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# Publisher’s Letter

America’s future is on the line! here is a lot at stake between now and November. Our fighting men and women are receiving mixed signals from the civilian leaders in Washington. They have been told to win a war without the number of troops the military requested. At the same time they have been given a date that they are scheduled to leave by – and that date has been announced so even our enemies know about it!


Where is the leadership? A combination of government and private resources are trying to clean up the oil spill in the gulf, yet the government refuses to allow other countries with advance cleanup techniques to help us. Where is the leadership? Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced the biggest threat facing our country is our extremely weak financial condition, brought on by our mounting debt and out of control spending. He said in 2012 the interest payment on our debt will be over $500 billion, or about the same as what it costs to pay for the entire defense budget! Where is the leadership? AMAC is responding by circulating a petition to reduce the Federal budget by a minimum of 10%. Join the 40,000 Americans who have already signed. (You can sign our petition online. Visit www.amac.us)

Admiral Mullen,

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

announced the biggest

threat facing our country

Amac has sent a letter to the five Governors of the Gulf States calling on them to appoint a Disaster Control manager to coordinate the cleanup. We suggested they ask Mitt Romney to fill that job. Amac has supported the people of Arizona by encouraging business to schedule their meetings and conventions there. We need leaders to unite us - not to divide us! People are joining AMAC by the thousands. Help us grow in size and power by telling your friends about us.

is our extremely weak financial condition,

Best regards,

brought on by our mounting debt and out of control spending.

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Dan Weber, Publisher




p. 8

p. 19

cover: America Rising! 2010 is shaping up to be a big year for Republicans

Daniel C. Weber Publisher Rebecca Weber Keiffert Associate Publisher Editorial Inquiries

p. 26

Gary J. Christiansen Membership Web Developer David G. Weber Web Developer Joseph Battaglia Rosamaria DaSilva Directors of Senior Services

p. 28

Gia Ricottone Advertising Director gricottone@amac.us Pamela Smith Editor p. 34

Association of Mature American Citizens 5 Orville Drive • Bohemia, New York 11716 631.589.6675 • www.amac.us

Generations Publishing Inc. PO Box 961 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 631.473.0388

Graphic Design by: Advertising Dynamics & Art, Inc. 631.751.5454 • www.adartinc.com

p. 38

4 6 7

Publisher's Letter Sound Off Viewpoint







19 20

Hero Feature







30 31 32 34

Government Watch Did You Know? AMAC in Action Kathie's Kitchen

36 38

Just for Fun Parting Thought

Jedediah Bila

The Death Tax

Study Shows Mango Prevents Cancer

The Year of the Republican?

Obama: Just Words

Raising Arizona

Delight Your Senses: Arizona

What the Heck is a Tea Party?

Sensational Salads

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“Sound Off” Americans are speaking out on AMAC’s website. Some of these comments are presented on this page. Please log on to www.amac.us to give us your views and to read what others are saying!

Hero – Irena Sendler

Irene - Long Beach NY says: Your story on Irene Sendler was truly inspiring. A P.S. to that story; in 2007 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, but it was awarded to Al Gore. The Nobel Prize has lost its luster.

US and have suckered in many elderly folks to keep them going. No more “AARP” and their Socialized Medicine for me.

Gail K Lightfoot says: The most important thing you can do for everyone is provide a voice for less government and more self reliance and responsibility by individuals. As long as AARP and the like push for and get more government programs, the less each individual is permitted to do for themselves. We need to stop now!

Tea Party

Art McIntosh says: The Tea Party endorsed Chuck DeVore in California, while Sarah Palin endorsed another Republican candidate, splitting the Conservative vote. This will give the nomination to (RINO) Tom Campbell! How could Sarah (who I love!) do this?

Sarah Palin

M.Hall says: Sarah Palin should stay out of California elections. She has not lived here and does not know the history of our State politics and candidates. Do Californians need Sarah Palin to advise them? They can read the facts for themselves.


George McElvy says: AARP is a joke and a rip off. I was a member for 15 years until I started reading between the lines. They are one of the biggest, if not the biggest liberal organization in the

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MG says: I agree with G.R. Bailey, Obama must be stopped. But it will not happen unless the people of this great country speak up and say “ENOUGH”. Everyone can do something, if only to help spread the truth.

Senate Race 2010

Millian says: When this all started it was about killing the bill. Now it is about getting the dems who voted for this out of office. That should be the main focus until November. The fight has taken a new direction. Vote them all out and then repeal this destructive bill.

Kenny Z says: When will congress stop this idiot! They are responsible for approving spending. We are soon to lose our AAA rating. Who would ever have imagined America being a debtor nation - economically a third world country. Remember November, register to vote, vote in the primaries, and especially vote in November. It is vital for the survival of our beloved America which we love fundamentally as she was.

# Viewpoint

GOP women pave the way for big 2010 and 2012 Republican gains By Je d e d i a h Bi l a


s I exited a small café in Massachusetts on a recent weekend getaway, two women were standing outside holding signs that read Stop the anti-woman GOP women. (They were not far from another female wearing a poster that read Death penalty for Bush/Cheney, among other delightful messages of liberal tolerance. But I digress.) I casually walked on by with my green tea in hand, much like I often do in Manhattan when signs with similar slogans give me a fine chuckle. Later that day, I heard a woman in a nearby park talking to a small group of college-aged girls about how important it is to make sure Republican women lose big in 2010 and 2012 so that their “anti-woman policies” lose, too. “Excuse me,” I said. “What anti-woman policies are you worried about?” “Everything!” she answered. “Those women don’t care about women’s rights. Plus, they’re not even women. They’re men disguised as women.” I tried not to laugh too hard until I hit the corner. A man disguised as a woman? Well, that would explain my hatred of makeup and preference for men’s clothing. And my mom did call me “her son” from time to time when I’d do the heavy lifting around the house and skip shopping in favor of the weight room. I must admit that I was intrigued by what I witnessed in Massachusetts, by the need those women felt to rally specifically against Republican women. Why was that their priority? It’s simple: GOP female politicians are currently a force to be reckoned with, and they are setting the stage for big Republican gains in 2010 and 2012. Nikki Haley, Sharron Angle, Carly Fiorina, and Meg Whitman have already made great strides. Jan Brewer made a tough decision for Arizona, and more than half of Americans across the country agree with her.

