In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines
Jan - Feb 2018 Vol 5 Issue 1
INSIDE explore
Doha is a blend of traditional and modern
Culture Dhaka art summit is all set to enthral people
Sundarbans The pride of Bangladesh
Happy New Year A M Mosaddique Ahmed Managing Director & CEO (Biman Bangladesh Airlines)
onboard and thank you for choosing Biman Bangladesh Airlines. Our cabin crews are here to attend to all your needs and make your journey a memorable one. Enjoy traditional Bengali hospitality throughout the flight.
We are delighted to announce that our fleet will be enriched through induction of two Boeing 787-8, two 777-300 ER and one Dash8 Q400 aircraft in 2018. These are some of the many steps that we are taking to expand our horizon and enhance our ability to serve you better. Our new Boeing 787-8 aircraft will be fitted with world class Inflight Entertainment (IFE) system. Passengers will be able to enjoy Wi-Fi 43,000 feet up in the sky and also can make phone calls onboard to anywhere in the world. Real time live streaming of world famous nine TV Channels on-board will also be available. The larger windows and quieter cabin along mood light will ensure that you arrive at your destination ready to face the world. As we embark into the New Year we will have many positive developments to announce over the coming days and months. We will soon open up new destinations for you. The cooler months always attract more visitors to Bangladesh. The weather is at its best, which ensures the most comfortable time to explore the mistshrouded wonder of nature, the Sundarbans. Last year Bangladesh, our motherland, celebrated its 46 year of independence and Biman, the national flag carrier also celebrates its 46th founding anniversary this year. We are proud to be the most prominent and conspicuous brand ambassador for Bangladesh. The Biman tail insignia signifies our pride and the values and ideals we as a nation cherish. With our network of 22 destinations both local and global, we truly are the Bangladeshi transnational company connecting Bangladeshis to the world. On behalf of all the employees of Biman, I wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Have a wonderful flying experience!
jan - feb 2018
¯^vMZ| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBbm‡K †e‡Q †bIqvi Rb¨ Avcbv‡K ab¨ev`| Avcbvi hvÎv‡K ¯§iYxq K‡i ivL‡Z Avgv‡`i †Kweb µziv hveZxq Pvwn`v c~i‡Y ˆZwi Av‡Q| hvÎvRy‡o Dc‡fvM Ki“b wPivqZ evOvwj AvwZ‡_qZv| Avgiv D”Q¡v‡mi m‡½ Rvbvw”Q †h 2018 mv‡ji g‡a¨B `y‡Uv †evwqs 787-8 I `y‡Uv 777-300BAvi I GKwU W¨vk8 wKD-400 GqviµvdU Avgv‡`i eni‡K mg„× Ki‡Z P‡j‡Q| G wm×vš—¸‡jv Avgv‡`i †mevi cwimi I Avcbv‡`i AwaKZi †mev cÖ`v‡bi my‡hvM m¤úªmvwiZ Kivi A‡bK¸‡jv av‡ci K‡qKwU| Avgv‡`i bZzb †evwqs 787-8 Gqviµvd‡U _vK‡Q wek¦gv‡bi Bbd¬vBU G›Uvi‡UBb‡g›U wm‡÷g (AvBGdB)| AvKv‡k 43,000 nvRvi dzU DuPz †_‡KI hvÎxiv IqvB-dvB †mev Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| †dv‡b Kj Ki‡Z cvi‡eb we‡k¦i †h‡Kv‡bv cÖv‡š—| D‡ovRvnv‡R mivmwi m¤úªPvi Kiv n‡e 9wU RbwcÖq wUwf P¨v‡bj| mycwimi Rvbvjv I c~Y©v½ †Kwe‡bi m‡½ Av‡Q gyW jvBU; hv wbwðZ Ki‡e Mš—‡e¨ †cuŠ‡QB `ywbqvi gy‡LvgywL `uvov‡Z Avcwb cy‡ivcywi cÖ¯—yZ| bZzb eQi‡K wN‡i Avmbœ gvm¸‡jv‡Z Avgiv Av‡iv wKQy BwZevPK Dbœq‡bi †NvlYv Ki‡Z hvw”Q| Avcbvi Rb¨ AwP‡iB Av‡iv wKQy bZzb Mš—e¨ wb‡q AvmwQ Avgiv| evsjv‡`‡k kx‡Zi GB VvÊv †gŠmygUv memgqB ch©UK‡`i Uv‡b| AvenvIqvUvI GLb `vi“Y| Kzqvkvq Av”Qvw`Z cÖvK…wZK we¯§q my›`ieb‡K Ny‡i wd‡i †`Lvi me‡P‡q Avivg`vqK mgq GLbB| MZ eQi Avgv‡`i gvZ…f‚wg evsjv‡`k Zvi ¯^vaxbZvi 46 eQi D`hvcb K‡i‡Q| GKBm‡½ ivó«xq GqvijvBb wegvbI Zvi 46Zg cÖwZôvevwl©Kx cvjb Ki‡e| evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq cZvKvevnx ms¯’v wn‡m‡e GB ‡`‡ki eª¨vÛ A¨v¤^v‡mWi n‡Z †c‡i Avgiv Mwe©Z| wegv‡bi †UB‡j †kvwfZ †jv‡MvwU RvwZ wn‡m‡e Avgv‡`i Me©, g~j¨‡eva I Av`k©‡KB aviY K‡i| 22wU Af¨š—ixY I Avš—R©vwZK Mš—e¨ wb‡q Avgv‡`i †h †bUIqvK©, Zv w`‡q Avgiv mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B eûRvwZK evsjv‡`wk wn‡m‡e we‡k¦i m‡½ evsjv‡`wk‡`i †hvMv‡hvM Kwi‡q w`w”Q| wegv‡bi mKj Kg©x I Avgvi c¶ †_‡K Avcbv‡`i Rb¨ GKwU mg„×kvjx I mywL beel© Avkv KiwQ| Avcbv‡`i wegvb ågY Avb›``vqK I Dc‡fvM¨ †nvK|
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. CHAIRMAN: Air Marshal (rtd.) Muhammad Enamul Bari Managing Director & CEO: A M Mosaddique Ahmed DIRECTOR MARKETING & SALES: Mohd. Ali Ahsan GENERAL MANAGER PUBLIC RELATIONS: Shakil Meraj
Subcontinental Media Private Limited CEO & Managing Director Prakash Johari Director Vikas Johari Editor Abhishek Chakraborty
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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Profficio 2nd Floor, 4 Mohakhali Commercial Area, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.
City of Contrasts
Qatar's captial Doha is the perfect blend of traditional Arab-Islamic culture thriving alongside ultra-Western modernism
ˆewP‡Î¨i kni
KvZv‡ii ivRavbx †`vnv wb‡R‡K bZzb K‡i mvRv‡bvi gva¨‡g `ªæZMwZ‡Z ch©Ub nU¯úU wn‡m‡e AvZ¥cÖKvk Ki‡Q
42 Enchanting Sunrise!
There is nothing better than waking up to the sun rise over a new landscape you are yet to explore
g‡bvgy»Ki m~‡h©v`q!
GK bZzb ¯’v‡b wM‡q m~‡h©i m‡½ †R‡M IVvi †P‡q fv‡jv wKQz Avi Kx n‡Z cv‡i? Avbv‡P Kvbv‡P jywK‡q Av‡Q †`Lvi g‡Zv A‡bK RvqMv
jan - feb 2018
54 Creative Timing
Dhaka Art Summit is an exhibition of the economic, cultural and political diversity of South and Southeast Asia
m„R‡bi mgqÁvb
`w¶Y I `w¶Yc~e© Gwkqvi A_©‰bwZK, mvs¯‹…wZK I ivR‰bwZK eûgvwÎKZvi cÖ`k©bx XvKv AvU© mvwgU
Bihanga received Award for Photography at the 2017 Association of Business Communicators of India (ABCI) Awards.
Gulshan I Dhanmondi I Banani I Uttara I Jamuna Future Park I Bashundhara City I Moghbazar I Mirpur I Wari I Bashabo Narayanganj I Chittagong I Sylhet I Khulna I Comilla I Bogra I Shop online at brac.aarong
62 Carnival of Lights/
24 Weekend Trails/
Av‡jvi i_!
QzwU KvUvb Try these getaways from
Hong Kong prepares itself
three exciting
for a 'supermoon' festival
destinations that Biman
with giant cloth lanterns
flies to
and fiery dragons
Gev‡ii QzwU‡Z bZzb wKQz LyuR‡Qb? wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K
ÔmycvigybÕ Drm‡ei Rb¨
wb‡q‡Q nsKs 24 hours
70 24 hours in Orlando/
36 Refreshing
wb‡R‡K ˆZwi K‡i
Iij¨v‡Ûv‡Z 24 NÈv
mvMiKb¨v KyqvKvUv
Known as the ‘theme park
Staycations are a new
capital of the world’,
trend among the people
there’s so much to see
of Dhaka
and do in this beautiful
XvKvevmx‡`i Rb¨ Avkcv‡k GK w`‡bi QywU KvUv‡bvUvB bZzb GK ixwZ n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q adventure 48 Tiger Empire/
ev‡Ni ivR‡Z¡
city in Florida in the US
w_g cv‡K©i ivRavbx Iij¨v‡Ûv‡Z †`Lvi Av‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz
Inhabited by a large
regular 02. CEO's Note
variety of flora and fauna,
GwWU‡ii K_v 10. Biman News
the Sundarbans Forest
ågY Z_¨
Reserve is everything
68. Tarot
exciting and enthralling
my›`ieb b¨vkbvj cv‡K©i ci‡Z ci‡Z Qwo‡q Av‡Q D‡ËRbv, mewKQz‡ZB n‡eb we‡gvwnZ culture 58 Melodious Culture/
76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq
77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes
GKwU myjwjZ ms¯‹…wZ Bangladesh has a rich musical culture. There is a genre of songs for just about any occasion
evsjv‡`‡ki i‡q‡Q GKwU mg„× m½xZ ms¯‹…wZ| cÖwZwU Dcj‡¶i Rb¨B GLv‡b †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv ai‡bi Mvb cvIqv hv‡e
jan - feb 2018
Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn, reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.
evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|
Cover story
24 Hours
Sky Update
¯‹vB Avc‡WU
Memory Of The World
Officials and employees of Biman Bangladesh Airlines led by Acting Managing Director and CEO Capt. Farhat Hassan Jamil, Director Administration Mohd. Mominul Islam and CBA President Mosikur Rahman took part in the rally on November 25, 2017, to mark the recognition of the historical speech of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman given on march 7, 1971, by UNESCO as a "Memory Of The World’’.
‡g‡gvix Ae `¨v Iqvì©
RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi 7B gv‡P©i HwZnvwmK fvlY‡K RvwZms‡Ni BD‡b‡¯‹v KZ©„K Ô‡g‡gvwi Ae w` Iqvì©Õ wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…wZ †`qv Dcj‡ÿ wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi cÿ †_‡K fvicÖvß e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK K¨v‡Þb dvinvZ nvmvb Rvwgj,cwiPvjK cÖkvmb Gg †gvwgbyj Bmjvg,wegvb Awdmvm© G‡mvwm‡qkb(‡evqv), wegvb kªwgK jxM (wmweG) mn wegv‡bi me©¯Í‡ii Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixe„›` 25 ‡k b‡f¤^i 2017 Zvwi‡L ivRavbxi †mvnivIqv`©x D`¨v‡b Avb›` i¨vjx‡Z AskMÖnY K‡ib|
Victory Day 2017
Managing Director and CEO A M Mosaddique Ahmed, Director Administration Mohd. Mominul Islam, Biman Officers Association (BOA), CBA and other Unions/Associations placed floral wreath at the Shaheed Minar in front of the Biman Head Office Balaka on December 16, 2017, in observance of the Victory Day.
gnvb weRq w`em
gnvb weRq w`em Dcj‡ÿ wegv‡bi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I wmBI G Gg †gvmvwÏK Avn‡g`, cwiPvjK cÖkvmb Gg †gvwgbyj Bmjvg, wegvb Awdmvm© G‡mvwm‡qkb (‡evqv), wegvb kªwgK jxM (wmweG) mn wegv‡bi Ab¨vb¨ BDwbq‡bi †bZ…e„›` I wegv‡bi mKj ¯Í‡ii Kg©KZ©v /Kg©Pvixe„›` wegvb cÖavb Kvh©vjq ejvKvq Aew¯’Z knx` wgbv‡ii †e`x‡Z cy¯ú¯ÍeK Ac©Y K‡ib|
Jan - feb 2018
Cover story
24 Hours
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Biman Bangladesh Airlines was held on December 19, 2017, at Biman Head Office, Balaka. Chairman Biman Board of Directors Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari, BBP, ndu, psc (Retd.) presided over the meeting. Shareholders, Board Members, Managing Director and CEO A M Mosaddique Ahmed and Company Secretary Kazi Atiqur Rahman, FCS and other officials attended the meeting.
wegv‡bi 10g evwl©K mvaviY mfv 2017
wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi 10g evwl©K mvaviY mfv MZ 19 wW‡m¤^i 2017 (g½jevi) cÖavb Kvhv©jq ejvKv, K~wg©‡Uvjv, XvKvq, AbywôZ nq| †kqvi †nvìviMY Ges Zv‡`i cÖwZwbwa‡`i Dcw¯’wZ‡Z AbywôZ mfvq mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib wegvb cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i ‡Pqvig¨vb Gqvi gvk©vj gynv¤§` Bbvgyj evix, wewewc, GbwWBD, wcGmwm (Aet)| D³ mfvq ‡kqvi †nvìvie„›`, wegvb cwiPvjbv cl©‡`i m`m¨e„›`, wegv‡bi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I wmBI G. Gg ‡gvmvwÏK Avn‡g`, †Kv¤úvbx mwPe KvRx AvwZKzi ingvb, GdwmGm mn wegv‡bi D×Z©b Kg©KZ©ve„›` Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb|
Sophia awarded Biman Gold membership card
Biman Bangladesh Airlines awarded Gold membership card to robot Sophia on December 6, 2017, at a programme to mark the Digital World-2017 held at Bangabandhu International Conference Center.
evsjv‡`k wegv‡bi †MvìKvW© †g¤^vikxc †c‡jb †mvwdqv
MZ 6 wW‡m¤^i 2017 e½eÜz AvšÍRv©wZK m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ª AbywôZ wWwRUvj Iqvì© -2017 Abyôv‡b K…wÎg eyw×gËvi †iveU gvbex †mvwdqv‡K wegv‡bi cÿ ‡_‡K †Mvì †g¤^vikxc KvW© Zz‡j †`Iqv nq|
Jan - feb 2018
Pope Francis travelled by Biman Bangladesh Airlines
Top Catholic Priest Pope Francis travelled by Special Chartered VVIP Flight of Biman Bangladesh Airlines on November 30, 2017, from Myanmar to Dhaka and from Dhaka to Rome on December 2, 2017.
‡cvc‡K enb K‡i bZzb gh©v`vq Awfwl³ wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ Lªxóa‡g©i m‡ev”P© ‡bZv †cvc d«vwÝm‡K MZ 30 b‡f¤^i 2017 gvqvbgvi †_‡K XvKv Ges 2 wW‡m¤^i 2017 XvKv †_‡K †iv‡g enb Ki‡Z wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ we‡kl PvUvW© wfwfAvBwc d¬vBU cwiPvjbv K‡i |
In-Flight Services
Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n
Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flair. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|
Breakfast Menu A range of fresh fruit juice offered in addition to sodas, cheese omelette, sautéed mushroom, croissant, fresh roll, butter, jam, tea and coffee. Lunch Menu Garden salad with freshly picked seasonal vegetables.
‡Kvgj cvbxq, wPR Ag‡jU, m‡Z Kiv gvkiæg, µqmu, UvUKv ‡ivj, gvLb, R¨vg, Pv I Kwdi m‡½ wewfbœ d‡ji ZvRv Rym|
jv ‡gby
Main Course
m`¨ evMvb ‡_‡K msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi m‡½ Mv‡W©b m¨vjvW|
Chicken curry served with most unique fragrant rice from the nation’s own harvest, assorted seasonal vegetables sautéed, garnished with lemon and green chilli.
GB ‡`‡k Drcvw`Z me‡P‡q ¯^Kxq myMwÜ Pvj w`‡q ‰Zwi ivB‡mi m‡½ wP‡Kb Kvwi, wewfbœ ai‡bi ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, ‡jey Ges KvuPv gwiP|
Dessert Rice pudding flavoured with rose water and garnished with fresh scrambled nuts. Dinner Menu
‡e«Kdv÷ ‡gby
Salad Fruit salad with freshly picked seasonal fruit. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetables sautéed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor).
‡gBb ‡Kvm©
wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) ev`vg w`‡q mvRv‡bv ‡MvjvcR‡ji myN«vYmg…× myMwÜ Pv‡j ‰Zwi cv‡qk|
wWbvi ‡gby mvjv` m`¨ msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg d‡ji ˆZix d«yU mvjv`|
‡gBb ‡Kvm© wPKb Pv‡ji fv‡Zi m‡½ ‡fovi ‡Mv‡¯Íi Kvwi, gyM Wvj, wewfbœ ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ KvuPv gwiP, evUvi-bvb (Z›`y‡i ‰Zwi Kiv)|
wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©)
Caramel custard garnished with canned peach.
wUbRvZ wcPd‡j mvRv‡bv K¨viv‡gj Kv÷vW©|
* Complementary beverage is served with all meals, and is available anytime on request.
* ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq
Incorporating suggestions from many of its travellers, Biman has the most creative menu you’ll find in the air. For the outbound flight from Dhaka, all the foods are carefully prepared by the Biman Flight Catering Centre (BFCC). BFCC proudly offers Flight Catering Services to many other airlines in the foot print. Unquestionably, the menus still taste wonderful at 30,000 feet. ågYKvix‡`i KvQ †_‡K cvIqv A‡bK A‡bK civgk© †hvM Kivi d‡j DÇq‡bi mgq Avcwb wegv‡bi †gbyUv‡KB me‡P‡q m„Rbkxj e‡j Avwe®‹vi Ki‡eb| XvKv †Q‡o evB‡i hvIqvi mgq Gi me Lvevi Lye mZK©Zvi m‡½ ˆZwi K‡i wegvb d¬vBU K¨vUvwis †m›Uvi (weGdwmwm)| Ab¨vb¨ AviI A‡bK GqvijvB‡ÝI M‡e©i m‡½ K¨vUvwis †mev w`‡q Avm‡Q weGdwmwm| Avi IB †gbyi ¯^v` 30,000 dzU Dc‡iI _vK‡e GK`g AUzU! Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|
jan - feb 2018
We Love Bengal
Cover story
24 Hours
Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage
Mig‡K Qvwc‡q µ‡gB M‡R© DV‡Q el©v| Avi Avb›`Nb G †gŠmygUv‡K cy‡ivgvÎvq Dc‡fvM Kiæb Music Liam Gallagher Live
Ex-Oasis lead singer, Liam Gallagher is all set to meet his Thai fans for the first time in 10 years with a live performance at the BITEC Bangna Hall in Bangkok. The concert will be kick-started by songs from his debut album like “Wall of Glass”, “For What It’s Worth” and many more. When: January 12 Where: Bangkok
wjqvg Mvjv‡Ni jvBf
MZ `k eQ‡ii g‡a¨ cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv G·-Iqvwm‡mi cÖ a vb MvqK wjqvg Mvjv‡Ni Zvi _vB f³‡`i m‡½ †`Lv Ki‡Z cy ‡ ivcy wi cÖ ¯‘ Z| jvBf cvidi‡g‡Ý Ask †b‡eb e¨vsK‡Ki evsbv n‡j n‡Z Pjv weAvBwUBwm Av‡qvR‡b| KbmvU© ïiæ n‡e Zvi Awf‡lK A¨vjev‡gi Mvb ÔIqvj Ae MøvmÕ, Ôdi †nvqvU BUm Iqv_© Õ I Av‡iv wKQz Mvb w`‡q| K‡e: 12 Rvbyqvwi †Kv_vq: e¨vsKK
Festival Poush Sankranti
Poush Sankranti marks the end of the Bengali month ‘Poush’ and is celebrated in the country as the Shakrain festival. The Shakrain Festival, also known as Kite Festival, is celebrated with a lot of fanfare in Old Dhaka. When: January 14 Where: Across Bangladesh
†cŠl msµvwšÍ
evsjv gvm †cŠ‡li mgvwß D`hvcb nq †cŠl msµvwšÍ w`‡q| †`kRy‡o GwU cvwjZ nq mvKivBb Drm‡ei ga¨ w`‡q| Avi GB mvKivBb Drm‡eiB Av‡iK bvg Nywo Drme| cyivb XvKvq hv e¨vcK Drmvn DÏxcbvi g‡a¨ D`hvcb Kiv nq| K‡e: 14 Rvbyqvwi †Kv_vq: evsjv‡`k Ry‡o
jan - feb 2018
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24 Hours
spectacle Lumiere London
Over 40 international artists will come together to transform the streets and iconic architectures of London with colourful lights and nocturnal art exhibitions. Come and witness the London’s largest night-light festival! When: January 18-21 Where: London
jywg‡q‡i jÛb
jÛ‡bi iv¯Ív I `„wób›`b ¯’vcbv¸‡jv‡K iO †ei‡Oi evwZ I wkíKjvi gva¨‡g e`‡j w`‡ZB bvbv †`k †_‡K 40 Rb wkíx R‡ov n‡eb GKwU wkí cÖ`k©bx‡Z| jÛ‡bi me‡P‡q eo Av‡jvKgwZ iv‡Zi DrmewU Pvÿzm Ki‡Z Avmyb| K‡e: 18-21 Rvbyqvwi †Kv_vq: jÛb Ry‡o
fair Ekushey Book Fair
The Boi Mela is not merely a book fair, it is a melting pot of Bangladesh’s culture and pride. The spirit of Amar Ekushey is reflected in the banners, festoons and placards that adorn the venue of the book festival. When: February 1-28 Where: Dhaka
GKz‡k eB‡gjv
eB †gjv wbQK †Kv‡bv eB‡qi †gjv bq, evsjv‡`‡ki mvs¯‹…wZK HwZn¨ I †MŠi‡eiI gnvmw¤§jb GwU| eB‡gjv cÖv½b n‡e Ggb me e¨vbvi, †d÷zb I cø¨vKv‡W© hv‡Z aŸwYZ n‡e †Kej Agi GKz‡ki †PZbv| K‡e: 1-28 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: XvKv
jan - feb 2018
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24 Hours
art Dhaka Art Summit
Produced and primarily funded by the Samdani Art Foundation, the fourth edition of Dhaka Art Festival will see over 300 artists featured in 100 curated exhibitions led by chief curator Diana Campbell Betancourt. Over 120 speakers will participate in 16 panel discussions and two symposiums. When: February 2-10 Where: Dhaka
XvKv AvU© mvwgU
mvg`vwb AvU© dvD‡Ûk‡bi Avw_©K c„ô‡cvlKZv I ZË¡veav‡b AbywôZ n‡Z hv‡”Q XvKv AvU© mvwg‡Ui PZz_© Avmi| 100wU wKD‡i‡UW cÖ`k©bxi gva¨‡g GLv‡b 300 wkíxi m„wó ¯’vb cv‡e| Gi cÖavb wKD‡iUi wn‡m‡e _vK‡Qb Wvqvbv K¨v¤ú‡ej †eUvb‡KvU©| 16wU c¨v‡bj Av‡jvPbv I `ywU wm‡¤úvwRqv‡g G‡Z Ask †b‡eb 120 Rb e³v| K‡e: 2-10 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: XvKv
theatre A Night at the Opera
Famed opera character Floria Tosca from the three-act opera by Giacomo Puccini will fill the Emirates Palace with larger-thanlife characters, beautiful opera music and action-packed story. When: February 9 Where: Abu Dhabi
Av bvBU A¨vU `¨ A‡civ
L¨vZbvgv A‡civ PwiÎ †d¬vwiqv †UvmKv cwi‡ekb Ki‡eb wRqv‡Kv‡gv cyw”Pwbi wZb A‡¼i A‡civ| Rxeb‡K Qvwo‡q hvIqv Pwiθ‡jv g‡bvgy»Ki A‡civ wgDwRK I NUbveûj M‡íi †Rvqv‡i cwic~Y© n‡q DV‡e Gwg‡iUm c¨v‡jm| K‡e: 9 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: Avey avwe
jan - feb 2018
Skin Co. New York Brings globally formulated skin product technology adopted for India skin to exclusive salons near you!!
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24 Hours
FOOD Gulfood
One of the world’s largest food and beverage exhibitions, Gulfood brings together various ingredients, tastes, innovation and trends that are shaping the food and beverages industry worldwide. Over 120 countries are all set to be a part of this global event. When: February 18-22 Where: Dubai
we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg eo GKwU Lvevi I cvbxq cÖ`k©bx GB MvjdzW| GLv‡b G‡m R‡ov n‡e bvbvb DcKiY, ¯^v`, bZzb Avwe®‹vi I cÖPwjZ aviv, †h¸‡jv wKbv wek¦Ry‡o Lvevi I cvbxq wk‡íi avivq G‡b w`‡q‡Q GKwU iƒc| ˆewk¦K G Av‡qvR‡bi Ask n‡Z cÖ¯‘Z Av‡Q 120wU †`k| K‡e: 18-22 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: `yevB
Carnival Chingay Parade
The Chingay Parade is one of the most eventful festivals of Singapore where dancers, clowns, jugglers and street-floats come together on the streets to celebrate the Chinese New Year and arrival of spring. When: February 23-24 Where: Singapore
wPs‡M c¨v‡iW wm½vcy‡ii me‡P‡q mg„× Av‡qvR‡bi Drme¸‡jvi g‡a¨ wPs‡M c¨v‡iW Ab¨Zg| GLv‡b b„Z¨wkíx, K¬vDb, RvMjvi I w÷ªU †d¬vU¸‡jv G‡m R‡ov nq Pxbv beel© I em‡šÍi AvMgY D`hvcb Ki‡Z| K‡e: 23-24 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: wm½vcyi
jan - feb 2018
Cover story
24 Hours
Weekend trails Looking for something new to visit this weekend? Try these getaways from three exciting destinations that Biman flies to
QzwU KvUvb
Gev‡ii QzwU‡Z bZzb wKQz LyuR‡Qb? wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K Kuala Lumpur to Malacca
A two-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur will take you to a city with breathtaking sights of heritage buildings and colonial structures. People travel to Malacca during weekends to have good rest and relish delicious food, for which it is known. It is a wonderful city for daytime activities. The night markets are always buzzing and it’s an amazing experience for visitors. The city has forests, farmlands and beaches, which makes it popular for travellers looking out for a relaxed holiday. One can explore it on foot or the famous trishaw.
Kzqvjvjvgcyi †_‡K gvjv°v
Kzqvjvjvgcyi †_‡K gvÎ `yB NÈvi `~iZ¡| ZviciB †cuŠ‡Q hv‡e k¦vmi“×Ki HwZn¨evnx me feb I Jcwb‡ewkK Avg‡ji ¯’vcbvi GK iv‡R¨| QywUi w`b¸‡jv‡Z †jv‡Kiv gvjv°vq G‡m R‡ov nq ¶wY‡Ki wekÖvg I gRvi gRvi Lvev‡ii ¯^v` wb‡Z| Avi Gm‡ei Rb¨B RvqMvUv mycwiwPZ| w`‡bi †ejvq bvbvb gRvi KvRK‡g©i Rb¨ GwU `vi“Y GK kni| iv‡Zi evRviUvI _v‡K mie| hv ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ PgrKvi GK AwfÁZv n‡Z cv‡i| kn‡i Av‡Q R½j, Lvgvi I ˆmKZ| Avi G Kvi‡YB ågYPvix‡`i Kv‡Q Avivg Av‡q‡k QywU KvUv‡bvi cQ›`mB RvqMv GwU| kniUv cv‡q †nu‡U Ny‡i †eov‡bv hvq, ev P‡o em‡Z cv‡ib GLvbKvi RbwcÖq hvb UªvBkÕ†Z|
jan - feb 2018
Biman connects Dhaka-Kuala LumpurDhaka with nine weekly flights (
Yangon to Mandalay
It’s Myanmar’s second largest city. Board a flight from Yangon and you will land in one hour and 20 minutes at Mandalay that is considered to be the centre of Burmese culture. From monasteries, pagodas to teahouses, the city has countless of these. You can spot world’s longest teak bridge that stretches for about a mile across the Lake Taungthaman, known to spot monks and spectacular sunsets. Though a busy and buzzing city, it is a must visit to gain a new perspective about Burmese culture.
Bqvs¸b †_‡K gv›`v‡j
GwU wgqvbgv‡ii wØZxq e„nËg kni| Bqvs¸b †_‡K GKwU d¬vB‡U †P‡c emyb, gv›`v‡j †cuŠ‡Q hv‡eb GK NÈv wek wgwb‡UB| evwg©R ms¯‹…wZi †K›`ª ejv nq kniwU‡K| †eŠ× gw›`i †_‡K ïi“ K‡i c¨v‡MvWv I wUnvDR; kniwU‡Z Gme cvIqv hv‡e AMwYZ| we‡k¦i me‡P‡q eo Kv‡Vi †mZzwU cvIqv hv‡e Us_vgvb †j‡Ki Ici| †eŠ× mbœ¨vmx‡`i cvkvcvwk †PvL auvav‡bv m~h©v¯— †`Lvi Rb¨ weL¨vZ GK wK‡jvwgUv‡iiI †ewk j¤^v G †mZz| e¨¯— Avi †jv‡K wMRwMR Ki‡Z _vK‡jI evwg©R ms¯‹…wZ m¤ú‡K© fvj aviYv †c‡Z kniUv Ny‡i †`LvB hvq|
Biman connects Dhaka-YangonDhaka with three weekly flights (
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24 Hours
Singapore to Batam Island
A quick weekend getaway from Singapore will take you to Batam Island that offers beach, sun and sea. It’s a decent destination for fishing, water sports and adventurous activities. One can ferry down from Singapore and be here in just 45 minutes. Try the local food like the Indomie, which is their instant noodles to other tidbits like fresh seafood such as prawns and crabs. If you like to go for a spa, then you can pamper yourself with plenty of choices here. A good choice of place to enjoy simplicity and serenity!
wm½vcyi †_‡K evUvg Øxc
wm½vcyi †_‡K PURjw` QywU KvUv‡bvi GK Mš—e¨ n‡jv evUvg Øxc| GLv‡b cvIqv hv‡e ˆmKZ, m~h© I mvM‡ii Rjivwk| gvQ aiv, IqvUvi †¯úvU©m I †ivgvÂKi me KvRK‡g©i GKwU hyrmB ¯’vb GwU| B‡›`vwgi g‡Zv ¯’vbxq Lvevi¸‡jv †P‡L †`L‡Z cv‡ib| GUv A‡bKUv Zv‡`i BÝ÷¨v›U byWj‡mi g‡ZvB| UzwKUvwK Lvev‡ii g‡a¨ Av‡Q wPswo I KuvKovi g‡Zv Av‡iv wKQy ZvRv mvgyw`ªK gvQ| ¯úv wb‡Z PvB‡j GLv‡b evQvB Kivi g‡Zv n‡iK myweav cv‡eb| mvavwm‡a I wbwiwewj mgq Dc‡fvM Kivi Rb¨ Dchy³ RvqMv GwU|
Biman connects Dhaka-SingaporeDhaka with daily flights (
jan - feb 2018
Cover story
City of
Nestled in the Arabian Gulf, Doha, the capital of Qatar, is the perfect blend of traditional Arab-Islamic culture thriving alongside ultra-Western modernism By: Af t a b H. Kol a
24 Hours
Avie DcmvM‡ii Kv‡QB wgj‡e †`vnvi †`Lv| KvZv‡ii G ivRavbx‡Z G‡j †`L‡Z cv‡eb cÖ_vMZ Avie-BmjvwgK ms¯‹…wZi wbLuyZ mswgkÖYwU Kx K‡i AwZAvaywbK cwðgv ixwZi m‡½ Kuva wgwj‡q Pj‡Z cv‡i wj‡L‡Qb: AvdZve GBP †Kvjv
24 Hours
Cover story
You can experience 14 centuries of great art at the Museum of Islamic Art
jan - feb 2018
you think of the K_v hLbB fve‡eb, Middle East, Doha may wPivqZ †Kv‡bv not feature as a classic tourist destination. ch©Ub †K›`ª wn‡m‡e †`vnvi K_v nq‡Zv gv_vq Avm‡e However, with rapid urban development and bv| Z_vwc, kû‡i Dbœq‡bi `ªæZ AMÖhvÎv I hy‡Mi ci a decade of reinventing itself, the capital city hyM a‡i wb‡R‡K bZzb K‡i mvRv‡bvi gva¨‡g KvZvi of Qatar is fast emerging as a travel hotspot. B`vbxs `ªæZMwZ‡Z ch©Ub nU¯úU wn‡m‡e AvZ¥cÖKvk What’s particularly striking about Doha Ki‡Q| Avi †`vnvi K_v Avjv`v K‡i ej‡Z †M‡j is the perfect blend of traditional ArabcÖ_‡gB Avm‡e Zv n‡jv GLv‡b cÖ_vMZ Avie-BmjvwgK Islamic culture sitting comfortably ms¯‹w… Zi GKwU †gjeÜb ˆZwi n‡q‡Q hv †ek alongside a thriving art scene and mn‡RB GKwU wkígwÊZ I wejvmeûj †fv³v If you’re a food luxe consumerism. ‡kÖYxi m‡½ Zvj wgwj‡q wU‡K Av‡Q| enthusiast, Souq Waqif is the ideal From bustling open-air markets w`bfi e¨¯Í †Lvjv evRvi (hv‡K e‡j place to find (called souqs) and Islamic art myK) I BmjvwgK wkíKjv †_‡K ïiæ traditional street to skyscrapers and world-class food. K‡i MMbPz¤x^ feb I wek¦gv‡bi kwcsgj; shopping destinations, you should Avcwb Aek¨B Avcbvi cieZ©x ågY surely tick Doha in your next cwiKíbvq wUK wPý w`‡q ivL‡eb †`vnv‡K| travel itinerary.
