AMAC Advantage Volume 6 Issue 1

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VOL. 6 ISSUE 1 $2.95

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Looking for auto insurance at a better price? If you like the idea of paying less for quality coverage, then you should take a look at the Travelers Auto Insurance Program for AMAC members. With access to special program rates and several money-saving discounts, you could get big savings. Request a free quote today. Call Travelers: 1-866-709-9713 Visit:

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Maintain your independence with hearing help from Beltone! Beltone has been manufacturing hearing instruments in America for over 70 years!

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★ Publisher’s Letter

Dear AMAC Members, has arrived! As we have done for over 200 years, this year we will elect our new President, or decide to keep the present one. Every four years, I thank God that our Nation has been able to continue to have free elections. The citizens decide who will lead our great country. And because of this, it is important that the news and information we receive from the media is presented in a fair and unbiased manner. Too often, the liberal elite in the mass media dish out distorted, slanted, and heavily biased misinformation that looks more like propaganda than actual news. For example, on January 20th this year, the Associated Press sent out, across America, two separate stories: one had a headline that said “Republican Debate Takes Strange Twists for Presidential Hopefuls.” The other one said “GOP Campaign Turns Bizarre.” I submit that there was nothing strange or bizarre that happened that day – except for the use of negative words in order to paint conservative candidates in an unflattering hue. One thing main stream media seems to get right is how to catch our attention. Main stream media has an agenda, and the stories and topics they report on support it. For example, can you recall reading stories that made the actions of our troops in war torn countries look bad? Could this be the media’s attempt at controlling how American’s view what’s happening around the world? How many stories have they written about the actions of kindness and human decency that our GI’s did in Iraq? It was hundreds of those acts that caused the people to report the location of terrorists, turning the tide against them. But I don’t recall stories about that. Do you? So please, when you read the newspaper or listen to the news, think about the topic that the reporter has chosen to focus on and how they used the words in the story. Decide for yourself if it is a straight news story, or slanted journalism. We pledge to tell you the facts as they are, and we ask your help in telling your friends that AMAC is a true and honest source of information.


The citizens decide

who will lead our great country. And because of this, it is important that the news and

information we receive from the media is

presented in a fair and

“Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom” ~Thomas Jefferson Sincerely,

unbiased manner.

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Dan Weber, Publisher Thank you for your continued support

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CONTENTS COVER: “Saving Social Security”

p. 8

Amac has a plan to fix Social Security, read more about it on pg. 28

4 6 8

Publisher's Letter Sound Off Jedediah Bila Q&A with Mark R. Levin

p. 10

10 Do I Need Insurance to Rent a Car? Your Insurance Advisor

12 The Presidential

Daniel C. Weber Publisher Rebecca Weber Keiffert Associate Publisher Editorial Inquiries

Candidates p. 18

Gary J. Christiansen Membership Web Developer

American Dream

22 Money

Gia Ricottone Director of Advertising & Affiliate Sales Pamela Smith Editor

18 Heart Health 20 Preserving the What is an Annuity?

p. 24

24 The Voice Behind the Candidates A Look at the Candidate's Spouses

George Spangler Director, Ambassador Leadership Program

28 Save Social Security Now AMAC's Simple Plan p. 36

Some Like it Hot

5 Orville Drive Bohemia, New York 11716 1.888.262.2006 •

The contents of Amac Advantage Magazine may not be reproduced without the publishers written consent. Amac Advantage Magazine provides information of a general nature with the understanding that neither AMAC nor its affiliates are engaged in rendering medical or legal advice or recommendations. Information provided should not be considered a substitute for a consultation with a licensed physician or attorney.

Golfing in Paradise

42 Kathie's Kitchen

Association of Mature American Citizens

Graphic Design by: Advertising Dynamics & Art, Inc. 631.751.5454 •

36 Travel

p. 42

44 48 48 50 52

AMAC in Action Did You Know? Government Watch Just for Fun Member Benefits | 5

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“Sound Off”

AMERICANS ARE SPEAKING OUT ON AMAC’S WEBSITE. Some of these comments are presented on this page. Please log on to to give us your views and to read what others are saying!

Amac members speak out... On Bill Maher

On ObamaCare

Virginia Bill Maher has lost his soul. Being a lost soul in darkness he speaks with the mindset of the depraved. Pray for him.

Daryl S. Insurance rates are already going up anticipating ‘bamacare. Even if it gets voted down after the 2012 election, the rates will never go back down.

Mary Thank You Mr. Weber in standing for what is right and decent for present and future generations. photo: Angela George

W. Graft I will be cancelling HBO from DirecTV tonight. I can no longer just stand by and allow this bigotry to continue Teresa I’m tired of being marginalized by the media. I wrote HBO, expressed my feelings, and will be cancelling their service asap. I don’t need anymore trash in my life. I’ve had enough! D. Grace First, we need to pray for him, he is a lost soul. Second, his show should definitely be canceled. Non believers spend so much time and effort standing up for their beliefs. We, as Christians, need to voice our beliefs knowing that God is with us. B. Cartee I too join the fight..and I do mean fight, because it is going to be an uphill battle to protect and conserve, our GOD given liberties and christian beliefs.

“sound off” at 6 |

C. Colburn IN 2012 anyone in Congress that will not vote to get rid of Obamacare should be voted out!

On Honoring Our Veterans Gene On Veteran’s Day I remember all those who sacrificed their lives on our behalf. I especially honor retired Sgt Major Thomas J. Carter, Jr. Special Forces Operator Delta. My friend and two others died in Tikrit while leading a convoy when an IED destroyed their vehicle. God speed my friend.

On Medicare Savings W. Peterkin Thank you. An AMAC representative got me a new quote from my supplement provider at almost half the cost. I didn’t know that if you are still healthy you can re-apply to your current provider and perhaps get a better premium, but thanks to you, that happened to me. The savings will be almost $1200 this year alone. As you are aware, that’s a lot when trying to live on a pension and social security! Thanks again.

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Mark R. Levin Talks ‘Ameritopia’ recently had the opportunity to interview bestselling author and nationally syndicated talk radio host, Mark R. Levin, about his new book, Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America.


Bila: I see Ameritopia as a necessary and complementary sequel to Liberty and Tyranny, especially at this point in our country’s history. What role can they both play as we approach this pivotal election season? Levin: There is mostly talk these days, even by leading about the conservatives, disastrous symptoms of big government. The debt, Occupy Wall Street, the border, etc. While that is very important, it does not delve into the driving By Jedediah Bila force behind these policies and movements. Ameritopia digs deep into the thinking and causes behind that which is unraveling our society. It asks the question (and answers it): What kind of force allures millions of people yet destroys them? The philosophical underpinning of this mindset is utopianism. That is what attracts people, and that is what the self-appointed political masterminds use to herd people. And utopianism is as old as Plato’s Republic and older. That said, there is a counter-force, and it is based on individual sovereignty, natural law and unalienable rights, and the civil society. In Ameritopia, I look at the philosophical underpinnings of these truths and facts. Where did the Founders come up with the ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? I am hoping that when more of my fellow citizens truly understand what is behind these different approaches to humanity, more will cherish liberty and fear the gradual tyranny that, unfortunately, grows too often in the midst of democracies. In turn, I am hoping to ignite an even more vigorous and energetic effort to preserve our society and trounce efforts to fundamentally transform it. Bila: While discussing utopianism in Chapter One of

Ameritopia, you write the following: “After all, only an army of drones is capable of building a rainbow to paradise.” Can you expand upon that, particularly with respect to the lure of utopianism and who is susceptible to its promises? Levin: Utopianism is an attack on the individual in favor of a centralized, powerful governing body. Utopianism is what drives the growth of government or, as I call it, statism. In order to lure people to it, utopians make impracticable or impossible promises that are grand or even fantastic in scope. The goal is paradise, heaven on earth, where everything is equal—there is no pollution, there is no risk, health care is free, etc. In exchange, the individual must be reshaped, he must be denuded of his spirit, his selfinterest must be condemned, and so forth. For the utopians, the individual is menacing and obstructing, whereas “the masses” and “the workers” can be pushed, prodded, and coerced to do what the masterminds deem necessary for their ideal society. Bila: In speaking about the “masterminds” who rule utopian societies, you write the following: “Although the mastermind’s incompetence and vision plague the society, responsibility must be diverted elsewhere—to those assigned to carry them out, or to the people’s lack of sacrifice, or to the enemies of the state who have conspired to thwart the utopian cause—for the mastermind is inextricably linked to the fantasy.” I couldn’t help but draw my own parallel to Barack Obama’s incessant blame game when faced with his own abysmal record. What do you think about that? Levin: You are right. Obama is only the latest in a long line of such masterminds. All that is necessary to become a mastermind in this sense is lots of power and a fanatical allegiance to an impossible idea. Since utopianism is a fantasy that cannot work and, as history has shown time and again, is in fact inhumane and disastrous—for it promotes authoritarianism and totalitarianism—the mastermind cannot accept blame for its endless failings, for to do so is to condemn himself. Instead, he condemns the efforts as piecemeal or blames it on outside forces or whatever. You can see this in Obama’s endless blame games, where he condemns prior administrations, the free market, the rich, corporate executives, ATM machines, you name it. Bila: You write at one point in the book that utopianism is “transformative not reformative.” You also note that continued on pg. 53

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“Henry rifles will only be made in America or they won’t be made at all.” Anthony Imperato President of Henry Repeating Arms

Henry .22 Lever Frontier Model with Octagonal Barrel. An affordable, beautiful rifle with superior tack-driving accuracy. Crafted by American workers for American shooting enthusiasts.

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Do I Need Insurance to Rent a Car? Your Insurance Advisor


hen renting a car, you need insurance. If you have adequate insurance on your own car, including collision and comprehensive, this may be enough.

Before you rent a car:

Contact your insurance company. Find out how much coverage you have on your own car. In most cases, the coverage and deductibles you have on your personal auto policy would apply to a rental car, providing it’s used for pleasure and not business. If you don’t have comprehensive and collision coverage on your own car, you will not be covered if your rental car is stolen or if it is damaged in an accident.

Call your credit card company. Find out what insurance your card provides. Levels of coverage may vary. If you don’t have auto insurance, you have two choices: you can buy coverage at the car rental counter; or you can purchase a non-owner auto liability insurance policy.

Rental car counter insurance can provide the following coverage: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW). Sometimes called a Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), this coverage relieves you of financial responsibility if your rental car is damage or stolen. The CDW may be void however, if you cause an accident by speeding, driving on unpaved roads or driving while intoxicated. This coverage generally costs between $9 and $19 a day. If you have comprehensive and collision on your own car, you may not need to purchase this coverage.

Liability Insurance. This provides excess liability coverage of up to $1 million for the time you rent a car. Rental companies are required by law to provide the minimum level of liability insurance required by your state. Generally, this does not offer enough protection in a serious accident. If you have adequate liability coverage on your car or an umbrella policy on your home/auto, you may consider forgoing this additional insurance. It generally costs about $9 to $14 a day. If you don’t own a car, and rent cars often, consider purchasing a non-owner liability policy. This costs approximately $200-$300 per year. Frequent car renters sometimes find this more cost-effective than constantly paying for the extra liability coverage.

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Personal Accident Insurance. This provides coverage to you and your passengers for medical/ambulance bills. This type of insurance usually costs about $1 to $5 per day, but may be unnecessary if you are covered by health insurance or have adequate medical coverage under your auto policy.

Personal Effects Coverage. This provides coverage for the theft of personal items in your car. However, if you have homeowners or renters insurance, you may be covered for items stolen from the car, minus your deductible. You need to have receipts or other proof of ownership. This type of insurance usually costs about $1 to $4 per day. Some rental car companies may check your credit and driving history and may deny coverage. Check with the rental car company to find out its policy.

