Bihanga Inflight Magazine - Biman Bangladesh January - February 2020

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In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

Jan-Feb 2020 Vol 7 Issue 1

INSIDE 24 hours kuakata is a seaside village in bangladesh

culture jessore is country’s first digital district

Diversity of

language Celebrating International Mother Language Day



Exciting Times Ahead Md. Mokabbir Hossain Managing Director & CEO, Biman Bangladesh Airlines


on-board Biman Bangladesh airlines. My heartiest thanks for

choosing the national flag carrier of Bangladesh. We strive ceaselessly to ensure a safe, comfortable and enjoyable journey for you. Here we have traditional Bengali culinary and hospitality for you. We are committed to


¯^vMZ| Gev‡ii åg‡Y evsjv‡`‡ki ivó«xq cZvKvevnx GqvijvBÝwU‡K ‡e‡Q ‡bIqvi Rb¨ AvšÍwiK ab¨ev`| Avcbvi hvÎv wbivc`, Avivg`vqK I Dc‡fvM¨ Kivi Rb¨ Avgiv me©`v Zrci| Avcbvi Rb¨ i‡q‡Q HwZn¨evnx evOvwj Lvevi I AvwZ‡_qZv| wegvb m¤§vwbZ AwZw_‡`i Rb¨ AvšÍR©vwZK gv‡bi ‡mev wbwðZ Ki‡Z cªwZÁve×|

ensure international standard services for our honourable guests. We are striving incessantly to provide our respected guests world-class services. We have created a big network by increasing the number of


aircraft and capacity. We now have 16 aircraft in our fleet, including four brand new Boeing 787-8 Dreamliners. Another two brand new 787-9

hvÎx‡`i wek¦gv‡bi ‡mev c«`v‡bi j‡¶¨ wegvb wbiwew”Qbœfv‡e KvR Ki‡Q| cvkvcvwk D‡ovRvnvR I aviY ¶gZv e…w× K‡i Avgiv ‰Zwi KiwQ eo ‡bUIqvK©| G wb‡q 04wU e«vÛ wbD ‡evwqs 787 wW«gjvBbvimn wegv‡bi en‡i D‡ovRvnvR msL¨v 16 wU| Av‡iv `ywU ‡evwqs 787-9 wW«gjvBbvi wW‡m¤^i 2019 -Gi ‡k‡l wegvb en‡i hy³ n‡Z hv‡”Q|

Dreamliners were added to Biman’s fleet on December 2019. We have resumed Dhaka-Medina and Dhaka-Delhi direct flight recently. We are delighted to expand our network by introducing new international routes like Dhaka-Guangzhou, DhakaManchester, Dhaka-Malé, Dhaka-Colombo and DhakaTokyo in the near future. We are going to launch mobile apps that will allow air passengers to buy tickets and have access to flightrelated information. By downloading the "Biman Bangladesh Airlines’’ ‍apps on smartphones, passengers

m¤úªwZ mivmwi XvKv-gw`bv Ges XvKv-w`jøx d¬vBU Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q| GQvovI XvKv-¸qvsRy, XvKv-g¨vb‡P÷vi, XvKv-wbDBqK©, XvKv-gv‡j, XvKv-Kj‡¤^v Ges XvKv-‡UvwKI Kvh©µg Pvjy Kivi gva¨‡g AvšÍR©vwZK iyU ¸‡jv‡Z Avgv‡`i c«mvi Av‡iv evo‡Z P‡j‡Q e‡j Avgiv ‡ek D”Q¡wmZ|

Biman will be launching a mobile app for easy access to passengers

will be able to purchase tickets for all the destinations and pay fares through mobile banking services like bKash or Rocket. They will also be able to pay using credit or debit cards like Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Nexus. The apps will be available for download in the Google Play Store and Apps store. Using this app, air travellers will be able to avail information on flights, flight status, flight schedule, sales centers, online ticketing and refund help and ticket booking. The passengers can

Avgiv ‡gvevBj G¨vcm Pvjy Ki‡Z hvw”Q hv AvKvkc‡_ ågYKvix‡`i wUwKU µ‡q Ges wegvb msµvšÍ Z_¨ msMÖ‡ni my‡hvM ‡`‡e| ¯§vU©‡dv‡b Òwegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBbmÓ G¨vcm WvDb‡jv‡Wi gva¨‡g hvÎxiv mKj MšÍ‡e¨i wUwKU ‡gvevBj e¨vswKs weKvk ev i‡K‡Ui gva¨‡g µq Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| wfmv, gv÷viKvW©, A¨v‡g· Ges ‡b·vm ‡µwWU ev ‡WweU KvW© e¨envi K‡iI wUwKU µq Kiv hv‡e| ¸Mj ‡c­‡÷vi A_ev G¨vcm ‡÷vi ‡_‡K ‡h ‡Kvb ¯§vU©‡dv‡b G¨vcmwU WvDb‡jvW Kiv hv‡e| GB G¨vc‡mi gva¨‡g hvÎxMY d¬vBU m¤úwK©Z mKj Z_¨, d¬vBU ÷¨vUvm, d¬vBU wkwWDj, ‡mjm ‡m›Uvi mg~‡ni wVKvbv,AbjvBb wU‡KU I widvÛ ‡ní‡W¯‹, Ges wU‡KU eywKs msµvšÍ mg¯Í Z_¨ Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb| m¤§vwbZ hvÎxMY G¨vcmwU WvDb‡jvW K‡i ¯^ ¯^ ‡cªvdvBj ‰Zix c~e©K wiRv‡f©kb ÷¨vUvm ‡PwKs‡qi myweav cv‡eb|

also create a profile with the apps to check the reservation status. Wherever you travel, we wish you a smooth, safe and enjoyable journey. We are relentlessly working to find out new ways to improve the travel experience of our valuable guests. Your comments and feedback will be a great help in improving the standard of our services. On behalf of the Biman family, I would like to express my heartiest thanks and gratitude for putting your faith on us. Have a smooth and enjoyable flying experience! Have a blessed journey!

jan - feb 2020

RvZxq cZvKvevnx ms¯’vwU hvÎx‡`i Pvwn`v we‡ePbvq we`¨gvb iy‡U wd«‡Kv‡qwÝ evov‡Z AvMªnx| ‡hLv‡bB ågb K‡ib bv ‡Kb, Avcbvi hvÎv ‡hb wbS©ÅvU, wbivc` I Dc‡fvM¨ nDK, ‡m Avkv KiwQ| AwZw_‡`i åg‡bi AwfÁZvUv‡K AviI DbœZ Kivi cªwZwbqZ Avgiv Dcvq Lyu‡R P‡jwQ| ZvB fwel¨‡Z ‡mevi gvb evov‡Z Avcbvi gšÍe¨ I civgk© Avgv‡`i Kg© cwiKíbvq mnvqK n‡e| Avgv‡`i m‡½ _vKvi Rb¨ wegvb cwiev‡ii mevi c¶ ‡_‡K Avcbv‡K Avev‡iv ab¨ev`I K…ZÁZv RvbvB| Avkv Kwi my›`i I Dc‡fvM¨ AwfÁZv n‡e Avcbvi| Avcbvi hvÎv ïf ‡nvK|

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd.

Air Marshal Muhammad Enamul Bari, BBP, ndu, psc (retd) Md. Mokabbir Hossain DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER PUBLIC RELATIONS: Tahera Khondoker

CHAIRMAN, Biman Board of Directors:

Managing Director & CEO:

Subcontinental Media Private Limited CEO & Managing Director Prakash Johari Director Vikas Johari Editor Abhishek Chakraborty

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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Profficio 2nd Floor, 4 Mohakhali Commercial Area, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.


An inspirational & charismatic leader


Adyiš— Aby‡cªiYv, GKRb K¨vwikgvwUK ‡bZv

Dbœqb ejyb Avi gvbeZv wKsev ag©wbi‡c¶Zv; evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbvi g‡Zv †bZv wKš—y Lye KgB †`Lv hvq



Tales of Manhattan

Traditional Jessore

From stunning structures to lush green parks, there’s so much around every corner of the borough

g¨vbnvU‡bi DcK_v

`vi“Y me ¯’vcbv I Nb mey‡R QvIqv cvK©, Av‡gwiKvb G kn‡ii cÖwZwU †Kv‡YB Av‡Q †`Lvi g‡Zv bvbv wKQy

Jan - feb 2020

Bihanga received Award for Photography at the 2017 Association of Business Communicators of India (ABCI) Awards.

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is a rarely born leader

Jessore, a city in the Khulna division of Bangladesh, has a lot to see and explore

HwZn¨evnx h‡kvi

evsjv‡`‡ki Lyjbv wefv‡Mi GKwU †Rjv h‡kvi| GLv‡b Ny‡iwd‡i †`Lvi g‡Zv i‡q‡Q A‡bK wKQz


24 hours

cover story 22 Diversity of language/ fvlvi ˆewPΨ


66 Majestic escapades/

ivRwmK AeKvk

International Mother

Language Day is

Cool weekend getaways

celebrated to promote

awareness of language

from Delhi to spent

and cultural diversity

wek¦Ry‡o fvlv I mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewP‡Î¨i cÖwZ m‡PZbZv e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ cvjb Kiv nq AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em

some good time with your family, friends or someone special


w`wj­ø‡Z †eov‡Z †M‡j Ny‡i Avmvi g‡Zv wKQy RvqMvi



K_v ej‡ev Gevi

50 Tropical Bangladesh/

†gŠmygx evsjv‡`k


A seaside fisherman village

02. CEO's Note

and a small land for the

GwWU‡ii K_v

Rakhain tribes is now a big

10. Biman News

tourist attraction in

ågY Z_¨


64. Tarot

mgy`‡ª Nulv GK †R‡jcjøx I ivLvBb DcRvwZ‡`i GKwU †QvÆ AÂjB GLb evsjv‡`‡ki eo ch©Ub AvKl©‡Y cwiYZ n‡q‡Q Culture 56 Architectural wonderland/

¯’vcZ¨Kjvi we¯§qf‚wg Kuala Lumpur’s multi-racial history is reflected in city’s mosques, temples and government buildings

Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii i‡q‡Q eûRvwZK BwZnvm| Avi †mB BwZnv‡mi †Quvqv i‡q‡Q GLvbKvi gmwR`, gw›`i I miKvwi feb¸‡jv‡Z

Jan - feb 2020

fwel¨ØvYx 76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq

66 56

77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes iæU

Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn, reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.

evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|


Patients with heart disease can now hope for better outcomes with innovative treatment methods “The surprise was worse than the pain. It showed a lack of awareness” management of heart diseases through technology available in Bangladesh.

Prof. Dr. Fazila Tun Nesa Malik, HOD, Cardiology, NHFH &RI

Findings from an epidemiological study done in Bangladesh shares the following insights on the prevalence of heart disease in the Sub-continent: 1. Prevalence of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) that causes heart attack is 10 folds higher in our part of the world than that of Western world. 2. Heart attack is both severe in nature and manifests at much younger age (5 to 10 years earlier) in our region than in developed nations. 3. Prevalence is 5 folds higher in urban population than in rural. 4. Although mortality rates due to CardioVascular Disease is higher in males in Bangladesh but it is growing faster now in female population than it was 30 years ago. Is Bangladesh geared to combat the rising disease burden and mortality due to this endemic? Surprisingly, the problem to fix is not the capability of the healthcare institutes or their treatment options, but the need today is to raise general awareness on lifestyle changes to prevent heart diseases, timely detection of symptoms and

Speaking about this one of the eminent female Interventional Cardiologist and globally acclaimed for her huge experience in this field, Prof. Dr. Fazila Tun Nesa Malik, HOD – National Heart Foundation Hospital & Research Institute said, “People with heart diseases can now hope for a better quality of life and prevent mortality thanks to many innovative treatment methodologies available today in Bangladesh. Most of our hospitals are now well-equipped to screen for any heart-related ailments. In the last decade, the medical devices technology has advanced significantly, especially in the non-invasive, catheter-based therapy space. “Technological advances in the treatment of heart diseases in the recent years have been directed at reducing readmissions, improving the quality of life, and saving heart muscle.” Some innovative technologies available today in this field are as follows: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: This is a non-surgical and non-invasive approach to treat severe aortic stenosis (AS) - a condition where Aortic Heart Valve deteriorates over a period of time. Recommended to high risk patients where Open Heart Surgery seems risky, patients may be discharged in just couple of days post procedure. Drug Eluting Stents (DES): Integral to treatment of heart attack and artery

diseases through the procedure called Angioplasty, newer DES available today are more deliverable reaching the most inaccessible lesions and release medications for 180 days that reduces the likelihood of a repeat blockage. Holter Monitor: This is a small and portable device that can be worn. It helps record continuous ECG patterns taken over a time frame of 24 to 72 hours. It can detect rhythmic abnormalities that may not show up in a normal ECG. Transcatheter Pacing System (TPS) Unlike a standard pacemaker, the leadless pacemaker in its small, capsulized form allows it to be implanted using a catheter through a vein in the leg, similar to how a DES is inserted. Pacemaker: This is a small device placed under the skin in the chest and helps control heartbeat. It also helps the heart beat more regularly in people with arrhythmia. Pacemakers can be single or dual chamber or biventricular. The biventricular pacemaker is also known as the Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is used in patients with heart failure. In conclusion, hospitals of Bangladesh today host plethora of treatment options reflecting the latest in technological advancements in Cardiology. However, unless we raise the general awareness of timely detection and share these options of treatment among the masses, the statistics of the epidemiological study might continue to reflect gloomy picture.

Disclaimer: Any and all the information provided in the article are independent views expressed by Prof. Dr. Fazila Tun Nesa Malik, HOD, Cardiology, National Heart Foundation Hospital & Research Institute, Dhaka – Bangladesh for general overview and educational purposes only.

Cover story





24 Hours


Sky Update

¯‹vB Avc‡WU


Biman Bangladesh Airlines launched DhakaMedina direct flights

Biman Bangladesh Airlines started Dhaka-Medina and DhakaChattrogram direct flights on October 28, 2019, with four flights a week. State Minister for Civil Aviation and Tourism M Mahbub Ali inaugurated the flight before it took off for Medina from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport at 1.00 pm.

wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi mivmwi XvKv-g`wbv i“U Pvjy

MZ 28 A‡±vei 2019, wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ mivmwi XvKvgw`bv Ges XvKv-PÆM«vg i“‡U mßv‡n 04 w`b d¬vBU Pvjy K‡i‡Q| nhiZ kvnRvjvj Avš—©RvwZK wegvb e›`‡i ‡emvgwiK wegvb cwienb I ch©Ub gš¿Yvj‡qi gvbbxq cªwZgš¿x Rbve Gg gvneye Avjx `ycyi 01.00 Uvq w`jøxi D‡Ï‡k¨ ‡Q‡o hvIqv D‡ovRvnvwUi D‡Øvab K‡ib|

Biman Bangladesh Airlines celebrates Victory Day remembering 1971 heroes

On December 16, 2019, Biman payed tribute to the 1971 martyrs at the National Memorial early morning and the national flag hoisted atop the Biman’s Head Office, Balaka.

GKvˇii exi‡`i ¯§i‡Y wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ-Gi weRq w`em D`hvcb MZ 16 wW‡m¤^i 2019, wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ-Gi ‡fv‡i evjvKvq RvZxq cZvKv D‡Ëvjb K‡i Ges RvZxq ¯§…wZ‡mŠ‡a GKvˇii knx`‡`i cªwZ kª×v Rvbvq|

11 Biman’s Two New Dreamliners “Shonar Tori” and“Achin Pakhi” Arrives

The 5th and 6th brand new 787-9 Dreamliners of Biman Bangladesh Airlines “Shonar Tori” and “Achin Pakhi” arrived on 21 and 24 December 2019 in Dhaka from Seattle, USA.

wegv‡bi AviI `y'wU wW«gjvBbvi "‡mvbvi Zix" I "AwPb cvwL" XvKvq ‡cŠu‡Q‡Q

wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi 5g Ges 6ô eª¨vÛ wbD wW«gjvBbvi 787-9 "‡mvbvi Zix" I "AwPb cvwL" h_vµ‡g 21 I 24 wW‡m¤^i 2019 gvwK©b hy³iv‡ó«i wmqvUj ‡_‡K XvKvq G‡m ‡cŠu‡Q‡Q|

Hon’ble PM inaugurates Biman’s 5th and 6th Dreamliner ‘Shonar Tori and Awchin Pakhi’ On December 28, 2019, the 5th and 6th Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners “Shonar Tori and Awchin Pakhi” have been inducted into the fleet of Biman Bangladesh Airlines after Sheikh Hasina, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, inaugurated the aircraft. The 5th and 6th Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners are the 17th and 18th aircraft of the national flag carrier.

gvbbxq c«avbgš¿xi wegv‡bi 5g I 6ô wW«gjvBbvi Ô‡mvbvi Zix I AwPb cvwLÕi D‡Øvab MZ 28 wW‡m¤^i 2019, MYc«RvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii gvbbxq cªavbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbv D‡Øva‡bi ci 5g I 6ô ‡evwqs 7879 wW«gjvBbvi Ô‡mvbvi Zix I AwPb cvwLÕ wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi en‡i hy³ nq| RvZxq cZvKvevnx ms¯’vwUi en‡i hy³ 5g I 6ô ‡evwqs 787-9 wW«gjvBbvi 17 I 18Zg D‡ovRvnvR|

In-Flight Services

Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n

Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flair. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|


Breakfast Menu Fresh Fruit, Cocktail, Assorted Cereal With Milk, Country Omelette, Cheese Omelette, Plain Omelette with Chicken Lababdar and Mixed Vegetable Bhajee, Sunny side up with Fish Fillet and Buttered Mixed Vegetable, Bread VarietiesParatha/Rooti, Croissant, Butter, Cheese, Marmalade, Margarine and Tea, Coffee. Lunch Appetizer Hors D’oeuvre (Startar) and Fresh Salad. Main Course Chicken Rezala served with Biryani Rice and Stir Fried Vegetable. Mutton Karahi served with Boiled Rice and Mixed Vegetable Bhajee, Pan Seared Fish Served with Mediterranean Sauce, Baked Potato and Sauteed Mixed Vegetable. Dessert Orange Mousse, Chocolate Brownie, Cheese Cake & Gulab Jamun. Dinner Appetizer Hors D’oeuvre & Boiled Salad. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetables sautéed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor). Dessert Black Forest Gateau, Lemon Mousse & Golab available anytime on request.

