Bihanga January February 2017

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In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

Jan - Feb 2017 Vol 4 Issue 1




Lion City

Much more than just a tourist destination

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Wish you a Happy New Year A M Mosaddique Ahmed Managing Director & CEO (Biman Bangladesh Airlines)


Respected guests,

m¤§vwbZ AwZw_e„›`,



aboard. Happy New Year!! It’s exciting to think about the months ahead, make a list of resolutions, and set out to achieve those. For Biman Bangladesh Airlines, this year marks our 45th anniversary. A lot has changed in the last 45 years. However, in an ever-evolving world, we are immensely proud to say that we have survived against all odds. Although January brings changes with it, there are many things that haven’t changed at Biman with the flip of the calendar. We have the same mission and purpose today, as we had in 1972 – to deliver people where they want to go, safely, on time and with a smile.

¯^vMZ| bZzb eQ‡ii ï‡f”Qv!! mvg‡bi gvm¸‡jv wb‡q wPšÍvfvebv; AvKvw•LZ wRwb‡mi ZvwjKv ˆZwi Ges Zv AR©‡bi Rb¨ ‡ewi‡q cov; KvRUv fxlb †ivgÂKi e‡U| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ G eQi 45 eQi c~wZ© D`&hvcb K‡i‡Q| MZ 45 eQ‡i e`‡j †M‡Q A‡bK wKQzB| Z_vwc, cÖwZwbqZ e`‡j Pjv G we‡k¦ Avgiv GUv `viæb M‡e©i m‡½ ej‡Z cvwi †h, LyuwUbvwU mKj mgm¨v‡K DZ‡i Avgiv wU‡K AvwQ GLbI| hw`I Rvbyqvwi gvmUv m‡½ K‡i GKMv`v cwieZ©b wb‡q Av‡m, Z‡e wegv‡b A‡bK wKQzB Av‡Q †h¸‡jv K¨v‡jÛv‡ii cvZvi m‡½ KLbI e`jvqwb| Avgv‡`i jÿ¨ I D‡Ïk¨ †mB 1972 mv‡j hv wQj Zv-B gvbyl †hLv‡b †h‡Z Pvq †mLv‡b We will soon fly to the Av‡Q, †cuŠ‡Q †`Iqv, wbivc‡` I mgqg‡Zv Ges Colombo in Sri Lanka, nvwmgy‡L †mev †`Iqv|

Male in Maldives and Guangzhou in China

As promised last year, we will open few new international routes this year. Starting with the Indian capital New Delhi, we also will soon fly to the Colombo in Sri Lanka, Male in Maldives and Guangzhou in China.

MZ eQ‡ii cÖwZkÖæwZ Abyhvqx G eQi Aí wKQz bZzb AvšÍR©vwZK iæU Pvjy Ki‡ev Avgiv| hv ïiæ n‡e fvi‡Zi ivRavbx bqvw`wjø w`‡q, G Qvov kÖxj¼vi Kj‡¤^v, gvjØx‡ci gv‡j I Px‡bi ¸qvsSz‡Z Lye ZvovZvwo wegv‡bi Wvbv we¯Í…Z n‡e|

For many of you, this is also a time to plan your travel itinerary for the year ahead. Do visit our website and book your flights conveniently. You also can enroll in our Biman Loyalty Club and earn reward points from your travel. Our world class In-Flight Entertainment will surely make your journey memorable.

Avcbv‡`i A‡b‡KB G mgqUv‡Z AvMvgx eQ‡ii ågY m~Px cwiKíbv Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i †`‡eb| Avgv‡`i I‡qemvBU wfwRU Kiæb Ges myweavg‡Zv d¬vBU eywKs w`b| Avcwb Avgv‡`i wegvb jq¨vjwU K¬v‡eI †hvM w`‡Z cv‡ib Ges ågY K‡i AR©b Ki‡Z cv‡ib c‡q›U| Avi GUvI wbwðZ †h Avgv‡`i wek¦gv‡bi Bb-d¬vBU we‡bv`b e¨e¯’v Avcbvi ågY‡K ¯§iYxq K‡i ivL‡e|

Thank you once again for putting your trust in us. Enjoy your flight.

Avgv‡`i Ici Av¯’v ivLvi Rb¨ Avcbv‡K AveviI ab¨ev`| d¬vBU Dc‡fvM Kiæb|

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Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. CHAIRMAN: Air Marshal (rtd.) Muhammad Enamul Bari MANAGING DIRECTOR & CEO: A M Mosaddique Ahmed DIRECTOR MARKETING & SALES: Dr MD. Shafiqur Rahman GENERAL MANAGER PUBLIC RELATIONS: Shakil Meraj

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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Suite 314, Crystal Palace, 3rd Floor, House # SE (D), Road No # 140, Gulshan South Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.

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In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines

Jan - Feb 2017 Vol 4 Issue 1





Lion City

Much more than just a tourist destination


Sylhet breaks the monotony of the flat plains by a multitude of terraced tea gardens and exotic flora and fauna

iO ˆewP‡Î¨i fvÊvi

ˆewP‡Î¨ c~Y© cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i jxjvf~wg evsjv‡`‡ki DËi-c~e©vÂjxq wefvM wm‡jU| hv Avcbvi ¯^‡cœi MšÍ‡e¨i †P‡q †Kv‡bv As‡k Kg bq

Out and about in Lion City Singapore, an eclectic, beautiful, modern and fascinating city that’s so much more than just a tourist destination

wmsn bMixi †fZi evwni

J`v‡h© ficyi, bv›`wbK, AvaywbK I PgK RvMv‡bv kni wm½vcyi ïay GKwU ch©Ub MšÍe¨B bq, Zvi‡P‡qI †ewk wKQz


We bring you some incredible works of art which are not adorning any museum walls but the streets

†`qvj n‡q †Mj K¨vbfvm

Gevi Avcbv‡`i mvg‡b Ggb wKQy AZ¨vðh© wkíKg© Zz‡j AvbwQ †h¸‡jv †Kv‡bv Rv`yN‡ii †`qv‡j bq, eis †kvfv cv‡”Q iv¯Ívq


As the year draws to a close, we take a look at some foods entrants of 2016, which made us raise a brow

2016 mv‡ji ivRZ¡ Kiv Lvevi

eQiUv †kl n‡Z Pjj| Lvev‡ii iv‡R¨ G‡m‡Q bZzb wKQz AwZw_| hv †`‡L åƒ †Rvov KzPu ‡K †h‡Z cv‡i Avcbvi

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UPDATE 18 Weekend trails/

LEISURE 60 Shopping redefined/

QzwU KvUvb

†KbvKvUvi bZyb msÁv

We bring you three

We help you navigate

destinations to celebrate

through the best shopping in

the New Year

the city during the Dubai

bZzb eQi D`hvc‡b Avgiv Avcbvi Kv‡Q wb‡q G‡mwQ wZbwU MšÍe¨

Shopping Festival 2017

EXPLORE 44 G arden of the Kingdom/

wKsW‡gi evMvb Once a walled desert trading route, Riyadh today

Av‡Mi †h‡KvbI ev‡ii Zyjbvq Av‡iv eo Ges Av‡iv fv‡jv Kivi Rb¨ cÖwZkÖæwZe× wWGmGd 2017| Avgiv Avcbv‡K wb‡q hv‡ev kn‡ii †miv †KbvKvUvi ¯’vb¸‡jv‡Z PEOPLE 72 Ancient legacies/

is one of the wealthiest

gv †_‡K †mB›U †Z‡imv

cities in the world

Bengal follows a tradition of

gi“i evwYR¨c‡_i cv‡k kniwU wQj GKmgq †Kej Kv`vgvwUi †`Iqvj †Niv GKwU AÂj| Avi Kvjµ‡g †mB wiqv` GLb we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg m¤ú`kvjx kni

intangible cultural heritage

ADVENTURE 50 Revived from rubble/

aŸsm¯Í‚c †_‡K bZzb Rxeb Nepal has long since held a mysterious attraction to travellers and trekkers from across the world

we‡k¦i ågYwccvmy I `ytmvnmx AwfhvÎx‡`i g‡b me‡P‡q eo ce©Zgvjvi K…wZZ¡avix †`k †bcvj hyM hyM a‡i GK A™¢yZ AvKl©Y a‡i †i‡L‡Q

that has been around for centuries - Patachitra Art

Zvi Av‡iK bvg KjKvZvi Avwke©v`cyó †Z‡imv| gv`vi †Z‡imv‡K †mB›U wn‡m‡e †NvlYv Kiv n‡qwQj †m‡Þ¤^‡ii 4 Zvwi‡L


REGULAR 02. CEO's Note GwWU‡ii K_v 08. Biman News ågY Z_¨ 70. Tarot fwel¨ØvYx 76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq 77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes

CULTURE 56 Celebrating winter/

kxZ D`hvcb Brimming the air with festive fervour, Ghuri Utshob marks the advent of a happy New Year!

ewY©j me cÖ_v Avi Drm‡e cÖwZdwjZ nq GK Abb¨ mvs¯‹…wZK †gjeÜb, Avi GUvB †Zv evsjv‡`k


Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn, reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.

evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|


Contents Jan-feb2017.indd 7

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Sky Update Updates and facilities to make flying a pleasure

¯‹vB Avc‡WU

AvKvkågY Dc‡fvM¨ K‡i ‡Zvjvi Rb¨ Z_¨ I my‡hvMmyweav Innovation Project Design

Innovation team of Biman Bangladesh participated in the "Innovation Project Design" workshop held on November 8-10, 2016, at BCS Administration Academy, Shahbag, Dhaka. Biman submitted two project on "on-line ticketing through mobile banking" and "on-line check-in service and issuing boarding card" at this workshop organised by Cabinet division and Access to Information project of Prime Minister’s Office. Shakil Meraj, General Manager (PR) attended the workshop as resource person of Biman.


B‡bv‡fkb cÖ‡R± wWRvBb wegvb evsjv‡`‡ki GqvijvB‡Ýi B‡bv‡fkb wUg 8-10 b‡f¤^i, 2016, Zvwi‡L wewmGm cÖkvmb GKv‡Wgx, kvnevM XvKvq ÔB‡bv‡fkb cÖ‡R± wWRvBbÕ kxl©K Kg©kvjvq Ask †bb| gš¿x cwil` wefvM I GUzAvB †cÖvMÖvg cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq Av‡qvwRZ G Kg©kvjvq wegv‡bi cÿ †_‡K bZzb Ô‡gvevBj e¨vswKs-Gi gva¨‡g wegv‡bi wUwKU µqÕ Ges ÔAbjvBb †PwKs myweavÕ Pvjy kxl©K 2wU cÖKí `vwLj Kiv nq| Kg©kvjvq wegv‡bi wi‡mvm© cvm©b wn‡m‡e kvwKj †givR gnve¨e¯’vcK Rbms‡hvM Ges cÖKí ev¯Íevqb wUg m`m¨ wn‡m‡e G †K Gg mv‡ivqvi †gv‡k©`, †gvt b~iæj Bmjvg I †gvnv¤§` †Mvjvg ingvb Ask †bb|

National Integrity Strategy

Biman stake holders meet on “National Integrity Strategy (NIS)” was held on October 31, 2016, at Balaka, Kurmitola, Dhaka. Managing Director & CEO of Biman Bangladesh Airlines A.M. Mosaddique Ahmed attended the programme as the Chief Guest. Chaired by Director Administration, Biman, Md. Belayet Hossain the meeting was participated by representatives from ATAB, Hajj Agents Association, Bangladesh Freight forwarders Association (BAFA), top 10 travel and cargo agent, Biman officials, CBA and representative from Ministry of Civil Aviation & Tourism. Biman Ethics Committee Focal Point & General Manager (PR) Shakil Meraj presented the key-note speech in the meeting.

RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj

wegv‡b ÔRvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkjÕ ev¯Íevqb kxl©K ‡óK †nvìvi‡`i mv‡_ gZwewbgq Abyôvb A‡±vei 31, 2016, Zvwi‡L wegvb cÖavb Kvh©vjq ejvKvq AbywôZ nq| wegv‡bi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I wmBI G.Gg. †gvmvwÏK Avn‡g` Abyôv‡b cÖavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb| cwiPvjK cÖkvmb ‡gvt †ejv‡qZ †nv‡mb-Gi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ AbywôZ D³ mfvq wegv‡bi kxl© 10 Uªv‡fj G‡R›U, Kv‡Mv© G‡R›U, mfvcwZ AvUve, mfvcwZ nve, wmweG mfvcwZ Ges †emvgwiK wegvb cwienb I ch©Ub gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖwZwbwamn wegv‡bi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©PvixMY Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb| mfvq g~j cÖeÜ Dc¯’vcb K‡ib kvwKj †givR, gnve¨e¯’vcK Rbms‡hvM I †dvKvj c‡q›U wegvb Gw_· KwgwU|

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57th Flight Safety Officers Course

Participants of 57th Flight Safety Officers course under the Bangladesh Air Force Flight Safety Institute visited the Biman Engineering Hangar, BFCC and BATC on October 26, 2016. Nineteen officers from Bangladesh Air Force Bangladesh Army, Indian Army, Royal Jordanian Air Force and Sri Lankan Air Force led by Group Captain Muhammad Harunur Rashid, ndc, psc attended the programme. Chief of Flight Safety of Biman Bangladesh Airlines Captain Shoaib Chowdhury gave a presentation to the participants at BATC about different aspect of safety issues of Biman Bangladesh Airlines.

57Zg d¬vBU †md&wU Awdmvm© ‡Kvm©

evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbxi d¬vBU †md&wU BbwówUDU-Gi 57Zg d¬vBU †md&wU Awdmvm© ‡Kv‡m©i cÖwkÿY m~Pxi Ask wn‡m‡e †gvU 19 Rb cÖwkÿYv_©x MÖæc K¨v‡Þb †gvnv¤§` nviæbyi ikx`, GbwWwm, wcGmwm- Gi ZËv¡eav‡b 26 A‡±vei, 2016 Zvwi‡L wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi weGwUwm I weGdwmwm cwi`k©b K‡ib Ges wegvb cÖ‡KŠkj n¨v½v‡i d¬vBU †md&wU I iÿYv‡eÿY wel‡q Ávb AR©b K‡ib| cÖwkÿY `‡ji g‡a¨ AšÍ©f~³ wQj - evsjv‡`k wegvb evwnbx, evsjv‡`k †mbvevwnbx, evsjv‡`k †bŠevwnbx, fviZxq wegvb evwnbx, ivRKxq RW©vwbqvb wegvb evwnbx I kÖxjsKvb wegvb evwnbx| Pxd Ad d¬vBU †md&wU K¨v‡Þb †kv‡qe †PŠayix AskMÖnYKvix‡`i Rb¨ wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi wewfbœ †md&wU wel‡qi Dci GKwU †cÖ‡R‡›Ukb †`b|

Discount on tickets

General Manger Marketing & Sales of Biman Bangladesh Airlines Syed Ahsan Hossain Kazi and NCC Bank cards head Khaled Afzal Rahim signed an agreement at Biman Head Office on November 16, 2016. Under the deal, NCC Bank’s credit cardholders will enjoy up to 20 per cent discount on Biman tickets.


Kv‡W© Qvo

16 b‡f¤^i 2016 Zvwi‡L wegv‡bi †nW Awd‡m wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB‡Ýi gv‡K©wUs I †mjm wefv‡Mi †Rbv‡ij g¨v‡bRvi ˆmq` Avnmvb †nvmvBb KvRx I Gbwmwm e¨vs‡Ki KvW© wefv‡Mi cÖavb Lv‡j` AvdRvj iwn‡gi g‡a¨ GKwU Pzw³ ¯^v¶i nq| G Pzw³ Abyhvqx Gbwmwm e¨vs‡Ki †µwWU KvW©‡nvìviiv wegv‡bi wUwK‡U 20% Qvo Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb|

Annual Indoor Games-2016

Director Administration & Chairman Biman Sports & Cultural Committee Md. Belayet Hossain along with Director Marketing & Sales Dr. Md. Shafiqur Rahman, Director Customer Services Md. Atique Sobhan, General Manager Cargo Mohd. Ali Ahsan, General Manager Administration M. Mominul Islam and General Manager Public Relations & Convenor Biman Indoor Games Committee Shakil Meraj inaugurated the Biman Annual Indoor Games-2016 at Bangladesh Airlines Training Centre.