Non-owned auto liability insurance Instead of buying liability coverage from the car rental company each time you rent a car, you can purchase a nonowner auto liability insurance policy from an insurance company for about $300 a year which might be cheaper if you rent frequently. In addition, if you’re thinking of buying an umbrella liability policy, a non-owner auto policy may meet the underlying auto insurance policy requirements. Umbrella liability insurance provides high limits of liability coverage above basic policies. Most insurers will not issue an umbrella liability policy unless the basic policies meet certain dollar limits of coverage. A non-owned auto insurance policy covers you for damage you may cause to someone else’s car and liability for injuries to its occupants, or to pedestrians, in the event of an accident. The policy will also provide medical payments coverage for you and your passengers, and under-insured and uninsured coverage. This pays for the cost of an accident involving a hit-and-run driver or a driver who has little or no insurance. However, non-owned auto insurance does not provide collision coverage. Collision coverage pays for damage to the car you’re driving if you crash into another car or object or the car rolls over. You have to buy this from the car rental company. However, some credit cards provide collision coverage if the rental car is paid for with the card—so check with your credit card company first. These tips are brought to you by Travelers and AMAC to ensure the safety and security of you and your family. Learn more and find out how you could get the right coverage at special program rates from the Travelers Auto and Home Insurance Program available to AMAC members. Call your advisor now

at 1-866-906-4467 or visit

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The Presidential Candidates I

t has become alarmingly evident that America’s problems are reaching critical mass. The economy is in worse condition than most Americans have witnessed during their lifetimes. The federal monster has expanded to the point that many on “Main Street” now consider it a very real threat to their livelihoods, their fundamental freedoms, and their hopes of ever passing such blessing to future generations. On the world scene, America faces aggression from increasingly dangerous ideologies, militant Islam being chief among them. Yet it is hardly alone. The old rivalries that once pitted Western culture against the communism of the Soviet Union still simmer despite its official collapse more than two decades ago, while a similar threat remains firmly in control of mainland China. In military, economic, and diplomatic terms, China’s sphere of influence will most surely continue to spread. Amid such global hostility, America has presented a deliberately weakened front during the past three years, operating under a misbegotten belief that it can more effectively accommodate and placate its adversaries by displaying a submissive profile to the rest of the world. Considered as a whole, these circumstances represent a formidable undertaking for the next president of the United States, assuming of course that the individual in the Oval Office on Inauguration Day 2013 is committed to effectively confronting the nation’s problems to the full and proper ability of his office. It is therefore crucial to assess the field of presidential candidates from the perspective of their past actions and affiliations rather than the typical election-season clichés some of them have offered in recent months. Only in this manner can the American people determine who is best suited to lead these great United States through the current turbulence, and on to the promises they have always believed its future to hold. Consider the following candidates;

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by Chris Adamo

Mitt Romney: As the former Governor of Massachusetts and a major contender in the 2008 Republican Presidential primary, Mitt Romney is often treated as the presumed GOP nominee during the present election cycle. Romney possesses the background, polish, organization and funding necessary to run an effective race. Furthermore, he clearly has the backing of the “establishment” Republicans, and particularly those inside the Beltway. Yet this is an era in which the political establishment is not held in high regard, especially among the grassroots who have all too often been stirred to involvement and action by some new political outrage from the left, only to have Republican “moderates” ultimately go along with it. In this area, Mitt Romney carries significant baggage. His past actions as Massachusetts Governor are hardly reflective of a consistent conservative philosophy. In his 1994 Senate bid against Ted Kennedy, he stridently supported abortion. And his implementation of socialized medicine in the Bay State, dubbed “Romneycare” by his critics, is neither socially nor fiscally “conservative.” At the same time, Romney has considerable achievements to stand on. While critics will bring up some job losses from Bain Capital, an early Romney company, no one can deny that he helped create hundreds of thousands of jobs at companies like Staples, Sports Authority and several other start-ups. In addition he took over the Salt Lake City Olympics when it was accused of corruption and losing money and

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turned it around to be the most successful Olympics financially to date. While Romney’s rather lofty position appeared commanding in the early phases of the Republican primary season, he has struggled to make decisive gains once caucuses ensued and ballots were cast. Nevertheless, Mitt Romney may eventually “win” as the last candidate standing. And while still a primary win, it would hardly be the most favorable launching pad for an aggressive general election campaign. In a political climate largely driven by agitated and irate Americans seeking to reclaim their country, Romney has yet to inspire the masses.

Newt Gingrich: Even before he engineered the 1994 Republican “Contract with America” as House Minority Whip, Newt Gingrich had established a reputation as both a visionary thinker and a capable advocate of his principles. It was therefore no surprise that, upon being elevated to the position of House Speaker once Republicans gained the majority in the landmark 1994 elections, he became the immediate target of an unprecedented assault from the Democrats and their allies in the “mainstream” media. For the first time in history, polling data on the “popularity” of the Speaker was regularly presented on the nightly news. And the numbers were invariably grim. An enormous controversy quickly erupted over the $4.5 million advance he had received from publisher Harper Collins for authorship of his book. During his tenure as speaker a rash of ethics charges were filed against him, though after a thorough IRS investigation he was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing. Since leaving public office in 1998, Gingrich has advocated an incredible variety of social and political causes, many of which send up the red flags among his formerly conservative base. As Speaker of the House he was congenial to the nation’s evangelical Christians and

now openly touts his Catholicism as proof of continued pro-life and pro-family credentials. However he has at times allied with such notable leftists as Al Sharpton and Nancy Pelosi. These political and philosophical instabilities only add to the prior misgivings among conservatives over the substantial “baggage” of his personal life. It is inarguable that among the leading Republican hopefuls, Newt Gingrich is notably inspiring and articulate when making his case. And to those Americans intimidated by Barack Obama’s speaking skills, Gingrich’s likely dominance of any presidential debates would be highly desirable. Nevertheless, good debate performances and a plethora of ideas do not, in and of themselves, constitute statesmanship. Newt Gingrich will need to convince the conservative base that he intends to remain firmly in their camp, despite the ferocious opposition that is inevitably coming from the left.

Rick Santorum: With a well established record of passionately advocating conservative causes, it was somewhat surprising that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum was unable to gain traction with the Republican base during the initial phase of the presidential primary contest. Indeed, only in the last days before the Iowa caucuses did his political fortunes improve. And in a belated recognition of his past accomplishments, many have since begun to take him seriously. Santorum consistently excelled in the numerous Republican presidential debates, making the most of every opportunity to advance his own ideology while effectively contrasting it against the inherent weaknesses of the current administration. Though few initially believed he might have a real chance of rising to the top, his capable explanations of his guiding philosophy, and the manner in which he intends to translate such beliefs into action, have made him increasingly attractive to the conservative base. A staunch and committed Roman Catholic, Rick Santorum has been steadfastly supportive of his Church’s stance on the abortion issue. Unlike such prominent continued on pg. 14 | 13

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The Presidential Candidates continued continued from from pg. pg. ?? 13

Catholics as Ted Kennedy and John Kerry who backed abortion on demand, Santorum has unwaveringly espoused his pro-life position and defended traditional marriage, undeterred by vicious political opposition from northeastern liberals in both parties. Still, some major misgivings remain. It is most probable that two key factors have hindered his campaign. First, he endorsed ultra-liberal “Republican” (later turned Democrat) Arlen Specter over the conservative Pat Toomey in the 2004 Pennsylvania Republican Senate primary. This action likely resulted from the intense pressure of unprincipled political strategists within the Bush White House, in service to George W. Bush’s re-election bid. Nevertheless, Santorum angered and alienated grassroots conservatives who had been frequently betrayed by Specter. Santorum’s other liability was his decisive 2006 Senate loss to Democrat challenger Bob Casey Jr. In the eyes of some critics, a defeat of that magnitude reduces his prospects for the White House. So to be successful he must now successfully spotlight his conservative credentials, and their relevance to the nation’s present condition, as the real issues on which to weigh his legitimacy as a candidate.

Ron Paul: Clearly, among the general voting population, the most puzzling “mixed bag” Republican candidate is Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. Having campaigned in two previous presidential races, it might seem natural that he and his ideology are broadly known and understood, yet this is simply not the case. For starters, Paul is not, and never has been one to accept the rules of the game as dictated to him. So he cannot be easily fit into any of the standard categories of modern era politicians. This factor constitutes both a political asset, and a liability. Raised as a Lutheran who then became a Baptist, his ideological background is not out of the ordinary. Yet more than any other guiding creed, Ron Paul ardently espouses the libertarian philosophy, to which he defers with a thoroughly religious fervor. While Paul contends to be a staunch believer in the Constitution, he and his followers cannot reconcile their

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post-modern interpretation of “constitutional principle” with its original intent. The framers overwhelmingly understood the critical importance of the JudeoChristian ethic permeating the culture at the time that it was written and ratified. And, minus that all-important element, it cannot ensure the great and noble objectives which its authors anticipated for America. Even more significantly, such principles cannot be indiscriminately applied to American interactions with foreign powers, many of which are based on vastly different concepts of “right and wrong,” liberty, and justice. As a result, while Ron Paul’s plans to address America’s economic turmoil initially resonate, and have built a base of support that delivered commendable showings in the initial primary contests, major skepticism still exists. The further he delves into other societal issues or international relations, the more outlandish his thinking appears. In a drastic departure from previous presidential elections, the campaigns of 2012 have involved a wide variety of Republican candidates whose diverse backgrounds and belief systems foreshadow starkly differing possibilities for the future of the country. The four candidates still in the race at the time of this writing are strikingly representative of major divisions within the modern Republican Party. Romney identifies with the GOP “inner circle,” while Gingrich and Santorum appeal more to grassroots conservatives desiring a major shakeup in Washington. Finally, Ron Paul attracts a blend of ardent libertarians and liberal Democrat crossover voters, many of whom would support Barack Obama in the general election. While the Republican field may lack a candidate with anything approaching universal appeal, each is clearly distinguishable, in terms of governing beliefs, from the others. And depending on the direction that the nation takes in the upcoming months, the repercussions will be enormous. This is a time when defining issues, with potentially historical consequences, are simultaneously reaching a boil. Upcoming office holders have little latitude to defer hard decisions to another day. It is likewise critically important to understand that the snowballing problems facing the nation will not be addressed by timid or trifling responses. Remaining on politically “safe” ground is a thing of the past. At this critical juncture, America simply cannot afford the casual acceptance of either the status quo or a minimal redirection from it. The question is, which candidate can best provide the leadership we need?

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:04 PM Page 15

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:04 PM Page 16

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:05 PM Page 17

Greek God Invents FREE Love Inspired by a mythological romance, this stunning 170-carat amethyst bead necklace is yours for the taking!


he was Amethyst, a maiden devoted to virtue. He was Dionysus, the notorious Greek god of intoxication and revelry. He loved her, but she wanted to wait for someone more suitable. He was a god, used to getting what he wanted. The chase was on. But once Diana saw that Amethyst was serious about keeping her heart pure, the goddess transformed her into a statue of perfect stone. Dionysus stopped partying for a moment and wept. He spilled his wine and infused the statue with the rich violet color we now know as amethyst.

