16 minute read





Editor ' s Note



Dates for your diary

President' s Diary

New Irish CE President

The General Secretary Looks Back

Looking Back

Praise and Prayer



Spring Break

Juniors Talent Contest

British CE News
















Armagh & South Tyrone


Ballyhenry Presbyterian

Carnmoney Presbyterian

Carryduff Presbyterian

Dundrum Methodist

Hill Street Presbyterian

Knockninny Methodist

Magheramore Presbyterian

Milltown Church

Primacy Methodist



Magazine Information









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for more CE Ireland news & resources


U p c o m i n g e v e n t s i n 2 0 1 7 / 2 0 1 8

September 15th & 16th

103rd IRISH NATIONAL CE CONVENTION in Enniskillen Presbyterian Church, Theme: “Will you take a stand?” Speaker: The Revd Andrew Mullan.

October 2nd at 8.00pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Missionary Rally in Tandra-gee Methodist Church

October 10th at 7.45pm

East Antrim Executive in First Carrickfergus

October 12th at 8.00pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Executive in Clonaneese Presbyterian Church

October 14th

East Antrim Junior Fun Day in First Carrickfergus Presbyterian halls

November 5th-11th

Irish Union Prayer Week

November 6th

Armagh & South Tyrone Prayer Evening

November 11th - 10.00am – 12noon

Armagh & South Tyrone Prayer Morning in Clonaneese Presbyterian Church

December 4th at 8.00pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Carol Service in Hill Street Presbyterian Church, Lurgan

January 25th at 7.45pm

East Antrim Executive in Eileen ’ s home

January 27th

Irish Union Planning Board

February 4th

CE Sunday

February 8th at 8.00 pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Executive in Ruth’ s


March 3rd - 10.00am-12.30pm

Armagh & South Tyrone Junior Fun event in Dungannon Presbyterian Church

March 6th at 7.45pm

East Antrim Executive in First Carrickfergus

March 10th 2018 (TBC)

Irish Union Junior Talent Contest

If you have an event, in your Union or Society, which you would like included, please email the details, including date, place and title of event to Margaret Houston at:

Email: houstonmargaret8@gmail.com Telephone: 02893353191 from N.I or 04893353191 from R.O.I. Mobile: 07712979778.


I r i s h C h r i s t i a n E n d e a v o u r U n i o n P r e s i d e n t A l a n B l a i r

23.01.16 First Portadown Seniors

A really enjoyable night with my neighbours in Portadown. Always encouraging to me personally and encouraging also to see the close fellowship which the members have together, one of the great benefits of Christian Endeavour.

05.02.17 Clonaneese Presbyterian CE Sunday

A superb Service. The ability, enthusiasm and dedication was almost tangible. So many people putting in a tremendous effort for a lot of years and the fruits of that commitment is clear to see.

06.02.17 Hill Street Juniors and Seniors

What can I say? This is my Church family in Lurgan. A great night with both leaders and children at the earlier Junior CE meeting, this is a great wee group - I’ m allowed to be biased! Meeting with the Senior CE was, as always, such an encouragement. Thank you to both Societies for your encouraging words and for your prayers throughout my year as President. God’ s Richest Blessing to you all.

10.02.17 First Newtownards Junior CE

This was a great night spent at First Newtownards. Great to see dedicated leadership in action here too as it is across our Societies. Keep up the good work, keep sowing the seed of the Gospel and God will bring the growth.

17.02.17 Tandragee Methodist Junior CE

An evening with the Juniors that was

‘ crisp ’ (pardon the pun). This is a grand wee bunch of young people really growing in their love and ability for the Lord. This is fruit for years of dedication

19.02.17 Shore Road CE

It was a pleasure to have been asked to speak at Shore Road City Mission, Belfast. This was a great evening with very capable young people. Thanks to all involved in a great evening.

21.02.17 Ballygawley Presbyterian Junior CE

Wow, what a crowd it would be fair to say one of our larger Societies. What a tremendous opportunity to share with the young people there. A lively bunch; very willing and able to take part. This was a very enjoyable night.

04.03.17 Boys ’ Brigade Battalion Prayer Breakfast, Lurgan

I was delighted to be asked to speak at our local BB Battalion Prayer morning in my capacity of President of CE. I got to share a bit on the work of CE and how all of us, involved in working for Christ in youth organisation, can be an encouragement to each other. Thanks for the breakfast too!!

06.03.17 St Mark’ s Church of Ireland Senior CE

Just brilliant – this was what I can only term as a

‘lovely evening ’ . I came away feeling really blessed for being in the midst of some really ‘lovely ’ people. What else could bring people together in such a way, other than Christ and His Church.

11.03.17 Irish CE Union Seniors ’ Spring Rally Ravenhill

A great afternoon at this Irish event and a very insightful talk by Mr Tom Dick, representing The Vision of Good Hope Moldova, on the work being done in Eastern Europe.

These types of National events are great to get Endeavourers together, to encourage friendships and encourage partnership within our CEs. Do try to attend your next National event.