Despite the Left’s mission to dismantle Michele Bachmann, I find her to be stronger than ever as she upholds her conservative principles and takes on Obama’s big-government agenda. And, of course, there’s former Governor Sarah Palin, who continues to be the focus of media-OCD because she represents the anti-elitist, pro-life, small-government values that resonate with so many American families and small business owners. Be prepared for the female Left to treat GOP female leaders who are full-blooded conservatives as prime targets through the 2010 and 2012 elections. Be ready for the likes of the National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority Foundation, and others, to be armed with false labels, empty charges, and plenty of anti-woman this and woman-hater that. They will hide behind their “feminist” jargon while belittling any and all women who don’t uphold the pro-abortion culture they revere so dearly. GOP conservative male politicians will get their fair share of reproach as well, but nothing gets under the skin of women on the Left like iron-willed, unapologetic female politicians who are pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Constitution. They are viewed as traitors to the pro-abortion alliance and to the far-Left “feminist” coalition. Thank you to the GOP female leaders who have set the stage for men and women of all shapes, sizes, and colors to make big gains for the Republican Party in 2010 and 2012. I hope that the majority will be Reagan Conservatives. Thank you to Sarah Palin because, despite the fact that you’re too humble to take credit for any of this, the reality is that you started the engine running and continue to play a vital role in sustaining it. And thank you, as always, to so many ladies on the Left for reminding me just how powerful women in the GOP can be by being so darn afraid of us every day. Jedediah Bila is a conservative columnist and commentator living in New York City. For more information on Jedediah, please visit jedediahbila.com

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# Money

The Death Tax and Your Legacy F

or the remainder of 2010, there is no Federal Estate Tax. This is as a result of the Bush tax cuts which are due to expire at the end of the year. That means thousands of farmers and small business owners will be able to pass on their farms and businesses to their children without the burden of additional taxes. It also means that workers who have built up a nest egg can leave money that they earned (that was already taxed) to their families without cutting a share to the government. Some argue that this allows “wealthy” Americans to avoid The 19th century French paying their “fair” writer Alexis De share of taxes. While this storyline may Tocqueville foresaw make for easy sound these problems, writing bites, it is factually in his book Democracy wrong. The reality is that the estate tax is in America that the not a tax on wealth, death tax “would take but rather on capital. charge of destroying To build and maintain wealth, it fortunes in each must be continugeneration, and no one ously reinvested as would create new ones. capital, for example in real estate, securities, or in a business. Invested capital is creative capital. It provides a boost for entrepreneurs to create new businesses and new jobs. Those who do not reinvest their capital will quickly find it gone - diminishing as it is consumed. What this means is that when Americans are allowed to turn over their hard-earned money to their families when they die, their heirs aren’t keeping it under a mattress in a backroom. It’s being used to keep capital flowing to the market. Plus, it’s not as if this capital hasn’t already been taxed heavily in the form of income taxes, corporate taxes, property taxes, capital gains taxes, sales taxes and payroll taxes (just to name a few). No one is getting off scot-free, least of all the entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners who create jobs and are the backbone to rebuilding our economy.

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Unfortunately, some lawmakers are lobbying to reinstate the death tax this year or worse, make it retroactive. Others are happily waiting for the tax to reappear at 55 percent on estates valued over $1 million, which will take place starting January 1, 2011 under current law. This would be bad policy for everyone – wealthy and non-wealthy alike. A study by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee found that the estate tax reduces capital by $847 billion over a ten year period. With less capital in the economy, businesses must hold back on planned expansions and new employees cannot be hired. Two separate studies by the American Family Business Foundation found that if the estate tax was permanently repealed, 100,000 businesses would be saved or created and 1.5 million new jobs would be added to the economy, respectively. When the death tax prevents job creation and economic recovery, it also delays future opportunities for our children and grandchildren. Indeed, in the case of many family business owners, the death tax directly impinges upon their ability to pass their business on to their kids. For everyone, the death tax is an obstacle to economic opportunity. The 19th century French writer Alexis De Tocqueville foresaw these problems, writing in his book Democracy in America that the death tax “would take charge of destroying fortunes in each generation, and no one would create new ones. The poor man, deprived of enlightenment and freedom, would not even conceive the idea of raising himself toward wealth, and the wealthy man wouldn’t let himself be carried along toward poverty without knowing how to defend himself.” Lest De Tocqueville’s words ring true once again, we have a duty to stand up for inheritance rights and fight for permanent repeal of the estate tax. Our legacy as parents, grandparents, and American citizens stand in the balance. Dick Patten is the President of the American Family Business Institute, a trade association of family business owners and farmers and concerned citizens. You can sign the Death Tax repeal petition and learn more at www.nodeathtax.org.

Summer 2010 AMAC issue:Layout 1


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mang Study Shows Mango Prevents Cancer A new laboratory study by Texas AgriLife Research food scientists, who examined the five most common varieties of mango in the U.S., has found the fruit can prevent, or stop, certain colon and breast cancer cells.

Though the mango is an ancient fruit heavily consumed in many parts of the world, little has been known about its health aspects. The National Mango Board commissioned a variety of studies with several U.S. researchers to help determine its nutritional value. "If you look at what people currently perceive as a super food, people think of high antioxidant capacity, and mango is not quite there," said Dr. Susanne Talcott, who with her husband, Dr. Steve Talcott, conducted the study on cancer cells. "In comparison with antioxidants in blueberry, acai and pomegranate, it's not even close." But the team checked mango against cancer cells anyway, and found it prevented, or stopped, cancer growth in certain breast and colon cell lines. "It has about four to five times less antioxidant capacity than an average wine grape, and it still holds up fairly well in anticancer activity. If you look at it from the physiological and nutritional standpoint, taking everything together, it would be a high-ranking super food," she said. "It would be good to include mangoes as part of the regular diet." The Talcotts tested mango polyphenol extracts in vitro on colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancers. Polyphenols are natural substances in plants and are associated with a variety of compounds known to promote good health. Mango showed some impact on lung, leukemia and prostate cancers but was most effective on the most common breast and colon cancers. "What we found is that not all cell lines

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Kathleen Phillips - Texas A&M AgriLife Communications

are sensitive to the same extent to an anticancer agent," she said. "But the breast and colon cancer lines underwent apotosis, or programmed cell death. Additionally, we found that when we tested normal colon cells side by side with the colon cancer cells, that the mango polyphenolics did not harm the normal cells." The duo did further tests on the colon cancer lines because a mango contains both small molecules that are readily absorbed and larger molecules that would not be absorbed and thus remain present in a colon. "We found the normal cells weren't killed, so mango is not expected to be damaging in the body." "That is a general observation for any natural agent, that they target cancer cells and leave the healthy cells alone, in reasonable concentrations at least." The Talcotts evaluated polyphenolics, and more specifically gallotannins as being the class of bioactive compounds (responsible for preventing or stopping cancer cells). Tannins are polyphenols that are often bitter or drying and found in such common foods as grape seed, wine and tea. The study found that the cell cycle, which is the division cells go through, was interrupted. This is crucial information, Suzanne Talcott said, because it indicates a possible mechanism for how the cancer cells are prevented or stopped. "For cells that may be on the verge of mutating or being damaged, mango polyphenolics prevent this kind of damage," she said. The Talcotts hope to do a small clinical trial with individuals who have increased inflammation in their intestines with a higher risk for cancer. "From there, if there is any proven efficacy, then we would do a larger trial to see if there is any clinical relevance."

