After another ten fantastic issues we’ve hit 30 – would you believe it? You know, when Mayhem! began we had no idea how well it would go and were pleased to reach issue five. Before we knew it issue ten came along, then 20 and 25 – now we’re well on our way to 50. So thank you, our loyal followers, and keep reading. We’ve jam packed these pages as usual with something for everyone. If it’s comedy you like, we chat one to one with the international, awarding winning, Gina Yashere. For film lovers we’ve got an exclusive with the Wolverine himself – Hugh Jackman – as he celebrates the forthcoming release of Pan, and current blockbuster Chappie. We’ve got top tips on getting fit for summer, where to go this spring break and how go get onto the property ladder, plus so much more. What are you waiting for?