Iconic monument
You can experience 14 centuries of great art at the Museum of Islamic Art, Qatar’s most iconic building and a stunning fusion of Islamic and 21st century architecture. This museum houses several fascinating
†PvL Ryov‡bv ¯’vcZ¨©
wgDwRqvg Ae BmjvwgK AvU©, ejv hvq GUvB KvZv‡ii me‡P‡q `„wób›`b feb, †hUv Avevi Bmjvwg I AvaywbK ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi GKwU †PvL auvav‡bv wdDkb| GLv‡b G‡j †`L‡Z cv‡eb 14wU kZ‡Ki gnvb me wkíKg©| Rv`yNiwU‡Z mvRv‡bv Av‡Q BmjvwgK wek¦ †_‡K msM„nxZ †miv me wkíKg© I cÖZZ œ vwË¡K mvgMÖx| AvaywbK ¯’vc‡Z¨i
displays of the finest art and artefacts from across the Islamic world. No visitor will be left unimpressed by the quality and diversity of the collections housed inside a modern architectural masterpiece. The museum hosts special exhibitions and temporary shows, for which a fee may be charged. However, admission to the permanent galleries is free.
A walk down memory lane
If you want to get an authentic taste of traditional commerce, architecture and culture, take a stroll down the bustling alleys of Souq Waqif, the social hub of Doha. Redeveloped in 2005 to resemble the authentic souqs of Cairo and Damascus, Souq Waqif houses an array of small shops offering
G gv÷viwc‡mi msMÖnkvjvi ˆewPΨ I wkígvb †`‡L †Kv‡bv `k©bv_©xB nZevK bv n‡q cvi‡e bv| Rv`yN‡i gv‡S gv‡S we‡kl I LÊKvjxb cÖ`k©bxi Av‡qvRb Kiv nq| Gi Rb¨ Avevi wd-Gi cÖ‡qvRb n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Gi ¯’vqx M¨vjvwi¸‡jv‡Z cÖ‡ek Kiv hvq webvg~‡j¨|
¯§„wZi mo‡K ÿwYK hvÎv
(Above) The Museum of Islamic Art, (opposite page) Souq Waqif illuminated at night
cÖ_vMZ evwYR¨, ¯’vcZ¨ I ms¯‹…wZi LuvwU Av¯^v` †c‡Z PvB‡j myK IqvwK‡di e¨¯Í Mwj¸‡jv a‡i ÿwYK †nu‡U †eov‡Z cv‡ib| †`vnvi mvgvwRK nve ejv hvq RvqMvwU‡K| GUv‡K hv‡Z Kvq‡iv I `v‡g‡¯‹i Avw` I AK…wÎg myK¸‡jvi g‡Zv †`Lvq, G Rb¨ 2005 mv‡j bZzb K‡i ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj myK IqvwKd‡K| mvwi mvwi †QvULvU †`vKvb Av‡Q myK IqvwK‡d| GLv‡b gkjv I †gŠmywg Lvevi`vevi †_‡K ïiæ K‡i myMÜx, Mnbv, my¨‡fwbimn Av‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz| GgbwK hw` Avcwb wKQz wKb‡Z
24 Hours
Cover story
(Clockwise from above) The amphitheatre at the Katara Cultural Village, traditional camel race in Doha, replica of a venetian bridge in the Qanat Quartier
anything from spices and seasonal delicacies to perfumes, jewellery and souvenirs, among others. Even if you don’t want to buy anything, simply wander around to soak up the vitality and atmosphere amidst traditional music, art and cultural shows. If you’re a food enthusiast, Souq Waqif is the ideal place to find traditional street food. Don’t miss out on machbous, a spicy rice and meat-based stew. Machbous is also the Qatari national dish.
Man-made marvel
If you are into luxury and all things ultramodern, then head to the Pearl-Qatar, an enormous man-made island off the West Bay coast. Here, you will find Mediterraneanstyle yacht-lined marinas, residential towers, villas and retail outlets, as well as boutiques
jan - feb 2018
bv-I Pvb, Z‡e HwZn¨evnx m½xZ, wkíKjv I mvs¯‹…wZK cÖ`k©bx¸‡jvi gva¨‡g Avkcv‡ki cwi‡e‡ki wbh©vmUzKz ï‡l wb‡Z Gw`K Iw`K Ny‡i †eov‡Z cv‡ib| Avi Avcwb hw` †fvRbiwmK n‡q _v‡Kb, Z‡e HwZn¨evnx w÷ªU dz‡Wi Rb¨ GB myK IqvwKdB Av`k© ¯’vb| Gi g‡a¨ gvKeymÕUv wgm Kiv wVK n‡e bv| GwU Pvj I gvs‡mi mgš^‡q ˆZwi GKwU ÷z| GB gvKeym-B wKš‘ KvZv‡ii RvZxq Lvevi|
K…wÎg we¯§q
Avcwb hw` GKUz wejvwm mgq ev AwZ AvaywbKZvi mvwbœ‡a¨ mgq KvUv‡Z Pvb, Z‡e P‡j hvb cvj©-KvZvi| GwU I‡q÷ †e DcK‚‡ji w`‡K K…wÎgfv‡e evbv‡bv AwZKvq GKwU Øxc| GLv‡b Avcwb f‚ga¨mvMixq Nivbvi BqU-jvBbW g¨vwibv, AvevwmK UvIqvi, wfjv I LyPiv †`vKvbcvU cv‡eb| Av‡Q eywUK I bvwg`vwg me eª¨v‡Ûi †kviæg| †`vnvi AwfRvZ †i¯Íiuv¸‡jvi cQ‡›`i RvqMvI GB cvj©-KvZvi| ÔA¨vivweqvb wiwf‡qivÕi
shopping heaven
For some retail therapy
If you want to take an evening stroll amidst spectacular vistas of the city, Doha Corniche is the place to be.
Boutiques Pearl-Qatar Check out The PearlQatar for flagship boutiques or head to The Gate in West Bay to snap up designer labels.
Luxurious Villaggio Mall
and showrooms of top-notch luxury brands. The Pearl-Qatar is also a popular destination for high-class restaurants in Doha. The waterfront promenades at the ‘Arabian Riviera’ are lined with cafes and restaurants catering to every taste bud from a quick ice cream to a multi-course fine-dining experience.
Waterfront wonder
If you like to walk, run, skate, jog or simply take an evening stroll amidst spectacular vistas of the city, Doha Corniche is the place to be. A seven-kilometre-long waterfront promenade around Doha Bay, the corniche provides a green, vehicle-free pedestrian space in the heart of the capital. Running parallel to the corniche is Corniche Street, a
GB cvwb‡ewóZ †eov‡bvi RvqMvwUi cv‡k Av‡Q Kv¨‡d I †i¯Íiuvi mvwi| me ai‡bi Av¯^v‡`i †hvMvb w`‡Z ˆZwi Zuviv; †nvK bv †mUv GKwU SUcU AvBmwµg wKsev A‡bK¸‡jv AvB‡U‡gi mgš^‡q GKwU PgrKvi Lvbvwcbvi AwfÁZv|
If you dig luxury Italian brands, visit Villaggio Mall, which comes complete with a Venetian-inspired canal that is lined with gondolas.
cvwb †Nu‡l hZ Av‡qvRb
kn‡ii bqbvwfivg `„k¨c‡Ui gv‡S Avcwb hw` †Kej nuvUv, †`Šov‡bv, †¯‹U, RM wKsev LvwbKUv mgq mvܨKvjxb nuvUvnuvwU Ki‡Z Pvb, Z‡e †mB RvqMvwU n‡jv †`vnv Kwb©k| †`vnv †e †K wN‡i _vKv cÖvq mvZ wK‡jvwgUvi j¤^v cvwb‡Nulv moK GwU| bMixi †K‡›`ª _vKv GB c_Pvix moKwU‡Z P‡j bv †Kv‡bv hvbevnb| GB Kwb©‡ki cv‡kB Av‡Q Kwb©k w÷ªU| Rbmvavi‡Yi Rb¨ ˆZwi hvZvqv‡Zi c_wU †`vnvi µgea©gvb I‡q÷ †ei evwYwR¨K kn‡ii m‡½ ms‡hvM NwU‡q‡Q kn‡ii `wÿYvÂj I †`vnv AvšÍR©vwZK wegvbe›`‡ii|
Traditional Souq Waqif If you’re into traditional market-style shopping, Souq Waqif is where you would want to be.
Kwb©k †_‡K kn‡ii PgrKvi me `„k¨ †Pv‡L co‡e| †`Lv
24 Hours
Cover story
Fast Facts
Qatar will be the first in the Middle East to host the FIFA World Cup, in 2022. Camel racing, though quite a pricey leisure activity, is still a very popular sport in the country. Sealine Beach in Mesajeed is a popular destination for dune bashing and camping for families and friends.
jan - feb 2018
main thoroughfare that connects Doha’s emerging West Bay business district with the south of the city and Doha International Airport.
hv‡e evwYwR¨K UvD‡bi gvS GjvKvq bvUKxqfv‡e †e‡o IVv MMbPz¤^x UvIqvi¸‡jv †_‡K ïiæ K‡i wgDwRqvg Ae Bmjvwg AvU© Rv`yN‡ii `vcy‡U KvVv‡gv| Zxi †Nu‡l †Pv‡L co‡e HwZn¨evnx Kv‡Vi ˆZwi eo cvj‡Zvjv Rvnv‡Ri mvwi, hv g‡b Kwi‡q †`‡e mgy`ªåg‡Y KvZv‡ii mg„× AZx‡Zi K_v| †`vnvi bvgKiv me ¯’vc‡Z¨i †`Lv wgj‡e GLv‡bB| hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q wcivwgW AvK…wZi †kivUb †nv‡U‡ji cv‡k _vKv †kivUb cvK© †_‡K ïiæ K‡i Avj iægvBjv cvK©|
With the dramatic high-rise towers of the central business district and the bold shapes of the Museum of Islamic Art, corniche offers a new perspective of the city. Traditional wooden dhows lining the Bay evoke echoes of Qatar’s great seafaring past. Most of Doha’s landmarks which can be found Traditional wooden dhows lining the here include the Sheraton Park Bay evoke echoes near the distinctive pyramidof Qatar’s great shaped Sheraton Hotel and the seafaring past. Al Rumaila Park.
Other attractions
There’s no shortage of places to see and things to do in Qatar. For instance, you can visit the Katara Cultural Village located in the West Bay area. The cultural hub houses a Roman-style public auditorium, besides museums, galleries and libraries. If you are near Sheraton Hotel, one of the city’s oldest landmarks, you can
Av‡iv hZ AvKl©Y
†`Lvi g‡Zv RvqMv I Kivi g‡Zv Kv‡Ri Afve co‡e bv KvZv‡i| †hgb †`‡L Avm‡Z cv‡ib I‡q÷ †e GjvKvq _vKv KvZviv KvjPvivj wf‡jR| mvs¯‹…wZK GB m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ª Av‡Q GKwU †ivgvb auv‡Pi AwW‡Uvwiqvg, Rv`yN‡ii cvkvcvwk Av‡Q M¨vjvwi, cvVvMvi I Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz| GLvbKvi wKQz †i¯Íiuvq wgj‡e we‡k¦i bvbv cÖv‡šÍi Lvev‡ii ¯^v`| kn‡ii cÖvPxbZg gvBjdjK¸‡jvi GKwU n‡jv †kivUb †nv‡Uj| Avcwb Gi Av‡kcv‡k wM‡q _vK‡j †`‡L Avm‡Z cv‡ib gv‡kB‡ie G›Uvi‡UBb‡g›U †m›Uvi| †`vnv Kwb©‡ki cv‡k _vKv GKwU AwZKvq fvmgvb cÖ‡gv`Zix GwU| KvZv‡ii †kŠh©gq AZxZ I D”Pwfjvlx fwel¨‡Zi cÖ`k©bxi Rb¨ ˆZwi GKwU wkÿvg~jK †cvU©vj ejv hvq GUv‡K|
check out Msheireb Enrichment Centre, a floating barge docked at the Doha Corniche. The centre serves as an educational portal of Qatar’s glorious past and its ambitious future. Apart from the Museum of Islamic Art, there are several other museums in Doha. Some of them include the Arab Museum of Modern Art (the recently-opened institution houses a diverse collection of modern art from the Arab world); Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani Museum (a private collection of Islamic art and heritage); Al Khor Museum (it is about 60km to the north of Doha); and Museum of Orientalists; among others.
wgDwRqvg Ae Bmjvwg AvU©-Gi evB‡iI †`vnvq Av‡iv A‡bK¸‡jv Rv`yNi i‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q Avie wgDwRqvg Ae gWvb© AvU©| m¤úªwZ Pvjy nIqv GB cÖwZôv‡b Av‡Q Avie wek¦ †_‡K msMÖn Kiv AvaywbK wkíKjvi GK ˆewPΨgq msMÖn| Av‡Q †kL dqmvj web Kvwkg Avj _vwb Rv`yNi (BmjvwgK wkíKjv I HwZ‡n¨i GKwU e¨w³MZ msMÖnkvjv), Avj †Lvi wgDwRqvg (†`vnv †_‡K 60 wK‡jvwgUvi Dˇi) Ges wgDwRqvg Ae Awi‡q›Uvjm I Av‡iv A‡bK¸‡jv|
(Below) Mosque minaret in Katara Cultural Village, (opposite page left) metal sculpture at Katara Cultural Village, souvenirs on sale at Souq Waqif
Biman connects Dhaka-DohaDhaka with four weekly flights (
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Staycations are a new trend when Dhakaites are going in for a one-day vacation By: Sa n ia A im a n
bvMv‡j m‡ZRZv
XvKvevmx‡`i Rb¨ `~‡i †Kv_vI bv wM‡q Avkcv‡k GK w`‡bi QywU KvUv‡bvUvB bZzb GK ixwZ n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q wj‡L‡Qb: mvwbqv AvBgvb
as a vast metropolis can be quite exhausting to the senses. This is perhaps best dealt with some quiet time, away from the bustle. With the scarcity of free time, it becomes imperative that residents find getaways that can be reached quickly, enjoyed for a while and allow for coming back to the city all within the day.
As Bangladesh is predominantly a riverine country, it is no wonder that many such getaways are likely to be near rivers or ghats, those ever present boat terminals tucked away in all villages, beside every stream.
Mawa Ghat
A favoured destination for many residents of Dhaka, this ghat is even less than 40 kms away from the main city. Beside the River Padma, this ghat attracts different kinds of
jan - feb 2018
G gnvbMix XvKv †hb Bw›`ªq¸‡jvi Kv‡Q K¬vwšÍ‡Z fiv GK bvg| Avi G K¬vwšÍ KvUv‡bvi †miv DcvqUv m¤¢eZ wbwiwewj LvwbKUv mgq KvUv‡bv, hveZxq e¨¯ÍZv‡K cvk KvwU‡q| Aemi mg‡qi †hLv‡b `viæY m¼U, †mLv‡b ¯’vbxq evwm›`viv †h nv‡Zi bvMv‡j _vKv †Kv‡bv GKwU RvqMvq Nyi‡Z hv‡e, †mUvB Riæwi n‡q †`Lv †`q| Avi RvqMv¸‡jv Ggb †h †mLv‡b wM‡q LvwbKUv mgq Dc‡fvM K‡i Avevi w`‡b w`‡bB wd‡i Avmv hvq| †h‡nZz evsjv‡`k GKwU b`xgvZ…K †`k, ZvB m‡›`n _v‡K bv †h Nyi‡Z hvIqvi †ewkifvM RvqMv¸‡jvB n‡e b`xi Zxi †Nulv, †hLv‡b Avevi GKwU †bŠNvUI _vK‡Z cv‡i| Avi †hLv‡b †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv mgq †mªv‡Zi cvk †Nu‡l MÖvg †_‡K Avmv GKwU c‡_i mÜvbI wgj‡e|
gvIqv NvU
XvKvi A‡bK evwm›`v‡`i Kv‡Q GwU RbwcÖq GKwU MšÍe¨| g~j kni †_‡K GB NvU 40 wK‡jvwgUv‡iiI Kg `~i‡Z¡| cÙv b`xi cv‡k _vKv GB NvU bvbv ai‡bi
24 Hours
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24 Hours
enthusiasts like the nature lover and the fish fan. Of course, there is the river, deceptive in its serenity, on which visitors can take a gentle boat ride by hiring motor boats on an hourly basis, easily available for a group as large as 2030 people. If wishful, the boat can be banked on one of the sandy shores of the river, and the gentle slope into the water allows for a quick cool dip. It is, however, advisable to not go into the deep waters and there are no places to change clothes except the makeshift facility that can be created on the boat.
(Clockwise from below) Shal trees at Bhawal National Park, lake at the Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka University
The other attraction of the ghat is the fish, which can be bought by early birds, so to speak, as the market sits right after sunrise and is usually over by 8:30 am. However, if you simply want to enjoy a steaming piece of the national-favourite Hilsha fried with boiled rice and daal (lentil soup), it can be easily had at almost all times of the day. There is also the Padma Resort nearby, which offers overnight stay along with food provisions.