‡e«Kdv÷ †gb¨y ‡d«k d«yU KK‡Uj, iKgvwi wmwiqvj, wgé, wP‡Kb jveve`vi I wg·W †fwR‡Uej fvwRi mv‡_ Kvw›U« Ag‡jU/PxR Ag‡jU/‡c­Bb Ag‡jU, wdk wd‡j Ges evUvi wg·W †fwR‡Uej fvwRi mv‡_ mvwb mvBW Avc| GQvov iKgvwi i“wU-c‡ivUv/i“wU, µumv, evUvi, PxR, gvigv‡jW, gvR©vwib Ges Pv I Kwd|


GwcUvBRvi AWvf© I †d«k mvjv`| ‡gBb ‡Kvm© wewiqvbx ivBm Gi mv‡_ wP‡Kb †iRvjv I ÷vi d«vBW †fwR‡Uej, e‡qì ivBm Gi mv‡_ gvUb Kvivwn I wg·W †fwR‡Uej fvwR, c¨vb wmqvW© wdk Gi mv‡_ †eKW c‡U‡Uv I m‡Z wg·W †fwR‡Uej|

wgóvbœ (wWRvU©)

A‡iÄ gym, PK‡jU eªvDwb, PxR †KK I †Mvjve Rvgyb|

wWbvi GwcUvBRvi

AW©vf I e‡qì mvjv`|

‡gBb ‡Kvm© ‡fwR‡Uej wewiqvbxi mv‡_ evUvi wP‡Kb, e‡qì ivBm Gi mv‡_ gvUb f~bv Ges wg·W †fwR‡Uej fvwR, wdk gywbqv‡ii mv‡_ Avbœv c‡U‡Uv Ges m‡Z wg·W †fwR‡Uej|

wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) e­¨vK d‡ió †MuZy, †jgb gym I †Mvjve Rvgyb| * ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq

Incorporating suggestions from many of its travellers, Biman has the most creative menu you’ll find in the air. For the outbound flight from Dhaka, all the foods are carefully prepared by the Biman Flight Catering Centre (BFCC). BFCC proudly offers Flight Catering Services to many other airlines in the foot print. Unquestionably, the menus still taste wonderful at 30,000 feet. ågYKvix‡`i KvQ †_‡K cvIqv A‡bK A‡bK civgk© †hvM Kivi d‡j DÇq‡bi mgq Avcwb wegv‡bi †gbyUv‡KB me‡P‡q m„Rbkxj e‡j Avwe®‹vi Ki‡eb| XvKv †Q‡o evB‡i hvIqvi mgq Gi me Lvevi Lye mZK©Zvi m‡½ ˆZwi K‡i wegvb d¬vBU K¨vUvwis †m›Uvi (weGdwmwm)| Ab¨vb¨ AviI A‡bK GqvijvB‡ÝI M‡e©i m‡½ K¨vUvwis †mev w`‡q Avm‡Q weGdwmwm| Avi IB †gbyi ¯^v` 30,000 dzU Dc‡iI _vK‡e GK`g AUzU! Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|

Jan - feb 2020

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24 Hours


Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage


Mig‡K Qvwc‡q µ‡gB M‡R© DV‡Q el©v| Avi Avb›`Nb G †gŠmygUv‡K cy‡ivgvÎvq Dc‡fvM Kiæb Shopping Dubai Shopping Festival


The Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) is the largest shopping and entertainment extravaganza in the Middle East. It is an annual celebration of fireworks, concerts, prizes and the best retail experiences. There are also a range of family activities and live shows that take place throughout Dubai. When: January 1–24, 2020 Where: Dubai

`yevB kwcs †dw÷fvj

ga¨cÖv‡P¨i me‡P‡q eo RgKv‡jv †KbvKvUv I we‡bv`b Drm‡ei bvg `yevB kwcs †dw÷fvj (wWGmGd)| evwl©K G Av‡qvR‡b cv‡eb AvZkevwRi †Ljv, KbmvU©, Dcnvi I LyPiv †KbvKvUvi GK `vi“Y AwfÁZv| cwievi wb‡q Kivi g‡Zv gRvi A‡bK KvRI cv‡eb| †`L‡Z cv‡eb `yevBRy‡o wewfbœ jvBf †kv| K‡e: 1-24 Rvbyqvwi, 2020 †Kv_vq: `yevB

Festival Shakrain Festival

An annual celebration in Dhaka, it is observed with the flying of kites and occurs at the end of Poush, the ninth month of the Bengali calendar. This day is also known as Poush Sangkranti. When: January 14–15, 2020 Where: Uttara, Bangladesh

mvKivBb Drme

evsjv‡`‡ki XvKvq mvKivBb GKwU evwl©K Avb‡›`vrme| G mgq AvKvkUv †X‡K hvq n‡iK i‡Oi Nywo‡Z| †cŠ‡li †k‡l cvjb Kiv nq G Drme| evsjv cwÄKvi beg gvm GwU| Avi w`bwU cwiwPZ †cŠl msµvwš— bv‡g| evsjv‡`‡ki cyi‡bv Drme¸‡jvi g‡a¨ mvKivBb Ab¨Zg| K‡e: 14-15 Rvbyqvwi, 2020 †Kv_vq: DËiv, evsjv‡`k

jan - feb 2020

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24 Hours


Theatre The Chicago Musical Theatre Festival

The Chicago Musical Theatre Festival is a juried event that showcases the work of emerging playwrights. In an industry where it is extremely difficult to gain the necessary financial support for new works, this festival creates a platform for untested material. When: February 8, 2020 Where: Chicago

`¨ wkKv‡Mv wgDwRK¨vj w_‡qUvi †dw÷fvj

D`xqgvb bvU¨Kvi‡`i g‡a¨ evQvB Kiv †jLK‡`i bvUK wb‡q Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡e wkKv‡Mv wgDwRK¨vj w_‡qUvi †dw÷fvj| G Ggb GK RMr †hLv‡b bZzb †jLK‡`i Rb¨ c„ô‡cvkK cvIqvUv `vi“Y KwVb| Avi G Drme †mB bZzb KvR¸‡jv‡K hvPvB K‡i †bIqvi GKUv my‡hvM K‡i †`q| K‡e: 8 †deª“qvwi, 2020 †Kv_vq: wkKv‡Mv


Festival Flower Festival

The Chiang Mai Flower Festival is held every year on the 1st weekend of February and lasts for three days. The high point of the festival is floral parade on the Saturday morning. It leaves from the station and continues to Nawarat bridge and ends at Nong Buak Hat Park. When: February 7-9, 2020 Where: Chaing Mai, Thailand

d¬vIqvi †dw÷fvj

cÖwZ eQ‡ii †deª“qvwii cÖ_g QywUi w`b ïi“ nq wPqvs gvB d¬vIqvi †dw÷fvj| P‡j Uvbv wZb w`b| kwbevi mKv‡j dz‡ji c¨v‡iWB n‡jv G Drm‡ei eo AvKl©Y| †÷kb †_‡K ïi“ n‡q beiZ †mZz ch©š— hvq GB KzPKvIqvR| Zvici bs eyqvK nvU cv‡K© wM‡q †kl nq| K‡e: 7-9 †deª“qvwi, 2020 †Kv_vq: wPqvs gvB, _vBj¨vÛ

jan - feb 2020

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24 Hours


CULTURE International Mother Language Day

February 21 is celebrated as the International Mother Language Day, as declared by the United Nations in 2000. Bengalis the world over commemorate the day as Bhasha Dibas or Shahid Dibas for more than six decades now. The Central Shaheed Minar is adorned with flowers on this day in Dhaka. When: February 21, 2020 Where: Bangladesh

Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em

21 †deª“qvwi cvwjZ nq Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em| 2000 mv‡j RvwZmsN G w`em †NvlYv K‡i| MZ Qq `kK a‡iB mviv we‡k¦i evOvwjiv w`bwU‡K fvlv w`em ev knx` w`em wn‡m‡e cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q| G w`b XvKvi †K›`ªxq knx` wgbvi †Q‡q hvq kÖ×v‡N©i dz‡ji †Zvovq| K‡e: 21 †deª“qvwi, 2020 †Kv_vq: evsjv‡`k


Literature Hay Festival

Since 1987, Hay Festival has programmed 125 festivals globally, attracting more than 4.5 million people to events in 30 locations. The festival is a catalyst for change, bringing together writers and thinkers from different cultures, languages and walks of life to discuss ideas openly. When: February 25 to 28, 2020 Where: Abu Dhabi, UAE

†n †dw÷fvj

1987 mvj †_‡K wek¦Ry‡o †gvU 125wU Abyôv‡bi Av‡qvRb K‡i‡Q †n †dw÷fvj KZ…©c¶| 30wU A‡j G Drm‡e Ask wb‡q‡Q cÖvq 45 jvL gvbyl| wewfbœ ms¯‹…wZ, fvlvfvlx I †kÖwY‡ckvi †jLK-wPš—vkxj‡`i g‡a¨ †mZzeÜb I cwieZ©‡bi cÖfveK wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i Avm‡Q G Drme| GLv‡b Zviv GK‡RvU n‡q wewfbœ aviYvi Av`vbcÖ`vb K‡i| K‡e: 25-28 †deª“qvwi, 2020 †Kv_vq: Avey avwe, BDGB

jan - feb 2020

Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, inaugurated Biman’s 5th and 6th Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner “Shonar Tori” and “Awchin Pakhi”. Some glorious moments:

MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv wegv‡bi 5g I 6ô ‡evwqs 787-9 wWªgjvBbvi Ô‡mvbvi Zix I AwPb cvwLÕi D‡Øvab K‡ib| wKQz ‡MŠi‡ev¾¡j wPÎ:



SAI International Residential School A New-Age Global Gurukul

SAI International Residential School is a fully residential CBSE School for Classes V to XII that believes in holistic parenting with a 360-degree edge to education. The open boundaries of SIRS imbibe global education with the traditional Gurukul approach for the 360-degree nurturing of children. SIRS is a Gurukul with a difference that blends and optimises the deep-rootedIndian values with the global practices, creating a niche in the K-12 education scenario in Eastern India.

SIRS continues its pursuit for excellence and is ranked as Odisha’s #1 Co-ed Boarding School in the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2019. Since its inception in 2018, SIRS has been conferred with many accolades such as the Emerging High Potential Schools Award 2018 from EducationWorld, World Education Award 2018 for being an Emerging School at the 12th World Education Summit. SIRS understands the need of the students in the

21st century and has a dynamic curriculum that is responsive to their intellectual strength and personal interest. SIRS believes in holistic education and enlightenment of each child; as stated as the mission of SIRS. The school encourages its children to develop a strong sense of self, an understanding of cultures, and an appreciation of the diversity of the human experience. Each child is inspired to contribute to the education process by harnessing his or her own abilities. The school has adopted innovative and the 21st century learning methodology in teaching and renders skill-based learning through career-oriented inputs by trained teachers and mentors. SIRS educational ethos espouses an internationally minded curriculum that combines the best practices of both East and the West. All of its students are encouraged to be bilingual and have an appreciation and understanding of both cultures. International mindedness is not just about resources or facilities; it is at its core about a paradigm and ethos which value social justice, diversity, a sustainable planet, community partnerships and intellectual rigor through experiential learning. At SIRS we are making Life Long Learners who are happy, disciplined, responsible, confident, humble compassionate leaders.

Cover story





Diversity of

language International Mother Language Day is celebrated to promote awareness of language and cultural diversity all across the world By: Dev Du l a l (Su rjo)

fvlvi ˆewPΨ


wek¦Ry‡o fvlv I mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewP‡Î¨i cÖwZ m‡PZbZv e„w×i j‡ÿ¨ cvjb Kiv nq AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em wj‡L‡Qb: ‡`e `yjvj (m~h©)


International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year on February 21. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to promote the awareness of language and cultural diversity all across the world. It was first announced by UNESCO on November 17, 1999. Since then it is being celebrated every year. The date reminds of February 21, 1952 when four young students were killed in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, because of Bengali and Urdu language

Jan - Feb 2020


gvZ…fvlv w`em cªwZ eQi 21-‡k ‡de&i“qvwi cvwjZ nq| GB w`emwU cvj‡bi g~j D‡Ïk¨ wek¦Ry‡o fvlv Ges mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewP‡Zª¨i m‡PZbZv e…w× Kiv| me©cª_g BD‡b‡¯‹v 17 b‡f¤^i 1999 mv‡j ‡NvlYvi ci ‡_‡K cªwZ eQi GwU cvwjZ n‡”Q| 1952 mv‡ji 21 ‡k ‡de&i“qvwi evsjv I D`©y fvlvi weZK© ‡Kw›`«K evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx XvKvq Pvi hyeK kwn` n‡qwQj| GKgvÎ fvlvB ms¯‹…wZ msi¶Y, weKvk Ges mviv wek¦ Ry‡o c«Pvi Kivi me©vwaK kw³kvjx Dcvq| GB `yf©vM¨RbK NUbvi Kvi‡Y, Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`em wek¦Ry‡o cvwjZ nq| miKvix QywU wn‡m‡e GwU evsjv‡`‡ki cwiMwYZ|


24 Hours


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24 Hours


controversy. Languages are the most powerful way to preserve and develop culture and to promote it all across the world. Because of this unfortunate incident, International Mother Language Day is celebrated all over the world and is a public holiday in Bangladesh.

(Clockwise from below) File photo of a paint on a wall in front of Shahid Minar, flower decorations at Shahid Minar, People throng Shahid Minar in Dhaka


Jan - Feb 2020

1947 mv‡j cvwK¯—vb wefv‡Mi mgq evsjv `ywU fv‡M wef³ wQj: cwðgvskwU fvi‡Z Ges c~e© AskwU c~e© evsjv bv‡g hv cieZ©xKv‡j c~e© cvwK¯— vb bv‡g cwiwPwZ n‡qwQj| ‡mB mgq fvlvMZ Bm¨y mn eû A_©‰bwZK, mvgvwRK I mvs¯‹… wZK mgm¨v wQj| 1948 mv‡j miKvi D`©y‡K RvZxq fvlv wnmv‡e ‡NvlYv Ki‡j cvwK¯—v‡bi msL¨v¸i“ evOvwj‡`i g‡a¨ c«wZev‡`i myi ‡e‡R D‡V| we‡¶vf wbh়š¿‡Yi evB‡i February 21 is P‡j hvq Ges cywjk ¸wj Pvwj‡q XvKv celebrated to wek¦we`¨vj‡qi Pvi we‡¶vfKvix‡K promote awareness nZ¨vi gva¨‡g we‡¶vf ‡kl nq| of language and gvZ…fvlvi jovB‡q wk¶v_©x‡`i cultural diversity g…Z¨y-‡K GLb Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv across the world. w`e‡m ¯§iY Kiv nq|

In 1947, at the time of partition of Pakistan, the province of Bengal was divided into two parts: the western part became India and the eastern part East Bengal, which was later known as East Pakistan. At that time there were many economic, social and cultural issues, including linguistic issue. In 1948, when the government announced Urdu as the national language it sparked the protest among the Bengali-speaking majority of Pakistan. The protest got out of control and ended with the death of four protestors of the University of Dhaka

XvKvi kwn` wgbvi gvZ…fvlvi Rb¨ jovBKvix kwn‡`i k«×v wb‡e`‡bi c«wZK| A‡÷«wjqvi wmWwbi A¨vkwdì cv‡K© GKwU Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`e‡mi ¯§…wZ‡mŠa wbwg©Z n‡qwQj| GLv‡b Avgiv cv_‡ii ‡Lv`vBK…Z knx` wgbvi Ges c…w_exi Qwe Gi Dc‡i evsjv I Bs‡iwR Dfq fvlvq ‡jLv ÔÔAvgiv 21 ‡k ‡de&i“qvwii kwn`‡`i ¯§iY KieÕÕ ‡`L‡Z cvwi|

People go to Shaheed Minar to pay tribute to the martyrs of February 21 who were shot by the police. The students’ deaths during the fight for their mother language are now remembered as The International Mother Language Day. The Shaheed Minar in Dhaka pays respect to those protestors killed for the sake of their mother language. An International Mother Language Day monument was constructed at Ashfield Park in Sydney, Australia. Here we can see the images of Shaheed Minar and the globe on the face of the stone with the words “we will remember the martyr of 21st February” written on it in both Bengali and English languages. On International Mother Language Day, UNESCO and other UN agencies take part in the events to promote cultural and linguistic diversity all around the world. They appreciate and encourage people to be knowledgeable about their mother language and provide them with awareness regarding the promotion of their language and culture towards other countries. On this day in Bangladesh, people go to Shaheed Minar to pay tribute to the martyr of February 21 and sprinkle flowers on the monument. This is a time for Bangladeshis to celebrate their culture, traditions and their Bengali national language. The prizes are given to those who made outstanding performance in language and cultural diversity.

Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`e‡m BD‡b‡¯‹v Ges RvwZms‡Ni Ab¨vb¨ ms¯’v¸wj wek¦Ry‡o mvs¯‹…wZK Ges fvlvMZ ‰ewPZª¨ cªPvi Ki‡Z wewfbœ Kg©m~wZ Ask MªnY K‡i| Zviv gvZ…fvlv m¤ú‡K© Ávb jvf Ges fvlv I ms¯‹…wZ Ab¨vb¨ ‡`‡k cªPv‡ii wel‡q m‡PZbZv e…w×mn cªksmv I Drmvn cª`vb K‡i| Avš—R©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`e‡m evsjv‡`‡ki gvbyl 21 ‡k ‡de&i“qvwii kwn‡`i ¯§…wZ‡mŠ‡a dy‡jj kª×v wb‡e`‡b knx` wgbv‡i hvb| evsjv‡`kx‡`i ms¯‹…wZ, HwZn¨ Ges RvZxq fvlv evsjv D`hvcb Kivi mgq GwU| hviv fvlv Ges mvs¯‹…wZK ‰ewP‡Zª¨ Amvgvb¨ Ae`vb ‡i‡L‡Qb Zv‡`i GBw`‡b cyi®‹vi ‡`Iqv nq|


Cover story UPDATE


Jan - Feb 2020





24 Hours

An inspirational

&charismatic leader Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is a rarely born leader for the development, for the humanity and secularism By: Z iaul Ha q ue How l a d er

Adyiš— Aby‡cªiYv,

GKRb K¨vwikgvwUK ‡bZv Dbœqb ejyb Avi gvbeZv wKsev ag©wbi‡c¶Zv; evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbvi g‡Zv †bZv wKš—y Lye KgB †`Lv hvq wj‡L‡Qb: †gv. wRqvDj nK nvIjv`vi



“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them,” William Shakespeare. The whole world revolves and evolves with the mountains of problems as well as solution since the time immemorial. Every society that has a successful history could only reach the zenith of the development by virtue of their

†kKmwcqi e‡jwQ‡jb, Ô†KD eo n‡qB Rš§vq, †KD gnZ¡ AR©b K‡i| Avi Kv‡ivi Ici gnZ¡ †hb AvQ‡o c‡o|Õ m„wói Avw` †_‡KB mviv c„w_exUv ce©Zmg mgm¨v I mgvav‡bi g‡a¨ weewZ©Z n‡”Q| †h mgv‡RiB GKwU mdj BwZnvm i‡q‡Q, †`Lv hv‡e mdjZvi P‚ovš— Ae¯’vq Avm‡Z Zv‡`i cÖ‡Z¨K‡KB †cvov‡Z n‡q‡Q A‡bK KvVLwo| cÖ‡qvRb n‡q‡Q wbijm cwikÖg I `¶Zvi| Z_vwc, G mg¯— K‡Vvi cwikÖ‡gi Avov‡j _v‡Kb GKRb †bZv whwb Dbœq‡bi hveZxq PvKv¸‡jv‡K †eMevb K‡i _v‡Kb| GB †bZvivB cv‡ib †bZ…Z¡ w`‡Z I c_ †`Lv‡Z| Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ gvbyl‡K KvR Kivi Drmvn †hvMv‡Z cv‡ib Zviv| eZ©gv‡b, evsjv‡`‡ki

the eyes of global media, Bangladesh is now moving fast on the development highway. The development trajectory of Bangladesh is on the right way and very much inclusive. Tourism development is an important issue of this development trajectory of Bangladesh. Hon’ble Prime Minsiter H.E. Sheikh Hasina is at the helms of this development. She is also an inspiration of tourism development in Bangladesh.