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:05 PM Page 18

★ Health

Heart Health Y

Reduce Your Risk for Heart Disease

our heart is an incredibly hard-working muscle, it pumps nearly 2,000 gallons of blood as it contracts and expands about 100,000 times per day — which is why keeping it healthy is so important. Unfortunately, each year more than 1 million Americans have a heart attack or stroke, making heart disease the leading cause of death in men and women in this country. The good news is that you have a lot of power to protect and improve your heart health. Taking a preventive approach can help you lower your risk and keep your heart strong and healthy for years to come. Arm yourself with this life-saving information and expert advice on heart health.

unhealthy eating under your belt or you simply want to fine-tune your diet, here are some heart-healthy diet tips. Once you know which foods to eat more of and which foods to limit, you'll be on your way toward a heart-healthy diet.

Fats to choose

Fats to limit Olive oil  Butter, Lard, Bacon fat Canola oil  Gravy, Cream sauce Margarine that's free  Hydrogenated

   of trans fats  Cholesterol-lowering margarine

Prevention Treatment of heart disease can be difficult. That’s why it's better to try to prevent these health conditions, particularly in people with known cardiovascular disease risks. Getting your body in shape through physical activity and healthier eating will help reduce cardiovascular disease risk by reducing your unhealthy cholesterol (LDL) and lowering your risk of diabetes and obesity. Lifestyle plays a huge role in keeping the heart healthy and reducing cardiovascular disease risks. Many of these suggestions are probably familiar to you. They include:

 Don’t Smoke  Managing your stress levels  Eating fruits, vegetables, and foods low in fat and

cholesterol — maintaining a mostly plant-based diet

 Becoming active (at least 30 minutes per day) and

either maintaining your current weight or losing weight if you are overweight.

 Monitoring your blood pressure. If it’s high, get it under control following your doctor’s guidelines.

 Screening your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. If your numbers have increased, you may be able to reverse the trend.

 Following treatment guidelines if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes

Although you might know eating certain foods can increase your heart disease risk, it's often tough to change your eating habits. Whether you have years of

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Proteins to choose

 Fat-free or low-fat dairy products  Egg whites or egg substitutes  Fish  Skinless poultry  Legumes  Soybeans and soy products  Lean ground meats Fruits and vegetables to choose

 Fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits  Low-sodium canned vegetables  Canned fruit packed

margarine and shortening  Coconut, palm, cottonseed and palmkernel oils

Proteins to avoid  Full-fat dairy

products  Organ meats, such as liver  Fatty and marbled meats  Cold cuts  Frankfurters, hot dogs, sausages  Bacon  Fried or breaded meats

Fruits and vegetables to avoid  Coconut  Fried or breaded

vegetables  Frozen fruit with sugar added

in juice or water

Grain products to choose

Grain products to avoid Whole-grain bread  White bread High-fiber cereal  Muffins, Cakes Brown rice, barley  Frozen waffles and buckwheat  Granola bars Whole-grain pasta  Egg noodles Oatmeal (steel-cut or  Buttered popcorn

     regular)  Ground flaxseed

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:05 PM Page 19




)$&7 LQ DGXOWV IDOO HDFK \HDU DQG IDOOV DUH WKH OHDGLQJ FDXVH RI LQMXU\ GHDWK DV ZHOO DV WKH PRVW FRPPRQ FDXVH RI QRQIDWDO LQMXULHV DQG KRVSLWDO DGPLVVLRQV IRU WUDXPD *BAKALAR, NICHOLAS. “Watch Your Step While Washing Up.” New York Times 16, Aug. 2011, New York Edition ed., Section D sec.: D7. Web **CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention







Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:05 PM Page 20

★ AMAC Op-Ed

Preserving the American Dream for the next generation By David Park, Chairman, Job Creators Alliance


hroughout history, America has prospered when business and government complement each other. Economic growth occurs when business leads the way in expansion, job creation, and innovation; and when government oversees the environment in which business can compete. Unfortunately, America is today drifting from this proven principle, and we risk losing our place at the top if the current trend continues. In response, nine U.S. business leaders and I have founded an organization called the Job Creators Alliance (JCA), united in our belief that America works best when government cooperates with the private sector to create an environment in which entrepreneurial capitalism can flourish. The ten of us have collectively created millions of jobs as founders and CEOs of some prominent and successful American brands. Through JCA, we are adding the perspective of real world job creators to the public policy debate. We want to answer difficult questions, such as “How do we create jobs?” and “Is the American dream lost?” While we are free market defenders, we are not in the business of defending the kind of economic activity that helped cause the current financial crisis. We do not believe in privatizing profits while socializing losses and we are not opponents of good government or smart regulation. In our view, the real threat to reviving our economy is not America’s system of government, but the class of politicians who now occupy it, and who seem to

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be more concerned with the next election, not the next generation. America retains tremendous strength, but absent a change in policies its foundation will continue to crack. We need leaders in business and government who understand free trade, open markets, the proper role of organized labor, and fiscal responsibility. Even with unemployment so high and the economy on the ropes, there is a tremendous demand for workers with the right set of skills. This might come as a surprise to many, but it underscores a fundamental problem with America’s economy that has been brewing for a few decades. We have not been preparing the next generation for the jobs of the future. The reality is that to resolve these disparities is to better train and educate potential workers, focus on policies that encourage small businesses, and bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. JCA believes that most Americans do support a fair and equitable system that encourages businesses. And even with a crack in the foundation of our house, most business leaders are still optimistic about our ability to repair it and get back to creating jobs, value, and winning in the global market. Not just for us, but for the next generation of workers that will lead America in the 21st century. They deserve an America that is at least as strong, free and prosperous as the one we inherited and JCA is committed to ensuring that the American Dream that we’ve enjoyed lives on.

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:05 PM Page 22

★ Money

Annuity and how does it work? What is an


oday, Certificates of Deposit are at an all time low, causing people to take a closer look at annuities. To help you understand them better we have put together some brief questions and answers.

Q. Why would someone want an annuity? A. The main reason is to obtain guarantees. Annuities provide: • Guaranteed Interest rates - The insurance company assumes the risk in a bad economy, not you. At certain times, annuity interest rates are higher than Certificates of Deposit (CDs). • Guaranteed payments - collect as long as you live. If you live longer than your normal life expectancy, the insurance company must continue to pay. Q. But I see advertisements saying people can “invest” in annuities; can you explain that? A. Similar to CDs, you can purchase an annuity with a guaranteed interest for a period of time. The term could be for 3, 5 and 7 years or longer. Instead of collecting monthly payments right away (which is called annuitizing) you can defer receiving payments. That is called a Deferred Annuity. You simply let the money grow and accumulate before you take it out.

Q. When can I take money out? A. At the end of the term, you can withdraw the money without any penalty or charge, keeping all the interest earned. You may take money out sooner but there will be a stiff penalty. Some annuities allow you to take out the interest earned free of charges each year, while others allow up to 10% to be taken out each year without penalty.

(for example 1 to 2%) yet offer the potential to earn more than the minimum rate should the investment results do well.

• Variable annuities - The rate of return varies depending on the investment performance of the underlying investment. If they perform well you may earn more income. On the other hand, if the mutual funds do poorly you could lose money. Financial advisors say you should consider having some annuities among your investments to help diversify and to avoid having all of your eggs in one basket. See the following Chart that compares an Annuity vs. a CD (bank Certificate of Deposit). Before you put funds into an annuity you will be asked to fill out a “suitability questionnaire” to help make sure an annuity is right for you. AMAC at present offers fixed interest annuities. Go to and click on CD alternative. Note: AMAC does not endorse any particular product or company. Check with your tax advisor on tax questions and seek legal advice when necessary. AMAC may receive a royalty in the event a sale is made on any products sold through the AMAC portal.


Free from principal/market risk and price fluctuations?



Interest earnings free from current taxation



Interest earnings reinvested automatically with no current income taxation?



Interest income from a tax deferred annuity is not reportable until withdrawn


Tax liability on Social Security Income

Q. At what rate can the money grow? A. That depends on the type of Deferred Annuity you purchase. There are three main types: • Fixed annuities - Also called guaranteed interest annuities. They pay a guaranteed rate of interest. The insurance company determines what interest rate they will offer and guarantees the payment (for example 3% for a 5 year period). The principal and the interest are both guaranteed. This is the safest type of annuity.

• Equity Indexed annuities - The rate of return is tied to how well an index performs (i.e. the S & P 500). They typically guarantee a minimum rate of return

22 |

Certificate of Deposit







Penalty free withdrawal?



Are they free from probate



Taxation on withdrawals?

10% penalty if withdrawn prior to 59 1/2

No tax penalty

How secured?

By the full faith and credit of the insurance company and by state regulations

FDIC insured up to $250,000

•May be subject to early surrender charges. Certain limitations may apply. **A portion of funds are available from annuities each year.

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:05 PM Page 23 | 23

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:06 PM Page 24

The Voice Behind the Candidate By D.J. Wilson


he newspapers are rampant with articles about the candidates running for Presidency. The headlines run the gamut from political stances right down to what shoes they wore on stage at the most recent debate. Media thrusts the candidates into the spotlight while playing upon the emotions of voters seeking leaders among the field. With campaigns in full swing, the spotlight is deservedly focused on the aspiring politicians, yet often little is known about their spouses. One may argue that we do not need to know about the husband or wife of a potential politician because they are not running for public office. I strongly disagree. Though not technically elected, spouses are part of the package deal, taking on important roles on the social and political forefront. Eleanor Roosevelt was once named one of the ten most powerful people in Washington, active in the formation of the National Youth Administration, in housing reform, and in increasing opportunities for minority groups. Betty Ford was popular for her strength, evident in campaign buttons which read “Betty’s husband for President.” Hillary Clinton was active in her husband’s campaign and was appointed to chair the Task Force on Health Care Reform. She now serves on the Obama administration as Secretary of State. Laura Bush holds a master’s degree in Library Science. Taking on topics like literacy, breast cancer awareness, and Alzheimer’s, she became a valuable asset to those organizations, as well as to the Presidency. While some Presidential wives have kept a low profile, a great many assume powerful, prominent roles in the White House. Let’s take a look at some of the prospective spouses of the candidates now running on the Republican ticket to gain insight into the future role they may play as first lady or first man.