Bhawal National Park, Gazipur
Age-old timberland stretched over large pristine spaces are easily accessible right outside the city border of Dhaka, barely an
†KŠZznjx gvbyl‡`i Uv‡b - hviv cÖK…wZ fvjev‡m Zviv †Zv Av‡mB, A‡b‡K Av‡m gv‡Qi Uv‡bI| Aek¨B GLvbKvi g~j AvKl©Y n‡jv b`x, AvcZ`„‡ó hv‡K g‡b n‡e †ek kvšÍwkó| GLv‡b ch©UKiv NÈv wn‡m‡e †gvUiPvwjZ †bŠKv fvov wb‡q †bŠKvåg‡Y †h‡Z cv‡i| 20-30 R‡bi `‡ji Rb¨ †bŠKv GLv‡b mn‡RB wgj‡e| Avcwb PvB‡j †bŠKv wb‡q †eov‡Z cv‡ib b`xi †Kv‡j _vKv †Kv‡bv GKwU evjyKvgq P‡i| †hLvbUvq evjy wM‡q gm„Yfv‡e wg‡k‡Q b`xi cvwb‡Z, †mLv‡b cv Wzwe‡q †c‡Z cv‡ib kxZj cik| Z_vwc GLv‡b e‡j ivLv fvj †h b`xi †ewk Mfx‡i bv bvgvB DËg Ges IB mKj RvqMvq †cvkvK e`jv‡bviI †Kv‡bv RvqMv †bB| Aek¨ †bŠKvi †fZi PvB‡j G Kv‡Ri e¨e¯’v Kiv hvq| Nv‡Ui Av‡iK Ab¨Zg AvKl©Y n‡jv gvQ| Avi wKb‡Z PvB‡j Avcbv‡K n‡Z n‡e mKvj †ejvi cvwL| GUv ejjvg †Kbbv, GLv‡b evRviUv e‡m wVK m~h© IVvi cici Avi mKvj mv‡o 8 Uvi g‡a¨B †mUv Avevi ¸wU‡q hvq| Aek¨ Avcwb hw` ïay †MvUv †`kevmxi cQ‡›`i †auvqv IVv Bwj‡ki m‡½ Mig fvZ Avi Wvj Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z Pvb, Z‡e †mUv w`‡bi cy‡iv mgq Ry‡oB cv‡eb GLv‡b| Kv‡QB Av‡Q cÙv wi‡mvU© †hLv‡b Lvevimn iv‡Z _vKvi †ek fvj e¨e¯’v Av‡Q|
fvIqvj RvZxq D`¨vb, MvRxcyi
mywekvj wbwiwewj GjvKvRy‡o Qwo‡q _vKv eûw`‡bi cyi‡bv MvQcvjvi GB GjvKvwU XvKvi †kl mxgvbvi Kv‡QB|
jan - feb 2018
Mawa Ghat attracts enthusiasts like nature lovers and the fish fans GLv‡b hvIqvUvI †ek mnR| Mvwo‡Z eo‡Rvi GK NÈv jvM‡e| GKKv‡ji GB mywekvj Mnxb R½jwUi A‡bKUvB A‰ea KvVwkKvwi‡`i nv‡Z c‡o bó n‡q‡Q| evwK hv Av‡Q IUv‡K msiw¶Z ebvÂj wn‡m‡e †NvlYv Kiv n‡q‡Q| MvRxcy‡ii XvKv-gqgbwmsn nvBI‡q †_‡K GLv‡b hvIqv hv‡e mn‡RB| 12,404 GKi RvqMvRy‡o _vKv GB e‡bi g~j MvQ n‡jv kvj| hv †_‡K GB e‡bi Kvwe¨K ÔkvjebÕ bvgwU †c‡q‡Q| e„¶‡cÖgx‡`i Kv‡Q GB ebwU GKwU `viæY AvKl©Y, †Kbbv GLv‡b i‡q‡Q 220Gi ‡ekx cÖRvwZi MvQMvQvwj| hvi g‡a¨ A‡bK¸‡jv Jlwa MvQI Av‡Q| GLv‡b bvbv cÖRvwZi eb¨cÖvYxi †`LvI wgj‡e, hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q Kzwgi, evN, evbi, kRviæ, †LuKwkqvj, ARMi I ey‡bv †eovj| cv‡K© wKQy myweav wgj‡e, †hgb wcKwbK ¯úU I †i÷ nvDR| G¸‡jv Av‡MB eywKs w`‡q ivL‡Z nq|
†mvbvKv›`v `yM,© bvivqYMÄ Bhawal National Park's purpose is to protect habitats and provide opportunities for recreation.
bvivqYM‡Äi GB gyNj `yM©wU‡K ejv hvq evsjvi †MŠiegq AZx‡Zi GKwU †klwPý| g~jZ b`xc‡_ gM I cZ©ywMR Rj`my¨‡`i c_ †iva Ki‡Z cÖwZi¶v ey‡n¨i wØZxq avc wn‡m‡e kxZj¶¨ b`xi c~e© w`‡Ki Zx‡i
hour’s drive. Once a vast forest, much has fallen victim to illegal lodging, but the rest is now preserved as a reserve forest accessible from the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway in Gazipur. On an area of 12,404 acres, the predominant types of trees here are the shal (shorea robusta), giving the region its lyrical name of Shalbon. It is an attraction for the tree lover, with more than 221 types of botanical species, including many medicinal plants as well. The wildlife is also varied and includes species like crocodiles, tigers, monkeys, porcupines, foxes, pythons and wild cats. The park offers facilities like specified picnic spots, rest houses, which need to be booked in advance.
Sonakanda Fort, Narayanganj
This Mughal Fort in Narayanganj is also a remnant of Bengal’s rich past. Originally built as the second line of defence to check the advance of Mogh and Portuguese pirates on the rivers, it lies on the eastern bank of the Shitalakshya River. Although, construction
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24 Hours
of the fort is attributed to Mir Jumla, there is no inscription. The local people in Narayanganj know it as the Kella (fort), and it is easy to secure direction while travelling there. The local hotels in the city are quite good for eating.
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka
ˆZwi Kiv n‡qwQj `yM©wU| mevB Rv‡b `yM©wU wbg©vY K‡iwQ‡jb wgi Rygjv, Z‡e Gi †Kv‡bv wjwLZ `wjj cvIqv hvqwb| bvivqYM‡Äi ¯’vbxq †jvKRb `yM©wU‡K †Kjv bv‡gB †P‡b Ges GLv‡b Nyi‡Z hvIqvi w`K wb‡`©kbvUvI mij| G kn‡ii ¯’vbxq †nv‡Uj¸‡jv‡Z Lvevi I †ek fvj|
Rvnv½xibMi wek¦we`¨vjq, XvKv
Right outside the capital, some 30 kms away, is the lush green campus of ivRavbxi evB‡i cv ivL‡jB, eo‡Rvi 30 wK‡jvwgUvi Jahangirnagar University. It is a residential `~‡iB cvIqv hv‡e Nb mey‡R XvKv Rvnv½xibMi university and is very welcoming to visitors. wek¦we`¨vj‡qi K¨v¤úvm| AvevwmK G wek¦we`¨vjqwU There are lakes, walkways and the big, 700 GKi RvqMv Ry‡o we¯ÍZ … | K¨v¤úv‡mi g~j AskwU draughty, yet inviting academic and `k©bv_©x‡`i mv`‡i Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡e memgq| other buildings. The best time †fZ‡i XzK‡ZB cvIqv hv‡e †jK, nuvUvi Jahangirnagar to visit is during winter, when c_ Ges Aek¨B A‡bK DuPz †Lvjv‡gjv University was hundreds of migratory birds Ges AvKl©Y Kivi g‡Zv †kÖwYK¶ I established in 1970. make the numerous lakes their Ab¨vb¨ feb| GLv‡b Nyi‡Z hvIqvi It is 32 kms away home. The water lilies and †miv mgqUv n‡jv kxZKvj, hLb kZkZ from Dhaka. myriad other colourful flowers AwZw_ cvwL G‡m GLvbKvi †jK¸‡jv‡Z are a welcome sight to the eyes emZ Mv‡o| RjcÙmn Av‡iv A‡bK Sjg‡j too. Visitors can explore the campus iwOb dzj¸‡jvI Avcbvi †PvL Rywo‡q †`Iqvi on foot or hire rickshaws. Cars are better Rb¨ h‡_ó| `k©bv_©xiv PvB‡j GB K¨v¤úvmwU †nu‡U †nu‡U left in the parking area, for they allow ev wiKkvq P‡o Nyi‡Z cv‡i| Mvwo _vK‡j †mUv cvwK©s limited access to all that the university has Gwiqv‡Z †i‡L hvIqvB fvj| KviY wek¦we`¨vjqwU‡Z to offer in terms of worthwhile views and †`Lvi g‡Zv I ¯§„wZgq hZ wKQy Av‡Q †m¸‡jvi meKUvq memories. The on-campus food shops, Mvwo wb‡q †XvKvi cÖ‡ekvwaKvi †bB| K¨v¤úv‡mi †fZ‡i serving simple yet delicious local cuisine, _vKv Lvev‡ii †`vKvb¸‡jv‡Z mvavwm‡a wKšÍy gRv`vi me are very affordable. There is, however, no ¯’vbxq Lvevi Kg `v‡gB cvIqv hv‡e| GLv‡b Aek¨ iv‡Z scope of staying in the night. _vKvi †Kv‡bv e¨e¯’v Avcwb cv‡eb bv|
jan - feb 2018
(Above) Passengers ferry boat in Dhaka open waters
Sonakanda Fort was built as the second line of defence
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24 Hours
There is nothing better than waking up to the sun rise over a new landscape you are yet to explore
Avgiv Rvwb m~h© I‡V c~e w`‡K| Z_vwc, GL‡bv †`Lv nqwb Ggb me bZzb ¯’v‡b wM‡q m~‡h©i m‡½ †R‡M IVvi †P‡q fvj wKQz Avi Kx n‡Z cv‡i!
Inle Lake, Myanmar Early morning mist blots out the climbing sun, leaving a rippling reflection of clouds and sunlight. You can see the mountains fading into the background and the only sounds are of the motor.
Bb‡j †jK, wgqvbgvi
†fv‡ii Kzqvkv¸‡jv †hb DV‡Z _vKv m~‡h©i Av‡jv ï‡l wb‡Z Pvq| hvi Kvi‡Y †gN I m~‡h©i Av‡jvi GK †XD †Ljv‡bv `„k¨cU ˆZwi nq| cvnvo¸‡jv‡K †`L‡eb †cQ‡b ax‡i ax‡i D‡e hv‡”Q, Avi Kv‡b Avm‡e ïay †gvU‡ii kã|
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Taj Mahal, India Orange sun melts into shades of red against the awe-inspiring scenery of this architectural ivory-white wonder located on the banks of Yamuna River in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
jan - feb 2018
ZvR gnj, fviZ
hgybv b`xi Zx‡i `uvwo‡q _vKv `ya mv`v GB we¯§qKi ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi Avov‡j Kgjv m~h©Uv †hb M‡j M‡j ˆZwi Ki‡Z _v‡K jv‡ji bvbvb Aven|
24 Hours
Angkor Wat, Cambodia The vibrant red hue of sunrise turns the well-preserved magnificent monument of Angkor Wat into a grand spectacle. Roam around and gaze across the amazing architecture!
A¨vsKi IqvU, K¨v‡¤^vwWqv
m~‡h©v`‡qi mgq Qwo‡q cov ewY©j jvwjgvq `„wób›`b I my-msiwÿZ A¨vsKi IqvU ¯’vcZ¨wUi †mŠ›`h© †e‡o hvq K‡qK¸Y| Avkcvk Ny‡i †`Lyb Avi `y‡PvL f‡i †`‡L wbb `viæY me `„k¨cU I AZzjbxq ¯’vcZ¨‰kjx|
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Mount Fuji, Japan Every year thousands of tourists and locals trek up to the Fuji mountain, braving both blistering heat and bone-chilling cold temperatures to witness this nature’s wonder.
gvD›U dzwR, Rvcvb
cÖwZeQi K‡qK nvRvi ch©UK I ¯’vbxq evwm›`v dzwR cvnv‡o †UªK K‡i _v‡K| GKBm‡½ Zviv Mv R¡vjv Mig I nvo Kuvcv‡bv VvÊvi gy‡LvgywL n‡q cÖK…wZi we¯§q Pvÿzl K‡ib|
Mount Batur, Bali You need to trek up a volcano to watch the sun rise over Mount Batur in Bali, Indonesia. Various guided tours are available to the summit located about 1,717 metres above the sea level.
jan - feb 2018
evUzi cvnvo, evwj
B‡›`v‡bwkqvi evwj‡Z gvD›U evUz‡ii Dci m~‡h©v`q †`L‡Z PvB‡j Avcbv‡K GKwU Av‡MœqwMwi †UªK Ki‡Z n‡e| mgy`ªc„ô †_‡K 1717 wgUvi DuPz‡Z _vKv IB P‚ovq hvIqvi Rb¨ A‡bK¸‡jv MvB‡WW Uz¨i cv‡eb GLv‡b|
Cameron Highland, Malaysia The scenic tea garden transforms itself into a translucent jewel as the sunlight hits the green belt engulfing the Cameron Highland in Malaysia.
K¨v‡gib nvBj¨vÛ, gvj‡qwkqv
Pv cvZvi bqbvwfivg evMvbwU †hb n‡q hvq ¯^”Q GK i‡Zœi Wvwj, wVK hLb wKbv m~‡h©i cÖ_g wKiY G‡m wVK‡i c‡o Gi gvj‡qwkqvi K¨v‡gib nvBj¨vÛ‡K †X‡K ivLv meyR mxgv‡iLv eivei|
cover story
CULTURE adventure
jan - feb 2018
24 Hours
Inhabited by a large variety of flora and fauna, the Sundarbans is everything exciting and enthralling By: S h a h a n a Hud a
ev‡Ni ivR‡Z¡ MvQcvjv I cÖvYxRM‡Zi GK mywekvj ˆewP‡Î¨i Avavi my›`ieb cv‡K©i ci‡Z ci‡Z Qwo‡q Av‡Q D‡ËRbv, mewKQz‡ZB n‡eb we‡gvwnZ wj‡L‡Qb: kvnvbv û`v 49
A step
inside the wide expanse of the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was just the start to a worthwhile journey. With an aim to get a view of the famed Royal Bengal Tiger and to get acquainted with the varied species of flora and fauna that makes the Sundarbans what it is, we kickstarted our journey by taking the Sundarbans Express, which directly took us to Khulna, touted as one of the best cities to experience a busy city life. All set to bask in as much as we could about the magnificent Sundarbans, our next four days were nothing less than an enlightenment for all!
Photograph: Shivang Mehta
Bountiful expanse
The experience was even more delightful as we had a boat, which was going to be our abode for the night. By the time we reached Khulna and set out on a sail in the Rupsa River, it was almost dinner time. However, we couldn’t resist the magnificence of the moonlight and gathered around the deck to enjoy the view. The night was filled with interesting conversations and songs. Talk
eo g¨vb‡MÖvf eb my›`ieb, BD‡b‡¯‹vi wek¦ HwZ‡n¨i ZvwjKv‡ZI Av‡Q GwU| Gi wekvj‡Z¡i c‡_ GK cv evov‡bvi ciB eyS‡Z cvi‡eb, ågYUv e„_v hv‡e bv| wek¦L¨vZ iq¨vj †e½j UvBMv‡ii GK SjK †`Lv cvIqvi Ges Dw™¢` I cÖvYxRM‡Zi AR¯ª cÖRvwZ - †h¸‡jvB g~jZ ˆZwi K‡i‡Q GB my›`ieb; †m¸‡jvi m‡½B cwiwPZ nIqvi g‡bvevmbv wb‡q my›`ieb G·‡cÖ‡m P‡o Avgiv hvÎv ïiæ Kwi| GB †UªbwU Avgv‡`i mivmwi Lyjbv wb‡q hvq| Ny‡i †`Lvi g‡Zv e¨¯Í kni¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Lyjbv D‡jøL‡hvM¨| Abe`¨ my›`ie‡bi hZUv m¤¢e Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z Avgiv mevB cÖ¯‘Z| Avgv‡`i cieZ©x Pvi‡U w`b GKwU Av‡jvwKZ gyn~‡Z©i †P‡q †Kv‡bv As‡k Kg wQj bv|
AK…cY cÖKw… Z
AwfÁZUv Avgv‡`i Kíbvi †P‡qI Av‡iv Avb›`Nb wQj, †Kbbv ivZ KvUv‡bvi Rb¨ Avgiv †c‡qwQjvg GKUv †evU| Lyjbvq hLb Avgiv †cuŠQvjvg Ges hLb iƒcmv b`xi D‡Ï‡k¨ hvÎv ïiæ Kijvg, ZZÿ‡Y iv‡Zi Lvev‡ii mgq n‡q wM‡qwQj| Z_vwc, Puv‡`i Av‡jvi gvqv KvUv‡Z cvwiwb Avgiv Ges mevB wg‡j †ev‡Ui †W‡K G‡m wfo K‡iwQjvg| PgrKvi me AvjvcPvwiZv I Mv‡b Mv‡b †K‡UwQj ivZUv| mg‡qi wnmve nvwi‡q †djvi Mí K‡iwQ †ek! Gi gv‡S G‡jv iv‡Zi Lvevi| Zvici `xN©hvÎvi K¬vwšÍ‡Z GKwU PgrKvi Nyg| eb¨cÖvYxi Rb¨ GLv‡b wZbwU AfqvkÖg Av‡Q - ÔKUKv
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about losing track of time! Dinner was served, followed by a hearty sleep after a long travel.