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The Year of the Republican? Republicans need just eight seats to regain control of the Senate, and 40 to regain control of the House. With an infinite number of possible scenarios in the House races, Democrats are counting on the sheer size of their majority to insulate them from losing control of the chamber.

by Justin Quinn usconservatives.about.com


hen the first gleaming rays of light emerge from the vapors on the morning of Nov. 3, 2010, they undoubtedly will fall on an American political system reshaped by the Republican Party. While this may sound like a bold prediction, it isn’t really so audacious. National Democrats have already forsaken their hold on the United States Senate, opting instead to tighten their white-knuckled grip on the U.S. House of Representatives. While most pundits believe the GOP’s shot at winning back both chambers of Congress is an outside one at best, there are very real scenarios that www.amac.us | 15

present it as a distinct possibility. The upside for Republicans is that, since taking office, Obama has struggled to strike a balance between when to campaign and when to lead. All too often, he has chosen the wrong approach, especially when it comes to policy. Whether it is a deadline for troop withdrawal in Afghanistan, a decision to sue Arizona over one of its own laws or his puzzling detachment from the Gulf oil crisis at a time when his nation needs him the most, Obama has presented his party’s Congressional candidates and incumbents with a difficult choice: distance themselves from the president or rally around him and defend the indefensible. As the president continues to attract the wrong kinds of headlines, however, most candidates are choosing distance. Republicans need just eight seats to regain control of the Senate, and 40 to regain control of the House. With an infinite number of possible scenarios in the House races, Democrats are counting on the sheer size of their majority to insulate them from losing control of the chamber. In the Senate, the scenarios are much simpler and thus the Republicans’ strategy is much more focused. Of the 36 Senate seats up for grabs in 2010, Republican incumbents occupy 11 and Democrats hold 12. Six Republicans are retiring as opposed to five Democrats. Although a few Republican Senators face serious contests in the primary and/or general elections, their Democratic counterparts face much stiffer challenges and will be without the resources and momentum their colleagues enjoyed in 2008. A variety of factors are responsible for the Democrats’ vulnerability in the Senate, but almost all of them can be boiled down to a strong antiincumbent and anti-establishment mood that is being fostered nationally by the surprisingly influential Tea Party movement and the colossal failure of the Obama administration on almost every front. Even Obama’s so-called “victories” have 16 | www.amac.us

failed to attract support for the Democratic cause, and in most instances have backfired horribly. The stimulus package is perhaps the best example of this. What was once billed as an economic panacea for an ailing nation has almost universally been dismissed in hindsight as an early muscle flex by the Obama administration. Likewise, the great difficulty the White House met as it forced its health care reform package through what was supposed to be a friendly Congress has weakened the stature of both the President and the Democratic Party as a whole. In the end, though, control of the Senate could come down to just a few well-chosen and wellfunded races.

Nevada The most compelling of these might be in Nevada where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has fallen by double digits behind his Republican rival, Tea Party Express candidate Sharron Angle. Angle, a rock-ribbed conservative who was unwilling to soften her views in the days after her nomination, originally gave pollsters reason to believe Nevada was a tossup state. Subsequent polling shot holes in that theory, however, as Angle maintained a commanding 11point lead over Reid a full month after her primary victory. Debate persists over whether Nevada has genuinely shifted to the right politically or whether the wide point spread is attributable to a statewide frustration with Reid’s leadership.

Delaware Another battle that could determine control of the Senate is being fought in Delaware for the seat once occupied by Vice President Joe Biden. Biden’s son, Democratic State Attorney General Beau Biden, initially considered

2010 - The Year of the Republican running for the 2010 Special Election (which will be held on Nov. 2 along with the General Election), but declined after hypothetical polls showed him trailing his potential Republican opponents. His decision set up a match between Chris Coons, a lawyer and county executive from Wilmington, Del. and Congressman Mike Castle, who also served as the state’s governor. While Castle is widely projected to be the GOP’s presumptive nominee, he’ll face political commentator and marketing consultant Christine O’Donnell in the state’s Sept. 14 primary election. O’Donnell is a veteran candidate who ran against Biden in 2008. While Delaware is officially listed as a Senate battleground state, Coons appears to be heavily outclassed. Both Castle and O’Donnell have polled very well against him.

Illinois Perhaps the seat that is most coveted by national Republicans is the one that was vacated by President Barack Obama. Republican Congressman Mark Kirk is facing off against State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias. The race is a statistical dead heat, with the two changing leads from poll to poll. If Republicans should capture the Illinois senate seat, however, it would symbolize an incredible national shift in politics and serve as a crown jewel for the Republican Party.

Wisconsin In Wisconsin, both Republicans are gaining on Incumbent Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold. Businessman Ron Johnson is within a point of Feingold, while businessman David Westlake is running just six points behind, and has been steadily gaining over the past two months. Who gets to face Feingold will be determined on Sept. 14 in the Wisconsin primary election.


former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina. Fiorina is running just five points behind Boxer since winning the Republican nomination and has been within two points in hypothetical matchups with Boxer throughout the campaign. Although Fiorina spent considerably in the Republican primary campaign, expect her to dump loads of cash into the general election — an option that is not available to Boxer. Plus, if the race seems to be tipping Fiorina’s way come October, expect national Republicans to pour resources into this race.

Colorado In Colorado, the Democratic incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet likely will sail to victory against his primary challenger, but is a long way from gaining ground on either of his potential Republican opponents. Former Lieutenant Gov. Jane Norton has been polling the best in hypothetical matchups against Bennet, but Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck also has been doing well and could gain considerable momentum with a victory in the state’s Aug. 10 primary election.

Arkansas A similar story is taking place in Arkansas, where incumbent Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln defeated a stiff challenge from the far-left to beat her primary opponent by 12 points. She’ll have to do much better in the general election, however, where polls show her losing handily to Republican Congressman John Boozman. When voters head to the polls on Nov. 2, newly elected Republicans will have a monumental task ahead of them when that new dawn finally berths on Nov. 3. They’ll have to prove their worth to the nation and make their case for a full-scale take over in 2012. If they don’t, a second term for President Obama could be a virtual certainty.

