Research - Mind Mapping, Brainstorming, Analysis
To narrow focus on the problems elders face, in the case of this project, elders in 2050, I try to figure out how Millenials and Generation Z now would try to tackle on the problems elders currently experience.
Firstly, from the notes taken during the lecture on what we will experience as we get older, I took specific points and developed a mindmap to connect the problems and ‘solutions’-how Millenials and Gen Z would react to these problems.

I divided the mindmap in 4 categories of Social, Gadgets, Public Transport, and Health. These 4 categories are based on how the current generation will deal with the problems. This mindmap will later be developed in Miro with additional informations from research and interview.
Notes from class discussion on what we experience as we get older:
I try to focus on the positives/benefits of ageing. However, it is impossible to ignore the downsides of being an elder.
I also added a subject, that is my grandfather, to this mindmap. In this stage, I just recalled and imagine what my grandfather faces as he previously lived alone for about 16 years, he is now 85 years old and is currently living with his daughter’s family.
I then tried to think of a possible ‘solution’ to the conclusion that I came up with in the previous mindmap. The previous mindmapping concluded that old people who live alone needs to be taken care of or in other words need support.

By thinking on who will be the primary user of the device, what features the device offers, when and where the device will be used, and why the device is needed, I came up with an idea of a smarthome robot. However, after the tutorial session, this idea was too vague and I, myself, was not too intrigued with this idea. This was just an idea that came up because I was clueless on what to do next after the first mindmapping. Therefore, I had to do further research and analysis.
Hence, I continued on the research by first watching 6 interviews I found on YouTube. I aim to find out about the different perspectives on what elders feel about ageing and try to pinpoint the positive behaviours and activities on old people.
The ones marked with stars are the keypoints that I separated from the rest since I find it useful to learn about the behaviour of old people. The keypoints are written in the next page.

A 5 1/2 minute video on accepting the effects of ageing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eQDgrwRF0A
57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqSxjmvXzzY
58 Years Apart - A Girl and a Woman Talk About Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZZAAWxB_W4
Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AThycGCakk
How a 77-Year-Old Indonesian Chef Cooks 300 Lunches Every Day — First Person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7beH0xQBZEs
How to Age Gracefully | CBC Radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sycgL3Qg_Ak
• “I wish people had told me what to expect when I was growing up, because I’m still growing up”
• Misses all the activities she used to love doing, swimming, tennis, skiing (sports)
• Socialising, interacting with and in the neighbourhood is what keeps her bright
• not being able to do things that you could do when young
• Get sick more often
• Advices the young, comforts, and motivates them
• “(go) lead a successful and happy life”
• “Enjoy life”
• “Have a pile of fond memories, sit down and think of my past, try to recognise the story of people in my mind, mix them up together first, then pair them all”
• “I can live happily forever after because of my lovely memories”
• Likes to tell stories of their past
• Mentally very strong
• “When I’m in the kitchen... I’m happy”
• Cooks alone, no assistant because it will taste different and she’s afraid people will stop buying
• Advices the young
• “When you are young, you have great times, have lots of friends, you’re out all the time, you don’t have all these responsibilities, go off to dances, and pictures and parties, that’s why I would love to be younger”
• Getting old scares her - get more sick, not agile, can’t do loads of things you used to do
• <30 year old mostly talk about personal priorities
• >30 year old starts to think of well being, family
• 80 year olds talk about memories

• “Cultivate young friends. Otherwise, yours will die off”

Here is the fully developed mindmap from page 1. Using Miro, I reorganised and added more information from my research findings.
Continuing on the 4 categories of Social, Gadgets, Public Transport, and Health, there is the negative perspective from my grandfather’s experience on living alone.
Since the subject in my research is my grandfather, I was able to easily contact him and my mother to ask further details on what problems he experiences and how he face them. In addition to that, knowing that my grandfather experienced these problems, hence, I want to focus on designing for elders who live alone.
As shown on the top left corner of the mindmap, the different forms and colours of lines represents each of the following connections: Activities, Medium/Product, Negative for Current 65 Y.O., Positive for Current 65 Y.O., and Positive for Millenials + Gen Z in 2050
The major problem I found here was that elders need support. Elders are able to live alone, like my grandfather, however, they still do need support.
This mindmap will then be developed into a concise version used for the presentation

This is the mindmap used for the presentation to the class. The mindmap is divided into 5 categories: Title, Background, Struggle, Why, and Relation. Beside the title, “Old People VS Loneliness”, are statistics

