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DEC 2019
2019 ديسمبر
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Picturesque Langkawi Skirted by turquoise waters, this pristine archipelago is dotted with verdant hills
النكاوي الخالبة يحيط بهذه الجزيرة المياه الفيروزية والتالل الخضراء
Roam Roam Roamlike like likeyou’ve you’ve you’ve Roam never never never likeleft left left you’ve never left Roam like you’ve never left home, home, home,with with withFreedom Freedom Freedom home, with Freedom home, with Freedom Use Use Use your your your local local local minutes minutes minutes Use and and and your data data data local abroad abroad abroad minutes and data abroad Use your local minutes and data abroad starting starting starting atat at AED AED AED 100 100 100 per per per starting week. week. AED 100 per week. starting at AED 100 per week. Your Your Your choice... choice... choice... your your your rules. rules. rules. Your choice... your rules. Your choice... your rules.
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from the TEAM Dear Readers, This month, we travel to Langkawi (page 16), Malaysia, that is dotted with verdant hills that are home to rainforests abounding in flora and fauna. Next, we head
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to Sfax (page 18), the second-largest city of Tunisia,
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head to the city of Prague (page 20), capital of the Czech Republic, to experience its gothic spires, cobble stoned streets and numerous cultural hotspots. In this edition, we also have a catalogue of the latest lifestyle amenities and a menu that lets you choose from lip-smacking international delicacies. We always endeavour to bring to you stories about the most sought-after destinations across the globe, and we hope this issue inspires you to travel the world and soak up all that it has to offer!
Happy reading, Editorial Team Nawras
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Padlocks on Sky bridge Langkawi in Malaysia
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Picturesque Langkawi Skirted by turquoise waters, this pristine archipelago is dotted with verdant hills
النكاوي الخالبة يحيط بهذه الجزيرة المياه الفيروزية والتالل الخضراء
Photo: Shutterstock
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in this Issue 16
8 CalEndar Check out what’s going on where this month
التقويم8 تأكد من كل ما سيحدث في هذا الشهر
10 snapshot Snippets, tips about travel, people and history
لقطات10 مقتطفات ونصائح حول السفر واألشخاص والتاريخ
12 interview Artist Ersin Han Ersin’s immersive virtual reality work offers to look at their immediate surroundings from nature’s point of view
مقابلة12 تعكس أعمال الفنان إرسين هان إرسين الواقع االفتراضي من خالل نظرته الشاملة والخاصة على الطبيعة المحيطة به
16 a Day in langkawi Skirted by turquoise waters, this pristine archipelago is dotted with verdant hills
24 18
يوم في النكاوي16
يحيط بهذه الجزيرة المياه الفيروزية والتالل الخضراء
18 a day in SFAX
The second-largest city of Tunisia, Sfax is a bundle of pleasant surprises
يوم في صفاقس18
صفاقس ثاني أكبر مدينة في وهي جامعة لكثير، تونس من الخيرات المتنوعة
20 48 Hours in Prague The capital of Czech Republic, Prague amazes and inspires with its Gothic grace
24 news A look at what has been happening at Air Arabia
28 map Air Arabia’s destinations
ساعة في براغ48 20
تتمتع العاصمة التشيكية براغ بمعالمها الفريدة التي تخطف األنظار أخبار24
نظرة على ما حدث ويحدث في العربية للطيران خريطة28
وجهات العربية للطيران
Enjoy a world of artistic wonder
اﺳﺘﻤﺘﻊ ﺑﻌﺎﻟﻢ ﻣﻦ ا ﺑﺪاع اﻟﻔﻨﻲ
Louai Kayali | Sorrows, 1971| Oil on wood
Enjoy a world of artistic wonder and creativity spread over large spacious galleries that welcome you throughout the year. This unique museum offers art lovers and all visitors, the opportunity to admire the splendor of the museum’s permanent Arab Art collection, as well as temporary exhibitions hosted by the museum throughout the year. In addition to participating in the museum’s regular program and workshops. Opening hours Entry is free
Saturday to Thursday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Friday 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm For Enquiries: + 9716 568 8222
ﻫﻨﺎ ﻳﻤﻜﻨﻚ ﺃﻥ ﺗﺘﻤﺘﻊ ﺑﻔﻀﺎﺀﺍﺕ ﻣﺸﺮﻋﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺠﻤﺎﻝ ﻭﺍﻟﻔﻦ ﻭﺍﻹﺑﺪﺍﻉ ﺇﻧﻬﺎ ﻓﻀﺎﺀﺍﺕ. ﻭﻫﻲ ﻣﺘﺎﺣﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺪﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ،ﺗﺤﺘﻀﻨﻬﺎ ﻣﺴﺎﺣﺎﺕ ﺭﺣﺒﺔ ﺣﻴﺚ ﻳﺤﻈﻮﻥ ﺑﻤﺸﺎﻫﺪﺓ،ﻻ ﻣﺜﻴﻞ ﻟﻬﺎ ﻟﻤﺘﺬﻭﻗﻲ ﺍﻟﻔﻨﻮﻥ ﻭﺯﻭﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺤﻒ ﺗﺸﻜﻴﻠﺔ ﻭﺍﺳﻌﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻣﻘﺘﻨﻴﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺤﻒ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺘﻀﻤﻦ ﺍﻋﻤﺎﻝ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻔﻦ ﺑﺎﻹﺿﺎﻓﺔ ﺇﻟﻰ ﺍﺳﺘﻀﺎﻓﺔ ﻣﻌﺎﺭﺽ ﻓﻨﻴﺔ،ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻲ ﺍﻟﺤﺪﻳﺚ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﻌﺎﺻﺮ ﻭﻳﻤﻜﻨﻜﻢ ﺃﻳﻀﺎ ﺍﻟﻤﺸﺎﺭﻛﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺮﺍﻣﺞ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺤﻒ.ﻣﺆﻗﺘﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺪﺍﺭ ﺍﻟﺴﻨﺔ .ﻭﺍﻟﻮﺭﺵ ﺍﻟﻤﺼﺎﺣﺒﺔ ً ﻣﺴﺎﺀ 8:00 - ﺻﺒﺎﺣﺎ 8:00 ﺍﻟﺴﺒﺖ – ﺍﻟﺨﻤﻴﺲ ً ﻣﺴﺎﺀ 8:00 – ﻣﺴﺎﺀ 4:00 ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻌﺔ ً ً + 9716 568 8222 :ﻟﻼﺳﺘﻔﺴﺎﺭ
ﻣﻮﺍﻋﻴـــﺪ ﺍﻟﺰﻳــﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﺧﻮﻝ ﻣﺠﺎﻧﻲ
The short list
S N I P P E T S , T I P S & FA C T S A B O U T T R A V E L , P E O P L E , H I S T O R Y A N D E V E N T S
القائمة المختصرة اكتشفوا األم��اك��ن الممتعة التي تأخذكم إليها العربية للطيران
\\ \\ \\
christmas (December 25), around the world An event commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, it is marked by prayers, feasts and exchange of gifts
Did you know? Holly and ivy have been used as Christmas decorations since the 9th century. They symbolise everlasting life.
في جميع،) ديسمبر25( عيد الميالد أنحاء العالم وتقام في هذا،يحتفل في هذه المناسبة بذكرى والدة يسوع المسيح ويتم تبادل الهدايا،اليوم الصلوات واألعياد
هل تعلم؟
.تستخدم شجرة الكريسماس كزينة لعيد الميالد منذ القرن التاسع .وترمز للحياة األبدية
events calendar December 4
Michael Jackson “Dangerous” x ASSO Where: Yerevan, Armenia Gear up to listen to some of the iconic songs of Michael Jackson arranged and performed by musicians of the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra. To be held at the Karen Demirchyan Complex, the show will be conducted under the baton of Sergey Smbatyan, along with vocalists Bagrat Terteryan, Lusine Kchozyan and Sona Shiroyan.
December 4 - 6
Dubai International Coffee and Tea Festival Where: Dubai, UAE
This event showcases all facets of coffee and tea - from products and equipment to services. Highlights of this year’s edition include professional training in tea and coffee making, and barista competitions.
ديسمبر6 – 4
مهرجان دبي الدولي للقهوة والشاي يقدم هذا المهرجان كل ما يخص: االمارات، دبي:المكان .القهوة والشاي بداية من المنتجات والمعدات وحتى الخدمات تشمل أبرز إصدارات هذا العام التدريب المهني في صنع . ومسابقات باريستا،الشاي والقهوة
”Dangerous“ x ASSO مايكل جاكسون يعرض هذا الحفل بعض األغاني المميزة لمايكل: أرمينيا، يريفان:المكان يقام.جاكسون التي يعزفها موسيقيون من أوركسترا األرمن السيمفوني ومجموعة،الحفل في مجمع كارين ديميرشيان تحت قيادة سيرجي سمباتيان . ولوزين كوشيان وسونا شيرويان،من الفنانين مثل باغرات ترتيريان
December 11 - 15
Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival Where: Kathmandu, Nepal This festival showcases some of the most exciting films about mountains, its environment, cultures and communities from the world over. It also features discussions and an exhibition of photographs celebrating mountains.
ديسمبر15 - 11
مهرجان كاتماندو السينمائي الدولي يعرض: نيبال، كاتماندو:المكان هذا المهرجان مجموعة من أكثر األفالم الشيقة الخاصة بالجبال وبيئتها وثقافاتها ومجتمعاتها كما.من جميع أنحاء العالم تعرض هذه االفالم على مناقشات .ومعرض للصور الخاصة بالجبال PHOTO: Vimeo
جدول الفعاليات
December 15 - 22
Serendipity Arts Festival Where: Goa, India This annual multi-disciplinary festival features some of the best ingenious minds from across the country. From theatre to visual arts, music to dance, exhibitions to workshops and photography to culinary arts - satiate your love for everything creative here.
ديسمبر22 – 15
مهرجان فنون الصدفة
يضم هذا المهرجان السنوي متعدد التخصصات: الهند، غوا:المكان مجموعة من أفضل العقول العبقرية في كافة المجاالت ومن جميع من المسرح إلى الفنون المرئية والموسيقى والرقص.أنحاء البالد .والمعارض وحتى ورش العمل والتصوير الفوتوغرافي وفنون الطهي
December 21
Yalda Festival Where: Iran Also called the Shab-e-Yalda, it is one of the most awaited events in Iran, which marks the longest night of the year. Traditionally, on this day, friends and family gather together to feast and read poetry all night long. PHOTO:
مهرجان يلدا وهو من،أيضا باسم شب يلدا أو ليلة يلدا ً ُيعرف هذا المهرجان: إيران:المكان و ُيمثل أطول ليلة في السنة حيث يجتمع،أكثر المهرجانات المشهورة في إيران .معا لتناول الطعام وقراءة الشعر طوال الليل ً في هذا اليوم األصدقاء والعائلة
December 31
Hofberg Silvester Ball
كرة هوفبرغ سيلفستر
Where: Vienna, Austria Held at the Hofberg (former imperial palace), this annual event will host its 50th edition this year. The celebrations will feature a four-course gala dinner, celebrated artistes from across the world, an evening waltz and an operetta.
يأتي هذا: النمسا، فيينا:المكان الحدث السنوي الذي يقام في قصر هوفبرغ (القصر اإلمبراطوري السابق) في دورته الخمسين لهذا وستضم االحتفاالت حفل.العام ،عشاء مكون من أربعة أطباق مع مشاركة فنانين مشهورين من جميع أنحاء العالم ألداء رقصة .الفالس وأوبريت غنائي PHOTO:
2 Ways
to explore flea markets
Exploring Mount Kenya National Park
Sarojini Nagar, Delhi, India From clothes and accessories to jewellery, this market hs something for everybody within budget.
2 Dubai Flea Market, UAE Touted as the biggest second-market in town, it offers books, clothes, home appliances, toys and more.
Focus on
Emma Watson أسواق السلع المستعملة
1 سوق ساروجيني الهند، دلهي،ناجار يباع في هذا السوق كل ما تحتاجه في حدود ميزانيتك بدءا من المالبس واإلكسسوارات .وحتى المجوهرات
سوق دبي للسلع االمارات،المستعملة ،يعد أكبر سوق في المدينة وتباع به الكتب والمالبس واألجهزة المنزلية ولعب .األطفال وغيرها
NEW RELEASE – This British star wanted to become an actress when she was six years old and got her first break in 2001 with the Harry Potter movies. She will be playing Meg March in the cinematic adaptation of Louisa Alcott’s novel Little Women. TRIVIA – At 15, she became the youngest person to appear on the cover of Teen Vogue magazine, dated November 2005.
تحت العدسة
إيما واتسون أخر األعمال – كانت تحلم النجمة البريطانية إيما واتسون وهي في عمر 2001 وحصلت على أول فرصة لها في عام،السادسة بأن تصبح ممثلة بمشاركتها في سلسلة أفالم هاري بوترو و وستلعب دور “ميج مارش” في .فيلم “نساء صغيرات” المأخوذ من رواية لويزا ألكوت أصبحت أصغر شخص يظهر على غالف مجلة التين، 15 منوعات – في سن .2005 بتاريخ نوفمبر،رائج
A UNESCO World Heritage Site and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the Mount Kenya National Park boasts over 130 species of birds and houses such animals as elephants, tree hyrax, white tailed mongoose, suni, black fronted duiker, mole rat, bushbucks, water buck and elands. Visitors can enjoy several activities like mountain climbing, camping and caving here.