MYgva¨‡g evsjv‡`k GLb Dbœq‡bi gnvmo‡K `ye©vi MwZ‡Z GwM‡q Pj‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœqb MwZ mwVK c‡_B Av‡Q Ges cwic~Y©fv‡eB G¸‡”Q| †`‡ki GB Dbœqb K¶c‡_ ch©Ub GKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Bmy¨| Avi GB Dbœq‡bi GKgvÎ KY©avi gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv| evsjv‡`‡k ch©Ub Dbœq‡bi eo Aby‡cÖiYvI wZwb|


Cover story





hard work and quality. However, behind all the hard work, there is a leader who steers all the development wheels. Those leaders could lead the way, and inspire the people to work for betterment. At present, Bangladesh is lucky to get such a leader who is striving hard to take Bangladesh to the zenith of development in all aspects. The Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh H.E. Sheikh Hasina - the proud daughter of the greatest-ever Bengali of thousand years and the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - a born leader and a living legend who has already achieved greatness by virtue of her quality and firm characteristics. She did not comprise or concede defeat to any unscrupulous quarters or critic or conspirators of local and foreign. The character of Sheikh Hasina reminds us of the great quotes of Lord Alfred Tennyson: “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”


†mŠfvM¨ GB †h †`kwU Ggb GK †bZv‡K †c‡q‡Q whwb †`kwU‡K cÖvq mKj †¶‡Î mvd‡j¨i P‚ovq wb‡q †h‡Z `vi“Y GK msMÖvg Pvwj‡q hv‡”Qb| evsjv‡`‡ki gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv, nvRvi eQ‡ii †miv evOvwj RvwZi RbK e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi Mwe©Z Kb¨v| wZwb †hb Rš§MZfv‡eB †bZv, RxweZ wKse`wš—| BwZg‡a¨B Zvi `¶Zv I `„p Pwiθ‡Yi †Rv‡i AR©b K‡i‡Qb gnZ¡| †`k I †`‡ki evB‡ii Amvay mgv‡jvPK wKsev lohš¿Kvix‡`i bxwZnxb Kvh©Kjv‡ci m‡½ Avcm K‡ibwb, civRqI †g‡b †bbwb| †kL nvwmbvi PwiÎ Avgv‡`i‡K jW© Avj‡d«W †Uwbm‡bi †mB Dw³Uv g‡b Kwi‡q †`q- ÔjovB K‡iv, AbymÜvb K‡iv, Lu‡y R bvI, Z‡e nvi ¯^xKvi K‡iv bv|Õ 1975 mv‡j wb‡Ri wcZvmn cwiev‡ii A‡bK m`m¨‡K nvivb †kL nvwmbv| Gici †_‡K kvmK‡`i nv‡Z Uvbv A‡bKw`b fqven me hš¿Yv mn¨ K‡i G‡m‡Qb| GgbwK gvZ…f‚wg‡Z wd‡i Avmvi e¨vcv‡iI Zvi Ici wb‡lavÁv wQj| Z‡e wVK wdwb· cvwLi g‡ZvB D‡V G‡m‡Qb †kL nvwmbv| wd‡i‡Qb †`k I RvwZi RbM‡Yi Kj¨v‡Yi KvÊvwi n‡q| AK¬vš— Aa¨vemv‡qi †Rv‡i mvgwiK kvmK‡`i †i‡L hvIqv nvRv‡iv mgm¨vi GK K`©gv³ †Wvev †_‡K cÖvq Wzeš— †`kUv‡K D×vi K‡ib wZwb|

Sheikh Hasina, who lost her father and beloved family members in 1975, had to undergo a great torment for a long time by the then rulers. She was not even allowed nviwKDwj‡mi g‡Zv 2041 mv‡ji g‡a¨ to come back to her motherland. But, evsjv‡`k‡K GKwU DbœZ iv‡ó« cwiYZ Sheikh Hasina Sheikh Hasina rose like a Phoenix Kivi †h `vwqZ¡ wZwb wb‡q‡Qb, Zvi realises that to achieve the Sustainable bird and came to the helm of g‡a¨ A‡bK¸‡jvB ïi“ n‡q †M‡Q| Zvui Development Goals Bengali nation for the welfare of (SDG) by 2030, people and for the country. Since Bangladesh needs then, she has been putting in an skilled people unflagging diligence for salvaging the country from the quagmire of multiple problems set by the military rulers. While carrying out the Hercules job to make Bangladesh a developed nation by 2041, many mega projects have already been undertaken and that are under implementation by her personal initiatives. Sheikh Hasina also realises that to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030, the country needs skilled people. Therefore, creating skilled work force initiative is already underway here. She has already set a 100-year plan for Bangladesh i.e. Delta Plan that is to ensure the peace, prosperity and happiness for our future generation. The young-folk is the driving force for the development of any country. Realising

Jan - Feb 2020


24 Hours

(Left) The PM in a meeting in China; (Below) A modern bridge in Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina upholds the spirit of liberation, secularism, people welfare and prosperous Bangladesh

e¨w³MZ D‡`¨v‡MB cÖKí¸‡jvi KvR GwM‡q Pj‡Q| †kL nvwmbv eyS‡Z †c‡i‡Qb †h 2030 mv‡ji g‡a¨ mvm‡UB‡bej †W‡fjc‡g›U †Mvj (GmwWwR) AR©b Ki‡Z n‡j †`‡k `¶ Kg©xi cÖ‡qvRb| evsjv‡`‡ki Rb¨ B‡Zvg‡a¨ wZwb 100 eQi †gqv`x GKwU cwiKíbv nv‡Z wb‡q‡Qb| Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q †WjUv c­¨vb, hvi D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv Avgv‡`i fwel¨Z cÖR‡š§i Rb¨ kvwš—, mg„w× I myL wbwðZ Kiv|

this truth, Sheikh Hasina is putting in her best effort to involve this young force in the development wheel of Bangladesh with offering skilled trainings and soft loan amongst other kinds of incentives. Sheikh Hasina is trying to focus all the areas of development such as agriculture, industrialisation, education, tourism and hospitality, health and rural development etc. Bangabandhu was very vocal against the corruption and bureaucratic attitude of the public servant, which has reflected in his several speeches. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is also ardently following the ethics of her father. Sheikh Hasina always upholds the spirit of liberation, secularism, people welfare and prosperous Bangladesh. Father of the nation Bangabandhu has liberated the country and Sheikh Hasina is striving hard to keep the liberty atop and make Bangladesh stand high in the world map.

†h‡Kv‡bv †`‡ki Dbœq‡bi g~j PvwjKvkw³ n‡jv Gi Zi“Y cÖRš§| G mZ¨Uv Abyaveb Ki‡Z †c‡i cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœq‡bi PvKvq GB Zi“Y kw³‡K Kv‡R jvMv‡bvi m‡e©v”P †Póv Pvwj‡q hv‡”Qb| Gi Rb¨ Zi“Y‡`i `¶ evbv‡bvi cÖwk¶Y, †QvULv‡Uv FY I Ab¨vb¨ my‡hvMmyweav cÖ`v‡bi †Póv Pvwj‡q hv‡”Qb| Dbœq‡bi cÖvq me w`‡KB bRi †`Iqvi †Póv Ki‡Qb †kL nvwmbv| Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q K…wl, wkívqb, wk¶v, ch©Ub I AvwZ‡_qZv, ¯^v¯’¨ I MÖvgxY Dbœqb BZ¨vw`| miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i `~b©xwZ I AvgjvZvwš¿K g‡bvfv‡ei `vi“Y wec‡¶ wQ‡jb e½eÜz| Zvui A‡bK fvl‡YB †mUv ¯úó †kvbv wM‡qwQj| cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbvI cÖLifv‡e Zvui evevi †mme bxwZ AbymiY K‡i P‡j‡Qb| wZwb memgqB ¯^vaxbZvi †PZbv, ag©wbi‡c¶Zv, RbKj¨vY I DbœZ evsjv‡`k‡K mevi Dc‡i ¯’vb w`‡q‡Qb| RvwZi RbK e½eÜz G †`k‡K ¯^vaxbZv G‡b w`‡qwQ‡jb Avi †kL nvwmbv cÖvYcb †Póv Pvjv‡”Qb †mB ¯^vaxbZvUv‡K mevi Dc‡i ¯’vb w`‡Z Ges wek¦ gvbwP‡Î evsjv‡`k †hb wb‡Ri `„p Ae¯’vb Rvbvb w`‡Z cv‡i| †kL nvwmbvi cÖej Aa¨vemvq I eyw×gËvi e‡`Šj‡Z †`kUv Dbœq‡bi w`‡K GwM‡q Pj‡Q, Avi Zv BwZg‡a¨ we‡k¦i bvbv cÖvš— †_‡K Kzwo‡q‡Q mvayev`| gvbeZvi †mev I mvgvwRK wbivcËv msµvš— bvbvb cÖK‡íi Kvi‡Y wZwb BwZg‡a¨ gv`vi Ae wnDg¨vwbwU c`K †c‡q‡Qb|


Cover story





(Right) Karnafuli Bridge, Chittagong; (Below) A garment factory in Tangail, Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina, with her diligence and intelligence, leads the country towards development that has already earned many accolades across the globe. She was conferred on the award ‘Mother of Humanity’ because of her great contribution to humanitarian cause and social safety programmes.


She also received the UN’s highest environmental accolade ‘Champion of the Earth’ for her great contribution to the environment protection and addressing the climate change issue. Every sector of Bangladesh is at her fingertips, she is wellknown to all the aspects of development. That’s why the whole world gets amazed and terms Sheikh Hasina as a living legend. Many business people from the whole world visits Bangladesh to see such a charismatic figure. Sheikh Hasina is the champion of change who stresses on the need of developing IT for quick growth of Bangladesh. She is a visionary leader, that’s why she knows this is an era of fourth industrial revolution. Being a daughter of revolutionary, she has just turned around the bottomless basket case into basket full of skilled work force and human capital. Under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh achieves a stunning success of Millennium Development Goal, and now the country is on the right track to achieve the SDG by 2030. Under her guidance and with her right directives, Bangladesh could drop the poverty rate to 21.8 per cent and extreme poverty

Jan - Feb 2020

cwi‡ek i¶v I Rjevqy cwieZ©b wb‡q †mv”Pvi nIqvi Kvi‡Y RvwZms‡Ni m‡e©v”P m¤§vbbv ÔP¨vw¤úqb Ae `¨ Av_©ÕI †c‡q‡Qb wZwb| evsjv‡`‡ki cÖwZwU LvZB †hb Zvui bL`c©‡Y| Dbœq‡bi mKj w`‡KB Zvui bRi| G Kvi‡Y †MvUv wek¦B AvR PgwKZ Ges †kL nvwmbv‡K Rxeš— wKse`wš— e‡j Avm‡Q| we‡k¦i A‡bK eo eo e¨emvqxivI evsjv‡`‡k Av‡m †Kej K¨vwikgvwUK G e¨w³i †`Lv †c‡Z| cwieZ©‡bi P¨vw¤úqb †kL nvwmbv| mgq _vK‡Z ZvB wZwb †`‡ki Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ AvBwU Lv‡Z Dbœq‡b ¸i“Z¡ w`‡q Avm‡Qb| `~i`„wóm¤úbœ †bZv wZwb| ZvB wZwb fv‡jvB Rv‡bb †h GLb n‡jv PZz_© wkí wec­‡ei mgq| GKRb wec−­exi Kb¨v wn‡m‡e wZwb ÔZjvwenxb SzwoÕUv‡K cwiYZ K‡i‡Qb `¶ Kg©xevwnbx I gvbem¤ú‡` cwic~Y© Szwo‡Z| †kL nvwmbvi †bZ…‡Z¡ wg‡jwbqvg †W‡fjc‡g›U †Mvj (GgwWwR)-G Af~Zc~e© AR©b K‡i‡Q evsjv‡`k| Avi GLb †`kwU 2030 mv‡ji g‡a¨ GmwWwR AR©‡bi mwVK c‡_B G‡Mv‡”Q| Zvui †bZ…Z¡ I mwVK w`Kwb‡`©kbvq evsjv‡`k `vwi‡`ª¨i nvi 21.8 I Pig `vwi‡`ªi nvi 11.3 kZvs‡k bvwg‡q Avb‡Z cvi‡e (weweGm 2018)| wRwWwc cÖew„ ×i nvi †mvRv Dc‡ii w`‡K DV‡Q| Gi gv‡b n‡jv †kL nvwmbvi Avg‡jB


24 Hours

rate to 11.3 per cent (BBS 2018). The GDP is growing indicating the massive development trajectory of Bangladesh during the period of Sheikh Hasina. Recently, she has received two awards from UNICEF - ‘Champion for Skills Development for Young People’ and ‘Vaccine Hero’. These awards were conferred upon her in recognition of her outstanding contributions to skill development of the youth as well as outstanding success of Bangladesh in immunisation programme.

She has been conferred on the ‘SouthSouth Cooperation Visionary’ Award of the United Nations

For her immense great contribution in expanding information technology and technology based education, ensuring healthcare from urban to rural area, improvement of distressed people through social safety net programmes and success in poverty alleviation, she has been conferred on the ‘South-South Cooperation Visionary’ Award of the United Nations.

evsjv‡`‡ki Dbœq‡bi m~PK û û K‡i evo‡Q| m¤úªwZ wZwb BDwb‡md-Gi `y‡Uv cyi¯‹vi †c‡q‡Qb- ÔP¨vw¤úqb di w¯‹jm †W‡fjc‡g›U di Bqs wccjÕ I Ôf¨vKwmb wn‡ivÕ| Zi“Y‡`i `¶Zvi Dbœqb I UxKv`vb Kg©mw~ Pi Amvgvb¨ mvd‡j¨i djkÖ“wZ‡ZB G‡m‡Q Gme cyi¯‹vi|

Sheikh Hasina loves peace; she rears peace and works for spreading peace in this region as well as in the whole world. She wants peace to prevail on earth with hunger-andpoverty-free society. With all her enormous qualities, she makes a berth in the list of top 100 women in the world.

Z_¨cÖhwy ³ I cÖhwy ³wfwËK cov‡kvbv, kni †_‡K MÖv‡g ¯^v¯’¨‡mev wbwðZKiY, wbcxwoZ Rb‡Mvôx‡K mvgvwRK wbivcËv †eóbxi AvIZvq wb‡q Avmv I `vwi`ª we‡gvP‡b Zvui †h Amvgvb¨ mvdj¨; Gm‡ei Rb¨ wZwb f‚wlZ n‡q‡Qb RvwZms‡Ni ÔmvD_-mvD_ †Kv-Acv‡ikb wfkbvwiÕ cyi¯‹v‡i|


†kL nvwmbv kvwš—wcÖq| wZwb kvwš— jvjb K‡ib Ges G AÂjmn †MvUv we‡k¦ kvwš—i evZ©v Qwo‡q w`‡Z wZwb wbijm KvR K‡i P‡j‡Qb| ¶zav I `vwi`ªg³ y mgvR wb‡q mviv we‡k¦ †hb kvwš— weivR K‡i, GUvB Zvui PvIqv| Zvui

Fast Facts

According to Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh is forecast to add another 8% to its GDP on the back of increased foreign investment in low-cost textiles, garments and shoes.

Cover story





24 Hours


Beautiful Bangladesh

All the tourism development-related policy and laws have been enacted during her regime. The Hon’ble Prime Minister is the head the National Tourism Council (NTC) of Bangladesh. Some important meetings have already held under with Her Excellency in the Chair. Her Excellency gave many important directives for tourism development, which are under implementation.