AšÍtKÿ µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZv-2016

wecyj Drmvn DÏxcbvi ga¨ w`‡q wegvb evwl©K AšÍtKÿ µxov cÖwZ‡hvwMZv-2016 MZ 14-18 wW‡m¤^i 2016 Zvwi‡L evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ †Uªwbs †m›Uvi-G AbywôZ nq| wegv‡bi cwiPvjK cÖkvmb Ges µxov I mvs¯‹…wZK cwil‡`i mfvcwZ †gvt †ejv‡qZ †nv‡mb, cwiPvjK wecYb I weµq Wt ‡gvt mvwdKzi ingvb, cwiPvjK MÖvnK †mev †gvt AvwZK †mvenvb, gnve¨e¯’vcK Kv‡M©v ‡gvt Avjx Avnmvb, gnve¨e¯’vcK cÖkvmb Gg. gwgbyj Bmjvg Ges gnve¨e¯’vcK Rbms‡hvM I wegvb Bb‡Wvi †Mg&m Gi AvnevqK kvwKj †givR †ejyb Dwo‡q cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi D‡Øvab K‡ib|


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Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n

Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flair. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|

Breakfast Menu A range of fresh fruit juice offered in addition to sodas, cheese omelette, sautéed mushroom, croissant, fresh roll, butter, jam, tea and coffee. Lunch Menu Garden salad with freshly picked seasonal vegetables.

‡Kvgj cvbxq, wPR Ag‡jU, m‡Z Kiv gvkiæg, µqmu, UvUKv ‡ivj, gvLb, R¨vg, Pv I Kwdi m‡½ wewfbœ d‡ji ZvRv Rym|

jv ‡gby

Main Course

m`¨ evMvb ‡_‡K msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi m‡½ Mv‡W©b m¨vjvW|

Chicken curry served with most unique fragrant rice from the nation’s own harvest, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with lemon and green chilli.

GB ‡`‡k Drcvw`Z me‡P‡q ¯^Kxq myMwÜ Pvj w`‡q ‰Zwi ivB‡mi m‡½ wP‡Kb Kvwi, wewfbœ ai‡bi ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, ‡jey Ges KvuPv gwiP|

Dessert Rice pudding flavoured with rose water and garnished with fresh scrambled nuts. Dinner Menu


‡e«Kdv÷ ‡gby

Salad Fruit salad with freshly picked seasonal fruit. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetable sauteed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor).

‡gBb ‡Kvm©

wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) ev`vg w`‡q mvRv‡bv ‡MvjvcR‡ji myN«vYmg…× myMwÜ Pv‡j ‰Zwi cv‡qk|

wWbvi ‡gby mvjv` m`¨ msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg d‡ji ˆZix d«yU mvjv`|

‡gBb ‡Kvm© wPKb Pv‡ji fv‡Zi m‡½ ‡fovi ‡Mv‡¯Íi Kvwi, gyM Wvj, wewfbœ ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ KvuPv gwiP, evUvi-bvb (Z›`y‡i ‰Zwi Kiv)|


wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©)

Caramel custard garnished with canned peach.

wUbRvZ wcPd‡j mvRv‡bv K¨viv‡gj Kv÷vW©|

* Complementary beverage is served with all meals, and is available anytime on request.

* ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq

Incorporating suggestions from of many of its travellers, Biman has the most creative menu you’ll find in the air. For the outbound flight from Dhaka all the foods are carefully prepared by the Biman Flight Catering Centre (BFCC). BFCC proudly offers Flight Catering Services to many other airlines in the foot print. Unquestionably, the menus still taste wonderful at 30,000 feet. ågYKvix‡`i KvQ †_‡K cvIqv A‡bK A‡bK civgk© †hvM Kivi d‡j DÇq‡bi mgq Avcwb wegv‡bi †gbyUv‡KB me‡P‡q m„Rbkxj e‡j Avwe®‹vi Ki‡eb| XvKv †Q‡o evB‡i hvIqvi mgq Gi me Lvevi Lye mZK©Zvi m‡½ ˆZwi K‡i wegvb d¬vBU K¨vUvwis †m›Uvi (weGdwmwm)| AviI Ab¨vb¨ AviI A‡bK GqvijvB‡ÝI M‡e©i m‡½ K¨vUvwis †mev w`‡q Avm‡Q weGdwmwm| Avi IB †gbyi ¯^v` 30,000 dzU Dc‡iI _vK‡e GK`g AUzU! Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|

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Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage


Mig‡K Qvwc‡q µ‡gB M‡R© DV‡Q el©v| Avi Avb›`Nb G †gŠmygUv‡K cy‡ivgvÎvq Dc‡fvM Kiæb wR‡f Rj G‡b|

CULTURE Shakrain


The annual celebration of winter in Bangladesh is observed with the flying of kites. It occurs at the end of Poush, the ninth month of the Bengali calender. This day is known as Poush Sonkranti. When: January 14 Where: Across Bangladesh


evsjv‡`‡k cÖwZ eQi kxZ D`hvcb Kivi g‡a¨ GKwU n‡jv Nywo Iov‡bv| evsjv cwÄKvi beg gvm †cŠ‡li †k‡li w`‡K GwU cvjb Kiv nq| w`bwUi Av‡iKUv bvg n‡jv †cŠl msµvwšÍ| K‡e: 14 Rvbyqvwi †Kv_vq: evsjv‡`k Ry‡o

FESTIVAL Bo Sang Umbrella Festival

A three-day festival where the streets are filled with laterns and hundreds of umbrellas. The event has now transformed to a large community with events like music shows, beauty contest and food festivals. When: 15-17 January (TBC) Where: Chiang Mai, Thailand

†ev m¨vs QvZv Drme

wZbw`b e¨vcx G Drm‡e c_NvU me f‡i hvq jÉb I nvRvi nvRvi QvZvq| DrmewU GLb Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q Av‡iv GK we¯Í…Z m¤úª`v‡qi g‡a¨hviv G mgqUv‡Z wgDRK †kv, †mŠ›`h© cÖwZ‡hvwMZv I Lvev‡ii DrmeI cvjb K‡i _v‡K| K‡e: 15-17 Rvbyqvwi (wUwewm) †Kv_vq: wPqvs gvB, _vBj¨vÛ

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SPORTS The Australian Open

The world’s top players are setting their sights on the Australian Open following a year of breakthroughs, surprises and comebacks. When: January 16-29 Where: Melbourne, Australia

`¨ A‡÷ªwjqvb I‡cb

eQiRy‡o AmsL¨ †eªK_ªy, we¯§q Avi wd‡i Avmvi M‡íi †k‡l we‡k¦i †miv †miv †L‡jvqvoiv GLb Zv‡`i bRi †i‡L‡Q A‡÷ªwjqvb I‡c‡bi w`‡K| K‡e: 16-19 Rvbyqvwi †Kv_vq:†gj‡evb©, A‡÷ªwjqv


SHOPPING Dubai Shopping Festival

One of the greatest shopping destinations in the Middle East hosts a shopping extravaganza annually. The Dubai Shopping Festival is every shopoholics’ dream come true! When: December 28 to January 26 Where: Dubai, UAE

`yevB kwcs †dw÷fvj

ga¨cÖv‡P¨i Ab¨Zg †KbvKvUvi MšÍe¨¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GwUI GKwU, hv wKbv cÖwZ eQiB GK ay›`ygvi †KbvKvUv Drm‡ei Av‡qvRb K‡i| †KbvKvUvq Avm³ hviv Zv‡`i Rb¨ `yevB kwcs †dw÷fvj n‡jv †mB RvqMv †hLv‡b ¯^cœ¸‡jv me mwZ¨ nq! K‡e: 28 wW‡m¤^i †_‡K 26 Rvbyqvwi †Kv_vq: `yevB, BDGB

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FESTIVAL Jaisalmer Desert Festival

With events such as camel racing, turban tying, and the longest mustache competition, this quirky Indian festival showcases the cultural wonders of Rajasthan. When: February 8-10 Where: Rajasthan, India

Rqmvjwgi †WRvU© †dw÷fvj

GLv‡b †`Lv wgj‡e D‡Ui †`Šo, cvMwo euvav I me‡P‡q eo †Muv‡di cÖwZ‡hvwMZv| wewPÎ G fviZxq Drm‡eB †`Lv hv‡e ivR¯’v‡bi hveZxq mvs¯‹…wZK we¯§q| K‡e: 8-10 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: ivR¯’vb, fviZ


FASHION London Fashion week

Style comes to town when London Fashion Week opens and fashionistas can enjoy makeovers, designer shopping and ramp shows from top clothing brands When: February 17-21 Where: London

jÛb d¨vkb DBK kn‡i wd‡i Av‡m d¨vkb hLb wKbv ïiæ nq jÛb d¨vkb DBK Ges d¨vkb m‡PZbiv cy‡iv`‡g Dc‡fvM K‡i †gKIfvi, wWRvBbvi kwcs I †miv me †cvkv‡Ki eª¨v‡Ûi K¨vUIqvK cÖ`k©bx| K‡e: 17-21 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: jÛb

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CULTURE Huayi - Chinese Festival of the Arts

Enjoy Chinese dance, opera and arts from local and international groups, which forms a key part of the Singapore’s Chinese New Year festivities. When: February 12 Where: Esplanade and various locations

ûqvB- Px‡bi wkí Drme

Pxbv bvP, A‡civ Ges ¯’vbxq I AvšÍR©vwZK `j¸‡jvi bvbvb wkíKjv Dc‡fvM Kiæb, hv wKbv wm½vcy‡ii Pxbv beel© Drm‡eiB GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ask| K‡e: 12 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: Gmcøv‡bWmn Av‡iv A‡bK ¯’v‡b


CARNIVAL Battle of the Oranges

How does the ancient town of Ivrea, Italy, celebrate its freedom during carnival? By pummelling each other with 5,00,000 kg of oranges, of course. Witness the superlative of crazy here! When: February 25 - 28 Where: Ivrea, Italy

Kgjv‡jeyi hy×

Kvwb©fv‡ji mgq wb‡R‡`i ¯^vaxbZvUv‡K wKfv‡e D`hvcb Ki‡Zv BZvwji cÖvPxb kni Bfwiqvi gvby‡liv? Aek¨B Zv wQj G‡K Ac‡ii w`‡K cÖvq 5 jvL †KwR Kgjv‡jey Qz‡o gvivi gva¨‡g! cvMjvwgi P‚ovšÍUv †`L‡Z Avmyb GLv‡b! K‡e: 25-28 †deªæqvwi †Kv_vq: Bfwiqv, BZvwj


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Weekend Trails Looking for something new to visit this weekend? Try these getaways from three exciting destinations that Biman flies to By: Nikita Sharma

QzwU KvUvb

Gev‡ii QzwU‡Z bZzb wKQz LyuR‡Qb? wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K


Inundated with freshwater, either permanently or seasonally, Ratargul is the only freshwater swamp forest in Bangladesh. Located in the Goainghat area of Sylhet, the water in this beautiful area is so clear that one can see the bottom of the ground from the boat.


Visit this place in monsoon to explore the forest in the best possible way. You can hire a local wooden boat and spend a whole day wondering and relaxing in the area. Other time there will be no water in the forest, and you will have to walk in clay.

wm‡jU †_‡K ivZvi¸j Rjvf‚wg

KLbI ¯’vqx KLbI Avevi †gŠmygx e„wócv‡Z wgwó cvwb‡Z †Q‡q hvq ivZvi¸j, evsjv‡`‡ki GKgvÎ wgwócvwbi Rjvf‚wgi ebvÂj GwU| wm‡j‡Ui †MvqvBbNvU GjvKvq Gi Ae¯’vb| GLvbKvi cvwb GZB ¯^”Q †h †bŠKvq e‡m G‡Kev‡i wb‡Pi gvwU ch©šÍ †`L‡Z cv‡e| ebvÂjwU Ny‡i †`Lvi †miv mgqUv n‡jv el©vi mgq †eov‡Z Avmv| Avcwb PvB‡j ¯’vbxq GKwU Kv‡Vi †bŠKv fvov Ki‡Z cv‡ib Ges mvivw`b BwZDwZ Av‡qk K‡i AÂjwU‡Z Ny‡i †eov‡Z cv‡ib| Ab¨ mgq R½‡j Lye GKUv cvwb _vK‡e bv, Avi Avcbv‡KI Kv`vgvwUi g‡a¨ nuvU‡Z n‡e|

Biman connects Dhaka-Sylhet-Dhaka with 13 weekly flights (

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BANGKOK TO PATTAYA A favourite destination for many globetrotters, Thailand attracts inumerable tourists annually. The pristine beaches, countless shopping destinations and to top it all, the air brimming with a lively and cheerful vibe is what everybody loves about this country. Located just two hours away from the capital city Bangkok, Pattaya is a paradise for beach lovers and adventure enthusiasts. One can bask in the sun or enjoy various water sports and activities offered there. The nightlife of the city is said to be commendable too!


e¨vsKK †_‡K cvZvqv

wek¦ch©UK‡`i A‡b‡KiB cQ‡›`i MšÍe¨ wn‡m‡e cÖwZ eQiB wecyj msL¨K ch©UK‡K AvKl©Y K‡i _vBj¨vÛ| mycÖvPxb ˆmKZ I †KbvKvUvi AMwbZ RvqMv _vK‡e ZvwjKvi Dc‡ii w`‡K| GLvbKvi evZvm memgqB D‡ØwjZ _v‡K GK cÖv‡Yv”Q¡j I D”Q¡v‡mi Ave‡n, Avi †`kwUi G e¨vcviUvB fv‡jvev‡m mevB| ivRavbx e¨vsKK †_‡K gvÎ `yB NÈvi c_ GB cvZvqv n‡jv ˆmKZ‡cÖgx I †ivgv mÜvbx‡`i Rb¨ ¯^M©Zzj¨| †KD PvB‡j Avivg K‡i m~h©¯œvb †cvnv‡Z cv‡ib A_ev g‡R DV‡Z cv‡i bvbvb cvwbi †Ljv I †mLvbKvi n‡iK Av‡qvR‡b| A‡b‡KB e‡j, G kn‡ii iv‡Zi RxebUvI bvwK cÖksmvi †hvM¨|

Biman connects Dhaka-Bangkok-Dhaka with 7 weekly flights (


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Kzqvjv jvgcyi †_‡K †MbwUs nvBj¨vÛ

Aemi KvUv‡bvi cvkvcvwk hw` †KD gRv I we‡bv`bI LuyR‡Z Pvq Z‡e †h‡Z cv‡i †MbwUs nvBj¨v‡Û| mgwš^Z G wi‡mvU© e¨e¯’vq i‡q‡Q †nv‡Uj, K¨vwm‡bv I cvnvs‡qi GKwU w_g cvK©, hv f~wg †_‡K 1800 wgUvi DuPz‡Z ¸bys Djy Kvwji P‚ovi Ici wbg©vY Kiv n‡q‡Q| Kzqvjv jvgcyi †_‡K GK NÈvi MvwohvÎvi (cÖvq 50 wK‡jvwgUvi) `~i‡Z¡ _vKv GB RvqMvwUi m‡½ KvivK nvBI‡q I ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQz UªvsK †ivW Ges m‡½ wKQz †Kej Kvi mvwf©m| GKwU Av‡jvK¾¡j w`‡b GB P‚ov †_‡K †Pv‡L co‡e †iBbd‡i‡÷i mey‡R QvIqv DcZ¨Kv hv Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q Kzqvjv jvgcyi ch©šÍ, `k©bv_©x‡`i Rb¨ G GK k¦vmiæ×Ki `„k¨ e‡U|


KUALA LAMPUR TO GENTING HIGHLANDS If someone seeks for some liesure time, fun and entertainment, Genting Highlands is the place to be. It is an integrated resort development comprising of hotels, casinos and a theme park in Pahang, perched on the peak of Gunung Ulu Kali at a height of 1,800 metres. Nestled within an hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur (about 50 km), it is conveniently connected by Karak Highway and major trunk roads, along with a cable car service. On a clear day, the peak overlooks lush valleys of rainforest stretching towards KL, providing a breathtaking view for visitors.

Biman connects Dhaka-Kuala Lampur-Dhaka with 11 weekly flights (

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Out and about in

Lion City

Singapore, an eclectic, beautiful, modern and fascinating city; that’s so much more than just a tourist destination By: Archana


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wmsn bMixi

†fZi evwni

J`v‡h© ficyi, bv›`wbK, AvaywbK I PgK RvMv‡bv kni wm½vcyi ïay GKwU ch©Ub MšÍe¨B bq, Zvi‡P‡qI †ewk wKQz BIMAN-AIRLINES.COM

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this buzzing city-state and several things comes to mind: urban jungle, chilli crab, hawker food, perhaps even shopping. One of the most accessible cities in Asia, Singapore has been built to please tourists and business travellers alike. Yet, Singapore has a different side that only locals do know about. From green corridors to hot springs, these places and experiences are slices of a rustic, unique Singapore that is best to see now.

