Banana Digest | May 2022 | Mayfair Key Club

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Me when I say ‘until March, everyone!” but then don’t come back with a newsletter until June :skull: BUT! I decided to come back with May’s edition of Banana Digest! We have new board members now, a new president, so instead of the usual two member Boards Message, you’ll see a little introduction of all our board members for the term! But of course, i’m still your (might i say very slow) newsletter editor. :). Also, special thanks to Estela Vasquez for helping add pages such as the MRP page, and the Kiwanis Corner! So, I guess in place of my member introduction, I’ll tell you the meaning of life. It’s-


n t h i s i s s u e


P r e s i d e n t s N o t e

What’s swinging mayfair monkeys! first of all id like to give a huge shoutout to our newsletter editor for making OUR FIRST NEWSLETTER OF THE TERM!!!

I am so excited to serve you as mayfair key clubs president! throughout this term, I hope we can share laughter and Tears as we nurture our community. for my three years in key club, you guys have given me so much, and I cannot Wait to give back and serve you in my final year.

i am an incoming senior here at mayfair! if you don’t see me at key club events , then you probably can on stage with showtime (our schools mixed show choir) or on the field with a rugby ball :P. alongside from those three, one of my biggest passions in the world has to be cooking. when i was younger i had huge aspirations to be a big name chef, just like Gordon Ramsey (less uglier, more cooler).

Key Club, Showtime, rugby and cooking are what i like to call my… FEE FI FO AND FUM. fee fi fo and fum are from Jack and the giant beanstalk! In the tale, there’s a big giant that whenever he walks, he says fee fi fo fum, making a huge monumental step that is extremely loud. Using that, these four things, in a different way, make up a huge monumental part of me!

Thank you for reading and getting to know who I am! Hopefully throughout the term I can know YOUR fee fi fo fum <3


M E E T T H E 2 2 - 2 3 B O A R D


what is up mayfair monkeys! my name is bugg mira (they/them) and i will be proudly serving as 1/3 of your vice presidents for the 22-23 term! I am currently a sophomore soon to be junior! some of my hobbies include soccer, streaming svt, sleeping most of my day away and of course serving our home club and division !! IM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO BE APART OF THIS AMAZING BOARD AND PUT IN THEWORKPUTINTHEHOURRSSS(^~^)/

HIIII!!!! I am Elizabeth Gilmore (she/her ) and I am 1/3 of your new vps ! I am a freshman and I am so excited to serve as one of your new Vice Presidents!!! A little bit about me is that I am a show choir kid :0, I like watching marvel movies, Yum boba, playing I love hue :{, eating yumalicious food, and key club of course! I also love hanging out with friends, being productive, Disneyland!, and baking:))) I AM SO EXCITED TO BE YOUR VP! I am looking forward to the new term and I hope I can make it memorable for you!

WHAT IS PEELING MONKEYS, my name is Stephanie De Guzman (they/them) and I’ll be serving as 1/3 of your vice presidents for the 22-23 term!! I’m currently a sophomore and incoming junior. A little bit about me, I listen to music literally every second of the day, I can’t survive without it. (; へ:) I also love sunsets, enjoy singing, and play Genshin Impact! (hmu if you ever need assistance or wanna play genshin mwuaha >:]) I’m BEE-YOND excited to be serving as one of your vice presidents this term and to get to know you all along the way! I’ll give it my very best and do my part to make this term a great one! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ *:・゚✧


Hello everyone! I’m Sariah Hill (He/They/She) and I’m your secretary for the ‘22- ‘23 term. I love music, so I enjoy performing with Mariners, learning Kpop choreography, and playing piano. I also really love reading, plants and animals, so two of my favorite things to do are visiting libraries and looking at cats with my partner. I’m excited to get to know you all better and help make this club a place you can call a second home!

Hey monkeys of Mayfair Key Club! My name is Eunice Dao (she/her) and I am super excited to serve as your treasurer! Some fun facts about me is that I have really liked fighter jets since I was little, specifically the F/A-18 Hornet and F-16 Falcon, and I am a huge military technology nerd. My favorite color is pink and I love traveling and nature. I also like drawing, making art collages, playing my violin and reading classical novels. My favorite genre of music is classic rock. I am super excited to meet new people and get to know you guys more! It’s going to be an awesome term.

Hello ! My name is Penny (she/they) and I am one of your historians for the 22-23 term!! I like to spend my time crocheting, eating pasta and being with my friends :)) For my more artsy side I draw and crocheting things with free time. And for the rest of me I like being outdoors , exploring and camping and have been to over 11 national parks ! I love marvel and also Disneyland. Though my favorite part of being there is food, I love good food. If you give food to me I will be overjoyed and will love you right away! >:) Mainly though I love spending time with my friends but if we have food while doing so and it’s just a plus ;) I can’t wait to spend time with you all this term and make new memories with everyone.