AMwYZ ¸Yevjxi †Rv‡i we‡k¦i †miv 100 bvixi ZvwjKvq wb‡Ri ¯’vb †cv³ K‡i‡Qb wZwb| ch©U‡bi Dbœqb msµvš— hZ bxwZgvjv I AvBb Av‡Q meB Zvui kvmbvg‡jB ev¯—evwqZ n‡q‡Q| gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x GLb evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq ch©Ub KvDwÝj (GbwUwm)-Gi cÖavb| nvi G‡·‡jwÝi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ BwZg‡a¨B †ek K‡qKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© mfv AbywôZ n‡q‡Q| ch©U‡bi Dbœq‡b wZwb A‡bK ¸i“Z¡c~Y© wb‡`©kbv w`‡q‡Qb| G¸‡jv GLb ev¯—evqb nIqvi c‡_|

Sheikh Hasina is a rarely born leader for the development, for the humanity and secularism. She has already created a development philosophy that how to make an Dbœqb, gvbeZ I ag©wbi‡c¶Zvq †kL underdeveloped country to a nvwmbvi g‡Zv †bZvi Rb¥ Kv‡jf‡`ª Sheikh Hasina is the developing country within a short nq| wZwb B‡Zvg‡a¨ Ggb GK Dbœqb champion of change span of time. How many leaders `k©b ˆZwi K‡i‡Qb hv‡Z †`Lv‡bv who stresses the need across the globe could demonstrate n‡q‡Q wKfv‡e `ª“Z GKwU AbybœZ †`k of developing IT for quick development such charisma? Definitely, the Dbœqbkxj †`‡k cwiYZ n‡Z cv‡i| of Bangladesh number will be a few. Time has we‡k¦i Ggb Avi †Kvb †bZv Ggb come to carry out research on this Kvwikgv †`Lv‡Z †c‡i‡Q? wbtm‡›`‡n charismatic leadership and development msL¨vUv n‡e nv‡Z‡Mvbv| mgq n‡q‡Q †kL vision of Sheikh Hasina. Let’s join our hand to nvwmbvi g‡Zv GB mnRvZ `¶Zvm¤úbœ †bZvi †bZ…Z¡ the development trajectory of Sheikh Hasina. I Dbœqb j¶¨¸‡jv wb‡q M‡elYv Kivi| Avmyb, Avgiv Let’s invite tourists from all over the world to †kL nvwmbvi Dbœq‡bi c‡_ kwiK nB| mvivwek¦ †_‡K see the beautiful Bangladesh and listen about ch©UK‡`i Avgš¿Y Rvbvb| Zv‡`i ejyb, †Kgb my›`i the development story of this living legend. GB evsjv‡`k| Zviv ïbyK GB Rxeš— wKse`wš—i Sheikh Hasina herself is an inspiration of Dbœq‡bi Mí¸‡jv| evsjv‡`k Uz¨wiRg †W‡fjc‡g‡›Ui Bangladesh Tourism Development. Aby‡cÖiYv †kL nvwmbv wb‡RB| The author is a tourism thinker

Jan - Feb 2020

†jLK GKRb ch©Ub welqK wPš—vwe`



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Jan - Feb 2020




24 Hours

Tales of

Manhattan From stunning structures to lush parks, there’s so much around every corner of the borough. Here are some of Manhattan’s best landmarks By: Sa m uel Jo se



`vi“Y me ¯’vcbv I Nb mey‡R QvIqv cvK©, Av‡gwiKvb G kn‡ii cÖwZwU †Kv‡YB Av‡Q †`Lvi g‡Zv bvbv wKQy| g¨vbnvU‡bi †miv wKQy ¯’vcbvi K_v Rvbv hvK Gevi wj‡L‡Qb: m¨vgy‡qj †Rvm



the dizzying heights of its towering skyscrapers to cruising the East river and the Hudson, sipping a refreshing mocktail in a panoramic rooftop restaurant, there are awesome vantage points both across the city and outside of it from which to enjoy the incredible Manhattan skyline.

AÆvwjKv¸‡jv Avcbvi gv_v Nywi‡q †`‡e| B÷ wifvi I nvWmb b`x‡Z cÖ‡gv`hvÎv wKsev †Kv‡bv c¨v‡bvivwgK †i¯— iuvq e‡m gK‡UB‡j PzgyK; kn‡ii †fZi I Avkcv‡ki `„k¨ Dc‡fvM Kivi g‡Zv Av‡iv cv‡eb PgrKvi me ¯úU, †hLv‡b e‡m g¨vbnvU‡bi w`Mš— †`L‡Z cvi‡eb `y‡PvL f‡i|

City Hall Subway

wbDBqK© wmwUi †Kv‡bv GKwU mveI‡q †÷k‡bi K_v fve‡j Ômy›`iÕ wKsev ÔAwfRvZÕ k㸇jv wVK gv_vq Avm‡e bv| wmwU nj mveI‡q GKSjK †`Lv gvÎB

When thinking of a New York City subway station, words like beautiful and elegant

wmwU nj mveI‡q







24 Hours

Cover story


(Above) Brooklyn Bridge (Opposite page) Metropolitan Museum of Art

don’t usually come to mind. All it takes is just one glimpse of City Hall Subway, an abandoned Manhattan station laden with Gustavino tile, to change your opinion of the subway for good. Unfortunately, full access to this site is only available to members of the Transportation Museum. But, for $2.75, curious tourists can catch a quick view of the secret subway by taking the 6 train downtown to the Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall stop and staying on the train as it turns around to head uptown.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Located on the East River, the waterfront Brooklyn Bridge Park has breathtaking views of lower Manhattan and is the perfect spot for a weekend picnic in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge. Old Pier 1, with its historic wooden pier pilings is a firm favourite for views and photos or, if you prefer some fine dining, reserve a coveted window seat at the nearby River Café nestled under the Brooklyn Bridge.

Jan - Feb 2020

Brooklyn Bridge Park is the perfect spot for a weekend picnic cy‡ivUv †hb Avcbvi †fZi GKUv Aven ˆZwi Ki‡e| cwiZ¨³ GKwU g¨vbnvUb †÷k‡b Qov‡bv Av‡Q ¸¯—vwf‡bv UvBj| †Kej IUv †`L‡jB mveI‡qi msÁvUv e`‡j hv‡e Avcbvi Kv‡Q| Z‡e GB mvB‡Ui c~Y©v½ cÖ‡ekvwaKvi †Kej Uªv݇cv‡U©kb Rv`yN‡ii m`m¨‡`i Rb¨B msiw¶Z| ch©UKiv Aek¨ 2.75 Wjvi LiP Ki‡jB †Uª‡b K‡i eª“Kwjb weªR ev wmwU nj ÷c ch©š— PURjw` †`‡L wb‡Z cvi‡eb †Mvcb mveI‡qwU| c‡i Avevi IB †Uª‡bB wd‡i Avm‡Z cvi‡eb AvcUvD‡b|

eª“Kwjb weªR cvK© B÷ wifv‡ii cvwbi cv‡kB eª“Kwjb weªR cvK©| †jvqvi g¨vbnvU‡bi k¦vmi“×Ki `„k¨ †`Lvi Rb¨ PgrKvi GKwU RvqMv| QywUi w`‡bi eª“Kwjb weª‡Ri Qvqvq wcKwbK Kivi R‡b¨I Av`k© ¯’vb GwU| Iì cvqvi 1 G Av‡Q Kv‡Vi cvqvi cvBwjsm| Pvicv‡ki `„k¨ wKsev Qwe †Zvjvi Rb¨ †ek RbwcÖq GwU| Avi hw` GLv‡b e‡m fi‡cU †L‡Z

37 Empire State Building

The Art Deco Empire State Building is both an iconic part of the New York skyline and an amazing spot from which to appreciate the beauty of New York City. Its 86th-floor viewing platform is the highest open-air observatory in the city and the protective hatched fencing means you can get some great photos of the skyline.

Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Pvb, Z‡e wiRvf© K‡i wb‡Z cv‡ib eª“Kwjb weª‡Ri wb‡P _vKv wifvi Kv‡d‡Z Rvbvjv †Numv cQ‡›`i †Kv‡bv wmU|

G¤úvqvi †÷U wewìs cy‡iv bvg `¨ AvU© †W‡Kv G¤úvqvi †÷U wewìs| wbD Bq‡K©i w`M‡š— GwU GKK_vq AvBKwbK GKwU feb| `vi“Y G ¯úU †_‡KB Avcwb †MvUv wbDBqK© wmwUi †mŠ›`‡h©i ¸YKxZ©b MvB‡Z cvi‡eb| Gi 86 Zjvi wfD c­vUdg©wU n‡jv bMixi me‡P‡q eo Dš§y³ ch©‡e¶Y †K›`ª| Av‡Q GKwU wbivcËv †eóbx| †hLv‡b `uvwo‡q Avcwb †MvUv kn‡ii w`Mš—‡Rvov Qwe Zzj‡Z cvi‡eb Abvqv‡m|

Occupying 13 acres of Central Park, Empire State the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Building’s 86th-floor or The Met which opened in †g‡UªvcwjUb wgDwRqvg Ae AvU© viewing platform is 1880, is impressive in terms both †m›Uªvj cv‡K©i 13 GKi RvqMv Ry‡o the highest open-air of quality and scale. Added in Av‡Q †g‡UªvcwjUb wgDwRqvg Ae AvU©| observatory in 1895 by McKim, Mead and White, ms‡¶‡c `¨ †gU| 1880 mv‡j Pvjy nq the city the neoclassical facade is daunting. GwU| †hgb eo †Zgb ivkfvix| 1895 mv‡j However, the museum is surprisingly wbg©vY cÖwZôvb wgW A¨vÛ †nvqvBU-Gi ¯’cwZ easy to negotiate, particularly if you come g¨vKwKg G‡Z GKwU wbIK¬vwmK¨vj †ZviY †hvM K‡ib| early on a weekday and avoid the crowds. hv ixwZg‡Zv wekvj| Rv`yNiUv Ny‡i †`LvI †ek mnR| Although, the museum has three sites, the centrepiece is The Met Fifth Avenue. Highlights of the collection include American decorative arts, arms and armour, costumes, Egyptian art, musical instruments, photographs, and much more.

Fast facts

There’s a 29-storey building on the east side of Church Street that has no windows. A hot-dog stand outside Central Park Zoo pays $289,500 annually just for the space.

we‡kl K‡i hw` mvßvwnK QywUi w`bUv‡K ev` w`‡q Av‡mb, Z‡e Lye GKUv fxoI cv‡eb bv|

The city’s first subway was built in secrecy next to City Hall.

Rv`yNiwUi wZbwU fvM Av‡Q| gv‡Si eo AskwU n‡jv `¨ †gU wdd_ A¨vwfwbD| D‡j­L‡hvM¨ msMÖn¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q Av‡gwiKvb †W‡Kv‡iwUf AvU©m, A¯¿ I mgim¾v, †cvkvK, wgmixq wkíKg©, ev`¨hš¿, Qwe I Av‡iv A‡bK wKQy|

The population density of Manhattan is much lower today than it was 100 years ago.






24 Hours

Cover story


9/11 Memorial and Museum

The World Trade Center’s twin 110-storey towers once dominated the Manhattan skyline but were destroyed by suicide-piloted jetliners on September 11, 2001, with a tragic loss of life. Where the two towers of the World Trade Center once stood, now stand two square reflecting pools, each one acre in size. Known as the National September 11 Memorial, the area is a moving tribute to the almost 3,000 people killed as a result of attacks on September 11, 2001, and also the six people killed in the earlier World Trade Center bombing in February, 1993. Surrounded by trees and grass, the pools are recessed, with water cascading over the sides and flowing into a seemingly bottomless square. These are the largest manmade waterfalls in North America. The Museum is located in an awesome, curving glass building, between the two pools. It features displays that include

Jan - Feb 2020

9/11 ¯§„wZ‡mŠa I Rv`yNi Iqvì© †UªW †m›Uv‡ii 110 Zjv DuPz UzBb UvIqvi GK mgq g¨vbnvU‡bi w`Mš—Uv‡K kvmb Ki‡Zv| 2001 mv‡ji 11 †m‡Þ¤^i GK AvZ¥NvZx nvgjvq aŸsm n‡q hvq UvIqvi `ywU| N‡U GK ü`qwe`viK cÖvYnvbxi NUbv| †hLv‡b UvIqvi `ywU wQj †mLv‡b GLb eM©vK…wZi `ywU cyj| GK GKi AvKv‡ii cÖwZwU cy‡j cÖwZdwjZ nq AvKvk| GwUB n‡jv b¨vkbvj †m‡Þ¤^i B‡j‡fb †g‡gvwiqvj| IB nvgjvq wbnZ cÖvq 3000 gvbyl I Gi Av‡M 1993 mv‡ji †deª“qvwi‡Z Iqvì© †UªW †m›Uv‡i nvgjvq wbnZ 6 R‡bi ¯§„wZi cÖwZ kÖ×v wb‡e`‡bi Rb¨ wbwg©Z n‡q‡Q GwU| cyj¸‡jvi Pvicvk MvQ I Nv‡m XvKv| av‡c av‡c KvUv cyj¸‡jvi Pvi cv‡o i‡q‡Q Sibv| †mB Sibvi cvwb Mwo‡q c‡o cy‡ji Pvi‡KvYv Zjvwb‡Z| AvcvZ`„‡ó †h ZjUv‡K g‡b nq Aš—nxb| DËi Av‡gwiKvi g‡a¨ G `y‡UvB me‡P‡q eo K…wÎg RjcÖcvZ| Rv`yNiwU Av‡Q `yB cy‡ji gv‡S †PvL auvav‡bv GKwU Kv‡Pi ˆZwi fe‡b| †mLv‡b †M‡j †`L‡Z cv‡eb bvBb B‡j‡fb nvgjvi mgqKvi I cieZ©x bvbvb e¯—ymvgMÖx, Qwe I wfwWI|

(Above) 9/11 Memorial and Museum; (Opposite page) Grand Central Terminal

artefacts, photos, and videos, presenting the story of 9/11, as well as the aftermath and impacts.

Grand Central Terminal

Grand Central Terminal, often called Grand Central Station, is a fantastic Beaux-Arts building, and it’s definitely worth popping in to take a look at this famous landmark. The building first opened in 1913 as a terminal for the subway and train stations. Outside, the 42nd Street colonnaded faces and the statuary on top are some of the key highlights. Inside, you can’t miss the Grand Staircase, where you can stop to gaze out over the concourse. The beautifully restored ceiling here shows a celestial scene. You’ll also find an extensive selection of retail shops and restaurants inside.

The High Line

The building, Grand Central Terminal first opened in 1913 as a terminal for the subway and train stations.

The High Line is a perfect example of what New York City does best: cleverly rehabs old spaces into exactly where you want them to be. When a 1.45-mile-long abandoned freight rail on Manhattan’s West End was transformed into an elevated,

Towering 30 feet above the 11th Avenue, the High Line is a masterful feat of landscape architecture MÖ¨vÛ †m›Uªvj Uvwg©bvj MÖ¨vÛ †m›Uªvj Uvwg©bvj‡K A‡b‡K MÖ¨vÛ †m›Uªvj †÷kbI e‡j| evD-AvU©m auv‡Pi Abe`¨ I RbwcÖq febwU Aek¨B Xzu gvivi g‡Zv| 1913 mv‡j febwU cÖ_g Dš§y³ nq| ZLb GUv wQj †Uªb †÷kb I mveI‡q Uvwg©bvj| GLv‡b †`Lvi g‡Zv `k©bxq ¯’v‡bi g‡a¨ Av‡Q fe‡bi evB‡i _vKv 42Zg w÷ª‡Ui j¤^v Kjv‡gi mvwi I Dc‡i _vKv fv¯‹‡h©i mgvnvi| †fZ‡ii MÖ¨vÛ wmuwoUv wgm Kiv hv‡e bv wKQy‡ZB| †mLv‡b `uvwo‡q †_‡K RbmgvMg †`LvUvI †ek Dc‡fvM¨| hZœ K‡i ms¯‹vi Kiv wmwjs‡q Av‡Q GK ¯^M©xq `„k¨cU| †fZ‡i †ekwKQy LyPiv †`vKvbcvU I †i¯—iuvI cv‡eb|

`¨ nvB jvBb cyi‡bv wKQy‡K Kx K‡i PgrKvi GKUv ¯’v‡b cwiYZ Kiv hvq †mUv wbDBqK© fv‡jv K‡iB Rv‡b| gvwU †_‡K DuP‡z Z _vKv `¨ nvB jvBb ZviB `vi“Y GK D`vniY|



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Jan - Feb 2020




24 Hours

mixed-use public park in 2009, New Yorkers came running. Towering 30 feet above buzzing 11th Avenue, the High Line is a masterful feat of landscape architecture that melds walkways, benches, and chaise lounges with grass, perennials, trees, and bushes in perfect unkempt-kempt harmony.

Coney Island

Coney Island has a reputation as a circusworthy tourist trap, which is exactly what it is. But you may be surprised by the old-time charms of this beachfront American town. You’ll definitely be impressed by the food and drinks—Totonno’s Pizza, Gargiulo’s and Coney Island Brewery in particular. Locals and tourists hang out on the beach, eat ice cream cones on the promenade, and stand in line for the famed Cyclone roller coaster.

Chelsea Market

Located in the old Nabisco factory, Chelsea Market is an enclosed arcade of speciality shops and eateries. While seating is (at times) limited and crowds can be thick, the variety of unbelievably delicious dining options here make it a popular choice for all types, attracting gawking tourists and lunchhour folk alike. Another fun fact for foodies: Food Network’s studios are based here, too.

g¨vbnvU‡bi I‡q÷ G‡Û 1.45 gvBj j¤^v GKwU cwiZ¨³ gvjevnx †ijjvBb‡K evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q cvewjK cvK©| 2009 mvj †_‡K wbDBqK©viiv GLv‡b Qy‡U Avm‡Q Ny‡i †eov‡Z| 11 A¨vwfwbD‡Z †M‡j †Pv‡L co‡e gvwU †_‡K 30 dzU DuP‡z Z _vKv †PvL auvav‡bv ¯’vbwU| j¨vÛ‡¯‹c AvwK©‡UKPv‡ii GK Abe`¨ KxwZ© GB nvB jvBb, †hLv‡b GKBm‡½ nuvUvi iv¯—v, †eÂ, Nv‡mi Ici Av‡qk K‡i emvi RvqMv, MvQ, †SvcSvo cv‡eb| cwicvwU I A‡MvQv‡jvi g‡a¨ †h GKUv fvimvg¨ _vK‡Z cv‡i †mUvI †Pv‡L co‡e GLv‡b|

(Above) Chelsea Market in Manhattan; (Opposite page) Skyline at sunset

Kwb AvBj¨vÛ mvK©v‡mi Rb¨ GK mgq weL¨vZ wQj Kwb AvBj¨vÛ| GL‡bv wVK †ZgbB Av‡Q| ˆmKZ‡Nulv Av‡gwiKvb kniwU †hfv‡e Zvi cyi‡bv AvenUv a‡i †i‡L‡Q Zv †`‡L wew¯§Z n‡eb| GLvbKvi Lvevi I cvbxq Avcbv‡K gy» K‡i Qvo‡e| Av‡Q †Zv‡Zv‡bœvÕm wcrRv, MviwRD‡jvm A¨vÛ Kwb AvBj¨vÛ weªDqvwi| ¯’vbxq †jvKRb I ch©UKiv Gi ˆmK‡Z †eov‡Z Av‡m| Zv‡`i †`L‡eb iv¯—vi cv‡k `uvwo‡q †Kvb AvBmwµg Lv‡”Q weL¨vZ mvB‡K¬vb †ivjvi †Kv÷v‡ii Rb¨ jvBb a‡i `uvwo‡q Av‡Q|

†Pjwmqv gv‡K©U cyi‡bv bvwe‡¯‹v d¨v±wii cv‡k Av‡Q †Pjwmqv gv‡K©U| Pvicv‡k †Niv RvqMvwU‡Z †`vKvbcvU I Lvev‡ii ÷j cv‡eb| GLv‡b emvi RvqMv Kg, fxoI cÖPzi| wKš—y GLvbKvi Awek¦vm¨ me gRvi Lvevi `vev‡ii Rb¨ Gi RbwcÖqZv GZUzKz K‡gwb| me ai‡bi ch©UK‡`i Rb¨‡Zv e‡UB, `ª“Z hviv jv mvi‡Z Pvb, Zv‡`i Rb¨I wKQy bv wKQy Av‡Q GLv‡b| dzwWR‡`i Rvwb‡q ivLwQ, dzW †bUIqv‡K©i ÷zwWI¸‡jvI wKš—y GLv‡b!