Shop like a Singaporean

Indulging in a little retail therapy is an absolute must for anyone who wants to know how it feels like to be a true blue Singaporean. After all, shopping is a shared passion and a major pastime for many locals and expats in Singapore. But, you don’t need to go on an extravagant and wild shopping spree on Orchard Road. Like a savvy and budget-conscious Singaporean local, you just have to dig a bit deeper and look for


UBU¤^iy GB bMi-iv‡óªi K_v fve‡ZB gv_vq A‡bK wKQz G‡m wfo Rgv‡ekû‡i R½j, wPwj µ¨ve, nKvi Lvevi GgbwK †KbvKvUvI| Gwkqvi me‡P‡q mnRMvgx †`k¸‡jvi GKwU wm½vcyi M‡o D‡V‡Q ch©UK I e¨emvwqK ågYKvix‡`i wVK GKB iKgfv‡e mš‘ó Ki‡Z| Z‡e wm½vcy‡ii GgbI GKwU w`K Av‡Q hv †Kej GLvbKvi ¯’vbxqivB Rv‡b| meyR KwiWi †_‡K Dò emšÍ; GB RvqMv I AwfÁZv¸‡jv n‡jv GKwU mvavwm‡a Rbc` wewkó GK Abb¨ wm½vcy‡ii UzK‡iv Ask, hv Dc‡fvM Kivi †miv mgq GLbB|


†KbvKvUv Kiæb wm½vcywiqv‡bi g‡Zv

GKRb mwZ¨Kv‡ii eøy wm½vcywiqvb n‡Z †Kgb jv‡M, †mB Abyfw‚ ZUv †KD †c‡Z PvB‡j Zv‡K Aek¨B hv Ki‡Z n‡e Zv n‡jv GKwU †QvU LyPiv-‡_ivwc‡Z wb‡R‡K mu‡c w`‡Z n‡e| hZ hvB †nvK, GB †KbvKvUvB n‡jv wm½vcy‡ii A‡bK ¯’vbxq I Ab¨ †`k †_‡K Avmv evwm›`v‡`i GKwU mvaviY Av‡eM I Avn¬v‡`i welq| Z‡e Gi gv‡b GB bq †h Avcwb AP©vW© †iv‡W Qz‡U wM‡q AwgZe¨qxi g‡Zv †KbvKvUvq gË n‡q co‡eb| KvÐÁvb m¤úbœ I ev‡RU m‡PZb GKRb ¯’vbxq wm½vcywiqv‡bi g‡Zv Avcbv‡K Av‡iKUz Mfx‡i †h‡Z n‡e Ges Lu‡y R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e Abb¨ mvaviY HwZn¨evnx wKQz wRwbm, †h¸‡jv cvIqv hv‡e nvjRvgvbvi †KbvKvUvi kni †hgb- Ry wPqvZ, Kvgcs Møvg, nvwR †jBb Ges wUIs evniæ|

Singapore has the largest fountain in the world at Suntec City. Singapore has four official languages: English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil. Singapore is also the sixth wealthiest and the 20th smallest country in the world.

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unique and vintage items in other trendy shopping districts like Joo Chiat, Kampong Glam, Haji Lane and Tiong Bahru.

Hot springs

You might get distracted with the barbedwire gated fence that greets you in Sembawang (which instantly gives a military installation feel), but once you are inside, you can join fellow Singaporeans soaking their feet in water drawn from a tapped underground spring. Grab a plastic tub, draw some water from the tap, sit back and relax. First discovered in 1909, the springs have had a colourful life. From having its water bottled by soft-drink companies to being turned into recreational baths by the occupying World War II Japanese force, to being acquired and then subsequently saved from military redevelopment, the springs are still pumping out water 100 years on.

Mingle with locals

After enjoying a filling dinner in a hawker centre, go to a café in Haji Lane, Kampong

Dò cÖmeY

†mgevIqvs‡q Avcbv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbv‡Z †h KuvUvZv‡ii †eov jvMv‡bv †MBUUv Av‡Q †mUv †`‡L nq‡Zv Avcbvi g‡bv‡hvM bó n‡Z cv‡i (hv †`‡L ZvrÿwYKfv‡e GKUv mvgwiK Abyfw‚ Z ˆZwi n‡Z cv‡i), Z‡e GKevi †fZ‡i XzK‡j AvcwbI cv‡ki †Kv‡bv GK wm½vcywiqv‡bi g‡Zv cvwb‡Z cv †fRv‡Z cv‡ib, †h cvwb Zz‡j Avbv nq gvwUi Zj‡`‡k _vKv GKwU Dò cÖmeY †_‡K| GKUv cøvw÷‡Ki evjwZ wbb Avi U¨vc †_‡K cvwb f‡i e‡m co–b, Avivg Kiæb| 1909 mv‡j cÖ_g GB cÖ¯eª YwU Avwe®‹vi Kiv nq, Avi Gi i‡q‡Q GK ewY©j Rxeb| mdU wWªsKm †Kv¤úvwb¸‡jv GB cvwbUv‡K †evZjRvZ K‡i wewµI Ki‡Zv, Avevi wØZxq wek¦h‡y ×i mgq `Lj`vi Rvcvwb †mbviv GUv‡K evwb‡qwQj we‡bv`bg~jK †MvmjLvbv| Gici IUv Avevi cyb`©Lj nq I mvgwiK ¯’vcbv wn‡m‡e cybtDbœq‡bi nvZ †_‡K GwU iÿv cvq, Avi GKk eQi †cwi‡q †M‡jI Dò IB Rjaviv †_‡K cvwb cv¤ú K‡i Zz‡j Avbv n‡”Q|

¯’vbxq‡`i m‡½ †gjv‡gkv

†Kv‡bv GKwU nKvi †m›Uvi †_‡K fi‡cU iv‡Zi LvIqvi mvivi ci K¨vgcs Mø¨v‡gi nvwR †j‡bi GKwU K¨v‡d‡Z P‡j hvb, Ges m¤¢e n‡j wm½vcy‡ii ¯’vbxq Avie I gvjq‡`i m‡½ wg‡k hvb| ¯’vbxq‡`i m‡½ hLb Avcwb Avcbvi Mí †kqvi Ki‡eb ZLb GK Kvc wg›U Pv cvb Ki‡Z Ki‡Z Avcwb n‡q hv‡eb dzidz‡i| ¯^vaxb‡PZv‡`i ¯^ML© ¨vZ GB RvqMv¸‡jv‡ZB _v‡K

(Left) Shopping mall at Marina Bay Sands resort; (below) Ion Orchod shopping mall



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Making a memorable journey

Savour Tau Huay A Chinese dessert made with beancurd tofu that is sweetened with sugar syrup and is sold by local hawkers.

Glam, and mingle with the Arab and Malay locals in Singapore. As you share stories with the locals, you can also chill out, by enjoying a cup of mint tea. Known as hipster’s haven, these places are home to ultra hip suburbs that are filled with artsy boutiques, theatres, bakeries and cafes.

Last kampong

Established in 1956, Kampong Lorong Buangkok is the last surviving kampong on mainland Singapore. Located near Gerald Drive, the kampong currently houses less than 30 families, Malays and Chinese mixed with harmony. The houses, connected by dirt roads, are mostly made of wood with zinc roofs. The few residents live a seemingly idyllic life, similar to how many Singaporeans did before the development frenzy. Chickens roam the grounds, dogs flick flies away with a flap of their ears, crickets and birds hum and chirp in the background.

AwZ AvaywbK kniZjxi evwm›`viv †hLv‡b wgj‡e ˆkwíK eywUK, w_‡qUvi, †eKvwi I K¨v‡d|

jv÷ K¨vgcs

1956 mv‡j ¯’vwcZ nIqv K¨vgcs j‡ivs eyqvsMKB n‡jv wm½vcy‡ii g~jf‚wgi wU‡K _vKv me©‡kl K¨vgcs| †Mivì WªvB‡fi Kv‡QB Gi Ae¯’vb| GLb gvÎ 30wU cwiev‡ii evm GB K¨vgcs‡q| gvjq I Pxbviv GLv‡b fvimvg¨ eRvq †i‡L Av‡Q| GLvbKvi Nievwo¸‡jv a~‡jvevwjgq iv¯Ív w`‡q mshy³, Ges G‡`i †ewkifvMB Kv‡Vi m‡½ `¯Ívi Qv` w`‡q wbwg©Z| GLvbKvi ¸wUKZK cwievi `„k¨Z GKwU mij kvšÍ gb‡ivg Rxeb KvUv‡”Q, Dbœq‡bi Db¥Ë Kg©KvÐ ïiæi Av‡M wVK †hgbUv KvUv‡Zv Av‡iv A‡bK wm½vcywiqvb| GLv‡b gv‡V Ny‡i †eovq gyiwMi cvj, KzKiz ¸‡jv Zv‡`i Kv‡b SvcUv †g‡i Dwo‡q †`q gvwQ Avi †bc‡_¨ ¸Äb K‡i hvq wSuwSu‡cvKv I wKwPiwgwPi Ki‡Z _v‡K cvwLiv|

Kwd, Pv I cvbxq

Avcwb hw` GgbUv †f‡e _v‡Kb †h †miv KwdUv Avcwb ÷viev‡K wKsev wm½vcy‡ii †Kv‡bv GKwU wnc÷vi K¨v‡d‡ZB cv‡eb, Z‡e Avcwb fzj Rv‡bb| IUv Avcwb


Visit Sentosa Island Visited by over 20 million tourists annually, Sentosa has some world class entertainment facilities to keep you engaged in fun for days.

Shop Chinatown Immerse yourself in everything Chinese, from stalls selling traditional candles, artwork and clothing to bustling street side eateries serving tasty delicacies.

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(Clockwise from left) The Merlion at Marina Bay; Supertree garden at night; Haji Street

Kampong Lorong Buangkok is the last surviving kampong on mainland Singapore



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Coffee, tea and drinks

If you think you will find the best coffee at a Starbucks outlet or hipster cafe in Singapore, you are wrong. You’ll find it at a local food court or at a Hawker Centre. What’s even better is that you don’t have to go in search of these food courts. You can easily find a food court hiding at the top or bottom of a shopping mall. Order yourself an Ice Kopi or Ice Teh-O, it’s strong, flavourful, delicious and dirt cheap.

Learn the art of Tai Chi

Locals, specifically the older ones, are extremely fond of Tai Chi. It is said that Tai chi helps reduce stress and anxiety and it also helps increase flexibility and balance. So every morning, small groups of elderly locals gather in reservoirs and parks to practice this ancient art. Go to the McRitchie Reservoir or East Coast Park to spot these zen-like folks. Better yet, ask them politely if you can join them practice their art.

cv‡eb GKwU ¯’vbxq dzW †KvU© wKsev †Kv‡bv GKwU nKvi †m›Uv‡i| Av‡iv fv‡jv welqUv n‡”Q G dzW †KvU©¸‡jv‡K Avcbvi Kó K‡i Lu‡y R †ei Ki‡Z n‡e bv| †Kv‡bv GKwU kwcs g‡ji G‡Kev‡i Dc‡i wKsev GK`g wb‡P mn‡RB †c‡q hv‡eb GKwU dzW †KvU©| AW©vi Kiæb AvBm-Kwc wKsev AvBm †Zn-I| GUv Lye Kov, †d¬fvihy³, my¯v^ `y Ges `viæY m¯Ív| wkLyb ZvB wPi Kjv‡KŠkj ¯’vbxq‡`i g‡a¨ we‡kl K‡i hviv e‡qve„×, Zviv ZvB wPi `viæY f³| wek¦vm Kiv nq, GB ZvB wP gvbwmK Pvc I Aemv` Kgv‡Z cv‡i Ges GKBm‡½ GwU kix‡ii bgbxqZv I fvimvg¨ a‡i ivLvi ÿgZv evovq| Avi ZvB cÖwZw`b †fv‡i mycvÖ Pxb GB wkíwUi PP©v Pvwj‡q †h‡Z ¯’vbxq e„ׇ`i GKwU `j G‡m R‡ov n‡e †Kv‡bv †j‡Ki cv‡k wKsev cv‡K©| g¨vKwiwP wiRvifvi ev B÷ †Kv÷ cv‡K© P‡j †h‡Z cv‡i GB †Rb-m`„k †jvK¸‡jvi mÜvb †c‡Z| Av‡iv fv‡jv nq, Avcwb hw` f`ªfv‡e Zv‡`i Kv‡Q Rvb‡Z Pvb †h Zv‡`i m‡½ GB wkí PP©vq Avcwb †hvM w`‡Z cv‡ib wKbv|

Biman connects Dhaka-SingaporeDhaka with seven weekly flights (

(Above) Kampong Glam, the oldest Arab quarter in Singapore; (below) Buddha statue in Chinatown district in Singapore

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Kaleidoscope of


Sylhet breaks the monotony of the flat plains by a multitude of terraced tea gardens, rolling countryside and the exotic flora and fauna By: Munira A Fidai

iO ˆewP‡Î¨i



ˆewP‡Î¨ c~Y© cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h©i jxjvf~wg evsjv‡`‡ki DËi-c~e©vÂjxq wefvM wm‡jU| hv Avcbvi ¯^‡cœi MšÍ‡e¨i †P‡q †Kv‡bv As‡k Kg bq


goes to the ends of the earth for a relaxing vacation full of sun, culture and scenic beauty. If nature is your calling, why travel all that far when your own country holds a treasure trove in its lap? We are talking about Sylhet, Bangladesh’s very own abode for the nature lovers. A district surrounded by lush green tea gardens, sub tropical hills, rainforests and river valleys and known for its highly educated and exceedingly friendly population, Sylhet is one city that leaves you wanting more.


m~‡h©i Av‡jv, mvs¯‹…wZ wewPwÎZv I ˆbmwM©K cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h© Dc‡fv‡Mi gva¨‡g AeKvk hvcb Ki‡Z A‡b‡K c…w_exi †kl cÖv‡šÍI Qz‡U hvb| Z‡e Avcwb hw` cÖK…wZi KvQvKvwQ †h‡Z Pvb Z‡e evsjv‡`k †_‡K eû`~i ch©šÍ ågY Ki‡eb †Kb, hLb Avcbvi wb‡Ri †`k evsjv‡`‡ki †Kv‡jB Av‡Q GK ¸ßab? nu¨v wm‡j‡Ui K_vB ejwQ| cÖK…wZi wcÖq mšÍvb! cÖK…wZ †hb wbR nv‡Z mvwR‡q‡Q wm‡jU‡K| Mvp mey‡R †Niv Pv evMvb, cvnvo, †iBb d‡i÷ Ges b`x DcZ¨Kv †ewóZ GKwU †Rjv, †hLvbKvi †jvKRb D”Pwkw¶Z Ges AZ¨šÍ eÜyermj wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| wm‡jU Ggb GK GjvKv hv Avcbvi PvIqv Av‡iv evwo‡q †`‡e|


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Lawachara National Park

Located in the Moulvibazar District of Sylhet and spread over approximately 12.5 sq km, this semi evergreen forest combines flora of tropical and sub tropical coniferous and mixed deciduous forests. Punctuated with hillocks called tillas, the forests are home to Golden Jackals, Asian black bears, Leopard cats, Leopards, Barking deer, Indian giant squirrels and many more interesting fauna. It is also home to the western hoolock gibbon, which is one of the top 25 most endangered primates. Go by bus or car and enter the park by paying a token sum of money. A friendly guide will accompany you through the safest routes.



One of the most attractive tourist spots in Sylhet, Jaflong is a hill station in the Gowainghat Upazila area and shares border with the Indian state of Meghalaya. With subtropical rainforests and mountains looming in the surroundings, Jaflong is known for its famous stone collections and is the abode of the matriarchal Khasi tribe. A trip to the

jvDqvQov RvZxq D`¨vb

wm‡j‡Ui †gŠjfxevRv‡i cÖvq 12.5 eM© wK‡jvwgUvi GjvKv Ry‡o G D`¨v‡bi Ae¯’vb| GB wPinwir ebwU‡Z µvšÍxq I Dc-µvšÍxq Dw™¢‡`i mswgkÖY i‡q‡Q| †QvU †QvU wUjv I cvnvo †ewóZ GB e‡b i‡q‡Q myeY© †kqvj, Gwkqvi Kv‡jv fvjyK, wPZvevN, nwiY, fviZxq eo KvVweovwjmn Av‡iv A‡bK ey‡bv cÖvYx| G eb cwðgv Djøy‡Ki (ûjyK wMeb) Avevm¯’jI| G cÖvYxwU wecbœ cÖvq 25wU ¯Íb¨cvqx cÖvYxi GKwU| e¨w³MZ Mvwo wKsev fvov Kiv Mvwo‡Z K‡i G D`¨v‡b †h‡Z cvi‡eb| wbw`©ó cwigvY UvKv w`‡q D`¨v‡b Mvwo cvwK©s Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| eÜyfvevcbœ GKRb MvBW cv‡eb whwb Avcbv‡`i myiw¶Z c_ w`‡q e‡bi †fZ‡i wb‡q hv‡e| eyU RyZv c‡iB e‡bi †fZi hvIqv fv‡jv| KviY †mLv‡b hLb ZLb e…wó nq| Avi eyU RyZv c‡i †NvivNywi Ki‡ZI Avcbvi myweav n‡e|


ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ wm‡j‡Ui Ab¨Zg AvKl©Yxq ¯’vb wm‡j‡Ui Rvdjs| Rvdjs g~jZ GKwU †QvU cvnvox †÷kb| †MvqvBbNvU Dc‡Rjvq GwU Aew¯’Z| GwU evsjv‡`k I fvi‡Zi †gNvjq iv‡R¨i mxgvšÍeZ©x GjvKvq Aew¯’Z| AiY¨ Ges ce©‡Z Pvicvk †Niv Rvdjs g~jZ cv_i D‡Ëvj‡bi Rb¨ weL¨vZ| GLv‡b evm Kiv gvZ…Zvwš¿K Lvwmqv Avw`evmxivI Rvdjs‡K


Sylhet has over 150 tea gardens and possesses three largest tea gardens in the world. Sylhet is a land full of terraced tea gardens, rolling countryside and the exotic flora and fauna. Sylhet valley is formed by a beautiful, winding pair of rivers named the Surma and the Kushiara.