California is another state where the Democratic Incumbent is fending off a formidable challenge. Sen. Barbara Boxer is in the fight of her career against www.amac.us | 17




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Childhelp® is a leading national non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect. The organization was founded in 1959 by Sara O’Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, actresses who first met each other in 1958 on the set of The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet. The story of Childhelp begins while the women were on a government-sponsored goodwill tour to support the troops in Tokyo. While on this trip they found 11 Japanese-American children wandering the streets. They learned that the youngsters had been turned away from orphanages because of their mixed heritage. They were told of a woman, Kin Horuchi, living in a one-room hut that kept several JapaneseAmerican children. Kin Horuchi agreed to care for the 11 additional children and the ladies promised to send money to help the children. They thought the problem was settled, but word of what they were doing spread rapidly through the city. They had suddenly become surrogate mothers to a brood of 100 JapaneseAmerican children that were left on the doorstep of the hut, which now needed to become an orphanage. Returning to California, the actresses began to raise funds among friends and their families, as well as the film community to care for the children. This chance happening sparked a mission that has spanned internationally for nearly 50 years and impacted the lives of millions of children. Over the years the pair would work together to grow Childhelp® into one of the largest child abuse prevention and treatment non-profit organizations in the country. Today, Childhelp continues to focus on prevention, intervention and treatment. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-4-A-CHILD®, operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and receives calls from children at risk for abuse, parents or guardians looking for crisis intervention and concerned individuals who may suspect abuse is occurring in their neighborhood. The hotline also provides information and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service and support resources under complete confidentiality and anonymity.

Yvonne Fedderson (left) and Sara O’Meara (right)

Sara (left) and Yvonne (right) bringing smiles to children in Japan


ara and Yvonne have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for four consecutive years from 2005-2008, receiving endorsements from prestigious figures such as former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and former First Lady Barbara Bush.

Childhelp® National Headquarters: 15757 N. 78th Street Suite #B | Scottsdale, Arizona, 85260 Telephone: (480) 922-8212

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that we are going through as a nation. ule me, saying my speeches are about drea w what we can accomplish. We know what w rd work will make a difference. We have seen w complishes. It encourages over spending. It we ep. These are not accomplishments; they're signs that we need to ng lost faith in our government, but our leaders are on vacation. They f d scripted press conferences and we suffer. "Restore our faith in govern d but our voices have fall on deaf ears. Today that changes! We come h e come here to reject party politics. I stand here before you, my ears eading. I k that oin me; join me in this press for progress. Join is country ogress. Join me in making it a place we can be p ace in whi ther than starves, a place known for humanity d ill xpectations of chivalry. United, we can make ing willing to address the real issues, up nt, and progressing toward a grea onders why there is still no mo h e could he on. The Americ rorists t

OBAMA... Just Words by John Fricke


n the heat of the Democratic presidential primary in early 2008 Hillary Clinton lashed out. She went on the attack of then-

candidate Barack Obama claiming he was lacking so much substance that his campaign was just “words and hopeful ideas.�

20 | www.amac.us

OBAMA... Just Words The next day in Wisconsin Obama fired back. “Her (Clinton’s) dismissive point, and I hear it a lot from her staff, is ‘all I have to offer is words, just words.’“ Obama hammered that point again saying “Don’t tell me words don’t matter” while citing a litany of iconic speeches, i.e., Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream,” and documents such as The Declaration of Independence.

Words matter - a lot. Ask a previous President about what his words meant when he told his then appreciative audience to “read my lips.” George the 41st paid a hefty price for failing to live up to his words; will Barack the 44th? Obama based his campaign message on two simple words, Hope and Change. Many of us warned of the lack of clarity these words offered. “Hope” to do what? “Change” to change what? He never bothered to be clear on that, his media was running block on making sure he didn’t have to explain. That he would never have to actually use words to clarify the words he used. In mid-May Breitbart.tv displayed an audio recording from 2005 of then-Senator Obama commenting that the White House needed to be “more forthcoming” about Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers, since Miers was, in his terms, a “blank slate.” So far his White House has entirely controlled access to his newest nominee Elena Kagan, producing an in-house public relations video with her and refusing to allow media access beyond that. Obama’s words trap him. Are they wishful thinking? Have some been outright lies? Some have argued that the Democrats’ biggest problem was that they would “say things that sound good, but don’t actually work.” I agree with the latter, but have not been sold that they even sound good to begin with. So let’s take a brief look at Obama’s words. Here are just a few examples of the ever-expanding Obama “it’s what I say that counts, not what I actually do” list.

Lobbyists: Obama’s words: “I have done more to take on lobbyists than any other candidate in this race - and I’ve won. I don’t take a dime of their money, and when I am President, they won’t find a job in my White House” (campaign speech - Nov 3, 2007 in Spartanburg, SC - from barackobama.com) Obama’s actions: In the first month of his administration, President Obama has appointed more than 17 lobbyists after talking big on antilobbyist Governance and rooting corruption out of the American Government. (Indiadaily.com, Jan 31, 2009)

War in Iraq: Obama’s words: “When I am President, I will end this war in Iraq. I will bring our troops home within sixteen months” (campaign speech from barackobama.com) Obama’s actions: 16 months have come and gone and on May 13, 2010 - “A Senate committee on Thursday approved another $33.5 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq this year” (Reuters, May 13, 2010)

Race relations: Obama’s words: “I have asserted a firm conviction - a conviction rooted in my faith in God and my faith in the American people - that working together we can move beyond some of our old racial wounds” (Obama’s “race speech” March 18, 2008) Obama’s actions: His administration is currently backing race-based college admissions: “The Obama administration has asked a federal appeals court to uphold a race-conscious admissions system at the University of Texas at Austin.... The Obama administration (agrees) [The] university’s effort to promote diversity is a paramount government objective,” (Wall Street Journal March 31, 2010) In addition his inner circle is filled with people who can assuredly be categorized as “race focused.” Attorney General Eric www.amac.us | 21

OBAMA... Just Words Holder (who has made racially inflammatory remarks, such as referring to the U.S. as a “nation of cowards” on race) his “former” preacher and mentor Jeremiah Wright, to his first Supreme Court addition Sonia Sotomayor, and many more who have made racially charged statements.

Government Transparency: Obama’s Words: “When there is a bill that ends up on my desk as president, you will have five days to look online and find out what’s in it before I sign it.” (New Hampshire June 22, 2007) Obama’s Actions: “Five months into his administration, Mr. Obama has signed two dozen bills, but he has almost never waited five days.” (New York Times June 22, 2009) Obama’s Words: On at least eight occasions on the campaign trail, Obama pledged to televise the health care debate on C-SPAN and on live internet streaming. “We’ll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN” (Barack Obama in Chester, Virginia August 21, 2008) Obama’s Actions: Obama’s failure to open the health care debate to the public prompted C-SPAN chief executive Brian Lamb to send a direct letter to lawmakers to request to televise their healthcare discussions.

