23 minute read


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Editor ' s Note

Editor ' s Note




Editor ' s Note





Dates for your diary

A Word From Alan Blair

President' s Diary

Prayers & Praise

The Twelve Chosen Disciples

CE Award Scheme







The 102nd Irish CE Convention 24





Looking back / looking forward 25 REGIONAL & SOCIETY NEWS

Armagh & South Tyrone










Shore Road City Mission


YP Camp 2017 Form

Magazine Information









23 24






for more CE Ireland news & resources


U p c o m i n g e v e n t s i n 2 0 1 7

January 28th

Irish Union Planning Board in CE HQ

February 5th CE Sunday

February 9th at 8.00 pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Executive in Ruth’ s


February (Date TBC)

Irish Union Junior CE Talent Contest

February 25th

Irish Union Spring Council in CE HQ

March (Date TBC)

Irish Union Junior CE Table Quiz

March 11th at 3.00 pm

Seniors ’/Comrades ’ Spring Rally in Ravenhill Presbyterian Church, Belfast

March 25th at 10.00am

Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun Event in Dungannon Presbyterian

March 16th at 7.45 pm

East Antrim Executive in Carnmoney Presbyterian Church

April 24th at 7.15 pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Council Meeting in First Portadown Presbyterian

April 24th at 8.00 pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Presidential Rally in First Portadown Presbyterian Church

April 25th at 7.45 pm

East Antrim AGM in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church

May 4th at 8.00 pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Executive in Ballygawley

May 5th at 7.30 pm

Enniskillen Union CE Celebration in Ballinamallard Methodist Church

May 23rd - May 26th

Seniors ’/Comrades ’ Spring Break in Causeway Hotel, Bushmills

May 25th at 7.45 pm

East Antrim Executive in Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church

June 24th at 7.00 pm

Enniskillen Union CE BBQ at Castle Archdale

July 2nd - July 8th

YP Camp

September 1st

Irish Council in CE Headquarters

September 15th & 16th

103rd IRISH NATIONAL CE CONVENTION in Enniskillen Presbyterian Church Theme: “Will you take a stand?" Speaker: Rev. Andrew Mullan.

If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston at:

Email: houstonmargaret8@gmail.com Telephone: 02893353191 from N.I or 04893353191 from R.O.I. Mobile: 07712979778.


I r i s h C h r i s t i a n E n d e a v o u r U n i o n P r e s i d e n t

Dear Christian Endeavour members and friends,

I count it a great privilege to able to write to all our CE members and friends in this publication of the “Irish Endeavourer ” as your President this year.

Many of you already know that I didn ’t grow up in CE but got introduced to it when I got married and moved from Kildress, Cookstown to Lurgan back in 1999. It was here that I got to know Drewe McConnell, who was the YPCE leader there. He asked me along to introduce myself to the young people of the Church and I agreed. I‘ll never forget it, Ephesians ch6 1018 - put on the whole armour of God. Immediately I was impressed with how the young people there took part in every aspect of the meeting. I said this to Drewe and he invited me to ‘ come again anytime ’ . The following Monday night, 7th February 2000, a very wet and windy night after work I was sitting at home, but I couldn ’t relax for the urge to go up to the YPCE. I’d every excuse to stop me from going; it’ s an awful night I’ll just stay in, no - it would be very rude just turning up I’d all of these reasons running through my mind. Anyway, I couldn ’t settle so I told Karen I was going up to the YPCE. So there I was, rocking up to the CE and Drewe couldn ’t have been nicer, nor could have the young people. I immediately felt ‘ at home ’ and I knew I had done the right thing in coming.

After a while of finding my feet in CE with expert tuition, Drewe got me involved at Local Union level. Although a lot of what I was doing was doing what God wanted me to do. Later Drewe told me that he was going to be leaving the leadership of the YPCE to train for the ministry in the Presbyterian Church and it was then that I was handed the reins.

We are all part of a great organisation, doing a fantastic work. The basis on which CE is built cannot be criticized, as all that is done is For Christ and the Church. I’ m so conscious of the four standards of CE and reiterate this as often as possible,

• Confession of Christ, • Service for Christ, • Fellowship with Christ’ s People and • Loyalty to Christ Church.

