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A r m a g h & S o u t h T y r o n e M i s s i o n R a l l y U r g e d t o S u p p o r t B i b l e S o c i e t y

The Armagh & South Tyrone Missionary Rally was held on Monday 3rd October in Tandragee Methodist Church.


Mrs Joan Doak our Missionary Convenor planned the meeting and had a number of people taking part. The guest speaker was Leah from the Bible Society. Local Union President, Rev Ivor Smith led the meeting and the music was provided by Mrs Dorothy Morrison.

Leah gave a great report on why our CE Societies should pray, especially for the work that the Bible Society is doing to get God’ s Word into as many places and people ’ s hands as possible. It is so important to fund raise so that they can print as many books of the Bible, as possible, for distribution.

The evening finished with a beautiful supper provided by the ladies of the CE. B a l l y n u r e

' s Y o u n g L e a d e r s T e l l U s W h y T h e y U S E n j o y S e r v i n g G o d a t J u n i o r C E


We are very blessed in Ballynure to have the help of several young people, some of whom were Juniors themselves. Here, they tell us a bit about why they enjoy serving God at Junior C.E:

"CE has helped me develop my confidence and know that there are young kids who want to know God. It' s very encouraging. " Harry (13)

"CE has helped me come out of my shell. I enjoy interacting with the children and developing friendships with them. " - Hannah (15)

"CE has helped me develop my leadership skills. I enjoy creating quizzes for the children to enjoy. " Faith (15)

"Being a Junior helper has allowed me to establish relationships with others in the community. At CE I really enjoy talking to the kids and seeing how they ' re getting on at school, even if it makes me feel old :(. It has also improved my confidence in talking to small crowds of people and has been great experience if I wish to choose a career working with young people. " Emma (16)

"I enjoy being a junior helper because I can watch the kids grow in faith and see the shy ones become more confident, and it has given me the confidence to be able to talk and present in front of more people. " Emily (16)

"I enjoy being a junior helper at CE because working with young children in a Church setting is fun. I especially enjoy helping them with their craft and creating quizzes. It has given me more confidence in speaking in front of others and has helped me to develop my leadership skills. " Sarah (16)

Our Juniors really enjoy being led by such an enthusiastic group of young people too! Hopefully they will be future C.E. Leaders in charge!

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