I found from Campaign to EndLoneliness. The statistics show that there will be an increase in elders of age 65 to 74 who will live alone. The background introduces the 2 subjects in this research, my maternal grandfather and my paternal grandmother. Both of them are above 75 years old and live a different life. My grandfather lives alone with no support nearby, meanwhile my grandmother lives with family nearby.
Then it shows their struggles and why or how they experience with them.
The last section talks about the relation between the struggles both my grandparents experienced. They are share the same connection with memory.
Why are they connected with memory?
This goes back to the struggles my grandparents face individually. My grandfather complains about wanting ‘home cooked’ food when he knows it is impossible to get ‘home cooked’ food when he lives alone with no caretaker/cook. After further digging into why he complains about ‘home cooked’ food, I found out that this relates to his memory of eating together with his children and his late wife.
Certain food dishes like ‘sup merah’ (a dutch influenced tomato soup dish) reminds him of his late wife’s cooking for the family dinner at the cafe that they run together back then.
Same goes with my grandmother who listens to old chinese music that reminds her of her late husband. Not only that, reminiscing her husband through old chinese music they used to listen together sparks a conversation starter to her grandchildren, even other random young teens. This relates also to her social life that she loves talking about her life experiences.
Moreover, the regular social gathering that she has with her friends is starting to be less exciting to her since some regular friends/members have passed away. Certain things would reind her of her friends and that too would be a conversation starter.
I decided to focus on question 1 since it is really interesting to me if and how eating food can trigger positive memories.
Idea/Inspiration 1 - Smell & Touch
To close the presentation, I came up with 3 questions that will help me with the ideation process:
1. How can design trigger positive memory when eating?
2. How can design keep us in connections as we age?
3. How can design help old people get new generation of friends?
Ideation - Inspirations, Further Research, Design Direction
I tried to come up with 5 ideas of a product/service with the focus of the 3 keywords: Food, Positive, Memory

However, in the end, I had come up with 3 ideas, and another idea after the tutorial, and focused on 1. (4th idea not written in the notes)
Idea/Inspiration 2 - Atmosphere, Ambience, Audio
Google search result of scratch and sniff
After the tutorial feedback session, I discovered about the scratch and sniff kids storybook. This was an interesting input I got since it directly affects the sense of smell and adults who have used it as a kid can get the nostalgia of experiencing the book for the first time.

Therefore, the first idea was in the are of smell and touch and trying to relate that to food.
The second idea is inspired by a cooking segment called Dish Granted by the YouTube channel Watcher. In this video, the host, Steven, cooks for the guest star, Ronny Chieng, a dish that is based on his favourite food from his country.

In this case Steven attempts to cook authentic malaysian street food. As an addition to that, Steven and his team decorated the room to imitate the environment of street food in Malaysia.
By searching on the internet on how positive memory can be triggered, I found 2 possible ways that is by the Proust Effect and the other being artificially manipulate positive memory in the brain. These two will be further researched in the next page.
Artificially Manipulate Positive Memory

When researching on how positive memory can be triggered, I cam across this article from Boston University that found a way to artificially trigger positive memory with the use of light. Harmless light is shown into the cells with negative memory and can be altered into positive memory cells.

This was an interesting find since it has been proven to work on mice.

Feedback after tutorial
After doing the tutorial, I was told to think of a product that is more functional, a physical product. Since, with the 3 previous ideas, it require lots of speculations and imaginary needed to design the product/service. In this case, the example I was given was to trigger memory by the process of doing an activity, a cooking kit for old people. It solves the problem of wanting home cooking food and at the same time able to remember past memories of their favourite food.
Talking about the first idea, I realised that it is difficult to imitate/describe the taste and or smell with the idea of scratch and sniff. Especially when it comes to complex food like curry.
Idea/Inspiration 4 - The Proust Effect
What the nose knows - The Harvard Gazette
I started on researching on if and how food and memory are related and found out about the Proust Effect or the Proustian Moment. The proust effect refers to a sensory experience, from eating food, triggers a rush of memories of the past. This website article from The Harvard Gazette explains how scent, emotion, and memory are connected. This is because smell and emotion are stored in one memory.

At this stage of the project, I had to choose 1 idea to focus on in order to start with the design process. However, I was still unsure of the 3 ideas I came up with. Therefore, I did further research. This time focusing on the 2 keywords, food and memory.

oPhone DUO - Vapor Communications
Now available on the Web? SmellsThe Harvard Gazette
Illustration showing the Proust Effect

After I learnt about the Proust Effect. I was most excited about this topic as compared to the rest of the ideas as I felt that this can come up with a solution to my grandfather’s problems with food and memory, and living alone. Hence, I focused on idea 4, the Proust Effect, for the project.
What has been done?
Before coming up with the design direction, I first researched on what products are out there in the world that makes use of the Proust Effect.