In all our lives, lived for Christ I believe these four are a necessity, and it is because of these that I have chosen my theme for the year, Raise the Standards and Fly the Flag.

I would love for us all to do what we can to Raise these Standards and press home their benefits to our Church leaders, our parents and our friends. It is my hope that this year (and beyond) that we encourage each other to own the name of Christ and confess it, to offer our lives in service to Him, to be in the company of other likeminded people regularly and be faithful in our attendance to our own churches and to our CE meetings. Let us Fly the Flag of Christian

Endeavour, not just because it is a great organisation but because it bears the name of Christ.

We are so thankful that we have quite a number of lively and strong CE Societies meeting together but we have also seen a reduction in Societies over the past few years. We shouldn ’t accept that this is the way things go and there is nothing we can do. Christian Endeavour, Ireland, can offer so much to the Churches throughout this island and we should be doing all we can to see Churches encouraged to start up CEs for the first time or to restart lapsed ones. If you are a member of CE in your own Society, keep going, encourage each other to grow in the confidence that God isn ’t finished with you yet.

I hope to see many of you over the course of the year, and wish you all Gods richest blessing in the year ahead as you meet together and work For Christ and His Church.

Yours sinCErely, Alan Blair


A l a n ' s P r e s i d e n t i a l d i a r y

03/10/16 - Armagh & South Tyrone Missionary Rally

It was particularly nice for me, that the first event which I attended in my role as President after the Convention, was one organised by my own Local Union. It was a very good and informative night on the work of the Bible Society and, how we as a National Union, can partner with them in taking the Gospel into our schools.

15/10/16 - Junior Fun Day

After taking up the post of President I was invited to the Junior Fun Day held in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church. There was a good number of children who attended a well organised day of fun and games including a craft time.

22/10/16 - Clonaneese CE Celebration

It was my pleasure to have been invited to be present and to bring greetings on behalf of Irish Christian Endeavour to the Clonaneese Presbyterian Societies, on the occasion of their 50th anniversary since their formation. It was a well attended night, recognising God’ s goodness in using CE to influence so many lives in the life of the Church in Clonaneese.

05/11/16 - CE Comrades, Seniors and Former Members Association

I was delighted to be invited to Ravenhill Presbyterian Church to take part in a meeting of the Comrades, Seniors and Former Members Association. It was super to meet with members who have given a lifetime in the service of CE. A very encouraging meeting.

06/11/16 - Priesthill Methodist

I was really encouraged, and so should CE as a whole, at the work that is being done among the young people of Priesthill Methodist. Carole Dillion is doing a sterling job. Not only that, but there is a number of Seniors meeting together afterwards. Please remember these groups in your prayers.

06/11/16-12/11/16 - Prayer Week

I was able to attend the prayer gathering in Clonaneese on 12th November, where a number of folk took time out together to pray for the work of CE. Prayer is, and should be a “ staple ” in all our lives. “ pray without ceasing ” .

15/11/16 - Ballynure & Carrickfergus Junior CEs

It was just super to have been able to attend and to share with the Junior Societies of both Ballynure and Carrickfergus in Ballynure Presbyterian Church halls. There is a fantastic work being done by a team of faithful and enthusiastic leaders. A real blessing.

05/12/16 - Armagh & South Tyrone Carol Service

Always an enjoyable night. A night to reflect on God not just sending His Son, but sending Emmanuel - God With Us.


F r o m I r i s h P r a y e r C o n v e n o r L i z a n n e M c K e e .

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. " Hebrews 4:16

Many of you already use the CE Prayer Diary but here are some reminders of praise and prayer requests for the coming months.


For God' s working in the lives of those who attend CE. For faithful leaders, helpers and committee members. For churches that have the vision to have CE as part of their programme.