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Due to her recent role as First Lady of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007, many are familiar with MITT ROMNEY’S spouse. Perhaps more involved in campaigning than any of the other wives of candidates, she is stepping up her pace. Ann Romney is no stranger to politics as her father served as Mayor of her hometown while growing up. Raised in Michigan, she attended private school and was an undergraduate at Brigham Young. She later completed her undergraduate work by taking night courses at Harvard Extension School. As a stay at home mom, she raised five boys while her husband pursued careers in business and politics. Despite a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 1998, and having had breast cancer, Ann Romney has learned to deal with the disease and is now in remission. Considered to be a great asset to her husband’s campaign, she appears to enjoy her role as wife of a nominee and expresses unwavering support of her husband and his policies. Mrs. Romney says if she becomes First Lady of the United States, she will work with at-risk youths. She is happy to share her impressions of Mitt with voters as she describes his fun and warm personality. Make no doubt about it; Ann Romney believes her husband is best suited for the White House. NEWT GINGRICH, a politician and author who formerly served as Speaker of the House of Representatives, has recently risen in the polls. One thing that may hurt Gingrich is the fact that he’s been married three times. In fact, he began an affair with a House of Representatives Staffer, Callista Bisek, while still married to his previous wife. Now married to Callista, there’s interest over what type of First Lady one may expect with regard to family values due to their adulterous past. A high school valedictorian and cum laude graduate from Luther College in Iowa, she worked for the House Committee continued on pg. 26

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:06 PM Page 25

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:06 PM Page 26

The Voice Behind the Candidate continued from pg. 24

on Agriculture and in the office of Congressman Steve Gunderson (R-WI). Callista Gingrich and her husband host and produce historical and public documentaries. Familiar to Washington, D.C., Mrs. Gingrich is a long-time member of the choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and plays French horn with the City of Fairfax Band in Virginia. This lifelong Catholic was married to Newt Gingrich in 2000 and was instrumental in her husband’s conversion to Catholicism. A religious person, she starts each day with prayer. Recently, she is taking on a larger role as a politician’s wife. She attends many events with Newt and is now beginning to give interviews and speeches. Carolyn Paul, wife of candidate RON PAUL, is a devoted partner. Known for her warm personality, she acquired the nickname “America’s Mom.” With no personal political agenda, she speaks simply from her heart and enjoys giving impromptu speeches. Known to many as Carol, she believes her husband is best suited as President because he cares about the country. When asked about the other wives of candidates during an interview, she thinks one of the wives suggested sitting in on the cabinet. She clearly expressed her own disinterest in doing so by stating, “I’m not getting elected and I have way too much to do.” This mother of five, grandmother and great-grandmother, is an expert in many fields. Possessing 30 years experience in Girl Scouting, skills as an expert quilter and sewer, and talent as a cake decorator, Mrs. Paul has many fine abilities to share. These skills, she believes, are sadly no longer being passed down from generation to generation largely due to women focusing on work outside of the home. She wishes for these to remain part of American history and will do her best to share her knowledge and skills with others. She is happy to share that while her husband practiced medicine he routinely worked for lower fees or for free and refused to use government programs like Medicaid and Medicare. It cannot hurt Ron Paul, the “intellectual Godfather” of the Tea Party Movement and known for his Libertarian views, to have his well- liked wife by his side. Conservative Americans may find his politics off-centered and perhaps Carol may be the person to draw voters toward her husband. The conservative candidate, RICK SANTORUM, is a firm believer in family values. Married since 1990, Rick and his wife Karen are raising seven children. Karen is forthright in declaring support of Rick as a husband, father and politician. Like Rick, she cherishes the sacredness of family and respects the importance of human life. Her faith was tested with the delivery of a child born with a fatal genetic disease. When asked questions about her daughter during a beautifully moving interview with Jennifer Hartline on Catholic Online, Karen shares some of her deepest thoughts about termination of life. “It doesn’t make any sense to me that we choose death over love. You never lose with love.” This former NICU nurse is a strong advocate for special needs children, possessing a true understanding of what parents and families go through. In

26 |

that same interview Karen Santorum declares her husband as “rock solid” and shares that he goes after issues with passion. Describing her husband as “brilliant in matters of economy and national security” she feels that he is best suited to lead our nation. Whether one agrees or disagrees with Rick Santorum on political fiery topics like same sex marriage, it is evident Karen will have a positive impact on her husband’s run. It is clear the spouses of the candidates are important. We can reflect on history to understand the crucial functions of first ladies of the past. Not only serving as representatives of the Chief Executive Officer of the United States, they often play strong political roles and have great influence over the most powerful elected individual of our country. While not all have political ambition, they each maintain some power over their spouses and the nation at large. Facing intense scrutiny, they are often proven to be strong individuals. Despite the fact that they are not running for office, they must prepare to assume the role as first lady or first man of our great nation and stand in the spotlight. As elections approach, we shall see who will remain strong. One can make an educated guess as to who will serve the nation best alongside the President. Whether our future spouses achieve status in the administration or choose to work behind the scenes is yet to be determined.

Puzzle Solutions puzzles on pg. 50

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:06 PM Page 27

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:06 PM Page 28

Save Social Security Now! AMAC’s Simple Plan to Solve the Social Security Dilemma You have asked AMAC to fight for you on Capitol Hill and we are delivering! AMAC has kicked off it's national campaign to "Save Social Security Now." This massive effort to keep the Social Security program solvent for the next 75 years is gaining momentum as AMAC members lend their support and politicians take notice. As a unified voice, AMAC and its members can be part of the solution that will have a tremendous impact on generations to come.

The Problem The solvency and sustainability of Social Security increasingly looms as a critical problem. As Americans continue to live longer lives, as labor and income patterns fluctuate, and as population dynamics continue to shift, comprehensive reform of Social Security is a necessary action. Social Security in its current form cannot remain a solvent, sustainable and reliable program without certain adjustments that account for wider demographic and economic realities. The majority of retired workers rely on Social Security as the largest portion of their retirement income. For many Americans, Social Security is their only source of income.

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The average amount of Social Security paid out is just over $13,000 per year. Put simply, workers need more money for their retirement. Several proposals to reform Social Security contain a provision to set back the age of eligibility. A recent poll conducted by the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) has shown that while delaying the entitlement age is the most acceptable method to help restore solvency it could result in some unfavorable consequences. The primary disadvantage of changing the eligibility age is that older workers would be forced to continue working, especially hurting workers who must perform physical labor to earn their paycheck.

AMAC’s Solution In addition to incorporating a setback of three years as a simple way to fix Social Security, the creation of a Social Security Individual Retirement Account (SS-IRA) has significant merit. As initially conceptualized, a Social Security-IRA would be an entirely voluntary option available to all workers eligible for Social Security. It would provide much needed supplemental income and allow workers to be able to retire at any age between 62 and 66. It would also provide an additional tax deductible option to encourage Americans to save more for their retirement. Critical to note is that the Social Security IRA is not

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intended to – nor will it – replace or privatize our basic Social Security system, which remains the same. Being an entirely voluntary option, the Social Security IRA would allow retirees greater flexibility, financial opportunity and personal financial discretion without subjecting Social Security to greater market risk. Further, and perhaps most importantly, the Social Security IRA is intended to compliment any larger Social Security reform that would involve setting the eligibility mark back to a higher age.

The Details The Social Security IRA would:

SOCIAL SECURITY: Paid out $49 Billion more than it took in 2010 Benefits will be cut by 25%for the next generation (cut triggered automatically as funds run short)

fixed or guaranteed interest accounts. Administration of the plans would be done by the vendor, not the government.

Justification The value of creating, and ultimately participating in, a Social Security IRA is illustrated by the potential earnings. In fact, even under the most careful and conservative scenarios – with only the most modest of contributions – participants in a Social Security IRA would accrue a significant amount of savings over time. Based on projections with the average returns, a 25 year old worker putting in only $15/week, with a small contribution of $50/month from the employer would have $165,407 at 62. Alternatively, if the worker contributed $45/week with the same employer contribution of $50/month it is projected that the worker would have accumulated

• Be available for any wage earner $6 Trillion in debt by who is not receiving Social Security benefits and is 65 or 2036 - 25 years from now younger. The earliest age a worker could start collecting from the SS IRA would be the first day of the month following the month the wage earner reaches age 62. The wage earner has the option of waiting until age 66 to $352,389 by age 62. begin to receive payments, but payments must begin at These numbers clearly show that the Social Security IRA age 66; would allow a worker to retire at age 62, and/or would • Be paid via payroll deduction, with the administration provide a substantial amount of additional money for being done by private companies without cost to the retirement at a later age. taxpayers. Employers must make available a payroll slot Recommendation for a Social Security IRA. A worker would automatically have a minimum of $5 per week taken for the SS IRA Millions of American citizens are facing a financial unless the worker chose to opt out. dilemma upon reaching retirement age. A practical nonpartisan solution is at hand; therefore we recommend: • Have minimum weekly contributions of $5 with a maximum annual amount of $5,200, and indexed for inflation every 5 years; • Contain a voluntary employer match provision with a tax deduction for matching employee contributions. Employers may choose to set their own limits on how much they would care to match (i.e. the first $1,400 or $25 per week, etc); • Make the individual the owner of the IRA – the IRA would also be portable, meaning if the owner leaves one employer and goes to another , the new employer must continue deductions to the IRA; • Have the following payout options for the wage earner: Life with 10 year certain; Life with spousal survival benefit; or a 5year, 10 year or 20 year period certain; • Maintain the death benefit to be the amount of accrued value in the IRA at the time of death; • Make the disability benefit available only if the wage earner is totally and permanently disabled as certified by Social Security. Payments are based on the life expectancy of the individual at the time of disability; • Allow the wage earner to choose investment options from any investment typically offered for IRAs and 401k type programs. A minimum of 50% of investment must be in

• A three year setback in the eligibility age should start to be phased in for anyone age 59 or younger. The phase-in would be in three month intervals so a 59 year old would wait 3 months, a 58 year old would be delayed 6 months and so on. It will take 12 years to fully implement the setback. For people age 60 and over, nothing will change. • Title 42 USC, Section 402, should be amended to include a Social Security IRA. Specifically, a Social Security IRA should accompany any future Social Security reform legislation that would raise the age of eligibility for benefit qualification and withdrawal. • The cost of living increase (COLA) would be fixed at a guaranteed 1.65%. The Congress may allow a higher increase if the financial condition of the Social Security Trust allows it. In Summary, the AMAC proposal to Save Social Security Now will keep Social Security solvent for at least 75 years and allow workers to accumulate a significant additional amount of money for their retirement years. Please visit to find more information. We ask our members to contact their Senators and Congressional Representatives and urge them to pass the AMAC plan. A good way to do that is to send them a copy of this article with a note from you. | 29

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:07 PM Page 31

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Attention All Medicare Enrollees:

You Don’t Need the AARP for your Medicare Health Insurance! There is a big misconception among many people - a misconception that the AARP doesn’t want to clarify - that you must go through the AARP in order to purchase any of the various Medicare health insurance plans you may need. This is NOT TRUE! ALL Medicare health insurance plans are available through private insurance companies directly to you! We at AMAC are determined to get the word out: you don’t need to send your money to the AARP for your Medicare insurance needs. Even if you already have insurance through the AARP, you may be able to change. Give us a call today and tell AARP to “get lost” tomorrow! You may need to have Medicare health insurance plans, but you DON’T need to send your money to AARP.

Call us today: AMAC Senior Resources Network Get answers you need from the people you trust!

America is AMAC is



AMAC is now THE Leading Conservative Senior Organization in America We fight for YOUR conservative values. We have the benefits YOU need.

AMAC represents the Real America and stands for traditional values, fiscal responsibility and true financial security for those who have earned it. In what will be the MOST IMPORTANT election in our nation’s history – we need to neutralize AARP’s power. We need to let our elected representatives know AARP doesn’t speak for us, AMAC does.

Join the AMAC Army.

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Together we can make a difference. Tell the AARP, “No More!”


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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:07 PM Page 34

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:08 PM Page 35

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:08 PM Page 36

Golfing in Paradise T

o many, golf is the greatest game ever invented. Played in God’s backyard, it is a challenging yet rewarding sport. Pros make it look easy but, in reality, it

requires endless practice, patience and proficiency. It is a game in which mind and body unite to achieve the perfect swing and strategic planning is paramount. Ranging from pleasure to serious sport it is governed by rules and skill; it is a sport in which honorable behavior is displayed, and one that carries a fascinating history. Though its exact origin is unknown, many believe golf originated on the coast of Scotland near St. Andrews between the 12th and 15th centuries. Golfers would hit a pebble around sand dunes using a stick or club. In 1774, the first standardized rules of the game were written by golfers in Edinburgh. Throughout history, advances were made to golf equipment. The sap filled gutta-percha ball was invented in 1848 by Reverend Adam Paterson and was improved by Coburn Haskell in 1898, changing the core to rubber to increase the distance the ball “Golf is deceptively simple could go. Early balls and endlessly complicated; were smooth and it satisfies the soul and players noticed that the scarred balls frustrates the intellect. It is at appeared to travel the same time rewarding and farther. Many began maddening - and it is to mar their balls to make them go farther. without a doubt the greatest This led to the game mankind has ever development of the invented.” – Arnold Palmer dimpled design we know today. The first clubs to be used were wooden shafts, which have evolved into the steel and graphite shafts used today. Golf bags came into use in the 1880s and bore the old nickname “The beast of burden.” Powered golf carts later appeared in the mid-20th century and are commonly seen on many courses today. Golf courses have come a long way from the original game first played on the sand dunes of Scotland. The United States,

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By D.J. Wilson

home to some of the most amazing courses in the world, had its first 18-hole golf course built on a sheep farm in Illinois in 1892. Rolling pastures of dark green grass, scenic mountain meadows, and coastal sandy hills are natural arenas for the sport of golf. Nature and architecture emerge in the creation of a golf course. Some of the most stunning golf courses in the world are built in deserts, beside volcanoes, and in dense tropical forest. Many of today’s astonishingly beautiful courses are designed by special architects, featuring their own unique design and offering special challenges. It’s impossible to highlight all the courses, but here are three which are very special.