To my surprise, there are many products, though not sold in retail, that have tried to take advantage of the Proust Effect.

I have chosen 2 olfactory device products, oPhone DUO and inScent, to be analysed and for me to understand how it works.

The picture to the right of this text box is a screenshot from the demo video in their YouTube Channel, Vapor Communications.

How to use

What about the oPhone?

I think the oPhone is a brilliant idea, especially knowing that it works in real life based on the demos they showcase on their youtube channel. It definitely does what they market that is, “elicit memories, diminish stress, and excite our emotions. Imagine sharing these memories and emotions with friends. This is what oPhone allows you to do.”
Design - Shape and Form
• Not portable/wearable, therefore, only can be used when in the same space with the device.

• Odd shape
• Futuristic with the all white and shape, almost alien-like
• Cartridge hidden and easy to access

How did oPhone succeed in creating a functional and efficient product?
After studying about oPhone, I proceeded to list down the next steps to do and at the same time brainstorm on how I can develop a product with the concept of “Scent Messaging”.
The Pros and Cons are divided in the table shown by the pciture of my notes (right). I circled the points that I feel I can redesign or improve.

Then, I continued with brainstorming ideas to find out what can be improved. It is separated into 3 categories: Design, Added Features, and Service.
The section on the right, labelled “New Ideas”, show ideas of designing a product or service from scratch.
I was especially fond of the idea of adding a new feature that was inspired by the function of the vape. Since that means that the user will not only be able to see the image of the food and smell the food but also taste it. Moreover, I thought of adding a speaker to the oPhone redesign, to imitate the texture of the food when bitten (crunch). This the sense of hearing as well. Together they make a sensory explosion. Which in other words, increase the effectiveness of the Proust Effect.
The first idea was to find out what the pros and cons of oPhone is and find what I can improve from there. I will also be exploring on the possibility of having a ‘vape’ function integrated in a deivce like the oPhone. Perhaps the device will be an everyday carry? A wearable device?

oPhone Redesign Ideas
However, I did not just stick to the ‘vape’ inspired idea. I explored on the idea of adding a new service that is subsciption based and also the possibility of customising your own flavour/scent profiles.
With the subscription, the user will recieve different sets of scents on a weekly or monthly basis. The scents can range from the cultures (Indonesian/Indian/British), time of the year (Christmas, Summer), or Organic scents.
In my opinion the customisation of personal scent is an important service since it directly involves the user to be able to take control on their own devices.
After the tutorial, I got feedback that says my purpose in designing my product has to be clear. It has to be clear on what problem the device solves, who is it for, why the product is needed.
Previously, I was also concerned of the ‘vape’ idea as I thought it might not be ‘ethical’ or morally not accepted by people. However, I was reassured that it is not a problem since I am just taking that idea of tasting the flavour, nothing to do with the nicotine addiction.
Therefore the next step is to find out how scent delivery works and start sketching the form and shape.
As I was searching for how scent delivery works in olfactory deivces, I came across a research paper on the development of inScent.
The research paper also showed how they were able to figure out the most effective method of scent delivery and explain why.

I concluded the explanation in my notebook: I was interested to know more about inScent. This is because it is a wearabe olfactory device, which is part of my idea to design a wearable olfactory device. I also found out about their weakness by getting information on their feedbacks written in the paper.

inScent Feedbacks/Analysis
The Design
With the design, it is clear that users want a small, lightweight, and subtle design on the device. Since it is wearable, it has to be comfortable to the use and when people see the device, you will not be seen as weird.
Ideation - Inspirations, Further Reseach, Design Direction
Subtlety Experience
With subtlety, the users mentioned about not wanting the smell to be shared with people around them. and also the scent delivery has to be quiet (the axial fan).
Another point was the need of motion detection sensors to detect whether the user is in fast or slow motion or is stationary. This way the scent delivery can be measured the intensity based on motion.
It was also mentioned that users want control over their device. The one most requested was a silent feature. herefore, they can control when and where they want to receive scents.
The research paper also mentioned on pollution. The overuse of smell when multiple notifications are received within a short amount of time. Therefore, their solution was to only allow the generation of scent on the first message of the conversation, the following texts will not deliver scents.
In this part of the notes, it explains on the experience of scent to replace the traditional way of notification that is vibration. Does scent work as a notification? The answer is yes and no. It is not as alert as vibration but it is a more pleasant and positively connoted compared to other forms of notification.

In the end, it was clear that olfactory device cannot be used as a replacement for the common vibrate notification, however, it is an effective way to amplify a notification.
Product Idea - Features & Inspirations

HAZE is a hybrid product of nebulizer and inhaler. When used indoor, full unit is operated for soft, long-lasting experience. For outfoor usage as an inhaler, upper section is separated for better portability.