For Alan Blair, Irish CE President, as he travels to speak in CE Societies and Churches. For the Enniskillen Union Convention Committee as they plan the 103rd Convention (16-17 September 2016). Pray that God will use the speaker, Rev Andrew Mullan to challenge hearts and lives on the theme "Will you take a stand”? for the Irish Spring Council meetings 25 February and 2 September. For Executive Board 24 March and 26 May. Pray that God will grant wisdom in all planning and decision-making. For Seniors/Comrades on their Spring Break 2326 May. For Junior Camp and YP Camp taking place this Summer. For opportunities to promote CE in Churches in Ireland so that more Societies will be formed.

Lizanne McKee


N e w b o o k b y f o r m e r I r i s h C E P r e s i d e n t I a n F l e c k .

Our former Irish CE President has written a book about the twelve disciples. Many Christians are unable to give the names or many details about them and yet we can learn many lessons from their lives. This book gives some very helpful information about them and also what happened to them after Christ’ s resurrection.

“In this engaging book, Ian Fleck helps us see as much as we can of each of The Twelve as a unique individual. He helpfully collates all that the Bible tells us in the Gospels and Acts (and some epistles) about them. Along the way he draws out helpful reflections and lessons that we can learn as modern day disciples from the lives, questions, failures and faithfulness of the original disciples of our Lord. ” Dr Chris Wright

At the Irish Union Fun Day, held in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church hall, Irish CE President, Mr Alan Blair presented 6 Bronze Award and 5 Silver Award certificates to Shore Rd City Mission Juniors and 9 Bronze Award and 8 Silver Award certificates to Magheramorne Presbyterian Juniors.

Very well done to all of these winners and thank you to their leaders for all their encouragement. The Silver Award winners are now busy working towards their gold award certificates and thus attaining the National Award.

This book is published by Ambassador Books & Media and is available from Local Christian bookshops and from https://www.amazon.co.uk/ Type: ‘The twelve chosen disciples ’ Cost: £9.99

This book is also available at £9.00 from Ian Fleck Telephone: 02825568399 E-mail: ianfleck74@googlemail.com

Why not consider purchasing a copy either for yourself or for a friend? It makes a good read and all proceeds go to missionary work.

At the 102nd CE Convention, held in Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church, Mr Fleck presented a copy of his book to Irish Union President, Mr Alan Blair.


Juniors have been working hard throughout the year on the CE National Award Scheme.


President Alan Blair with Caroline Edgar Assistant Junior Convenor and a Magheramorne prizewinner


Irish Christian Union ’ s Fun Day was held in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian Church hall.

Mrs Lynda Anderson, leader of First Carrickfergus JCE and organiser of the event, extended a warm welcome to everyone.

There were games in abundance, stories, quizzes, crafts, refreshments and lovely things to buy from the CE requisites ’ stall run by Mrs Pearl Warnock.

Some of the other helpers included Ashley and Gillian Wasson; Yvonne Grills and Belinda Gage, Carnmoney; Gary Bissett, Magheramorne; June Jones, Ballyhenry; Robina Thompson, Ballynure and Eileen Scoffield, Carrickfergus.

It was a special honour to have Irish CE President, Mr Alan Blair in attendance.

Assisted by Irish Junior Convenor and Assistant Junior Convenor Rosemary Carson and Caroline Edgar, Mr Blair presented Bronze and Silver National Award certificates to Magheramorne Presbyterian Juniors and to Shore Road City Mission Juniors.

The Silver Award winners are already busy working towards attaining their Gold Awards.

Shore Road City Mission Juniors won the George Mann Shield for another year in succession.

Following the presentations Mr Blair gave a short but challenging talk on his Presidential theme, “Raise the Standards, fly the flag ” .