23.03.17 Second Broughshane Presbyterian

What a great number of parents and friends of CE turned up to the Parents ’ and Friends ’ Night at Broughshane. This was a well organised night presenting what the young people had been taught throughout the year. This night demonstrated how important it is to engage with the parents of the children involved in our CEs. Well done to all those who organised and took part in this fantastic night.

25.03.17 Armagh & South Tyrone CE Union Junior Fun Day

Great fun, running about playing games and a puppet show too. The young folk had a great time and the gospel was clearly presented.

26.03.17 Clonaneese Presbyterian Senior CE Testimony Night

I’ ve had a few ‘landmark’ events in CE, this was one. I was asked to take part and share my testimony with the members there. It was the testimony of others though that really blessed me and challenged me to consider how much of my life do I hand over to God. This was a night where trusting God as Lord over all of our life was brought very much to the fore. Thank you N.C. for sharing your testimony with us.

09.04.17 Garvaghy Presbyterian CE Sunday

I was delighted to be invited to speak at the CE Sunday Service at Garvaghy. This was a great service with so many taking part, even Philip Meeke, crutches and all – real dedication. There is a tremendous work being done in Garvaghy for which we can be so thankful to God.

24.05.17 CE Ireland – Seniors Spring Break

Up to the North Coast in stunning weather. Although small in number the craic was good and time spent with fellow Endeavourers was great. While I was only there for an evening I know those there had a great time.

08.06.17 Meeting with World CE Secretary, Dave Coryell

We were delighted to be able to meet with the World CE Secretary, Dave Coryell when on his visit to Europe. Dave very kindly took time out of his busy schedule to stop over in Ireland and spend time meeting with the Executive. This was a very encouraging time where we got to know Dave and his aspirations within his role of Secretary of World CE Union. I was very encouraged by his enthusiasm for both spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and his commitment, through the work of CE, to do this. We took some time beforehand to visit the Titanic Centre and the next morning we visited the Giant’ s Causeway before his journey onward to Scotland, England and then Germany.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my year as President and, ahead of the upcoming Convention in September, I want to say thank you to all those Societies who extended an invitation for me to come, I have enjoyed every one.

In my year of Office, I hope that I conveyed the great debt of thanks that is owed by the National Executive to you all for the commitment, dedication and self-sacrifice that so may give in service to Christ through the work of Christian Endeavour.

Can I encourage you all to continue this work and to pray for each other in our CE Societies, our Local Executives and National Executive as we all strive to raise the standards of CE and to Fly the Flag for Christ and His Church.

Wishing you all God’ s Richest Blessings,

Alan (see you in Enniskillen) Newtownards Presbyterian have visit from Mr Alan Blair, Irish CE Union President

Tandragee Methodist Juniors enjoyed a visit from Mr Alan Blair, Irish Union President

Alan at last year ' s convention with his wife Karen, daughters Harriett and Bethany and his mother Alan visiting the Giant' s Causeway with WCEU General Secretary Dave Coryell (CE USA)



Hi. My name is Mark Crawford and it is my privilege to undertake the role of Irish Christian Endeavour (CE) President for the year 2017-2018. A civil engineer by profession, I am married to Victoria and we have been blessed with two daughters. When I get a chance I enjoy playing and watching rugby.

I am currently a member of Newmills Presbyterian, Co.Tyrone, however, my involvement in CE started when I grew up in Fermanagh and attended Knockninny Junior and Young People ’ s CE. It was here that I was encouraged in my Christian faith and given opportunities to help out leading worship and giving short talks.

Over time I was encouraged to help as a leader and have since served as Young People ’ s Convenor on both the Enniskillen Area Executive and Irish Union Board level.

I have a passion for working with young people and this has been strengthened over the years as I have been involved in various roles but particularly in the annual summer camps. These camps teach and train its members for service in their local Church through participation. As I look back attending the summer camps and the teaching and training I received in my own Society as a teenager were a real blessing and encouragement to me in my faith and the development of other skills.

As I look forward to the next year, it is my prayer that Irish Christian Endeavour will be strengthened through spreading the Gospel and training young people in the service of the Church. I am looking forward to visiting Societies and members across the country to see how God is changing lives.


At the Enniskillen Convention, I will stand down as General Secretary after 10 years in office. It is fitting that it is at this Convention that my tenure will finish as the Enniskillen Convention of 1965 was my first Irish CE Convention.

But in this article I want to explore my journey through Christian Endeavour but as Paul says not to boast but honour the Christ whom I have served for over 50 years.

My first contact with CE was in my home congregation of Regent Street Presbyterian, Newtownards. The leader of the Young Peoples CE, Miss Nicholl, knowing that I was a young Christian newly converted approached me to join the Society. This was the beginning of my journey. I became, inside a couple of years, totally committed to CE and served on the Bangor and Ards CE Council. Various positions were given to me during those years and they included Press Officer, Missionary Convenor, Young Peoples ’ Convenor and Extension Convenor. One of the events started during my time as YP Convenor was the Dawn Service on Scrabo. This continues to this day and has stood the test of time. I will never forget the night it was being discussed on the Council and my youthful remark, “ who is going to organise that” to which the Rev Jackson Buick said. “ you are ”! Other memories of that time were visiting a Society at the bottom of the Ards Peninsula and as none of us on the YP committee could drive it was done by motor bike with me as pillion passenger!