دليل في دقيقة استكشاف منتزه جبل الوطني كينيا أيضا ً ُيعرف الكولوسيوم وهو أحد،باسم مدرج فالفيان المعالم السياحية الشهيرة تم افتتاحه في.في المدينة ويمكن، بعد الميالد80 عام 50000 أن يسع حوالي متفرج ويقصده الزوار إلقامة عندما.المناسبات السعيدة افتتح الكولوسيوم ألول مرة احتفل اإلمبراطور تيتوس بهذه المناسبة من خالل استضافة دورة األلعاب التي ! يوم100 استمرت لمدة
You can comment on your experience or discover Air Arabia's latest news and offers by following @airarabiagroup @airarabiagroup بإمكانكم إرسال تعليق على تجربة سفركم معنا أو متابعة أخر األخبار و أحدث العروض من العربية للطيران
DAY IN HISTORY December 17, 1903 First flight of the wright brothers After three years of research and experimentation, Orville and Wilbur Wright achieved the first powered, controlled airplane flights. They made four flights near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. In fact, Wilbur guided the world’s first plane through the air for a distance of 852 ft in 59 seconds.
12 hours
City Stopover: Lviv, Ukraine SEE Lviv Old Town A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lviv’s Old Town is situated in the buzzing historic centre of the city.
TRY Hill Castle Climb to Hill Castle, an 18th century building, said to be the highest point in the city.
EAT Local cuisine Try borscht (beet soup) and deruny (potato pancek served with sour cream).
SHOP Krakivsky Rynok A bustling outdoor market, this is a favourite haunt of locals for fresh fruit and meat.
ساعة12 يوم في التاريخ 1903 ديسمبر17
أول رحلة لإلخوان رايت بعد ثالث سنوات من البحث نجحا األخوان أورفيل وويلبر رايت في أول رحلة طيران تعمل لقد.بالطاقة والتحكم قاما بأربع رحالت جوية بالقرب من كيتي هاوك في والية كارولينا كما قاد ويلبر.الشمالية أول طائرة في العالم عبر الهواء لمسافة . ثانية59 قدما في ً 852
أوكرانيا، لفيف:وقفة في مدينة شاهد مدينة لفيف القديمة تقع مدينة لفيف القديمة في أحد مواقع التراث العالمي التابعة في وسط مركز،لليونسكو .المدينة التاريخي الصاخب
قلعة التل استمتع بالصعود إلى قلعة التل التي يرجع تاريخها إلى القرن وتُعد،الثامن عشر .أعلى نقطة في المدينة
المطبخ التقليدي جرب حساء البرش (حساء البنجر) وفطيرة ديروني (فطيرة البطاطا تقدم مع الكريمة .)الحامضة
The Read
Travel App
From New York Times bestselling author StephenKing comes The Institute, a fastpaced yet poignant tale of a childhood betrayed and hope regained.
Hoppper This travel-friendly app sends you notifications about price demographics from the world over after analysing data.
سيطرح ستيفن كينغ ،مبيعا مؤلف أكثر الكتب ً ،”Institute“ قصة بعنوان وهي قصة سريعة ومؤثرة عن طفولة شخص تعرض للخيانة وتمكن من استعادة .األمل في الحياة
تسوق سوق كراكوفسكي رينوك عبارة عن سوق خارجي وهو المكان،صاخب المفضل لدى السكان المحليين لشراء الفواكه .الطازجة واللحوم
تطبيق Hopper يرسل لك هذا التطبيق الرائع المخصص للسفر إشعارات بشأن مستوى األسعار في جميع أنحاء العالم بعد تحليل البيانات من الرحالت .المدفوعة
Nature’s narrative Artist Ersin Han Ersin’s immersive virtual reality work offers to look at their immediate surroundings from nature’s point of view text BY vinayak surya swami
He is an artist and a creative director. But unlike other creative minds, Ersin San Ersin’s art practice brings together such mainstream and innovative disciplines as sculptures, installations, live performances and mixed reality. Through his art, he tries to highlight the hidden natural forces that surround us, inviting participants to navigate with a sensory perception beyond their daily experience. » You studied in Turkey and London before deciding to work with Virtual Reality (VR). What inspired you to make the switch from the mainstream? It was a natural progression rather than a switch. I studied Visual Communication Design which introduced me to new media
studies and computer-aided art forms, which led me to do my masters in Computational Art in London. Working with emerging media has been at the centre of my practice. I’ve been creating immersive experiences since my Turkey days, which led me to virtual reality since it’s the most immersive of all mediums. Now we are building narratives that are targetting not only audiovisual receptors but going beyond and looking into scent, haptics and taste.
Once everything is in place, we start the core production, which includes UI/UX designers, unicorn programmers, robotic experts, computer engineers and so on. The last phase is putting all aspects together with the physical installation in mind and iterating till we run out of resources. The last stage includes real-world testing with real visitors which allows us add the final touches. So no project is completely finished, but I guess that’s the reality of most of the creation processes.
» Tell us about the collaborative project ‘Marshmallow Laser Feast’. Collaboration is at the centre of what we do. Pretty much every project brings a vast background of professions together to realise seemingly impossible tasks. We learn a lot from each other, and I think the part that I love the most about our process is this enrichment.
» What was it that first got you interested in nature and what can we expect from your creative studio in the future? It’s great working with institutions like OMM that take environmental issues seriously and use art to address our fundamental dependency on nature. Museums act like cultural lighthouses, positively impacting social life. Eskisehir has one of the youngest demographics in Turkey and stimulating this young audience with great architecture, beautifully curated collections and diverse programming gives all of us hope for our collective futures in Turkey.
» Creating a VR display as elaborate as this is a tedious process. How did you go about it? The process often starts with a concept. Then the process splits into two strands; one is about capturing the environment and the second one is the scientific research which leads us to the sensorial narrative building phase.
Bottom:Stills from Marshmallow Laser Feast’s Treehugger, on display as part of OMM’s inaugural exhibition in Turkey till Dec 6
قصة الطبيعة تعكس أعمال الفنان إرسين هان إرسين الواقع االفتراضي من خالل نظرته الشاملة والخاصة على الطبيعة المحيطة به كتبته :فيناياك سوريا سوامي إرس���ي���ن ه���ان إرس���ي���ن ه���و ف��ن��ان وم��خ��رج
التي عملت بها .واآلن نقوم بإنشاء أعما ًلا
ومهندسي كمبيوتر وم��ا إل��ى ذل��ك .وتأتي
إبداعي .ولكنه على عكس اإلبداعية األخرى،
تستهدف المستقبل السمعي وال��ب��ص��ري
المرحلة األخيرة من خالل وضع جميع جوانب
حيث يجمع بين الممارسة الفنية والتخصصات
وتذهب إلى ما هو أبعد من ذلك مثل الرائحة،
العمل مع التثبيت المادي ،وتكرار ذلك حتى
ال��رئ��ي��س��ي��ة وال��م��ب��ت��ك��رة م��ث��ل ال��م��ن��ح��وت��ات
واللمس والتذوق.
نفاد الموارد .وتشمل المرحلة األخيرة إجراء اختبار في العالم الحقيقي مع زوار حقيقيين
والمنشآت والعروض الحية والواقع المختلط. ويحاول إرسين من خالل فنه تسليط الضوء
» حدثنا أكثر عن مشروعك التعاوني
إلضافة اللمسات األخيرة .لذا ،لم يتم االنتهاء
على القوى الطبيعية الخفية التي تحيط بنا،
“مارشميلو ليزر فيست”.
من أي مشروع بالكامل ،لكنني أعتقد أن
ويدعو المشاركين إلى التأمل واتباع اإلدراك
إن هذا التعاون هو من صميم عملنا .يجمع
ه��ذا ه��و واق��ع ابتكار معظم أع��م��ال الواقع
الحسي من خالل تجربتهم اليومية.
كل مشروع إلى حد كبير بين مجموعة كبيرة
من المهن لتحقيق مهام تبدو مستحيلة. » درست في تركيا ولندن قبل أن تقرر
نتعلم الكثير من بعضنا البعض ،وأعتقد أن
سيفاجئنا االستوديو اإلبداعي » ماذا ُ
العمل في مجال الواقع االفتراضي .ما
الجزء الذي أحبه أكثر هو هذا اإلثراء.
الخاص بك في المستقبل؟
» ُيعد ابتكار ع��رض فني باستخدام
نعمل حال ًيا على مشاريع متعددة ستكون استمرا ًرا لنفس خط العمل الذي نسير عليه.
تقدما طبيع ًيا وليس تغيي ًرا .لقد لقد كان ً
أم��را تكنولوجيا ال��واق��ع االف��ت��راض��ي ً
يركز أحد المشروعات على التوازن الدقيق
درس��ت تصميم االتصال المرئي ال��ذي أهلني
معقدا بسبب صعوبة هذه العملية. ً اشرح لنا كيف تقوم بهذا الشيء؟
ل��ن��ظ��ام بيئي ح��ول األم�����ازون ،ويستكشف اآلخ���ر ال��ش��ب��ك��ة ال��س��ح��ري��ة ل��ل��ف��ط��ري��ات التي
الفن باستخدام الحاسوب ،مما دفعني إلى
ت��ب��دأ ال��ع��م��ل��ي��ة غ��ال � ًب��ا ب��ف��ك��رة .ث���م تنقسم
تنظم صحة غابة “واي��د وود وي��ب” ونخطط
الحصول على درج��ة الماجستير في الفنون
العملية إلى شقين؛ ي��دور األول حول تحديد
إلطالق تلك المشاريع قري ًبا.
الحاسوبية في لندن .كان العمل مع وسائل
البيئة والثاني يتعلق بالبحث العلمي الذي
اإلع�لام الناشئة في صميم عملي .كما قمت
ي��ق��ودن��ا إل���ى م��رح��ل��ة ب��ن��اء ال���س���رد ال��ح��س��ي.
ب��ت��ج��ارب م��م��ت��ع��ة م��ن��ذ دراس���ت���ي ف��ي ت��رك��ي��ا،
وع��ن��دم��ا يصبح ك��ل ش��يء ف��ي م��ك��ان��ه ،نبدأ
وانتهى بي األمر إلى العمل في مجال الواقع
بالعمل األساسي ال��ذي يشمل مصممي UI
االف��ت��راض��ي ألن��ه م��ن أك��ث��ر ال��م��ج��االت الممتعة
،/ UXومبرمجي يونيكورن ،وخبراء روب��وت،
الذي دفعك لتغيير مجال عملك الذي
ل���دراس���ة وس��ائ��ل اإلع��ل�ام ال��ج��دي��دة وم��ج��االت
االصورة :لقطات من شجرة مارشميلو ليزر فيست تريهاوجر ،معروضة كجزء من معرض OMM االفتتاحي في تركيا حتى 6ديسمبر
Vienna, Austria
Live like imperial royalty: Your suite directly in Schönbrunn Palace. Schönbrunn Palace, the former home of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth (also fondly known as Sisi), is a monument to imperial splendour and the majesty of the royal court. Guests can now experience the unique atmosphere of the former imperial summer residence for themselves.
Schloss Schönbrunn Grand Suite in numbers: • 167 spacious square metres • 4 people can sleep in the luxurious suite • 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms • 88 steps of the secret staircase lead to the suite
The Austria Trend Hotels offer you the opportunity to stay in one of Vienna’s most exclusive addresses – and the country’s number one cultural attraction – as you follow in the footsteps of the Emperor. Guests have the chance to experience Schönbrunn Palace from an angle seen by only very few locals: at night, deserted and free of tourists, amateur photographers and posing couples. With the unique Schloss Schönbrunn Grand Suite inside of Schönbrunn Palace, the Austria Trend Hotels have added another entry to the list of unusual places to stay in Europe.
Top service is provided by the nearby Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn, including a private chef and limousine service which can be booked whenever you like. Further details, including special packages for honeymooners or royal fans, can be found online:
We also provide 14 further Austria Trend Hotels in Vienna. For more information please visit:
Start here.
// discover // ESCAPE // Explore
إستكشفوا األماكن الممتعة التي تأخذكم إليها العربية للطيران
\\ إس�������ت�������ط���ل���اع \\ ع�������������ط������ل������ات \\ اس����ت����ك����ش����اف
Topkapı Palace, istanbul, turkey
تركيا، اسطنبول، قصر توبكابي
Built in the 14th century, the Topkapi Palace originally served as the main residence and administrative headquarters of the Ottoman sultans.
وكان في األصل المقر الرئيسي، 14 ُبني قصر توبكابي في القرن .والمقر اإلداري للسالطين العثمانيين
Did you know? The Palace was converted into a museum in the 20th century with the Ottoman Imperial Harem and treasury open to the general public.
هل تعلم؟
تم تحويل القصر إلى متحف في القرن العشرين مع حريم اإلمبراطورية .العثمانية كانت مفتوحة للجمهور العام
a day in langkawi
يوم في النكاوي
Sprawled along the western coast of Malaysia, Langkawi comprises about 99 islands. Skirted by turquoise waters, this pristine archipelago is dotted with verdant hills that are home to rainforests abounding in flora and fauna. For me, it was the perfect vacation getaway. From sea spray to sumptuous sea food, everything was delightful. I decided to spend my morining in Underwater World Langkawi, which houses over 500 species of sea creatures, such as sea turtles, ducks, penguins etc. My next stop was Langkawi Wildlife Park and Bird Paradise, where I was lucky to spot hornbills and flamingos. After a heavy lunch, I decided to round off my day with a visit to the Paradise 3D for a unique art experience.