1. Innisbrook – Tampa/St. Petersburg Area, Florida Considered one of the best courses in America, Innisbrook features 4 championship golf courses designed by the innovative architect, Lawrence Packard. This imaginative course is filled with varying topography and even boasts a golf school. Considered a favorite among PGA tour professionals, the Copperhead Course, Par 71 – 7,340 yards, is recognized as one of the finest. With tree-lined fairways and rolling landscape, and surrounded by beautiful lakes and ponds, it offers a most challenging game amidst beauty. The course is a test for even the most proficient golfer, and is considered a lengthy challenge for even the longest hitters. Curtis Strange, 2002 Ryder Cup Captain and US Open Champion says it all with this comment: “If I could play one course the rest of my life, it would be Copperhead. It has that much character.” Not only for professionals, families can enjoy The Fox Squirrel Course, a 9-hole par 36, 1,236 yard walking course, designed for all skill levels to partake in the pleasures of golf.

2. Pinehurst –

Pinehurst, North Carolina

Sport fans are familiar with Pinehurst as it hosts more championships than any other course in America, and is a dream golf destination. It features 8 unique golf courses which make it the largest Golf Resort in America. Serving as a future 2014 site for the U.S. Men’s and Women’s Open Championship played in consecutive weeks, the course achieves great recognition in golf history. Three of the courses are extremely continued on pg. 40

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the easiest to install; A3>2 9?< 8/A /B-6? =3@/ $?3-5 988/-> 936 C9? -+8 2+@/ C9?<

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Quick Connect Coil

ScaleRID How It Works • Install in 10 Minutes - • • The system consists of the energizing unit and a that simply snaps around the pipe of the incoming water supply. • The 21st century way to " in city water and well water. • Unit " No more big tanks and heavy salt bags to lug around.

Complex Signal Field

Incoming water saturated with calcium and other mineral ions in solution.

ScaleRID vs. Salt-Based Water Softener Comparison Pipe Before ScaleRID

Pipe 4-5 weeks of ScaleRID use

ScaleRID Cost Maintenance

Salt-Based Water Softener

under $150

$400 - $1,800.00


constant maintenance

Q. What is the difference between the Treatment Method electrical field SR-1000 and the SR-2000? '2/ ,31 .300/</8-/ 3= >2+> >2/ &-+6/% &% Installation 10 minute do-it-yourself

3= 09< 79./<+>/ >9 2+<. A+>/< +8. -97/= Scale Removal YES A3>2 98/ $?3-5 988/-> 936 '2/ &-+6/% Scale Prevention YES &% 3= 09< @/<C 2+<. A+>/< 9< 09< 297/= Back Flush NO .?:6/B/= A3>2 6+<1/ A+>/< ?=+1/ +8. -97/= A3>2 >A9 $?3-5 988/-> 936= Skin Test makes skin softer *9? -+889> +009<. 89> >9 ><C &-+6/% 38 Soap Test soap suds wash away C9?< 297/ 09< .+C= 0 3>H= 89> 09< C9? leaves in Health Benefits essential minerals </>?<8 3> 09< + -97:6/>/ </0?8. *#( % &

10 0%

Satisfaction Guara nte 120-Day Home Tria e l

salt-based ion exchange professional NO NO YES 80-100 gallons per week makes skin dry soap suds difficult to remove exchanges minerals with sodium

Solution less saturated with calcium and able to dissolve existing scale.

Non-Paid ScaleRID User Testimonials The ScaleRID has helped my plumbing tremendously. It has cleaned out the build-up on all my faucets. There is no more residue on my sink... and most importantly, not in my coffee pots. I am a very satisfied customer. Mrs. Wagner, WY The product is very wonderful. There is no more build-up on my shower heads. They are no longer plugging up ...from all the years of build-up. I have only had the product for several months, however I am very satisfied. Mr. Finch, WA Our water is much cleaner and we get more suds when we do laundry and dishes. Also, the unit was very easy to install. I would recommend this unit to many more friends. M. Sousoures, NV

CALL 1-800-555-1659 • Offer Code SCA174 • | 37

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Love Restored

R Revive eviv i e Premium Premium i is i truly trruly l a breakthrough br b eakthr k h ough h in in technology technology and design design and effectively eff ffe ectively treats Erectile Dysfunction proven treats Er ectile D ysfunction with pr oven results (over are suffering results (o ver 96%). IIff yyou ou ar e suff ering from anyy rreason, Revive from ED ffor or an easson, the R evive Premium P remium System System will will restore restore your your intimacy intimaccy and rreturn eturn this part part of your your life life back to to you. you o . We We have have helped over over e 3 million ccouples ouples restore Call restore their intimacy. intimaccy. C all TToday oda o y and Get G et Your Yo our Love Love life liffe back! baack!

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:08 PM Page 39

AMAC makes no endorsement of any product claiming improvement in health, or that makes any Medical claims. Consult your Doctor | 39

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Golfing in Paradise continued from pg. 36

well known to many golfers as they are ranked amongst the world’s best. Pinehurst No. 2 was originally designed by Donald Ross and the course was recently perfected by Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw in March of 2011. The restorations were made with careful attention to its original design. This includes firmer and larger fairway widths, removal of rough to restore natural sand and native grasses, and turf management with regard to irrigation. This 6,916 yard course, par 72, best demonstrates the spirit of Ross. He described the course in his own words as “the fairest test of championship golf I have ever designed.” The rolling greens are considered a superior golf challenge. Course No. 4 offers yet another championship experience with over 140 pot bunkers and famously photographed water holes. This par 72 course of 6,658 yards was officially opened in 2000 and was designed by Tom Fazio as a tribute to Pinehurst. Course No. 8 opened in 1966 for Pinehurst’s Centennial. This classic course is known for its interesting dips and swales and topographic features. This 6,698 yard course, par 72, incorporates wetlands and rolling terrain and in 1998 it proudly achieved status through the Audubon Signature Program as the First Certified Signature Sanctuary. The golf resort is a beautiful accomplishment of both nature and mankind.

and extends the opportunity to surround oneself in some of the most breathtaking natural environments in the world. The sport, extending challenges of skill on personal and professional levels, is amongst the most beloved in America and abroad. Though the game may seem easy, it is quite complicated in nature, testing skill and patience at all levels. According to Raymond Floyd, “They call it golf because all the other four-letter words were taken.” The ultimate satisfaction of scoring an eagle is unparalleled in any other scoring in sport, for it proves that man versus himself can win. The aforementioned courses present some of the best playing grounds for golf in the world. Whether you seek to play on a professional course or on a local course, it’s essential to keep a positive attitude. While some are serious about golf, many enjoy the social aspect of the game and appreciate the beauty of each course. The most important rule is to enjoy oneself. In the words of Phyllis Diller, “The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing.”

3. Pebble Beach, Monterey, California

“Have a Ball”

Host to numerous US Open and PGA Championships, the Pebble Beach course is perhaps the most famous public golf course in the United States. Ranked among the best in the world, this premier destination is known for its stunning oceanfront locations. The resort invites one to walk in the footsteps of legends on Pebble Beach Golf Links, The Links at Spanish Bay, and Spyglass Hill Golf course. It’s interesting to know that Pebble Beach is not designed solely for professionals, as it is open to all levels of skill. Jack Neville and Douglas Grant opened the course in 1919, using a figure 8 layout design in order to place as many holes as possible on the rocky coastline. Considered “The Greatest Meeting of Land and Sea,” this Par 72, 6,828 yard course is an ideal mélange of coastline and forest, culminating into the perfect golf experience. With legendary clientele such as Salvador Dali, Teddy Roosevelt, Elizabeth Taylor, Clark Gable, and numerous golfers like Bobby Jones and Jack Nicklaus, Pebble Beach is a favorite hot spot for many throughout the years. It’s no wonder Pebble Beach Resorts attract an extraordinary clientele as it is home to elegant four-diamond accommodations at The Lodge at Pebble Beach, The Inn at Spanish Bay, and Casa Palermo. Warm hospitality, expert service and grand recreation make Pebble Beach an extraordinary place for all. Golf offers the ultimate experience mentally and physically,

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Pebble Beach Food & Wine April 12 - 15, 2012 Pebble Beach Food & Wine brings internationally acclaimed wineries and celebrity chefs together for an unforgettable four-day event. Visit for more information.

62nd Annual Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance August 19, 2012 Since 1950, Pebble Beach has been host to what is quite simply the finest exhibition of show cars in the world. This annual gathering includes rare and antique automobiles, international automotive luminaries and motorcar enthusiasts from around the globe.

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An Ounce of Hydrogen Peroxide is Worth a Pound of Cure (SPECIAL) - Hydrogen peroxide is trusted by every hospital and emergency room in the country for its remarkable ability to kill deadly germs like E. coli. In fact, it has attracted so much interest from doctors that over 6000 articles about it have appeared in scientific publications around the world. Research has discovered that hydrogen peroxide enables your immune system to function properly and fight infection and disease. Doctors have found it can shrink tumors and treat allergies, Alzheimer’s, asthma, clogged arteries, diabetes, digestive problems and migraine headaches. Smart consumers nationwide are also discovering there are hundreds of health cures and home remedy uses for hydrogen peroxide. A new book called The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxide is now available that tells you exactly how to use hydrogen peroxide by itself... and mixed with simple everyday kitchen items... to make liniments, rubs, lotions, soaks and tonics that treat a wide variety of ailments. It contains tested and proven health cures that do everything from relieving chronic pain to making age spots go away. You’ll be amazed to see how a little hydrogen peroxide mixed with a pinch of this or that from your cupboard can: s 2ELIEVE THE PAIN OF ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM AND FIBROMYALGIA s 4REAT ATHLETE S FOOT s #LEAR UP ALLERGIES AND SINUS PROBLEMS s 3OOTHE SORE THROATS s &IGHT COLDS AND FLU s (ELP HEAL BOILS AND SKIN INFECTIONS s 7HITEN TEETH WITHOUT SPENDING A FORTUNE s $ESTROY HARMFUL DENTAL BACTERIA AND heal gingivitis s (ELP HEAL COLD SORES AND CANKER SORES s #LEAR UP FOOT AND NAIL FUNGUS s 2ELIEVE THE STING AND PAIN OF INSECT BITES s 3OOTHE SORE FEET s 2ELIEVE EAR ACHES s 3OOTHE MUSCLE ACHES s %NABLE MINOR WOUNDS CUTS AND SCRAPES TO HEAL FASTER s 2EFRESH AND TONE YOUR SKIN

