Banana Digest | November 2022 | Mayfair Key Club

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Thank you so much for sticking with us so far this term. I love each and everyone one of you and I am very proud of all of you and how far you have come in your key club journey! We are over halfway there. Keep your eyes open for CTC next month, I’m excited to see where you will go in your journey~ IT IS OFFICIALLY ELECTION SEASON!!! If youre interested in board positions PLS ASK ME I PROMISE THERE IS SO MUCH TO LEARN ABT KEY CLUB AND THE BENEFITS OF THE CLUB!!

Estela Vasquez


I hope you had a wonderful fall break! So much happened this much, and i’m super excited to bring you this new edition of Banana Digest! Are y’all rockin’ with the new covers? Do you think I should keep them like this? Let me know! I’m so proud of what we accomplished this month, so let’s end the year strong!

Editor’s Note President’s Note Board’s Message Club Updates Level Up-dates Kiwanis Corner Event Recap ↳Spirit Season ↳ Fall Rally South Focus: Preferred Charities Member of the Month Upcoming Events Contact Information 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 7-10 9 10 11-12 13 14 15-16 1 Editors Note’s In this issue ⤴⤴⤴⤴
-Markus Lim


it’s that holiday season again ! grab your onesie, get that hot chocolate, and watch some cool movies … is what i would say if you weren’t in key club. but you know the deal , GET THAT SERVICE GRIND ON ! during the holidays , many of us forget the privilege we have to go home , and eat huge meals with the ones we love . however, during the break , i challenge each and every one of you to take one day out of your break to help others in need . it can be with the numerous service events key club will hold , or just on your own ! i guarantee that you will get more happiness knowing that you can give others a christmas or thanksgiving, some things that we all didn’t have to think twice about .

while school settles down in time for the holidays, please make sure to stay healthy and to not let those grades slip ! we are almost there to having a good break , don’t give up yet :D if you need any help on school or other duties , there’s always helping hands everywhere for you (even me!). let’s not hesitate to use them !

to keep it short and sweet i’ll end it here , but HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL SERVIN’ SOON !

Presidents Note 2


ELLLO MONEKYES my name is ally/alibaba/allison I serve as parts of events committee. This month was absotlutelt CRZZYYAYYYY. LIKE SOO MUCH happened. On the 4th and 5th we attended FRS spirit sessions!! THey were so fun and a success beacseu the next day was FALL RALLY SOUTHH!!! AT fall rally south we bounded with our friends and met SOOOO many people from different divisions. ALL the effort we put in for the past month paid off as we had won the spirit stick.

Omg i TOTALLY FORGOT we made the CUTEST monkey headbands as a service event. At the service event we also practiced the cheers more. OUR HEADBANDS were actually SOSOSO cute. ON THE 22ND WE held a division JOINT POTLUCK dcm with the other divisions. AND AND AND OM THE 27TH we had FALLFSETIVITIES. We had been planning that for months in advanced and it was so fun! We had booths and food!! WE hope to plan more and BETTER EVENTS!! Thats


Hello green monkeys!! My name is Keira and I serve on our events committee. It has been a great term so far and I just want to encourage you guys to come to our future events! Our key club family is SOO fun and I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at events! December has a lot of fun things coming up, so stay tuned! December is ALWAYS my favorite part of the term because we have such CUTE events. IM LITERALLY SO EXCITED FOR THEM. sooo basically you should totally come I promise you will have a good time !!


Club Updates

Term Service Hours

1,728/1500 hrs

Term Funds


for the month of november, mayfair has been calming down in favor of the hectic essence of fall rally south. nonetheless, many service events and fundraisers were tied into the spirit season ! that includes our headband making service event as well as the headband fundraiser. that helped us raise to $82 for this month! not to mention our service hours has exceeded our november goal of 100 ! for november , we have raised 316 service hours just for this month alone !


November Service Hours

316/100 hrs

5 5
whathadhelpeduswerethekey clubbersworkingatpolls,the headbandmakingserviceevent, andourkiwanishelpoutforthe elementaryschoolturkeydrive.i hopetoseeeveryoneservingtheir communityandhelpingoutduring theholidays!

LEVEL UP-dates

Division 13 North


● Fall Rally South | Nov. 12th 6am-9pm | Six Flags Magic Mountain

● Key Culture Nov. Potluck DCM | Nov. 19th 1-4pm | South Gate





● Lieutenant Governmnet Interest Form Released + CTC dec. 4th


● November Newsletter |


● Key Club Week | Nov 7-11 | spirit week on insta


California-Nevada Hawaii District International

● November Newsletter |

● Kiwanis Family Month!!! Learn more on the CNH Cyber Key!

● March of Dimes World Prematurity Day | Nov. 17

● Buzzin Break S6E4 | Chartering A K-fam Club |

● Spotlight on Service November Focus | Kiwanis Family!