جزيرة99 تتكون ج��زي��رة الن��ك��اوي م��ن وتمتد على طول الساحل الغربي،تقري ًبا يحيط بهذا األرخبيل البكر المياه.لماليزيا والتالل الخضراء التي تعد موطنا،الفيروزية .للغابات التي تزخر بالنباتات والحيوانات وتعتبر ه��ذه ال��ج��زي��رة المقصد المثالي من رذاذ البحر إل��ى المأكوالت.للعطالت ممتعا يمكنك قضاء وقتًا.البحرية الفاخرة ً ،في منتزه عالم النكاوي لألحياء المائية نوع من الكائنات500 الذي يضم أكثر من ، والبط، مثل السالحف البحرية،البحرية يمكنك زي��ارة.وط��ي��ور البطريق وغ��ي��ره��ا حديقة النكاوي للحياة البرية التالية وجنة ً محظوظا بمشاهدة وك��م كنت،الطيور طيور بوقير وطيور الفالمنجو بعد تناول وقررت إنهاء يومي مع،مأدبة غداء دسمة لتجربة فنيةD3 زي���ارة حديقة ب��راداي��س .فريدة من نوعها
أشياء يجب معرفتها
What to see
حديقة بوالو بايار مارين بارك رائعا للغوص والغطس ويجب عدم تفويت تُعد هذه الحديقة ً موقعا ً تمتلئ حديقة المرجان المنعزلة.زيارتها عندما تكون في النكاوي .بمستعمرات من الشعاب المرجانية الرائعة التي تخطف األنظار
Pulau Payar Marine Park A prominent diving and snorkelling site, it is a must-visit in Langkawi. Its secluded Coral Garden is gorgeous and is filled with colourful colonies of corals.
Discover Langkawi
اكتشف النكاوي
DATARAN LANG Also known as Eagle Square, it boasts a 12-m-high eagle sculpture that shows the bird perched atop a rock, ready to take flight. This gigantic statue is a great place for photo ops and sightseeing.
whAT to eat
Glide through the air in Langkawi Cable Car as you take in the breathtaking panorama of the city’s waterfalls, rainforests and islets. It gives a 15-minute ride to the top of Mt Mat Cincang, about 708 m high.
Nasi Tomato
داتاران النج
ويضم،أيضا باسم ميدان النسر ً ُيعرف مت ًرا ويعكس12 تمثا ًلا يبلغ ارتفاعه الطيور التي تطفو فوق الصخرة وهي يمكن التقاط.على استعداد للطيران الصور ومشاهدة المعالم السياحية .المحيطة بهذا التمثال العمالق
A 125-m long curved structure, Langkawi Sky Bridge offers an exciting and exhilarating experience to visitors. From here, one can get a bird’s eye view of Telaja Tujuh Falls and several pristine islets. يوفر جسر النكاوي سكاي الذي تجربة، مت ًرا125 يبلغ طوله ويمكن.مثيرة ومبهجة للزوار للزوار مشاهدة المناظر الرائعة لشالالت تيالجا توجا والعديد من .الجزر الصغيرة منها
A kind of tomato rice, it is prepared with tomato paste, sauteed garlic and onion, sugar, coconut milk and various spices. This sweetsour rice dish is a clever concoction of ingredients that can be found in almost all the eateries in the city. Nasi tomato comes with a topping of fish or fried chicken and raw vegetables.
Langkawi طماطم ناسي ،هو نوع من أنواع أرز الطماطم وهو محضر من معجون الطماطم والثوم المسلوق والبصل والسكر وحليب جوز .الهند والتوابل المختلفة ُيعتبر طبق األرز الحامض عبارة عن مزيج ذكي من المكونات التي يمكن إيجادها في جميع .المطاعم في المدينة تقري ًبا و ُيقدم طبق طماطم ناسي مع طبق السمك أو الدجاج المقلي .والخضروات النيئة
يمكنك ركوب تلفريك النكاوي في الهواء الطلق واالتستمتاع بإطاللة بانورامية رائعة على شالالت المدينة والغابات المطيرة يبلغ طول.والجزر الصغيرة دقيقة بطول15 هذا التلفريك ويبلغ،قمة جبل مات سينكانج . متر708 ارتفاعه حوالي
gunung Raya The highest peak of Langkawi, at a height of 881 m, it is home to a dense rainforest that teems with wildlife like hornbills, eagles, flying foxes, leaf monkeys etc.
جبل جونونج رايا
هو أعلى قمة جبلية في 881 ويبلغ ارتفاعه،النكاوي ويوجد به الغابة المطيرة،مت ًرا الكثيفة المليئة بالحياة البرية الثعالب، النسور،مثل البقر . إلخ، القرود،الطائرة
a day in SFAX يوم في صفاقس
The second-largest city of Tunisia, Sfax is a bundle of pleasant surprises. My first day in the city was like stepping back in time - there was so much history all around! I was particularly entranced by the 9thcentury ramparts built by Aghlabids that stand till today. I decided to explore the city from its southern fringes, which are home to lush and huge olive groves. I was delighted to find authentic oil and, it goes without saying, that I went all out on shopping. After a quick but delicious lunch, I headed to the Folk Museum in the Dar Jellouli area. The museum has been housed inside an 18thcentury mansion that boasts beautiful elements of traditional architecture. The striking exhibits of jewellery, Arabic calligraphy and other artefacts left me in awe.
What to see Great Mosque
تتميز مدينة صفاقس ثاني أكبر مدينة في استمتعت.تونس بطابع سياحي فريد ومميز في أول يوم لي في المدينة بزيارة الكثير من لقد تأثرت.المعالم التاريخية التي تذخر بها ومازالت،للغاية ب��األس��وار التي بناها األغالبة والتي يعود تاريخها،تحيط بالمدينة حتى اليوم ق��ررت استكشاف األط��راف.إل��ى ال��ق��رن ال��ت��اس��ع والتي تنتشر بها بساتين،الجنوبية للمدينة الزيتون الخضراء الضخمة التي تنتج زيت الزيتون واغتنمت فرصة زيارتي لهذه البساتين.الخام بعدما.وقمت بشراء زيتون وزيت الزيتون البكر ت��ن��اول��ت وج��ب��ة غ���داء سريعة وشهية توجهت .إل��ى المتحف الشعبي في منطقة دار جلولي يقع المتحف داخل قصر قديم يعود تاريخه إلى ويوجد به تحف فنية جميلة،القرن الثامن عشر وانبهرت للغاية لمشاهدة.للعمارة التقليدية المعروضات الرائعة من المجوهرات ولوحات الخط .العربي وغيرها من القطع األثرية
A stunning work of architecture, Great Mosque was built in 849 AD. Its intricate Kufic inscriptions and band ornaments are particularly charming.
أشياء يجب معرفتها الجامع الكبير بعد849 تم بناء الجامع الكبير في عام ويتميز بنقوشه الكوفية المعقدة،الميالد .وزخارفه الساحرة
Discover Sfax
اكتشف صفاقس
MATMATA An ancient settlement from the Star Wars fame, Matmata’s unique underground homes and cratered landscape provide a peek into history.
مطماطة هي مستوطنة قديمة استوحيت وتوجد،منها لعبة حرب النجوم بها حفرة كبيرة ومناظر وتوفر نظرة خاطفة،الطبيعية .على التاريخ
Plage De Chaffer provides one of the best beach experiences in Sfax. A stunning strip of sand, kissed by azure waters, it becomes a tourist hotspot on weekends. Sunlongers and makeshift food stalls line the beach to cater to visitors. ُيعد بالج دو شافير من أفضل وهو عبارة.الشواطئ في صفاقس ،عن شريط ساحلي من الرمال وهو من،المطلة على المياه الزرقاء أماكن الجذب سياحي التي يقصدها .السياح في عطالت نهاية األسبوع وتنتشر على هذا الشاطئ الشرفات وأكشاك الطعام المؤقتة لتلبية .احتياجات الزوار
what to eat Couscous A vastly popular dish in Sfax, Couscous comprises small steamed balls of durum wheat semolina that have been crushed. They are usually seved with meat, vegetables or stew on top. Indulge in a glorious bowl of couscous topped with local delicacies and peppers, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, etc. for a memorable culinary experience.
Sfax الكسكس
الكسكس هو طبق تقليدي ويتكون من،شهير في صفاقس حبيبات صغيرة من سميد القمح ،الجاف ويتم طهيها على البخار وعادة ما يوضع فوقه قطع اللحم يمكنك.والخضروات أو الحساء تذوق طبق رائع من الكسكس المليء بالنكهات المحلية ، والبطاطس، والجزر،والفلفل وغيرها من الخضروات،والقرع .اللذيذة
One of the best places to indulge in shopping is the town’s souk quarters. From handpainted ceramics and leather goods to metalware and embroidered items, there’s a lot on offer. تُعتبر أحياء سوق المدينة من أفضل األماكن للقيام بتجربة ُيعرض في.تسوق ممتعة السوق السيراميك المطلي باليد والمصنوعات المعدنية ،واألدوات المعدنية المطرزة .وغيرها من البضائع
BAB DIWAN A mammoth gateway into the Medina, Bab Diwan is a mustvisit in Sfax. This alluring gate measures about 400 m by 500 m.
باب ديوان
باب الديوان هو أكبر بوابة وهو من األماكن،للمدينة التي تستحق الزيارة في تبلغ مساحة.صفاقس هذه البوابة الجذابة متر في400 حوالي . متر500
48 Hours in Prague ساعة في براغ48 The capital of Czech Republic, Prague, amazes and inspires with its Gothic grace تتمتع العاصمة التشيكية براغ بمعالمها الفريدة التي تخطف األنظار
Morning One of the most beautiful cities in Europe, Prague, the capital of Czech Republic, is a 3-D canvas of art and architecture. I start my day with a visit to the breathtaking Prague Castle. Bowled over by the postcard-pefect beauty of the structure, I spend quality time exploring the premises.
في الصباح تشتهر براغ عاصمة جمهورية التشيك بأنها واحدة من ويمكن وصفها بأنها لوحة ثالثية،أجمل المدن في أوروبا وخالل جولتي.األبعاد تعكس مدى روعة فنها وعمارتها وبعد.في براغ بدأت يومي األول بزيارة قلعة براغ الخالبة ممتعا في قضيت وق ًتا،أن شاهدت المبنى من الخارج ً .استكشاف المبنى من الداخل
Afternoon I take a break for a light lunch of Knedlíky (dumplings) and then head to the St Vitus Cathedral, located in the grounds of Prague Castle. Its magnificent architecture is nothing less than jaw-dropping and I stare at awe at the work of art.
بعد الظهيرة ً قسطا من الراحة لتناول وجبة غداء خفيفة من أخذت (الزالبية) ثم توجهت إلى كاتدرائية سانت فيتوس واندهشت للغاية من.الموجودة في قلعة ب��راغ الهندسة المعمارية الرائعة لهذه الكاتدرائية التي .كانت عبارة عن عمل فني ُمذهل
Opposite page: Scenic view of the Vltava river; This page top: The National Theatre Building overlooking the Vltava river; This page bottom: Astronomical clock in Prague
: منظر خالب لنهر فلتافا; هذه الصفحة أعلى:الصفحة المقابلة مبنى المسرح الوطني المطل على نهر فلتافا; هذه الصفحة هذه الصفحة أسفل:أسفل
Evening As I was walking across the cobbled streets in Prague’s Old Town, a collective murmur grabs my attention. When I neared the source, I stood stunned, staring at the massive astronomical clock that decorates the entrance to the Old Town Hall. Built in 1410 by master clockmaker Mikuláš of Kadan, it is easy to understand why the clock is one of the most iconic landmarks around town.
في المساء بينما كنت أسير في ال��ش��وارع المرصوفة بالحصى عندما. تجذبني نفخة جماعية، في مدينة براغ القديمة حدقت في الساعة، وقفت مذهو ًلا، اقتربت من المصدر .الفلكية الهائلة التي تزين مدخل قاعة المدينة القديمة من قبل صانع الساعات الرئيسي1410 بني في عام فمن السهل أن نفهم لماذا، ميكوالس من ك��ادان تعد الساعة من أكثر المعالم شهرة في جميع أنحاء .المدينة
Morning I start my day with a delicious breakfast of one of the most popular dishes in the city - Trdelník, which are rolled pastries, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon, and roasted on an open flame and served warm.
في الصباح بدأت يومي بتناول وجبة فطور لذيذة مكونة من أكثر األطباق وهي كعكة التردلنيك وهي عبارة عن،الشعبية في المدينة وتُشوى،معجنات ملفوفة مرشوشة بالسكر المجفف والقرفة .على اللهب وتقدم دافئة
في المساء
I decide to visit the popular Charles Bridge for my afternoon adventure. This 14th-century structure is simple yet splendid, and walking across it is one of the joys in life. As I cross the bridge, I see the various artful buildings of the city rise out of the ground and stroke the multi-hued sky.
As my time to bid goodbye to the city nears, I decide to pay a visit to the Lennon Wall, which features vibrant Beatles graffiti and John Lennon street art, along with quotations and lyrics of the iconic band. A sort of shrine dedicated by the locals, it is a great picture spot.