Gary Bissett (Magheramorne) and Pearl Warnock (Ballyhenry) Grace (Ballynure) arriving with her Mum and Dad

Irish CE President Mr Alan Blair with Mrs Rosemary Carson Irish CE Junior Work Convenor Mrs Yvonne Grills (Carnmoney) explaining how the quiz worked

Mrs June Jones and Mrs Belinda Gage serving tea and coffee Mrs Eileen Scoffield Carrickfergus and Mrs Robina Thompson Ballynure were busy helping at the Fun Day

From these few bits and pieces the children made beautiful Harvest wreaths Thomas and John checking in Zoe from Magheramorne enjoying the Fun Day with Mum Donna and Gillian Craig who were helping out

Landra (Magheramorne) proudly shows off the wreath he has made Sisters Sophie and Emma with best friend Hannah all from Magheramorne A display of thewreaths made by the children


Reflections on the Convention from Chairperson Barbara Wilson

It is hard to believe it is four months since the Convention - Christmas has come and gone, we are now into a new year, but memories of the Convention are still fresh in my mind. Although a very busy time for the Convention committee it was a most enjoyable weekend - all the preparations and hard work did pay off.

The atmosphere around the weekend was one of friendliness and relaxation - there was much chat, laughter and of course, endless supplies of tea and coffee. It was good to meet up with friends and to make new ones as we gathered together as part of the CE family to worship our great God. Who could forget the enthusiasm and the joy on the faces of the choir at the opening rally or the passion of Colin Davies as he told us of the work of Spud Bear and how the money raised through the Missionary Project would help to develop this work further.

Around 30 people, (young people and seniors) enjoyed a hearty breakfast in the Farset Centre and then took part in a table quiz which had been prepared by the Convention committee. This proved to be a real icebreaker - getting to know one another, having fun together and of course, friendly rivalry.

Instead of a Junior rally, a training afternoon was organised for Junior leaders - 16 leaders gathered together - there was much discussion, sharing of ideas and practical participation. It was a great afternoon and the

Bishop Ken Clarke Mrs Rosemary McDaniel and Mr Alan Blair The 102nd Irish CE Convention venue at Ballygomartin Presbyterian

Bishop Ken Clarke with Alderman Brian Kingston Lord Mayor of Belfast Mr William Humphrey MLA and Mr Wesley McCready Belfast Union President.

Irish CE Union President Mr Alan Blair with his wife Karen, daughters Harriett and Bethany and his mother

Revd Ian Fleck & Mrs Sandra Fleck with Mr Wesley McCready Belfast Union President

Caroline Edgar with Johnny and Diane Simpson

Roberta Irvine with husband Tommy

Mr Neill Glass (St Michaels Seniors) in conversation with friends Mr Trevor Smith and Lauren Bingham

Mrs Rosemary Carson and Miss Caroline Edgar busy serving refreshments

Mr Alan Blair Irish CE Union President 2016-17

Convention Chairperson Barbara Wilson with Rosemary Carson Mr Gerry McIlveen with Mrs Hazel Williamson and Mrs Mildred Sharkey leaders agreed it had been time well spent and thanked Carole and Avril for all their help.

The Senior rally also took place in the afternoon and was very well attended. The guest speaker was the Rev Victor Patterson and the soloist Mrs Mae Hawe. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship and of course the obligatory cup of tea afterwards. Thank you to Gwen and Stephen Carson for all the arrangements.

Meanwhile, the YPs spent the afternoon climbing the Cave Hill. They enjoyed the glorious weather and the view of the city of Belfast spread out below.

The Saturday night rally was a busy one - the launch of the new Missionary Project - the Bible Society and the outgoing President, Mrs Rosemary McDaniel passing on the chain of office to the new President, Mr Alan Blair.

Over the weekend the Convention Speaker, Bishop Ken (Fanta) Clarke spoke on the Convention Theme ‘Burn like a star, light a fire in our hearts ’ . He told us of the young Church in Antioch. Antioch, a cosmopolitan city in Asia Minor had many attractions and many problems - not an easy place for these young believers and yet they had fire in their hearts for the Gospel. It was in Antioch the believers were given the nickname ‘Christians ’ or as Bishop Clarke said ‘CHRIST-ians ‘ followers of Jesus Christ. They were certainly burning like stars in that city. What a witness and what a challenge for us today!

Recently we celebrated the coming of the babe in the manger - the true light coming into the world. In this new year, may we endeavour to shine like stars as we strive to serve Christ and the Church.

Barbara Wilson.

