In-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines
May - June 2018 Vol 5 Issue 3
INSIDE explore Eid al-fitr celebrations all across the world
adventure swarupkathi, the land of guavas and timber
Ramadan Kareem Celebrating the spirit of the season
Festive greetings A M Mosaddique Ahmed Managing Director & CEO (Biman Bangladesh Airlines)
The number of passengers continues to grow strongly year on year, reflecting our commitment to invest in expanding our fleet and services, both on the ground and in the sky to serve you better and make your journey enjoyable. Thank you for helping us reach that goal.
cÖwZ eQiB Avgv‡`i hvÎx msL¨v evo‡Q| wegv‡bi d¬vB‡Ui cwimi evov‡bv †_‡K ïi“ K‡i f‚wg I AvKv‡k †mevi gvb evwo‡q Avcbvi hvÎv Av‡iv Avb›`Nb Kivi †h cÖwZkÖ“wZ Avgiv w`‡qwQjvg, ZviB cÖwZdjb GwU| Avi †mB j¶¨ AR©‡b Avgv‡`i mnvqZv Kivi Rb¨ Avcbv‡K ab¨ev`|
aboard. We are delighted that you have chosen Biman Bangladesh Airlines for your travel today.
¯^vMZ| AvR‡Ki G åg‡Y wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvB݇K †e‡Q wb‡q‡Qb e‡j Avgiv D”Q¡wmZ|
We also have some great and exciting news to share with our patrons. Four new Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner will be joining the Biman Bangladesh Airlines fleet soon. The delivery of the first aircraft is expected in the month of August, ushering a new era for the Bangladeshi national carrier. With the best state-of-the-art technology, Dreamliner will give a new flying experience to our valued customers. Passengers can now enjoy Wi-Fi 43,000 feet up in the sky and while on board they can also make telephone call to their near and dear ones.
ïfvbya¨vqx‡`i m‡½ †kqvi Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q wKQy `vi“Y Lei Av‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ-Gi en‡i wkMwMiB †hvM n‡Z P‡j‡Q PviwU bZzb †evwqs 787-8 wWªgjvBbvi| Avgiv Avkv KiwQ cÖ_g GqviµvdwU ‡Wwjfvwi cv‡ev AvM‡÷| evsjv‡`wk RvZxq Four new Boeing cZvKvevnx GqvijvBÝ hv GK bZzb hy‡Mi m~Pbv Ki‡Z P‡j‡Q| me©vaywbK 787-8 Dreamliner cÖhyw³ mg„× wWªgjvBbviwU Avgv‡`i will be joining the MÖvnK‡`i †`‡e GK Abb¨ d¬vBs Biman Bangladesh AwfÁZv| 43,000 dzU DuPz‡Z †_‡KI Dc‡fvM Ki‡eb IqvB-dvB, Airlines fleet soon hvÎxiv GgbwK Ab-†evW© †_‡KB †dvbKj Ki‡Z cvi‡eb wcÖqRb‡`i|
Our biggest festival Eid al-Fitr is fast approaching, it is a time to give thanks, reflect on life and spend valuable quality time with family and friends. Wherever you are travelling, we wish you a smooth and amazing flight. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our passengers' travel experience. Your comments and suggestions will help us further improve our services. On behalf of all the employees working with Biman, thank you once again for being with us. Have a great flying experience!
May - june 2018
`ª“Z GwM‡q Avm‡Q Avgv‡`i me‡P‡q eo Drme C`yj wdZi| K…ZÁZv cÖKvk, Rxe‡bi cÖwZ Av‡jvKcvZ I cwievicwiRb‡`i m‡½ g~j¨evb mgq KvUv‡bvi Drme GwU| G mgq Avcwb †hLv‡bB ågY K‡i _vKzb bv †Kb Avcbvi d¬vBU †hb ¯^”Q›` I PgrKvi nq, †m KvgbvB KiwQ| hvÎx‡`i ågY AwfÁZv †hb Av‡iv DbœZ nq Avgiv cÖwZwbqZ †m Dcvq †ei Kivi cÖ‡Póvq AvwQ| Avcbvi gš—e¨ I civgk© Avgv‡`i †mevi gv‡bvbœq‡b ¸i“Z¡c~Y© f‚wgKv ivL‡e| Avgv‡`i m‡½ _vKvi Rb¨ wegv‡bi mKj Kg©xi c¶ †_‡K Avcbv‡K Avev‡iv ab¨ev`| Avcbvi hvÎv ïf †nvK!
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. CHAIRMAN: Air Marshal (rtd.) Muhammad Enamul Bari Managing Director & CEO: A M Mosaddique Ahmed DIRECTOR MARKETING & SALES: Mohd. Ali Ahsan GENERAL MANAGER PUBLIC RELATIONS: Shakil Meraj
Subcontinental Media Private Limited CEO & Managing Director Prakash Johari Director Vikas Johari Editor Abhishek Chakraborty
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Bihanga is a bimonthly, bilingual (English & Bangla) in-flight magazine of Biman Bangladesh Airlines. It is published by Subcontinental Media Private Limited (SMPL) for Biman Bangladesh Airlines at: Profficio 2nd Floor, 4 Mohakhali Commercial Area, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. This is a free copy for in-flight reading only. All rights reserved. The writing, artwork and/or photography contained herein may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of SMPL. SMPL/Biman does not assume responsibility for loss or damage of unsolicited products, manuscripts, photographs, artwork, transparencies or other materials. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the Biman Bangladesh Airlines or SMPL. All efforts have been made while compiling the content of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising there from. SMPL/Biman Bangladesh airlines does not assume any liability for services or products advertised herein. Simply scan this QR code from your smartphone which contains the URL of our website.
Land of the Buddha
ey‡×i †`‡k
BD‡ivwcqvb ¯’vcZ¨, ag©xq ¯’vb, cvK© I †j‡Ki mwbœ‡ek; LuyZLyu‡Z ch©UK‡`i AwfÁZv AR©b I Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ Bqv½‡b Av‡Q Pvwn`vi †P‡qI †ewk wKQ
36 Glitters of Riyadh
Contrary to popular belief, Riyadh has much to offer its visitors
wiqv‡`i PvKwPK¨
A‡b‡KB †hgbUv fv‡e Zv bq, wiqv‡` ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ Av‡Q A‡bK wKQy
May - June 2018
Bihanga received Award for Photography at the 2017 Association of Business Communicators of India (ABCI) Awards.
The combination of European structures, religious sites, parks and lakes makes Yangon a favourite destination among tourists
42 Embracing Eid al-Fitr
To help you find the best countries to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr
AuvK‡o ai“b C`yj wdZi
C` D`hvc‡bi Rb¨ †miv wKQy †`k Ly‡u R nvwRi K‡iwQ Avgiv
58 Feast after the fast/
18 Checklist/
†ivRvi ci †fvR
Eid Al-Fitr is the feast day
A world of travel news to
for Muslims around
help you plan your next voyage
the world
Mig‡K Qvwc‡q µ‡gB M‡R© DV‡Q el©v| Avi Avb›`Nb G †gŠmygUv‡K cy‡ivgvÎvq Dc‡fvM Kiæb
mviv we‡k¦i gymjgvb‡`i Rb¨ Lvbvwcbvi GK
gv‡n›`ªÿY n‡jv C`yj wdZi 24 hours
24 Weekend trail/
66 Enthralling Sydney/
QzwU KvUvb
gbRyov‡bv wmWwb
Try these getaways
Sydney is a harbour city,
from three exciting
but there is much to enjoy
destinations that Biman
flies to
around the town
wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K
mKv‡ji bvkZvUv mgy`ª ˆmK‡Z †m‡i mvivUv w`b kû‡i cwi‡e‡k KvwU‡q iv‡Z g‡bvgy»Ki A‡civ †`Lvi
adventure 50 Less trodden Bangladesh/
weij evsjv‡`k Swarupkati is known for
my‡hvM cv‡eb wmWwb‡Z
regular 02. CEO's Note
GwWU‡ii K_v 10. Biman News
its guava plantations and
ågY Z_¨
wood markets
64. Tarot
†cqviv Pvl Ges Kv‡Vi evRv‡ii Rb¨ ¯^iƒcKvwV mycwiwPZ
fwel¨ØvYx 76. Biman Offices wegvb Kvh©vjq
culture 54 Ramadan Iftar Cannon/
igRvb BdZv‡ii Kvgvb Loud boom from cannons signals the start of iftar and the end of the day's fast
gvMwi‡ei bvgv‡Ri mgq cÖv_©bvKvix‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ Kvgv‡bi †Zvc `vMv‡bv Rvwb‡q †`q, mgq n‡jv BdZvi Kivi
May - June 2018
77. Fleet Guide wegvbeni wb‡`©wkKv 78. Routes iæU
Bihanga means... ...a bird in Bangla. It is often used in literary writings. As Biman Bangladesh Airlines is being reborn, reinvented and soaring to new heights, we felt this was the most symbolic name for Biman’s new in-flight magazine, and so will our customers.
evsjv fvlvq wen½ cvwLi c«wZkã, GwU c«vqkB mvwn‡Z¨ e¨eüZ n‡q Avm‡Q| wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ beRb¥ ‡c‡q bZyb K‡i hvÎv ïiæ K‡i‡Q Ges bZyb GK D”PZv jvf K‡i‡Q, ZvB Avgiv Abyfe KiwQ wegv‡bi bZyb Bbd¬vBU g¨vMvwR‡bi Rb¨ GUvB ‡miv c«ZxKx bvg, Avi Avgiv wbwðZ Avgv‡`i M«vnKiv GwU c‡o Avb›` cv‡eb|
Cover story
24 Hours
Sky Update
¯‹vB Avc‡WU
March for Development
Biman officials and employees led by Managing Director & CEO A M Mosaddique Ahmed took part in a rally to celebrate Bangladesh’s graduation from LDC to Developing Nation.
Dbœq‡bi AMÖhvÎv
¯^‡ívbœZ †`k n‡Z D‡Ëvi‡Y Avb›` †kvfvhvÎvq wegv‡bi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I wmBI-Gi †bZ…‡Z¡ wegv‡bi mKj ¯Í‡ii Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvixe„›` Ask †bb
Independence Day
Biman Management and CBA leaders placed floral wreaths at the Shaheed Minar in front of Biman Head Office, Balaka.
gnvb ¯^vaxbZv w`em
gnvb ¯^vaxbZv w`em Dcj‡¶ wegvb cÖavb Kvh©vjq ejvKv PZ¡‡i knx` †e`x‡Z wegvb e¨e¯’vcbvi c¶ †_‡K cy®ú¯ÍeK Ac©Y Kiv nq|
May - june 2018
Cover story
24 Hours
Wheel Chair Cricket Championship
Bangladesh Wheel Chair Cricket Team won the Runner-up trophy in the First International Wheel Chair Cricket Championship T20 series held at Kathmandu, Nepal. Biman Bangladesh Airlines was the proud sponsor of Bangladesh Wheel Chair Cricket Team.
International Women's Day
ûBj‡Pqvi wµ‡KU P¨vw¤úqbkxc
AvšÍRv© wZK bvix w`em
KvVgvÛz, †bcv‡j AbywôZ cÖ_g AvšÍR©vwZK ûBj‡Pqvi wµ‡KU P¨vw¤úqbkxc wU-20 wmwiR 2017-‡Z evsjv‡`k ûBj‡Pqvi wµ‡KU `j ivbvm©-Avc Uªwd AR©b K‡i| G `‡ji Mwe©Z ¯úÝi wQj wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ|
Biman officials and employees celebrated the International Women's Day by cutting a cake at a function organised by Biman Sramik League (CBA) on March 8, 2018, at Biman Head Office, Balaka.
MZ 8 gvP© 2018 Zvwi‡L AvšÍR©vwZK bvix w`em Dcj‡ÿ wegvb cÖavb Kvh©vjq ejvKvq wegvb kÖwgKjxM (wmweG)-Gi D‡`¨v‡M Av‡qvwRZ GK Abyôv‡b †KK †K‡U w`emwU‡K eiY Kiv nq| Abyôv‡b wegv‡bi me©¯Í‡ii bvix Kg©KZ©v/Kg©PvixMY AskMÖnY K‡ib|
National Integrity Strategy (NIS)
Director Administration Mohd. Mominul Islam presided over the stakeholders meeting of Biman Bangladesh Airlines on National Integrity Strategy (NIS) held on March 31, 2018, at Jessore Circuit House.
RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj
MZ 31 gvP© 2018 Zvwi‡L h‡kvi mvwK©U nvD‡R AbywôZ ÔRvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkjÕ kxl©K wegv‡bi ‡÷K‡nvìvi gZwewbgq mfvq mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib cwiPvjK cÖkvmb †gvnv¤§` gwgbyj Bmjvg|
May - june 2018
Biman Bangladesh Travel & Tourism Fair
Travellers crowded the Biman stall at the Biman Bangladesh Travel & Tourism Fair held on April 19-21, 2018, at Bangabandhu International Convention Centre, Dhaka.
wegvb evsjv‡`k Uªv‡fj A¨vÛ Uz¨wiRg †dqvi
MZ 19-21 GwcÖj 2018 Zvwi‡L e½eÜz AvšÍR©vwZK m‡¤§jb †K‡›`ª wegvb evsjv‡`k Uªv‡fj A¨vÛ Uz¨wiRg †dqvi 2018-‡Z wegvb ÷‡j ågYwccvmy †µZv/`k©bv_©x‡`i Dc‡Pcov fxo|
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In-Flight Services
Bb-d¬vBU ‡mevmg~n
Biman has designed all menus to reflect the fresh, innovative cuisine of Bangladeshi culture with Western flair. Enjoy the comfort and service on-board your next flight. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖPwjZ Lvev‡ii m‡½ cvðv‡Z¨i Lvev‡ii bZyb D™¢vebx wg‡k‡j wegvb me ai‡bi ‡gby mvwR‡q‡Q| Avcbvi cieZ©x d¬vB‡U wegv‡b D‡V Gme Av‡qk Avi ‡mev Dc‡fvM Kiyb|
Breakfast Menu A range of fresh fruit juice offered in addition to sodas, cheese omelette, sautéed mushroom, croissant, fresh roll, butter, jam, tea and coffee. Lunch Menu Garden salad with freshly picked seasonal vegetables.
‡Kvgj cvbxq, wPR Ag‡jU, m‡Z Kiv gvkiæg, µqmu, UvUKv ‡ivj, gvLb, R¨vg, Pv I Kwdi m‡½ wewfbœ d‡ji ZvRv Rym|
jv ‡gby
Main Course
m`¨ evMvb ‡_‡K msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi m‡½ Mv‡W©b m¨vjvW|
Chicken curry served with most unique fragrant rice from the nation’s own harvest, assorted seasonal vegetables sautéed, garnished with lemon and green chilli.
GB ‡`‡k Drcvw`Z me‡P‡q ¯^Kxq myMwÜ Pvj w`‡q ‰Zwi ivB‡mi m‡½ wP‡Kb Kvwi, wewfbœ ai‡bi ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, ‡jey Ges KvuPv gwiP|
Dessert Rice pudding flavoured with rose water and garnished with fresh scrambled nuts. Dinner Menu
‡e«Kdv÷ ‡gby
Salad Fruit salad with freshly picked seasonal fruit. Main Course Lamb curry served with fine grain rice cooked with moong dal, assorted seasonal vegetables sautéed, garnished with green chilli, butter-naan (in tandoor).
‡gBb ‡Kvm©
wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©) ev`vg w`‡q mvRv‡bv ‡MvjvcR‡ji myN«vYmg…× myMwÜ Pv‡j ‰Zwi cv‡qk|
wWbvi ‡gby mvjv` m`¨ msM«n Kiv ‡gŠmywg d‡ji ˆZix d«yU mvjv`|
‡gBb ‡Kvm© wPKb Pv‡ji fv‡Zi m‡½ ‡fovi ‡Mv‡¯Íi Kvwi, gyM Wvj, wewfbœ ‡gŠmywg kvKmewRi fvwR, mvRv‡bvi Rb¨ KvuPv gwiP, evUvi-bvb (Z›`y‡i ‰Zwi Kiv)|
wgóvbœ (‡WRvU©)
Caramel custard garnished with canned peach.
wUbRvZ wcPd‡j mvRv‡bv K¨viv‡gj Kv÷vW©|
* Complementary beverage is served with all meals, and is available anytime on request.