KwPLvjx UvBMvi c‡q›UÕ, Ôwnibc‡q›UÕ I Ôg‡›`ievwoqvÕ| my›`ie‡bi Mnxb R½‡j Av‡Q AMwYZ cÖvK…wZK ˆmKZ, kvLvb`x, Lvj I Luvwo †h¸‡jv‡Z GL‡bv †mfv‡e c`PviYv ev‡owb| GLv‡b GZ †ewk Rj‡ewóZ AwjMwj Av‡Q †h R½‡ji †fZ‡i XzK‡Z †M‡j cvwb a‡iB G‡Mv‡Z n‡e| Avi G‡ÿ‡Î ågYKvixi ev‡R‡Ui Ici wbf©i Ki‡e †Kgb RvnvR eywKs †`Iqv hv‡e| GLv‡b hvIqvi Rb¨ Av‡Q eo hvÎx| my›`ieb Uz¨i w`‡Z †M‡j gv_vwcQz LiP n‡Z cv‡i 10 nvRvi †_‡K 35 nvRvi UvKv ch©šÍ| Aek¨ LiP wbf©i Ki‡e †Kgb c¨v‡KR evQvB Ki‡Qb Zvi Ici|
There are three wildlife sanctuary areas ‘Kotka-Kachikhali Tiger point’, ‘Hironpoint’ and ‘Manderbaria’ - including numerous unexplored natural beaches, innumerable rivers, canals and creeks in the Sundarbans forest. Abundance of water body makes the waterways the only means to enter the forest. The ships can be booked on the basis of the budget of the ev‡Ni †`Lv cvIqvi †P‡qI eo wKQz A‡cÿv Abundance of water traveller. There are bigger ships, Ki‡Q my›`ieb RvZxq D`¨v‡b| my›`ieb body makes the waterways the only which flaunt a carriage capacity Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ me‡P‡q fvj mgqUv n‡”Q means to enter the of around 100-150 people and kx‡Zi †gŠmyg (b‡f¤^i †_‡K †deªæqvwi); Sundarbans. smaller ships that can carry up to hLb ZvcgvÎv 15-25 wWwMÖ †mjwmqv‡mi 30 people in one go. A tour to the g‡a¨ _v‡K| my›`ieb g~jZ AmsL¨ K`©gv³ Sundarbans can cost a person 10,000 mgZj, †Rvqv‡ii c_ I †QvULvU wKQz Øx‡ci to 35,000 Taka, depending on the packages mgwó| evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq cïi GKgvÎ cÖvK…wZK they choose. Avevm GwU| G R½‡j Av‡Q cÖvq 330 cÖRvwZi MvQ,
Treasure trove
The Sundarbans Reserve Forest is more than just spotting tigers. The most comfortable time to explore the Sundarbans is during winters (November to February), with the temperatures ranging between 15-25 degree celsius. The Sundarbans comprises
Photograph: Shivang Mehta
jan - feb 2018
35 cÖRvwZi mixm„c, 400 cÖRvwZi gvQ, 270 cÖRvwZi cvwL I 42 cÖRvwZi ¯Íb¨cvqx cÖvYx| evN QvovI GLv‡b †`Lv wgj‡e †gNjv wPZv, Kv‡jvwPZv, evN‡ivj (wdwks K¨vU), †jvbv cvwbi Kzwgi I Av‡iv A‡bK cÖvYxi| hviv cvwL †`L‡Z fvjev‡mb, Zviv Luy‡R cv‡eb n‡iK cÖRvwZi RjKz°zU, wkKvwi cvwL, bq cÖRvwZi gvQivOv I mv`v †c‡Ui PgrKvi wm-CM‡ji g‡Zv Av‡iv A‡bK ey‡bv cvwL|
(Below) Ruddy Kingfisher in Sundarbans forest
of a complex network of mudflats, tidal waterways and small islands. It is home to the national animal of Bangladesh. The forest treasures 330 plant species, 35 species of reptiles, 400 types of fishes, 270 species of birds and 42 species of mammals. Apart from tigers, one can spot the clouded leopard, black panthers, fishing cats, saltwater crocodiles among others. Those interested in bird watching can find several species of waterfowl, raptors and forest birds, including nine species of kingfisher and the magnificent white-bellied sea eagle. The lifestyle in the Sundarbans is immensely diverse. Fishing with trained
The lifestyle in the Sundarbans is immensely diverse
(Top) Longtail boats often used by travellers in the Sundarbans
my›`ie‡bi RxebvPvi `viæY ˆewP‡Î¨ fiv| †cvlv †fuv`o w`‡q gvQ aiv, ey‡bv gay msMÖn BZ¨vw` GLvbKvi Avw` †ckv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg| G KvR¸‡jv GLbI GLvbKvi †jvKRb‡`i Ki‡Z †`Lv hvq| mf¨Zv †_‡K †gvUvgywU wew”Qbœ _vKvi ciI GLvbKvi †jvKRb Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i g‡Zv K‡i GKUv ms¯‹w… Z ˆZwi K‡i wb‡q‡Q| Abb¨ G ev¯‘ms¯’v‡bi m‡½ Zviv Zv‡`i Rxeb‡K Lvc LvB‡q wb‡q‡Q| e‡b †XvKvi Av‡M Zviv Zv‡`i †`e-‡`ex I Ck¦‡ii c~Rv K‡i †bq| Gi g‡a¨ ebwewei c~Rv Kiv nq me‡P‡q †ewk|
cover story
CULTURE adventure
jan - feb 2018
24 Hours
(Below) Beautiful spotted deer, (opposite page) fishermen going back after their day’s catch in the Sundarbans
otters, gathering wild honey etc are some of the oldest professions that are still practiced by the people of this area. Even though they are isolated from the civilisation, the forest dwellers have developed a strong culture of their own. Their life is adapted to this unique ecosystem. Before entering the forest, they pay homage to their gods and deities. Banabibi is the most worshipped one.
It is advisable to carry light shoes, a hat and handy GPS devices
Precautionary files
Our trip here was nothing less than a learning about the precautionary measures to be taken to walk in the forest. We were told to wear olive green clothes to not attract wild animals. It is advisable to carry light shoes, a hat and handy GPS devices to explore the forest to the fullest. Maintaining a balance in the muddy terrain can be a task. It is best to carry sticks while walking in the forest to cater to emergencies.
Avgv‡`i Gev‡ii hvÎvUv R½‡j Pjv‡div Kivi †ÿ‡Î mveavbZvi GKUv cÖwkÿ‡Yi †P‡q †ewk wKQz wQj bv| Avgv‡`i RjcvB meyR i‡Oi †cvkvK ci‡Z ejv n‡qwQj hv‡Z K‡i mn‡R eb¨cÖvYxi bR‡i bv Avwm| R½jUv‡K fvj K‡i P‡l †eov‡bvi Rb¨ nvjKv Ry‡Zv, GKwU Uzwc I mnR‡eva¨ †Kv‡bv wRwcGm wWfvBm m‡½ ivLvi civgk© †`Iqv †h‡Z cv‡i| K`©gv³ c‡_ fvimvg¨ eRvq †i‡L nuvUvI GKUv eo KvR| R½‡j †h‡Kv‡bv Riæwi cwiw¯’wZi †gvKv‡ejvq nuvUvi mgq m‡½ GKUv jvwV ivL‡j Lye fvj nq|
Cover story
24 Hours
The 4th edition of Dhaka Art Summit, to be held from February 2-10, is expanding and luring big names
XvKv AvU© mvwg‡Ui PZz_© Av‡qvRb n‡Z P‡j‡Q 2-10 †deª“qvwi| evo‡Q Gi e¨vcKZv, Uvb‡Q eo eo bvg I †hvM n‡”Q Av‡iv AwZwi³ w`b 54
jan - feb 2018
Dhaka Art Summit is an I `w¶Yc~e © Gwkqvi exhibition of the economic, A_©‰bwZK, mvs¯‹…w ZK I cultural and political diversity of South and ivR‰bwZK eûgvwÎKZvi cÖ`k©b x XvKv AvU© mvwgU| Southeast Asia. It unveils the art world `w¶Y Gwkqvi bvbv KwgDwbwUi wkí `yw bqvi c`©v of the South Asian community, which Ly‡ j †`q GB Av‡qvRb| MZ K‡qK eQi a‡iB has been increasingly attracting Av‡qvRbwU †MvUv we‡k¦i bRi †K‡o the attention of global audience P‡j‡Q R¨vwgwZK nv‡i| evsjv‡`‡ki over the years. With the aim of m‡½ Ab¨vb¨ †`‡ki wkí-†hvMv‡hvM The programme is increasing artistic engagement evov‡bvi j¶¨ wb‡q Gevi mviv primarily funded between Bangladesh and `yw bqv †_‡K Avmv 120 cÖfvekvjx by the Samdani other countries, the Dhaka Art e³v I 300 wkíx‡K ¯^v MZ Rvbv‡Z Art foundation. Summit is all set to welcome cy‡ ivcyw i ˆZwi XvKv AvU© mvwgU| more than 120 influential Abyô v‡bi g~j A_©v qbKvix cÖw Zôvb speakers and 300 artists from n‡jv mvg`vwb AvU© dvD‡Ûkb| GB around the world. The programme miKvwi-†emiKvwi Aswk`vwi‡Z¡i m‡½ Av‡Q is primarily funded by the Samdani Art evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wwg, hv evsjv‡`‡ki Foundation in a public-private partnership Pvi“Kjv I cvidi‡gÝ Av‡U©i RvZxq GKv‡Wwg| with the Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, G QvovI G Av‡qvR‡b mnvqZv Ki‡Q evsjv‡`‡ki the country's National Academy of Fine ms¯‹…w Z welqK gš¿Yvjq I Z_¨ gš¿Yvjq|
Photograph: Dhaka Art Summit
Cover story
24 Hours
(Above) Gazi Nafis Ahmed's Inner Face series, (below) from Debasish Shom's project - In the Rivers Dark
and Performing Arts, with the support of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Ministry of Information of Bangladesh.
The nine-day event, which its organisers prefer not to call a biennial. It will feature a section co-curated by Tate’s director Maria Balshaw, a newly commissioned work by Rasheed Araeen, and workshops led by Superflex and Raqs Media collective, among others. With the aim of recalibrating how we think about art and architecture, it will feature interdisciplinary workshops One-third of the works in the such as Raqs Media Collective, Summit are newly Superflex, Dayanita Singh, constructed for the among others. exhibition. What's different this year is that one-third of the works in the summit are newly constructed for the exhibition. Few among them include Rasheed Araeen's bamboo sculpture, Sheela Gowda's installation made from traces of Bangladeshi material culture, which investigates the country's craft and vernacular industries, Bangladeshi artist Zihan Karim's 3D film about the building that housed the first rock band of Bengal, Burmese artist Htein Lin's monumental iron and charcoal tree alluding to the
jan - feb 2018
bq w`‡bi G Av‡qvRbUv‡K wVK Ôwe‡q¨bvjÕ ej‡Z bvivR Gi Av‡qvRKiv; MZevi hv wQj Pvi w`b e¨vcx| Gev‡ii GKwU wefv‡Mi wKD‡iUi Ki‡Z hv‡”Qb Uv‡U M¨vjvwii †Kv-wKD‡iUi gvwiqv evjk| wZwb wKD‡iU Ki‡eb ivwg` AvivB‡bi bZzb wKQy KvR, mycvi‡d¬· I ivKm wgwWqv Kv‡jKwUf-Gi Kg©kvjv I Av‡iv wKQy| wkíKjv I ¯’v cZ¨Kjvi cÖw Z Avgiv cÖPwjZ wPš— v avivq kvY †`Iqvi D‡Ïk¨ wb‡q G Av‡qvR‡b Dc¯’v cb Kiv n‡e ivKm wgwWqv Kv‡jKwUf, mycvi‡d¬· , `qvwbZv wmsmn Av‡iv A‡b‡Ki IqvK©kc| G eQ‡i bZzb ‡Z¡i g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q - mvwg‡U Avmv GK Z…Zxqvsk wkíKg©B GLv‡b cÖ`k©b xi K_v gv_vq †i‡L ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| ¸wUK‡qK D`vniY w`‡Z †M‡j ej‡Z nq ivwk` AvivB‡bi euv ‡ki fv¯‹h©, kxjv †MŠ`vi BÝU‡jkb - hv evsjv‡`wk ms¯‹…w Zi m‡½ hvq Ggb me DcKiY w`‡q evbv‡bv; Zv‡Z Luy‡ R cvIqv hv‡e †`kwUi †`kxq HwZn¨evnx Kzw Uiwk‡íi Qvc| _vK‡Q evsjvi cÖ_g iK e¨v‡Ûi evmfeb wb‡q evbv‡bv evsjv‡`wk wkíx wRnvb Kwi‡gi w_ªw W wm‡bgv, evwg©R wkíx †UBb wj‡bi †jvnvi ¯’v cZ¨ I Pvi‡Kv‡j ˆZwi MvQ - hv wKbv evg©v I evsjv‡`kRy‡ o Qwo‡q _vKv g¨vb‡MÖv f e‡bi aŸsmjxjvi cÖZxK| c„w_exi cÖwZ Avgv‡`i `„wófw½ `ª“Z e`‡j w`‡”Q wkíKjv| L¨vZbvgv wkíx‡`i m‡½ `k©bv_©x‡`i gZ wewbgq I GKm‡½ KvR Kivi cwi‡ek ˆZwi Ki‡Z G mvwgU wKQy ci®úi m¤úwK©Z wel‡qi Ici Kg©kvjvi Av‡qvRb
Photographs: Dhaka Art Summit
destruction of mangrove forests across Burma and Bangladesh. Art is rapidly changing how we see the world. In order to encourage visitors to exchange and collaborate with renowned maestros, the summit also offers interdisciplinary workshops led by international artists and curators at the Education Pavilion that will facilitate exchange of ideas between people from varied backgrounds.
Art is rapidly changing how we see the world
K‡i‡Q| GWz‡Kkb c¨vwfwjq‡b nIqv IB IqvK©k‡ci †bZ…‡Z¡ _vK‡eb Avš—R©vwZK A½‡bi bvgKiv wkíx I wKD‡iUiiv| †mLv‡b bvbvb †kÖwY‡ckvi gvby‡li m‡½ AvBwWqvi Av`vb-cÖ`vbI n‡e|
The opening weekend will see Samdani Art Award winner, presented by the director of Tate and second time Dhaka Art Summit participant, Dr Maria Balshaw. Throughout the week, a new film and performance programme curated by Vali Mahlouji and the Archaeology of the Final Decade: below the levels where differences appear, will draw upon the music, theatre, dance and politics that informed the utopian aspirations and contradictions of the Shiraz -Persepolis Festival of Arts (1966-67).
ïi“i ci cÖ_g Qyw Ui w`‡b cÖ`vb Kiv n‡e mvg`vwb AvU© A¨vIqvW©| cyi¯‹vi Zz‡ j †`‡eb Zv‡Z Uv‡U M¨vjvwii cwiPvjK I XvKv AvU© mvwg‡U wØZxqev‡ii g‡Zv Ask †bIqv W. gvwiqv evjk| mßvnRy‡ o GKwU K‡i bZzb Qwe I cvidi‡gÝ †cÖv MÖv g wKD‡iU Ki‡e fvwj gvnjyw R I AvwK©I‡jvwR Ae `¨ dvBbvj wW‡KW| Gi wb‡Pi †j‡f‡j m½xZ, w_‡qUvi, bvP I ivRbxwZi Ici wfwË K‡i Avm‡e wfbœ wfbœ me Dc¯’v cbv| _vK‡e wmivR-cvi‡m‡cvwjm †dw÷fvj Ae AvU©‡ mi (1966-67) KíRM‡Zi hveZxq AvKv•Lv I Ø›Ø|
The highlight of the closing weekend will be the keynote lecture by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and two concentrated symposiums organised by Shabbir Hussain Mustafa, senior curatot, National Gallery of Singapore.
Drm‡ei †k‡li QywUi w`‡bi D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Av‡qvRb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q MvqÎx PµeË©x w¯úfv‡Ki wK‡bvU †jKPvi I wm½vcy‡ii b¨vkbvj M¨vjvwii wmwbqi wKD‡iUi mvweŸi ûmvBb gy¯—dvi ZË¡veav‡b Av‡qvwRZ `y‡Uv ¸i“M¤¢xi wm‡¤úvwRqvg|
(Clockwise from above left) Rendering of Chhaya Tori (Shadow Boat), Anoli Perera Protest 3, Jakkai Siributr's ‘Outlaws Flags’, Bangladesh Art Space
don't miss
An indispensable part of the Summit is the performance by Reetu Sattar who is all set to conjure up the musical traditions of South Asia with her musicality.
