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S o m e o f t h e t h i g s w h i c h m a k e C E s p e c i a l f o r B a l l y n u r e J u n i o r s

S o m e o f B a l l y n u r e J u n i o r s f a v o u r i t e j o k e s !


Our children are really enthusiastic about participation during the meetings and of course this is what makes C.E. special.

"My favourite things are leading choruses, Bible reading, opening prayer. I like quizzes, Art and Birthdays when we get to wear the hat and choose a present from the box. " Emma

"I like the way we open and close in prayer. " Jenna

"My favourite things are learning about God, playing quizzes, doing jobs like Opening Prayer, craft and listening to talks. " Lucy

Q - What' s a 3-legged donkey called? A - A wonkey!

Q - What type of dog keeps the best time? A - A watchdog!

Q - What do whales eat? A - Ships and Chips!


W a r m C E f e l l o w s h i p e n j o y e d a t B e l f a s t S e n i o r ' s a n d C o m r a d e ' s A u t u m n R a l l y

Belfast Union Seniors and Comrades held their Autumn Rally in mid-November last.

Somewhat later than usual for various reasons, the attendance in Ravenhill Presbyterian Church hall was down on recent meetings due mainly to a bereavement with which members from North Belfast were involved. The programme was a full one and featured members who told us of work at home and overseas in which they were involved.

Ted Harrison spoke of his travels to various parts of Europe, in the last few years, to help with outside and inside decorating in premises used by the Child Evangelism Fellowship.

He supplied photos of the work undertaken which illustrated how his labours were timely and necessary.

John McCandless, who was our main speaker, outlined what his job involved as a Presbyterian Outreach worker in two congregations in East Belfast. These were many and varied

Wesley McCready, Belfast Union President, gave us a report on the Irish Convention, held in September.

He mentioned his interest in and help for Christian outreach in schools in his area and for the constant need for prayer for Christian teachers.

Our three contributors, by their commitment and enthusiasm, reminded us all quite strongly that there is a work for Jesus ready at our hands and to keep at it.

Last but by no means least, the recently installed Irish CE President, Alan Blair, brought greetings and spoke of his “CE career ” . He came across very well indeed. A wise choice.

Tea was served by the ladies from Ravenhill and it was good to see groups of members getting to know one another and conversing with our speakers. As a member commented, “ a warm CE atmosphere ” .

Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 11th March 2017 at 3.00pm in the same venue.

Please pray for the work of this Union and plan to attend. As said earlier, the time we spend together reflects CE fellowship at its best.

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