More about HAZE: https://www.behance.net/gallery/139007303/H-A-Z-E
When I found HAZE on behance, I was amazed with the idea of integrating the two devices into 1 seamless, portable device. My idea also revolves around having the full unit with more flavours and scents but can be detached and used as a scentification pob (similar to vaping but without nicotine).
Inspired by the oPhone, I came up with the idea of having a portable device that can be put in the dock or removed from the dock and used as a wearable/ carry on device. This dock idea was initially inspired by the nintendo switch. It can be played without the dock, portable enough to carry and play anywhere, but, can be inserted in the dock to play on big screen and contains other features too. However, I later found out about HAZE.

Air Sniffler MIRO BOARD
Compact air quality monitoring device paired with educational smartphone app.
Main uses:

1. Tracking air quality in the city and building a live air quality map.
2. Tracking air quality when doing sports, camping, hiking, etc. and finding the healthiest places to do so.

3. Tracking air quality in various workplaces to identify problems and protect workers.
1. 61.2 x 29.7 x 21.7 mm (24 grams) 2. 2-week battery life 3. USB Type-C charging 4. Bluetooth 5. MOS-type sensor for detecting oxidizing and reduction gases 6. Temperature and relative humidity (RH) sensor 7. UV sensor

The Airsniffler succeeds to performs as a compact air quality monitoring device as it is small in size and does not weigh a lot. This makes it perfect for what it is used for, outdoor activities/sports. It definitely is wearable.

The miro board in the previous page showed some words highlighted in blue or red. The blue is meant to show that the idea is still vague, meanwhile, the red shows that the idea is rejected and I will not continue with it.

The ones highlighted in blue are about the docking system. The Nintendo and HAZE inspired idea is still vague since I am unsure of its existence, whether it is needed or not. This is because my idea of the dock was only for the detachable scentification pod to be able to charge and at the same time contain more scents in the dock. However, I feel that users will find the dock redundant and question why the scents are not just built in the detachable/portable pod. Another perspective is that it diminishes the idea of designing an effective product for old people since this product needs 2 steps if wanted to use to full potential.
As a result, I try to focus more on the portable/wearable device. But first I researched about how the vape works, specifically about the production of the vapour. After that, I researched whether it is possible to produce accurate food scents.

Research - Food Hacking Food perfume
In this video by the YouTube Channel, Munchies, a ‘hacker’ from Japan, Akihiko Iyoda, tries to alter the taste of food by creating food perfumes and spraying them onto food.

Research - How does the vape work?
In the video, he grilled beef in the pan and extracted the oil and fats. The oil and fats are used to make the perfume that is filled in the tiny perfume bottle. As expected, the perfume tastes like BBQ beef and the smell of grilled meat stuck onto your clothes.

From these two research, it can be concluded that it is possible to create ‘smokeless’ vapour clouds and imitate the smell and taste of complex food into liquid.
However, making the vape liquid ‘smokeless’ also means that it will have a stronger flavour and at the same time increas throat hit. A throat hit is the feeling when the inhaled vapor from your e-cig “hits” the back of your throat. This can be uncomfortable especially for old people and those who do not smoke. Therefore, I do not want to continue with the idea of vaping.
What to Design?
• Application for control over device and socailising
• Wearable device (Scentification)
In the next stage, I will start brainstorming and developing the ideas for the application and the device.

After the tutorial session, I decided to focus on the wearable device only. The idea of the dock and vape is no longer used.
I continued with another research on cognitive ageing and found a book that talks about what happens with our cognitive abilities as we age and how it affects our performance. The book also mentioned about what to remember when designing for cognitive ageing.
Research - Cognitive Ageing

• Mental process become less efficient
• Diminished mental resources to draw on quickly and this limit’s ones ability to perform mental tasks
• Performance deteriorates on cognitive tasks as older adults are slow to perform early steps in a complex cognitive task
• Hence, never reaching the later stages as the products of earlier operations are not available to them due to cognitive slowing.
• Keep in mind the working memory load associated with material when designing everyday information
• Best to design instructions so memory load is as low as possible
• Memory cues, encouragement (rewards?), write down information likely to forget, are important support that can result in good memory
Brainstorm - App Features & Brand Name
In this Miro board, I try to figure out briefly what Snifty is, why the need for Snifty, and how Snifty works.
The focus here is more on figuring out the features of Snifty. For what is it used for?