Taxes: Obama’s words: “If you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime - not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, nothing,” (Barack Obama, in a speech one week prior to the 2008 Presidential election) Obama’s actions: “When asked if he could see a potential VAT in this nation, the president said: ‘I know that there’s been a lot of talk around town lately about the value-added tax. That is something that has worked for some countries. It’s something that would be novel for the United States.’“ (Associated Press article April 21, 2010) The VAT tax is a massive national sales tax that would hit every single American citizen regardless of income. 22 | www.amac.us

Space exploration: Obama’s Words: Sen. Barack Obama released a comprehensive space policy Saturday that endorsed sending astronauts back to the moon by 2020 as a possible precursor for going to Mars — the first time he’s committed to that goal — and said the reach for the stars should be a U.S.-led international effort. “Human exploration beyond low-earth orbit should be a long-term goal and investment for all space-faring countries, with America in the lead,” the policy paper said. (Orlando Sentinel August 16, 2008) Obama’s Actions: The Obama administration intends to move toward relying on commerciallybuilt spacecraft, rather than NASA’s own vehicles, to carry humans to low-Earth orbit. The plan would also involve... abandoning current plans to send astronauts on moon missions by 2020. (space.com January 28, 2010) With these examples you could make a strong argument Obama does have some explaining to do to come up with the words to express why he is not a man of his words. However he has polished the art of avoiding answering by ensuring that other current headlines drive away his past failures to explain. There are times when Obama’s words and actions do match. Immediately prior to the ‘08 election in which he beat John McCain, Obama loudly promised to an audience in Columbia, Missouri that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” With a cast of unelected “czars” overseeing policy, a never-ending push to nationalize health care, taking control of private companies (GM, AIG, et al) and hundreds upon hundreds of billions in gross debt spending, there is, sadly for us, little doubt that his actions have attempted at all cost to meet those words. John Fricke is a 30+ year veteran television and radio show host and anchor. He is currently a host for Fox Sports Radio (National) based out of Atlanta. www. johnfricke.pedia.com

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Raising Arizona by Pamela Smith


n April 23, 2010, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona signed SB1070 into law. The impetus for this bill was the on-going failure of our Federal Government to protect the borders of her state. The human toll due to the lack of security has resulted in kidnappings, murder, rape, human trafficking, and drug smuggling. The economic toll is significant as well. Recent estimates released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) suggest that Arizona’s cost of illegal immigration exceeds $2.7 billion annually. Six years ago, the organization put that cost at about $1.3 billion. These costs include incarceration, healthcare, welfare and education for the children of illegal immigrants. Heeding her constituent’s demands, Governor Brewer enacted this new legislation in an attempt to take some control of the situation by providing law enforcement with increased powers to stop and detain people who are suspected of being in the country illegally and requiring them to produce documents verifying legal status. Arizona did something federal politicians don’t have the guts to do - enforce the immigration laws. “We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act,” Brewer said after signing the law. “But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation.” Brewer said that she listened patiently to supporters and opponents and that, although “many people disagree, I firmly believe it represents what’s best for Arizona.” She criticized the federal government for a lack of action to secure the border, and she said her signature provided “security within our borders.”

“We cannot sacrifice our safety to the murderous greed of drug cartels,” Brewer said. “We cannot stand idly by as drop houses, kidnappings and violence compromise our quality of life.” Residents of Arizona are not alone in their support of the law. A recent Pew Research poll shows that the public broadly supports SB1070. Fully 73% of respondents say they approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them. Twothirds (67%) approve of America is allowing police to detain anyone who cannot a nation of verify their legal status. immigrants Despite this overand its people whelming support, demand that several states have taken it upon themselves to entry into our punish the people of country be Arizona by instituting a done legally. travel and hospitality boycott. They seem to believe their ideas are more important than the livelihoods of the people of Arizona and are attempting to punish innocent people. The states participating in the boycott do not seem to be concerned that they are actually hurting the people that they aim to help. The tourism industry is Arizona’s largest employer of legal immigrants and these innocent minority citizens are the ones who will be hurt the most. AMAC supports the Arizona law and encourages our members and the public to visit Arizona and schedule their meetings and conventions in the State. America is a nation of immigrants and its people demand that entry into our country be done legally.

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Delight Your Senses... Visit


If you’re searching for a memorable vacation in a region with year round beauty, look no further. The southwestern state of Arizona is the place to go.

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Offering an abundance of exciting things to do, it’s no mystery why millions of visitors flock to Arizona. Whether you wish to see mountain ranges, plateaus, deserts, or pine forests, this one state has it all. Nicknamed the Copper State and the Grand Canyon State, Arizona is noted for its desert climate, with typically hot summers and mild winters. In the beautiful forests and mountains of the northern high country, the weather is often cooler than in the desert. The spectacular State of Arizona is home to the Grand Canyon, a steep gorge created through millions of years of natural erosion and carved by the Colorado River. This captivating canyon is 277 river miles long and up to 18 miles wide. Its powerful, deeply inspiring landscape offers stunning views in vibrant hues of red, brown and tan. Due to the low angles of the sun at sunrise and sunset, the colors of the gorge are most vibrant during these hours. The Grand Canyon, one of

by D.J. Wilson

the Seven Wonders of the World, is often described as one of the most beautiful places to visit in the United States and many consider it to be the trip of a lifetime. Offering hiking, camping, jeep tours, helicopter or airplane tours, and river rafting , there are many activities for families to enjoy. Full-service hotels located in the area offer relaxing stays. With so much to do and see, a minimum of a few days stay is highly recommended. The South Rim, located at 7,000 feet altitude, is most active during the summer months where temperatures average 70-80 degrees F. This colorful gorge is a truly amazing geological formation worth visiting. The North Rim is considered more remote and is better suited for hikers with greater endurance, while its Western edge features the beautiful Havasupai Falls. In the colder winter months, experience the magnificence of the canyon dusted in snow. Each season is breathtaking.

Arizona… A Great Place to Retire

In addition to the Grand Canyon, there are many exciting tourist-friendly cities located in Arizona. The largest in the state is the Capital City of Phoenix which is home to professional sports franchises, performing arts, and the Heard Museum featuring Native American Art. Enjoy a trip to the Desert Botanical Garden with over 50,000 desert plants or golf on one of the many outstanding courses in the area. Another great city is Scottsdale, where golfers enjoy challenges created by nature in beautiful desert topography. Visit the Downtown Art District or enjoy the great neighborhoods and nightlife. Tucson, the second largest city in Arizona, offers cacti landscapes and romantic sunsets of the Sonoran Desert. It’s a great destination for those who love to horseback, visit guest ranches, or experience a cattle drive. It is rich in heritage and cultural nightlife. If it’s the world’s largest ponderosa pine forest you wish to see, Flagstaff is the place to go. Located near seven national parks and museums, it’s a great place to learn about the geology and prehistoric history of the

Colorado Plateau. If it’s art you’re after, visit Sedona, a place of natural year round beauty, with sandstone cliffs worthy of a visit on a warm summer day. There are hidden canyons and red rock trails ready for exploration. The town embraces art, music, and theatre, and its unique splendor make it a most welcoming travel and wedding destination. Whether it’s the wonder of the Grand Canyon, the excitement of a cattle drive, the call of the Wild West or a hunger for history, art, nature, and sports, Arizona beckons you. Witness the beauty of the Copper State through dramatic landscapes and enjoy an extensive variety of accommodations fit for vacationers of all ages. Why wait? Let the beauty of Arizona delight your senses and leave you spellbound. Visit Arizona!