Cover story




24 Hours




Jessore, a city in the Khulna division of Bangladesh, has a lot to see and explore By: Tasl im a Za m a n S h ub h ra


HwZn¨evnx h‡kvi evsjv‡`‡ki Lyjbv wefv‡Mi GKwU †Rjv h‡kvi| GLv‡b Ny‡iwd‡i †`Lvi g‡Zv i‡q‡Q A‡bK wKQz wj‡L‡Qb: Zvmwjgv Rvgvb ïåv


district once belonged to the ancient Janapada kingdom of Banga Janapada. In the 15th century, Jessore was a part of the kingdom of Pratapaditya. The fiscal administration was then placed in English hands, having been transferred to the East India Company with that of the rest of Bengal in 1765. On December 6, 1971, Jessore became the first district of Bengal to be liberated from the Pakistani forces. And Jessore is the first digital district in Bangladesh.


‡Rjv GK mg‡qi cªvPxb Rbc` e½ iv‡R¨i Aš—f©y³ wQj| 15Õk kZvãx‡Z, h‡kvi cªZvcvw`‡Z¨i iv‡R¨i GKwU Ask wQj| 1765 mv‡j B÷ BwÛqv ‡Kv¤úvwbi nv‡Z evKx evsjvi ¯’vbvš—‡ii mgq ivRKxq cªkvmbwU Bs‡iR‡`i KZ©…‡Z¡ ‡i‡L ‡`Iqv nq| 1971 mv‡ji 6 wW‡m¤^i, h‡kvi cvwK¯—vwb evwnbx gy³ evsjv‡`‡ki cª_g ‡Rjv Ges h‡kvi evsjv‡`‡ki cª_g wWwRUvj ‡Rjv|



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24 Hours


Points of interest

Benapol Land Port The main factor of the economics of Jessore is Benapol Land Port, which is situated in Sharsha Upazila. Much of the import and export trading between Bangladesh and India is done through this port. On the other side of the border is Petropool. The port is important for making government import taxes. Michael Madhusudan Dutt Memorial Museum Michael Madhusudan Dutt, or Michael Madhusudan (25 January 1824 – 29 June 1873) was a popular 19th-century Bengali poet and dramatist. He was a pioneer of Bengali drama. His famous work Meghnad Badh Kavya, is a tragic epic. He was born in Sagordari, a village in Keshabpur Upazila, Jessore District of Undivided Bengal (now Bangladesh).


Mound of Dam Dam Peer Mound of Dam Dam Peer is an ancient archaeological heritage at Manirampur Upazila of Jessore District in the Division of Khulna, Bangladesh. The experts think that at first the Buddhists lived here. After that, the Hindus came and the Muslims

‡ebvcj ¯’je›`i: h‡kv‡ii A_©bxwZi c«avb PvwjKv ‡ebvcj ¯’je›`i hv kvk©v Dc‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z| evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Zi g‡a¨ Avg`vwb-ißvwbi ‡ewkifvM evwYR¨ GB e›`‡ii gva¨‡g n‡q _v‡K| mxgvbvi Icv‡i ‡cU«v‡cvj e›`iwU miKvix Avg`vbx Ki Av‡iv‡ci Rb¨ ¸i“Z¡c~Y©|

gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë ¯§…wZ wgDwmqvg: gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë ev gvB‡Kj gaym~`b (Rvbyqvwi 1824 - 29 Ryb 1873) 19 kZ‡Ki Rbwcªq Kwe I bvU¨Kvi wQ‡jb| wZwb wQ‡jb evsjv bvU‡Ki cw_K…r| Zvui weL¨vZ iPbv ‡gNbv`ea Kve¨ GKwU welv` gnvKve¨| wZwb Rb¥M«nY K‡iwQ‡jb Awef³ evsjvi (eZ©gvb evsjv‡`k) h‡kvi ‡Rjv ‡Kkecyi Dc‡Rjvi mvMi`vix Mªv‡g|

`g`g cx‡ii wXwe: `g`g cx‡ii wXwe evsjv‡`‡ki Lyjbv wefv‡Mi h‡kvi ‡Rjvi gwYivgcyi Dc‡Rjvi GKwU cªvPxb cªZœZvwË&eK HwZn¨| we‡klÁiv g‡b K‡ib, cª_‡g ‡eŠ×iv GLv‡b evm KiZ| Gi c‡i wn›`yiv Ges me©‡k‡l gymjgvb‡`i

Jan - Feb 2020

came here at last. Most probably they made a dormitory of saints for preaching. The signs and existence of three civilisations have been detected here. It is thought to be the most ancient relic of Bangladesh, which is about 1800 years old. It is located at the village Sonargram of Bhojgati Union in Manirampur Upazila.

Haji Muhammad Mohsin was one of the greatest philanthropist person during his time

Chanchra Shiv Temple Near the town of Jessore is the suburb Chanchra. A Chanchra Rajbari once stood but has deteriorated. Visitors can see the Lord Shiva Temple, which is almost restored; the remains of the Dosh Mohabid-da Temple, unique in Bengal; and Jora Shiv Temple at Murali in a deteriorated condition.

Avev¯’j wQj GwU | m¤¢eZ ag© cªPv‡ii Rb¨ GKwU Avev¯’j ‰Zwi Kiv n‡qwQj GLv‡b wZbwU mf¨Zvi j¶Y Ges Aw¯—Z¡ mbv³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| GwU cªvq 1800 eQi cyiv‡bv hv evsjv‡`‡ki me‡P‡q cªvPxb Ae‡kl e‡j g‡b Kiv nq| GwU gwYivgcyi Dc‡Rjvi ‡fvRMwZ BDwbq‡bi ‡mvbviMªv‡g Aew¯’Z|

Haji Muhammad Mohsin Imambara An old small edifice named Haji Muhammad Mohsin Imambara is located in the Jessore

h‡kvi kn‡ii Kv‡Q kniZwj‡Z c«vqB aŸsmve¯’vq `vuwo‡q Av‡Q PvuPov ivRevwo| `k©bv_©xiv wke gw›`iwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡eb hv cªvq cybi“×vwiZ, `k gnvex`-gw›`‡ii aŸsmve‡kl hv

(Clockwise from above) Local farmers in Jessore, Rural women make Nakshi Kantha; Colonial-style building in Jessore

PvuPov wke gw›`i:


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24 Hours



Michael Madhusudan Dutt Memorial Museum

town. Haji Muhammad Mohsin was one of the greatest magnanimous, philanthropist, and munificent person during his time. This old house was built by her step sister named Munnujan Khanom who was a wealthy woman (later Mohsin inherited her wealths). It was built during the year 1802. Later, the Department of Archaeology has declared this as a protected edifice. Also the Jessore Collectorate Building, Shani mosque, Godkhali kalibari, Gazir Dorgah, Jashore Airport, Jessore Cantonment and Air Force Base Matiur Rahman, Jamidar Bari at Shridhorpur, Grave of Birshrestho Lance

Good to Know

Jan - Feb 2020

Located in the south western region of Bangladesh, Jessore is the first independent district of the country

evsjvq Abb¨ Ges c«vqB aŸsmve¯’vq gyivwji ‡Rvov wke gw›`i|

nvRx gynv¤§` gnwmb Bgvgevov nvRx gynv¤§` gnwmb Bgvgevov bv‡g GKwU eû cyivZb AU«vwjKv h‡kvi kn‡i Aew¯’Z| nvRx gyn¤§` gnwmb Zvui mg‡q Ab¨Zg gnr, c‡ivcKvix Ges `vbkxj e¨w³ wQ‡jb| GB cyivZb evwowU abx gwnjv (nvRx gnwmb-Gi m¤úwËi DËivwaKvix) gybœyRvb Lvbg bv‡g Zvui mr ‡evb wbg©vb K‡iwQ‡jb| GwU wbwg©Z n‡qwQj 1802 mv‡j| c‡i cªZœZË&e wefvM GwU‡K GKwU myiw¶Z AU«vwjKv wn‡m‡e ‡NvlYv K‡i‡Q| GQvovI h‡kv‡ii Kv‡j±‡iU wewìs, kwb gmwR`, ‡Mv`Lvjx KvjxevwW, MvwRi `iMvn, h‡kvi

Its administration was established in 1781 and it has four municipalities as well as approximately 1434 villages.

he regions main exports are cotton, jackfruit, vegetables, date molasses and comb, bananas, leather and jute.

(Left) Boat in a river in Jessore; (Below) Farmlands in Jessore

Nayek Noor Muhammad Sheikh are the tourist attraction of Jessore.

How to go

Jessore, being a major commercial centre, is well-connected to all parts of the country. It is very easy to access the city through road, rail, or air. Jessore is well connected to the capital city Dhaka. Several domestic flights connect Jessore to Dhaka every day. Biman Bangladesh is one of the prime airlines to operate Dhaka-Jessore-Dhaka every day. It’s about 199 km (approximate 6.30 hrs) by road to Jessore from Dhaka. Train services are also available in the route.

wegvbe›`i, h‡kvi K¨v›Ub‡g›U Ges gwZDi ingvb wegvbevwnbxi NvuwU, kªxaicy‡ii Rvwg`vi evwo, exi‡kªô j¨vÝ bv‡qK b~i ‡gvnv¤§` ‡kL-Gi Kei h‡kv‡ii ch©Ub ‡K›`ª|

wKfv‡e hv‡eb h‡kvi Ab¨Zg cªavb evwYwR¨K ‡K›`« nIqvq GwUi ‡`‡ki cªvq mKj As‡ki mv‡_ ‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v fvj| iv¯—v, ‡ij ev Gqv‡ii gva¨‡g kniwU‡Z Lye mn‡RB hvIqv hvq| ivRavbx XvKvi mv‡_ h‡kv‡ii ‡hvMv‡hvM e¨e¯’v ‡ek fvj| ‡ek K‡qKwU ‡`kxq wegvb cªwZw`b h‡kvi‡K XvKvi mv‡_ mshy³ K‡i| cªwZw`b wegvb evsjv‡`k XvKv-h‡kvi-XvKv i“‡U cwiPvjbvKvix Ab¨Zg cªavb wegvb ms¯’v| XvKv-h‡kvi ‡_‡K ev‡m `yiZ¡ cªvq 199 wK.wg (AvbygvwbK 6.30 N›Uv)| GQvovI ‡U«b ‡hv‡Mv XvKv ‡_‡K h‡kvi hvIqv hvq|

Biman connects Dhaka-JessoreDhaka with daily flights (


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Jan - Feb 2020

CULTURE adventure


24 Hours


Bangladesh A seaside fisherman village and a small land for the Rakhain tribes is now a big tourist attraction in Bangladesh By: D ev D ul a l (Sur j o)

†gŠmygx evsjv‡`k mgy`ª‡Nulv GK †R‡jcjøx I ivLvBb DcRvwZ‡`i GKwU †QvÆ AÂjB GLb evsjv‡`‡ki eo ch©Ub AvKl©‡Y cwiYZ n‡q‡Q wj‡L‡Qb: ‡`e `yjvj (m~h©)


is located in Potuakhali district in Barisal division. It is mainly a beach destination, which has become a popular tourist attraction just a few decades before. In the early days of independent Bangladesh, it was just a seaside fisherman village and a small land for the Rakhain tribes. Nowadays, it has become one of the most attractive beach resorts in Bangladesh. Kuakata is famous for its beautiful beach, the skyline over the Bay of Bengal and the


ewikvj wefv‡Mi cUyqvLvjx ‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z| KyqvKvUv g~jZ GKwU ‰mKZ hv K‡qK `kK Av‡M ch©UK‡`i wbKU Rbwc«q AvKl©b ‡K‡›`« cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki cª_gv‡a©, GwU wQj ‡Kej mgy`« DcK~jxq ‡R‡j Ges ivLvBb DcRvwZi GKwU ‡QvU Avevmf~wg| eZ©gv‡b GwU evsjv‡`‡ki Ab¨Zg AvKl©bxq ‰mKZ wi‡mv‡U© cwiYZ n‡q‡Q| PgrKvi ‰mKZ, e‡½vcmvM‡ii D‡a&a© w`Mš— Ges g¨vb‡Mªvf e‡bi Rb¨ KyqvKvUv weL¨vZ| GwU cªvq 30 wK‡jvwgUvi `xN© Ges 6 wKwg cªk¯—| GB ‰mK‡Zi GKB `…wó‡KvY ‡_‡K, ch©UK‡`i m~‡h©v`q Ges m~h©v¯—



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24 Hours



(Above) Sun drying fish fillets at Kuakata; (Right) Small stall in Kuakata

mangrove forest. It is about 30 kms long and 6 km wide. From the same viewpoint of this beach, tourists can enjoy sunrise and sunset. This phenomenon of nature is found only a few places in the world. Near the beach, there is a plantation of coconut and Jhauban (kind of palm trees found near the sea) trees. Tourists can walk along the beach and go to Jhauban and enjoy its beautiful view. There is an Eco Park beside Jhauban where you can enjoy a picnic with your friends and family. Besides, you can go to the Gangamati Reserve Forest located just before Jhauban. Every year many tourists visit Kuakata beach.

Jan - Feb 2020

Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡ib| cªvK…wZK GB we®§qwU c…w_ex‡Z gvÎ K‡qKwU ¯’v‡b ‡`Lv hvq| ‰mK‡Zi wbK‡U bvi‡Kj Ges 'SvDeb (mgy‡`«i av‡i GK ai‡Yi cvg MvQ) Mv‡Qi evMvb i‡q‡Q| ch©UKiv ‰mKZ eivei ‡n‡U SvDe‡b ‡h‡Z cv‡i Ges Gi my`…k¨ Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cv‡i| eÜyevÜe Ges cwiev‡ii mv‡_ wcKwb‡Ki Avb‡›`i Rb¨ SvDe‡bi cv‡kB GKwU B‡Kv cvK© i‡q‡Q| GQvovI SvDevb Gi wVK Av‡M Aew¯’Z M½vgvwU wiRvf© d‡i÷ i‡q‡Q|

‰mKZ KyqvKvUvi g~j AvKl©Y m~‡h©v`q Ges m~h©v¯— ‡`Lv GLv‡bi cªavb AvKl©b| ‰mKZwU cªvq 18 wK‡jvwgUvi `xN© Ges GK AZ¨vðh© ‡mŠ›`h© i‡q‡Q| hvB‡nvK,


Must Visit Attractions

The beach is the main attraction of Kuakata. Watching the sunrise and sunset is the primary activity here. The beach is about 18 kms long and is stunning. However, there are many other attractions nearby. Without visiting these places, your Kuakata trip will be incomplete. Gangamati Mangrove Forest: Situated about 7km east of the main beach, Gangamati is a reserve forest with trees like Keua, Gaua, Saila, etc. There is a beautiful lake located here, so don’t miss to see this too. The easiest way to reach this place is by riding motorbike along the beach. Fatra’r Chor: This is one of the most popular spots in Kuakata. It is a small island that takes about an hour to reach from Kuakata. Trees and wild animals are a part of its beauty. Due to its proximity to the Sundarbans, Fatra’r Chor is also know as “Second Sundarbans.” Sima Buddhist Temple in Misripara: Sima Buddhist temple is located in Misripara village

Fatra’r Chor is one of the most popular spots in Kuakata. It is a small island that takes about an hour to reach from Kuakata ‡`Lvi A‡bK AvKl©b i‡q‡Q| ‡m¸‡jv bv ‡`‡L KyqvKvUv ågY A‡`LvB ‡_‡K hv‡e|KyqvKvUvi kxl© 5wU AvKl©b nj: M½vgvwU g¨vb‡Mªvf eb: g~j ‰mK‡Zi cªvq 7 wK‡jvwgUvi c~‡e© Aew¯’Z| M½vgvwU GKwU msiw¶Z ebvÂj hv ‡KDqv, MvDqv, mvBjv BZ¨vw` MvQmn GLv‡b GKwU my›`i n«` Aew¯’Z, ZvB GwU `k©‡b fyj Ki‡eb bv| GB mv_v‡b ‡cŠuQv‡bvi mnR Dcvq nj ‰mKZ eivei ‡gvUievBK Pvjv‡bv| d¨vU«vÕi Pi: GwU KyqvKvUvi Ab¨Zg Rbwcªq ¯úU| GwU GKwU ‡QvU Øxc hv KyqvKvUv ‡_‡K ‡cŠuQ‡Z cªvq GK N›Uv jv‡M| A‡bK MvQ Ges eb¨ cªvYx i‡q‡Q GLv‡b| my›`ieb e‡bi mvwbœ‡a¨i Kvi‡Y, d¨vU«vÕi Pi‡K "wØZxq my›`ieb" ejv nq|


Cover story

Explore explore

For the tourists

Things you must do


Gangamati Mangrove Forest The Gangamati Mangrove Forest is 7km due east along the Kuakata beach. You can rent motorbikes (Tk 500) to get here.

which is only 4km away from the beach. The temple has the tallest Buddha statue in Southeast Asia. Also visit the Rakhain tribal villages near this temple and observe their lifestyle.

Lembur Chor: This is another beautiful place in Kuakata that is located only 5km east of the main beach. It is an estuary of 3 rivers that fall into the Bay of Bengal. This place is filled with various trees and bushes with spectacular beauty. It is also famous for watching the sunset.

How to Go:

Kuakata is accessible by road, water transports and air. If you want to go Kuakata


History Misripara Village About 9km northwest of Kuakata lies this charming village, where you can see the current generation of Rakhine people going about their life and work.

Faith Rash Purnima” and “Maghi Purnima During the “Rash Purnima” and “Maghi Purnima” Hindu and Buddhist devotees arrive here for a celebration and usually fairs are also arranged.