* ‡h ‡Kvb ‡ejvi Lvev‡ii m‡½ ‡mŠRb¨g~jK cvbxq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq, Ges ‡h ‡Kvb mgq PvB‡jI cvIqv hvq
Incorporating suggestions from many of its travellers, Biman has the most creative menu you’ll find in the air. For the outbound flight from Dhaka, all the foods are carefully prepared by the Biman Flight Catering Centre (BFCC). BFCC proudly offers Flight Catering Services to many other airlines in the foot print. Unquestionably, the menus still taste wonderful at 30,000 feet. ågYKvix‡`i KvQ †_‡K cvIqv A‡bK A‡bK civgk© †hvM Kivi d‡j DÇq‡bi mgq Avcwb wegv‡bi †gbyUv‡KB me‡P‡q m„Rbkxj e‡j Avwe®‹vi Ki‡eb| XvKv †Q‡o evB‡i hvIqvi mgq Gi me Lvevi Lye mZK©Zvi m‡½ ˆZwi K‡i wegvb d¬vBU K¨vUvwis †m›Uvi (weGdwmwm)| Ab¨vb¨ AviI A‡bK GqvijvB‡ÝI M‡e©i m‡½ K¨vUvwis †mev w`‡q Avm‡Q weGdwmwm| Avi IB †gbyi ¯^v` 30,000 dzU Dc‡iI _vK‡e GK`g AUzU! Send your feedback to: Biman Bangladesh Airlines provides quick & efficient check-in, advance check-in, lounge access, and handling facilities for unaccompanied minor. It provides cargo services worldwide, besides offering Ground Handling facilities to all the airports in Bangladesh. For duty free products, check the brochure available on the flight. wegvb evsjv‡`k GqvijvBÝ `ªæZ I `¶ ‡PK-Bb, AvMvg ‡PK-Bb, jvDÄ A¨vK‡mm Ges ågY-m½xnxb Ac«vßeq¯‹‡`i Rb¨ we‡kl n¨vÛwjs‡qi gZ myweav w`‡q _v‡K| evsjv‡`‡ki me wegvbe›`‡i M«vDÛ n¨vÛwjs myweav QvovI GwU wek¦e¨vcx gvjvgvj cwien‡Yi ‡mev c«`vb K‡i _v‡K| wWDwU wd« c‡Y¨i wel‡q Z_¨ Rvbvi Rb¨ d¬vB‡U ‡h e«wkIi cvIqv hvq ‡mwU ‡`L‡Z cv‡ib|
May - June 2018
Cover story
24 Hours
Checklist A world of travel news to help you plan your next voyage
Mig‡K Qvwc‡q µ‡gB M‡R© DV‡Q el©v| Avi Avb›`Nb G †gŠmygUv‡K cy‡ivgvÎvq Dc‡fvM Kiæb Music Borneo Jazz Festival
The 13th Borneo Jazz Festival will feature a vast repertoire of performances by local and international jazz musicians. The local schools brass bands will feature as a prelude to the opening act, which will be followed by four performances each night, featuring internationally acclaimed artists. When: May 11-12 Where: Miri, Malaysia
†evwb©I R¨vR †dw÷fvj
13Zg †evwb©I R¨vR Drm‡e g gvZv‡eb GK`j ¯’ vbxq I Avš—R©vwZK R¨vR wgDwRwkqvb| D‡Øvabx AbyôvbUv‡K miMig Ki‡Z Av‡MB †hvM †`‡e ¯’ vbxq ¯‹z j¸‡jv †_‡K Avmv eªv m e¨vÛ¸‡jv| Gici Pvi iv‡Z G‡K G‡K PviwU cvidi‡gÝ †`Lv‡eb Avš— R© vwZK A½‡bi bvgKiv wkíxiv| K‡e: 11-12 †g †Kv_vq: wgwi, gvj‡qwkqv
craft London Craft Week
London Craft Week is a five-day event dedicated to showcasing the best international and British creativity and craftsmanship. The event features over 230 events, which includes everything from design to food and fashion to art. When: May 9-13 Where: London
jÛb µvdU DBK
5 w`b e¨vcx Pj‡e jÛb µvdU DBK-Gi Av‡qvRb| Avš— R©v wZK I weªw Uk KvwiMi‡`i myw bcyY wkíKg© cÖ`k©b Kivi Rb¨B wb‡ew`Z G Drme| Av‡qvR‡bi ZvwjKvq †gvU 230wU Abyô vb Av‡Q| hvi g‡a¨ bKkv †_‡K ïi“ K‡i Lvevi, d¨vkb †_‡K wkíKg© meB _vK‡e| K‡e: 9-13 †g †Kv_vq: jÛb
May - june 2018
Cover story
24 Hours
art Singapore International Festival of Arts
The Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA) celebrates local arts from across the country’s diverse communities. It brings together the best works in theatre, dance and music, and aims to inspire diverse audiences through great artistic experiences. When: Till May 12 Where: Singapore
wm½vcyi B›Uvib¨vkbvj †dw÷fvj Ae AvU©m
wm½vcyiRy‡o Qwo‡q _vKv ˆewP‡Î¨ fiv ¯’vbxq †Mvôx¸‡jvi wkíKg© cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡”Q `¨ wm½vcyi B›Uvib¨vkbvj †dw÷fvj Ae AvU©m (GmAvBGdG)| g I bvP-Mvb‡K GK KvZv‡i nvwRi Kivi gva¨‡g mKj ai‡bi `k©K‡K GK ˆkwíK AwfÁZvi Av¯^v` cvB‡q †`IqvB G Drm‡ei j¶¨| K‡e: 12 †g ch©š— †Kv_vq: wm½vcyi
festival Rabindra Jayanti
Rabindra Jayanti is celebrated in Bangladesh as a tribute to the legendary Bengali poet, shortstory writer, song composer, playwright, essayist, and painter, Rabindranath Tagore. Various fairs are organised across the country. When: May 9 Where: Bangladesh
iex›`ª Rqš—x
wKse`wš—i evOvwj Kwe, †QvUMíKvi, MxwZKvi, bvU¨Kvi, cÖvewÜK I wPÎKi iex›`ªbv_ VvKz‡ii cÖwZ kÖ×v cÖ`k©‡b iex›`ª Rqš—x D`hvcb Kiv nq evsjv‡`‡k| †`kRy‡o A‡bK¸‡jv †gjvi Av‡qvRb Kiv nq Gw`b| K‡e: 9 †g †Kv_vq: evsjv‡`k
May - june 2018
Cover story
24 Hours
marathon Dubai Desert Road Run
The Dubai Desert Road Run is organised as a community event in which runners of all abilities are encouraged to participate. The start and finish for the marathon is at the Sevens Stadium, around 40km off the Dubai coastline. It features two distances — 10km and 3km. When: May 18 Where: Dubai
`yevB †WRvU© †ivW ivb
`yevB †WRvU© †ivW ivb GKwU KwgDwbwU B‡f›U hv‡Z mgv‡Ri mKj ¯—‡ii †`Šowe`‡`i Ask †bIqvi Rb¨ AvnŸvb Rvbv‡bv nq| GB g¨viv_‡bi ïi“ I †kl nq †m‡fbm †÷wWqv‡g| `yevB‡qi DcK‚j †_‡K hv cÖvq 40 wK‡jvwgUvi `~‡i| `ywU c„_K `~i‡Z¡ GB †`Šo AbywôZ nq- 10 wK‡jvwgUvi I 3 wK‡jvwgUvi| K‡e: 18 †g †Kv_vq: `yevB
Phi Ta Khon
Phi Ta Khon is also known as Ghost Festival. Festival-goers dress up in ghost masks and parade and party through the streets of Dan Sai district, in the trendy Loei Province. When: June 15 Where: Thailand
dvB Uv Lb
dvB Uv Lb-Gi Av‡iK bvg †Nv÷ †dw÷fvj Ii‡d f‚Z Drme| Drm‡e AskMÖnYKvixiv f‚‡Zi gy‡Lvk c‡i Ask †bq c¨v‡i‡W| Gici Zviv mevB †KZv`yi¯— †jv‡qB cÖ‡`‡ki `vb mvB kn‡ii moK¸‡jv‡Z †g‡Z I‡V Avb›` Dj−v‡m| K‡e: 15 Ryb †Kv_vq: _vBj¨vÛ
May - june 2018
festival Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan and the beginning of festivities. Devout Muslims attend communal prayers, listen to a khutba (sermon) and give zakat al-fitr (charity in the form of food) during this day. Delicacy foods reign on this day. When: June 14-15 Where: Across the world
C`yj wdZi
msh‡gi gvm igRv‡bi mgvwß †NvlYv K‡i Drm‡ei m~Pbv K‡i C`yj wdZi| ag©cÖvY gymwjøiv G w`b Rvgv‡Zi m‡½ mvjvZ Av`vq K‡i| Gici LyZev ï‡b w`bfi hvKvZ cÖ`vb K‡i| Avi G w`b mvo¤^‡i Pj‡Z _v‡K gRvi me Lvev‡ii ivRZ¡| K‡e: 14-15 Ryb †Kv_vq: mviv wek¦Ry‡o
23 Advertorial
Scripting fashion over a decade A brainchild of Lata Harlalka, and an initiative taken forward by Vikram and Anvesha Haralalka, Palki is the chosen fashion wear store for Bengali film laboratory starring Raveena Tandon and also for superhit Bengali films Praktan and Posto. The collection primarily focuses on Indo-ethnic, and consists of sarees for party wear and wedding occasions, and an extremely popular line of bridal wear lehengas. Combining exotic designs and colours, the designs are an amalgamation of age old crafts and contemporary cuts. The fabric collection comprises of traditional benarasis, brocades, silks amongst other heritage fabrics. It is a fusion of rich ethnic and the western products. The designs are crafted By Mrs. Lata & Mrs. Anvesha Harlalka along with a huge team of in-house designers.
Cover story
24 Hours
Weekend trails Looking for something new to visit this weekend? Try these getaways from three exciting destinations that Biman flies to
QzwU KvUvb
Gev‡ii QzwU‡Z bZzb wKQz LyuR‡Qb? wZbwU PgrKvi RvqMv †_‡K cv evwo‡q w`b GB wZb MšÍ‡e¨i w`‡K
24 24
Blessed with beautiful green landscape, Sylhet is nestled in the picturesque Surma Valley amid scenic tea plantations and lush green tropical forests. It is home to hundreds of local and migratory birds. Besides visiting museums, you can also shop for cane goods and Manipuri saree from the local shops that line the streets of Sylhet city.
meyR f‚`„‡k¨i Avkxe©v` c‡o‡Q †hb GLv‡b| Qwei g‡Zv †`L‡Z myigv b`xi cvk †Nu‡l Av‡Q wm‡jU| hvi gv‡S i‡q‡Q `„wób›`b Pv-evMvb I Nb mey‡R Av”Qvw`Z MÖx®§gÊjxq R½j| K‡qKk cÖRvwZi ¯’vbxq I cwihvqx cvwLi evm GLv‡b| wKQy Rv`yNi †`Lvi cvkvcvwk †e‡Zi ˆZwi wRwbmcÎ wKb‡Z cvi‡eb GLv‡b| wm‡jU kn‡ii iv¯—vi cvk †Nu‡l mvi †eu‡a _vKv ¯’vbxq †`vKvb¸‡jv‡Z cv‡eb gwbcywi kvwo|
May - june 2018
Biman connects Dhaka-SylhetDhaka with 21 weekly flights (
25 London-Brighton
An hour-long journey by train from London will take you to Brighton, the pleasure destination of England. This hip, colourful location offers everything from luxury hotels to boutique shops and gourmet restaurants. Brace the calming sea breeze at Victorian Pier and take in the gaudy Royal Pavilion. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy golden, crispy fried pieces of fish and some British chips by the sea, here.
GK NÈvi †Uªb ågY Avcbv‡K †cuŠ‡Q †`‡e Bsj¨v‡Ûi cÖ‡gv` Mš—e¨ L¨vZ eªvBU‡b| wnc ms¯‹…wZi ewY©j GB ¯’vbwU‡Z cvIqv hv‡e wejvmx †nv‡Uj †_‡K ïi“ K‡i eywUK †`vKvb I †fvRbwejvmx †i¯—iuv| wf‡±vwiqvi cvqv‡ii Kv‡Q wM‡q Mv‡q jvMvb kvš— mgy‡`ªi kxZj nvIqv I Xzu gvi“b RuvKvj iq¨vj c¨vwfwjq‡b| me‡P‡q eo K_v n‡jv GLvbKvi mgy‡`ªi cv‡o wM‡q †mvbvjx i‡Oi fvRv gyPgy‡P gvQ I dz‡j‡du‡c _vKv PgrKvi weªwUk wPcmUv †L‡Z fz‡j hv‡eb bv wKQy‡ZB|
Biman connects Dhaka-LondonDhaka with 4 weekly flights (
Cover story
24 Hours
Bangkok to Koh Tao
With its long stretches of white sandy beaches for sunbathing and clear water to swim in, Koh Tao offers beach bliss with affordable options. A popular choice is the Aow Leuk Beach, with its stunning natural beauty and aquamarine waters. For a unique experience, take a halfday trip to the privately owned island of Koh Nang Yuan. After a sun-kissed day, feast on fresh sea food at Sairee Beach. If diving is your thing, Koh Tao is one of the best and cheapest places to get your PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) certification.
e¨vsKK †_‡K †Kvn ‡ZvI
mv`v evjyi we¯—„Z ˆmK‡Z m~h©møvb I ¯^”Q cvwb‡Z muvZvi KvUvi Rb¨ †Kvn ‡ZvI †hb mv‡a¨i g‡a¨ ˆmK‡Z ¯^M©evm| RbwcÖq Mš—e¨Uv n‡jv AvD wjDK weP| GLvbKvi cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h© I wd‡ivRv i‡Oi cvwb †ek g‡bvni| Abb¨ GK AwfÁZv †c‡Z PvB‡j Avav w`‡bi Rb¨ †h‡Z cv‡ib e¨w³gvwjKvbvaxb Øxc †Kvn bvs BDqv‡b| m~‡h©i SKgKvwb‡Z ficyi GKwU w`‡bi †k‡l mvBwi we‡P wM‡q ficyi †L‡Z cvi‡eb ZiZvRv mvgyw`ªK Lvevi| Avi hw` WvBwfs wkL‡Z Pvb Z‡e †Kvn ‡ZvI †ZB cv‡eb me‡P‡q Kg Li‡P †miv cvwW mvwU©wd‡Kkb (cÖ‡dkbvj A¨v‡mvwm‡qkb Ae WvBwfs BÝ÷ªvKUim)|
Biman connects Dhaka-BangkokDhaka with 7 weekly flights (
May - june 2018
Cover story
Land of the
The combination of European structures, religious sites, parks and lakes make Yangon more than enough for the discerning visitor to experience and explore By: Hiz wa n H a m id
May - june 2018
24 Hours
ey‡×i †`‡k BD‡ivwcqvb ¯’vcZ¨, ag©xq ¯’vb, cvK© I †j‡Ki mwbœ‡ek; LuyZLyu‡Z ch©UK‡`i AwfÁZv AR©b I Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ Bqv½‡b Av‡Q Pvwn`vi †P‡qI †ewk wKQy wj‡L‡Qb: wnRIqvb nvwg`
24 Hours
Cover story
(formerly (Av‡M ejv n‡Zv †i½yb) known as kniUv †hb wgqvbgv‡ii Rangoon) is the heart of Myanmar. With a ürwcÊ| 80 jv‡Li wKQy †ewk †jv‡Ki evm GLv‡b| population of over 8 million, Yangon is the Avi Zv‡ZB kniUv n‡q D‡V‡Q †`kwUi e¨emv-evwYR¨ country’s business and cultural centre. A I ms¯‹…wZi †K›`ª¯’j| GLv‡b N‡U‡Q HwZn¨ I place where modernity meets tradition — AvaywbKZvi wg‡kj| Jcwb‡ewkK Avg‡ji a~mi n‡q the bustling apartment blocks cluttered with hvIqv fe‡bi mvwii wecix‡Z GLv‡b †Pv‡L co‡e satellite dishes stand out against the m¨v‡UjvBU wW‡k Vvmv m`ve¨¯— A¨vcvU©‡g›U faded, postcolonial buildings — it is eøK| †hb G kni `vi“Yfv‡e †g‡b wb‡q‡Q a wonderful acceptance that both †h G `y‡UvB _vK‡e, cvkvcvwk! w`‡bi Tasting different must live alongside one another. †ewkifvM mgqB kn‡ii iv¯—vq Lvevi flavours of the street Busy streets are lined with food we‡µZv‡`i wfo †j‡M _v‡K| Bqv½‡b food has to be the vendors at all times of day, and wUª‡c Avi hvB †nvK, nvBjvBU n‡jv highlight of any trip to Yangon. tasting different flavours of the GLvbKvi bvbv ¯^v‡`i w÷ªUdzW¸‡jv street food has to be the highlight of any trip to Yangon. (Above) Washing rituals at the Mahamuni Buddha Temple, (opposite page) The close up face of Kyauk Hhat Gyi
May - june 2018
Yangon’s most famous structure, the Shwedagon Pagoda was built more than 2,500 years ago. It was originally a small fishing village called Dagon, after the Shwedagon Pagoda. In 1755, King Alungpaya unified the country and renamed the capital Yangon. Until 2006, Yangon was the capital
†P‡L †`Lv| Bqv½‡bi me‡P‡q RbwcÖq ¯’vcbvwU n‡jv †k¦WvMb c¨v‡MvWv| hv wKbv AvR †_‡K 2500 eQi Av‡M ey‡×i Avg‡j evbv‡bv n‡qwQj| †k¦WvM‡bi bv‡g G kni wQj GKwU †QvÆ †R‡jcvov, hv‡K WvKv WvMb bv‡g| 1755 mv‡j ivRv Avjyscvqv †MvUv †`kwU‡K GKZve× K‡ib I ivRavbxi bvg iv‡Lb Bqv½b| 2006 mvj ch©š— GB Bqv½bB wQj ivRavbx| Gici miKv‡ii cÖavb Kvh©vjqwU mwi‡q †bIqv nq †bBcvB‡Wv‡Z| `y‡Uv
city and then the seat of the government was moved to Nay Pyi Taw. Yangon is a combination of two words: 'Yan' meaning enemies and 'Gon' meaning run out.