s #LEAR UP ACNE RASHES AND AGE SPOTS s (ELP HEAL YEAST INFECTIONS s !ND MUCH MORE Besides killing E. coli, hydrogen peroxide also destroys botulism, salmonella and other harmful organisms. It works by making viruses and bacteria self-destruct on the cellular level. Amazingly, for something so powerful, hydrogen peroxide is safe. That’s because after it makes germs self-destruct, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into harmless water. The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxide book is a valuable health improvement treasure that also shows you how to make tons of household cleaners that work better and more economically than expensive store-bought products. It’s a safe powerful alternative to harsh chemical cleaners. Discover easy-tomake formulas that: s +ILL GERMS ON KITCHEN COUNTERS AND SURFACES s 3TERILIZE DISHES CUPS AND KITCHEN UTENSILS s -AKE A POWERFUL SCOURING POWDER THAT WORKS WONDERS ON KITCHEN SINKS REFRIGERATORS AND OVENS s $ISINFECT AND DEODORIZE COFFEE MAKERS TEA POTS BLENDERS AND FOOD PROCESSORS s 3ANITIZE WOOD CUTTING BOARDS AND WOODEN SPOONS s #LEAN OUT AND DISINFECT CLOGGED DRAINS s -AKE HARDWOOD FLOORS TILE FLOORS GROUT AND LINOLEUM GLEAM s 'ET RID OF HARMFUL BACTERIA ON FRUITS VEGETABLES AND MEATS WITH THIS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE FOOD RINSE s %LIMINATE NASTINESS FROM TOILET BOWLS BATH TUBS SHOWERS AND SHOWER CURTAINS s 3TERILIZE AND PURIFY TOOTHBRUSHES AND DENTURES s #LEAN AND DISINFECT PET STAINS s 2EMOVE MOLD AND MILDEW FROM BASEMENT WALLS ROOFS AND OTHER SURFACES s $ISINFECT DIAPERS PACIFIERS AND BABY TOYS s 2EMOVE WINE INK AND BLOOD STAINS FROM CLOTHING CARPETS AND FURNITURE s "OOST LAUNDRY DETERGENT POWER AND RESTORE BRIGHTNESS AND COLOR TO FABRICS s 3TREAK FREE CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS AND mirrors s %LIMINATE SKUNK STENCH ON PETS AND

FOUL ODORS FROM LITTER BOXES OLD TENNIS shoes, etc. s 2ID PETS OF PARASITES AND BACTERIA s -AKE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR PLANTS FLOURISH WITH A SUREFIRE FERTILIZER AND INSECTICIDE all rolled-into-one s +EEP HANDS GERM FREE WITHOUT EXPENsive hand sanitizers s !ND MUCH MORE The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxide contains many more amazing health remedies, cleaning formulas and gardening mixtures. In addition, it also gives you a list of qualified physicians who use hydrogen peroxide in their practices to treat serious ailments. Also included FREE with each book are useful tips and home remedy formulas using vinegar, garlic baking soda and teas. To get your copy of The Magic of Hydrogen Peroxide direct from the publisher at the special introductory price of $19.95 plus $3.98 shipping and handling (total of $23.93, OH residents please add 6% sales tax) simply do this: Write “Hydrogen Peroxide” on a piece of paper and mail it along with your check or money order payable to: James Direct, Inc., Dept HP268, 500 S. Prospect Ave., Box 980, Hartville, Ohio 44632. You can charge to your Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express by mail. Be sure to include your card number, expiration date and signature. Want to save even more? Do a favor for a relative or friend and order two books for only $30 postpaid. Remember, you’re protected by our 90day money back guarantee. If you’re not happy, for any reason, we’ll refund your money. Simple as that. &2%% ')&4 You will also receive a copy of the handy booklet “How To Grow, Dry, Use & Prepare Herbs” as our gift to you. Even if you return the book, it is yours to keep with no obligation. Hurry! Supplies are limited so you must ©2012 JDI HP106S29 act now. | 41

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★ Kathie’s Kitchen

Some Like It Hot! Chili!

Some like it hot, and some do not. Some like it with beans, while others don’t. There are as many versions of chili as there are cooks. Chili is an all-American food with flavors and ingredients pulled in from all over the world, and everyone seems to have a secret weapon - brown sugar, sausage, coffee, chocolate – you name it. A thick, hearty and healthy stew, chili is usually made with meat, tomatoes, onions and a bit of a spark. But regardless of how it is prepared, nothing beats a steaming “bowl of red” on a cold winter’s night. These family favorites will warm your tummy and light up your taste buds, especially Bob’s Firehouse Chili, my father-in-law’s special recipe. Enjoy!

 Use fresh dried herbs and spices when seasoning your chili; older ones tend to lose flavor.  Fully develop the flavor of the spices by cooking them for a minute or two along with the meat or vegetables before adding the liquid ingredients.  Many chili recipes call for Jalapeno peppers, and although there is no way to determine their intensity by appearance alone, generally green jalapenos tend to be hotter than red jalapenos. Taste a small bit before adding to a recipe, and if they seem too hot

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remove the seeds and veins.  Go easy on the heat! If the chili is too spicy, you won’t be able to taste the subtler flavors.  Canned beans tend to get mushy when simmered for long periods. Add them near the end of cooking time.  If your chili is too thick, use chicken or beef broth to thin it. Water will dilute the flavor.  If your chili is too thin, try adding a bit of tomato paste or corn meal.  Cook your chili early in the day, or a day in advance. The extra time in the refrigerator will enhance its flavor.  Chili is also delicious served over small pasta, rice or cornbread squares.  For a final enhancement, garnish with one or more of the following: shredded cheese, sour cream, chopped cilantro, crumbled bacon, sliced scallions, finely diced red onion, crunched up corn chips or freshsqueezed lime juice.  Leftover chili can be used on baked potatoes, hot dogs, burritos or as a filling in omelets.

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Bob’s Firehouse Chili

White Chicken Chili

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

2 Tbs. butter or margarine 1 medium onion – chopped 1/2 green pepper – chopped 1 stalk of celery – chopped 1 lb. ground beef 1/2 tsp. paprika 1/2 tsp. black pepper 1/8 tsp. ground red pepper 1 Tbs. chili powder 1 can (16 oz.) diced tomatoes 1 can (10 ½ oz.) tomato soup 1 bay leaf 1 Tbs. white vinegar 1 Tbs. sugar 1 garlic clove 1 tsp. salt 1 can (16 oz.) red kidney beans – drained

Melt butter in a large pot. Add onion, green pepper, celery and ground beef and sauté until the vegetables are tender and the ground beef is browned. Drain off any excess fat. Add paprika, black and red peppers and chili powder. Sauté for 1 minute or until fragrant. Add tomatoes, soup, bay leaf, vinegar and sugar. Cover and simmer for 1 hour. Puree the garlic and salt together. Add the garlic mixture and kidney beans to the chili, and reheat. Garnish with shredded cheddar cheese, chopped red onion and sour cream, if desired. Serves 4.

Cornbread Casserole ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

1 stick of butter - melted 1 box (8.5 oz) of corn bread / muffin mix 1 can (15 oz.) of whole kernel corn 1 can (15 oz.) of creamed corn ¼ cup of sour cream

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

1/2 cup tequila 1/2 cup fresh lime juice Zest of 1 lime 1 tsp. cumin 1 tsp. cayenne pepper 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes 2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts - trimmed 2 Tbs. olive oil 2 large onions - chopped 5 cloves of garlic - chopped 2 (4 oz.) cans green chilies 1 Tbs. cumin 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 1/8 tsp. ground cloves 6 cups chicken stock 3 (16 oz.) cans great northern beans – drained 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Combine tequila, lime juice, lime zest, cumin, cayenne pepper and red pepper flakes. Pour over chicken breasts. Marinate for 3 hours. Grill chicken breasts for 5 minutes on each side, basting with marinade throughout cooking time. Remove from grill, and cut chicken into small cubes. Set aside. Heat olive oil in large pot. Sauté onions until translucent, about 10 minutes. Add garlic, chilies, cumin, cayenne pepper and cloves. Sauté for an additional 10 minutes. Add broth and cubed chicken. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 20 minutes. Add beans and continue cooking for 10 minutes. Remove pot from heat, add cheese and stir until melted. Garnish with additional shredded Monterey Jack cheese and chopped, fresh cilantro, if desired. Serves 6.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine butter, cornbread mix, kernel corn, creamed corn and sour cream. Pour into an ungreased 9 X 13 pan. Bake for 1 hour. Cool for 10 minutes. Cut into squares. | 43

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★ AMAC in Action AMAC Attends CPAC 2012 AMAC attended CPAC 2012 with special guest Jedediah Bila – The 38th annual Conservative Political Action Conference, America’s largest gathering of conservative activists and conservative leaders, took place February 9 – February 11, 2012, in Washington, DC. Every year, the ACU brings thousands of grassroots conservatives and conservative leaders together in Washington, DC for three days of blockbuster speeches, policy discussions and networking opportunities – all celebrating the shared principles of smaller government, a strong national defense and traditional values. Attendees met at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel to hear from the nation’s most courageous conservative leaders and helped set the conservative agenda for the coming year to rally support against the big-government policies destroying America.

AMAC Calls for Maher’s Cancellation AMAC called for the cancellation of Bill Maher’s TV show on HBO after Maher used the F word describing what Jesus did to Tim Tebow following the loss of his Denver Broncos to Buffalo. AMAC asked its members to sign an online petition sending a strong message to HBO that we value decency TV host Bill Maher and decorum, we will not tolerate photo: Angela George hateful behavior that serves to undermine faith and family, and we demand the Bill Maher Show be cancelled immediately. As we went to print for this issue of AMAC Advantage, we had already received over 12,000 signatures!

AMAC Ambassador Leadership Program If you feel strongly that our freedom, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, is being threatened, that government is getting out of control and that our way of life is under attack, then we want you in our Ambassador Leadership Program. We want YOU in our army…on the right side. For more information on the Ambassador Leadership Program and how you can help fight the good fight, email AMAC at

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AMAC Kicks off Drive to Save Social Security Kicking off a national drive to get support for AMAC’s proposal to keep the Social Security program solvent for the next 75 years, Daniel Weber, the founder of the organization, said “There is a simple, painless solution to fixing what is wrong with our Social Security system that is gathering bi-partisan support. We’ll be getting our message out to the people to urge their Senators and Representatives to join together in this effort.” The AMAC solution, which provides for a setback in the age for people to begin to receive Social Security benefits along with an adjustment on the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), while at the same time allowing for a new Social Security IRA, appeared in the influential Washington DC newspaper “Roll Call” on 12/8/11.

“Like” AMAC on Facebook! Help us reach our goal of 100,00 fans. Search "The Association of Mature American Citizens" and "Like" our page on Facebook. Go to and click "follow us on Facebook” link"

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EdenPURE ranked #1 in North America Save $192 - biggest savings ever Never be cold again

How it works:

Bob Vila, America’s Favorite Home Improvement Expert, North Canton, Ohio

I know why millions of Americans are saving on their heating bills with the EdenPURE ® Infrared Portable Heater. And now you can save up to $192, our lowest prices ever on the new 2012 EdenPURE® Personal Heater. The heater I personally rank #1 in North America. And now I’m proud to add the new and improved EdenPURE® is made in the U.S.A. here in North Canton, Ohio. For over 30 years as your home improvement television host, I have reviewed and experienced thousands of products. I have an EdenPURE ® in my Massachusetts home and found it to be a very safe and reliable source of portable heat. This is one of those few comfort investments I can recommend for your home that will truly pay dividends. We all know heating costs are expected to remain at record levels. The cost of heating our homes will continue to be a significant burden on the family budget. The EdenPURE® can cut your heating bills, pay for itself in a matter of weeks, and then start putting a great deal of extra money in your pocket after that. With over one million satisfied customers around the world, the new EdenPURE® heats better, faster, saves more on heating bills, and runs almost silent. A major cause of residential fires in the United States is portable heaters. Fire and safety professional, Captain Mike Hornby ranks EdenPURE® #1 for safety and reliability. The EdenPURE ® has no exposed heating elements that can cause a fire. The outside of the EdenPURE® only gets warm to the touch so that it will not burn children or pets. And your pet may be just like my dog who has reserved a favorite spot near the EdenPURE®. Accept no imitations. The EdenPURE® can also help you feel better. Unlike EdenPURE® imitators, it will not re-

Heats floor to the same temperature as ceiling.