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Khasi village will offer breathtaking sights of the orange and jackfruit gardens, betel leaf gardens and the Khasia Rajbari or the King’s Palace.

Tamabil - Zero Point

wPwb‡q‡Q| Lvwmqv MÖvg Nyi‡Z †M‡j wbtm‡›`‡n cÖvY f‡i hv‡e| †mLv‡b †`L‡Z cv‡eb Kgjv I KuvVvj evMv‡bi mvwi, cv‡bi eiR Ges Lvwmqv ivRvi evwo, hv‡K e‡j ivRvi evwo|

A short distance away is Tamabil, 56km from the district town. A stream comes down from the mountains of India, falls onto the Bichanakandi stone quarry into the Zvgvwej wR‡iv c‡q›U Goain River. Motor boats from the Hadar wm‡jU kni †_‡K Lye GKUv `~‡i bq, 56 wK‡jvgvBj Par Bazaar take you to this location and cvwo w`‡jB wgj‡e Zvgvwej| fvi‡Zi ce©Z †_‡K ‡b‡g carry about 8 to 10 people. Enjoy Avmv cvnvwo Sibv weQvbvKvw›` n‡q ‡MvqvBb the 25 minute ride, breathing into b`x‡Z G‡m wg‡k‡Q| nv‡`i cvo evRvi †_‡K Sylhet is home to the fresh, mountain air. The ride BwÄbPvwjZ ‡bŠKv K‡i weQvbvKvw›`‡Z many interesting should not cost any more than hvIqv hv‡e| G ‡bŠKvq GKm‡½ 8-10 species of flora and 800 Takas both ways. Be sure to Rb ‡jvK DV‡Z cv‡i| 25 wgwb‡Ui GB fauna like the golden carry umbrellas to save yourself jackals and the ‡bŠKvåg‡Y wbtk¦vm wb‡Z cvi‡eb cvnvwo barking deer from the scorching heat or the m‡ZR evZv‡m| m‡½ Dc‡fvM Ki‡eb torrential downpours. bv›`wbK †mŠ›`h©| †bŠKvq K‡i †h‡Z-Avm‡Z

Tea gardens

The beautiful Srimongol is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh and one can see huge expanses of rolling, green hills as far as the eye wanders. The Grand Sultan Tea Resort

(Left) The forest area in Sylhet; (above) picturesque Bichnakandi river; the exquisite fauna

800 UvKvi †ewk LiP co‡e bv| m‡½ Aek¨B QvZv ivL‡eb †iv` wKsev fvwi el©‡Yi nvZ ‡_‡K evuP‡Z|

Pv evMvb ivwk ivwk

cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`‡h© ficyi kÖxg½j evsjv‡`‡ki Pv-Gi


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offers cottage homes, a swimming pool, a golf course and lovely aesthetics in which one can enjoy a stay while in the vicinity of the tea gardens. Four wheeled, open roofed cars take you deep into the gardens. You will find honey peddlers boasting of rich, potent honey that’s guaranteed to be real and delicious. A short ride away, the Nilkantha Tea Cabin offers the famous seven layered tea that you can make into a game of guess. We can tell you, it has citrus, cinnamon and green tea, just to give you some delicious hints! Whether in water, or on land, there is nothing better than the calming effects of the mountain air, the unimaginable different shades of green flora or the light fog rolling off the hills, especially in autumn. The weather is naturally soothing and the relatively easy ways of movement make the trip totally worth your while. Light on the pocket and heavy in rugged, natural beauty, Sylhet is a dream destination for many.

ivRavbx wn‡m‡e cwiwPZ| †PvL †gj‡jB †`L‡Z cv‡eb w`MšÍ ‡Rvov †XD †Ljv‡bv meyR DuPzwbPz wUjvi m¤¢vi| GLv‡b Av‡Q `¨ M v« Û myjZvb wU wi‡mvU©| Zv‡Z Av‡Q _ vKvi Rb¨ K‡UR, myBwgscyj, Mjd †Kvm©mn wewfbœ my‡hvM myweav| evMv‡bi †fZi †Nvivi Rb¨ cv‡eb Pvi PvKvi Qv` ‡Lvjv Mvwo| †`Lv cv‡eb gay msMÖvnK‡`i| hviv wKbv msMÖn K‡i †eovq me‡P‡q LuvwU I ¯^v‡` ¸‡Y Abb¨ gay| Aí wKQy`~‡iB i‡q‡Q bxjKÉ Pv ‡Kweb| ‡hLv‡b cvIqv hvq weL¨vZ mvZ i‡Oi Pv| R‡j wKsev ¯’‡j †hLv‡bB †nvK, gb fv‡jv K‡i †`Iqvi g‡Zv cvnvwo kxZj evZv‡mi †P‡q fv‡jv wKQy n‡Z cv‡i bv| we‡kl K‡i kirKv‡j Avcbvi gb Rywo‡q †`‡e mey‡Ri AKíbxq ˆewP‡Î¨ fiv `„k¨cU, wKsev cvnvoRy‡o _vKv Kyqvkvi Pv`i| AvenvIqv ¯^vfvweKfv‡e kxZj Ges GLv‡b Nyi‡Z AvmvUvI †ek mnR| Avcbvi g~j¨evb mgqUv GLv‡b e„_v hv‡e bv wKQz‡ZB|

(Above) Wood walk path in a mangrove forest; lady plucking tea leaves

Biman connects Dhaka-SylhetDhaka with 13 weekly flights (

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Turning walls into


We bring you some incredible works of art that are not adorning any museum walls but the streets!

†`qvj n‡q †Mj


Gevi Avcbv‡`i mvg‡b Ggb wKQy AZ¨vðh© wkíKg© Zz‡j AvbwQ, †h¸‡jv †Kv‡bv Rv`yN‡ii †`qv‡j bq, eis †kvfv cv‡”Q iv¯Ívq!


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The United States The most abundant amounts of street art can be found in big cities like New York, Los Angeles and Miami.

hy³ivóª me‡P‡q †ewk moK wk‡íi †`Lv wgj‡e wbD BqK©, jm A¨v‡Äjm I wgqvwgi g‡Zv eo eo kni¸‡jv‡Z|



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Portugal Lisbon’s a city rich in culture. And the same is reflected in the street art pieces here.

cZz©Mvj ms¯‹…wZ‡Z mg„× GKwU kni wjmeb| Avi GUvB GLvbKvi iv¯—vq Qov‡bv wkíK‡g© cÖwZdwjZ n‡q Avm‡Q|

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London London is renowned for street art that there are organisations that set up tours of the famous works.

jÛb moK wk‡íi Rb¨ jÛ‡bi GZUvB L¨vwZ †h †mLv‡b weL¨vZ wKQy wkí Kg© †`Lvi Uz¨i Av‡qvRb Kivi Rb¨ Avjv`v cÖwZôvbI Av‡Q|


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Mexico Street artists from all over have travelled to Mexico leaving a piece of their art in each of their cities

†gw·‡Kv mviv `ywbqvi w÷ªU AvwU©÷iv GKevi n‡jI †gw·‡Kv‡Z wM‡qwQ‡jb Ges Zv‡`i GKwU K‡i wb`k©b †i‡L G‡m‡Qb GKwU K‡i kn‡i|


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Colombia Roadways, buildings, alleys you name it, they have it. The works reflect the colourful and eclectic city.

Kjw¤^qv iv¯Ívi †gvo, feb, AwjMwj, hv-B ejyb bv †Kb, G¸‡jv _vK‡eB| kniwUi ewY©j Aven I J`vh©B dzwU‡q †Zv‡j G wkíKg©¸‡jv|



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Garden of the


Once a walled, mud-brick way station along desert trading routes, Riyadh today is one of the wealthiest cities in the world By: Ruksar Ali


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wKsW‡gi evMvb

gi“i evwYR¨c‡_i cv‡k kniwU wQj GKmgq †Kej Kv`vgvwUi †`Iqvj †Niv GKwU AÂj| Avi Kvjµ‡g †mB wiqv` GLb we‡k¦i Ab¨Zg m¤ú`kvjx kni



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the capital city of Saudi Arabia, one of the largest oil producers in the world, Riyadh has a character not seen in many other commercial cities. It is a unique blend of traditional markets hand-in-hand with modern skyscrapers, humungous shopping malls and hotels. It is well connected to the rest of the world and boasts of some of the finest roads in the world. The Riyadh International Book Fair is the largest yearly cultural event in the Middle East aiming to facilitate and promote exchange between authors, publishers and everyone connected with the literary field.

What not to miss

The appeal of Riyadh is not limited to its richness or fancy shopping malls but the more historical and natural hideouts located both within and outside the city limits. Here are a few:


Ab¨Zg kxl© †Zj Drcv`K ivóª †mŠw` Avi‡ei ivRavbx wiqv`| hvi Ggb wKQy Abb¨ ˆewkó¨ hv Avi †KvbI evwYwR¨K kn‡i Lyu‡R cvIqv hv‡e bv| HwZn¨evnx evRvi, AvaywbK myD”P feb, wekvj kwcs gj I †nv‡Uj¸‡jv †hb nv‡Z nvZ †i‡L P‡j| GB kn‡ii Av‡Q AvKl©Yxq me iv¯—v Ges evB‡ii `ywbqvi m‡½ GwU fv‡jvfv‡eB mshy³| wiqv` Avš—R©vwZK eB †gjv ga¨cÖv‡P¨i me‡P‡q eo evwl©K mvs¯‹…wZK Abyôvb, hvi j¶¨ n‡”Q mvwnZ¨ RM‡Zi m‡½ mshy³ †jLK, cÖKvkK‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU wewbgq †mZz ˆZwi Kiv|

hv wgm Kiv hv‡e bv

wiqv‡`i Av‡e`b †Kej RgKv‡jv kwcs gj ev ab m¤ú‡`B mxgve× bq eis HwZnvwmK Ges cÖvK…wZK `k©bxq ¯’vb¸‡jvi Ae¯’vb kn‡ii †fZ‡i I evB‡i Qwo‡q Av‡Q| K‡qKwU D‡ ­L Kiv n‡jv|

ev`kvn Lvwj` MÖ¨vÛ gmwR`

GwU wiqv‡`i Ab¨Zg cÖPxb gmwR`| PgrKvi mv`v ev`kvn

The appeal of Riyadh is its historical and natural hideouts located both within and outside the city limits


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King Khalid Grand Mosque

One of the oldest mosques in all of Riyadh, the beautiful white King Khalid Grand Mosque is a spiritual sanctuary. There is a strong connection and unity among worshipers here.

Wadi Namar

An oasis of pristine water surrounded by lush palm trees is one of the most favourite picnic sites for the residents on Riyadh, especially for those with young children. It is a great place for outdoor activities such as biking or rollerblading.

Underground gallery

A hidden gem would be the right way to describe this gallery tucked away in a residential area. The gallery is underground and features

Lvwj` MÖ¨vÛ gmwR`wU GKwU cweÎ ¯’vb| GLv‡b DcvmK‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU kw³kvjx eÜb I GKZv Av‡Q|

Iqvw` bvgvi

m‡ZR cvg MvQ I mybmvb Rjvavi †ewóZ gi“`¨vb| GwU wiqv‡` emevmKvix‡`i Rb¨ me‡P‡q RbwcÖq wcKwbK ¯úU| we‡kl K‡i wkï‡`i wb‡qB GLv‡b †jvKRb †eov‡Z Av‡m †ewk| GwU evBwKs I †ivjvi‡e­wÛs‡qi R‡b¨I PgrKvi ¯’vb|

AvÛviMÖvDÛ M¨vjvwi

(Clockwise from above) The old city fort; huge cannon at Al-Masmak fort; exterior view of the Al-Masmak fort

GKwU AevwmK GjvKvi g‡a¨ Aew¯’Z GB M¨vjvwi‡K eY©bv Ki‡Z GKwU K_vB ejv hvq, ÔjyKv‡bv gy³vÕ| M¨vjvwiwU gvwUi wb‡P Ges GLv‡b Av‡Q Avš—Rv© wZK weL¨vZ wkwí‡`i wPÎK‡g©i wekvj msMÖn| GwU GKwU †emiKvwi ¯’vb, ZvB hw` wkíK‡g©i wekvj m¤¢vi †`L‡Z Pvb Zvn‡j Av‡MB eywKs w`‡q ivLyb|

evB‡i LvIqv

Kg `vwg I †ewk `vwg me ai‡bi Lvev‡ii †i÷z‡i›UB


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original works from a plethora of international artists. It is a private space, so book ahead if you wish to see this amazing collection of art.

Eating out

In Riyadh, eating out is a pleasure, primarily due to the availability of restaurants, both cheap and expensive serving all kinds of cuisines. But the main draw is the famous Saudi 'Kabsa', a delicious meal of spiced rice and chicken/lamb – which is easily the Kingdom’s favourite.

Desert driving

Head northeast of the airport to the Thumama sand dunes for some adventure in the sands with your 4x4, a common activity in the Kingdom. It is not uncommon to see wheels spinning across the vast expanse of the golden sands over the weekend. For the less adventurous, sand biking is a great alternative.

kniRy‡o mnRjf¨ nIqvq wiqv‡`i evB‡i LvIqvI GKwU Avb›`| Lvev‡ii wekvj m¤¢v‡ii g‡a¨ g~j AvKl©Y n‡”Q †mŠw` ÔKvemvÕ, hv gmjv`vi Pvj I gyiwM A_ev †fovi gvs‡mi ˆZwi GKwU Lvevi| GwU ¯^nRvZfv‡eB cy‡iv iv‡R¨i wcÖq|

†WRvU© WªvBwfs

†ivgv‡Âi Rb¨ Avcbvi Ô4 evB 4Õ wb‡q iIqvbv n‡q hvb wegvbe›`‡ii DËic~e© w`‡K _ygvgv evwj cvnv‡oi w`‡K| †WRvW© WªvBwfs †mŠw` Avi‡ei me‡P‡q mPivPi †ivgvÂK‡g©i GKwU| mvßvwnK QywUi w`‡b wekvj gi“i †mvbvjx cÖvš—iRy‡o PvKv Nyi‡Z †`Lv G‡Kev‡iB A¯^vfvweK wKQy bq| wKQyUv Kg †ivgv‡Âi Rb¨ m¨vÛ evBwKs GKwU `vi“b Ackb|


wiqv‡` we‡k¦i my›`iZg K‡qKwU Mjd †Kvm© i‡q‡Q| hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q w`ive Mjd A¨vÛ Kvw›Uª K¬ve| GB AvuKvevuKv 18 Ô†nvjÕGi Mjd †Kvm©wU ivRavbx wiqv` †_‡K 30 wgwb‡Ui c_| hvi AvKl©Yxq meyR Avcbv‡K gy» Ki‡e Ges †kl 9wU †nv‡ji Rb¨ GLv‡b Av‡Q d¬vWjvBU|

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Riyadh is home to some fine golf courses, including the Dirab Golf and Country Club. This sprawling 18-holes course about 30 minutes from the capital is invitingly green and has floodlights for the last 9 holes!

Traditional markets

No visit to Riyadh is complete without a trip to Souq al-Thumairi – the place everyone goes for silk, jewellery, carpets and souvenirs. This market, however, specialises in Arabic goods, which are not easily found elsewhere. Not surprisingly, this is also called the Antique Market but remember that haggling is not only accepted, it is expected! So haggle away over coffee pots or daggers and be assured that no one is the loser!