Arizona is one of the most beautiful states in America and one of the best for retirement. The city of Tucson enjoys 330 days per year of sunshine. That does wonders for your attitude when you wake up in the morning. SaddleBrooke, a master planned luxury resort retirement community just north of Tucson, is in the words of its 5,000 residents, “Paradise”. It has also been voted one of the top 100 best master planned retirement communities in the country, by ”Where to Retire” magazine. The residents have crisscrossed the U.S., from Maine to California, Washington to Florida, and unanimously agree that they have found paradise. If you are 55, with a spouse at least 40, and kids over 19, then you too could enjoy SaddleBrooke. This active adult community offers relaxation, recreation and social activities, enhanced by world-class amenities, perfect weather and fabulous scenery. Three stunning country clubs overlook championship golf courses and desert vistas in the foothills of the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains. Swimming pools, whirlpools, tennis courts, restaurants, shopping centers, theaters and 76 clubs appeal to every special interest hobby or sport enthusiast. A ball field, dog park, hiking and biking trails are just a few of the amenities available to anyone who wants to stay active after retirement. Want to work? Find a job locally, or start a business surrounded by wide open spaces, beautiful mountains, medical and healthcare facilities. If you are looking for a change in lifestyle, whether that includes retirement now or further down the road, SaddleBrooke is the destination for you. For more information contact Vicky Coletti (520) 818-9416.

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What the heck is a TEA Party? What is a TEA Party? That is a fair question, because so many members of the mainstream media have by Dr. B. Leland Baker

distorted people’s views of TEA Parties. But before answering that question, one must ask, “What is a conservative?” While this seems like a simple question, I discovered through town-hall meetings and political chat rooms that many selfdescribed conservatives could not articulate the difference between a modern-day conservative or liberal. Many merely stated that “Conservative equals Republican” and “Liberal equals Democrat,” which is no longer true. Party propagandists want us to believe that up is down, left is right, and that tax means invest. Party elites were successful in their propaganda that biggovernment Republican programs are conservative, but “big-government” Democrat programs are liberal. TEA Partiers know that both are wrong. TEA Partiers are citizens who have learned to focus on the behavior of their elected officials, not their words. I followed the TEA Party Express Bus across the United States in 2009 and 2010, conducted interviews of hundreds of citizens, and determined that TEA Partiers’ five foundational beliefs are interconnected:

that the U.S. Constitution is a restrictive, not a permissive, document. It describes the powers of the U.S. federal government and provides a tough amendment process for changing those powers. The Bill of Rights lists freedoms of our people that should not be violated by the political elites and power brokers in Washington, D.C. The federal role was intentionally limited, because history proves that the more power a central government assumed, the less freedom their citizens enjoy. This was true during the Roman Empire, the monarchies of the Middle Ages, and the many dictatorships of the twentieth century.

Smaller Federal Government

3. States’ rights

The size of the federal government would be substantially smaller if our politicians strictly adhered to the powers granted in the U.S. Constitution. They haven’t. For example, Mr. Obama’s top three priorities include education, energy and health care. However, entities such as the Departments of Education, Energy, or Health and Human Services should not exist because they were not created through an amendment process. TEA Partiers are not anarchists; we are merely opposed to excessive growth in government that is not authorized by the United States Constitution.

4. Lower spending and taxes

States’ Rights

5. Individual rights, responsibility, and integrity

Our 10th Amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” In plain English, this means that if a very specific power is not stated in the

1. Constitutional compliance 2. Smaller federal government

Constitutional Compliance TEA Partiers understand “Constitutional Compliance.” Like Thomas Jefferson, they understand

28 | www.amac.us

U.S. Constitution, then our states or people retain that power. This reinforces the TEA Party stance against an enlarged U.S. federal government. The federal Department of Education consumes billions of our tax dollars, but does not educate. Just think of the improvements we could make in the classroom if we did not have federal bureaucrats skimming off the top of our education budget!

legal system which makes excuses for convicted murderers (e.g., he had a “bad childhood”) or for groups of individuals (to include those who are here illegally). This “victimology” mentality allows the federal government to act as a monarch dictating to her serfs. TEA Partiers understand that integrity is inseparable from individual responsibility.

Lower Spending and Taxes

TEA Partiers do not believe in a class-based or caste-based society where elected officials are allowed to lie, cheat, or steal, but common citizens are prosecuted for similar conduct. TEA Partiers believe in the rule of law and fairness to all American citizens. So what is a TEA Party? A TEA Party is merely a group of American citizens who have decided that enough is enough! We are the modern-day freedom fighters, who understand that our personal freedom relies upon our economic freedom. And we are fighting to ensure that our children and grandchildren do not become indentured servants to self-serving political elites in Washington. I am an Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) member for the same reason that I am a TEA Partier – my belief in Faith, Family, and Freedom.

Shrinking the U.S. government results in less federal spending; hence fewer unnecessary taxes would be confiscated from our paychecks. The federal and state tax systems in the United States are intended to serve separate functions with distinct jurisdictions. But the federal government has encroached upon state and local roles as well. The U.S. income tax began in 1913 with rates beginning at 1 percent and rising to 7 percent for taxpayers with higher income; however, less than 1 percent of the population paid income tax at that time. Today, many of us lose almost a third of our wages to an insatiable federal appetite. TEA is an acronym that stands for Taxed Enough Already! Just think of what you could buy if federal rates shrunk from 33% back to the original 1% of income – or none at all!

Individual Rights, Responsibility, and Integrity There was a time in our nation when individual responsibility and integrity did not need to be explained. However, we now live in a society ruled by a

DR. B. LELAND BAKER is the author of “Tea Party Revival: The Conscience of a Conservative Reborn - The Tea Party Revolt Against Unconstrained Spending and Growth of the Federal Government.” Dr Baker was a speaker at numerous TEA Party rallies and the National Tea Party Convention. He was also featured on a PBS Special on the Tea Party Movement.

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# Government Watch Obama Targets Military for Pay Reductions President Barack Obama — who came to power with the help of government employee unions across the nation and has lavished on them hundreds of billions in stimulus funds to keep them on federal, state and local payrolls with no strings attached — is moving to cut spending on salaries for military personnel. The Washington Post has disclosed that the Obama administration is “pleading” with Congress to give military personnel a much smaller increase in pay than lawmakers have proposed. But congressional supporters of the men and women in the Armed Services are questioning why they are being singled out for future pay cutbacks when other By Fido government agencies and unions are your not. government For example, an average sergeant in watchdog the Army with four years of service and one dependent would receive $52,589 in annual compensation, according to the paper. This figure includes basic pay, housing, and subsistence allowances, as well as tax benefits. Meanwhile, a U.S. postal letter carrier, with no supervisory or hazardous duty, makes approximately $80,000 a year when all benefits are factored in.