Hi ! My name is Caryn (she/her), and just in case, my name is pronounced cuh-rin! I serve as one of of your historians! I really enjoy watching series’ on Netflix, mainly kdramas, my most favorite one is Reply 1988 and my favorite movie is Hunger Games (the first one!). Reading is a long-time hobby of mine, but I don’t read as much as I wish I could. My favorite book series of all time is the Percy Jackson series. Some of the people I love spending time with are family & friends + my dog <3. My favorite boba order is either matcha milk tea or oolong milk tea w/ boba, of course! A random fact is that I periodically like to collect specific things, right now it's squishmallows :). With this new term, I am so excited to be able to make

Hi Key Club!! My name is Isabella Delgado (she/he/they) and I proudly serve as your Member Recognition Chair! I am currently a sophomore, going into junior year. I absolutely love to craft and learn new skills! My mom and I run a small sticker/ bookmark shop part time and have made over 1,000 sales! Music is constantly playing in my room and you can always find a book or two lying around! I love love love films and mugs. Seriously, I have a problem with buying too many. A fun fact that I love to tell all too often is that I have a permanent dip in my forehead! If you want to story, please ask! I am so excited to serve this term and hope I can grow from this experience!

and I am currently a Events Committee Fundraising

As much as I enjoy serving my community, I also enjoy spending some leisurely time reading books and drawing to my hearts content. I enjoy listening to indie rock music but I’m not too picky with it and will listen to almost anything. I love spending time in nature and have a few house plants. Although, whenever I try to grow flowers they end up dying on me lol. Amongst other things, I play a few video games! Some of which include Stardew Valley, Genshin Impact, Horizon Zero Dawn and of course, Minecraft! I can’t wait to spend this new term with everyone and I look forward to making new friends and memorable experiences :)


Kiwanis Sponsoring

Mayfair Key Club is Sponsored by the local Bellflower Kiwanis Club! This means that the Bellflower Kiwanis Club sponsors our members for events such as DCON, ICON, KEY leader, and other events. This means they support our clubs financially and emotionally! They are the kiwanians who we turn to throughout the term to look for guidance and assistance. They have years of experience with a multitude of different high school leaders and know their way around roadblocks we may encounter so be sure to be extremely respectful to them.

Kiwanis Club is the adult branch of the kiwanis family tree and greatly helps us with planning and renting out the bellflower kiwanis hall for events! The adult Kiwanians of Bellflower Kiwanis have a relations chair named Donald Rey Howard and who we refer to as Mr. Howard. Our Kiwanis Advisor for Mayfair is Viktor Sanches and the Region 08 Kiwanis Advisors are Ms. Elsie Nash and Ms. Jacki Acosta.

7 K
i w a n i s
o r n e r

Division 13 North

California-Nevada Hawaii District


● none


● none

L E V E L U P - D a t e s



The Membership Recognition Program, commonly referred to as MRP , is a requirement-met based system in which members are recognized for their hard work and dedication throughout the term. The MRP requirements may change every year which is why it is important to look at the new MRP each term to ensure you know how to accomplish your goals.

MRP Rubric is broken down into 4 levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum

Any Dues- Paid member is eligible for this and each bracket is separated by a 50+ service hours increase with the required number of sub criteria.

M R P R u b r i c

C l u b U p d a t e s 11 MonthlyServicehours 170.5/150hr TermService hours 529/1500hr



Jesus Frausto was chosen for May Member of the Month because he showed up to every social and service event we had, including the division events, reposted infographics on his story, and even went out of his way to go and support other clubs fundraisers! Overall, he showed just how dedicated he is to Key Club!


HEY HEY MAYFAIR MONKEYS!!! During the month of may, the Pan-American service event was held May 7th from 6 am to 11 am and 11 am to 5 pm in which some of us were assigned with picking up trash while others helped out with handing out popcorn and tending to the children's cultural booth! I personally worked at the cultural booth with many other members from our school and even some members in our division from different schools! Some of the tasks we did at the cultural booth included interacting with little kids and showing them small cultural activities such as weaving yarn, grinding maize, and playing with different cultural puppets. Service events and projects are a greatway to serve our community and even meet new people and I hope to you guys at future events!

Pan-Am~! 13
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT U p c o m i n g E v e n t s club ! division ! region ! 14 Tribe Rugby Service Event Pride in the Park event Berry Brand Fund. DCM Awesome 80’s Run Officer Training Conference Taste Of Lakewood

C o n t a c t

President || Jensen Lauti


Ig: _jenysan

Vice Presidents || Stephanie De Guzman, Elizabeth Gilmore, and Bugg Mira


Ig: - Steph: stepfeii

Ig: - Liz: ezbeth.g

Ig: - Bugg: xobugg

Secretary || Sariah Hill


Ig: soowintt

Treasurer || Eunice Dao


Ig: littleequacker

Historian || Penelope Gilmore and Caryn Zapon


Ig: Penny - _.penny.g._

Ig: Caryn - trvialoves


Contact info

I n f o

Newsletter Editor || Markus Lim


Ig: markku.markku

Member Recognition Chair || Isabella Delgado


Ig: crumpledcaprisun

Hype Team Chair || Kaithlyn De Guzman


Ig: ya.fav.katie._

Event Chairs || Estela Vasquez and Kadyn



Ig: - Estela: moscita_muerta_

Ig: - Kadyn: kadyn.rose


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