Matt Tucker OUGD303 — Brief 7. Design Context Cognitive Content
The Brief —
Create a publication that describes to people who you are as individual and designer.
Concept —
The term ‘Cognitive Content’ translates to ‘The sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered or learned.’ The title works as the publication is not only a guide to things that I like, but also things that have played a large role in influencing and exciting me as a designer.
Chapter Breakdown —
The first chapter reflects on the collection of print that I have built up since around 2009, analysing how the use of colour and typography on these bits of print have shaped my own practice. The second chapter goes on to discuss my growing obsession with publications, looking some of the most interesting work from recent years and interviews with some of the Industries leading publication designers. The third chapter takes a retrospective look at exhibitions that I have visited during my third year and others by particularly interesting design studios. It analyses the changes in the role of graphic designers and explores their understanding of the bigger picture in exhibition curation, apposed to only designing the captions for the exhibited work. The final chapter looks at changing perspectives towards typography and the willingness to play and explore abstract ideas rather than its formal, precedent role.
Other Info —
Initially I planned on handing in a commercially printed document, however the publication is not arriving until Thursday and I have only been able to hand in this mock up. The layouts are the same but as the margins allow less slack with this bind it is harder to read the information that planned.