Brainstorm - Snifty Product Features

Reminder for:
1. Medicine 2. Relaxant/Sleep
3. Eat
4. Productivity
5. Personalised scent message
6. Custom setting (Trigger positive memories)
Application Features:
• Control scent intensity
• Set reminder
• Control over which apps can be accessed by Snifty
• Choose contacts
• See how many sprays left
• Shopping page
• Profile/Device/Home page
• Settings for profile
• See if device is connected
• Profile level?
• Forum/Discussion page
• Messaging
Brand Name:
• Sniffty (Chosen)
• Sniffy
• iSniffed
Next steps:
• Type of cartridge?
• How many scents?
• What scents?
Ideation - Inspirations,
Brainstorm - Scent Choices

In this Miro board, I aim to find out what scents are used for each of the features. Then I try to briefly figure out the marketing strategy of selling the scents. In this miro I thought of a seasonal bundle where the scents are based on the season (Ex: Christmas).
I decided that the cartridge will be in 3 separate pieces.
1 Cartridge holds up to 4 scents, which will be the base scents. The other 2 scents that are customised are separated to 2 individual cartridges.
Instead of scent bundles based on the season or holiday.
I came up with an idea of having the scent bundles based on the culture and the smell in the environment.

Design - Sketches, Prototype, CAD, 3D printing
Before designing for Snifty, I first analysed inScent’s specifications. I learnt what parts are needed and speculate on which parts can be made smaller/ compact. I also took notes on the important aspects like the cartridge and parts needed.

inScent Product Breakdown Analysis
After analysing inScent, I came to a conclusion that the shape and size of inScent is too big for a product to be worn, it is too bulky. Therefore, taking into consideration of the 3 design keywords: Subtle, Comfort, and Simple. I explored on shape and form that are we see everyday.
I then continued with making rough models using foam. On the next page are pictures of me trying to see which shape and form is looks and feels the most subtle, comfortable, and simple.

Chosen Shape and Form
Sketches on where to put the logo, button, charging port, and LED indicator. Helps with visualising where to put each of the components.
I chose this shape as it looked the most subtle, simple, yet comfortable out of the rest. I think that is so as we are used to seeing rectangles and cuboids in everyday life, hence, making this shape suitable for subtlety.
6cm x 3cm x 3cm

Sketches for the clip. These clips are integrated seamlessly into 1 body part of the product.
In this part, I try to explore on other shapes using the cuuboid as reference. I tried to imitate the look and shape of the nose side view. I used the drawing of the nose below as reference. These are sketches for the clip that can be pinched and will clamp on the clothing. Similar to clothes peg.

The next step was to make the rough model, this will help me decide on which shape and form looks the best.
I used pen to measure and mark the areas which I want to remove. Then I use the hot wire foam cutter to trim the unwanted parts.
Here are all the rough models I have created. I find the ones shaped like the nose more eye-catching as compared to the cuboid ones. The aim is to find the one that looks the most interesting, yet still subtle to the eye.

Another important consideration is the size. It has to be able to fit all these components:

Chosen model Visioning Component Layout

6cm x 3cm x 3cm 6cm x 4cm x 3cm

This is the chosen model since it fits all the criteria needed for Snifty. It has a distinct shape, looks like a nose from the side, and has a blocky/cuboid part that will be able to fit the components needed for snifty. However, it does still need to have a bigger space for all the components. Therefore, I increased the width of the model shown in the sketch by 1cm making it 4cm.

• Cartridge
• Battery
• Axial Fan
• LED indicator
• Spray hole
• Logo
• Charging Port
Tutorial Feedback:
Research on Injection Moulding
Since I was clueless on what injection Moulding is, therefore I researched on how it works. I also learnt about things to consider, like draft, when designing for injection moulding.

• Think about how the product will be manufactured
• Injection Molding
CAD & 3D Print For The First Time

Since this is my first time experiencing the 3D printer, therefore, I wanted to try and see how the 3D printer works, and how the result look and feel.

3D Test Model Analysis

CAD Model - More Test Prints, Trial & Errors

The red arrows on the picture above shows the current direction of spray. It is clearly seen that the spray will hit the chin, hence, spray angle has to be directed away from the neck and chin. A solution is maybe to relocate the spray hole to the front face, angled to the nose.

Another problem with the test print model was with the flexibility of the clip. It was not flexible enough for easy clip on thicker clothes like the jacket. It was also not ‘biting’ enough onto thinner clothes.
Therefore, I came up with the idea of making an angled/curved clip.

However, I was not satisfied with the result.
The curved clip does not look like it is part of the design, does not look seamless. It also loses the cuboid look.
Thus, I will design with the straight clip, but this time reduce the gap in between the clip so that it is able to bite into any material and thickness of clothing.
I came across a problem with the shell feature when designing the CAD model. After reviewing with peers, I found out that this is not the way to use the shell feature. I expected that the shell feature would hollow the inside of the body, which it did not. Hence, I decided to save this file and duplicated the file and figured out a way to hollow the model.