بعد الظهيرة .وفي فترة ما بعد الظهيرة قررت زيارة جسر تشارلز الشهير
قررت،مع اقتراب موعد مغادرتي للمدينة الذي يتميز،أن أقوم بزيارة إلى جدار لينون برسومات البيتلز النابضة بالحياة وفن إلى،الشارع الذي يشتهر به جون لينون جانب االقتباسات وكلمات أغاني الفرقة و ُيعتبر هذا الجدار.الموسيقية الشهيرة من أماكن الجذب المفضلة عند السكان . وهو مكان رائع اللتقاط الصور،المحليين
وهو عبارة عن،ويعود تاريخ هذا الجسر إلى القرن الرابع عشر وأثناء عبور الجسر شاهدت مختلف.هيكل بسيط ولكنه رائع المباني الفخمة في المدينة وهي تمتد من األرض وترتفع عال ًيا .في السماء
Left: Ducks near a waterbody in Prague; Right: Prague city centre
; البط بالقرب من حوض مائي في براغ:اليسار مركز مدينة براغ:حق
amazing facts Prague is home to the largest castle in the world. Dating back to the ninth century, Prague Castle spans an impressive 18 acres
حقائق مدهشة توجد في براغ أكبر قلعة في ويعود.العالم تاريخ قلعة براغ إلى القرن التاسع وتمتد على فدانًا18 مساحة
There is a graffiti wall devoted to John Lennon. Since 1980, it’s been repainted numerous times and is laced in graffiti lyrics from Lennon and The Beatles
يوجد جدار كتابي مخصص لجون وقد تم.لينون طالؤه عدة مرات منذ وكتبت،1980 عام عليه كلمات من كتابات لينون وفرقة البيلتز الموسيقية
If you are on a shoe string budget try Lokal Dlouhaaa for a menu of traditional Bohemian dishes; and smiling, efficient, friendly service.
إذا سمحت يمكنك،ميزانيتك زيارة مطعم لوكال دلوها لالختيار من بين قائمة من األطباق البوهيمية التقليدية؛ وتجربة .الخدمة الفاخرة
News & ROUTES N ot sure w here w e fly ? C heck out the air arabia net w ork
// corporate news // Network maps // call centres
راج��ع��وا شبكة وج��ه��ات العربية للطيران الختيار وجهتكم المفضلة
\\ ش���ب���ك���ة ال���وج���ه���ات \\
\\ م�������ق�������ال
Did you know? Air Arabia has hubs in Sharjah, Alexandria, Casablanca and Ras Al Khaimah.
هل تعلم؟ أن العربية للطيران لديها مراكز عمليات في الشارقة واالسكندرية .والدار البيضاء ورأس الخيمة
corporate news
“العربية للطيران” تسجل أرباحًا صافية قياسية قدرها 471 مليون درهم خالل الربع الثالث بزيادة نسبتها 57% أعلنت العربية للطيران (ش.م.ع) ،أول وأكبر شركة طيران اقتصادي في منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال أفريقيا ،عن تسجيل نتائج مالية وتشغيلية قوية خالل الربع الثالث من السنة المالية الجارية والمنتهي بتاريخ 30سبتمبر ،2019مواصلةً بذلك أداءها القوي والمستدام. وسجلت “العربية للطيران” أرباحًا صافية قياسية بلغت 471مليون درهم خالل األشهر الثالثة المنتهية بتاريخ 30سبتمبر ،2019 بزيادة نسبتها 57%مقارنة بـ 300مليون درهم خالل نفس الفترة من العام الماضي. وارتفعت إيرادات الشركة خالل الربع الثالث من عام 2019بنسبة 12%لتبلغ 1.438مليار درهم ،مقارنة بالفترة ذاتها من العام الماضي والتي بلغت 1.282مليون درهم. وجاءت النتائج المالية القوية للربع الثالث مدفوعة بالطلب المرتفع على رحالت الشركة خ�لال ال��رب��ع ال��ث��ال��ث ،حيث ق��دم��ت “العربية للطيران” خدماتها ألكثر من 3.4مليون مسافر انطالقًا من مراكز عملياتها األربعة في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة والمغرب ومصر، مسجلة بذلك زي��ادة قدرها 10%في عدد المسافرين مقارنة باألرقام المسجلة في نفس الفترة من العام الماضي .وحافظت الشركة على معدلها المرتفع لنسبة إشغال المقاعد – نسبة عدد المسافرين إلى عدد المقاعد المتاحة – والذي بلغ 82%خالل هذه الفترة. وبالتوازي مع نتائج الربع الثالث ،سجلت “العربية للطيران” نتائج قوية وقياسية خالل األشهر التسعة األولى المنتهية بتاريخ 30 سبتمبر ،2019محققة صافي أرباح قدره 809 مليون درهم؛ بزيادة نسبتها 53%مقارنة مع 530مليون درهم سجلتها الشركة لنفس الفترة من السنة المالية السابقة .وبلغت إي��رادات الشركة خالل األشهر التسعة األولى من عام 2019أكثر من 3.611مليار درهم، بزيادة نسبتها 17%مقارنة بالفترة نفسها من العام الماضي والتي بلغت 3مليارات درهم .ونقلت الشركة أكثر من 9.2مليون مسافر من مراكز عملياتها األربعة خالل األشهر
التسعة األولى من عام ،2019بزيادة نسبتها
وأطلقت الناقلة أيضًا رحالت جديدة من مركز
11%مقارنة بعدد المسافرين ال��ذي تم نقلهم
عملياتها في مصر انطالقًا من شرم الشيخ
خالل الفترة نفسها من عام .2018وحافظ معدل
إلى ميالن بيرغامو ،وعمان ،ونابولي؛ باالضافة
إشغال المقاعد على نسبته المرتفعة والتي
الى رحالت جديدة بين سوهاج والرياض.
بلغت 83%خالل هذه الفترة.
وأطلقت “العربية للطيران” خالل األشهر
وتسلمت “العربية للطيران” خالل األشهر
التسعة األول��ى من العام نظام سكاي تايم
التسعة األولى من عام 2019طائرتين جديدتين
( )SkyTimeالترفيهي والمجاني على متن
م��ن ط��راز إي��رب��اص إي��ه 321نيو طويلة المدى
طائراتها ،وال��ذي يتيح للمسافرين مشاهدة
( ،)A321 neo LRلتزيد ع��دد ال��ط��ائ��رات في
المحتوى الرقمي المباشر على هواتفهم
أسطولها إلى 55طائرة .وتستوعب مقصورة
الذكية وأجهزتهم اللوحية وأجهزة الحاسب
الطائرة الجديدة 215مسافرًا ،وتساعد على
المحمولة أثناء سفرهم.
إضافة رحالت متوسطة المدى إلى وجهات جديدة،
وحصدت “العربية للطيران” في شهر
وتوسيع شبكة وجهاتها الحالية مع زيادة سعتها
أكتوبر جائزة “أفضل شركة طيران اقتصادي”
من المقاعد.
خ�لال حفل ت��وزي��ع ج��وائ��ز م��ط��ارات سلطنة
وأض��اف��ت “العربية للطيران” 12وجهات
عمان ،كما فازت بجائزة “أفضل شركة طيران
ج��دي��دة إل��ى شبكة وجهاتها العالمية خالل
اق��ت��ص��ادي” خ�لال حفل ت��وزي��ع ج��وائ��ز مجلة
األشهر التسعة األولى من العام الجاري .وحلقت
“آفييشن بزنس” لعام .2019
طائراتها من مركز عمليات الشركة الرئيسي
عالو ًة على ذلك ،أعلنت الناقلة في أكتوبر
في اإلم��ارات انطالقًا من الشارقة إلى فيينا في
عن إبرام اتفاقية مع مجموعة االتحاد للطيران
النمسا ،وكوااللمبور في ماليزيا ،وبيشكك في
إلطالق “العربية للطيران أبوظبي” ،أول شركة
قيرغيزستان ،ومدينة تونس في تونس .كما
طيران اقتصادي في العاصمة.
وسعت شبكة رحالتها من مركز عمليات الشركة
وتس ّير “العربية للطيران” رحالتها حاليًا
في المغرب عبر إضافة رح�لات جديدة من الدار
إلى أكثر من 170وجهة عالمية في 50دولة
البيضاء إلى لشبونة ،وبيزا ،وبراغ ،ومدينة تونس،
انطالقًا من أربعة مراكز عمليات في دولة
في حين انطلقت رحالت جديدة بين طنجة وليون.
اإلمارات العربية المتحدة والمغرب ومصر.
أخ���ب���ار ال��ش��رك��ات
Air Arabia posts record third quarter net profit of AED 471 million, up 57% Air Arabia (PJSC), the Middle East and North Africa’s first and largest lowcost carrier, announced strong financial results for the third quarter of this year ending September 30, 2019 as the carrier deliver solid operational and financial performance. Air Arabia registered a record net profit of AED 471 million for the three months ending September 30, 2019; an increase of 57 per cent compared to the AED 300 million reported for the same period last year. The company’s turnover for the third quarter of 2019 increased by 12 per cent to AED 1.438 billion, compared to AED 1.282 million in the corresponding period last year. The strong third quarter financial results were backed by solid growth in passenger demand during this period with Air Arabia serving over 3.4 million passengers from its four hubs in the UAE, Morocco and Egypt, an increase of 10 per cent compared to the number of passengers carried in the same quarter last year. The average seat load factor – or passengers carried as a percentage of available seats – for the same quarter stood at an impressive 82 per cent. Equally, Air Arabia reported strong set of results for the first nine months ending September 30, 2019 registering a record net profit of AED 809 million; a 53 per cent increase compared to AED 530 million reported for the same period last year. The company’s turnover for the first nine months of 2019 exceeded AED 3.611 billion, an increase of 17 per cent compared to AED 3 billion in the corresponding period last year. Air Arabia served over 9.2 million passengers from all its four hubs in the first nine months of 2019, an increase of 11 per cent compared to the same period of 2018. The average seat load factor – or passengers carried as a percentage of available seats – for the same period stood at an impressive 83 per cent. During the first nine months of 2019,
Air Arabia received two brand new Airbus A321 neo LR airplanes bringing its total fleet size to 55 aircraft. The new Airbus A321, which accommodates 215 passengers, is helping the carrier expand to new medium-haul markets in addition to strengthening the existing routes with increased seat capacity. Air Arabia added a total of 12 new routes to its global network in the first nine months of this year. Flights from Air Arabia’s main hub in the UAE commenced from Sharjah to Vienna in Austria; Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia; Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan; and Tunis City in Tunis. The carrier also expanded its operation from its Morocco hub with new flights between Casablanca and Lisbon, Pisa, Prague and Tunis while new flights started between Tangier and Lyon. New flights from the carrier’s hub in Egypt started from Sharm El Sheikh
to Milan Bergamo, Amman and Napoli; as well as Sohag to Riyadh. During the first nine months of 2019, Air Arabia launched its new complimentary in-flight entertainment system ‘SkyTime’ that allows passengers to live stream digital content on smartphones, tablets or laptops while traveling with the carrier. The carrier received the ‘Best LowCost Carrier Award” by Oman Airports and in October was named ‘Low-Cost Airline of the Year’ by Aviation Business Awards. Additionally, the carrier announced in October the signing of an agreement with Etihad Aviation Group to launch “Air Arabia Abu Dhabi”, the capital’s first low-cost carrier. Air Arabia today operates flights to over 170 global destinations in 50 countries from four hubs in the UAE, Morocco, and Egypt.
corporate news
“العربية للطيران” تعلن عن طلبية لشراء 120طائرة من عائلة “إيرباص ”A320بقيمة 14مليار دوالر
حققت “العربية للطيران” (ش.م.ع) ،أول
م��ن ط���راز ،A320neoو 27ط��ائ��رة من
وأكبر شركة طيران اقتصادي في منطقة
ط���راز ،A321neoو 20ط��ائ��رة م��ن ط��راز
طيران في الشرق األوسط تُسير طائرات من
ال��ش��رق األوس���ط وش��م��ال أفريقيا ،إنجازًا
.A321XLRوفيما تنتمي جميعها إلى
طراز “إيرباص ”A321neoLR؛ حيث تشغل
جديدًا باالعالن عن واحدة من أكبر طلبيات
عائلة “إي��رب��اص ،”A320ينفرد كل منها
حاليًا 3طائرات من هذا الطراز ستنضم
الطائرات ذات الممر الواحد في المنطقة
بقيمة استثنائية تدعم مساعي الشركة
إليها 3طائرات أخرى في عام .2020
وذلك لشراء 120طائرة من عائلة “إيرباص
لتحقيق أهداف النمو الخاصة بها .ومن المقرر
وس��ت��س��اه��م ط���ائ���رة A321XLR
.”A320وكشفت الشركة عن طلبها
أن يبدأ تسليم الطائرات المطلوبة في عام
بتوسيع أسطول “العربية للطيران” من
خالل “معرض دبي للطيران ”2019عقب
2024؛ علمًا أن العربية للطيران ،التي تتخذ
الطائرات ذات الممر الواحد ،حيث من المقرر
حفل توقيع حضره رئيس مجلس إدارة
من الشارقة مقرًا رئيسيًا لها ،لم تحدد بعد
أن تدخل حيز الخدمة في عام 2023؛ مما
شركة “العربية للطيران” الشيخ عبد اهلل
ن��وع المحركات التي سيتم ت��زوي��ده��ا في
يجعل من “العربية للطيران” ،مرة أخرى،
ب��ن محمد آل ث��ان��ي ،والرئيس التنفيذي
األسطول الجديد.
