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Word MarĂ­a D. Jorge


my name is MarĂ­a D. Jorge, I am Grafic Designer. I live in Valladolid Spain. I like two-dimensional design.I have interest for

editorial scope. In the following portfolio where you can see my best wor. You can find different jobs, from creation of posters or brochures to wine labels.The portfolio has a description and a brief summary about how it was carried out. You can visit my page mi Facebook. My issue in the next link for see my digital portfolio. And my Little promotional video.

mariadjorge.wordpress.com Facebook: My cretive word

Contents BOOK






Book This work was of the most complex in terms of production. This work consists of the redesign of the Anagramas´s Editorial. It has got several books called “Passwords”. They are about taboo subjects of society. Many of them were censored in Spain during the Franco´s period. These books were published in this period of time (1936-1975) because of the censorship and the spying. Both, covers and inside part have been redesigned. As you can see the cover´s paper is smashed. It means something like “spy”. Passwords are forbidden, hidden, private… I have written as the typical Top Secret typography. The tittles were written as the typography of the typewriters in the censorship period. The words with negative meaning will be crossed out and they will be replaced with positive words. I have used different materials in this book: craft paper for the covers and a rope to package the book. The inside was also redesigned to link it with the covers by means of the typography and the kind of paper. It is a rough paper. It has got a yellow colour. It seems an old book.

It means something like “spy”. Passwords are forbidden, hidden, private… I have written as the typical Top Secret typography.

Magazine Project of the magazine “CO” consist in the creation of contemporary and conceptual art magazine and one supplement. The name is “ CO” in a name short and sonorous, also is easy for pronounce. This name was printed with xylography technic. The magazine is divided in collaborators, introduction interviews and news. The person that appeared on the cover of magazine is the main interview Concept of this magazine is that you can participate in it, for example you can paint, write, break the page. The objective is that the magazine will be one personal artistic work. The name of the supplement is “News Co” is about young artists that are emerging in the actuality. In this extra is very important know the concept and and the image of the work There are three prototypes of covers dedicated to Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol and the last Josep Beuys. You can see my digital magazine and supplement in the next link. http://issuu.com/mawydominguezjorge

In this work speak about the kind of typographic classification Maximiliam Vox and the ATipy work. We had to do it in a brochure. It would be short, clear and concise. The classification is divided into classic, garaldas, of transition, didonas, mecanas, linear, calligraphic and decorative. The brochure would be light and compact, too. Easy to us, in fact. I chose light materials The typefaces are organized by colours, depending on the characteristics of them. Using pale colours it seems a manual office brochure. Each classification has an explanation and an example of all of them.

Comedia de cuatro amigas La veinte añeras serie está que estarán narrada por una hay para bloquera que compartir repasa los sus penas, secretos y alegrías, y temas más consejos. intimos de un grupo de jóvenes de la alta sociedad .

Esta infografía pertenece a las diez series mas vistas. Para un mejor entendimiento de ella, es necesario explicar que está odenado de menos a más, cada proporción del circulo corresponde a los espectadores y el color marca el numero de temporadas, por lo que tenemos en un mismo golpe de vista tres informaciones. Al lado de cada serie una breve descripción de esta.

Serie de médicos e internos, que tratan las relaciones interpersona les y profesionale s de cada uno.

Serie policíaca cuyo protagonista será Rick Castle, escritor de novelas negras que colabora con la policía donde conocerá al amor de su vida Kate Pocke

Serie de ficción. La acción se sitúa un pueblo ficticio encantado, la trama se centra en el triángulo amoroso Historia formado por unos de Oliver personajes, con Queen, un un pasado 'playboy' que oscuro. desaparece en un naufrafio y que, a fuerza de sobrevivir,se convierte en un maestro a la vuelta de la civilización se convertirá en superheroe Serie de ficción donde varias casas luchan por el trono del reino. Esta serie está repleta de violencia, sangre y sexo.

Emily Thorne, cuyo verdadero nombre es Amanda, con18 años decide vengarse de las personas que causaron la muerte de su padre.

Drama adolescente. La serie está narrada por una bloquera que repasa los secretos y temas más intimos de un grupo de jóvenes de la alta sociedad.

Un virus ha acabado prácticamente con la población mundial convirtiéndolos en zombis, los supervivientes lucharan para sobrevivir.

Infographic N ex t job consists of an inphog raphic of the ten most viewed series ranking: Girls, Vampire Chronicles, Anatomy of Grey, Castle, Gossip Girl, Revenge, The walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Arrow and The Game of Thrones. This inphog raphic is inser ted in a web page, so it must have the corporate colou rs o f th e p ag e. Moreover, it s ho u ld be put i n ord er, numb er of s eas o ns an d their audience. As you can see I use a graphic graduated in

nine segments and ten radius with Web Sensacine colours. The colours mean the season. The radius mean the audience (the more closed, the less viewed) and each filling segment means the ranking. means three seasons. Beside the graphic you can find the summary from each series. I have used the golden spiral and I have added a short inscription how to describe computer graphics easily. Finally, I have inserted it on the web page it belongs.

Poster This project is a poster that was presented as candidate to announce the competition of young creation in Soria in 2014. A young man is wearing a poster in his t-shirt. It was made of vinyl. It´s a fresh way to show the competition. When he was breathing, the t-shirt creased. This poster is not only a photograph, but it is full of symbolism. There are three important colours: Blue, the colour of the intelligence and wisdom; white colour symbolizes the purity of youth and the black background emphasizes the young figure. The model doesn´t show his face to not create a special kind of people. At present young people always use mobile phones, tablets and new technology. In this case we know he is a young man but he is carrying a notebook and a pen. People who look at the poster can think about that. Past or future? That´s the question.


The first job is about one bakery and pastry whose name is Pandora. This Idenditity has stationery design like letters, folders, visit card...Etc and everything for like bags or boxes. The identity is based on the colors(pink, blue, yellow)for the differents products and company charges. This job also belong to Marta Adelantado and Leire Cuadrado.

And finally the corporate identity for the company Luis Miguel DomĂ­nguez Constructions and remodeling. This bussines is new in the market. Also has stationery design and addition clothing, transport and web page. cosntruccionesluismiguel. wordpress.com

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