HwZn¨evnx evRvi

myK Avj-_ygvBwi‡Z bv †M‡j †KvbI wiqv` ågY †hb Ac~Y©B †_‡K hvq| mevB GLv‡b hvq wmé, Ry‡qjvwi, Kv‡c©U I my¨‡fwbi mvgMÖx wKb‡Z| GB gv‡K©‡U we‡kl ai‡bi Avie cY¨ cvIqv hv‡e, hv mPivPi Avi †Kv_vI cvIqv hv‡e bv| ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB GwU GKwU cÖvPxb evRvi| Z‡e g‡b ivL‡eb, `iKlvKwl GLv‡b ïay ¯^MZ bq eis cÖZ¨vwkZ! ZvB Kwd cU ev Qywi hvÕB †Kbvi wPš—v K‡i _v‡Kb bv †Kb, `iKlvKwl Ki“b hv‡Z †KDB bv V‡K! Biman connects Dhaka-RiyadhDhaka with six weekly flights (

(Clockwose from above) Traditional handicrafts; camels in the desert; people buying dates in a souq; areal view of the city


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Resurrected from the


Though smaller in geographic size, Nepal has long since held a mysterious attraction to travellers and trekkers from across the globe for being home to the largest mountain summit in the world By: Nikita Sharma

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aŸsm¯Íc ‚ †_‡K bZzb


f‚‡Mv‡ji wePv‡i AvKv‡i †QvU n‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e we‡k¦i ågYwccvmy I `ytmvnmx AwfhvÎx‡`i g‡b me‡P‡q eo ce©Zgvjvi K…wZZ¡avix †`k †bcvj hyM hyM a‡i GK A™¢yZ AvKl©Y a‡i †i‡L‡Q



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after a year f~wgK‡¤ú AvµvšÍ and a half nIqvi cªvq †`o from being hit by a massive earthquake, eQ‡ii g‡a¨ †bcvj wb‡RB wb‡Ri ¶Z mvwi‡q Nepal has revived itself. It is now back to life Zy‡j‡Q| †`kwU Avevi †R‡M DV‡Q Ges we‡k¦i me and attracting tourists from all parts of the cªvšÍ †_‡K ch©UK‡`i AvKl©Y Ki‡Q| wngvjq‡K world. Blessed with a unique topography and K¨vbfv‡m †i‡L †bcv‡ji mymw¾Z cªK…wZ Ges an impressive climate throughout the year, PgrKvi AvenvIqv, m‡½ cªvPxb ms¯‹…wZ cªwZ eQi and with its ancient culture and the Himalayas jvL jvL ch©UK‡K †bcv‡j AvKl©Y K‡i P‡j‡Q| as a backdrop, Nepal attracts millions gvbyl †Kej Qwei g‡Zv cªK…wZ †`L‡Z ev of tourists annually. People throng RgKv‡jv K¨vwm‡bv‡Z UvKv LiP Ki‡Z to this destination not just for GLv‡b wfo K‡i bv eis GLvbKvi Nepal has nearly 870 it’s picturesque locations and cªK…wZi †_‡K be DÏxcbv AvniY species of birds, which arguably more than flamboyant casinos but also to Ki‡ZI Av‡m| the entire Europe experience some adrenaline and North Africa rush. The country offers great †`kwUI ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ AmvaviY me combined. adventure to it’s visitors. From river †ivgv‡Âi ckiv mvwR‡q †i‡L‡Q| eid rafting in it’s ice cold white waters to kxZj mv`v cvwb‡Z wifvi ivdwUs †_‡K ïiæ paragliding above the Pokhara lake, Nepal K‡i †cvLviv †j‡Ki Ici c¨vivMøvBwWs, Gme w`‡q will surely leave you spellbound. Here is a list †bcvj Avcbv‡K m‡¤§vwnZ Ki‡e| †ivgvÂwcªq ch©UK, of the adventure sports that are a musthviv †bcvj åg‡Y hv‡”Qb Zv‡`i Rb¨ wb‡gœ †bcv‡ji try for every adventure junkie visiting this wKQy Aek¨KiYxq A¨vW‡fÂv‡ii weeiY †`Iqv Himalayan region. hvK Gevi|

(Right) Mountain trekkers in the Himalayas; (below) Rafting in the Trisuli river


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Mountaineering and Everest go hand in hand. Mount Everest is considered the ultimate mountaineering adventure in the entire world. To stand at the pinnacle of the earth is one of life’s most rewarding experiences but also, climbing on to the top is no child’s play! It requires immense mental and physical strength to conquer the toughest mountaineering expedition but nevertheless, it is the best feeling in the world.

Mountain biking Nepal was never under any foreign invasion. Thus, does not have an independence day as it was never colonised. In a span of 100 km going from South to North at any part of Nepal you can experience hot tropical climate to bone chilling Artic type weather. The Himalayas are the 3rd largest deposit of ice and snow in the world, after Antarctica and the Arctic with approximately 15,000 glaciers.

Steering your way into mountains, valleys and the roads less travelled, that’s not all about mountain biking. It offers great adrenaline rush and thrill as you pass every impediment that is thrown your way by the mighty nature. Every turn you take, every path you climb may be an adventure in it’s own.

River rafting

Whatever you desire for adventure, it is easy to find the perfect river in Nepal. With a wide range of difficulties from a gentle one day float down the Trisuli River, to an exhilarating 10-day adventure through the rapids of the remote Tamur or Karnali. Nepal’s rivers change with the seasons. Each year, after the heavy monsoon rain the waters swell, changing the run of the rivers and the nature of the rapids. New rapids are created; others become


†bcv‡j ce©Zv‡ivnb gv‡bB wngvjq| gvD›U Gfv‡i÷ Rq Kiv‡K aiv nq mgMÖ we‡k¦i †miv ce©Zv‡ivnb †ivgv Awfhvb wn‡m‡e| we‡k¦i m‡e©v”P Pyuovq `vuov‡bv Aek¨B Rxe‡bi me‡P‡q AmvaviY AwfÁZv, Z‡e GB D”PZvq IVv G‡Kev‡iB gy‡Li K_v bq| me‡P‡q KwVb GB ce©Zv‡ivnb Awfhv‡bi Rb¨ cª‡qvRb wecyj cwigvY kvixwiK I gvbwmK kw³; Z_vwc nxgvj‡qi Pyuovq `vuov‡bv c„w_exi me‡P‡q †miv Abyf~wZ| wifvi ivdwUs Avcwb †h ai‡bi †ivgvÂwcªq nb bv †Kb †bcv‡j †ivgv‡Äi Rb¨ GKwU h_vh_ b`x Lyu‡R cvIqv G‡Kev‡iB mnR| wÎïwj b`x‡Z †ivgv ficyi GK w`‡bi fvmgvb hvÎv †_‡K ïiæ K‡i `yM©g Zvgyi I Kvb©vwj b`xcªcv‡Zi ga¨ w`‡q 10 w`‡bi cªvYešÍ †ivgvÂhvÎv, meB cvIqv hv‡e GLv‡b| †bcv‡ji b`x¸‡jv cªwZ FZy‡Z iƒc e`jvq| cªwZ eQi fvix †gŠmywg e„wói ci b`xi cvwb dy‡j I‡V| hvi d‡j b`x¸‡jvi MwZc_ e`jvq, cwieZ©b Av‡m b`xcªcvZ¸‡jvi ai‡bI| bZyb bZyb b`xcªcvZ ‰Zwi nq, Ab¨¸‡jv n‡q I‡V AviI KwVb| wKQy wKQy‡Zv hvZvqv‡Zi Rb¨ Am¤¢e nq c‡o| Gme b`xi eyK wP‡i `vuo †e‡q Pjv Avcbvi Rxe‡bi †miv AwfÁZv n‡q _vK‡e|


cvnv‡o evBwKs

†bcv‡j gvD‡›Ub evBwKs gv‡b †Kej ce©Z, DcZ¨Kv ev `yM©g iv¯Ív¸‡jvq evBK Pvjv‡bvB bq eis Gi †_‡K †Xi †ewk wKQy| GLv‡b cªK…wZi m„wó cªwZwU evav AwZµg Ki‡ZB Avcbvi †ivgvÂKi Abyf~wZ n‡e| cªwZwU †gvo, cªwZwU DuPy iv¯Ív n‡Z cv‡i Avcbvi Rb¨ GK GKwU †ivgvÂ|


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The Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal is one of the top 10 best Trekking Trails in the world more difficult and some simply impossible to navigate. Paddling your way into the chilly waters of these rivers is an experience of a lifetime.


Offering views of Mt. Dhaualgiri, Mt. Annapurna, Niligiri, Pokhara Valley and Phewa Lake, paragliding in Nepal can be a truly wonderful and fulfilling experience. Imagine the unparalleled scenic grandeur as you share airspace with Himalayan griffin vultures, kites, eagles, while floating over villages, monasteries, temples, lakes and jungles, with a fantastic view of the majestic Himalayas. Sounds heavenly, right?

Bungee jumping

c¨vivMøvBwWs avIqvwjwMwi ce©Z, Abœc~Y©v ce©Z, wbwjwMwi, †cvLviv DcZ¨Kv I wdDqv †j‡Ki †gvnbxq †mŠ›`h©‡K Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z Ki‡Z †bcv‡ji c¨vivMøvBwWs n‡Z cv‡i cªK… Zc‡¶ we¯§qKi I cwic~Y© AwfÁZv| fveyb Avcwb Mªvg, gV, †jK, eb I wngvj‡qi AwØZxq GK †gvnbxq †mŠ›`‡h©i gv‡S †f‡m †eov‡”Qb| ïb‡ZB ¯^M©xq g‡b n‡”Q, ZvB bv?

Ultimate Bungy at The Last Resort in Nepal may be the most spectacular Bungy Jump on the Planet. This remarkable 500ft (160m) drop into the Bhoti Kosi River gorge on the Nepal/Tibet border is one of the longest freefalls in the world. Designed, constructed and operated by very experienced Kiwis to exacting international standards, it is located at a 3 hour drive from Kathmandu. The Bridge is Swiss designed, especially for bungy jumping with a 4x safety factor. So, the next time you plan a visit, worrying about the security should be the last thing on your mind.

evw½ Rvw¤ús

Snow skiing

we‡k¦i m‡e©v”P ce©‡Zi g‡a¨ AvUwUi Avevm¯’j nIqvq †bcvj ch©UK‡`i w`‡”Q †miv w¯‹s Awfhv‡bi my‡hvM| nxgvjq AÂj, AbœcY~ v© , avIqvwjwMwi gvKvjy, †PvIBD, KvÂbR•Nv, `j‡cv AÂjmn AviI A‡bK GjvKv Avcbvi Zylvi Awf‡l‡Ki Rb¨ A‡c¶v Ki‡Q| GLvbKvi cÖwZwU A‡j GKevi K‡iI hw` w¯‹ Ki‡Z Pvb, A_©vr GKB iv‡b `yevi w¯‹ hw` Ki‡Z bv Pvb, Z‡e †`Lv hv‡e Avcbv‡K Rxebfi w¯‹ K‡i †h‡Z n‡e| Zzlv‡i Rov‡bv ce©Zmvwii Amvgvb¨ D”PZv I we¯ÍZ … cwim‡ii m‡½ evowZ cvIbv wn‡m‡e Av‡Q †jvf RvMv‡bv ¸‡ov Zylvi, hv GKRb †ivgvÂwcÖq w¯‹qvi‡K Pz¤‡^ Ki g‡Zv Uvb‡e Avi G‡b †`‡e GB †Ljvi cwic~Y© †ivgv I D‡ËRbv|

Being the home to eight of the highest mountains in the world, Nepal brings out the best of skiing expeditions. The Everest region, Annapurna, Dhauligiri, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Kangchenjunga, the Dolpo regions, and more are all ready and waiting for your on-snow signature. It would take a lifetime of skiing each and every area before you skied the same run twice. The awesome height and spread of the snow clad mountains, with the added advantage of powdered snow are tempting enough to magnetise the adventurous spirits of the avid skier, providing all the thrill and excitement attached to the game.

(Above) Parahawking over Pokhra; (left) Bunjee at the Last Resort


†bcv‡ji `¨ jv÷ wi‡mv‡U©i AvjwU‡gU evw½ Rvw¤ús we‡k¦i me‡P‡q `k©bxq| †bcvj-wZeŸZ mxgv‡šÍ fwU Kwm b`xi Nv‡U Aew¯’Z GB 500 dyU DuPy evw½ jvdwU c…w_exi me‡P‡q DuPy evw½ Rv¤ú¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU| wbLyuZ AvšÍR©vwZK gv‡bi GB evw½i bKkv, wbg©vY I cwiPvjbv Ki‡Qb AwfÁ wKDBiv| GwU KvVgvÐz †_‡K wZb NÈvi Mvwoi `~i‡Z¡ Aew¯’Z| Svuc †`Iqvi weªRwUi bKkv K‡i‡Q myBRvij¨vÛ| G‡Z Av‡Q Pvi av‡ci wbivcËv e¨e¯’v| cieZ©x‡Z Avcwb hLb eyw½ Rv‡¤úi Rb¨ hv‡eb ZLb GwUi wbivcËv welqK `ywðšÍv‡K me †k‡l ¯’vb †`‡eb|

†mœv w¯‹wqs

Biman connects Dhaka-KathmanduDhaka with seven weekly flights (


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Colourful traditions and festivals reflect the unique cultural melange that Bangladesh is. Brimming the air with festive fervour, Ghuri Utshob marks the advent of a happy new year! By: Munira A Fidai

kxZ D`hvcb

ewY©j me cÖ_v Avi Drm‡e cÖwZdwjZ nq GK Abb¨ mvs¯‹…wZK †gjeÜb, Avi GUvB †Zv evsjv‡`k| Drm‡ei Ave‡n evZvmUv‡K D‡ØwjZ Ki‡ZB †hb GKwU bZzb eQ‡ii ïiæ‡Z nvwRi nq Nywo Drme



Sonkranti, or Sonkrain, as known in Bangladesh or Makar Sankranti, as in India, is a vibrant celebration to mark the fist harvest and the arrival of winters. The country witnesses celebrations that take the form of kite flying and cooking sweets from fresh harvests. While many look forward to the sport, not many know the significance behind it. Since winter is associated with sickness and infections, kite flying was introduced so that men and women would stay in the sun for long hours and revive their bodies.

msµvwšÍ, A_ev msµvb, evsjv‡`‡k Gi Av‡iK bvg gKi msµvwšÍ, GKB bv‡g cwiwPZ fvi‡ZI- bevbœ I kx‡Zi AvMgYx evZ©v‡K D`hvcb Kivi GKwU Av‡jvK¾¡j Drm‡ei bvg| †`kRy‡o GB Drme cvjb Ki‡Z †`Lv hvq Nywo Dwo‡q I bZzb dmj w`‡q wgóvbœ ˆZwii ga¨ w`‡q| A‡bK‡K bvbv ai‡bi †Ljvq gË n‡Z †`Lv †M‡jI, Gi †bc‡_¨i ¸iæ‡Z¡i K_v nq‡Zv A‡b‡KB Rv‡b bv| kxZKvj‡K g‡b Kiv nq bvbv †ivM †kvK I msµg‡Yi gvm wn‡m‡e, Avi ZvB Nywo Dov‡bvi cÖ_v Pvjy n‡q‡Q G Kvi‡Y, hv‡Z K‡i bvix cyiæl wbwe©‡kl mK‡j `xN©mgq m~h©v‡jv‡K _vK‡Z cv‡i- hv Zv‡`i kixi‡K cwiï× Ki‡Z cvi‡e|

Cultural significance

GB Dcgnv‡`k QvovI mvs¯‹…wZK Zvrc‡h©i m‡½ GB Drme cvwjZ nq ivwkqv, hy³ivóª, †bcvj I wbD wMwb‡Z| m~h© hLb ivwkP‡µi GKwU wPý K¨vcwiKb© Z_v gKi-Gi g‡a¨ c‡o ZLb mgqUv‡K D`hvcb Kiv nq †bcv‡j| IB mgq cwÄKvq gvN gvmwUI ïiæ nq| Avi G‡Z K‡i DrmewUi gva¨‡g kx‡Zi †kl I em‡šÍi ïiæi welqUvI D‡V Av‡m| evsjv‡`‡k GB DrmewU n‡jv †cŠl

Apart from the subcontinent, the festival is celebrated in Russia, the United States, Nepal and New Guinea holding diverse cultural significance. In Nepal, it marks the transition of the sun into the Zodiacal sign of Capricorn or “Makar”, and the beginning of the “Magh” month


mvs¯‹…wZK Zvrch©


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of calendar, signifying the end of winter and beginning of spring. In Bangladesh, it symbolises the end of “Poush” and the beginning of “Magh” month of the Bengali calendar. However, unlike Nepal, Ghuri Utshob (kite festival) in Bangladesh is an annual celebration of winter.

gv‡mi †kl nIqvi cÖZxK I GKBm‡½ evsjv cwÄKv Abymv‡i gvN gv‡mi ïiæ| Z_vwc, evsjv‡`‡ki Nywo DrmewU n‡jv kxZ D`hvc‡bi GKwU evrmwiK Av‡qvRb, hv wVK †bcv‡ji g‡Zv bq|

myiw¶Z cÖ_v

GLbI wU‡K Av‡Q †cŠl msµvwšÍ| cyi‡bv n‡jI my msiw¶Z GB HwZ‡n¨i gva¨‡g dz‡U I‡V HK¨ Poush Sonkranti remains, till date, I eÜzZ¡| cÖwZ eQ‡iiB 14 Rvbyqvwi XvKvi In India, this day an old but well-preserved tradition AvKvk f‡i I‡V i‡Oi GK eY©vwj‡Z| is associated with representing unity and friendship. nƒ`‡qi AšÍt¯’j †_‡K K`vwPr †ei n‡q pilgrimage. In Uttar Skies all over Dhaka see a pattern Av‡m †h myß wkïgb, †mUv‡KI Avevi Pradesh, Kumbh Mela of colours on January 14, each cybiæ¾xweZ K‡i G Drme| wek¦vm Kiv starts on this day year, reviving that dormant child nq Drm‡ei G RqšÍxB n‡jv my¯^v¯’¨ I that seldom comes out from the folds mg„w×i `iRv; †hLv‡b gvbylRb Zv‡`i Øvi of heart. The jubilee is believed to be the Dš§y³ K‡i †`q; mwZ¨Kvi A‡_©B Ly‡j iv‡L Qv‡`i gateway to good health and prosperity and `iRv, †hb Zv‡`i eÜz I cÖwZ‡ekxiv Avm‡Z cv‡i, people open their doors, and quite literally, GKm‡½ Drme cvjb Ki‡Z cv‡i| Gici Zviv †g‡Z their rooftops, for friends and neighbours I‡V Nywo Iov‡bv I cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq| mgv‡Ri †jvKRb to come and celebrate. They engage in kite we‡kl K‡i cyivb XvKvi w`‡K hv‡`i emevm Ges hviv flying, competitions, etc. Communities, mainly hyM hyM a‡i GB cÖvPxb HwZn¨wU‡K a‡i †i‡L‡Q, Zviv those living in the older parts of Dhaka have DrmewUi cwimgvwß NUvq AvZkevwR cywo‡q|

Well-preserved tradition


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managed to hold on to this age-old tradition best by ending the day with fireworks.