What Went Right & What Went Wrong
I successfully designed the CAD model of Snifty with the hollowed body. This means that I will be able to start designing for the inside of the device (component positions).
However, there was something wrong with the 3D printing result. The outer surface is not smooth at all. It is stringy and rough. This may be because I did not set it properly flat in the Cura software.

Moreover, the snapfit clips are not strong enough when I tried to snap the 2 parts together. This is because of the 3D print material of PLA is not strong enough for thin designs. In addition to that, the clips are printed horizontaly, this means that there is no support when it is flexing (As shown in the picture below, the lines represent the print layers)
Tutorial Feedback:
I needed the clips to work as this would imitate how the two bodies, manufactured with the method of injection moulding, would close together seamlessly.
• Good to see how the product would be manufactured
• Print the two bodies with support (Hollow side down)
• Print the clips section itself, no need to print the whole body with the clips (Hopefully have stronger clips)

2 Hollow Bodies
What Went Right & What Went Wrong (Part 2)
This print is nowhere near perfect but it is definitely a smoother print as compared to the previous trial. It got to print every detail right and it is clear.
But it did flex a bit in the corner (picture 3, right most). This made a gap appear, most noticeable at the backside of the print.

However, with the real process of injection moulding, the 2 body parts will join tightly, seamlessly.

Comparison between Test Model 1 & Test Model 2
As you can see here, it is obvious that test model 2 will work better than test model one in terms of delivering the scent as represented by the arrows.

Aside from the repositioning of the spray hole, I also added a chamfer in the front face of the body, and created a more curved edges. As a result, it looked smaller, less bulky, even though the two are still the same size. Test model 2 is definitely an improvement.

Snapfit Clips
What Went Right & What Went Wrong (Part 3)
I expected that it will result in a stronger structure but still the main problem is with the printing layers. The two red lines in the picture shows where the layers start to break off.

The second picture shows a more detailed view on the print layers. That is why the layers are fragile when thin structures are printed.
This clip print is to show how the two bodies will be put together in the context of manufacturing by injection moulding. In real production, these clips would work.

• Print the clips double the original size (Look at page 40)

Designing the inside of the device

After I figured out the print with the 2 hollow body parts and the sectioned parts with the clips, I continued working on the final model of Snifty. In this stage, I briefly designed the layout of the components inside. The aim here is to see how all the components fit inside.
As reference, I searched up battery and axial fan that can fit perfectly inside the Snifty device.
Battery: 0.42 x 50.1 x 23.1mm

Mini Axial Fan: 18 x 18 x 10mm

Finalising The CAD Model

After I figured out the print with the 2 body parts and the sectioned parts with the clips, I continued working on the final model of Snifty. In this stage, I added a button and a cartridge cover.

The button is located on the top of the device for easy access by the user. The function of this button is to enable user to spray one of their customised/chosen scent at anytime they want by pressing the button.
The button has a slight curve towards the middle of the square button. This is to make it distinct amongst the flat top surface and make it comfortable to press.

Cartridge Slider/Storage
The cartridge cover is inspired by the battery cover from cameras. The latch makes it easier for user, especially with older people, to open and close since user will not need to worry of losing the cover.
Cartridge Cover
The cartridge cover is inspired by the battery cover from cameras. The latch makes it easier for user, especially with older people, to open and close since user will not need to worry of losing the cover.

Cartridge + Tray Design

Based on the Miro Board in page 20-21, there will be a total of 6 scent cartridges needed for Snifty. 4 of which are base scents/cartridges that comes from Snifty, and the other 2 individual cartridges can be customed/requested/chosen by the consumer’s themselves.
Cartridge Tray - 49 x 25 x 5mm

Base Cartridge - 31.2 x 21 x 4mm
Individual Cartridge - 14.8 x 10 x 4mm
I am confident with the small size of the cartridge i designed is possible to work as there is a Scentee that uses a similar size and form of a SIM card. It can release up to 100 sprays. Therefore, it definitely is possible to have a more compact and small cartridge that can last long in the future.
Using the animation feature from Fusion 360, I decided to give animation a try and see how to animate the 3D model of Snifty and show the cartridge and the cover.

It definitely took me some time to figure out which is which, how to make the parts move, using the timeline, since I did not watch a tutorial. However, once I figured out which buttons does something, I progressively figured out how to do simple animations. The video animation is uploaded on YouTube.