Religious Yangon
Pagodas and temples dot Myanmar’s landscapes, from city centres to remote islands and mountaintops. Understanding and discovering Buddhist culture may be done with guided tours of pagodas or even a mere walk through any town. The iconic Shwedagon Pagoda is a 98 metre-high stupa whose golden glow can be seen throughout the city. This 2,500 years old pagoda is the most sacred and impressive Buddhist site for the people of Myanmar. From a humble beginning of 8.2 metres, the Shwedagon Pagoda today stands close to 110 metres. What makes this pagoda even more special are the hundreds of gold plates that engulf it. The top of the stupa is encrusted
k‡ãi mw܇Z ˆZwi n‡q‡Q Bqv½b - Bqvb gv‡b kΓ Avi Mb gv‡b civwRZ|
Bqv½‡b ag©PP©v
wgqvbgv‡ii f‚`„‡k¨ Z_v kn‡ii †K›`ª †_‡K `~‡ii Øxc I cvnv‡oi P‚ov ch©š— W‡Ui g‡Zv Qwo‡q Av‡Q c¨v‡MvWv Avi gw›`i| GLvbKvi †eŠ× ms¯‹…wZ Rvb‡Z I eyS‡Z c¨v‡MvWv¸‡jv MvB‡WW Uz¨i wKsev †Kv‡bv GKwU Dckni a‡i †nu‡U †eov‡jB n‡e| `„wób›`b †k¦WvMb c¨v‡MvWvwU 98 wgUvi DuPz GKwU ¯—~c| hvi †mvbvjx Avfv †Pv‡L c‡o kn‡ii me cÖvš— †_‡KB| 2500 eQ‡ii cyi‡bv c¨v‡MvWvwU wgqvbgv‡ii evwm›`v‡`i Kv‡Q me‡P‡q cweÎ I ü`qMÖvnx †eŠ× Dcvmbvjq| ïi“‡Z axiw¯’ifv‡e M‡o IVv 8.2 wgUvi †_‡K GLb †k¦WvMb c¨v‡MvWvi D”PZv `uvwo‡q‡Q 110 wgUv‡i| GB c¨v‡MvWvwU‡K hv Av‡iv we‡kl K‡i Zz‡j‡Q Zv n‡jv G‡K wN‡i Ry‡o _vKv kZvwaK †mvbvi cvZ| ¯—~cwUi P‚ovq LwPZ Av‡Q 4531wU nxivi UzKiv| Gi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q eowU n‡jv 72 K¨v‡i‡Ui| wgqvbgv‡i †`Lvi g‡Zv Av‡iv A‡bK¸‡jv c¨v‡MvWv i‡q‡Q| Bqv½‡bi kniZjxi †K‡›`ª Av‡Q 46 wgUvi DuPz ¯—c ~ wewkó ïwj gw›`i| aviYv Kiv nq GUv ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q 2000 eQi Av‡M
Fast Facts
The national sport of Myanmar is chinlone, a non-competitive game where a cane ball is kept aloft by a team of 6 players through a series of creative foot juggling. The sport started as a form of entertainment in the royal courts 1,500 years ago.
24 Hours
Cover story
must-see sights
Get the real feel of Yangon
Sunrise Shwedagon Pagoda One of Buddhism’s most sacred spots, the Shwedagon Pagoda and the golden Pagoda glistens in the morning sunshine.
History Sule Pagoda The 2,500 year old Sule Pagoda is the oldest in Yangon. It saw a lot of protests during some of the most significant moments in the history.
Relax Kandawgyi Park It’s great to watch local family life in full swing, admire the impressive dragon boat and gaze in awe at the reflections of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
May - june 2018
with 4531 diamonds; the largest of which is a 72 carat diamond. There are several other pagodas to visit in Myanmar. The Sule Pagoda is a 46 metre high stupa located in the centre of downtown Yangon. It is said to have been built 2,000 years ago and contains a strand of Buddha’s hair. Another important stupa is Botataung Pagoda, located near the Yangon River. The 40 metrehigh golden pagoda enshrines a sacred hair relic of the Buddha. The main stupa is the most unique feature of this pagoda. While almost all stupas are solid and closed to the public, this stupa is hollow and people can walk through it.
Pleasant spaces
The centre of Yangon is full of beautiful old colonial buildings to explore, which date back
Shwedagon Pagoda was built during the time of Buddha
I GLv‡b ey‡×i GKwU Pzj msiw¶Z Av‡Q| Av‡iKwU ¸i“Z¡cY~ © ¯—c ~ n‡jv Bqv½b b`xi Zx‡i Aew¯’Z †evUvUvDs c¨v‡MvWv| 40 wgUvi DuPz GB †mvbvjx c¨v‡MvWv‡ZI Av‡Q ey‡×i GKwU Pzj, †hUv‡K †eŠ× ag©vej¤^xiv cweÎÁvb K‡i| GB c¨v‡MvWvi g~j AvKl©Y n‡jv Gi cÖavb ¯—c ~ | Ab¨me ¯—c ~ n‡jv wb‡iU, gvbyl †mLv‡b XzK‡Z cv‡i bv| Z‡e GB ¯—c ~ wU duvcv I gvbyl Gi †fZi †nu‡U †eov‡Z cv‡i|
g‡bvig ¯’vb
Bqv½‡bi †K›`ª¯’jwU Jcwb‡ewkK Avg‡ji `„wób›`b fe‡b cwic~Y©| Ny‡i †`Lvi g‡Zv feb¸‡jv 1800 mv‡ji w`‡K
to the days of the British Empire of 1800s. In fact, the city has the largest number of colonial-era buildings in Southeast Asia with around 200 such buildings, all within a square mile of each other. Notable among them are The Strand Hotel, the Government House, the Yangon General Post Office and the City Hall. You can devote half a day to explore and admire the many Downtown Abbey-like buildings here.
weªwUk kvmbvg‡j wbwg©Z| e¯—yZ `w¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi g‡a¨ GB kniwU‡ZB me‡P‡q †ewk Bs‡iR Avg‡ji feb i‡q‡Q| hvi msL¨v `yB kZvwaK| G¸‡jvi GKUv †_‡K Av‡iKUvi `~iZ¡ GK eM©gvB‡ji g‡a¨| Gi g‡a¨ bvgKiv GKwU n‡jv `¨ ÷ª¨vÛ †nv‡Uj, `¨ Mfb©‡g›U nvDm, Bqv½b †Rbv‡ij †cv÷ Awdm I wmwU nj| WvDbUvDb A¨v‡eÕi g‡Zv GLvbKvi feb¸‡jv Ny‡i †`L‡Z w`‡bi A‡a©KUv mgqB †K‡U hv‡e|
PgrKvi me †jKI Av‡Q Bqv½‡b| Gi g‡a¨ bMixi Yangon is also a city of beautiful lakes, me‡P‡q eowU n‡jv Bwbqv †jK| cvwbi msi¶YvMvi with Inya Lake being the city’s largest. wn‡m‡e weªwUkiv GUv ˆZwi Ki‡jI GLb GB †jK Originally created by the British as a water n‡jv bvbvb we‡bv`‡bi ¯’vb| hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q reservoir, today this lake is a place for many muvZvi, †bŠKv Pvjv‡bv, †mBwjs| KvÛwM †jK n‡jv recreational activities like swimming, Bqv½‡bi Av‡iKwU gvbem„ó Rjvavi| GUv rowing and sailing. Kandawgyi Lake †k¦WvMb c¨v‡MvWvi Kv‡QB| G‡K wN‡i is another artificial lake in Yangon GK cv‡k i‡q‡Q KvÛwM b¨vPvi cvK© I Yangon is also a situated near the Shwedagon Ab¨cv‡k Ry‡qvjwRK¨vj Mv‡W©b|
(Clockwise from below) A selection of typical Myanmar snacks, Danyingone Market, the sacred Shwezigon Paya
city of beautiful lakes, with Inya Lake being the city’s largest.
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Cover story
(Clockwise from above) Karaweik Palace on the eastern shore of Kandawgyi Lake; (opposite page) inside Botataung Pagoda
Pagoda which is surrounded by Kandawgyi Nature Park and the Zoological Gardens on both sides.
Delectable cuisine
Myanmar’s food has a special identity. Although lot of its cuisine is influenced by the neighbouring countries, the food does not directly resemble Thai, Indian or Chinese food. Rice is the core of any Myanmar meal and is usually accompanied by fish or meat cooked in garlic and an onion-based gravy. One of the inevitable side dishes in Myanmar is soup, either an Indian-influenced lentil soup or a tart-based soup. Another common side dish is a salad, with a pickled tea leaf
May - june 2018
Dc‡fvM¨ Avnvi
wgqvbgv‡ii Lvev‡ii we‡kl GKUv cwiPq i‡q‡Q| hw`I Gi A‡bK¸‡jv iÜb‰kjx cÖwZ‡ekx †`k¸‡jvi gva¨‡g cÖfvweZ, Z_vwc Gi Lvevi¸‡jv mivmwi _vB, fviZxq wKsev PvBwbR Lvev‡ii g‡Zv bq| wgqvbgv‡ii †h‡Kv‡bv †ejvi †fvR‡b fvZ Ab¨Zg| Gi m‡½ mvaviYZ gvQ wKsev †cuqvR-imy‡bi †Svj K‡i ivbœv Kiv gvsm _v‡K| Avi wgqvbgv‡ii mvBW wW‡ki g‡a¨ hv _vK‡ZB n‡e Zv n‡jv my¨c| †mUv n‡Z cv‡i fviZxq ivbœv †_‡K AbycÖvwYZ gmyi Wvj wKsev UK †Kv‡bv my¨c| Av‡iKUv mvaviY mvBW wWk n‡jv mvjv`| Pv Mv‡Qi cvZvi AvPvi w`‡q ˆZwi mvjv` hvi bvg jv‡dU, IUvB GLv‡b †ewk RbwcÖq| Avi wgqvbgv‡ii A‡NvwlZ RvZxq LveviwU n‡jv †gvwn½v| Nb GB gv‡Qi †eªv_wU cwi‡ekb Kiv nq Pv‡ji ˆZwi wPKb byWjm w`‡q| Av‡iKwU Lvevi hv bv
salad called lahpet being the most popular option. The unofficial national dish of Myanmar is mohinga, a thick fish broth served with thin rice noodles. Other musttry dish here is ohno kaukswe, a coconutbased chicken soup with noodles.
Tea has become an integral part of Yangon's cultural life
Regardless of where you go, one unmissable sight in Yangon is people gathering for an afternoon tea to chat and catch up on the latest happenings in the world. Tea has become an integral part of the city's cultural life and unsurprisingly, Yangon boasts of some of the best tea houses in the country. Interestingly, the Burmese are one of the few cultures who eat tea as well, in the form of lahpet thouq or tea-leaf salad.
†L‡jB bq- An‡bv KvDKmy‡q| GUv n‡jv byWj‡mi m‡½ bvi‡Kj w`‡q ivbœv Kiv gyiwMi my¨c| Avcwb †hLv‡b hvb bv †Kb, †h `„k¨Uv wKQy‡ZB wgm Kiv hv‡e bv †mUv n‡jv Bqv½‡b hLb †jv‡Kiv we‡K‡ji w`‡K Pv †L‡Z I †`k-`ywbqvi mv¤úªwZK LeivLei wb‡q AvÇv w`‡Z R‡ov nq| GB kn‡ii mvs¯‹…wZK Rxe‡bi GK Awe‡”Q`¨ Ask n‡q `uvwo‡q‡Q GB Pv| ZvB G‡Z AevK nIqvi KviY †bB †h Bqv½‡bB Av‡Q †`‡ki †miv wKQy wU-nvDm| Avi evwg©RivB n‡jv †mB Aí wKQy gvby‡li g‡a¨ c‡o hviv wKbv jv‡dU _yK Z_v Pv Mv‡Qi cvZvi mvjv` evwb‡qI Pv Lvq|
Biman connects Dhaka-Yangon-Dhaka with 3 weekly flights (
Cover story
Glitters of
Riyadh Contrary to popular belief, Riyadh has much to offer its visitors By: Amrit a Da s
Arabia is the third largest country in Asia. Owing to its arid geography and sparsely populated regions, its dominant colour is hues of earthy brown. A large number of tourists frequent the country to indulge in culinary travels, multi-cultural experiences and of course, traditional souqs and shopping alleys. Mecca and Medina, two of the holiest places of Islam rests in the western and north-western part of the country, respectively. From its
May - June 2018
Z…Zxq e„nËg †`k †mŠw` Avie| Gi ﮋ f‚LÊ I Qov‡bv RbemwZi Rb¨ GLv‡b †Kej a~mi †g‡U ev`vwg i‡OiB ivRZ¡| †`kwU‡Z GKUv eo As‡ki ch©UK Av‡m GLvbKvi iÜb‰kjxi Av¯^v` †c‡Z| m‡½ Gi mvs¯‹…wZK eûZ¡ev‡`i AwfÁZv †Zv Av‡QB| Av‡iv Av‡Q GLvbKvi HwZn¨evnx †`vKvbcvU I †KbvKvUvi Mwj| g°v I gw`bv; Bmjv‡gi cweÎZg `y‡Uv ¯’vb i‡q‡Q †`kwUi cwðg I DËi-cwðgv‡j| PvKwP‡K¨ ficyi ivRavbx wiqv` †_‡K ïi“ K‡i cy‡ei gi“gq Avj †nvdvd bMix; †mŠw` Avie mviv we‡k¦i A‡bK ågYKvixi gv‡SB Aby‡cÖiYv hywM‡q Avm‡Q|
24 Hours
PvKwPK¨ A‡b‡KB †hgbUv fv‡e Zv bq, wiqv‡` ch©UK‡`i Rb¨ Av‡Q A‡bK wKQy wj‡L‡Qb: Ag„Zv `vk
large glittering capital city, Riyadh, to the eastern oasis town of Al Hofuf, the Kingdom has started to inspire many travellers across the globe. Most travellers use Riyadh as a transit for their exploration of coastal cities, in the belief, or rather a misconception, that the capital is a boring destination. However, it has a lot to offer travellers across age groups and cultures.