واح���دة م��ن أوائ���ل مالكي ه��ذه الطائرة.
وتعد “العربية للطيران” أول شركة
ويضم األسطول الحالي لشركة “العربية
وتتسم طائرة A321XLRبقدرة طيران
وس��ت��س��اه��م ه���ذه ال��ص��ف��ق��ة ،ال��ت��ي
للطيران” 54ط��ائ��رة “إي��رب��اص” م��ن ط��رازي
تصل إلى 8ساعات ،وأداء بيئي أمثل ،مع
ي��ت��ج��اوز إج��م��ال��ي قيمتها الشرائية 14
A320و .A321neo LRوفيما يعتمد طراز
نسبة حرق وقود أقل لكل مقعد ،وبصمة
مليار دوالر أمريكي (القيمة الدفترية)،
A320neoعلى مكانة خط اإلنتاج A320
ضوضاء وانبعاثات كربونية منخفضة.
بتعزيز ق��وة األس��ط��ول ال��ح��ال��ي لشركة
كعائلة الطائرات ذات الممر الواحد األكثر حداثة
وتُس ّير “العربية للطيران” رحالتها حاليًا
“العربية للطيران” بمقدار ثالثة أضعاف؛
وكفاءة لناحية استهالك الوقود على مستوى
إلى أكثر من 170وجهة عالمية في 50
فض ً ال عن دعمها الستراتيجية الشركة
العالم ،ويوفر الطراز المتميز A321neoباقة
دول��ة ،انطالقًا من مراكز عمليات الشركة
الرامية لتوسيع شبكة وجهاتها العالمية.
مزايا أكبر باعتبارها ذات المدى األط��ول بين
األربعة في دولة اإلم��ارات العربية المتحدة
وتشمل الطلبات ال��ج��دي��دة 73 :طائرة
طائرات الممر الواحد.
والمغرب ومصر.
لشركة “إيرباص” جيوم فوري.
أخ���ب���ار ال��ش��رك��ات
Air Arabia places US$14 billion order for 120 Airbus A320 family aircraft Air Arabia, the Middle East and North Africa’s first and largest low-cost carrier (LCC), set another milestone with one of the region’s largest singleaisle aircraft orders of 120 Airbus A320 Family aircraft. This was announced during Dubai Airshow 2019 following a signing ceremony attended by Air Arabia’s Chairman Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al Thani and Guillaume Faury, Chief Executive Officer of Airbus. The deal, whose total book value exceeds US$14 billion (list price), will more than triple Air Arabia’s current fleet strength as well as support the carrier’s global network expansion strategy. The new orders are for 73
A320neo, 27 A321neo and 20 A321XLR airplanes, all belonging to the A320 family but each bringing exceptional value for Air Arabia in meeting its growth goals. Delivery is scheduled to commence in 2024 and the Sharjahbased airline has yet to specify the engines to be installed on its new fleet. Air Arabia’s current fleet consist of 54 Airbus A320 & A321neo-LR. While the A320neo builds on the A320 product line’s position as the world’s most advanced and fuel-efficient single-aisle aircraft family, the A321neo variant provides extended range for the A320neo family’s longest fuselage version. Air Arabia is the first Middle Eastern
airline to operate the A321neo-LR with three aircraft currently in service and another three scheduled to join the fleet in 2020. The A321XLR further extends the single-aisle jetliner offer with service entry planned in 2023, making Air Arabia, again, one of the first owners of the aircraft. The A321XLR will offer more range of up to 8 hours and has outstanding environmental performance with lower fuel burn per seat, less carbon dioxide emissions and noise footprint. Air Arabia currently operates flights to over 170 global destinations in 50 countries from four hubs in the UAE, Morocco, and Egypt.
air arabia
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أوكرانيا، خاركيف قريبة، مزدهرا لصناعة التكنولوجيا األوكرانية تعد مركزً ا ً جدا من روسيا وتشهد على روح أوكرانيا الحازمة ً
مـراكـز اإلتـصـال الـدولـيـة
air arabia
international call centres ARMENIA / أرمينيا Yerevan / يريفان +374 60 65 6666 Azerbaijan / أذربيجان +994 12 505-30-00 Bahrain / البحرين Nationwide call centre +973 1 33 10444 Bangladesh /
بنغالديش Chittagong / شيتاغونغ +88 1 713482193 Dhaka/ دكا +88 1 730037750 Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo +387 33295446 CHINA / الصين Urumqi / أورومتشي +86 991 2304855 Egypt / مصر Nationwide call centre /
مركز االتصاالت المحلي +20 3 4543001 Hotline / الخط الساخن 16278 GEORGIA / جورجيا Tbilisi / تبليسي +995 32 240 00 40 India / الهند Nationwide call centre /
مركز االتصاالت المحلي +91 124 336 6444 +022 71 004 777 Iran / إيران Tehran / طهران +98 21 88880000 Shiraz / شيراز +98 71 32305557 Lar / الر +98 71 52268575 Mashhad / مشهد +98 51 38459620-22 Abadan / عبادان +98 615 334 58 08 Isfahan / أصفهان +98 31 36650300
Iraq / العراق Baghdad / بغداد +964 77 25461180 Najaf / النجف +964 7819288884/85 Erbil / اربيل +964 75 09652527 Basra / البصرة +964 77 25461179
Islamabad / إسالم آباد +92 51 2805345 Peshawar / بيشاور +92 915250090/91/92 Sialkot / سيالكوت +92 52 4603171/72/73 Lahore / الهور +92 42 35774167/68 Multan / ملتان
Jordan / األردن Amman / عمان +962 79 75 00003
+92 614 586 898 99 Russia / روسيا All Regions / جميع المناطق
Kazakhstan /
+7 495 9375925
كازاخستان Astana / أستانا
Saudi Arabia /
+7 717 246 60 80 Almaty / آلماتي +7 727 272 6681
All Regions / جميع المناطق
Kenya / كينيا Nairobi / نيروبي +254 20 44 52855/537 +254 70 4860711 Kuwait / الكويت Kuwait City / مدينة
الكويت +965 22254071 Farwaniya +965 22206356
السعودية +966 9200 11969 Sri Lanka /
سريالنكا Colombo / كولومبو +94 11 5 777 999 Sudan / السودان Khartoum / الخرطوم +249 183 746768 +249 183 746769 Turkey / تركيا
Lebanon / لبنان Beirut / بيروت +961 142 0942 morocco / المغرب Casablanca +212 802000803
Istanbul / اسطنبول +90 212 241 5184 UAE /
اإلمارات العربية المتحدة Sharjah / الشارقة +971 6 5580000
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Abu Dhabi +971 2 6315888 Ukraine /
Oman / عمان Muscat / مسقط +968 2 470 0828 Salalah / صاللة +968 2 329 7796/98 Pakistan / باكستان Karachi / كراتشي +92 21 111 272 242
أوكرانيا Kiev / كييف +38 044 4906500 Kharkiv / خاركيف +38 057 7328791 Odessa / أوديسا +38 048 7772550
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AED USD 470 131
CAROLINA HERRERA GOOD GIRL EDP 50ML A weapon of seduction for the woman who wears it. Reveal your good side through the luminous facet of tuberose and the best quality Sambac Jasmine. Dare your bad side through addictive notes of roasted Tonka Beans and Cocoa.
AED USD 345 96 YVES SAINT LAURENT MON PARIS EDP 90ML Dive into love vertigo with MON PARIS, the new feminine fragrance by Yves Saint Laurent.A unique experience in an upside down Paris. The sensuality of white petaled musk, enlightened by a vertiginous datura accord and balanced by the intensity of an exceptional patchouli. Peony accord - White musk - Datura accord - Patchouli essence 7648157
AED USD 521 145
Fragrances for Her
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JEAN PAUL GAULTIER SCANDAL BY NIGHT EDP 50ML A honey tuberose. Scandal is still there with its honey, but now it's partying with its intoxicating tuberose, sandalwood and tonka bean. An even more addictive blend.
AED USD 279 78
GIORGIO ARMANI SI PASSIONE EDP 50ML Sì Passione, the new fragrance by Giorgio Armani, unleashes the passion of the Sì woman - empowered, feminine, and free. Presented in a vibrant red lacquered bottle, Si Passione is a boldness of emotion, evoking true passion; a sensual, fruity floral scent, reflecting both delicacy and strength femininity.
AED USD 299 83 42
Fragrances for Her
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Ladies, a man will never remember your handbag, but he will remember your perfume. GUERLAIN SANTAL ROYAL EDP 125ML For this creation, Guerlain House Perfumer Thierry Wasser drew inspiration from the treasures of the East, and worked one of the rarest and most precious ingredients in the perfume world: sandalwood. Shrouded in mystery, this bewitching note is exalted in a new woody oriental fragrance, a study of subtle contrasts between the dark notes of leather and oud wood, and the luminous floral notes of jasmine and rose. 5789880
AED USD 643 178
GUERLAIN MON GUERLAIN EDP 100ML Mon Guerlain, the House's new fragrance, is a tribute to today’s femininity - a strong, free and sensual femininity, inspired by Angelina Jolie.
AED USD 444 123
VERSACE DYLAN BLUE FEMME EDP 100ML Dylan Blue pour femme is a tribute to femininity. A strong, sensuous yet refined fragrance for a woman who knows her own power. An alchemy of irresistible notes that dance, arouse, come together and embrace. 9167875
AED USD 380 106 43
Fragrances for Her
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AL HARAMAIN MANEGE ROUGE EDP 75ML A beautiful moment is worth pausing forever. It begins with the tantalizing whiff of an intricately composed camphor us scent, harmoniously blended with cedar wood leaves and citrus to make it relaxing and refreshing. 5588302
AED USD 300 84 AL HARAMAIN JUNOON SPRAY EDP 75ML Bask in the madness of floral all around, feel the blanket of freshness encircling your soul. At the first entrance, the sophisticated floral and power notes stimulate like a dewdrop in your psyche, with Tonka bean & rose at the heart of the composition romancing with the sweetness of musk & vanilla 4552267
AED USD 200 56 AJMAL SENORA EDP 75ML Senora is aimed to give wings to the young spirited woman to make her emerge in to womanhood, a rising out of the shadows to discover her true self. A gorgeous blend of spicy, floral and musky notes. AED USD 90 25
AJMAL AURUM EDP 75ML A beautifully balanced fragrance that captures the spirit of youth, self-indulgence and glamour. 9537368
AED USD 170 47 44
AJMAL EVOKE GOLD FOR HIM EDP 90ML A fresh spicy aromatic fragrance designed to attract the adventurous and outgoing young man. The fragrance revolves around fresh spicy notes comprised of Neroli and pepper, with an Aromatic Ambery heart filled with geranium, orris and amber. The fragrance settles to reveal patchouli and cedarwood at the base.
AED USD 150 42 4583888
AED USD 150 42 4583874
AJMAL EVOKE GOLD FOR HER EDP 75ML Fantasia encapsulated in gold, evoke is designed to attract the outgoing and adventurous young woman. A fragrance built around spicy fruit top notes of Pink Pepper, blackcurrant and apple, this delightful ensemble works its magic with a pure floral hear of peony and lily of the valley. Vanilla, Musk and tonka provide the fragrance with long lasting serenity. 45
Unisex Fragrances
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ALEXANDRE J BLACK MUSC EDP 100ML Black Muscs embodies chic amber, allied with fruity, floral notes.
AED USD 405 113
ALEXANDRE J MORNING MUSC EDP 100ML Morning Muscs seduces with energising notes, fruity and musky.
AED USD 405 113
ALEXANDRE J DISCOVERY SET (BM/GO/ZO) 3X8ML Mix between the Oriental desert and the French baroque architecture, this collection of 3 fragrances evokes a timeless journey, the warmth of elements and the change of scenery. It focuses on a magical place talking to everyone’s imagination. Sensual and sophisticated, the fragrant composition is an invitation to a journey of both the mind and body. 4541808
AED USD 155 43 46
Unisex Fragrances
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ALEXANDRE J DISCOVERY SET (MM/RO/SO) 3X8ML Mix between the Oriental desert and the French baroque architecture, this collection of 3 fragrances evokes a timeless journey, the warmth of elements and the change of scenery. It focuses on a magical place talking to everyone’s imagination. Sensual and sophisticated, the fragrant composition is an invitation to a journey of both the mind and body. 4541810
AED USD 155 43
AJMAL WISAL DHAHAB EDP 50ML The fragrance opens with fruity fresh notes. At its heart, the essence engulfs floral highlights. And the base notes are woody musky.
AED USD 110 31 DHAN AL OUDH NUWAYRA 3ML A delicate blend of pure Indian and Cambodi Oudh, shines bright amongst young individuals that adore oriental creations. Free from Alcohol, concentrated perfume.