Cover story
Bangladesh has a rich musical culture. There is a genre of songs for just about any occasion
By: Mu nira A. Fid a i
myjwjZ ms¯‹…wZ
evsjv‡`‡k i‡q‡Q GKwU mg„× m½xZ ms¯‹…wZ| cÖwZwU Dcj‡¶i Rb¨B GLv‡b †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv ai‡bi Mvb cvIqv hv‡e wj‡L‡Qb: gywbiv G wd`vB 58
eighth out of 104 countries on the Happy Planet Index in 2016, Bangladesh is a nation that is happy just because the country is always ready for a jig. Bangladeshis are deeply rooted in music and weave vibrant lyrics that define their lives and tradition. You will often find fishermen break into a robust melody in the water and tired farmers string verses of their own songs of golden lands and the promise of good crops. Bauls will entertain you on train journeys and Robi Thakur will keep you company on rainy afternoons. Here are some genres of songs closest to Bangladeshi heart.
c¨v‡bU Bb‡W·-2016 Gi ZvwjKvq 104wU †`‡ki g‡a¨ Aóg ¯’v‡b _vKv evsjv‡`k memgqB mywL, †Kbbv, GB RvwZwU memgqB Mv-`ywj‡q gk¸j n‡Z cv‡i| evsjv‡`wk‡`i m‡½ m½x‡Zi m¤ú‡K©i †kKo A‡bK Mfx‡i Ges GLv‡b Zviv Zv‡`i Rxeb I ms¯‹…wZ wb‡q ewY©j me Mv‡bi K_v ey‡b G‡m‡Q| GLv‡b G‡j Avcwb ïb‡Z cv‡eb ‡R‡ji `j R‡ji gv‡S ïi“ K‡i‡Q mg‡eZ MxZ wKsev K¬vš— Pvlxiv Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i g‡Zv K‡i MvB‡Q †mvbvjx gvV wKsev fvj dm‡ji cÖwZkÖ“wZ w`‡q evbv‡bv †Kv‡bv Mvb| †ij åg‡Y †`Lv hv‡e †Kv‡bv evDj Avcbv‡K m½xZ myav w`‡Z nvwRi, Avevi †Kv‡bv e„wógq we‡K‡j m½ †`‡e iwe VvKzi| evsjv‡`wk‡`i ü`‡qi KvQvKvwQ Av‡Q, Ggb Mv‡bi wKQy ai‡bi K_v †kvbv hvK Gevi|
fvUv kãwU †_‡K fvwUqvwj G‡m‡Q| fvwUqvwji me‡P‡q fvj msÁvwU n‡jv GwU Ggb GK †kÖwYi Mvb hv cvwbi g‡a¨ MvIqv nq| we‡kl K‡i fvUvi w`‡K †h‡Z _vKv †R‡jiv †h Mvb Mvq| ¯^fveZB G Mv‡b _v‡K b`x, mvMi I wKbviv K_v| ü`‡qi KvQvKvwQ Ry‡o _vKv G Mvb MvIqv nq Mjv †Q‡o, hv‡Z K‡i †R‡jiv mevB GKm‡½ MvB‡Z cv‡i| RbwcÖq fvwUqvwj Mv‡bi g‡a¨ axi‡gRv‡Ri GKwU Mvb n‡jv ÔAvgvq fvmvBwj †iÕ, Avevi `ª“Zj‡qi g‡a¨ Av‡Q ÔbvI Qvwoqv †`Õ| mnR‡eva¨ me k‡ãi gv‡SI G Mvb¸‡jvi †fZ‡i jywK‡q _v‡K Av‡iv wbM~p †Kv‡bv wfbœA_©|
The word Bhatiali is a derivation of the word bhata, which means ebb or downstream. So Bhatiali is best described as a category of song that is sung on water, or by boatmen going downstream. The lyrics, too, talk of rivers, seas and shores, and are usually hearty, loud songs that boatmen can sing together. Popular bhatialis such as a slow number like “Amae bhashaili re” or a more upbeat tune like
jan - feb 2018
(Opposite page) Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam
24 Hours
Cover story
“Nao chariya dey” usually have a subtler subtext, under more apparent wordings.
bRi“j MxwZ
evOvwj Kwe KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg Zvi RxeÏkqvq wj‡L †M‡Qb AMwYZ Mvb I KweZv| Z‡e Gi Nazrul Geeti g‡a¨ †ewk RbwcÖqZv Kzwo‡q‡Q Zvi hy× I we‡`ªvnx Bengali poet Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam wrote KweZv¸‡jvB| †h¸‡jv Ibv‡K G‡b w`‡q‡Q we‡`ªvnx many songs in his lifetime but the most Kwei †LZve| Zvi †jLv ÔPj Pj PjÕ-Gi g‡Zv popular of these were the songs he wrote we‡`ªv‡ni KwVb Av‡eM I †cÖlYvq ficyi Mvb¸‡jvB on war and uprising, earning him the title of evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i mgq †PZbvi AUzU 'Bidrohi Kobi' or 'Revolutionary Poet'. ivL‡Z Qwo‡q c‡owQj meLv‡b| Zvi iPbvi Songs like “Chol, chol, chol”, auvPvUv wQj kw³kvjx I ¯úó, wQj Bauls are a group expressing strong emotions like †PZbv bvov †`Iqvi g‡Zv Q›`| GUv of minstrels from rebellion and motivation were wbwðZ K‡i ejv hvq †h Ibvi hy‡Mi Bangladesh and widely used to bolster spirits cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix †Kv‡bv wKQyi hw` India's West Bengal. in the Bangladesh Liberation `iKvi n‡q _v‡K, Z‡e bRi“j IUv They form a musical War. His style was powerful and ˆZwi K‡i‡Qb Ibvi me‡P‡q kw³kvjx tradition. direct, with captivating beats. A¯¿ - m½x‡Zi gva¨‡g| Assuredly, if anything needed to be stood up for in his era, Kazi Nazrul did it through his most powerful weapon - music.
Baul Geeti
With songs finding roots in Sufism and mysticism, Baul Geeti is a wide variety of folk music, divided into further sub branches. Bauls, long haired and high pitched, usually carry their most common
jan - feb 2018
evDj MxwZ
mywdev` I fveev‡` Qwo‡q Av‡Q †h Mv‡bi †kKo, evDj MxwZ¸‡jv †jvKMxwZiB GKwU mycwimi †kÖwY‡Z co‡e| hvi i‡q‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK¸‡jv kvLv-cÖkvLv| j¤^v Pzj I Zx¶¥ K‡Éi AwaKvix evDjiv Zv‡`i mvaviY ev`¨hš¿ GKZviv wb‡qB Ny‡i †eovb| Zv‡`i Mv‡b Luy‡R cvIqv hvq GKZ¡ev‡`i cÖwZ fvjevmv I wg‡jwg‡k GKvKvi n‡q hvIqvi nvZQvwb| G Mvb¸‡jvi †mŠ›`h© jywK‡q Av‡Q g~jZ GKwU wel‡q - hv
24 Hours
61 instrument called the ektara and sing of love and longingness to be with the "One". The beauty of these songs lie in the fact that they are composed as they are verbalised.
Rabindra Sangeet
The world-famous poet, composer and playwright Rabindranath Tagore has contributed a lot to the music culture of Bangladesh. While shared by many other countries, his famous dance-dramas like Chitrangada, Shyama and Tasher Desh are widely quoted and performed in Bangladeshi schools and drama schools, it perhaps rivals the influence of Shakespeare in the Bengali world. What sets Robi Thakur’s style apart from other musicians is the fluidity with which one tune mingles into the other. Other genres of Bangladeshi music consists of adhunik geeti, songs too modern to fall into traditional categories but popular for their relatively modern lyrics and musical composition. While the genres change and adapt to the times, what remains constant is this country’s love for dance and music and its rich history of the same.
n‡jv G Mvb¸‡jv iPbv I myi Kiv nq gy‡L gy‡L| GgbwK A‡bK Mvb wj‡L ivLvI nq bv|
iex›`ª m½xZ
we‡k¦i RbwcÖq Kwe, myiKvi I bvU¨Kvi iex›`ªbv_ VvKziI evsjvi m½xZ Av½‡b Ae`vb †i‡L‡Qb †Xi| Ibvi RbwcÖq MxwZbvU¨ wPÎv½`v, k¨vgv I Zv‡mi †`k-Gi bvg Qwo‡q‡Q A‡bK `~i Ges evsjv‡`‡ki ¯‹zj I bvU¨kvjv¸‡jv‡Z wbqwgZ gÂvwqZ n‡”Q; †h¸‡jv Avevi Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK †`‡kI| ejv †h‡Z cv‡i evsjvq †kKmwcqv‡ii Avwac‡Z¨i GKgvÎ cÖwZc¶ G¸‡jv| iwe VvKz‡ii m‡½ Ab¨ me m½xZ avivi cv_©K¨Uv n‡jv iex›`ª m½x‡Z _vKv my‡ii Zvi‡j¨, hLb GKwU myi Av‡iKwUi m‡½ G‡m wg‡k hvq| Ibvi m½xZ A‡bK †ewk Av‡eMwbf©i; hv‡Z cÖKvwkZ nq n‡iK iK‡gi †gRvR-gwR© †_‡K ïi“ K‡i nl©, welv` I Kvg| evsjv‡`wk Mv‡bi Av‡iv Ab¨ me avivi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q AvaywbK MxwZ| G Mvb¸‡jv GZUvB AvaywbK †h G¸‡jv‡K HwZn¨evnx †kÖwY‡Z †djv hv‡e bv, Avevi G¸‡jv Zv‡`i AvaywbK kã I my‡ii Kvi‡Y RbwcÖqZvI †c‡q‡Q A‡bK| Mv‡bi Nivbv e`‡j hvq Ges mg‡qi m‡½ LvcI LvB‡q †bq GKmgq| Z‡e Gme‡K Qvwc‡q hv wU‡K _v‡K Zv n‡jv bvPMv‡bi cÖwZ G †`‡ki gvby‡li fvjevmv I Gm‡ei mg„× GKwU BwZnvm|
Bangladesh's love for dance and music remains constant
(Above) Baul folk singers; (opposite page: clockwise from left) Rabindranath Tagore, baul music, dance drama Tasher Desh
Cover story
24 Hours LEISURE
jan - feb 2018
A carnival of
Hong Kong prepares itself for a 'supermoon' festival with giant cloth lanterns and fiery dragons that light-up the streets and hearts of the city By: A i shwa r ya V i shwa n at ha n
Av‡jvi i_
ÔmycvigybÕ Drm‡ei Rb¨ wb‡R‡K ˆZwi K‡i wb‡q‡Q nsKs| _vK‡e ˆ`Z¨vKvi Kvc‡oi jÉb I Av¸bSiv WªvMb; hv‡`i SjKvwb‡Z Av‡jvwKZ n‡e bMixi cÖvY‡K›`ª I Gi moK¸‡jv wj‡L‡Qb: Hk¦h© wek¦vbv_b
Cover story
Cover story
(Below) Elaborate lanterns showcasing expert craftsmanship, (opposite page left) lanterns on dispaly during the festival
jan - feb 2018
24 Hours
The festival, which dates back more than 2,000 years, is marked around China and several parts of the world with celebrations and spectacular displays of light and craftsmanship. Celebrated on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year (February 11 this year), the history of this festival takes us back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25). It is said that Buddhist monks would light lanterns
cÖvq 2000 eQ‡ii cyi‡bv G DrmewU Pxbmn we‡k¦i Av‡iv wKQz †`‡k cvwjZ n‡q _v‡K| Avb›` Djøv‡mi QUv Avi evwZ I KzwUi wk‡íi †PvL auvav‡bv me KviæKvR †Pv‡L c‡o G mgq| P›`ª cwÄKvi bZzb eQ‡ii 15 Zg w`‡b (G eQi hv 11 †deªæqvwi‡Z c‡o‡Q) G Drme AbywôZ nq| n¨vb mv¤ªv‡R¨i Avgj (wLª÷c~e©vã 206-25 wLª÷vã) †_‡K GB Drme cvwjZ n‡q Avm‡Q| ejv n‡q _v‡K G w`b ey× mbœ¨vmxiv bvbv ai‡bi jÉb R¡vwj‡q ey×i c~Rv K‡i _v‡K| jvj i‡Oi jÉb¸‡jv †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖZxK| G¸‡jv Dwo‡q †`Iqvi gv‡b n‡jv, gvbyl Zv‡`i AZxZ‡K `~‡i
the first full moon day of the Lunar calendar, the moon reigns over Hong Kong, glowing its full splendor. During this day under the light of the February moon, the city of Hong Kong transforms itself into an enchanted kingdom with mesmerising carnival of lanterns. The Spring Lantern Festival, also called the Yuan Xiao Festival, is celebrated to represent hope for the year ahead.
cÖ_g c~wY©gvi w`b nsKs‡qi Ici KZ…©Z¡ djv‡Z Avm‡e Puv`; Qwo‡q †`‡e wb‡Ri cwic~Y© †kvfv| †deªæqvwii Puv‡`i Av‡jvq cwic~Y© GB w`bwU‡Z nsKs kniwU †fvj cv‡ë n‡q hv‡e GK Rv`yi bMix| hv‡Z †Pv‡L co‡e m‡¤§vwnZ nIqvi g‡Zv jɇbi Drme| GLvbKvi w¯úªs j¨v›Uvb© †dw÷fvj-Gi Av‡iK bvg BDqvb wRqvI †dw÷fvj| bZzb eQi‡K bZzb Avkv-AvKv•ÿv‡K mvg‡b †i‡L D`hvwcZ nq GB Drme|
in order to worship Buddha. Releasing the lanterns is symbolic of people letting go of their past selves and embracing new identities for the coming year. A famous legend attached to this festival is that during this day Gautam Buddha defeated the demons. Lanterns are, therefore, lighted to commemorate this victory of good over evil. Since 25 AD, this custom has been popularly celebrated. The festivities were more personal earlier with people decorating their houses with lanterns and preparing sumptuous dinner for the entire family. It was in the Qing Dynasty in 1368 AD that dragon dances, land-boat dance and walking on stilts were added to the celebrations of the festival. In ancient China, it served as the equivalent of Valentine's Day in the West. Chinese New Year taboos are also declared over on the festival. Today, the festival has transformed itself into a spectacular event that witnesses a huge gathering. The most striking feature of this event is the lantern displays where the lanterns take various shapes, including animals, flowers, buildings, people and more. The most notable lanterns are ones with the shape of Chinese zodiac signs. Auspicious Chinese symbols like the goldfish and pomegranate fruit are an immutable part of this festivity.
The locals recreate the fiery ancient ritual of their ancestors with various dragon dances
mwi‡q †i‡L bZzb eQ‡i ¯^vMZ Rvwb‡q †bq GK bZzb cwiPq‡K| G Drme‡K wN‡i _vKv GKwU RbwcÖq wKse`wšÍ n‡jv - GB w`bwU‡KB bvwK †MŠZg ey× `vbe‡`i civwRZ K‡iwQ‡jb| Avi jÉb¸‡jv R¡vwj‡q Aïfi weiæ‡× AwR©Z †mB weRq‡KB ¯§iY Kiv nq| 25 wLª÷vã †_‡K DrmewU RbwcÖqZv jvf Ki‡Z _v‡K| ïiæi w`‡K GB DrmewU A‡bKUv N‡ivqvfv‡eB cvjb Kiv n‡Zv| gvbylRb jÉb R¡vwj‡q Zv‡`i evwoNi mvwR‡q Zzj‡Zv I cy‡iv cwiev‡ii Rb¨ †ek eomo GKwU ˆbk‡fv‡Ri Av‡qvRb Ki‡Zv| 1368 wLª÷v‡ã wKs mv¤ªv‡R¨i Avg‡jB cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv GB Drm‡ei Ask n‡q hvq WªvMb b„Z¨, gvwU‡Z _vKv †bŠKv b„Z¨ I iY cv‡q nuvUv| cÖvPxb Px‡b GB DrmewU wQj A‡bKUv cwð‡gi f¨v‡j›UvBb w`em D`hvc‡bi g‡ZvB| Avi GB †dw÷fvj‡K wN‡iB Px‡bi beel© msµvšÍ hveZxq wewawb‡la Av‡ivc Kiv n‡qwQj| GLb Aek¨ GB DrmewU wb‡R‡K mvwR‡q‡Q GK eY© vX¨ Av‡qvR‡b, hv‡Z A‡bK eo GKwU wfo nq| G Drm‡ei me‡P‡q AvKl©Yxq ˆewkó¨Uv Ôj¨v›Uvb© wWm‡cø Õ ; hv‡Z jÉb¸‡jv mvRv‡bv nq bvbvb cÖv Yx, dz j, feb, gvbyl I Av‡iv A‡bK wKQzi iƒ‡c| Gi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q †ewk †Pv‡L co‡e Px‡bi wewfbœ ivwkP‡µi wPý| Px‡bi ïf cÖZxK wn‡m‡e L¨vZ
Fast Facts
The lanterns are released to represent the longer daylight hours and the light from the full moon. The festival has long been the Chinese equivalent of the West's Valentine's Day. If visitors can answer the riddles attached to the lanterns, they can just pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. In addition to magnificent lighted lanterns, fireworks form a grand scene.
Cover story
24 Hours LEISURE
Besides the fascinating lantern displays, the day is celebrated with lion and dragon dances and eating tangyuan – dumplings made of rice flour. The round dumplings are said to symbolise family togetherness. The locals recreate the fiery ancient ritual of their ancestors with a whopping dragon that wends its way in smoke, fire and festive fury. The laughter and bona fide expressions of joy on the face of people looking at long lines of procession in the carnival are doubled as they come together to savour yuan xiao (glutinous rice balls with fillings that replicate the shape of the full moon). People also gather around to witness the display of Chinese heritage as various craftsmen come together to showcase their talent of lantern making and painting crafts.
Another notable feature of this festival is the riddles attached to the end of lanterns which attracts a lot of spectators who try to test the agility of their brains by trying to decode it. According to popular belief, this custom dates back to old days when Chinese young literates used to show off their talent to attract the fancy of young ladies.