Myriad ways to celebrate

Tour operators capitalise on the fervour of Poush Sonkranti by offering exciting packages for destinations like St. Martin Island, Cox Bazaar. Renting out a cottage at a bargain price (they usually come cheap around this time of the year) will allow you to share the cost among a group of people. Kite makers and vendors seem to now have reached new heights of aerodynamics in the way they design the kites. Forget traditional diamond shapes, kites now come in 3D, shaped like birds, planes, rockets, reptiles and even props from pop culture! A newer craze that has gained popularity among the youth is “fanush” or sky lanterns. They are released into the sky symbolising hope and bright future.

Sweet palate

Ghuri Utshob is the annual celebration of winter in Bangladesh

(Left) Vibrant kites at the beach; (above) Bangla sweets


D`hvc‡bi kZ Dcvq

†cŠl msµvwšÍi j‡Mœ †m›U gvwU©b Øxc I K·evRv‡i `viæY me c¨v‡KR Adv‡ii gva¨‡g Uz¨i Acv‡iUiiv `ycqmv Avq K‡i †bq| `i KlvKwl K‡i GKwU K‡UR fvov †bIqv hvq (eQ‡ii GB mgqUvq hv wKQyUv K‡gB cvIqv hvq), hv‡Z K‡i GKwU `‡ji m‡½ Avcwb LiPUv fvMvfvwM K‡i wb‡Z cvi‡eb| Nywoi bKkv †`‡LB †evSv hvq †h Nywo wbg©vZv I e¨emvqxiv ixwZg‡Zv A¨v‡ivWvqbvwg‡· GK bZzb D”PZvq †cuŠ‡Q †M‡Q| cÖ_vMZ WvqgÛ bKkvi K_v ev` w`b, Nywo GLb w_ªwW n‡q‡Q; GLb Nywo ˆZwi n‡”Q cvwL, wegvb, i‡KU, mixm„c Ggb cc KvjPv‡ii wewfbœ DcKi‡Yi Av`‡jI! ZiæY cÖR‡š§i g‡a¨ bZzb K‡i Dš§v`bv Qwo‡q RbwcÖq n‡q‡Q dvbym Z_v AvKvk-cÖ`xc| Avkv I D¾¡j fwel¨‡Zi cÖZxK wn‡m‡e AvKv‡k Dwo‡q †`Iqv nq dvbym|

Every festival comes with its own special delicacies. And when in Bangladesh, sweets is staple! Since Sonkranti is also known as Poush Parbon or harvest festival, freshly harvested paddy and date palm syrup is used to make a variety of Bengali sweets or pithas. Commonly known pithas are dudh puli, patishapta gokul pitha, tela pitha and kolar bora or banana fritters, but there is so much more to choose from.

wgóv‡bœ fiv †cøU

Shubho Poush Sonkranti!

ïf †cŠl msµvwšÍ!

cÖwZwU Drm‡eiB Av‡Q wbR¯^ wKQy gRv`vi Lvevi-`vevi| Avi evsjv‡`‡ki K_v hLb Av‡m, wgóvbœB _v‡K mevi Dc‡i! msµvwšÍ‡K †h‡nZz †cŠl cve©Y ev bevbœi g‡ZvB we‡ePbv Kiv nq, bZzb †Zvjv Pvj, †LRy‡ii im w`‡q ˆZwi nq bvbv c‡`i evOvwj wgóvbœ I wcVv| mvaviY AwZcwiwPZ wKQy wcVvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q `ya cywj, cvwUmvcUv †MvKzj wcVv, †Zjv wcVv I Kjvi eov| Z‡e †e‡Q †bIqvi Rb¨ Av‡Q Av‡iv n‡iK c`|


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Foods that ruled

2016 60

As the year draws to a close, we take a look at some foods entrants of 2016, which made us raise a brow By: Archana

2016 mv‡ji ivRZ¡ Kiv Lvevi eQiUv †kl n‡Z Pjj| Lvev‡ii iv‡R¨ G‡m‡Q bZzb wKQz AwZw_| hv †`‡L åƒ †Rvov KzuP‡K †h‡Z cv‡i Avcbvi!

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The poke bowl

Leave sushi and opt for poke. And no, the dish name is not inspired by Pokemon Go, if you thought so. ‘Poh-keh’ is Hawaiian fish dish made of raw fish, seasonings and sauce. It is healthy, delicious and totally unique. Fish used ranges from the spicy yuzu salmon to kale snapper to shiitake chile tofu, dressed up on rice or salad with the toppings and sauces of your choice.


Seaweed is the new green. It is packed with fibre, antioxidants, iodine and good fats seaweed. Right from uber-popular packaged seaweed strips to seaweed for breakfast, anything and everything made of seaweed sold like hotcakes in 2016.


The best known and most instantly recognisable ingredient of Filipino

`¨ †cvwK †evj

mywki K_v fy‡j hvb Ges †cvwK‡K ¯^vMZ Rvbvb| fy‡jI fve‡eb bv GB Lvev‡ii bvg †cv‡Kgb †Mv †Ljv †_‡K G‡m‡Q| Ô‡cvn-wKnÕ GKwU nvIqvBqvb wWk hv ˆZwi Kiv nq KuvPv gvQ, wewfbœ wmRwbs Ges mm w`‡q| GB LveviwU †L‡Z ¯^v¯’¨m¤§Z, my¯^v`y Ges G‡Kev‡i Abb¨| GB Lvevi ˆZwi‡Z †hme gvQ e¨envi Kiv nq Zvi g‡a¨ gkjv`vi BDRy m¨vgb ‡_‡K ïiæ K‡i †KBj ¯œ¨vcvi I wkU¨vwK wPwj UdyI Av‡Q| fvZ ev mvjv‡`i mv‡_ cwi‡ekb Kiv nq Avcbvi cQ‡›`i Uwcs Ges mm w`‡q|

wm DBW

wm DBW Ii‡d mgy`« ˆkevj‡K ejv nq ÔwbD wMÖbÕ Z_v bZzb meyR| mgy`« ˆkevj c~Y© i‡q‡Q c«Pyi cwigvY Avuk, A¨vw›UAw·‡W›U, Av‡qvwWb Ges DcKvix Dw™¢R †Z‡j| †¯úkvjwU dyW A¨v‡mvwm‡qk‡bi 2016 mv‡ji †UªÛ †dviKv÷ cÖwZ‡e`b Abyhvqx, GwUB bZyb Lvevi hv Lvev‡ii iv‡R¨ wb‡Ri Ae¯’vb dvwU‡q †`‡e| mKv‡ji bv¯Ívi Rb¨ †nvK ev Ab¨ †KvbI mg‡qi Lvev‡ii Rb¨, mgy`« ˆkev‡ji c¨v‡KURvZ Lvevi †_‡K ïiæ K‡i †d¬fvi ‡`Iqv wm DBW; Gi †h aibB nU †K‡Ki g‡Zv wewµ n‡”Q, †Kej Gi ¸YMZ gv‡bi Kvi‡YB|

Ube doughnuts, ice cream and cheesecake caught everyone’s attention in 2016 61


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cuisine, the vibrant purple yam, was all over in 2016. Ube doughnuts, ice cream and cheesecake are most popular because these purple sweets caught everyone’s attention.

Fermented food

The pungent and acidic flavours of fermentation were big last year. People stocked up on pickles and pile kimchi on just about everything, from sandwiches to savory pancakes. In addition to lending dishes a unique taste, fermented foods also keeps you healthy. When food is fermented, the sugars and carbohydrates are broken down by healthy bacteria, resulting in a pungent flavour.


wdwjwc‡bv iÜbcÖYvjxi Ab¨Zg cwiwPZ Ges mn‡RB ‡Pbv hvq Ggb Dcv`vb, ‡ivgvÂKi Rvg i‡Oi wgwó Avjy, 2016 mv‡ji Av‡jvPbvi g~j we›`y‡Z wQj| BD‡e †WvbvUm , AvBmwµg Ges wPR ‡KK me‡P‡q ‡ewk RbwcÖq, KviY Gi wgwó Rvg is mevi `…wó AvKl©Y K‡i‡Q| Lvev‡ii ¯^v`UvI †ek RgRgvU|

dvi‡g‡›UW Lvevi

(Clockwise from above left) Poke bowl with tuna fish, baked kugel, sweet ube rolls, fermented kimchi and pickels; (below) fresh seaweed salad

Zxe«I ¶vihy³ ¯^v‡`i dvi‡g‡›UW Lvevi GB eQ‡ii Ab¨Zg GKwU eo mvdj¨| ‡jvKRb m¨vÛDBP ‡_‡K ïiæ K‡i m¨vfwi c¨vb‡K‡Ki Dc‡i, GgbwK me wKQyi Dci, AvPvi ‡_‡K ïiæ K‡i wKgwPi UyK‡iv ch©šÍ e¨envi K‡i‡Q| Lvev‡i Abb¨ ¯^v` †Zv Av‡QB, m‡½ G Lvevi Avcbvi ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨I DcKvix| hLb Lvevi dvi‡g‡›UW _v‡K ZLb Gi †fZiKvi wPwb I kK©iv †f‡O hvq DcKvix e¨vK‡Uwiqvi Kvi‡Y| Avi G‡ZB G Lvev‡i GKwU Zxe« ¯^v` G‡b †`q|

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DSF 2017 promises to be bigger and better than ever before. We help you navigate through the best shopping in the city By: Nancy Pathak

†KbvKvUvi bZyb msÁv


Av‡Mi †h‡KvbI ev‡ii Zyjbvq Av‡iv eo Ges Av‡iv fv‡jv Kivi Rb¨ cÖwZkÖæwZe× wWGmGd 2017| Avgiv Avcbv‡K wb‡q hv‡ev kn‡ii †miv †KbvKvUvi ¯’vb¸‡jv‡Z



The Dubai Mall No shopping guide in the desert city can be complete without mentioning The Dubai Mall. It is a mall that directly reflects the city’s love of the extravagant, the amazing and sheer, unadulterated fun. You can shop at more than 1,200 retail outlets, from Armani to Zara, or visit the 10 million-litre tank aquarium, children's theme parks and also an Olympic-sized ice-skating rink.

`¨ `yevB gj

fashion flash mobs to live raffle drawings, there's an event for everyone during Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) 2017. Celebrating its 22nd anniversary, DSF is home to unbeatable deals, Guinness World Records, celebrity performances and plenty of amazing events to celebrate the emirate's favourite pastime. Whether you're exploring the old souks or the grandiose modern malls, DSF will never disappoint you.

`yevB kwcs †dw÷f¨vj 2017 Gi mgqRy‡o mevi Rb¨B _vK‡Q wKQy bv wKQy Av‡qvRb| G Qvov d¨vkb d¬¨vk ge †_‡K ïiæ K‡i jvBf i¨v‡dj Wª †Zv _vK‡QB| 22Zg evwl©Kx D`hvcb Kivi Rb¨ wWGmGd 2017Õ†Z ‡KbvKvUvi Rb¨ `viæY me Advi, wM‡bm Iqvì© †iKW©, †mwj‡e«wU‡`i cvidi‡gÝ Ges bRiKvov Av‡qvR‡bi ga¨ w`‡q D`hvwcZ n‡Z P‡j‡Q Avwgiv‡Zi me‡P‡q RbwcÖq Aemi we‡bv`b Drme| Avcwb †mB cyi‡bv myK ev AvaywbK kwcs g‡j hv-B LyuRyb bv ‡Kb wWGmGd Avcbv‡K nZvk Ki‡e bv|

giæi GB kn‡i †Kv‡bv kwcs MvBW-B `yevB gj Qvov m¤ú~Y© n‡Z cv‡i bv| GwU Ggb GKwU gj hv mivmwi G kn‡ii `viæY me PvKwPK¨, Avðh©RbK Ges wbQK I Abvwej Avb›`‡K mivmwi cÖwZdwjZ K‡i| GB g‡j _vK‡Q weL¨vZ eª¨vÛ Avigvwb †_‡K ïiæ K‡i Rviv Ges 1200-GiI †ewk AvDU‡jU †hLv‡b Avcwb B‡”QgZ †KbvKvUv Ki‡Z cv‡ib| A_ev †`‡L Avm‡Z cv‡ib 10 wgwjqb wjUv‡ii U¨vsK A¨vKywiqvg, Av‡Q wkï‡`i Rb¨ GKwU w_g cvK© Ges GKwU Awjw¤úK mvB‡Ri AvBm-


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Dine in the Arab way

Dessert Knafeh Popularly known as the queen of Arabic desserts, Knafeh is a sticky pastry made of gooey sweet cheese with an essence of rose-scented syrup.


Already the world’s largest mall (over one million square feet in size), The Dubai Mall is about to get even bigger, with an expansion to its luxury quarter set to be completed in the second half of 2017. Until then, have no fear: it’s business as usual for dedicated shoppers.

‡¯‹wUs wisK| BwZg‡a¨ we‡k¦i me‡P‡q eo g‡ji †LZve cvIqv (10 jvL eM©d‡y UiI †ewk eo), `yevB gjwU 2017 mv‡ji g‡a¨ Gi wejvwm †KvqvU©vi¸‡jvi m¤cÖmviY KvR m¤úbœ Kivi ga¨ w`‡q Av‡iv eo n‡Z P‡j‡Q| †mmgq ch©šÍ f‡qi †Kv‡bv KviY †bB, wb‡ew`ZcÖvY †µZv‡`i Rb¨ Gi e¨emv Pvjy _vK‡eB|

Etoile La Boutique A sphere where women can feel pampered in every sense of the word, Etoile "La boutique" is a world where original fashion merges with extraordinary art under the same roof, a place where two vibrant cultures blend in a unique style. Owned by prominent fashion entrepreneur Ingie Chalhoub, this boutique has received several awards including the Gulf Connoisseur award for the “Best Fashion Boutique”. It offers Chalhoub’s masterful mix of international luxury brands, including Dolce & Gabbana, Dior and Derek Lam.

