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Magazine Information
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Visit www.ceireland.org for more CE news & resources
T h e I r i s h E n d e a v o u r e r
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Irish CE Executive Board.
Magazine Editor - Matt Bishop Information Offier - Margaret Houston
All articles for the next magazine need to be send to Margaret Houston for 31st July 2017.
Email articles to: houstonmargaret8@gmail.com or call Margaret on 028 93353191
64a Bloomeld Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AD Telephone: 028 (048) 9046 0448 Email: headquarters@ceireland.org Open on Monday & Wednesday 12:30pm - 3.00pm
O r d e r s
Order your next ‘Irish Endeavour ’ & CE supplies - Promise cards, Pens, Keyrings, Hoodies etc. from the C.E office.
C E I r e l a n d O f f i c e E a s y F u n d r a i s i n g
Christian Endeavour has signed up to a fundraising website where we can raise money just by shopping online- we would love your help! You can sign up to register at the link below & it won ’t cost you anything, you can shop online & certain retailers make a donation to the selected good cause.
Visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk & Search for Christan Endeavour Ireland.
P e r s o n a l M e m b e r s h i p S c h e m e
Offers you the opportunity to have direct contact with Irish Union, keep informed of current CE activities, &to support the CE movement prayerfully & financially
If you would like to become a member by making an annual contribution to the funds, please send your name, address, telephone number & cheque (made payable to “The Irish Christian Endeavour Union ” to Irish CE Headquarters address above.
You can also pay by standing order.