†Mvìwdk I Wvwjg AvK…w Zi jÉb¸‡jv GB Drm‡ei Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask| g‡bvgy»Ki jÉb cÖ`k©bxi cvkvcvwk GB w`bwU‡K D`hvcb Ki‡Z AbywôZ nq wmsn I WªvMb bvP| w`bfi LvIqv nq UvswMDqvb - Pv‡ji ¸‡ov w`‡q evbv‡bv GK ai‡bi cywWs| †MvjvKvi IB cywWswU GKwU cwiev‡ii KvQvKvwQ _vKviB cÖZxK enb K‡i| AwZKvq GK bvPz‡b WªvMb evwb‡q c~e©cyiæl‡`i wkwL‡q †`Iqv Av‡Mœq GK c~Rvi Av‡qvRb K‡i ¯’vbxqiv| IB WªvMvbUv‡K †`Lv hvq GKivk †auvqv, Av¸b I Drm‡ei Db¥ËZvi †fZi w`‡q wb‡Ri c_ ˆZwi K‡i GwM‡q †h‡Z _v‡K IUv| Kvwb©fvj j¤^v jvB‡b `uvov‡bv †jvK¸‡jvi †Pv‡Lgy‡L nvwmi QUv I Avb‡›`i wbLuv` ewncÖKvkUv wظY n‡q hvq, wVK hLbB Zviv GK‡hv‡M †L‡Z ïiæ K‡i BDqvb wRqvI (†fZ‡i wdwjsmn PUP‡U Pv‡ji ej, hv c~wY©gvi Puv‡`i AbyKi‡Y evbv‡bv nq)| Px‡bi HwZ‡n¨i cÖ`k©bx †`L‡ZI Drm‡e nvwRi nq †jvKRb| KvwiM‡iiv GK‡hv‡M G‡m R‡ov nq Zv‡`i jÉb ˆZwi I wPÎKg© AuvKvi cÖwZfv cÖ`k©b Ki‡Z| GB Drm‡ei Av‡iKwU ejvi g‡Zv ˆewkó¨ n‡”Q jɇbi wb‡Pi As‡k Ry‡o †`Iqv auvav| `k©bv_©x‡`i g‡a¨ hviv Zv‡`i gM‡Ri cÖLiZv cixÿv Ki‡Z Pvq, Zviv †ek AvMÖn wb‡q IB auvav¸‡jvi mgvav‡bi †Póv K‡i| G wb‡q eûj cÖPwjZ aviYvwU n‡jv, GB cÖ_vwU †ek Av‡M †_‡KB Pvjy| cÖvPxb Px‡bi ZiæY †ev×viv bvwK Gfv‡eB eyw×gËv w`‡q ZiæYx‡`i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©‡Yi †Póv Ki‡Zv|
(Below) Chinese lanterns light up for New Year
Tarot cards...
Rvbyqvwi-†deªæqvwi 2018Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx Tarot predictions for January-February 2018 by Manisha Koushik
Aries (‡glivwk)
Taurus (e…livwk)
Gemini (wg_ybivwk)
The year 2018 is undoubtedly the year of achievements for you. Your firm resolve will steadily lead you towards your goal. Remain wary of dubious investments.
Your life takes a turn for the better in the year 2018. Unprecedented rise in career is foreseen. Good health is assured, but cut down on excesses.
For you, the year 2018 is the year of consolidation. You will be determined to lead a healthier life. Building up on previous gains is foretold.
Lucky number: 14, Lucky colour: Maroon
Lucky number: 3, Lucky colour: Royal Blue
Lucky number: 6, Lucky colour: Magenta
m‡›`n †bB, 2018 mvjUv Avcbvi Rb¨ AR©‡bi eQi n‡Z P‡j‡Q| Avcbvi `„p msKíB Avcbv‡K `ª“ZMwZ‡Z j‡¶¨i w`‡K wb‡q hv‡e| m‡›`nRbK wewb‡qv‡Mi e¨vcv‡i mZK© _vKzb|
2018 mvjwU‡Z Av‡iv fvj wKQyi w`‡KB †gvo †b‡e Avcbvi Rxeb| K¨vwiqv‡i AcÖZ¨vwkZ AMÖMwZi Bw½Z i‡q‡Q| ¯^v¯’¨UvI fvj hv‡e, Z‡e AwZwi³ †Kv‡bv wKQy fvj n‡e bv|
Avcbvi Rb¨ 2018 mvjwU n‡Z hv‡”Q mgš^‡qi eQi| GKwU ¯^v¯’¨Ki Rxeb hvc‡bi Rb¨ Avcwb e×cwiKi n‡eb| Av‡Mi hv AR©b Zvi Ici wfwË K‡i bZzb wKQy M‡o †Zvjvi m¤¢vebv †`Lv hv‡”Q|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 14, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: Kwd †gi“b
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 3, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: iq¨vj e
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 6, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: g¨v‡R›Uv
Cancer (KK©Uivwk)
Leo (wmsnivwk)
Virgo (Kb¨vivwk)
The year 2018 is the year of new beginnings, as fresh avenues open up for you. Health remains fine. Financial squeeze remains, if you remain complacent!
The year 2018 appears most promising for you. A lot of travel is foreseen all round the year. Developing property or owning property is strongly indicated.
The year 2018 brings good fortune. Whatever you had started previously will culminate in success. A slight dip in health may need your attention.
Lucky number: 18, Lucky colour: Baby Pink
Lucky number: 4, Lucky colour: Peach
Lucky number: 1, Lucky colour: Green
Avcbvi Rb¨ bZzb wKQy ïi“ Kivi eQi n‡Z P‡j‡Q 2018 mvjwU| Lyj‡Z hv‡”Q bZzb bZzb iv¯—v| ¯^v¯’¨UvI fvjB hv‡e| UvKvi UvbvUvwb i‡qB hv‡e, hw` bv Avcwb memgqB Zzó _vK‡Z Pvb!
2018 mvjwU Avcbvi Rb¨ †ek m¤¢vebvi n‡Z hv‡”Q| eQiRy‡o A‡bK A‡bK åg‡Yi Bw½Z i‡q‡Q| †Kv‡bv m¤ú‡`i Dbœqb wKsev gvwjKvbv cvIqvi m¤¢vebvI cÖej|
2018 Avcbvi Rb¨ †mŠfvM¨ e‡q Avb‡e| Av‡Mi eQi hv-B ïi“ K‡i _vKzb bv †Kb, †mUv mdjZv wb‡q Avm‡e| ¯^v‡¯’¨i LvwbKUv AebwZ‡Z Avcbvi bRi †`Iqv `iKvi n‡Z cv‡i|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 18, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †ewe wcsK
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 4, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: wcP
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 1, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: meyR
jan - feb 2018
Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.
libra (Zyjvivwk)
scorpio (e…wðKivwk)
sagittarius (abyivwk)
Consider the year 2018 a harbinger of luck and happiness. Financially, you remain comfortable. Health consciousness will help improve your fitness levels.
Whatever was not working for you, now works, especially in first and third quarters. Marital life may have its ups and downs. On the whole the year 2018 treats you good.
The year 2018 seems crucial for you. Professionally, things will come within your grasp. Travel prospects brighten up. Be careful of financial setbacks.
Lucky number: 12, Lucky colour: Violet
Lucky number: 2 Lucky colour: Cyan
Lucky number: 9, Lucky colour: Cream
2018 mvjUv‡K a‡i wb‡Z cv‡ib Avcbvi †mŠfvM¨ I my‡Li evZ©vevnK| Avw_©K w`K w`‡q Avcwb wbwð‡š— _vK‡eb| ¯^v¯’¨ wb‡q m‡PZbZvi Kvi‡Y Avcbvi wdU‡bm †j‡fj hyrmB _vK‡e|
GZw`b †h¸‡jv Avcbvi Pvwn`vg‡Zv KvR K‡iwb, Gevi †mUv KvR Ki‡e| we‡kl K‡i eQ‡ii cÖ_g I wØZxqv‡aŸ©| ˆeevwnK Rxe‡b wKQy PovB DZivB _vK‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e †gv‡Ui Dci ejv P‡j 2018 mvjUv Avcbvi cÖwZ m`q _vK‡e|
2018 mvjUv Avcbvi Rb¨ †ek ¸i“Z¡c~Y© n‡Z hv‡”Q| †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i w`K †_‡K welqAvmq Avcbvi nv‡Zi gy‡Vv‡ZB _vK‡e| åg‡Yi m¤¢vebvI D¾¡j †`Lv hv‡”Q| Avw_©K cÖwZK‚jZvi e¨vcv‡i mZK© _vKzb|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 12, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †e¸bx
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 2, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: bxj‡P meyR
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 9, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: wµg
Capricorn (gKiivwk)
Aquarius (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)
Pisces (gxbivwk)
The year 2018 holds great potential for you. You will do well to keep the romance alive. Health remains good for most part of the year.
The year 2018 puts you firmly on the track to success. Excelling in academics is foretold. Investments in property promise to make you more prosperous.
Consider the year 2018, as the year of conclusions. Adopting a healthier lifestyle is a strong possibility. You will become financially secure and independent.
Lucky number: 20, Lucky colour: Silver
Lucky number: 16, Lucky colour: Saffron
Lucky number: 8, Lucky colour: Beige
2018 mvjwU Avcbvi Rb¨ e¨vcK m¤¢vebv a‡i †i‡L‡Q| †ivgvÝUv‡K euvwP‡q ivL‡Z cvi‡eb fvj K‡iB| eQ‡ii †ewkifvM mgq Ry‡oB fvj _vK‡e Avcbvi ¯^v¯’¨UvI|
†mŠfv‡M¨i PvKvq Avcbv‡K k³ K‡iB †eu‡a ivL‡e 2018 mvjwU| cov‡kvbvi w`K w`‡q DrK…ó wKQy Kivi m¤¢vebv cÖej| †Kv‡bv m¤ú‡` wewb‡qvM Avcbv‡K Av‡iv mg„×kvjx Kivi cÖwZkÖ“wZ w`‡”Q|
2018 mvj‡K a‡i ivLyb Dcmsnv‡ii eQi| GKwU ¯^v¯’¨Ki jvBd÷vBj †e‡Q †bIqvi m¤¢vebv cÖej| Avw_©K w`K w`‡q wbivc` I ¯^vaxb n‡q DV‡eb|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 20, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: iƒcvjx
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 16, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: Rvdivb
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 8 †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: nvjKv nj‡`-ev`vgx
Cover story
LEISURE 24 Hours
jan - feb 2018
24 hours in
Known as the ‘theme park capital of the world’, there’s so much to see and do in this sunny, beautiful city in the US state of Florida 71
By: David Tacon
24 NÈv
G‡K ejv nq `ywbqvi Ôw_g cv‡K©i ivRavbxÕ| Z‡e Gi evB‡iI hy³iv‡óªi †d¬vwiWvi GB †iŠ`ª¾¡j I my›`i kniwU‡Z †`Lvi Av‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz wj‡L‡Qb: †WwfW U¨vKb
is a magical place. From theme parks to world-famous restaurants, from high-end shopping centres to idyllic parks, there’s so much to do and see in this US state of Florida. It is not possible to pack everything in a week, let alone 24 hours. But if you’re just on a day-long trip or a quick getaway, here’s how you can make the most of it.
GK K_vq GK Rv`yi bMix †hb| w_g cvK© †_‡K ïiæ K‡i wek¦L¨vZ me †i¯Íivu , wejvmx kwcs †m›Uvi †_‡K g‡bvig cvK©; †d¬vwiWvi G kniwU‡Z †`Lvi Av‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz| GK mßv‡ni g‡a¨ me wKQz †`‡L †kl Kiv m¤¢e bq, nv‡Z Av‡Q †gv‡U 24 NÈv| †Zv, hw` gvÎ cy‡iv GK w`b wKsev ÿwYK Ny‡i †eov‡bvi AeKvk †Rv‡U, Z‡e mgqUv me‡P‡q fvjfv‡e KvUv‡bvi iv¯ÍvUv †R‡b †bIqv hvK Gevi|
Cover story
LEISURE 24 Hours
Start your day early by taking a leisurely walk along Park Avenue in Winter Park. This beautiful, tree-lined street is a favourite among locals. You can check out the boutiques, outdoor cafes and the popular Central Park. The beautiful fountains, landscaped planters and oak tree canopy draw visitors in hordes. There is also a spectacular Rose Garden located on the southern side of the park. While at Winter Park, you can also hop on to the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour to enjoy breathtaking views of the seven lakes in the vicinity, along with watching central Florida’s spectacular wildlife. This boat ride will take about an hour.
From Winter Park, you can take a short drive (about 20 minutes) to Lake Eola Park in the heart of downtown Orlando, a 1.6 km oasis that has become a symbol of the city. The main feature of the park is the fountain of Lake Eola, which transforms into a colourful spectacle at night during the light show. A multi-use sidewalk surrounds the water. Here, you can savour the Orlando is home to more than a dozen theme parks. Chief among its claims to fame is Walt Disney World.
w`b ïiæ Kiæb DB›Uvi cv‡K©i cvK© GwfwbD‡Z ax‡imy‡¯’ †nu‡U †eov‡bvi ga¨ w`‡q| `ycv‡k Mv‡Qi mvwi †ewóZ GB my›`i moKwU ¯’vbxq‡`iI Lye cQ‡›`i| Gi Avkcv‡ki †QvU †`vKvb, AvDU‡Wvi Kv‡d I RbwcÖq †m›Uªvj cv‡K© Xzu †g‡i Avm‡Z cv‡ib| GLvbKvi bv›`wbK Sibv, f‚`„k¨ iPbvKvix MvQcvjv I IK Mv‡Qi K¨v‡bvwc †`L‡Z Suv‡K Suv‡K Av‡m `k©bv_©xiv| cv‡K©i `wÿY w`‡K Av‡Q †PvL auvav‡bv †ivR Mv‡W©b| DB›Uvi cv‡K© _vKv Ae¯’vq Avcwb PvB‡j wmwbK †evU Uz¨‡i †h‡Z cv‡ib| Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡ib `„wómxgvq _vKv mvZwU †j‡Ki Abvexj †mŠ›`h©| Avi Gi gv‡SB †`‡L wb‡Z cv‡ib †m›Uªvj †d¬vwiWvi g‡bvgy»Ki eb¨cÖvYxi AfqviY¨| †bŠKv åg‡Y jvM‡e GK NÈvi g‡Zv| DB›Uvi cvK© †_‡K Mvwo‡Z Aí mg‡q (cÖvq 20 wgwbU) †h‡Z cv‡ib Iij¨v‡Ûvi WvDbUvD‡bi wVK †K‡›`ª _vKv †jK BIjv cv‡K©| 1 `kwgK 6 wK‡jvwgUv‡ii GB giæ`¨vbwU †hb kn‡ii cÖZxK n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q| cvK©wUi
jan - feb 2018
simple pleasures of taking a leisurely stroll or stopping for a picnic lunch in the shade of sprawling oaks, or simply soak in the colours and perfume of fragrant gardens.
Next, you can drive to the International Drive, commonly known as I-Drive, the city’s main tourist strip. This 17.9 km thoroughfare is home to several tourist attractions such as the Pointe Orlando entertainment complex, SeaWorld Orlando, Fun Spot America amusement park and the Orlando Eye ferris wheel, apart from museums, themed restaurants, bars, outlet malls and mini golf courses like Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf, among others. The major landmark is the theme park resort, Universal
g~j AvKl©Y n‡jv †jK BIjvi Sibv| iv‡Zi †ejvq jvBU †kv hLb P‡j ZLb Gi iO e`‡j hvq| cvwbi Pvicv‡k i‡q‡Q GKwU gvwë-BDR nuvUvi iv¯Ív| GLv‡b e¨¯ÍZvnxb g‡b wKQzÿY Gw`K Iw`K †nu‡U †ewo‡q †c‡Z cv‡ib mvavwm‡a Avb›` A_ev †Kv_vI e‡m Qov‡bv IK Mv‡Qi Zjvq wcKwb‡Ki g‡Zv K‡i †m‡i wb‡Z cv‡ib ga¨vý‡fvR| Avi bv nq wb‡R‡K Wzwe‡q w`‡Z cv‡ib myevwmZ evMv‡bi GKivk i‡Oi gv‡S|
DB›Uvi cv‡K© mKvj KvUv‡bvi ci Mvwo nuvwK‡q P‡j †h‡Z cv‡ib B›Uvib¨vkbvj WªvB‡f| AvB-WªvBf bv‡gB IUv‡K †jv‡K †P‡b| ch©UK‡`i PjvP‡ji g~j iv¯Ív ejv hvq IUv‡K| 17.9 wK‡jvwgUvi GB iv¯Ív Ry‡o i‡q‡Q A‡bK¸‡jv ch©Ub AvKl©Y| Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q c‡q‡›U Iij¨v‡Ûv we‡bv`b Kg‡cø·| wm-Iqvì© Iij¨v‡Ûv, dvb ¯úU Av‡gwiKv GwgDR‡g›U cvK©
(Below) Daily parade at Universal Studios, (opposite page above) Jurassic Park at Universal’s Islands of Adventure, Antique cars in the Universal Studios
Cover story
LEISURE 24 Hours
(Above) Universal’s Volcano Bay water theme park, (opposite page) The Orlando Eye
Orlando. This leisure resort consists of two theme parks (Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure), a water park (Volcano Bay), a night-time entertainment complex (Universal CityWalk Orlando) and five Loews Hotels (Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Cabana Bay Beach Resort and Loews Sapphire Falls Resort). You can enjoy themed dining and shopping, here. This area also hosts several special events throughout the year. That’s not all, you can even catch an actual film crew at work on the backlot.