Ggb GKwU bvg hvi cÖwZwU kãB bvix‡`i Av‡jvwoZ K‡i| G‡ZvB‡j jv eywUK Ggb GKwU RMr †hLv‡b †gŠwjK d¨vk‡bi m‡½ wkí GKvÆv n‡q RvqMv K‡i wb‡q‡Q GKB Qv‡`i wb‡P| ejv hvq GwU Ggb GK ¯’vb †hLv‡b `ywU D¾¡j ms¯‹w… Zi G‡m GK Abb¨ Dcv‡q wg‡jwg‡k GKvKvi n‡q‡Q| wewkó d¨vkb D‡`¨v³v BbwM K¨vjnve GB eywUKwUi gvwjK, †e÷ d¨vkb eywU‡Ki Rb¨ ÒMvjd K‡bvBkiÓ cyi¯‹vimn Av‡iv A‡bK cyi¯‹vi AR©b K‡i‡Q| GLv‡b K¨vjnv‡ei wb‡Ri `¶Zvq m…ó bvbvb Avš— R©vwZK wejvwm eª¨v‡Ûi wg· ‡cvkvK cvIqv hvq, ‡hgb GLv‡b Av‡Q- Wj‡P A¨vÛ Mvevbv, wWIi Ges ‡W‡iK j¨vg|

Mall of the Emirates Called the world's first shopping resort, there’s always a buzz at the Mall of the Emirates. Be it the the opening of Middle East’s first Apple Store, the indoor ski slope Ski Dubai and a slate of luxury and high street brands, Mall of the Emirates is always in the news. There's even more reason to visit the mall as British designer Paul Smith's new store and Alessandro Michele’s Gucci

G‡ZvB‡j jv eywUK

gj Ae `¨ Gwg‡iUm

we‡k¦i me©c_« g kwcs wi‡mvU© ejv nq gj Ae `¨ Gwg‡iUm‡K| ‡hLv‡b memgq wfo ‡j‡MB _v‡K| ga¨c«v‡P¨i me© c«_g A¨vcj ‡÷vi Pvjy Kivi Abyôvb ‡nvK ev `yevB‡qi w¯‹ †¯øvcw¯‹ `yevB Ges GK¸”Q bvgx `vgx I w÷«U eª¨v‡Ûi mgvnviAvwgiv‡Z GB gjwU c«vqB Av‡m Le‡i| G QvovI GB gjwU Ny‡i ‡`Lvi Rb¨ Av‡iKwU KviY n‡jv weªwUk wWRvBbvi cj w¯§‡_i bZyb ‡÷vi Ges A¨v‡jmv‡›`«v wg‡P‡ji ¸wP Mv‡W©‡bi ¸wP eywUK GB gv‡m D‡Øvab n‡q ‡Mj|

I-Kb‡mÞ ‡÷vi

d¨vkb I wk‡íi mw¤§jb NwU‡q‡Q GB Kb‡mÞ ‡÷viwU|

Main course Kofta Nihari A delicious stew consisting of slow-cooked meat balls mainly beef or lamb along with bone marrow, garnished to taste.

Snack Shawarma If you want to have an authentic Emirati dish, you must try some Shawarma. It consists flavourful spicy meat served in a thin wrap.

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Called the world's first shopping resort, there’s always a buzz at the Mall of the Emirates.


(Clockwise from above left) Etoile "La Boutique"; designer clothes on display; Mall of the Emirates; interior view of the Dubai mall


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Garden installation at the Gucci boutique opens this month. O-Concept Store This concept store combines fashion and art, housing everything from accessories, shoes to tops and dresses to unique pieces of furniture and paintings. While there, do visit the contemporary Saudi Arabian label called Toby by Hatem Alakeel whose embroidered pastel abayas in light linen and cotton mix from his kimono-inspired Peon collection deserve a spot in your wardrobe. Once you are done, hop over to the O-Concept Café to recuperate with a delectable espresso or cappuccino. Amongst Few There are few street wear brands that can match the likes of Adidas Originals, Nike, Puma, Asics. Co-founded by Mike Taylor and Flo Moser, Amongst Few flagship store was built to uphold “the traditional Emirati philosophy of simplicity and function with a strong emphasis on quality.” The brand is, Taylor says, “the reflection of a city that is shaping its own identity with an authentic creative vibe at its core.”

evmvevwoi wRwbmcÎ ‡_‡K ïiæ K‡i B‡jw±«K¨vj M¨v‡RU, Ry‡Zv ‡_‡K Ucm Ges Kvco, AvmevecÎmn Abb¨ wPÎKg©, mewKQyB i‡q‡Q| ‡mLv‡b Ny‡i ‡eiv‡bvi mgq Aek¨B mgmvgwqK ‡mŠw` Avi‡ei ‡j‡ej hvi bvg nv‡Zg AvjvwK‡ji Uwe-‡Z GKevi n‡jI Xyu gviv DwPr, Zvi bKkvq evbv‡bv nvjKv wj‡jb I KUb wg· Kvc‡oi Dci G¤^ªqWvwi Kiv c¨v‡÷j A¨vevqv (dyj nvZvi bvix‡`i gymwjg †cvkvK) †_‡K wK‡gv‡bv Øviv AbycÖvwYZ ‡cvkvK wcIb - Avcbvi Avjgvwii †kvfv evov‡e| hLb Avcbvi Ny‡i †`Lv †kl n‡e ZLb wb‡R‡K †di Pv½v K‡i wb‡Z GK †`Š‡o P‡j hvb Kb‡mÞ K¨v‡d‡Z - `viæY ¯^v‡`i Gm‡cÖ‡mv ev K¨vcywP‡bv Kwdi ¯^v` wb‡Z|

(Above) O-Concept Cafe

A¨vgvs÷ wdD

†mLv‡b Ggb wKQy w÷«U eª¨vÛ i‡q‡Q hv A¨vwWWvm, bvBwK, cygv, Avwm· Gi g‡Zv eª¨v‡Ûi mv‡_ cvjøv w`‡q Pj‡Z cv‡i| A¨vgs÷ wdD GKwU d¬¨vMwkc †÷vi, hv Avwgiv‡Zi HwZn¨MZ mijZvi `k©b I Gi kw³kvjx ¸YMZ gvb a‡i ivLvi Rb¨ M‡o D‡V‡Q| GB d¬¨vMwkc †÷v‡ii `yB cÖwZôvZv n‡jb gvBK †UBji Ges †d¬v †gvmvi| †UBji e‡jb, ÒGB eª¨vÛwU Ggb GK kn‡ii cÖwZdjb NUv‡”Q hv GKwU m…Rbkxj Dcv‡q Zvi ¯^KxqZv‡K GKUv iƒc w`‡Z ‡Póv Ki‡Q|Ó Biman connects Dhaka-DubaiDhaka with seven weekly flights (

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Tarot cards...

Rvbyqvwi-†deªæqvwi 2017Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx Tarot predictions for January-February 2017 by Manisha Koushik


ARIES (‡glivwk)

TAURUS (e…livwk)

Help someone who needs help. At work, your steady progress is likely to end on the pinnacle. You maintain top physical fitness.

Things may not go as planned if you don’t behave diplomatically. Those stuck with a bad purchase may manage to exchange it after much persuasion.

Those planning an outing with lover are certain to have a good time. A good financial move can prove healthy for your bank balance.

GEMINI (wg_ybivwk)

Lucky number: 2, Lucky colour: Magenta

Lucky number: 11, Lucky colour: Dark Green

Lucky number: 6, Lucky colour: Lavender

g‡b hv‡`i †ivgvw›UK AbyivM Avmv-hvIqv Ki‡Q Zv‡`i DwPr n‡e g‡bi Rv‡ji we¯ÍviUv Av‡iKUz evov‡bv| †WWjvBb Nwb‡q Avm‡Q Ggb cÖK‡íi †ÿ‡Î `jxq cÖ‡Póv Riæwi n‡q †`Lv †`‡e|

K‚U‰bwZK AvPiY Ki‡Z bv Rvb‡j cwiKíbvgvwdK KvR n‡e bv| hviv A‡nZzK †ewk `vg w`‡q ev‡R wKQy wK‡b AvU‡K †M‡Qb Zviv †ek †`b `ievi K‡i Zv †diZ w`‡Z m¶g n‡Z cv‡ib|

wcÖqR‡bi m‡½ evB‡i Nyi‡Z hvIqvi cwiKíbv Ki‡Qb hviv Zv‡`i Rb¨ mymgq A‡c¶v Ki‡Q| Avw_©K †Kv‡bv GKwU wm×v‡šÍi d‡j Avcbvi e¨vsK e¨v‡j‡Ýi ¯^v‡¯’¨i DbœwZ NU‡Z cv‡i|

ïf msL¨v: 2, g¨v‡R›Uv

ïf msL¨v: 11, Mvp meyR

ïf msL¨v: 6, j¨v‡fÛvi


LEO (wmsnivwk)

VIRGO (Kb¨vivwk)

Good budgeting will help keep expenditure under control. Those waiting to get posted out of town must prepare well for the move.

Counter extra expenditure by exploring avenues for earning. Those involved in outdoor activities are likely to get thoroughly refreshed.

You will listen to others opinion and act on it. A past contentious issue will be amicably resolved with no hard feelings. Health remains satisfactory.

Lucky number: 9, Lucky colour: Orange

Lucky number: 22, Lucky colour: Sea Green

Lucky number: 7, Lucky colour: Navy Blue

fv‡jvg‡Zv ev‡RU Kivi gva¨‡g LiPUv‡K ev‡M G‡b ivL‡Z cvi‡eb| hviv kn‡ii w`‡K †cvw÷s wb‡q hvIqvi wPšÍv Ki‡Qb Zv‡`i‡K fv‡jvg‡Zv cÖ¯w‘ Z mvi‡Z n‡e|

Av‡qi Av‡iv wKQy c_ †ei K‡i evowZ LiPUv‡K mvgjv‡bvi †Póv Kiæb| hviv evB‡i †NvivNywi‡Z †ewk RwoZ Zv‡`i Rb¨ AvMv‡Mvov GK m‡ZRZv A‡c¶v Ki‡Q|

A‡b¨i gZvgZ ï‡b †m Abyhvqx KvR K‡i em‡Z cv‡ib Avcwb| AZx‡Zi †Kv‡bv GKwU Ø›Øc~Y© Bmy¨i Avc‡m mgvavb n‡e, †Kv‡bv gb KlvKwl QvovB| ¯^v‡¯’¨i Ae¯’v Avkve¨vÄK _vK‡e|

ïf msL¨v: 9, Kgjv

ïf msL¨v: 22, mvMi meyR

ïf msL¨v: 7, Mvp bxj

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Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.

LIBRA (Zyjvivwk)

SCORPIO (e…wðKivwk)


An increment or bonus is in the offing. Romantic possibilities appear on the horizon for the lonely hearts. An exotic trip is in offing for some.

Hasty investments may cost you. Choosing a healthy lifestyle is essential for some. Bartering may not prove the best option to do business.

Your fair play will be appreciated in a family situation. Those pursuing a professional goal may find success. Investment planning will help.

Lucky number: 15, Lucky colour: Yellow

Lucky number: 1, Lucky colour: Peach

Lucky number: 18, Lucky colour: Coffee

Kv‡iv Kv‡iv Rb¨ GKwU Bbwµ‡g›U ev †evbvm Avwm Avwm Ki‡Q| GKvKx nƒ`qavix‡`i Rb¨ w`M‡šÍi †k‡l †ivgvw›UK m¤¢vebv `„k¨gvb| Kv‡iv Kv‡iv `iRvq Kov bvo‡Z hv‡”Q GKwU wejvwm ågY|

`ªæZ wewb‡qv‡Mi Kvi‡Y c¯Ív‡Z cv‡ib| Kv‡iv Kv‡ivi Rb¨ GKwU ¯^v¯’¨Ki jvBd÷vBj †e‡Q †bIqvUvB †ewk Riæwi| e¨emv‡qi †¶‡Î cY¨wewbgq KivUv fv‡jv wm×všÍ n‡e bv|

†KD GKRb Avcbvi cÖwZ Ab¨iKg AvMÖn †`Lv‡”Q, †mUv Rvb‡Z †c‡i Avcwb LvwbKUv wePwjZ n‡Z cv‡ib| †kl gyn~‡Z© fRMU cvKv‡Z bv PvB‡j Av‡MB fv‡jv K‡i cwiKíbv †m‡i †djyb|

ïf msL¨v: 15, njy`

ïf msL¨v: 1, cxP iO

ïf msL¨v: 18, Kwd


AQUARIUS (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)

PISCES (gxbivwk)

Regulate your time to do justice to all! Dig deep into your pockets to fund a project, as it is certain to give good returns.

At work, you are likely to bite more than you can chew. Your desires and aspirations to achieve something big are likely to be realised.

You will manage to outsmart those who plan against you. On the romantic front, the period holds much promise. Body aches and pains will go.

Lucky number: 3, Lucky colour: White

Lucky number: 12, Lucky colour: Maroon

Lucky number: 4, Lucky colour: Violet

mewKQyi cÖwZ mywePv‡ii Rb¨ Av‡M wb‡Ri mg‡qi wbqš¿Y wbb| †Kv‡bv GKwU cÖK‡íi A_©vq‡b hZUv cviæb c‡KU †_‡K UvKv †ei Kiæb, KviY G‡Z fv‡jv d‡ji m¤¢vebv †`Lv hv‡”Q|

Kv‡Ri †¶‡Î hZUv mvgjv‡Z cv‡ib, Zvi‡P‡q †ewk KvR nv‡Z †bb Avcwb| eo wKQy cvIqvi Rb¨ Avcbvi †h B”Qv I AvKv•¶v Zv c~iY nIqvi m¤¢vebv †`Lv hv‡”Q|

hviv Avcbvi weiæ‡× dw›` AuvU‡Q Zv‡`i UcKv‡Z cvi‡eb Avcwb| †ivgvw›UK cwigʇjI Avcbvi fv‡jv mgq KvUvi m¤¢vebv h‡_ó Av‡Q| kix‡ii e¨_v †e`bv A‡bKUvB Mv‡qe n‡q hv‡e|

ïf msL¨v: 3, mv`v

ïf msL¨v: 12, †giæb

ïf msL¨v: 4, †e¸bx



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legacies By: Anwesha Paul

Bengal follows a tradition of intangible cultural heritage that has been around for centuries being handed down orally from generation to generation By: Nikita Sharma

mycvÖ Pxb



evsjvi Av‡Q GK Aaiv mvs¯‹…wZK HwZ‡n¨i ixwZ, hv wKbv kZ kZ eQi a‡iB cÖRš§ †_‡K cÖRš§ ch©šÍ Qwo‡q‡Q gy‡L gy‡L


of my childhood memories are associated with cozy lazy winter afternoons spent in my small suburban town near Kolkata. Sitting in groups outside the houses, soaking sun, eating oranges or freshly made pickles, while the neighbourhood aunts would be knitting sweaters and exchanging designs. Our eyes would eagerly wait for regular visitors, the snake charmers, the monkey or the bear man, who would show us various acts. However, all of us waited for a very special and occasional visitor, the Potua Kaku. He was a thinly built middle-aged man carrying a big jhola (bag) on his shoulder that used to be filled with scroll paintings called the Patachitras.


ˆkk‡ei †ewkifvM ¯§„wZi m‡½B Avj‡Zv K‡i Ry‡o Av‡Q KjKvZvi †QvÆ kniZjx‡Z KvUv‡bv Avivg`vqK I Avj‡m¨ fiv we‡Kj¸‡jv| evwoi evB‡i `j †eu‡a e‡m _vKv, m~h¯ © vœ b Kiv, Kgjv‡jey wKsev m`¨ evbv‡bv AvPvi LvIqv; hLb wKbv cÖwZ‡ekx †Kv‡bv GK Lvjvgwb e‡m e‡m †mv‡qUvi eybwQ‡jb wKsev Kv‡iv m‡½ bKkv Av`vb cÖ`vb Ki‡Zb| wbqwgZ AwZw_‡`i †`Lv †c‡Z Avgv‡`i †PvL †Rvov Dš§yL n‡q _vK‡Zv; hv‡`i g‡a¨ wQj mvcy‡o Ges evbi wKsev fvjy‡Ki †Ljv †`Lv‡bvi †jvKUv; hviv Avgv‡`i A‡bK iKg †Ljv †`Lv‡Zv| Z_vwc, Avgiv mevB GK we‡kl gvby‡li Rb¨B A‡c¶v KiZvg, whwb Avm‡Zb K`vwPr- cUzqv KvKv| wjKwj‡K Mo‡bi ga¨eqmx G gvbylUv‡K †`LZvg Kuv‡a GKUv †Svjv e¨vM wb‡q Avm‡Z, hv‡Z _vK‡Zv fuvR Kiv wPÎKg©- hv‡K ejv nq cUwPÎ|

cÖvPxb wkí

c~ivb, gnvKve¨, cÖvPxb mvwnZ¨ I HwZnvwmK bvbv eY©bvq cUwP‡Îi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q| wewfbœ mg‡q GUv‡K g‡n‡Äv`v‡iv,


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74 At the age of 18, Mother Teresa left home and family to become a nun, only never to return

Ancient art

Patachitra has been mentioned in puranas, epics, ancient literatures and historical descriptions as the style of painting similar to the cave paintings of Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Ajanta. ‘Patuas’ and ‘Chitrakars’ have been referred to in literary works dating back to more than 2,500 years. The folk art is appreciated by art lovers all over the world for its effortless style of drawings, colours, lines and homemade dyes. The painters, known as Potuas, do not just paint, they also sing narrative songs called the Poter Gaan as they unfurl the painting scroll to the audience. The songs are of wide variety ranging from traditional mythological tales, tribal rituals to stories based.