3. The soft heat “rides” the humidity in the room and provides even, moist, soft heat ceiling to floor and wall to wall without reducing oxygen and humidity.

1. Electricity ignites powerful SYLVANIA infrared lamp. 2. The quartz infrared lamp gently warms the patented copper heating chambers.

SYLVANIA is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. used under license.

Firemen and safety professionals choose EdenPURE®. We all read about space heaters and the danger of fire. The EdenPURE® has no exposed heating elements that can cause a fire. And your pet may be just like my dog that has reserved a favorite spot near the EdenPURE®. – Bob Vila

duce humidity or oxygen in the room. These imitators use ceramic plates instead of our patented copper. Cheap ceramic plates reduce humidity, dry out your sinuses and make your skin dry. With other heating sources, you'll notice that you get sleepy when the heat comes on because they are burning up oxygen. The advanced space-age EdenPURE ® also heats the room evenly, wall to wall and floor to ceiling. Other heating sources heat rooms unevenly with most of the heat concentrated high and to the center of the room. And as you know, portable heaters only heat an area a few feet around the heater. With the EdenPURE®, the temperature will not vary in any part of the room. How can a person cut their heating bill with the EdenPURE®? First, the EdenPURE® uses less energy to create heat than many other sources, but that is just part of why it will cut a person’s heating bill. The EdenPURE® will heat a room in minutes. You will immediately notice the difference! Therefore, you can turn the heat down in your

house to as low as 50 degrees, but the room you are occupying, which has the EdenPURE ® , will be warm and comfortable. Your EdenPURE® easily moves from room to room. Using zone heating keeps you comfortable and reduces your heating bills. This can drasti-

cally cut heating bills; in some instances, the savings may be substantial. The EdenPURE® will pay for itself in weeks. It will keep a great deal of extra money in a user’s pocket. Because of today’s spiraling gas, oil, propane, and other energy costs, the EdenPURE® will provide even greater savings as time goes by. The EdenPURE® Personal Heater comes with a comprehensive three year warranty and a 60-day, no questions asked, satisfaction guarantee – EdenPURE® will even pay for

the return shipping. There is absolutely no risk. And EdenPURE ® is the only portable heater with a National Service Network. How to order: During this special 10 day offer we can deliver to your home our Personal Heater which comfortably covers an area up to 350 square feet. During our special, you are eligible for a $175 DISCOUNT PLUS FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING FOR A TOTAL SAVINGS OF UP TO $192 on the EdenPURE ® Personal Heater. Our largest

discount ever. This special offer expires in 10 days. If you order after that, we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discounted price. See my attached Authorized Discount Coupon to take advantage of this savings opportunity. The EdenPURE® carries a 60-day unconditional, no-risk guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied, return it at our expense and your purchase price will be refunded. No questions asked. There is also a 3year warranty for the Personal Heater.

BOB VILA’S AUTHORIZED DISCOUNT COUPON The price of the EdenPURE® Personal Heater is $372 plus $17 shipping and handling but, with this Authorized Discount Coupon, you will receive a $175 discount, free shipping and handling and be able to get the EdenPURE® Personal Heater for only $197 delivered. The Personal Heater has an optional remote for only $12. After 10 days we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discounted price. • To claim your discount and order by mail: fill out and mail Check below the number you want (limit 3 per customer) in this Authorized Discount Coupon. ■ Personal Heater, number _____ ______________________________________________________________ ■ I am ordering within 10 days, therefore I get a $175 NAME ______________________________________________________________ discount, free shipping and handling and my price is ADDRESS only $197 for the Personal Heater delivered. ______________________________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP CODE ■ I am ordering past 10 days, therefore I pay full price of $372 plus $17 shipping & handling for the Personal Enclosed is $_______ in: ■ Check ■ Money Order Heater. (Make check payable to EdenPURE) or charge my: ■ Optional Remote $12, number _____ ■ VISA ■ MasterCard ■ Am. Exp./Optima ■ Discover/Novus Account No. _______________________ Exp. Date ____/____ • To claim your discount and order by phone: call tollfree 1-800-366-1315. Operators are on duty Monday Signature ___________________________________________ Friday 6am - 3am, Saturday 7am - 12am and Sunday MAIL TO: EdenPURE® 7am - 11pm, EST. Give operator your Offer Code on Offer Code EHS5885 this coupon. 7800 Whipple Ave. N.W. • To claim your discount and order online: visit Canton, OH 44767 and enter Offer Code EHS5885. | 45

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:09 PM Page 46

These 4 Things Can Happen Right Before a Heart Attack Each year, about 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 more people who’ve already had at least one heart attack suffer yet another. When it comes to heart attack symptoms, most people think of chest pain or perhaps pain down the left arm. But according to renowned Cardiologist, Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D., 25% of all heart attacks happen “silently”, without clear symptoms. For example, you may experience these four things right before you have a heart attack: Dr. Crandall nausea or vomiting, back pain, sudden shortness of breath, or seemingly ordinary heartburn. Any of these things could signal an imminent heart attack. This is particularly true for people middle-aged or older who are overweight, have a family history of heart disease, or those who smoke, don’t exercise enough, or have diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Because heart disease — and heart attacks — are so common, it’s essential to become intimate with your heart $49.95 Value —


rate. Knowing what your heart rate is at even comes with a quick-start guide rest, during everyday activity, and while with large-sized text that will have you exercising could save your life. monitoring your heart immediately. Medical experts like Dr. Chauncey This Heart Rate Monitor “Smart Crandall, M.D., Chief of Palm Beach Watch” sells for $49.95. But for a Cardiac Transplant Program, will tell limited time, you can get it 100% you that by monitoring and lowering FREE — just cover the low shipping your pulse rate, you can save enormous and handling cost of $5.95. wear-and-tear on your heart and reduce We’ll also include a FREE twoyour risk for significant heart problems. month trial subscription to Dr. This is critical, because every 38 seconds Chauncey Crandall’s Heart Health another American Report plus a Special dies from heart Report on disease, our nation’s lowering your #1 killer. heart rate to help But the good news: you reduce your risk monitoring your of heart attacks and FREE heart rate is now as heart disease. You’ll TRIAL simple as wearing a see how to safely and ISSUES watch! easily lower your blood pressure, get disease This amazing prevention tips and Heart Rate Monitor much, much more! “Smart Watch” helps you easily check your heart rate at any Plus, to help keep you on the right given moment, with just the touch of track, you’ll also receive two more FREE your finger. Plus… surprise bonuses (another $80 value) by One-touch Heart Rate Monitor ordering today. Calories Burned Indicator Claim your FREE Heart Rate Easy-to-read time and date Monitor “Smart Watch”, FREE twoDaily alarm and hourly chime month trial to the Heart Health Back light to see in the dark Report, an exclusive bonus report Water resistant up to 30 meters plus 2 surprise bonuses right now. Heart disease won’t wait — neither And despite the hi-tech features, should you. this watch is super simple to use. It

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:09 PM Page 47 | 47

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 4:42 PM Page 48

★ Did You Know? Seniors can get free computer tutoring Many libraries offer free basic computer training programs for seniors. Visit your local library website or speak to your local librarian to see when and where computer classes will be offered in your area:

High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is a huge problem in America. One in every 4 adults, representing some 55 million Americans, are treated for high blood pressure each year. And that’s only the ones who know it and get treated. Because high blood pressure has no symptoms, the real total would have to include people who have high blood pressure and don’t know it. High blood pressure can lead to heart attack and stroke. But it can be controlled – even prevented – by proper diet and physical activity. The researchers found those who exercised vigorously 30 minutes or more, at least three times a week, were one third less likely to have high blood pressure.

Technology The Executive weighs 100 times as much, is nearly 500 times as large by volume, cost approximately 10 times as much (adjusting for inflation), and has 1/100th the speed of the iPhone. An Osborne Executive portable computer, from 1982, and an iPhone, released 2007

Home Improvement Rip-Offs Home Improvement scams are all too common and many homeowners are vulnerable because they don’t know much about home repair. The good news is that you can protect yourself against these scams. Following are some common phrases that may be a tipoff to a home repair rip-off. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I was in the neighborhood I need cash up-front, or at least a large deposit I have a special limited-time offer I have leftover materials from another job I was driving by and I noticed a problem with your roof, chimney, etc. 6. You need to make this repair immediately Before signing paperwork with a contractor, check with your State Department of Consumer Affairs to confirm that they are licensed. Once you have determined that they are properly licensed to do home improvement repairs in your area, check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they have any complaints against them.

48 |

★ Government Watch By Fido - your government watchdog

National Debt ■ As of January 23, 2012, the U.S. national debt was $15,344,524,186,068.19. ■ The U.S. government currently has to borrow approximately 41 cents of every single dollar that it spends. ■ Approximately one out of every four dollars that the U.S. government borrows goes to pay the interest on the national debt. ■ If you were alive when Jesus was born and you spent one million dollars every single day since that point, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now.

Wages Salary of retired US Presidents

$450,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of House/Senate members

$174,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of Speaker of the House

$223,500 FOR LIFE

Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders

$193,400 FOR LIFE

Average salary of a soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN


Average income for seniors on SOCIAL SECURITY


Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline This important conduit of new energy would have brought Canada’s tar sands oil directly down to US refineries efficiently and safely by pipeline and would have created 20,000 new U.S. construction-related jobs over the next two years. More importantly, it would help support the creation of half-a-million new jobs by 2035. Republicans, business groups and even some Democrats immediately blasted the administration’s decision as a lost opportunity in a weak economy, and one that ignores America’s need for energy from reliable suppliers.

Gas Prices Soaring...

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:10 PM Page 49

H && & " %


105- &1>B5/1?

Public outcry over shocking survey results!