Jan - Feb 2020

24 Hours


Shutki Palli (Village of dry fish): Dried fish (Shutki) is a popular food in Bangladesh. So, watching the drying process is an interesting thing. This place for processing the fishes in the sun is located about 4km west of the beach.



wgwmªcvovi mxgv ‡eŠ× gw›`i: ‰mKZ ‡_‡K gvÎ 4 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i wgwm«cvov Mªv‡g mxgv ‡eŠ× gw›`i Aew¯’Z| gw›`iwU‡Z `w¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi `xN©Zg ey× g~wZ© i‡qQ| GB gw›`‡ii wbKUeZ©x ivLvBb DcRvwZ Mªvg¸‡jv Ges Zv‡`i Rxebaviv ch©‡e¶Y Kivi gZ| ïUwK cjøx (ïK‡bv gv‡Qi Mªvg): ïK‡bv gvQ (ïUwK) evsjv‡`‡ki GKwU Rbwc«q Lvevi| myZivs ïKv‡bvi c«wµqvwU ‡`Lv GKU ‡KŠZynj| ‡iv‡` gv‡Qi cªwµqvRvZKi‡Yi Rb¨ GB ¯’vbwU ‰mK‡Zi 4 wK.wg cwð‡g Aew¯’Z| ‡j¤^yi Pi: GwU KyqvKvUvi Aci GKwU my›`i ¯’vb hv g~j ‰mK‡Zi gvÎ 5 wK‡jvwgUvi c~‡e© Aew¯’Z| GwU e‡½vcmvM‡i c‡o Ggb 3 wU b`xi ‡gvnbv| `k©bxq ‡mŠ›`‡h© GB RvqMvwU wewfbœ MvQ Ges ¸‡j¥ fiv| GwU m~h©v¯— ‡`Lvi Rb¨I weL¨vZ| wegvb‡hv‡M KyqvKvUv ‡h‡Z n‡j ewikvj n‡q ‡h‡Z n‡e| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ XvKv ‡_‡K ewikvj mivmwi d¬vBU cwiPvjbv K‡i| GQvovI Ab¨vb¨ ‡emiKvix wegvb d¬vBU cwiPvjbv K‡i| KyqvKvUvq moK, Rjc_ Ges AvKvkc‡_

(Left) Inside the Buddhist temple in Kuakata; (Below) Sunset at Kuakata beach; (opposite page) Children playing in Kuakata beach

by air, you need to go via Barisal. Biman Bangladesh Airlines operate direct flights from Dhaka to Barisal. The distance from Dhaka to Patuakhali is about 340 kms by road. Direct buses from Dhaka to Kuakata are available daily from Gabtali and Sayedabad bus terminal. Both AC and non AC buses are found on this route. Anyone can reach Kuakata by water transports via Potuakhali. There are direct launch services from Dhaka to Potuakhali every day. From Potuakhali it is only one and half hour drive to Kuakata. It is also accessible by river via Barisal, which is only 3 hours drive.

hvIqv hvq| moK c‡_ XvKv ‡_‡K cUyqvLvjxi `~iZ¡ cªvq 340 wK‡jvwgUvi| MveZjx Ges mv‡q`vev` evm Uvwg©bvj ‡_‡K cªwZw`b XvKv ‡_‡K KyqvKvUv mivmwi evm cvIqv hvq| Gwm Ges bb Gwm `ywU ai‡bi evmB GB i“‡U cvIqv hvq| Rj c‡_ cUyqvLvjx n‡q KyqvKvUv ‡cŠuQv‡bv hvq| cªwZw`b XvKv ‡_‡K cUyqvLvjx‡Z mivmwi j mvwf©m i‡q‡Q| cUyqvLvjx ‡_‡K KyqvKvUv gvÎ ‡`o N›Uvi c_| GQvovI b`x c‡_ gvÎ 3 N›Uvq ewikvj n‡q KyqvKvUv hvIqv hvq|

Biman connects Dhaka-Cox’s BazarDhaka with daily flights (



Cover story




24 Hours


wonderland Kuala Lumpur’s multi-racial history is reflected in city’s mosques, temples and government buildings By: Anja l y T h o m a s



Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii i‡q‡Q eûRvwZK BwZnvm| Avi †mB BwZnv‡mi †Quvqv i‡q‡Q GLvbKvi gmwR`, gw›`i I miKvwi feb¸‡jv‡Z wj‡L‡Qb: AÄjx _gvm


Cover story






Look closely at the city’s architectural wonders and it will be impossible to say what makes it more fascinating - the towering, postmodern Petronas Tower, the Grecian-Spanish styled white and red St John’s Institution or the Moorish-styled Sultan Abdul Samad building.

kn‡ii hveZxq ¯’vcbv¸‡jvi w`‡K fv‡jv K‡i ZvKvb, wVK eyS‡ZB cvi‡eb bv Kx Kvi‡Y Gme wKQy GZ AvKl©Yxq g‡b n‡”Q| n‡Z cv‡i †mUv DËivaywbK myD”P †c‡Uªvbvm UvIqvi, wMÖK-¯ú¨vwbk auv‡Pi mv`v I jvj †m›U Rbm BÝwUwUDkb wKsev gywik Av`‡j ˆZwi myjZvb Ave`yj mvgv` feb|

cities can surpass Kuala Lumpur (KL) in the sheer variety of architectural wonders, which reflect the cultural influences that shaped the city’s skyline. Ultra or post-modern buildings like the Petronas Tower of Dayabumi Complex have their place of pride in history books, but nothing is more important to the local fabric of life than an intricately designed mosque, a Malay-style wooden place of worship, Chinese temples, or a shophouse.

KL is a rather young city and most of its distinguished structures were built at the end of 19th century and the turn of the 20th and blended Asian traditions (including Malay, Dravidian and Chinese), Islamic inspiration and colonial influence. Making today’s KL is a mix of modern and postmodern architecture. However, these buildings are not just pretty sights, they are evidences of different eras of influence in Malaysian history.


Islamic influence

Post independence, KL’s Islamic influence is seen everywhere and an exploration of the city will acquaint you with many examples of this. Mosques, palaces and even homes

(Right) Kuala Lumpur skyline at night; (Opposite page) Batu caves in Kuala Lumpur

Jan - Feb 2020

¯’vcZ¨Kjvi eûgvÎvi K_v hw` ewj, Z‡e Kzqvjvjvgcyi‡K Qvwo‡q hvIqvi g‡Zv kni cvIqv hv‡e nv‡Z‡Mvbv K‡qKwU| bMixi w`Mš—e¨vcx Qov‡bv iƒc‡iLvq †h mvs¯‹w… ZK cÖfve †Pv‡L c‡o, GB ¯’vcbv¸‡jv †hb ZviB cÖwZdjb| `vqveywg Kg‡c­‡·i †c‡Uªvbvm UvIqv‡ii g‡Zv AwZ AvaywbK ev DËivaywbK feb¸‡jv GiBg‡a¨ BwZnv‡mi cvZvq M‡e©i m‡½ VuvB K‡i wb‡q‡Q| mywbcyY bKkvi gmwR`, Kv‡Vi ˆZwi gvjq auv‡Pi cÖv_©bvjq, Pxbv gw›`i ev GKwU †`vKv‡bi K_vB ai“b; ¯’vbxq Rxebavivq G¸‡jvi †P‡q ¸i“Z¡cY~ © wKQy †hb Avi †bB|

Kzqvjvjvgcyi Zzjbvg~jKfv‡e Zi“Y kni| GLvbKvi †Pv‡L covi g‡Zv †ewkifvM ¯’vcbvB M‡o D‡V‡Q Dwbk kZ‡Ki †kl w`‡K| wesk kZ‡Ki ïi“i w`‡K GLvbKvi ¯’vcbvq Gkxq HwZn¨ (gvjq, `ªvweoxq I Pxbv), BmjvwgK Aby‡cÖiYv I Jcwb‡ewkK cÖfve †`Lv hvq| Avi Gme wg‡j AvR‡Ki Kzqvjvjvgcyi n‡q‡Q AvaywbK I DËi AvaywbK ¯’vcZ¨Kjvi wgkÖY| Z_vwc, GB feb¸‡jv ïay †h †Kej †cv÷Kv‡W©B my›`i †`Lv‡e Zv bq, gvj‡qwkqvi BwZnv‡m bvbvb hy‡Mi †h cÖfve c‡owQj, G¸‡jv ZviB cÖgvY|

BmjvwgK cÖfve ¯^vaxbZvi ci Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii meLv‡bB BmjvwgK cÖfve †Pv‡L c‡o| kn‡i LvwbKUv Ny‡i †eov‡jB Gi fzwi fzwi D`vniY †`L‡Z cv‡eb| BmjvwgK †gvwUd, K¨vwjMÖvwd wKsev Kv‡Pi Ici †KviAv‡bi AvqvZ †Lv`vB K‡i mvRv‡bv gmwR`, wewfbœ ¯’vcbv I evwoNi †Pv‡L co‡e meLv‡bB| GgbwK A‡b‡Ki g‡Z Ici †_‡K 452 wgUvi DuPz †c‡Uªvbvm

24 Hours

59 are adorned with motifs and calligraphy and etchings of Quranic verses can be seen everywhere. That said, even the 452 m high Petronas Twin Towers when seen from above, resembles the Islamic geometric motifs – although from the ground level, its all-glass façade gives it a futuristic postmodern appearance.

UvIqviUv‡KI GKwU BmjvwgK R¨vwgwZK bKkvi g‡Zv g‡b nq| Aek¨ wbP †_‡K †`L‡j AvMv‡Mvov Kv‡P †gvov febwU‡K fwel¨Z mg‡qi GKwU DËivaywbK feb e‡jB g‡b n‡e|

Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii bZzb †PvL auvav‡bv gv÷viwcmwU n‡jv cyÎ gmwR` (†Mvjvwc gmwR`)| gmwR`wUi Kzjwy ½‡Z hLb m~‡h©i Av‡jv c‡o, PKP‡K †Mvjvwc MÖvbvBU ZLb Sjgj K‡i I‡V| †ek wKQy ¯’vcZ¨Kjvi †h wdDkb Kiv hvq, Zvi PgrKvi D`vniY GwU| gvj‡qwkqvi mwZ¨Kvi †PZbvUv Zz‡j a‡i GB gmwR`| Check out the Ab¨w`‡K b¨vkbvj c­¨v‡bUwiqvgUv‡K vibrant murals that AvcvZ`„‡ó g‡b n‡e GKwU cÖv_©bvjq| G‡Z have taken over the Bukit Bintang and GKwU M¤^R y I wgbvi _vK‡jI g~jZ GwU Jalan Alor area weÁvbPP©vi RvqMv|

The Putra Mosque (Pink Mosque), with its rose-tinted granite glistening in the sunlight reflected on the bay, is a classic example of a fusion of various architectural styles and reflects the true spirit of Malaysia, while some places like the National Planetarium masquerade as a place of worship, complete with dome and a minaret, is actually a place of science.

Did you know

Plenty of structures in KL have Moorish influence, most notably Sultan Abdul Samad built in the 1800s, which is mistaken for the Sultan’s former palace! In reality, it was constructed as a government office and has a copper dome and clock tower with at 1-ton bell.

Rvb‡Zb wK? G kn‡ii ARmª ¯’vcbvq gywik cÖfve i‡q‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ D‡j­L‡hvM¨wU n‡jv 1800 mv‡j myjZvb Ave`yj mvgv‡`i ˆZwi GKwU feb| GUv‡K myjZv‡bi mv‡eK cÖvmv` wn‡m‡e g‡b KiZ A‡b‡K| IUv wQj fzj aviYv| g~jZ GwU wQj miKvwi feb| G‡Z Zvgvi ˆZwi GKwU M¤^R y Av‡Q| Zv‡Z †kvfv cv‡”Q 1 Ub IR‡bi GKwU NÈv| `vZvivb †gi‡`Kv A‡j †M‡j †`Lv hv‡e me‡P‡q †ewk gywik auv‡Pi Nievwo| G‡`i g‡a¨ `y`v© š— ¯’vcbvwU n‡jv †KwUGg †ijI‡q †÷kb| 1910 mv‡j wbwg©Z GwU| gywik AvwK©‡UKPv‡ii Av‡iKwU K¬vwmK D`vniY

Fast fact

An Argentinian architect, Cesar Pelli, designed the Petronas Twin Towers. Between 1998 and 2004 they were the world’s tallest buildings, and are still regarded as the world’s tallest ‘twin’ buildings. The Wilayah Mosque is one of the only mosques in Malaysia that non-Muslim can enter, although you will require a guided tour for this.


Cover story




24 Hours


60 (Right) Night view of Thean Hou Temple; (Opposite page) Masjid Jamek in KL; Colourful kites shop at Central Market

The area of Dataran Merdeka has a highest concentration of Moorish-style buildings and the most eye-catching of all is the KTM railway station built in 1910. Other classic examples of Moorish architecture is the 1904-built Panggung Bandraya Theatre, the National History Museum and the old Sessions and Magistrate Court.

Tudor and Victorian

At the turn of the 20th century, many important buildings were constructed in the Tudor and Victorian-style, although modified to suit Malaysia’s tropical climate. While many have since lost their importance, two sporting clubs – The Royal Selangor Club and Selangor Chinese Club with its half-timbered walls continue to charm the history buff and add a new dimension to KL’s historic side. Many of the city’s places of worship are examples of Gothic and neo-Gothic styles that was once common – namely the St Mary’s Cathedral, St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Church of the Holy Rosary and St. John’s Church (now Bukit Nanas Community Centre). Besides these churches, the residence of Sir Frank Swettenham the British administrator

Jan - Feb 2020

n‡jv 1904 mv‡j M‡o †Zvjv c¨vsMvs e›`ivqv w_‡qUvi| Av‡iv Av‡Q b¨vkbvj wnw÷ª wgDwRqvg I cyi‡bv †mkbm I g¨vwR‡÷ªU Av`vjZ|

Uz‡Wvi I wf‡±vwiqvb wesk kZ‡Ki ïi“i w`‡K A‡bK¸‡jv ¸i“Z¡cY~ © feb wbg©vY Kiv n‡qwQj Uz‡Wvi I wf‡±vwiqvb auv‡P| Aek¨ G¸‡jv hv‡Z gvj‡qwkqvi †gŠmygx AvenvIqvi m‡½ gvwb‡q wb‡Z cv‡i †mw`‡KI bRi †`Iqv n‡qwQj| Gi gv‡S A‡bK¸‡jvB mg‡qi m‡½ wb‡R‡`i ¸i“Z¡ nvwi‡q‡Q| Z‡e A‡a©KUv KvV w`‡q evbv‡bv `¨ iq¨vj wmjvb‡Mvi K¬ve I wmjvb‡Mvi PvBwbR K¬ve bv‡gi `y‡Uv †¯úvwU©s K¬v‡ei †`qvj GL‡bv BwZnvm‡cÖgx‡`i wknwiZ K‡i P‡j‡Q| Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii BwZnv‡m G¸‡jv GKwU bZzb gvÎv G‡b w`‡q‡Q| kn‡ii †ewkifvM cÖv_©bvjq¸‡jv‡Z †Mvw_K I wbI-†Mvw_K auv‡Pi †`Lv wgj‡e| Av‡M GUv †ek mvaviYB wQj| Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q †mB›U g¨vwim K¨vw_Wªvj, †mB›U A¨vÛªÕ~ m †cÖmevB‡Uwiqvb PvP©, PvP© Ae `¨ †nvwj †ivRvwi I †mB›U Rbm PvP© (GLb hv eywKZ bvbvm KwgDwbwU †m›Uvi)| MxR©v¸‡jvi cvkvcvwk 1897 mv‡j weªwUk cÖkvm‡bi m¨vi d«¨v¼ myB‡Ubnv‡gi evmfebwUI wbwg©Z n‡qwQj wbI-†Mvw_K auv‡P| `¨ †m‡fb_ Wb I †µwR wiP Gwkqvbm-mn Av‡iv wKQy wm‡bgvq †`Lv‡bv n‡qwQj G feb| PvqbvUvD‡bi †fZi gv_v ¸u‡R Av‡Q Rvjvb ZzqvbKz I eywKZ bvbv bv‡gi `vi“Y wKQy †`vKvbcvU| Kzqvjvjvgcy‡ii ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi GK PgrKvi wb`©kb GwU| Gi m‡½ †Mu‡_

61 was built in the neo-gothic style in 1897. Lately this building was featured in movies like The Seventh Dawn and Crazy Rich Asians among others. Tucked away in the areas of Chinatown, Jalan Tuanku and Bukit Nanas are charming shophouses, one of the most eye-catching works of architecture in KL and with interesting history to it. These character filled and colourful houses were two-storey houses with a functional shop on the ground floor and living space on the first, with Chinese influence similar to the terraced houses of Europe, while the imposing red and white brick building of St John’s institution in Bukit Nanas and the Telecom Museum (1928) is famous for its Grecian-Spanish architecture.

The modern KL

The evolution of architectural styles over the decades is a story of triumph. While many cultural heritages that existed in the colonial times influence the country’s cultural development today, the present- day KL’s central business district that has sprung around the Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) has given the city a post-modern appearance.

Av‡Q gRvi BwZnvmI| bv‡gi g‡ZvB `y‡Uv †`vZjv fe‡bi †fZi Av‡Q iO-†ei‡Oi me Ni| wbPZjvq Av‡Q igigv †`vKvbcvU| †`vZjvq evmfeb| wØZxq wek¦h‡y ×i Av‡M G¸‡jv evbv‡bv n‡qwQj (BD‡iv‡ci mvi †eu‡a _vKv †U‡imW fe‡bi Av`‡j ˆZwi n‡jI G‡Z Pxbv cÖfve Av‡Q)| Gi g‡a¨ eywKZ bvbvi †m›U Rbm BÝwUwUDkb febwU ˆZwi n‡q‡Q jvj I mv`v i‡Oi BU w`‡q| Ab¨w`‡K †UwjKg Rv`yNiwU (1928) L¨vwZ †c‡q‡Q Gi wMÖwmqvb¯ú¨vwbk ¯’vcZ¨‰kjxi Kvi‡Y|

AvaywbK Kzqvjvjvgcyi `k‡Ki ci `kK a‡i GLvbKvi ¯’vcZ¨Kjvq †h weeZ©b N‡U‡Q †mUv ixwZg‡Zv GK R‡qvrm‡ei Mí| †`kwUi mvs¯‹w… ZK Dbœq‡bi †bc‡_¨ Jcwb‡ewkK Avg‡j wbwg©Z HwZn¨evnx ¯’vcbvi f‚wgKv wQj †ek| Z‡e AvR‡Ki GB evwY‡R¨i †K›`ªfw‚ g wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ Kzqvjvjvgcyi Zvi DËivaywbK iƒcUv †c‡q‡Q Kzqvjvjvgcyi wmwU †m›Uv‡ii (†KGjwmwm) KvQ †_‡KB| GUv‡K wN‡iB G kn‡ii evwYwR¨K Kvh©µg AvewZ©Z n‡”Q ejv P‡j| Gi myD”P I PKP‡K feb¸‡jv †hb kn‡ii w`Mš—‡K cwic~Y© K‡i Zz‡j‡Q| Gi g‡a¨ Avevi AvMv‡Mvov Kv‡P †gvov‡bv †KGj Kb‡fbkb †m›UviwU †hb kn‡ii †Pnvivq G‡b w`‡q‡Q fwel¨‡Zi Aven| Biman connects Dhaka-Kuala Lumpur-Dhaka with weekly flights (


Cover story




24 Hours LEISURE



Looking for something new for this weekend? Try these getaways from three Biman destinations



Gev‡ii QywU‡Z bZzb wKQy LuyR‡Qb? wegv‡bi wZbwU PgrKvi Mš—e¨ †_‡K Ny‡i Avmyb

Dubai to Sharjah

Head to the city of Sharjah for a relaxing break from the noise and rush of Dubai and an intimate experience of UAE culture. An educational and cultural heart of the country, come here for numerous museums, cultural centres, and its grand University City. While here the must see includes the beautiful Al Noor Mosque, this Ottoman style mosque overlooking the Khalid lagoon is the most magnificent one amongst the 600 mosques in Sharjah. The city is also home to an aquarium, which is spread over two floors and has an enchanting world of clownfish, seahorses, eels, and sharks.