AED USD 165 46 47
Fragrances for Him
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VERSACE DYLAN BLUE EDT 100ML A fougère fragrance. Highly distinctive with a fragrant woody aroma based on the unique olfactory properties of precious natural ingredients and the latest generation of molecules. Dylan Blue is a fragrance full of character and individuality, an expression of a man's strength. 7694682
AED USD 339 94
AMBER WOOD EDP 100ML Amber Wood is a veritable masterpiece infused with the most exquisite redolence of Amber. Rich and deep, each drop of this fragrance is captivating, sensuous and powerful. 4660753
AED USD 500 139 AL HARAMAIN AMBER OUD GOLD EDITION EDP 60ML Let your presence speak volumes with subtlety with the fresh, warm and sultry Gold Edition of Amber Oud, magnificently perfected to make your mere presence the buzz of the day. 4540579
AED USD 250 70
SHARJAH ROSE PRIVATE 100ML When the magic of the East blends with the breezes of the West, a private, royal fragrance is born. 4624497
AED USD 360 100 48
Fragrances for Him
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YVES SAINT LAURENT Y MEN EDT 100ML Y EAU DE TOILETTE Creative. Doer. Accomplished. Y, the new fragrance for men from Yves Saint Laurent. The scent of freedom to dream, dare & live to be accomplished. Everything starts with a why. #ThatsY 8750038
AED USD 424 118
PACO RABANNE 1 MILLION LUCKY EDT 100ML Exhilarating woody base. The taste of pure sensation. No limits. A green plum lift. Addictive hazelnut. A nutty bite for the finale. Life is a game! 9177437
AED USD 270 75 EMPORIO ARMANI STRONGER WITH YOU MEN EDT 50ML The new Emporio fragrances perfectly celebrate the power of love! Stronger with You is the new oriental fougere fragrance for a modern, strong and inspiring man. The spicy accord of cardamom and pink pepper notes mixes with tender sage, sensual vanilla and crystallized chestnut, both generous and addictive! 8537677
AED USD 299 83 49
Fragrances for Him
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AL HARAMAIN AMBER OUD TOBACCO EDITION EDP 60ML An addictively spicy, oriental fragrance which wouldn't be crazy to describe as a "tobacco delight", with its conspicuously spicy introduction and a smooth, textured aroma stemming from the gourmand vibes of vanilla, cocoa and tonka. 5588346
AED USD 250 70
AL HARAMAIN L'AVENTURE INTENSE 100ML L'Aventure Dependable, long lasting and full of masculinity.
AED USD 250 70
AJMAL BLU EDP 90ML A refined and sophisticated French fragrance, this masculine fresh aqueous eau de parfum caters to the contemporary tastes of energetic and spirited young men.
AED USD 115 32 50
VERSACE MINIATURE COLLECTION CRYSTAL SET 5X5ML A kit of the most desirable jewel fragrances by Versace. Elegant and sensual bouquets conveying freshness and vital energy. For every woman and every occasion. 6374446
AED USD 180 50
MOSCHINO MINIATURES COLLECTION SET 5X4.9ML The perfumes of love in an irresistible joyful kit. Sparkling and colored fragrances. Alchemies of surprising ingredients for lively, ironic, fun-loving women. Eternal and surreal glamour where reality is a sweet dream. AED USD 150 42
AJMAL MINIATURE COLLECTIONS FOR HER 4X10ML Ajmal Miniature series for her features the top selling Raindrops, Aurum, Sacrifice for her and Sacred Love in Miniature form. An ideal gift for you or your loved ones. 9831289
AED USD 130 37 AJMAL MINIATURE COLLECTION FOR HIM 3X10ML Ajmal Miniature series for him features the top selling Neutron, Carbon, and Blu by Ajmal in miniature form. An Ideal gift suited for him, on the lookout for fresh fragrances. AED USD 130 37 51
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LIP SMACKER DISNEY FROZEN LIP BALM Inspired from the movie Disney Frozen, Lip Smacker offers six lip balms with beautiful shine and sweet flavour. Collect your favourite characters Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf in a fun and adorable tin box. The perfect gift for all those who love lip balms. 4580317
AED USD 80 23
The authentic taste of your favourite beverage flavours in lip balms that are as good for your lips as they taste. Fun and collectable tin box includes six Lip Smackers®; Coca-Cola™ Classic, Coca-Cola™ Vanilla, Coca-Cola™ Cherry, Sprite™, Fanta™ Orange and Fanta™ Strawberry. Travel refreshed with free sleeping mask that is included in the box. The perfect gift for all those who loves lip balms. Exclusive offer for Dutyfree. 4593045
REVLON ULTIMATE ALL IN ONE MASCARA PACK Your search for the perfect mascara is over with the new Revlon Ultimate All-in-One™ Mascara! Our innovative, high-impact formula delivers 5 lash-transforming benefits volume, length, definition, lift, and intense color while our Power Mini brush leaves no lash behind. This travel exclusive pack contains 3 non-waterproof mascaras in Blackest Black and a ColorStay™ Eye Liner in Black as a gift. 7621706
AED USD 125 35 52
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REVLON ULTRA HD GEL LIPCOLOR BONUS PACK Revlon Ultra HD Gel Lipcolor™ delivers major color and ultra silky shine. Our intensely hydrating formula with hyaluronic acid and the precision tip hugs your lips for a neat and speedy application. Get five knockout shades and a free ColorStay™ Eye Liner as a bonus in your Travel Retail Exclusive set. 9119358
AED USD 250 70
REVLON SUPER LUSTROUS LIPSTICKS - THE COLLECTION Fall in love with the new lipcube from the world's most iconic lipstick! With an array of classic and trendy shades and finishes, there's a lip look for any occasion. Each travel exclusive set comes with 9 full-sized Super Lustrous™ lipsticks infused with mega-moisturizers for silky smooth seductive looking lips. AED USD 225 63 REVLON MAKEUP PALLETE - COLORS IN BLOOM Create your own make up magic! A vibrant collection of glamorous colors for lip, face and eyes, this is your must-have travel companion. It contains 2 Revlon® Powder Blush, 5 Super Lustrous™ Lipsticks and 5 ColorStay™ 16 Hour Eye Shadows.Shades- Lip shades: Rosedew, Wine With Everything (Creme), Icy Violet, Coffee Bean, Certainly Red Eyeshadow shades: White, Light Pink, Berry, Chocolate, Black Sparkle Powder Blush shades: Tawny Peach, Smoky Rose. 9332502
AED USD 174 48 53
HUGO BOSS REFINED, MODERN GIFTING BY BOSS The BOSS Officer watch is made to perfectly complement your style. Small round case, leather strap, thin and refined stick hands and indexes add the distinct touches to this sophisticated, vintage timepiece. To accompany this watch, you will find an elegant BOSS pen which is the ideal companion for everyday use, thanks to alluring combination of casual modernity with classic elegance. 5650637
AED USD 773 214 SCUDERIA FERRARI REDREV T WATCH Known for its bold ergonomic silhouette, Red Rev T is designed for Ferrari's dedicated race fans. This multi-function model features a striking red perforated dial with contrasting textured sub-eyes which compliments the double injected silicone strap. 46mm brushed stainless steel case topped with a polished black ion-plated bezel. Water resistant up to 5 ATM.
AED USD 712 197
HUGO GENT’S CREATE WATCH The Create timepiece encompasses the brand DNA in a simple yet effective manner. This watch allows you to live, feel and create special moments and assists you at any time; whether at home, in the streets or on the beach. It’s water resistant to 3ATM 5193571
AED USD 540 150 54
TOMMY HILFIGER WOMEN’S WATCH & GOLD HEART CHARM BRACELET SET Perfect for every day wear, this Tommy Hilfiger Bracelet Gift Set incorporates classic features with a modern twist. Crafted from solid stainless steel in gold-toned, this 40mm watch features a multi-eye dial, water resistant to 3 ATM and is paired with a gold-plated heart charm bracelet. 5650652
AED USD 730 202
LACOSTE CONSTANCE WATCH Some items of apparel for women, like a crisp trench coat, make an impression rather than a noise. Constance is a watch that means business with its versatility and immaculate styling. Being listened to has a far greater impact than shouting to get heard. This Lacoste timepiece is embellished with crystals from Swarovski®. 4880736
AED USD 496 137
SCUDERIA FERRARI REDREV WATCH A new generation in the most successful family in the Scuderia Ferrari line, RedRev captures the thrill of race day with a bold honeycomb texture inspired by the layered structure of a race car’s monocoque. 44mm case. Black silicone strap. 7412678
415 115
TOMMY HILFIGER CASUAL GENTS WATCH Casual inspiration is portrayed with a sophisticated Tommy touch in this round-the-clock-ready men’s watch crafted with a stainless-steel case. The smooth features and multi-eye dial are refined by proportioned indexes and the iconic Tommy Hilfiger logo. The round 44mm case sports a clean, casual feel on a smooth brown leather strap. 4037132
565 157
TOMMY HILFIGER COOL CORE BRACELET This Tommy Hilfiger Jewelry brown leather cord bracelet for him is bold and masculine. Combine it with a watch and be sure to be the center of attention with Tommy Hilfiger’s unique preppy style.
AED USD 169 47
LACOSTE.12.12 WATCH Applauding the iconic status of the L.12.12 Polo shirt, the Lacoste.12.12 watch champions sporting style. A modern case and dial design salute the brand’s history via the petit piqué textured silicone strap and a graphic of the famous shirt on the case back. Boldly monochrome, this timepiece has the makings of another true Lacoste classic. 4880787
AED USD 335 93 56
POLICE NORWOOD MULTIFUNCTION WATCH Embodying the idea of complex simplicity, this multi-functional watch is a play of geometric shapes. Boasting three functional counters, POLICE Norwood is enhanced by an ion-plated case with rose gold detailing and a brown leather strap. Water resistance up to 5 ATM.
‘Free leather ca holder’ rd
AED USD 595 165
POLICE BLACK PYRAMID WALLET Trendy and exceptionally functional, this black leather men’s wallet from POLICE makes a bold statement with pyramid shaped textured façade. It comes with RFID protection and 12 pockets of varied sizes to fit all your needs.
AED USD 150 42 CERRUTI 1881 TESERO TIMEPIECE A companion for every weather, Tesero is the ultimate multi-functional ticker that has a sturdy silicone strap reinforcing a fashionable and functional dial. Embodying casual elegance, the chic timepiece reflects Cerruti 1881’s signature style whilst practical features like the rose gold details, three sub-dials and textured patterns display strength and tenacity. Water resistant to 10 ATM. 4959936
AED USD 845 234 57
Watches AVIATOR WORLDTIMER GENTS PILOT WATCH Classic styling incorporating a rotating inner world-time bezel enabling simultaneous time reading in 24 major global cities. The black dial has luminous hands and hour indices with calendar window at 3 o'clock. The 45mm case is finished in rose gold plating and fitted with a luxury black leather strap with contrasting white stitching. Water resistant to 3 ATM.
AED USD 365 101
SWISS MILITARY BERMUDA IAPF TIMEPIECE A testament of Swiss precision and craftsmanship, Bermuda IAPF has a khaki dial reinforced by a smart black silicone strap. The luminescent indices, deftly placed date window and the fixed top ring with aluminum inserts equip the watch with great functionality and form. By purchasing this timepiece, you will directly donate USD10.00 to the IAPF and therefore contribute towards the protection of endangered wildlife. Water resistant to 10ATM. 5589760
665 184
Fashion Accessories AVIATOR FOLDING SUNGLASSES Features black frames with smoke grey lens. The foldable frames and arms make these compact and easily fit into any pocket. Full UV protection. Supplied with a cleaning cloth and a velour travel pouch. 4658608
AED USD 170 47 POLICE WAYFARER SUNGLASSES Do you have what it takes? Featuring a glossy all-black body, smoke lenses and metal trims with the iconic POLICE eagle on the temple, this pair of UV-protected POLICE sunglasses is designed for those who dare to be different.
AED USD 495 137
KENNETH COLE SKELETON WATCH This Kenneth Cole skeleton watch turns ordinary to extraordinary! A steel case construction reveals the mechanism letting you admire the inner workings of the timepiece. It comes with the choice of two straps: black leather and mesh.
AED USD 739 205 KENNETH COLE NEW YORK BRACELET Inspired by the backdrop of the Manhattan urban landscape. Created in an all brown genuine leather plait style fused with a complementing brown Stainless Steel fastener, signed off with a modern etching of the KCNY brand.
AED USD 202 56 AVIATOR SMART PILOT WATCH Mixing modern technology with classic styling. The watch has a 3-hand analogue movement and rotating world-time bezel. The technology allows the watch to communicate with your smartphone and via the in dial LED screen. Incoming Call Alert, Caller ID, Missed Calls, SMS, Email, Social Media, Calendar Events, Lost Phone Alert, Pedometer, Calorie Counter, Sleep Monitor, 5ATM. Android and iOS Compatible. All packed in a rugged 46mm stainless steel case with a durable brown leather strap. 4949364
AED USD 739 205 60
Fashion Accessories AED USD 393 109
AED USD 230 60
The Winston Regal Cognac inspires effortless confidence with its black dial and cognac leather strap. This KOMONO watch features: Japanese Quartz movement, a stainless-steel back and 3 ATM water resistance.Contemporary watches, designed in Antwerp (Belgium). 41mm
The Lulu Crystal Giraffe is one of KOMONO’s most popular sunglasses. A cheerful and feminine design, the Lulu features: scratch-resistant polycarbonate lenses, UV 400 protection, high quality optical hinges and moldable temples. Contemporary sunglasses, designed in Antwerp (Belgium).