Orlando is home to more than a dozen theme parks. Chief among its claims to fame is Walt
Must try
jan - feb 2018
Orlando Magic Basketball
See Orlando’s NBA team in action at the Magic’s home court—the 20,000 seat Amway Center.
I Iij¨v‡Ûv AvB bv‡gi GKwU bvMi‡`vjv| Gm‡ei cvkvcvwk Av‡Q Rv`yNi, w_g †i¯Íiuv, AvDU‡jU †`vKvbcvU I wgwb Mjd †Kvm© cvB‡iUm †Kvf A¨vW‡fÂvi Mjd I Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz| GLvbKvi g~j AvKl©YUv n‡jv w_g cvK© wi‡mvU© - BDwbfvm©vj Iij¨v‡Ûv| wi‡mvU©wU‡Z Av‡Q `y‡Uv w_g cvK© (BDwbfvm©vj ÷zwWI †d¬vwiWv I AvBj¨vÛm Ae A¨vW‡fÂvi), GKwU IqvUvi cvK© (fjKv‡bv †e), wbwkKvjxb we‡bv`b Kg‡cø· (BDwbfvm©vj wmwUIqvK Iij¨v‡Ûv) I cuvPwU †jv‡qR †nv‡Uj (†jv‡qR †cv‡U©vwd‡bv †e †nv‡Uj, nvW© iK †nv‡Uj, †jv‡qR iq¨vj c¨vwmwdK wi‡mvU©, Kvevbv †e weP wi‡mvU© I †jv‡qR m¨vdvqvi djm wi‡mvU©)| w_g wbf©i Lvbvwcbv I †KbvKvUvi gRv Dc‡fvM Kiæb GLvbUvq| Avi eQiRy‡o GLv‡b bvbvb we‡kl Av‡qvRb †j‡MB _v‡K| Z‡e GLv‡bB †kl bq, GLv‡b G‡j e¨vKj‡U mwZ¨Kv‡ii wm‡bgvi µz‡`i KvR Ki‡ZI †`L‡Z cv‡ib|
Harry P. Leu Gardens
This 50-acre garden houses more than 1,000 rose bushes (from April to January) & the largest collection of camellias in North America.
Premiere Golfing
Orlando is home to the Golf Channel, Tiger Woods, and more than 170 courses, many designed by top names: Jack Nicklaus, Tom Fazio, and Pete Dye.
Disney World, which is, by far, the most popular theme park resort in the world. It is about 35 minutes southwest of downtown Orlando. Some visitors describe it as a place of magic, wonder and fantasy. The centrepieces of Walt Disney World are the four theme parks: The Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The resort also has two of the world’s three most popular water parks, Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach. There are two shopping and entertainment districts – Disney Springs and Disney’s Boardwalk, where you can shop till you drop and indulge in some fine-dining experiences. Here, you can also try your hand at golf, tennis, boating, race car driving, spas and health clubs, among many others..
Disney Springs is also the place to be, if you want to unwind after your fun-filled moments and a very busy evening. Don’t forget to catch the sunset at the top of the Coca-Cola Store; you can get impeccable views from the rooftop bar. Call it a day after a ride on Disney’s hot air balloon ride to catch the spectacular fireworks from the surrounding theme parks.
mܨvi e¨¯Í Zv I Avb›`Nb gyn~Z©¸‡jvi gv‡S GK wPj‡Z weiwZ w`‡Z †h‡Z cv‡ib wWRwb w¯úªs‡m| †mLvbKvi †KvKv-‡Kvjv †÷v‡ii G‡Kev‡i DuPz‡ Z wM‡q m~h©v ¯Í †`L‡Z fzj‡eb bv wKš‘| iædUc IB ev‡i cv‡eb GK Abe`¨ wfD| wWRwbi Mig evZv‡mi †ejy‡ b ivB‡W P‡o Avkcv‡ki w_g cvK©¸‡jvi †PvL auv av‡bv AvZkevwRi †Ljv †`Lvi ci Avcwb ej‡ZB cv‡ib †h, GKUv w`b KvUvjvg e‡U|
GK WR‡biI †ewk w_g cvK© Av‡Q Iij¨v‡Ûv‡Z| Avi G‡`i gv‡S †mivi ¯’vbwU `vwe Ki‡Z cv‡i Iqvë wWRwb Iqvì©| hv wKbv †MvUv we‡k¦i me‡P‡q RbwcÖq w_g cvK©| WvDbUvDb Iijv‡Ûv †_‡K `wÿYcwð‡g hv 35 wgwb‡Ui c_| A‡bK `k©bv_©xB G ¯’vbwU‡K GK K_vq Rv`y, we¯§q I d¨v›Uvwmi ivR¨ e‡j‡Qb| Iqvë wWRwbi g~j AvKl©Y wn‡m‡e Av‡Q PviwU w_g cvK©: `¨ g¨vwRK wKsWg, GcKU, wWRwbi nwjDW ÷zwWI I wWRwbi Gwb‡gj wKsWg| we‡k¦i me‡P‡q RbwcÖq wZbwU IqvUvi cv‡K©i `y‡Uv Av‡Q GB wi‡mv‡U© - UvBdzb †j¸b I weøRvW© weP| `y‡UvB w_‡g ficyi| GLv‡b Av‡Q `y‡Uv †KbvKvUv I we‡bv`‡bi AÂj - wWRwb w¯úªsm I wWRwb eªWIqvK| GLv‡b w`bfi n‡b¨ n‡q †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z cvi‡eb, Wz‡e †h‡Z cv‡ib PgrKvi me Lvbvwcbvi Av‡qvR‡b| Mjd, †Uwbm, †evwUs, †im Kvi WªvBwfs, ¯úv I †nj_ K¬ve¸‡jvmn Av‡iv A‡bK wKQz‡ZB wb‡R‡K Svwj‡q wb‡Z cv‡ib GLv‡b|
Offices Biman Bangladesh Airlines (domestic) Barishal
40 Sadar Road (3rd Floor), Barishal 1226 Bangabandhu Sarak (Rangpur Road), Saidpur, Nilphamari +88-01777 775530 : 05526 71995 Chittagong +88-01777 775538 (CGP (GMT +6) 88031, Biman bhaban, 1/2, CDA Avenue, Shah Amanat International Airport, Chitagong Sholosohar, Chittagong-4203 +88-031-2500990 to 95, +88-031-650671 to 75, +88-031-2500941 to 50 +88-031-650982 to 84 +88-031- 651890 to 91 Cox’ Bazar (CXB) (GMT +6) (0341), Green Villa, Puraton Kosba, Jessore, Motel Upal, Parjatan Holyday Complex , Cox’s Bazar District Manager: 0421-71995 +88-0341-63461 Stations Manager: 0421-71996 +88-01777 775526 Airport: +88 01777 77529
Rajshahi Parjatan Motel, Shah Abdul Majid Road, Sreerampur, Rajshahi – 6000 +88 0721 774787, +88 0721 774838, +88-01777 775536
Sylhet (ZYL) (GMT +6) Airport road, Majumdari, Sylhet-3100 +88-0821-717026 to 28, +88-0821-717411-717421
Airport office Osmani international airport, Sylhet.
Biman Bangladesh Airlines (International) Abu Dhabi
Abu dhabi (AUH), (GMT+4) Sk. Zayed 2nd st./ Electra street, Bldg no. 5213, PO Box-4356 Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-6342597 Fax: +971-02-6344664 Mobile: +971-050-6146768 Email:
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
(GMT+3), Ace Building, Post Box No – 4492, Al Khobar 31952, Pepsi, Cola Road,.Dammam, KSA. +966-013-8873236 Fax: +966-013-8822523 Mobile: +966-55-2255895 Email:
Delhi, India
Room no. 2250, Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-5757053 Pabx : +971-02-5757500/2673 Fax +971-02-6344664 Mobile : +971-050-6131293 Email:
Delhi (DEL), (GMT+5.30) 320-321 Indra Prakesh Building, Barakhamba Road Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001 +91-11-41519468 Fax: +91-11-23705481 Mobile: +91- 9811322146 Email
Delhi Airport
Bahrain (BAH), (GMT+3) Shop No -08, Building No – 18Delmon International Hotel, Manama Block 315, Road No -357, Kingdom Of Bahrain +973-17212541 Fax: +973-17213426 Mobile: +973-39118140 Email:
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok (BKK), (GMT+7) 163, Ocean Insurance Building 01/17 Floor Unit, 17A, Surawongse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkok-10500 +66-02-2355556 Fax: +66-(0)22369973 Mobile: +66-(0)898960554 Email:
Bangkok Airport
Room no – Z-2 007, 2nd floor AOB Building, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. +66-(0)2-1342940 Fax: +66-(0)2-1342944 Mobile: +66-(0)8199243379 Email:
Benelux, The Netherlands Beechavenue 104, 1119 PP Schiphol, The Netherlands +31-(0)20 - 65 51 176 Fax:+31-(0)20 - 62 30 151 Brussels Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18 B, 3rd floor 1831 Diegem, Brussels, Belgium +31-(0)2 - 71 20 498 Fax:+32-(0)2 - 72 58 392
CIP-02, Level-3, IGI Airport, New Delhi 110037, India :+91-11-49638277 Fax: +91-11-49638277 Mobile: +91-9811322147 Residence :+91-11-28533590 Email
Doha (Qatar)
Doha (DOH), (GMT+3), Building No – 35, Souqahmed bin ali 07, Al-tarbiya street, P.O, box – 2738, +974-44413054 Fax: +974-44412000(gsa) Mobile: +974-55529477 Pabx: +974-44413422/117 Residence : +974-44368645 Email
Dubai, UAE
Dubai (DXB), (GMT+4) Al Masraf Tower, 16th Floor, Office #1605, Albaniyas Road, P.O. Box No -1515, Deira, Dubai, UAE + 971-4-220942/205 Office: +971-4-2283767 /205 Fax: + 971-4-2278451 Mobile: + 971-50-5539045 Residence: + 971-4-2576185 Email:
Dubai International
Airport, Terminal-1, Departure building, Room# 1017, 1049 & 1050 + 971-4-2162895 Fax: + 971-4-2245420 Mobile: + 971-50-5525936 Email:
Frankfurt c/o AVIAREPS, Kaiserstrasse 77 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 070 Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 235
Hong Kong
(HKG) (GMT+8) (00852), Room no. 214 & 215, F-2, F East, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road Tsim, Shatsuikowloon, +852-27248464 Fax: +852-27246284 Mobile: +852-94702724
Kuwait (KWI), (GMT+3), Al-Homaizi Building, Al Soor Street PO Box - 23837, Safat 13099, + 965-22426846/7 Fax: + 965-22439764, + 965-22428671 Mobile: + 965-99813462 Email:,
Airport Office Room-6So13, Lebel 6, South Concourse, Pax Terminal- 1, Hong Kong Airport +852-23298036 Fax: +852-23525830 Residence: +852-94702754 Email:
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED), (GMT+3) Al-Nakheel Center, Madinah Road P.O Box-13541, Jeddah, KSA +966-2-6652891 Fax: +966-2-6652850 Mobile: +966-501491014 Email:
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Int’l Airport +966-2-6853194 Fax: +966-2-6853326 Mobile: +966-505319533 Residence: +966-2-6552562 Email:
Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu (KTM), (GMT+5.45) House No- 314, Nagpokhari, Nexal, + 977-01-4434869 Fax: + 977-01-4434869 Mobile: + 977-9851037510 Email:
Kolkata, India
Paris 122 Champs Elysées 75008 Paris, France +33 (0) 1 53 43 53 38 Fax:+33 (0) 1 53 43 79 19
London, UK
London (LON), (GMT+0.0) 17 Conduit Street,.London W1S 2B + 44-(0)2076290161, 2076290252, + 2074957478, + 2074957480 Fax: +44 (0) 2076290736 Mobile: +44 (0) 7908117126 Residence :+44(0) 208 5982358 Email:,
Room no.5900D (5th floor), North East Extension, Terminal - 4, Hounslow, Middlesex Hearthrow Airport TW6 3FB + 44-(0) 208 745 7550 Fax: +44 (0) 208 7456390 Mobile: +44 (0) 7949686823 Residence : +44(0) 208 5738127 Email:
Cargo And Stores & Purchase Office Stratus House Office Block (1st floor), Bedfont Road, Staines Middlesex TW19 7NH + 44-(0) 1784266116 Fax: +44 (0) 1784266097 Mobile: +44 (0) 7960650342 Email:
N S C B International Airport Kolkata - 700052
Manchester, UK
(KUL), (GMT+8), 13th, Floor Menera Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang 50450 Kualalumpur, Malaysia. +603-21646131 Fax: +603-21646142 Mobile: +6012-2736676 Email:
Airport Office Lot S10 & S31, Main Terminal Building, KL International Airport Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. +603-87764770 Fax: +603-87873881 Mobile: +6019-3806643 Email:
Riyadh (RUH) (GMT+3) (00966) P.O.Box no. 21076, Riyadh-11475.K.S.A +966-1-4623537, +966-1-4623376 Fax: +966-4623501 Mobile: +966-504246352
Airport Office Airport Office
Madrid Eloy Gonzalo 27, 3rd Floor Offices IV and V, 28010 Madrid, Spain +34 - 91 - 458 57 35 Fax: +34 - 91 - 344 17 26
Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Nordics (Sweden) Riddargatan 17 114 57 Stockholm, Sweden +46 - 8 - 55 56 91 56 Fax:+46 - 8 - 24 18 88
Room No – FF 58, Airport Mall Area + 965-24330863 Fax: + 965-22428671,+ 965-24330863 Mobile: + 965-99367919 Email:
Kuwait International Airport
Kolkata (CCU), (GMT+5.30), 99A, Park Street, Siddha Park, 6th Floor, +91-33-2226-6675 Fax: +91-33-2226-6674 Mobile: +91-9831098639 Email:
+91-33-25119662 Fax: +91-33-25119662 Mobile: +91-9831098638 Residence: +91-33-25119826 Email:
Fax: +1-212-8084589 Residence: +1-718-526-4146 Email:
Manchester (MAN), (GMT+0.00) Suite – 1B, Portland Building 127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ, UK +44-161-2286605/2636 Fax: +44-1612287070 Mobile: +44-7538626645 Residence: + 44-161-9486718 Email:
Muscat, Oman (MCT), (GMT+4) Shaikh Al-Mashany Building, 3rd Floor, Opposite of Mosque Qaboos Khamis, Al-Shaqsi Street, PO Box – 1106, Ruwi, PC-112 Sultanate Of Oman. +968-24701128 Fax: +968-24703704 Mobile: +968-99474929 Email:
New York, USA New York (NYC), (GMT-5), 747 Third Avenue , 2nd Floor, NY-10017. +1-212-808-4477, +1-212-808-4523 Mobile:+1-917-520-8069,
Head Office : Balaka, Kumitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh, Tel: +88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44
King Khaled Int’l Airport Riyadh Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudia Room No-1565 +966 1 220-0227 (a/p) Fax: +966-1 220-0227 Mobile: +966-50-424-6353 Email:
Rome, Italy Rome (ROM), (GMT+1) Via Bissolati 54, Roma. +39-06-42884911 Fax: +39-06-42000211 Mobile: +39-3276868970 Email:
Singapore Singapore (SIN), (GMT+8) 72 Anson Road, #05-03, Anson House, Singapore 079911 +65-64385220 Fax: +65-64387998 Mobile: +65-91119069 Email:
Airport Office Passenger Terminal Building, #041-49, Singapore Changi Airport Terminal -1, P.O. Box No-23, Singapore 819642 +65-65420067 Fax: +65-65426787 Mobile: +65-96323207 Email:
Toronto, Canada Toronto (YYZ), (GMT-5), 208, Bloor Street, West Suite No -806, PO M5S3B4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. +1-416-9443381 Fax: +1-416-9448744 Email:
Yangon, Myanmar GSA - Transmarine Logistics Asia Pte Ltd, Room: R-18, 2nd Floor, Centre Point Tower No 65 Corner of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant Street, Kyuaktada Township +95 1 371867-68, Fax: +95 1 371869 Mobile: +95943029328 Email:
Bangladesh fleet
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Central Engineering Department
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX) Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit(02nos.)
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit(02nos.)
Entry/ Exit
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Entry/ Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit Exit Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Rows 1-28
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-200ER (12J+21W+286Y = 319PAX) Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit
Emergency Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit Rows 1-43 (Rows No. 3-7 are omitted.)
Entry/ Exit
Interior Arrangement of Q 400 Aircraft S2-AGR Passenger Compartment Y Class 74 Seats Emergency Exit
Service Door
AFT PAX DOOR Pitch: 19 X 31”
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS
35 J + 384 Y
12 J + 21 W + 286 Y
12 J+ 150 Y
Engines (maximum thrust)
GE90-100 (115,300 lbs.)
PW4090 (90,000 lbs.)
CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
181,300 liters
171,200 liters
26,025 liters
Maximum Takeoff Weight
755,000 lbs
632,499 lbs
70,987 kg
Maximum Range
7,825 NM (14,490 km)
7725NM (14316 km)
5,665 km
Typical Cruise Speed
905 km/h
1000 km/h
828 km/h
Wing span
212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)
199 ft. 11 in (60.9 m)
112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)
With winglets
117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)
Overall Length
242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)
209 ft. 1 in (63.7 m)
129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)
Tail Height
60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)
60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)
40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)
Interior Cabin Width
20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)
20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)
12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)
Note: Interior arrangement of S2-ADK has shown in figure. ‘W’ refers to Premium Economy Class of Biman and may vary according to routes.