`yevB †_‡K kviRvn

`yevB‡qi kã`~lY I e¨¯—Zv †_‡K ¶wY‡Ki Avivg Av‡qk †c‡Z P‡j hvb kviRvn kn‡i| Avie Avwgiv‡Zi ms¯‹…wZ‡K Lye KvQ †_‡K Dcjwä Ki“b GLv‡b| †`kwUi wk¶v I ms¯‹…wZi †K›`ªwe›`y ejv P‡j AÂjUv‡K| Av‡Q AMwYZ Rv`yNi, mvs¯‹…wZK †K›`ª| Avi Av‡Q wekvjvKvi BDwbfvwm©wU wmwU| GLv‡b hv bv †`‡L hv‡eb bv Zv n‡jv †PvL Ryov‡bv Avj byi gmwR`| Lvwj` †j¸‡bi cvk †Nu‡l _vKv A‡Uvgvb auv‡Pi ˆZwi gmwR`wU kviRvni evwK 600 gmwR‡`i g‡a¨ me‡P‡q RgKv‡jv| G kn‡i GKwU A¨v‡Kvqvwig Av‡Q hv `y‡Uv †d¬vi Ry‡o Qov‡bv| GLv‡b Avcbv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡e K¬vDbwdk, wmÜz‡NvUK, Bj I nvOi|

Jan - Feb 2020

Biman connects Dhaka-DubaiDhaka with weekly flights (

Biman connects Dhaka-LondonDhaka with weekly flights (


London to Bristol

Foodie capital of the West Country, Bristol has got it all. From cheesecake at Hart’s Bakery to modern British plates in a shipping container at Box-E, you could easily spend two days here doing nothing but eating. When done, go around the waterways and see the city from the water. Bristol Ferry Boats operates waterbus services 364 days a year, letting you jump on and off as you choose from Bristol Temple Meads train station to the SS Great Britain. Make time to visit the Clifton Suspension Bridge, first opened in 1864, the grade I-listed structure is widely considered to be Brunel’s greatest work and is an internationally recognised icon of the city.

jÛb †_‡K weª÷j

I‡q÷ Kvw›Uªi †fvRbiwmK‡`i ivRavbx ejv nq weª÷j‡K| Kx †bB GLv‡b! nvU©m †eKvwii wPR‡KK †_‡K e·-B Gi wkwcs Kb‡UBbv‡i cv‡eb gWvb© weªwUk †c−­U| `y‡Uv w`b GLv‡b †Kej †L‡qB KvwU‡q w`‡Z cv‡ib| Avi wKQyB Ki‡Z n‡e bv Avcbv‡K| LvIqv †k‡l P‡j hvb cvwbi wKbv‡i, cvwbi Ici e‡m †PvL eywj‡q wbb kniUv‡Z| eQ‡ii 364 w`bB Pvjy _v‡K weª÷j †dwi †evU| G¸‡jv‡Z P‡o weª÷j †U¤új wgWm †Uªb †÷kb †_‡K GmGm †MÖU weª‡U‡b Avmv-hvIqv Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| wK¬dUb mvm‡cbkb weªRUv †`Lvi Rb¨ nv‡Z mgq ivLyb| 1864 mv‡j cÖ_g Pvjy nq IUv| cÖ_g †MÖ‡W ZvwjKvfz³ ¯’vcbvwU eª“‡b‡ji †miv KvR¸‡jvi GKwU| kn‡ii Avš—R©vwZK gvbm¤úbœ AvBKb wn‡m‡eI Gi bvgWvK Av‡Q|

Tarot cards...

Rvbyqvwi-†deª“qvwi 2020Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx Tarot predictions for January-February 2020 by Manisha Koushik


Aries (‡glivwk)

Taurus (e…livwk)

Gemini (wg_ybivwk)

Efforts put on the professional front will reap rich rewards. Business travel may be converted into a leisure trip, as you manage to take your family along. Possession of a new property is indicated for some.

Someone may prove to be a great support in dealing with some new issues. Maintaining cordial relations with all is likely to work in your favour on the professional front. An increment or raise can be expected by some.

Uncertainty may prevail on the professional front. You may be in a mood to conserve money and may even limit expenditure. Some ups and downs on the health front cannot be ruled out. An outing with family is indicated.

Lucky Number: 5, Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Number : 9, Lucky Colour : Yellow

Lucky Number : 1, Lucky Colour : Silver

Kg©‡¶‡Î cÖ‡Póv Ae¨vnZ _vK‡j Avkvbyiƒc cyi¯‹vi wgj‡e| e¨emvwqK åg‡Y cv‡eb QywU KvUv‡bvi Av‡gR, KviY m‡½ cwieviI _vK‡e| Kv‡ivi †¶‡Î bZzb m¤úwË jv‡fi m¤¢vebv †`Lv hv‡”Q|

bZzb †Kv‡bv Bmy †gvKv‡ejvq †KD Avcbvi †ek eo m½x n‡q Avwef©~Z n‡e| Kg©‡¶‡Î mevi m‡½ Avš—wiK m¤úK© eRvq ivLvi dj Avcbvi AbyK‚‡j _vK‡e| Kv‡ivi †ejvq †eZb e„w×i m¤¢vebv D¾¡j|

Kg©‡¶‡Î wKQy AwbðqZv gv_vPvov w`‡q DV‡Z cv‡i| A_© mvkÖ‡q gb‡hvMx n‡q DV‡Z cv‡ib, Li‡PI w`‡Z cv‡ib jvMvg| ¯^v‡¯’¨ wKQy DÌvb-cZ‡bi m¤¢vebv Dwo‡q †`Iqv hv‡”Q bv| cwiev‡ii m‡½ †Kv_vI †eov‡Z hvIqvi Bw½Z i‡q‡Q|

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 5, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : meyR

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 9, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : njy`

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 1, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : iƒcvjx

Cancer (KK©Uivwk)

Leo (wmsnivwk)

Virgo (Kb¨vivwk)

Someone in need of money may approach you, so extend help, if you can. Initiative taken by you on the social front will elicit mixed reactions. Your premonition about some developments on the professional front is likely to prove right.

You may get a chance to exchange notes with someone who is out to help you. Chances of getting snubbed by superior at workplace cannot be ruled out. Your academic performance needs improvement.

This is a good time to get things moving in the right direction, so take control. Things going wrong at work may show distinct improvement. Expect good returns from property. Don’t be extra generous in lending money.

Lucky Number : 17, Lucky Colour : Parrot Green

Lucky Number : 15, Lucky Colour : Rosy Brown

Lucky Number : 3, Lucky Colour : Purple

A‡_©i cÖ‡qvR‡b †KD Avcbvi Kv‡Q Avm‡Z cv‡i| m¤¢e n‡j nvZ evwo‡q w`b| mvgvwRK A½‡b Avcbvi †Kv‡bv D‡`¨v‡M wgkÖ cÖwZwµqv †`Lv w`‡Z cv‡i| Kg©‡¶‡Î Avcwb †h welqUv wb‡q Avk¼v cÖKvk K‡iwQ‡jb †mUvB mZ¨ cÖgvY n‡e|

Avcbv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z Pvq Ggb Kv‡ivi m‡½ Z_¨ Av`vbcÖ`vb Kivi my‡hvM †c‡Z cv‡ib| Kg©‡¶‡Î Avcbvi D”Pc`¯’ †KD †h Avcbv‡K D‡c¶v Ki‡e bv, Ggb Avk¼v ev` †`Iqv hv‡”Q bv| Avcbv‡K cov‡kvbvq Av‡iv fv‡jv Ki‡Z n‡e|

mewKQy mwVK c‡_ wb‡q Avmvi GUvB Dchy³ mgq| ZvB wbqš¿Y Avbyb| Kv‡Ri †¶‡Î †hme wel‡q fzj n‡Z hvw”Qj †mme wVKVvK n‡e| m¤úwË †_‡K fv‡jv jvf Avkv Ki‡Z cv‡ib| UvKv avi †`Iqvi †¶‡Î †ewk webqx n‡Z hv‡eb bv|

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 17, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : wUuqv meyR

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 15, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : †Mvjvcx ev`vwg

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 3, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : †e¸Yx jvj

Jan - Feb 2020

Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.

libra (Zyjvivwk)

scorpio (e…wðKivwk)

sagittarius (abyivwk)

There is much that you need to complete a given task, so be at it. You are likely to maintain a strong position on the professional front. Your financial acumen will come to the fore and make your wealth grow.

A good bargain is possible and will get you what you want at the lowest price. Putting money in property is indicated. You will find things moving favourably on the professional front. You can be invited to a celebrity do.

Luck favours you in whatever you are trying to achieve. You will be able to prove your point with someone at work that you had been trying for long. Enjoying a financially stable period is indicated.

Lucky Number: 22, Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey

Lucky Number: 4, Lucky Colour: Royal Blue

Lucky Number: 11, Lucky Colour: Pink

nv‡Z †h KvRUv Av‡Q †mUv †kl Kiv Ri“wi| IUv wb‡qB AvcvZZ c‡o _vKzb| Kg©‡¶‡Î †`Lv hv‡”Q Avcwb kw³kvjx Ae¯’vbUv a‡i ivL‡Z cvi‡eb| A_© wel‡q Avcbvi †h m~¶¥ wePvikw³ Av‡Q †mUv cÖKvk cv‡e Ges m¤ú`I e„w× cv‡e|

fv‡jv GKUv `i KlvKwli m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q| Z‡e Avcwb me‡P‡q Kg `v‡gB cv‡eb, hv Avcwb †c‡Z Pv‡”Qb| m¤úwˇZ wewb‡qv‡Mi m¤¢vebv †`Lv hv‡”Q| †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i †¶‡Î me wKQy Avcbvi AbyK‚‡j hv‡e| †Kv‡bv GK ZviKvi cvwU©‡Z `vIqvZ †c‡Z cv‡ib|

hv AR©b Ki‡Z Pv‡”Qb Zv‡Z fvM¨ Avcbvi mnvq n‡Z P‡j‡Q| Kg©‡¶‡Î `xN©w`b a‡i KvD‡K †h welqUv †evSv‡bvi †Póv K‡i Avm‡Qb, Zv‡Z mdj n‡eb| Avw_©Kfv‡e w¯’wZkxj GKUv mgq KvUv‡bvi Bw½Z †`Lv hv‡”Q|

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 22, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : †m­‡Ui Mvp a~mi

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 4, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : iq¨vj e­y

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 11, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : †Mvjvcx

Capricorn (gKiivwk)

Aquarius (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)

Pisces (gxbivwk)

Your extra effort at work is certain to get noticed by those who matter on the professional front. Something that you desire on the academic front will soon be yours. Getting rid of an old ailment is possible.

Excellent opportunities await some on the academic front. Some gains are indicated in real estate. Efforts to make your mark on the social front will succeed. A home remedy may come in handy for healing an old ailment.

This is the right time to go for a change in your personal or professional sphere. You may become the centre of attraction in a social gathering. Getting into a romantic relationship is indicated for some.

Lucky Number: 4, Lucky Colour: Dark Turquoise

Lucky Number: 2, Lucky Colour: Cream

Lucky Number: 18, Lucky Colour: Golden Brown

Kg©‡¶‡Î Avcbvi evowZ cÖ‡Póv Zv‡`i bR‡i Avm‡e hviv Avcbvi †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i †¶‡Î ¸i“Z¡c~Y©| wk¶v‡¶‡Î hv GZw`b †P‡q AvmwQ‡jb, Zv Ae‡k‡l †c‡Z hv‡”Qb| cyi‡bv †Kv‡bv †ivM †_‡K Av‡ivM¨ wgj‡Z cv‡i|

cov‡kvbvi †¶‡Î Kv‡ivi Rb¨ `vi“Y wKQy my‡hvM A‡c¶v Ki‡Q| wi‡qj G‡÷‡U jvfevb nIqvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q| mvgvwRK A½‡b wb‡Ri Ae¯’vb ˆZwii cÖ‡Póvq mdj n‡eb| cyi‡bv †Kv‡bv †ivM wbivg‡q N‡ivqv †UvUKv Kv‡R jvM‡Z cv‡i|

e¨w³MZ ev †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i †¶‡Î cwieZ©b Avbvi Rb¨ GUvB mwVK mgq| mvgvwRK †Kv‡bv mgvM‡g Avcwb n‡Z cv‡ib †K›`ªwe›`y| Kv‡ivi †ejvq †ivgvw›UK m¤úK© ïi“ Kivi Bw½Z †`Lv hv‡”Q|

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 4, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : Mvp wd‡ivRv

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 2, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : wµg

†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v : 18, †mŠfv‡M¨i is : †mvbvjx ev`vwg



Cover story




LEISURE 24 Hours


escapades Cool weekend getaways from Delhi where you can have a good time with your family, friends or someone special By: Av is h ka Ka s hya p

Jan - Feb 2020

ivRwmK AeKvk

w`wj­ø‡Z †eov‡Z †M‡j Ny‡i Avmvi g‡Zv wKQy RvqMvi K_v ej‡ev Gevi| †hLv‡b †eov‡Z †h‡Z cv‡ib cwievi, eÜz wKsev we‡kl Kv‡ivi m‡½ wj‡L‡Qb: AvwfkKv K¨vk¨c


Cover story




LEISURE 24 Hours


is an amazing place to visit during the winter season. Heritage sights, busy marketplaces and delicious food, Delhi has something for every traveller. However, it is also one of the most crowded cities in India. So head to these destinations, all within 300 km from the city, for a calming escape.

Mussoorie, Uttarakhand


Located about 280 kms from Delhi, Mussoorie is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayan Range. Home to five grand waterfalls – Mossy Falls, Hardy Falls, Company Khud, Bhatta Falls and Kempty – it is widely known as the 'queen of hills'. Visit the Mussoorie Lake for a picnic or Mussoorie's highest point, Lal Tibba, for views of the snow-capped Himalayan range. However, the centre of all tourist attractions in Mussoorie is around the Mall Road. People come here to shop, roam and have delicious Tibetan food. Where to stay: Strategically located at the height of approximately 7,000 feet, Jaypee Residency Manor offers spectacular views, unbridled luxury, exceptional service and an uninterrupted encounter with nature. JW Marriott is also a worthy option.

Jim Corbett, Uttarakhand

Established as India’s first national park on August 8, 1936, the Jim Corbett National Park has one of the highest densities of tigers in India. Leopards, Asian elephants and different species of deer are others mammals found here. Originally christened the Hailey National Park after Sir Malcolm Hailey, it was later renamed the Ramganga National Park, but was finally named in the honour of famous local conservationist Jim Corbett after his death in 1953. Tourists are not allowed to have a walk inside the park, but they are allowed to go for trekking around the park, only with a guide. Jeeps Safari is the most convenient way to travel within Corbett national park, and can be rented for the park trips from Ramnagar.

Jan - Feb 2020


†gŠmy‡g Ny‡i †eov‡Z w`wjøi Zzjbv nq bv| HwZn¨evnx ¯’vb, e¨¯— nvUevRvi I gRvi me Lvevi; mKj ågYPvixi Rb¨B wKQy bv wKQy Av‡Q w`wjø‡Z| fvi‡Zi me‡P‡q Rbeûj kniI GwU| ZvB wbwiwewj‡Z LvwbKUv Mv XvKv w`‡Z PvB‡j kn‡ii Avkcv‡ki 300 wK‡jvwgUv‡ii g‡a¨ _vKv RvqMv¸‡jv †_‡K Ny‡i Avm‡Z cv‡ib|

gy‡mŠwi, DËivLÛ w`wjø­†_‡K 280 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i GwU| wngvjq ce©Zgvjvi cv`‡`k †Nu‡l NvcwU †g‡i Av‡Q gy‡mŠwi| GLv‡b cv‡eb cuvPwU mywekvj Sibv- gwm Sibv, nviwW djm, K¤úvwb Lyo, fvÆv djm I †K¤úwU| RvqMvUv Ôcvnv‡oi ivbxÕ bv‡gB †ewk cwiwPZ| wcKwbK Ki‡Z PvB‡j gy‡mŠwi †j‡K P‡j

(Left) Spotted Bengal tiger on a Safari tour (Below) Elephant ride at Amber Palace, Jaipur

hvb| wKsev †h‡Z cv‡ib gy‡mŠwii me‡P‡q DuPz ¯’vb jvj wZeŸvq| †mLvb †_‡K Zzlv‡i XvKv wngvj‡qi P‚ov †`‡L we‡gvwnZ n‡eb| hvB ‡nvK gy‡mŠwii ch©UK‡`i Kv‡Q AvKl©‡Yi †K‡›`ª Av‡Q gj †ivW I Zvi Avkcv‡ki GjvKv| ch©UKiv GLv‡b †eov‡Z Av‡m †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z| Zviv GLv‡b Ny‡i †eovq I gRvi me wZeŸZxq Lvevi Lvq| †Kv_vq _vK‡eb: f‚c„ô †_‡K 7000 dzU DuPz‡Z Av‡Q Rqwc †iwm‡WwÝ g¨vbi| †mLvb †_‡K Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb †PvL auvav‡bv †mŠ›`h©| Av‡Q ficyi wejvwmZv, Abe`¨ †mev Avi cÖK…wZi wbS©ÃvU mv¶vr| †RWvweø­D g¨vwiqUI _vKvi Rb¨ PgrKvi RvqMv|

wRg Ki‡eU, DËivLÛ

Where to stay: Aahana - The Corbett Wilderness is considered one of the most luxurious addresses of Corbett. Aahana touches the forests of Corbett National Park all along its entire length on the north eastern boundary, contiguous to the forests of the National Park. The Khara Gate of the Jhirna Range of CTR, which stays open throughout the year, is in close proximity to the resort.