DcK‚jxq kni¸‡jv‡Z ågY Kivi UªvbwRU wn‡m‡e wiqv`‡K e¨envi K‡i A‡bK ch©UK| Zviv fv‡e †h GB ivRavbxUv †ek GK‡N‡q GKUv kni| Z_vwc bvbv eqmx I ms¯‹…wZi †jvKR‡bi Rb¨ A‡bK wKQyB Av‡Q G kn‡i|
Wze w`b BwZnv‡m
bvgKiv Avj gvmgvK `y‡M© †h‡Z cv‡ib| IUv 1865 mv‡j wbwg©Z| Kv`vgvwU I B‡Ui ˆZwi GB `yM©wU Gi Pvicv‡ki evjyi gv‡S †ek ivRKxq fw½‡Z `uvwo‡q Av‡Q| GUvB †mŠw` Avi‡ei DÌv‡bi GKwU cÖZxKx ¯’vcbv| 1902 mv‡j GK AK¯§vr Awfhv‡b Ave`yj
Cover story
24 Hours
38 (Above) Riyadh National Museum
May - June 2018
Soak in history
AvwRR Avj †mŠ` `yM©wU `Lj K‡ib Ges Zvi
The National Museum is worth a visit which holds various exhibitions. A part of the King Abdul Aziz Historical Centre, it exhibits various historical events encompassing Arab Kingdoms, pre-Islamic era and multiple discoveries of the Arabian Peninsula.
wKQy`~i Mvwo nuvwK‡q †h‡Z cv‡ib w`wiqvn‡Z| ¯’vbwU BD‡b‡¯‹vi wek¦ HwZn¨i ZvwjKvq Av‡m 2010 mv‡j| wiqv` †_‡K 20 wK‡jvwgUvi `~i‡Z¡ _vKv HwZnvwmK G bMix‡ZB †mŠw`i cÖ_g iv‡R¨i cËb nq| †ek eo AvKv‡i ïi“ nIqv Pjgvb ms¯‹vi Kv‡Ri c‡i G bMixi †K‡›`ªi bZzb bvgKiY Kiv nq Avj eyRvBwi|
Head to the admired Al Masmak Fort, which c~e©cyi“l‡`i f‚wg wiqv‡` Zvi ¶gZv cybe©nvj K‡ib| dates back to 1865. This citadel built with GB hy×R‡qi ci wZwb †mŠw`i Av‡iv A‡bK¸‡jv clay, mud and brick rises magnificently mvgªvR¨‡K GKxf‚Z K‡ib| hv BwZnv‡mi GK ¸i“Z¡c~Y© from surrounding sand and marks the NUbv wn‡m‡e ¯^xK…Z| beginning of Saudi Arabia. Abdul Aziz Al Saud took the fort by a surprise attack in `yMw© Ui Pvicv‡k I †fZ‡i LvwbK¶Y †nu‡U †eov‡Z 1902 and reinstated his power on Riyadh, cv‡ib| G‡Z Av‡Q RvZxq HwZn¨evnx cÖZZ œ vwË¡K mvgMÖx| his ancestral home. After his conquer, Gi Av‡iK PgKcÖ` Ask n‡jv Avj †LvLv| GwU GKwU he reunited the various kingdoms `iRvi g‡Zv, †hLv‡b GKev‡i †Kej GKRb gvbyl of Saudi and hence making it a cvi n‡Z cv‡i| IUv wQj `y‡M©i cÖwZi¶v significant event in history. †KŠk‡ji GKwU Ask| Head to the admired Al Masmak Fort, Take a walk around the fort Ny‡i Avmyb RvZxq Rv`yNiI| †mLv‡b which dates back to and inside; it houses artifacts memgqB cÖ`k©bx Pj‡Z _v‡K| ev`kvn 1865. of national interest. One of the Ave`yj AvwRR wn‡÷vwiK¨vj †m›Uvi-Gi most fascinating section is Al GKwU Ask wn‡m‡e GB Rv`yNiwU‡Z Avie Khokha, a doorway allowing only one mvgªvR¨‡K wN‡i N‡U hvIqv bvbvb HwZnvwmK person to pass at a time, operating as a NUbv, Bmjvg c~e©eZ©x hyM I Avie DcØxc wN‡i n‡iK defense tactic. Avwe®‹v‡ii cÖ`k©bx n‡q _v‡K|
Drive a little farther away to Diriyah, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2010. This historic town about 20 kilometres away from Riyadh is where the first state of Saudi was founded. After an extensive ongoing restoration project, the new centre, called Al Bujairi district, is a lively quarter with shops, restaurant and cafes and quirky alleys. An evening experience here is a must!
Rejuvenate in the indoors and outdoors
Riyadh offers a multitude of entertainment options. There are grand shopping malls for all those who practice retail therapy. Al Nakheel Mall on Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdul Aziz Road is perhaps the most soughtafter in the city. From all upscale brands to having the largest indoor game park, this mall is perfect for an evening out with the family. Granada Centre on Eastern Ring Road with over 200 shops is another choice to consider.
The National Museum is worth a visit, which houses various exhibitions cÖvYeš— G GjvKvq Av‡Q †`vKvbcvU, †i¯—iuv, Kv‡d I wewPÎ me AwjMwj| GLv‡b GKwU mܨv KvUv‡bvi AwfÁZv bv wb‡jB bq|
Pv½v n‡q DVzb Bb‡Wvi-AvDU‡Wv‡i
wiqv‡` †ek K‡qK ai‡bi we‡bv`‡bi e¨e¯’v Av‡Q| Zv‡`i Rb¨ GLv‡b Av‡Q eomo kwcs gj, hviv wKbv LyPiv †KbvKvUv bv K‡i _vK‡Z cv‡ib bv| kn‡ii ciB Ny‡i †`Lvi Rb¨ †h bvgUv Avm‡e †mUv n‡jv Avj Bgvg †mŠ` Be‡b Ave`yj AvwRR mo‡Ki Avj bvwLj gj| bvwg`vwg me eª¨v‡Ûi ci †_‡K ïi“ K‡i †`kwUi me‡P‡q eo Bb‡Wvi †MgcvK© Av‡Q GLv‡b| cwiev‡ii m‡½ mܨv KvUv‡bvi †miv RvqMv GwU| B÷vb© wis †iv‡Wi MÖvbvWv †m›Uv‡i Av‡Q 200wUiI †ewk †`vKvb| Ny‡i Avm‡Z cv‡ib †mLvb †_‡KI|
(Below) Al Masmak Fort
Cover story
24 Hours
Looking for a traditional shopping experience? Waste no time and head to Deerah Souq (also spelt Dirah Souk), behind Al Masmak Fort. This souq (bazaar in Arabic) has good bargains on jewellery, antiques, souvenirs, carpets, traditional clothes and home decor. The tallest tower in Riyadh, Kingdom Tower, may be popular for its upscale brands and for accommodating Four Seasons Hotel. Steal an evening and head to its 99th floor. From this stunning space, witness the glittering night views of the capital. Truly a magical experience!
(Below) Camel Market in Riyadh; (opposite page) Huge cannon of early 20th century in Masmak Fort Museum
May - June 2018
For thrill-seekers who prefer some outdoor fun, try dune bashing or quad biking. Since Riyadh is surrounded by sand, there are many agencies offering best deals in these sports in assigned legal spots (since offroading is a threat to the dunes.)
HwZn¨evnx †KbvKvUvi ¯^v` wb‡Z Pvb? mgq bó bv K‡i †mvRv P‡j hvb Avj gvmgvK `y‡M©i †cQ‡b _vKv w`ivn myK-G| GB my‡K (evRviI ejv nq) `i KlvKwl K‡i †Kbv hv‡e Mnbv, cÖZœZvwË¡K mvgMÖx, my¨‡fwbi, MvwjPv, HwZn¨evnx RvgvKvco I Ni mvRv‡bvi UzwKUvwK| wiqv‡`i me‡P‡q DuPz UvIqvi wKsWg UvIqvi| bvwg`vwg eª¨vÛ¸‡jv I †dvi wmRb †nv‡U‡ji Kvi‡Y m¤¢eZ Gi GZ L¨vwZ| †h‡Kv‡bv GKUv mܨv nv‡Z wb‡q P‡j hvb Gi 99Zg Zjvq| †PvL auvav‡bv IB RvqMv †_‡K †`Lyb ivRavbxi PKP‡K GK iv‡Zi `„k¨| mwZ¨B IUv GK Rv`yKix AwfÁZv| †ivgv AbymÜvbx‡`i g‡a¨ hviv AvDU‡Wv‡i we‡bv`b LuyR‡Z Pvb, Zviv evwjqvwo‡Z wWDb e¨vwks I †KvqvW evBwKs Ki‡Z cv‡ib| wiqv` †h‡nZz evjy w`‡q †ewóZ, ZvB GLvbKvi ˆea ¯úU¸‡jv‡Z G ai‡bi †Ljvi Av‡qvR‡b GLv‡b A‡bK G‡RwÝB KvR Ki‡Q (KviY hvbevn‡bi Kvi‡Y evwjqvwoi ¶wZ n‡Z cv‡i)| Avi wWDb e¨vwks hw` Avcbvi ÷vBj bv n‡q _v‡K, P‡j
If dune bashing is not your style, take a hvb Avj Avwgb Ave`yjvø n Avj Avwj Avj bvBg mo‡K turn in King Abdullah Park on Al Ameen _vKv wKs Ave`yj y vø n cv‡K©| Sibv, †LRyi MvQ, nuvUvi Abdullah Al Ali Al Naeem Street. c_, muvS‡ejvi wSiwS‡i evZvm Gm‡e ficyi Replete with fountains, date trees, G ¯’vbwU‡Z wiqvw`iv Zv‡`i cwievi wb‡q walking paths and light evening †eov‡Z Av‡m LvwbKUv wRwi‡q wb‡Z| The tallest tower in Riyadh, Kingdom Tower, may be popular for its upscale brands.
Fast facts
breeze, this park is a typical place where Riyadhis relax with their families.
Bite into the flavours
Saudi Arabia’s food has inspired gourmands from world over. Local preparations like tabouleh, shawarma and various types of breads and kebabs are universal favourites now. And Riyadh’s eateries and restaurants offer the best of these!
Riyadh’s camel market is one of the largest in the world and sells about 100 camels per day.
Try kapsa, the national dish made of rice, lamb or chicken and cooked with aromatic spices. Flat breads called fatir and kimaje, similar to pita are definitely worth every bite. Authentic kebabs, made with roasted lamb or chicken and vegetables rolled by pita bread, are still a much favoured dish.
Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam and home to the religion’s holiest shrines, Mecca and Medina.
Try the cooling Laban, a drink made by blending yogurt with ice water. Arabic coffee, locally called qahwa, is exceptionally good and makes for a good souvenir.
The Saudi king’s official title is “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.” Saudi Arabia remains an absolute monarchy and has the last significant monarchy in the world.
Good to know
Riyadh is a conservative city. Travellers are expected to dress respectfully, i.e women always in an abaya (full length black gown) and men never in shorts or sleeveless shirts, when out in public. Most places are closed during prayers. It would help to check in advance.
Kvgo w`b ¯^v‡`i RM‡Z
mviv `ywbqvi †fvRbiwmK‡`i AbycÖvwYZ K‡i Avm‡Q †mŠw` Avi‡ei Lvevi `vevi| ¯’vbxq Lvev‡ii g‡a¨ Av‡Q Uveyjvn, kg©v I n‡iK iK‡gi i“wU I Kveve| G¸‡jvi myNªvY GLb `ywbqve¨vcx| wiqv‡`i Lvev‡ii †`vKvb I †i¯— iuv¸‡jv‡Z †mivUvB wgj‡e| Kvcmv †L‡q †`L‡Z cv‡ib| RvZxq G LveviwU evbv‡bv nq Pvj, †fov ev gyiwMi gvsm I gkjv w`‡q| A‡bKUv †MvjMvj wcUvi g‡Zv †`L‡Z dvwZi ev wKgvwR bv‡gi cvZjv i“wUi cÖwZwU Kvg‡oB Av‡Q Z…wß| †iv÷ Kiv †fov ev gyiwMi gvsm I mewR‡K wcUv i“wU‡Z gywo‡q ˆZwi Kiv wbLuv` ¯^v‡`i KvevewU GL‡bv ¯’vbxq‡`i Kv‡Q †ek RbwcÖq| †P‡L †`Lyb VvÊv jvevb| `B‡qi m‡½ eid kxZj cvwbi wgkÖ‡Y ˆZwi nq G cvbxq| Avi Av‡Q A¨vivweK Kwd, ¯’vbxqiv hv‡K e‡j KvnIqv| GUvI we¯§qKi iK‡gi my¯^v`y I my¨‡fwbi wn‡m‡e PgrKvi|
†R‡b ivLv fvj
wiqv` GKwU i¶Ykxj kni| ågYKvix‡`i ZvB kvjxb †cvkvK c‡iB Pjv DwPr| A_©vr bvix‡`i GLv‡b memgqB AvMv‡Mvov Avevqv (Kv‡jv MvDb) c‡i _vK‡Z nq Ges cyi“liv GLv‡b Rbm¤§y‡L wmf‡jm kvU© ev kU©m ci‡Z cvi‡e bv| GLvbKvi †ewkifvM ¯’vbB bvgv‡Ri mgq eÜ _v‡K| Avi Gme Av‡M †_‡K †R‡bey‡S _vKvB fvj|
Biman connects Dhaka-RiyadhDhaka with 6 weekly flights (
Cover story
Eid al-Fitr To help you find the best countries to spend Eid in, we have put together a list of top Eid escapes to spend the festive season in the most enjoyable way possible
AuvK‡o ai“b
C`yj wdZi C` D`hvc‡bi Rb¨ †miv wKQy †`k Lyu‡R †c‡Z Avcbvi hv‡Z Kó bv nq †mRb¨ Avgiv nvwRi K‡iwQ †miv wKQy ¯’vb, hv Drme‡K K‡i Zzj‡e m‡e©v”P Avb›`Nb
May - June 2018
24 Hours
Cover story
Bangladesh Every home in Bangladesh resonates with the sound of greetings and festivity during the festival of Eid.
May - June 2018
C`yj wdZ‡ii Drm‡ei Awfev`b I Drm‡ei DÏxcbv I nBPB‡Z cÖKw¤úZ nq evsjv‡`‡ki cÖwZwU evwoB|
24 Hours
Istanbul Owing to its ancient history, modern architectural wonders and cultural display, Istanbul is one of the best countries to celebrate Eid.
cÖvPxb BwZnvm, AvaywbK ¯’vcZ¨ we¯§q I mvs¯‹…wZK cÖ`k©bx; me wgwj‡q C`yj wdZi KvUv‡bvi GKwU Ab¨Zg kni GB B¯—vbeyj|
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24 Hours
Indonesia From people dressed in colourful festive attires to street entertainers, the festive mood of Indonesia is a sight to behold.
May - June 2018
Drm‡ei iwOb mv‡R †g‡Z IVv RbMY †_‡K ïi“ K‡i mo‡Ki hZ we‡bv`bKg©x; †`kwU Ry‡o †h Drm‡ei Av‡gR Qwo‡q hvq Zv †Pv‡L †j‡M _vKvi g‡Zv|
India The magnificent architectural wonder of Delhi, Jama Masjid, witnesses a sea of people reciting prayers to mark the end of Ramadan, every year.
cÖwZeQ‡ii g‡Zv Gev‡iv w`wjøi †PvL auvav‡bv ¯’vcZ¨‰kjx Rv‡g gmwR`-G Ae‡jvKb Ki‡Z cv‡ib wekvj GK Rbmgy‡`ªi igRv‡bi mgvwß †NvlYvKvix cÖv_©bvi `„k¨|
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24 Hours
Malaysia To excite your tastebuds, try some authentic Eid dishes during your stay in Malaysia and end your day with traditional Malaysian desserts.
May - June 2018
gvj‡qwkqvq †_‡K _vK‡j †mLvbKvi wbR¯^ wKQy C‡`i Lvevi †P‡L wb‡Ri wRfUv‡K w`b GK Abb¨ Abyf‚wZ| Avi w`b †kl Ki“b gvj‡qwkqvi wKQy HwZn¨evnx wgóv‡bœi ga¨ w`‡q|
Saudi Arabia This Eid, get transposed into the world of spirituality by attending communal prayers at the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad.
