two

Survey Two – Part One For our Digi pack we had a number of ideas however, nothing was certain. So in order to over come this dilemma I decided to create yet another survey in order to get the audience feedback. This then later influenced our designs and ideas. To certify our age bracket for I again asked for the peoples to specify what age they are. The results had yet to change and the vast majority of our responders where aged16 and over. This was merely reassurance as it meant we could continue on our current path without having to adjust for any younger viewers. For the second Question I asked what style they feel would best suit the overs of s hip hop album cover. I found that a large number of people prefer to have an illustrated aesthetic. This was a challenging choice to overcome as we deiced to create graphic images audiences would be able to recognize as 'our style' however, after a few practice attempts we felt that we had managed to produce a series of illustrations that clearly matched the tone of our production. I then proceeded to ask whether the album cover should correspond with the music on the album. Over 80 percent stated that the Digipack/cover should correspond with the music the itself. This was quite challenging however to do this, we decided to change the overall tone of the images by adjusting the saturation so that each of the images where now monochrome. We felt that this simply switch to black and white would benefit the cover as it would replicate the style of our music video.

Survey Two – Part Two Due to survey moneys large array of customization, I was given the ability to receive direct comments from our followers; as we asked them to specify what colors they think would work best with an album cover/Digi pack. Subsequently, a more common occurrence was the use of black and white. This again later influenced our ancillary tasks as a large number of people favored this style. In terms of style, there was a diversity in which people preferred a number of different styles. These ranged from minimalistic to pop art which meant that our choose would have to be a fusion between all of them. However, as we progressed into the development of our Digi pack our group decided that I would just be bets to replicate the artist style so our target audience would be able to recognize the product without the need for any justification. For information, our feedback meant that we had more of an understanding to what needed to be on the Digi pack. We also learnt for classroom peers then layout in which we should use due to our specific style. We of course took this advice and our final product we created from the influence of our feedback. For question seven, I asked whether the audience feel that they should be entitled to some sort of artwork within their Digi pack. Due to the large number of people answering that they should, we decided to treat the whole project as a piece of art, thus making it something that we would like to have on a shelf and hopefully others felt this way as well. If we were to make a physical form however, we would include some of the concept art that was made for the tour poster as a reward for the consumers loyalty.

Survey Two – Part Three Question Eight I decided to query whether or not people would prefer a more photographic style or artistic. Astonishingly, more people voted for a more photographic style/layout over an artistic one. However, due to results prior to this, we had already decided that we were going to make illustrations to cover our album cover. Yet to counter act this, we decided to take shots from the footage itself –giving the image a more sophisticated appearance- and convert them into our graphics with the use of photoshop. Afterwards, I created a secondary question based around the concept of rewards. I wanted to know whether our consumers felt that it would be best if they were to receive somewhat of a collectable item for their purchase. I personally, agreed with this as well however, due to limited resources the best thing that we would be able to offer as a production company is a signed image from the actors themselves. Perhaps if people where to be inserted our group could in fact create a give away in which people are selected at random to win some of the props if they have purchased the Digi pack. Finally, we asked whether it would be of interest to combine to different mediums e.g. drawing and photograph. This was something that came up in conversation between my group and I however, we decided that it would just be best to use shots from the footage to give the illustrations a more realistic presence.

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