Seniors/Comrades urged to shine like stars in the midst of a ' crooked and perverse generation '


The Convention ’ s Seniors ’/Comrades ’ Rally, organised by the Revd Stephen and Mrs Gwen Carson, was indeed a tranquil service where the presence and peace of God was evident.

Conducted by Revd Stephen Carson, he warmly welcomed the guest speaker, the Revd Victor Patterson, Senior Minister of Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Agnes Street, Belfast and the goodly number present. Following the singing of one of Charles Wesley ’ s great hymns, “Ye servants of God, Your Master proclaim ” , Belfast Union President, Mr Wesley McCready welcomed everyone to Ballygomartin, mentioning that this was the first time for a Convention to be held there; Mr McCready then led in prayer.

A query from Mr Carson as to where everyone had come from, gave answers ranging from Lurgan, Clonaneese, Belfast, Ballymena, and Ballinamallard. There was representation from East Antrim too. Mrs Muriel McIlveen read from the first chapter of Philippians commencing at verse 12.

Another of Charles Wesley ’ s beautiful hymns, “O Thou who camest from above The pure celestial fire to impart” ; the announcements from Mrs Gwen Carson and then the singing of, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand” led beautifully into Mr Patterson ’ s address.

How should we shine out for Jesus? In Philippians we are told that we must shine like stars in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

Paul tells us that whatever happens we are to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. People need to see the beauty of Jesus in the Christian. We must understand what the Gospel is. The Gospel is a Gospel of Peace. Jesus took our place on Calvary and by His death we are reconciled to God. The Gospel is also a Gospel of Liberty; Gladness; Light & Deliverance. Jesus dispels darkness as He is the Light of the World. Let us walk in the Light, let us dispel the darkness with the brilliance of the Lord Jesus. We should ask God the Holy Spirit that we walk in His Way thus conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ. May the mind of Christ my Saviour live in me from day to day - is that our desire? If our hearts and minds are fixed on Him, surely we should show more of His love everyday. We are citizens of heaven although we have not got there yet. As St Paul tells us, we are to shine like stars. We must conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of the Lord Jesus.

There was no more apt closing hymn than, “May

the Mind of Christ my Saviour ” .

Mrs Minnie Tinney was pianist and Mrs May Hawe, soloist. Refreshments, served by Marilyn, Yvonne and Evie, were enjoyed by all at the close. 1 0 2 N D C O N V E N T I O N JUNIORS

People either arriving or lingering in the foyer of Ballygomartin Presbyterian Church enjoyed viewing and admiring the display of entries from Juniors in the Convention Competitions.

Organised by Irish Union Junior Convenor and Assistant Junior Convenor, Rosemary Carson and Caroline Edgar, prizes were awarded to 32 children from six Societies including Ballygawley / Ballyreagh and Upper Clonaneese in the Armagh & South Tyrone Union; First Newtownards in the Bangor & Ards Union; Carryduff and Shore Road City Mission Societies in the Belfast Union and Magheramorne Presbyterian in the East Antrim Union.


103rd Irish CE National Convention

The 103rd Irish National CE Convention will be held on 15th and 16th September 2017 in Enniskillen Presbyterian Church.

The Rev Andrew Mullan will speak on the theme, “WILL YOU TAKE A STAND”?

Just over fifty years ago Evelyn Sharpe, a young member of that Church, locally known as the Scots Church, won 1st prize in the World CE Convention essay competition as the following extract from the, “Impartial Reporter ” from that time relates. This was republished in the edition dated August 18th 2016 and entitled: Looking Back….

50 Years Ago - August 18th 1966

“A promising writer - A young member of the Scots Church, Enniskillen, is gaining fame in the world of Christian Endeavour. She is twelveyears-old Evelyn Sharpe, elder daughter of Arthur and Meta Sharpe, of Derrychara Drive, Enniskillen. Evelyn has just won 1st prize in the World CE Convention essay competition. What was the essay about? Evelyn explained that it was a letter to a pen-pal telling her about the CE and what it does. Evelyn ' s letter went to her pen-pal in Ohio, U.S.A. Last year at the Irish Junior Convention held in Enniskillen, she won the Junior Bursary ” .

Reprinted by kind permission of the Editor of,

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