†mŠw` Avie
gnvbex †gvnv¤§` (mv.) Gi Rš§f‚wg‡Z C` Rvgv‡Z kwiK n‡q wg‡k hvb GK Ava¨vwZ¥K RM‡Z|
cover story
24 Hours
The less trodden
Bangladesh Swarupkati is known for its guava plantations and wood markets. This little-known treasure is slowly becoming a popular destination among curious travellers
By: Mu nira Ahmed Fid a i
†cqviv Pvl Ges Kv‡Vi evRv‡ii Rb¨ ¯^iƒcKvwV mycwiwPZ| ¯^í cwiwPZ G PgrKvi RvqMvwU µ‡g DrmyK ågYKvix‡`i RbwcÖq Mš—e¨ n‡q DV‡Q wj‡L‡Qb: gywbiv G. wd`vB
southern region of Bangladesh is popular for guavas, also known as “Bengal’s Apple”. Farmers in Swarupkati rely heavily on the harvest of this fruit for their livelihood. The streams and canals of Swarupkati will remind you of the water markets of Venice, as boats laden with mounds of fruit float through the river. Guavas are picked ripe from the guava orchards of Barisal, adjacent to the river and placed on small boats. The river is resplendent with green and blue as hundreds of boats go about buying and selling, at ease, on the water. The fragrance of fresh guavas is a treat to the nose for first-timers. This has been the way of life for these guava sellers for over a hundred years. While modernisation has started in and around Barisal, the stark beauty of
MAY - JUNE 2018
`w¶YvÂj †cqvivi Rb¨ weL¨vZ| G‡K A‡b‡K Ôevsjvi Av‡cjÕ e‡jI Wv‡K| ¯^iƒcKvwVi K…lKiv RxweKvi Rb¨ e¨vcKfv‡e GB d‡ji Ici wbf©ikxj| ¯^iƒcKvwVi cÖevngvb Lvj¸‡jv‡Z M‡o IVv fvmgvb evRvi¸‡jv Avcbv‡K †fwb‡mi fvmgvb evRv‡ii K_v g‡b Kwi‡q †`‡e, †hLv‡b †cqviv †evSvB †bŠKv¸‡jv b`xi eyK wP‡i †f‡m P‡j| ewikv‡ji b`x msjMœ †cqviv evMvb †_‡K cwic° Gme †cqviv msMÖn K‡i †QvU †QvU †bŠKvq †evSvB Kiv nq| †cqviv †evSvB Gme kZ kZ †bŠKv b`xi g‡a¨B †cqviv evwY‡R¨ †g‡Z I‡V| Gmgq b`xi Mv‡q †hb bxj-mey‡Ri †XD †L‡j hvq| cÖ_gevi hviv GLv‡b Av‡m Zv‡`i Rb¨ Pviw`‡K †cqvivi myMÜ GKwU AmvaviY AwfÁZv e‡U| kZ eQi a‡i GLvbKvi †cqviv †ecvwi‡`i Rb¨ GwUB Rxebaviv n‡q D‡V‡Q| ewikvj I Gi Avkcv‡k AvaywbKZvi †Quvqv jvM‡jI ¯^iƒcKvwV I Avkcv‡ki Ggb A‡bK ¯’vb Av‡Q †h¸‡jvi †gŠwjK †mŠ›`h© GLbI A¶Z Av‡Q| GLvbKvi †miv †i‡¯—viuv ej‡Z GLbI †mB Ky‡o N‡i ¯’vbxq Lvevi weµ‡qi ¯’vb Avi †miv †M÷ nvDm ej‡Z IB RivRxY© evwo| Z‡e cÖKw… Z GLvbKvi Gme RxY©Zv‡K †X‡K
(Opposite page) Rafts carrying guavas to the market
Photograph: Md. Moazzem Mostakim
cover story
24 Hours
Fast facts
In the southern region of Bangladesh, rivers and canals crisscross, creating a lush green landscape. You can see a lot of green guava orchards here. The districts of Barisal, Pirojpur, and Jhalbokathi are the main guava producing areas.
MAY - JUNE 2018
Swarupkati and other such places around it, has largely remained untouched. The best restaurants in the area could still be shacks serving local food, and the best guest houses may be dilapidated. But mother nature makes up for the lack of amenities with local flavours and sights unseen. This land of guavas and raw natural beauty is undoubtedly a heavily potent spot for agro tourism in the country.
w`‡q‡Q mbvZbx ï×Zv Ges A‡`Lv †mŠ›`‡h©i gva¨‡g| †`‡ki A¨v‡MÖv-Uy¨wiR‡gi ¯’vb wn‡m‡e GB †cqvivfw~g Ges AK…wÎg cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h©gwÊZ ¯’vbwU wbtm‡›`‡n cÖej AvKl©Yxq|
GLvbKvi ¯’vbxq RbemwZ †_‡K †bŠKvi NvU Z_v †RwUi `~iZ¡ Lye †ewk bq| cv‡q †nu‡U K‡qK wgwb‡Ui iv¯—v| GLv‡b †bŠKv¸‡jv A‡c¶v K‡i Avcbv‡K †cqviv evMv‡b wb‡q hvIqvi Rb¨| †h b`xwU a‡i Avcwb XvKv †_‡K ewikv‡j G‡m‡Qb, †mUv‡K GK cv‡k †i‡LB evMv‡bi w`‡K hvIqvi c_ P‡j †M‡Q| The river that From the local settlements to the DcK~‡j ZvKv‡j wKQy mvwie× Nievwo †`Lv brings you from jetty is a few minutes walk, where hv‡e| Z‡e cy‡iv GjvKvwUB R‡j Ave×| Dhaka to Barisal boats are ready to take you to †hw`‡K †PvL hv‡e †Kej cvwb Avi drifts off at a side, the guava orchards. The river cvwb| GjvKvwU kni †_‡K G‡Zv `~‡i †h leading to the guava plantations. that brings you from Dhaka to GLv‡b kã ej‡Z †Kej †kvbv hvq cvwLi Barisal drifts off at a side, leading wKwPiwgwPi, evZv‡mi kbkb Avi wecyj to the plantations. The entire area is Rjivwk †f` K‡i Pjv †bŠKv¸‡jvi ˆeVvi Qjvr surrounded by water, with a few houses Qjvr kã| GLv‡b †h ev hvÕB Avmv hvIqv Ki“K lining the banks. bv †Kb Avm‡Z nq Rjc_ a‡i| ZvB avuavgq wekvj Rjivwk‡Z w`K nvwi‡q hvIqv Gov‡Z GKRb MvBW‡K It is so far removed from the city that the m‡½ ivLv GKvš— Ri“wi| only sounds you can hear are of the jungle and the splash of water from the boat oars. Whatever comes in and out of the area, comes across through the water and
†bŠKvi evRvi¸‡jv †`L‡ZI †ek AvKl©Yxq| Z‡e GLv‡b b`xi Avkcv‡k Kv‡Vi evRviI M‡o D‡V‡Q| Gi KviY n‡”Q GLvbKvi cÖvq meviB GKwU K‡i †bŠKv Av‡Q| Avi
therefore, it is very important to have a guide with you who would make sure you don’t lose your way in the maze-like body. The Boat Markets are a spectacle to behold! Timber markets have sprung around the river for the simple reason that most of the people in the area own boats, instead of cars. As such, it is easier to transport the heavy goods on water vessels. Timber logs are tied together like a raft and the boat sits on the stems of the timber. With a lot of nimble balancing acts that come with the regularity with which these logs are transported, the wood is safely deposited to the banks. It is a game of sheer intelligence and muscle power. Nature lovers who do not mind getting right into action on their trips will have a wonderful time in Swarupkati and even learn a thing or two about the intricacies of agriculture in Bangladesh.
Guavas are picked from the guava orchards of Barisal Rjc‡_ wekvj Mv‡Qi ¸wo¸‡jv GK ¯’vb †_‡K Ab¨ ¯’v‡b †bIqv †ek mnR| Kv‡Vi ¸wo¸‡jv‡K †fjvi g‡Zv †bŠKvi `ycv‡k †eu‡a †bIqv nq| Gfv‡e cÖwZwbqZ kZ kZ †bŠKv DcK~‡j wbivc‡` KvV †cŠu‡Q †`Iqvi Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ Av‡Q| Avi GB Kv‡Ri Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb nq w¶cÖ eyw×gËv Ges fvimvg¨ i¶vi Amvgvb¨ `¶Zv| GwUI cÖLi eyw× Avi kvwiixK kw³i GK Abb¨ cÖ`k©bx| cÖKw… Z‡cÖgxiv hviv †KvbI wKQy bv †f‡eB cÖKw… Zi Uv‡b Qy‡U †eov‡Z cQ›` K‡ib Zviv ¯^iƒcKvwV‡Z PgrKvi mgq KvUv‡Z cvi‡eb, †mB m‡½ evsjv‡`‡ki K…wl m¤ú‡K©I `y-GKwU ARvbv wel‡q Rvb‡Z cvi‡eb|
(Below) Nursery farmers selling plants at the Mahmudkati floating market, (opposite page) man picking fresh guavas from trees
Biman connects Dhaka-BarisalDhaka with 11 weekly flights (
Cover story
MAY - JUNE 2018
24 Hours
Ramadan Iftar
Loud boom from cannons signals the start of iftar and the end of the day's fast By: Af t a b H u sa i n Ko la
GB igRv‡b
BdZv‡ii Kvgvb gvMwi‡ei bvgv‡Ri mgq cÖv_©bvKvix‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ Kvgv‡bi †Zvc `vMv‡bv Rvwb‡q †`q, mgq n‡jv BdZvi Kivi wj‡L‡Qb: AvdZve ûmvBb †Kvjv 55
are once again blessed with the holy month of Ramadan, characterised by fasting, praying, sharing and caring. While the religious moorings in Ramadan are almost common across the Islamic world, certain strands of traditions in different locations or communities lend uniqueness to the customs. One of the famous traditions of Ramadan is the firing of the cannon at Maghreb prayers to notify worshippers that it is time to break their fast. I vividly remember my childhood days when we used to rush to the rooftops to hear the mild sound that signalled the end of day's fasting. It was a firecracker sound at my native place, a coastal town in Karnataka, India. But when I took up a job in the GCC, we used to break the fast on hearing a more thunderous sound followed by a prayer call. Later I came to know that it was due to the firing of cannons from a hillock to signal the end of fast.
Avgiv cweÎ igRvb gv‡mi Avkxe©v‡` wm³ nw”Q| †h igRv‡bi g~j ˆewkó¨ n‡jv mshg, cÖv_©bv, fvM-ev‡Uvqviv I A‡b¨i †Lqvj ivLv| igRv‡bi ag©xq GB g~j welq¸‡jv †MvUv BmjvwgK we‡k¦i Kv‡Q GK iKg n‡jI wKQy wKQy HwZn¨ Av‡Q, ¯’vb I †Mvôx †f‡` hv‡Z wKQyUv wfbœZv †`Lv hvq| Avi †mB wfbœZvB G‡b †`q Abb¨Zv| Avi igRv‡bi mgq †Zgwb GKwU RbwcÖq cÖ_v n‡jv gvMwi‡ei bvgv‡Ri mgq cÖv_©bvKvix‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ Kvgv‡bi †Zvc `vMv‡bv, hv Zv‡`i mevB‡K Rvwb‡q †`q, mgq n‡jv BdZvi Kivi| Avgvi GL‡bv cwi®‹vi g‡b Av‡Q †QvU‡ejvq hLb Avgiv Qy‡U †hZvg Qv‡` Avi Kvb †c‡Z _vKZvg eû`~i †_‡K Avmv g„`y kãUv †kvbvi Rb¨| IUv Kv‡b Avmv gv‡bB †ivRv ivLvi mgq †kl| fvi‡Zi KY©vU‡Ki GKwU DcK‚jxq kn‡i; A_©vr †hLv‡b Avwg _vKZvg, †mLvbKvi Rb¨ IB kãUv wQj †hb wVK AvZkevRx| Z‡e wRwmwm‡Z PvKwi †bIqvi ci Avgiv BdZvi ïi“ KiZvg Av‡iv eomo GKUv kã ï‡b, hvi ciciB AbywôZ n‡Zv mvjvZ| c‡i Rvb‡Z cvwi †h, BdZv‡ii mgq †NvlYv Kivi Rb¨ GKUv †QvULvU cvnvo †_‡K Kvgv‡bi †Mvjv †Qvovi kã wQj IUv|
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24 Hours
As years passed by, the tradition of cannon firing faded away and only a few places have retained this method of announcing the end of day's fasting. In Oman, this tradition was seen at Misfah Al Abriyeen, a picturesque cliffside village tucked deep within Al Hamra's rugged countryside.
The roots
hy‡Mi cwieZ©‡bi m‡½ cvnvo¸‡jv‡Z cÖwZaŸwYZ n‡q †jvKvj‡q wd‡i Avmv Kvgv‡bi †Zvc `vMv‡bvi †mB kãUv wd‡K n‡q †M‡Q| nv‡Z‡Mvbv Aí wKQy ¯’v‡bB †Kej †ivRvi mgvwßKvix mg‡qi wb‡`©kK wn‡m‡e Av‡Mi IB c×wZUv wUwK‡q †i‡L‡Q| Igv‡b †M‡j GB cÖ_vwUi †`Lv wgj‡e wgmdvn Avj AvweªBb-G †M‡j| Qwei g‡Zv cvnvo‡Nulv IB MÖvgwU Avj nvgivi Ge‡ov‡Le‡ov †jvKvj‡qi †fZ‡i w`‡K M‡o D‡V‡Q|
An innovation of the Ottoman Empire, firing †Mvovi K_v of cannons during the month of Ramadan is BdZv‡ii mgq ïi“i wb‡`©kK wn‡m‡e Kvgv‡bi †Zvc still extant in some places in Yemen, `vMv‡bvi k‡ãi e¨envi A‡Uvgvb mvgªv‡R¨i Egypt, the UAE and the Kingdom of Avwe®‹vi, hv GL‡bv B‡q‡gb, wgmi I The artillery that signals the Saudi Arabia. In India, this tradition BDGB Ges †mŠw` Avi‡ei wKQy wKQy commencement is still being followed by Muslims RvqMvq †`Lv hvq| fvi‡Zi fzcv‡ji of Ramadan is a living in the Raisen district, which mxgvš—eZ©x ivq‡mb kn‡iI gymjgvb‡`i tradition dating lies on the outskirts of Bhopal, g‡a¨ GB HwZ‡n¨i †`Lv wgj‡e| back to more than Tara Hill in Ajmer, Hyderabad and Av‡iv †`Lv hv‡e AvRwg‡ii Zviv wn‡j, 800 years. few other places. nv‡q`vivev‡` I Av‡iv wKQy kn‡i| This tradition dates back to more than 800 years and its origins are widely debated. But the custom has survived in some places notwithstanding the technological advances. Cairo in Egypt is believed to be the first city to fire a Ramadan cannon in the era of the Mamluks, specifically during the reign of Sultan Khashukdume (865/872 Hijri). Mamluks were among the greatest patrons
MAY - JUNE 2018
†Zvc `vwM‡q cÖwZw`bKvi †ivRvi mgqmxgv †k‡li Ggb †NvlYvixwZ cÖvq 800 eQ‡ii cyi‡bv| Avi ZvB Gi ïi“ wb‡q Av‡Q e¨vcK weZK©| Z_vwc, cÖhyw³i GB AMÖhvÎvi gv‡SI wKQy wKQy RvqMvq envj Zweq‡Z wU‡K Av‡Q GB cÖ_v| aviYv Kiv nq wgm‡ii Kvq‡ivB cÖ_g kni, †hLv‡b gvgjyK‡`i Avg‡j igRv‡b Kvgv‡b †Zvc `vMv‡bvi †iIqvR Pvjy nq; we‡kl K‡i hLb wQj myjZvb KvïK`y‡gi kvmbvg‡j (865/872 wnRwi)| Bmjv‡gi BwZnv‡m gvgjyKiv wQj wkí mgS`vi I c„ô‡cvlK‡`i g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg, hv‡`i kvmbvgj ïi“ nq 1250 wLªóvã
(Above) Al-Haram Mosque, also called the Great Mosque of Mecca; (opposite page) Iftar in Dhaka
of art in the history of Islam whose rule began in 1250 AD. As the legend goes, he wanted to try one of his new cannons and the experiment coincided with the time of Maghreb prayers during Ramadan. People took it as the signal to break the fast. Since then, the caliph ordered that the gun should be fired at sunset and this became a Ramadan tradition. The cannon was later placed at the highest point of the city so that all Muslims would be able to hear the shot.