73% pick the Wedge Sound System in a head to head test against the $500 competition 1,000s of satisfied Wedge owners spark buying frenzy Has more features, costs $100s less and has amazing sound #A.85/ ;A@/>E ;B1> ?A>B1E @>5331>? ?;->5:3 019-:0 2;> @41 >-:710 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 -2@1> @41 ?A>B1E 2;A:0 ;2 <1;<81 2-B;>5:3 5@ ;B1> @41 9;>1 1D<1:?5B1 /;9 <1@5@5;: :0 -@ - 2>-/@5;: ;2 @41 <>5/1 @41 )1031 5? =A5/78E @A>:5:3 5:@; @45? E1->I? 4;@@1?@ ?1885:3 ?;A:0 ?E?@19 @? 4534 1:0 ?;A:0 =A-85@E -:0 8;C <>5/1 4-? <1;<81 ?/>-9.85:3 -:0 6-995:3 <4;:1 85:1? @; 31@ ;:1 2;> @419?18B1? -:0 -? 352@? '41 2-/@;>E /-: .->1 8E 711< A< C5@4 @45? 21B1>10 019-:0 2;> @41 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 &A>B1E >1?A8@? ?4;C ;B1> ;2 <1;<81 <5/7 @41 :1C )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 ;B1> @41 9;>1 1D<1:?5B1 A?5/ &E?@19 ;>1 <1;<81 <>1 21>>10 @41 )1031 .-?10 ;: ?;A:0 =A-85@E ?;A:0 /8->5 @E :A9.1> ;2 21-@A>1? -:0 .A580 =A-85@E :0 ;2 <1;<81 ?-50 @41 )1031 4-? ?;A:0 1=A-8 ;> ?A<1>5;> @; @41 A?5/ &E?@19 :0 -@ ;:8E 5@ 4-? 9A?5/ 8;B1>? .AFF5:3 C5@4 1D/5@191:@ '4-@I? ?-B5:3? ;> @41 25>?@ @591 -:E.;0E C588 .1 -.81 @; -22;>0 - @;< ;2 @41 85:1 ?;A:0 ?E?@19 #8A? @41 /;9<-:E @4-@ 4-? 01?53:10 @41 )1031 5? ;221>5:3 - 0-E ;:1E -/7 A->-:@11 ?; @41 <A.85/ /-: 41-> @41 />E?@-8 /81-> ?;A:0 2;> @419?18B1? >5?7 2>11 @>A8E A:5=A1 -?<1/@ ;2 @41 )1031 5? E;A C588 :1B1> 4-B1 @; ?1@ @41 /8;/7 '41 )1031 5? -8>1-0E ?1@ 2;> E;A C41: E;A <8A3 5@ 5: -:0 1B1: -06A?@? 2;> -E 8534@ &-B5:3? '591 :;@41> A:5=A1 21- @A>1 5? @41 0A-8 .-@@1>E .-/7 A< 2 @41 <;C1> 3;1? ;A@ @41 )1031 C;:I@ -:0 E;A> -8->9 C588 ?@588 3; ;22 *;A C588 :1B1> .1 8-@1 -3-5: :0 E;A /-: 85?@1: @; -:E <->@ ;2 E;A> 9A?5/ /;8 81/@5;: ;: E;A> )1031 >;9 ? -:0 # ? @; E;A> 2-B;>5@1 >-05; ?@-@5;: @41 )1031 <8-E? @419 -88 '41 )1031 1B1:

?@;>1? A< @; ;2 E;A> 2-B;>5@1 >-05; ?@-@5;:? 2;> =A5/7 -:0 1-?E -//1?? '; 31@ @41 ?/;;< ;: @45? :1C -:0 3>;A:0.>1-7 5:3 @1/4:;8;3E ?<;71 @; @41 41-0 ;2 #>;0A/@ %1?1->/4 -:0 1?53: 2;> @41 )1031 #-A8 ;;0 9-: Q. How can you offer such a high quality sound system in the Wedge for only $147 when the Leading Brand’s radio goes for $500? )1 4-B1 01?53:10 @41 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 2>;9 @41 3>;A:0 A< 88 /;?@? ->1 /8;?18E 9;:5@;>10 -:0 @4>;A34 - ?@>1-985:10 9-:A 2-/@A>5:3 @1/4:5=A1 @41 )1031 5? -.81 @; .1 ;221>10 -@ @45? A8@>- 8;C <>5/1 Q. How can the tabletop Wedge Sound System produce such lifelike sounds? "A> ?<1/5-8 1:35 :11>5:3 @1-9 4-? 01B18;<10 >1B;8A@5;:->E 01?53: 1:-.85:3 Wedge Sound System shocks the music community! @41 )1031 @; 2588 - >;;9 C5@4 '41 :1C )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 4-? 9A?5/ 8;B1>? .AFF5:3 C5@4 1D/5@191:@ !1B1> .12;>1 4-? ?A/4 - 4534 =A-85@E ?;A:0 ?E?@19 .11: ;221>10 @; @41 />E?@-8 /81-> ?;A:0 <A.85/ -@ ?A/4 - 8;C <>5/1 5:-88E - 4534 =A-85@E ?;A:0 ?E?@19 -:E.;0E /-: -22;>0 '41 )1031 4-? @41 Leading <1>21/@ .-8-:/1 ;2 <;C1> Wedge has more features! Wedge Here’s what a few of the thousands Brand 28;C5:3 @; 5@? ?<1-71>? ?; @41 $147 $500 of Wedge listeners have to say: ?;A:0 5? />E?@-8 /81-> C5@4 Price @41 B;8A91 ;: 8;C ;> 4534 Adjusts for Daylight Savings Time YES NO “The sound is so rich and clear from such a small Q. How easy is it to NO piece. I was really amazed and pleased.� set up the Wedge Sound Stores 20 Favorite Radio Stations YES System? 2 Separate Battery Back-ups YES NO -Bronwyn M. Owens, Taylor, MI '41 )1031 5? 4534 2 Separate Alarms YES NO 8E -0B-:/10 .A@ 5? - ?A<1> “Radio has excellent sound. Its clarity is excellent YES NO 1-?E @; A?1 ?;A:0 ?E?@19 SD Memory Slot for Mp3s and it’s like people are in the room. Who needs a 88 @41 25:1 @A:5:3 4-? .11: Displays Day of Week YES NO stereo system!!� 0;:1 2;> @41 /;:?A91> ?; -88 -Shelley Pearson, Poplar, WI YES NO @41E 4-B1 @; 0; 5? <8A3 5@ 5: Nap Alarm -:0 1:6;E @41 )1031I? />E? Remote Control YES YES “Wow, you caught me off guard. The compact @-8 /81-> ?;A:0 YES NO Wedge System sounds and looks great. I was !; 253A>5:3 ;A@ C41>1 Able to Operate Without Remote @; <8-/1 9A8@5<81 ?<1-71>? Play Music From iPodŽ (mp3 player) YES YES very surprised...� -:0 :; /;:2A?5:3 C5>1? @; #1 Pick in Survey -Chuck Zabriski, St. Petersburg, FL YES NO 4;;7 A< End of interview. SPECIAL READER’S DISCOUNT COUPON %1-01>? /-: 31@ @41 Readers of this publication get a FREE Remote Control and FREE -9 ;>01>5:3 C5@45: 0-E? ;2 @41 0-@1 ;2 @45? <A.85/-@5;: @41>12;>1 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19 C5@4 shipping B-8A1 C5@4 @45? /;A<;: -:0 <-E ;:8E 52 E;A ;>01> 31@ - FREE Remote Control <8A? FREE shipping and handling. E - % %19;@1 -:0 % C5@45: 0-E? :0 31@ -005@5;:-8 ?-B5:3? C41: ;>01>5:3 9;>1 @4-: ;:1 ?45<<5:3 -:0 4-:085:3 52 <>5/1 5? ;:8E 2;> )1031 ;:8E 2;> )1031? -:0 ;:8E )1031? ->1 ;:8E 1-/4 -:0 ->1 ;:8E 1-/4 '4-@I? - ?-B5:3? @41E ;>01> C5@45: @41 :1D@ 2;> )1031? $A-:@5@E ,,,,,, ;2 A< @; '41>1 5? - ?@>5/@ 8595@ ;2 )1031 &;A:0 &E?@19? -@ @41

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 3:48 PM Page 50

Just for Fun Crossword DOWN 1 Beige 2 Give temporarily 3 Dogfish 4 Hue 5 Bliss 6 Adhere 7 Shove 8 Competent 9 Unnecessary 10 Imperishability 11 Perpendicular to the keel 12 Literary genre 13 Fizzy drink 21 Supply with weapons 25 Varnish ingredient 26 Boom 27 Expect and wish 28 God of love 29 Invention 30 Willow 31 Frigid 33 Greek letter 34 Pear-shaped instrument 35 Biblical garden 36 Collections 38 Pertaining to tactics

41 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55

52 in Roman numerals Relating to an orbit Precious stone Weave diagonal lines into Lift Angers Smelting waste Not a single one Carry A hemispherical roof Nameless Canvas dwelling Therefore

ACROSS 1 Gladden 6 Extent 10 Cushions or mats 14 Comedian 15 Pipe 16 River of Spain 17 Showers 18 Small island 19 Absorb written material 20 Uncommitted 22 Mother 23 Biblical boat


How to Play: • • • •

Fill in the empty fields with the numbers from 1 through 9 Every row must contain the numbers from 1 through 9 Every column must contain the numbers from 1 through 9 Every 3x3 square must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

50 |

24 26 30 32 33 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45

Andean animal Religious belief Sea Sexually aroused Kind of triangle Atop Labors Naked Devastated Group of 8 Parish priest Putting surfaces Characteristic

Joke of the Month

47 48 49 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Confederate soldier Smack Frighten 53 in Roman numerals Not hot Laser printer powder As well Initial wager In the midst of Secluded valley Dregs Slowly, in music

Puzzle solutions on pg. 26

An atheist hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians, Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring," Case dismissed!" The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my Client and all other atheists have no such holidays." The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant." The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists." The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned."

Heard any good ones lately? Send them in!

Please submit your joke by emailing or mailing to Joke of the Month, c/o AMAC 5 Orville Drive, Suite 400, Bohemia, NY 11716. Your joke may be featured in our next magazine!

Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:10 PM Page 51

Are you suffering from a

Have you experienced failure of your hip implant, resulting in pain and disability that may or have required revision surgery to replace the failed component? Common symptoms include groin pain, dislocations, instability, and pain associated with loosening of the device and the release of metal particles into the joint. We are accepting cases for injuries caused by certain products manufactured by the

following two companies:

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Winter 2012 - Amac Advantage vol 6-iss 1_Layout 1 1/30/12 2:10 PM Page 53

★ Parting Thought

“An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot.” - T H O M A S PA I N E

Mark R. Levin Talks ‘Ameritopia’ continued from pg. 8

“When the fifty-five delegates met in Philadelphia in 1787 at what became known as the Constitutional Convention, their purpose was not to transform American society but to preserve and protect it.” Once again, I can’t help but think of Barack Obama’s “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Many of our GOP candidates are talking restoration. Are we seeing a utopianism versus constitutionalism battle play out right before our eyes this election season? Levin: I believe in terms of the public debate we are. How it actually works out should a Republican be elected president is another matter, given that recent Republican presidents have contributed to the massive growth of the federal government—from TARP and the auto industry bailouts to the expansion of entitlements and the debt. I also think that when folks read Ameritopia, they will have a much better understanding of this hugely important conflict of philosophies, so that when Obama says what he says, they will immediately understand the roots of his contempt for individual sovereignty, the civil society, and the limits the Constitution places on would-be masterminds, which is what he meant when he said he wants to fundamentally transform our society. Transform it into what? Well, his ideal society. It is important to also understand that despite all the grand talk of his supposed paradise, he cannot produce an actual, comprehensive blueprint for his ideal society. He mostly operates from the

notion that centralized, consolidated power in his hands and in the hands of those who agree with him is the necessary requisite for rearranging society in the most optimal way. Again, this is why I undertook this project. If people read Ameritopia, they will, I believe, see more clearly what is transpiring around them. Bila: I find Ameritopia to be a very realistic assessment of where we are, no sugarcoating whatsoever—“America has already transformed into Ameritopia.” You close with a very important question: “The essential question is whether, in America, the people’s psychology has been so successfully warped, the individual’s spirit so thoroughly trounced, and the civil society’s institutions so effectively overwhelmed that revival is possible.” Are we too far gone to get back on the right track? And what will it take—practically speaking— to make that happen? Levin: I do not know if we are too far off track to get back or not. I pose the question to the readers. Of course, time will tell. But I do think it is a daunting and formidable task, no question about it. I provide a limited list of suggested steps that can be taken to possibly begin reversing course in Liberty and Tyranny in the chapter “A Conservative Manifesto.” But whether enough of our fellow countrymen wish to live in Ameritopia instead of America is something we will learn in the near future, as the hour is short. | 53

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