niàv I ARšÍvi ¸nvwP‡Îi m‡½ Zzjbv Kiv n‡q‡Q| mvwnZ¨K‡g© ÔcUzqvÕ Ges ÔwPÎKiÕ‡`i K_v ejv n‡qwQj AvR †_‡K cÖvq 2500 eQi Av‡M| AuvKvAuvwKi mij Awfe¨w³, i‡Oi e¨envi, †iLv I N‡i evbv‡bv WvB‡qi Kvi‡Y mviv we‡k¦i wkí‡cÖgxivB †jvKwk‡íi K`i K‡i _v‡K| G wPÎwkíx‡`i ejv nq cUzqv, Zviv ïay QweB Auv‡K bv, Zviv `k©K‡`i mvg‡b Qwei †ivjUv‡K Lyj‡Z Lyj‡Z aviveY©bv K‡i MvbI Mvq- hv‡K e‡j c‡Ui Mvb| Mv‡bi g‡a¨ D‡V Av‡m cÖ_vMZ bvbv †cŠivwYK Kvwnbx, DcRvZxq bvbvb AvPvi I n‡iK Mí|

AvaywbKZvi Kivj MÖvm

`ªæZ knivq‡bi d‡j GB ai‡bi wkíKjv wb‡q Rwo‡q _vKvi g‡Zv gvby‡li msL¨v K‡g G‡m‡Q `ªæZ| Zviv GLb G ai‡bi wkíKg© wK‡b Zv‡`i emvi N‡ii †`qv‡j Szwj‡q iv‡L Ges Zviv fz‡j hvq †h G ai‡bi wPÎK‡g©i Avmj Av¯^v`Uv †c‡Z n‡j Qwe †`Lvi m‡½ m‡½ cUzqv‡`i gy‡L ïb‡Z n‡e Mv‡b Mv‡b aviveY©bv| Aek¨

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Patachitra artists have been referred to in literary works dating back to 2500 years Evils of modernisation

With the rapid urbanisation, there has been a steep decline in people indulging in such art forms. They now choose to buy the paintings and hang them in their living rooms forgetting that the real essence of these paintings lies in the song narratives that the Potua presents along with the paintings. Hence, the livelihood of such artists have been affected on a large scale.

mye„nr †cÖ¶vc‡U †`Lv hvq †h G ai‡bi wkíx‡`i Rxeb KvUv‡bvB GLb `vq|

wkí gva¨‡gi cybR©vMiY

GKwU GbwRI, ÔevsjvbvUK WU KgÕ Ges BD‡ivcxq BDwbq‡bi †hŠ_ D‡`¨v‡M GB eY©bvZ¥K wkíKg© Lu‡y R †c‡q‡Q bZzb evRvi, bZzb `k©K| 2004 mvj †_‡KB g„ZcÖvq wkí gva¨gwU‡K cybiæ¾xweZ Ki‡Z IB msMVb¸‡jv cUzqv‡`i m‡½ KvR K‡i hv‡”Q| 2010 mvj †_‡K, cÖwZ eQ‡ii b‡f¤^‡i wZb w`b a‡i cU gvqv bv‡g GKwU Drm‡ei Av‡qvRb n‡q Avm‡Q cwðge‡½i cwðg wg`bvcy‡ii bqv MÖv‡g| wkíxiv †mLv‡b Zv‡`i wkíK‡g©i cÖ`k©b K‡i| MZeQi myBRvij¨vÛ †_‡K hvIqv GKwU MvqK `j wQj IB Drm‡ei g~j AvKl©Y| bvggvÎ g~‡j¨ ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ Av‡qvRb Kiv nq Kg©kvjvi| Abyôvb¯’‡j bvgKiv wkíx‡`i wb‡q Av‡qvRb Kiv nq wewfbœ ai‡bi Mv‡bi Abyôvb, †mLv‡b Zviv mycvÖ Pxb GB wkí gva¨gwU‡K cybivq D¾xweZ K‡i Zzj‡Z wb‡R‡`i f‚wgKv ivLvi GKUv my‡hvM cvb|

(Left) Patuas creating peices of art; (Below) A traditional scroll painting in making

Reviving the artform

But with the support of an NGO, ‘Banglanatak dot com’ and the European Union, the narrative scrolls have found new markets and new audiences. Since 2004, the organisations have been working with the Patuas to bring life to this dying art form. Since 2010, a three-day festival at the end of November named Pot Maya is being held at Naya village in the West Midnapore district of West Bengal, where the artists display their artworks. Last year, a music team from Switzerland was the highlight of the festival. Workshops are held at for tourists at a very nominal fee. Several musical performances are held at the venue performed by eminent artists giving them a platform to revive this ancient art again!

Bihanga Jan-Feb2017.indb 75


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Offices Biman Bangladesh Airlines (domestic) Barishal


40 Sadar Road (3rd Floor), Barishal 1226 Bangabandhu Sarak (Rangpur Road), Saidpur, Nilphamari +88-01777 775530 : 05526 71995 Chittagong +88-01777 775538 (CGP (GMT +6) 88031, Biman bhaban, 1/2, CDA Avenue, Shah Amanat International Airport, Chitagong Sholosohar, Chittagong-4203 +88-031-2500990 to 95, +88-031-650671 to 75, +88-031-2500941 to 50 +88-031-650982 to 84 +88-031- 651890 to 91 Cox’ Bazar (CXB) (GMT +6) (0341), Green Villa, Puraton Kosba, Jessore, Motel Upal, Parjatan Holyday Complex , Cox’s Bazar District Manager: 0421-71995 +88-0341-63461 Stations Manager: 0421-71996 +88-01777 775526 Airport: +88 01777 77529


Rajshahi Parjatan Motel, Shah Abdul Majid Road, Sreerampur, Rajshahi – 6000 +88 0721 774787, +88 0721 774838, +88-01777 775536

Sylhet (ZYL) (GMT +6) Airport road, Majumdari, Sylhet-3100 +88-0821-717026 to 28, +88-0821-717411-717421

Airport office Osmani international airport, Sylhet.

Biman Bangladesh Airlines (International) Abu Dhabi

Abu dhabi (AUH), (GMT+4) Sk. Zayed 2nd st./ Electra street, Bldg no. 5213, PO Box-4356 Abu dhabi, UAE +971-02-6342597 Fax: +971-02-6344664 Mobile: +971-050-6146768 Email:

Abu Dhabi International Airport


Dammam, Saudi Arabia

(GMT+3), Ace Building, Post Box No – 4492, Al Khobar 31952, Pepsi, Cola Road,.Dammam, KSA. +966-013-8873236 Fax: +966-013-8822523 Mobile: +966-55-2255895 Email:

Delhi, India

Room no. 2250, Abu dhabi, UAE +971-02-5757053 Pabx : +971-02-5757500/2673 Fax +971-02-6344664 Mobile : +971-050-6131293 Email:

Delhi (DEL), (GMT+5.30) 320-321 Indra Prakesh Building, Barakhamba Road Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001 +91-11-41519468 Fax: +91-11-23705481 Mobile: +91- 9811322146 Email


Delhi Airport

Bahrain (BAH), (GMT+3) Shop No -08, Building No – 18Delmon International Hotel, Manama Block 315, Road No -357, Kingdom Of Bahrain +973-17212541 Fax: +973-17213426 Mobile: +973-39118140 Email:

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok (BKK), (GMT+7) 163, Ocean Insurance Building 01/17 Floor Unit, 17A, Surawongse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkok-10500 +66-02-2355556 Fax: +66-(0)22369973 Mobile: +66-(0)898960554 Email:

Bangkok Airport

Room no – Z-2 007, 2nd floor AOB Building, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. +66-(0)2-1342940 Fax: +66-(0)2-1342944 Mobile: +66-(0)8199243379 Email:

Benelux, The Netherlands Beechavenue 104, 1119 PP Schiphol, The Netherlands +31-(0)20 - 65 51 176 Fax:+31-(0)20 - 62 30 151 Brussels Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18 B, 3rd floor 1831 Diegem, Brussels, Belgium +31-(0)2 - 71 20 498 Fax:+32-(0)2 - 72 58 392

CIP-02, Level-3, IGI Airport, New Delhi 110037, India :+91-11-49638277 Fax: +91-11-49638277 Mobile: +91-9811322147 Residence :+91-11-28533590 Email

Doha (Qatar)

Doha (DOH), (GMT+3), Building No – 35, Souqahmed bin ali 07, Al-tarbiya street, P.O, box – 2738, +974-44413054 Fax: +974-44412000(gsa) Mobile: +974-55529477 Pabx: +974-44413422/117 Residence : +974-44368645 Email

Dubai, UAE

Dubai (DXB), (GMT+4) Al Masraf Tower, 16th Floor, Office #1605, Albaniyas Road, P.O. Box No -1515, Deira, Dubai, UAE + 971-4-220942/205 Office: +971-4-2283767 /205 Fax: + 971-4-2278451 Mobile: + 971-50-5539045 Residence: + 971-4-2576185 Email:

Dubai International

Airport, Terminal-1, Departure building, Room# 1017, 1049 & 1050 + 971-4-2162895 Fax: + 971-4-2245420 Mobile: + 971-50-5525936 Email:

Frankfurt c/o AVIAREPS, Kaiserstrasse 77 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 070 Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 235

Hong Kong


(HKG) (GMT+8) (00852), Room no. 214 & 215, F-2, F East, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road Tsim, Shatsuikowloon, +852-27248464 Fax: +852-27246284 Mobile: +852-94702724

Kuwait (KWI), (GMT+3), Al-Homaizi Building, Al Soor Street PO Box - 23837, Safat 13099, + 965-22426846/7 Fax: + 965-22439764, + 965-22428671 Mobile: + 965-99813462 Email:,

Airport Office Room-6So13, Lebel 6, South Concourse, Pax Terminal- 1, Hong Kong Airport +852-23298036 Fax: +852-23525830 Residence: +852-94702754 Email:

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED), (GMT+3) Al-Nakheel Center, Madinah Road P.O Box-13541, Jeddah, KSA +966-2-6652891 Fax: +966-2-6652850 Mobile: +966-501491014 Email:

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Int’l Airport +966-2-6853194 Fax: +966-2-6853326 Mobile: +966-505319533 Residence: +966-2-6552562 Email:

Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu (KTM), (GMT+5.45) House No- 314, Nagpokhari, Nexal, + 977-01-4434869 Fax: + 977-01-4434869 Mobile: + 977-9851037510 Email:

Kolkata, India

Paris 122 Champs Elysées 75008 Paris, France +33 (0) 1 53 43 53 38 Fax:+33 (0) 1 53 43 79 19

London, UK


London (LON), (GMT+0.0) 17 Conduit Street,.London W1S 2B + 44-(0)2076290161, 2076290252, + 2074957478, + 2074957480 Fax: +44 (0) 2076290736 Mobile: +44 (0) 7908117126 Residence :+44(0) 208 5982358 Email:,

Room no.5900D (5th floor), North East Extension, Terminal - 4, Hounslow, Middlesex Hearthrow Airport TW6 3FB + 44-(0) 208 745 7550 Fax: +44 (0) 208 7456390 Mobile: +44 (0) 7949686823 Residence : +44(0) 208 5738127 Email:

Cargo And Stores & Purchase Office Stratus House Office Block (1st floor), Bedfont Road, Staines Middlesex TW19 7NH + 44-(0) 1784266116 Fax: +44 (0) 1784266097 Mobile: +44 (0) 7960650342 Email:

N S C B International Airport Kolkata - 700052

Manchester, UK

(KUL), (GMT+8), 13th, Floor Menera Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang 50450 Kualalumpur, Malaysia. +603-21646131 Fax: +603-21646142 Mobile: +6012-2736676 Email:

Airport Office Lot S10 & S31, Main Terminal Building, KL International Airport Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. +603-87764770 Fax: +603-87873881 Mobile: +6019-3806643 Email:

Riyadh (RUH) (GMT+3) (00966) P.O.Box no. 21076, Riyadh-11475.K.S.A +966-1-4623537, +966-1-4623376 Fax: +966-4623501 Mobile: +966-504246352

Airport Office Airport Office

Madrid Eloy Gonzalo 27, 3rd Floor Offices IV and V, 28010 Madrid, Spain +34 - 91 - 458 57 35 Fax: +34 - 91 - 344 17 26

Kualalumpur, Malaysia

Nordics (Sweden) Riddargatan 17 114 57 Stockholm, Sweden +46 - 8 - 55 56 91 56 Fax:+46 - 8 - 24 18 88

Room No – FF 58, Airport Mall Area + 965-24330863 Fax: + 965-22428671,+ 965-24330863 Mobile: + 965-99367919 Email:

Kuwait International Airport

Kolkata (CCU), (GMT+5.30), 99A, Park Street, Siddha Park, 6th Floor, +91-33-2226-6675 Fax: +91-33-2226-6674 Mobile: +91-9831098639 Email:

+91-33-25119662 Fax: +91-33-25119662 Mobile: +91-9831098638 Residence: +91-33-25119826 Email:

Fax: +1-212-8084589 Residence: +1-718-526-4146 Email:

Manchester (MAN), (GMT+0.00) Suite – 1B, Portland Building 127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ, UK +44-161-2286605/2636 Fax: +44-1612287070 Mobile: +44-7538626645 Residence: + 44-161-9486718 Email:

Muscat, Oman (MCT), (GMT+4) Shaikh Al-Mashany Building, 3rd Floor, Opposite of Mosque Qaboos Khamis, Al-Shaqsi Street, PO Box – 1106, Ruwi, PC-112 Sultanate Of Oman. +968-24701128 Fax: +968-24703704 Mobile: +968-99474929 Email:

New York, USA New York (NYC), (GMT-5), 747 Third Avenue , 2nd Floor, NY-10017. +1-212-808-4477, +1-212-808-4523 Mobile:+1-917-520-8069,

King Khaled Int’l Airport Riyadh Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudia Room No-1565 +966 1 220-0227 (a/p) Fax: +966-1 220-0227 Mobile: +966-50-424-6353 Email:

Rome, Italy Rome (ROM), (GMT+1) Via Bissolati 54, Roma. +39-06-42884911 Fax: +39-06-42000211 Mobile: +39-3276868970 Email:

Singapore Singapore (SIN), (GMT+8) 72 Anson Road, #05-03, Anson House, Singapore 079911 +65-64385220 Fax: +65-64387998 Mobile: +65-91119069 Email:

Airport Office Passenger Terminal Building, #041-49, Singapore Changi Airport Terminal -1, P.O. Box No-23, Singapore 819642 +65-65420067 Fax: +65-65426787 Mobile: +65-96323207 Email:

Toronto, Canada Toronto (YYZ), (GMT-5), 208, Bloor Street, West Suite No -806, PO M5S3B4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. +1-416-9443381 Fax: +1-416-9448744 Email:

Yangon, Myanmar GSA - Transmarine Logistics Asia Pte Ltd, Room: R-18, 2nd Floor, Centre Point Tower No 65 Corner of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant Street, Kyuaktada Township +95 1 371867-68, Fax: +95 1 371869 Mobile: +95943029328 Email:

Head Office : Balaka, Kumitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh, Tel: +88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44

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Bangladesh fleet

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Central Engineering Department

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX) Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit(02nos.)

Entry/ Exit

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Entry/ Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit Exit Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Rows 1-28

Interior Arrangement of Airbus A310 (27J+198Y = 225 PAX)

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit Rows 1-43 (Rows No. 3-7 are omitted.)

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Entry/ Exit

Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)

Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-200ER (12J+21W+286Y = 319PAX) Entry/ Exit

Emergency Exit


Interior Arrangement of Q 400 Aircraft S2-AGR

Rows 1-34

S2-ADK = Rows 1-34 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 13 are omitted) S2-ADF = Rows 1-36 (Rows No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 13 are omitted)

Passenger Compartment Y Class 74 Seats Emergency Exit

Service Door


AFT PAX DOOR Pitch: 19 X 31”

Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS






35 J + 384 Y

12 J + 21 W + 286 Y

25 J +196 Y

12 J+ 150 Y

Engines (maximum thrust)

GE90-100 (115,300 lbs.)

PW4090 (90,000 lbs.)

PW4000 (56,000 lbs.)

CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)

Maximum Fuel Capacity

181,300 liters

171,200 liters

61,630 liters

26,025 liters

Maximum Takeoff Weight

755,000 lbs

632,499 lbs

361,600 lbs

70,987 kg

Maximum Range

7,825 NM (14,490 km)

7725NM (14316 km)

9,600 km

5,665 km

Typical Cruise Speed

905 km/h

1000 km/h

850 km/h

828 km/h

Wing span

212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)

199 ft. 11 in (60.9 m)

144 ft. 0.4 in (43.9m)

112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)

With winglets




117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)

Overall Length

242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)

209 ft. 1 in (63.7 m)

153 ft. 0.9 in (46.66 m)

129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)

Tail Height

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)

51 ft. 10 in (15.81 m)

40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)

Interior Cabin Width

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)

18 ft. 6 in (5.64 m)

12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)


Note: Interior arrangement of S2-ADK has shown in figure. ‘W’ refers to Premium Economy Class of Biman and may vary according to routes.


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