Still prominent
Despite being a symbolic tradition now, some places still retain the tradition of cannon firing that signals the end of fasting. For instance, the firing of Ramadan cannon from Mount Noqom overlooking the capital Sana in Yemen, and on Jabal Al Midfa against the backdrop of Grand Haram mosque in Makkah, and in ElMahalla El-Kubra in Egypt are still steeped in folklore. Madinah, Islam's second holiest city, also followed the Egyptian tradition of firing the Ramadan cannon. This tradition spread to many Islamic countries including Turkey, Sudan, Morocco, Syria, Jordan and the Gulf countries. The cannon is not a real weapon; its job is to only make a loud echoing noise.
†_‡K| Kw_Z Av‡Q gvgjyK ivRv‡`i GKRb bZzb GKwU Kvgv‡bi cix¶v KiwQ‡jb| KvKZvjxqfv‡e Kvgv‡bi †MvjvUv †Qvov nq igRvb gv‡mi gvMwi‡ei bvgv‡Ri mgqUv‡ZB| †jvKRb IB kãUv‡K Zv‡`i BdZv‡ii m‡¼Z wn‡m‡e a‡i wb‡qwQj| ZLb †_‡KB Lwjdvi wb‡`©k G‡jv, m~h©v‡¯—i m‡½ m‡½ Kvgv‡bi †Zvc `vMv‡bv n‡e| GUvB c‡i n‡q †Mj igRv‡bi GKwU HwZn¨| c‡i †mB KvgvbUv‡K emv‡bv n‡qwQj kn‡ii me‡P‡q DuPz ¯’vbwU‡Z, hv‡Z K‡i bMixi mKj gymjgvb IUvi kã ïb‡Z cvq|
Firing of cannons mark the end of the hours of fasting during Ramadan
GL‡bv RuvKRgK
GLb GwU cÖZxKx HwZn¨ n‡jI wKQy wKQy RvqMvq GwU BdZv‡ii mgq g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©Y K‡i P‡j‡Q| †hgb ejv †h‡Z cv‡i B‡q‡g‡bi ivRavbx mvbvi A`~‡i _vKv †bvKg cvnv‡o Kvgv‡bi K_v| g°vi MÖ¨vÛ nvivg gmwR‡`i †cQ‡b _vKv Rvevj Avj wgd`vn bv‡gi cvnvowU †_‡K ïi“ K‡i wgm‡ii Avjgnjv I Avj-Kzeiv GL‡bv †jvKMv_vq wm³| Bmjv‡gi wØZxq cweÎZg kni gw`bv‡ZI wgmixq HwZ‡n¨i Av`‡j igRv‡bi mgq Kvgv‡b †Zvc `vMv‡bv nq| GB HwZn¨ Qwo‡q c‡o‡Q Av‡iv A‡bK Bmjvwg †`‡kI| †h ZvwjKvq Av‡Q Zzi¯‹, my`vb, gi‡°v, wmwiqv, R`©vbmn Av‡iv wKQy DcmvMixq †`k| IB KvgvbwU †Kv‡bv A¯¿ bq, Gi KvR n‡jv †Kej GKwU †Rviv‡jv kã ˆZwi Kiv hv cÖwZaŸwYZ n‡Z _vK‡e|
Biman connects the Middle East with several flights (
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24 Hours LEISURE
Feast after the
Eid al-Fitr is the feast day for Muslims around the world. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan by breaking the fast and feasting on scrumptious food By: Mu nira A h m ed Fid a i
†ivRvi ci †fvR
mviv we‡k¦i gymjgvb‡`i Rb¨ Lvbvwcbvi GK gv‡n›`ªÿY n‡jv C`yj wdZi| igRvb gv‡mi †kl w`b BdZvi Kivi gva¨‡g w`bwUi ïiæ Avi w`bfi Pj‡Z _v‡K my¯^v`y me Lvev‡ii †fvR wj‡L‡Qb: gywbiv Avn‡g` wd`vB
is nearing and at the end of the long month of fasting, it will bring the much-awaited Eid al-Fitr. For devout Muslims who fast all through the month, heavy food on the day of Eid often tends to throw the digestive system off a little bit. But as they say, what’s love without a bit of risk! Here’s us, listing out the best loved foods that make Eid a journey of sheer delight. Possibly the only time you will have with your family before the first of the guests start tricking in, breakfast is a time to relish…
Shemai is vermicelli boiled in clarified butter and milk. Dried fruits like pistachio, raisins and almonds are used to garnish the dessert, and saffron is used optionally for flavour and colour. Although a dessert, it is eaten for breakfast on Eid day, before going for the Eid prayers, or enjoyed after prayer.
may - june 2018
Avm‡Z Avi Lye GKUv †`wi †bB| Avi GB my`xN© GK gv‡mi wmqvg mvabvi ci GwU wb‡q Av‡m me‡P‡q cÖZxwÿZ Drme C`yj wdZi| ag©cÖvY gymjgvb‡`i g‡a¨ hviv gvme¨vcx mshg cvjb K‡i Av‡mb, C‡`i w`b fvwi Lvev‡ii †Zv‡o Zv‡`i nRgkw³Uv wKwÂr †Zv‡ci gy‡L c‡o hvq| wKš‘ K_vq Av‡Q, fvjevm‡Z †M‡j GKUz AvaUz SzuwK wb‡ZB nq| Gevi Avgiv nvwRi n‡qwQ Ggb me fvjevmvi Lvevi `vevi wb‡q †h¸‡jv wKbv C`‡K evwb‡q †Zv‡j GK cy‡iv`¯‘i †fvRbwejv‡mi hvÎv| AwZw_iv `iRvq Kov bvovi Av‡M m¤¢eZ cÖvZtiv‡ki mgqUvB Avcwb Avcbvi cwiev‡ii m‡½ KvUv‡Z cvi‡eb| Avi ZLb †hme Dc‡fvM Ki‡eb...
Bs‡iwR‡Z hv‡K e‡j fvwg©‡Pwjø †WRvU©| wN I `y‡ai g‡a¨ R¡vj w`‡q G‡Z cwi‡ek‡bi mgq †gkv‡bv nq †c¯Ív ev`vg, wKmwgm, KvVev`vgmn Av‡iv wKQz ïK‡bv dj| G Qvov †d¬fvi I i‡Oi Rb¨ G‡Z RvdivbI †gkv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| GwU †WRvU© AvB‡Ug n‡jI C‡`i w`b bvgv‡R hvIqvi Av‡M ev c‡i cwiev‡ii mevi m‡½ mKv‡ji bvkZvq GwU LvIqv nq|
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24 Hours LEISURE
60 (Clockwise from above) Shemai, kebab, alur dom, chotpoti
Luchi and alur dom
Another popular Eid breakfast food is alur dom, a tangy, spicy potato gravy scooped up with luchi, a deep fried bread. The crunch and chewiness of the hot luchi and the savoury, melt in the mouth goodness of potato gravy wakes up your tummy and kickstarts the day of Eid.
jywP I Avjyi `g
Av‡iKwU RbwcÖq C‡`i bvkZv n‡jv Avjyi `g| Kov NªvY I gkvjv`vi GB Avjyi MÖ¨vwf LvIqv nq jywP w`‡q| jywP gv‡b n‡jv Wz‡ev †Z‡j fvRv big iæwU| gyPgy‡P I GKBm‡½ wPwe‡q LvIqvi GB Mig Mig jywP hLb Avjyi †Sv‡ji m‡½ wg‡k Avcbvi gy‡L M‡j hv‡e ZLbB †hb †R‡M DV‡e Avcbvi wÿ‡` Avi ïiæ n‡e C‡`i w`b|
PUcwU n‡jv evOvwji †h‡Kv‡bv Dcj‡ÿ gvwb‡q hvIqvi g‡Zv
Chotpoti is a Bengali’s go-to snack GKwU ¯œ¨vK| evbv‡bv mnR I RbwcÖqZvi Kvi‡Y, nv‡Z for any occasion. Due to the ease mgq Kg _vK‡j I KvD‡K Lywk Ki‡Z PvB‡j of preparation and popularity, hLbZLb GB PUcwUB n‡q hvq cÖavb bvkZv| Popular Eid breakfast foods are chotpoti is a staple snack for Avi C` n‡jv GgbB GKUv mgq| †QvU K‡i alur dom, tangy, spicy any time you are short on time KvUv Avjyi UzK‡iv, †m× gUi, †ZZz‡ji im w`‡q potato gravy scooped and Eid is one such occasion. ˆZwi Nb †Svj I A‡bK ai‡bi gkjvi mgš^‡q up with luchi. A mix of small, diced potatoes, ˆZwi GK †cøU PUcwU Avcbv‡K PvgP ch©šÍ boiled chickpeas, tamarind juice PvU‡Z eva¨ Ki‡e| m‡½ wKQz †m× wW‡gi KzwP I for the tangy, gravy base and a lot gyPgy‡P dzPKv †hvM K‡i evwo‡q w`b Zvi ¯^v`| mKv‡ji of spices, one plate of chotpoti will have bvkZvi ci hLb eÜz I cwiev‡ii †jvKRb fvwi Avjvc I you licking your spoon. Add some grated G‡K Ab¨‡K Awfev`b Rvbv‡Z ïiæ K‡i, ZLb AevK n‡q boiled egg and some crunchy puchka puri fve‡eb, KLb †h `yc‡y ii Lvev‡ii mgq n‡q †Mj... for deliciousness. Once breakfast is over and friends and family start arriving, you are often left wondering how it’s already time for lunch…
may - june 2018
†cvjvI I †iv÷
`ycy‡ii LvbvwcbvUv mKv‡ji bvkZvi g‡Zv bq| Gi g~j wWkUv ˆZwi I cwi‡ek‡b mgq jv‡M †ek| ZvB Gi cÖ¯‘wZUv mvaviYZ ïiæ nq Av‡Mi ivZ †_‡KB| gkjv w`‡q
Polao and roast
Unlike breakfast, lunch takes a while to prepare and serve so preparations for the main dish of the main course usually starts a night before. Chicken is marinated in spices and left overnight for the flavour to seep through the meat. It is then slow cooked in a sweet, whitish gravy until it is thick and flavourful. Polao is simply flavoured long grain rice with peas and fried, caramelised onions.
Beef bhuna
No elaborate Bengali meal is complete without beef. Small pieces of tender meat, cooked in a spicy, reddish curry lends a royal flavour to the kingly feast. Something about this regular beef curry hits the right places of the tummy, making it a favourite among all age groups.
We Bengalis pay attention to detail! If there is a main dish, there must be a side dish too! In this case, it is the beloved kebab or tikia. Be it mutton, beef, chicken or fish kebabs, it is the chosen accompaniment to anything with rice. Fish kebabs are a major hit because of their distinct aroma and mashed texture when mixed with rice. These meat cakes are fried
gyiwMi gvsm †gwi‡bU K‡i ivLv nq mviv ivZ| G‡Z K‡i gvs‡mi †fZi gkjv †XvKvi mgq cvIqv hvq| Gici IUv‡K mgq wb‡q ivbœv Kiv nq LvwbKUv wgwó I mv`v‡U MÖ¨vwfi g‡Zv K‡i| hZÿY bv GUv Nb I ¯^v`MÜ Qovq, ZZÿY P‡j ivbœv| †cvjvI n‡jv myNªvYhy³ j¤^v Pvj, hv‡Z fvRv gUiïuwU I K¨viv‡gj Kiv †cuqvR †gkv‡bv nq|
Chotpoti is a Bengali’s go-to snack for any occasion
gvsm fzbv
†QvU †QvU gvs‡mi UzK‡iv¸‡jv‡K gkjv w`‡q jvj‡P K‡i ivbœv Kiv nq, hv ivRKxq GB †fvRbc‡e© †hvM K‡i GK ivRwmK Av¯^v`| hw`I GUv mvaviY ivbœv Kiv gvsm, Z_vwc GUvi g‡a¨ Ggb GKUv wKQz Av‡Q hv Avgv‡`i iæwPi `yqv‡i †Rv‡i‡mv‡iB Kov bv‡o| Avi G Kvi‡Y me eqmxi Kv‡QB GwU wcÖq GKwU Lvevi|
Avgiv evOvwjiv LuywUbvwU me wKQz‡ZB g‡bv‡hvM w`‡Z fvjevwm! †gBb wWk hw` _v‡K, Z‡e GKUv mvBW wWkI PvB! †¯ªd †KD PvB‡j †hb evQvB K‡i †L‡Z cv‡i| Avi G †ÿ‡Î †mUv n‡jv mevi cQ‡›`i Kveve I wUwKqv| n‡Z cv‡i †mUv Lvwmi gvs‡mi, Miæi wKsev gyiwM ev gv‡Qi| fv‡Zi m‡½ GUv memgqB P‡j| fvRvi ci PgrKvi NªvY Qovq e‡j gv‡Qi KveveUv †ewk RbwcÖq| Avevi fv‡Zi m‡½ LvIqvi mgq Gi fZ©vi †h †U·PviUv cvIqv hvq †mUviI Rywo †bB| Avi Gi †bc‡_¨ i‡q‡Q Avgv‡`i `viæY fZ©vcÖxwZ| gvs‡mi UzK‡iv¸‡jv‡K fvRv nq KuvPvgwiP KzwP I †cuqvR
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24 Hours LEISURE
(Clockwise from below) Payesh, zarda
with green chili pieces and fried onions until it is dark brown in colour and crunchy on the outside.
Payesh or kheer is another milk based dessert, made with broken wheat or rice, coconut shavings and a generous amount of jaggery. Although popular the year round, payesh is another sweet that goes well with Eid food. A favourite with children and adults alike, payesh is served cold after meals as a well-loved dessert.
Be it a wedding or Eid, no occasion is complete without the ultimate dessert, zarda. We love zarda so much, we could devote an entire book praising its worth! This royal concoction is basically sweetened rice, mixed with small balls of kalojaam and chomchom (sweet, deep fried balls of dough), raisins, dried fruits like almonds and cashews, and crystallised pineapple. Truth be told, this jambalaya of sweet goodness is a meal, all on its own!
may - june 2018
Payesh is another dish that's popular during Eid
w`‡q hZÿY bv †mUvi is Mvp ev`vgx I evB‡ii w`KUv gyPgy‡P n‡”Q|
cv‡qk ev ÿxi n‡jv Av‡iKwU `y‡ai ˆZwi †WRvU©| GUv fvOv Mg ev Pvj w`‡q ivbœv Kiv nq| m‡½ _v‡K †Kviv‡bv bvi‡Kj I fvj cwigv‡Y ¸o| mviveQi a‡i Gi RbwcÖqZv _vK‡jI, C‡`i Lvevi wn‡m‡e GUvi K`i i‡q‡Q| wkï †_‡K ïiæ K‡i ey‡ov, mevB Gi f³| Avnv‡ii ci †WRvU© wn‡m‡e GUv VvÊv Ae¯’vq cwi‡ekb Kiv nq|
we‡q †nvK Avi C`, eo †Kv‡bv Drme m¤ú~Y© n‡e bv hw` bv _v‡K R`©v bv‡gi †WRvU©wU| Avgiv R`©v GZUvB cQ›` Kwi †h cvi‡j Gi cÖksmv K‡i GKUv Av¯Í eB wj‡L †dwj! GB ivRKxq wgkÖYwU n‡jv mvaviYZ wgwó fvZ, hv‡Z †gkv‡bv _v‡K †QvU †QvU Kv‡jvRvg, PgPg, wKkwgm, ïK‡bv dj †hgb KvVev`vg, KvRyev`vg I Avbvi‡mi †gvieŸv| mwZ¨ ej‡Z wK wgóv‡bœi GB Rv¤^vjvqvwU wb‡RB GKwU ¯^qsm¤ú~Y© Avnvi|
Tarot cards...
†g-Ryb 2018Õi Rb¨ U¨viU fwel¨ØvYx Tarot predictions for May-June 2018 by Manisha Koushik
Aries (‡glivwk)
Taurus (e…livwk)
Gemini (wg_ybivwk)
You will reap full benefits of your good financial planning. You shine at work as your talent gets recognised.