● DCON 2023 Presentor Applications | DUE DEC. 20TH11:59 pm PST |


● District social (Texillansas X neia northwest X calnewsin) | Nov. 27th


○ Counted as international event for MRP!! Turn in proof to secretary


● The Philippine-luzon is now an official key CLub Int. district

D13N Term Funds $5045.86/ $3000

D13N Term Service Hours

4399.56/ 1500 hrs


Kiwanis Corner Event Recap


| Adults

Kiwanis International is a global community of clubs, members and partners dedicated to improving the lives of children one community at a time. Local clubs look out for our communities and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty. Whether rolling up their sleeves or opening their wallets, Kiwanians make transformative changes in communities around the world.


On Saturday November 26th from 3:30-6:30 pm we held a fallststivites fundraiser at the Bellflower Kiwanis Hall in which members were able to come have fun and play some carnival-ish games! There were games such as cornhole, apple bobbing, toothpick in a haystack, pin the tail on the monkey, and someone brought a volleyball and people played with it for some time. There was also yummy food like popcorn, cookies, caramel apples, candy, ramen, and free chips and water. There was also a raffle in which almost everyone was able to take something home! I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all our board officers who were able to make this event possible and to all the members who showed up! Thanks to all of you we were able to raise OVER $100 FOR THE PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM!!

It was a holiday weekend and a lot of people were out of town or were tired from the holidays so I REALLY appreciate you all showing up! I love you mayfair monkeys :(

Fundraising Chair, Estela Vasquez


Hello green monkeys, my name is Izel Ramirez and on November 21 we did a fundraising event at the Bellflower Kiwanis hall. It was during Thanksgiving break and I signed up very last minute on a whim but I’m so glad I went! D13N members were there as well as the Miss Bellflower princesses. I got closer to some friends and made new ones too! We passed out many Thanksgiving turkeys to families and toys to their little ones, letting the kids choose their favorites! It was so heartwarming to see their faces light up when they got their new toys and I’m so grateful to be a part of that. It was a great event that reminded me to be grateful for the privileges I have during this season.

General member, Izel Ramirez


Pre-Fall Spirit Making


On November 9, we had our Pre-Fall Spirit Crafting + mini spirit session to prepare for FRS!!

Spirit Season

We all created cute and fun monkey headbands as spirit gear to sell to the division! Those funds would then go to PTP, one of our preferred charities!! We had a mini spirit session afterwards and went through all the main cheers and mini cheers. These would be used to perform at the main spirit battle and to use in the mini spirit battles while walking around at Six Flags!! Everyone got so creative with their headbands and it was really fun making them! Everyone did so well with theirs!!

FRS Spirit Session #1

WHATTSSSSS SWINGING GREEN MONKEYS! We recently had our FIRST SPIRIT SESSION FOR FRS!!!!! It was very fun, as always! It was held at the Kiwanis Hall and they first split us into groups based on if we knew the first cheer or not. Those who did, learned cheers 2 and 3 while those who didn’t learned 1 and a part of 2! Side note: there was a gorgeous sunset and it was so wonderful cheering with everyone with a beautiful view in the back! Anyway, we learned the cheers and then joined together and did them all together!

Member Recognition Chair, Isabella Delgado

FRS Spirit Session #2


hellooooo mayfair monkeyssss!!! On November 5 we had our second FRS spirit session at the Bellflower Kiwanis Hall with the attire being flannel and jeans !!! it was tons of fun seeing all of the other members from different schools and finishing learning up the cheers for FRS. It was very fun and enjoyable it really got people hyped for FSR!!!

General member, Arielle

FRS Spirit Session #3


HEYYY GREEN MONKEYS!!!!! My name is Robert Ayala and I am a new member to Mayfair Key club this year. On November 11th at the Cerritos Performing Arts parking lot, Division 13 North had their 3rd FRS spirit session. Many key club members from other schools attended to perfect our amazing cheers to compete at FRS.I had a great time meeting new people from other schools and seeing them perform the cheers. Our Spirit team did an amazing job at hyping us up for FRS.Overall it was a fun and exciting experience, it made me very hype about FRS!!!

General Member, Robert Ayala




November 12th along with MANY MANY different divisions attended FRS. We competed for a spirit stick, met many new people that turned into friends, made new memories with our friends, and went on rides! There were many people from different schools, divisions, and regions attending. Befriending them was an absolute pleasure. D13N arrived in the Kiwanis hall at 6-7:30. During the bus ride people rested up and sang songs. Jensen and Mikayla were singing disney songs. While I rested I heard, “and at last I see the light and its like the fog has lifted and at last I see the lightttt.” We arrived around 10 AM. Everyone wandered the park until 11:45, where we met up and prepared for the rally. While waiting I felt the nerves and excitement in the air. I could tell everyone was very excited. We quietly practiced our cheers and talked amongst ourselves. Around 1 we went into the rally. We sat down and started cheering. Jacob directed our movements and cheers. The rally then began. D13N was called first, which caught many of us a little off guard. Nevertheless, we performed the first cheer flawlessly. We passed the first round!! Then Kai and Alyssa were auctioned off; we bought them for 2,000! Then the second round began. We performed the cheer pretty well. Although we stumbled a little during the transition we know what to work on. We moved on to the last round with the ninjas and appas!! We were called to perform our last cheer first. Kai instructed us with his amazing callouts. The ninjas followed with their cheers. Then appas surprised us with their AMAZING cheers. After, we took 0.5 photos. Then it was time to announce the winner of FRS 2022. “Drum roll please!!!!” dum dum dum dum dum….. “DIVISION…….


NORTHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!.” WE WON THE SPIRIT STICK. Many people started crying, as it was their LAST FRS as seniors :((((((((((((((. We all started cheering and chanting “WE GOT THAT STICK WE GOT THAT STICK WE GOT THAT STICK AYY WE GOT THAT STICK.” After that we took division and club photos and were set of to get food and go on rides until 6:50. We ended upo getting on the bus at 8/9. Many people knocked out on the ride back. The post FRS naps are soo crispy and good. I’m so proud of EVERYONE in our division. And look forward to next year's FRS!! That's it from me! I LOVE YOU ALL :(( ( and will be severely missing the seniors next year) MONKEY OUT!!

Events Committee Member, Allison Lam <3





Pediatric Trauma Program | DISTRICT

The Kiwanis CNH Foundation recognized a serious need for education and training in the pediatric trauma and injury prevention. From there, the foundation established the Pediatric Trauma Program in 1994. The main goal is to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma.

↳Why FRS? FRS is to celebrate all teh funds raised for the pediatric trauma program thus far into the term which is why its important to learn what PTP is and what it does

YES! Initiative | DISTRICT

YES stands for Youth, Education, and Support. Youth –A portion of the proceeds for the YES! Initiative goes towards District Board members and the fees incurred when attending mandatory training conferences. Education — Another portion of the proceeds goes to funding scholarships for Key Club, Circle K, and KIWIN’S. Support — Money also goes towards grants awarded to Kiwanis clubs to initiate new projects.


UNICEF stands for United Nations Chiildren’s Fund. “UNICEF works to advance and protect child rights and to provide health care, immunizations, nutrition, access to safe water and sanitation services, education, protection and emergency relief”

How to Support:

Donate to club/division fundraisers

Participate in CNH’s annual Eliminate Week on Instagram

Participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF in October

Participate in IHOP National Pancake Day

Participate in Dairy Queen’s Miracle Treat Day

Other Resources:



March of Dimes | INTERNATIONAL

This organization fights for the health of all mothers and babies. March of Dimes helps prevent birth defects, promote healthy pregnancy, and provide medical support for premature infants.

Children’s Miracle Network | INTERNATIONAL

CMN supports hospitalized children and increases awareness of its member hospitals. They also help purchase proper hospital equipment, train doctors, implement outreach programs, and provide healthcare for children whose parents struggle financially.

Erika's Lighthouse | INTERNATIONAL

Erika’s Lighthouse is a non-profit organization committed to raising awareness about teen depression in middle school and high school communities at no cost to schools. In 2004, Erika's parents, Tom & Ginny Neuckranz, founded this organization to raise awareness about mental health & prevent other teenagers from suffering


M - march of dimes

Y - Yes! Initiative

C - Children’s Miracle Network



P - Pediatric Trauma Program


Member of the Month

The Officer of the Month for November is Katie De Guzman! She has really showed her dedication for this club this last month. She works extremely hard to see this club at its very best and I cannot thank her enough for the work she puts forth. I have loved seeing Katie’s growth from member to officer and I can’t wait to see what these next few years bring to her!

Our November Member of the Month is Robert Ayala! He was chosen this month for his near-perfect attendance at all our events this month, and the kindness he brings to events that just want to make you smile! If you ever have had the pleasure of talking to Robert, you would find that he’s very easygoing and is always sparing an extra smile! I have had the pleasure of getting to know Robert more as he carves a place for himself in this club and I am unbelievably excited to see what he does in these next coming months!

KaithlynDeguzman (HypeTeamChair)

Upcoming Events 1 2 Bellflower Tree Lighting Service Event 3 4 Candidate Training Conference 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Member Induction Ceremony + End of Semester Potluck 15 16 Ice Skating Fundraiser 17 December DCM 18 19 20 21 22 Keyristmas social w/ bellflower kc 23 24 25 26 27 28 General Meeting 29 30 31 Club
DECEMBER Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 14
Division Region District


President || Jensen Lauti


Ig: _jenysan

Vice Presidents || Stephanie De Guzman, Elizabeth Gilmore, Bugg Mira


Ig: -steph: stepfeii

Ig: -liz: eliz0b3th

Ig: -bugg: xobugg

Secretary || Sariah Hill


Ig: soowintt

Treasurer || Eunice Dao


Ig: euniceedao

Historians || Penelope Gilmore & Caryn Zapon


Ig: -Penny: _.penny.g._

Ig: -Caryn: trvialoves


Newsletter Editor || Markus Lim & Estela Vasquez


Ig - Markus: markku.markku

Ig - Estela: moscita_muerta_

Member Recognition Chair || Isabella Delgado


Ig: isa.oropezaaa

Hype Team Chair || Kaithlyn De Guzman


Ig: ya.fav.katie._

Event Chairs || Estela Vasquez & Kadyn Esguerra


Ig: -Estela: moscita_muerta_

Ig: -Kadyn: kadyn.rose


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