Jaipur, Rajasthan

Glorious palaces, sumptuous fortresses and restored havelis, the Pink City of Jaipur is a

1936 mv‡ji 8 AvM÷ fvi‡Zi cÖ_g RvZxq D`¨vb wn‡m‡e GwU M‡o †Zvjv nq| fvi‡Zi me‡P‡q †ewk ev‡Ni Avevm GB wRg Ki‡eU b¨vkbvj cv‡K©| Ab¨vb¨ ¯—b¨cvqxi g‡a¨ wPZvevN, Gwkqvb nvwZ I bvbv cÖRvwZi nwiY i‡q‡Q GLv‡b| cÖ_gw`‡K m¨vi g¨vjKg †nBwji bv‡g Gi bvg ivLv n‡qwQj †nBwj b¨vkbvj cvK©| c‡i Avevi bvg ivLv nq ivgM½v b¨vkbvj cvK©| me©‡kl ¯’vbxq cwi‡ek msi¶YKg©x wRg Ki‡e‡Ui m¤§v‡b (gviv hvb 1953 mv‡j) Gi bZzb bvgKiY nq| cv‡K©i †fZi nuvUvi AbygwZ †bB ch©UK‡`i| Z‡e cv‡K©i Pvicv‡k MvB‡Wi m‡½ †UªwKs Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| Ki‡eU b¨vkbvj cvK© Ny‡iwd‡i †`L‡Z wRc mvdvwiUvB Dchy³| ivgbMi †_‡K cvK© wUª‡ci Rb¨ fvov wb‡Z cvi‡eb wRc| †Kv_vq _vK‡eb: Ki‡e‡Ui me‡P‡q wejvwm ¯’vb wn‡m‡e L¨vwZ Av‡Q Anbv `¨ Ki‡eU IqvBjWvi‡bm| Ki‡eU b¨vkbvj cvK©-Gi R½j †Nu‡l _vKv Avevm¯’jwU cv‡K©i †MvUv DËi-c~e© Ask Ry‡o Qwo‡q Av‡Q| wmwUAvi-Gi wSibv †i‡Äi Lviv †MBUwUI Gi KvQvKvwQ|

Rqcyi, ivR¯’vb †MŠievwš^Z cÖvmv`, Hk¦h©gwÊZ `yM© I ms®‹vi Kiv nv‡fwj; BwZnvm I ¯’vcZ¨Kjvq whv‡`i ‡KŠZ~nj, Zv‡`i Rb¨ †gv¶g ¯’vb Rqcy‡ii wcsK



Cover story




LEISURE 24 Hours

70 place for history and architecture buffs. Take an elephant ride to Amer Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its blend of Rajput and Hindu architectural styles. Hike to the adjoining Jaigarh Fort to see its large cannon foundry, and then take a ride to explore the sprawling fortress of Nahargarh, Jal Mahal, Albert Hall Museum, Kanak Ghaati and Vrindavan Gardens. Don't forget to treat yourself to a delectable Rajasthani platter at Chokhi Dhani.

At Jaipur, treat yourself to a delectable, traditional Rajasthani platter at Chokhi Dhani.

Where to stay: Alsisar Haveli is one of Jaipur’s most famous heritage

wmwU| nvwZ‡Z P‡o Agi `y‡M© †h‡Z cv‡ib| GwU BD‡b‡¯‹v †NvwlZ wek¦ HwZn¨| ivRcyZ I wn›`y ¯’vcZ¨Kjvi wgkÖ‡Y wbwg©Z G `yM©wU †ek weL¨vZ| cv‡kB _vKv RqMo `yM© wM‡q †`‡L Avm‡Z cv‡ib Gi AwZKvq Kvgvb KviLvbv| Gici Ny‡i Avmyb bvnviM‡oi we¯—„Z `y‡M©i mvwi| Av‡Q Rjgnj, AvjevU© nj wgDwRqvg, KbK NuvwU I e„›`veb evMvb| †PvwK avwb‡Z wM‡q HwZn¨evnx my¯^v`y †Kv‡bv Lvev‡ii ¯^v` wb‡Z fzj‡eb bv †hb| †Kv_vq _vK‡eb : Rqcy‡ii RbwcÖq HwZn¨evnx †nv‡Uj¸‡jvi

Jan - Feb 2020

Biman connects Dhaka-DelhiDhaka with weekly flights (


hotels known for its regal architecture and magnificent hospitality. Once a Rajput residence, it was converted into a hotel only in 1994.

g‡a¨ Avjwmmvi nv‡fwj Ab¨Zg| Gi ¯’vcZ¨Kjvq cv‡eb iv‡RvwPZ fve, i‡q‡Q PgrKvi AvwZ‡_qZv| GKmgqKvi ivRcyZ evmfebwU‡K †nv‡U‡j iƒcvš—i Kiv n‡qwQj 1994 mv‡j|

Agra, Uttar Pradesh

AvMÖv, DËi cÖ‡`k

A former capital of Mughal Empire, Agra is also called the ‘City of Love’ and exudes an old-world charm. While the Taj Mahal is undoubtedly the biggest attraction, Agra Fort, Sikandra Fort, Jahangir’s Palace and Akbar’s Mausoleum are few other monuments that are worth exploring. The city is a great destination for foodies to sample some delicious fare, including the famous Agra petha and flavourful chaat and lassi. Where to stay: Taj Hotel and Convention Centre has 239 plush rooms, including 12 lavish suites and one presidential suite. A refreshing rooftop infinity pool with magical views of the Taj, an invigorating spa and a buzzing fitness centre are at hand to rejuvenate every guest. There is also an abundance of dining options to delight the epicurean.

Ô‡c«‡gi kniÕ bv‡g L¨vZ AvM«v gyNj mvg«v‡R¨i mv‡eK ivRavbx| cyi‡bv w`‡bi ‡mŠ›`h© Qovq G kni| m‡›`nvZxZfv‡e ZvRgnjB GLvbKvi me‡P‡q eo AvKl©Y| Z‡e Gi evB‡i Ny‡i †`Lvi g‡Zv Av‡Q AvMÖv `yM©, wmKv›`ªv `yM©, Rvnvw½‡ii cÖvmv` I AvKe‡ii mgvwa| †fvRbiwmK‡`i R‡b¨I G kn‡i Av‡Q my¯^v`y Av‡qvRb| †h ZvwjKvq Av‡Q RbwcÖq AvMÖv †c_v, gkjv`vi PvU I jvw”Q|

(Clockwise from top) Taj Mahal, Agra; Raj Kachori chaat; Kempty falls, Uttarakhand Souvenir shop in Jaipur

†Kv_vq _vK‡eb: 239wU wejvwm K¶ Av‡Q ZvR †nv‡Uj A¨vÛ Kb‡fbkb †m›Uv‡i| Av‡Q 12wU wejvwm myBUm| GKwU †cÖwm‡Wbwmqvj myBUI Av‡Q| Qv‡` Av‡Q g‡bvgy»Ki BbwdwbwU cyj| †hLvb †_‡K Zv‡Ri GKwU †gvnbxq `„k¨ †`L‡Z cv‡eb| Av‡Q GKwU cÖkvwš—`vqK ¯úv I kke¨¯— wdU‡bm †m›Uvi| AwZw_iv †hLv‡b Nvg Swi‡q wb‡R‡`i m‡ZR K‡i Zzj‡Z cvi‡eb| cÖ‡gv`‡cÖgx‡`i Drdzjø­ivL‡Z Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q cÖvPzh©| _vKvi Rb¨ Av‡iKwU PgrKvi Ackb n‡jv I‡eiq Agiwfjv|

Inflight Entertainment Latest English MOVIES

X-Men: Dark Phoenix In Dark Phoenix, the X-Men face their most formidable and powerful foe: one of their own, Jean Grey.

The Lego Ninjago


Max 2- White House Hero


Keeping Up with the Joneses

Godzilla: King of The Monsters


Isn’t it Romantic


Batman and Harley Quinn

Jan - feb 2020

Bangla Movies

Sultana Bibiana

Dhaka Attack

Obujh Mon


Aro Bhalobashbo Tomay

Dhaka Attack

My Name is Khan

Nekabborer Mohaproyan


Amar Ache Jol



Poramon 2 73

Hindi Movies

Secret Superstar

Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran

A look at India’s second confidential nuclear test series at Pokhran led by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, during the time of PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure. Dil Chahta Hai

Bangla Documentary

Tahar Pongktimala

Dekha Odekha Bangladesh-2

Preronay Bangabandhu

Colour Festivities And Harmony

Bob’s Burgers

Fuller House


Western Comedy

The Middle


Western Documentary Spirited Traveller


Ice Holes

Bangla Telefilms

Shesh Porjonto

Jatrapother Golpo


also featuring Boro Chele

Jan - feb 2020

Har Kipte

Parul Lata

Madhobi Lota



Intellectual Box

Ball Battle

Jumping Kitty


Power Pool

audio english



Hopeful- EP

My Way

Easy Does It

Apon Khobor

Nupurer Chondo



audio Bengali

Ferari Mon

Offices Biman Bangladesh Airlines (domestic) Barishal


40 Sadar Road (3rd Floor), Barishal 1226 Bangabandhu Sarak (Rangpur Road), Saidpur, Nilphamari +88-01777 775530 : 05526 71995 Chattogram +88-01777 775538 (CGP (GMT +6) 88031, Biman bhaban, 1/2, CDA Avenue, Shah Amanat International Airport, Chitagong Sholosohar, Chittagong-4203 +88-031-2500990 to 95, +88-031-650671 to 75, +88-031-2500941 to 50 +88-031-650982 to 84 +88-031- 651890 to 91 Cox’ Bazar (CXB) (GMT +6) (0341), Green Villa, Puraton Kosba, Jessore, Motel Upal, Parjatan Holyday Complex , Cox’s Bazar District Manager: 0421-71995 +88-0341-63461 Stations Manager: 0421-71996 +88-01777 775526 Airport: +88 01777 77529


Rajshahi Parjatan Motel, Shah Abdul Majid Road, Sreerampur, Rajshahi – 6000 +88 0721 774787, +88 0721 774838, +88-01777 775536

Sylhet (ZYL) (GMT +6) Airport road, Majumdari, Sylhet-3100 +88-0821-717026 to 28, +88-0821-717411-717421

Fax: +603-87873881

Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road

Mobile: +6019-3806643

Tsim, Shatsuikowloon,


Osmani international airport, Sylhet.


Muscat, Oman (MCT), (GMT+4) Shaikh

+852-27248464 Fax: +852-27246284


Al-Mashany Building, 3rd Floor,

Mobile: +852-94702724

Kuwait (KWI), (GMT+3),

Opposite of Mosque Qaboos Khamis,

Al-Homaizi Building,

Al-Shaqsi Street,

Al Soor Street

PO Box – 1106, Ruwi, PC-112

PO Box - 23837, Safat 13099,

Sultanate Of Oman.

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED), (GMT+3)

+ 965-22426846/7


Al-Nakheel Center, Madinah Road

Fax: + 965-22439764,

Fax: +968-24703704

P.O Box-13541, Jeddah, KSA

+ 965-22428671

Mobile: +968-99474929

Mobile: + 965-99813462


Fax: +966-2-6652850


Mobile: +966-501491014




Airport office Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Kuwait International Airport

Riyadh (RUH) (GMT+3) (00966)

Room No – FF 58, Airport Mall Area

P.O.Box no. 21076,

+ 965-24330863

Biman Bangladesh Airlines (International)

King Abdul Aziz Int’l Airport

Abu Dhabi

Fax: +966-013-8822523

Fax: +966-2-6853326

Mobile: + 965-99367919

Fax: +966-4623501

Abu dhabi (AUH), (GMT+4)

Mobile: +966-55-2255895

Mobile: +966-505319533


Mobile: +966-504246352

Sk. Zayed 2nd st./ Electra street,


Residence: +966-2-6552562

Bldg no. 5213, PO Box-4356 Abu dhabi, uae



Doha (Qatar)


Doha (DOH), (GMT+3), Building

Kathmandu, Nepal

Fax: +971-02-6344664

No – 35, Souqahmed bin ali 07,

Kathmandu (KTM), (GMT+5.45)

Mobile: +971-050-6146768

Al-tarbiya street, P.O, box – 2738,

House No- 314, Nagpokhari, Nexal,



Room no. 214 & 215, F-2, F East,


+ 977-01-4434869

Fax: + 965-22428671,+ 965-24330863

Riyadh-11475.K.S.A +966-1-4623537, +966-1-4623376

London, UK London (LON), (GMT+0.0)

Airport Office

17 Conduit Street,.London W1S 2B

King Khaled Int’l Airport Riyadh

+ 44-(0)2076290161, 2076290252, + 2074957478, + 2074957480 Fax: +44 (0) 2076290736

Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudia Room No-1565 +966 1 220-0227 (a/p)

Fax: +974-44412000(gsa)

Fax: + 977-01-4434869

Mobile: +44 (0) 7908117126

Fax: +966-1 220-0227

Abu Dhabi International

Mobile: +974-55529477

Mobile: + 977-9851037510

Residence :+44(0) 208 5982358

Mobile: +966-50-424-6353


Pabx: +974-44413422/117




Room no. 2250, Abu dhabi, uae

Residence : +974-44368645



Pabx : +971-02-5757500/2673


Kolkata, India Kolkata (CCU), (GMT+5.30), 99A,

Airport Office

Singapore (SIN), (GMT+8)

Park Street, Siddha Park, 6th Floor,

Room no.5900D (5th floor),

72 Anson Road, #05-03, Anson

North East Extension, Terminal - 4,

House, Singapore 079911

Fax +971-02-6344664

Dubai, UAE

Mobile : +971-050-6131293

Dubai (DXB), (GMT+4) Al Masraf


Tower, 16th Floor, Office #1605,

Fax: +91-33-2226-6674

Hounslow, Middlesex

Albaniyas Road, P.O. Box No -1515,

Mobile: +91-9831098639

Hearthrow Airport TW6 3FB

Deira, Dubai, UAE


Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok (BKK), (GMT+7)


+ 971-4-220942/205

+ 44-(0) 208 745 7550 Fax: +44 (0) 208 7456390

+65-64385220 Fax: +65-64387998 Mobile: +65-91119069 Email:

163, Ocean Insurance Building

Office: +971-4-2283767 /205

N S C B International

Mobile: +44 (0) 7949686823

01/17 Floor Unit, 17A, Surawongse

Fax: + 971-4-2278451

Airport Kolkata - 700052

Residence : +44(0) 208 5738127

Airport Office

Road, Suriyawongse,

Mobile: + 971-50-5539045


Passenger Terminal Building,


Residence: + 971-4-2576185

Fax: +91-33-25119662


Mobile: +91-9831098638

Cargo And Stores & Purchase

Terminal -1, P.O. Box No-23,

Residence: +91-33-25119826

Office Stratus House

Singapore 819642


Office Block (1st floor), Bedfont

+66-02-2355556 Fax: +66-(0)22369973 Mobile: +66-(0)898960554

Dubai International


Airport, Terminal-1, Departure building, Room# 1017, 1049 & 1050

Bangkok Airport

+ 971-4-2162895


Kualalumpur, Malaysia (KUL), (GMT+8), 13th, Floor

#041-49, Singapore Changi Airport


Road, Staines Middlesex

Fax: +65-65426787

TW19 7NH

Mobile: +65-96323207

+ 44-(0) 1784266116


Room no – Z-2 007, 2nd floor

Fax: + 971-4-2245420

Menera Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang

Fax: +44 (0) 1784266097

AOB Building, Suvarnabhumi

Mobile: + 971-50-5525936

50450 Kualalumpur, Malaysia.

Mobile: +44 (0) 7960650342

Yangon, Myanmar

Airport, Bangkok, Thailand.



GSA - Transmarine Logistics



Asia Pte Ltd, Room: R-18, 2nd Floor,

Fax: +603-21646142

Fax: +66-(0)2-1342944


Mobile: +6012-2736676

Manchester, UK

Centre Point Tower No 65 Corner

Mobile: +66-(0)8199243379

c/o AVIAREPS, Kaiserstrasse 77


Manchester (MAN), (GMT+0.00)

of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant


60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Suite – 1B, Portland Building

Street, Kyuaktada Township

+49 (0) 69 - 770 673 070

Airport Office

127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ, UK

Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 235

Lot S10 & S31, Main Terminal

(GMT+3), Ace Building, Post Box

Building, KL International

No – 4492, Al Khobar 31952, Pepsi, Cola Road,.Dammam, KSA. +966-013-8873236

Hong Kong (HKG) (GMT+8) (00852),


+95 1 371867-68, Fax: +95 1 371869 Mobile: +95943029328

Airport Sepang,

Fax: +44-1612287070

Email: saeed.ahmed@

Selangor, Malaysia.

Mobile: +44-7538626645


Residence: + 44-161-9486718

Head Office : Balaka, Kumitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh, Tel: +88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44

Fleet Boeing 787-8 Boeing 777-300ER

Dash-8 Q400

Boeing 737-800

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Engineering Services Department

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Entry/ Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit Exit Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Passenger Compartment Y Class 74 Seats Service Door


Entry/ Exit

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX)

Interior Arrangement of Dash-8 Q400 Aircraft

Emergency Exit

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 787-8 (24 J+247 Y) Total 271 Seats Configuration

Entry/ Exit


Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Entry/ Exit

Pitch: 19 X 31�

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Entry/ Exit

Rows 1-28

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS


787 Dreamliner


DASH-8 Q400


35 J + 384 Y

24 Business + 247 Ecomomy

12 J+ 150 Y

74 PAX (for Biman selected All Economy configuration)

Engines (maximum thrust)

GE90-115B (115,300 lbs.)

GENX-1B67/P2G02, 67,300 lb

CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)

PW 150 (5,071 shp)

Maximum Fuel Capacity

181,300 liters

84036 litres

26,025 liters

1,785 US Gal / 6,757 L

Maximum Takeoff Weight

755,000 lbs

502,500 lbs

70,987 kg

64,500 lb / 29,257 kg (for Biman selected High Gross Weight configuration)

Maximum Range

7,825 NM (14,490 km)

13,621 km/7355 NM

5,665 km

1,100 NM / 1,265 SM / 2,040 km

Typical Cruise Speed

905 km/h

902 km/h

828 km/h

360 kts / 414 mph / 667 km/h (Maximum Cruise Speed) 320 kts / 368 mph / 593 km/h (Intermediate Speed)

Wing span

212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)

197 ft 3 in

112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)

93 ft. 3 in. / 28.42 m

With winglets


197 feet and 3 inches

117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)


Overall Length

242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)

186 feet and 1 inch

129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)

107 ft. 9 in. / 32.83 m

Tail Height

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

55 feet and 6 inches

40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)

27 ft. 4 in. / 8.34 m

Interior Cabin Width

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

226.5 inches (5m & 75.3cm)

12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)

97.9 in / 2.49 m (at Centerline) 81.9 in / 2.03 m (at Floor Level)



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