Fashion Accessories AED USD 195 54
AED USD 191 53
Elegant quilted wallet designed in France. This light and strong wallet gives a super fast access and an optimum protection. Quick and easy access to your cards. Designed to open with one hand. For 10 cards and cash. Metal lock. RFID Safe: protection against demagnetization and electronic data theft. International warranty. Dimensions: 10,8 x 7,2 x 2 cm. 78g
This light and strong wallet gives a super fast access and an optimum protection. Quick and easy access to your cards. Designed to open with one hand. For 10 cards and cash. RFID Safe: protection against demagnetization and electronic data theft. International warranty. Dimensions: 11 x 7,4 x 2,1 cm. 70g.
Fashion Accessories AED USD 355 98
AED USD 234 65
The Cascade Wallet offers room for 4 embossed or 6 flat cards as well as receipts and banknotes in the leather compartment. With just the push of a thumb, cards slide out and are instantly available. RFID Safe: protection against demagnetization and electronic data theft. Made of genuine Italian leather and aluminium. International warranty. 97 x 68 x 15 mm. 74g.
The Gemini bracelets are the ideal way to give that little extra to your outfit. The stone used for this bracelet is sourced from South Africa. Tiger’s Eye is a variety of Quartz known for its rich layers of gold and brown color. Tiger’s Eye is a blood fortifier, increasing vitality and strength, and restoring balance to the body on all levels. It sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action.
Fashion Accessories
BUCKLEY LONDON TIMELESS TRIO PENDANT & EARRING SET A classic and timeless trio of pendants and earrings. Including a rose gold tone puffed heart, hexagonal semi-precious Rose Quartz and brilliant-cut cubic zirconia pendants accompanied by matching stud earrings. This set is the essential addition to your jewellery box. Presented in a Buckley London box. Chain length: 18" + 3" extender. 5589806
AED USD 276 76
BUCKLEY LONDON CLUSTER CHARM & EARRING SET This gold tone interchangeable cluster pendant features six wanderlust inspired charms, including a star to guide you on your travels, a heart adorned with hand-set crystals, and a unique abalone stone to symbolise calm and tranquillity. The set also includes three pairs of matching stud earrings. This versatile set is perfect for mixing up your look during your travels. Chain length: 56cm + 7cm extender. Earring dimensions: 8mm / 4mm / 7mm. Comes packaged in a Buckley London box.
AED USD 217 60 BUCKLEY LONDON TROPICAL CHARM BRACELET The Tropical Charm bracelet adds some fun and vibrancy to any outfit, taking inspiration from the exotic elements of travel. Featuring five intricately crafted charms including a watermelon, cactus, pineapple, starfish and Hamsa Hand, each finished with enamel or crystal hanging from a polished interlinked chain. Presented in a Buckley London gift box, making it the perfect holiday souvenir. Bracelet length: 7.5". 5610415
AED USD 184 51 64
Fashion Accessories
BUCKLEY LONDON XO HEART BRACELET SET OF 5 Buckley London sparkle mesh bracelet set including five eye catching woven mesh bracelets in a choice of gold, black rhodium, rose gold and rhodium tones, with 5 gift bags included. 4662804
AED USD 272 76
FIERRO DOUBLE BANGLE SET This lovely double bangle set features 18k gold and silver plated with flawless cubic zircon, very comfortable and stylish, packed in an elegant window gift box. Bangle Diameter: 5cm x 6cm.
AED USD 202 56
FIERRO EVITA GOLD PLATED WATCH AND JEWELRY SET This set is designed to shimmer plated in Gold and Rhodium. The watch features a high precision quartz movement that ensures accurate time keeping with 3 ATM water resistant. The faceted bezel and bracelet strap for the minimalist who still wants to accessorize with a classic timepiece complemented with a very trendy stainless steel two-tone layered necklace and stud earrings. Chain Length: 50cm, 60cm with 5cm extender. 5590023
AED USD 276 76 65
Fashion Accessories
FIERRO CAMRYN WATCH, BANGLE AND JEWELRY SET This elegantly designed Fierro watch is contrasted with a modern silver bracelet strap, 3 ATM water resistant, and set with a simple white dial with sparkling crystal numerals. Matched with an elegant bangle, pendant and two pairs of earrings. Chain Length: 45cm + 5cm extender. Bangle Diameter: 5cm x 6cm. 5589955
AED USD 327 91
FIERRO PEARL BOUQUET ROSE GOLD PLATED WITH FREE PEARL EARRINGS This delicate and stylish rose gold plated faux pearl bouquet pendant with matching free cultured pearl earrings will surely add glamour to your stunning personality. Chain Length: 45cm + 5cm extender.
AED USD 202 56
FIERRO INFINITE MAGIC 18K TRIO COLOR LAYERED NECKLACE What better way to complete your look than with vibrant gems. Their sparkle and alluring hue in this timeless design complements any taste. Three stunning layer of colors: amethyst, champagne and garnet frame in trio color plated chain. Chain Length is 44cm, 47cm, 54cm with 5cm extender. 4662861
AED USD 176 49 66
Fashion Accessories
FIERRO CRYSTAL ALLAH PENDANT Beautiful handcrafted 24K gold plated Allah pendant surrounded by sparkling crystals. Chain length: 45cm.
AED USD 202 56
FIERRO LAGUNITA 18K GOLD PLATED JEWELRY SET A reflection of your deepest imagination captured and crafted to create a living expression, each piece is plated in 18K gold and set with the finest crystals to keep your moments sparkling forever. It’s complemented with an extra pair of matching earrings exclusively for you. Chain Length: 40cm + 5cm extender.
AED USD 312 87
FIERRO CALLA 18K GOLD PLATED PAVE CRYSTAL JEWELRY SET This stunning floral design is surrounded by dazzling crystals reflecting glamour and elegance. Chain length: 45cm + 5cm extender. Adjustable ring: 1.5 - 2cm. 4662932
AED USD 290 81 67
Fashion Accessories
Fashion Accessories
FIERRO ANASTASIA TRIO BANGLE SET Style yourself sophisticated with these modern bangles with bright gemstones at the center in champagne, purple and dark pink colors, finished in 18k gold, rhodium and rose gold plating. These beautiful bangles could be worn singly or stacked up for a gorgeous look and extreme sparkle. Bangle Diameter: 5cm x 6cm. 4949396
AED USD 275 77
FIERRO 4 PAIRS JEWELRY SET A set which comes with 4 necklaces, stunning pendants and 4 pairs of matching earrings. Chain length: 45cm + 5cm extender.
AED USD 239 66
FIERRO YVONNE TENNIS SILVER PLATED JEWELRY SET This high quality silver-plated crystal bracelet with matching double layered necklace sparkle endlessly and will definitely make an impression. They are such a beautiful accent to any outfit. Chain Length: 45cm, 54cm + 5cm extender. Adjustable Bracelet. 4949133
AED USD 255 71
Fashion Accessories
FIERRO CHARMING EYE 24K GOLD PLATED JEWELRY SET WITH FREE CORD A very stylish 24k gold plated eye jewellery pave set with crystals. Comes with an interchangeable gold chain and black cord to suit any occasion. It’s the beautiful set that every woman would want to wear, presented in a luxurious gift box. Chain Length: 40cm + 5cm extender. 4949265
AED USD 239 66
FIERRO SPARKLING FLORA ROSE GOLD PLATED PENDANT WITH PEARL EARRINGS This gorgeous rose gold plated pendant with natural flora design embedded with clear and colorful sparkling Austrian crystals complemented with a free pair of earrings that would be perfect for all occasions. Chain Length: 40cm + 5cm extender.
AED USD 215 60
FIERRO CARRIE LAYERED CHARM GOLD PLATED NECKLACE A triple-layered necklace with row of blue beads, tube-link and an eye charm. Chain Length: 44cm, 47cm, 54cm + 5cm extender.
AED USD 180 50 70
Fashion Accessories
FIERRO CUTE KIDDIE 3 JEWELLERY SET A fun-shaped, adorable jewellery set in cute three designs. Chain length: 40cm.
AED USD 147 41 FIERRO CAPRI ADJUSTABLE SET OF 3 RINGS Modern 3 silhouette rings in gold, silver and rose gold plated. This set is great alone or with others and can be adjustable. These also look great as midi rings. Adjustable ring diameter: 1.9cm.
AED USD 165 46
FIERRO AGATE PRAYER BEADS 33 semi-precious orange agate prayer beads carefully put together and presented in an amazingly attractive gift box.
AED USD 177 49 71
Fashion Accessories
FIERRO ALLURE WATCH & DOUBLE BANGLE SET An eye-catching rose gold plated watch, matched with two crystal bangles to show off sophisticated style. Bangle Inner Diameter: 5cm x 6cm.
AED USD 349 97
PIERRE CARDIN LADIES TRIPLE WATCH SET The classic slim line design makes these perfect for everyday wear. The bright sunray dials have polished hour indices and hands, finished in silver/gold/rose gold colour plating, fitted with different textured straps, perfect for every occasion or for gifting. AED USD 357 99 MONTINE LADIES' WATCH JEWELLERY SET Matching watch and bracelet set with white crystals and finished with gold plating. The watch features a white crystal set dial with a three hand quartz movement. The set is completed by three pairs of gold plated crystal earrings. All presented in a gift box. 4658635
AED USD 299 83 72
Fashion Accessories
TEMPTATION JEWELLERY WATCH Exquisitely gold-plated bracelet strands with little white artificial pearls and a beautiful heart charm set with sparkling crystals for an elegant touch on your wrist. Stylish watch and luxurious bracelet in one.
AED USD 361 100
MONTINE GIFT SET This stylish gents watch set is complete with a black leather wallet and handy pen.
AED USD 199 55
FIERRO VINTAGE LADIES LEATHER WATCH Featuring premium leather straps, wooden beads and a cute heart charm, this simple yet elegant watch is the perfect addition to your urban wardrobe.
AED USD 147 41
Fashion Accessories TEMPTATION LADIES WATCH TENDER FEELINGS Classic elegant gold-plated Ladies watch with feminine high-quality mock leather strap. Shiny Mother of pearl dial surrounded by romantic combination of silver and gold colored crystals. Strap adjustable with pin buckle 5656007
AED USD 180 50
TEMPTATION MAGNET BROOCH SET Four noble styles for you to choose from, with this eye-catching Temptation magnet brooch set, hand-set with sparkling crystals. Whether on the blouse, on the shirt, the hat or on your favorite scarf - the brooches ensure your sophisticated look. Including two extra magnets.
AED USD 145 40
TEMPTATION FESTIVAL WATCH This sunny and feminine watch is your official good mood keeper! Gold plated bezel and colorful braided strap. Adjustable size fits majority of wrists.Don't resist this Temptation! 3ATM 5655998
AED USD 108 30 CHOCOMOON GEOMETRIC LADIES' WATCH VINTAGE STYLE Combination of fashionable geometric design and vintage colors makes this stylish ChocoMoon watch a unique timepiece. Flexible strap – fits majority of wrists. Japanese movement, 3 ATM. 4658936
AED USD 199 55 74
Fashion Accessories
5589831PIERRE CARDIN STACKABLE BEADED TRIO Three beaded styled bracelets, finished in rhodium, gold and rose gold plating all presented in a compact presentation case.
AED USD 253 70
GUESS MY GIFT FOR YOU SET A semirigid rose gold-plated stainless steel bangle with a full pavè Swarovski crystals heart combined with the sparkling earrings for an all-day-long look.
AED USD 299 83 PIERRE CARDIN WARDROBE JEWELLERY SET A mixture of rhodium and gold matching pendants and earrings. Includes a variety of different styles of jewellery to mix and match with any outfit at any occasion. Comes in a compact bow box.
AED USD 265 74 75
Fashion Accessories
PIERRE CARDIN SET OF 3 BANGLES Classic style, set with white crystals and finished in rhodium, 18K gold and rose gold plating. Presentated in a compact presentation case.
AED USD 225 63
PIERRE CARDIN CHARM BRACELET Pierre Cardin bracelet in rhodium plating with gold plated charms. Complete with a complimentary pair of pearl earrings. All hypoallergenic and nickel free.