Snifty - Logotype, Colours, Assets Application Design
Before designing the application and the final render of Snifty, I first figured out simple branding identity to be used for the rest of the designs.
I chose the combination of white and blue as it makes the brand feel friendly and comforting.
The dominant colour is white and the 2 shades of blue will be used as accents in the designs
Remembering the brainstorm ideas for the application features in page -, I try to seperate the features into their own pages.
Font used for Logotype: Chillax Medium
Application Features:
• Control scent intensity
• Set reminder
• Control over which apps can be accessed by Snifty
• Choose contacts
• See how many sprays left
• Shopping page
• Profile/Device/Home
• Settings for profile
• See if device is connected
• Profile level?
• Achievements?
• Social
• Forum/Discussion page
• Messaging
Nose illustrations will be used as profile pictures and other branding purposes. These illustrations are recycled ideas based on the shape and form sketches in page -.
The colours indicate the different pages I needed to design. I wanted to desig. the app to be as simple and intuitive to use. Especially because as we age our mental performance will decrease, making it slower for our brain to make decisions and perform tasks (Research based on page -). Therefore, I did not want to put too much pages.
I used Figma to design the Snifty app and to make the prototype. This is my first time trying Figma since I heard that it is a neater and more intuitive software as compared with Adobe XD. However, this was not as difficult as using Autodesk Fusion360 since I had experience in using Adobe XD to design website before. The next page shows my workspace in Figma.

When the app is first launched, the Snifty logo will first appear then dissolve into the next page.

Home Page
Profile, Cartridge Info, Control Intensity, Set Reminders, Set App Notifications
I put all the features and settings in one page since I feel like this would lessen the need to change pages through the navigation bar. Hence, the user just needs to scroll to their need.
With the ‘Cartridge’ feature, users can see how many sprays each cartridge has generated, that way, users can monitor and estimate how much sprays left each cartridge has.
The user then can change the Spray Intensity by clicking 1 of 3 options from the less intense (150 sprays), up to the most intense spray (100 sprays).

The user can then see their medicine and eating schedule with the details information.

Achievement Page
Profile level, SnifPoints, Achievements
Here users can see their profile level and SnifPoints. SnifPoints is a digital currency that can be spent in the shop to buy scent cartridges or get vouchers. SnifPoints can be collected by fulfilling the Snifty Achievements. This is part of gamifying the app and the user’s experience. This will boost the user’s experience with Snifty and reward user’s for supporting Snifty.

Social Page
Friends, Discovery (Discussion Forums)
In the social page, users can see their friends at the top most of the page. This makes the friends list the first thing the users see, hence, encourage to socialise (start a chat).

The ‘Discover’ section shows all the forum/discussion pages that have been uploaded by all Snifty users.

Messaging Page
The messaging app can be accessed by clicking one of the friends in the social page. Not only can users start a chat, but users can send each other scents. This is done by the blue button with the spray icon on the top right corner of the page (beside the contact name).

When a user sends a scent, the receiver receives one of their custom scent that is also used when they press the button on the Snifty device.
Shopping Page
Search bar, Wishlist, Cart, Scents,
In the shopping page, users are able to shop for more cartridges. The cartridges are divided into different categories.
The scent bundle is a set of cartridges (6 in total) where the scents are based on a culture/environment. An example of the bundle is Indonesian Street Food. The scent bundle will contain the different scents you can smell when you go to a food market in Indonesia.
Forum Page
The forum page is accessed from the ‘Discover’ section in the social page. This is a space for Snifty users to share their experience about Snifty and other interests.
Render - Blender, Photoshop
In this stage, I am unsure of how the outcome would be as this is my first time trying designing CAD models and now rendering the models to look beautiful. I use both Blender and Photoshop. Blender for the renders and Photoshop for edits and touchups.
With the help of my peer, I was able to learn the basics of Blender within 1 day. I learnt how to add shapes, lights and a camera. I was also taught how to set up a ‘photography studio’ setup. This way I was able to create a backdrop, add and position the lights, and also set up the camera lens and resolution.
Utilising my basic knowledge of Blender, I tried to produce renders of the Snifty device, showcasing the different components in different angles.
Another skill I was taught was to add colours onto the model of Snifty. In addition to that, I learnt how to add images (Logo) into the model via YouTube.
After using Blender for about 2 days, I realise that it is a pretty straightforward software. However, the number of settings to choose and tweak is a lot and can be very overwhelming.

The Colours
Following the brand identity, white is dominantly used and blue acts as accent colours which are applied on the button and the logo. The cartridge tray is also blue. The contrast between the blue tray and white body makes it easier to differentiate in the product.
Logo Position
The logo is positioned at the bottom angled part of the product so that the product will still look clean and simple with the dominant white colour when viewed from the front. However, when used by the user, since the device will be angled due to the chest, the logo will be easily visible.