Bathroom Bill There are people in public office today who want to take away our rights and individual liberty and replace it with government control. Government takes away our money through taxes so government can decide how we live. That’s not the way it should be. AMAC, The Association of Mature American Citizens, is organizing to stand up for your rights. Recently the N.Y. State Senate Judiciary Committee voted 12 to 11 to reject the Bathroom Bill. The bill would have opened all public rest rooms, high school locker rooms and health clubs to both biological genders, so a man could go into the ladies room because inwardly he felt like a female. AMAC thinks government should stay out of the bathroom. If you think it’s time to stand up for traditional American values – join AMAC. Go to www.amac.us.

30 | www.amac.us

Health Care Bill Watch 1099 New Taxes Section 9006 of the health care bill — just a few lines buried in the 2,409-page document — mandates that beginning in 2012 all companies will have to issue 1099 tax forms not just to contract workers but to any individual or corporation from which they buy more than $600 in goods or services in a tax year. The stealth change radically alters the nature of 1099s and means businesses will have to issue millions of new tax documents each year. The bill makes two key changes to how 1099s are used. First, it expands their scope by using them to track payments not only for services but also for tangible goods. Plus, it requires that 1099s be issued not just to individuals, but also to corporations. Taken together, the two seemingly small changes will require millions of additional forms to be sent out. “It’s a pretty heavy administrative burden,” particularly for small businesses without large inhouse accounting staffs, says Bill Rys, tax counsel for the National Federation of Independent Businesses. The new requirements kick in January 1, 2012.

Health Insurance Premiums: Will They Be Taxed? Beginning January 2011, your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will show, for informational purposes, the cost of your employer paid health insurance. Many are concerned that sometime in the future, these benefits may be taxed.

# Did You Know? Ground Zero Mosque Despite an outpouring of protest by 9/11 survivors, first responders and their families, the New York City Community Board 1 has voted 29-1 in favor of building a mosque at Ground Zero, the site where Islamic terrorists committed the largest act of terrorism on American soil on September 11, 2001.

Amac Poll Results On the Arizona Illegal Immigration Law: ¬ I’m in favor, it is fair. (99%, 3,418 Votes) ¬ I’m against it, it promotes racial profiling. (1%, 46 Votes)

happen every year. For more information you may contact AMAC or visit www.medicare.gov. You can also call 1-800-MEDICARE. TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048. If This Describes You You’re collecting retirement benefits from Social Security or RRB.

Starting the first day of the month you turn age 65.

You get disability benefits from Social Security or certain disability benefits from the RRB.

Starting the first day of the 25th month after your Social Security or RRB benefits begin.

You have ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrig’s disease).

Starting the first day of the month your Social Security or RRB disability benefits begin.

If This Describes You

Here’s When You Can Sign Up for Part A and Part B

Total Voters: 3,464

How to “buy” American Citizenship A hotel in New York is now offering “Birth Tourism,” a term coined for the practice of allowing pregnant foreign nationals to give birth in the United States for the purpose of obtaining “Birthright Citizenship.” This term refers to a loophole that allows children born in America, regardless of their parent’s legal status, to become citizens. For about $30,000 dollars, expectant mothers are provided with airfare, medical treatment and hotel accommodations (this hotel is owned by Turkish nationals). The trips are planned to coincide with the due date of the baby. Children born during the visit are automatically American citizens, totally bypassing the normal citizenship process. According to BreakingTravelNews.com, similar arrangements can be made at other hotels across the country.

Medicare Enrollment Periods There are specific times during the year when you may sign up for Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) or Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D). It is important to understand the enrollment periods that

Here’s When You Automatically Get Part A and Part B

You didn’t sign up for Part A and/or Part B when you first became eligible, and you don’t meet any of the conditions described below.

You can sign up for Part A and/or Part B during the General Enrollment Period between January 1–March 31 each year, with coverage starting July 1. (You may have to pay a higher premium for late enrollment.)

You’re covered under a group You can sign up for Part A health plan based on current and/or Part B without a penalty employment. anytime that you or your spouse (or family member if you’re disabled) are working, and you’re covered by a group health plan through the employer or union based on that work. If that coverage ends, you can sign up during the 8-month period that begins the month after the employment ends or the group health plan coverage ends, whichever happens first. This is your Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Note: Even if you take COBRA benefits, the 8-month SEP begins when your employment ends.

www.amac.us | 31

# Amac in Action

AMAC Inaugural

FAITH, FAMILY & FREEDOM CRUISE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2011 From Jacksonville, FL. 5 Days in Key West & Bahamas Prices Starting at $200 Interior & $240 Ocean View Sail the open seas and make new and lasting friends who share the same values you live by each and every day. Join us on our Fabulous Inaugural Cruise. Enjoy:

# Provocative Conversations

# Electrifying Private Cocktail Party

# Stimulating and Thought Provoking Speakers For more information and to book your stateroom please visit The Place To Go website, www.theplacetogo.com/amac or contact Jackie or Jim at 941-926-5978 or by email at amac@jsleter.com

Meet our Ambassadors# We would like to introduce you to two of our Ambassadors, H. Diane Connolly and Stuart Mayper.

H. Diane Connolly began her career in the beauty and fashion industry eventually serving as assistant publicity director for Chanel. She later joined Puritan Fashions as a corporate coordinator for 17 national divisions. Diane has lived and worked from the beautiful East Coast Cape Cod, MA to her current home in Agoura Hills, CA, where she designs attractive jewelry. Diane has produced educational videos, such as “Plain Talk about Alzheimer’s Disease” and volunteers for the Disaster Response Team in her home town. Diane’s enthusiasm and creativity make her a valuable asset to AMAC. Thank you, Diane, for being a part of our AMAC Ambassador Leadership Team.

Stuart Mayper has lived in the beautiful Houston, Texas area most of his life. While Stuart’s career is with Joseph A. Banks men’s wear, his real passion lies with his involvement in the political arena helping to get conservative candidates elected. At the recent Texas Republican Convention, Stuart spent countless hours speaking with attendees and passing out information about AMAC. Stuart, we really appreciate your efforts on behalf of AMAC and it was a pleasure working with you at the convention. Next issue, we will introduce you to other dedicated AMAC Ambassadors.

Watch for more exciting activities and News from AMAC. for further information visit: www.amac.us 32 | www.amac.us

Who can forget? Harpist Lloyd Lindroth And the winner is... Roger Paluzzi from Lawrenceville, GA has won a "Behind the Scenes" tour of Capitol Hill, courtesy of AMAC and Salem Communications. He'll be flown to Washington, D.C. where he'll stay for 4 days and 3 nights, and he'll enjoy taking in the sights with a $500 Visa gift card! Congratulations!