A previous investment may prove a goldmine for some. Sticking to a fitness regime will ensure good health.
A minor ailment irritates, but not for too long. Those connected with export and import can expect a windfall.
Lucky number: 2, Lucky colour: Magenta
Lucky number: 8, Lucky colour: Cream
Lucky number: 15, Lucky colour: Violet
bZzb cwiKíbv I D‡`¨vM wb‡q e¨emvwqK cvU©bviiv †ek Avkvev`x _vK‡eb| A‡Pbv Kv‡iv KvQ †_‡K †ivgvw›UK mvov †c‡q Avcbvi cÖvYPvÂj¨ jvwd‡q jvwd‡q evo‡e|
Kv‡ivi Rb¨ Av‡Mi †Kv‡bv wewb‡qvM †mvbvi Lwb n‡q aiv †`‡e| wdU‡b‡mi cÖwZ hZœevY n‡j my¯^v¯’¨ wbwðZ n‡e|
†QvULv‡Uv †Kv‡bv †ivM Avcbv‡K wei³ Ki‡Z cv‡i, Z‡e †mUv †ewkw`b _vK‡e bv| Avg`vwbißvwbi m‡½ hviv RwoZ Zviv AvPgKv †ek jv‡fi †`Lv †c‡Z cv‡ib|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 2, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: g¨v‡R›Uv
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 8, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: wµg
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 15, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †e¸bx
Cancer (KK©Uivwk)
Leo (wmsnivwk)
Virgo (Kb¨vivwk)
Professionals will find a productive period ahead. Keep yourself fully prepared on the academic front.
The professional front seems quite rosy as you score over your competitors. Newlyweds are likely to experience bliss.
Opportunity to express your love for someone you had been meeting often. Strict diet control and regular exercise will keep you in fine fettle.
Lucky number: 11, Lucky colour: Chocolate
Lucky number: 6, Lucky colour: Baby Pink
Lucky number: 3, Lucky colour: Lemon
†ckv`viiv GKwU djcÖmy mgq †c‡Z hv‡”Qb| wk¶vMZ w`‡K wb‡R‡K cy‡ivcywi ˆZwi ivLyb|
cÖwZ‡hvMx‡`i †P‡q fvj dj Kivi Kvi‡Y †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i RvqMvq Avcwb G‡Kev‡i jv‡j jvj _vK‡eb| m`¨weevwnZ‡`i Rb¨ A‡c¶v Ki‡Q Abvwej ¯^M©myL|
hvi m‡½ cÖvqB †`Lv n‡”Q Zv‡K fvjevmvi K_v Rvbv‡bvi my‡hvM wgj‡e Gevi| K‡Vvi Wv‡qU K‡›Uªvj I wbqwgZ e¨vqvg Avcbv‡K dzidz‡i ivL‡e|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 11, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: P‡Kv‡jU
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 6, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †ewe wcsK
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 3, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †jgb
May - june 2018
Manisha Koushik is an astrologer, Tarot Card reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Feng Shui consultant.
libra (Zyjvivwk)
scorpio (e…wðKivwk)
sagittarius (abyivwk)
You will need to remain prepared for an unexpected expenditure. A new business partnership is likely for some.
Romance may have to be given the backseat for now. Someone’s advice on the health front is likely to prove beneficial.
Your financial position remains stable. Seniors are likely to keep a note of good work done by you on the professional front.
Lucky number: 12, Lucky colour: Turquoise
Lucky number: 4, Lucky colour: Saffron
Lucky number: 17, Lucky colour: Silver
AbvKvw•¶Z †Kv‡bv Li‡Pi Rb¨ cÖ¯—yZ _vK‡Z n‡e Avcbv‡K| bZzb GKwU Aswk`vwi‡Z¡i e¨emv ïi“i m¤¢vebv Av‡Q Kv‡iv Kv‡iv|
AvcvZZ †ivgvÝUv‡K †cQ‡bi wm‡U Zz‡j ivLyb| ¯^v¯’¨ wb‡q Kv‡iv †`Iqv civgk©Uv Avcbv‡K DcKv‡i Avm‡Z cv‡i|
Avw_©K Ae¯’vb k³‡cv³ Av‡Q| †ckv`vwi‡Z¡i w`K w`‡q D”Pc`¯’iv Avcbvi fvj KvR¸‡jv Uz‡K ivL‡Z cv‡i|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 12, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: wd‡ivRv
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 4, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: Rvdivb
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 17, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: iƒcvjx
Capricorn (gKiivwk)
Aquarius (Ky¤i ¢ vwk)
Pisces (gxbivwk)
Something brewing on the professional or work front may require you to remain alert.
Keep a tab on your romantic relationships. Satisfaction is foreseen for those trying to achieve perfect figure and physique.
Some of you are likely to make special efforts to please lover. Things move as planned on the professional front.
Lucky number: 9, Lucky colour: Sandy Brown
Lucky number: 1, Lucky colour: Grey
Lucky number: 14, Lucky colour: Navy Blue
†ckv`vwi‡Z¡i w`‡K wKsev Avcbvi Awd‡m Ggb GKUv wKQy Nwb‡q Avm‡Z hv‡”Q hv wb‡q Avcbv‡K †ek mZK© _vK‡Z n‡e|
†ivgvw›UK m¤ú‡K©i w`‡K bRi ivLyb| hviv wbLuyZ wdMvi I kixi ¯^v¯’¨ cvIqvi cÖ‡Póv Pvwj‡q hv‡”Qb, Zviv Z…ß n‡Z P‡j‡Qb|
fvjevmvi gvbylUv‡K Lywk Kivi Rb¨ Avcbv‡`i †KD †KD we‡kl cÖ‡Póv Pvjv‡Z cv‡ib| †ckv`vi w`K w`‡q mewKQy cwiKíbvgvwdK GwM‡q hv‡e|
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 9, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †e‡j ev`vgx
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 1, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: a~mi
†mŠfv‡M¨i msL¨v: 14, †mŠfv‡M¨i iO: †bwf e
Cover story
LEISURE 24 Hours
Sydney is a city where you can have breakfast by the beach, explore the thumping cityscape in the afternoon and witness an enchanting opera performance at night By: Aishwarya V is hwa n ath a n
mKv‡ji bvkZvUv mgy`ª ˆmK‡Z †m‡i mvivUv w`b kû‡i cwi‡e‡k KvwU‡q iv‡Z g‡bvgy»Ki A‡civ †`Lvi my‡hvM cv‡eb wmWwb‡Z wj‡L‡Qb: Hk¦wiqv wek¦bv_b
May - june 2018
Cover story
LEISURE 24 Hours
to some of Australia’s most familiar sights, Sydney is abuzz with creative and cultural hotspots. With ample opportunities to explore the best stretches of sand, iconic architectures and some of the country’s best food menu, Sydney is a perfect place to spend some quality time with family and friends.
(Below) Bondi beach, (Opposite page) the Sydney Town Hall
May - june 2018
Begin your sojourn with a refreshing yoga session at the Yoga by the Sea in Bondi Beach. After harmonising your mind, body and soul, get into full beach mode with breakfast at Speedo’s. It is the perfect place to enjoy breakfast with a view of the sea. A perennial favourite among tourists being Berkshire cutlet with grilled radicchio. An hour’s journey from the beach will take you to the Sydney Tower Eye observation deck, which gives a 360-degree view of city. Take a walk through the adjoining Skywalk to witness the city in all its glory. To the right of the Skywalk is the Wild Life Sydney Zoo (1.2 km), which is home to the Aussie
A‡bK¸‡jv cwiwPZ `„‡k¨i †`Lv wgj‡e wmWwb‡Z| †h kni wKbv m„RbkxjZv I mvs¯‹w… ZK Kv‡RK‡g© m`v PÂj| PgrKvi evjyi ˆmKZ, `viæY cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek, bv›`wbK ¯’vcZ¨‰kjx, fywi‡fvR Kivi g‡Zv me Lvevi, mvs¯‹w… ZK HwZ‡n¨i wgjb‡gjv; Gme wgwj‡q eÜy I cwievicwiRb wb‡q mgq KvUv‡bvi `y`v© šÍ RvqMv GB wmWwb|
ewÛ ˆmK‡Zi B‡qvMv evB `¨ wm-‡Z wM‡q B‡qvMv K‡i ïiæ Ki‡Z cv‡ib w`bwU| mvM‡ii gy³ evZv‡m kixi-gb Rywo‡q wb‡q cwic~Y© ˆmKZ-myjf gb wb‡q mKv‡ji bvkZvi Rb¨ P‡j hvIqv hvq Ôw¯ú‡WvÕ‡Z| mvMi †`L‡Z †`L‡Z LvIqvi cy‡iv Avb›`UvB cvIqv hv‡e †mLv‡b| ch©UK‡`i g‡a¨ GLvbKvi evK©kvqvi KvU‡jU I wMÖjW i¨vwWw”PIi RbwcÖqZv Zz‡½| Lvevi †kl K‡i GKUy wRwi‡q wb‡qB P‡j †h‡Z cv‡ib wmWwb UvIqvi AvB AeRvi‡fkb †W‡K| ˆmKZ †_‡K gvÎ GK NÈvi `~iZ¡ GwU| GLvb †_‡K wmWwbi Pvicv‡k 360 wWwMÖ †`Lvi my‡hvM cv‡eb Avcwb|
wmWwb ¯‹vBIqvK †_‡K Wv‡b gvÎ 1.2 wK‡jvwgUvi c_ †M‡jB wgj‡e IqvBì jvBd wmWwb Ry| A‡÷«wjqvi weL¨vZ cuvP cÖvYxi Avevm GLv‡b| G¸‡jv n‡jv †Kvqvjv, K¨v½viæ, KyKvm, GwPWbvm I Zvmgvwbqvb †Wwfj| wmWwbi G `„wób›`b eb¨cÖvYx Afqvi‡Y¨ LvwbKUv †nu‡U †eov‡jB Avcwb Avcbvi cQ‡›`i A‡÷ªwjqvb cÖvYxwU‡K Lye KvQ †_‡K †`Lvi my‡hvM cv‡eb| PvB‡j K¨v½viæi g‡Zv jvwd‡q jvwd‡qI I‡`i m‡½ Walk through Sydney’s wg‡k †h‡Z cv‡ib| iconic habitats and meet your favourite Australian animals.
big five — koalas, kangaroos, quokkas, echidnas and tasmanian devil.
For lunch, go for an authentic Australian spread at the Gastro Park. It offers intricately styled menu, offering adventurous dishes like the snapper fillet topped with fried fish scales. Once you are done, head to Oxford Street to explore the authentic Aussie art and craft at Paddington Markets. The stalls here sell everything from gadgets to food, fashion and souvenirs. Close to Paddington Markets, is Darling Harbour. It is said that you’ll run out of time long before you run out of options at the Darling Harbour. Attractions include Australia’s largest flower market, Sea Life Sydney Aquarium, the famed Madame Tussauds Sydney and the Chinese Garden of Friendship.
Begin your sojourn with a refreshing yoga session at Yoga by the Sea in Bondi Beach
`ycy‡ii Lvev‡i A‡÷ªwjqvb †gbyi Rb¨ †h‡Z cv‡ib M¨v‡÷ªv cv‡K©| wfbœ auv‡Pi me Lvevi i‡q‡Q †mLv‡b| Gi g‡a¨ Av‡Q ¯œ¨vcvi gv‡Qi wd‡ji m‡½ Auvk d«vB‡qi Uwcs| LvIqv †kl n‡j we‡K‡j Xuy gvi‡Z wbD mvD_ †nW †ivW a‡i A·‡dvW© w÷ª‡U P‡j †h‡Z cv‡ib| †mLvbKvi c¨vwWsUb gv‡K©‡U †M‡j cv‡eb AK… wÎg A‡÷ªwjqvb wkíKg© I KzwUiwkí| A‡÷«wjqvi HwZn¨evnx cY¨mvgMÖx QvovI wek¦L¨vZ me eª¨v‡Ûi †`Lv cv‡eb †mLv‡b| M¨v‡RU †_‡K Lvevi, d¨vkb †_‡K my¨‡fwbi; meB wewµ nq GB evRvi¸‡jv‡Z| c¨vwWsUb gv‡K©U †_‡K nvUv `~i‡Z¡B Av‡Q Wvwj©s nvievi| ejv n‡q _v‡K, GLv‡b Avcwb Kivi g‡Zv †hme KvR
Cover story
LEISURE 24 Hours
While in Sydney
Make the most of your trip
Brewtown Newtown Brewtown Newtown is definitely worth a visit for its cronuts. There’s a reason why everyone suggests to try their heavenly cronuts when you’re in Sydney.
Luna Park Sydney Luna Park is an iconic amusement park located in St Kilda, Melbourne, with unique rides, delicious food and holiday events for a perfect family fun day.
Queen Victoria Building Now a bustling shopping quarter, QVB is filled with a number of high fashion brands including Camilla, Coach, Fossil, etc.
May - june 2018
Sydney is a place known for its breathtaking beaches, thanks to its perch along Australia’s east coast. While the expansive Bondi Beach deservedly gets most of the attention from global visitors, there are few other beaches that are worth visiting, one among them being the Manly Beach which undoubtedly provides one of the best views of the thriving Sydney harbour. Take a ferry ride to Manly Beach, choose from an array of water activities that suit the whole family and explore the stunning scenery and exclusive beaches of Sydney.
You can’t leave Sydney without watching the sunset over the Sydney Harbour Bridge! On the edge of this iconic landmark of Sydney is the gateway to many attractions, Circular
cv‡eb, †m¸‡jv K‡i †kl Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB nv‡Zi mgq dzwi‡q hv‡e| Gi g~j AvKl©‡Yi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q A‡÷«wjqvi me‡P‡q eo dy‡ji evRvi, wm jvBd wmWwb A¨vKyqvwiqvg, weL¨vZ gv`vg Zy¨‡mv wmWwb Ges PvBwbR Mv‡W©b Ae †d«Ûwkc| k¦vmiæ×Ki ˆmKZ¸‡jvi Rb¨ wmWwbi mybvg eûw`‡bi| A‡÷ªwjqvi c~e© DcK‚‡ji cvo †Nu‡l _vKvq G¸‡jv GZUv bvgKiv| GLvbKvi Qov‡bv ewÛ wePUvB ch©UK‡`i AvKl©Y K‡i †ewk, Z_vwc Av‡iv wKQz ˆmKZ Av‡Q †h¸‡jv Ny‡i †`Lv †h‡ZB cv‡i| †h¸‡jv Qwo‡q Av‡Q kvšÍ wmWwb nve©vi weP I c¨vwmwdK Ikb mvd© we‡Pi gv‡S| †e‡o IVv wmWwb nviev‡ii PgrKvi `„k¨cU Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z g¨vbwj we‡P GKK_vq AmvaviY| g¨vbwj we‡P †h‡Z †dwi‡Z Po‡Z cv‡ib| †e‡Q wb‡Z cv‡ib cwievi‡K wb‡q cvwb‡Z Dc‡fvM Kivi g‡Zv A‡bK¸‡jv Kg©KvÊ| wb¯Íi½ †kwj we‡P wM‡q muvZvi KvU‡Z wKsev ¯œi‡Kwjs Ki‡Z cvi‡eb| A_ev GKwU Kvqv‡K K‡i wmWwb nviev‡ii Pvicv‡k c¨v‡Wj Pvjv‡Z cvi‡eb| Dc‡fvM Ki‡Z cvi‡eb g‡bvgy»Ki `„k¨cU I wmWwbi G·K¬zwmf me ˆmKZ|
Quay. This historically rich harbour was once a landing site for vessels carrying convicts from Britain. A five-minute drive from the Harbour Bridge will take you to the archetypical Sydney Opera House. Learn about this unique structure through a guided tour and then follow it up with dinner at the Opera Kitchen. This food court combines outlets from some of Sydney’s fanciest food joints. Some of the must try options here are the plank-roasted king salmon at Cloudy Bay Fish Company and tiger prawn and green mango rice paper rolls at Misschu. Take in the atmosphere and a night of enchanting performance by reserving a seat at one of the sails and experience an opera performance unlike anywhere else in the world.
wmWwb nvievi weª‡R wM‡q m~hv© ¯Í bv †`‡L Avcwb wmWwb †Q‡o †h‡Z cvi‡eb bv wKQz‡ZB| wmWwbi GB bvgKiv ¯’vc‡Z¨i GK cÖv‡šÍ wgj‡e Av‡iv A‡bK AvKl©Y| hvi g‡a¨ Av‡Q mviKzjvi †Kv‡q| HwZnvwmKfv‡e mg„× GB nvieviwU GKmgq weª‡Ub †_‡K Avmv K‡qw`‡`i RvnvR wfo Kivi Kv‡R e¨eüZ n‡Zv| nvievi we«R †_‡K gvÎ cuvP wgwb‡Ui c_ †c‡iv‡jB wmWwb A‡civ nvD‡Ri euvKv‡bv feb †Pv‡L co‡e| Awb›`¨ GB ¯’vcZ¨KxwZ© Ny‡i †`Lyb †Kv‡bv GK MvB‡WW Uz¨‡ii gva¨‡g, Gici iv‡Zi Lvev‡ii Rb¨ P‡j hvb A‡civ wK‡P‡b| wmWwbi Ab¨Zg AwfRvZ me Lvev‡ii AvDU‡j‡Ui Rb¨ Gi L¨vwZ Av‡Q `viæY| Gi g‡a¨ bv †L‡jB bq Ggb ZvwjKvq Av‡Q K¬vDwW †e wdk †Kv¤úvwbi cø¨vsK †iv‡÷W wKs m¨vgb| G Qvov †L‡Z cv‡ib wgkPzÕi UvBMvi cÖb I KuvPv Av‡gi ivBm †ccvi †ivj| Gi g‡a¨ GKwU †mB‡ji cv‡k Avmb wiRvf© K‡i ivLyb Avi iv‡Zi cwi‡ekUv‡K K‡i wbb Avcb| Dc‡fvM Kiæb Ggb GK A‡civ cvidi‡gÝ hv `ywbqvi Avi †Kv_vI wgj‡e bv|
(Below) Luna Park, (Opposite page) the Art Gallery of New South Wales
Inflight Entertainment Latest English MOVIES
Justice League Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy.