There were many during this period to whom I would call mentors and looked up to for advice

and help and I unashamedly name them:Harry Martin, John Clarke, Bill Moore, Rev Jackson Buick, names that some of you will not know but had an influence in my life of commitment to CE.

It has been said that the letters CE do not just stand for Christian Endeavour but “Courting Encouraged” and this was true when I met Minnie who was also involved in CE to form a partnership which has lasted over 40 years.

When on marriage in 1978 I moved to Belfast my involvement in CE was initially in my congregation of Westbourne Presbyterian Church Junior CE with my wife Minnie who was the leader. Eventually, I was brought on to the East Belfast CE Executive to serve, taking up the position of Extension Convenor. Irish CE came in 1985 and asked if I would take on the position of the Irish Union Extension convenorship and subsequently served in this position for nine years.

Then in 2005 people in the Bangor and Ards area came to me and asked if I would allow my name to go forward as Irish President. Initially, I refused but they were persistent and I agreed to believe that this was another chapter in the plan that God had for me. I served as President for the 2005-2006 year and thoroughly enjoyed travelling about visiting Societies. A number of young people accompanied me on these visits transporting me to different venues as I do not drive and I will always be thankful for their assistance even though there were times we got lost!

It was a joy to me that one of my final engagements was to speak at Regent Street Presbyterian Church, the place where my journey in CE started.

After that period of service, it came as a surprise to me to be asked to take the position of General Secretary of Irish Christian Endeavour. As I had just retired it became evident that God still had work for me to do and I was elected at the Annual General Meeting in, of all places, the 2007 Irish Convention in Newtownards, being held at First Newtownards Presbyterian Church. I came full circle back to where my Christian Endeavour experience began and the very Church some of my mentors came from. God does indeed work in mysterious ways!

I do not know what lies ahead but God knows and He will have a plan. During my year as President I took the verse from Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you ” . This remains relevant in my life and I trust that for all who read this that it will resonate with them also. God does not always show what He has in store for us in our lives but, be assured, it is always for good. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought about the passage he had planned for me over the last 54 years since joining Christian Endeavour. So for any young person reading this let me say just leave yourself open to the guidance of God and allow Him to take control of your life.

As I ponder my ten years in office and the way God has continually led me through the Christian Endeavour Movement let me say that it is always been for Christ and His Church.

May I end this by expressing my wholehearted thanks to leaders, Personal Members, members of Local Executives, Boards and Council past and present for all their assistance and prayers over these past 10 years.

May our God continue to bless the work of Christian Endeavour in Ireland.

Robert Tinney.



Brookeborough Methodist Juniors are still meeting regularly so it was particularly interesting to read in the issue of, “The Impartial Reporter ” dated May 25, 2017, that the Society was making the headlines 75 years ago in the issue of June 4, 1942.

“Brookeborough gained two honours at the CE Rally held in Enniskillen on the 27th ult. Its CE Society won the Junior Shield of the CE Union and its Methodist Minister, Rev Wm Buchanan was elected President of the Union ” .

Reprinted with the kind permission of the Editor, “The Impartial Reporter ” .


This year the Enniskillen Union is preparing to host the 103rd Irish National CE Convention but 50 years ago the Local Union was receiving mention in one of the Local Papers, “The Impartial Reporter ” and we were reminded of this fact in its edition of March 16, 2017, in an article entitled: Looking Back…50 Years Ago March 16 1967

“Rev. Alan Hanna, of Enniskillen Methodist Church, has been nominated as President of the Enniskillen and District CE Union. He will be installed by the outgoing President, Mr Hylands Mitchell” .

Reprinted with the kind permission of the Editor, “The Impartial Reporter ” .


“Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for He is holy. ” Psalm 99:5

Praise God for Robert Tinney ’ s faithful service as General Secretary and his wife Minnie in the office. Pray for a smooth transition as they prepare to hand over their responsibilities to the new General Secretary at the Enniskillen Convention.

Pray for wisdom for those involved in moving the office facilities to a new location later this year.

Praise God for the blessings Alan Blair has experienced as he spoke at CE Societies and events during his year as Irish CE President. Pray for the incoming Irish CE President who will take over from him and for safety in travel.

Pray that new CE Societies will start up again this autumn to add to the ones that are already established, some of them for many years. Pray that many children, young people and adults will meet around God’ s Word and be challenged in their walk with Him.

Pray for God’ s blessing on the 103rd Convention in Enniskillen, 16-17 September 2017. Pray that God will use His Word as it is brought to us by Andrew Mullan.

Pray for the ongoing preparations for the 104th Convention, to be hosted by Armagh and South Tyrone Union.

Abaana is the new overseas missionary project. Pray for the representatives who will visit CE Societies, that we will be encouraged to support their work among children, mainly in Uganda.

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