Welcome to Harpland Music (Music for your Health)

www.harplandmusic.com Listen to your Christmas favorites by "The Master of the Harp" (Variety Magazine)

Harp! The Herald Angels Sing

Puzzle Solutions (puzzles on pg. 36)





1. The Hymne 2. O Holy Night 3. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 4. Ave Maria 5. Traditional Christmas Favorites, “We Three Kings,” “Away In A Manger” and “Silent Night” 6. Christmas Medley, “The Christmas Song,” “Silver Bells” and “White Christmas” 7. Little Drummer Boy 8. Sound of Music Medley 9. Harp! The Herald Angels Sing

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Love Drops




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www.amac.us | 33

# Food: From Kathie’s Kitchen


Salads S

ummer is the perfect season to showcase refreshing, delicious, satisfying salads. Supermarkets, farmers markets, roadside stands and backyard gardens are all bursting with locally grown, full flavored, fresh produce. Salads can be so much more than the standard lettuce, tomato and cucumber creation that you’ve come to expect. The possibilities are endless, and these simple tips can help you turn a ho-hum concoction into an exciting salad that you and your guests can thoroughly enjoy. Get creative with greens – mix and match a variety of colors, flavors and textures using spinach, romaine, arugula, radicchio, endive, iceberg, red and green leaf lettuces. Packaged salad blends are a convenient start, and there are many varieties available. Small amounts of chopped fresh herbs, such as parsley, dill, chives or basil add a whole new flavor dimension. Add an assortment of vegetables – raw (cabbage, fennel, peas), roasted (onions, mushrooms, carrots), grilled (peppers, zucchini, eggplant) or lightly steamed (green beans, asparagus, cauliflower).

34 | www.amac.us

Fruits such as berries, apples, mandarin oranges, pears, dried cranberries and raisins add color, flavor and vitamins. Shredded cheddar, parmesan, crumbled blue, goat, feta and brie cheeses are also a wonderful addition to any salad. Add a bit of crunch – croutons, toasted or candied nuts, bacon bits, sunflower or sesame seeds - even fresh corn kernels. Salads are usually served as a first course or side dish, but adding a protein can turn a vegetable salad into a hearty main dish. Seafood, chicken, meat, hard boiled eggs and beans are all possibilities, and using already prepared rotisserie chicken, canned tuna or frozen cooked shrimp are a convenient way to save time. Take advantage of grocery store salad bars where smaller amounts of various toppings are available. Play around with salad dressing flavors by adding minced shallots, garlic, ginger or scallions or by adding honey, hot sauce, soy sauce or mustard. Experiment with specialty oils – walnut, hazelnut, sesame; and vinegars – champagne, raspberry and sherry; which can now be found in most large food stores. Prevent soggy greens, by tossing salad fixings and dressings just prior to serving. Chill serving plates to keep your salads crisper longer.

Apple, Brie & Walnut Salad

Spinach Strawberry Salad

¼ cup mayonnaise ¼ cup of pure maple syrup 3 Tbs. Champagne vinegar 1 tsp. sugar ½ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. pepper ½ cup vegetable oil 1 – 10 oz. package mixed baby greens 2 apples – quartered, cored and sliced ¾ cup glazed walnuts

2 Tbs. poppy seeds

8 oz. brie cheese – cubed and chilled To prepare the dressing, blend mayonnaise, maple syrup, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Gradually whisk in oil until the mixture is blended and slightly thickened. Cover and refrigerate. Just prior to serving, combine greens, apples, walnuts and cheese. Toss with enough dressing to coat. Serves 8 – 10.

2 Tbs. Dijon mustard 2 Tbs. honey 1/3 cup of raspberry vinegar 1 cup of vegetable oil 1 – 10 oz. package baby spinach 2 cups of sliced strawberries 1 cup sliced mushrooms ½ cup sliced green onions ½ cup sliced almonds – lightly toasted To make the vinaigrette, place poppy seeds, mustard, honey and vinegar in a small bowl. Gradually whisk in oil until combined and thickened. Cover and refrigerate. Just prior to serving, combine spinach, strawberries, mushrooms, green onions and almonds. Toss with enough dressing to coat. Serves 8 – 10.

www.amac.us | 35

Just for Fun Crossword ACROSS 1. 6. 11. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 23. 27. 28. 32. 33. 34. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45.

Not together Grown up lambs Wood cutting tool Powerful light beam Big Fifty-two in Roman numerals A sudden intuition East southeast What we're called Carapace Sometimes, it happens to an ankle Protested violently Expressible as a quantity Oneness Ancient Roman magistrate Clever Pimples Wampum Leg joint Your (archaic) Skin disease Energize Not liberal Rectangular in shape

48. 49. 50. 53. 54. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Lace place Not right Winged Short sleep Rebuke Scrape by Kick out Small drum Scarlet Drips Bowel cleansing

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 18. 22.

Famous boxer Skillet Donkey Representative (abbrev.) Triumvirate Shut a door forcefully Despise Goddess of discord (Greek mythology) Bigheadedness Deep in thought Ice rain A long narrow passage Manipulate Hindu princess Furrow maker

23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 34. 35. 36. 38. 39. 41. 42.

Sit on one's heels Slug Showery Initial wager Anger Adolescents Maxim Big cat Blacksmith's block Annoy Article of faith Twinge Toy with a tail Mutt A new baby's kit

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 50. 51. 52. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

Not pro Animal doctors Proprietor Slow a vehicle Ran Dogfish Deadbolt Picnic insects The night before Fled on foot President Lincoln A male cat Equal Rights Amendment

Puzzle solutions on pg. 33

Sudoku Joke of the Month

My granddaughter came to spend a few weeks with me, and I decided to teach her to sew. After I had gone through a lengthy explanation of how to thread the machine, she stepped back, put her hands on her hips, and said in disbelief, "You mean you can do all that, but you can't play my Game Boy?" How to Play: • • • •

Fill in the empty fields with the numbers from 1 through 9 Every row must contain the numbers from 1 through 9 Every column must contain the numbers from 1 through 9 Every 3x3 square must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

36 | www.amac.us

Heard any good ones lately? Send them in!

Please submit your joke by emailing info@amac.us or mailing to Joke of the Month, c/o AMAC Senior Services of New York, 5 Orville Drive, Suite 400, Bohemia, NY 11716. Your joke may be featured in our next magazine!

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Parting Thought #


America is Rising...

Join the Movement!

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MAIL TO: AMAC, 5 Orville Drive, Suite 400, Bohemia, New York 11716 with your check or money order payable to “The Association of Mature American Citizens” Call 1-888-262-2006 or sign up online at: www.amac.us

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