Murder On The Orient Express
The Greatest Showman
Home Again
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Transformers: The Last Knight
MAy - june 2018
Bangla Movies
Dipu Number Two
Titas Ekti Nodir Name
Daruchini Dip
Wrong Number
Nishwartha Bhalobasha
Nadir Nam Modhumati
Chitra Nodir Pare 73
Hindi Movies
Badrinath ki Dulhania
The Wishing Tree
The film focuses on Sultan Ali Khan, a fictional wrestling champion from Haryana whose successful career creates a rift in his personal life.
Bangla Documentary
Preronay Bangabandhu
Bono Jatri
Tahar Pongktimala
Western Comedy
2 Broke Girls
The Grinder
New Girl
Modern Family
Bangla Telefilms
Boro Chele
Batch 27
Har Kipte
also featuring Karam
Moner Vitor Nodi
My name is Bill Gates
Bibek Mojid
Western Documentary Dream Cars
Adventure Wanted
Hooked on Cricket
Ultra Cars
World Wild Web
MAy - june 2018
In-flight Scramble
Jungle Quest
Speed Circuit
Letter Mix
In-flight Pool
audio english
Pink Floyd
Billy Joel
ZZ Top
Abdul Jabbar
Ayub Bachchu
Sreekanto Acharya
Runa Laila
audio Bengali
Abdul Alim
Offices Biman Bangladesh Airlines (domestic) Barishal
40 Sadar Road (3rd Floor), Barishal 1226 Bangabandhu Sarak (Rangpur Road), Saidpur, Nilphamari +88-01777 775530 : 05526 71995 Chittagong +88-01777 775538 (CGP (GMT +6) 88031, Biman bhaban, 1/2, CDA Avenue, Shah Amanat International Airport, Chitagong Sholosohar, Chittagong-4203 +88-031-2500990 to 95, +88-031-650671 to 75, +88-031-2500941 to 50 +88-031-650982 to 84 +88-031- 651890 to 91 Cox’ Bazar (CXB) (GMT +6) (0341), Green Villa, Puraton Kosba, Jessore, Motel Upal, Parjatan Holyday Complex , Cox’s Bazar District Manager: 0421-71995 +88-0341-63461 Stations Manager: 0421-71996 +88-01777 775526 Airport: +88 01777 77529
Rajshahi Parjatan Motel, Shah Abdul Majid Road, Sreerampur, Rajshahi – 6000 +88 0721 774787, +88 0721 774838, +88-01777 775536
Sylhet (ZYL) (GMT +6) Airport road, Majumdari, Sylhet-3100 +88-0821-717026 to 28, +88-0821-717411-717421
Airport office Osmani international airport, Sylhet.
Biman Bangladesh Airlines (International) Abu Dhabi
Abu dhabi (AUH), (GMT+4) Sk. Zayed 2nd st./ Electra street, Bldg no. 5213, PO Box-4356 Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-6342597 Fax: +971-02-6344664 Mobile: +971-050-6146768 Email:
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Dammam, Saudi Arabia
(GMT+3), Ace Building, Post Box No – 4492, Al Khobar 31952, Pepsi, Cola Road,.Dammam, KSA. +966-013-8873236 Fax: +966-013-8822523 Mobile: +966-55-2255895 Email:
Delhi, India
Room no. 2250, Abu dhabi, uae +971-02-5757053 Pabx : +971-02-5757500/2673 Fax +971-02-6344664 Mobile : +971-050-6131293 Email:
Delhi (DEL), (GMT+5.30) 320-321 Indra Prakesh Building, Barakhamba Road Cannaught Place, New Delhi-110001 +91-11-41519468 Fax: +91-11-23705481 Mobile: +91- 9811322146 Email
Delhi Airport
Bahrain (BAH), (GMT+3) Shop No -08, Building No – 18Delmon International Hotel, Manama Block 315, Road No -357, Kingdom Of Bahrain +973-17212541 Fax: +973-17213426 Mobile: +973-39118140 Email:
Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok (BKK), (GMT+7) 163, Ocean Insurance Building 01/17 Floor Unit, 17A, Surawongse Road, Suriyawongse, Bangkok-10500 +66-02-2355556 Fax: +66-(0)22369973 Mobile: +66-(0)898960554 Email:
Bangkok Airport
Room no – Z-2 007, 2nd floor AOB Building, Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. +66-(0)2-1342940 Fax: +66-(0)2-1342944 Mobile: +66-(0)8199243379 Email:
Benelux, The Netherlands Beechavenue 104, 1119 PP Schiphol, The Netherlands +31-(0)20 - 65 51 176 Fax:+31-(0)20 - 62 30 151 Brussels Park Hill, J.E. Mommaertslaan 18 B, 3rd floor 1831 Diegem, Brussels, Belgium +31-(0)2 - 71 20 498 Fax:+32-(0)2 - 72 58 392
CIP-02, Level-3, IGI Airport, New Delhi 110037, India :+91-11-49638277 Fax: +91-11-49638277 Mobile: +91-9811322147 Residence :+91-11-28533590 Email
Doha (Qatar)
Doha (DOH), (GMT+3), Building No – 35, Souqahmed bin ali 07, Al-tarbiya street, P.O, box – 2738, +974-44413054 Fax: +974-44412000(gsa) Mobile: +974-55529477 Pabx: +974-44413422/117 Residence : +974-44368645 Email
Dubai, UAE
Dubai (DXB), (GMT+4) Al Masraf Tower, 16th Floor, Office #1605, Albaniyas Road, P.O. Box No -1515, Deira, Dubai, UAE + 971-4-220942/205 Office: +971-4-2283767 /205 Fax: + 971-4-2278451 Mobile: + 971-50-5539045 Residence: + 971-4-2576185 Email:
Dubai International
Airport, Terminal-1, Departure building, Room# 1017, 1049 & 1050 + 971-4-2162895 Fax: + 971-4-2245420 Mobile: + 971-50-5525936 Email:
Frankfurt c/o AVIAREPS, Kaiserstrasse 77 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 070 Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 770 673 235
Hong Kong
(HKG) (GMT+8) (00852), Room no. 214 & 215, F-2, F East, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road Tsim, Shatsuikowloon, +852-27248464 Fax: +852-27246284 Mobile: +852-94702724
Kuwait (KWI), (GMT+3), Al-Homaizi Building, Al Soor Street PO Box - 23837, Safat 13099, + 965-22426846/7 Fax: + 965-22439764, + 965-22428671 Mobile: + 965-99813462 Email:,
Airport Office Room-6So13, Lebel 6, South Concourse, Pax Terminal- 1, Hong Kong Airport +852-23298036 Fax: +852-23525830 Residence: +852-94702754 Email:
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED), (GMT+3) Al-Nakheel Center, Madinah Road P.O Box-13541, Jeddah, KSA +966-2-6652891 Fax: +966-2-6652850 Mobile: +966-501491014 Email:
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia King Abdul Aziz Int’l Airport +966-2-6853194 Fax: +966-2-6853326 Mobile: +966-505319533 Residence: +966-2-6552562 Email:
Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu (KTM), (GMT+5.45) House No- 314, Nagpokhari, Nexal, + 977-01-4434869 Fax: + 977-01-4434869 Mobile: + 977-9851037510 Email:
Kolkata, India
Paris 122 Champs Elysées 75008 Paris, France +33 (0) 1 53 43 53 38 Fax:+33 (0) 1 53 43 79 19
London, UK
London (LON), (GMT+0.0) 17 Conduit Street,.London W1S 2B + 44-(0)2076290161, 2076290252, + 2074957478, + 2074957480 Fax: +44 (0) 2076290736 Mobile: +44 (0) 7908117126 Residence :+44(0) 208 5982358 Email:,
Room no.5900D (5th floor), North East Extension, Terminal - 4, Hounslow, Middlesex Hearthrow Airport TW6 3FB + 44-(0) 208 745 7550 Fax: +44 (0) 208 7456390 Mobile: +44 (0) 7949686823 Residence : +44(0) 208 5738127 Email:
Cargo And Stores & Purchase Office Stratus House Office Block (1st floor), Bedfont Road, Staines Middlesex TW19 7NH + 44-(0) 1784266116 Fax: +44 (0) 1784266097 Mobile: +44 (0) 7960650342 Email:
N S C B International Airport Kolkata - 700052
Manchester, UK
(KUL), (GMT+8), 13th, Floor Menera Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang 50450 Kualalumpur, Malaysia. +603-21646131 Fax: +603-21646142 Mobile: +6012-2736676 Email:
Airport Office Lot S10 & S31, Main Terminal Building, KL International Airport Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. +603-87764770 Fax: +603-87873881 Mobile: +6019-3806643 Email:
Riyadh (RUH) (GMT+3) (00966) P.O.Box no. 21076, Riyadh-11475.K.S.A +966-1-4623537, +966-1-4623376 Fax: +966-4623501 Mobile: +966-504246352
Airport Office Airport Office
Madrid Eloy Gonzalo 27, 3rd Floor Offices IV and V, 28010 Madrid, Spain +34 - 91 - 458 57 35 Fax: +34 - 91 - 344 17 26
Kualalumpur, Malaysia
Nordics (Sweden) Riddargatan 17 114 57 Stockholm, Sweden +46 - 8 - 55 56 91 56 Fax:+46 - 8 - 24 18 88
Room No – FF 58, Airport Mall Area + 965-24330863 Fax: + 965-22428671,+ 965-24330863 Mobile: + 965-99367919 Email:
Kuwait International Airport
Kolkata (CCU), (GMT+5.30), 99A, Park Street, Siddha Park, 6th Floor, +91-33-2226-6675 Fax: +91-33-2226-6674 Mobile: +91-9831098639 Email:
+91-33-25119662 Fax: +91-33-25119662 Mobile: +91-9831098638 Residence: +91-33-25119826 Email:
Fax: +1-212-8084589 Residence: +1-718-526-4146 Email:
Manchester (MAN), (GMT+0.00) Suite – 1B, Portland Building 127-129 Portland Street, Manchester, M1 4PZ, UK +44-161-2286605/2636 Fax: +44-1612287070 Mobile: +44-7538626645 Residence: + 44-161-9486718 Email:
Muscat, Oman (MCT), (GMT+4) Shaikh Al-Mashany Building, 3rd Floor, Opposite of Mosque Qaboos Khamis, Al-Shaqsi Street, PO Box – 1106, Ruwi, PC-112 Sultanate Of Oman. +968-24701128 Fax: +968-24703704 Mobile: +968-99474929 Email:
New York, USA New York (NYC), (GMT-5), 747 Third Avenue , 2nd Floor, NY-10017. +1-212-808-4477, +1-212-808-4523 Mobile:+1-917-520-8069,
Head Office : Balaka, Kumitola, Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh, Tel: +88-02-8901600, +88-02-8901730-44
King Khaled Int’l Airport Riyadh Riyadh, Kingdom Of Saudia Room No-1565 +966 1 220-0227 (a/p) Fax: +966-1 220-0227 Mobile: +966-50-424-6353 Email:
Rome, Italy Rome (ROM), (GMT+1) Via Bissolati 54, Roma. +39-06-42884911 Fax: +39-06-42000211 Mobile: +39-3276868970 Email:
Singapore Singapore (SIN), (GMT+8) 72 Anson Road, #05-03, Anson House, Singapore 079911 +65-64385220 Fax: +65-64387998 Mobile: +65-91119069 Email:
Airport Office Passenger Terminal Building, #041-49, Singapore Changi Airport Terminal -1, P.O. Box No-23, Singapore 819642 +65-65420067 Fax: +65-65426787 Mobile: +65-96323207 Email:
Toronto, Canada Toronto (YYZ), (GMT-5), 208, Bloor Street, West Suite No -806, PO M5S3B4, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. +1-416-9443381 Fax: +1-416-9448744 Email:
Yangon, Myanmar GSA - Transmarine Logistics Asia Pte Ltd, Room: R-18, 2nd Floor, Centre Point Tower No 65 Corner of Sule Pagoda Road and Merchant Street, Kyuaktada Township +95 1 371867-68, Fax: +95 1 371869 Mobile: +95943029328 Email:
Bangladesh fleet
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. Central Engineering Department
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 737-800 (12J+150Y = 162 PAX) Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit(02nos.)
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit(02nos.)
Entry/ Exit
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-300ER (35J+384Y = 419 PAX) Entry/ Entry/ Entry/ Emergency Exit Exit Exit Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Rows 1-28
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Entry/ Exit
Rows 1-52 (Row No. 13 are omitted.)
Interior Arrangement of Boeing 777-200ER (12J+21W+286Y = 319PAX) Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit
Emergency Exit
Entry/ Exit
Emergency Exit Rows 1-43 (Rows No. 3-7 are omitted.)
Entry/ Exit
Interior Arrangement of Q 400 Aircraft S2-AGR Passenger Compartment Y Class 74 Seats Emergency Exit
Service Door
AFT PAX DOOR Pitch: 19 X 31”
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fleet Data TECHNICAL DETAILS
35 J + 384 Y
12 J + 21 W + 286 Y
12 J+ 150 Y
Engines (maximum thrust)
GE90-100 (115,300 lbs.)
PW4090 (90,000 lbs.)
CFM56-7 (26,300 lbs.)
Maximum Fuel Capacity
181,300 liters
171,200 liters
26,025 liters
Maximum Takeoff Weight
755,000 lbs
632,499 lbs
70,987 kg
Maximum Range
7,825 NM (14,490 km)
7725NM (14316 km)
5,665 km
Typical Cruise Speed
905 km/h
1000 km/h
828 km/h
Wing span
212 ft. 7 in (64.8 m)
199 ft. 11 in (60.9 m)
112 ft. 7in (34.315 m)
With winglets
117 ft. 5 in (35.8 m)
Overall Length
242 ft. 4 in (73.86 m)
209 ft. 1 in (63.7 m)
129 ft. 6 in (39.472 m)
Tail Height
60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)
60 ft. 8 in (18.49 m)
40 ft. 10.5 in (12.459 m)
Interior Cabin Width
20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)
20 ft. 4 in (6.2 m)
12 ft. 4 in (3.7592 m)
Note: Interior arrangement of S2-ADK has shown in figure. ‘W’ refers to Premium Economy Class of Biman and may vary according to routes.