AED USD 135 38 GUESS SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PEN A glamorous pen with crystals is the real must have for the woman who doesn't have to try too hard; the personification of the real GUESS Girl, “young, sexy and adventurous” by definition. 4949116
AED USD 150 42
Fashion Accessories
Off %
اﻗراط ﻓراﻧش ھوك ﻣن دﯾرﺑورغ ﻛورن ذات اﻟﺟوھرة اﻟواﺣدة
The classic and feminine ear post Louise is a must-have for all women. Decorated with a large sparkling crystal solitaire, this ear post complements your look whether you are going to the office or attending the night's party. Made with Swarovski elements. 4661296
AED USD 145 41 116 32 DYRBERG/KERN TRAVEL FAIRY TALES BRACELETS ﻣﺟﻣوﻋﺔ اﺳﺎور ﺗراﻓل ﻓﯾرى ﺗﺎﯾﻠز ﻣن دﯾرﺑورغ ﻛورن
20ff% O
'To Travel Is To Live'- Inspired by this quote, DYRBERG/KERN offers you this luxurious bangle set, consisting of an elegantly orange hand painted enamel bangle and a narrow steel bangle. The bangles are gold colored, hinged in order to fit all sizes, made in stainless steel and hypo allergenic. 4661287
ﺧﺎﺗم ﻛوﻣﺑﻠﻳﻣﻧﺗس ﻣﺗﻐﻳر اﻟﺷﻛل ﻣن دﻳرﺑورغ ﻛورن
COMPLIMENTS from DYRBERG/KERN Copenhagen is a brand new and exciting "build your own ring" concept. This set contains 1 ring Band + 3 beautiful toppings "Grace", "Essence" and "Freedom". Crafted in stainless steel and decorated by Swarovski Crystal. 4658805
AED USD 404 112 323 90 77
20 % Off
Fashion Accessories
Off %
TOSCOW PENDANT MULTICOLOR Toscow “ Glitter Glamour: Golden Circle” Crystal Pendant. 7016573
AED AED 523 523 145
USD USD 145 145 40
TITANIUM BRACELET WITH GERMANIUM & MAGNET Super lightweight may improve your sleeping quality and reduce stress. It releases negative ions that help to promote inner balance and improve blood circulation to promote health. 20f% Of
AED 465 372
USD 129 103
Off %
Stylish Lambretta braided bracelet in either black or brown genuine leather. Fitted with a polished Stainless steel clasp in gold or silver colour. 4676724
USD AED USD AED 47 170 47 170 136 38
WALKIE TALKIE WATCH SET Walkie Talkie Watch Set With Black and SilverCovers and Two Pairs of Earphones. Featuring Digital Time Display and a Unique Hidden Microphone. Effective Range of Approximately 250ft Subject to Normal Conditions. Batteries Included. 4658394
AED USD 255 71
DISNEY FROZEN GLITTER WATCH This sparkly timepiece will be the perfect gift for your little princess in training. She will love spending time with her favorite characters while she learns how to read time. Comes in a collectable Disney tin including “time to tell time” booklet. 3ATM water resistant. 4949125
AED USD 191 53
DISNEY MINNIE WATCH Disney Minnie Mouse Red Plastic Time Teacher Watch, with red 3D silicone strap. Each watch is accompanied by a “Time to Tell Time” booklet.
AED USD 140 39
ﻋﺮوض اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﻴﺮان
Air Arabia Exclusives AIR ARABIA AIRCRAFT MODEL Be it for a kid who loves airplanes, or for a serious collector of airplane models. This highly detailed 1:200 scale aircraft diecast model makes for an ideal gift. Stand included. 4658367
AED USD 76 21 AIR ARABIA SLEEPER PACK SET Wrap around this warm blanket, rest your head on the inflatable pillow, put on the sleep mask and have a peaceful slumber.
69 19
AIR ARABIA PLAYING CARDS Pass your time during your journey with a game of cards. These are definite collectibles for seasoned travellers. 4676676
AED USD 25 7 AIR ARABIA COMFORT SET Your journey with us just got more comfortable with this plush traveller's comfort set. Includes an eye mask, a pair of earplugs and soft socks.
AED USD 25 7
SKROSS WORLD TRAVEL ADAPTER With the World Adapter MUV USB, travellers from all over the world can charge two USB devices and connect one unearthed 2-pole-plug simultaneously in more than 220 countries. Designed in Switzerland to the highest standard. Compatible with USA, Japan, Australia, China, UK, Euro. 4658300
AED USD 185 52
TRAVEL EASY USB SHAVER The perfect travel shaver for any frequent traveler. The USB shaver can be simply charged via any USB port. Compact, portable and cordless so you can shave anywhere.
AED USD 130 37 TRAVEL EASY LIGHT WEIGHT SCALE These steel and plastic scales are simple to use and makes holidays easier than ever before. Helps avoid overweight luggage. Automatically shuts down after 3 minutes. Max load 50kg, auto weight lock function. Large handle for comfortable use. Powered by CR2032 battery. 4658511
AED USD 125 35 81
ISAFE 10,000 mAh QUALCOMM POWER BANK Lightweight. Latest Power bank technology that offers Qualcomm Quick charge 3.0 with 10,000 mAh capacity and enabled with LCD display to always see the status of your power bank.
AED USD 275 77
ISAFE POWER PACK IPHONEX/XS 3200mAh Enjoy and protect your iPhone X / Xs for voice, video, music, game and business applications with extended iSAFE back power. This back power will extend your phone battery life by doubling the charging with 3200 mAh.
AED USD 250 69
ISAFE SUCTION WIRELESS POWER BANK 8000mAh Set it and forget it when you place your phone on this sleek, two tone 8,000 mAh wireless power bank. The attached suction cups gently hold your phone in place for the smoothest user experience. A Type C input/output along with a 3A USB ensure the fastest charging for any of your devices which already have wireless charging function. 5380486
AED USD 250 69 82
ﻛﺎﺑل ﺷﺣن ﻣﺗﻌدد اﻻﺳﺗﺧداﻣﺎت ﻣﻊ ارﺑﻊ ﻣﻧﺎﻓذ ﻣن اى ﺳﯾف
Standard USB to Micro interface, 2 iPhone interfaces and Type-C. Multi-charging cable with a wide range of uses. Suitable to charge all mobile phones.
AED USD 120 33
ISAFE 4 PORTS LED SMART CHARGER Night light + 4 USB interfaces provided all charging by one time. ON-OFF by single touch with in your reach. You can freely choose Bright & Dim light mode by long press on your preference.
AED USD 165 46
ﺳﻣﺎﻋﺎت ﺳﺗرﯾو اﯾرﺑﻼس ﻣن اى ﺳﯾف
iSAFEAirpluswill forever change the way you use headphones. Whenever you pull your Airplusout of the charging case, they instantly turn on and connect to your Mobile. Audio automatically plays as soon as you put them in your ears and pauses when you take them out. To adjust the volume, change the song, make a call, or even get directions, just double-tap on Airplus. 5380468
AED USD 365 100 83
MERLIN WIRELESS POWERBANK 4000MAH With an elegant design, 4,000mAh rechargeable battery, and a form factor that’s slightly larger than that of a credit card, lash keeps your smart devices topped up all day long.
AED USD 233 65
MERLIN ACTIFIT LITE This high-performance activity tracker monitors your physical activity and delivers real-time stats. With inbuilt heart rate monitor, sleep monitor, reminders, and water-resistant exterior, ActiFit helps you stay on the move.
AED USD 233 65 84
Confectionery KINGDOM ROYAL DATES 500GM The best Saudi Arabian dates. It is exceptional for its size, consistent dark color. Clean soft texture with highly delicious flavor. 4586081
KINGDOM TAMARIYA WITH NUTS 300GM This is a sweet made with dates paste and an ancient grandma recipe passed till date due to taste and value. 4586099
BAYARA SNACKS ARABIC KERNELS PREMIUM 300GM Snack healthy with a premium mix of roasted nuts. No added oil and flavored with Mediterranean Sea Salt. 4573690
AED USD 55 16 HARISON NAPOLITAINS 300GM Harison has slogan of “Quality is our top priority. There is no compromise; we do not leave anything to chance”.
AED USD 60 17
HARISON SWISS TABLETS 3+1 PACK 'Treat yourself with Harison's passionately delicious chocolates from Switzerland'. 4949346
AED USD 48 13
BAYARA PREMIUM SAUDI DATES VACUUM 1KG Explore the deliciousness of fresh Bayara dates from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4658359
SNICKERS MINIS 500GM Packed with roasted peanuts, nougat, caramel and milk chocolate. SNICKERS® Brand handles your hunger, so you handle the things in life that aren't related to hunger at all. 4301803
AED USD 46 13 BOUNTY MINIS 500GM Available in whole milk dark chocolate varieties, the moist, tender in Bounty Cardy tempts your senses with the taste of paradise. 4301790
AED USD 46 13 86
AED USD 60 17 9962743
CORSET SUPERSLIM MENTHOL 200'S Choose the exquiste corset lipstick menthol to enjoy its reďŹ ned tasting and sparkling freshness. 87
Tobacco HEETS are a completely new way to enjoy tobacco. They open up a whole new world of taste and flavor when used with cutting edge IQOS HeatControl™ Technology.
HEETS FOR IQOS AMBER 200’S BALANCED AND ROASTED. A rounded, toasted tobacco blend layered with lightly - scented woody and nutty aroma notes. 9124670
AED USD 148 41
HEETS FOR IQOS TURQUOISE 200’S REFRESHING AND COOLING. Delivering a crisp menthol cooling coupled with lightly toasted tobacco blend and enriched by subtle zesty aroma notes. 9124696
AED USD 148 41
HEETS FOR IQOS YELLOW 200’S MILD AND ZESTY. A mellow and aromatic tobacco blend coupled with effervescent zesty aroma notes. 9124688
AED USD 148 41 PARLIAMENT AQUA BLUE 200'S The Perfect harmony of hand quality selected tobaccos abd original processed™ filter, for a refined and balanced smoking experience. AED USD 121 34 88
Tobacco MARLBORO GOLD BOX 400'S Buy the iconic Marlboro Gold Original with the ultimate smooth taste and redefined smoking sensation. 2343508001
AED USD 198 55
MARLBORO RED BOX 400'S Buy the iconic Marlboro Red in its international sleek design with the round taste and authentic quality you can see and feel now with SmartSeal™. 2343487001
AED USD 198 55
MARLBORO GOLD FLIP TOP BOX 200'S Buy the iconic Marlboro Gold Original with the ultimate smooth taste and redefined smoking sensation. 2027871002
AED USD 110 31 MARLBORO RED BOX 200'S Buy the iconic Marlboro Red in its international sleek design with the round taste and authentic quality you can see and feel now with SmartSeal™. AED USD 110 31 89
DUNHILL SWITCH BLACK/GREEN BOX 200'S Enjoy the superior Dunhill tobacco blend, then click the Capsule for an additional fresher taste.
AED USD 110 31
BENSON & HEDGES SPECIAL FILTER BOX 200'S The gold standard in smoking satisfaction.
AED USD 99 27
ROTHMANS BLUE BOX 200'S Enjoy the spirit of London, wherever you are, with Rothmans.
AED USD 68 19
WINSTON BLUE RC BOX 200'S Choose Winston, a symbol of high quality that always stays true to the modern world.
AED USD 76 21
WINSTON SILVER BOX 200'S Winston Silver. A delicate and reďŹ ned smoking experience.
AED USD 76 21
JOHN PLAYER GOLD LEAF BOX 200'S The classic satisfying taste of Gold Leaf.
AED USD 44 12
Tobacco DON ANTONIO CHURCHILL 3'S The 100% handmade Churchill cigars are produced, in Santiago de los Caballeros in the Domanican Republic. Smokers who appreciate not only cigars of premium quality, but also the innovative design. 4658438
AED USD 76 21
CANDLE LIGHT CORONA HAVANA 5'S Carefully selected tobacco from the world’s best plantations and high quality standards of German manufacturers, as well as connoisseurs’ valuable experience make the classic Corona cigar a unique product. 4658456
CANDLE LIGHT SENORITAS VANILLA 5’S The filler of these Candlelight Senorita Cigars consists of a blend of Brazilian, Java and Domoningo tobaccos. The finest taste and scent of this cigar makes every single time a memorable experience. 4631378
AED USD 25 7 LIPS CHOCOLATE 5’S Lips Cigars have a sweet tip with flavor. Each cigar is packed in Individual tube to keep freshness. An ideal product to carry around in pocket.
AED USD 10 3 92
ORIS PULSE APPLEMINT 200's ﻋﻠﺑﮭ ﻣن ) ﺳﺟﺎﺋر ﺑﻧﻛﮭﺔ اﻟﺗﻔﺎح واﻟﻧﻌﻧﺎع ﻣن اورﯾس200 (ﺳﯾﺟﺎرة
Switch to refresh your taste
AED USD 61 17
ORIS PEACE QUEEN SIZE 200's ) ﺳﯿﺠﺎرة٢٠٠ ﺑﺎﻟﺤﺠﻢ اﻟﻤﻠﻜﻲ ﻣﻦ أورﻳﺲ«ﺑﯿﺲ »ﺳﺠﺎئ (ﻋﻠﺒﺔ ﻣﻦ
Choose the exquisite Oris piece to enjoy its full rounded full flavor taste and delicate aroma with its high grade tobacco blend.
AED USD 100 28
Mazaya’s Tobacco-Molasses is distinguished by its unique ingredients that include: premium quality French tobacco, medical glycerin, pure honey and natural flavors food grade (alcohol-free).
AED USD 25 7 9018611
AED USD 25 7 9018590
Love is in the Air ! Catch the most Romantic movies on your IFE Screens
Book our Valentine’s Movies Package for your February 2020 cycle at a Special Price. MAINE PYAR KIYA (1989) Lang: Hindi | Subs: Eng
VIVAH(2006) Lang: Hindi | Subs: Eng
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GEET GAATA CHAL (1975) Lang: Hindi | Subs: Eng
HUM AAPKE HAI KOUN! (1994) Lang: Hindi | Subs: Eng
UUF KYA JADOO MOHABBAT HAI (2004) Lang: Hindi | Subs: Eng
HUM PYAR TUMHI SE KAR BAITHE (2002) Lang: Hindi | Subs: Eng
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Picturesque Langkawi Skirted by turquoise waters, this pristine archipelago is dotted with verdant hills
النكاوي الخالبة يحيط بهذه الجزيرة المياه الفيروزية والتالل الخضراء