Why in green?
I rendered several images in green background/ body since it takes a long time to render the images. Therefore, the green will make it easier for me to edit in Photoshop if I need a different colour. This way it would be less time consuming.

The Cartridge
After successfully changing the colour of the cartridge, I proceeded on with adding emboss of illustrations on the surface of the cartridge. The illustrations depend on what the theme of the scent cartridge bundle is. In this case the theme is Indonesian Street Food.
The Illustrations
I used pictures I found on the internet as references for my illustration. I traced them on Adobe Illustrator.

What is Snifty?
Snifty is a wearable, scent device that helps people of all age live a healthy lifestyle. Think of Snifty as your personal caretaker. Paired with the Snifty app, you are able to set time of when scent can be delivered to you as a reminder to eat, drink medicine, boost productivity, relaxant, and the best part, sniff positive fragrances.
Size: 6 x 4 x 3cm Charging: USB-C
Cartridge Tray Size: 49 x 25 x 5mm
Snifty takes advantage of the concept of the Proust Effect, that is the moment where you recall memories of the past from a sensory experience like sniffing. With the ability to customise your own scents, you are sure to be able to receive positive scents that will help you live a healthy lifestyle.
Base Cartridge Size: 31.2 x 21 x 4mm
Individual Cartridge Size: 14.8 x 10 x 4mm
Why do I need

Snifty can fit up to 6 different scents. There are 3 separate cartridges, 1 holds up to 4 scents, which are the base scents, and the other 2 cartridges contain only 1 scent which can easily be swapped with any scent you would like. You can even request a scent to be customised personally for you.
Base Cartridge Size: 31.2 x 21 x 4mm
Individual Cartridge Size: 4.8 x 10 x 4mm

C-C (1.5:1)
Top View
23.9 10 2 10 C
B (2:1) Final Result

I believe that the product I have developed, Snifty, can help not only with old people in 2050 but other ages as well. This is because Snifty helps with living a better life. Supports by reminding and triggering your senses to feel hungry when it is time to eat, make you relax when it is time for bed, make you alerted when it is time to drik your medicine, and also keeps your mood positive with the 2 customised scents you are able to set.
Reflective Summary
With more time, more money, and more resources, I do belive that I can improve or add on Snifty’s features and build an entire eco system. Snifty will not just be 1 product, but, a variety of products that support each needs. Instead of triggering the sense of scent for well-being, maybe another product of Snifty is to trigger sense of hearing and smell to create a more effective, immersive experience.
With the current project, I believe I can improve many aspects especially with the app. Perhaps a feature where food can be delivered via the app to make sure that food will be ready for the next meal time. Another addition, which should be in the current app, is the sleeping schedule reminder. Due to the short time for this project and the amount of learning curve I had to overcome, with CAD and rendering in Blender, I rushed through the app and missed out on the sleeping reminder feature.
Overall, I am impressed of the final result, though, I wish that I can improve my rendering skills, with the lighting and exporting (current renders are not sharp).
1. https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=LXJ3SeXoHvoC&oi=fnd&pg=P
2. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/02/how-scent-emotion-andmemory-are-intertwined-and-exploited/
3. https://www.bu.edu/articles/2022/unlocking-the-power-of-our-emotionalmemory/
4. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2014/06/now-available-on-the-websmells/
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bagbUlCceN0
6. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ophone-duo#/
7. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/ophone-scent-sending-phone
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCKCjhwdITI
9. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319589715_inScent_a_wearable_ olfactory_display_as_an_amplification_for_mobile_notifications
10. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/plans-for-first-e-cigarette-wentup-in-smoke-50-years-ago-180970730/
11. https://ecigfind.com/vape-with-no-smoke-vapourless-e-liquid/
12. https://www.jacvapour.com/e-liquid/clear-steam?affiliate_id=ecigfind
13. https://atriumsbytutera.com/blog/stimulate-your-appetite-with-essential-oils/
14. https://www.greatitalianchefs.com/features/food-fragrances
15. https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/food-hacking-how-make-food-
16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdLya56NZ_w&t=7s
17. http://scentee.com/_tanks
18. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/09/technology/personaltech/scentreceived-with-a-tap-of-a-smartphone.html
19. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/bedroom-environment/how-smell-affectsyour-sleep
20. https://www.dana.org/article/cognitive-skills-and-the-aging-brain-what-toexpect/
21. https://www.behance.net/gallery/149771745/Airsniffler
22. https://www.behance.net/gallery/139007303/H-A-Z-E